#what’s that? sounds like fun~!“ (dashboard games and memes)
luffyasksandanswers · 2 years
likes artificial watermelon [likes basically anything edible] |  sleeps in what they are already wearing |  eats their cereal with milk | listens to music with earbuds |  hates the summer | can recite past the first four digits of pi | eats frosting out of the jar | doodles on their notebooks | can bake cookies | has a garden | has had a snowball fight  | eats pancakes without syrup | prefers shorts over pants | can name more than ten superheroes [in modern au he could be trash for superhero stuff] | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse |  uses the same password for everything | can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds | watches anime | hasn’t read harry potter | can say ‘ I love you ‘ in more than one language | prefers mechanical pencils [because he likes to click them] | thinks space is cool | takes personality tests more than once to make sure |  can’t tie their shoelaces [flip flops best] | has a purse | likes salads | likes cool colors better than warm colors | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies | can ice skate | knows their mbti | reads astrology charts | prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy | plays video games  | reads the newspaper | likes chocolate ice cream best | doesn’t cuss | memorizes song lyrics |  collects coupons | has a preferred order at starbucks | likes movie theater popcorn | has seen a play [fell asleep accidentally in middle of it] | listens to music with headphones | owns a hoodie |  would rather own cds than online copies | has written a poem |  can shuffle cards | subscribes to a magazine |  double dips when eating | drinks directly out of the milk container | keeps a journal
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Tagged By: Saw it at dash so stole it from @solar-pxwered​ *yoink*
Tagging: @koukogakusha-nico-robin and anyone else who wants to do this :D 
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brawlqueen · 10 months
PSA * !
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while i don't need or really....like? to make these posts, and i try not to be personal unless my mutuals are people that i am comfortable sharing it, but i've definitely been struggling to write period. writer's block, call it what you will, but it's definitely been causing me anxiety when it shouldn't. so i decided to start replaying uchikoshi games of course, i just finished ai.tsf and am onto a.ini, as much as i have some gripes with it, oh well, we make our own canon - but i wanted by choice, to kinda explain that.
one thing that's really really important to me is mutual communication. that doesn't translate to: 'tell me everything that's going on and every personal detail. ' it just means, i feel that if something is up with me that's affecting my fun on the dashboard, then i wanna just bring it up.
most of my friends here know i've been having a lot of social anxiety. which is kinda weird for me since i'm a fairly confident / extroverted person! but you know what that's okay, but i've been kind of a ghost on my discord. i keep second guessing everything i say to most everyone, and it has nothing to do with a single person, there's nothing wrong i feel about any of my friends. i'm just /anxious/.
i also, am just accepting that due to some personal health issues, nothing major, (ex: insomnia amped up, for mental reasons ) that my adhd is all over the place. most of the time when i get to be home i'm snuggling my bear uh -- i mean, my rescue great pyrenees sasha or just doing 'icon therapy' which is me making batches of screencaps and converting them to icons.
i'm not ignoring anyone, and i just don't know what to really say right now in a lot of conversations. i stumble over my typing and delete little sentences because my anxiety has been so bad. but also for me, with that adhd, sitting in it is infinitely worse, and i'm sorry if this sounds like i'm complaining. i just like being upfront!
so yeah, dm buddies i'm not ignoring you, or purposefully being slow. roleplay partners / friends, new mutuals waiting on meme asks or threads, hell even mizuki's birthday stuff, which is FOREVER btw to this stan, i am not trying to make it seem i'm disinterested or quite frankly i don't drop threads unless you would like me to. i just may not be at the speed you like. and that's okay! we meet each other half way.
but yeah i kinda really have wanted to address this because i can feel mizuki kinda coming back if that makes sense? there's so much to explore with her, but even mutuals i don't even know that i dearly want to interact with, please know you can send random asks or throw people at mizuki any time. i know this isn't a job. i know not to force myself, and trust me, i don't.
but i just...didn't want to leave the wrong impression that may be 'lily's ignoring me / lily dropped our stuff / ' it isn't so much bluntly, for anyone as much as it is me wanting to tell you i just don't operate that way i guess? i wouldn't treat someone like that. everyone has their way of operating on this site and as long as it's not hurtful i think it's fair and valid. i just wanted to explain. for myself, and hopefully clear up if anyone is confused about me.
i appreciate everyone's patience and the talent they bring to the dash, even if i don't know your muse(s), but i do know that i followed you for a reason so please be patient with me as i get through this. i think writing is so relaxing for me, so slowly feeling mizuki come back is a very, very comforting thing. she's my favorite girl ever, the girl ever period for me, and i never aim to make this a job.
so i'm gonna be gentle to myself and these asks and threads you might go 'well that was ages ago' and that's okay. what's important for me is that my intentions are always clear, and hopefully, always seen as they are as best i can: well meaning. that said, since i don't wanna make this a job, please don't do it either okay? - lily.
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twilighthomunculus · 2 years
I know you want initial d for the ask game but i need to know what youve gained by osmosis alone
I really want to ask what halo characters you've formed opinions on/have thoughts about
bold of you to assume i remember names
ill try my best to go off of the format of the game but i dont think i have enough opinions
blorbo-in-law (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Roland is cool. He's a little puppy, he should be a stuffed animal friend or something, put him on my dashboard as a bobble head. A Chief/Cortana fic may have sparked my girl Bee's creation but Roland adds inspiration. From what I've seen his VA sounds wrong because the voice in my head for him is different. Softer, more polite or something. Still call him the piss minion AI tho cause i like causing psychic damage. make him unironically like the despicable me movies i dare you.
scrunkly (character that is So Shaped)
Mr Chef- I'm going blankie/i frew up mode is my favorite meme it gets me every time. He also looks slappable in a slaps the roof of the car, slap his bald head, slap his ass like a sportsball coach kind of way. I have a sticker of him in the master chef apron on my work locker for the memes. Also body armor is fun to paint.
one more bonus out of context thought: his suit may jerk him off but it doesn't let him pee his pants.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Miller- no real thoughts kinda seems cool but some of the stuff I read were too ship-y for my tastes(regardless of the fact if they were intended to be romantic or not. im just weird don't mind my dumb thoughts). so no real opinions yet
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Sarah Palmer- cause she showed up in my dream i feel obligated to talk about her, no real thoughts other than I enjoyed the Promethean Knight AU. body horror my beloved
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Cortana- I haven't really read anything that made her stand out. She is still the "Siri" on my laptop that I can accidentally summon if I press the wrong buttons to me but I still wanna see her as an I'm sorry john, Garfield
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pudding-parade · 2 years
Ooooooh, a question list!
Untagged but lifted from @clumsybot because I am the bored. Or rather, there are non-Sims, non-sitting-on-my-ass-in-front-of-a-computer things I should be doing, but...Don't wanna. So here we are. :)
Why did you choose your url? Because TS3 is nothing but an endless parade of pudding people, and since this was going to be a TS3-specific blog...There we are.
How long have you been on tumblr? This account is less than a year old, I think, but I started my TS2 blog in....2013? I think? So, almost a decade.
Do you have a queue tag? ...No? I don't think so? I mean, I use the queue, but I don't have a specific tag for queued posts.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? I'd had the TS2 blog for a long time, but I just got tired of the game, which I never thought would happen. At the same time, I got into TS3, which I also thought would never happen. I knew that a lot of people who followed me on the TS2 blog did so because of the CC I made (and I might return to doing that, if I can get the game to install and run on this machine), and I didn't want to tick them off by switching over to TS3. I also wanted a dashboard that was primarily TS3-relevant without having to unfollow people and then follow new people. So, a new, separate account rather than a sideblog seemed the way to go.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? The icon is because I have a strange fondness for the mechanical bull in the game. It is my favorite thing ever. Don't ask me why.
And I have no idea what "pfp" means because I am An Old. I don't know what half the acronyms you kids use mean. Get off my lawn.
Why did you choose your header? Because I also have a strange fondness for the train in Champs les Sims. When I see it going by, I always go "Choo choo!" in an annoying, chirpy voice. And then my husband throws something at me if he's in earshot.
What’s your post with the most notes? I...don't know? Not without going back and looking, which I'm not going to do because, honestly? IDC enough. Look, an acronym! Hello, fellow kids.
How many mutuals do you have? I don't know. What do I click to find out? Guess I'm An Old, after all. Get off my lawn.
How many followers do you have? I don't really like to give specific numbers anymore. I realized at one point that it sounded kind of...I don't know...braggy? That said, on this blog, it's a three digit number. On the other, last I looked, it's a four-digit number. And I appreciate all of them.
How many people do you follow? Right now, only 86. And many of them are finds blogs that are, frankly, redundant. I am a bad, bad blogger. One of these days, I'm going to sit down and unfollow some of the finds and go through the people who follow me and follow back those who post TS3 stuff and find other people and all that stuff. It's just seems like, you know, work. Ugh.
Have you ever made a shit post? Define "shit post." I posted about my snake terrifying poor Jehovah's Witness ladies when I truly didn't intend to terrify them. (And they still haven't come back! I feel like I need to send an apology letter to their kingdom hall or something...) Anyway, that was pretty shitty of me. (The scaring the ladies part was shitty, that is, not the posting about it.)
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won? I don't see any point to fighting about Sims games. That's just ridiculous. I save my ridiculous arguing for arguing with Christian apologists -- some of them professional and big-name in such circles -- in YouTube comments. It's pointless af (Another acronym! Hello, fellow kids!), but it's also fun af. To me. Because I'm incredibly weird.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts Mostly, I feel that I don't need to reblog them, unless they pertain to Sims, and sometimes not even then. Call me an asshole (because I freely admit that I am one), but my tumblr blog isn't about activism. That's for real life.
Do you like tag games? Memes, memes, glorious memes! IOW (acronym!), yus.
Do you like ask games? See above.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? Mmmmm... @rollo-rolls, maybe? I mean, they convert hair. That gives you the big-time simblr famous points. :) Why they follow me is a mystery, however...
Do you have a crush on a mutual? @nectar-cellar. Because everyone has a crush on nectar-cellar. (I'm just kidding. I don't have a crush on NC, but they do seem like a fun person, and I do know that we are mutuals, and I thought of their name first when I read the question. So does that mean I actually *do* have a crush? Hmmmmm.... )
Not gonna tag anyone. Do if ya wanna. I’m nosy and like to know stuff about people. No, wait! I’mma tag @nectar-cellar. Because crush. ;)
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mrvdocks · 3 years
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You shouldn’t have come on this stupid trip. Not even if it had opened you up more to him. If anything, you felt this trip had soured the more time had passed. Alex could tell. But you two had to play it safe, play the parts that Karl thought you two assumed from his perspective. You resented that, having to stick to an image that he had formed of you, one that tried to act like you weren’t so in love with him it made your heart ache. 
You and Alex plan a meet up with Karl for a week trip, only to have your feelings for Karl be put to the test when things don’t pan out how you all planned. (Karl Jacobs/Reader)  
“Stop it.” He says, voice serious and no longer joyful or even hinting at friendliness. You’ve heard Karl be serious many times but this time sounded different. This time he sounded like he was scolding a child after being annoyed by them repeatedly. 
“Stop what?” You ask, pretending to be aloof.
“Stop acting like a child!”
“I’m the one acting like a chil - since when was doing something I want, acting like a child?!” 
He makes a hmpf sound. “What is this supposed to be, payback? Is that what you’re playing at?”
“I’m not playing at anything here, Karl. I don’t know what you want me to say.”
He scoffs. “Oh yeah? So you just suddenly developed an interest in Dream overnight, is that it?” 
“Honestly, why do you care so much? My love life isn’t up for debate here.” 
“Oh and mine was?” He retorts.
You knew he would bring it up, you just knew. It was perfect ammo right now. You stutter to find the right words. 
“What - what do you want from me Karl? I don’t need to explain myself to you. Have you considered that maybe I just finally got tired of being alone? That maybe I just needed someone?” 
Karl tries to not let this dig push him over the line but his frustration and jealousy wouldn’t let him stop seeing green. 
“Is this what you do? You like playing with people's feelings? Do you think screwing my friends is going to help you or is this another one of your phases?”
It feels good in the heat of the moment but he knows he’s messed up as soon as he says it. 
Your mouth drops open. Incredible. In-fucking-credible.  
You laugh bitterly, trying to put up a strong front but your voice betrays you by cracking. “That’s low, Karl. That’s - really fucking low.”
Instantly regretting it, he tries to make amends but can’t put words together properly. His mind reels, heart races, palms suddenly feel sweaty and all he can manage is your name. “(Y/N)......I -”
You can’t bear to hear another false apology spill from his lips. If that’s how he felt, then there was no changing his mind. No matter how badly you wanted to. 
“No you’re right. You’re right. You made your choice and so have I. Goodbye Karl.” You conclude and hang up, throwing your phone across the room. You stare at it until your vision becomes blurry with tears. 
Where do you go from here?
