#( he treats it just like a money bribe to marry off a daughter and that’s not how they worked a lot of the time )
blossomhcir · 5 months
// violently shaking g.rrm while demanding to know more about how dowries and widow’s income works
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
The Wrong Idea | Lee Bodecker x reader
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summary: you weren’t exactly a rebel in the eyes of the law, but that didn’t mean you cared for the corrupt, alcoholic town sheriff.  and that certainly didn’t mean you would care at all for him marrying your mother.  if only you’d known how much worse it could get...
word count: 4.5k
warnings: smut!! (heavy dubcon/noncon), age gap (reader is 19), stepcest, loss of virginity, pain kink, creampie kink, infidelity, degradation, oral (m and f receiving), spanking, choking, slapping, daddy kink, authority kink, subtle ddlg themes?, reader’s mom being toxic af
You’d never cared for the Sheriff.  Even you, being generally a well-behaved young woman, thought he was a little too intense and a little too corrupt.  Up until now, you’d assumed your mother agreed with you on that, because she never protested to your complaints about Sheriff Bodecker and his ‘fascist reign of terror’ as you called it.  Apparently that was a poor assumption, though.
“You… what?!”
“I never told you we were seein’ each other because I knew you had your childish rebellion against him and his police force,” your mother explained with a demeaning eyeroll.  “But now that we’re engaged, I can’t hide it anymore.”
“How long has this been going on?” you asked quietly, still in shock at what you were hearing— and unable to take your eyes off of the sparkling diamond wrapped around her finger.
“Oh, I’d say… about two months now,” she decided.
“Two—” you stopped and started over, so bewildered that you couldn’t finish your original sentence.  “You’re engaged after two months?”
“Don’t make that face at me, you look so ugly when you scowl like that,” she frowned.  Of course, she could never miss an opportunity to nag you.  “He’s a respectable man, and he treats me well.  The wedding is in three weeks— and he’s generous enough to let you live with us after that.  Says there’s a spare bedroom for you in his house.”
“His… his house…” you slurred, suddenly feeling light-headed.  “I’m… we’re moving…?”
“Yes, honey, and with your work ethic it’ll take you the whole three weeks to pack up, so you should start now,” she informed you with that cruel, fake smile of hers.
She walked away as you sat down on the couch, staring off into space, trying to comprehend what you just heard.  It’s not like you thought your mother was flawless or anything, or that you and her had a perfect relationship, but you thought she would’ve been a little more… gentle about all this.  She could do better than him anyways!  But she didn’t care about that, only money and status.  You could almost laugh at her small-mindedness to think the Sheriff of a nothing-town like Knockemstiff was actually plentiful in either of those things, but right now you couldn’t laugh.  You couldn’t even cry as you packed your things and said goodbye to the home you’d known your whole life.  You were just numb.
You couldn’t look him in the eye when you arrived at his house, duffel bags in hand and shoes stained with the dry red dirt of summer.  It was nicer than your old place, and if it were anyone else’s you’d say it had charm, but everything was tainted because you knew it was his.  You could sort of tell that this had been his bachelor pad for a while, but it had a half-assed attempt at hominess with the rug in the living room and a centerpiece on the kitchen table.  He even had a TV, presumably funded by bribes and all his other nefarious dealings— meaning you wouldn’t be able to bring yourself to watch it.
“Nice to meet ya, properly,” Lee greeted, though his monotone didn’t come across as particularly impassioned.
“Thank you, Sheriff,” you mumbled quickly, hoping to get this conversation over with.
“You don’t have to call me Sheriff anymore, you know.  Not in the house, at least.”
You nodded but said nothing, following him as he motioned for you and moved into the hallway.  You trailed behind him, noticing the eerie lack of any personal effects on the walls (no family photos, apparently, and not much of a family to photograph in the first place from what you’d heard), and stopped when he reached the door at the end.
“This is your room,” Lee informed you stiffly.  Opening the door, you were horrified by the assault on your eyes of pink.  Pink everything: pink wallpaper, a pink fuzzy quilt, pink bedframe.  There were even assorted stuffed animals on the bed, disturbingly enough.
“When my mother told you she had a daughter, did she not mention that I was grown?”
“You may be nineteen, honey, but you’re nowhere near grown,” he scowled.  “She didn’t tell me she had a daughter until two days before the weddin’.  This is what I managed to... improvise, since then.”
You almost had sympathy for him, just in that you two were both victims of your mother’s eccentricity.  Almost.  
“Must’ve inherited your expensive taste from your ma,” he frowned.  “Sorry, princess—” the nickname made his lips curl like the word itself tasted sour— “but this’ll have to do.”
“Oh, I’m nothing like her,” you sneered back, “cause I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole.”
“What are you two chatting about?” your mother’s voice called from the kitchen.
Both of you answered at the same time: “Nothing!” 
With a grimace, you dragged your bag into the room and shut the door in his face.  It was those little acts of rebellion that had to tide you over.  You weren’t audacious enough to do anything actually cruel, or illegal, but you weren’t going to make this any easier for him.
At first it was just refusing to leave your room.  That worked for a week, until you realized you were going to starve to death.  So then the only times you saw him were at the dinner table, which you made into a protest by pretending he didn’t exist and refusing to answer his questions.  You occasionally relented when he asked you to pass something from your side of the table, but you never looked at him while you did it.  
He didn’t seem angry or sad about your determination to avoid him, if anything it seemed like he was happy to pretend you weren’t there either.  And that should’ve made it easier, but for some reason it bothered you even more.  You realized that maybe his attention did matter to you, even though it was negative attention that you were hoping to inspire, but you knew that was ridiculous and you tried to fight it.  Still, for all your plans to never see him, you sure did think about him a lot.  You thought about where he might be, so you could be somewhere else.  You thought about what he must be doing at work, and how he was probably continuing to be a nasty mean drunk as frequently as possible.  You wondered if he and your mother were making love just across the house, although you were lucky enough to never hear anything.  Just knowing that could be happening made you feel sick, even though you realized it was none of your business.  
You sometimes found yourself listening for it at night, just in case.
Your mother had decided to spend her new husband’s money on a trip, but the man himself couldn’t tag along— too much work to do, apparently.  The prospect of being left alone with him was nightmare fuel, but you didn’t even try to ask her to stay… you knew she wouldn’t listen.  She’d been totally absorbed in her own world since the wedding, seeming to be very fulfilled by the social role of ‘Sheriff’s wife’ to the point that she had lost all interest in her former position as ‘your mom’.  
