#( got two more requests after this :D woop! )
beardrabbles · 4 years
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rating: k
words: 1796
characters: female stark reader, peter parker, tony stark
notes: ( ao3 request ) I deleted the chapter with the request like the dummy I am, but the gist of it was reader is a Stark, and Peter is frightened of Tony after learning that. Been a while, but I’m glad to be writing for you all again! :D
tags: none
“Weather’s nice…”
“Would really suck if it was raining.”
“Yeah, it would.”
You spare a moment to glance at the boy beside you and find him muttering quietly to himself, the tone reprimanding and self-depreciating. Without meaning to, you giggled. You had fully anticipated waiting alone on the edge of the street, but another had arrived not long after you had. Clearly, the ones that had promised to pick you up were late, forcing awkward interaction between you and the one with splotchy, red cheeks. Although, now that you were getting a longer look at him — with his pushed back hair and his kind eyes — something about him seemed familiar.
“I feel like I’ve seen you before, but I don’t remember you being in any of my classes.” You turned to him, giving him your undivided attention. “Have we met before?”
The boy chuckled nervously and gave his lean shoulders a shrug. “I don’t think we have. I mean, aside from now. Now we’ve met.”
“Have we?” You arched a brow, and it only made him redder still. “Cause it still doesn’t feel like I know who you are.”
“Oh, yeah! Parker. Uh, Peter.” He held a hand out and smiled twitchily.
“Peter Parker? Nice to meet you. My name is (Y/N).” You were sure to avoid saying your last name, and he didn’t seem to catch that. Your first name was enough to make his eyes light up and his posture slacken even after you placed your hand in his.
“(Y/N). That’s a nice name.” He shook your hand for a second too long, but was prompt in dropping it after he realized how long he’d held it for. “You waiting for someone to pick you up?”
“Yeah, my dad.” You rolled your eyes and looked down both ends of the street, but didn’t spot the car you knew your father was driving. There was always the possibility it would blend in, except your father’s car was far from dusty or rusty or average. You knew for an absolute fact that you’d recognize it from miles away, and you had yet to see it after waiting nearly an hour. “Figures he’d be late.”
“I dunno, I’m kind of glad he’s late. Wouldn’t have been able to talk to you if he got here on time.” Peter became flushed again, and so did you. “Hey, I know this is sudden, but would you wanna hang out with me and my friends tomorrow? We were going to get pizza and relax a little before tests start next week.”
“Relaxing before tests? No studying?”
“It’s Ned’s idea, and I think he’s right. We can only study so much, and pizza’s good.” Peter laughed, and you joined in soon after.
“He is right. Y’know, I’ve been here for about a week and I’ve done nothing but run around. Keeping up with my classes, getting used to being in a new state, new school, not knowing anyone — it’s a pain. I think vegging out over some pizza would do me some good.”
“Great! Here.” Peter fished out his phone and handed it over. “So I can tell you where we’re meeting.”
“Good idea.” He didn’t give you the impression that he was doing this just to get your number, but you would have given it to him either way. Peter seemed nice and a little dorky, but you knew you could be too.
You tapped your number into his phone, and he was quick to send you a text so you could add his number in exchange. The single pizza slice emoji elicited a giggle before you put your phone away. “So, are you waiting for someone too?”
Peter nodded and began to rock on the soles of his sneakers. “Yeah! My mentor’s got something planned for me, and he said he’d pick me up today to make things easier.”
“Mentor? Are you an intern?” You would have been more surprised, but most of the students you now shared a school with were smart enough to own their own business.
“It’s not a big deal.” Peter shrugged modestly and looked down at his feet. “It’s just some big, hot-shot guy. Super cool. His tech is beyond what I expected. Loads smarter than me, but he’s teaching me so much. He’s kind of the best, but I think he already knows that.”
“Not a big deal, huh?” You laughed and nudged him with your shoulder. “He sounds pretty great. Who is it?”
“Oh, uh... You’ve heard of him. Everyone has.” His hesitation was endearing but ill timed. As he struggled with the balance between modesty and excited bragging, a car pulled up alongside the street. The slick, black exterior still managed to glisten despite the overcast sky and the looming threat for rain. The windows were tinted, of course, but you knew who sat in the driver’s seat.
“Looks like Dad finally decided to show up.” You adjusted the pack on your back and grinned towards Peter, but all you saw was confusion.
“Dad? But that’s Mr. Stark’s car.”
It was your turn to look at him strangely. “Mr. Stark? You sound like one of the people that works for him.”
“I don’t work for him, but——”
“He idolizes me.” Tony stepped out of the car, a cheeky smirk on his lips. “Who doesn’t?” 
You wanted to groan loudly at your father’s mountain sized ego, but you had less self-centered people to talk to at the moment. Addressing Peter again, you had only one question. “Let me guess, he’s the mentor you were talking about?”
“He never told me he had a daughter!” Peter balked.
“You never asked.” Tony countered. He moved around the nose of the car, brown eyes peering over the tops of his sunglasses. “I had a feeling you two would run into each other eventually.”
“How come I haven’t run into her while working with you?” Peter looked between the two of you, spotting minor similarities in posture, facial structure and ( now that the two of you were speaking ) the cadence in speech.
“Because I’m not his shadow, as much as he’d love for me to be.” You pass him a smile, but it was too sweet and clearly fake. The smile he gave you in return was soft and genuine, a rare sight. An arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you in, his facial hair rough against your temple where he placed a loving, fatherly kiss.
“She’s got her own plans. Whether they follow mine or they go in an entirely different direction doesn’t matter. She’s a Stark! She’s destined to be the best in any field!” He bragged, giving your shoulders an extra squeeze before releasing you. You were flush under his praise, and you had to wonder what you’d done to deserve such an accepting father.
“This.  .  . is weird.” Peter frowned, and it caused both you and Tony to raise an eyebrow in such a way that it only weirded him out more that you two were so alike.
“What’s weird about it?” Tony asked.
“I just asked her ou——” Peter sucked in a breath, paused with his mouth open, then clamped his lips shut. Sadly, it was too late. Tony tensed beside you, and you felt the need to leap forward and protect Peter from the sudden shift in atmosphere.
“He wanted me to hang out with him and his friends.” You quickly amended.
Tony licked behind his lower lip and shoved his hands into the pockets of his faded jeans, his whole posture threatening. There was a moment of silence, but it somehow still felt noisy with the sheer amount of thoughts rolling around in Tony’s head.
“Him and his friends, or just him?” The question he posed felt like it was meant for you, but his dark eyes remained on Peter. Because of this, you kept your mouth shut and let him answer.
“Mr. Stark, you know I’d never——”
“Alone or with friends, Parker?” The sharp jab of his last name made Peter flinch.
“With friends! You know them. I’ve told you about them. Ned and MJ wanted to get pizza and hang out, but we haven’t picked a place yet. So we exchanged numbers so I could tell her when we did. I swear, it’s just to chill out before testing next week.” He sounded pleading, and it annoyed you — not because the pleading itself bothered you, but because your father was causing it.
“Dad, get back in the freakin’ car.” You grabbed his arm and turned him around, hands pushing at his back. He didn’t fight you off, but he did raise his hands while complaining.
“You’re dismissing your own father? I’m hurt, (Y/N). I never thought a boy would be more important than family.” He followed along as he was lead back to the driver side door.
“You are an actual menace. Leave us alone. I’m a big girl, and I want friends.” Once you neared the door, you lowered your voice so only he could hear. “You know him, right? Is he alright?”
“He’s more than alright.” Tony whispered back. “He’s one of the smartest kids I’ve met, aside from you. A little on a dweeb side, but you could make worse friends. Don’t tell him I said that, you I’m docking your allowance.”
“You won’t.” You smiled and bit at your lip. “So I can go with him?”
“Only if I’m allowed to mess with him a little more.” Perfectly white teeth were flashed in a cheeky grin. “I think I freaked him out.”
“I think so too.” You suppressed the urge to laugh and stepped back. “But you’re an actual butthead.”
“I know.” Tony winked, then put on another severe expression that he directed towards Peter. Sharply and menacingly, he motioned with two fingers that he would be keeping his eyes on the young hero. Peter stammered again, but Tony had already folded himself into the driver’s seat.
You moved around the car again and stopped in front of Peter, a spring in your step.
“Text me when you’ve got it figured out. I wanna come along.” You smiled shyly and nudged your shoulder against his. “See you, Peter!”
Peter lifted a hand in farewell, but made it a point to avoid looking anywhere in Tony’s direction. “Yeah! See you. Later. Tomorrow.”
You fled into the car, but rolled your window down at the request of your father. He leaned across you and shouted through the window as he slowly rolled the car forward.
“Watch yourself, Parker! I’ll know if you try anything!”
And with that, you and your father drove away, leaving Peter to panic on his own.
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shivada-jade · 3 years
codename: vind
older sibling!reader
characters: diluc, kaeya ➡ mentions: adelinde, crepus, la signora warning(s): alcohol consumption, swearing, and because for some reason, older siblings tend to be shorter than younger siblings. iDK WHY but ugh, yeah you're shorter than diluc and kaeya bc you're the older sibling. ik, i hate it too
like, i wanna be a tall 6'2 woman
diluc's 5'10 so u can still be tall in the story.. just not 5'11 😢 sorry over 5'10 folks
➡ WRITTEN BEFORE 2.1 so uhh :D
notes: platonic w diluc and kaeya, duh bc ur the older sibling. sibling love!!! sibling love !! woop woop !
"Dad, I'm home!" You bellow out to the house, waving a polite hello to Adelinde who looked shocked to see you. You kick off your shoes and slide your way to the long table in the living room, swiftly grabbing an apple before heading upstairs.
Your hands graze the railings and make your way up to find your dad. Upon reaching the last flight of steps, you were suspicious with how the place was very quiet. Granted, your younger brothers are now adults, but it still felt too quiet. Maybe you expected to see your brothers playing a game of chess, maybe bickering and fencing. You were hoping to see your family after being away.
You were a part of the Fatui under the Mondstadt branch. It was and at the same time wasn't a choice to be roped into the Fatui. You got roped into the wrong group of friends and found yourself blackmailed by the infamous group.
You didn't want to join. You didn't want any of it. You've been disconnected from the world. Wiped out from the face of Earth. No one gave information to you, you couldn't learn anything about what's happening currently. The most you could do was send letters, but even those were difficult to send out. You had to do it in secrecy or you'd be in trouble.
Love, the better sibling,
Or another common send off is:
Please write back soon,
And your family never failed to send back letters. They asked what you're doing, where you are and how are you, still you never told them your occupation, fearful of what they would think and where your loyalties lie, so you told them you were working under an adventurer.
It's for the greater good. You remember trying to convince yourself.
You're a horrible person.
You were sixteen then. Your younger brothers were twelve. It's been 10 long years since you last saw them, and 6 years since you last received a letter back. You miss them dearly. You often wondered what sorts of adventures they did without you.
But why are you wondering about this? You knew what they did: you knew everything that happened.
You're living under a heavy burden.
"Dad?" You call out again. Maids and wine makers look aghast when they see you, and they're on the verge of fainting when you call out to your father.
Stop the act.
It's strange how the letters were suddenly cut off. The last letter you received was from Kaeya, telling you how you needed to come home straight away. You tried to, but the Fatui prevented you from doing so. A lady called La Signora supervised you directly to make sure you didn't leave.
You know...
Adelinde brushes the dust off her uniform and hurries up the stairs to catch up to you, "Dear, is that you [Y/N?]"
"Did you forget me that easily? I'm offended Miss Adelinde," you chided, but the teasing look in your eyes give Adelinde relief to know you aren't actually offended. "Miss, where's dad?"
You're sickening.
Adelinde takes one look at you and squeezes your shoulders with a smile, "I'm afraid that's not for me to say. Master Diluc should be able to-"
"Oh, where's Diluc and Kaeya?" You ponder, and the corners of your lips curl upwards. "Those two were always attached to the hip. Where are they now? Horseback riding at the vineyard? Ha! I-"
You glance at Adelinde's watery eyes and stop your babbling. "What's wrong Miss Adelinde?" You reach for her hands on your shoulders and hold them. "Ah, has father been making you work too hard? I can request him to lessen your load."
Adelinde shakes her head no. "You don't have a clue, do you? Oh," she sighs. "Please, rest yourself by the fireplace. I'll prepare tea for you." She rests her hands back at her side and scurries to the kitchen.
You frown, unsure why she's jumpy, but you follow her request and sit by the fireplace. The crackle of the fire contrasts the tense air you feel when maids brush past you, offering tea Adelinde made. You thank them, gently blowing on the drink.
After taking a sip, you place it down with a pinky to lessen the noise it makes on the table. You hear the door open, and the choruses of maids greeting someone.
"Welcome home, Master Diluc," you hear and other voices saying, "We've prepared a meal for you and your sibling, would you like to rest yourself?"
You peek from your chair, he obviously hadn't realized you yet.
Diluc's lips make a thin line and shrugs off his jacket, "Why is Kaeya visiting. Isn't he supposed to do his knightly duties?"
You have no clue why he says it like that. The venom in his voice sends a shiver down your spine. You decide this is your cue to give him a warm welcome. You stand from your seat, and open your arms in a grand gesture and waltz to your brother. "Diluc! It's been a while huh?"
You clearly see him tense hearing your voice. His head snapped to your direction with his mouth parted. The maids respectively take their leave, bowing before they do so.
Diluc looks you up and down, still not believing you're there, like you're just his imagination. His hand slowly reaches out to you as if you're a dream.
Your feet lead you closer and you grasp him tightly in an embrace.
He freezes, but slowly relaxes in your hug, reluctantly bringing up his own arms to wrap around you. You feel his grip tightening, and you feel his shake out silent sobs. His face buries in your neck, letting tears fall on your clothes.
You soothe his back, and press a kiss on his hair. "I'm home, Diluc."
He trembles, pushing himself away to look at you clearly. Why hadn't you come home earlier? He wanted to vent, he wanted to yell, shout, he wanted to know how much he missed you in your absence.
He clears his throat and coughs in his fist. "You should have told me about your arrival," he adjusts the gloves on his hands, and looks to the floor like he did when he admitted he accidentally broke your toy when you were 10.
After these years, he still looks up to you as his older sibling. Not a thing has changed.
But you couldn't help but notice one thing. You knew Diluc and Kaeya had matured, you knew they would grow taller, but shit, now Diluc's taller than you.
"I sent a letter a month ago," you began. "It should have been sent to your office in the Favonius Headquarters? That's where I send my mail after you told me about your promotion to Cavalry Captain."
You squish his cheeks with both your hands. "Because I know you're a workaholic and only respond to letters that mean business, so that's where I sent it off to. You never write back, neither does Kaeya," you pause, thinking for a moment. "Neither does dad. Tell me he hasn't gotten sick that he couldn't respond to my letters."
Diluc lifts your hands off his face and frowns. He doesn't know how to break the news to you- not when you look so excited to be home and tell of your adventures to your family, so he asks, "Did you eat yet?"
You note the frown on his face. "'What's got you grumpy," you prod. "I need to find dad first. Told him in the first letter I gave him, I'd give the first gem I find."
Diluc watches you leave him to go to Crepus' room on the second floor. He hears the thuds on the floor and the opening of the door, but does nothing to stop you. You left with a smile, and you come back confused.
"Why is dad's room empty?"
How cruel.
Kaeya hums, passing by Flora's shop and purchasing a Calla Lily for the sake of it. He is well aware of the Fatui that stand by corners. Whispers of the wind give him intel, and so does alcohol apparently. He leans on a wall right outside Angel's Share, watching two Fatui members drink some of the tavern's strongest alcohol, imported from Snezhnaya.
"That damn," the one with the red and black mask hiccups, lifting a mug with foam overflowing. "Damn brat's gonna snitch on us to the Knights- *hiCC* boss lady wou- *HicC* would have our heads!"
Thankfully, their more responsible Fatui friend takes the mug and switches it with their drink, water. "You're the one who let Vindicta out of your sight when you know their frequencies to escape. This is all on you, buckaroo."
One of the Fatui escaped? How peculiar.
Kaeya hums, in steady strides he shows himself to the Fatui and takes a seat from another table and sits in front of the two. "My, my, my. If it isn't the wonderful Fatui," he divuldges. He twirls his Calla Lily around his fingers, amused with the Fatui's reactions.
Their mouths drop, knowing who he is and they hastily clean themselves up by sitting straight and wiping away the alcohol from their faces. "Good evening, sir."
"Evening to you too," he places the flower behind the person's ear, flustering them. "Well? Drink up. Everything you order will be on me."
The Fatui look at each other, skeptical with Kaeya's kindness, but the drunken one accepts the offer. Kaeya celebrates in the inside as he slowly gains Fatui intel.
Though, the second Fatui whom he dubbed the "Responsible One," took a while for them to take a sip. Turns out, they couldn't handle alcohol, that's why they avoided drinking it.
"So, my dear friends," he slides a coin on the table and stares both of them down. "A mora for your thoughts? I couldn't help but notice the tense of your shoulders when you first arrived here."
Responsible One raises their mug drunkenly, and gives a pointed look, "You... you know too much. How?..." They stare at their friend and whisper shout, "Don't tell him about Vind or-" They fail to continue their sentence and pass out on the table.
Kaeya feigns a surprised face and looks at Fatui number 2, "Who exactly is Vind? I'm sure you don't mean the storm watcher up at the cliff." He coats his voice with sugar, and it seems Fatui friend fell for his kindness.
"The damn brat," they spit out before hiccupping again. "Recruited them, fed them, saw potential, gave a home, and they escaped."
Kaeya nods and pushes another bottle of wine to the Fatui's direction, urging them to continue.
"Was supposed to be one of the Agents to spy on the *hiCc* to spy on the Ragnvindr family, because *HicC* Vind was one of the best there is. They were about to be promoted Harbinger after an assignment *hiCCUpp* but then Big Boss Lady said 'End the Ragnvindr legacy,' Vindicta left without a word. They escaped."
The Fatui downs another bottle of wine. "But judging from Boss Lady's reaction, Vind did the job: killed him and placed the blame on the Knights."
The Calvary Captain knits his brows and places his hands in front of him. It laced themselves and he watches the Fatui person empty out his wine.
"I'd be careful of what you say if I were you." His lone eye glints dangerously.
"End the legacy?" Kaeya frowns. "Can I ask..." He couldn't ask why or the Fatui would stop talking to him. "Can I ask when your beloved spy did their job?"
The Fatui waves a hand, "Six years ago. After they killed that damn aristocrat's father, they tried escaping. Big Boss supervised them under their watch. 'Potential' the Harbingers always say, but I don't see the potential in them if they don't have loyalties under the Fatui. A wild card, really."
They lay their cheek on the table. The temperature drops quite dangerously. Kaeya's diamond eye glints with coldness before it turns back to warmth.
"Rumours have it," the Fatui sighs, playing with his empty mug. "The training Vindicta went through is rougher, so we were hoping they would tie their loyalties to us. We let them explore once, and they escaped under my watch. Maybe it was their assignment to leave, maybe it's not, because Boss Lady was okay with it, she said 'Vindicta will always return in our hands.' when they first escaped, and surely enough they do return. But either way, I'm fucked for letting them go missing the third time of the week."
Kaeya laughs with no soul and quickly ends the lovely 'conversation.' He pushes himself from the table and stands, "Thank you for chatting with me, it's been interesting." He tucks in the chair and glances at the two Fatui dozing, or close to dozing off.
He swiftly turns away, scoffing when he's out of sight from people. Vindicta is a dangerous card. Not even the Fatui know where their loyalties side.
Vindicta. How peculiar indeed.
One of the best Fatui, which probably meant they were payed well with respect and mora, but why are they labeled as an escapee when they always return? With someone as dangerous as a Harbinger, who do they side with- the Fatui or something else?
Kaeya has a lot of questions.
Diluc sits on a cushioned chair and hunches over, resting his chin on his hands, thinking.
Always thinking.
The once lit fireplace is soaked with water he splashed over. The scent of burnt wood wafts nearby. The light chatter of maids go through one ear and leave the other.
How long had it been since he last saw you?
Eternity is his answer. It's been eternity since he last saw you.
He lets out a long sigh, throwing his head back and running a hand through his untied locks.
Too much thinking for today. Diluc groans in frustration and sits back up. He turns his head slightly, seeing you in the corner of his eyes taking out boxes of things you owned from 10 years before.
It doesn't make sense to him. Why come back so suddenly after years of not seeing you? Though, you claim you sent him letters, he never got them because he closed himself off from the Knights.
"Diluc," you set down a small picture of a family portrait you took out from hiding behind many books.
You are taking this oddly well.
You're taking this too well, in fact.
This raises a red flag for Diluc. He told you the fall out of your family, how he quit the Knights, but still you're going around the place like nothing had happened.
Don't you feel any rage? Or even sadness?
He sees too many red flags and hates it- from the way you can hide things like Kaeya so easily, to the way you just suddenly appear back in his life. It feels weird. It's not easy to let someone that in quick, yet you're still his role model, so it's okay, right?
He's always looked up to you when he was younger. You never were at a loss of words and stood up for him. You were the person he can turn to when something wrong happens, but what were you doing for yourself to be gone for so long? Adventuring Teyvat could not have taken ten whole years. Where did you even stay?
"Diluc," you crouch in front of him and talk to him as if he were six again. "I'm okay, okay?"
Diluc takes a shaky breath and sits up straight. His posture resembling a king's. "I have an idea, and I would like you to help me."
You look at him in awe. The realization settles in: Diluc has grown, and you're still stuck trying to make up the past.
"And what do I help you with?"
"Finding who's responsible for father's death."
notes: had this in my drafts for a long time and i was like "wait where was i going with this..." until BAM i have the idea again so im gonna continue it
(part 2)
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jaywwriting · 4 years
Could I request a one shot for hq? I’m a sucker for soulmate aus so maybe a soulmate au with hinata? Thanks :)
omg I’m super sorry for the late reply!! school work’s been piling up more and more, now I have online piano lessons fuCK
my brain hasn’t been working that well so here’s a hc for this soulmate au instead of a one shot, hope you’ll enjoy!!
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
pairing: hinata shōyō x reader
soulmate au: when you turn 16, the hair colour of your soulmate will appear on your wrist
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As soon as your alarm rang, you immediately got up from your slumber. Wiggling out of bed and frantically ran to turn on the lights.
You immediately rolled up the sleeves of your pyjamas and brought your wrist up to your vision.
“Damn,” you thought to yourself, “is my soulmate a tangerine or what?”
A bright, striking shade of tangerine orange was tattooed on your wrist.
Of course, you’ve seen people who had unique natural hair colours but boy. This one was definitely dyed. Because there’s no way one’s hair can naturally be THIS orange!!
oof to hinata baibey
Time skip to a few weeks later — first day of school in Karasuno High woOp woOp
None of your friends were in that school with you. Of course, there were a couple of people who you recognised from your previous school, but you’ve never talked to any of them before.
After hours and hours of listening ( or dozing off ) to different teachers mumbling and rambling information, it was finally break time.
You spotted your favourite snack in the school’s vending machine, so you decided to buy some.
You were about to walk away from the humming machine until you heard loud bickering from a distance.
“HINATA BOKE!” was the loudest and clearest part of the bicker that you heard.
Curious and confused, you decided to sneak a lil’ peek and investigate on what was going on.
There you saw a tall raven haired boy fighting with a shorter, bright-tangerine haired boy.
you actually thought they were actually fighting — like, I’m-going-to-kill-you kind of fight — so you immediately ran over to stop them before someone ends up in jail
“Hey, cut it out!” You yelled, instantly gaining their attention as you marched towards the two and pushed them apart.
you know how they have that lil’ o.o face? yeah that’s the face they made when you yelled at them to stop HAHAH
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The tangerine boy chuckled cheekily, explaining the whole situation. Turns out, they weren’t fighting and it was just their normal bickering and teasing!!
Embarrassed, you instantly apologised for being nosey and misunderstanding the situation. He then assured you that you weren’t being nosey and you were just being nice. He then resumed to introduce himself as Hinata and his friend as Kageyama. You too introduce yourself because it’s rude if you don’t introduce yourself back bruh
Kageyama nodded at you nonchalantly. But as he laid eyes on your hand, his eyes went wide and he instantly whispered some stuff to Hinata before walking away.
Now it was Hinata’s turn to be shocked.
“Okay wtf is going on why’re they so shocked?” You pondered. “And why does Hinata’s hair colour look so familiar— wAIT HOLD UP.”
You instantly rolled up your sleeve and brought your wrist up to the same level as Hinata’s head.
“Is it the same colour as my hair?” Hinata asked, mouth agape as he slowly rolled up his sleeve. You nodded hesitantly, heart racing frantically along with thoughts rushing through your mind like thousands of fireworks shooting up the night sky rapidly.
“No way.” Hinata gasped, rolling his sleeve up and inspecting your hair with the shade on his wrist.
Holy shit.
You gasped in shock as the fireworks in your mind instantly exploded, your stomach doing somersaults that it has never done before.
“OH MY GOSH I FOUND MY SOULMATE! I FOUND MY SOULMATE! YOU ARE MY SOULMATE!” *cues hinata running around in circles while jumping up and down ecstatically*
Suddenly, the loud, obnoxious bell that you despised began ringing, signaling everyone to get back into class.
You were about to leave until he tapped your shoulder gently, shyly glancing at you as he fidgeted his fingers.
“Hey um... y/n?” He stuttered, ruffling his messy yet fluffy curls. “Do you wanna meet up for a while after school? Y’know, to talk about this whole... soulmate thing? We can learn more about each other and—”
“Of course!” You instantly replied, internally squealing at how adorable he looked when he was shy. “I’ll meet you here?”
“O-okay! See you later, y/n!” He grinned widely, a blush forming on his small face as he jogged away.
As soon as he was pretty far away, you chuckled to yourself and gentle rubbed the shade of orange on your wrist, blushing as your grin began growing bigger and bigger.
well, this’ll be interesting
omg this sucked so much I’m so sorry.
this is what happens when you don’t write for a long time HDJDHSJSJJ—
anyway I hope you enjoyed this hc!! unfortunately my requests will be closed for the time being as I still have a lot to catch up on. but don’t worry, I’ll be notifying yall when my requests are open once again!! :D all the info that you’ll need are found on my bio ( the link that’s labelled ‘info’ )
have a great day and I’ll see yall soon! ♡
- jayyy
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m0etenchandon · 5 years
Inexperienced (Reader x Roger Taylor smut)
Pairing: Female Reader x Roger Taylor (or Ben!Roger, you choose) Summary: You haven´t had the best experience when it comes to sex, if a drunken quickie in a bathroom even counts as experience. When you tell him, Roger wants to show you how good sex can be. Cue fluffy sex Warnings: SMUT (18+!), fluff, inexperienced reader, oral, fingering, blowjobs, protected-sex A/N: This was highly requested, so here it is. Also, it´s really long I don´t know what got into me. Thanks for reading! Feedback appreciated. Wordcount: 6 K woops
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Shoutout to @blamerogertaylor for sending me this beautiful picture<3
The sexual tension laced the air as you walked home from your fifth date with Roger, your fingers intertwined with his. You hadn´t, like your friends kept saying, “put out” yet. Roger was being a gentleman about it, not pushing you further than you were comfortable with, but you could tell it was getting to him. His hugs lingering a little bit longer, his hands wandering closer to your ass. You were lying if you said it didn´t affect you too, the way he would kiss you after each date leaving your knees weak and the air punched out of your lungs.
“Penny for your thoughts?”, Roger asked, tugging at your hand to get your attention. His features looked so soft in the street lights, enhancing his blonde locks. You sent him a soft smile, leaning into his shoulder as you kept on walking.
“It´s nothing, Roger”, you said, looking up at him. “Thank you for walking me home”
“Of course, it´s the least I could do”, he said, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. The action sent the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy.
“The least you could do? You invited me out and paid for our meal. If anything, I´m the one who owe you”, you said, a giggle leaving your mouth.
“I can think of a few things you could do to re-pay me”, Roger smirked. He leant down to press his lips against your head, but you felt your entire body tense up. You were dreading the day he would bring up the fact that you hadn´t had sex yet. You wanted to of course, the man was sex on legs. But he was this experienced rock star, and it intimidated you to be honest. You weren´t a virgin per se, but your first sexual encounter was a drunken quickie in a bathroom. The guy did not know what he was doing, nothing compared to what you could do to yourself, and it did not feel good at all. It threw you off sex, well at least until you met Roger.
“Shit Y/N, I´m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable”, he said, when he saw the expression on your face. Panic flooded his features as he stopped walking and put both his warm hands on your face, forcing you to look him in the eye.
“It´s fine”, you mumbled, the corners of your mouth barely forming a smile.
“Are you sure?”, Roger asked, letting his fingers dance along your skin. It tickled, making a giggle erupt from your throat. You leant into his touch to get him to stop, placing a kiss on his hand. Really, you couldn´t blame him for getting inpatient.
“Okay, but just for the record, I don´t care if I have to wait until we´re married to have sex. If you don´t want to, then we won´t do it”, he said as he started walking again, effectively pulling you with him.
“Roger, that´s really cute of you”, you giggled, feeling like yourself again at the lift in tension. “But I don´t want to wait until I´m married, it´s just that I´m – uhm- not that experienced, and I know that you are and it kind of intimidates me”
“Hey, I don´t care if you´re a virgin or if you have slept with 100 guys. What matters is that you´re with me now. And besides, having experience just means that I can make it good for you”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks at his words, pressing your forehead against his arm as you let out a nervous laugh.
“I´m not a virgin, Roger. I just, I don´t know, sex has never felt good and I don´t know what I´m doing wrong”
“I´d be more than willing to help you out, trust me. But, like I said, we´ll wait until you want to”, he said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. “No rush”
The rest of the walk back to your flat was silent, both of you just enjoying each other´s company. It wasn´t awkward at all actually, you felt completely comfortable in his presence after addressing the elephant in the room.
“Soo, this is me”, you said as you reached your flat. The two of you had gotten here several times now, Roger always insisting of walking you all the way to your door.
“I know”, Roger said, smiling as he placed his hands on your waist. He pulled your closer to his body, leaning down to connect your lips. The action never failed to make the butterflies in your stomach go crazy, but this time was different somehow. He pressed his tongue past your lips, exploring your mouth. A moan left your throat as he deepened the kiss, reaching up to wrap your hands around his neck. Roger pulled back, his breath suddenly uneven.
“Mmm, more”, you mumbled, pressing your lips against his again. You could feel Roger smirking into the kiss, his hands slowly sliding down your body. Normally, you would stop him, but there was something about the mood in the air. How his body pressed against yours, that pressure on your thigh. You moved your hips against his, earning a moan from the man in front of you. Oh. He was hard already.
You felt blood rush to your face, your lips leaving his as you looked away shyly. You couldn´t stop the giggle that left your mouth, feeling oddly proud. A tingle starting in your lower stomach. You had made Roger Taylor hard from just kissing.
“Sorry about that”, Roger mumbled, a deep red flush covering his cheeks. You hummed, pressing your lips against his again momentarily. He rested his forehead against yours, his erection poking into your thigh. A rush of excitement rushed to rest between your legs, a feeling you had never gotten from a guy before.  At least not to this extent. You were turned on, wanting Roger to do something about it. Maybe he actually could make sex feel good for once?