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You didn’t think that when you first started streaming that you’d end up at the point you were now. You just wanted to have fun with your friends, maybe meet some new people, share your interests along with the loads of games you found amusing. Interestingly enough, your personality and content seemed to resonate with a lot of people. 
Pretty soon you’d become one of the top streamers on Twitch behind the other big talent that once dominated your dashboard. 
You’d made your way into the big leagues with names like GeorgeNotFound, Dream, Quackity, Nihachu, and even Karl Jacobs. Though you’d met the latter two years ago, you’d become quick friends with Quackity, or Alex(is), having bonded over having similar backgrounds and interests. 
He was more like a brother to you than anything, much to the chagrin of many in the chat. You believe it had to do with growing up in a family with mostly girl siblings. 
Your collabs with Alex garnered lots of views, with people tuning into the streams to watch you two yell at each other chaotically while playing odd games or attempting to bake things. 
Of course, while he did your side of content, that meant you had to hold up your end of the bargain. Minecraft wasn’t your strong suit at first, but as time went on and with some help from both Alex and Karl, you became a little more proficient. 
Karl was no stranger to you, not anymore. Alex had introduced you to Karl a little after he started streaming. You’d only really known him from a couple of Jimmy’s videos. 
He seemed kind, goofy, friendly, and all around a pretty fun guy to be around. Which is why when you started to fall just a little bit for him, you were surprised. You came into this Twitch thing with one rule. Don’t fall for people. 
Things could get messy, it was always a given. The fandoms would tear into you or them, people were unpredictable. It was just better to keep everyone at an arm's length when it came to shipping. 
You were thankful nothing had come to fruition from your friendship with Alex. If anything, all you saw were people shipping you platonically. Though you two would often tease each other if one had a crush on someone. 
Your dynamic with Alex meant that you had countless ridiculous and outrageous moments together, often documenting them when he would visit you in LA from Mexico or you going to Mexico to see family and stopping by to visit him.
It was starting to become a thing you two did a few times a year. This year was no different. Even when the pandemic seemed to sour your plans, you both promised to stay safe and healthy and limit the trips. So far, this was going to be the first trip you two would be taking anywhere. 
Your phone buzzed next to you as you scrolled mindlessly through your discord server. You laughed a bit here and there, looking at memes and chatting with people. 
Alex’s text ringtone was him rage quitting during a game where you absolutely obliterated his ass. You either cracked up at the sound of it or jumped in sudden fear when it bounced off the walls of your apartment in the middle of the night. 
A: Hey wiener, are you packed?? I know you take like three business days to get ready. 
You rolled your eyes. He was supposed to be coming to visit you first before you both made the flight out to see Karl in North Carolina. 
Y: Me??? I’ve been packed since last week. I thought you were supposed to be on the flight here already 🙄
A: I may or may not…...already be out. 💀
Your eyes widen. You abandon the chat and hit the FaceTime button. He lets it ring for a good five seconds before he accepts it and greets you with a close up of his face.
“What am I looking at?” You ask, feigning disgust. 
“My beautiful face, what else?” 
“Really? I thought it was a dog’s asshole.” You chuckle. 
He guffaws. “Fuck off! First I get stranded here in LA, then I get some shitty chicken nuggets and now you’re calling me butt ugly! Why does life hate me so much?!”
“Menso! You were supposed to call me when you - wait did you say chicken nuggets?”
“Yeah, I still have the rest but I can’t finish because every time I chew I think of the pink slime.”
“Ugh don’t talk about Supersize Me, I’m still having nightmares about it. Who shows that to little kids??” 
“Yeah well it’s shit, Burger King’s better.” He admits, munching down on the nuggets. He chews obnoxiously near the phone speaker to annoy you so you tap at the screen in retaliation. 
“Hey, I was supposed to record you trying out American McDonald’s! Why are you taking sweet sweet content away from me? Now no one gets to see you lose your McVirginity!”
He sputters through a mouthful of nuggets and does a combination of coughing and laughing. 
“Anyways,” he says, finally nugget free. “You coming or not? I don’t think I wanna sleep on the airport floor.”
“Yeah yeah, I’m coming. I’ll text you when I’m outside.” 
The airport was a forty five minute drive, thirty if you stepped on it and committed several traffic violations. 
Maybe that would make good content. 
You grabbed your keys and rushed out of your home, fully prepared to go fast and furious. You put your windows down, connected your phone to the aux and blasted Tokyo Drift as you merged into the freeway. 
Half an hour later, you’d arrived at a packed airport pick up area and texted Alex to let him know you’d arrived. He replied that he was starting to feel the effect of the chicken nuggets but that he would push through people to get out of the building before he caught anything from anyone.
Once you could make out his figure up ahead in front of the other cars, you got the bright idea to switch your music to something more interesting. You pulled up one of his videos where he was fully invested in a rendition of Hey There Delilah and honked excessively once you got closer to him. He looked around and pulled his beanie down lower to hide his face in embarrassment. 
You and the prerecorded Quackity sang in off key unison with the volume up as much as you could before he threw his luggage and bags into your backseat, hopped into the passenger seat and put the volume down.
“Never do that again.” 
“Hey, that was your welcome salute. I don’t do that for other people, you’re special and I like it.”
“Could you try liking me a little less? I could do without all the cringe covers.” He laughed to himself as he buckled up. 
The ride home consisted of a mix of very poor and impressive impressions of characters that would’ve annoyed nearly anyone else except you. Alex alternated from a gruff impression of Squidward to a raunchy Mickey Mouse that left you doubling over and gripping the steering wheel. You competed with him, doing your worst impression of Cookie Monster and Goofy. 
Your impression competition was interrupted by a phone call, Karl’s photo flashing flipped a panic switch in you as you scrambled to grab your phone. Alex takes your phone and extends his arm far from your reach. 
“Ah, ah, ah! No texting and driving! You want to kill us or something?!”
“I need to answer! What if he thinks I’m ignoring him?”
“I got it, I got it.” He assures, sliding the bar to unlock the phone and meet Karl face to face.
Karl makes a surprised sound, greeting Alex almost immediately. 
“Hey bub!” You chime in, keeping your eyes on the road but getting a glimpse of Karl in his frog outfit. 
“Hi! Sorry, I didn’t know you were driving.”
“No it’s okay! I’m just coming back from picking up this idiot.” 
“Who you calling idiot, dumbass?” Alex suddenly burst into his Mickey Mouse voice from earlier, ending it with the iconic Mickey laugh. 
Karl seemed to eat it up, breaking into laughter. It was infectious enough to make you chuckle. 
“You guys excited for the trip? It’s looking really pretty here this time of year. I can’t wait to show you around.”
“You mean show us your sweater collection?” Alex jabs.
You nudge him roughly to the side as a warning, glaring at him when he glances at you. 
You’d hoped that the change of scenery would do you some good. LA was an endless heap of  heat that you never could seem to escape. Not even with air conditioning. It was October already, which normally would mean Fall, orange leaves, pumpkins everywhere, a complete shift in temperature, right? Nope. 
It was the devil’s asshole all year round, something Alex could attest to. 
“Don’t mind him, I think he was dropped as a kid.”
“How dare you! There is nothing wrong with me, I’m perfect.”
“Ha! Sure. As if you don’t have a lot of things wrong with you.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
You tap at the time on your screen, “We don’t have enough time to get into it.”
You turn your attention back to Karl, very attentive to your bickering, small chuckles here and there. It wasn’t until he made eye contact with you that you felt your hands falter on the wheel. You were lucky enough that it didn’t make you stray away from the road. 
“Um - you know what? We’ll call you later, we’re almost home anyways.” 
“Okay! Be safe! Goodnight. ” Karl bids you both goodbye and poses his phone in front of him in order to hug it from afar, as if to hug both you and Alex. 
You groan to yourself, pretending to bang your head against the steering wheel as soon as you pull up to your complex. Alex laughs at your misery. 
“Oh man, you really are down BAD.”
“Shut up! I regret telling you things sometimes.” 
“No one said you had to! I guess I just have one of those faces.” He Chad swipes at his chin and squints at you.
“Yeah, punch able.” You remark with a quirk of your brow, slipping out of the car and heading to your front door. 
Alex follows, grabbing his things in a hurry before you can get the chance to lock him out and leave him to sleep with the coyotes. 
“Don’t leave me out here! I’m too delicious to die!” He cries.
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You’re awoken by the feeling of warm sunlight on the left side of your face. You hesitate to move, feeling tired already even though you’re sure you slept longer than you should’ve. 
You prop yourself up by your elbows, shielding your face from the sun with your hand. You get out of bed groggily, staring at the floor for a second before making your way to the living room and finding Alex sleeping in a weird position. 
Amused, you rush back into your room and grab your phone to document this moment and post it on Twitter. However when you return, he’s gone. You lean over the couch to check if he’s hiding behind it but he’s nowhere to be found. 
You’re about to crouch to check for his feet or any sign of him when you feel fingers dig in your sides. You yelp in fear and surprise, smacking your attacker until he starts to yell in a shrill voice. 
Alex pushes you over the couch making you fall on your ass. 
“WHAT THE HELL?!” You scream. 
“That’s what you get for trying to take pictures of me!”
You try to stand, rubbing at your sore ass. “Ugh, what are you, a cryptid or something? The people have a right to see!”
“No one gets to see me in the morning! No one! I need my beauty sleep more than you.”
He extends a helping hand for you to take in a moment of truce but you take advantage and pull him down with you to land on his back. He groans when he hits the ground and curses at you in Spanish. 
“Play time’s over, we gotta get ready. The plane leaves in…..one hour????!” 
Your phone says it’s only nine in the morning but you hazily remember the tickets reading ten thirty. 
“No way! I have to take a shower, I have to order food….” He begins, counting on his fingers the various things he suddenly had to do but you stop him by running into your room and getting your bags. 
“No time! Brush your teeth, get dressed, I’ll buy us something at the airport.”
“NOOOO! Airport food is disgusting! Can’t we stop somewhere?” 
“Like I said, no time! We gotta be out of here in thirty minutes.”
He grumbles under his breath. 
“I heard that!” You yell behind you, grabbing a towel and turning on your shower. 
After Alex rummaged through your kitchen, stuffed himself with some snacks and an alarming amount of frozen food, you urged him to shower in the little time span you had left and ordered a ride to take you to the airport. 
You had to basically pull him away from putting on his finishing touches with his beanie, with him complaining that his hair wouldn’t settle under it the way he wanted. You rolled your eyes and shoved him and your stuff into the Uber and kissed California goodbye. 
You two started planning what you’d do in NC as soon as you landed, besides getting food. You could practically hear Alex’s stomach grumbling the whole drive to the airport and even after the Uber gave him some snacks.
There was a sense of urgency that made your stomach twist in knots until you’d arrived at the drop off section. You stuck your tickets in your pocket as you hurried Alex, dragging him and urging him to run faster than he’d ever imagined to catch the plane. 
With only minutes to spare, you didn’t realize you were holding your breath until you panted and tried to regain it once you were at the gate. Alex makes a joke about you being out of breath to the pretty attendant that you make a note of later, just in case he tried to flirt with her. 
Alex followed the attendant like a puppy while you popped your phone out from your pocket and snapped a photo of the plane. You debated sending it to Karl, not sure if wanting your boarding to be a surprise or not. You relented to posting it on Twitter and sending it to Karl. 
Big things coming ;) You tweeted, exiting out of the app as quickly as you’d posted it, knowing you’d be flooded with notifications. 
You switched over to message, sending it to Karl but unsure if he would be awake right now. Maybe it would make his day better. 
On our way! See you soon! :)) 
You ran to catch up with Alex, finding him still talking to the attendant. In the most bitchy voice you could muster, you hugged him from the side and nestled your head into his shoulder. 
“I’m so happy we’re going on vacation babe, thank you!” 
His face fell, the attendant suddenly losing interest and suggesting the two of you find your seats. You intertwine your hands with his and hold it up, making a joke about how you two were inseparable. 
He suppresses the urge to fight you and instead screams internally, whisper yelling to you as you both sit. “You couldn’t let me be a Chad once? Just once!” 
“That’s what you get for slamming me on my ass earlier.”
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best-enemies · 4 years
For the fandom ask meme thing can I request the whole damn alphabet or is that not very cash money of me? I’m nosy lmao I wanna know all of them!