There was a balance to the silence with her gone, though.  You avoided him, he avoided you; it was a tense truce, but a survivable one.  At least without her, nobody was going to try to make you two get along.  Friday night was different, though.  This time when he came home from work, you knew you were stuck with him until Monday morning.  That thought made you realize that you needed to get out and you didn’t care if you weren’t dressed for it.  It was hot, and it was just a walk so nobody was going to see you in this miniskirt anyway, right?
Too bad Lee was sitting on the couch, still in his uniform, not giving you any mind but likely to harass you before you could make it outside.  You figured if you just walked casually enough, he wouldn’t even notice, so you made your way towards the door.
“You’re not going out like that,” he announced suddenly, seemingly without even looking up from his newspaper.
“Says who?” you deflected quickly with a raised brow.  It wasn’t that you wanted to pick a fight, but you just couldn’t understand why he would even care what you were wearing.
“Says the guy who doesn’t want you to give all the neighborhood boys the wrong idea.”
“What idea?!” you asked, crossing your arms.  He shot you a look, quickly raking in your body and outfit which made you feel more observed than you cared for.
“The idea that you’re a slut,” he explained coldly.
You gulped at his words but tried to keep a poker face.  You didn’t let it get this far just to give up.  You were so sick of his shit; what made him think he could boss you around when he’d never even tried to get to know you?
“What makes you assume that’s the wrong idea?” you shot back, fighting the nervousness in your voice.
You hadn’t expected him to stand up instantly, the coffee table wobbling a bit when his knee bumped into it.
“The fuck did you say?” he hissed.
With his teeth bared at you he looked like a predator, and you felt like small, helpless prey.  You tried to muster some of your former confidence, but everything came out shaky and weak.  “I— I said that maybe it’s not the wrong ide—”
He pounced, crossing the room and slamming you back against the wall, a hand at each shoulder; you instantly cowered, shrinking back and turning your face away from him as far as you could.  You never thought he’d put his hands on you like this.  Your heart was pounding so loudly that you were surprised you could hear his hoarse whisper.
“Watch your tone with me.  I’m not kidding around.”
“I’m an adult,” you weakly fought back, “I can do what I want.”
“Not in my fuckin’ house you can’t!” he bellowed.
For some reason, it all hit you at once.  All the emotions you’d been suppressing since your mother had gotten engaged— all the anger and fear and betrayal and indignation, they came bubbling up before you could stop them.  
“I don’t even want to be in your ugly fucking house!” you cried in response.  “I don’t wanna be anywhere near you!  You’re a fascist and a tyrant and a pig!”
You expected him to get more aggressive but he suddenly stilled.  It was the scariest anger, that outwardly-calm type that made your blood go cold.
“Go to your room.”
You didn’t question it, turning to walk away (any excuse to get away from him, right?), but you didn’t expect him to follow you in and shut the door behind the both of you.
You were paralyzed with fear as he stepped past you and sat on your bed.  It was sort of strange as you realized you’d never seen him in your room before.  He stood out against the somewhat childish decorations, but you were in no mood to appreciate the humor of the situation as he patted his knee.
“Lay across my lap.  Don’t make me tell you twice.”
He couldn’t possibly be doing what I think he’s doing, could he? you wondered to yourself, but did as he asked.  You realized you’d never been so close to him before, the warmth of his body radiating through his clothes.  He smelled like cologne and booze, although you didn’t think he’d actually had much to drink yet today— at least compared to his normal habits.  It was almost worse to think that he wasn’t acting on drunkenness now.
“It’s prob’ly too late for it, but you are in serious need of discipline, young lady.”
You had no idea what he was talking about, but your body reacted to it differently than you expected.
His fingers slipped between the top of your skirt and your skin, having to pull pretty hard to get it down due to how tight it was.  You bit your lip and hoped he wouldn’t notice your arousal, but as your pussy was exposed, you could feel the breeze from the ceiling fan and you knew you were undeniably wet.  You didn’t know why, but you were.
“Count them for me,” he instructed coldly and before you could ask what you were counting, he brought his hand down firmly.  You felt his wedding ring in the slap and it made you feel a little sick.
“O-one,” you stammered.
He delivered four more, alternating cheeks, and you tried not to react with visible pain.  But as the intensity increased, you realized that not reacting might’ve actually been making it worse.  Either way, you couldn’t stop yourself from crying out when the eighth made your whole body lurch forward from the force.
“Eight!” you squealed, but both of you noticed the way you pushed your hips forward.  Unintentional as it may have been, you were trying to rub yourself on his thigh, desperate to be touched where it felt like all the energy of your body had focused.  You were sure you’d never been so horny before, and now your clit was nearly throbbing.  What the fuck is wrong with me?!
He quickly delivered the final two slaps before grabbing your neck, hoisting you up until you were on your knees before him.  He examined your face closely and you tried to keep your lip from shaking.
“You’re worse than I thought,” he hissed.  “You are in dire need of a punishment.  You should thank me for going so easy on you so far.”
You realized when his grip on your jaw tightened that he was being literal.  “Thank you, for going easy on me…”
“Where’d that fire go, huh?  Guess you’re all talk,” he laughed.  
He roughly shoved his fingers into your mouth, moaning lowly as your tongue rubbed against the pads of his fingers.  “This fuckin’ mouth.  You just don’t know when to keep it shut, do you?  Come on baby, open up.  I’ve got a better use for it than your fuckin’ disrespectful attitude.”
He used his free hand to work on his belt right in front of your face, and your eyes went wide.
“Don’t act so surprised sweetheart,” he said with a hint of irritation, “this is exactly what you’re asking for.”
You gasped a bit when his cock was freed from his trousers, springing up and already red at the tip.  You’d never seen one this close before and it was intimidating in every way.
“Like what you see?  You’re so wet for it,” he purred.  You tried to speak but words abandoned you. 
It was all a blur as he held your mouth open and shoved his cock inside— it tasted like skin and salt, and the size made your chapped lips crack until you worried they would bleed.  His moans were deep and gravelly, making your skin break out into goosebumps as he pumped smoothly into your pliant mouth.  He slapped your face a few times, not quite hard but plenty strong enough to make it sting.  You winced with each impact, the tears which had welled from your gagging finally falling down and dripping from your chin.
