#( haven’t used discord for rp that much - if at all - so please bear with me. )
wcstenra · 1 year
tentative — discord now available upon request!
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hideyoshitoyotomi1 · 3 years
Now that mun and I are settled, these are the rules to abide by. They are pretty much the same as on Facebook.
Hideyoshi's Rules, third or fourth version by now...
Reposting for those who wish to RP with me and haven’t seen my rules.
1. Communication
-Lack of communication causes problems. Such as misinterpretation, miscommunication and misunderstandings. We all know that. If you have any questions, requests or concerns; please talk to me. DMs are open for that.
-If you have ideas for RP with me, I'm open for them. It's a two way deal here. Share your ideas with me. I'm more than happy to take them into consideration.
2. Triggers
-I need to know them. That way I can be cautious of what to say or do. Again this is where communication comes in.
-Bear with mun, as she does have short term memory loss. Sometimes she can't even remember what she did at work last week. I only state this because she may have to ask again what the trigger is. Annoying, she knows this. But it will help both parties in the long run.
3. The big NO-NOs.
3a. Absolutely NO pedophilia, rape or domestic abuse situations. Whatsoever. Zero. This will not be tolerated ever.
3b. No god-mod. Don't control what I say or do. I haven't had any issue with that, but still it must be noted.
-Casual RP has no rules regarding relationships other than the closeness you want as a friend.
-Any romantic RPs will now go through an interview process. Don't worry, it's not a big one. It's so we can go through rules, decide what is acceptable and what is not. I want everyone to be comfortable and enjoy the RP. You can tell me what you expect, and what you don't want, and I will tell you what I feel uncomfortable with. Again, this works on both parties. They need to work together. Also, you have the option of RP here or my discord server.
5. Jealousy/ Bad behavior:
-I don't think there will be a problem here, but I will say it anyway, but no jealousy. I'm now trying my best to pamper all of you equally, and I don't want there to be any hostility towards other maidens.
6.Hideyoshi's Letters:
-We all know I like writing letters to everyone. Should you not want one, let me know ahead of time. I pick many maidens randomly to surprise them. So if you don't want one, you can let me know through DM.
7.Hideyoshi's Famous Head-Pats
-Again, communication strongly needed here. I do head pats to comfort people, or even a way of saying thank you. If you do not want head pats, let me know. I do not want to make you uncomfortable. That's not the Hideyoshi way.
8. Have Fun!
-I want this to be fun for all, I really do. If you have any concerns after reading this, drop me a DM, and I will get back to you with a fancy letter.
12. Slander and Public Flirtatious Behavior.
- Flirtatious Behavior - Obviously this needs to be said, and stated clearly. Unless you are one of my very close maidens, have spoken to me for months to almost a year, you are not allowed to flirt with me....Small things are ok. But until we develop a friendship close enough that we both have comfort zones with one another, and we are both interested in a little giggle here and there, it's a no no. I want YOU to be happy and comfortable, that's what matters. And this is why I am setting this as a rule. It is to protect both of us.
- Slander/ Inappropriate Comments
- I NEVER thought I would have to put this kind of thing up...not in a million years. People make mistakes- you wouldn't be human if you don't make mistakes. Some are worse than others, unfortunately. I will not allow or tolerate any slander regarding me or more importantly, my Mun publicly. If you post a slandering comment, I will report it as bullying. Flat out. I don't need to tolerate this childish behavior anymore, and certainly neither
-Threatening comments / Behavior
-If I find a comment that seems threatening, even if unintentional, I will remove it. I will not have my maidens feel threatened, or uncomfortable with comments that seem worrying. This will make me angry, and I will protect my maidens. If it continues, it's a block and unfriend.
-Do not touch me unless we have established a close friendship. This can cause awkwardness and I would prefer not to have that. I know I have a tendency to flirt but that’s all that it is . I do have close friendships with certain maidens, but that’s due to how long we’ve been friends. Touching means no kissing (apart from a quick on-the-cheek kiss), and no touching my body.
Regarding grammar-please at least form sentences and punctuation. I find it very hard to read run on sentences that need punctuation in places. Not everyone knows English grammar 100 percent; it can be tricky. But if you woukd like any help with that, you may ask mun.
Please read and state that you have read all of these rules. 🌻
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Calling for dedicated roleplayers with a passion for writing
Hello! My name is Aaliyah or Ally for short, and I will cut right to the chase. I am looking for a mature role-player, preferably 21+ but will also accept 18+ (just to be sure that you are of legal age, otherwise it’ll be very uncomfortable).

As I am 26 years of age with 12 years of experience, I hope to meet someone who shares my passion in creative writing, as well as formulating interesting plots and characters. 

In case you are curious about me as a person, I am a full-time student and a young writer who works at the gym on the side, but also enjoys other creative outlets such as drawing. Usually my schedule is fairly full, including the attendance of friends or family. However I always have ample time for a good roleplay. :) 

I am seeking a literate writer who is committed to a long-term partnership, and by that I truly mean it. Please do not respond if you are uncertain of upholding a stable roleplay. Furthermore, I’ve noticed the “ghosting after the first few messages“ trope is a fairly widespread issue in the roleplaying scene / community. I would like to implore you from refraining it. I’ve grown quite irritated by it lately and rather like to avoid it in the near future. That way we don’t waste anyone’s time. Thank you in advance. If you are hitting a hiatus, that’s completely fine! A simple message of putting things on hold is completely sufficient, but I would like to keep in touch in case the story bears great potential. Now I have a wish, or as other say it, a certain craving for something new and fresh. And that something is quite specific, as my interests are a little unorthodox. Not the typical ‘Marvel, DC, My Hero Academia, etc’ type of stick. (Not to throw shade on them! They are great! Just not my cup of tea at the moment)

I heavily enjoy video-games, tv-shows, comics, films, books, the list goes on. Hopefully I can attract some kindred spirits. 
 I do roleplay both Canon and Original!

So if there’s no luck in finding a fitting Canon based story, we can always switch to original world building. First, I like to list all of my heavy cravings and interests. The ones marked in bold are usually the ones I am very willing to do.

Harry Potter Next Gen (original character cast)
True Blood
Vampire Hunter D (or Manga / Anime)
Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Game of Thrones
Dragon Age (from Origins to current instalment)
Devil May Cry
Infamous series
The Darkness
Star Wars the Old Republic

Lore Olympus
True Beauty
The Darkness
Alita Battle Angel
Vampire Hunter D
TV-Shows live action:
True Blood
The Boys
Game of Thrones (Open for discussion. Still haven’t recovered from the season finale however…)
TV-Shows animated:
Castlevania (Netflix adaptation)
Devil May Cry (Anime adaptation)
Demon Slayer (I have only started watching this)
FMA Brotherhood
Jojo’s bizarre adventure
Black lagoon
As for original plots, I am very keen on urban and gothic fantasy, but also mythology as well as horror and crime and action. I have plenty of ideas up my sleeve, some of them quite fleshed out and some of them being concepts in the making. Either way, I would rather have these ideas introduced throughout email or whatever platform we choose to communicate on. Themes for an original story I am most inclined to do are:
Supernatural / Metaphysical (Demons, Angels, Spirits, Monsters, etc.)
Sci-Fi & fantasy (Aliens coming in contact with unsuspecting earthlings during the middle ages / ancient time-periods)
Urban fantasy mixed with high school / college themes (similar to Supernatural with local monsters, creatures, etc)
Now onto the qualities of what my roleplaying partner should have.
What it all entails: What the Partnership should be: I strongly encourage an active roleplayer who is not afraid of sharing 50% of ideas, plotting, length, detail but most important of all, passion. A bird cannot fly with only one wing. Communication: I love making new friends and brainstorming, and communication is the bedrock of it all. It strengthens our compatibility and the story. Should there be anything that might bother you, or if you think you are left out in some type of way (be it a mistake on my part or if we’re both at fault here), simply tell me. It really doesn’t bother me rewriting certain scenes to better fit the narrative. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. The Way of Writing: No one-liners. No text-talk. No half-assed replies. And certainly no ‘quality over quantity’ when you can have both. I don’t expect anyone to write a novel, absolutely not. I don’t either, but if I get the feeling of my partner wavering in their effort and not investing as much as I do, I have to give them the chop, unfortunately. Too often have I encountered partners who showed strong enthusiasm at first, but after a while… they slacked and eventually only put the adequate effort into their side of things whilst completely disregarding my characters. I hope to avoid this in the future. And now to myself and how I write: My writing: Third person perspective usually, although I have made some exceptions in my years of writing. My style is wide-ranging and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it also depends on the given situation and partner. And yes, I do double, preferably even, most likely in a canon universe. However this again wholly depends on the type of story, partner and cast of characters. I am very open and willing to discuss.

Rating: So you are writing with some of mature age. I have 12 years of writing under my belt. There will be violence, there will be swearing, gore, intimacy, uncomfortable topics, drama, conflict and other dark themes included when you are writing with me. I have few limits but I will respect the boundaries of my partner. And lastly, I won’t fade to black or skip out on the nitty gritty, unless it doesn’t serve a particular purpose in forwarding the story.
Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Characters should be written as opulent, flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between. In other words, don’t be scared of making them flawed.
Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more adaptable with this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I’m on board with it! When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that funny business). I encourage eroticism, but always in a tasteful, sensual manner (that goes for romance as well), though it is never the main focus of any of my stories, rather a tool to further the plot. Erotica is welcome but never the focus of any kind of roleplay. Content: Drama, violence, sex, metamorphosis, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am not explicitly bothered by certain subjects that may be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep treating them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured, etc. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and a tool for furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical altercations among other things. But I also endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments for our characters to grow in. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has a beautiful and hideous side. Again, this is mature and I am not here to coddle, I am here for a challenge. Should I hit a hiatus myself, I will inform you as soon as possible. :)

Platforms I usually roleplay on are email and google-docs. I also have Discord in case for plotting and chatting outside of the RP. Though Google Hangouts has proven itself as a sufficient chat-medium for such things, so I rather stay with that one. 

When you message me, please use the given codenames so I know what you like to specify in.
