#( amelyn. )
tagrberry · 1 year
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"I feel safe with you. Seen."
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drop--pop--candy · 2 months
thinking abt my ocs again
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lucilla-sims · 5 months
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Some request for @coffeeloverandbookreader :) this is from @grafity-cc top named Amelyne Top ❤
🍬 for adult woman
🍬 with all morphs
🍬 categorized as casual top
🍬 full credit to @grafity-cc ❤❤ thank you for your hard work ❤ your cc is incredible ❤ original TS4 version is here ❤
🍬 I reduced the polycount and textures
🍬 all original @grafity-cc colors
🍬 all files are compressed
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DOWNLOAD: simfileshare / mediafire
Credits: @grafity-cc
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everlastingdreams · 1 year
Weeping Monk x Reader : The Patience Of A Heart   Chapter 24
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Story Summary: After fire claimed the lives of your family, the monastery of your Uncle Carden becomes your new home. As the niece of a priest you are expected to behave prim and proper, but not even the watchful eyes of the Weeping Monk can see all. An ancient magic returns to life when love and duty begin to blur.
Chapter Title: The Ashen Legacy
Notes: Switching back and forth between proofreading this one and writing something else lol.
Warnings: There’s a list of warnings for this story: Murder. Violence. Death. Angst. Sexism. Strong Language. Trauma. Childhood trauma. Survivor’s guilt. Mentions of child maltreatment. Threat of Sexual assault. PTSD. Misogyny, Self-flagellation. Gore.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Pining. Smut. Spicy content. Little Slow-burn.
Word count of this fic: +130K
Chapter:  24 / 27
 What started as a sunny calm day, was overturned by the news that had reached to your ears.
By the time you had arrived in the hallway of the dining hall, Lancelot arrived there as well.
The Faun Woman who taught the children how to read was standing beside Neia and Percival.
Neia had her head tilted down, eyes never leaving the floor until she saw you and Lancelot.
She looked like she was expecting a scolding soon…
But it was Percival who drew most of the attention, he looked very ticked off.
There had been trouble during the lesson, but what sort?
The Faun Woman named ‘Amelyn’ informed Lancelot of the problem “Percival fought with another child and Neia helped him.”
What?!? You couldn’t believe your ears.
The Ash Man was only mildly surprised “May I have a moment to speak to them?”
Amelyn approved and stepped away to give them some space.
He aimed the question at both children “What happened?”
Not a word came out of them…
You sounded somewhat stern “Neia?”
The slight shift in tone was enough to make her look at you with big worried eyes “I’m sorry!”
The child looked one second away from either crying or fleeing…
Lancelot knelt down and consoled her “No one will hurt you. We only wish to know what happened. Tell me?”
The children shared a look and Percival shrugged his shoulders at her.
It prompted Neia to speak the truth “I was sitting down and listening to the story Miss Amelyn was telling us, but then a boy pulled at my hair and took one of the flowers out.”
You had thought the messy hair was from the fight.
The Ash Man looked at Percival for the rest of the information and got an eye-roll instead “Percival, you saw this happen?”
Percival had no remorse over his response “I pushed him away from her, he was the one that started it!”
You saw Lancelot look down to the floor briefly so the children would not see how proud he looked of them. And you prayed he would keep it together until the matter was discussed.
He looked at the girl “Neia?”
Neia sheepishly admitted “He was trying to hurt Percival too, so I jumped on his back to pull that boy away from him.”
So there was fight in the girl after all.
The curiosity took hold on him “Did you hurt that boy?”
Percival was quick to answer that one “Yup.” with the most proud expression he’d ever seen on a child.
Who was he to say that violence was not the right way… the boy would surely think him a jester.
But, these were still children and it should not become the norm.
You went over to Miss Amelyn “Did you know that the other boy was bothering Neia?”
Of course the woman could not have her eyes everywhere, but the boy in question was nowhere to be seen.
Miss Amelyn had clearly not been aware of this, which came as no surprise because the children had refused to break their silence until now.
“No, I did not.” She turned to Neia and asked “Neia, will you come with me to point out who was bothering you?”
The girl wished to refuse, but saw the encouraging looks aimed at her “Yes…”
Miss Amelyn took Neia by the hand and led her into the dinning hall.
This had not been an act of unprovoked violence after all.
Percival was stopped from following them by Lancelot.
The Ash Man said “I know why you have done it, I understand. I do hope this will not occur frequently?”
The boy chewed his words before answering “It won’t.” then quieter “If they leave her alone.”
For keeping the peace, he ignored that last mumbled statement coming from the boy.
With some wise words he steered the boy back towards the dinning hall and opened the door for him “We have enough battles to fight, let’s not add more.”
When Lancelot let Percival in, both of you could see a boy getting a rather fierce scolding from Miss Amelyn.
At least she cared about the truth and with a heart at peace you could leave them to their lessons again.
Lancelot shut the door again.
“Percival is taking his duty as a knight serious.” You commented.
He hummed with a slight smirk “A knight of the Fey, but one girl has most of his attention it seems.”