“Suck on it, princess, like a popsicle… fuck yeah, like that,” he groaned, and your mind resisted obeying him but your body was completely at his mercy.  “Aw baby, ya look so good chokin’ on my cock.  Is that what you were gonna go do in this slutty little outfit you’ve got on?”
You tried to shake your head but he was holding you down, not even giving you a chance to breathe.  His protruding stomach rubbed against your forehead when his cock was this deep in your throat, and the disgust and fear somehow made your arousal stronger.
He let you go, finally, and you pulled back with a gasp and a cough.  You weren’t given much reprieve, though, as he started to tug at your blouse as well.
“No, wait,” you whimpered, weakly trying to bat his hands away.
“Wait?  I think I’ve been waiting long enough,” he growled.  “Your ma’s a fuckin’ tease, hasn’t touched me since I got her that ugly fuckin’ ring.  Let’s hope you learn from her mistakes.”
Your blouse was torn open and tossed aside, leaving you only in the pulled-up skirt and your bra.  Reaching up to cover yourself, you were discouraged by the shockingly-gentle brush of his hands. 
“Don’t cover yourself, sweetheart, you’re gorgeous,” he murmured.  His gaze made you feel hot all over, and it wasn’t just because of the summer weather outside.  “Nobody ever looked at ya before?”
You shook your head, looking down at the floor.  A finger under your chin guided you to look up at him.  
“Nobody ever touched ya before?” he pressed, his stare boring into you.  You shook your head again.  “Fuck,” he whispered, but then he started to smile proudly.  “Knew you were a good girl, princess, you just didn’t wanna act like one for some reason.  You gonna be good for me now?” 
You nodded weakly, swallowing as you tried to comprehend what was happening.  
“Then I’ll be good to you, too,” he promised darkly, a shimmer in his eyes that made you throb between your thighs.  “Come get on the bed, pretty girl.”
You almost resisted, but it was your need driving you now, not your mind.  You had been waiting too long to let a boy touch you, and now that a man had touched you, you felt all kinds of wrong and yet craved more.  Before you had even finished sitting down beside him, he was slipping off your bra and pushing you back onto the quilt.
“Sheriff!” you yelped instinctively, a little disoriented as he started to climb on top of you.
He chuckled, clearly amused by your unexpected appeal to authority.  “Wanna know a secret, sweetheart?  Wanna know the real reason I said you didn’t have to call me that anymore?”  He leaned down, his breath hot and moist against your neck when he spoke: “Because it made me so fuckin’ hard when you said it.”
He pressed his cock, still wet with your spit, against your thigh; maybe just for emphasis, a reminder that he was still hard and wasn’t anywhere near done with you.
“What are you gonna do to me…?” you asked weakly, your voice so wavering and broken that you cringed just hearing it.  
“Just gonna make you feel good, princess,” he smiled, and before you could ask what that would entail, he was groping your tits in his large, calloused hands.  A low groan echoed in his chest, and you tried not to squirm as he teased your nipples between his fingers.  They were already hardening from the moment he’d touched you, but somehow it was getting even worse when he played with them, watching your face and surely seeing the shame you wore there.
His hands trailed lower, rubbing your waist, your thighs… you found yourself anticipating that he’d remove your panties, so much so that when he did, you quickly lifted your hips to help him slide them off.  You couldn’t believe how easily you were letting him do this to you.
“I can tell how much you want it,” he taunted lowly as the fabric slid down your legs and was tossed to the floor.  “I can smell how much you want it.”  He growled a little before diving in, licking a thick stripe through your folds and taking a moment right at the end to tickle your clit with his tongue.  “So fuckin’ sweet, princess; I knew you would be,” he praised.  You were forced to wonder how long he’d been thinking about this.
The noises were beyond obscene and you felt your face burning— but there was a burning in your gut, too, and shooting down your legs.  You’d never felt like this before (being a very good girl who never even touched herself), but you knew that if he didn’t stop, you would come.  And you really, really wanted to come.
Everytime he put pressure on your clit, your leg quivered involuntarily.  It was nearly too much, the sensation so powerful it almost hurt, but he pushed you right to the edge without knocking you off.
“Please,” you found yourself begging before you could stop it, “please, Sheriff—”
“I’m not your Sheriff anymore, sweetheart,” he informed you gruffly, popping up from between your legs with the entire bottom half of his face covered in your arousal, “I’m your daddy now.  Go on and beg your daddy to fuck you.”
Eyes shot wide open, you stared back at him in bewilderment.  Rage flashed in his eyes, and he snarled as his hand suddenly wrapped around your neck, tightening and choking you. 
“You heard me,” he groaned through his teeth.  “Beg me.  To fuck you.”
“Daddy,” you stammered, hoarsely fighting to speak through the pressure on your throat, “fuck me, please.”
He slammed his cock into you and you nearly screamed.  It burned and you instinctively tried to crawl away but, of course, his weight on top of you made it impossible.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned.  He laid down on top of you entirely then, slipping his arms under your torso and holding you tightly.
Each thrust made you feel like you had reached your limits, as if you couldn’t be stretched further which was probably true.  And yet, in spite of it (or worse, because of it), you found yourself moaning and writhing under him, even arching your back to make his movements smoother.  He laughed a little as he bit at the shell of your ear.
“You love it, baby,” he moaned, “you love my cock.”
You couldn’t respond, just sob as you clutched at the shirt still on his back, your jaw tight as you tried to bear the pain.  
“It’s not always gonna hurt like this,” he promised between heavy breaths, “s’gonna feel good soon.  Gonna make you feel so fuckin’ good, pretty girl.”
Truthfully, you weren’t sure if that meant that this would happen again or not.  At the moment, you were incapable of thinking that far ahead, too focused on the way the sting of the stretch was melting away and morphing into such powerful pleasure that you couldn’t even see straight.
He kissed you, and only then did the weight of it hit you.  Who he was, what he was doing, what you were doing… it had been distant and vague before, but something about his tongue inside your mouth made you remember that the metal digging into your back was his ring; that the lips on yours were sworn to somebody else— and at that, the one exact person that made this so fundamentally wrong.
Tears welled in your eyes, gentle sobs shaking your chest.
“Don’t cry, baby,” he whispered, pulling back and kissing your tears away, “feels good, don’t it?  Feels good when daddy fucks you?”