Blue Rose: Canon 

Red Feather: Original 

I’d be happy to receive a small description of yourself and what your passions are! :) Message me here: EMAIL: [email protected] I am very excited to hear from you! Sincerely yours -Ally
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ofphcenixes · 5 years
( ooc note about why i am the absolute worst ! )
this is such a random note i know, and admittedly i’ve spent the entire day composing this. so if it’s a little disjointed or illogical, i want to apologise in advance ! however i have included this nice gif of luke - it doesn’t have anything to do with the post, just thought it would make it more appealing dkjfgdf. admittedly this is going to be a bit of a Long Boi™, but it is kinda.... relevant if you’ve ever tried to write/plot with me, or are wondering what’s going on with nate. behold, all your answers are below ! i’ll put a tldr at the bottom plus a nifty little vine compilation for anyone that reads this but, please don’t feel pressured to do so ! ya girl is just a Mess dkfjgd. 
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the first thing i want to address is the elephant in the room; nathaniel ballantyne. i know a lot of people are curious about his fate, his place in the plot drop, why he vanished so much earlier than everyone else. is he actually guilty ? is he a martyr ? is he a red herring ? well, here’s the tea on mr nathaniel ballantyne: 
he is on indefinite hiatus. 
a lot of people probably wonder why. i will get into the specifics of the why in a little bit (when i said this was a Long Boi i was not kidding lmfao), but basically... he’s a very difficult character to write. i am not a veteran rper, and in all honesty, i can count on my hands the amount of rps i’ve been in. and there are only 5 characters i’ve ever written about and cared enough to remember. one of those is nate. for those of you that know him, he is a strange and eccentric character. entirely up his own ass at times, pretentious as hell. but he, to me, was a character i grew attached to. he was different from people i normally write, and despite how abstract he was, he was.... realistic to me. my deep rooted attachment to him is why it took me so long to see how hard it was for me to write replies with him, to understand the guilt i felt any time i plotted or wrote with him, and the fact he was so mentally taxing it would take five times as much time to write a reply for him than it would any other character. but the sad truth is, even though i only felt guilt related to him, even though i haven’t had muse for him honestly for months now, i kept him. because i love him, even if he isn’t loved by many others. and so part of the reason he is now where he is is the simple fact that i know he didn’t mesh with the group, and that’s okay ! he was a very difficult character to reply to, and now that he is gone, i feel that burden of guilt lifting already.
as for his plot related departure, the truth is i didn’t have the heart to kill him off, hence why he kinda is just out there in a weird in between space dkjfgdf. and ( as i’ll explain below ) if my life ever does even out at any point, i really want to bring him back should there be space for him. so this indefinite hiatus was made for many reasons, and it absolutely broke my heart to have to get to this point. i love nate, and i am going to miss him. and i hope that in due time, i will have the capacity to bring him back soon ! but in case i don’t, i just want everyone to know that i appreciate every second i spent writing with you all on nate, and that the time and effort people poured into him means the world to me. and i’m so, so sorry to the people who are disappointed in me for this, because i know there are probably a few. i have let so many of you down, and honestly this is a burden i am going to carry for a very long time. i am going to message people tomorrow when i am more Coherent so, i promise to do my best to atone for this kgdf.
but to segue into that a little more ( oh look, another elephant in the room ! what is this, dumbo 2: electric boogaloo ), as an admin, i know there are expectations we are supposed to meet. examples we should set. precedents we have to lay down. 
and i know i have disappointed every single one of you in this rp. 
from my slow ( to non-existent ) dash activity, for the anxiety that has left me unable to reply to dms or reply in the main group chat, to even the fear of godmodding in ask memes on a thursday. i know this seems perfectly illogical to most, and again, i completely understand the disappointment that so many of you feel towards me. and it’s that very disappointment which djkgdf ironically has made it harder for me to get on and be the admin that you all deserve. 
the real difficult thing about all of this is, i love veritas. and for those of you who were in veritas 1, would know that this is not who i usually am. this experience is not representative of the person i want to be, nor the rper that i usually present myself as. but as to avoid going into too triggering content and bothering you all with tmi details about my life problems lmfao, please rest assured that these past few months have been. absolutely brutal for me. from almost losing my opa to illness, from ongoing family issues and expectations, being kicked out of home among a list of other shit, my mental health has been as low as gfkdgdf it has ever been in my life tbh, and it’s been the hardest thing in the world to get on. all my attentions with veritas has been in the main, as the main is a very taxing job ( as you know, we are very plot centric ! ) and i would more often than not get so worn out with being an admin, my characters fell by the wayside. not to mention, as sort of dkfgjdf touched on before, i have massive anxiety when it comes to messaging people. why ? i don’t know. especially as i have wanted to plot with all of you extensively and deeply since we opened, and reading every single app made my heart beat a little faster with joy. i am so honoured to be an admin here, and each and every one of you are such an incredible writer and person that i can’t help but feel overwhelmed and guitlty about how much i have let you all down. especially for those who sent me dms that i either forgot about or never replied to because i got so anxious, i feel so guilty every day about it all and i just wish i could go back in time and change it. 
and the reality is, if i wasn’t an admin and co-creator of this group, i probably would have dropped out a long time ago, give the space to someone worthy, and i wouldn’t be filled with so much guilt. but the truth is, i am a selfish person dgdgdf. veritas has been that sort of dkfgjdf good, steady thing in my life that i looked forward to, and i couldn’t bear the thought of losing that. each and every one of you create the fabric that is this amazing atmosphere, and even though i’m less seen and heard compared to most others in this group, being part of veritas gives me a sense of belonging. and in a strange sense, a home. yes, i know i was selfish, and yes, i should have handled things much better than i did. but you all need to know from the bottom of my heart how sorry i am for everything that has transpired. ):
but i think the worst part of it all is that, my beautiful co-admin maaria, and my best friend. among letting you all down, i know i have let her down the most. and i just want to take my soapbox moment for a second here and really put light into how much maaria has done for this group. especially when my own life has been in shambles, and knowing she’s going through her own problems, she always provides for you all. she is always here, always online, always around to make you laugh or smile. she provides for all of us, and is honestly a miracle worker. i don’t think i will ever deserve her forgiveness for everything, but i hope she knows how loved she is, and i hope you all show her your sentiments too ! she is the heart of veritas, and fdjg she means the world to me, and i just really want her to know that.
but that was. a lot of emotions and obviously i haven’t talked about everything in my life ( i do not want to bore you and honestly i don’t wanna make y’all sad dkfjghdkfjgdfgdf ) none of this really means anything if things aren’t going to change. so get ready for some Bullet Point Action because here is my proposal: 
nEw SkElEtOn: although nate is on hiatus and sorta just gonna, float out there in the void of time, and even though i really want to bring him back soon i don’t know if/when i will, i have felt immense guilt for hoarding his spot in this rp for someone who could be more active. hence, a solution: a new skeleton ! as i am not comfortable with nate’s skeleton being open, we have created a new skeleton with connections to all nate’s old connections, which should hit the main very soon ! 
new discord: this is probably unnecessary but dfkgjdfg i have a lot of anxiety about discord. when i get a new message i’m always like ??? AAH A GHOST. idk why. and because of that, i skip a message once, and now there are so many unanswered messages i have a heart attack every time i open my app. so, to prevent that, i am going to make a new discord account ! ( lilacrps #i forgot the number lmao ). i will be adding everyone as Friends and if you’ve ever sent me something i never responded to, or for some odd reason you wanna talk to me, a human mess, please know now that with a fresh slate i will ensure i can reply to you. i am not gonna let my anxiety win this time. 
schedule: part of my issue is that i dfkjgdf always felt pressure to do everything all the time and then when i couldn’t, i fell under pressure. so dkfgjdf i am now having designated plotting and reply days ! so even though i hope to be far more active in both regards, i just need people to understand things won’t be instant, but i am holding myself accountable not only for myself, but for the rp - as that is what an admin should do.
this got super long and i highly doubt anyone is actually gonna read this lmao BUT. the main point is - i love every single one of you all so much, and i can’t apologise enough for how much i have let you all down. i know we all feel it, and i’m more than happy to accept my flaws and how blatant they’ve been in the past few months. so this is my pledge to every single one of you that i promise to do better (and if i don’t, you can kick me out dkjfgdf). 
TLDR: I have been a terrible admin and friend, and I’m here to say sorry. With a new discord and personal plotting schedule, things are going to change. 
If I can’t cure my depression, maybe I can cure yours.
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crashchord · 4 years
about + rules
what’s poppin! i’m daze, i’m nineteen, i use they/them pronouns, i haven’t run an rp blog in a while but we’re gonna give this a shot! first off, i don’t interact with minors in any capacity, and this blog is going to very likely be nsfw (probably no outright smut on the dash but i love smut and its easy/fun for me to write. i generally do that on discord so hmu) and handle some pretty grotesque themes, so i’m strictly 18+.
speaking of grotesque themes, i tag all the obvious things that need to be tagged, but really everything is pretty much fair game here, so tread lightly if you’re likely to be triggered by hard stuff. also my bart is very canon divergent, but hey, aren’t we all?
i’m pretty chill but i’m really not that great at talking to people, one might say i’m pretty goddamn terrible at it (im autistic), so just bear that in mind. i do like ooc conversations and i encourage them but please go easy on me.
i enjoy lots of relationships-- platonic, normal, familial, romantic and normal, ect. all kinds really! i like normal/fluffy/vanilla shipping and i’m not opposed to going down routes like that if that’s what you’re into, but just for the record the stuff i’m really drawn to is all in the vein of like, abysmally unhealthy relationships. noncon, grooming, abuse, incest, ect ect ect. they’re fun and my bart is quite prone to them. so by all means, please abuse him. do not be shy, chances are i’m gonna like whatever pitches you have with very few exceptions. if you wanna go for something specific feel free to shoot me a dm and we can flesh it out! (on the other hand, i really enjoy healthy and normal relationship dynamics, so don’t feel like if you interact with me your character has to be abusive. it’s just that i really like writing super messy stuff, but who knows where the wind will take us.)
i am very hesitant to interact with people sometimes because that’s the sort of stuff i like to write and i goddamn hate drama, so if you don’t like that sort of stuff and don’t wanna see it, just block me.