That was true, you couldn’t hide your own smirk “She fought alongside him.”
He jested about it “Do you think she is old enough to learn how to wield a sword too?”
It was partly a genuine question. At what age was it appropriate? He was taught at a very early age…
You blinked a few times “She just jumped on a boy’s back and you’re willing to hand her a sword?”
The laugh he tried to swallow came out anyway, he dared to joke “I handed you one.”
You pulled a face at him, then said “We should get wooden swords made. Before our children all end up losing limbs.”
He thought about it “A good idea. They can learn while playing with them?”
It would be much safer, if the swords had no sharp edges at least.
“That way, they won’t feel pressured.” You agreed.
Lancelot reminded you of what he had asked yesterday “Are you still willing to join me in the forest tonight?”
You hadn’t forgotten “Of course. Should I bring some buckets of water?”
The jest had him rolling his eyes “So little faith in me?”
You weren’t going to take it back “Just making sure.”
He stroked along the back of your arm “It will not be necessary.”
His eyes swiftly darted between yours and your mouth and it was enough to send a shiver over your skin.
The cheery voice of Arthur stole away the moment between you.
With a sigh, Lancelot acknowledged it “Yes?”
Arthur beckoned for him “Gawain is asking for you.”
The Ash Man tried to keep the disappointment out of his tone “Very well.” he turned to you “I will see you tonight.”
You nodded in confirmation and watched him go over to Arthur and they both walked off together.
  Darkness began to fall over the city and Lancelot preferred to only take Goliath and you along. No one knew how Llamrai would react to seeing Fey Fire, it was safer to leave her at the stables.
Together you rode on Goliath into the forest at a snail pace.
A long silence had preceded his question “I have thought about speaking to Percival and Gawain about our plan to wed.”
There was the reason why he had been pretty quiet now “You’re asking me for approval?”
He leaned in close, head almost touching your shoulder “Yes.”
When you took a moment to think about it, you could just feel the anxiousness radiate from him.
You freed him from it by answering “That’s fine. I’m nervous.”
He felt some relief when hearing he was not alone to feel like this “So am I. You are aware that Feys wed in a different manner than Manbloods?”
The tales were known about this different kind of wedding “I am.”
Lancelot asked your opinion on the matter “Is that what you want?”
You were far from opposed to it “It always sounded lovely to hear the stories of these joinings. Where I grew up, the people were not so afraid to speak about the Fey.”
Tonight he was surprisingly open on the subject “If at any time you change your mind about us being wed, I will understand. I only ask that you will not be afraid to tell me.”
You felt his steady breaths pass by your cheek “I have no intention on changing my mind. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”
A wandering hand glided over your stomach “I have been since the day you came to the monastery.”
You rolled your eyes when he could not see.
And did he really think you did not notice how he had moved your cloak aside just so he could sneak his hand under?
Prying his fingers off your stomach proved futile and the twit actually dared to tickle you.
The thin leather vest you wore did little to shield you from it.
In a last attempt to ‘escape’ you leaned forward to protect your stomach from him.
Quick as a whip, his hand moved to slowly stroke from your shoulder blades down your spine.
It was the very quiet hum, that sounded as if it had come from deep within his chest, that made your heart roll around in your chest.
It had sounded appreciative…
Slowly you sat upright again, the wit had abandoned you.
And he seemed aware of the shift in atmosphere too, his eyes were aimed at the trees ahead.
You really did try not to mention it, but… “Someone is acting a little lascivious tonight.”
His voice had dropped into a husk “I enjoyed your company last night.”
That had been quite obvious.
“And you are hoping to repeat it?” You guessed with a grin.
It was an open invitation “My door will be open, in case you are still not feeling well.”
Oh. What a very kind, and not at all ambiguous, offer.
In return, you gave him an equal answer “I will remember it is so.”
He could not help but love how disinterested you pretended to be, leaving him to speculate whether or not you would join him tonight.
Lancelot pushed aside a low branch before it could cause you or him harm. The branch obeyed and flowers began to grow from it after the contact.
This forest reacted to the Fey in the most peculiar ways.
The next branch was yours to touch and to your disappointment it gave no response.
He noticed it “What is wrong?”
It felt silly to admit “This forest doesn’t react to me. I guess the mark does not mean that there is magic present in me.”
He was more positive “Or the magic in you has yet to see the light.”
With that said, he took the arm that bore the mark and bared it, then held it out to the side and waited.
Nothing happened until his thumb began to tease the mark and lure it to the surface in it’s silver glow.
His words were like silk near your ear “My magic is in you. If the Moon Wing could sense it, this forest can too.”
The little hope and expectation faded when nothing happened.
But he was patient and that patience paid off.
A very small bird landed on your hand and it nearly gave you a fright.
Lancelot had held your hand still and therefore the bird remained where it was seated.
It looked like a hummingbird, but it’s colors were different, incredibly vibrant.
Purple feathers blended with blue ones, a deep red on the crown of it’s head.
The ends of it’s wings were luminous, like magic lived in them.