“It´s alright. I´m flattered, Roger”, you said, watching as he flushed even deeper. “Do you want to come in?”
Your own words caught you by surprise as you were never really the one to initiate things. Not that you directly asked him to fuck you, but it was clear that it was your intention none the less. Eager to explore the tingle in your nether regions.
“W-what, really?”, Roger asked, eyeing your expression for any sign of doubt. You smiled, sure that this is exactly what you wanted.
“If you want to”, you said sweetly, looking up at him through your lashes. The sight made Roger almost melt into a puddle, desperately nodding his head. “Good”
“Your apartment is really cute”, Roger said as he walked around. He studied the pictures on the walls. The ones with your friends and family. You had a cork board that held them all, and he smiled when he saw the picture you had taken on your second date. The one of him and you looking out onto the Thames. You had been mortified when he asked a random stranger to take one for you, but now in hindsight you were really glad. It had quickly become your favorite picture on the board.
You walked up to Roger, placing your head against his shoulder and snaking your hands around his waist.
“You kept it?”, he asked, playing with the edge of the polaroid.
“Of course I did”, you giggled, pressing your lips against his shoulder-blade. Roger turned around in your grasp, a grin plastered on his face. “It´s my favorite”
“You´re my favorite”, he muttered, leaning down to kiss you.
“Didn´t know you were such a sap, Roger”, you giggled as he pulled back, causing him to roll his eyes. A blush creeping up to his cheeks.
“I don´t know what´s gotten into me really. You´ve made me weak”
“Hmm, I like it”, you teased, pulling him down onto your lips again. Roger placed his hands on your waist as you slid yours around his neck. The kiss immediately grew heated as he pressed his tongue past your lips. It was like he had this new driving force behind his movements and it made your panties grow damper by the second.
You whimpered into the kiss as you felt Roger´s hard-on brush against your clothed thigh, suddenly feeling way too hot, like you were wearing way too many clothes. He was too. You reached out to start to unbutton Roger´s shirt.
“Wait, are you absolutely sure you want to”, Roger asked, stopping your hands by grasping them in his.
“Do you want to?”
“I asked you first”
“I asked you second”, you said, grinning up at Roger. He squinted his eyes, his features all of a sudden dead serious.
“Y/N..”, he warned. Roger reached up to cup your cheek with one of his hands, looking you deeply into your eyes. It nearly took your breath away. How close he was, how beautiful he was. And he was yours, if you wanted him.
“I really do, Roger. I want you to show me”, you said, leaning up to give him a soft kiss. “Make me feel good”
Roger drew in a harsh breath before sliding his hands down your torso, pulling you closer by your waist. He pressed his lips against yours in an almost feverish way. You deepened the kiss immediately, desperate to explore the dull throb in your panties.
You finished unbuttoning Roger´s shirt as the kiss grew sloppy. You slid your hands up his chest to his shoulders, feeling him shudder under your touch. The shirt fell to the ground as you slid it down his toned arms.
Roger´s lips left yours, following the curve of your jaw before working his way down your neck. He nipped lightly on the skin, pressing hot open-mouthed kisses along the light marks he made. As he reached the spot just under your ear, you arched into his touch. Roger smirked against your skin.
“There it is”, he muttered smugly, sliding his tongue over the spot.
You felt like your skin was on fire under his touch, not knowing what to do with your hands anymore. Deciding on sliding them down his chest, you felt him tense under your touch. He bit down on your neck as you inched closer to his pants. You drew your finger over his soft stomach, down the trail of hair leading way to his hard cock. Suddenly eager to feel him, all of him, you started working on his belt. You fumbled with the buckle, a desperate whine leaving your throat.
Roger hummed, reaching down to help you. He quickly un-did it before focusing his attention on your neck again. You felt hot all over, your blood boiling in anticipation. Roger was too close but not close enough at the same time. You wanted him, and you wanted him right now. Your cunt twitched uncontrollably as he slid his hands under your shirt, your skin tingling under his touch.
“Roger”, you whined, pulling at his jeans. You managed to get them open and started pulling them down his legs. His cock was straining against his boxers as your hand brushed against it, making Roger buck into your touch.
“W-Wait, Y/N. I´m meant to make you feel good”, he said, grabbing your hands as you finished removing his jeans. “Let´s go to your bedroom, okay?”
You bit down on your lip and nodded, pulling him with you towards your room. Roger took it all in once you opened the door. Somehow it represented you perfectly. The colors, the décor, everything screamed Y/N. A dopey smile crept onto his face, making you raise your eyebrows in question.
“What?”, you asked, walking towards the bed located in the middle of the room.
“Your room is so cute, Y/N. Just like you”, Roger said.
You rolled your eyes, feeling warmth creep up to your cheeks. Roger just walked around the room, taking in every little detail, and you were starting to grow impatient.
“Can we get on with it?”, you asked, biting down on your lip as he snapped his head towards you. Roger arched an eyebrow in question, but started making his way over to you nonetheless. He snaked his hands around your waist, pulling you close. You gasped when you felt his erection poke into your lower stomach, a feeling you were sure you would never get tired of.
“Someone´s eager”, he muttered, leaning down to connect your lips in a quick kiss. “But I´m not hard to sway, love”
Roger slid his hands over your hips, down your thighs to play with the hem of your dress.
“For starters, you´re wearing way too much clothes”, he said, tugging at the fabric.
“You should do something about that then”, you teased, turning around and throwing your hair over your shoulder so he had access to the zipper of the dress. Your heart was beating at a million miles an hour as he started pulling it down your back. With each inch of skin that was revealed, Roger pressed a soft kiss to it. Your skin buzzing under his touch.
The dress fell to the floor as he unzipped it all the way to your bum. You stepped out of it and turned around. Roger drew in a harsh breath when he took in your almost naked body for the first time. His eyes raked all over your body. Over your lacy panties that you had put on just in case, and the matching bra to go with it. You didn´t feel exposed like you normally would, you felt empowered. Roger´s eyes were filled with admiration and lust as they met yours, making your heart do a little flip in your chest.
“Bloody hell you´re absolutely breath-taking, Y/N”, Roger said, sliding his hand over your naked waist. “I could stare at you all fucking day”
“You have gone soft on me, Roger”, you giggled, leaning down to press your lips against his. He immediately pulled you close and deepened the kiss. It almost took your breath away, the way he expertly explored your mouth, how his hands dug into your skin with just the right amount of pressure.  
“Can I take this off?”, Roger asked as you pulled back, sliding his hands up your back to play with the clasp of your bra. He grinned when you nodded, eagerly trying to get it off you. He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, struggling to unhook it.
“Need any help there?”, you giggled upon hearing the frustrated sigh that left Roger´s mouth.
“No I got it, it´s just fuck why does it have to have three hooks”, he whined, tugging at it with more force until it finally snapped open. “Hah, got it”
“Congratulations”, you said, watching as his eyes fell on your exposed breasts.
“Congratulations to me indeed”, he muttered, sliding his hands over them. He cupped each breast carefully, swiping his thumb over your hardened nipple. Goosebumps formed all over your skin as he swirled the nub around a few times, just enjoying the noises you were making. He hadn´t even touched you properly yet and this was already far better than last time you were intimate with a guy.
“Do you want me to keep going?”, Roger asked, sliding his hands down your stomach.
“Please”, you whined, arching into his touch. “I want you to fuck me”
“I want nothing more, love. But first we have to get you ready for me, okay?”
You nodded, feeling his fingers hook into the waistline of your panties. He pulled on the fabric slightly before letting go. It snapped against your skin, making you let out a surprised moan. The slight sting turning you on more than you would like to admit.
“Lay down for me”, Roger said, gesturing towards the bed. You scooted upwards so your entire body was engulfed by the soft mattress, impatiently waiting for him to join you. Roger knelt between your legs, his fingers hooking into the fabric of your panties again. He looked up at you, arching an eyebrow before slowly pulling them down your legs upon your consent.
He groaned when he saw your heat completely exposed. You felt the cold air hit your wet folds, making you shudder slightly. However, the feeling was quickly replaced by one of lust as Roger reached down to grab onto your thighs. He spread them slowly, plopping down onto his stomach. His head was so close to your heat, his breath hot on your sensitive clit.
“Such a pretty little cunt you´ve got there”, Roger whispered, blowing air onto your heat. “Can I taste you? Hmm? Make you cum?”
“I-I´ve never”, you started but a moan cut you off as Roger pressed his lips to the apex of your thighs. “No one has ever gone down on me”
“Want me to change that? We don´t have to”, he said, looking up at your through his thick lashes. He cocked his head and sent you the softest smile you´ve ever seen, your heart soaring.
“Yes, I want to”, you said firmly.
“Okay but you have to tell me if it´s too much”
You nodded, reaching down to run you finger over his jaw before sliding your hand up to his hair. Roger leant in, still keeping eye contact, and pressed a kiss right next to your folds. He watched your every expression as he tentatively licked a little stripe between them, flattening his tongue when he reached your clit.
It felt euphoric, the pleasure spreading to every nerve of your body. Sure, you had gotten yourself off before, but this was something else. Roger put all his energy into his movements, each flick of his tongue deliberate to bring the most amount of pleasure to your core.
“I-I fuck that feels so good, Roger”, you whined, throwing your head back in pleasure. The familiar coil in your stomach already started tightening. It was embarrassingly fast, but you couldn’t care less at this point.
“Yeah? You´re already so wet for me, love”, he said between kisses. “`m gonna get you ready for me”
Roger slid one of his hands down your thigh, leaving tingles along its path. He swirled your entrance with one finger, collecting the wetness before slowly pushing it in. A gasp left your mouth as he came to a halt inside, your walls clamping down on his digit. Savoring the delicious feeling.
“My god you´re so tight”, Roger muttered, slowly starting to move his finger. He angled his finger and rubbed it against your front wall in search of your sweet spot.
“Shit don´t stop”, you whined, your hips moving in tandem with his fingers. Roger smirked before leaning down and wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking the nub into his mouth. It was all too much and not enough at the same time, feeling your orgasm creep up on you at an alarming rate.
You yelled out when he brushed against something just inside your entrance, sending a wave of pleasure through your body. You could feel Roger hum against your clit with pride as he nudged you towards the edge.
“Found it”, he mumbled, pulling away for a second to place a few kisses to the hood of your clitoris. “Do you think you can take another finger?”
“Y-yes”, you said, biting down on your lip to keep your moans at bay. Roger added his ring-finger along with his middle finger, effortlessly angling them just right. They stretched you out just right, rubbing against your front wall with just the right amount of pressure.
As he latched onto your clit again, you felt yourself inching closer and closer to the edge. You felt like you had to pee, your lower stomach tingling in the most delicious way possible. The orgasms you had yourself was nothing compared to this absolute euphoria that was about to wash over you.
“Shit `m gonna cum, Roger. `m gonna cum, gonna – fuck”, you moaned, tugging at his hair as you grinded down onto his tongue and fingers. Roger sucked even harder on your clit, nudging your g-spot with added pressure, effectively pushing you over the edge. White-hot pleasure shot up your body, throughout every nerve and every fiber of your being. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, you back arching off the bed as Roger expertly guided you through it all.
You were heaving for air, your stomach contracting, legs still shaking as you came down. The aftershocks taking over your body, your walls clamping down on Roger´s fingers. It was all too much; the pleasure was too much to handle.
You pushed Roger away from your heat, wincing when he withdrew his fingers.
“`s too much”, you whined, still heavy-breathed.
“Sorry”, Roger said, leaning up to press his lips to yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue, making you feel oddly proud of yourself. You smirked into the kiss, pulling him closer to your body.
In a moment of confidence, you pushed him down onto his back and straddled his thigs. Roger´s eyes went wide as you started kissing down his chest, feeling his heart beat against your lips.
“Nope, absolutely not”, he said, grabbing your face to try and pull you away from kissing your way down to his crotch. You pouted.
“Why not? I want to”, you whined, placing your hands on his upper thighs. Roger shuddered at the sudden contact, his cock twitching in desperation. “You seem to want it too”
“I do, fuck I really do, but I´m not going to last if you put that pretty mouth of yours anywhere near my cock”, he said, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. A deep blush creeping up to his cheeks.
“Please”, you begged, placing a kiss just above the waistband of his boxers. “I just want to taste you”
“Bloody hell you will be the absolute death of me, Y/N”, Roger muttered, running his hands through his hair in frustration. You shot him your best puppy-dog eyes, sliding your hands closer to his crotch. “Fine, but only for a second”
You smirked and reached up to pull his boxers down his legs. His cock sprang free, falling flat against his stomach. The tip was red and leaking from being neglected, making your mouth water. It was pretty, a bit bigger than what you had last time.
Roger caught you staring, your hands still planted on his thighs, not moving.
“Have you ever sucked anyone off?”, he asked, watching you draw in a deep breath and shake your head. It never really got to that point when you lost your virginity, he just pushed it inside and started thrusting.
“Fuck okay, start by wrapping your hand around it”, Roger instructed, cursing under your breath as you did just so. You could feel the blood pump in his veins through the soft skin. His cock was warm in your hand, inviting. “Yeah just like that. Try kissing the tip”
You nodded, leaning down to tentatively press you lips to the slit. His pre-cum coated your lips, tasting his salty excitement. The groan Roger let out told you it felt good, so you slowly kissed just below the head with new-found confidence.
“Bloody hell that feel´s fucking amazing, Y/N”, Roger whined, his hand shooting down to grab onto your hair. Feeling brave, you wrapped your lips around his tip, looking up to eye Roger´s reaction. His eyes went wide, his grip on your hair tightening as he made the prettiest sound you´ve ever heard.
You hummed against his cock, slowly starting to move your hand in tandem with your mouth. You didn´t take him far into your mouth, just the tip, but it was enough for Roger to feel his orgasm build at an alarming rate. He desperately tried to hold back from thrusting up into your mouth, knowing it was something you had to work your way towards.
“Wow wow wooow, that´s enough”, Roger said, desperation laced in his voice as he pulled your moth off of his cock. “You´re going to make me fucking cum if you keep that up”
“Sorry”, you mumbled, but couldn´t hold back the proud grin spreading all over your face.
“It´s nothing to be sorry about, love. I just want to have sex first, if you still want to that is”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I want to?”, you giggled.
“Just checking”, Roger said, pulling you down for a kiss.
“I know, but I really want to. I want you”
“Hmm, good”, he mumbled into your lips, “Do you have any condoms?”
“Yeah”, you said, moving off his body and the bed to walk over to the dresser. You rummaged through your underwear drawer until you found the packet of condoms you kept just in case. Letting out a sigh of relief when you saw they were still in date, you moved to close the drawer. The bottle of lube rolled out, making you stop.
“Lube?”, you asked, turning around to look at Roger.
“Yeah, it´ll make it better”, he smiled, opening his arms for you as you returned to his side. You threw the condom at him, watching as he ripped it open and carefully slid it down his length.
“Do you have a favorite position, Y/N?”, Roger asked, turning his attention to you once again. You shook your head, picking at this skin on your fingers.
“Inexperienced, remember?”
“Right, how about you ride me? That way you can control the pace”, he suggested, reaching out to grab your hands in his. He helped you straddle his waist again, hissing when your heat grazed his sensitive cock.
You reached for the bottle of lube, pouring a decent amount onto his shaft before tossing it aside. Roger tugged at your free hand, making you look up at him. He puckered his lips and arched his eyebrows, making you let out a giggle before leaning down and pressing your lips to his. The kiss was slower this time, more passionate. Both of you drunk off of each other´s presence.
“Ready?”, Roger asked as you pulled away. He reached up cup your cheek, running his thumb over your bottom lip. You smiled into his touch, nodding your head.
Reaching down to line him up with your entrance, you drew in a deep breath before slowly sinking down onto his shaft. Your mouth fell open as you felt the slight burning sensation as he stretched you out. The lube definitely helped, but it was still a tight fit. You closed your eyes as he bottomed you out, steadying your hands on his chest as you focused on your breathing. Trying to work through the burn.
“Are you okay, Y/N? We can stop if it´s too much”, Roger said, concerned lacing his voice as your expression. You tentatively opened one of your eyes, shooting him a smile as you clenched around him.
“Yeah I just need two seconds”, you said.
“Take all the time you need, love”, he said, placing his hands over yours. He wanted you to feel comfortable, but the urge to move was almost too much for him to handle. Your walls were hugging him so perfectly, fitting around him like glove. He felt the knot in his stomach tighten already.
“Okay I´m good”, you muttered as you slowly started moving your hips. You lifted up slowly, sinking down onto his cock. The slight burn quickly disappeared as pleasure took over, his cock rubbing against your g-spot with your every move.
“Fuck you´re so tight, love. Feel so fucking good around my cock”, Roger moaned, moving his hands to grab onto your hips. You could tell he was getting impatient, his hands guiding your movements, hips coming up to meet your thrusts.
You could feel the knot in your stomach tightening once again as his tip nudged your front wall with each thrust. But you wanted more, needed more. You leant back on Roger´s knees, letting him take control for a while. Which was an opportunity he was not going to pass up.
He had to hold back on not cumming as he watched his cock disappear into your heat, hearing the slick noises of skin against skin. Watching your boobs bounce as you moved. Roger reached a hand down to rub circles over your clit. A bolt of pleasure shot up your body, your thighs starting to shake as you held yourself up.
“R-Roger, I need more”, you whined, placing your hands back on his chest, looking him in the eyes. “I need you to fuck me”
Roger let out an animalistic growl, grabbing your hips harder and flipping you over. He perched himself on his elbows, moving your legs up to wrap around his waist.
A gasp left your mouth as he started thrusting. He went so much deeper this way, his blue eyes focused on yours. It felt so intimate, so hot. So personal. Your orgasm starting to build up once more.
You snaked a hand down your body, fingers coming to rest on your aching clit. Your walls clenching around his cock in pleasure.
“I-Shit I´m gonna cum if you keep doing that”, Roger muttered, his thrust haltering for just a second before he went back to his steady rhythm. He picked up the pace, snapping his hips against yours as he nudged you closer and closer to your climax.
Just as you were about to let go, Roger slowed his movements, his head falling into your neck.
“Wh-what, why did you stop?”, you asked frantically, desperate for a release. To feel that wave of absolute euphoria again. Your breath came out of your mouth in short and quick spurts, chest rising and falling rapidly.
“I was about to cum”, he moaned, stilling his hips completely. “I want you to finish too”
“No no no, I was so close, Roger. Please start moving again. I need to cum so bad”, you begged, your clit twitching under your touch in utter desperation.  
“Shit, sorry”, Roger said, immediately snapping his hips against yours. “That was quick”
“Shut up”, you mumbled, giggling at the proud smirk on Roger´s face. He looked so fucking smug and pleased with himself.
He grabbed one of your legs, propping it up on your shoulder to reach even deeper. He put all his might into his thrusts, desperately holding back his release until you got there too.
You were starting to see starts, your fingers frantically moving over your clit as you felt the knot in your stomach on the verge on unraveling.
“I-I´m gonna, ´m gonna cum, Roger”, you whined, reaching your free hand up to grab onto his forearm. You dug your nails into his skin, closing your eyes.
“Me too, love. Cum for me, need to feel you cum all over my cock”
The desperate tone of Roger´s voice was what you needed to fall over the edge. Your orgasm hit you like a train going a million miles an hour, almost punching all the air out of your lungs. You arched off the bed, screaming Roger´s name, not even caring that your neighbors could hear. All you could focus on was the pleasure that was shooting up your core and Roger´s cock nudging against your g-spot, guiding you through your high.
The feeling of your walls clenching around his cock was enough to push Roger over the edge. His head fell back as it rippled through his body, emptying his load into the condom. He rode out both your orgasms, dragging it out as long as possible.
You winced when Roger pulled out, suddenly feeling way too empty. He removed the condom, tying it off and chucking it towards the bin in the corner of your room. Roger wore the dopiest smile you had even seen as he turned towards you, laying down on his side. He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, letting his fingers tickle your temple lightly.
Giggling, you placed your hand over his to stop him. You brought it down to your lips to place a soft kiss to the back of his hand.
“So, how was that?”, Roger asked, a smile still plastered on his face.
“Really good”
“Mhm”, you replied, leaning in to press your lips to his. “I mean I´ve only ever had sex once before and it was in a bathroom at a party, so I don´t really have anything to compare it to. But yeah”
“Did he make you cum?”, Roger asked, feeling a wave of jealousy hit him.
“No, he went in dry and lasted like 1 minute. No foreplay what so ever”, you giggled, your heart soaring as his face lifted. You made Roger Taylor jealous.
“Why?”, you asked, pretending you didn´t notice his demeanor.
“Because I want to be the only guy who ever makes you cum”, he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You arched your eyebrow, letting out another giggle. Not able to hold back the school-girl-with-a-crush grin that accompanied it.
“That´s bold of you to say on a fifth date”
“A guy can dream, can´t he? Like you said, you´ve made me soft, Y/N”, Roger said, pulling you closer and pressing his lips to yours.
When you woke up the next morning, you couldn´t feel Roger´s presence anymore. You patted the bed next to you, but there was nothing but mattress under your hand. You felt your heart sink in your chest. Of course, he had gotten what he wanted. No need to stick around when he finally got into your pants. He was just like every other guy. You fought back your tears as you stood up, determined to not let it get to you.
Putting on an oversized t-shirt, you decided to make yourself a coffee. You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw his shoes was still by the door, and suddenly the smell of cooking filled your nostrils. You curiously made your way to the kitchen, surprised to find Roger in just his boxers, whistling away as he stood by the stove.
He seemed to notice your presence because he turned around. His eyes raked over you nearly-naked body before they met yours. You let out a breath you didn´t even know you were holding in.
“What´s wrong, Y/N? You look like you´ve seen a ghost”, Roger said, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.
“I thought you left”, you muttered, drifting your gaze towards the floor. Embarrassed that you had doubted him.
“Hey, don´t worry”, he said, quickly crossing the distance and cupping your head in his hands. “I would never leave without telling you. I promise”
“I know, I´m sorry. I´m just insecure”, you mumbled.
Roger gave you a crocked smile, quickly leaning down to press his lips against yours. He poured all his emotions into the kiss, silently telling you how much he cared about you.
“How about you go take a nice warm shower and I´ll have breakfast ready when you´re done, yeah?”
You nodded, pressing one last kiss to his lips before turning around.
“Wait!”, Roger yelled, grabbing your hand and pulling you close. You cocked your head in question, worried about what was wrong.
“I just want to kiss you again”, he said, a blush creeping onto his face. You giggled before leaning up to capture his lips with yours. Roger let out a satisfied sigh into the kiss.
“Now can I go?”, you asked, smiling.
“Mhm”, he mumbled, before placing one last kiss on your lips. A shower was just what you needed, suddenly very aware of the soreness between your legs. You smiled at the thought of last night, the butterflies in your stomach going into a frenzy.
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
I just want to say thank you for even considering my match-up 🥺❤ ily ily so much aH 💖💕💗
hello !! can i request a demon slayer, mystic messenger and haikyu match-up? I’m a 5"4 straight female girl, black hair and brown eyes and (sometimes) wear glasses wOoP
as for personality- i like to think that i am a good student and my friends say that i’m determined and dedicated towards my goals but this can lead me to be very stressed in a short period of time. My personality type is an INFJ and i am play the role of the mother in my friend group. I tend to bottle up my feelings, this (again) can lead me to breakdowns and attacks (but i’m working on it :)) I hate crowded places but really love cafes. oml- I’ve been dying to go to the cafes after quarantine ends. I really love the smell of coffee and have been trying out recipes on my own in the meantime :). you can always find me in your local cafe, either doing my work or just chilling around.
likes/dislikes- i really love babies, like if i could hold one for the whole day, i would do it without a doubt. I also enjoy spending my free time just playing instruments (currently learning 3, one of them is the piano :)) I’ve been taught to play them since i was a smol child :) oh! and I recently got into a lot of reading so that’s cool ;D i mentioned this before but i am also learning how to make different beverages during quarantine, so far, andd studying medical science in my free time is a common thing for me.
aspirations/dreams- I am now studying to become a medical professional (whether it is a doctor or anything else- im not sure), and this has been my goal since i was a child. This is a bit cliche but i want to give back to the world, i want to see smiles in children's faces and i want to be satisfied with what i do.
one last thing- thank you so so much for writing the match-up, i really love you guys and the content you published. Everything is just *chef’s kiss*. If it is not too much of a burden, is it okay for you to make this anonymous? again, thank youuu, i’ll be looking forward to your future works! ❤️
Hello and thank you for submitting with us! And I am so glad that you love our work, and I hope you keep on supporting us as we grow! I sincerely hope you enjoy the boys I paired you up with!
>Admin 𝕋
𝐼 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽...
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This well-mannered lovable man, Daichi, would be the best for you!!! He will love how you look, though look don’t necessarily matter to him, but if it’s you, then he will absolutely adore your black hair and brown eyes! And your short stature? Don’t worry about it, you’re just more huggable to him, than others are! And when there are times that you wear your glasses, he will literally dote on you, telling you you look so cute!
As for personality, he will like the fact that you are a good, reliable student, since he is a captain of the volleyball team, he understand the need for someone who is responsible and level headed! He will also understand when you can get stressed, and when he sees you that you are having a tough time, he will do everything in his power to make you feel more comfortable and relaxed! Daichi will feel such a big bonding moment with the fact that you are also kind of a parental figure to your friends like he is with his teammates! When you tell him that you hate crowded areas, which he will make sure not to take you, and when you two are on a date, and he sees a rather unoccupied cafe, Daichi will suggest going there to decompress from the day. He would even buy your favorite coffee without having to ask! 
Daichi loves babies too! The fact that you love babies, and would want to hold them when you see them will make his heart soar. It would make him imagine what his future would be with you and a newborn, and just the thought of that makes him so incredibly happy! Since you play instruments, he would want you to play something for him! Something that you are confident, so that he can watch you play with a smile on your face, loving what you are playing! And the fact that you are learning how to make drinks would be cool to him, he would even ask you to make something for him, or have him be your guinea pig for experimental drinks!
When he hears that you are studying to be a medical professional, and the reason you want to be a medical professional is to give back and help people, he will be so so so proud of you, and so happy that you are so caring and kind! He will see hoe stressful it is to study such difficult content and would hope that his presence would be able to help you through the toughness of exams and labs! He would help you in anyway he can, from getting stuff you need for your studies from making sure that you get enough rest!
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Ah yes, the calm and collected Jumin Han, would be the best man for you in mystic messenger! For appearance, I think he find you very cute and compact. He would just stare down at you for long periods of time, with a blank stare and nod his head afterwards and walk away with a smile on his face. Now, this is just him appreciating how you look and thinking you are perfect for him!
For personality, Jumin would be super appreciative of the fact that you are so reliable and responsible! He wouldn’t want anybody less than someone who is successful and smart! Though when he notices that you work yourself a little too hard sometimes, he will gently scold, take you away from what is causing you that stress, and have a professional come and give you shoulder massage! He will think it is quite cute that you are the mom friend of the group, and how all your friends rely on you, but he will only like to an extent and not when they just use you! He will understand the bottling up feelings and taking it out on others, since he can do the same thing, but you both can help each other be more calm, and collected, and help each other to be better than that! When he figures out that you love cafes and making coffee, Jumin will quite literally just buy a cafe, and then whenever you want to use it, he will clear it out so only you and him and be in it!
Jumin, I feel, is indifferent to babies, but once he sees you carrying a random baby in your arms, he will have this revelation and think, that yeah, he would definitely want to have a baby with you, especially if you look that happy! When he learns that you also play some instruments, one of them being the piano, he would be very impressed, but critical if you are any good or not. And when he finds out that you are really good, he would shower you with compliments! And when he sees you making new drinks for your cafe, he would want to drink them, and give you his honest opinion, not to be mean, but to make sure that you do well when you are experimenting!
Jumin will think that you are so amazingly cool, with the fact that you are wanting to become a medical professional. Jumin will do anything he can do to help you, from buying your books from you, or helping you study keywords, so that you can do really well on the exams! And when you do well on said exam, he will congratulate you by giving you a very special present! He will just love that fact you are so compassionate, and wants to give back to the people and community!
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The head strong yet kind man, Tanjiro from Demonslayer! For appearances, he will love the cute stature you have, thinking it only heightens how cute you are to him! And with your brown and and brown hair, he will also think that you are quite attractive. In his eyes, simplicity is best! He will see you and think how huggable you are! And when you where your glasses sometimes, boom, his heart will explode! Don’t break him too hard!
For personality, he will really appreciate the fact that you are such a good and reliable student, and that you are like the mom friend to your friends. He will feel a connection with you on that, seeing as he is friends with zenitsu and inosuke, who he has to watch over all the time and make sure they don’t hurt each other! And when you get too stressed and start to lash out, he will tell you what he feels, how he feels and help you through the emotions that you can’t process, until you calmed down and eventually able to make sure you never take your frustration out again! When Tanjiro is told that you hate crowded places but absolutely love cafes, he will take a mental note of that. And when he sees an empty cafe that has exclusive homemade dango, Tanjirow will take your hand drag you to the place, so both of you can have a wonderful time!
Tanjiro will love of the fact that you love babies! He wants to have lots of babies, most likely to fill that void of losing his family! And whenever he sees you with a baby, he will get a huge smile on his face, and would just want to kiss you, and tell you how much he loves you! He will also think that it is so cool that you play three different instruments, and would definitely want to hear you play something for him! so that he can just compliment you as you play for him! And when Tanjiro sees that you read a lot, he will be super impressed, thinking that he should read more often, like you do, to bond over it with you!
When you tell him that you want to be a medical professional, he will feel his heart ache in love for you! You being compassionate, and wanting to give back to the people, and healing children so that you can see them smile and be healthy, it will make him love you even more! It make him see just how much of a kind person you are, and it will make him to marry you on the spot!
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
Been thinking for a while that I’d like to do a light behind-the-scenes glimpse into one of the themes in the newest Gladiator story arc. While it’s not the very core element of the arc, the source of Azula’s current struggle in the story came from... an unexpected place.
Unexpected as in, it came from LOK.
Okay, in all fairness, it’s not quiiiiiiiite something that came from LOK itself, but it’s a take on an idea I had while pondering the various reasons why Asami’s character wouldn’t really take off for me in the show. Well, beyond the obvious reasons why it wouldn’t *cough* Book 2 *cough*... 
I’ve always said I’m more than a little confused by how a character like Asami, with just 20-something years of age at the time of LOK Book 4, has enough talent and know-how to not only be a top-of-the-line engineer (which, yes, is believable enough on its own), but to also be a CEO in her own company (I gueeeess since the company falls into her hands and she mismanages it plenty in Book 2, it’s not that impossible to feature this in conjunction with the first thing?), a clothing designer, an architect AND a urbanist, capable of driving every machine known to man, an outstanding hand-to-hand fighter...!
... If you really think about it in cold blood, it feels like a little too much.