I Ship Flashcest(TM). that goes for bart and any of them basically but especially wally. i ship a looooot of age gap stuff, they’re my faves with him besides his teammates... what can i say, tbh.
i prefer para rp but anything you’re comfy with is fine by me! the only thing is i do not like using a lot of icons. this might change but i’ve always found them so much more trouble than they’re worth, especially with bart, god he’s hard to find good icons for. also feel free to send questions just for him to ic answer, i like answering those.
in general, this bart is a mix of myriad comic content and young justice cartoon stuff. not including season three, i did not watch it. for the record, bart’s generally gonna be anywhere from, like, 13-19. i’ll be sure we have it nailed down before we start something.
i’m just here for fun and i work, so i might be a little spotty as far as activity goes. but i am optimistic in general. if that all sounds good to you by all means let’s go!
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ckkikilukilu · 7 years
Looking For RP Connections
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Muse Stuff:
Name: Kikilu Kilu Age: 21 Nameday: 20th Sun, Fifth Astral Moon Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Occupation: Performer Personality: Bubbly and easy to get along with, Kikilu loves meeting new people and making new friends. Naturally curious, Kikilu enjoys hearing about the lives of others, visiting places she's never been before, and experiencing new things. With the heart of a healer, Kikilu will go out-of-her-way to help others. Though she tries not show it to others, Kikilu is very emotional. More Info: Kiki’s Wiki Page
Mun Stuff:
Name: Sam (but you’re welcome to just call me “Kiki”) Age: 35 Birthday: 21st September Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Main Server: Balmung Time Zone: EU (though my playtime can vary) Discord: Kiki#9246
Where are we likely to bump into Kiki? Lucky Sparrow (Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 17): A performance troupe. Kiki usually performs there every 2nd and 4th Monday night of the month. She also spends a lot of time hanging out there at other times too. Generally, when not at events, she likes to be around Gridania or Limsa (she’s attracted to places with water especially). Costa Del Sol is somewhere she loves to be, either swimming around, or just sitting and looking out to the sea. But if you see her wandering around anywhere with the “RP” icon on, feel free to approach her.
Kugane will be another place to find her in the future, but she’s never been there ICly yet.
Does Kiki attend any regular RP events? She does! And she has a variety of different hang-outs, so I’ll list her most frequent:
Lucky Sparrow (Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 17): Monthly. 2nd and 4th Mondays at 8pm EST (2nd Monday), and 6pm (4th Monday). Stellazzio Pizza (Goblet, Ward 11, Plot 27): Weekly. Wednesdays at 7pm EST. Black Cat Cafe (Goblet, Ward 11, Plot 39): Weekly. Thursdays at 6pm EST. Happy Raven Cafe (Lavender Beds, Ward 8, Plot 44): Weekly. Fridays at 7pm EST. Haven & Hearth Tavern (Goblet, Ward 9, Plot 49): Weekly. Fridays at 10pm EST. Club Crescent (Goblet, Ward 4, Plot 42): Monthly. 1st Saturday of the month at
Is Kiki single? She is, yes. However, whilst I’d love for her to find someone special, her experiences with romantic relationships so far haven’t been positive ones. Both of her previous relationships ended very suddenly, and with no indication beforehand, so it’s understandable that she thinks very little of herself, finds it difficult to trust, and has some abandonment issues. OOCly, I’m also very wary of who I consider in terms of romance with Kiki. I never wanted heartache for her, and if I had known certain things in regards to her ex’s, I wouldn’t have let them hook-up with her. I’m also keen for her future partner to be a lalafell (she’s been with a mi’qote and a lalafell so far). And she needs someone reliable, understanding, patient (especially as their relationship would take a while to build), and for the character to be either someone’s main, or very active alt. There’s no point her dating someone who’s never around.
Honestly, I would love to find someone for Kiki, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. She’s perfectly fine as a single lala.
Will you RP previously established relationships? I will, but hit me up about them first so we can go work-out the basics.
Do you have any suggestions for RP hooks? At shows as a fan, performer, or just general attendee. Kiki’s usually there even if she’s not performing herself. But please bear-in-mind that it can get a little busy on her performance nights, so she might not get to spend as much time with people as she’d like. At RP events. Kiki’s very friendly and loves meeting new people. Don’t ever be afraid to talk to her, even if she’s attending with a group of friends - she’s always got room in her heart for more!
Maybe you know her from her previous job? Kiki used to work as a chocobokeep. She was based in Bentbranch, but she travelled wherever they needed her (including the Goldsaucer). She also still visits them to catch-up with ex-workmates and pet the chocobos.
Maybe you’ve seen her / trained with her at the Bismark? Kiki trained there a while back - specifically on a bakery course. Maybe you worked there or trained there yourself?
Perhaps you even know her from around the time of The Calamity? After her village in Thanalan was destroyed, she was taken to a refugee camp in The Shroud. There were plenty of others gathered there - maybe you were too?
Mayhap you just recognise her face from all the posters? As well as performing at Lucky, Kiki’s a member of the kpop idol group, 3B (Beat Breakerz Brigade), so her face can be see hanging from walls (both inside and outside), trees, etc, of pretty much anywhere, a lot of the time (which embarrasses her greatly - just so you know ;p). Other? That’s all I can come up with for now, but feel free to get in touch about any ideas you’ve got yourselves. :D
How to get in contact: Discord at Kiki#9246 /tell ingame DM here on Tumblr Please don’t just comment on this post, because Tumblr (as much as I love it) is broken as hell.
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tubbotums · 7 years
A Serious Talk
*This talk is very long and ranty. I understand not everyone wants to see that on their feed, and I know you guys don’t come here to see personal biznasty. I’m going to cut this off so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to, but I please ask you do so if you follow my blog for the most part. I feel it’s important for you guys to see this, and I hope it’ll clear up any questions you might have for me and also give you a little insight on who I am. Thank you for reading in advance if you do so, and I hope you have a great day. <3*
It’s time I sit you all down and have a talk with you guys, my lovely followers, roleplay partners and friends. This is a talk I feel like I’ve needed to have for a while with all of you, just to be honest with you guys about me and what I feel about this blog. I think honesty is the best policy, and getting this out there is something that I feel like needs to be done.
So, as all of you are probably aware at this point, I change muses on this blog as quickly as I change pairs of socks. Some come, some go, some stay for a while and then fade away and end up getting booted. For a while, I really felt like I had a good list of muses to use, and I actually really thought that my current batch was nice. That being said, now that I take a more serious look at them, I realize that there are a few problems with it. A lot of my muse picks are for characters that I really love and want to see fat. characters that can really fit a specific thing I’m trying to do when I feel it a certain day. However, that’s the problem:
My muse list isn’t flexible
There are a couple of muses that get attention by the masses (heh puns), such as Yang or Mia and most recently Momo (seriously y’all love her so much). But that leaves another half that I’m not satisfied with, the “niche” characters if you will. These are the characters that when I’m in a certain mood I’ll be like “hey I wanna play them”, but they aren’t ones that’ll catch anyone’s attention. I’ve come to notice around here that Fate, Touhou, DanganRonpa, and a couple of other series are very popular around here, while others such as Fairy Tail or Skullgirls aren’t, and that’s perfectly fine. I have no problem with that because quite honestly the girls in all those series are on a god level of cute/perfect for these situations. But unfortunately for now, that leaves me stuck. I’ve never watched a Fate series, played a match in Touhou or touched a DanganRonpa game, but I’ve watched 200+ episodes of Fairy Tail and played the mobile game of Skullgirls to basically its entirety at this point. I don’t have a lot of muses that are flexible with things people know and that I know, which really does stink at times. I should know better than this at this point, but quite honestly I don’t because part of me thinks it’s on me for not being a good enough writer and keeping you guys interested in my muses. So, at this point I’m going to make clear who the muses I’m going to be trotting out for now:
Yang Xiao Long
Mia Fey
Momo Yaoyorozu
Now that leaves Erza, Cerebella and Akira gone. Most of you will probably ask why I would get rid of Akira. After all, he’s from a very popular game a lot of you know, and he’s the only male muse on here that I can’t stop talking about. The issue I’m having with Akira now is that he’s certainly fallen into that niche roll. I won’t always be in the mood to do a thread for him and I’ll leave my RP partners on wait for weeks on end, which isn’t right for them at all. I’m not at a point on my blog where it’s active enough to maintain keeping him here for asks at this point, and quite frankly I’m starting to think having male muses on here was a mistake. It has nothing to do with anyone, but I think it would just be best to focus on female muses from here on out. I love my big boi’s, but with how niche I can be with them I don’t think it’s worth it anymore and it’s time for me to really focus on how flexible I can be with characters I like to write and people know. I’ll be adding another Persona 5 muse in the coming days however, since it is my favorite game of all time. I have it down to about three people I’m considering adding, so if you guys want to hear more or don’t care, I’m fine with giving you whatever information you guys wanna hear.
Moving on to the next thing I wanna talk about, I want to talk about my writing and my feelings for the future of this blog. As of now, I’m a college student who wants to write his own TV shows in the future. I want to make worlds, tell stories and inspire others to do the same. That being said, I am probably my biggest enemy when it comes to this. I’m scared of myself, my shortcomings, of others, and the world itself. I have goals that I’m too scared to pursue because I worry about what others think of me. I do the same thing on here, mainly because there are so many of you I want to RP with but am too scared to even approach. I feel like my writing is insignificant and bad, and when I start threads with someone and they die, I’ll always blame myself for the cause. I want to be the best RP partner possible for all of you guys and entertain you guys, but being the person I am, I don’t feel like I can be that at all...
For a while, I was considering shutting this blog down and moving on from here. I didn’t think it was worth feeling shitty about myself all the time, but I started realizing that this place was probably my biggest safe haven. There are a ton of other places I’m involved in that don’t feel nearly as welcoming as this community. Other places, I feel like my words hold no value and that I’m just someone who doesn’t contribute anything positive. I just make people angry because I say a stupid thing, and then I feel terrible about it and want to apologize correctly, but I can’t even do THAT right and I make things worse because of the stupid person I am. The more I take a look around me, the more I start seeing people that don’t really care about me at times. They say they do, but they’re just as quick to move on from me when I want their help.