You knew speaking would only make you cry more, so you only nodded your head shamefully.
“That’s my good girl,” he moaned as he fucked you deeper, harder, rougher.  Your fingers held onto the back of his neck, running through his hair and pulling him closer.  He kept mumbling praises but they fell on deaf ears, pleasure clouding your mind and making every hair on your body stand upright.  He didn’t stop as he reached down between your bodies and laid his hand over your stomach, growling with satisfaction at what he found there.
“I can feel me inside ya,” he grinned.  “Feel that, sweetheart?  Feel how deep I am in your wet little cunt?”
When you didn’t answer, you got a quick slap to the face.  “Yes,” you replied quickly, “yes, I— I feel it.”
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, biting you there until you nearly screamed.  You couldn’t figure out why something so objectively painful only pushed you closer to your peak, making every spot inside you more sensitive, but somehow it did.
“Gonna come, pretty girl?  Want daddy to fill you up?” he groaned against your ear, pushing down on your stomach even harder.
“Yes, daddy!” you sobbed.  “Please!”
“Fuck, you’re squeezin’ me,” he hissed, “don’t fuckin’ stop.  Keep milkin’ my cock and m’gonna fill ya up so good, princess…”
You couldn’t stop even if you tried— your orgasm hit you in powerful waves, your head falling back as your walls clenched involuntarily (as did your fingers and toes, so hard that your nail tore the sheets a little bit, which you wouldn’t notice until the next day).  He grunted as he came, pumping into you with each thrust until you felt more full than you ever had before, in a way you could never describe.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, him catching his breath and you losing yours as his weight threatened to crush you.  “Fuck,” he groaned as he sat up and pulled out.  He grabbed your legs and held them up for you, staring at your abused pussy and making you feel uncomfortably observed.
“Push it out for me, wanna see my come leak outta ya,” he purred, moaning a little when you did as he asked.  It felt even hotter as it gushed out of you, and you mindlessly bit your lip.  He tucked his softening cock back into his trousers, rezipping them and buckling his belt.  “We’d better get ya cleaned up, huh princess?” 
The bathroom wasn’t far, so he carried you, setting you down to stand on your own as he started to draw a bath.  You watched him, although you weren’t really watching him so much as staring into the void of space that happened to be in his general direction.  You were so out of it that you didn’t even register when he turned around and smiled at you with an air of pride.
“You look so good like this.”  
It pulled you out of your trance, though you had to ask him to repeat himself with a mumbled “huh?”
“I said you look good like this,” he explained, stepping closer.  “Fucked out, braindead, just my empty-headed fucktoy.”
“I… I don’t…” you began to disagree.
He used your jaw to turn your face to the mirror, and you gasped when you saw yourself: your hair was a mess; your whole face was red, especially your eyes and nose from crying, but plenty on your cheeks where he’d slapped you; your lips were swollen and slick; bruises were already forming on your arms where he’d grabbed you, and along your neck and shoulders where he had bitten you.
His form dwarfed yours as he stood behind you, looking at your reflection with a smile.
“Look at us,” he announced wistfully, “one big happy family, huh?”
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pynkhues · 3 years
.... any succession fic recs? 👀
Yes!! I haven't read a lot for it yet, but some of the stuff I've read has been staggeringly good. I'm generally more into gen fic in this particular fandom, but have enjoyed some Stewy x Kendall, Gerri x Roman and Naomi x Tabitha too.
A few recs under the cut!
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“I wanted to get out. From under all this. Take the money and run.”
Kendall tells Stewy even though he knows he’ll never get it, not like Naomi does. He’ll never understand the crush of it, the heart-stopping head-fucking fear of failing a tyrant. Kendall’s been ignoring the shape of it for a long time, putting pieces of it together in the back of his mind in total darkness like a blindfolded man. It doesn’t matter that one day his dad will die. It doesn’t matter about the money or the hostile takeover or the stolen files or any of it. There’s no running. Kendall’s Logan Roy lives inside his head.
Stewy laughs. Stewy laughs for a long time.
“There is no out, Ken, what the fuck are you talking about? You were born this and you’ll die this. You are what you are, and what you are is a fucking Roy.”
Kendall hates him, for a moment. Lightning-strike furious. What the fuck does he know about any of it, about his dad’s swinging dinner plate-sized hands, about getting 24% name recognition in reliable international polling, about puking every time you think about a car swerving off the road in the rain. About finding out that you can do something unthinkably, unimaginably terrible, and it doesn’t matter to anyone you know but you. There’s a scar on his arm that no one else who hasn’t already been told how it got there can ever know about, and he’s sick of it, and it’s not fair. He hates Stewy for a moment because Stewy’s right.
“I wanted to do the right thing, Stewy, for once in my fucking life.”
Stewy laughs again, more briefly, and the predator flash of his eyes in the neon of the motel sign is a torture all its own.
‘There is no right and wrong, Ken. How the fuck do you not know that yet? Not for people like you. Like us. There’s shit you get caught doing and there’s shit you don’t.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. You really, really fucking don’t,” says Ken, and fuck, there it is. The road less travelled, that only he has ever driven on. The path he’s down where Stewy can’t follow. That place beyond Stewy Hosseini where he never thought he could go.
“You’re not telling me something, and when I find out what that is, and I will find out what it is, Kendall, don’t you think I won’t, so I am warning you that when I do find out I am going to be righteously fucking pissed,” says Stewy, and if Kendall thought those were a predator’s eyes before—
“Yeah, you will,” says Kendall, because he knows exactly how perceptive Stewy is. Exactly how weak he is. Exactly, precisely what both of them are.
And treat this night like it’ll happen again by postcardmystery. 8k words. Kendall x Stewy. Post s2. (CW: internalised homophobia, some homophobic language)
I tried to pick a shorter excerpt, but I literally couldn’t, this fic is so. good. The voices are pitch perfect, and it’s got this incredible build to it overall that goes back and forth between time and point of views and just rips your heart out. The premise itself is pretty simple – after the press conference at the end of 2.10, Kendall calls Stewy, and they drive through rural America while Kendall has a breakdown, and it’s just - - unspeakably good. I love it so so so much, I have no words.