Once overcome the initial reaction, you looked at the bird in awe.
It was so tiny…
With it’s beak it pinched at your palm and then it hopped further onto your arm, the bird looked quite curious toward the glowing mark.
Lancelot whispered “You may not be Fey, but as long as I may live I will share what I can with you.”
The tiny toes of the bird were tickling your arm as it hopped around.
Under the moon and stars with your lover and chosen as the place where this beautiful bird took a moment to rest, it was enough to make anyone a little emotional.
Being introduced to his world meant the world to you.
The tiny bird spread it’s wings and fluttered away.
Slowly he let go off your arm and the mark dimmed it’s glow.
The silence coming from you was unusual…
You turned your head just enough to press your lips ardently to his cheek, two counts passed and the whisper fell “I love you.”
If anything could melt a frozen heart, it was the look in your eyes and the declaration that came with it.
Goliath stopped at the command of his rider.
He blessed the night for hiding some of that red hue his face undoubtedly had now “Enough to watch me play with magic that could burn a forest down?”
Your eyes rolled over him “Absolutely.”
Without warning he dismounted “Well then.”
He reached up, an offer to help you dismounted as well.
It was probably just a ruse to have his hands on you some more.
“So…how does this begin?” You gestured around.
He tied the reins to a tree and pointed at a bit of an open spot in the forest “I’ll make a fire. And I hope to transform it into Fey Fire that I can control.”
Now that it was time, he caught himself reconsidering on those buckets of water…
You walked a few steps and then sat down on the grass.
So much fidgeting, the poor Ash Man was visibly tense.
  Anyone could see that he was nervous to practice his magic. For one who was quite skilled with making a fire, it took him longer than usual to light the small stack of branches.
Finally a spark touched the dry grass and flames grew from it.
Relief washed over him and away again “Every time I have used this power, it was linked to what I felt in that moment. I do not know if I can transform the flames when I am calm.”
To you, he didn’t look calm, but anxious “Take your time, Lancelot. I know you can do it.”
After pacing back and forth for a moment, he brought a hand closer to the flames.
The heat was felt, the fire could not burn him no matter how hard it tried.
Those flames under his palm brought forth the desire to take hold of them. To feel them dance in his palm and witness their destructive beauty.
Seeing the fire lick his skin but not burn him had your heart in your throat. The urge to run over and drag him away from it was strong and you had to fight it off.
By taking quick deep breaths, you hoped to calm the fear that took hold on you.
Lancelot had seen the change in you, and when he looked he saw a pair of concerned eyes watching him “It does not hurt me.”
It did little to make the pout on your face vanish.
The result of your experiences with nature’s element had burdened you with the fear.
Upon seeing that you remained concerned, he withdrew his hand and walked towards you to show his unscathed palm.
Your concern faded at the sight “I cannot help but worry, I’m sorry.”
He caressed your cheek “I chose the right woman to have as my wife.”
The statement was making you smile no matter how hard you fought it “Were there other options?”
Now that earned you a tap of his hand against your shoulder, he tsked “No.”
After taking a breath, you gave in “I need to let you do what is necessary to embrace your power. So, I offer my help when you need it.”
He jested “If I light this forest on fire, act like I was never here.”
You groaned at his foolery “Let’s see you make that Fey Fire first.”
With a little shove against his arm, you send him back to the task at hand.
He approached the fire and knelt down before it, both knees touching the grass below “I can do this…”
Those weeping eyes fell shut, his breathing slowed down. It almost looked as if he was praying and maybe he was.
To the old gods of the Fey, or the one he was taught to serve, it did not matter as long as it brought him the confidence he needed
You kept very quiet and watched the flames begin to act fickle, but the colors remained the same.
Upon seeing the effort without result, you got up and walked over to him “At the church, what did you think of when your powers came forth?”
His eyes opened and looked up to yours “I thought of you. I saw the flames engulf the church and feared the worst.”
The memory of that moment was one he wished to forget.
He continued to recall what had went through him “I swore to myself that I would meet my end if I stood aside and let it happen. I felt the power burn in me, then it burned in every flame I wished it for.”
He rubbed his palms together, a soothing gesture he often did when his mind ran off with him to darker places.
Quietly, you got closer and took a seat next to him “Once I was safe, it stopped did it not?”
Lancelot nodded, it was as if a storm had passed through him and left him feeling very strange “It did. I felt it fade into me again.”
You thought for a while and gave your opinion on it “Maybe…the key to control this, is thinking of something you care about?”
It silenced him.
Every time he was able to seize control of his magic it was when he thought of you…
When he marked you, the burning church…
Was the love he had for you the key?
And to believe the Church considered this magic evil while it was born from love…
The love between Festa and Moreii.
And now the love between you and him.
It gave him new hope “I believe it to be possible.”
The Ash Man was beginning to see the pieces of the puzzle more clearly.
You placed your hand to his arm “Instead of giving yourself a headache thinking of the fire, think of something nice. Something that motivates you, that calms you and just brings you joy. I think you will find your power in your own happiness, Lancelot.”