I’m not afraid to admit that I’m needy and love attention. I need people around me to talk to and keep me positive because I hate being alone. I like talking with all of you guys because you all make me feel special and wanted. I have made so many good friends on here that I talk to almost everyday, whether it be on here or through discord. They’ve helped me through some tough times, supported my ideas and encouraged me to go beyond what I feel comfortable doing. For the past three or more months, this place has been my safety net, my pride and joy because of how afraid I was to do other things at times. This blog actually got me watching new shows and playing new games I might’ve never tried before, and it still is. I don’t know where I’d be in all honesty had it not been for some of the amazing friends I’ve made on here.
So how does this tie in with my writing? How does this affect me and most importantly, you the fan of this blog or potential partner/friend. I’ve decided that I’m going to keep this blog going, and I’m going to write for me now. I’m going add muses that I’ll think are fun to play and flexible enough to use in certain situations as well as ones you all can interact with. I’m going to write whatever the hell I feel like on here and not feel like I’m being judged for it. I want to write because it’s fun, and I don’t want to feel pressured to be perfect. I’m nowhere near a perfect writer at this point in time, but trial and error will help me develop these skills that are essential to mold me into what I want to be. My writing from here on out is going to be something I can take great joy in and feel proud to show it off to everyone. I’m not going to pressure myself with feeling like I have to write this for everyone.
I’m going to write this because I want to write this, and I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks.
Granted, it’s not going to be easy to break out of old habits that have kept me down for years on end at this point, but I’m going to try my best. So please, bear with me and I promise that I’ll be better than ever for myself and for you guys. You guys deserve so much credit and praise for sticking by me for soon to be a year in February. Almost eight months going strong on here has been a treat, and I hope that it’ll continue being that.
As for a couple other small things, I haven’t forgotten about the Lucy X Erza feeding session fic I promised you guys. Time and motivation have probably been my biggest downfalls when writing this fic, but I promise that soon I’ll have it done and it’s going to be amazing. Just give it time and I’ll reward your patience. I’ll also give updates on muses as time goes by, maybe even hint at some if I feel like it warrants it. But as for now, the only muse I know for a fact that I want to play on here is Android 21. UNFORTUNATELY FOR MUN, Dragon Ball FighterZ doesn’t come out until February, and because we don’t have enough information on her personality, I don’t feel comfortable playing her. Sure, I could make some stereotypical observations based on her clothes and fanart, but I feel like that would be really... weak? ( I can’t think of the right word) on my part. I want to give you as close of a canon representation as possible, so waiting for the game is really the only option. Aside from that, I’m going to be delving into some of these more popular series that I see floating around here to familiarize myself with the content, maybe even pick a muse from some of them if someone catches my fancy.
With that, I think that about does my little rant. I really just want to thank all of you for sticking by me and supporting you, especially my close friends on here. There are way too many of you to list, but you guys certainly know who you are. This probably won’t be the last time I switch up my muses again, but I’m hoping I have a long interval in between the next time I do so. Thank you all for being awesome, and I promise I’m going to be better for me, which in turn will be better for you. <3
-Your very sappy mun
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heartheft · 7 years
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise? ✦ Thoughts on duplicates following you?
Salt is the best seasoning | Accepting.
Readmore’ing for potential ‘drama’ and also length. It got really fucking long really fucking fast
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
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I have many reasons why I unfollow people, but an instant unfollow? The typical rudeness and such, but also the kind of people that will call people out and try and create drama. Also people who don’t particularly care for me as a person and clearly just use me as someone to roleplay with. Seriously, I get we’re here to roleplay and all, but at least try and be fucking friendly. It’s not hard to say hello and give a casual what’s up.
Which is also why I need to talk to people more before I give them my Discord.
♥ What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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Worst thing? Not much, actually. Some way or another, I’ve managed to stay away from the crazies. That or I’m just not remembering any big incidents. Though I will delve into what exactly has caused the whole Discord issue, and explore more into what I briefly touched on in the previous response.
Basically, someone came to me on one of my other blogs and asked if I wanted to roleplay. They were asking for another muse I had, though no longer had a blog for, but I liked the idea they had for a thread, and decided that we could do it in private. So we traded info and we talked through the idea a little more, and finally began the thread. However, I pointed out right before we started, since this is a common theme with mostly private roleplays with me; “I might be a little slow to respond, so please bear with me.” The response I got was not one I expected, and it made me immediately suspicious.
“It’s okay, as long as you don’t take like a day.”
Now here’s the thing: if you roleplay with me in private, I consider it more casual threading than public Tumblr RP. I’m more lenient on reply time, and in general just more lazy about it. I knew there was no way in hell that I’d be replying within a few hours every single time like I had nothing else to do in my life. I told them of my college life as the most obvious reason for slowness, and they denied it, saying they were in college as well.
For some reason, I continued with this. The thread itself was rather appealing, so I guess that was the reason I stayed. A couple days pass, and I get to a point where I haven’t replied in about half a day or so. They send me a message without a single one before hand, asking where the reply was. I told them to stop pestering me about it and to be fucking patient. There were no hello’s, or what’s up, it was only about me replying to the thread.
Soon after I deleted them off my Discord without a second thought. I felt no need to bother with someone who only cared for the roleplay and didn’t bother investing any sort of emotional value into any kind of kindness. I don’t ask you to be my friend, but at the bear minimum you should be fucking nice. It really gets on my nerves when people don’t reciprocate the kindness I offer.
So now I like to at least chat with people over Tumblr IM’s before actually adding them on Discord.
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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Mildly annoying? Throughout my years of roleplaying actively here on Tumblr, I can only really come up with a couple things. I dunno, for as salty as I am about everything, it’s usually pretty mundane.
So fairly recently when I was active on my Chara blog (from Undertale, of course), I had someone engage in ask-based roleplay with me. I don’t actually mind that so much; it’s pretty slackass on both ends so I can’t complain much. (I don’t do it to other people, though.) But what was really annoying, is that since my Chara was portrayed as literally as evil and Not Good as she could get, they figured they could provoke her into fighting their muse(s).
There was a lot of name calling between muses, and Chara continued to dance around the idea of fighting, because she felt she had no reason to. And see, there are circumstances where I find certain name calling called for, especially with a muse like that, but calling her a coward for not fighting them just because they wanted to? Yeah, that made me as a mun pretty annoyed. Eventually they gave up trying and sent nothing more to me, thankfully enough.
✦ Thoughts on duplicates following you?
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I don’t see a reason for this question to be on a ‘salty mun’ meme, at least for me. I don’t mind duplicates at all! Well, usually I don’t. I must actually admit that I’ve found some interpretations of Akira out there to be rather strange. I will not call them bad, because it’s only subjective, but definitely not a take on his character I would have ever expected.
In fact, I feel like I’m one of the very few who interpret Akira as stoic and aggressively snarky as mine? I don’t know, I like the idea of him being actually a pretty ‘normal’ teenaged boy who pretty consistently misbehaves. It helps him accept his situation a little more, since he’s rather daring and devious.
But! I love duplicates, and they’re free to follow me, considering I usually follow back. I love looking at other interpretations of muses I have.
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Fallon you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Thorfinn Rowle!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Death Eaters are always chilling to me, especially when written well, and Thorfinn was no exception. I loved how you balanced the subtle edge between charming and vengeful and constructed a character who uses everything he can to his advantage and spares no mercy. Your interpretation for him was everything that I didn’t realize he was lacking in skeleton form alone, and it was beautiful (and terrifying) seeing him come to life in your writing! We’re so excited to see what you do to build him further and what kind of impact he’ll have in the rp! *your request to age Thorfinn up has been accepted
application beneath the cut; tw: death, violence, murder, torture, abuse
Hello! I’m Fallon, twenty-one, reside in the CST, and go by She/Her pronouns. And for that optional fact: I am originally from Germany.
Between a 1-10 I would currently set myself at a 6 or 7. I do run two roleplays of my own, and university is back in session as well as me having work.
*removed for privacy
Your confessions blog showed up on my recommended blogs, and clicking it out of curiosity, I found myself very much appreciative of all the kind words your members left there. Hoping the roleplay was still active I clicked onward to the main, thus discovering your exquisite roleplay! Also sidenote hi Jen Boo Bear.
Hang on to your wands, kids, because this is about to get deep (sorta). I identify most with Sirius Black (alright, so maybe I haven’t been to Azkaban, but we’re disregarding that bit). Being considered as an initial outcast, especially amongst his family, is something I can greatly relate to. With a family that has always ventured on a certain path, holds strict values, and expects their descendants not to differ, both my brother and I haven’t always been received in the best of light. But in the end this unfortunate upbringing didn’t discourage him, but shaped him, and I like to believe that like Sirius, in the end, will be sure of my chosen path.
Just to age up Thorfinn to twenty as earlier discussed, and thank you for considering my application!
Thorfinn Aesir Rowle
Thorfinn: ‘thunder’
Aesir: ‘of the gods’
Rowle: ‘renown, wulf, wolf’
Dominic Sherwood
I’m a sucker for the dark, battle-worn antagonist, and most likely lack the ability to play anything but. I often play Antonin Dolohov or Amycus Carrow, but one of the things that drew me to Thorfinn Rowle was the simple fact that I’ve never seen him as a character in an HP roleplay before, and that I was instantly drawn to give his character a voice that I have yet to see. I immensely enjoyed all the carefully chosen aesthetics for your characters, but the dark princeling aura I was struck with by Thorfinn’s stuck with me.
I see him with wicked grins and darkly promising smirks; donning a crimson, cracked crown. He is not the calm before the storm, or the storm itself. He is the devastating aftermath; what the world left for others to see. A loose cannon, an army’s artillery, the Coliseum walls, and possibly the tragedy of Pompeii. Rage is his conquerer. I see him a strong-willed and brutally honest; with a sharp dose of unforgiving. He is prepared to move hell and earth to obtain what he wants, obliterate anything in his path no matter the consequence. Socially, he prefers isolation; volatile actions being the loudest thing about him. He’s apathetic, and considers emotions a distraction, a waste of ability. People tend to avoid him due to his cynic and unpredictable nature. However, if he likes you— though you would never find him admitting it— then he’s more inclined to make an effort not to piss you off. He wears vengeance without a cloak, and has swept over lives with its very existence. His charming persona is often a ruse, a swift way to invite you in before the killing blow.