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
I’ve had my current OTP for like almost 8 years and it’s, obviously, Thoschei (Doctor/Master). My other current obsession is the Gallifrey OT4 hehehe
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
It’s funny because I didn’t ship Hannigram at first... I’d thought the idea of a cannibal having a relationship was terrifying because what if they had sex and Hannibal got hungry in the middle of the act? Lmaoooo 
But yeah they’re my endgame now. I watched the show when it first aired and I was about 14/15 years old so now you see why I thought that. Although I’m still afraid I’m gonna be reading a fic and Hannibal will suddendly bite Will’s dick off or smth AKJHSAKJSAHSASKAJ
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Uhhh Doctor/Clara. Mainly because I don’t like to ship the Doctor with companions (there may be one or two exceptions but I don’t ship them enough to actually say I ship them lol) and I don’t know I just never vibed with it
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Doctor/River. I mean, I did like it for a while years ago but now it’s just... eh. I think she has a waaay better chemistry with the 12th Doctor, but still don’t ship it. I might give it a try once I listen to the River audios but so far meh. I’m not much of a multishipper anyway.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
God. I’ve written a couple of Academy Era (focused on the Deca) crack fanfics and I still have to translate them to English. They’re pure garbage but I love them. I have a lot of fun writing crack fics because they’re easier and I can ignore whatever piece of canon I want just for the laughs
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Guess it’s Doctor Who, been here (in and out of the fandom) for over 8/9 years
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Uhhhh I think it was Han Solo and Leia, since I was a kid really. I wanted to marry both of them lol
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
I had to google what a source text is and still don’t know
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I don’t think so, but Twitter definitively has. I remember a couple years ago I was curious to see what voltron was about and watched a few episodes, it was ok, fun and cute but the fandom was so annoying I stopped watching it for good and don’t care about it enough to pick it up again
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
I had definitively forgotten about supernatural until I saw it all over my dashboard in the year of our lord 2020 lmao like in my wholock days I tried to watch the show because everyone on my dash (is it still called dashboard?) was talking about it and I watched about 8 episodes before dropping it. But seeing it again on the dash was actually a happy surprise because the memes are too funny hahaha
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
I’m extremely shy irl and on the internet as well but I wanna say that  @janeturenne is one of the best authors ever and her fanfics are a blessing in my life; also @thebraxiatelcollection who brings awesome content to my dash and is also one of the best authors. And of course, you, Jack, also one of the best authors god I’m so BLESSED
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Uhhh I guess I’m neutral about the current companions. They’re not my favorites but I don’t really dislike them - they had a lot of potential and chibs came up with some good storylines but did not develop them well in my opinion. I think Graham is a fun grandpa whom I’m going to miss when he leaves; Ryan is cool and could’ve done a lot more if the writers had kept a few things, it’d be awesome if he vlogged all of their adventures. He’s like the one I was curious to see more but sadly didn’t feel a connection; and Yaz, I hope she’ll keep growing and that her friendship with the Doctor will finally be developed to a level we can connect to her.
It sounds weird because with the fam it’s always ‘what I wish could have been’ because I never felt really connected to them :(
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
Ok... I don’t really ship Rey/Finn but I think it’s one of the sweetest ships ever, and if they ended up together I’d be happy. They love each other and are there for each other always so, yeah :D
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I don’t know if I got the question right but it’s three things I wish I saw more in my main fandom? Well, if it’s that, then, 3 things about the Doctor Who fandom: 1) people having more civilized or light-hearted discussions about things. Like, I genuinely disliked an 8th doctor audio I listened once that my friends loved, and they made fun of me and we joked about it. Also once we were in a live twitch video playing among us and discussing doctor who, and then we got into a ship “discourse” as a joke and nobody really cared and just laughed because everyone knew it’s fictional shit so why get mad over it? 2) Doctor Who has a titanic amount of content, it’s all canon but at the same time it’s not, so who cares? If you want to listen to Big Finish audios and if you can afford it, then lisiten; if you can’t, it’s okay, no one has the right to tell you you’re less of a fan. Just tell them to fuck off; 3) The best way to keep fandom alive is by creating content. Here in my local fandom we have several podcasts dedicated to all areas of the whoniverse (the show, the expanded universe, the audios, etc), those old fandom websites who do serious work to bring news to the fans, people who make subtitles for the classic series (we don’t have it available here so they do their best to make it accessible to other fans), accounts dedicated to promoting dr who fans who create content, and we even have people making their own audiodramas with dw characters and writing book-lenght fanfiction to help explain the show to people who’ve never watched it, and a great variety of things. I’ve seen a few of these things in the international fandom, mostly by older fans, so I wish younger fans about my age who have the means to make this kind of stuff would make it too. Maybe there’d be less twitter drama out there lol
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
“the killing moon” by echo & the bunnymen reminds me of thoschei. yep it was totally random
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
The fact that we don’t have a pride and prejudice AU for brax/romana yet is driving me insane
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
I’ve mentioned it before but doctor/river, don’t really remember why idk I just don’t vibe with it anymore. But also because thoschei has so many different pairings in 1 ship that I don’t really feel the need to ship them with anyone else lol
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
GOD I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT’S SO SPECIFIC ok fellow academy era stans gather around if you have read Divided Loyalties there’s a scene where it SHOWS that Magnus had a crush on Ushas. And NO ONE HAS EVER TALKED ABOUT THEM and the power couple they would’ve made. I write them into all my fanfics in hopes of making other people ship them but I’ve had no success so far
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
The Master is a big fan of musicals and in the 77 years he spent on earth he watched every single one ever. I’m gonna be bold and say that when he was young, still Koschei, he was an artist, and thought about dropping everything to become an actor on Gallifrey. Time Lords do appreciate art, and have their own plays, but it’s just the same old and boring ones the young people don’t care about. The Master then created a shocking performance that was way ahead of its time and the older Time Lords were so appalled they banned him from writing and presenting plays and that’s his villain origin story
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
1) The Doctor and the Master married on Gallifrey and the entire show is just them having the most litigious divorce in the universe (still isn’t final because the Master has killed all the judges); 2) Ushas/The Rani is ace; 3) The Deca was a 10 people polyamorous relationship; 4) Romana and Livia were girlfriends at the Academy and they hate each other now because the break up was baad; 5) Romana writes fanfiction; 6) Romana/Leela had a thing in Davidia I KNOW it; 7) Leela pegs Narvin; 8) Brax has a life-size painting of Romana at his collection or a statue or smth; 9) Brax’s dream in Reborn is actually REAL and he’s married to Romana, Leela and Narvin all at the same time
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
I don’t even think I’m in 5 fandoms but
Doctor Who: The Master, The Doctor, Romana, Leela, Sarah Jane, Bill (this was the hardest thing ever)
The X-Files: Mulder, Scully, Monica, and can I add The Lone Gunmen too?
Star Wars: Leia, Obi-Wan, Finn, Poe Dameron and honorable mention to Din Djarin and Grogu
Hannibal: Hannibal, Will, Bev, Alana, Chiyoh
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
That’s hard
Doctor Who: thoschei ofc, gallifrey ot4.......... uuhh as you can see i don’t ship many pairings in the show
The X-Files: Mulder and Scully. And whatever Scully and Monica had going on because they definitively flirted
Star Wars: Poe/Finn, Han/Leia, whatever Han/Lando had going on too
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
WHATVASHAJSKAJSA ok this is a little embarassing but I don’t have a lot of kinks for many ships... I guess I have some for thoschei like, choking, whipping, blindfolds/gagging, bondage, begging, biting, sem-public, phone sex, dirty talk, body worship, praise kink, etc. Alright alright I know it’s a lot but in my defense they've shown half of these on the show
The Master, Romana, Leela, Brax, Narvin, Bill Potts, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane, Donna Noble, Lucie Miller. No particular order for most of them but the Master is my precious baby and I will die for this mf
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Not many, usually the people I follow are in the same fandoms as I am but I’ve seen some mutuals reblog some Hadestown stuff which is a play that I’ve never seen but definitively would because the protagonists look hot 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
it took me three hours to do this but it was fun!! thank you bb <3
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popscenery · 5 years
LMFAO, »Party Rock Anthem«
by Jake Cleland
‘Party Rock Anthem’ isn’t the best song of the decade, it is the song of this decade. The rotten nucleotides that comprise its DNA and its video’s captured everything that would define the 2010s even before the decade had properly started. JJ Abrams’ franchise dominance, cinema’s sequelitis, Malcolm Goodwin’s role in iZombie — seen in retrospect, ‘Party Rock Anthem’ makes LMFAO seem downright prescient. But as an early decade phenomenon, it’s also an epitaph to a brutally missed 2000s. The Cobrasnake-via-Dim Mak-via-Ed Banger-via-Mad Decent street party fashion makes the post-#mensfashionadvice 2010s look hopelessly conservative. 
So much of art and politics was deastheticised by the project of fundamentally reorganising how art and politics meet and whether that casualty was necessary has yet to be reckoned, although it was probably inevitable. But ‘Party Rock Anthem’ came out when hipster irony (a phrase, kids, that folks used to use with a straight face) was only uncertainly dead, with poptimism still holding the gun cautiously to its chest. The ensuing cultural/political schism ultimately wasn’t drawn on the line between left and right, but overwrought exegeses on the meme of any given week (sup) vs. pleading to just like what you like (aka Like Everything). Two fronts battling basically for the same humiliated cause of pop supremacy made the previously delicious sport of music snobbery just not very fun. The only available rebellion was to [extremely Big Sean voice] go stupid.
(This also meant the only space left for sincere irony was, like, /mu/ and /r/indieheads and Fantano’s comments section. (Pass.))
If ‘Party Rock Anthem’ came out a few years later, it might’ve been wilfully embraced, although its pariah status also left the life in it, so we take small blessings with gratitude. After all, it’s a safe song to like: it is exclusively about the unifying force of The Party. Lyrically it even reifies the previous paragraph: “Stop: hatin’ is bad.” Where it missed a trick was not predicting the trickle down stanonomics of K-Pop’s influence, but it was a utopian vision. Superficially, it’s apocalypse-pop but if so, it’s the only example that doesn’t sound hopeless or lifeless (James Murphy arrived five years late to this, but succinctly, at least, with LCD Soundsystem’s ‘tonite’.) You watch Redfoo - convincingly scared while two-stepping through a sea of Air Jordans and lame - finally succumb to The Party and tell me that the alleged zombies aren’t the good guys. NB: the only other guy afraid of them is wearing a shirt and tie. 
He’s also the only one pushing a product in the whole clip. For all the zombies-as-consumerism metaphors, who’s really a conformist consumer here? Let’s not stretch this too far, but hand-on-heart finger-tapping-forehead: makes you think.
A month before ‘Party Rock Anthem’, Tom Ewing wrote a piece for The Guardian I still think about a lot. Riffing on Girl Talk’s pointillistic reference dropping, Ewing laments the deficiency of celebrating Moments in songs/albums/patchwork sample monster mixtapes which get lost in the holistic approach. In that spirit, the Beats product placement in the ‘Party Rock Anthem’ clip created a Moment which gummed up my brain creases all through this decade almost more than the song itself. The lone survivor tells LMFAO to use their earbuds. “You got ‘em in?” he says. And Skyblu says:
“What? Vitamins?” 
No matter which way you interrogate this moment, it is downright hilarious. To research for this piece, I watched over 100 music videos. I watch a lot of music videos, so the research for this piece consisted of a lot + 100 music videos. That’s more than a lot of music videos. I also watched the ‘Party Rock Anthem’ video more than 100 times, just to make sure I was awarding this Moment the appropriate gravity. So I can say with scientific credibility that not only is ‘Party Rock Anthem’ the song of this decade, but that this moment is the Moment of every decade. It is a non-sequitur nonpareil. Was this scripted or improvised? And either way, in that moment, why would someone say to them, “Vitamins”?
The story of LMFAO concluded in another particularly 2010s way. Another victim of the neverending Scam Season, Redfoo allegedly ripped Skyblu off of all LMFAO royalties. Karma rewarded Redfoo a couple years later when he was hit with a glass in Sydney. In this, we may see ourselves, inevitably disgraced by time.
There are ways ‘Party Rock Anthem’ predicted the zeitgeist and ways ‘Party Rock Anthem’ created the zeitgeist and I was present for plenty of the latter. At least in Melbourne, LMFAO’s recycling of the Melbourne Shuffle filtered back to nightclubs in a way Klein et al. warned was already happening generally. Happy to have our culture regifted if it was also represented, it was less impossible than you might imagine to find yourself inside your own LMFAO music video. But it’s what I came home to after those nights that makes ‘Party Rock Anthem’ the song of the decade, which was: inbox notifications, gchat alerts, dashboards full of posts and replies wringing meaning from meaninglessness in the most seriously unserious way. Epitaphed plenty elsewhere, Music Tumblr doesn’t need another bouquet laid here, but ‘Party Rock Anthem’ is prominent on the playlist of associations I have with the first definitive part of the decade (other triggers: ‘Video Games’, ‘Gucci Gucci’, ‘Bangarang’, ‘What Makes You Beautiful’, ‘Furisodeshon’, ‘Hey QT’, SSSSSSSSOME NIGHTS I STAYYYYYYYY UP...)  
Coming from the Gawker/Defamer/Idolator readership to find a group of mostly-communal-but-sometimes-adversarial-but-for-the-better (via “Iron sharpens iron” - Coach Wade) weirdoes eager to unwrap celebrity looms large, I have no doubt, in the definitions of this decade for the people involved. Most have since left music writing or been pushed out and found fulfilling lives elsewhere, but although the pop of the era trended towards the annhilistic, let’s not cave. When I first started writing about music on Tumblr, old heads were quick to say the jobs were gone. Defiant and determined to prove them wrong, I made a pretty good go of it, and others are still doing as much. All the pieces are there for anyone with a willingness to be wrong to pick up. 