He took hold of your hand and brought your wrist up to brush his lips against it, the bangle still sat safely in place.
Your hand was released by him again.
There was more confidence in him now and a fresh spurge of determination “It is time to return what was stolen from the Fey so long ago.”
You pointed out “It has already returned.”
At first he frowned, until realization hit him and it caused a smile.
He had to snap his attention away from you to concentrate again.
This time he didn’t close his eyes and watched the flames dance in the wind.
Quietly you reminiscent about your journey together “When you came to fetch me when I was returning late from the village…I never forgot how nice it felt to have someone care.”
He offered you one of his own fond memories “You were the first person I remember that told me they did not wish to see me hurt.”
A look was shared and the flames began to transform seconds later, it wasn’t long before there was only Fey Fire present.
The Ash Man reached out and brought his hand into the flames, the green leafed Fey markings crawled to the surface of his skin, the tears beneath his eyes turned a burning green again.
This power, he could feel it try to claw it’s way out and preventing it was almost painful.
What if he surrendered to it?
Better now than during an inconvenient time…
He rose to his feet and stopped inches from the fire, it reached for him like a child would reach for their parents…
“Stay where you are.” He made the request to you.
You stayed seated and watched him take the steps to learn to control this magic.
Slowly he reached for the fire again and moved his arm to the side, the flames followed the unspoken command and spread where he motioned to.
Even slower, he lifted his hand and watched the flames rise to meet it.
The longer he practiced to control it, the more the green beneath his eyes changed until it had turned into a red one would only seen in the deepest fire.
His powers were freed, he was one with the flames.
The fire reflected in his eyes, similar to the moon on the dark sea.
You’d never seen the marks on his face turn red before and it was a wonder to behold.
And what was even more amazing to see was how enthralled he was with what he was doing.
Like a child who was given the toy their heart had desired.
There was no fear in him now, only wonderment.
Your mouth had curved into a soft smile “Imagine if Percival saw this.”
He let some flames flutter like butterflies through the night sky “Do you think he will be frightened?”
Some of these fire born butterflies flew around you “Frightened? No. That boy would make you do it every second of the day. And so would Neia. Heaven, even I could watch it happen forever.”
He turned his head to look at you and saw the green specks of fire flutter around you.
You wished you had more eyes so you could keep looking at all of them “It’s beautiful, Lancelot.”
The Ash Man got closer and by the time he knelt next to you, the Fey Fire had created a circle just for the two of you.
You brushed a stray lock from his face and touched your thumb to the red that burned in his markings “I am so proud of you. Look how far you’ve come. You are what the Fey lost, not just your magic, but the man that you are. Having you here brings hope.”
If the rare Ash Folk could return after so long, there was hope for other things to return as well.
He leaned into the tender touch “I pray that I can help my people, I owe it to them.”
From an enemy to an ally, the Ash Man had given up the life he knew to follow what his heart believed was right.
Of course you were proud “I have faith in you. Magic or no magic, I know the Fey have gained a good man. Someone who won’t give up on them.”
The way he brought his hand to the back of your scalp to massage the place felt heavenly.
The pampering didn’t stop when he saw how much you enjoyed it “Let us return home.”
Before you could even object, the green flames were extinguished and with that the red from his marks too.
A disappointed noise slipped from your mouth.
Hearing it made him chuckle “Come on. Up.”
After being helped to your feet you looked around yourself and missed the green sparks that had flown through the air “Can you do that again when we’re together at night?”
You held your index finger up and gestured comically.
For a second he considered pretending not to understand what you were speaking off…
He asked for clarification “Just before we sleep, you mean?”
Thankfully, he understood you “Yes.”
Lancelot slowly started walking “I promise I will do so if I can do it without setting the room we are in on fire.”
You followed him towards Goliath “Preferably. Escaping one burning place was enough.”
Should he have thought the jest through more?
“Forgive me. I should not make light of-” He started.
“It’s alright. You’ve said nothing wrong.” You assured.
He was visibly relieved and offered to help you mount Goliath.
Of course you could get on without help, but then he wouldn’t have his hands on you again.
The ride back was peaceful, he was noticeably happy with the results reached tonight.
Upon return at the fortress, Lancelot was met with a very grumpy looking young Fey boy.
Percival stood with his arms crossed in the middle of the hall where your rooms were located “Where did you go?”
The question was mainly aimed at the Ash Man who had not informed the boy of this late excursion.
If he told the boy the truth, he was in for trouble…
This child would not like to hear that he was practicing magic in the forest without him, even if it was for safety measurements.
When it was clear that you weren’t in any trouble, you stepped away from them slowly and moved towards your room.
Lancelot knew right away that you were leaving him to undergo the wrath of the boy and send you a look.
You send him a cheeky look back, opened your door and successfully withdrew yourself from the confrontation.
The magic fire would have to wait for another night.
  That morning, you were awoken by the sound of Percival’s shocked voice.
You sat up in bed right away and listened for another sound.
There was a hushed voice, that undoubtedly belonged to Lancelot, answering the inquiry.