Thorfinn identifies as a male with the use of He/Him pronouns. Though he is demisexual, he has found that he holds a preference for men. Romance is a falsity, and sex is as simple as intoxicated convenience. With parents that married due to bloodline, had a child for the sole purpose of an heir and lineage, he does not hold the best views on relationships. He considers them a ruse, and strongly believes he lacks the emotions to pursue them (or hold the patience to achieve them).
As for ships, Thorfinn, I believe, would do well with someone of similar mind and position. A death eater, as merciless as himself, would cause an initial, gravitational pull. Someone that has known their share of tragedy, and that holds a pension for volatile behavior. Someone he can kill with, but also, in the end, perhaps trust and self-teach a fondness for.
You can find headcanons, aesthetics, a playlist, and more on a mock blog right HERE!
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
His mouth twisted with vile intent. There were plenty of spells for inducing silence; to singe the worthless tongues emitting mindless, dimwitted banter. “Perhaps a spell that removes your tongue,” he proposed, mismatched eyes flickering toward his inquirer, “so that when the silence is lifted, you will be forced to remain mute.” He sunk into the leather sofa — his seat a throne wherever he sat— and hoisted legs crossed at the ankle atop a crystalline table. Someone’s priceless heirloom, no doubt. Thorfinn pictured his knuckles testing the strength of the glass, and the force needed to fracture its history. How little he cared, and how much he urged to set ablaze someone’s foundation of precious memory. “Or,” he continued, a dark chuckle bubbling within the cauldron of his hollow throat, “I could simply cut out your tongue.”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
His grin was a trap; a feigned charming persona a fallacy. It was an invitation to lean toward the wolf’s bloodied maw and bare their jugular to ivory fangs; their life forfeit to his usurping snarl. Camaraderie was a long lost, archaic concept to the bloodied prince. Who would he have beside him in war, if not but himself, the only being he knew to depend on upon a genocidal battleground? “Freyja.” At least she was loyal. “Scarier than any bloody werewolf, and knives have never done me wrong.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
His brows furrowed, and a dramatic, over-exasperated sigh was its accompaniment. “The decision to answer this question.” He could feel his hands become coated in oil-slick scarlet, sticking his palms together with familial blood. Then his fingers, curling around the dagger’s hilt, and its silvery blade embedding its sharp structure into an unmarred canvas. Again. And again. And again. The parental slaughter had been the most effortless decision of his life. What could be difficult, when your actions were comprised of reactive ideas? Decisions for my wellbeing, he thought, the realization tasting acidic.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
Flames licked behind mismatched irises. That was rather personal. Through his stoic demeanor came a feign of allowance where discord stood vigil. The query posed could never truly hold a valid response. To allow a crack disrupt his fortress? The idea was built on an inferior man’s principles. His voice captured a death eater’s generic principle: “That I was merciful.” What priest in their dutiful confessional could possess his true answer? Oh, how Thorfinn’s words could set its frame ablaze. The presence of his sins could ignite it, perishing the priest to embers, leaving the scene to ash.
(Flashback, Age seventeen, Christmas Eve)
Outside, the Rowle mansion was an exquisite portrait; its estate’s entirety blanketed by a delicate layer of frigid snow. Dusk had sunk the brightest globe, and engulfed the elegant architecture in a fine veil of twilight. Inside, the shadowed hallways were ablaze with screeching, humanoid howls. Inside, a chamber’s immoral walls were drenched by a garnet-tinted paint.
It had begun with his vision of a mother— an empress in her evening silk. A son had ascended stairs which rose toward heaven, yet truly descended into hell. She was seated upon her deep-violet, ornately carved throne, the tip of a feathered quill peeking through a curtain of ashen hair as her cranium dipped to write upon parchment. “I am busy, Asger.” The son had taken another, sinisterly determined step. His mother’s head lifted, and he was met with her porcelain features through a mirror’s reflection. She swiveled around to face him. “Thorfinn.” Her tone was riddled with surprise; had he ever intruded her chambers before? Or, perhaps, the shock withdrawn from her siren-song voice was the result of his wand, steadily directed toward her. She rose with  years of practiced grace, and he, the birthed puppeteer whom cut her fraying chords by a whispered, fatal curse. And then, she cascaded, her elegance smite. She looked like the angel she never was. And him? Only demons soaked themselves in blood.
The man convulsed beneath the wand’s volatile scrutiny. Its possessor stalked felled prey, predatory gate circling the pursuit of an oncoming kill. The last of his lineage, brought low.  “How does it feel?” he queried, tone level, voice failing to rise above his father’s ceaseless war-cries. “Does your blood feel frozen? Do your bones feel shattered? Does your body feel ripped apart?” He wished to pluck his tendons, incinerate his veins. How does it feel? he thought, to be the receiver of such senseless, merciless brutality. He’d known its pained definition for seventeen years— a length that which confessed itself a millennia of accursed onslaught. His father had swallowed lucifer’s luck; he’d only tasted its iron for mere hours.
And then he unsheathed a bladed heirloom; meant for crystalline encasement, yet selected for insidious motive. Thorfinn knelt beside his father’s mangled figure, the torturous curse subsiding, paying tribute to its subterfuge. “How does it feel?” he repeated, the inquiry infested with sadistic promise. “I’ll teach you.”  Like you taught me. There was a spray of pink mist as he drove the dagger home, discoloring his ivory flesh. Turbulent wrath. Barbaric savagery. Ferocious fury. Colossal sin. The blade rescinded to his potent rage with a sickening shing and squelch. The knife committed its massacre; a rerun of sharp steel embedding itself into a shallow-breathing frame.
The host’s mouth parted to expel a current of blood; staining loathing lips with death’s lipstick. Again, a caged voice whispered, rattling his vandalized skull. Again. Again. Again. The battlecries no longer echoed from his father’s frozen throat. They were his elicitations, tearing through his system with each thrust of the weapon.
Exhaustion finalized the deed. At its release, the knife struck the earth with clattering force. The victor rose, armored in liquified rubies. His victim lay in grotesque mutilation, a corpse devoid of its proper casket. The wraith vanished from its demolishing destination, and sought an eloquent alternative.
Deft digits slipped upon the keys, revealing red smears upon their stark notes. The kneazle’s lioness paws left perfect, scarlet-printed shapes atop the piano’s glossy roof. She sat poised on charcoal-colored haunches, sharing a piercing gaze with her murderous owner. “Happy Christmas, Freyja.”
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ofblessedsoul · 6 years
general etiquette.
please be respectful. i don’t think that needs to be repeated. you’re free to critique certain aspects about my muse, but i can guarantee you their core personality is something i won’t change. also, if you’re going to critique my muse, just don’t be a dick about it, and be constructive please
also hi, i’m indian. i’m hindi indian. i most likely have quite a bit more authority than you do about nahyuta’s religious and cultural background. no, i’m not the most terribly versed in hinduism, just like most christians don’t know the bible cover to cover, but i’m acutely aware of my own culture and thus channel that into him, so no, it isn’t appropriating.
i’m hugely all for the idea of casually IM’ing, and the concept doesn’t scare me, even if it’s just to spot-check on little details here and there. i’m also well-known for freely im’ing people, so just let me know if that makes you uncomfortable!
if i interact with you, it means i’ve read your bio, probably multiple times! you don’t have to worry about that.
hey so i have a life; please don’t pester me repeatedly about our threads. probably once a week is a good time to poke me.
don’t godmod ( attempt to control my muse during your reply ) cuz that’s pretty bad. if during your reply, you want my muse to do something, 90% of the time it’s cool, but please just double-check with me in an IM or something. 
in fact, i pretty much only roleplay with plots involved. they can be silly or lighthearted, or dark if you want, but i’m just no good at random starters where two folks who know nothing about each-other just kinda gotta smoosh themselves together. it’s weird sometimes okay. that being said, i’m cool with pretty much any topic and i’m always down for an interesting thread where they Don’t Just smoosh into each-other y’know.
my IMs are always open for plotting and stuff, and once we get to know one-another and i’m cool with you, i can hand out my discord.
i don’t rp nsfw. that doesn’t mean i’m against it; hell i’m all for it, but the idea of writing it out just seems to go on longer than i ever would like. i’m usually all for the idea of rp’ing foreplay and aftercare, but not really the act, y’know? fade to blacks are where it’s at with me. also if you’re a minor, i won’t even do that sorta stuff with you. it’s illegal kids.
i do rp other stuff, like violence, etc., and i will most definitely tag it as well as put a read more before the triggering thing happens. more on that in the tagging section. i’m usually okay with most topics ( unless it’s otherwise stated in my mun section with my own triggers ), but run it by me first.
nahyuta doesn’t really swear,but i curse like a sailor and i don’t usually think about tagging it, but if it makes you uncomfortable i’ll def make exceptions!
also while i have some pretty predetermined headcanons for my muse’s relationships with others, i’m always down to discuss it and compromise. it isn’t fair for me to have complete control, or you to have complete control, of the headcanon present unless we both look at each-other and agree with it.
i always kinda try to go with the writing flow, but not necessarily match length. i’m always down for one- and some-liners, but if i give you a paragraph, please don’t give me a one-liner. i get the impression you’re not interested, so if you don’t wanna give that impression just Don’t do that. i also won’t try to give you paragraphs if we’ve established a one- and some-liner flow. 
i also don’t use icons? so that’s a thing. it’s too hard to keep up with all of them man.
as on my description, i’m selective. i won’t follow you unless i wanna interact with you.
i’m also more selective about multi-verse characters, especially if it’s a fandom i don’t know ( and i don’t know a lot of fandoms, so just bear with me ). this counts for professor layton, since i haven’t played PL vs. AA. if you’re an oc, i’m cool with that, just please have a bio so i know who i’m working with and how my muse could interact with them best.
i don’t follow / rp with personal blogs. also if you’re a personal, please don’t reblog my posts.
i will not follow if ( don’t take these personally it’s not your fault! ) — you’re a double; you don’t have a rules / mun page; you don’t have an about; you don’t trim posts; i don’t see how our characters could interact ( within and outside of ace attorney fandom )
i will unfollow if — you post a lot of ooc things not relevant to rp; your rp blog is also your personal but also not sometimes you know the ones; you say something against my beliefs; if something on your blog makes me uncomfortable. i’m not really obligated to tell you why if we aren’t super close
nahyuta prefers males. he’s never gonna end up with a girl. please don’t try to convince him or me.