BUT. Instead of boringly accusing Asami of being a Mary Sue (which I’m sure some people might) for having a thousand talents that we don’t really see her work for, that she just developed offscreen, I thought the show would have benefited greatly from actually focusing on how Asami is handling the constant, desperate need of so many authorities in Republic City to have HER resolving all their problems.
Therefore, instead of a Reunion episode with a conflict focused on rescuing a kidnapped Wu (whom I profoundly dislike as a character, not for his role, but his personality is simply barf-worthy for me and the amount of focus Book 4 gave him was, as a lot of things, detrimental to the show as a whole, in my opinion), I thought LOK’s Book 4 could have instead featured a Reunion episode focused on Asami... which, of course, would also be a nice way to fix some of the lackluster onscreen development of Korrasami. So... let’s go onwards with my episode pitch:
Picture that Korra is about to reunite with Mako and Asami for the first time in all those years, same as in canon. Asami arrives! Yay, Korra is happy, Asami compliments her hair, just like in canon... aaaand then Asami says she can’t really stay, she just dropped by quickly because this REALLY matters to her, but there’s this pressing issue going on at the company and she has to deal with it RIGHT NOW, because no one else can. So, woops.
Korra is completely disappointed (and probably doesn’t even understand WHY she’s so disappointed, hinting at deeper feelings for Asami that Korra hasn’t even stopped to reason with yet), but she sees Asami off while pretending this doesn’t bug her (for Asami’s benefit), and ends up spending the evening with Mako but clearly she’s not enjoying it as much as she hoped to. Which could result in Mako being pretty surprised by whatever closeness and bond those two seem to have now, noticing that he seems to have fallen to second place in Korra’s eyes somehow.
So! Skipping ahead, perhaps to the next day, Korra tries to check on Asami again! :D Oh, but she’s got to work on the airbenders’ outfits, some have been having trouble with the aerodynamics of it, and it’s just not working as Asami intended, so more calculations are needed! She takes to studying on the subject frantically, has to figure out what formula she’s missing or messing up, and while Korra offers to help, she knows there’s not really anything she can do to give Asami a hand since this stuff is well out of Korra’s area of expertise.
Then, when Asami is finally finished, OH NO! An emergency in the train she inaugurated at the start of the season! Asami has to go deal with that too! And of course, Korra goes too, while wondering how TF does this damn city even run without Asami...
... And then realizing it actually doesn’t. There’s a president who basically dumps all the difficult issues on Asami because she has the know-how and the resources to deal with all the city’s problems, there’s an airbending master who requested for that same girl to help with the designs of his people’s combat outfits instead of dealing with it himself or finding someone else to help, there’s an entire vehicle company (ranging from cars to AIRPLANES) that depends on HER. And it’s just SO. MUCH. SHIT. For a girl who’s like... 20? 21? How old is Asami at this point? xD I don’t even remember. But the point I’m trying to get to...
Is that Asami should be overwhelmed. She hasn’t had anyone helping her, she deals with everything alone, and it doesn’t matter how hard she tries to work through this, there’s always one more problem, one more obstacle, one more bothersome thing she has to tackle, and nobody seems to stop and think that maybe she could use a break. That maybe she needs a nap because she hasn’t had one in 20 months. That maybe things in this damn city would be in a better place if people didn’t rely on her, and her alone, to resolve the bulk of their problems.
Korra, though, with her latest character growth (... that I’m not really fond of anyhow, but still...), has become a lot better at understanding people’s emotions. And her job as an Avatar is, amongst many things, to help people: someone she cares about deeply, her best friend future girlfriend, is currently going through so much crap and the truth is, Asami needs help. Whether Asami realizes it or not, she needs it. And so, whether it’s Korra’s job or not to help her, that’s all Korra wants to do right now. 
So Korra enlists Mako and then all three deal with whatever that train emergency might be! Asami probably rejects their help at first, out of force of habit of doing everything alone lately, until Korra tells her she doesn’t have to do that anymore. And then Asami’s mind is blown because yeah, maybe there’s a bunch of older people in charge who are happy to dump all responsibilities on her! But that doesn’t mean she has to accept it meekly and save all their asses time after time... and it also doesn’t mean she has to deal with everything alone.
After the train problem is resolved, Korra and Asami (maybe Mako too? But for Korrasami’s purposes, it can just be those two) get to have a small chat about what life has been like for Asami since Korra vanished. The conversation doesn’t merely focus on Hiroshi, which... *cringes* let’s not get into that. It focuses on Asami and the hardships she’s dealing with, seeing as the city is basically using her as a non-bender Avatar, in the sense of leaving all the problem-solving to Asami alone. Korra probably apologizes, Asami probably tells her not to feel guilty, because she has had it rough, and Asami understands that better than anyone, especially after what she’s been through lately.
It’s a cute, heartfelt moment, not necessarily romantic yet, but featuring a strong, meaningful bonding scene between these two! Asami wants to go back to work on some pending stuff, and Korra respects that, though she warns Asami not to overdo it. Asami promises she won’t... and the next time Korra checks on her, Asami is asleep on her desk or something like that. Korra smiles and puts a blanket on her shoulders, and when someone else arrives to say something REALLY BAD is going on, Korra shushes them and decides to deal with it herself (as long as she can), and, if she can’t, she’ll find someone else to do it in Asami’s stead so the girl can sleep safe and sound for the first time in ages.
Episode pitch over! :’D
*siiiiiiiiiigh* alright, so yeah, this was something I originally thought of as a replacement episode, to further explore and establish a bond between Korra and Asami that wouldn’t really resolve all of the rushed-Korrasami problems... but it would make it so much clearer that those two share a different bond, and a very special understanding of each other, that the other two Krew members simply don’t have with either of them. It’d deepen their relationship, but the most important element about this for me was that it’d be an Asami-focused episode and plotline. However brief it would have been, my idea was to feature Asami facing her own problems, not problems based on her relationship with other people (be it family or romance). It was also a way to show that she’s not indestructible or just the go-to problem solver with neverending resources and talents that the plot can exploit at leisure whenever it feels like it. And, most importantly, that Asami can’t and SHOULDN’T be the answer to every problem in Republic City, especially when she’s only delivering those answers off-screen, offering the viewers next to no chance to see her in action, kicking ass at all the things she apparently has insane expertise on.
As far as I know, the two LOK comic trilogies haven’t really done much for Asami either. I haven’t read them so I could be wrong, but from what I can gather from comments of people who have read them and the books’ summaries, she’s still Korra’s girlfriend first and foremost, gets kidnapped so she can be used as a hostage to manipulate Korra, and then gets brainwashed into fighting against Korra...? If this is truly how it is, again, Asami just gets reduced to a satellite character, in the sense that she just revolves around other people as though that’s all there is to her character, canon-wise. Which... makes me sad. She had potential, plenty of potential worth exploring, if only the show’s writing had been more paused and allowed their characters to breathe and grow organically, as a consequence of their own actions and decisions rather than by being forced into hellish situations persistently until they broke out of desperation.
So... LOK really had the chance to explore a much more human side of Asami that they’ve neglected to acknowledge so far (from what I know), a chance to deepen her character by displaying that no one of such young age should have so many difficult responsibilities dumped on her shoulders... which, again, could be expanded into a metaphor for the Avatar’s role, showing both Korra and Asami as two highly capable women who could achieve great things... but who need a chance to be normal too, once in a while. From the looks of it, neither of them have had that chance in canon (yes, Korra was stuck in a compound all her life but Asami must have been stuck in constant lessons at every discipline she has mastered? If she can deal with all those jobs of hers as flawlessly as she has, I don’t think she had much of a life before LOK started), and it would have been really nice of the deeper, darker show LOK wanted to be to acknowledge that a bunch of grown-ups, who had relatively smooth lives in their youth, dumping so much heavy work on a pair of girls who are just becoming young adults and barely had childhoods of their own, is just damn nasty :’D just as it was nasty in a show featuring a much younger cast... *innocent whistling*
Alas, this was just one idea that won’t ever go anywhere in canon, as is obvious. I’m sure I mentioned it at least once before, not as thoroughly as I did just now, but this is more or less what I had in mind. If you dump a thousand things on a character, it would only be fair to let them suffer for it, to a fault. Maybe don’t feature them whining because they have soooo much work to do... but turn them into workaholics! Show that they’re struggling to make everything pay off, that this kind of burden isn’t child’s play because in real life, it simply wouldn’t be.
But, as there’s next to no chance Asami will ever get this sort of development, I merely stashed this idea on my back burner, in case it might come in handy in the future... 
... And then I returned to it once Gladiator’s Enforcers became a solid reality. Azula has been dealing with challenges that are rather different from those Asami dealt with... but ultimately, the responsibilities both girls have taken up, Asami in canon and Azula in my story, were just insanely big. Azula, in Gladiator, has had very little time to spare for “secondary” pursuits since the previous arc, and in the current one that has become a problem because she simply CAN’T stop working. She goes home and instead of going to bed, keeps on working. She’s constantly on edge, assuming that any time not spent working is wasted time, time she should take advantage of to further improve her projects and endeavors... to the point where people are starting to notice she’s slightly overwhelmed, extremely stressed out, and needs to calm down :’D
I really had wanted to explore these themes in overachieving characters, who take up far too many responsibilities, more than are reasonable. While I’ll always consider it a really big waste of potential that LOK never gave Asami this particular dimension, despite her character 100% warranted it, at least I had the chance to explore this with Azula instead, and I’m honestly really pleased with the result, because it suits her really well too. The outcome won’t be at all like what I just outlined for the LOK episode that never was, and the current story arc will take a vastly different direction... which is why I thought it would be fun to explain where this particular, new dimension of Azula’s character had come from.
Aaaanyways... the bottomline is, Return to Shu Jing is here. And I reeeeeally love this arc. I hope that those of you reading and staying up to date with the story will love it too!
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ryqoshay · 4 years
Tri-Arame: RPG Night
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Secondary Pairings: AiRina, Shizu??? Words: ~2.8k Rating: T’ish for some fantastical violence and a mildly suggestive ending Time Frame: First year of college? Maybe second? Dunno yet Story Arc: Stand Alone (for now... I may indulge more in this later)
Author’s Note: This may be my most self-indulgent chapter yet; doing a crossover of sorts with my own unpublished work and even bringing in my screennamesake. And trying a new formatting style to boot. But after Setsu’s Bond episode revealed she liked TTRPGs, I couldn’t stop thinking about this. Well, except to get sidetracked by writing two other scenes...
Anyway for those who are unfamiliar with my D&D story - read: at least 95% of my readers, probably more but that's the cap for a d20 - names may get a bit messy and confusing. Most of my OCs have a given name, family name and a call sign. And several have nicknames. I’ll give a list of who is playing who here at the start, but for a bit more information on the in-game characters, please refer to the notes in my Followup Post.
Player - Character Call Sign - Character Name Setsuna - Dungeon Master Yuu - Ryqoshay - Rebecca Bouteillevoix Ayumu - Yozakura - Hakumei Yaiba Rina - Nullsilver Luna Ai - Recipere (Rx) - Rachel Ira Xaviera Shizuku - Lady Sanguine - Vivian Sexton / Sanguine
Ryqoshay couldn’t help a smirk as she took careful aim. It didn’t matter that her bodyguard, Yozakura, was engaging her intended target in close quarters, in fact that was a boon. The girl knew her best friend’s fighting style better than anyone, so it was merely a task of picking the right moment. The bandit wouldn’t know what hit him.
Dodge. Feint. Parry. Strike. Now. She released her arrow.
“Nice! A Nat 20! Roll to confirm your crit. Perfect. Now for damage and don’t forget your bonus.”
“Yatta!” Ryqo cheered as the bandit collapsed, clutching his throat where the arrow had struck. The man was dead before he hit the ground and the raven-haired archer scampered toward the blonde ninja. “Yoza-chan! Thanks for keeping him distracted for me!” she threw herself into a tackling hug.
“Y-Yuu-chan?” Yoza stammered. “What are you doing?”
“Yuu-chan?” Ryqo cocked her head to side. “Who’s that? I’m Ryqo, remember?”
“Are you guys talking in character or OOC?”
“O-Oh… uhm, sorry Setsuna-chan… I meant Ryqo-chan.”
“Ne, Ayumu, would a super serious girl like Yozakura really use -chan?”
“Aren’t they childhood friends?”
“Well, yeah, kinda like you and me, but…”
“Honestly, are you two in or out of character?”
“Sorry, Shizuku-chan, we’re still learning our characters.”
“It’s alright. Maybe we can talk more about things after this battle is done?”
The DM cleared her throat. “Anyway, Sanguine, you’re up.”
A manic bout of laughter from nearby caught their attention.
“That’s the last of ‘em!” Lady Sanguine practically shouted as she stood over the bodies of several bandits, her two longswords coated in almost as much blood as she was herself. “Too easy! You guys are a hundred years too early to think you could defeat me. And look, your blood has barely sated my blades. Pitiful! More! I demand more bloodshed!”
“Were we not to leave at least one alive for interrogation?” Recipere made her way over to the redheaded barbarian, healing magicks already gathering around her hands.
“Woops…” Ryqo chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck with one hand, while refusing the remove the other arm from around Yoza. “I was just caught up in watching Viv-ne-chan take down all those bad guys that I didn’t want to be left out of the fun.”
“Woah, I got you, I got you, Vivian.” The blonde cleric said as the barbarian collapsed into her arms.
Vivian mumbled something unintelligible as her rage subsided and her personified bloodlust retreated into her mind.
”What’s up, Setsuna-chan?”
“Nothing, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” The DM’s giggles betrayed her words as she read something from her phone. “I’m awarding Inspiration to Vivian Sexton.”
“Thanks.” Shizuku responded with a smile. “This Vivian/Sanguine persona switching thing is turning out to be quite interesting.”
“Ne, Luna-chan!” Ryqo called over to the team’s artificer. “Was that really all of them?”
Nullsiver Luna held a finger to her lips as she stared at some device in her hand. Silence reigned in the roadside clearing for almost a full minute, the local fauna having long since been scared off by the sounds of the battle that had finally ended. Suddenly, the orange-haired girl pointed and a moment later, an anguished cry sounded from a stand of shrubs a short way into the woods. From the sky, something dived into a nearby tree while something else scampered across the road into the brush.
“Race you there, Yoza-chan.” Ryqo let go of her bodyguard and made for the bushes.
“Y… Ryqo, wait! It’s dangerous, let me go first!”
“Nope!” The archer cried happily over her shoulder. “If you wanna get there first, you gotta be faster than me!”
Yozakura couldn’t help releasing a frustrated grumble before she followed her charge. With her training, however, she easily caught up to and passed the other girl, but remained annoyed as the two approached the scene.
“What in Karla’s name are these things?!” A young man, not much older than the two girls cried, his eyes shifting rapidly among several gathered devices.
“They are my familiars.” A blue-haired artificer stepped into view.
“Wait, Rinari, wasn’t Luna’s hair orange earlier?”
“Itov Altiui, to me.” Nullsiver held out her arm, upon which the bird-like contraption landed and stood like a well-trained hawk. “Moxt Tonash, Weyog Kornari, maintain your positions.” She instructed the cat-like and spider-like automatons.
“Where did you come up with names like those, Rinari? I love them! You have to tell me what they mean!”
“I’m interested as well, Rina-san. I was intrigued when I read them in your character bio and would love to work something into a future campaign.”
“… I can send it to you two…”
“Thanks, Rinari!”
“Yes, thank you. Anyway, where were we?”
“Those don’t look like any familiars I’ve seen.” The bandit continued.
“I made them.” Luna responded simply.
“Well, now that we have your attention,” Rx suddenly appeared from the direction of the road, a fully healed Vivian in tow “we have a few questions for you.”
“I’m not telling you anything!” The young man practically shouted.
“Oh ho?” The redheaded barbarian grinned, slowly drawing her swords.
The bandit flinched, but otherwise remained defiant.
“We just want to know where your boss and the rest of your gang is hiding.” Ryqo spoke up.
The bandit spat towards the girl’s feet.
“Take me to your leader!” The archer demanded.
“What’s the matter, Ayu-pyon? That was hilarious!”
“As amusing as that was,” the DM interjected “I’m afraid neither of your Intimidation checks were successful. Would someone else like to try their hand?”
“Like I said, I ain’t telling you guys nothing!” The bandit insisted. “The boss will kill me if I gave away our hideout’s location.”
“You realize, of course, that we’ll kill you if you don’t.” Rx stated, matter-of-factly.
The young man glanced among Vivian and Yozakura’s blades, Ryqo’s bow and the three automatons. “You guys ain’t got nothing on the boss.”
“Tell me.” The artificer began. “When you cried out earlier, was it because Weyog Kornari bit you?”
“You mean this thing?” He kicked at the spider, which dodged with ease.
“What of it? It didn’t hurt much.”
Luna raised an eyebrow but did not attempt to dispute the claim. “I believe I should inform you that you have been poisoned.”
“Yeah, so?”
“You may not feel much now, but you will. Soon. Everyone reacts a little different, so you may notice some blurred vision, shortness of breath, chills, perhaps some perspiration despite the chills…” She spoke in an almost unnerving monotone as she continued to list potential symptoms of the toxin.
The bandit held a hand up and stared at its visible shaking.
“Ah. I see. That would be your nerves being attacked at the chemical level.”
The bandit suddenly convulsed.
“It will hurt. A lot.” Luna continued to explain solemnly. “Until it reaches your heart. Then it will hurt more.” She knelt beside him and held out a tiny vial for him to see. “This is the antidote. Only this can save you as I have ensured my poisons cannot be cured by magical means.”
The young man tried to reach for the vial but ended up clutching at his chest before convulsing again and curling into a fetal position.
“Tell us the location of your base of operations.”
“Alr…” The bandit began before choking off. Despite his entire body shaking now, he managed to make what appeared to be a nodding motion.
“Recipere, Lady Sanguine, please hold him.” Luna requested of her guildmates.
“Right.” Rx replied, moving forward, alongside Vivian.
Once the spasming man was secure, Luna pulled the cork from the vial and upturned it into his mouth. Within moments, his shakes began to fade until he lay still completely.
“Is he dead?” Ryqo asked, poking at his arm with the end of her bow.
Vivian delivered a quick backhand across the bandit’s face. His eyes snapped open and he gasped.
“Ready to talk now?” Ryqo leaned over the bandit with an all too cheerful grin. “If you’re really that worried about what your boss might do to you for spilling the beans, let me assure you we’ll be taking care of him as soon as you tell us where he is. Then you’ll be free to run along and join some other bad guys and we’ll meet again when some other town hires us to get rid of you. Sound like a plan? I think it sounds fun.”
The young man stared up in confusion at the archer. His gaze drifted over to Luna, then to the spider automaton and back to the artificer. With a sigh he began to reveal the location of the hideout.
“Alright, that seems like a good place to call things for the night.” Setsuna said, glancing up over the top of her DM screen. “But before I forget, Rina-chan, Nullsilver was the one to get the bandit to talk and your performance was quite chilling so I’m awarding her Inspiration.”
“Mm.” Rina confirmed with a nod.
“Rinari, that was amazing!” Ai marveled, leaning over to throw an arm around her girlfriend and pull her close. “It honestly sent shivers down my spine.” She giggled as she nuzzled the younger girl’s cheek. “Who would’ve thought you could be so evil.”
“Not evil. Just not good.”
“Rina-chan’s right.” Setsuna nodded. “You’re from a guild of mercenaries, technically none of you are good; you’re all Neutral on that scale. Sure, you’re currently contracted with a town that’s more good leaning, but you could just have easily been hired by the bandits instead.”
“Oh dear, is that the time?” Shizuku sighed as she checked her phone. She looked across the table at Ai and Rina. “We’ve missed the last trains of the night.”
“You guys can stay here if you want.” Yuu offered.
“That’s not the problem.” Shizuku lamented. “She’s not going to be happy…” She started typing something on her phone.
Ai laughed. “Just tell her to join us next time.”
“Next session would actually be the perfect time for a new player to join.” Setsuna pointed out. “We can work it into the story that you guys sent for another merc from your guild to assist in the raid of the bandit camp. And I can adjust the threat levels of the encounter as needed.”
Shizuku nodded. “I’ll be sure to ask her again…” Her phone chimed and she frowned upon checking the message. “I know I’m about to get an earful, but I’m going to call her.” She stood up.
“You can use my room.” Yuu said. “If you’re good with a couch, you can use that, otherwise Ayumu will have to help me find our guest futon.”
“Thank you, the couch will be fine.” The younger girl nodded and excused herself.
“Yuyu, you still don’t have an actual bed?” Ai asked.
“I like it.” Yuu shrugged. “Though I suppose there is one bed I prefer these days.” She pointed a thumb over her shoulder to indicate Ayumu’s bed behind her.
“Of course.” Ai turned to Setsuna. “So, does that mean we’re to take your room, Setsu?”
“Yes.” Setsuna nodded. “Everything is clean because, well…”
“Because you sleep here.” Ai chuckled.
“Honestly, I’m surprised you all fit.”
“It’s actually quite comfortable.” Ayumu spoke up, somehow managing to sound less embarrassed than the dusting of red on her cheeks would have otherwise indicated.
“Well we’ll leave you to it, then. C’mon, Rinari.” Ai stood and took the pink-haired girl’s hand.
“Mm.” Rina affirmed, allowing herself to be led out of the room.
“Setsuna-chan!” Yuu threw herself at the raven-haired girl as soon as the door closed.
“Yuu-san? Wha…?” Though the behavior was by no means out of the ordinary, it still surprised Setsuna.
“I’m sorry!”
“I spent the entire night flirting with Ayumu.”
“You mean your character flirted with hers.”
“But, that was perfectly in character? I figured you two would act that way based on the bios you gave me for them.”
“Well, yeah, but I don’t want you to feel left out.”
Upon realizing what Yuu meant, Setsuna laughed lightly. However, she stopped when she felt herself being embraced from the other side as well. “Ayumu-san?”
“Yuu-chan is right,” the redhead said softly “we don’t want you to feel left out.”
“You guys, I…”
“Hey, I know!” Yuu interrupted. “There’s a bunch of other mercs in the guild, right? Why not write up a character of your own to join in the campaign?”
“That’s a good idea.” Ayumu agreed. “I’d like to see what kind of character Setsuna-chan might play.”
“And then I could have my character flirt with Setsuna-chan’s in-game as well!” Yuu concluded.
Setsuna’s mind spun through several possibilities. But as she glanced back and forth between the faces of her two girlfriends, still snuggled in close, something snapped. “Impossible! I can’t!” She cried before a wave embarrassment washed over her from the outburst. “I mean… I…” she fumbled to explain “I have enough to do as DM running the game. It would be too distracting to try to play a character on top of that. Especially if…” She trailed off.
“Especially if…?” Yuu pressed.
“… Especially if you two were flirting with me…” Setsuna admitted sheepishly.
Yuu laughed. “Don’t worry, Setsuna-chan, it would probably be just me doing the flirting, I don’t think Ayumu knows how.”
“I do too know how to flirt.” Ayumu stated, reaching across Setsuna to punch Yuu lightly in the arm.
“Pouting isn’t flirting, it’s just cute.” Yuu pointed out in an amused tone.
“Mmph...” Ayumu puffed her cheeks.
“Case in point.”
“Ayumu-san was indeed very cute tonight with her reactions to Yuu-san.” Setsuna recalled, thankful for a moment’s respite as Yuu focused on Ayumu. “You played your characters well and were in perfect sync in battle. I’m really looking forward to our next session.”
“We did good?” Yuu blinked.
“Very much so.” Setsuna nodded. “With the exceptions of the occasional name slip and confusion about in or out of character talk, but those kinds of things happen in many games. So, honestly, if I didn’t know better, I wouldn’t have guessed this was the group’s first session together.”
“Well, it’s just I thought I wasn’t doing as good as the others because I never earned any Inspiration awards.” Yuu explained. “Ayumu didn’t either.”
Setsuna replayed the night’s game in her head, scouring it for memories of each award. She had recorded them in a document on her laptop, but with her girlfriends hanging off her arms, she was unable to confirm with certainty.
“I know!” Yuu suddenly spoke up, excitement in her voice. “Maybe if we get you some of your favorite snacks for next time, that will earn us a few points?”
Setsuna shook her head. “Sorry, no. Actions taken outside the game like that shouldn’t have an effect in game.”
“Maybe I can give you a massage?”
“That’s even worse.”
“Even though you love me?” Yuu cooed.
“Yuu-san, it is because I love you that I need to take extra precautions. I refuse to participate in the impropriety of playing favorites, or even giving the impression that I am. It would be unfair to the other players and jeopardize the enjoyment of everyone.”
“But is it fair to ignore her completely?” Ayumu interjected.
Had she really not awarded any Inspiration to either Yuu or Ayumu? Setsuna tried to recall again.
“Shizuku-chan was awarded Inspiration for making you laugh with inner dialogue acting.” Ayumu continued. “But Yuu-chan also made you laugh multiple times with her antics, yet…”
“Rina also earned some for her great acting and giving us all the chills. And while I don’t think Yuu-chan’s character could do the same, she certainly entertains in other ways.”
Setsuna sighed. “Perhaps I was being too cautious.” She conceded. “I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.” Yuu said with a smile before craning her neck so she could press a kiss against Setsuna’s cheek.
That was quick. Then again, it was Yuu. Still… “I can’t fairly grant awards via retcon, but I promise I will try to be more fair going forward. I really do want everyone to have fun with this game.”
“We are having fun.” Ayumu assured.
“It was even obvious that Rina-chan was having the time of her life.” Yuu pointed out. “And maybe Shizuku-chan can convince a sixth to join. And if Ayumu and I weren’t having fun we wouldn’t be so excited about the next session.”
Setsuna smiled. “Thank you. So long as my players are interested in continuing, I’ll do my best to DM a good game for them.”
“We know.” Yuu’s tone changed a bit. “And all that hard work deserves a reward, right Ayumu?”
Setsuna gasped as a hand slipped under her sleepshirt to push fingertips past the hem of her shorts and graze across the skin near her bellybutton.
Yuu giggled. “I think Ayumu’s getting a little impatient to issue your reward.”
Whatever Setsuna was about to say in response was cut off as Ayumu covered her mouth with her own.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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myheroaizawashota · 5 years
Woops-- I forgot the song, didn't i? ehhhh I think I did-- This is for Hizashi x Villain reader. Could you use Miss Jackson by Panic! At The Disco?
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[okay fun personal fact about me, panic at the disco is my FAVORITE band, so I’m more than happy to do miss Jackson for this song! For some reason when I think of this it gives a very frisky playful vibe so I’m so excited for this one!!]
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The air around you sat stagnate and calm as the typically bright city lay silent in slumber. You walked your way down the dully lit roads of town, thumb tracing sinfully against your perfectly painted red lips, eyes glistening as the thoughts of bad swirled around in your brain. As the street lights bounced off your beautiful irises, the glint in your eyes only confirmed that your intentions were anything but pure as you walked along the strip of stores. The pickings were ripe tonight as your body strut its way up to the store fronts, the heels of your shoes echoing through the streets as a grin twisted across those devilishly stunning lips of yours. You practically walked on air around here, while many had tried to capture you and apprehend you for all your crimes, none have ever succeeded. You had earned yourself a well deserved reputation for dancing effortlessly out of the authorities grasp, and for that you were proud. Your eyes scanned through the glasses that separated you from all your glittering prizes, only stopping when your attention caught the window display of the jewelry store in front of you. Splayed gorgeously on a luxuriant black satin pillow, lay the most breath taking necklace your eyes had ever seen. Your tongue slipped past the corners of your lips, as your eyes grew hungry to hold that pendant around your own neck. The reflection of the moon bounced off the beautifully cut sapphire that hung surrounded by platinum and diamonds, you unable to contain the compulsion to make it your own. Effortlessly you slipped yourself down the alley way just to the side of the Jeweler’s. With a bit of stealth you managed to wiggle yourself inside the store, a sigh passing your lips. It took a bit of work, but from here on in was were the smooth sailing began. You eyes sparkled with lust as you wandered through the store, finger tips grazing along the display cases that held all the treasures your heart could content. Perhaps that stunning sapphire wouldn’t be the only thing you took tonight. In no rush you took your time smashing the displays open, no phase to your enjoyment as the alarms began to funnel around you. Cockily, your lips tugged into a grin, your fingers gently running across the oddly shaped diamonds that decorated the neck of the piece your heart so badly desired. With a content hum, you placed the piece on your own neck, fingers tracing over the outline of the sapphire where it laid on your chest. “Do you think this looks a bit to much on me Mic?” You asked, as you heard the sound of familiar boot steps coming up from behind you. Confusion played across his features as his brows narrowed together, how did you know It was him? God were you good, and he knew that. After all this wasn’t his first encounter with you. He’ d faced against you on several different accounts, and lost each and every time. You claimed it was always accidental when you two would cross paths, though he was starting to figure out that it was less of an accident so much as a calculated situation. You gave a hum, glancing in the oval store mirror sat on top of the half shattered display in front of you. “Your silence speaks wonders for a man whos never stops flapping his gums” you chuckle turning around to face the other with a smile “You gotta admit though, it looks stunning on me doesn’t it” you hum, body circling around his, your finger tips gently grazing the leather of his jackets collar. The clicking of your heels taunted him, their seemingly ceaseless clicking only stopping when your body stood face to face with his. You watched as he peered down at you past those orange tinted sun glasses of his.
Your body gave a shuttered as the green of his eyes looked you over, his hand rising to lift the sapphire from your chest “it looks like a 10 out of 10” he smiled, fingers moving to the back of your neck working undemanding to undo the clasp one handed. “But I gotta say, it looked better on the pillow were you found it sweetness…I mean unless you’ve got the fortune to pay for it”
A chuckle bounced in your throat as your eyes watched  the necklace drop perfectly into the others palm, he slipping it right into his back pocket. “And I thought you were the fun one” you pout, body moving to gently press against his own. 
You loved this little game of cat and mouse you two had. You‘d come and go whenever you pleased, and he’d fail to stop you. It was adorable. Even when you made the most predictable of moves, the other was always three steps behind you. Leaning on your toes, you let your nose gently nudge the pads of his headphones away as your lips moved to press softly at the space behind his ears, your tongue gently tracing down as far as it could before being stopped by the metal of the stereo that hung around the others neck. “ya know, sometimes I wish you had less pieces to this damn costume” you teased, hands moving to push the heavy leather of his jacket right off his shoulders. 
He couldn’t help bit dig his teeth into the corners of his lips, they tugging down into a frown as he tried to fight against you…though truthfully he didn’t want you to stop. While he knew he had a job to do, he couldn’t help but fall under the lore of your actions every time. With a soft hum, his eyes fluttered half closed his index finger moving to curl under your chin as he drew your lips closer to his own. “ I’ll have you know, my regular clothes are a lot easier to get through, though you wouldn’t know that. Bummer that every time we see each other, its like this…just a lil heads up incase ya didn’t know, if you wanted my attention so bad all ya had to do was ask. You can give me a call any time, I always accept listener requests“ he all but purred.