~“YOU WHAT?!?”~
Whatever he was telling the boy, it was giving him quiet an attitude in return.
Another hushed reply came and not even when you leaned against the wall could you hear what the Ash Man said to the boy.
Percival’s voice reached a higher pitch.
That was your cue to jump out of bed and start dressing before you’d be interrogated as well.
Never had you put on a pair of trousers and a shirt so fast before, you snatched the sleeveless long leather vest from where you had tossed it aside the night before.
~“What else is there ?!?”~
More incomprehensible mumbling followed…
Oh goodness…
This time you could hear how Lancelot was trying to calm the boy.
But Percival was having none of it, you heard only parts of what he said.
~“If you’re— marry her— queen.”~
That halted you, it was clear what the boy was speaking of.
If you married Lancelot, who was a king by birthright, it would make you his queen. You plopped down on your bed again, the fact truly settled in.
In time the Fey would recognize his devotion to protect them and if they realized what he was, there was a chance they’d name and accept him as king.
Especially with the power that resided in him, ancient and to protect them, they would not deny him.
Were you ready for when that day would come?
At this time he refused kingship, but once they would grant it to him too, would he still reject it?
Nothing would frighten the Church more than one raised by them, with their secrets, to become a king of the enemy.
Even Lancelot would consider it the perfect insult to them.
An Ashen king with a Manblood queen…would the Fey ever allowed it?
No, you couldn’t let these doubts steal away the joy you felt at the prospect of marrying him. No one knew what the future holds.
You forced yourself to stand and be more confident on the matter. It was time to announce your plans to wed, if Lancelot told it to Percival, it was only a matter of time before the others would hear of it.
A quick announcement would be better than delaying it and if Percival knew, it would become a very quick announcement…
You opened the door, stepped out and were met with a couple of widened brown eyes.
Neia had been eavesdropping at Percival’s door, she looked as if she expected a harsh scolding or worse.
The quiet gasp of the startled child was heartbreaking.
“It’s alright. I’m not upset.” You quickly assured the frightened girl.
She seemed rather ashamed of her eavesdropping.
You stepped over to her and asked “You heard them speak to each other too?”
Neia visibly relaxed once it was clear that she was not the only one who had heard Percival and Lancelot speak “Is it true?”
With a nod, you took her hand in yours and knocked on the door to Percival’s room.
It was opened by Lancelot and once he let the both of you in, all was explained to the children.
  Not much later, you sat in the dining hall at the table among friends.
Often you sneaked a glance at Lancelot who seemed just as nervous as you were. On the end of the long table were Neia and Percival, two children asked to keep a secret while it was ready to spill from their mouths.
Pym was shoveling her baked eggs into her mouth with a hunger one would have after a week of starvation.
Arthur was filling his stomach with conversation, especially towards Red Spear.
Kaze was picking up a piece of meat from her plate which she looked at with suspicion and shamelessly dropped it onto Gawain���s plate, the knight looked at it oddly but said not a word.
Lancelot wasn’t eating, he was moving the food on his plate around to make it look like he was.
Gawain noticed the odd behavior of his friend “Is something the matter?”
A moment of silence passed, the Ash Man put his fork down.
He sounded more confident than he felt “I have news I wish to share.”
The knight did not look away from him “I am listening.”
Lancelot drank some water from his tankard first, then shared the news “Y/n and I will wed.”
The silence that fell over the table was so sudden and unexpected.
Had they all heard?!?
They stared at him, then at you to see your response to the claim.
Your voice was quieter than a mouse’s “It’s true.”
Arthur held his tongue for only a few seconds and ended up blurting out “I don’t believe it.”
Lancelot was visibly offended by his statement “Pardon?”
Arthur truly believed it was just a joke “Wed? You? Come on. You were a monk not long ago, Lancelot.”
Pym had stopped chewing her food and watched the scene unfold.
Hearing that made you turn to Arthur and subtly, considering there were nosy children nearby, you made the vague comment “He was. Although it is getting harder for me to tell.”
Lancelot dropped his eyes to his plate and bit back the smirk.
Gawain and Arthur’s eyes had widened by the comment.
Red Spear had little to no reaction to the news, she was more annoyed by being interrupted during her meal.
Kaze rolled her eyes and mumbled “I knew it.”
The Ash Man faced the skeptical Arthur “I cannot change who I was, but I can decide who I am now. I will wed her. You may have doubts, I do not.”
Hearing that he had no doubts to wed warmed your heart and erased any fears you previously had about it.
Arthur apologized to his friend “You’re right. I am not the person who I used to be either and neither are you. I believe in the man you have become, Lancelot. For all it’s worth… you have my blessing.”
“And mine.” Gawain chimed in, patting the Ash Man on the back amicably.
Pym muttered quietly “This is so weird…”
You smiled at her bewildered response.
Kaze shrugged her shoulders, there was not a single person there who did not expect the response, at least her weapons stayed sheathed so it was considered a good reaction.
“I didn’t know you were that close.” Pym was still in a state of processing the news.
Red Spear looked in your direction, then told Pym “Always keep your weapons closer than anyone or anything.”