this blog is multi-ship, and what relationships he’s in can be found in his verses ( if you care about that stuff idk ). ships are based off chemistry, as i’m the kinda person that likes the softer, more romantic feelings between muses and a lot of intentional strife for the sake of Ship Drama and Constant Angst makes me tired. like i’m all for occasional angst for relationship development but like please
i don’t ship nahyuta with anyone under the age of 20 ( so 21+ for the folks at home watching ). no minors, of course, for obvious reasons, but i’m also deeply uncomfortable with the idea of a 25 year old man being together with a fresh adult. it’s not pedophilia sure but i still find it morally wrong as to why a 25 year old man can’t find a relationship with people his age. don’t try to convince me or i’ll hard block you like so fast.
i also don’t ship nahyuta with any of his siblings ( apollo and rayfa ). i don’t care what you say about ‘oh apollo isn’t really related to him’ please go find some other nahyuta who’s willing to do something that morally wrong ya nasties actually tell me who you are first so i can block you first and tell all my friends to block you too
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  hello! i’m ji-ji, your local nonbinary blob on the internet! i’m 21 years old and use they/them pronouns!
i have clinically diagnosed depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder ( bpd ), and i’m currently going to university, so such things can definitely intrude on my reply speed and motivation.
i also happen to be a part of and mod a pokemon rp group, which is my main fandom! considering this is a secondary / side fandom, i might not be on this blog that often. that being said, i’m relatively new to indie rp, and especially that of ace attorney rp. the last time i did indie ( though it was here on tumblr ), was back before we had im’ing, if that tells you anything, so the new landscape of indie and how it works is rather daunting for me, so please be patient
i have triggers, but they’re only brought about without proper warning, IE if you don’t run it by me and it happens very suddenly. these triggers are: major character death, verbal abuse, & emotional abuse — namely gaslighting. again, if this is brought up ahead of time, it’s fine, minus the major character death. please don’t have your muse up and die on me mid-thread.
the only games i haven’t played are Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Investigations 2 ( though i’ll get to it… i’ll get to it alright… )
i really love making new friends and ace attorney is one that i’m really passionate about and have been in for a long time! you’re always free to IM me just to talk about stuff!
thank you for reading this. you’re wonderful 💕
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rookieskrp · 8 years
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As the title says, we have a few things to cover in this post, but it’s all important, so please buckle up for the long ride and take a look.
First of all, we have the issue of AIM statuses going away once and for all to deal with. As you can probably tell by the replies to the post I just linked, the overwhelming response was to use Twitter to supplement AIM without statuses. For anyone curious about the process behind that decision, I counted each platform someone suggested as a vote for that platform. I also counted anyone adding me on that platform as a vote! As such, when anyone said they’d prefer a combination of AIM and Twitter, I counted their vote for both AIM and Twitter. The final count ended up being 6 votes for LINE, 7 votes for AIM, and 15 votes for Twitter. I think I had two people add me on Discord, too.
All of your mods are already available on Twitter (and AIM of course, though not as regularly for all of us these days.) Some of us are available on LINE and other platforms as well, so in the end, the SNS you use to communicate OOC is entirely up to you. We’ll include the OOC contact information of all of the mods at the end of this post so you can get in touch with all of us on anything we’ll be using, however, we’ll all be easiest to reach on Twitter or AIM, and it seems like that’s the case for the rest of the roleplay as well!
We also have a Twitter account for quick staff updates to take the place of any more important AIM statuses we would make in their absence. Please follow and/or bookmark that if you haven’t yet!
Now that that’s out of the way, there’s something else we need to address in regards to AIM statuses, and our OOC communications in general. Lately, multiple members have been hurt by things said on AIM statuses and other semi-public forums by other members of the roleplay. There have even been more instances of anon hate lately. We like to deal with any OOC conflicts as privately as possible, however, this has become a recurring theme to the point that we feel it’s necessary to announce this to everyone.
We’re hoping as AIM statuses go away, that part of this problem will go away as well, but we’re also mindful that anywhere there are people communicating publicly, there’s a chance of people being hurt. We can’t stop all of that, but we can make an effort to prevent as much pain as possible. Life is already hard enough, and RP is supposed to be a safe, fun escape from all of that, so as we make the move to a new platform (or even if you stick on AIM without statuses) let’s keep that in mind and try to make Rookies a more positive environment all around. This isn’t meant to target anyone in particular, or single anyone out; in fact, we’re sharing this with everyone to make that very clear. We think this is something we could all be better at, so let’s be more mindful of the effect our words can have on one another, especially where lots of people can see.
We’ll touch back on this later, but bear with us for a detour. It’s related, we promise!
As you probably know by now, Mod Mira and Mod Carly have both had real life get in the way of Rookies recently. Some of that was covered both here and here. Mod Mira had to go on an emergency hiatus for almost the entirety of the months of December and January due to lack of computer access and personal reasons. She was finally able to return to us in full at the end of January!
Naturally, as it often happens, real life’s timing wasn’t great, because Mod Carly was terribly sick since legitimately the day Mira returned. Mod Mira’s return to us was brought about thanks to a new job and the ability to buy a new PC, which is great! However, she still has a lot to get adjusted to, with both settling into her new real life job and settling back into her job as a mod. On top of all of this, Mod Shannen’s real life job has kept her incredibly busy for the past few months, even though she’s still worked hard to help us. Mod Kyle is the most consistent mod presence we’ve had, but even he was incredibly busy with work during the holidays.
We’ve worked really hard in the past few weeks, and hopefully the increase in events and activity has made that obvious, too! However, real life interfering has gotten us a little bit off schedule. We’re sorry about that and for the inconvenience; we know things getting delayed is frustrating, and that many of the members here have spent a lot of time waiting. We don’t want to make you wait on us any longer than necessary. Sometimes, we get so excited about the events we have planned and getting everyone involved, we get them going quickly and don’t give ourselves the proper time to prepare to bring everything to you. Other times, real life emergencies interfere. Either way, we know all of the members have been incredibly patient during the more than three years of Rookies now, so we won’t request more patience from you. We’ll only request your understanding.
This brings us back to OOC comments. We see a lot of your tweets and statuses, so we see your excitement, (which we love!) but that also means we see your disappointment. This isn’t us saying that disappointment isn’t valid or allowed, because it is, and it’s also understandable. However, we’ve asked multiple times that if anyone has any questions or criticisms, either of the roleplay, us, or other members, that they would take it directly to a mod (or another member, where applicable) instead of talking about it publicly on statuses. We ask this, for one, so we can make sure we see anything you’re concerned about and can address and handle it directly. We also ask this, however, because some of the comments we’ve been seeing lately have really discouraged us, as well as other members.
We are mods because we love you, Rookies as a roleplay, and what we do for it. We dedicate our time to this roleplay entirely due to our passion, and it’s all volunteer, and sometimes, there are things we have to put above modding. There’s nothing we’d love more than to put out events and other work in Rookies that everyone is excited about and happy with, but we’ve been blessed with a huge and diverse collection of people in the roleplay, and where that happens, it gets more and more difficult (impossible, honestly) to make everyone happy. We can’t make everyone happy, but we constantly strive to improve where we lack as a team and create more things you can enjoy and better represent the members we’re lucky to have in the roleplay. Seeing public criticism of us and other members doesn’t help us to improve; in fact, it actually discourages us and saps our motivation, which in combination with the stress of our real lives, makes it even harder for us to bring you the content we want to in the timeline we want to. Naturally, this only frustrates everyone more, so we end up in a negative cycle.
This is us breaking the cycle.
This is the first rule in Rookies: “While IC drama is encouraged, OOC DRAMA IS NOT TOLERATED. Please be respectful to one another, and if you can’t, avoid each other. If there’s an issue, don’t hesitate to let a staff member know so we can help you.”
Some of you that were in Rookies longer may remember when the rule was something worded more strongly: “OOC DRAMA IS NOT TOLERATED. You cause drama, you’re out. No warnings.”
We changed this rule because even with countless ups and downs Rookies experienced in the realm of drama while running more than three years, no one was ever kicked out. We wanted a set of rules we would be sure to uphold, and we don’t want to kick anyone out. Everyone’s time is limited, and we respect the amount of time and effort the members have put into this roleplay so much, and are grateful you choose to spend some of your limited time with us.
What are we asking you to do? Think before you post something on social media outside of Tumblr. It may be cliche, but ‘treat others how you want to be treated’ is a good rule of thumb. Is there anyone you wouldn’t want to see what you’re about to post? If you saw the status or tweet you were about to make and it was directed at you, would you be hurt? If the answer to either of those questions is ‘yes’ or you aren’t sure, it’s best to keep that comment to yourself, a private chat, or take it to a mod. Please keep the first rule of Rookies in mind; be respectful to one another, and if you can’t, avoid each other. If there’s an issue, let a staff member know privately. Addressing drama on a public platform may seem easy, but it only tends to get more people involved in the drama, and get more people hurt in the process.
It’s easy for intentions to be misunderstood online as well, and sometimes explaining things to each other can sort out a lot of drama. Let’s listen to each other more, and if it turns out you hurt someone entirely unintentionally with something you said, apologize. If you’re the party hurt, and the person that hurt you apologizes, do your best to be forgiving and move past the issue together.
On the other hand, if you see a post and think it’s about someone you know, if you have the urge to screenshot it and show anyone, please bring it to a mod first so we can address things without them getting out of control. Sometimes, it’s best to just leave a comment be instead of spreading it and again, getting more people involved, and subsequently, hurt.
In general, passive aggressive or ‘shady’ statuses, tweets, anons-- anything -- don’t do anyone any good and certainly hurt people more than they help.
If these problems continue even as AIM statuses disappear and we venture into a “new era” of OOC social media, we will take more serious action, even though we all wish we didn’t have to make these kinds of rules. As the people running this roleplay, our top priority is keeping this environment as safe, positive, and fun as we possibly can; remember, having fun is the point of roleplaying in the first place! We want this to be an enjoyable place for our members and for ourselves, and we hope you’ll join us in cultivating that kind of space.