You couldn’t help but grin as he moved to connect your lips together. Calculating the time frame between the moment you tripped the alarm to when the cops probably dispatched a unite to get to you, you figured you had a good five or six minutes to get your fix for the others attention. While perusing the embers of the spark that constantly ignited between the two of you whenever your paths crossed was not the intended target of your heist tonight, you were more than happy to oblige to the kiss the other placed against your lips. Hands, running down his chest, you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss. Both of you knew this was by far wrong in every aspect, however no matter what you two tried, you always ended up this way. It was a dangerous game you played, even you as cocky as you were, had to be cautious. Knowing your time together was nearing an end, you let your nails drag lightly down his back, hands reaching casually into the back pockets of his jeans. Your eyes flickered open as you felt the others hands wrap around your wrist, he tugging your hands back to the front of his body where he could see them “I can’t tell if thats you trying to get freaky or if your just going after those jewels again” he laughed, forehead moving to press against yours.
A smile crept its way across your face you scoffing a sound. Your head turnt as you heard the sound of sirens approaching the area, well that was your cue to leave. In one swift movement your broke the others hold on your wrist, your body spinning around behind his, shoving him against the floor with a smile. Leaning in you pressed a kiss to the tip of his ear, whispering lowly “i guess you’ll never know” before running off right out the back door. 
Shit! Fist slamming against the ground, the voice hero pushed himself up to his feet moving to chase after you. His efforts were fruitless though, by the time he managed to get to the back door you were gone again. God damnit...not again. 
Trying to shake his failures from the prior nights patrol, the pro hero turned DJ sprawled himself out in his office chair. He had managed to recover the gems from you, but he was still disappointed in himself for once more letting his guard down and allowing you to escape once again. Doing what he did best when his mood was down, he turned to his music. Same time every week his radio show played across the city, anyone within the Tokyo radius would be able to hear the show. Doing what he could to brush the bad vibes from last night off, he turned to the listeners. Interacting with his fans usually did brighten his mood quite a bit. “Heeeeeelloooo Listener! You’re on the air with Present Mic, what can I do for you.” he pouring every bit of enthusiasm he had into the greeting. 
“I was thinking you and me could accidentally meet up again tonight.” 
His heart jumped at the familiar voice, a smile tugging its way onto his lips. "Didn’t think you’d actually call in Listener” 
You just gave a hum, you gnawing away at the corners of your lips “you made some pretty compelling arguments last night. I’ll meet you under the street lights tonight. Don’t worry ill be on my best behaviors.”
Just before he could respond back to you, he was hit with the dial tone of a dead end. A smile played at his lips “Here’s too you Y/N.....comin’ up is the hit new song straight from the USA! Here’s Miss Jackson by Panic at the disco!”
He flipped the switch the song beginning to roll, he grinning like a child. You may not have been perfect but god damn did he love you anyway.
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kitanoko · 6 years
       In which Natsuo meets Yaoyorozu Part 2/2
As requested by @foxxhunter44! the second part for the fic and I just wanna say its been my hc for a long time that todo is scared of horror movies; more of Natsuo teasing Shouto and Momo HEHE once again I had fun writing this and thanks to those who supported the first part :D! 
      Shouto stared at the speck flashing at the corner of his phone and saw a photo of Natsuo’s comical expression appear, replacing the usual picture of Yaoyorozu in his costume. 
        Seems like it’s a phone call from his older brother. MM. Rare.
       “Hello?” The young boy spoke, pressing the phone on his cheek, “What’s up Natsu.”
       “YO,” a playful voice came, “You got to your room already? Showered yet?”
       Shouto tossed the damp towel on his head forward, aiming right beside the vase of purple flowers on the drawer.
      ‘Yes, I just showered.” 
       “Thanks for showing me around today. I had a lot of fun, I’m going to share the video with Fuyumi and Mom in a bit.”
       Shouto could hear rustling on the other side before Natsuo continued. 
       “I guess we haven’t really spent much time together before nor have we ever had ‘guys talk’ before...you know....between two bros...I’d understand if you feel awkward---”
       “No, that’d be nice,” Shouto said abruptly and sat crossed legged on his futon, “We could talk before I head to bed.”
       Shouto had a feeling Natsuo must be grinning from ear to ear. 
       “Cool!” His older brother’s voice raised in pitch, “So...was the demonstrating hard on ya today?”
       “Nope, just like usual,” Shouto determined after a thoughtful second, “Our team worked well together, just that Shouji’s team ended up getting the prize since...” The younger Todoroki let up an almost inaudible sigh, “....since I was overconfident and didn't listen to my teammates.”
       He could imagine Natsuo searching for words.
        “Ah, well you know, you did save Momo-chan after though. I was all like holy shit my brother’s so cool! I was pointing at you, telling everyone we’re related.”
        Shouto rested his chin on his knee and figured he wouldn’t bother correcting him on the whole ‘Momo-chan’ issue. 
       “I was actually wondering if you could help me with something, Natsu.”
       Was he sure he wanted advice from Kaminari the second? Shouto tapped a finger against his foot and pondered as his wet hair continued to soak the back of his V-neck tee.
        “I want to make it up to her, I mean, Yaoyorozu, for making her go through that. What should I do that’s the best?”
      Natsuo made a brief choking noise. 
       “Of course you should take her out and treat her to a relaxing day, my good little brother!” 
      Shouto cocked a brow at Natsuo’s unnatural speech as if he came out of a 1980s musical. And he almost sounded excited?
       “Sure I guess.” The younger Todoroki muttered hesitantly, “Like bring her for lunch or something?”
       “Something simple would do, Momo-chan seems like a simple person. Take her to the theatres, watch a movie, maybe oh I dunno...bring her home for dinner? You know Fuyumi is a great cook!”
      Shouto couldn’t deny that his older sister should’ve been a chef if she had decided against her current career path. Her omelette rice rivaled the ones he had when he was visiting Osaka.
      “Alright, thanks Natsuo, I’ll take your word.”
      “Now go over and tell her in person right now!”
      Shouto wanted to tell his older brother to calm down. “Right now? But its late.”
    Natsuo huffed. “Yes, right now. It’s more sincere. Tell me how it goes. Fuyumi’s calling for me, guess she made some late night snack. Talk to ya later! Good luck!”
       “Uh, okay,” The fire and ice user mumbled into the mic, “See you.” 
      The call had ended. Shouto scratched his head, putting the phone back to the charging station. Guess he had to go find Aizawa sensei first; after all, there were some strict rules in place in the dorms.
      `          The scent of freshly made earl grey tea lingered around her as she lied face first, smothering herself onto the pillow. Yaoyorozu muffled out a sigh, tension releasing from her sore, overworked muscles as Jirou pressed the ‘play’ button on the cracked screen of her phone.
         “Michael Jones’ pianoscapes,” Jirou rested her elbow on her bent knee and said, “your favourite.”
         “Thank you,” Yaoyorozu murmured and stretched both of her arms fervently upwards as if trying to touch the sky, “my mother seemed pretty impressed with me today so I’m very content with myself. But...”
        The clink of Jirou’s tea cup was met with a perplexed expression as she sank further onto the mattress.
        “But my parents wouldn’t stop asking me about Todoroki-san and it’s been bothering me since!”
       The short-haired heroine twirled her earphone jacks loosely and let out a lax giggle. “How DID it feel when Todoroki carried you though? Honest to god, I was really worried about you until I saw him, quite literally, FLY towards you on a bed of ice. SSSZZZHOOOOM.” Jirou zipped a flat palm across the air as if to imitate a takeoff. “It was like a scene from a K drama, you know?!”
         “Jirou-san, you and my parents are sounding awfully similar now.”
         “Hey hey,” the girl sitting opposite of Yaoyorozu raised a finger tenderly, “Just asking out of curiosity, I don’t have any other intention, unless you mean the intention of confirming whether or not you like Todoroki then you’re not wrong.”
        “JIROU UGH PLEASE.” Yaoyorozu agonized as she tossed a beany baby at her best friend. The latter caught it with laughter. “We are definitely not like that, I LIKE HIM AS...”
       “A FRIEND,” Jirou finished for her, while making imaginery apostrophes in the air, “I know your excuses Yaomomo, even his older bro was asking about you two. God how dense are you? And you’re supposed to be the most intelligent one in our class!”        Yaoyorozu scrunched her nose in agitation, “Well I’m going to sleep so stop the....”
      Two steady knocks howled against the door just then and both of the girls uncrossed their legs. It was probably Ochako returning her notes from the second class.
      “Who is it?” Jirou called out.
      “Uh, its Todoroki. ” 
      Yaoyorozu’s mouth pursed into a thin line.
      Jirou turned her head towards the black-haired girl so fast that her earjacks slapped herself in the face.  Oh man, Jirou’s probably cackling victoriously deep inside right now.
     If only I could wipe that shit-eating grin right off your face, Yaoyorozu thought as her best friend started walking towards the door.
      Shouto went silent on the other side as Jirou opened a slight gap, only enough to see his left eye.           “Ooh you’re so dead Todoroki,” Jirou said looking quite proud of herself, “You know you’re not allowed here in the girls’ building.”
      “I got special permission from Aizawa-sensei just now.”
      Jirou stopped the door from widening any further with her knee. “Fine,” she said as she peered through the gap, “what do you want from us, are you here to say how you voted for Yaomomo again ‘cas gees Todoroki you’re getting real sappy nowadays.”
     “JIROU-SAN!!!” Yaoyorozu yelled behind her friend, not leaving the comfort of her bed. This was getting ridiculously embarrassing! Though she and the other girls did do the same when Jirou first got together with Kaminari.
     “Actually I just wanna talk to Yaoyorozu privately,” the boy informed in a nonchalant tone, “but if you two are busy I’ll leave.”
      “Wait!” Yaoyorozu frantically flailed her arms as she tried to slip into her fuzzy socks, “Jirou please give us a moment?”
      The earphone heroine rolled her eyes and released her grip from the doorknob. “You can have all the moments you want. I’ll go shower and get to bed then.” She paused and stared at Shouto who now took a slight step into the vicinity. “Just so you know, Yaomomo and I don’t keep secrets from each other so don’t think I wouldn’t know what’s going on.”
    Yaoyorozu facepalmed and waved her hand, hurrying her best friend to leave them in peace. The latter returned a shrewd scowl and stuck her tongue out before heading out the halls, most likely awaiting the juicy gossip after.
        “Todoroki-san please sit!” The black-haired girl stood up to fix up the nearby chair ridden with unworn clothes. Woops was that a red bra lying around? She quickly pushed it under the covers. 
       “What do you wish to speak to me about?”
       The boy ran a hand through the white side of his hair and tried to hide the fact that he did indeed see that red bra. “Glad you aren’t asleep yet. Guess I should’ve texted you first but I left my phone in the room. I came to... apologize for today.”
      Yaoyorozu tilted her head in a dainty manner. Apologize? For what?
       He wasn’t sure if she was pretending to be confused but he cleared his throat and continued. “For making you hang halfway dead on the edge of a cliff. I take full responsibility, I should’ve accounted for the dangers but I didn’t.”
        “That’s okay,” the girl answered, watching him lower onto the velvet-covered chair, “We all learn from our mistakes. That’s what makes us great heroes!”
       She is so. dang. considerate. It literally HURTS to see her be so naive.
      Shouto forced a smile. “But I still can’t help but feel bad for it. Let me make it up to you somehow? I’m thinking a movie and then dinner at my place?”
      A blush creeped on her face as she curled a loose piece of her pony tail behind her ear. Shouto watched her dark eyes wander.
      “Yeah okay, I’d like that,” Yaoyorozu finally said and took the last sip of her tea, “Ah, where are my manners, I totally forgot to pour you some earl grey tea!”
      Shouto shook his head, pushing himself up from his seat, “It’s okay Yaoyorozu. I’m about to head out. I’ll get the tickets online and meet you tomorrow at the lobby around 2?”
     “Ya sure!” The girl nodded her head earnestly and followed him to the door “I’m looking forward to it!”
     She pressed the door to a close a tad bit too fast when she could no longer see Shouto’s shadow or hear his footsteps, and she bit her lip hoping she hadn’t disturb anyone’s sleep. 
     The girl skipped towards her bed after pinching herself. Ouch. Okay she wasn’t dreaming. Blood once again rushed away from her extremities and she felt numb. Numbingly happy that was! How was she supposed to sleep tonight knowing full well she had a date with Todoroki Shouto tomorrow?
    She kicked her feet up and plopped satisfied onto her plushies, casually throwing one up into the air.
    Tomorrow she’ll have to wake up early and pick something nice to wear.
10:02pm Shouto: I got tickets to A quiet place. some thriller
10:02pm Shouto:  nothing else left so I had no choice.
10:08pm Natsuo: kk good! the theatre on 5th st right? have fun! I alrdy told sis u 2 coming over for din
10:08pm Shouto: ya thats the closest theatre. whats she making
10:09pm Natsuo: she said you have too much soba so shes making tomato and fish roe pasta. come back by 6
10:09pm Shouto: ok ttyl 
         “SIS!!” Natsuo screamed running towards her as she cleaned the dishes, “Shouto’s bringing Momo-chan to watch a movie tomorrow...”
         “You’re not thinking of stalking them are you?” Fuyumi glared at him, “If Shouto finds out you will die a horrible death.”
        The white haired boy pouted. “Aw man but I wanna see what’s gonna happen...I’ll be careful,” he took out his phone in a hurry, “Lemme get a ticket before its all sold out. Aight only one showing for that movie, thank god I dun hafta guess which time.” 
      He made a few taps. “Okay done. Wish me luck sis!”
      Fuyumi rolled her eyes, a look of displeasure etched on her face as she flicked a soap bubble onto her brother’s forehead. “Just make sure you’re back for dinner you idiot.”
       “Yaoyorozu, you ready to go?” 
       The fire and ice user had arrived exactly at 2pm but the girl awaiting him had gotten there even earlier. His heterochromic eyes did a casual up-down that she hadn’t notice; he quite liked the outfit she had on today--a plain navy blue top and a long white chiffon skirt. Very Yaoyorozu-like.
       Mineta was standing at the corner of the room muttering something along the lines of ‘eff you Todoroki you big bozo thinking you’re so cool...etcetc’ but Shouto had completely ignored his grape-ass face.
      “Todoroki-san! Ya let’s go, which movie are we watching today?” Yaoyorozu replied and donned a lovely smile, pearly teeth showing.
     The boy gloved his hand into his pocket, pushing his nylon crossbody bag behind his waist, “A Quiet Place. Have you heard of it?”
    Yaoyorouzu’s auspicious eyes lit up even more.
    “Of course!��� She answered him, a hand clutching her ivory handbag. She had a light bounce in her steps. “I’ve been waiting to watch this. I hope it’s not too scary.”
    Shouto bit his lower lip. Shit. He didn’t even check what the heck the movie was really about. 
     “Uh, I don’t know,” he shrugged and said, inwardly chastising his own carelessness, “It’s probably not that bad.”
     “Well if it was,” Yaoyorozu said, tongue-in-cheek, “You could always lean on me.”
      The trailers weren’t on yet when they had arrived and luckily there were many seats still free. They chose somewhere not too close and not too far from the screen and ensconced right in the middle. Yaoyorozu had wanted popcorn and so Todoroki went to grab some (with extra butter, she had requested) before saying excuse me several times to get back to where they were sitting.
    “Thank you,” the girl whispered as the first trailer finally appeared and took the crunchy snack off his hands. He wondered how much she was going to eat as she had already stuffed two handfuls into her mouth.
     Lipids, he remembered, must be to maintain the lipids.
     For a second he thought he had heard a familiar voice behind him but he shook it off and decided to prepare himself for the movie. Truth be told, he absolutely despised scary movies. He thought ‘thriller’ meant ‘thriller’ but now that he checked again, the word ‘horror’ was present right under the genre in the movie’s description box on google. Shouto inhaled deeply and ordered himself to relax.
3:00pm Natsuo: the movies about to start I'm sitting right behind dem, shouto bought momo popcorn what a gentleman
3:00pm Fuyumi: okok you think momo likes cheesecake? im at the bakery
3:01pm Natsuo: ya ok get cake pls if she doesnt like it ill eat it
3:01pm Fuyumi: haha
3:02pm Natsuo: why isnt shouto wrapping an arm around her its gonna be scary for godsake
3:02pm Natsuo: you think I should text him
3:03pm Fuyumi: NO u du
3:03pm Fuyumi: dumbass**
3:04pm Natsuo: fine shit I just kicked momochans chair ok gotta hide
        "The guy behind me keeps bumping into my chair," Yaoyorozu said trying hard to lower her voice, chin pointing downwards. She was about to see who it was when Shouto turned around before she could.
      "Sorry do you mind not kicking my friend's seat." Shouto deadpanned, twisting his shoulder over. He came eye to eye with a guy in a hoodie and sunglasses.
     "Err sorry kid." Natsuo tried to sound more mature than he was, pulling onto his black hoodie. Did his white hair poke through? Hopefully not.
    "K no prob."
    Phew, Natsuo thought, good thing it's so dark here.
    Shouto turned back to the screen wondering why the hell he looked so suspicious. He guessed some people just had incomprehensible fashion sense.
       “AHHHH!!!” One of the childhood actors screamed on screen and Yaoyorozu leaned forward as if she wanted herself to be in the movie. Her hand missed the popcorn bag a few times before successfully stuffing another handful of buttery goodness in her mouth.
      Fuckity fuck fuck, I want this to end!!! Shouto thought, hands sweating, eyes popping out of its sockets. His arms stuck together against his lap when a monster had jumped out of nowhere in front of him. He flinched with his eyes shut tight. Yaoyorozu was so focused that her hair didn’t even move. The boy opened one eye and saw from the slits of light reflected on Yaoyorozu’s eager expression that she indeed was in love with what was happening.
    Alright, the character on the screen just got mulled to death.
    Shouto took another gulp of air and tried to visualize himself in his room. His zen room. Eating cold soba. With tempura.
    But just then, another shriek made him grab onto Yaoyorozu’s right arm almost instinctively. The girl placed his hand on her lap and with the other she stroked his forearm in a soothing manner as if to tell him to calm down. 
    This was not the way he wanted the date to go. Okay actually this was not a date. Not a date.
     The young boy saw the couple beside them hugging tightly as if they’d die if they let go. He rolled his eyes.
    “Todoroki-san.” He felt her hot breath against his ear and noticed she had closed the distance between them, making him shiver. “Are you alright?” 
     Her voice was just above a whisper and he mumbled a “uh huh.” 
     Yaoyorozu seemed content with that response and placed his hand back on his knee. 
     Dang it. He thought. I actually liked the way she was touching my arm. Fuck what the heck are you thinking Todoroki Shouto?!
    The boy swallowed hard and figured there should only be another half and hour of torture left. He’ll manage. He’ll just close his eyes until then.
4:42pm Fuyumi: so hows it
4:42pm Natsuo: omg i just got out. horrible. it was scary af. i saw shouto flinch at least 100x 
4:45pm Fuyumi: you both suck at watching horror movies
4:46pm Natsuo: ya i know, also now ive lost them ‘cas i went to the washroom
4:46pm Fuyumi: im guessing shouto didn’t see you
4:50pm Natsuo: ya not yet, im pree good at this
4:51pm Natsuo: ok I found them looks like they’re heading back to our place
4:52pm Natsuo: also wtfuck shouto has momochan as his wallpaper
4:52pm Fuyumi: ya hes had it for awhile, she let him use it so 
4:55pm Natsuo: lmao 
     “WOOO,” Yaoyorozu exasperated, “That was amazing! I loved the acting!”
     Shouto meekly smiled back. “Yes, that was...good.”
    The girl noted the insincerity in his voice and puckered her lips. “I didn’t know that the great Todoroki Shouto was that afraid of horror movies.” Yaoyorozu’s teasing tone made the boy shoot her a stern glare.
     “I’m just not great with jump scares.” 
     “Okay,” She hummed playfully, “Whatever you say. But all in all, thank you, I very much enjoyed it.”
      “Cool, fulfilled the purpose then. I’m glad.”
      A young boy donning a baseball cap and overalls pulled his mom over. His tongue and mouth were coated with chocolate. 
     “Mommy!” He cried, “It’s Shouto from UA!”
     Yaoyorozu and Shouto immediately exchanged glances and the former suppressed a chortle. The kid tugged his mom’s sleeve again leaving tiny cocoa fingerprints.
     “Say hi,” The mother encouraged.
     The kid grew stiff. “Hel--Hello Shouto. I watched you fight before.”
     Shouto rested his hand on his neck and his lips curved slightly, wondering what it was he was supposed to do. Wave? Shake hands? Also shouldn’t the mom clean up her kid?
      “Would you like a picture with him?” Yaoyorozu cooed and crouched down to eye-level with the little boy who started to shuffle around his mother’s hold.
      “You’re Creati,” he said, focusing on his shoelaces, “You’re cool too.”
       “I’m sure my son would love a picture with both of you, if that’s okay?” The mother grinned and asked, “Come on, Kazu.”
       Shouto answered with a meek ‘mm’ and shrugged. If Yaoyorozu wanted to, then he’d be fine with it. He touched the kid’s shoulder lightly and urged him to stand in between him and the creation heroine who was immediately beaming. The mother angled the camera carefully, finally deciding to shift an inch to her right. 
      “Say cheese!” The older woman called out and after what felt like several shots, she raised a thumbs up.
      “These pictures are great, thank you very much. My son really likes UA and he hopes to one day be in it.” 
      Shouto extended his hand over to pat the kid on the back.
     “Work hard.” The fire and ice user simply said, managing to at least sound somewhat friendly, and the kid almost had tears in his eyes.
    “Thank you. See you and Creati again.”
     With several waves, the two young heroes said their goodbyes.
     “Kazu’s a nice name,” Yaoyorozu pondered for a minute, turning on her heels, “I like it. Hope we’ll meet him again and see what kind of hero he’ll become.”
    Shouto could only nod in response. Observing Yaoyorozu’s motherly behaviour with kids was a scene to behold; she really does give off an approachable vibe that he decided was something to be admired.
      The rest of the way to Todoroki’s house was a hodgepodge of silliness; Yaoyorozu laughed wholeheartedly when Shouto insisted that Bakugou would have for sure died if he were in the movie.
    “It’s called A Quiet Place, Yaoyorozu,” Shouto began, “You think Bakugou wouldn’t have been attacked within the first 5 seconds? I swear he would be the one asking for death, screaming ‘COME ON DIE!!!!!’ while ten monsters came at him full speed.”
    The girl coughed, choking on her own saliva, “Yes of course! He would also most likely push Midoriya-san to some luring trap. Oh poor Midoriya-san.”
     The fire and ice hero gave a chuckle. It wasn’t everyday he had time like this with Yaoyorozu. She was probably the only one who could make him feel almost as though Endeavor had never existed.
    Speaking of that, was his father going to be having dinner tonight? The thought immediately killed the mood. Although, he wasn’t sure if he should be thankful or not that his father did seem to favour Yaoyorozu. He saw the girl beside him tilt her head towards him.
    “You okay, Todoroki-san?” Yaoyorozu had knitted her brows together when she noticed her friend’s sudden quietness.
    “It’s nothing,” he lied, fist clenched,“Let’s get to the bus stop before we miss the next one.”
   “Oh my god good thing I took the taxi,” Natsuo cried when he came back home, “ I did it, I was like a ninja. He didn’t notice anything.”
   Fuyumi had already begun prepping the ingredients when the white haired boy had strolled in, folding his shades back into the holder.
   “Good job dating master. If you could make yourself useful, please set the table.”
   Natsuo scowled. “Alright sis, don’t hafta make fun of me.” He counted exactly five pairs of chopsticks before sliding the drawer back in. “If you were there you would have seen the way Shouto looks at her.” 
   “Yes I’ve seen it and hence,” Fuyumi started flinging the ladle towards the boy, steam coming out of it, “why I didn’t want you to interfere. BUT you did sorta make this date happen so kudos to you.”
    Natsuo chuckled. “Yes and kudos to you for telling dad to come home for dinner. How'd you do it?"
   He could see his sister grin mischievously. 
   “All I said was Shouto’s bringing his friend over and dad automatically assumed it was Momo-chan.” 
   Natsuo was impressed with how easy that sounded. “We make a great duo sis.”
    “We would’ve had more fun if you’d just stop hiding at your college, Natsu,” Fuyumi said looking peeved as she took a taste out of the tomato sauce, and Natsuo could only answer with a monotonous hum. He did consider moving back but perhaps now wasn’t the best time. He just couldn’t get his head away from thinking about Touya.
     “I’m back,” Shouto announced. The whiff of fresh basil and oregano filled his senses and his stomach let out a low growl. He took a step forward to make room for Yaoyorozu who slid the door to a close. 
      It’s been awhile since he’d return home and somehow he yearned to sit with his sister again just to enjoy casual tv with soba. Maybe deep down he was more family-oriented that he had thought.
     After he gestured Yaoyorozu to leave her shoes beside his, Shouto did a scan. Nothing was displaced, even the medal he got from UA still hung above the clock. 
      “Sorry for the intrusion,” Yaoyorozu spoke and bowed as she placed her hands gently in the mid of her skirt. “Thanks for having me.”
     She remembered coming here long time ago, the chalky sound of the paper sliding doors reawakening those fond memories of when she used to help Shouto study math. He seems a lot better with it now; in addition to that, Yaoyorozu do not recall studying with the boy ever since he aced his calculus exam. She grimaced inwardly at the thought.
     A wisp of white and red hair caught her attention.
    “Hello Yaoyorozu-chan!” Fuyumi still had the same bookish demeanor completed with an amiable smile, “Welcome, I’ve missed you! It’s been awhile hasn’t it?”
    “Yes it sure has been.” the younger girl replied and did another modest bow.
     The fire and ice user had always felt unease seeing such formal mannerisms but with Yaoyorozu, it came as natural as the sky was blue.
    “Sis, did you and Natsuo go out today?” he asked, somewhat distracted by his brother’s messily placed sneakers. 
    Fuyumi hesitated a laugh. “Oh yes Natsu went out for a job earlier and I had to go get groceries.”
    “He didn’t help you carry it home?” Shouto inquired. Strange, Natsuo’s shoes still looked somewhat damp from the puddles outside.
    “Uh, of course he did silly!” Fuyumi said with a slap of her wrist, “We came home together!”
   Shouto shrugged and glanced at the girl who was now scrutinizing a potted orchid beside the foyer.
   “Yaoyorozu,” he nudged, “I’ll take you to the dining room.”
   “Oh ya, okay!” The girl said, straightening herself, her purse swinging as she did so.
    “And I’m apologizing in advance if Natsuo scares you. He’s a bit over-reactive.”
    “Don’t worry, I had a great chat with him last time!”
    “Yeah that’s the problem, he misunderstands the relationship between us.”
    Crap, he couldn’t retract his words now that he let it slip.
     “Huh?” Yaoyorozu said, slowing down her pace, and the boy in front of him pulled the door wide open.
    “Nevermind what I said,” Shouto groaned. Looks like there will be exactly 5 people in this dinner which meant his devil of a dad was going to be here soon as well. If there was something he hated more than having dinner with his dad was having dinner with his dad while Yaoyorozu was here.
    The time before, his dad asked Yaoyorozu so many different questions it felt like she was here for an interview to join an internship under him. The time before that one, his dad actually gawked in respectful silence because he practically forced Yaoyorozu to a game of chess after dessert in which she won against him in less than 5 moves. Then there’s that one time when she spoke so passionately about the theory of relativity (because she just watched Interstellar the night prior) that both his sister and his dad looked utterly dazzled. She was a mine of knowledge and he wasn’t one to contest but the impressed grin on his dad’s usually ascetic face made him hurl.
   “Something wrong?” His companion couldn’t help but ask and Shouto shook his head, stuffing his hands back in his pockets, eyes wandering as he lied.
   “It’s nothing," Shouto answered, trailing off, "...I’ll grab you something to drink.”
    Dinner was served at exactly 6:15. Yaoyorozu was seated between Fuyumi and Shouto while Natsuo sat across. Enji was late by a bit and it was highly likely that he had rushed home from work because of the occasion. For the life of him Shouto was confused why everyone seemed to be overly worked up by it. It wasn't like the queen was over for dinner.
     Yaoyorozu was poised, legs folded, spine straight (the ballet lessons when she took when she was 8 was most likely the explanation) and took a sip of her miso soup. Shouto noticed she had rounded her delicate fingers around the steaming bowl with such precision that he contemplated whether or not Yaoyorozu had ever had the time to learn anything besides etiquette when she was a child.
    There was a galling silence ever since his father had entered the room and finally Natsuo decided to step up.
    "So Yaoyorozu-chan, how was your day today?"
    He mentally did a somersault thinking his brother was going to let her nickname slip again. Face unchanging, Shouto figured the pasta needed a little more salt and reached for it.
    "It was great! Todoroki-san treated me to a movie."
    Was that a smirk on Enji's face? The fire and ice user tilted the salt dispenser and shook it a few times too many. He swallowed a gulp, dread pooling inside his stomach and grimaced when Natsuo nudged him with his knee.
   "Shouto you took her to a movie?!" Natsuo said sounding fake as hell as though he wasn't the one who told his little brother to do it in the first place, "Which one?"
   "A Quiet Place."
  (For a second he wished they were in the movie right now, at least no one would have to talk)
  Fuyumi hummed like it was a great choice.
  "I heard it's scary," The woman tried to join the conversation, tipping over to her pasta, "Did Yaoyorozu-chan like it?"
  "Yes I did! The premise was excellent, not to mention I actually felt scared. I believe Todoroki-san very much enjoyed it as well."
  "Oh Shouto hates horror movies." Enji randomly popped in, the tofu in his mouth half-chewed. "I tried showing 'The Ring' to him when he was 3. Only weakness I'll allow him to have."
   Good ol' Enji, ruining everything he's a part of.
   "Maybe that's why. 'Cas he has childhood trauma." Natsuo slammed his miso soup bowl and emphasized.
  Everyone had to stop chewing for a second to comprehend what was happening.
  It was at that moment that Shouto sincerely had a need to face plant onto a plate of tomato sauce. Truly the only way for him to rest in peace.
  "Dad, Natsu... now is not the time..." Fuyumi intervened.
   "Why didn't you tell me you didn't like it?" Yaoyorozu's lips turned downwards looking like she had just gotten 95 instead of 100 on an exam. The light reflecting off her glistening eyes made her appear even more disappointed.
  "As long as you liked it I don't mind," Shouto merely said while attempting to twirl the pasta up his chopsticks. If only he'd opted for forks instead.
   At that, Natsuo seemed overtly appeased, gorging yet another broken up tofu with pieces of bitter yuzu stuck on it.
  "So," Enji proceeded, "Yaoyorozu, you're interning with who again?"
  Someone tape his goddamn mouth, Shouto grunted inside.
  "Ms.Uwabami, sir," the girl answered without hesitation.
  "Yes I've been learning quite a lot!"
  Enji gawked. "Such a smart young lady like you should be interning with only the best. And I think you know who I'm talking about."
   Yaoyorozu's gaze uplifted. "Oh yes! All Might, of course! Though he is no longer fit to battle anymore unfortunately."
  Shouto choked, soup threatening to exit his nostrils. Natsuo and Fuyumi actually clammed up and Enji's fire moustache flared for a few seconds.