Poor Arthur drank some ale from his tankard after hearing the advice from the raider’s Captain.
Gawain raised his tankard “Here’s to the joining of our former monk and nun.”
Lancelot rolled his eyes at the jest and shook his head but did raise his tankard too.
Everyone else did as well, even Kaze although she only moved hers an inch up from table and went back to eating her breakfast.
You shared a relieved look with Lancelot.
No more hiding.
And a joining to look forward too.
Life really had fallen back into place, it had been a rocky road, but the journey was worth every second of it.
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
‼️ mucsuálok, barátok, ellenségek: lécci lécci töltsétek ki a kérdőívet a kutatásomhoz 🥺
kb 20 perc, a személyiségről meg a világképről meg ilyenekről szól, az elejére minta ádám helyett nagyon szépek kérlek írjatok nagy katalint, köszönöm jövök minden kedves kitöltőnek egy csokival
azt is nagyon értékelem ha megosztjátok hogy minél több magyar lássa, köszi!!
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semioticas · 2 years
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Arte do grafite
Infância e liberdade estão representadas em "Pneus no céu", grafite de Žygimantas Amelyns em um prédio na cidade de Vilnius, capital da República da Lituânia, no Leste Europeu. Veja também:
Semióticas – Criança e design em 1900
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patronspatronesses · 4 months
𝅄 𐚁‌ ࣪ 𓈒 The Nobbyovolents ׅ  ۫੭ ᳝ ׄ
*Seharusnya, first daughter dan second son disebut hanya dengan (LadyLod) (Surname), namun Briton's ingin semua nobbies saling mengenali nama panggilan satu sama lain. *Kami memutuskan untuk tidak mengikuti pakem penulisan gelar dan nama yang sama persis dengan peraturan kerajaan pada saat itu untuk mempermudah penyebutan.
Haris Hanggara, The Duke of Somerset
Maitreya Jumantara, The Duke of Devonshire
Petra Suhardi, The Marquess of Anglesey
Arjun Ganendra, The Marquess of Winchester
Gabriel Arsen, The Marquess of Northampton
Arsad Dirgantara, The Earl of Harrington
Felicel Emilio, The Earl of Dalkeith
Jerricho Eiser, The Earl of Spencer
Marcelino Austin, The Earl of Montgomery
Khai Sutanagara, The Viscount Lake
Abimana Endaru, Marquess of Tavistock
Dean Guthrie, Marquess of Worcester
Jonathan Rice, Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford
Manhattan Rainer, Marquess of Douro
Saddam Barradan, Marquess of Douglas and Clydedale
Aziel Reviano, Earl of Euston
Gavian Hananta, Earl of Wessex
Gian Gevariel, Viscount Lumley
Heenan Adhitama, Earl of Percy
Theodore Kastora, Viscount Grey de Wilton
Abraham Maesha, Baron Guernsey
Lord Arvin Sagara, the Son of The Duke of Rutland
Lord Auddravi Hawkhelm, the Second Son of The Duke of Devonshire
Lord Christopher Mario, the Second Son of The Duke of Somerset
Lord Eiser Nawasena, the First Son of The Duke of Marlborough
Lord Hans Finnegan, the Son of The Duke of Atholl
Lord Jan Leinz, the Son of The Duke of Argyll
Lord Marcello Antonio, The Second Son of the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon
Lord Rifat Kenji, the Second Son of The Duke of Bedford
The Hon Sanggala Jagawana, the Third Son of The Earl of Winchilsea
Lady Adelynn Séanne, the Daughter of The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon
Lady Aeriel Deimena, the Daughter of The Earl of Bristol
Lady Caroline Meredith, the Only Daughter of The Marquess of Exeter
Lady Cassabelle Amelyn, the Only Daughter of The Duke of Edinburgh
Lady Chelsya Dominique, the Only Daughter of The Duke of York
Lady Emmanuelle Este, the First Daughter of The Marquess of Salisbury
 Lady Gavyolé Orione, the only Daughter of The Duke of Lennox
Lady Geeta Reverie, the Daughter of The Earl of Dartmouth
Lady Isaralyn Alurea, the Daughter of The Earl of Aylesford
Lady Jovanka Kahiyang, the Only Daughter of The Marquess of Worcester
Lady Kaia Anindya, tthe Daughter of The Duke of Queensberry
Lady Kalula Priscilla, the Daughter of The Earl of Carlisle
Lady Kayana Amellie, the Daughter of The Duke of Wellington
Lady Leora Pramudita, the First Daughter of The Duke of Norfolk
Lady Meracellea dKailee, the Only Daughter of The Duke of Montrose
Lady Mirabel Rosalinda, the Second Daughter of The Earl of Arundel
Lady Namia Oliver, the Daughter of The Duke of St. Albans
Lady Natasha Josephine, the First DaughterEarl of Quartzford
Lady Sheira Anastasya, the First Daughter of The Earl of Newcastle
Lady Sierra Nafara, the Second Daughter of The Earl of Rosslyn
Lady Vivianne Eleanora, the Daughter of The Earl of Jersey
Lady Yoriel Rachiella, the Second Daughter of The Earl of Derby
Lady Ysabela Eden, the Daughter of The Duke of Northumberland
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tagrberry · 1 year
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When your partner and the gremlin you travel with are both rogues with a habit of using their invisibility to commit crimes together
Some idiot was talking shit about our bard and is going to get robbed
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diary-of-abey · 6 months
by Cassabelle Kalia Amelyn
*𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙖 𝙤𝙣*