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r/roysucks Connor’s gf just posted on Instagram (instagram.com) submitted two months ago by webbedscrum_2279 23 comments share save hide report
[–] DM_ME_SAMESMAIL 40 points two months ago I too like to escape to my yacht in the Mediterranean when my family and I are on trial for covering up rape and murder. permalink embed save report reply
AITA for accusing my father of multiple crimes on his own news station? By amleth 3k words. Gen fic. Post s2.
And now for something completely different – epistolary fic which is just reddit news threads of the Roy family drama. I love an epistolary fic and this is just totally charming, and made me laugh a lot out loud.
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“You’re quiet,” she observes. “That’s a first.”
“Yeah, well, the Turks beat it out of me. Gave you a run for their money.” He waggles his eyebrows. “So what is this? Whips and chains? Are we doing the whole boat-sex thing? I heard Shiv and Tom are looking for a third —“
Gerri finds what she’s looking for: a black leather binder. She drops it on the bed and begins paging through it, and Roman cranes his neck enough to recognize that it’s just full of documents, not like, dick pics. “I’ve given some thought to what you proposed a few weeks ago, and I agree that we should make things official in some way,” she says, and he blinks.
“Uh,” he says. “Which — what part of it?”
“Take a look.”
Gerri closes the folio and hands it over. It’s deceptively heavy, and the print on these pages is way too fucking fine, he thinks, paging through it. “Is this some kind of, like, Fifty Shades of Roy sex contract? Because it’s not that I’m not into it, but I think there’s a strong argument for going paperless —”
“Strictly speaking, this isn’t legally binding,” Gerri says. “Just something I threw together with regard to our business arrangement going forward. But with no respect to the family — the past few weeks have really illustrated that no one should take anyone at their word right now. Give me a little more than your word.”
Evacuation strategies for a yacht on fire by devourthemoon. 11k words. Gerri x Roman. Post s2. Explicit.
After the events of s2, Roman and Gerri fake being married as a professional alliance, only, y’know, maybe it’s not so fake. This fic is just so, so much fun, and messy in the best possible way. The author nails all the character voices, and the sex scenes are just the right amount of hot and ridiculous, and I just love it all a lot too.
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Kendall estimates it will take an hour for the first articles to go up. Some rapid-fire blog without oversight—the New York Post, maybe, or wherever those Vaulter hippies have skulked off to—will slap a catchy headline on it and report his words verbatim. Give or take a gif of his face when he switches to script number two. New York Times, Washington Post, AP, those fuckers take longer. They like to bleed the story like Middle Ages plague doctors for its marrow, fact-check and add context and analysis and as many backlinks as their servers can handle. Still, a couple of hours, and his face will be plastered on every major news outlet. His voice will play over the nightly talk shows. He’ll trend on Twitter. A few more days, and he’ll be the star of analysis segments, podcasts, weekly briefings. Maybe, fuck it, maybe he’ll trend on Twitter again.
It’s been years since Kendall read Shakespeare. But that shit sticks with you, gets under your skin and emerges when you least expect it, like eczema or Keynesian economics. He knows how the media will spin this. Kendall Roy Attacks CEO Logan for Years of Corruption. Prodigal Son Disrupts Family Legacy to Restore Credibility. That’s how Hamlet ends, right? And Macbeth, Lear, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, even Titus fucking Andronicus. The spilled blood sinks into the ground, the seedlings sprout forth from the soil, and a new castle is built on the bones. Order out of chaos, or at least close enough an approximation that the tabloids will buy it.
Legacy for profit by owlinaminor Post-2.10. Kendall Roy. Kendall through Shakespeare analogies – just - - ooooof. It's a beautiful, lyrical character study that weaves through Roy family history and teases at a future none of them are even sure they want. It's gorgeous writing.
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For the next few days Shiv would have to keep the pressure on Kira like an open wound because there were other women, victims that Nate’s people were going to find one by one as soon as that phone call disconnected. Mo was her father’s friend, good friend, for a long, long time. Nate and Gil, Sandy and Stewy, too many sharks in the water and the share price probably dipped to a new low but she would never check a stock ticker. Her husband’s nerves fraying at the edges on national television. She had promised a woman she’d never met before that she would kill roughly one third of the top male executives of her family’s company. Her company.
The last look Rhea gave her before she shut the car door was concern close to fear—no longer the same woman who heard their pitch in the safe room, who laughed with her at Argestes. Rhea had only looked into the abyss; she got cold feet and she didn’t even know what it’s like to grow up in it.
Her family’s company is hers, will be hers. Even from a whale fall, new life would spring.
Feed his flesh to wayward daughters by reogulus. 2k words. Shiv Roy. Set during 2.09.
This entire fic is set around Shiv bribing Kira not to testify, and god, it is so good. It’s bleak and rough, and really hones in on the complex ground Shiv walks as a character. It's another brilliant study of what it takes to be a Roy, and the way they make the awful choices in order to fulfill this legacy that they don't even know they want.
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Kendall sets down his fork. “So. Tell me. Is it everything you wanted? Is it what you thought it would be?”
Roman stills. He never does that. He’s constantly a menace in motion, slouching and fidgeting, worse even than Kendall at his amphetamine peak. “What? The view from the tippy-tippy-top?”
“His regard.” Kendall wipes his mouth with the edge of the white cloth napkin. It comes away pink from the steak. “Dad. He’s all yours now.”
Roman still hasn’t moved. Finally, he lurches, like corroded machinery come uncertainly to life. “Yeah, man. It’s fucking tight as hell. I love every beautiful daddy and me moment I was a good enough little boy to earn.” He snorts. “Fuck you.” His face goes curiously slack then, like something Kendall’s own face would do. An intermission in the performance, an energy cut. Something genuine finding its way to the surface. “Why don’t you tell me. When you got everything you wanted, how the fuck did that make you feel?”
Nauseous, is the first word that springs to mind. Sick. Scared. I’ve never had everything I wanted, there’s that. I’ve never once had a single fucking thing I wanted. There’s that, too.
Interim leadership by arbitrarily 2k words. Roman + Kendall. Post s2.
I love Roman and Kendall scenes generally, but this one which features Kendall and Roman meeting for the first time a few months after the press conference in 2.10 is just a bit magic. The push pull dynamic that's just inherent to them mixed with the genuine affection and brotherly love is really special, and arbitrarily embraces both in equal measure. It's a great little fic.