For more on what we stand for in Rookies, we’ll leave you with this post by our admin as a good reminder, both to our members and ourselves. If there are muns you’d rather avoid, please let a mod know that as well. We can’t always promise to keep everyone that doesn’t get along with each other apart (especially if there’s an issue we aren’t aware of), but we can promise you’re never obligated to interact Ic or OOC with anyone you’re uncomfortable with.
We’ve talked a lot about how you can help us to improve Rookies, but we’re serious about doing better ourselves, too. We’re far from perfect as mods, and we’re aware of the mistakes we’ve made and are working hard to learn from them. We know we haven’t done the best at upholding our “no tolerance for drama” rule. We know that it’s easy to say ‘bring issues to a mod,’ but is much harder in practice when a mod isn’t always around or easily accessible to communicate with. We also know it’s frustrating to anticipate the next part of an event and not have it come out on time, and these things are on us. With how chaotic life has been for all of us lately, we acknowledge now more than ever that we need help!
So to end off on a more positive note, we’ll be opening up applications for mods in the coming days. We love Rookies and our members, and we’re committed to keeping things running smoothly and according to plan even when our own lives interfere, and in order to do that, we need at least one new addition to our team. This post is already more than long enough, and we need some time to prepare for the process, but look forward to more information on that soon.
Thank you for the time you took in reading this, and for the time you’ve devoted to Rookies so far. We hope you know that even in tougher posts like this, we appreciate you all more than we can possibly express. But we also want you to know that you have our full support in dedicating your free time to things you enjoy, that are positive outlets for you, and help reduce your stress. If Rookies isn’t fun, or becomes more draining or stressful than it is a positive part of your life, we’ll never force you to stay. We want to emphasize again that roleplaying should be fun, and if it’s not, you should find a way to make it fun or take some time away from it. We’ll be happy to try to help you find ways to make it fun, but if that isn’t working, we’ll also fully support you stepping away from Rookies if that’s what you need to do, and that will always be the case.
As promised, here’s our OOC contact information to make getting in touch with us as easy as possible! If you have any questions or concerns regarding this post, please direct them to one of us here.
twitter: hentaekai aim: hentaekai line: patchworkclouds discord: hentaekai #6032 always available on taeminrk’s tumblr ims!
aim: [email protected] twitter: kylekrp
twitter: yulbins aim: k.yulhee line: yulbins can often be found lurking on yulrk’s ims or rkevent’s inbox
aim: howonie
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Looking For A Few Partners (Mostly OC and BTS)
Hello! So, it’s been a year but I’m back, and craving a few RP partners. Me:  The name’s Micchi, but feel free to call me whatever you wish. I’m in search of some casual roleplay buddies who might be up for some light-hearted, or really heavy roleplays. Basic info for me is I’m 19 (Will be 20 later this month), and I’m a female more or less searching out other partners, preferably female, but gender really doesn’t matter in the end. I can’t say how much experience I have in RP, as my time RPing has been very patchy. I would average and say I probably have 1-2 years of experience. I’ll be going into college at the beginning of April, and I’m hoping even with class, I’ll be able to continue any RPs I have going at that time, but fair warning I may have to put a hold on our RP, or stop it all together if the course is demanding. Hopefully it won’t be that way. ^.^ I try to average at the least one reply per day, but I can’t always do so since I’ve been fairly busy these days. If I haven’t replied in a week, please shoot me a message to remind me to reply, as I likely have read your message, but forgotten to reply! I will make sure to tell you if I’ll be missing for anywhere from 3 or more days, if I have the chance to, so please be willing to tell me the same. I would like to know if you’ll be unable to reply for anywhere between 4 days or more. 
Style:  I RP in third person, paragraph style. I prefer to RP semi-lit, though I do this more or less as a stress reliever and a hobby, so I’m not too strict on my style or length or anything. I typically average a paragraph in response, and can push myself to write 2-3 if necessary, but I’ve been out of RPing a while so my quality may be a bit lack-luster at the beginning. Please just bear with me and I’ll improve.  I like to plot up ideas together and though I’ve never gotten the chance, world-building does sound cool! I like to use faceclaims for my character, either a real person or an anime drawing, depending on my character (My older ones would likely have an anime drawing as a faceclaim while newer characters would have a real person). I also love to send pictures for references on my characters, and their clothing. It’s much easier for me to imagine their looks and clothing that way. ^.^ And lastly, since it’s been a while since I’ve RPed, I may be lacking in terms of detail and length, but with time and practice, I will improve! The same goes for my characters. They may start out very plain/shy or unrealistic-sounding, but over time, I will flesh them out and make them more and more realistic! So please bear with me. c: Rules:  So, starting rule is that I ask for my partners to be 18+, for comfort reasons and because I quite like smut. I prefer to be close in age to my partners, as I feel a better connection, and I’m more comfortable with it.  Second rule is that I ask you not to take control of my character without asking me first. I’ve had it happen before, and frankly it’s very annoying, and I’m sure you can understand why.  Third, a general rule. Respect. It’s a mutual rule, of course. I’ll respect you as long as you respect me.  And last rule, for my own comfort, please do not ask personal questions. I’ve had it happen a few times where someone will ask me something personal or invasive, and really I just don’t want to feel uncomfortable again. I will drop contact with anyone who tries to get anything sexual out of me. Preferences:  So, I like to talk with my partners OOC, but this isn’t necessary if you wouldn’t like to do so. I’m an awkward and shy person, so I totally understand if you wish to keep talking strictly to plotting and talk about our characters/setting.  For pairings, I highly prefer M// and F//, but I will do M/F. With M/F, I will only play the female character. I would love to try some F//, as I’ve never actually RPed F// before, at least not without being ghosted, so I’d love to get the experience with it. I prefer to play a bottom, but I will switch, and in a F//, I might top. I like to play a range of characters, but most are bottoms or switches.  I prefer to do OC RPs, but I do have a few fandoms that I will play canon characters in. Most fandoms are for the universe.  I usually play only one character at a time, but I can double. I like to do two different pairings when doubling (Like M// and F//). Kinks & Limits:  I’ll start with my main limits, since it’s mostly the normal stuff.  - Mommy/Daddy kink - Mpreg - Abusive relationships (Both physical and emotional) - Furries (Doesn’t include shapeshifters/hybrids) - Pedophilia/Age play (Or in general underage characters) - Incest - Non-con (Unless it’s in a character’s history, then that’s fine) - Feet stuff - Anything unhygienic As for my kinks, I’m still exploring so I’m open to almost anything not on the limit list, but here’s a few of my favourite ones so far:  - Cross dressing (Especially for my bottom males) - Rough sex - Lingerie (I love having my characters dress up in lingerie) - Hickeys/biting Fandoms:  So, I have just a few fandoms, but here they are. (The more *s next to the name, the higher my craving for it) - Overwatch ** (I prefer to play OCs since I’m not too well versed with the characters just yet, or we can just use the universe) - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Toukiden Kiwami (I’d be pretty happy using the universe)  - BTS**** (I love these boys please RP them with me. No OCxCanon with this fandom) Genres:  - Romance (I love to have romance in any RP if possible) - Fantasy/Supernatural (My ultimate favourite. I like modern fantasy) - Slice of life (The one I’m best versed in) I am willing to try really any genre except historic ones because I know I can’t do justice to any timeline earlier than the 2000’s. 
Plots/Pairings:  These are some plots/pairings that I like or want to try. I’m open to any suggestions. (The more *s there are, the more interested I am in it. Bolded role is the role I would prefer) - Youtuber x Youtuber** (OCs only, but maybe two newer YouTubers collaborate and end up closely knit, and start dating) - Detective x Criminal/Thief* (I would love this for BTS, but I love the idea of this in general) - Pirate x Pirate - Pirate x Commoner/Royalty (The commoner/royalty being a captive, though this wouldn’t be a Stockholm syndrome thing, but with a surprisingly merciful pirate who is kind to the captive) - Idol/Celebrity x Idol/Celebrity*** (This could go for BTS, or for OCs. I just like the idea of two celebrities who can’t be together often falling for one another and sneaking off to meet one another when they’re able to. Would probably be related to K-pop/J-pop/J-rock) - Idol/Celebrity x Commoner**** (Someone who happened to run into the idol/celebrity and hadn’t a clue who they were or was a fan and the idol grew attracted to them because they treated them no different than a normal human after learning who they were. I’m currently doing one of these, and I love it. This more or less ties to J-Pop/J-rock or K-pop, but any kind of idol/celebrity can be used) - Vampire x Werewolf* - Vampire x Human - Werewolf x Human (I’m a sucker for the human helping an injured werewolf plot) - Werewolf x Werewolf (Maybe a rogue being taken in by a pack alpha sort of scenario and slowly adapting them to life with a pack again) - Vampire x Vampire* (I like any plot, but I’m weak for an old, powerful vampire taking in a fledgling/newly turned vampire and teaching them how to adjust to their new life) - Demon x Angel - Demon x Human* (A human summons a demon, for any reason, and somehow the demon gets stuck with the human. Maybe the human accidentally summons the demon, and cannot send it back, so now the demon begrudgingly has to deal with this human until they find a way to get him home and they form a bond) - Human x Hybrid*** (A hybrid being adopted by someone who just wants a companion, maybe a lonely author, and slowly they end up falling for each other. Usually tied in with heats/ruts/ABO dynamics) - Hybrid x Hybrid* - Merman x Human** (Based off of Orenchi no Furo Jijo, a mermaid/merman is beached and dying, and a human takes them home and houses them in their tub. Possibly takes them back to the sea later on and makes routine visits to see them) - Good Boy/Girl x Bad Boy/Girl* (Something where the bad girl/boy has a soft spot for the good boy/girl and treats them completely opposite of their image. Maybe they’re childhood friends, and have been separated for years due to one moving away and have been reunited in college) - Supernatural creature x Human* (It could be any supernatural creature) - Supernatural creature x Supernatural Creature* AUs:  So, I’m really weak for the hybrid AU, supernatural AU and soulmate AUs. I would be willing to incorporate any into an RP. Contact Information:  Congrats if you made it this far, and I’m sorry for rambling. This post ended up wayyyy longer than I meant for it to be. But, if you want to RP, here’s where to contact me! I am most active on LINE and KakaoTalk. Tumblr: imacow46 Discord: Imacow46#9993 LINE: imacow46 KakaoTalk: imacow46
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luffyasksandanswers · 7 years
Saw this Too Shy To Reach Out? - meme starter and decided to give my own replies for the thingy despite no one asked to do that, lel. It’s quite long so the rest of the meme is under the cut :) 
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♔- I can’t think of a plot for us and I want to figure that out first!