  Did his female seatmate, the usual courteous, cordial lady of the Yaoyorozu family just shut his father up? Shouto clamped his hand against the coarse fabric of his pants to suppress the bouts of laughter that was about to flourish. His heart beat quickened and he questioned whether Yaoyorozu would ever stop surprising him.
  "Ah, yes...All Might." His father still tried to redeem himself. His face looked rather heated now. "I was actually speaking for myself. I would like to extend an offer to you, Yaoyorozu, you could learn with my son, Shouto. I admire your courage and intelligence, a heroine like yourself would surely make great use in my agency."
  "Thank you very much, I am zealous about such an opportunity but..."
  Yaoyorozu cleared her throat. "When I say I am learning lots from Ms.Uwabami, I'm not joking. She has shown me not only how to fight and protect citizens but also fun endeavors such as making ads and so forth."
  Enji gritted his teeth. Natsuo and Shouto suddenly had appetite again.
  "I believe 'appearing on tv' and 'modelling' are a waste of time and resources. But, it's beyond doubt that you would uptake my offer again in the future. I believe that. I'd even consider it if you'd wish to be my sidekick."
  A wry, reluctant smile appeared on the girl's face as she smoothed down her skirt.
  "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."
     After chatting with Fuyumi and Natsuo, Yaoyorozu had the impression that she was even more welcomed than she had originally hoped. Enji had made a thoughtless remark about how he wanted tea and Yaoyorozu volunteered to brew some, with a gorgeous smile to boot. With each sip, Enji made a satisfied gesture as if he hadn't had tea for a long time. Awhile after when Shouto was basically forced (by Natsuo and Fuyumi) to show his collection of cat-themed merchandise, the clock had already struck 8. A signal for leave.
   "These were supposed to be for your family," Yaoyorozu said extending a box of Fornum and Mason out of her bag, "I think I had too much fun today and had forgotten! Sorry about that."
   The girl handed it over to the boy while balancing herself to put on her shoes.
   "Thank you." Shouto said eyeing her carefully as he settled the box on top of a cupboard, "You’re not going back to the dorms for the weekend right? I feel like I should bring you home."
   "No it is --"
   Without a creak, Enji had managed to appear behind the pair.
   "Yes Shouto, be a gentleman and take her home. We would be happy to see you again Yaoyorozu, thank you for the gift and take care."
   "Wow who the hell replaced our dad with an alien?" Shouto heard Natsuo mumble to Fuyumi.
   Shouto hated to agree with his dad but for once he felt like they were thinking in the same channel.
   "Yes Yaoyorozu, it wouldn't take me that long anyway. Let's go."
   "Well," the girl began, ignoring the butterflies fleeting in her gut, "if you insist."
       It could be the way her heels clicked against the soddened asphalt or that oddly alluring sound she makes when she giggles, but Todoroki Shouto found himself wanting to find out more and more about her.
     Whether it was simply sitting beside her with no task at hand, or watching her make matroyshka dolls in a blink of an eye, the boy concluded it was something he was looking forward to.
    “odoroki--Todoroki-san? Hello?” Yaoyorozu waved her hands in front of his face. The boy blinked twice.
    “Oh sorry, you were saying?”
    “I was asking you if you could ask your sister for the pasta sauce recipe.”
    “Oh, yea of course.” 
   Yaoyorozu locked her arms beside her, the moonbeam rendering her like a doll. 
    “I hope you liked spending time with me,” she said carefully as if the words were a secret, and Todoroki nodded in response.
    “Sure thing, we should do this more.” He said, watching her sway her skirt whimsically, one step at a time. And perhaps to Mineta and Awase’s chagrin, he thought.
    Yaoyorozu pressed her palms together as she slowed down in pace. “You think I was a little bit rude to your dad?”
    Shouto held down a snort.
    “Definitely not. You were just speaking the truth.”
    The girl grinned and rubbed her hands together briskly. “Okay, just making sure, I didn’t want to give off the wrong vibe.”
     “Don’t worry,” he ensured and watched her cross her arms in front of her chest, “You cold?”
     Yaoyorozu quickly released her arms to her side, slightly sheepish.
     “No, no, I’m alright---”
     Shouto didn’t listen to her full explanation and wrapped his left arm around her shoulder. They were so close he could smell her shampoo---highly likely the one she’s been advertising for.
    He hadn’t notice her cautious eyes, the area underneath going pink. Shouto continued to look forward, focusing on the lulling of the crickets and the dispersed street lights amongst the night fog.
    “My left side can warm you up,” he said and she grew even more stiff.
    “Thanks, Todoroki-san.”
    All of a sudden he grabbed her further to his side, and she let out a gasp. 
   Oh, there was a bike passing by, she thought as the cyclist dawdled through.
    “Better watch where we’re going,” he said. He felt the phone in his pocket vibrate and cursed under his breath. Must be Natsuo.
    “You should check it, Todoroki-san.” She said, voice soft.
    Naturally she walked in tandem in front of him, allowing him to release his hold and he checked the message.
    8:30pm Natsuo: you okay? 
    8:31pm Shouto: ya
   The boy inserted it back before another message came again.
   8:32pm Natsuo: dun kill me but u should give her a hug or something, just a suggestion
   Shouto gaped at his screen irritated and shoved it into his pockets in vex. If he could he would telepathically swear at Natsu, sadly that was not his quirk.
   “Well, my house is just this turn,” Yaoyorozu spoke, pointing briefly behind her, “that was a quick walk.”
   Her eyes seemed to speak to him then and without much attention, he tilted forward, strong arms spread, ending in a tight a hug. She snuggled against his neck for a short second and began to panic.
   “WH-WHAT, Todoroki-san?! What are you doing?!” 
   “You’re uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have done that.”
   She shook her head immediately.
   “I just wasn’t expecting it...” Yaoyorozu twirled a piece of loose hair and took a step back, shifting her weight from foot to foot. She observed him discreetly and noticed his usual habit of resting his hand against his neck had resurfaced. A sign that he was either embarrassed or weary.
    She took his hand in hers, “Safe walk home? And I’ll see you on Monday?”
    Shouto sent her a smirk, one that his fans would probably dwell on.
    “Ya, see you.”
    9:12pm Yaoyorozu: home?
    9:12pm Todoroki: yes
    9:13pm Yaoyorozu: :)
    9:15pm Todoroki: could you do me a favour and not tell ppl about my fear
    9:16pm Yaoyorozu: of ?
    9:16pm Todoroki: scary movies.
    9:18pm Yaoyorozu: of course, except I already told jirou
    9:18pm Todoroki: .....
    9:18pm Yaoyorozu: jokes hehe :) goodnights
    9:20pm Todoroki: night
   9:30pm Todoroki: shit my sis forgot to give you some cake, ill bring it to your house tomorrow
  9:31pm Yaoyorozu: isn’t that just an excuse to see me? :)
  9:31pm Todoroki: maybe, k night.
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llexeh · 6 years
This Is Not Some Twilight Shit, Sourwolf - Stiles Stilinski / Derek Hale (Vampire!Stiles) (Explicit)
Summary: Stiles didn’t think it was possible to be crushing any more desperately on Derek, but then the werewolf offered his blood after a near-death experience and, well, shit. Add some blinding pleasure and skillful tongue and Stiles was essentially screwed. 
Warnings: blood, (unexpected) blood kink, canon-typical violence, complete (okay, major) disregard of conventional vampire anatomy and folklore, smut, come swallowing, slight ooc (extra verbosity from Derek), mild future kink negotiation
Rating: explicit
Pairing: Stiles Stilinkski / Derek Hale 
Tags: Vampire!Stiles, blood kink, oral sex, come swallowing, anal fingering, dirty talk, biting, vampire feeding, smut, fluff, very mild angst, mild D/s nuances, Derek Hale is a good Alpha 
Info: canon divergence, Stiles is of age 
Word count: 10086
Prompt:  Hey! I saw you had prompt requests so I was wondering if I could prompt Vampire!Stiles needing to feed and Derek just offering himself to Stiles? ^^
Prompted by: spidey-charles  (gosh I really hope this is okay and I’m so so sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind but thank you so much for putting a request in <3)
Feeding was never easy. Stiles had Principles™ and Morals™ and he was also adamant he wouldn’t create a disruption in the ecosystem surrounding Beacon Hills. He was basically David Attenborough, if David Attenborough was a bloodsucking monster who was sorta superfast and kind to others, part of a werewolf pack whose Alpha was a Dark and Broody asshole.
Speaking of which, Derek had been surprisingly accommodating, if overly careful about dynamics and such. On his part, Stiles felt more useful in battle so his morale was improved. He was also full of Twilight jokes that got old about eight minutes after he had returned as a vampire. The adjustment period was weird. His dad was devastated, scared, and eventually supportive. Scott made it a point to scent him every day because cold skin meant no warmth to spread the scent. Stiles offered to carry a small hairdryer everywhere and earned himself a smack for it.
There was a not-so-small part of him that had hoped (once the dust settled on this new development), that he would become substantially more attractive. As a general thing, but also particularly to Derek. His stupid crush had been going on for a pathetically long time and try as hard as he might, he wasn’t able to shake it. And because his life was a joke, if dating was not happening before, dating now was definitely not happening. Not because he didn’t trust himself, but it was too dangerous for everyone involved. And not in an Edward Cullen shitty-possessive way, but the supernatural world wasn’t superkeen on vampires. And Stiles’s big mouth alone was a hazard, let alone what he had become.
So feeding was a bit of a chore. The research wasn’t great either; for some bizarre reason history hadn’t documented the rules of housekeeping vampires. How unexpected. Stiles had devised a schedule for feeding, picking older animals and draining them painlessly, occasionally accepting blood bags from Melissa when he was sure they weren’t otherwise needed. His dad donated to his culinary needs regularly, regardless of how much Stiles begged him not to.
It was less than satisfactory.
It was through a weird conjuncture that involved faeries, a talking snake, and Peter Hale that Stiles found out about obscure Ancient Greek texts describing feeding rituals. He proceeded to spend months trying to find and then decipher them enough for them to become useful. He was fortunate enough to not have to sleep, which also meant that every time Derek fell asleep in the large armchair downstairs in the loft as they worked on the translations, Stiles could take his time categorizing all the fine wrinkles and the way the werewolf’s cheekbones twitched ever-so-slightly as he dreamt, and long story short, he was crushing so fucking bad it was actually sad.
The first significant shift in Stiles’s life (other than, you know, becoming a fucking vampire after having already adhered to a pack of werewolves and other supernatural creatures, seriously what the fuck was his life?) came to be when he had a breakthrough in a particular fragment of the texts. Lydia had managed to procure a first edition dictionary of sorts and Stiles did nothing else for three days, papers and drafts covering most of the living room floor at Derek’s place.
(Stiles did have a job, thank you very much, but freelancing meant his schedule was flexible. And also he really didn’t have to sleep – 100% increased productivity, woop! And living costs decreased dramatically when you didn’t have to buy food.)
Within the feeding rituals, Stiles found information about magical rituals, as well as ways to enhance the effectiveness of blood absorption. The Greeks really were into this shit – how they dealt with the heat, Stiles had no idea. The sun was manageable, if annoying, but the heat was just the worst. In all fairness, the heat was the worst when Stiles was human, let alone now when his skin was perpetually cold.
Translating from a dead language was not fun on a normal topic, like philosophy. The supernatural gurus from antiquity probably got off on convoluted sentences. He was in the process of rephrasing some of the notes he’d taken to make sure they were correct when Derek yawned. The werewolf had been sleeping for a while, half curled up to the arm of the chair, one of his knees up, face serene and undisturbed. Derek did that sometimes. He would wake up minutely and yawn, and proceed to fall asleep again with no memory of doing it. It was the most endearing thing Stiles had ever witnessed. He had half a thought to wake the other man up and send him to his bedroom, but Stiles was selfish and would find it hard to give up the relaxing habit of looking up from his work and seeing the man asleep. This crush of his was getting out of hand.
Stiles hadn’t seen that particular page at first. He’d overlooked it due to boredom, or perhaps his ADHD was spiking, or perhaps he was crushing too hard and didn’t realise it was relevant. When he accidentally picked it up, he’d already spent so much time reading the damned things, the information seemed to pour out of the paper onto his brain. He was, for lack of a better word, shook. It was an in depth description of feeding for mates and lovers. Stiles was pretty sure that was what the word meant. The other potential translation was “potters”, but he was definitely going with “mates” for this one. The gist of it was that it was an incredible bonding experience, together with intense pleasure and contentedness. It supposedly created an extremely strong connection between mates for the duration of the feeding and the ensuring sexual intercourse as long as the blood was offered freely and the offer was backed by sentiment - it wasn’t entirely clear how that worked. There was further literature about the bond between a vampire and a human, about two vampires, and unsurprisingly none about a vampire-werewolf bond. The book explained how frowned upon it was, how intimate and now Stiles had a sharp pang of longing. He filed the information for a later time, and got up to get Derek upstairs and in an actual bed.
The second significant shift was following a rather taxing fight. Stiles had accompanied Derek and Scott on a pack-bonding trip through the preserve. He was mostly there for moral support, but also to stop them from mauling each other. With great power and all that. It was supposed to be a relaxed experience, some running and hunting for Stiles. (He was reluctant as all fuck to feed in front of the pack, and often chose to do the deed away from them, where he wouldn’t feel as judged.)
He was on such a mission, some miles away from the others, searching for a suitable animal to tide him over when he felt claws descend and slash at his back. His survival instincts (Stiles, is it survival if you’re undead?) kicked in eventually, but at that point he was finding it hard to stand up. The smell that filled his nostrils was familiar, but definitely not pack. Stray werewolf, an omega perhaps. Stiles was weakened by the wound, he hadn’t fed yet. The were growled at him, shifted and running towards him, claws out. Stiles was moderately afraid. He managed to dodge the attack, too uncertain of his strength to retaliate. Scott and Derek were not close, but he hoped they would feel his distress in the pack bonds. He kinda prayed, rather.
He took off towards where he guessed they were. The closer he got, the greater the chances that they were going to sense him and come to his aid. Among everything, Stiles’s primordial thought was that of the bond he never got to feel with Derek. With anyone. How sad. He ran, pain pulsing through his spine down his legs, lungs burning despite not needing the air. It was disconcerting, how fragile he felt, and he couldn’t help but think of before, when he was predominantly useless in fights.
The comfort of the pack smell could make him cry. The bonds vibrated, more frantic the more distance he covered. Behind him, the werewolf was relentless in his attacks, frothing at the mouth, insults tumbling from his lips.
“Abomination!” he screamed. “Blood-sucking monster!”
As if Stiles didn’t know. But also, the hypocrisy. If he hadn’t been in so much pain and so desperate to get to safety, Stiles would stop and have words with him. How pathetic. Derek. It smelled like Derek now, faint at first, then stronger, and eventually the scent enveloped Stiles in a distinct feeling of home. He was safe.
His Alpha’s growl was mighty, he thought. What a beautiful sound as he rained hell on the stray. Stiles managed to stop, but he was sluggish and ended up half-colliding with a tree, propping himself up using the wide trunk. Derek was still fighting his assailant while Stiles tried to focus on willing the pain away, now slumped on the wet forest floor. His back was on fire, his usually cold skin burning under the open wound. Derek slashed at the stray’s chest and blood soaked his shirt instantly. Stiles salivated involuntarily. So much for Pavlov jokes, he’d never live this down.
“Derek,” he managed, eyes glazed over. The hunger was real. The pain was just as real.
The Alpha stopped, one hand holding the kneeling werewolf’s head while the other one prepared to slash his throat. He looked up in understanding. Dragging the injured stray over to Stiles, he presented him to his vampire pack member.
“Don’t you dare,” the werewolf managed, blood bubbling on his lips. “I’d rather be mauled than have this monster touch me!”
Stiles felt the sting of that, but his primal instinct was to feed and survive. He started to move, trying not to fall down further and have to crawl, unsure if he could take the embarrassment.
Derek knew, though, the way Derek always knew. “Shut it,” the Alpha growled, and stepped behind the stray, covering his bloody mouth with his clawed hand. He pulled the other werewolf’s head back, and held the side of his throat to Stiles’s now desperate trembling lips.
Stiles wasted no time latching on, fangs piercing the skin with relative ease, hot blood flowing into his mouth. The werewolf screamed, Derek’s hand pressing harder to minimise the noise. After the initial relief of feeding and feeling the pain dulling, Stiles felt more. As a general rule, blood was delicious to Stiles. He’d discussed it with Boyd of all people one night when they were watching reruns of wedding tv shows on TLC. Boyd was discreet and Stiles trusted him implicitly. He wasn’t proud of taking pleasure in feeding. It wasn’t something he’d wished for, and it was difficult to come to terms to no matter how much he tried.
But this blood. Werewolf blood. Stiles had never. He’d never even presumed to ask, and no one offered, not even for science. It wasn’t something he was comfortable doing anyway, so he would find it extremely difficult. But werewolf blood was the best thing he had ever encountered. He imagined heaven would feel like that, like hot blood flowing straight down his throat, the taste rich, almost smoky.
Stiles could swear he felt his veins tingling. His entire body shook with what he eventually understood to be pleasure. The thrashing made the blood flow easier into his mouth, and Stiles refused to think of how he was draining a living person. With little to no control over his actions, he lifted his eyes to look at Derek. Alpha Derek. His Alpha. Who had provided for him in his time of need. Who was still providing for him as he pushed the dying werewolf down while Stiles fed. He felt his heart swell up with the implications. To his complete mortification, his dick followed shortly.
He was unsure why his anatomy decided it was Hard Dick Time, but it was happening, oh-my-god-was-it-happening. Derek breathed in deeply, and Stiles knew. There was no mistaking the smell of his arousal, the quickening of his phantom heartbeat that happened whenever he fed. There was no mistaking the prominent tent in Stiles’s jeans as he kneeled sucking the blood and life out of his attacker. There was no mistaking Derek’s wandering gaze travelling down straight to his crotch. Stiles moaned, the mortification now complete. He shut his eyes and focused on the taste once more, resigned that his eternal life included getting a raging hard-on because of werewolf blood while his Alpha watched.
The aftermath was infinitely less glorious than the feeding. After making sure he was okay, Scott’s mocking was merciless. Derek kept quiet, mildly amused at the situation while Stiles was sure that if he could still blush properly, he’d be flushed to shit. And Scott may have been his best friend, the closest thing he had to a brother, but Scott had a big mouth and as soon as he opened it, the entire pack knew. Stiles considered moving on the East Coast out of spite. Derek never mentioned it. Not once, and Stiles was grateful.
But Derek was almost imperceptibly different. There were brief touches, nowhere near as lingering as Stiles would have liked them. Brief touches on his shoulder when he got up to go to the kitchen. Brief touches to say thank you to Stiles for cooking for the pack. Brief touches when Stiles went home. A particular touch on the back of his head after Stiles saved Erica’s life when they were ambushed by hunters. Stiles kept them all filed for later, for when he was sure he was alone in his bedroom back at his dad’s house.
And he had revoked his own right to Pavlov jokes once and for all since every time he thought of that time in the forest his brain supplied him with not only the memory of the greatest tasting blood he’d ever tried, but with Derek’s red eyes on his mouth as he aggressively sucked the life out of the stray werewolf. And every time that particular image popped into his mind he would get instantly hard. It was a nuisance, but some of his strongest orgasms have been achieved on all fours, three fingers up his own ass, moaning Derek’s name into his pillow thinking of those eyes on his feeding.
There was no doubt his kind had their own mating instincts because all Stiles wanted to do every time he allowed himself to think about Derek was to envelop him in hugs and proceed to keep him close for eternity. He wanted to occupy Derek’s entire attention, wanted the world to revolve around him, and more than anything he wanted to feel the tug of the bond he had read about. It was heartbreaking.
None of them knew how the word got out, but it was unanimously believed to have been a coven of witches Stiles pissed off this one time. The important thing was that everyone in the supernatural world (and their fucking mother) knew there was a vampire in the Hale pack. Which attracted territory claims and overzealous contenders who felt they had something to prove. And hunters. So. Many. Fucking. Hunters.
Sometimes Derek ordered Stiles to stay back. He’d flash his eyes and growl and Stiles would nod and leave the loft as soon as he counted to thirty Mississippi. They always “had words” afterwards, and Stiles spent hours stripping his cock thinking of the way Derek’s chest looked when he crossed his arms over it in displeasure.
Stiles was not prepared to live forever. He didn’t like thinking about it, he didn’t even like the occasional thought that made him realise he would outlive his father by an eternity. His friends would all eventually die as well. But what he did realise on a regular basis was that in an eternal life there was an infinity of circumstances that could change its course. It was with this distinct thought that he found himself being carried to safety by Derek. If he had the energy he would have huffed. What was even the point in being immortal and having this extra power if he was still weak?
The pack had all left for the weekend. It was Derek’s stoicism and stubborn nature that made him stay, while Stiles promised that as soon as he’d finish his work, he would pack Derek up and shove him in the jeep and drag him out as well. It was impractical at best, what with Beacon Hills being a magnet for all things shitty and all. But it appeased them enough for them to go. Stiles had little to no inclination of joining them at the beach. It wasn’t the most fun of times to be slowly burning even in the shade. And Derek was territorial beyond words so there was no way he was being taken away from his ancestral lands.
Stiles was the first one to feel the change in the wards Deaton and him had set up. He’d let Derek now and got up to leave as well. The Alpha did his usual routine of huffing and puffing as he put shoes on, and for once Stiles was inclined to listen. It passed quickly, two hundred Mississippi, and he was out the door, running towards where he felt the wards change.
It was a good thing, Stiles would argue that until the end of time. Derek was kneeling on the floor of an abandoned warehouse, thick wolfsbane-coated chains holding him in place while two hunters shocked him time and again with high voltage. Stiles took them out first. Neck snaps, clean and nice. The others turned their focus on him, probably considering Derek too weakened to react. He was mid-fight with one of the remaining three when he felt the sharp pierce of a metal arrow in the shoulder pinning him to the wall. A second arrow got him a couple of inches lower than the first. He instantly knew something wasn’t right.
Their research hadn’t produced too many results about ways to debilitate a vampire, but there were spells and potions used to weaken them. Given how rare they were these days, it was improbable they would affect Stiles. And, Derek had added, Stiles wouldn’t even be in fights that much. Which, yes, was at least stupid, but at the time it was pointless to argue. Now, as Stiles’s vision had started to blur, he really wished they’d paid more attention to the literature.
He came to as Derek was carrying him presumably back to safety. Stiles was content with knowing that Derek was alive. The pain in his shoulder was unbearable and he whimpered as he was jolted by Derek’s running. The Alpha slowed down and shushed him, cradling him gently.
“Derek?” he asked, confused.
“I’m not sure what it is, we’ll get you home in no time,” Derek replied.
Stiles coughed then and his world went red with pain. He felt it diminishing and watched as black vines appeared on Derek’s neck and jaw. He wanted to argue against it, but the relief was too great.
“How can I pass out if I don’t even sleep?” Stiles asked slowly, trying to focus on his words.
Derek’s lips curled upwards momentarily. “You’re such an idiot,” he replied.
To Stiles’s great relief, they were back at the loft. Derek deposited him on the large sofa in the living room and knelt in front of him. He disposed of Stiles’s bloody shirt and frowned at the sight.
“What is it, doc?” Stiles asked, trying to lighten the mood despite the difficulty he had formulating words. When there was no reply, he looked down. One of the arrows was still lodged under his clavicle and it burned. The wound above it was in bad shape, but at least it had stopped bleeding.
“This metal…”
“What about it?” Stiles asked, trying to keep his mind active so he wouldn’t go in vampire faintland.
“I’m not sure, it’s some kind of alloy. I’m not sure what it’s doing to you.”
“Well, for one it fucking hurts,” Stiles panted-laughed.
Derek took more of the pain away. “I’m sorry,” he started, “I’m going to have to take it out. The other one looked better after I pulled the arrow out.”
“Do it,” Stiles said.
“It’s going to hurt. The other one was bad and you were unconscious.” Derek frowned, leaning closer to inspect the wound.
“That’s okay, Sourwolf, I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose.” He lifted his hand and cradled Derek’s cheek for a second to reassure him. Derek was important, he was his Alpha, he shouldn’t be this worried about him.
“Hold on to my shoulder,” he instructed. He paused for a second, then lifted the t-shirt he’d taken off Stiles. “Here, bite on this, it won’t do much but it might help.”
Doing as instructed, Stiles braced himself. There was nothing to prepare him for the blinding pain he felt as Derek wiggled the arrow the tiniest bit. It was going to be agony, Stiles knew. He clenched his hand on the Alpha’s shoulder and held on for dear life.
Derek was distressed. He felt it in the bond pack, he felt it under his fingers, he felt it in the air, he smelled it in the room, he heard it in his heartbeat. “I’m so sorry, Stiles. The two you killed, and one of them bled to death.” He pulled once, sharply, and Stiles wanted to die. “The others two killed themselves before I could stop them, I wish I could have saved one of them for you to feed.” He pulled again, the spiked arrowhead burning on the way out.
Stiles was begging for death now. Silently, he hoped. He was pretty sure it was silently, he had no strength to form words out loud.
“I’m a bad Alpha,” Derek muttered. It could have been Stiles’s imagination, but between lidded eyes he saw the pained expression on the werewolf’s face.
Derek pulled the arrow out completely, and Stiles screamed as loud as he could, biting into the shredded t-shirt. The pain was sharp, then continuous. He bled borrowed blood he couldn’t afford to lose – his Alpha’s hands flew up to push on the open wound. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Derek repeated, cradling Stiles’s head as it went to roll backwards.
“No,” Stiles managed, feeling his throat burn with hunger. “Best ever,” he pushed out, hand still clenched on Derek’s shoulder, unaware of how much it hurt him.
“Stiles,” Derek started, “if you just open your mouth and lean forward a bit, you can feed on me, I wouldn’t mind and –”
“No,” he barked back.
“Don’t be –”
“I said no!”
Derek shook his head, opening his mouth to argue. Then his frown cleared and he gently pushed Stiles back into the worn cushions. “I’ll be right back, Stiles, okay?” he asked, getting up. “Right back, don’t you go anywhere now,” he added.
Stiles huffed in amusement and instantly regretted. The pain was there, infinitesimally less debilitating, but still mostly unbearable. “Dude, how?” The scoff came from the kitchen, Stiles heard it clearly. It was familiarity, that’s what it was. He was alive and really not well, and perhaps not even alive, but he was alive.
“Don’t call me dude.” The werewolf knelt in front of the sofa again, ripping a bit of plastic and Stiles could smell it. “Open your mouth,” Derek instructed.
He checked that it wasn’t a throat, even though it was stupid — he would have been able to smell the skin, hear the blood racing – and latched on to the straw that was offered to him. Instantly, he could feel strength return to his body as he gulped down the blood he was given. It wasn’t enough, his entire chest ached as he swallowed again and again. But it was better, he was better. He paused to readjust his head, looking at the straw longingly. “Like a Capri Sun for leeches,” he said quietly.
Derek tsked, as Derek was prone to do. “I had this for absolute emergencies. It’s the only one, though, we were going to get more next week. I’m sorry,” Derek said for the millionth time.
“Mhmm, shtop it,” Stiles grunted, a sound halfway between a whine and an annoyed huff. Then he realised. Despite the pain, his right arm – slightly less painful, although there wasn’t an inch of his body that didn’t hurt – shot up and he covered his bloody lips with his hand. “Sorry, I forgot.”
There was clear confusion on the werewolf’s face. “Why are you apologising for?” Then a pause. “Oh.” Then he frowned. “Stiles, really?” Then he cradled his head again in what was quickly becoming Stiles’s favourite touch ever. “I don’t mind,” he said gently.
“It’s not right, it’s unnatural.”
Derek wolfed out then, an eyebrow shot up in an exasperated-mocking expression. It was made ridiculous by the distinct lack of eyebrow hair, the ridge replacing his normally extra-expressive thick eyebrows not quite doing the job. “I’m a fucking werewolf, really?”
Stiles laughed around the straw, the slurping now getting moderately obscene as he neared the last bit of the blood bag. His hand was still covering his mouth, and Derek, now human again, pulled it away gently. “I’m –”
“You need to feed. I’ve got plenty of blood and accelerated healing. Just get those fangs out and feed already.” Derek had clearly switched to the authoritative voice now.
“No,” Stiles said firmly. All the little strength he got back he put in that one word.
“Stop being so damn stubborn!”
“Derek, no,” he insisted.
The Alpha was trying his hardest to be patient. “Okay. Okay, no. Why?” The silence he was met with wasn’t helping the situation. “Because the way I see it it’s a perfect situation, I’m right here and willing and able to help. Either way, you won’t make it to the preserve and I won’t let you die.”
Stiles whined quietly and waved the empty blood bag. “This is going to be enough, Sourwolf. I’ll make it,” he said with a smile. A weak smile.
“Bullshit,” Derek countered, sitting up from his heels to stare Stiles down. “What’s the real reason?” He opened his mouth to add something, decided against it, then pushed through his clenched jaw. “Is my blood not good enough for you?”
Despite the pain, Stiles stood up instantly. “What? No! What? What the fuck? No!” If it had been anyone other than Derek, he may have thought he was being manipulated, but the self-esteem was weak with this one. It was a genuine concern.
He sighed. “I can’t feed on my Alpha, it’s against all hierarchical spoken and unspoken rules. You’d be vulnerable, what if someone attacked us? I’m useless, you’re incapacitated, and we’d both be fucked.”
“Your wards are strong, you’d get back on your feet in no time and I’d heal just as quickly,” Derek rebutted.
Stiles was getting increasingly agitated. “Okay, maybe but also. Also, remember what happened when I fed from that stray?” He was looking down now, folding the plastic blood bag into half, then into half again, opening it up and repeating.
After initial confusion, Derek’s eyes widened. “Please tell me you’re not actually risking death – permanent death – because you’re worried you might get hard around me. We’ll put a cushion on your lap if you’re that concerned, just feed already –”
“For fuck’s sake! It’s the feeding ritual for mates, okay?” Stiles shouted and immediately collapsed into a coughing fit. He held on to his sides, trying to stop before he passed out with pain again.
“The what?” the Alpha asked, holding Stiles’s torso still, taking as much pain away as possible.
Eventually, he managed to reply. “In the Greek texts. There’s a bit about feeding from your mate and it creates a bond during the feeding and it’s fulfilling and pleasurable and look, I can’t presume to or that you’re my – but I don’t want to – and it’s you and – it’s more than getting my dick hard, okay? It’s intimate and it makes you vulnerable and you’re my Alpha and you’re not – you’re more important – it’s more important you stay strong and able – I would never – I can’t presume to –”
Derek covered his mouth with his massive hand, the only way he knew was effective in stopping Stiles when he was Nervous Blabbering. It was bad enough before he didn’t need to breathe, now it was just endless. “It’s okay,” he said, kindness lighting his eyes. “I got you,” he said quietly, “I got you, just…” He pulled back and looked the young man in the eyes. His hand moved to caress his cheek. “You’re the most important to me.” He brought his head forward and touched his cheek to Stiles’s.