That’s enough navel gazing for a time long ago. Put it to bed. The revelation of ‘Party Rock Anthem’ isn’t that you should never leave The Party, it’s that the whole world is The Party. “Dancing all night isn’t legendary, only dancing all night is.” The only thing to do in the decade ahead is to keep listening attentively. Let music fill you up. It’ll get in your bones.
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natfosho26 · 4 years
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I wish I was like 5’8”
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) dinosaur lol
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Not really. Jeans and a t shirt
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Tony hawk pro skater and gta’s
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: sex, food, and materialistic wants
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? “Damaged goods”
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? You didn’t put anything lol
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] sanguine
9: Are you ticklish? Very
10: Are you allergic to anything? Penicillin, avocado, and pineapple
11: What’s your sexuality? Bisexual
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Coffee
13: Are you a cat or dog person? Dog
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Merperson
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? No
16: How tall are you? 5’4”
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I wouldn’t
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] under 200 lbs
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Both
21: Are you religious? A tad
22: Pet peeves? Lies, loud mouth chewing
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Nocturnal
24: Favorite constellation? My cancer constellation
25: Favorite star? I don’t have one
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? What. No
27: Any phobias or fears? Moths and frogs lol
28: Do you think global warming is real? Very
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Eh
30: Favorite movie? Sweeney Todd, love & basketball, rent, all the Batman movies lol
31: Do you get scared easily? No
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? Two
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] ?
34: What is a color that calms you? Blue
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Travel - Greece, Ireland, Scotland, Europe and live Colorado, Oregon, Washington
36: Where were you born? El Paso, TX
37: What is your eye color? Light brown
38: Introvert or extrovert? Both
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Eh
40: Hugs or kisses? Kisses
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? My best friend
42: Who is someone you love deeply? My family
43: Any piercings you want? My nipples
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Very much so
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? I’m smoking rn lol
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! Negative
47: What is a sound you really hate? Screeching sounds
48: A sound you really love? The ocean
49: Can you do a backflip? No
50: Can you do the splits? No
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Jason Mamoa, Dwayne Johnson, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler
52: Favorite movie? Refer to 30
53: How are you feeling right now? Pretty down
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? I like my hair color
55: When did you feel happiest? When I’m conducting an ensemble or playing an instrument
56: Something that calms you down? Music
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] depression and anxiety but everyone has that now
58: What does your URL mean? My name and basketball number from hs
59: What three words describe you the most? Patient, understanding, and creative
60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? Racist, sexist, homophobic, trump supporting all that shit
62: What makes you follow a blog? Stuff I like lol
63: Favorite kind of person: calm, curious, and artistic
64: Favorite animal(s): dinosaurs, whale sharks, jellyfish, octopus, and dogs
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. @thisismebeforeicomeundone @plastic-pipes @soyoumusik
66: Favorite emoticon: 🤔
67: Favorite meme: the girl yelling at the cat
68: What is your MBTI personality type? INTP
69: What is your star sign? Cancer
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No she’s a bitch lol
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? Sweats and a shirt
72: Post a selfie or two? Maybe later
73: Do you have platform shoes? No
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I am double jointed in my elbows
75: Can you do a front flip? No
76: Do you like birds? No
77: Do you like to swim? Yes
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Ice skating
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: trump
80: Some thing you wish did exist: dragons
81: Piercings you have? My ears
82: Something you really enjoy doing: making music
83: Favorite person to talk to: my roommate
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? I can use this in high school lmao
85: How many followers do you have? 457
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? Hell no
87: Do your socks always match? Yes
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?yes
89: What are your birthstones? Ruby
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Maybe a sloth or shark
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Hmm...idk I don’t know flowers enough
92: A store you hate? Burlington
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? Like 7 lol
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Read minds
95: Do you like to wear camo? Nope
96: Winter or summer? Summer
97: How long can you hold your breath for? Like 45 secs
98: Least favorite person? N/a
99: Someone you look up to: alondra de la parra
100: A store you love? Barnes and noble
101: Favorite type of shoes? Vans
102: Where do you live? Las cruces, NM
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? I’m not lol
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Obsidian
105: Do you drink milk? Lactose intolerant
106: Do you like bugs? Nope
107: Do you like spiders? Nope
108: Something you get paranoid about? I don’t really
109: Can you draw: eh
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? If my parents were born in the states or not
111: A question you hate being asked? If I have kids
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? No
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Love it
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Both
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: n/a
116: Favorite cloud type: the ones that looks like waves
117: What color do you wish the sky was? Sunset colors
118: Do you have freckles? Yes
119: Favorite thing about a person: their eyes or lips
120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits
121: Something you want to do right now: watch Star Wars
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Sky
123: Sweet or sour foods? Sweet
124: Bright or dim lights? Dim
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Dragons lol
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: the ads
127: Something you love about Tumblr: the people I follow lol so my dashboard
128: What do you think about the least? Taxes and shit
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? Something with Batman
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Trump
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? How indecisive I can be
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? Sometimes
133: Computer or TV? Computer
134: Do you like roller coasters? Love them
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? No
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Lobed
137: Do you believe in karma? Yes
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? 5
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Nat or natocato
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? Yes
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving
144: What makes you angry? Trump. Ignorant people. Cheaters
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? Two
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Boys and girls
147: Are you androgynous? No
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: my lips
149: Favorite thing about your personality: my loyalty
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. Aaron, Krystal, and Andy
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Revolution era just to hear certain composers
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Eh not really
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] don’t have one
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? Yes lol
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Yes
156: What embarrasses you? Nothing really lol
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: “I need to talk to tou”
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: that I had no marijuana in the car when I get pulled over lmao
159: How many people are you following? 583
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? Too many lol
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? None
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? Hmm idk
163: Last time you cried and why: earlier, some hurtful words
164: Do you have long or short hair? Long
165: Longest your hair has ever been: below my butt
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? Too many rules and money hungry organizations
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Yes
168: Do you like to wear makeup? Hate it
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? Yes
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yes
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rosered282 · 5 years
*taps microphone* hewwo? this thing on?
I got tagged by the lovely @livlepretre (congrats on the wedding btw!) for this answer 22 questions and tag 22 people you want to get to know better so here we go!
Nickname(s): Rosie- I go by this on here, my mom also calls me Rosie, and also Rosie-cosy-oli-olio but Rosie is fine lol
Zodiac sign: Taurus (I am as stubborn and lazy as you can get, truly the perfect example of this star sign)
Height: 5'9-5′10 (FUN FACT: I am taller than both my brother and my mother, I was taller than them when I was like 15-16 and they both HATE it, especially my brother because he’s the older sibling)
Last movie I saw: At home: I just watched the Fyre documentary on Netflix and I feel so bad for the people on Great Exhuma that Billy what's his face ripped off, although I’m glad to hear that the woman who catered the event out of her own pocket was able to make back the money she lost thanks to online donations. At the theater: The Kid Who Would Be King, tbh it’s a good movie but I was too old for it, entertaining but best for kids
Last thing I googled: The masked singer results lol, I knew it was Tori Spelling!
Favorite musician: It changes with the seasons but rn it’s Hozier, I love Movement sooooooo much like it’s become my favorite of his songs, and I’m so pumped for his album in March
Song stuck in my head: Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie, I watched Bohemian Rhapsody the other day and now I have a lot of queen stuck in my head but this is the one that’s stuck today
Other blogs: I want to do more blogs but I don’t like the side blog feature and I’d have to keep SO many emails and passwords together so instead you get literally everything condensed on this blog :)
Following now: I’m still following a lot of people that I was following when I made this blog, which was in 2014 I think? And back then I was into Dragon Age and they were Dragon Age centric blogs but they shifted through the times and so have I but they mostly post memes and stuff (I love memes) so its not that big of a deal. But there’s aesthetic blogs that I follow, so many Star Wars blogs, some Dragon Age blogs and Harry Potter blogs, game of thrones (although more ASoIaF and there is a difference) literally 1 LotR blog and some comic artists, I think the numbers at 150 blogs that I’m following?
Followers: Hello all my 320-ish followers! How many of you are inactive? How many of you are pornbots? How many of you literally don’t know who I am and are wondering how I got onto your dashboard (I hacked you obviously)? 
Amount of sleep I get: 8-9 hours usually, I’ve gone without no sleep before and I’ve slept for 12 hours but I do enjoy my 8 hours, nine makes me feel groggy
Lucky numbers: idk man, I’ve never really focused on it, is it like numbers you like?? Are you assigned them?? How do you keep track of good numbers do you like write them down??
What I’m wearing: Currently wearing jeans and my R2D2 t-shirt, I was wearing my converse but I took them off when I got back from class
Dream job: A writer, I love writing but I’m paranoid I’m not good enough to make it as a professional one. And maybe a traveling photographer, there’s so many things that I’d want to capture forever
Dream trip: hmmmmmm..... *strokes fake beard pensively*, I’d honestly just love to go around the world, there’s so many different places that I’m fascinated by and think are absolutely AMAZING but I’ll narrow the field a bit. In the country: I’d wanna visit the Salt Flats in Bonneville, they’re so pretty!!! Maybe swing down to the Grand Canyon while I’m at it ;) Out of the Country: Puerto Vallarta w/ my bestie, she has family down there and spent a few years down there as a kid and from what she tells me it was amazing, I totally would love to go, it’s such a beautiful city. Out of the Continent: Italy, I love Italian food and roman history, every time I see a photo of Italy I'm just like “where is my private villa in Tuscany?”
Favorite food: Italian! But that's what I go to for comfort food and stuff but I recently just tried Indian food (I know, I know, look I was a stubborn kid and I liked what I liked and I didn’t like trying new things) and I loved it (at least minus cilantro and coriander *CURSE YOU MOTHER FOR GIVING ME THE SOAP CILANTRO GENE*) so butter chicken has become a new fav
Instruments: I knew piano when I was younger *stares wistfully at my keyboard in my closet* but I have NO idea how to play now, I am a halfway decent singer tho (I was in my hs choir for 3 years, elementary school for like 4 I think?)
Languages: English and the smallest bit of French and Japanese. I can’t speak either very well but a few sentences but I can read both somewhat decently (never got to Kanji tho in Japanese so I can’t really READ Japanese)
Favorite songs: Okay lets see, Movement and NFWMB by Hozier, Left Hand Free by Alt-J, Carter and Cash by Tor Miller, I like most of Hayley Kiyoko’s stuff but Feelings is a fav rn, Burning Down The House by Talking Heads, Dancing in The Dark by Hot Chip (seriously love this one), Homewrecker by Marina (no longer And The Diamonds), Boyfriend by Teagan and Sara, Midnight City by M83, heavydirtysoul and The Hype by twentyonepilots, Gooey by Glass Animals (I love most of their stuff but this one is a fav, also Poplar St), Feels Good to Be High and Surrender by Walk The Moon
Random fact: the guy who invented frisbees asked to be turned into one when he died. I also just learned to snap last year and will periodically snap just to be sure that I haven’t forgotten how to do it
Aesthetic: Thick warms blankets, hazy light from a lampshade, the sprinkle of rain at midnight after a cloudy day, the smell of fresh baked bread. The sound of wind rustling through old redwoods, stars peaking through the branches of trees at night. The dead grass in a graveyard, fingers brushing through hair, burning firewood and the thick choking smoke that follows beauty
Tagging: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh @brains0nt0ast, @lyannas, @bloomgemstonia, @fettuccine-alfreylo and whichever the rest of you guys wants to do it?? Don’t feel pressured
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tech2more · 3 years
What are the best video editing software in 2021
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Are you looking for a video software for your next project? Do not stress out read this write-up to the end to know the software you can use. If you need high-end software, we present to you the best software after effects that meet your personal and business needs. To get a video maker software, read further.