There are lots more of course, and I'd also recommend checking out other works by these authors, but I hope this is a good place to start! :-)
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ashes-and-ashes · 5 years
Can you write a cute little one shot of married!drarry babysitting Ron and Hermiones toddler and them playing any game and at the end of the game one of them says they want a kid?
You have: 15 new voicemails.
Message One:
“Hey Ron, it’s Harry. Why am I saying that it’s me. You have my number saved, right? I hope so, cause I’m babysitting your fucking kid. Ah, shoot I probably shouldn’t swear so much, right? Not my fault - Draco swears like a Scottish sailor when he gets mad. Anyways, just wanted to let you know it’s all okay and hope you enjoy your date with ‘Mione. Hope you get some. You need it.”
Message Two:
“Hey Ron. So uh, I know Hermione left dinner for Rose but she wouldn’t eat it. Like full on, tantrum, wouldn’t eat it. And I know that I’m the boy who lived and everything, blah blah but seriously mate, I’m panicking? What do I do?”
Message Three:
“Yeah so Draco and I are never having kids. Rose wouldn’t eat, so we asked her what her favourite food was and she said fried eggs? So Draco made her some, and she seemed pretty happy until she started asking for dessert. And - your kid is going to be a pathological liar, I swear cause she said she was allowed ice cream? And we gave her some because what else were we supposed to do? Do babies usually stick to the ceiling? How long until they fall off?”
Message Four:
“Ron, I appreciate that you’ve probably turned your phone off cause you’re in the theatre or some shit but Rose is bouncing off the walls. Literally. And she’s shitting sparks. Is this natural kid behavior? Kid-wizard-baby thing that I conveniently missed out on? Please help me because I have no idea what to do and - oh god, the toaster is sparking. DRACO, WHY IS THE FUCKING TOASTER SPARKING??”
Message Five:
“Ron I am the smartest person I know. Hermione said that her favourite treat was those sugar quills right? We bribed her to get off the roof with those. Now she is happily sucking on one of them whilst Draco changes her nappy and I do the dishes. On an unrelated note you really need to stop buying these graphic mugs because they are horrible. Your “My wand is the largest” one is disgusting and Draco nearly choked when he saw it. And also...if you want to stop by a toaster shop on your way home?”
Message Six:
“Weasley. It’s Draco. I want to assure you I am never having kids because your child is a demon and I hope that the stained glass window in your study wasn’t terribly expensive because Rose just flew out of it. Don’t worry, Harry is going to get her but I’m afraid she may have flown rather far, due to the whole levitating sherbets - What? How was I supposed to know that? Harry you idiot, I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to mention the sherbet? How do I delete voice mail - Harry? Harry you’re the fucking Muggle here - Harry? Harry??”
Message Seven:
“Hi Ron, it’s Harry. Not to worry, everything is going to plan, Rose and I are just...getting some fresh air?”
“Your acting skills are tremendious, Harry.”
“Fuck off Draco, we’re - don’t worry, Ron, your child isn’t lost, she’s just a bit...High? Physically, not mentally. I mean, we wouldn’t have given her drugs, that’s a big no-no and - DRACO? DRACO IS THAT - I’ll call you back!!”
Message Eight:
“Hey, so it’s Pansy and Harry just wanted me to let you know to not worry, everything is under control. We’re going to find Rose and he promises she’ll be okay - oh sorry? I wasn’t supposed to mention that? Okay you fucking call then asshole!”
Message Nine:
“This is Blaise. I’m not sure if I’ve ever called you before but first time for everything. We have it all under control - Draco just invited Pans and I over because your daughter is a...handful. Anyways, enjoy your date.”
Message Ten:
“Hello, I am the hidden heir to the Black Fortune, and I am currently wrongfully inprisoned in Azkaban. I need you to open up a Gringott’s account so I can transfer thirty million galleons to you. I need an outside source to hold my money while I arrange for my release. If you would just send me the account details, I will allocate a significant reward to you once I am free. Please call me back, or send an Owl.”
Message Eleven:
“It’s Theo. Yep, the whole gang came over because it’s hard work caring for your spawn. Also, it takes a village to raise a child right? Anyways, just wanted to reassure you that your child is definitely at home with us and not halfway up a tree in the middle of the park. I promise I’m not be sarcastic. Potter, stop making that face at me. Potter - “
Message Twelve:
“Harry here - she’s fine, I promise Ron, swear it on my life, she’ll be okay, alright? Just enjoy your date and - you haven’t even answered your phone yet, oh god, all the voicemails BLAISE YOU HALFBLOOD GET YOUR ASS HERE - “
Message Thirteen:
“ - how’d she get into a fucking tree - “
“ - floated?”
“ - fucking helpful you piece of - “
“ - someone get me a ladder or a rope - “
“ - rope? Gonna climb your way to the top Pans?”
“ - make yourself fucking useful - “
“ - god is she spinning? A twirling, psychotic baby?”
“ - best friend’s daughter so shut your face Zabini - “
“ - will never, ever have children - “
“ - with the amount you and Potter bang it’s highly fucking unlikely that you won’t have children - “
“ - do you have her? I think - “
“ - oh my god this was recording the whole time - “
“ - turn it off, turn it off - “
“ - oh god it’s fucking sending HARRY - “
Message Fourteen:
“It’s okay, Ron, we have her. This is Draco by the way. We’re on our way home now and - no. No, Harry, get that grin off your face - “
Message Fifteen:
“Hi Ron, it’s Harry again. Rose is asleep and I was thinking, all this chaos has taught me that I actually operate pretty well under stress. I think...I think I might want to have a kid. What do you think?”
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novelistash · 3 years
Lex Evans
Continuing my compulsive catalogue of fictional lives that I didn't come up with.
After the wedding, Ayla took Lex golfing and admitted that she had created distance with Lex ever since she'd made a move on her. They became besties again. At the age of 31, Lex sold her town home, so she could focus on renovations on her and Ariana's equestrian ranch home.
Throwing party after party, Lex realized she wasn't just hilariously addicted to Bahama Mamas, but simply addicted to alcohol. She went to AA, but got nothing from it.
While long boarding and drinking Mai Tais Ayla admitted to Lex that she'd been offered opium and seriously considered using it. Lex said she was glad Ayla didn't go down that path.
At the age of 34, Lex became a Sr. Environmental Scientist, but her real job was dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into Arian and Lex's mansion.