In the quiet surrounding them, Derek’s blood raced warm and unsettled under his skin, loud enough to fill the room. His heartbeat echoed louder than Stiles’s pain. He whimpered when the werewolf moved back, the warmth leaving him.
“Let me provide for you,” Derek whispered as he moved back. His head slid to the side, eyes fixed on Stiles’s. His throat arched, tendons taut, and he breathed steadily, a decided look etched on his face. “Please feed,” he said and there was so much vulnerability in his voice, Stiles had to hold him.
His arms snaked around the werewolf’s head, holding him to his bare chest. There was pain still, sharp and pressing, but the connection he felt with his Alpha was primordial. Perhaps always, but even more so now. The werewolf was kneeling in front of him, throat barred, vulnerable. He was trusting Stiles with his life, with knowing when to stop, he was adamant he would provide for the vampire, he was caring and loving and perfect.
“Derek, I can’t…” Stiles whispered.
The werewolf growled, the sound reverberating throughout his entire rib cage. “Do it!”
Stiles’s knees buckled. Tenderly, he lowered his lips, fangs elongating and grazing the skin. “Are you sure?”
Derek nodded and lifted his throat slightly, pushing it up against the vampire’s lips. Within seconds, he felt the burn of fangs piercing his skin. It was painful, yet unlike any pain he’d ever experienced. He tensed as he felt the burn spread from the wound, flourishing up on his jawline and down his collarbone. The fangs were gone then, Stiles whispering apologies in his ear, holding on to his shoulders. Derek shook his head and pushed back to the vampire’s mouth. “It’s fine, I’m fine, do it,” he insisted.
“I’m sorry,” Stiles said once more and the burn was back in Derek’s skin. He felt the way the fangs made room for his blood to trickle out, then they were gone again. The vampire’s lips latched to his skin, the tongue caressing the bites as Stiles scooped droplets of blood out.
The wave of pleasure hit Derek so hard, he couldn’t help the moan. He wasn’t ready for it, he’d never even imagined anything could feel like that. It was as if the entirety of the universe had crawled under his skin through the small incisions Stiles made on the side of his throat and proceeded to explode. His felt his very existence focused solely on the gentle tongue lapping at his skin.
On his part, the vampire wasn’t ready either. Like, holy fuck, he wasn’t ready. Like, the only other time when he had tasted werewolf blood it was out of dire necessity, not unlike this time round, but also this time it was Derek and everyone and their mother, across the entirety of the world, potentially in a couple of parallel universes knew that Stiles was adamant Derek was the most beautiful creature in history. And that the sun rose from behind his moody eyebrows and small smile. This was Derek, with the sweetest blood, the most appealing scent, the warmth of a thousand hugs, the most calming pulse in the world, even as it raced. Stiles was in heaven.
He felt arms circle his torso, holding him tight as he fed. His strength was returning steadily, he could feel the pain dull and instead pleasure bloomed throughout his body. In spite of the euphoria, he managed to pull away to allow the werewolf’s blood to replenish. It wasn’t a fast process, but Stiles wasn’t about to drain the love of his life —
“Alpha,” he whispered, delirious by now with the contentedness he felt. “My Alpha,” he said, and proceeded to pepper Derek’s earlobe with soft kisses, ignoring the blood smears.
Derek moaned. “Stiles, what are you — this is so good. I want this forever,” he replied eventually, uncharacteristically vocal about his feelings. His muscles were taut, veins standing out all over - of course Stiles noticed them. He moved back a little, enough to look at the vampire’s face. His hand cupped Stiles’s cheek. “You’re so amazing,” he whispered, eyes wide as if in genuine awe.
Stiles smiled then, lips reddened by the blood, his face filling slowly with a modicum of colour. He was content, feeling stronger, cock hard and heart full of love for the beautiful man still kneeling in front of him. There was lurking sadness behind the smile, though. “It’s the feeding bond,” he explained. “It makes you feel like this.”
Derek’s panicked expression would have been alarming if he hadn’t immediately started talking, forcing the focus on what he was saying. “What? No! I mean yes, but what about —“ he paused, hand going to cover the side of his throat where he could feel warm blood still dripping out. “What about all the other times?” he soldiered on. “What about when you sit on my floor and hum or when you cook for all of us or when you smile every time you wake me up?” He bent forward then, forehead resting on Stiles’s collarbone, the wounds under it closing up slowly. “What about every other day when I desperately care about you?” As soon as he pulled back, his eyes found Stiles’s. He moved his bloody fingers away from his throat and lifted them to the vampire’s lips. “Open.”
Stiles had no choice but to comply, mesmerised by the way his Alpha chose to feed him, lapping at the blood on the werewolf’s fingers. Unable to break eye contact, he pulled the tip of Derek’s index finger in his mouth, sucking on it gently, tongue still caressing the fingerprint where the blood had been. Derek shuddered, then presented his middle finger to the red lips in front of him, smiling when it was greedily accepted.
There was the tiniest of nips under his second knuckle, then the burn, then the sting, then the pleasure. Derek’s other hand rested on Stiles’s thigh, gripping to try and steady himself. Stiles let go of the fingers, opening the palm to kiss it, then moving to the wrist where he could feel the werewolf’s pulse better. He nipped again, sucking greedily, licking and smearing drops of blood before cleaning them. Then up the man’s large forearm, marred with a couple of scars, resting his lips in the dip of his elbow. He looked up.
Derek nodded. This time, Stiles kept his fang in plain sight. He dragged it slowly, thinly breaking skin in a clean fine line. It didn’t hurt more than a paper cut would, and Derek shivered as he waited for the burn to settle under his skin. He knew what came afterwards. Stiles looked up, making sure Derek watched him as he licked the blood.
“Please,” Derek managed, trembling as pleasure took over him, visibly struggling to hold himself back.
Stiles smiled, half-kind, half-flirty. Almost a smirk. “Ah, yes?” He pulled Derek forward by the elbow, bringing them shoulder to shoulder. Stiles’s lips rested on the corner of Derek’s mouth. “Alpha?” he asked cheekily.
“Yes,” Derek breathed. “Yes!”
So Stiles moved. Minutely, enough to bring his red lips on Derek’s, pausing for a couple of seconds to revel in the feeling of finally, finally kissing this man he’d been lusting and pining after. He bent his head slightly, working Derek’s lips with his own. They opened immediately, kissing back hungrily. It was unclear when they readjusted their positions, but Stiles was suddenly aware of Derek’s large hands on his shoulder blades holding him tightly, bare chest flushed against the werewolf’s still-clothed wide torso. Derek was kissing into his mouth furiously, tongue circling his. His affected breaths brushed his cheek and Stiles’s hips buckled helplessly.
He held Derek’s head gingerly as the man moved to scent him, kissing his neck and collarbone and moving to the closing wounds. “Alpha…” he whimpered when he felt his tongue chase the dull pain away. “I’ve been dreaming of this for – years – for ah fuck –” Derek’s lips closed around a hardened nipple, effectively shutting Stiles up.
He felt himself being pushed back into the sofa, Derek peppering his entire chest with small bites. He shuffled forward to give himself more leeway, then moved back up to kiss Stiles again. “So fucking perfect,” he whispered against the vampire’s lips. One of his hands flew up to the bulge in Stiles’s jeans, gripping it teasingly. “For years, hm?” he asked as he squeezed, opening the top button with his thumb.
“Fuck, yes, years! Derek –” he gasped as the werewolf stopped moving his hand and pulled back to look at Stiles “– Alpha,” he tried again, and the movement resumed. “Alpha, please!”
“Good boy,” Derek praised. He popped open the other buttons and pulled Stiles’s jeans down, along with his boxers. Stiles was not the greatest fan of his body, but to watch Derek rake his eyes over every inch of exposed skin was mesmerising. He felt the werewolf’s fingers travel from beauty mark to beauty mark, softly revealing more skin. When he finally managed to undress Stiles completely, he pushed his knees further apart and bent his head to scent the skin on Stiles’s inner thigh. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, pressing lazy kisses all the way to the hipbone.
“I’m begging you – I’m so – please –”
“I got you,” Derek repeated his earlier words. The claw on his index finger nipped the skin on his thumb and he lifted his hand to Stiles’s lips once more. “Suck,” he said hurriedly before bending forward to lick the precum that had trickled down Stiles’s neglected cock.
Among whimpers, Stiles started sucking, holding on to Derek’s hand for dear life when the werewolf finally took him in his mouth and licked the leaking slit. His Alpha pushed down with wet lips, hollowing his cheeks as he went, sucking him in. He finally reached the end of his torturous journey and Stiles couldn’t help but ogle him, with his nose buried in the hairs at the base of Stiles’s dick, breathing in deeply, cheeks hollowed, cheekbones sharp, eyes shut.
He swallowed around Stiles’s dick and to the vampire’s complete and utter mortification, he bucked his hips in Derek’s throat. “I’m so sorry,” he mumbled around the thumb still bleeding in his mouth. He went to pull back when Derek reached the small of his back and pushed him in the tight opening of his throat. There was the smallest sign of a gag, and Stiles panicked because that’s who Stiles was. But then Derek opened his eyes, bright red and commanding, and Stiles thought he’d come then and there.
He let go with a filthy pop. “I’m going to open my mouth,” he started, licking the spit off his lips, “and you’re going to fuck my throat, okay?”
Stiles didn’t trust himself to speak so nodded, the taste of Derek’s blood still lingering on his tongue, the bond caressing the inside of his very soul. Derek kissed the tip of his dick, sucking loudly on the sensitive skin there. He followed through on what he’d said and opened his mouth, inviting Stiles in.
It was tentative at first - small movements, aiming to show Derek he was being good for him, but ultimately restrained. He gasped through clenched teeth, hips involuntarily pushing more dick up Derek’s throat - he felt a finger right under his balls, fondling them up gingerly and a second later another finger tapping his puckered hole, pressing gently against it.
“Derek, please! Inside, I’m gonna —“ Stiles starting fucking up harder into Derek’s mouth and throat, prompting an appreciative hum from the man.
The werewolf lined his finger up with Stiles cock, sucking it enough to wet it and brought it back to Stiles’s hole. He used his elbow to open his legs further, pushing the finger in to the first knuckle, then the second. It wasn’t enough to burn properly, or to let him find Stiles’s prostate, but together with the tight heat of Derek’s mouth and the way his cheeks hollowed as Stiles fucked his mouth, it was enough to make Stiles come.
“Derek — I’m — Alpha!” He moaned loudly, hands flying up to hold the werewolf’s head in place, dick pushed as far up in his throat as it could go and he came with a long and guttural moan. It was the most blinding pleasure he’d ever experienced, his entire body trembling as he spurted his load into Derek’s mouth. Even as he was maddened with pleasure, he could still feel the man’s throat constricting rhythmically to swallow as much as possible.
The aftermath was foggy. Stiles felt the drag of Derek’s lips as he moved to let go of his spent dick. He bucked pathetically once more, unable to help it as the stimulation became too much. When Derek’s face came into focus, Stiles thought he was somehow going to come again.
The werewolf looked wrecked. Lips swollen, hair mussed, spit and cum that had escaped his eager mouth glistening on his beard. “Good?” he asked cheekily.
“The best,” Stiles replied, and got up from his post-coital slouch to kiss the wetness off Derek’s face. He had been too distracted to notice what the werewolf had been doing, but even as he licked the mess away, savouring all the different tastes, he gasped loudly when he looked down.
Derek was still kneeling, legs apart, cock out and pushed up by his jeans. It was hard - large, thick and veiny, the head standing out as it curved upwards a little. His thighs were trembling as he panted with need. His t-shirt - still on for some fucking reason - was half-soaked in sweat and droplets of blood and spit. It had ridden up on one side, showing the damp muscles leading to – Derek rubbing the glistening head with his palm, trying to create some friction.
For the first time in a long while, Stiles was hungry for something other than blood. “None of that, get up here,” Stiles urged as he slid down, kissing him deeply when they were both on the floor. He pawed at the top, pulling it upwards and trying to get Derek out of it. When he finally succeeded, he sighed happily. “I love… this,” Stiles waved his hands at the werewolf’s entire torso.
“What, this old thing?” Derek asked innocently, flexing his pecs jokingly.
Stiles couldn’t help the giggle that escaped him, but even as he watched fondly, his hands cupped Derek’s neck then moved down on his shoulders, then down his arms. “How are you real?” he asked reverently. He went back to Derek’s collarbones then, down his chest where the hair was kept trimmed and neat. His fingers ghosted over the man’s nipples, down his hard abs.
Derek shivered as the vampire leaned in to kiss the place he’d bitten earlier. “Stiles? Would you like to feed some more?” He presented his throat, anticipation unusually present in his voice.  
Stiles moaned. “Up on the sofa facing that way.” He seemed far too commanding for how nervous he was, even as lust took over him once more.
“Bossy,” Derek mumbled, but did as he was told.
“Only if you allow it.” Stiles watched the expanse of wide naked back with hungry eyes. He pulled Derek’s jeans down to his mid-thigh, essentially trapping him like that. He went straight to kneading the asscheeks in front ot him. “Having to watch you when you walked away… every time…” He was rambling now. “So I can watch this ass… I used to sit facing the stairs so I can see you go up like some sort of perv.”
Derek gasped when Stiles jokingly bit into the outer side of his ass. He shifted more weight on his forearms, pushed his ass higher in the air. “Please,” he whispered meekly.
“Okay, logistics… Lift,” Stiles said, patting the side of the werewolf’s thigh. “And the knees, okay, there we go!” Derek was fully naked now, socks and shoes gone as well. “Beautiful,” Stiles gasped. He tapped the inner side of Derek’s thighs, getting him to spread his legs.
The werewolf was fully on display now. The small of his back dipped when Stiles grabbed his cheeks and parted them further. He felt a finger travel from the top of his crack down to his hole, where it pressed on it gently. He heard Stiles spit, the filthiness of it making his cock ache with neglect. He felt the wetness travel the same road the vampire’s finger had, then a more urgent press on his needy hole.
He went to grab his dick, but Stiles was not having it. “No no, Sourwolf, let me do this right,” he told him, the commanding tone subtle. They would have time to talk dynamics, but right now Derek was desperate for any stimulation. He would take anything the other man gave him as long as he gave it to him then. He whined when the touch was too teasing and not definitive enough. “I got you,” Stiles repeated his earlier words and dived in.
Derek barely recognised his own moan. It was desperate and downright filthy. Stiles held on to his balls with a tender hand while his tongue flattened on Derek’s hole. He licked in broad strokes, trying to get it as wet as possible. Then it sharpened, pushing in slightly, alternating between focused and wide licks. Derek was mad with need. “Stiles, please,” he heard himself beg, uncertain what for.
“Shh, it’s okay,” the vampire assured and pressed a wet finger inside. He worked it in and out, a bit more every time. Derek took it, his hungry hole swallowing everything he was given. Stiles added another finger, careful not to hurt the man. He pushed them in maddeningly slow, dragging them on the upper wall as he pulled them back, then rotating them a bit. He scissored carefully, opening Derek up to him. “So hot,” he muttered, adding his tongue to the fingers in an effort to lubricate Derek’s hole further.
On his part, the werewolf was gone. He had shifted to the side a little, face practically buried in the back of the sofa as he pushed back against Stiles’s fingers. “More,” he managed in between moans.
Stiles sighed longingly, dick hard once more. He scrambled to his feet, planting a knee next to Derek’s to keep his legs spread. He pulled the werewolf up and on the back of the sofa, slowing his fingers. “You want another finger, Sourwolf? You want me to open you up more? Are you desperate to come?” Stiles was whispering in his ear now, tonguing his earlobe.
“Yes,” Derek almost barked. “Please,” he added as an afterthought. He pushed back on the fingers, hips stuttering when Stiles twisted and curled the digits and – “there!” Derek moaned.
“Here, hmm?” Stiles asked hot breath right in his ear. His fingers pressed against the prostate relentlessly.
“Yes! I need more.” He pushed back hoping to get more friction, but Stiles had almost pulled his fingers out completely.
“None of that,” the vampire said when Derek’s hand went to his cock. “Give them here,” he asked, and held Derek’s both wrists with no real strength. It was a power move, they both knew it. Stiles especially didn’t expect this power shift to be a constant thing. At least he hoped it wouldn’t be. He had dreamt of submitting to his Alpha for ages, even if it wasn’t in a scene - there was something about Derek’s commanding nature that did things to him. Stiles removed the fingers completely, bringing them up to lick them in front of Derek’s mostly unfocused eyes.
Stiles pushed a single finger back in. “Is this not enough?” he teased, nosing behind Derek’s ear to scent him the way all the werewolves in his pack did. He added another one. “How about this? No?” Derek nodded, then moaned when he felt another finger teasing his hole. “What about another one, Sourwolf?”
He left Derek for a second to spit on the partly opened hole again. When he came back up, he went straight to licking Derek’s throat, along the bulged veins there. “I can smell your blood,” he whispered in his ear as his fingers sped up. The heel of his palm wiggled to keep his cheeks spread and he started fingerfucking Derek in earnest. “You’re so good to me, Alpha,” Stiles told him. “You’re so good, providing for us, for me - giving me your blood and your mouth, letting me pleasure you in the best way I know…” Derek pushed back in sync with Stiles’s blunt nails tapping his prostate every time. “So good,” Stiles praised once more and stretched to kiss him, wet and filthy and amazing.
Derek moved his head to the side, presenting his throat once more. It didn’t matter how mad with pleasure he was, it was ingrained in his very nature to not be this vulnerable, especially as an Alpha. This was a conscious decision and Stiles felt like crying with the implications. “Bite… me…” Derek said through clenched teeth. “Feed,” he added in a pleading tone.
Stiles wasn’t sure if this was for his benefit or for Derek’s, but he did anyway. Mindful of where he bit, sharp fangs puncturing the skin on Derek’s throat once more. Sweet sweet blood filled his mouth and he sucked it greedily. The filthy noises filled the room amidst moans, the squelching of his fingers pumping in and out of Derek’s loose hole, the way he gurgled blood hungrily.
Pleasure ran through his veins, straight down to his dick. Derek’s fangs had dropped, mouth open in pleasure. His claws were firmly planted in the sofa, back tense, and when Stiles pressed down on his prostate particularly hard, he half-wolfed out as he came with a roar, untouched and delirious with pleasure. Part of Stiles was shocked, the other desperate for release. He let go of Derek’s wrists to pump his own dick a couple of times, and came all over Derek’s ass grunting.
The aftermath was quiet apart from the heavy breathing. Out of habit, Stiles panted along with Derek, even though his lungs were not burning for air. The werewolf was wrecked, the filthy moan he let out when Stiles pulled his fingers out going straight to the vampire’s spent dick. It twitched a little, but even with the supernatural and Stiles’s relentless lust, it needed a break.
He licked the open wounds clean, drenching them in enough saliva that they would stop bleeding soon. “Wait here,” he said quietly. Derek nodded and Stiles was gone for less than a minute before he returned with a damp washcloth and a towel. He wiped Derek’s asscheeks, then gently patted his tender hole clean. He tried his best to get the cum off the sofa, but it seemed it had partly soaked in already. “We might need to reupholster the sofa,” he said just as quietly.
Despite the contentedness he felt, both because of the bond and as a result of just having sex with Derek, Stiles’s anxiety seeped in. He busied himself with cleaning as much of the surfaces as possible, trying to not voice any of his concerns. Perhaps Derek was mad at him. Or perhaps he’d hurt the werewolf, pushed for too much. Perhaps the bond was too much, the intimacy too real or –
“I can literally hear you overthink,” Derek’s lazy voice came from the back of the sofa, where he was resting his upper body still trying to gather his wits.
“No, you can’t – unless you’ve developed new powers from having some vampire venom in you and even then, for the millionth time: this is not some Twilight shit, Sourwolf,” he said, immediately going into rambling mode.
Derek snorted. “Okay, not literally, but I know how your mind gets.” He slid back onto his heels then looked back at the wet spot on the sofa. “This never happened,” he said.
Stiles swore he could feel his heart break. “Of course,” he said quickly. “I totally get it, it would fuck up the pack dynamic and now that we’ve finally got some stability we would definitely not want that. You would definitely not want that,” he corrected himself. “Like, the pack is the most important, of course, and they must never know and –” He got up and pulled his discarded jeans back on as quickly as possible. “I’m gonna go, gonna look up some service to sort the sofa out as soon as I get home - I’ll link you some good places and I can cover the costs fully.” He looked around for a t-shirt before remembering it had been shredded to shit. It wasn’t ideal, but at least he had bottoms on. If the police stopped him his dad would find out but driving around shirtless wasn’t the worst thing he’d done. “Okay, I’m gonna –”
“Stiles, what the fuck are you on about?” Derek asked sharply.
“You said this never happened and that’s totally fair, I can’t even disagree –”
Derek huffed. “I meant coming untouched, you absolute idiot!” he said, pointing to his lap with both hands in a ‘this right here you imbecile’ gesture.
“Oh,” Stiles managed, shoulders slumping as part of the tension left his body.
“Yeah, oh. Idiot,” Derek said affectionately. “Stiles, in what universe would I have just had the best sex of my life and let you go home?”
“Well how the fuck would I know that – wait, best sex?”
Derek rolled his eyes. “Come here,” he said, flipping over on his back and settling on the sofa. “And take those off, they’re offending,” he said, pointing to his the half buttoned jeans.
Stiles’s lust returned with a vengeance. Still, he held on to the towel and looked around as if trying to find something else to do. “I’m not…” he trailed off, uncertain how to continue.
Derek frowned. “Unless you don’t want to,” he said, lifting up on his elbows.
“No! That’s not it, I just…” Once more, words failed him.
Derek sighed and fell back into the sofa. His hands went behind his head, making himself comfortable. His chest muscles flexed as he moved, thick arms on display. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, reverence clear in his voice.
Stiles ducked his head, then went to push his jeans off. Naked with someone else wasn’t his comfort zone, not even (or especially) after sex, not after he’d done what he’d done. But he complied, bracing himself against the shame. “I’m not,” he mumbled, hoping Derek wouldn’t pick it up.
He did and scoffed accordingly. “Come here.” He moved his arms down, stretched them out in an invitation for Stiles. He wiggled his fingers, reiterating what he said. “I want to cuddle and scent you and hold you,” Derek said.
It was severely uncharacteristically vocal of him, but then again, perhaps this is what he was like with his lovers. Is this what Stiles was to Derek? He still went, unable to deny the werewolf’s calling. He kneeled between Derek’s legs, then slowly stretched on top of him. Despite the height difference, they lined up nicely together. The man’s arms went around him immediately. “Hi,” he said shyly.
“Hi,” the werewolf replied, and caught his lips in a lazy kiss.
“Cuddles, huh?” Stiles asked after they parted.
“Yes, cuddles,” Derek repeated. “I was thinking about the sofa,” he started, then went to nuzzle Stiles’s neck.
“I too think about the sofa often. More so now,” Stiles replied with mock seriousness.
Derek laughed as he pressed kissed into the skin he could reach. He pulled Stiles further up on him to get better access. “We could move it to my bedroom, get a new one for the living room.”
“Oh?” He could feel his cock twitch.
“You know, for… future times,” Derek explained.
“Unless you don’t want to and that’s absolutely fine,” Derek hurriedly added.
“Why would I not want to move the sofa to your bedroom?”
“Okay, now you’re just playing dumb.” Derek pulled back to look the younger man in the eye.
Stiles laughed. “Yeah, okay, a little,” he admitted. “Future times, huh?”
“If you’re under the impression I can live without doing this again you’re wrong,” Derek informed him. “Again, unless you –”
“Derek I’ve liked-liked you for years now. I figured if you didn’t go for me when I was human, there was no way it would happen now,” he confessed. “There will never be a time when I don’t want to, okay?”
Derek smiled at him then, pressing a tender kiss to his lips. “Why would I not want you now?” he asked, genuinely confused.
“It’s not right,” Stiles replied. “I’m not right and my feeding isn’t –”
“Oh my god!” Derek exclaimed. “We’re all some sort of fucked up, Stiles. You think any of us are right?” he asked, mostly rhetorically.
“Well, at least the majority of this pack is werewolves, I’m such an odd one out. And the ones who aren’t don’t go sucking blood to survive!”
Derek held him tighter. “I like-like you,” he whispered. “I’ve liked-liked you when you were human, I like-like you now,” he said, using Stiles’s own terminology. He kissed Stiles’s earshell wetly, then continued. “I want to fuck you into the mattress. I want you to bite me before I come, I want to provide for you and make you come. I want you to ride me so I can watch you closely,” he added as an afterthought.
He was hard again now. “Wow, okay. Uhm, yes to all,” Stiles managed. “Are you like this with all your hook-ups?”
“Not a hook-up,” Derek clarified. “And no, only with the ones who don’t try to kill me,” he joked.
“I did have you arrested,” Stiles reminded him.
“Yeah, I have some rope I’ve been dreaming of using to pay you back for that. If you’re into that?” Derek asked almost shyly.
“You have Stiles-named rope,” the vampire repeated. “Yes, I’m into that. Have you met me?” he asked, almost giddy at the prospect.
“I have,” Derek confirmed with a smile. “I’m so glad I have. And I don’t, Stiles, I don’t normally do this,” he said, gesturing around them in a generic vague way. “But you’re special, you’ve always been.”
Stiles ducked his head again, trying to hide from the intense look. “Okay, yeah. Okay,” he repeated in an attempt to ground himself. “You hungry?” he asked, trying to change the subject.
“For you,” Derek answered immediately, smirk in place, eyes lit up with amusement.
“Unbelievable,” Stiles mumbled. He moved his hips sharply against Derek’s once to prove a point. “But honestly, same,” he added.
Derek laughed. “Good. I’m gonna take you upstairs and fuck you now, that okay?”
“Very,” Stiles replied, cock filling even more at the idea.
“We can find a new sofa later,” Derek promised, and got up to move them to his bedroom. “I’ve been getting complaints this is too small anyway,” he said in between kisses.
“Do we tell the pack?” Stiles found himself asking, unable to banish the pressing thought.
Derek stopped halfway up the stairs and looked at the vampire, predatory glint in his eyes. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard they’ll be able to smell me on you from a mile away.”
“Promise?” Stiles asked cheekily, and laughed when Derek slapped his ass lightly.
“Yeah, hard promise.”
Thank you for reading this filth, ily all! Send me requests and prompts and find me on Ao3 - links are a bit shit to me rn, but all my info is in my description.
As always, endless thanks to Joeybelle for her patience and support and for pointing out mistakes and shit.
This is not Yank-wanked (been laughing at this term for fucking ever, I’m never gonna stop using it hahaha), sorry for the British English spelling of words, I’ve completely given up on it.
Ask me stuff and for stuff and just write to me any time, I’m friend shaped! <3
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twinflowcreates · 6 years
Woops I'm back for more Kakeru from you my queen! Ilysm~♡♡♡ how about Kakeru x either Aoi or Arata? I'm inspired by the RP ;3
Woops I’m writing over drabble length for you my twin ;) Hmm Kaker x Aoi or Arata? How about both? Hehe thank you for the request, Ilysm too♡♡
(Up on Ao3 for ya~)
This was certainly not how Aoi pictured he would be spending his day, granted he didn’t plan his day beforehand anyway. Still, he would have preferred the freedom - more so now than any other time.
Well, it wasn’t an entirely bad thing to be in here, at least he wasn’t alone. The only bad thing about not being alone is that the person he’s in here with is who got him into this mess. Really, Aoi should have known better than to follow the blonde into the storage room. He blames his kind nature.
“Gomen, Aoi” said Kakeru, most his face buried in his knees he had drawn up to his chest. “I got us into this mess.”
It’s not your fault, Is what Aoi wanted to say but everyone knows of Kakeru’s famous bad luck by now. Aoi can’t say he wasn’t the slightest bit worried to help the man out when he asked, in a way it’s his fault too.
“It’s alright, Kakeru. There’s no point blaming anyone anyway, we’ll probably be stuck in here a while.” Aoi said instead, offering a semi reassuring smile. If Kakeru didn’t know better he would have said it was forced, Aoi wasn’t like that though. At least he hoped.
Aoi was right, however, they would be stuck in here a while. Kakeru hadn’t anticipated for the stuff outside to block their exit, nor did he expect the door to be so old. All he wanted was the box Hajime had requested for when he came home, part of him wanted to ask him to ask someone else.
Yet here they are, stuck in the storage room with only a dim light allowing them to see one another. Unfortunately, as one would expect, there was no signal in the room - from what the two gathered in their mild panic. So, they sat opposite each other - silence ringing through the room.
It was almost suffocating for Kakeru, who would much rather some sort of noise. He’s only glad neither of them suffer from claustrophobia - that he knows of.
How long had passed now? Since they’ve been in here? He could check his phone but that would only tempt him into checking every minute or so, he’s sure that would get annoying very quickly - the last thing Kakeru wants to be in this situation.
It feels like eternity since Aoi said those reassuring words, would it be too soon to speak up?
Aoi almost jumped at the sound of his name, blinking a few times to regain a sense of his surroundings. Did he fall asleep? No, he must have been lost in thought.
He peered over at Kakeru, who thankfully didn’t seem to notice his surprise.
“Have you…” the blonde begun, his eyes glued to floor as a small blush rose to his cheeks. “Have you ever wondered what it feels like to kiss someone?”
A further silence filled the room after the question, Aoi took a few seconds to process what exactly Kakeru had asked. Was this something he pondered often? Was he coming on to him? Pink soon dusted the elder’s cheeks as well, a small cough leaving him as if to compose himself once more.
“I-It depends on the person” said Aoi, pausing to push down his own embarrassment at the question. “If it’s anyone then I suppose it would feel odd, like rubber against your lips. Tongue especially would feel weird. But if it was with someone you liked, maybe…maybe you would get a sense of their kissing style or the feeling of their lips. It could make your mind and heart race. The same goes for if it was a partner, they’d probably send some sort of spark or warmth through you…leaving you wanting something more. It wouldn’t feel odd, or gross, maybe even come naturally.”
Kakeru sat astonished, eyes wide as he took in all the man had said. He sounded experienced, like he had a fair sense of how kisses can make you feel.
It didn’t seem to take long for Aoi to realise what he said either, his own eyes widening and cheeks darkening. He spluttered slightly, waving his hands as if to say ‘Not that i know anything!’ but no words came out.
“A-Aoi have you kissed p-people already?!” Kakeru exclaimed, unable to stop himself. Aoi only seemed to grow more embarrassed, his flush spreading to his ears.
“N-No! I’ve read a lot of r-romance novels lately” He stammered, settling for hiding his face. He should have went with a generic answer…
“A-As expected of our Aoi-san” Kakeru said quietly, willing his own blush to leave his face. He bit his lip. He never really took note of how cute Aoi looked flustered, he wondered if he looked the same. Maybe it was the heat of the room, or the question he asked that sparked these thoughts.
He can’t have always felt this way, right? No he only asked because it’s something he’s wondering in preparation for something else. So why did he want to kiss Aoi?
Kakeru shook his head, a strangled embarrassed sound escaping his mouth. No, Kakeru! He thought to himself, clapping his cheeks. Aoi doesn’t even feel that way about you! He bit his lip harder.