wow, hi semuanya! especially buat dawnfriends yang lagi nonton vlog ala-ala abel hari ini. so, biasanya dawnfriends selalu ngeliat keseharian aku yang siaran hampir tiap hari ya. mungkin, pada penasaran kira-kira apa aja sih yang disiapin sama abel sebelum siaran dan gimana sih menjalani hari as an announcer? ikutin terus keseruan aku sampai selesai! >_<
nah, pertama-tama pastinya kita GRWM dulu ya! menurut aku tuh penampilan yang on point penting banget buat kelancaran siaran. soalnya aku pribadi nih kalo looknya cakep otomatis mau ngapa-ngapain jadi mood! buat siaran juga pasti happy terus bawaannya. hari ini aku pake outfit yang simple aja sih tapi masih keliatan cantik! iya gak? hehehehe. aku suka pake aksesoris sih jadi tiap aku kemanapun, termasuk pas siaran tuh harus pakai setidaknya one accessories. hari ini aku mau pake anting gemes ini 👀 tenang! gak berat kok hehehehe.
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okay, look udah ✅ sekarang saatnya kita berangkat ke studio! eh tapi sebelum itu jangan lupa scriptnya dibawa ya! jangan sampe nanti pas udah sampe studio malah ketinggalan terus kelabakan sendiri. aku sendiri tuh tipe orang yang suka bikin script yang agak full gitu deh, temen-temen.
soalnya, walaupun nanti bisa tektokan langsung sama partner tandemku, tetep aja rasanya kayak lebih enak nulis script sendiri deh, jadi apa yang mau aku omongin, biasanya sebagian besar bakalan aku tulis deh.
*a few moments later*
nah, sekarang kita udah sampe di studio! saatnya kita menyiapkan diri :D nih, ketemu sama partner tandem aku hari ini ada maddy! kebetulan dia habis siaran sama shanin nih. tapi mukanya masih muka-muka semangat ya {heran}
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ini aku udah siap buat siaran sambil nungguin jam on air aku sama maddy. jangan lupa dengerin ya temen-temen, kayak biasanya di program kesayangan kamu jam 3 sore di 103,5 DAWN FM! okay, aku mau siaran dulu ya temen-temen! paipai <3
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fyuuh, akhirnya selesai juga ... nah, karena waktu udah nunjukin pukul 5 sore, habis ini aku mau beli makan dulu terus langsung caw pulang deh! kebetulan hari ini harusnya makan-makan bareng sama temen-temen radio, tapi karena tadi ada yang pulang duluan jadinya besok aja deh. okay, kayaknya segitu dulu keseharian aku as an announcer at DAWN radio. ketemu lagi di vlog-vlog aku yang lainnya. see youuu! 🖤
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baenful · 7 months
milk & honey / @unlcwfulera
supplies are running low. she always hates it when that happens. not because she has less than she did at the beginning of the month or because the breakfast she made this morning was ill-fitting as she's scraping the bottom of her plum jam jar. no, it was more the imminent danger she faced upon venturing into town. not that she feared for her own life. being a high powered enchantress came with it's perks. however, she did own livestock and her home would be raided and ransacked if she were to lead anyone who knew of her back to the safety of her cottage.
venture she must. there were elements of rituals. key ingredients she needed. most of which she grew, but some she simply could not and the only place she knew of that stocked what she needed, run by lady amelyn, was on the very edge of the market. she knew of theodore, unaware of exactly what she was, s u s p e c t i n g only she was another covert herbalist, a naturalist, avoiding the eyes of the king and quite frankly, that's exactly how theo wanted to keep it.
she started to pack her pouch, bringing along with her the last 2 bottles of tinctures, her athame, though used primarily for rituals, a sharp stick is a sharp stick, the rune of amarath and the remainder of her bread. this was half a days trek after all.
closing her door behind her, she pulls a hidden bowl out from the rosemary bushes next to the entrance. dipping her fingers into the almost black-purple paste, she draws sigils on the antique cherry wood. once completed the dark lines glow a warm white before dissolving into the door.
it has been locked.
she places the bowl behind the tousled leaves, as she does, she hears the sound of a nearby twig snapping before a stifled pained noise and finally a thud on the forest bed. reaching into her pouch she pulls out a bottle, s m a s h i n g it on the steps below her. the smoke from the tincture arose, cloaking her in complete invisibility. she slinked closer to the sound, warily avoiding any of the trees discarded branches, as that was what alerted her to the potential assailants' whereabouts in the first place. upon seeing the motionless legs of the individual behind a nearby cedar tree, theo reached for her blade, not yet removing it from her pouch. cautious but not fearful. she drew the blade entirely when she saw the person was clad in the kings armour. no longer a fan of the king, she had reason to believe anyone bearing the arms of that horrid man, would only have her worst interests at heart. " who are you??" her voice venomous, casting the shroud away as she bellowed. revealing to them she was in their presence within an instance, a fact sure to catch them off guard. with no response, she cried again "well?! answer won't you?" holding the blade out further for emphasis.