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Explaindio allows the importation of images and GIFs to your project. It will convert them into a whiteboard video. Features : - Multiple animations at the same time and Easy video creation wizard - Full multi-timeline editing - Full 3D animations, Import of external 3D elements, 3D models and animation customization - Import videos in most popular format like AVI, WMV, FLV, MOV, and MP4
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Features : - Start a new project -Sign up for Canva using Facebook or Google. Log into your account and search for the Video design type, or Facebook Video, Video Slideshow, Video Collage, YouTube Video, Instagram Stories, and YouTube Intros. From there, you can start from scratch or browse templates for inspiration. - Explore templates - In Canva’s library you’ll find templates for educational videos, review videos, explainer videos, marketing and sales videos, travel videos, beauty and fashion videos and more. Click on your favorite to make it yours. - Discover features - Explore millions of designer-made photos, images, icons, illustrations and other graphics. Add notes or duplicate pages. Work on your design with others using the collaborate tool. - Customize your video - Upload your own videos and images into the editor. Choose your own color scheme and background. Trim, edit and add filters to your clips. Add music from Canva’s free music library. Apply animations and stickers for motion. - Save and share - Happy with your design? Download your video as an MP4 or GIF. Share directly on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with a few easy clicks. Return to the editor to make changes any time. Make a Video Read the full article
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Just a little change to the tag dump:
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Let’s save time and combine the threads under one hashtag because it really doesn’t matter (at least for the mun) whether the threads are canon or non canon or pure randomness.  So, from now 
#Pirate tales (non-canon) and #stories waiting to be told (crack/non-canon) will be combined under the new tag:  #pirate tales waiting to be told (threads)
 #what’s that? sounds like fun !“ (meme/ask)->  #what’s that? sounds like fun~!“ (dashboard games and memes) 
#shishishi ! (meme/ask reply) ->  #shishishi! (askbox  answers)
black belted fishman (Jinbe)->  #wanted: black belted fishman (Jinbe)
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theotherrookie · 6 years
// Fun fact: I have another blog, on another platform, where I like to rant about things. I have a special section called (rough translation) “The Wonders of the Internet” where I talk about whatever’s popular at the moment and is usually incredibly stupid. I’m a Twitter user what did you expect?
Anyway, today’s topic will be EU’s last idiotic law, Articles 11 and 13, basically a little preview of what I’m going to write tomorrow on the other blog after we find out how stupid those guys actually are.
I just have a lot of time to waste tonight, bear with me.
Now, I could go on for hours listing all the bad laws that came out of the Europarliament and its behaviour towards certain countries, but I’d rather not.
So, these two articles are ridiculous and bad.
Basically, Art. 11 makes you pay a tax for quoting an article or whatever piece of media you post but didn’t create, Art. 13 is all about exporting Youtube’s horrible copyright bots all over the Internet. To them, it doesn’t sound dumb enough somehow.
Taxes on posts. Really? I’m not really surprised since EU has a thing for trying to tax Internet and computer related businesses since we don’t have companies here like Google and co., they want a piece of the cake of course but do nothing to let companies of that type grow here. Of course we can’t expect anything else from an organization that decides that all members need to have certain requirements and sanctions whoever doesn’t get to that level for lack of funds or time.
Anyway, let’s talk about everyone’s favorite, Article 13. This article can potentially put an end to memes, fanfictions, fanarts, literally anything that might be slightly related to a product. This would be the end for social networks because you can only last for so long with coffee pics and vacation pictures and Internet as we know it.
But we all know people don’t really count. Let’s consider companies then. A bot taking down anything related to their products would mean the end for free advertisement. I could name at least five series I started watching because my dashboard was full of related posts, at least a dozen video games and way too many books and comics to count. The new system would mean that companies would have to start advertising again on old medias because the second someone shares their post it can potentially be obscured removed due to copyright infringement.
The thing is, both articles are wrong and pointless.
Art. 11 is useless since it would be the end for many small websites since the moment they decide to ask Google to pay for showing their articles along with the first four lines they’re going to get flung all the way to the last search page so there’s no freaking point in even trying. Art. 13 is redundant and would be a total mess because not only the bots, as we all know, would make a poor job, but there are already laws about copyright infringment on the Internet and we have organizations that exist to defend copyright that functions pretty well all things considered. Of course, the current laws could use a couple of tweaks in matter of punishment especially when it comes to newspapers and tv companies sharing other people’s articles, art and videos without even asking them permission (which is the least, given that some authors would be okay with the free advertisement as long as their stuff doesn’t get stolen without a word). I’d like to see these “professionals of communication”, as some of them like to call themselves, pay for stealing content since they’re making money out of it.
In short, these articles suck, EU itself is a bunch of old boomers and hypocrites, and I’m tired and angry.
This got longer than I expected and I still have so many things to rant about. Maybe tomorrow.
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traveling-madness · 6 years
everything for shi(t)p(ost) :)
 @lyesander you asked on anon and then openly told me it was you come forward. Anyway this is under the cut because it got. Really long.
- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?a. You know how kittens pile on top of each other? Usually they sleep like that. b. Clara wakes up at 5am in the morning, Craig does…not do that, She makes breakfast goes for a run showers and is usually gone for work before he’s even halfway awake and on one hand he hates that but on the other being awake before 7 is too haaarrrd. c. She also leaves him notes every morning but usually the note asks him to do at least one thing and that’s so much work :(.
- How’s their team work? Do they share well?a. Depends on what the teamwork is for. b. Sharing love? Yea. Sharing blankets/the tv/ Clara’s attention? Craig.exe has stopped.
- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?a. Clara at everyone she knows: “This is my boyfriend and I love him.” Craig at everyone he doesn’t know, strangers, baristas, waiters, gas station employees: “This is my girlfriend she loves me.” b. They aren’t gross teens making out in public but they are holding hands or her arm is around him or he is sprawled across her lap in a booth at Burger King.
- First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?a. He called her sexually frustrated and she punched him in the fucking face. b. It was Not.
- Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?Clara calls him shitlord and their in-jokes are strangely specific memelike phrases and things like Clara still having a plastic poop emoji from Mcdonalds glued to her dashboard.
- Any tasks that are always left to one person?Clara has taken full responsibility for loading the dishwasher and taking out the trash. Craig is in charge of making dinner at LEAST once a week and unloading the dishwasher after it’s done. They switch off on everything else by which I mean Clara does most of it.
- What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?a. Clara’s least favorite thing about Craig is he doesn’t do jack shit and she is significantly worried about his lack of motivation. Craig’s least favorite thing about Clara is that she smells like wet dog but other than that she loves him and so she must not have any flaws. b. They’d both change these things, Clara for Craig’s own good and Craig also for his own good.
- What do they like best about their partner?‘Willing to date me’ is pretty high on both of their lists. On a more lighthearted note they have a lot of similar interests, they’re good at bouncing humor off each other, and they can both provide the amount of affection the other one needs (which is… a lot).
- Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?Mmmm kind’ve? Religion isn’t hugely important to either of them. It’s pretty clear that they want to get married at some point but It only came up once when Clara was on pain killers. Clara can’t have kids and that’s fine neither of them have an interest in parenting. Death, no, they don’t talk about that because thinking about it is terrible.
- Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?a. Clara. b. Both of them but Craig more often because he does not have a fucking job. c. Depends on the job; Clara fixes what she knows how to and Craig is tasked with figuring out the rest, which he can do, he just doesn’t want to. d. Almost exclusively Clara. e. Clara. f. Both of them but Craig is actually better at it when he wants to be.
- Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?Yes, to both. A lot of holidays are spent at Sketch’s company parties, (or more accurately his mom’s company parties.) They haven’t actually had their first anniversary yet but that’s coming up and will probably be cute as shit.
- Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?There hasn’t been yet but like let’s be honest it’s a solid ‘probably.’ Not anytime imminently soon though.
- What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?Video games and movie nights are probably the most common. Mostly because they cost the least amount of money and take the least amount of effort. Sometimes they get crazy and go to an arcade or go bowling. Or to the Y across town because swimming is one of the few things that involve physical activity that Craig actually likes doing and Clara will capitalize on that as much as possible.
- Anything they both dread?The other one dying/disappearing, which sounds obvious but sometimes it gets to the point where Clara is overwhelmingly paranoid about leaving the room for a few minutes because what if he gets sucked back into his own dimension and she never sees him again?? That and part of Craig has flat out convinced himself that that Clara is a godsend and he couldn’t survive life without her. (He could but try convincing him that his worth isn’t dependent on people loving him)
- How adventurous are they?Their most adventurous moment so far was exploring an old abandoned military fort in the town Clara used to live in.
- Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat? Secrets/lies like Craig sometimes still skims her diary or Clara blaming farts on the dog. Or when Craig says he ‘forgot’ to do what ever chore he was supposed to do that day when in reality he just made a conscious choice not to do it. Or when Clara doesn’t tell him she’s disappointed that he’s not doing anything with his time because she doesn’t want to sound like rev!Clara. Neither of them would cheat on the other one though. Ever. 
- What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?a. Craig doing something to ruin her career so she wouldn’t have any reason to leave his side for more than an hour at a time ever. b. in a healthy world yea but it wouldn’t actually be because a week later she’d be like “oh no you’re still crying… I don’t forgive you but you are sad so I’ll pretend it doesn’t matter : (”
- What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?a. When they do go out it’s pretty eclectic; anything from going to an arcade to setting up a candle lit dinner… in a burger king. b. They’ve been dating since last May and that’s not going to change any time soon c. No. Never. At all. It’s probably kinda unhealthy.
- What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?a. Craig doing something stupid. Clara saying something sarcastically that sounds a little too close to rev!Clara’s go-to drags. Craig not having a job vs. Clara putting in way too much time that she doesn’t have to a her job. b. Clara is almost always the one to actually address the problem, and puts a lot of planning into how she phrases the conversation. Craig is… capable of having those conversations, but his go to approach is more along the lines of vying for pity based attention because he knows if she feels bad for him she won’t actively be angry, he’s not even always conscious of doing it, and it’s usually on impulse. This is starting to improve, and Clara’s gotten much better at recognizing and addressing it. Unlearning toxic shit takes time but she’s still gonna call him out on it. c. Parroting ‘I-love-you’s back and forth while sometimes crying. Usually a good few hours chilling on the couch watching movies. Whoever was wronged picks the movie and whoever fucked up makes dinner- that’s not a rule it’s more of an unspoken agreement. 
- What does their home look like? Their room?Bad. Not the actual apartment like it’s a pretty nice apartment they’re just both shitty at cleaning. See also:Mads-02/28/2018 he lives in a house full of dog fur and grease stains lye-02/28/2018 doesn’t mean he likes it but he’s also too lazy to clean it himself so it’ll be likeclara: (comes home from work)craig: your house is grossclara: then clean it you slut.
- Do they share any interests or hobbies?Vidya game. They’re both roller coaster fanatics also. Those are the biggest things that they both really like independently but also when you spend enough time with someone you love some of the things they like will start to remind you of them to the point you like them vicariously. The best example I can give is Clara used to hate the fucking Hallmark channel in all it’s heteronormative glory but now she actually enjoys like at least three of the movies. Maybe four.
- Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?Craig’s LACK of work does, it’s something Clara is really, REALLY frustrated over and she’s still a little unsure how to convey that without it coming off guilt tripping. At the same time Clara works overtime much more often than Craig would like, which is to say more than once or twice a month. He’s not any better at addressing this than she is though, he tends to do shit like pretend to be sick or actually make himself sick (the latter only once at least) so she’ll stay home.
- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?Hugs have a 60 second absolute minimum in this household. Kisses have a two second record minimum but it’s usually at least 5. They are absolute dicks to each other but 99.9% of the time it’s fully communicated to be just that. Teasing. Flirting is terrible romantic gestures are go big or go home. Unless you count Clara making the WORST romance puns and Craig holding up his phone sometimes with ‘love my gf’ memes and going “that’s us babe!” or the one time he tried to lay seductively across the table when Clara got home and her immediate response is “So I guess we’re ordering take out again?” Comforting is either ‘I will hold you for 17 hours non-stop’, ‘you like food right? I’ll make some food’, or both.
- Any doubts about the relationship?Not that they don’t tune out and bury as deep down as possible!
- How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?a. As Much As Possible. Another thing that’s not entirely healthy. b. They share most feelings, until it’s something negative and significant about the other, then they aren’t so good at it. Working on it, but not good at it.
- How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?Craig was the one who told Sketch at least because Clara genuinely could not figure out how. I’m assuming the question means like, mutual friends. Clara’s family is touch and go, not too big on Once-lers in general. Her mom likes Craig a lot though and her dad tolerates him which is saying something. Craig’s family doesn’t exist in this universe. 
- Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Well actually I can say for certain they don’t have kids. Clara physically can’t have kids, or at least not safely, and more importantly can you imagine either of these fucking losers trying to parent anything? Terrifying.
- What are their vacations like?The closest thing to a vacation they’ve gone on is driving like 2 hours to Rhode Island/Connecticut once and then another 2 hours to Vermont for Thanksgiving.
- How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?Bad. Mostly because if and when anything bad happens to one of them, the other subsequently flips shit. Clara is a little better at flipping shit INTERNALLY, but don’t let her fool you she is very stressed over her boyfriend coming down with the common cold and yes she DOES need to go home over her lunch break to check on him and NO she is not babying him what the fuck are you talking about.
- Could they manage a long distance relationship?They would INSIST that they can, and maybe they could for a few weeks, but after that things would go pretty bad pretty fast.
- Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?a.They are the couple that would attempt to finish each other’s sentences but fail horribly. Like, really badly, like, inserting words that don’t even make sense badly. “We finish each others-” “Chores, so you’ll clean the kitchen so I can go watch Pretty Woman while it’s on Starz? Thanks!”  “No!”b. Ok so Craig is from Texas, very rural tiny ass town in Texas, and unlike Sketch he has done next to nothing to not SOUND like someone from a very rural tiny ass Texas town. After living with him for several months Clara now says y’all’d’ve, y’all’d’n’t’ve, I’d’n’t’ve, and both ain’t and y’ain’t entirely unironically. She very rarely realizes this is happening. c. Clara knows because she’s good at reading people, Craig knows because he’s good at still occasionally reading her diary and just not telling her.
- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?They have had to climb a fence and bail halfway through a game of paintball because Craig shot a kids father who was NOT in the game.
- What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?Craig goes with chocolate because that’s yet to fail, that and just, money he talks Sketch into giving him. Sketch has a habit of giving Clara money and she won’t accept it from him without a fight so at this point he’s reached a state of “I’ll give it to you IF you give it to Clara/put it towards food/rent.”Clara spoils the SHIT out of Craig now that she has a steady job and income. She has gotten him, so far, A Nintendo Switch, an Xbox 1s, and a fucking PS4. Now it should be noted that she also has unlimited access to all of these and tends to beat him at most games played on them, so the selflessness of buying them is debatable.
- Do they have any pets?Sticks!!! But he’s really just Clara’s dog that Craig lives with because being provided with love and affection from Clara is worth being allergic to her dog apparently.
- Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?It’s tough to say whether it’s their BEST qualities, but overall they bring out more good in each other than bad. I’m not sure about a fatal flaw but a pretty big one is just, not addressing negative emotions around any aspect of their relationship enough out of fear of losing each other. They aren’t the picture of a perfect relationship by any means either, Clara has an obsession with feeling needed and depended on, and because of this is a massive enabler who pretty much does everything for him. Including things he can very easily do himself. Craig, who doesn’t want to do jack shit and constantly needs to be loved and validated, is very ok with this.
- What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?This sounds really disgustingly cheesy but listen they are very in love. Like frighteningly dedicated to one another in love. This is a double edged sword. 
- How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?They would deadass take a bullet for each other they are Ride Or Die™ let’s be real.
- What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?a. Uhhh synopsis; Craig’s a sex positive ace and Clara was a virgin until age 26. They are,, I think my most vanilla ship actually? If that says anything lmao. Other than Craig crying after sex on occasion. Lots of eye contact and being as close to each other as possible, less sex more ‘cuddling but with orgasms’. b. Craig has a fucking praise kink and Clara just so happens to never shut up when it comes to giving said praise so jot that down. c. Refer to a, there’s a shit ton of stuff they won’t do I’m too lazy to list all of it.  Listen anyone who actually cares can send asks to my nsfw blog because like. I know the answers. It’s probably sad how many answers I’m equipped to give here.
- Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they we’re in love?a/b. That’d be Craig who kicked off the relations hip with the class act of asking “hey wanna make out?” c. That’s not something that happens all at once, for anyone really. It’s a slow realization of ‘oh fuck I’m in love I guess.’
- Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?Define special because the most prominent memories are of shit like jumping the fence at the paintball place or the time Craig pretended to drown. Also the first time Clara said “I love you” then immediately buried it in a mouthful of spaghetti. 
- Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often?Nah, other than like, holiday company parties they get invited to. Clara doesn’t drink at all anymore, or at least not without strong supervision, and she definitely doesn’t get drunk anymore. Craig’s just not crazy about alcohol in general, unless it’s got a gallon of sugar it doesn’t even taste good. 
- Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?Constantly. There’s some stuff that Clara will draw the line on, and that’s usually when it’s a manipulative situation. But we all know that Craig will put up with just about any shit if it means validation and attention. THIS Clara doesn’t give him too much shit to put up with though, she just kinda smells like wet dog.
- Do they talk often? What about?Yea but not always about things the need to. They talk about their days or plans for the next week or how they’re doing in general, and they will delve into some levels of sharing insecurities but like I said there’s definitely some things they should talk about but haven’t.
- Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?Maybe there was some need for privacy for the first month of living together but honestly at this point “Clara I ate half a pint of ice-cream and on a very related note we are out of toilet paper” is just commonplace conversation. They will hang out for an entire day sitting on the couch eating corn chips wearing each others sweatpants like it’s safe to say they’re comfortable.
- Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?They both wanna marry each other like a lot, like I’m surprised it hasn’t come up more because let’s be honest it’s harder to leave someone when you have to go through a bunch of legal paperwork-. I think the most heartbreaking thing is that all of Craig’s family and friends live in an alternate plane of reality that it seems like there’s no way of getting back to, and if there WAS a way of getting back that would mean choosing between his home and his Clara, who is much better than the Clara back home. There’s some regrets in the making with the whole Clara not sitting down and telling Craig he NEEDS to get a fucking job. 
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the-keionbu · 7 years
YEAH SO no to be melodramatic but i like, never really wanted to make this post
like, in the past when i kinda just... disappear from here for a few weeks, to months, i never give any warning and that kinda sucks cause you’re (probably not) left wondering “what happened to keionbu/kim???”
basically, I’m gonna go on like, temporary/semi hiatus
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a few months ago i announced I had gotten a job with a pretyt dang well known company and it has been beyond my wildest dreams that i didnt even realize i had. and F IN ALLY, i’ll be starting right after this weekend after i make the trek to move to my job
now, this is only gonna last a few months, but i know my social media patterns on here: if i’m busy with life, tumblr is the first social media i kinda stop with.
and it pains me to say this, but especially this blog in particular
I enjoy hopping on here every once in a while to see my gaming or anime trash, or see some good ol memes, but my relationship with this blog has just been... not great lately
if it isnt already so blatantly obvious, I find posting Good Content for this blog not as much fun anymore.
I STILL LOVE K-ON, dont mistake that. This series always and will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I will still fight and stand by that I honestly think this is legitimately a masterpiece of an anime.
HOWEVER, the “standard” that i hold myself here, and a sort of nonexistent or maybe it is kinda exsistent pressure to serve up “quality content” and posts of analysis, headcanons, fics, or even general yelling has made this blog feel more like a chore than a hobby
which, kinda of sucks
And you might say “What pressure???” 
I mean, I basically just yell about fictional lesbians, and lately I post about how hot I think I am, but I suppose like Ritsu, I don’t like “letting people down” or failing. And not thaat numbers really like, matter, on this site, or at least they shouldn’t, but trust me, when that number gets pretty hefty into the couple thousands, the perspective of that to please these people that deem me worthy of a follow can be kinda daunting.
Yes, blogging should be fun, and yes, I love talking about these girls, but it sucks that I feel like my motivation for making posts this past year has been “make something good” rather than “make something you love.”
which, conceptually, sounds easy.
But when I boot up Google Docs and try to put one sentence down, or even get whole paragraphs, only to reread it and not be satisfied, the concept is much harder to practice.
I know when I get home from work, I’m going to want to do stuff that is relaxing to me, that helps me recharge for the next day. And that could be a range of things: talking with friends, playing games, eating, running, destressing on tumblr, whatever.
The last thing I would want to do when I come home from work, is to do more ‘work.’
I say is jokingly, but I hate this site. 
Not because of the people, not because of staff, not because of how toxic this site is. Those are all factors that contribute bits and pieces into it, but what it comes down to it is that I at one point started associating this site, and this blog, to just producing content. 
My relationship with this site wasn’t to have some good laughs and reblog stuff and have fun indulging in my trash animes here with friends. It had turned into: what content do I need to produce today? It turned into my own version of ‘work.’ whether it be reblogging stuff for the girls, replying to messages, starting conversations, pulling trash headcanons out of my BUTT. my motivation was very forced, and it was not fun.
like, i even downloaded the xkit thing to change your dashboard backgroud bc the tumblr blue honestly felt suffocating like look????
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(its disneyland bc im a nerd)
And my prideful self just... neveer wanted to make a post about how honestly burnt out I am in blogging.
I say numbers never matter but I crap you not, when you get that count up, it feels GOOD. And I know announcing a hiatus and basically saying I’m not sure what I’m doing on here anymore is a Big Risk of losing some of you guys
Not because of that number, but because im a dang people pleaser I feel like I failed that person?? YEAH I KNOW IRRATIONAL BUT WHATRE YOU GONNA DO
This is much longer and less structred than I hoped, but whatever. It needed to get off my chest and be said, whoever ineloquently it came out.
I WILL BE BACK. I want to come back.
I want to fall back in love with K-ON
I love K-ON, I will always love K-ON, but I have come to the harsh realization that I’m not IN LOVE with it anymore. My passion for it has deflated, and thats sad.
These girls mean so much to me, but I want to come back naturally, after falling back in love with each of them, and I can’t put a timestamp on it, but I know it will happen.
I may pop in here and there, but for now, See Ya’ll Later !
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** also ps: i love talking to people on here, any above I say replying to messages is ‘work,’ but things that have geuninely helped me stay here is the people. Those that have encouraged me, that check up on me, that just want to be friends. And I whole heartedly appreciate and love each and every one of you, and lowkey sorry for letting yal down, BUT I WILL BE BACKKK (still, hit me up tho lol)
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foundcarcosa · 7 years
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? >> Height isn’t important to me. I’m slightly taller than Can Calah, shorter than Eden, and substantially smaller in general than Vinternoll, and that’s the way I like it. (I am usually around the same height in headspace as I am in meatspace) 2: What’s your dream pet (real or not)? >> Gaudior the winged unicorn (A Swiftly Tilting Planet)
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? >> I have quite a few favourite clothing styles. I’ll always be some sort of goth at heart, I will say.
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? >> My favourite computer games were The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis and Alien Tales. I had like a weird kid-crush on Sal of deCentury, the alien game show host... (and who at all is surprised)
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: >> Oh, I don’t know.
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? >> Warning: Black Carcosa is a caustic irradiated substance. Prolonged contact with Black Carcosa may cause severe mental deterioration, burns and lesions (or legions, even), and enhanced delusions of reference. Please consult your psychologist before engaging Black Carcosa. Keep away from children, pets, your electronics, and anything else whose innocence and integrity you hold dear.
7: What is your Greek personality type (Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic)? >> Primarily Phlegmatic, it seems.
8: Are you ticklish? >> Not usually.
9: Are you allergic to anything? >> No.
10: What’s your sexuality? >> There are a lot of things I’d gladly fuck, but not a whole lot of humans.
11: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? >> I greatly prefer tea.
12: Are you a cat or dog person? >> My preference leans towards dogs.
13: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? >> I identify most with elves, out of the three. 
14: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? >> No.
15: How tall are you? >> 5′4″.
16: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? >> I’d like to not wish to change my name anymore, actually.
17: How much do you weigh? >> Somewhere between 130 and 135 lbs.
18: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? >> I am open to the experience.
19: Do you like space or the ocean more? >> I am more interested in what lies beyond this planet than what lies on it, although this planet is also extremely fascinating in all its complexity.
20: Are you religious? >> Intensely.
21: Pet peeves? >> Passivity.
22: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal (opposite of nocturnal)? >> I... am fine being mostly nocturnal.
23: Favorite constellation? >> Orion. Always Orion.
24: Favorite star? >> I haven’t chosen one.
25: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? >> Sure, especially custom ones.
26: Any phobias or fears? >> Meh.
27: Do you think global warming is real? >> I understand climate change as a process that occurs, yes.
28: Do you believe in reincarnation? >> I am open to the experience.
29: Favorite movie? >> The Fountain / Interstellar.
30: Do you get scared easily? >> No.
31: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? >> I used to take care of a couple of cats, for a short time. Fyodor and Hela. But almost all of the pets I’ve lived with have technically been under the custodianship of others.
32: What is a color that calms you? >> Soft, slightly desaturated bluish-grey.
33: Where would you like to travel and/or live? >> I would prefer to live in New Orleans and travel anywhere.
34: Where were you born? >> Elizabeth, New Jersey.
35: What is your eye color? >> Dark brown.
36: Introvert or extrovert? >> Mostly introvert. Entirely disinterested in “introvert culture”.
37: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? >> I am open to the experience (and especially attracted to astrology, as I’m sure my reblogs suggest).
38: Hugs or kisses? >> Meh.
39: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? >> I’m fine not doing that.
40: Who is someone you love deeply? >> Can Calah.
41: Any piercings you want? >> Sure, if the opportunity presented itself. My focus is mostly on tattoos.
42: Do you like tattoos and piercings? >> Quite.
43: Do you smoke or have you ever done so? >> I smoke occasionally.
44: Talk about your crush, if you have one! >> My crushes at this point are pretty much celebrities and fictional characters, which is to say I have way too many of them to answer this question.
45: What is a sound you really hate? >> Mouth sounds.
46: A sound you really love? >> The sounds people make when they’re aroused but trying to keep it together.
47: Can you do a backflip? >> Not even a little bit. I saw a video where someone taught himself how to do backflips in a single afternoon. I was duly impressed.
48: Can you do the splits? >> No.
49: Favorite actor and/or actress? >> Idris Elba. Actress... maybe Rutina Wesley.
50: Favorite book? >> Ha!
51: How are you feeling right now? >> Neutral.
52: What color would you like your hair to be right now? >> I really don’t care.
53: When did you feel happiest? >> ---
54: Something that calms you down? >> Time.