I’m not going to lie with this but compared to answering memes and improvising I feel like I’m pretty bad at plotting at the moment. It’s probably because I’m not very experienced with writing in general and I need to practice a lot to wake up the imagination. Don’t be afraid though, we can have a chat and think about what would be good and of course, if you have any plot ideas feel free to poke because I’m open up to all kinds of ideas (smut is an exception but that’s explained in rules)
☃ - I’m not sure how our characters would meet.
Luffy is seriously the most relaxed and open minded character ever existed and he is absolutely excited to meet anyone anytime! Besides, they are pirates so the rarely stay at one place for a long time so they can bump into new people practically anywhere and anything is possible! : ) 
☁- I’m worried you only RP with a certain group of people. 
Please don’t be worried! This blog is open for everyone and since I have also roleplayed with Anons you can approach Luffy with the sunglasses on if it feels safer :) The time to answer may vary a lot though because I’m replying with irregular pace. It really depends on the mood which draft I’m able to scribble that day but trust me, I will reply eventually. I’m not ignoring anyone on purpose by leaving stuff to draft for a long time but sometimes I simply get stuck with writing and need to postpone things.
♛ - I wrote you a starter and you haven’t replied yet…
This is linked to the previous answer but as said in rules, everyone has a life outside Tumblr and I tend to write whenever the inspiration strikes because otherwise thinking too much about the draft I’m not able to brainstorm at that moment might end up with writer’s block . Of course, I’m more than sorry if I keep you waiting for a long time but as I like to say, patience is the key in roleplaying and I’m really thankful that and if you can bear with me!  ★ - I’m intimidated by how much you write  This shouldn’t be a problem because I feel being a writer with fewer words. I try to keep the content packed up but sometimes my brain keeps farting working and gets carried away.    ☂ - I’m intimidated by how often you post I'm mostly online somewhere between 18 and midnight (UTC +2 local time) and sometimes lurk Tumblr with mobile randomly.The number of spam posts again depends on the day and the mood. Sometimes it’s few posts and sometimes barely any posts but usually, there are at least those left on the queue (which are posted in the early hours).  This is just  a comment in general but if the amount of post of your mutual intimidates there is a tool/extension in Xkit which allows limiting how many posts of them you’ll see at the time for example if you put the setting “show 3 posts at the row” then if I post more it hides the rest and you can check it if you feel like or skip it.
☾ - I don’t know how to approach you 
 If you want to communicate with the Straw Hat captain the best way is to invade the inbox. If you want to talk with the mun (small talk, rp ideas, fangirling, randomness, whatever just crosses your mind)  you can reach me either from Tumblr IM or Discord with   monkeydluffy19920#3367  :>
☄ - I’m super anxious about EVERYTHING 
Awww :< Don’t worry, I will never judge you about your feelings or push your limits with roleplaying. Take all the time you need and honestly, let me know if I cause you any stress unintentionally!
            ☀ - I keep hoping you’ll message me first… 
Agh, this is a bit embarrassing to admit but I’m bad at the first moves D: Sometimes I might ask for advice like what kind of scenarios my mutuals want to play or then I spam randomness or stupid questions but usually, I’m pretty shy with approaching so can’t, unfortunately, guarantee for that I’ll be the one making the move :/ 
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wishgavin-blog · 6 years
rules & mun.
general etiquette.
please be respectful. i don’t think that needs to be repeated. you’re free to critique certain aspects about my muse, but i can guarantee you their core personality is something i won’t change. also, if you’re going to critique my muse, just don’t be a dick about it, and be constructive please
i’m hugely all for the idea of casually IM’ing, and the concept doesn’t scare me, even if it’s just to spot-check on little details here and there. i’m also well-known for freely im’ing people, so just let me know if that makes you uncomfortable!
if i interact with you, it means i’ve read your bio, probably multiple times! you don’t have to worry about that.
hey so i have a life; please don’t pester me repeatedly about our threads. probably once a week is a good time to poke me.
don’t godmod ( attempt to control my muse during your reply ) cuz that’s pretty bad. if during your reply, you want my muse to do something, 90% of the time it’s cool, but please just double-check with me in an IM or something. 
in fact, i pretty much only roleplay with plots involved. they can be silly or lighthearted, or dark if you want, but i’m just no good at random starters where two folks who know nothing about each-other just kinda gotta smoosh themselves together. it’s weird sometimes okay. that being said, i’m cool with pretty much any topic and i’m always down for an interesting thread where they Don’t Just smoosh into each-other y’know.
my IMs are always open for plotting and stuff, and once we get to know one-another and i’m cool with you, i can hand out my discord.
i don’t rp nsfw. that doesn’t mean i’m against it; hell i’m all for it, but the idea of writing it out just seems to go on longer than i ever would like. i’m usually all for the idea of rp’ing foreplay and aftercare, but not really the act, y’know? fade to blacks are where it’s at with me. also if you’re a minor, i won’t even do that sorta stuff with you. it’s illegal kids.
i do rp other stuff, like violence, etc., and i will most definitely tag it as well as put a read more before the triggering thing happens. more on that in the tagging section. i’m usually okay with most topics ( unless it’s otherwise stated in my mun section with my own triggers ), but run it by me first.
while klavier isn’t most known for swearing, it might be on this blog. i curse like a sailor and i don’t usually think about tagging it, but if it makes you uncomfortable i’ll def make exceptions!
also while i have some pretty predetermined headcanons for my muse’s relationships with others, i’m always down to discuss it and compromise. it isn’t fair for me to have complete control, or you to have complete control, of the headcanon present unless we both look at each-other and agree with it. this goes especially for kristoph and daryan. even though they’re mentioned with predetermined relationships and dynamics in mind, i’m always down to change it with you specifically ( though it won’t be changed on the bio, it’ll still apply with your specific interaction, y’know? ).
i always kinda try to go with the writing flow, but not necessarily match length. i’m always down for one- and some-liners, but if i give you a paragraph, please don’t give me a one-liner. i get the impression you’re not interested, so if you don’t wanna give that impression just Don’t do that. i also won’t try to give you paragraphs if we’ve established a one- and some-liner flow. 
i also don’t use icons? so that’s a thing. it’s too hard to keep up with all of them man.
as on my description, i’m selective. i won’t follow you unless i wanna interact with you.
i’m also more selective about multi-verse characters, especially if it’s a fandom i don’t know ( and i don’t know a lot of fandoms, so just bear with me ). this counts for professor layton, since i haven’t played PL vs. AA. if you’re an oc, i’m cool with that, just please have a bio so i know who i’m working with and how my muse could interact with them best.
i don’t follow / rp with personal blogs. also if you’re a personal, please don’t reblog my posts.
i will not follow if ( don’t take these personally it’s not your fault! ) — you’re a double; you don’t have a rules / mun page; you don’t have an about; you don’t trim posts; i don’t see how our characters could interact ( within and outside of ace attorney fandom )
i will unfollow if — you post a lot of ooc things not relevant to rp; your rp blog is also your personal but also not sometimes you know the ones; you say something against my beliefs; if something on your blog makes me uncomfortable. i’m not really obligated to tell you why if we aren’t super close
hoo boy so klavier is a big gay. he’s literally never thought about dating a girl in his life. please don’t try to convince him or me.
this blog is multi-ship, and what relationships he’s in can be found in his verses ( if you care about that stuff idk ). ships are based off chemistry, as i’m the kinda person that likes the softer, more romantic feelings between muses and a lot of intentional strife for the sake of Ship Drama and Constant Angst makes me tired. like i’m all for occasional angst for relationship development but like please
if you even think about shipping klavier and kristoph please leave. actually let me know who you are first so i can block you and tell my friends to block you too. that’s how much i’m against it
there’s never gonna be a situation where klavier’s gonna have a healthy relationship with daryan. i’m all for it in an unhealthy way but if you try to make your daryan ooey-gooey and suddenly everything klavier’s ever wanted, it’s weird, out of canon, and i’m not for it. the man went to jail for smuggling shit in klavier’s own guitar and blew it up to destroy the evidence he doesn’t love him That Much.
klavier is a frivolous big gay flirt and he’ll probably flirt with any male muse that’s age-appropriate. i don’t ship klavier with anyone under the age of 20 ( so 21+ for the folks at home watching ). no minors, of course, for obvious reasons, but i’m also deeply uncomfortable with the idea of a 25 year old man being together with a fresh adult. it’s not pedophilia sure but i still find it morally wrong as to why a 25 year old man can’t find a relationship with people his age. don’t try to convince me or i’ll hard block you like so fast.
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    hello! i’m ji-ji, your local nonbinary blob on the internet! i’m 21 years old and use they/them pronouns!
i have clinically diagnosed depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder ( bpd ), and i’m currently going to university, so such things can definitely intrude on my reply speed and motivation.
i also happen to be a part of and mod a pokemon rp group, which is my main fandom! considering this is a secondary / side fandom, i might not be on this blog that often. that being said, i’m relatively new to indie rp, and especially that of ace attorney rp. the last time i did indie ( though it was here on tumblr ), was back before we had im’ing, if that tells you anything! so the new landscape of indie and how it works is rather daunting for me, so please be patient!
i have triggers, but they’re only brought about without proper warning, IE if you don’t run it by me and it happens very suddenly. these triggers are: major character death, verbal abuse, & emotional abuse — namely gaslighting. again, if this is brought up ahead of time, it’s fine, minus the major character death. please don’t have your muse up and die on me mid-thread.
the only games i haven’t played are Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Investigations 2 ( though i’ll get to it… i’ll get to it alright… )
i really love making new friends and ace attorney is one that i’m really passionate about and have been in for a long time! you’re always free to IM me just to talk about stuff!
thank you for reading this. you’re wonderful 💕
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