The days all started to bleed together, and Lex drove all the way to work before realizing it was Saturday. Lex suspected that the drinking was getting in way of her memory. Remembering her luck with spiritualism in the past, Lex found a Witch Doctor to help her with her alcoholism. She ate a raw Komodo Dragon Egg. After purging most of her stomach, the thought of liquor made her sick.
Ayla's continued drinking pulled Lex and her apart, and Clive became Lex's new bestie.
While at the record store with Ayla, she talked about opium again, saying that her new bestie was smoking it around her. Lex told Ayla she was glad she wasn't using it, but Ayla got quiet instead. Lex was pretty sure she was going to try it.
At the age of 39, Lex accidentally scored on her own goal while playing soccer. Everyone laughed for ten minutes. She sold her old BMW and bought a used Suburu. Ariana renewed their vows and adopted Carter, 3 year old whose father couldn't afford to pay for his medical bills. Lex bonded with Carter by doing yoga with goats.
Carter called out "mama" and Lex and Ariana laughed when they realized they didn't know who he was asking for. While buying new clothes, Lex tried on a stranger's coat. She was caught and left the store in humiliation.
Carter had his first day of school and Lex's niece Kylie was old enough to get a job as a receptionist. Lex reflected on how awesome human beings actually are. After playing laser tag with Carter and Archie's family, Lex and Archie became best friends. Lex's friend Eleanor talked her into crashing a wedding. She didn't remember how it ended, only that she was back at home puking in the garden bathroom so Ariana wouldn't know she was drinking. Lex went to a hypnotist to overcome Alcoholism and it worked. Picking up a bottle of champagne only made her think of maple syrup.
At the age of 42, Lex's niece Hazel graduated secondary school. At the graduation party, someone told Lex to shake her money making, so she shook Ariana. Lex gave her nieces $10,000 each. (Kylie getting money for the graduation she'd been too drunk to attend!) While playing bingo with Ayla, she admitted that she'd been cheating on her boyfriend. Lex told Ayla that she'd always be there for her.
Hazel became a Jr. Flight attendant and moved out of the house. Lex housed a celebration at the mansion and she was offered ritalin. Lex turned them down. Lex wrote up a will that named Ariana and Carter as the sole inheritors.
At the age of 44, Lex was sexually harassed at work. Her coworker Michael pulled her shirt off in front of everyone. The supervisor fired Michael. The Evans family started going house shopping.
At the age of 46, Lex's mother got very sick. She took her mom to Dr. Cooper and he treated her diarrhea, caused from contaminated lettuce. The lettuce outbreak had originated in Indonesia. This got Lex thinking about social responsibility, and she decided to run for School Board Director. She ran against Angus White and lead a clean campaign. After knocking on 1000 doors, Lex lost the election. Ariana took the family to Thailand to help Lex get past the sting.
At the age of 47, Lex had another brush with death! While hiking off trail, she slipped into quicksand! Lex remembered her swim team days and swam out of the pit. She was in there for 8 minutes. Contemplating life, she read her step brother Kobe's journal. Kobe found her and Lex apologized. Lex decided that she needed to downsize her life. She needed to get out of that mansion.
At the age of 49, Lex's mother passed away of natural causes. Lex and Kobe both inherited $2,618,526. Lex finally found a buyer for the manision, and sold the property for 4.3 million. They moved into a midcentury home with 3 beds and 2 baths. Carter was starting secondary school, and Lex gave him $10,000 to spend how he wished.
At the age of 50, Lex celebrated her 20th anniversary with Ariana. They laughed about the prenup. Ariana encouraged Lex to keep running for office and Lex realized she could do anything she set her mind to. Lex caught the flu, but recovered after a trip to the doctor.
Lex's niece Kylie married her college boyfriend. Though neither were unemployed, Kobe had the funds to pay for the wedding. Lex's friend Eleanor convinced her to start drinking again. Lex spent a lot of time with wannabe sommeliers, and dealt with a very real relapse. Lex went to AA and found the strength to throw out thousands of dollars of premier wine. Lex and Elanor got into a fight about the perfect crotch shape, but they both knew it was about drinking.
At the age of 52, Lex lost her step father. He had a stroke in the closet and Lex found him dead. The thought of dying alone in a closet haunted her, making her uneasy about staying in windowless rooms. Ariana talked to Lex about the future at a local park, and Lex decided to run for School Board Director again. She ran a clean campaign against Sophia Johnson, but someone called Ariana a biznatch! Lex called the man a troll and won the election. Lex held energetic rallies about education and the environment.
At the age of 53, a provocative intern tried to hook up with Lex while they were working late. Lex turned him down, but she had been turned on. She talked to her wife about the pros and cons of becoming swingers. That following morning, she planted a cucumber garden.
Carter graduated secondary school and Kobe retired. teen pregnancies were becoming an issue in Lex's school district, so she mandated contraceptives be available. Lex held a rally to dispel the myths about contraceptive encouraging pregnancies.
A friend of Lex's wanted Lex to put her on the payroll without having her do any work. Lex offered her a job as a lead janitor instead and she stopped talking to Lex. Carter asked his mothers if he could study finance at a university, and they encouraged him to live his life how he wanted. Lex went to a bar with Ariana, and was able to stop after one drink.
Kobe's daughter, Hazel, married Jayden Roberts, a restaurant worker. While dancing at the celebration, Ariana fell to the floor. After taking Ariana to the hospital, she was diagnosed with cancer of the buttocks! Lex renewed her vows to Ariana. Lex read Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason," and found little reason for cancer to exist.
While at a masquerade ball, Lex flirted with a politician to grease the gears of government. Ariana was furious, but no amount of trying to explain the situation helped.
At the age of 58, Lex fell out of bed and hit her eye. She could see for 6 days. Lex's term as School Board Director ended. Ariana's cancer went into remission. Lex and Ariana went to Osaka, Japan to celebrate. Ariana forgave Lex for flirting and encouraged her to run for a second term. After another clean campaign against Hugo Miller, Lex won re-election!
Carter graduated uni and became a Jr. Stockbrocker. After a trip to the gym, Lex was diagnosed with a staph infection.
At the age of 60, Lex and Ariana celebrated their 30th anniversary. Ariana vowed to make more time for their marriage, by finally retiring. During the party Lex caught Kobe sneaking around in her room and the two got into an argument. Lex was the first to apologize even though she wasn't at fault.