55: Have any mental disorders? >> I’m more than pretty sure I do, but I haven’t been properly diagnosed a day in my life.
56: What does your URL mean? >> It was a play on “Lost Carcosa”. It eventually came to just represent... me. Now it’s a brand of sorts, so I am loath to use any other username (save for blackThirteen, which I sometimes use on websites where it’s not already taken by someone else; blackThirteen + foundCarcosa = blackCarcosa, which is what I really should be using, but it’s a little late now).
57: What three words describe you the most? >> Just three? Ha!
58: Do you believe in evolution? >> I have been convinced of evolution’s veracity.
59: What makes you unfollow a blog? >> Over a month of inactivity or a change to content that doesn’t interest me are the two main reasons I unfollow. Sometimes I unfollow for things like political platforming or too much unsourced content or having too much of the same kind of content on my dashboard or... any number of reasons, really. Sometimes a person’s opinion (or the way they present their opinion) just pisses me off and I’m not invested enough in the blog to keep them around anyway.
60: What makes you follow a blog? >> Content that I enjoy, usually. It’s pretty simple. Sometimes I have compulsive following sprees and then I have to prune later, which is a thing about myself that I’ve just gotten used to.
61: Favorite kind of person: >> Right.
62: Favorite animal(s): >> Snakes, spiders, otters, capybaras, and so on.
63: Name three of your favorite blogs. >> transistorxiii, lilithsconcubine (bet money she’ll have changed her url again by the time I post this, lmao), coldalbion.
64: Favorite emoticon: >> The cry-laughing one. I abuse the shit out of that face.
65: Favorite meme: >> Right now, probably BONELESS or that one image with the guy and the two girls that is so goddamn versatile that I haven’t gotten sick of it yet despite the fact that it’s everywhere.
66: What is your MBTI personality type? >> My last result was INTJ. I don’t care much for MBTI anymore.
67: What is your star sign? >> Gemini sun, Gemini moon, Scorpio rising, etc etc.
68: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? >> ---
69: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? >> Ghast brand rave pants and a Doctor Strange shirt, it seems.
70: Post a selfie or two? >> http://foundcarcosa.tumblr.com/tagged/this-malleable-shell
71: Do you have platform shoes? >> I don’t.
72: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? >> I used to be extremely competent at Guitar Hero / Rock Band because back when those games were popular, Best Buy and Circuit City would have stations set up in their stores where you could play them; and because I was homeless and tumblr wasn’t invented to become my biggest timesink yet, I would just stay in the stores playing guitar games all day. So I got good at it. As one does.
73: Can you do a front flip? >> No.
74: Do you like birds? >> Sure.
75: Do you like to swim? >> I can’t swim, so I don’t know if I’d like it or not. I mean, probably.
76: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? >> I can’t do either.
77: Something you wish didn’t exist: >> Meh.
78: Some thing you wish did exist: >> Everything I can conceive does exist... in some form, on some plane.
79: Piercings you have? >> Earlobes and septum.
80: Something you really enjoy doing: >> Playing video games.
81: Favorite person to talk to: >> Can Calah.
82: What was your first impression of Tumblr? >> I was extremely confused by tumblr when I first tried it out. So I abandoned it for a little over a year, and then I had to make a new account when I came back because I’d forgotten the login for the old one.
83: How many followers do you have? >> Here, 629.
84: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? >> I can’t run a mile, period.
85: Do your socks always match? >> No. I don’t bother matching my socks. Mismatched ones are more fun, anyway.
86: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? >> No.
87: What are your birthstones? >> Emerald, I think? I forget the other.
88: If you were an animal, which one would you be? >> *waggles Mordred’s spidery legs*
89: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? >> Probably a black calla lily.
90: A store you hate? >> Abercrombie and Fitch. Their store is fragranced or something. Like they put cologne swatches in the air ducts. IDFK. It’s aggravating. Also, I hate that kind of fashion.
91: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? >> I usually drink zero. 
92: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? >> Flying is more interesting than being Sookie Stackhouse.
93: Do you like to wear camo? >> No.
94: Winter or summer? >> I have a preference for winter.
95: How long can you hold your breath for? >> I don’t know.
96: Least favorite person? >> ---
97: Someone you look up to: >> *insert obvious joke here*
98: A store you love? >> Trash & Vaudeville. I wonder if it’s closed / moved yet.
99: Favorite type of shoes >> I prefer combat boot type shoes.
100: Where do you live? >> *grumbles*
101: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? >> Pescatarian. I just don’t care for meat much. I’ll eat a chicken sandwich sometimes, but otherwise I’ll stick to seafood.
102: What is your favorite mineral or gem? >> Smoky quartz is nice. Bismuth is cool as shit. Geodes are where it’s at, though.
103: Do you drink milk? >> No.
104: Do you like bugs? >> Most of them, yeah.
105: Do you like spiders? >> My children. <3
106: Something you get paranoid about? >> My physical health, sometimes.
107: Can you draw?: >> I can. I can’t draw well, though.
108: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? >> I don’t know. Nosy questions don’t bother me, though.
109: A question you hate being asked? >> Anything regarding my gender. Like, who cares. Stop boring me.
110: Ever been bitten by a spider? >> Not that I’m aware of.
111: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? >> Oh, yes.
112: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? >> It depends on how I feel that day in general. Either is good, but sometimes one is definitely better than the other.
113: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: >> ---
114: Favorite cloud type: >> Definitely cumulonimbus.
115: What color do you wish the sky was? >> My eyes interpret the sky as a variety of colours depending on time of day, weather conditions, and what pair of sunglasses I have on, and you know what, that’s good enough for me.
116: Do you have freckles? >> No.
117: Favorite thing about a person: >> ---
118: Fruits or vegetables? >> All of the above.
119: Something you want to do right now: >> I’m fine with what I’m doing.
120: Is the ocean or sky prettier? >> How could I possibly choose one over the other...? I like it best when I can observe both at the same time, actually. Maximum loveliness.
121: Sweet or sour foods? >> Savoury, spicy, sour. Sweetness only as a balancing agent.
122: Bright or dim lights? >> Dim and diffuse, always.
123: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? >> I am open to all experiences.
124: Something you hate about Tumblr: >> The poor functionality bits. Coding issues, inefficiency in design, stuff I can’t do anything about because I don’t work there.
125: Something you love about Tumblr: >> Everything else, more or less. I wouldn’t spend so much time here if I wasn’t genuinely enjoying myself.
126: What do you think about the least? >> How would I know?
127: What would you want written on your tombstone? >> I am not interested in a tombstone at all.
128: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? >> Someone sexy who had a kink for being punched in the face.
129: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? >> The fact that I am so easily bored and so interested in experience leads to interesting experiences and a tendency to be open to new things... but sometimes it just leads to recklessness and irritability.
130: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? >> Yeah, most of the time.
131: Computer or TV? >> Computer, which is often used as a television anyway.
132: Do you like roller coasters? >> I do.
133: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? >> No.
134: Are your ears free or attached? >> Unattached.
135: Do you believe in karma? >> The original concept of karma is more understandable to me than the modern colloquial definition.
136: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? >> I’m a solid 8 to myself, but you know.
137: What nicknames do you have/have had? >> Rev, Eddie, and Dio are my most used nicknames as of now.
138: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? >> I have always had Companions.
139: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? >> Yes.
140: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? >> It doesn’t matter to me either way.
141: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? >> I love to give gifts, but I also love to receive them. No reason I should have to choose. What I hate is compulsory gift exchanging. Miss me completely with that bull mess.
142: What makes you angry?: >> Eh.
143: How many languages do you speak fluently? >> One.
144: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? >> Meh.
145: Are you androgynous? >> More or less.
146: Favorite physical thing about yourself: >> I am pretty fond of my facial shape and features, and the kinda “greyboy” androgynous shape of my body. Also, this melanin is poppin. I would gladly take a little more, even.
147: Favorite thing about your personality: >> What’s a personality?
148: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. >> Meh?
149: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? >> Why would I do that?
150: Do you like BuzzFeed? >> It hasn’t given me reason to dislike it.
151: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? >> I met Sparrow on tumblr.
152: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? >> No.
153: Do you like to play with others’ hair? >> That used to be a big stim of mine, but Tommy, my first boyfriend, broke me out of that pretty badly and I never got back into it. It’s like a mental block now. Aggravating.
154: What embarrasses you? >> Meh?
155: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: >> ---
156: Biggest lie you have ever told: >> I have no idea.
157: How many people are you following? >> 1,047 right now.
158: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? >> This will be #20,540.
159: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? >> 6.
160: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? >> 87,104.
161: Last time you cried and why: >> The last memory of crying that I have is when I was listening to these videos of Pearl Jam songs with just the vocals and guitar solos isolated. I lost my shit in the middle of “Black” and the only reason I remember is because I thought to myself, fucking hell, some tumblr survey is going to ask me about the last time I cried and I’m gonna have to tell the congregation that I cried because I love Eddie Vedder too much and I started laughing like an idiot.
162: Do you have long or short hair? >> Short. Very short.
163: Longest your hair has ever been: >> To my shoulders, I think, as a child. Not including weaves, braids, and so on.
164: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion? >> I love religion because... oh, I don’t know. It’s one of those things I don’t question too much because I’m not sure it has an easy answer. It just deeply resonates with me, is all. Yes, the whole concept of religion. Not any specific one, or anything. Just the root of it all. I don’t like what people do with religion a lot of the time, not at all... but whatever. People gonna people.
165: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? >> Well, sure. It’s fucking fascinating. Even if the theories are only theories, they’re still interesting to me. I’ll probably never know, but that won’t ever stop me from being curious.
166: Do you like to wear makeup? >> Yes.
167: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? >> No.
168: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? >> Sure.
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theworstbob · 7 years
yellin’ at songs: week 31
brief reviews of the songs that debuted on the 8.9.1997, 8.11.2007, and 8.12.2017 editions of the billboard hot 100
10) "Never Make a Promise," by Dru Hill
See, the thing about this R&B song in which a person makes an eternal promise that separates it from all the other dozens I've heard in the past couple of weeks is, goddamnit I was really hoping I would come up with a joke by the time I got to the conjunction, I figured, y'know, I'd get the ball rolling, get some momentum, y'know? If I started saying words in the cadence of a joke, I would get with the program and sort of involuntarily make a joke. I see now the folly in my ways. I should've been better prepared for 1997. I knew milquetoast R&B was in store. I dropped the ball on this one, and dropped it in such a way that it did not start rolling, to tie it back to a metaphor from earlier. I promise to do better. And uh, fun fact about me, I never make a promise I won't keep.
87) "Down for Yours," by Nastyboy Klick ft./Roger Troutman
Pitch the Auto-tune a little lower, put in a few of those drums what sound like a dude roiling his rs to imitate a machine gun, and this is a perfectly acceptable 2017 pop/rap song. I just wanna real quick address something: I know I said last week that every 1997 rapper, short Magoo, was better than the best 2017 rapper, but I was speaking in terms of pop/rap. Like, if you only go by what charted, which is a mistake for so... so many reasons, 1997 rap is better? But once -- I mean, the Kendrick and Jay albums were fire, but more importantly, you've got folks like Vince Staples and Brother Ali and Joey Bada$$ and Lupe Fiasco and SZA making awesome, challenging works that aren't gonna chart. These charts are at once a sample of music history and the poorest imaginable representation of music history. Anyhoo, I don't know what previously held the title of 'most innocuous song to throw Bob into an existential tailspin over the general utility of the YAS project,' but it belongs to this dumb sack of song now!
90) "Never, Never Gonna Give You Up," by Lisa Stansfield
Hey: if nothing else, clicking on this edition of YAS 7s should give you a fun and cool new way to Rickroll your friends. Add a meta layer to your Rickroll game. I know this isn't actually a comment on the song, because how could anyone be aware of memes in 1997? All these songs predate Hamsterdance. Someone should have told Lisa Stansfield there was already a song called this, though. Anyhoo, I'm not actually talking about these songs at all. They're boring! This is probably the most okay song so far, but I'm putting it out of my mind to think about a boring meme about a boring song.