“Kakeru?” The blonde looked up at the sound of his name, Aoi was no longer hiding behind his hands but held a concerned expression as he looked over at him. Kakeru couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out his mouth.
“D-Do you want to find out w-what it’s like?”
He wanted the earth to swallow him whole.
Where did that come from?! Now it was Kakeru’s turn to flail, snippets of what he wanted to say coming out as a jumbled mess. Aoi could only stare in shock, his blush that was beginning to fade now returning at full force.
“K-Kakeru!” He exclaimed, “I-I-What? W-With you?!” It seemed Aoi was the same.
There was no way he would manage to take that back now, he won’t lie - the last part hurt a little. Why though? Of course Aoi wouldn’t want to kiss him! So why did his heart drop a little?
“Y-You don’t have to! I-I don’t know what i was saying, f-forget me!” He blurted out, standing up to pound at the door. He’s got to leave before they both die of embarrassment.
Of course, his bad luck didn’t end there. Of course, he’d have to trip…and land on Aoi. They let out a simultaneous yelp.
“A-Ah S-S-Sorry!!” Kakeru cried, scrambling to move off the older idol. Aoi simply steadied him before he could fall once more, eyes looking anywhere but at the blonde.
“We…We can if you would like to try” He uttered, so quietly Kakeru almost missed it over his racing heart. He paused.
Did he just accept the offer? “K-Kakeru..?”
Kakeru blinked, breath catching in his throat when he realised how close they were. He should have done a better job of moving away before he paused. This position would be very misleading to anyone who could open the door right now.
What does he do? Reject Aoi after being the one to ask? Share his first kiss with a close friend? What would he be risking? What wou-
His body acts before his mind can continue, leaning forward to capture Aoi’s lips in a flustered kiss. Aoi isn’t the only one to gasp at the sudden action.
‘What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?!’ Kakeru repeated in his head, both mind and heart racing as he closed his eyes. He definitely can’t take it back now! Aoi’s returning it.
Before Kakeru’s mind can wonder anywhere else, the door opens catching them in the act. Kakeru feels his heart stop, his senses finally returning to him at the bright light. They freeze.
“My, My this is not what I expected when I got that SOS message” said a familiar voice, they soon recognised it to be Haru. Hand waving his phone in the air, as he stood with with a surprised expression. It seemed their message went through after all…
“I’ll leave you two be” he continued with a small smile, before turning to leave.
“W-Wait Haru-san!” Kakeru called, fully scrambling off his friend. “It’s not-please don’t-”
Haru waved him off, ‘I won’t tell’ said the expression on his face as he left the two to their own devices. Kakeru almost wished Haru took him with him.
This was certainly not how Aoi (or Kakeru) pictured he would be spending his day.
It was Arata’s voice which caused Kakeru to jump this time, he thought he was doing a pretty good job of avoiding the man - and to an extent Aoi -lately. He’s only just managed to seem himself in front of their friends, and not blush in front Haru or Aoi. He can’t say that he’s managed to get the kiss out of his head however.
It’s distracting, hard to push away.
Kakeru musters up whatever is left inside him that will make him seem normal, before turning to face Arata. His wide smile - forced - on his face as usual. “Yes, Arata?”
“I heard you and Aoi shared some kisses” said the april representative, there was no malice behind his tone - not that Kakeru could pick up on anyway. Still, the words caused a heat to his cheeks and slight fear within him.
“It wasn’t some! It was j-just one…or two” Kakeru corrected, his voice trailing off towards the end.
Arata raised an eyebrow. “Why are you suddenly chasing after Aoi? Isn’t the pinkhead good enough?”
Kakeru almost choked on air, “W-What’s Koi got to do with this?!” he asked, shaking his head so his blush would fade faster - well it was worth a try. “We’re just friends!”
“Couldn’t the same be said about you and Aoi until you kissed?”
Kakeru fell silent, that was a very true point. “L-Listen” he begun after a few seconds, “I was just curious what it felt like to kiss someone! Then one thing lead to another…”
Arata hummed, “So how was it?” How on earth could he be so casual about this?
Kakeru’s cheeks burned, as he looked away “I-It wasn’t bad”
“That all, huh?” Arata mused, a breath of a laugh - or maybe a chuckle leaving his lips. “Aoi can be timid, I can show you what it’s really like. If you’re up for it”
Kakeru doesn’t know what compelled him to say yes, maybe it was the tone in which Arata used - besides his usual monotone voice. Or maybe it was the look in his eyes and face.
Whatever it was, Kakeru never thought he’d share his first few kisses with both Arata and Aoi.
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nighttimepixels · 7 years
Matchups, part 1 of 2!
alright, putting all these under a cut since even at only half, this took up some 7 or 8 pages in my word processor, woops. hope you cuties enjoy! 
i’d love to hear your reactions too >:D (feel free to screenshot/copy-paste you section into a reblog if that’s what you want, since i’m putting them below a cut, heh)
the 2nd part will be up soon!
Note: matchups are closed! this was a limited event to help me work through some distinctions while i’m scripting out the dating sim X)
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Your match is with Underswap Papyrus! Stretch is easy to get along with when your anxious, his presence so easygoing and laidback that it's hard to not warm up to him and his easy jokes. Once you do and your own joking – raunchy ones included – comes out, he trades line for line with you until one of you can't continue for laughter. He's enamored by your baking, and the way you take care of others makes you a kindred spirit with him in the subtle way he's always got an eye out for his friends. Video game marathons with snacks and the laziest of comfy pajamas are freqent...
Without a doubt, in a dating sim situation, you would hit on the Fake Dating trope with Stretch – where to save you from an uncomfortable situation he steps up and smoothly pretends you're dating. After the situation is left he eases your nerves with a joking apology, but can't help laying out a line about how normally he'd ask a cutie like you out on a date before being your bonefriend.
Naturally, the next day you find yourself meeting up with him at Muffet's, needing to give back the phone he 'accidentally' left next to you when he had quickly disappeared with an easy wave and a wink.
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Your match is Swapfell Sans! This isn't the standard two-dimensional Blackberry, of course – while certainly the type to rub others the wrong way and be more than a little exacting in most things he does, he's got a secret soft spot that you managed to find your way to. Your slight tsundere behavior accidentally drew him in, and secretly he loves that you're a little possessive of him – it tells him you truly do want him and value him enough to want to be the one at his side. When you're alone he's extremely physically affectionate, though certainly has his own tsundere streak that has it take a while into your relationship to be as automatic as it will be in the long run. His confidence and unwavering attitude helps balance your anxiety & depression, and his experience with his brother has taught him when to push you to keep trying and when you just need a day to recover. He adores your creativity, though he doesn't always say it outright – not unless someone tries to insinuate otherwise, in which they better hope they can run quick before he catches up to them and nearly deafens them with his in-depth analysis of why your efforts are so deserving of ALL OF THE ADMIRATION, YOU TASTELESS IDIOT-!
In a dating sim scenario you'd end up hitting on the Accidental Kiss trope! You're just starting to get closer to this strange skeleton, things a little hot and cold with how you've noticed he keeps showing up at your favorite hangout spots, but not everytime – yet he pulls away before he might touch you, even though he definitely bought you your favorite coffee/tea from that place and handed it to you, the cold somehow staining his cheeks purple... And then one day you're talking, both of you lingering longer than necessary on the sidewalk, about to part ways yet drawing out the conversation – when suddenly someone rushes by and knocks into you, pushing you into him-! He's mid swear, ready to tear into the asshole, when your mouths meet. His skull turns purple. Once you pull away he nearly stutters, something about needing to go meet someone named Alphys, immediately-
The next day, he finds you with purpose in his stride, though one of his hands keeps clenching and unclenching. He asks you to meet him in the park for the local winter festival – and after a wonderful night, asks you to be his datemate with the winter stars sparkling overhead.
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Your match is Underswap Sans! Overhearing you talk about videogames at a local coffeeshop first had him bounding up to meet you, a charming grin on his face and a delightful sparkle to his eye as he asked you what you thought of the release of That Game you were talking about. In a whirlwind of connection and friendliness within a week you find yourself playing videogames with him and his older brother at their house, and have the night of your life and everything falls into place from there. He helps you everytime your depression rears its head, knowing how to both give you time and space to feel what you need to feel while also being the kind, encouraging rock he is, keeping you from spiraling and providing the light to help see your way out of it. He helps you every way he can to find a job you can bear or even like doing, and delights in your art & your passion for it, and is drawn to your empathy – he seriously admires you tempering your anger so much, seeing how hard it can be for you.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Friends to Lovers scenario! Your bond grows quickly into the fastest of friends, but as strongly as Blue feels for you, he'll never pressure you into anything. It isn't until the night that you come home from work, exhausted and upset and even angry, only to find that your best friend had come over with his brand new console, cleaned your apartment (as he had done before – you had long since given him a key, and struck a deal regarding private place to Not Touch versus realizing that he was just wanting to make things easier for you and was damn good at cleaning too), and had the copy of the brand new game you had both been geeking out over for months. He had even ordered your favorite takeout, acquiescing to not cook for once given what he had gleaned from your frustrated texts throughout the day, and after a long night of games, good food, and the best pillow pit you've ever snuggled in, you looked up at him laughing at one of your jokes about a character in-game and felt your heart skip a beat.
It's less than a week before Blue asks you out. He's a sweetheart and a cheeky gentleman, but never underestimate how observant he is.
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Your match is with Underswap Sans! You are two adorable peas in a pod with how you like to look on the bright side. And despite his extroversion, even Blue has some introverted tendencies – namely in getting to spend at least the occasional time with you where it's just you two have a sweet night in, and more often than not playing videogames together. He gets excited for you about your anime interests, and particularly doesn't mind sitting down to do a little binging with you if it means he gets to have you cuddling with him and spending treasured time together. He balances out your laziness well, and you help ground him when he tries to do too much at once and pushes himself too hard. You're both a couple to be reckoned with when it comes to how much you love one another- and how well organized you two can be together.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Caught in the Rain trope! You meet him when a light drizzle you're rushing through by taking a shortcut through a small local park when it suddenly turns into a torrential downpour- and caught without an umbrella, you take shelter under a nearby gazebo! He's there too, staring up with starry eyes at the way the water's making the hanging flowers glisten, and you find out he was there early to 'train' with his friend. You talk with him for nearly an hour before you realize that the rain had let up quite a while earlier – in the end, you end up with his number and an impossible-to-refuse charming request to meet him for coffee this weekend.
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Your match is with Underfell Papyrus! He's first drawn to you when he sees your passion shine – and the way you manage to find such fierce confidence and rely on logic over the temptation of emotional response. Your high standards are impeccably matched with him, both outwardly and inwardly – as is your lack of chill. Still, once you're with him, your empathy is a balm on every scar this edgy skeleton has born in silence and pretended to not care about – it's an extremely slow process, getting him to open up, and between you the trust is definitely built gradually – but for your natures, once it's built, it's nigh unbreakable for how time and action tested it is. After a significant amount of trial and error you end up being great balances in the matter of confrontation; he learns when it's necessary to ease up at least with those he cares about, and you're able to find a better balance in communicating and speaking up for yourself – though you both have a tendency to get passionate in more ways than one when you're both bullheaded about admitting fault. He is always there for you, though he values action over words – he's sometimes too harsh, but his deep passion for his work, hobbies, and you is unwavering. You teach him that emotion and empathy isn't purely weakness, and he teaches you ways to have true confidence – taking gruff but true interest in your interests, and over time you even piece together that as he's learned more about you, he has never once forgotten a detail of what you have told him regarding your passions or deeper fears. Together you're by all means a power couple – and in the long run, your fierce loyalty and passionate ways bring out the best in both of you.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Fakeout Makeout! Yes, that one. You've known him for some time at this point, finally having edged past longterm acquaintances of a very odd variety and into friends, but not yet together – you're both still a little too uncertain with your trust for that, though you both are a little too secretly aware of your own respective interest in one another. When an ex/pushy asshole/etc shows up one night when you're at a club with friends, Edge had already been standing silently by you for much of the night – in the end, to show them up and after a strange cascade of events, you find his mouth moving passionately against yours, the act a little too good – and the person's long gone by the time you both break away, breathing hard, heat on your cheeks and magic on his.
It's not long before he finally cracks and asks you out on the most well-put-together date you've ever known.
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Your match is Swapfell Papyrus! You're both laidback beyond the belief of your friends, and your dark humor bounces off one another in a terrible but witty spiral that neither of you judges the other for. He loves simply relaxing on the couch with you between his legs as you draw, either idly passing the time as he reads or plays video games, comfortable in silence or swapping jokes and easy conversation with you like no one else can quite manage to get him to do. He'll even take note of your favorite art styles/artists/interests in art, and though you've missed a lot of exhibitions, he'll get you access to one most up your alley and make a casual date night of it – maybe even making the exhibition a surprise. He may not have a lot to say about the art, but you can bet he's staring at the best piece of art he sees there- you.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Friends with Benefits trope! You both are a little too laidback to actively pursue a relationship, but your friendship was so curiously natural that you were hanging out all the time regardless, and eventually one night a long and dirty conversation devolves into a shameless makeout session – it becomes a natural and unforced part of your relationship to whatever degree you're comfortable with, until one night he's laying back, watching you laugh in that special way that's so uniquely you, and he finally can't ignore the way his soul thrums when he's with you, the way you draw those crooked grins from him – and the same night, you find yourself thinking the same thing. It may be a while until you both finally bring it up given a general concern to 'not ruin things', but once you do, it's the most damned natural thing that it ends up becoming a running joke that you guys both managed to be so lazy and so relaxed with one another that you didn't even realize you had truly fallen in love.
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Your match is Undertale Sans! Quite the prankster duo, you both end up finding way too many hijinks to get up too in increasingly clever ways, whether with one another or with your friends – and you've definitely dunked on a few people with him via pranks, when they truly deserve it. Your empathy is what truly gets through to him and finally draws him out of his reluctance to be in a relationship due to his baggage and self-esteem issues; he truly feels he can trust you, and those good vibes of yours bring out the best in him. He's always down to watch movies, animated or otherwise with you, particularly because it means he can do what he loves the most- have a lazy night in, cuddling the shit out of his vertebae and cracking terrible jokes.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Accidentally In Love! You're best friends before you even realize you have feelings for one another – late nights at Grillby's, movie marathons each week, easy conversations and jokes all build together, braiding and weaving into one hell of a tapestry of friendship, and you're the first person he thinks of (and vice versa) whether something great or something that upsets him has happened. You're watching an animated movie together, snacks strewn with haphazard delight about you in your blanket nest where you ended up casually – theoretically platonically – cuddling with him.... he glances over to you during your favorite scene, and ends up missing the entire thing as magic rises on his cheekbones at the way your eyes shine in awe. He realizes he's in deep within the span of a second – it may take him another month to ask you out, but all the while he's trying to figure out if you like him too, and it's driving his second-guessing ass up a wall – but once he finally gets himself together, you find yourself on a date to watch a movie at a local drive in, the stars twinkling overhead, and his fingers twining with yours.
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Your match is Undertale Papyrus! He absolutely adores every inch of your warm and creative spirit, matching you stride for stride in your love of varying colors and fantastical stories. He's just as much as a morning person as you, and despite his reputation for going to bed on time, he rarely sleeps until much later – he's usually up reading, making plans or new puzzle concepts, or otherwise passing the time actively in a more surprisingly quiet manner. His confidence and outgoing nature is a great balance for your anxiety, and he is more than happy to hand you a box of markers he picked up specially for you and spend happy hours chatting with you, listening to your interesting odd facts, munching on something odd you baked, and watching you draw on yourself and him both. It takes him a bit to really get down the issue with loud noises, but he has a special softer & warm voice he reserves for you, particularly delighting with a mischievous sparkle in his gaze when he can use it to fluster you.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Innocent-Turned-Not Cohabitation! When you find yourself in dire straits, your best friend, the Great Papyrus of course, takes you in. He's the perfect gentleman and views it as one long sleepover while also making sure you have everything you need – but about a week in, he catches you singing with the bathroom door cracked a little too wide, and drawn in by your voice he glances inwards – only to see a little more of you than he'd ever intend. His entire skull colors with his magic and he all but flees to his room, shutting the door a little too hard and trying to figure out why he reacted like that as opposed to shutting the door with a mild blush and apologizing profusely – but he isn't that dense, and within the night he fully comes to terms with the fact that he doesn't just view you as a best friend – but loves you romantically, too. The next several weeks place a strain on even his control, though he never blames or pushes it on you – though you notice a lot more blushing on his part. Finally, once your living situation is sorted out and he feels he can safely ask you out without burdening you with the pressure of accepting only because you were staying with him for free, he does so – and with flare, even though his confident charm is slightly betrayed by the true flustered blush coloring his cheekbones.
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Your match is Undertale Sans! A homebody, you say? Well boi howdy is this the skeleton for you. As laidback as he is, once you're with him, prepare for cuddle central – he's got something of an extreme interest In how soft you are as a human, and loves listening to your heartbeat to boot. He'll give you so many kisses just to hear the way you slowly break down from warm delight to laughter to... everything else, and however you want to spend the time, he's down. You also bring out the best in him on the topics of science and all manner of learning – whether it's marathoning Mythbusters or gorgeous documentaries on wildlife and more, you start to help chip away at his lingering issues with it, and indulging in nerdery with you makes his eyelights light up – you both challenge each other in the best ways in this, and you quickly figure out that you have quite the extended memory once you start associating new topics of learning with Sans and his crooked grin, waggling brow, and terrible puns.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Matchmaker! In fact, this one deeply involves eternal-sweetheart and secret ultimate wingman, Papyrus. He's learned over the years more about dating, and by the time he meets you, he knows better what Sans likes and what dating is better as – and though you end up friends with Pap first, it isn't long until he brings you home for a 'friendship movie marathon' with his closest friends – including his brother. From there it is a surprisingly well orchestrated (if often hilariously gone cockeyed) series of sly setups to encourage you both to get closer, even setting you up in romantic scenarios – only for you and Sans to simply grow closer outside of this to the point that each romantic scenario ends up with you two becoming better friends, and just when Pap's starting to think that maybe you both are too dense to see how perfect you are for one another, one of you slips up and it's a natural fall into a proper date and becoming the best of vertebaes.
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Your match is Underswap Sans! Sweethearts, anti-bully, and warm-humored, you two are quite the pair to be reckoned with when it comes to being an adorable couple. He helps you come out of your shell around strangers, taking the bulk of any ice-breaking tension on his surprisingly broad shoulders with that bright grin of his, and his way of making friends wherever he goes helps make it more comfortable for you in such circumstances. He adores your tenderness, and while he loves the cold, he loves even more the fact that you're inclined towards seeking warmth with him when it does get cold – because you better bet this cutie is a snuggler. One of the best, in fact – and more than anything, he loves it when you laugh, and won't stop telling you how much he loves the sound of it – because to him its beautiful, because its a sign of how high your spirits are... and seeing you happy is his joy.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Interruption Gauntlet! In a nutshell, this means that while there's no one source, every moment Blue gets the courage and timing right to confess his feelings for you/kiss you, you're interrupted. The first time is almost a relief – he's left blushing but waves it off with aplomb when you later ask what was making him so flustered. He had been interrupted from spilling his feelings in a sweet moment you two had ended up bonding over, already dear friends at that point – his brother had gotten home then, and Blue just took it as a sign that he needed to prepare better, anyways. You deserved only the best after all!
… And then it just kept happening. His brother would come by, or Alphys would show up, or your friends/family would call right freaking then, or there was a sudden shift in the weather – it happens for nearly two months before one day he snaps. His brother had come by – all of you/your friends out on a day at the park – and he'd (truly accidentally) interrupted you two when Blue had managed to get you alone in a cute sidepath. You turned to follow after Stretch, but suddenly Blue had snagged your hand, and you only had a split moment when you looked back in surprise at him to catch the heated and determined spark to his eyelight- and then he was kissing you, gentle but passionate, one hand holding yours and the other lifting to cup the line of your jaw.
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Your matchup is Undertale Papyrus! He doesn't mind your clinginess one bit, simply laughing brightly and fondly and picking you up – half the time you end up looking like a koala hugging the tall calcium-filled tree that is Papyrus. With his own flair you both have a sort of redirectic dramaticness about the two of you, and it often turns into a fond game in its interpretations, whether in talking about your day or playfully turning into something akin to a terrible and hilarious soap opera scene at having to part for one of you to go run an errand. He's also got an issue with sitting still with movies if he's already seen it (the exception being MTT specials and certain animated musicals). He's great at handling stress and his constant optimism and charming attitude help you find a balance, and his experience with Sans has him knowing all the tricks and tips necessary to help support you in your tiredness – and to help keep him grounded when sometimes he's a little too gung-ho about tackling the day.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Accidental Partners in Crime! You first meet – and then keep running into – Pap at the grocery store. After the first few times the conversation goes beyond passing, with Pap generally delighted with you as a person – and his mood infectious. You follow along easily enough with this cheerful skeleton, and it becomes something of a tradition now when you go shopping to end up wandering the store with him. In fact, after about a month of this, you're so caught up even though you had only stopped in to grab a drink, you and a similarly lightly-burdened Papyrus stroll right on out of the store together, too used to your time being longer together... It isn't until you're well out of the store that you realize you both just technically stole your items, and after hijinks and hilarious overreactions (particularly on his part) occur, you manage to return the items – and from there, he insists he treat you to dinner for the trouble.
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Your matchup is with Underfell Sans! While he isn't the kind of guy you'd call 'social', he is a hell of a lot more charismatic than some people give them credit for. He adores your humor, and with that wicked grin of his he'll trade joke for joke with you until you're breaking down in laughter (and sometimes, even more, just to see you laugh harder – because stars, does he love your laugh.) Being the laidback guy he is he's down for your Netflix binges – especially the comedy specials, though he's got a thing for B-grade scifi too – and is always down to try the results of your baking. In fact, you're gonna need to get some better hiding spots if you want to have leftovers by the end of the night. He'll play videogames with you, and his attitude is so chill it helps soothe your own fidgeting – but he doesn't really mind if you're preferring to be doing something with your hands... particularly if it involves him. What? That's where your mind went? Well he's certainly not gonna turn you down... His teasing can be merciless, but truthfully, he just likes being able to chill with you at home. You quiet the burning in his soul, and replace it with something much gentler and warmer. He also sticks the hell up for you, and gets annoyed when he realizes you were just letting too many things slide – in the end, he ends up being the one who helps you start to stick up for yourself a little more – and when you won't, you better bet he sure as hell will.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Trapped in the Closet! You know damn well you're attracted to this skeleton – and hell, vice versa. Your flirting is incessant, but neither of you have made a proper move – that is, until the night you're hanging out with him at a party Undyne's throwing, and everyone's more than a little tipsy – the party gets rowdier as the night goes on, and you and Red end up accidentally pushing into Undyne's room to get a breath when someone starts a challenge regarding a significant amount of alcohol. Your talking turns into dirty joking and clear flirting, though it's such a standard at this point neither of you quite believes the other's actually interested – and that's when you hear Undyne fumbling drunkenly and loudly at her own door, Alphys' voice with her – you panic and before Red can react you shove him into her closet, falling in after him and shutting the door just as they enter the room. When you get your bearings, you realized he's half shoved onto the floor, staring up at you with a red glow on his cheekbones, and you're straddling his lap.
… Yeah, by the next day, you're officially dating.
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Your match is with Underfell Papyrus! Interestingly, you and Edge would actually strike the perfect balance, on top of your similarities. It takes a while to realize that you've even become friends, honestly, but before you know it the way you challenge one another and overreact becomes almost like a game – and its one day when you're not responding quite as lively to his jabs and clever turns of phrase that Edge goes... oddly quiet. After a minute he strides out of the room, and you figure his probably mad, as is his inclination – but within a minute he's back, and before you can blink you find yourself scooped up in his arms, the telltale sound of a kettle heating in the kitchen to no doubt brew his admittedly excellent special blend of tea, and he has the TV on to a Mettaton special – before sitting lithely down on the couch, a blanket covering you and a scowl on his face – but he doesn't release you. Despite any protests he shuts you down, and then with a smart twist of his words he has you finally venting, relieving your built up stress and worries in a way that... well, hell, you'd never really had anyone quite get you to do before. It's a steady rise from there as you really do become close friends, little changing in your constant spikey, sassy banter, but you realize he's now got a knack for getting you to vent too, and for somehow getting you to build your own confidence through it. Believe it or not, the edgelord actually does have a sense of humor – and while even once you're dating he'll huff or roll your eyes at your meming, you can tell he secretly likes it... but only from you, dammit. You're both passionate as hell, too, which only comes out more once you're in a relationship, and his sometimes hard-to-see concern for you has him backing off his own tirades a little easier. You soften up his edges and soothe his deep-seated concerns over being truly liked (feared is great, but once out of a kill or be killed world... gods does this spikey edgelord need love too – he is a Papyrus, after all), and once you're dating you find out that in private this man is insatiable when it comes to cuddling, taking pride in your own affection, and easily overriding a lot of your easy-to-build concerns about being selfish.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Rivalry As Courtship! Like mentioned above, you two don't hit it off in the average sense of the term – but you challenge him, and intrigue him, and he seeks that out more and more – as do you. It becomes a sort of rivalry over time, losing some of the sharper edges as you see more sides of one another, but retaining that passion – until eventually, after that pivotal vent/cuddle session, it takes on a distinctly courting vibe as Edge ups the ante, whether through clever turns of phrase that shoot down any assumption that you are unworthy, or literally whisking you off your feet later on and taking clear smug and secretly soul-thrilling pride in making you breathless, to effectively having rivalling dates 'on accident' before he at last asks you out at the end of a truly unmatched outing.
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raeyvies · 7 years
Hi! What about a Headcanon about how everyone would react to MC who does Mukbang's?? 😊💜
RFA + V + Saeran reacting to MC who does Mukbangs  (vlogs while eating food) 먹방
Oh my god I loved writing this headcanon ^_^ I’ve never seen anyone do an HC about this and I actually thought it was so creative! For those of you who don’t know, Mukbang is just livestreaming while eating food and interacting with the viewers. It’s actually something that’s getting popular lately in Korea so I totally see MC actually doing this xD Also, some who do mukbangs actually get money for it~ Thank you for requesting :D
This boy was literally playing his video games while supposedly studying
Of course it was LOLOL and he was legit hacking at his keyboard
It’s a miracle that his computer is still alive up to this day
You had texted him a few times to see what he was doing before you started your live stream.
It’s not that you wanted to keep it a secret from Yoosung but it’s a natural reaction
No one really likes explaining themselves for what they like to do right?
It’s just one of those things you kind of hope that someone else doesn’t find out about
You already had a pretty large fan base for your vlogs and live stream as so it would be a matter of time before your boyfriend found out
You were sitting there on the floor with a large bowl of spicy rice cakes and a side a kimchi.
Today’s theme was comfort food on a budget and you talked about how easy it is to cook all this stuff and how satisfying it is when you taste it
While live streaming you always read the comments and answered them because it was fun
Some were so cute and some were extremely nice
You would make this little motion if shaking your shoulders when you read cute comments
Oh the flattery.
Yoosung started noticing that a lot of his friends were logging off and was so confused
They were in the middle of PVP and like no one ever logs out in the middle of a battlefield.
He quickly asked those still online why they were logging out and they said it was to watch a Mukbang live stream
They said that the host was really cool and sweet and cute
They sent yoosung a link to the video and his reaction was priceless when he saw your face
He started sending in a spam of comments hoping for you to read them
Oh the secondhand embarrassment.
With a slightly full mouth, you cough in surprise
Not graceful at all
“Yoosung!! What the heck! You’re supposed to be in class right now. Get back to class”
And then you tell everyone who was watching that commenter “yoosung⭐” was your boyfriend
And after that, all comments during the video turned around to be about you and yoosung
What can you say, your fan base really wanted to know who you were dating
And Yoosung gained some serious street cred in LOLOL for being your boyfriend
You began the livestream fairly late at night but it was the only time you were free
And really, the only time you were hungry that day
Jumin hadn’t arrived from work yet while you got off work very early that day
So you set up your camera you had secretly bought “borrowed” from V (woops)
You decided to livestream outside on the penthouse balcony and also for the good lighting
You start and give your wacky introduction with some funny chopstick moves
“Alright guys, I know it’s been a while but I’m back tonight! I’m outside for a change and we’ll be having late night snacks today”
You showed them a box of gyeranppang (계란빵)/Egg bread and some hotteok (호떡)/Korean pancakes.
“Actually I didn’t make this. I was feeling lazy and craving some street food. You can’t ever go wrong with street food!”
As per usual, you interact with your viewers asking them questions about their favorite street foods and late night cravings
It was all fun for you and you had missed doing these broadcasts for a while
You were surprised you still had a solid fanbase
Then suddenly the comments started blowing up, saying that there was someone behind you entering through the door
MC there’s someone in your house!
Intruder alert intruder alert!
Turn around and run away MC!!
So you were a little frightened by their reactions until you looked back and found Jumin right behind you
And you looked glamorous
Half a hotteok pancake was sticking out from your mouth, so instead of Jumin giving you a kiss as a greeting, he simply took a bite directly from the same pancake sticking out
Oh God you were blushing so hard as everyone tuned in was watching this unfold.
Jumin saw the camera and the video being recorded and simply asked
“Commoner food all of a sudden?”
You still loved it when he considered your favorite foods commoner foods. It was really cute in your opinion because he liked that type of food just as much ever since you married him
You finished your hotteok with wide eyes and turned back to the screen for a moment
“I forgot to tell you guys something. I actually got married while I was away from mukbangs! He’s actually my husband not an intruder.”
Jumin caught on and introduced himself super formally (chill boi, just let loose)
“Long story short, I married him in 11 days– Ya! Jumin get back here and join me!”
He changed clothes first before joining you. He was actually really delighted to do a mukbang with you
Given, he had no idea what a mukbang is because “commoner” things
“So. What exactly do I do here?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He actually needed help with this
“Well first of all, sit right next to me. Really close to me. And then eat. Oh and talk to the viewers too! Looks like they want to meet you. And, I think we’re going to need more food…”
Jumin couldn’t deny that the food was so delicious. Remind him to buy more of this food when he gets off work
After a while he got comfortable with the live stream even though it was his first time and you left him to it while you went across the street to buy more food
You were overjoyed to come back and see him actually enjoying himself.
You loved seeing him doing “commoner” things after all
The live stream went well into the night and the both of you weren’t no strangers to PDA.
Besides, it was fan service anyway.
“And on today’s episode of Vlogs with MmmmmC, I’ll be doing something different”
Today, your mukbang wasn’t the traditional livestream. Usually you would just be at your apartment eating food that you made for Jaehee because Hey someone’s gotta make food right
You were actually doing a lowkey promotion of yours and Jaehee’s Cafe.
Considering how large a fan base you had, you decided to use it to your advantage honestly
It would make jaehee so happy to know that a lot more people were coming to her Cafe.
IT would be a little gift to her from you.
You were live streaming from your phone as you walked over to the Cafe
“Alright so today, I’ll actually be going to a Cafe and tasting food from there. It’s a somewhat new Cafe but the food is soooooo good.”