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lucilla-sims · 10 months
Hello, Lucille-Sims, could you please convert this top, which can only be found on patreon, here is the link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/amelyne-top-34064161 only the top without the bottom, please.
Hi :) it looks pretty :) so added to my list :)
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amsyyyys-blog · 11 months
Hi guys I'm AMELYN LLANZANA and Welcome to my blog.
Agutaya is a 5th class municipality in the Province of Palawan, Philippines. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 10,422 people in 2,040 households. It is the eastern part of the cuyo islands Group, and is the second largest island of the archipelago.
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Agutaya was formerly a part of cuyo. It was made into a separate district during the later part of the Spanish regime. The towns name was derived from the word "Agunan", a root growing abundantly in the place, and "Yan", a kind of fish that abounds in the sea. The word "Ta" was added in between Agu and Yan to form the towns name.
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Agutaya island is the second largest of the cuyo group with an area of about 4.5 square miles (12km²). The north-eastern part is hilly. Four peaks tower over the island. The middle and highest of the four peaks, 885 feet (270m) high, is covered with cogon, the others being wooded.
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Native sailboats used to be unable to sail to and from the nearby island of cuyo (only 20 miles away), due to the strength of the monsoon, either the northwest monsoon in wintertime, or southwest monsoon in summer.
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The municipality of Agutaya is politically subdivided into 10 Barangays.
ABAGAT ( poblacion)
BANCAL (poblacion)
CAMBIAN (poblacion)
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Agutaya is home of to a specific language called the Agutaynen language, spoken by 10,000 people overall. Today, half of it's speakers live in Agutaya, while the rest live in other communities of Palawan. Tagalog and cuyonon are also widely spoken.
Thankyou guys for reading.
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kismaganszelsojobb · 2 years
a NER alapjai
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griffenuniversesuau · 4 years
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Mistbreak Chapter 1, Page 10
Griffen goes to the foliage first. He freezes when he pulls aside a large leaf to reveal a creature. A small, green rabbit/beetle sits on a rock, facing the other direction. Her ear flicks and she quickly turns her head around. They stare at each other for a bit.“FOUND ONE!” Amelyn's shout startles away the gem.
A very green page. XD I’ll post a ref for the gem in an hour.
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Some fanart for @griffenuniversesuau!
It's a recreation of an old steven universe poster fitted for their au!
I changed the background a bit cause I suck at them.
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texflxres · 4 years
Normalmente, 'reputação’ referia-se à uma imagem positiva. Para Timoteo, no entanto, sua reputação era uma grande mistura de imperfeições e defeitos que divertia e entretia as pessoas, também devidamente acompanhada de boas recompensas àqueles que o aturavam como passeios em iates ou festas com celebridades. Ele não lutava para manter aquela imagem, pois já vinha de forma natural e fácil - mas também não queria dizer que ele não tinha alguns (mesmo que míseros) aspectos em sua vida que divergiam do sem noção inconsequente de sempre. E aqueles sim, pareciam tão pessoas que eram tratados como segredo pelo homem. A ideia havia sido originalmente de sua irmã, a quem ele simplesmente não tinha a capacidade de dizer não, após ver uma propaganda que solicitava ajuda aos cães de rua - e por isso estava preso ao compromisso de, uma vez por semana, comparecer ao canil local como voluntário. Tentava não admitir em voz alta, mas aos poucos deixou de ser um compromisso e passou a ser algo pelo qual ele ansiava em sua semana - não havia muita coisa significativa em seus dias mesmo. Nia já havia corrido na direção do seu cão preferido - Smoking, um labrador preto que tinha uma pequena manchinha branca de nascença logo embaixo do pescoço. Enquanto isso, Timoteo preenchia a vasilha dos cães com ração, e depois de fazer aquilo pela quinta vez (nem mesmo a metade do tanto que ainda tinha pela frente), esbarrou em alguém ao se erguer para buscar um pouco mais de ração. Para impedir que a pessoa caísse, ele segurou os braços da figura diante de si antes de enfim absorver o que acontecia. “Foi mal, eu não te vi” Disse primeiro, mas reconheceu o rosto da jovem em alguns instantes. “Amelyn? What are you doing here?” Soltou-a quando teve a confirmação visual de que não mais havia o perigo de que ela caísse. Alcançou então o balde outrora cheio da comida dos cães que havia escapado de suas mãos com o esbarrão, e então com um sorriso divertido se prontificou em fazer piada como se sua presença ali fosse algo errado. “You can’t tell anyone that you saw me here. Acabaria com minha reputação.”
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