92) "Drink, Swear, Steal, & Lie" by Michael Peterson
aw this guy's just a big ol' dork. i love him! ii love his dork ass song about how in love with his girl he is. this song has one joke and it's still a vastly more complex and well-written song than any pi[50,000 word treatise on bro country redacted]anyway, this dude's great. like, i'm a pop/punk main, y'know? i love dorky and earnest jams. this hits that button squarely, y'all. i'm so into this.
only publishing the 1997 top 20 because changes happen with the other two and i value consistency
20) "Step by Step," by Whitney Houston (3.15) 19) "Can We," by SWV ft./Missy Elliott (8.2) 18) "On and On," by Erykah Badu (1.25) 17) "I Want You," by Savage Garden (3.1) 16) "It Must Be Love," by Robin S. (5.24) 15) "Smokin' Me Out," by Warren G ft./Ronald Isley (6.21) 14) "Fix," by BLACKstreet ft./Ol' Dirty Bastard (8.2) 13) "Silent All These Years," by Tori Amos (3.22) 12) "What They Do," by The Roots (1.11) 11) "Step Into a World (Rapture's Delight)," by KRS-One (4.5) 10) "I'm Not Feeling You," by Yvette Michele (2.22) 9) "Bill," by Peggy Scott-Adams (3.29) 8) "Just Another Case," by CRU ft./Slick Rick (7.5) 7) "I'll Be," by Foxy Brown ft./Jay-Z (2.15) 6) "Felton St.," Leschea (6.14) 5) "Bitch," by Meredith Brooks (4.26) 4) "Mo Money, Mo Problems," by The Notorious B.I.G. ft./Puff Daddy & Mase (8.2) 3) "Return of the Mack," by Mark Morrison (3.1) 2) "Hypnotize," by The Notorious B.I.G. (4.26) 1) "Not Tonight (Ladies' Night Remix)," by Lil Kim ft./Angie Martinez, Left Eye, Da Brat & Missy Elliott (7.12)
47) "Stronger," Kanye West
Graduation is such a goofy album because it has three of the best Kanye singles of all time, including what, let's be real, probably ends up as the best song from 2007, but it's also Kanye's worst and least interesting album. It's Kanye at a crossroads, stuck between being the pop/rap god and the morose Auto-tune sadlord who makes 808s and MBDTF. This song actually finds Kanye at the perfect point in the crossroads. He's still making a towering achievement for the mainstream, but he's breaking out of being chop up the soul Kanye, moving into electronic territory, developing his sound into that direction in a way that doesn't quite sound like MBDTF but sounds like the first step on that road. It'd be a bold experiment if it didn't absolutely work, and this is an amazing song by any objective measure.
65) "Cyclone," Baby Bash ft./T-Pain
Man maybe I just haven't noticed it yet or maybe I'm just coming down from the "Stronger" high, but I forgot how horrible the generic crunk beat was to listen to. It hasn't been quite so prevalent, but heck whoever gave this dude the Lil Jon MP3s. I will say that T-Pain making noises to describe what it feels like when a woman dips it low is the tiniest little miracle of a thing, but boy, is my life not better with this song in it. OK I just got to the part where T-Pain makes that noise three times in a row, this song is an achievement in Western art and culture and the world is saved.
83) "Love Me if You Can," Toby Keith
who the fuck listens to toby keith for the ballads like who is this for who thinks of this song when they think of toby keith no legit dude just make dumbass party jams i don't get why this would ever need to exist
84) "Take Me There," Rascal Flatts
Like legit why would you give "Love Me if You Can" to Toby Keith when Rascal Flatts is literally right there. Songs like "Love Me if You Can" and this treacly pile of love song are why you made Rascal Flatts in the first place. I also enjoy the twist this puts on The Country Song. I don't think anyone ever came to Rascal Flatts for Authentic Country Music, so them saying they want the girl to take them to Main Street and the backroads is actually kinda sweet. Like, they're not posturing, they're saying, "Yeah, we're clearly city softboys, but we wanna see the small town blue jean nights that made my girl." Rascal Flatts: generally inoffensive yet again! They just keep comin'!
89) "Proud of the House We Built," Brooks & Dunn
I like this song because it reminded me of The Wonder Years' "Teenage Parents," and I appreciate the opportunity to think about The Wonder Years. I dunno, country hasn't really been problematic this week! This song is almost good! It's just a nice look back on life. "Yeah, it kinda sucked, butcha know what, we made it." Maybe it could've acknowledged that the tough times sucked instead of looking back smiling and saying, "I wouldn't have it any other way?" Hard times suck, dude. I know you haven't heard that Paramore jam yet, but hard times suck and you shouldn't idealize them. Especially when, you know, you're a millionaire, and people who are actually going through hard times are listening to you and saying, "Welp, guess this is my station in life!" Hey Bob you're going on a treatise on the sociological implications of bro country, and you are actually unable to write that. Please write about JoBros.
92) "Hold On," Jonas Brothers
What a week for songs named after far more notable '80s jams! (Actually Wilson Phillips w)I LOOKED IT UP AND DECIDED I DIDN'T CARE anyway did anyone else forget that Jonas Brothers are like legit songwriters? Like, this is definitely as good as any Simple Plan song, and Simple Plan was like a decade older than these kids. Does Simple Plan make good music? That's beside the point, which is that Jonas Brothers was never garbage. They were always making highly enjoyable pop/rock songs for the whole family, and they were capable of making these songs from an extraordinarily young age. We could've done worse, is what I'm trying to get at. Like, we had it pretty got dang good with the JoBros, friends! There's a world where JoBros fades into semi-obscurity and makes highly enjoyable Christian rock with Hanson, and also no one ever makes "Jealous," and that's a pretty OK alternate reality, that one.
100) "Hood Nigga," Gorilla Zoe
The most optimistic sentence on Wikipedia is, "This is Gorilla Zoe's only top 40 hit on that chart, to date." This song ain't bad! It would've been a fine #1 in some of those weeks where the best song was like "Do it Just Like a Rock Star." He has this really fun and gruff voice, maybe a little laconic but certainly pleasant to put in the ears, the beat is, as the kids might have said in 2007, knockin', and we have certainly heard worse things! Also the radio edit replaces N with F and of all the letters to replace the N, F is easily the funniest, because now this song is about a dude who can't get enough figs in his life. Fuck Cristal, this dude's got a Fig Newton cabinet.
New #1 hype! 20) "Lip Gloss," by Lil Mama (6.9.2007) 19) "Stolen," by Dashboard Confessional (4.21.2007) 18) "Beautiful Liar," by Beyonce & Shakira (3.31.2007) 17) "Cupid's Chokehold," by Gym Class Heroes ft./Patrick Stump (1.13.2007) 16) "The River," by Good Charlotte ft./M. Shadows & Synyster Gates (2.10.2007) 15) "Say OK," by Vanessa Hudgens (2.17.2007) 14) "Alyssa Lies," by Jason Michael Carroll (1.13.2007) 13) "Never Again," by Kelly Clarkson (5.12.2007) 12) "Can't Tell Me Nothing," by Kanye West (6.16.2007) 11) "Get Buck," by Young Buck (4.14.2007) 10) "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going," by Jennifer Hudson (1.13.2007) 9) "Thnks fr th Mmrs," by Fall Out Boy (4.28.2007) 8) "Candyman," by Christina Aguilera (1.13.2007) 7) "Misery Business," by Paramore (7.21.2007) 6) "Because of You," by Ne-Yo (3.17.2007) 5) "Umbrella," by Rihanna ft./Jay-Z (4.28.2007) 4) "Beautiful Flower," by India.Arie (6.16.2007) 3) "Dashboard," by Modest Mouse (2.17.2007) 2) "The Story," by Brandi Carlile (4.28.2007) 1) "Stronger," by Kanye West (8.11.2007) Hey guess what the alt-country song doesn’t end up being Record of the Year 2017. Also I made a minor adjustment to #20 because Lil Mama is going to stay around as long as I feel I cannot bop her in good conscience.
40) "Back to You," by Louis Tomlinson ft./Bebe Rexha & Digital Farm Animals
Huh, well, I think I mind this the least of all the One Direction side projects! I'm down for a duet, even if this is just a little too low-key to ever attain Iconic Duet status -- drunk folks and karaoke wanna shout about love, and while I'm sure they'll appreciate the "you fuck me... up" phrasing, you're not giving them a lot to work wth. I've never minded Bebe Rexha as little as I do here, and just like in his boyhood, Louis Tomlinson doesn't do anything to ruin everything. This was passable. I wouldn't mind hearing this again, I wouldn't mind if a thousand lives were lived before I heard it again.
61) "What's My Name," by China Anne McClain 81) "It's Goin' Down," Descendants 2 Cast
Listen. Am I upset that this young woman's villain song does not in any way hearken back to "Poor Unfortunate Souls" in any way? Of course. Am I 15 years aged out of the target market for this song? I mean fucking obviously, I knew we'd be treading in these waters eventually. These are fine generic pop songs, the only true flaw in any being the fact someone looked at purple-haired girl and said, "She should be in a rap battle. I think she could convincingly hold her own in a rap battle," like I'm sorry sweetie you have an abundance of other talents and zero bars. It's charming. It's charming! Listen. Am I ready for China Anne McClain to rule the world for five yet-to-be-determined years in the future? Yes. Do I love Captain Hook's gay son? I LOVE CAPTAIN HOOK'S GAY SON
77) "Issues," by Meek Mill 79) "Wins & Losses," by Meek Mill 83) "1942 Flows," by Meek Mill 96) "We Ball," by Meek Mill ft./Young Thug 97) "Fuck That Check Up," by Meek Mill ft./Lil Uzi Vert 99) "Heavy Heart," by Meek Mill
So if I'm rating the theme weeks of 2017: 1) Kendrick Week 2) Jay-Z Week 3) Future Week 4) Meek Mill Week 5) Migos Week 6) Ed Sheeran Week 7) Big Sean Week 8) Drake Week 9) Bryson Tiller Week I was honestly surprised by how much I enjoyed these songs. Like, I'm actually adding the Meek Mill album to the library for future listening. "1942 Flows" and "Wins & Losses" are legit, they're engaging songs and Meek Mill brings passion to them, and maybe I'm just unfamiliar with the rest of Meek Mill's catalogue, but I honestly didn't expect to be involved in these songs. This seems like a fine album with which to kill a summer bus ride or two. Like, I can't remember the last time I heard a song with a Young Thug feature where I wasn't paying more attention to what Young Thug was doing. Meek Mill did fine work. (Worth noting: Wins & Losses is 15 minutes longer than DAMN., and I am curious what makes Meek Mill think he has 15 minutes' more of worthwhile thought than Kendrick.)
91) "Imitadora," by Romeo Santos
It was "Heroe Favorito," right, where I said I might enjoy Romeo Santos' whole thing on another day, when I was ready to accept him into my life? WELL HOT DIGGITY, Y'ALL, 'CUZ TODAY'S THAT DAY. I love his breathy falsetto thing over this song way more, it just fits. I'm also in love with this track, this gentle Latin guitar with occasional blasts of indie platformer main menu music. I don't know a better term to express what I mean because I'm bad at music, but these synth blasts play in the intro and outro and occasionally come back and they just take this track to another level. This is just phenomenal work from someone I now understand to be a veteran in the scene from the past seven months of limited engagement with the world of Latin pop.
I changed the top of the 2017 Top 20 again. 20) "Bodak Yellow," by Cardi B (7.22) 19) "Woman," by Kesha ft./The Dap-Kings Horns (8.5) 18) "Smile," by Jay-Z ft./Gloria Carter (7.29) 17) "Love Galore," by SZA ft./Travis Scott (7.1) 16) "Bad Liar," by Selena Gomez (6.3) 15) "DNA." by Kendrick Lamar (5.6) 14) "It Ain't Me," by Kygo x Selena Gomez (3.4) 13) "Craving You," by Thomas Rhett ft./Maren Morris (4.22) 12) "That's What I Like," by Bruno Mars (3.4) 11) "Chanel," by Frank Ocean ft./A$AP Rocky (4.1) 10) "Strangers," by Halsey ft./Lauren Jauregui (6.17) 9) "Either Way," by Chris Stapleton (5.27) 8) "Run Up," by Major Lazer ft./PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj (2.18) 7) "Imitadora," by Romeo Santos (8.12) 6) "Green Light," by Lorde (3.18) 5) "Hard Times," by Paramore (5.13) 4) "ELEMENT." by Kendrick Lamar (5.6) 3) "Despacito," by Luis Fonsi ft./Daddy Yankee (2.4) 2) "iSpy," by KYLE ft./Lil Yachty (1.14) 1) "Issues," by Julia Michaels (2.11) Like #1 should be a mix of Most Impactful Song and Song I Enjoyed Most, and maybe #1 justifiably belongs to “Despacito” given how great that is, I’m still getting a lot of mileage out of “Issues,” and honestly as long as I’m not keeping up this silly idea that a song that was #90 for one week is the most iconic song of the year this useless list has at least some utility. Shoutout to the true heroes Paramore, though. And also Major Lazer, PARTYNEXTDOOR, and Nicki Minaj. I will never fucking forget you guys.
Who won the week?
2017 actually put up a rather strong fight, but there was no way Meek Mill and the Descendants 2 soundtrack were going to take down “Stronger,” even when it was being weighed down with Toby Keith. 2007 had a couple strong punches, and it was more than able to notch another point. 2017: 11 1997: 11 2007: 9 In next week’s post, we get to listen to Spice Girls AND Billy Joel, 2007 gives us Luke Bryan AND Robin Thicke, and I don’t know what fresh hell 2017 has in store but evidently Tay Tay collaborated with B.O.B. at some point in the recent past and it’s gonna be real fun to deal with B.O.B. the popular musician should it come to that. What an unproblematic and unremarkable artist who has precisely zero bad opinions which he expresses loudly!
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