As you walk in through the door, Jaehee sees you and is suddenly confused. She was cleaning things up before planning to close for the day.
“You guys want to know why the food is so good here? It’s because I work here and my girlfriend owns this place! Jaehee come here!”
You tell her to introduce herself to your viewers and she does so but very shyly.
You give her a little kiss and ask if it’s okay to show them some of the pastries that were in the fridge.
Jaehee was totally on board with this and actually took your phone and started showing the viewers around the cafe even though this was her first mukbang
The comments coming in were super friendly and positive
Most of them were anxious for you to reveal the address of the cafe because for one they wanted to meet you but the food also genuinely looked delicious
Some of the fans even begged for more fan service and how could you deny it
You loved Jaehee so much, no one had to tell you when to kiss her or not anyway.
Every chance you could, you gave Jaehee a peck on the cheek and at one point of the live stream, you were being a cringe cuddly couple as you both fed each other desserts.
At the end of the live stream you revealed the location of the cafe and the next morning there was a line outside the Cafe
Jaehee was just wonderstruck
But she couldn’t thank you enough
A part of her was also thinking that there was going to be so much work ahead of you.
But it’s okay. You made sure to get Zen and Yoosung on board to help out with baking
You already knew you had a large fan base but you didn’t expect them to be this dedicated
Zen found out about your Mukbangs the same day it came out into the news that the two of you were dating
“And in breaking news, famous actor Zen Ryu has been found to be in a relationship with Ms. MC, a well known mukbang online celebrity.”
Okay it was a stretch for you to be called a celebrity but you were definitely well known online.
You were surprised that Zen didn’t know yet but it made sense.
He was always busy with rehearsals  
What he didn’t know was that you also make it rain with your live streams.
As the news continued, clips from your old videos were replayed along with some newer ones
You were cringing at the old videos
Oh my god you were actually a very embarrassing girl back when you started these videos
What even was up with your hair and clothes??
You couldn’t bare to watch the news so you were going to change the channel but Zen took the remote from you, chuckling at your reaction.
“Oh come on MC. You were adorable back then. What happened to you? You became so gorgeous.”
“Noooo, it’s so embarrassing! I don’t even know what I was doing back then. Why was I even dying my hair back then oh god what was I”
Zen was trying so hard not to laugh
For the rest of that day, Zen insisted in re-watching your most popular mukbangs and you gave in
You actually laughed at yourself.
You were so messy when it came to eating ramen and other noodle dishes
Then you got the idea to film another mukbang
After all, it had been a few months since you did one and you were feeling kind of nostalgic
You looked in the fridge and saw some left overs and thought that was just fine for this episode
Finding a camera wasn’t hard and you set up the live stream
The viewers came swarming in as they were super excited to see you again especially after the revealing of your relationship with Zen
“HI everyone! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Well I’d like to introduce you to a new member of my mukbang Vlogs!”
The viewer count reached a new record for you
This kid knew about your mukbangs since the beginning
Surprise surprise
Even if he was in the middle of work he would always join in and watch your live streams
He thought you were always so cute but one day he started seeing comments in the chat asking whether or not you have a boyfriend
You were both actually at home that day but he was in his office working
You were actually surprised when someone asked you that, that you ending up coughing while you had food in your mouth
You cleaned yourself up first before telling your viewers about your boyfriend
Oh god it was like a slippery slope. One person asked and then a flood of chats came in only asking you about your current relationship status
You have no idea why but it made you blush all of a sudden to talk about it
But looks like you didn’t have to because Saeyoung actually hacked your livestream
So now he was the star of the show and you were just completely dumbstruck
“Hi MC! Guess what? I knew about your mukbangs all along *insert cackling noise*”
“So you guys were clearly asking her about her boyfriend and let me tell you, she’s taken. By me. And a space ship”
He was literally doing his own mukbang with your viewers as he ate honey Buddha chips and talked on and on about you
Some viewers were still not convinced about him being your boyfriend as you continued reading the comments
Since he was pranking you, you had to get some payback.
You grabbed the ramen plate and the udon noodles and went downstairs to his office
You casually entered and Saeyoung didn’t notice you there so from behind, you dumped ramen and udon all over his head.
Then once again you appear on his camera and say
“Yes everyone. This noodle boy is my boyfriend. And well I didn’t really give him permission to hack my livestream. Did I, Saeyoung?”
You were literally a laughing mess as Saeyoung was still frozen in his seat.
You sat on his lap and well you gave him a kiss on the lips that clearly tasted like spicy ramen
You look at the camera, chuckling and say
“I think ramen tastes better this way. I encourage you to do this to all your boyfriends and girlfriends *wink wink*”
You decided to end the livestream there because you two were about to do some NSFW things
It all started after you took his glasses off that were covered in soup
V started catching on when he was finding that his video camera always went missing
He had it stored with all his cameras so of course he would know what’s missing
The only other person who knew where he stored his cameras was you so he went to ask you where it was or if you happened to be using it
It didn’t bother him that you just took it, after all he does trust you with all his equipment considering that you also did photography as a hobby and video editing as well
You were up in the attic when he found you doing a mukbang livestream
It’s called an attic but really it’s your own little secluded room that V had remodeled for you
It was a little private space for you to do video editing and pretty much anything
You actually didn’t go up there all that frequently because you enjoy being by V’s side rather than away from him
When V walked in, you were in the middle of eating Korean fried chicken. So of course your mouth was full and you were messy when he saw you
He noticed that you were live streaming as he saw the camera he was looking for and it was hooked up to your computer
“Oh my bad. I didn’t mean to bother you MC!”
Before he could leave, you grabbed him and sat him down next to you in another seat
The comments were flooding and they were asking if this was the guy you always talked about
They asked if he was your boyfriend but all you did was kiss him on the cheek to show your viewers the man you loved
“V, I never told you that I do these kinds of videos sometimes.”
Then you whisper in his ear, “I actually make money doing this”
You just didn’t want to rub it in your viewers faces that you make some decent money from mukbang
You pull away and ask him to get comfortable and interact with the viewers
He talks all about his occupation and he’s so distracted that he didn’t notice you left to get one of his cameras that had recent photos on it.
When you come back, you asked him if you could show them some of his photos
Seriously you wanted to brag all about V now
Of course not to be overbearing or anything.
He let you show them some of the photos after all
After the live stream ended, you checked your bank account once again and finally you reached the number you wanted so you smiled
You pull him out of his seat and downstairs giving him a moment to put on his shoes
“Come on, hurry up! I think the store is gonna close soon!”
V had no idea what you were trying to say but he quickly got ready and went to the car and you drove to this high end photography and camera shop
Once inside, you point at the one camera that’s been on display for so long because it’s legit the best camera in the store
“V, I’ve seen the way you look at this one. I know you want it”
Oh god V was so flattered and insisted that you shouldn’t buy it for him
Ignoring him, you asked the nearest salesperson if you could buy the camera
You had absolutely no regrets even if all your money in your side account was drained
V had absolutely no words
He couldn’t believe what you just bought him but he showered you in so many kisses
You tell him that it’s a belated anniversary present. You were saving up for it
Then he suggested getting some take out food and added
“From now on, can I join you in your mukbangs?”
Explaining what mukbang was turned out to be harder than you thought
Not to say he was dumb or anything of that sort, he just wasn’t up to date with all the trends
Because honestly he couldn’t care less about trends
So you settle on just showing him instead
He helped you make the food but after all that he still decided to only eat an ice cream cone
As you turned on the live stream, he sat in the far back behind you watching.
What was up with this kid???
He legit looked like a ghost in the back of the camera and people in the comments were actually asking if there’s a poltergeist in your house
You take this chance to poke at saeran and when you looked back you said you saw nothing even though saeran was there
Oh it bothered Saeran that you were messing with him like this
Then the chats started blowing up as you ate. The viewer commented with tips on how to get rid of a ghost
You looked back and continued to say
“Guys I don’t see a ghost!”
Finally, Saeran got up and got closer to the camera but you acted like he wasn’t there while everyone was just freaking out that your camera must be supernatural or something
Now that you got his attention, you took Saeran’s ice cream cone and ate it
The poor puppy face he made (>﹏
But you also pouted and that had him melting
“Saeran-ah, you haven’t eating all day! Just eat what I made and I’ll eat your ice cream. Deal!”
So he conceded and pulled up a chair and basically did the mukbang for you
Of course it was super awkward but you helped him out
Before ending the live steam you said
“And that’s how you live with a ghost as a boyfriend! Stick around and maybe in the future you’ll see more of my ghost here!”
With his pretty much blank face he literally just shoved some food in your mouth to get back at you. Of course he wasn’t aggressive when he did it
that had him chuckling deep inside
Then he told you
“I’ll join your Mukbangs. But not as a ghost”
You were surprised that he even said that he would accompany you
You never even mentioned or suggested that to him
But looks like he actually enjoyed it despite looking a little peeved
Then you returned the favor and shoved food into his mouth
“Eat up. Unless you want to actually become a ghost, Saeran”
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monomas-a-smug-bih · 7 years
may i request a monoma x reader where monoma thinks reader likes someone else?
This smug bih is jelly af
(Readers quirk is taking over someone's quirk by touching them for as long as they want. They don't use there quirk but control how the opponent uses it.)
MONOMA NEITO slammed his locker shut more aggressively than usual, catching a worried glance from Kendou. She paused her conversation with a vine haired girl and glanced over.
“What’s your problem now?” She almost groaned puffing out her cheeks. The blonde just shrugged and said it was nothing. He trudged along the long school hallway alone.
No he was definitely on edge about something.
He’d developed an ’ infatuation ’ with some 1A female that participated in the Sports Festival. He was interested by her before, but seeing her be amazing on the battle field seemed to just put fuel in the fire. His fire anyways.
Now, he had a crush on you. Especially since you were patient enough to start up some small talk with him while watching some other students fight it out. He was beyond surprised, not showing any of it on his face of course..
He r e a l l y wanted to hear more of your voice.
But than he realized something, you’ve been talking to that ‘Bakugou’ kid he pissed off at the festival. A lot. Like more than an average person (or Kirishima) could handle, the guy was barely even sociable 90% of the time! So why were you putting up with him instead of Monoma!
Thoughts were rushing in and out of his head, the teachers lesson not even reaching his ears. The ringing of reasons for 'her’ to like Bakugou were far too loud.
Did you like him?
Did he like you?
Were you dating…?
On the inside, he was furious. That dude was a total lunatic with some stupid superiority complex. What does Bakugou have that he doesn’t that you find so appealing? He kinda felt sick, the nausea causing his internal anger to dissipate into worry almost immediately.
His ears were so deaf to the background noise of his surroundings, an orange haired girl had to poke him with a pencil.He was sent a few glances from students, the teacher had asked him a question. 'Shit.’ He hastily smiled politely asking him to repeat the question.
“I said, did you get all that?” He felt sweat trickle down his neck.
“Yes sir.” His smug expression definitely was conflicting with his nervousness on the inside.
After getting out of the classroom way too early for some reason, Kendou filled him in on the instructions for the training today. They were meeting up with class 1A for a training exercise. His ears perked up, now he was kinda excited.
He’d get to talk to you again.
“Pfft I don’t know why, something about team work and adapting to the people and your surroundings and different unknown quirks of others….. you know the deal.” He thanked her and they headed to the arena together. It was a city like setting, with lots of metal pipe structures and frail looking buildings, a little outing clear in the middle of it.( kinda like the one in the new ep w izuku n sero but more clear and like a city? Idk)
There were four roles. Police who couldn’t use quirks, Heroes who could, injured or attacked who needed rescuing(immobile unable to move), and Villains. It was a simple but complicated exercise.
“If a hero, villain or police officer is immobilized or wrapped in white tape, they become the injured and are not allowed to move from there spot. The key to winning depends on how many injured on each side or if all heroes or villains are immobilized.” All might practically yelled.
“You may all put yourselves in pairs.” The tired man sighed, his eyes almost covered by black long hair was evidence to his haggard state.
All might gave an almighty salute to us (see wat I did there hehu) and it was time to team up with someone. His heart sank at the the thought of you choosing Bakugou over him, when he heard you two arguing like a married couple.
“Boom boyyyyy where are youuuu….” you almost sang poking your beautiful head out of the crowd.
“Shut up already! So much for being the fucking patient one!”
Well there goes his chances with teaming up with y-
“Quiet down already, pairs need to consist of one 1a and one 1b student.” The haggard man sighed. Monoma glanced to you excitedly, though managed to keep his face blank.
“What kInD oF FuckerY is ThiS!!”
Taking your eyes off Katsuki, you and the blonde made eye contact, your e/c orbs looking into his pretty grey ones, didn’t you know him from somewhere? It clicked so you smiled brightly and ran over to him.
“Hey hey! I know you! Sports festival right!” You trotted over waving to him. His grey tinted eyes lighting up, he’d be lying if he wasn’t excited by you even remembering him.
“Yep. What is it?” He smiled for a second, it transitioning to a familiar smug grin.
“O-oh! N….Neito! Right? Well we have to choose different pairs now and your the only person I could think of….so…” you tried not to ramble, a little sad that he’d probably say no. His eyebrows bounced up, eyes widening a slight bit, than chuckled. Man did he loved the way his first name sounded in your voice.
“Well I don’t see why not.” He shrugged smugly, secretly dying on the inside about how cute you looked when you stuttered and rambled a little bit.
You two with some others were chosen for the part of heroes of course, and Bakugou was chosen as one of the villains, paired up with some random 1b student.
At the moment, you and the yellowy’ blonde may have been trying to attack a certain explosive boy. He was on a rampage of capturing heroes while you too thought up a plan inside a partially destroyed building.
Monoma distracted him, putting his dodging skills to work, snatching the boys quirk too steal his attention,
“Haha, go on and try.”
Monoma was taunting him, so you swooped in from the building jumping towards his back, your hand grazed the ash blondes shoulder, gifting you control over his quirk. He hadn’t seen you yet since you were a fast runner he knew a second hero was present but looked too late to catch you hiding under a wrecked wall piece from a building he’d blown up. You didn’t wanna give away your hiding spot but it looked like Monoma would need a little help soon enough.
“Monoma!” You yelled, he took his eyes off of Katsuki.
“Got it!” You redirected an explosion about to hit him, giving him a change to retreat. Concentrating, you got Bakugou to, basically start self destructing.
“What the f-…Fucking Y/n! FUCKING Really!?” Monoma envied how he knew you enough to recognize you by your quirk almost immediately. Your quirk was quite exciting though, it was practically the ultimate counter attack.
You weren’t aiming to hurt him, but he unfortunately looked down at his palm before hand confused, knocking himself out with a minor explosion that came out of it shortly.
“Shit…. I am so dead afterwards, aren’t I.” You two wrapped him up in tape, leaning him against a wall, and went back into your little damaged building.You and Monoma just sat there on concrete waiting for more villains, awkwardly.
He was itching to ask if you associated your self 'intimately’ with the ash blonde he hated. He had to at l e a s t hint at it right?
“So what’s with you and 'boom boy’?”
“Huh?” You shot him a confused glance, putting a light dust of red in his cheeks. Why did you have to look so adorable?
“Well I mean, you too are pretty close for a pret- *cough* cool high school girl and a short tempered lunatic.” You watched his lips twitch a bit, seeming to struggle keeping on a smug expression, you tilted your head.
'Damn, good one Monoma. You almost called her pretty a n d trashed talked her potential boyfriend in one sentence. Great.’
“You got a crush on 'him’ or something.?” Jealousy was even more unbearably potent in that sentence.
“Kacchan?” You confirmed, he looked at the ground.
You blinked at him, giving him time to say he was joking. Than you stomped on his pride, by instead of replying stifling a laugh. Than struggling to keep it in and practically laughing through your whole sentence.
“Bakugou Katsuki? Pfft he’s l-like a-a brother t-to me.” He let out a quiet huh registering your words after admiring your careless laugh. It was like music to his ears. Now he felt like an idiot.
“W-why-” you gasped for emphasis on your realization.
“You’re….jealous?” His instincts kicked into panic mode the moment he messed up, this couldn’t have gone worse. Like hell someone as smart and pretty would like some smug asshole she’s talked too a couple of times, she’d find out and then. Game over.
“Woah, I was right for once AND made Monoma Neito, the copy cat of class B jealous!!” You eyebrows rose, and then a smug expression took over the features he admired most, then you smiled like an idiot seeing his face turn red. He desperately tried to erase the sound of how nicely his first name rolled off your tongue. He shook his head.
“Pshhh, yeah right. No I’m no-!” Before he could deny anything, you quit the sarcastic scooted closer to him on the concrete floor. You grabbed one cheek and pecked the other softly. This smug boy was beyond shocked.
“Cute.” His face was pink and his thoughts were scattered. You placed another soft kiss on his neck, sending shivers down his back.
For once he didn’t have any comebacks or smug remarks.
I apoligize this is kindaaa long but I was really in the mood for writing wOoPs :)
I explained the game or tranin a. Little to thoroughly because I was planning on maybe involving it in other imagines, like you guys request with a different char and the game, and I can write it as like a diff char x reader with them 'rescuing’ or having to carry you or smth. Idk.
Leave a note reblog and send me some requestssss I’m planning on opening them rn!
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cloudpools · 7 years
⚜Fantasy Verse: Sun Child (D&D Edition)⚜
⚜ I figured since I’ve been kind of busy, I’ll give some highlights from my D&D games the past two weeks where I played as Darla. Just to show that I’m here, and still thinking of my babies.
Our merry band consists of Treos the Human Ranger, Sploot the Half-Orc Fighter, Dek the Elvin Monk, Alooph the Halfling Bard, Volod the Half-Orc Warlock, Ircova the Tiefling Warlock and last but not least, Darla the Human Cleric.
The group starts off with only Al, T, V and Darla to start (because half of the whole group didn't show up lolol Also, these are Darla’s nicknames for them. And they have stuck with the group so she’s done her job well). And we begin our tale wandering through a swamp.
In the first 15 minutes of our first session, Darla caused the death of one of her own party members. Poor little 2-foot tall Alooph requested that someone carry him through the swamp where the group was stranded from a shipwreck of unknown cause, and of course Darla volunteers. And of course when she spots hooded figures in the distance she wants to be their friend. And of COURSE Alooph wants to get off this crazy train, but Darla doesn’t want her dear friend to fall off. So she rolls against Alooph for a grapple check and of course she wins. And the hooded figures turn out to be mean and shoot arrows at them. But not just any arrows. POISON arrows. They miss Darla, because damn she’s lucky. But Alooph is one hit KOed from an arrow to the chest. Darla still feels p bad about that.... Woops. But in the end, they kill the snake people after a VERY long battle.
Al lives and V decides to carry him instead. T instructs him to hold Darla’s hand as well to keep them from getting into any more trouble. Darla wants to be carried by V. V tells her that “Everybody gets one.” (I write that down for later use.)
I think it’s worth it to mention that both Alooph and Darla have an intelligence stat of 6. Which is very very bad (-2 from their roll for any check they do for intelligence PFFFFT). Also, Alooph is a coward and hates battle. So every fucking battle he runs up a tree and plays his mandoline to inspire his party members (Also, the guy that plays him brings an actually mandoline with him and plays it and it’s fucking amazing.) Everyone else who’s currently in the party is also pretty stupid. 
We get nowhere fast. Our quest was to retrieve scrolls for some other stranded people on the beach. We find the two snake men who stole them. The DM feels bad for us because of our last battle and cuts the snake people’s health in half saying they’re sick. T knows we’ll probably fuck this up so he convinces us that we’re practicing hitting targets. And we shouldn’t run away or run right into them. We should just shoot them with our bows, and the targets, the non-living targets, will give us prizes for each arrow we hit. Darla convinces Alooph that he could sneak up to the “targets” and get the prizes first. He agrees. Rolls a perfect 20 and makes it all the way behind them without them noticing. All hell breaks loose. We murder them. Alooph of all people gets the scrolls. The team decides to interrogate a half dead snake man. Darla sits on him and demands to be told if there are any other friends nearby. The snake man begs for death.
Fast forward one night and Darla and company happen upon the rest of the party in the swamp fighting some more lizard people. Among them is Darla’s childhood friend Dek, who she’s nicknamed Leaf because they climbed trees together as children and played in the Dark Wood. Dek is love. Dek is life. Dek is the straight man of our group that keeps Darla reigned in and is her voice of reason. Thank god. 
There’s also Sploot. Who doesn’t tell anyone his name. But since Dek suggests that Darla give him a name since she’s so good at it. And seeing as how he fought with ONLY axes in the last battle, she calls him Axe. Appropriate. 
And finally. Leggy. How did Ircova become leggy? Well. He has no fucking legs. And is floating with his warlock magic ring of levitation. And Alooph and Darla decide Leggy is a nice name for him. And they call him such. And he very much does not like it. But.... OH WELL.
Then they make it to a nearby town. And of course Darla and Alooph are ushered away from the group so the adults can talk with the guard about actual quest stuff. THOUGH, it’s thanks to their two MORONS that they all got in the city in the first place! The guardsman at the gate liked them. But was quick to persuade them to leave upon talking to them for two minutes. Darla and Alooph demand that their friend V come with them. V wants to die. Darla climbs on his shoulders. Everybody gets one. Alooph climbs on Darla’s shoulders. They ride off into the sunset. 
They head for the local tavern, where Darla and Alooph decide to put on a performance. They’re so great, that the innkeep offers them and their party free lodging as long as they play/sing/dance every night they’re there. Darla decides to buy everyone in the bar a drink and wants one herself because she’s never had one. She runs to Dek who tells her if she drinks that, she may do risque things that she will regret, and she doesn’t think it’s worth it. She chucks the drink. 
Axe decides to gamble. And wins. He also finds their next place to travel to: the guard’s barracks. He showed off his sick orc muscles and got in to see the head commander who told him he’d give him 500 gold to kill some cat burglar lady. He accepts. Tells the team the bounty is 100 gold. Darla and Alooph are interested in gold. They are stupid. And decide everyone will get 100 gold. And Axe says no. They will get their fair share. Which they both squabble on about what that means. And they come to the decision that yes. They will get half of the hundred. 10 gold a piece. Math is hard for them. And then Axe tells Darla she can get food as payment instead. And she fucking agrees. T is angry about this. The only reason he learned the goodberry spell (which is literally a fucking spell where he can conjure 10 magic berries in his hand that give 1 hp each and that give you enough sustenance for one day) so that he could bribe the dumb ones with the promise of presents and treats.... RIP T. This worked out just as well as the target/prizes game did.
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crying-saeyoung · 7 years
scenario that our four tomatoes(saeyoung, saeran, and let's assume they had twin tomatoes)(during saeyoungs route)what if something bad happened to Mc,maybe she got taken by seven's old agency,she experiences a lot of bad things while there(she has anxiety as well), Honestly all I can picture is these four tomatoes comforting mc & trying to rescue her. Sorry this is to specific,Btw your writing is beautiful love those long head canons you write,I may or may not have cried from them. Thank you ^^
I’m actually super self conscious about how long I make my headcanons, because I tend to just go on and on so it’s actually super nice to hear you like them so much!!! my goal may or may not be to make all my followers sob in their sheets I love specific requests, especially when I’m writing late at night haha. Thank u for the kind words and this great request, I had lots of fun writing it! also it’s super long haha what are the chances  -Green💚
WARNING: mentions of torture and major violence, beware of triggers!
Saeyoung + the three tomatoes! 
-it happened late at night, like kidnappings do 
-you had managed to put Saeyoung bed early, but it really wasn’t that hard anymore after using so much energy on the kids
-who knew all you needed to get his sleeping in order was to have twins
-you were rocking the babies in their crib, and really they had fallen asleep awhile ago but you couldn’t help but stare at them
-you’re babies were so cute and lovely. sure, they were a little hard to handle sometimes, especially when you were really the mother of two sets of twins. 
-but it was so so worth it. You loved all four of your little tomatoes. they made you more happy than you thought you could ever be. they helped you overcome many personal challenges. 
-you were so focused on your little babies, you didn’t hear the door to the nursery open and close. 
-you didn’t really know anything was happening until a rag was placed under your nose and you passed out into some strangers arms, and dragged out the window without even so much as a scream. 
-Saeyoung woke up to babies crying and someones stomps running all along the house
-u gh . Naturally he blindly searched for you by his side, but you weren’t. He figures that the person running around the house must be you and Saeran, so he gets up and out of bed 
-doesn’t really bother to change and heads out of the room like it was any other day 
-but it wasn’t any other day, was it? 
- “hey, saeran, where’s ____??” he can’t see you anywhere, but it is a pretty big house you live in. 
- “I don’t know, I think they had plans with Jaehee for coffee today? I don’t know dude, just help me! They’ve been crying for an hour!!”
-oh well, he’ll call you later.
-it was mid-evening when Saeyoung got a call from Jaehee.
-he picked it up pretty excited, wanting to hear how his s/o had been doing and when they needed to be picked up ??
-but when he heard that they were a no show, that’s when Saeyoung started to get worried.
-he didn’t want to jump to conclusions. he had done so before and it ended up terribly 
-you wanted to surprise him for your anniversary so you left the house for a day and when you came back the house was literally in shreds and he was crying with saeran on the floor woops
-but when you weren’t answering his calls or texts, that’s when he started to freak out and went through the houses security footage there was at least two cameras in every room, even the bathroom
-and when he saw you peacefully sitting there? his heart melted. when he saw the man come into the room and take you away? his heart broke.
-he didn’t even know what to do at first other than stare at the footage in disbelief 
-but then he screamed. and then he cried. and he sobbed and fell to the floor 
-what was he going to do? what could he do? he had just seen you get ripped away from him. he knew he should have stayed awake with you. this was all his fault. he failed you. he failed his children, he failed saeran 
-so when Saeran ran into the room asking what was wrong, he couldn’t even look him in the eye as he just showed him the footage on the screen playing on a sickening repeat 
-Saeran would love to cry. He really, really would. But looking at his brother broken on the floor all he could do was clench his fist and pull himself and Saeyoung back together. They had to find you
-no matter what it took, they would find you.
-everything was dark. 
-so, so dark
-everything hurt.
-your nose burned, your wrists stung and your legs were screaming. oh god. were they broken? you couldn’t feel anything other than pain and you started to sob 
-you could hear someone walk towards you and you sobbed louder. were they good? were they bad? fuck if you knew
-something was torn from your face and all the sudden everything was bright. so bright. too bright. 
-you looked up and you saw a group of unfamiliar people, around 4 or 6. You couldn’t tell from your blurred vision but all you knew is that they did this to you and what else were they going to do? 
-they were talking but you couldn’t hear them, all you could hear was your heavy breathing getting faster and faster 
-fuck fuck fuck you couldn’t breathe, oh god, please, help, you were chanting in your head. someone please. saeyoung. saeyoung, saeyoung, saeyoung. 
- “Saeyoung… s a-ae.. saey-o-oung..” You choked out, and you couldn’t wipe the snot and tears from your nose because of your bound wrists behind your back 
-that caused you a good kick in the gut and someone twisted your leg worse than it already was 
-you screamed so loud from the pain and right before you passed out, you think of your family waiting for you at home. 
-will you ever see them again?
-it’s been a week 
-7, maybe 8 or so long, torturous days.
-they wanted your husband, they wanted your brother in law. but you wouldn’t give them up and you wouldn’t tell them where Saeyoung put all their money. In truth, you knew. and you knew why Saeyoung told you.
- “if they ever take you away from me… Tell them this area code, okay? under no circumstances are you to hold back, okay? you can’t get hurt… so just give them what they want, alright?” 
-like hell. 
-you knew once they had that money, they wouldn’t have any use of your family anymore and you’d all be dead. you would rather it just be you. 
-god, why haven’t they killed you yet?
-every night, every morning and every afternoon you would cry and have a panic attack. and every time this happened, they swore they would make you regret being so loud. They did.
-your head was swollen and you were sure it was cracked and you have a concussion. your left leg was horribly broken and your right leg was so beat up and bruised there was no chance you could walk on it, which you were sure was the intention.
-your chest and stomach was littered with scars from their knives and bruises from their punches
-your whole body just ached and screamed at you all day. you were in no good shape, mentally or physically. 
-every time someone stepped near you, you flinched and cried, but always kept your mouth shut. 
-so when you heard the clatter of feet rushing towards your cell, you hid in your knees and just hoped and prayed to God that they would go easy on you 
-you knew they wouldn’t. 
-you learned to block out all their voices, because no matter what they said to you, you wouldn’t comply. 
-out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone reaching toward you and you nearly flung yourself away. or really, you would have, if it wasn’t for your bound wrists and broken legs
-you just ended up screaming in pain from the sudden movement 
-oh g o  d you screamed. now they would hit you harder. 
-maybe you could beg? 
-you try to talk but your mouth is dry from keeping shut for so long. it takes you a second and your voice is raspy and broken. 
- “please… don’t. don’t hurt me anymore... I’m already so broken, there’s nothing else you can break.” 
- “I’m getting you out of here, ____.”
-when you look up, you meet eyes with your husbands and for a second you think your hallucinating. But… he looks so real. When you feel his hand on your cheek, you know he’s real. 
-you don’t know how you’re crying from how dehydrated you are, but you’re sobbing in his hands now. 
-Saeran uncuffs you, and Saeyoung picks you up all while whispering in your ear. Endless apologies, endless I love you’s. Endless support. 
-and finally you feel safe.
-the first month back is the hardest.
-you’ve gotten a wheelchair, and Saeyoung is constantly by your side.
-you’re not strong enough to feed the babies or play with them, so it’s all on Saeran and Saeyoung to take care of the twins while you sit and watch. 
-it’s so hard.
-whenever something clatters on the ground, you flinch.
-when someone comes up from behind you, you scream.
-Saeyoung can’t even give you a hug without you getting a panic attack. 
-and you feel so bad. you’re such a god damn chore. you can’t do anything, you can’t even take care of your own children. no matter how many time your family assures you it’s fine, it’s one ear and out the other. 
-no one knows when you’ll be back to normal, or if you’ll ever be fully you ever again. Saeyoung insists on therapy and you don’t deny it, but going alone scares you.
-so you and Saeran end up going together and booking a two hour appointment every week
-late at night when everyone is asleep, you’re shaking from nightmares, so it’s a routine to go to the nursery and sleep with the children. you can’t sleep without them anymore.
-Saeyoung, when you get more comfortable in your skin again, will rub your arms and kiss your head whenever you start to look like you might cry. He bathes you everyday because you can’t do it yourself anymore
-when he bathes you, you’ve never seen him more solemn. you know he’s biting his tongue from saying anything, but you don’t need him to say it to know. your body is completely fucked. no where near as clean and smooth as before 
-sometimes just thinking about how god damn ugly you are makes you sob
-how could Saeyoung love you anymore? not only were you practically a child now, but you weren’t even attractive. he has nothing to brag or speak about when it comes to you. 
-you tell these things to the therapist and the whole time you hold Saeran’s hand. 
-it will be a long way to recovery. a very, very long way. but your tomatoes will be with you every step of the way, telling you they love you and will hold your hand each and every day.
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