Carter got promoted to Stockbroker. Lex was diagnosed with hemorrhoids and cherished naps above all other activities.
Kobe's daughter, Kylie came out as gay. Lex was offered a $3 million bribe and turned it down.
Lex finished her second term in office with a 100% approval rating. As School Board Director, Lex Evans was known for her energetic rallies. She tried to run a clean campaign for Mayor of Sydney. When she didn't deny the truth of her past with alcoholism, the public sided with 79 year old, Eli Epping. Lex went on a vacation to Machu Picchu with Ariana.
Lex spent $754,000 on an unsuccessful campaign, and then at the age of 65, retired.
Ariana and Lex moved to France to get away from the public eye. They bought an art deco home! They adopted a cat named Zorro from the animal shelter. Lex bought a used tesla.
At the age of 68, Lex lost her step brother Kobe after a stroke. He had refused to seak medical treatment, even though his hearing was going out.
Lex's life was dominated by renovating the art deco home. She missed her friends in Australia. Lex and Ariana argued about the nature of reality. Ariana thought it was a waste of time to talk about things like that.
Lex got into a car accident on the way home from her 40th anniversary, her butt got cut. She visited her friend Ruby in prison. Ariana started withholding sex. They both opened up about their fantasies on a trip to Venice, Italy, and things seemed to be back to normal.
Shortly after Lex's 71st birthday, her cat Zorro passed away. Lex and Ariana moved back to Australia, moving into an adorable cottage with 2 beds and 1 bath. Lex sold her tesla and art deco home in France, and bought another used Suburu. Though the move back to Australia helped Lex's mood, it had done nothing to help her relationship with Ariana. They were getting into fights about everything from video games to fishing laws.
Forty-two years into their marriage, Ariana asked for a divorce. Lex begged Ariana to stay. Even though she agreed, she refused to go to marriage counseling.
The next year, Lex and Ariana went sky diving and slowly things started to improve. It seemed like Ariana was simply bored with life, so Lex would try to be more spontaneous.
Lex and Ariana renewed their wedding vows after volunteering at a retirement home, something they both hoped they would never be in. Lex gave 0.74 carat diamond earrings to Ariana. She said the gift was an insult.
The day after Lex's 78th birthday, she witnessed a bank robbery! Within a year, her best friend and first crush, Ayla passed away. The doctor's said it was, "her time," but Lex felt strong and happy. Lex lost two more friends that year, and wondered if she was fooling herself and started to think about her bucket list.
Lex and Ariana's 50th anniversary was a solemn affair, as Ariana was suffering from bronchitis. Someone hacked into Lex's instagram account, so she deleted all her social media.
The 82 year old millionaire, Lex, wanted to run for office again. Ariana thought it was a waste of time and money. Lex ran despite Ariana's objections and lost. Ariana was back to withholding sex and it was like their life in France had been forgotten.
Lex sold their cottage for a modern home. The change in scenery helped Lex and Ariana move on from the drama of the past, but their marriage had become a sexless one. Lex brought up having a threesome or an open marriage to try and bring some excitement back into their life and Ariana was furious. She moved all of her stuff into a spare room.
58 years into their marriage, Ariana said Lex was too old to be attractive, despite being named Sydney's most attractive woman over fifty a year prior. Lex confronted Ariana about her being faithful, and Ariana admitted that she was seeing someone else. The two got a divorce. Lex Evans was now Alexandra Miller.
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heartscfvalor · 3 years
Introducing: Dehari Tabris
Coyote came and spoke to me he says "Get used to your destiny" Every moment is a mystery to me Getting pretty good at listening
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Dehari Tabris is the daughter of Adaia and Cyrion, two city elves of an Alienage in Denerim, and their only child. As a youngest, Adaia managed to train her daughter in martial arts and rogue training in order to prepare her for anything that life threw her way, due to the world being so hostile towards elves in general, because Adaia was captured by humans and eventually killed. Cyrion took to raising Dehari to the best of his abilities, alongside extended family with her cousins, Soris and Shianni, the latter of whom had moved in with Cyrion and Dehari after her mother died of a plague when the two girls were extremely small.
Despite her rogue training and her distrust of humans, Dehari lived a rather happy live in the Alienage. Money was scarce, though Cyrion was able to get jobs that allowed him to keep his small family more afloat than the rest, and Dehari tended to work with the children to allow their parents to work too. When she was a teenager, Cyrion started looking for a match for an arranged marriage for his daughter, and Dehari let her head fill with daydreams about her future with a husband who would treat her well and give her the family she dreamed to have.
Cyrion was able to find a match for Dehari named Nelaros, a blacksmith elf from the Alienage in Highever. Described as kind, handsome and good with his hands, he was a wonderful match for Dehari, who was excited for their future wedding day. At nineteen, the wedding day was brought up early one day when Nelaros and Valora, Soris’ match made by the Alienage’s elder, arrived earlier than expected, and Cyrion, having heard that Duncan, the Grey Warden, had come looking for recruits, sped things along in hopes of saving Dehari from Duncan’s recruitment by marrying her off as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, what should have been a happy wedding day -- especially when Dehari saw how absolutely handsome Nelaros was when they finally met, and his general kindness as he promised to do what he could to keep her happy -- turned into a nightmare. The arl’s son, Vaughan, crashed the celebration, first to declare he was looking for “beautiful women” to accompany him back to the palace for a “party” he was throwing, but Shianni crashed a vase into his head in a reckless move to get him to leave, only to make the man return in a rage. He kidnapped Shianni, Valora, and Dehari, including several other elven women, and he had them dragged back to the palace kicking and screaming. One of the women, unfortunately, ends up dead from this encounter, her throat slit when the guards come to force the women to Vaughan’s quarters, before they were taken, leaving Dehari as the last one.
Thankfully, Soris and Nelaros broke into the palace via a servant’s tunnel to try and free the women, giving Dehari a weapon to fight back against the guards. Nelaros died trying to protect her, and Dehari, mourning his loss, took the wedding ring he had intended to give her during their wedding from his pocket, sliding it onto her finger and continuing the bloodbath with Soris at her side to save the other women. When they finally reached Vaughan’s quarters, Shianni had just been raped by Vaughan and his friends, who tried to bribe Dehari into leaving the palace. Undeterred and filled with rage, Dehari instead killed all three of the men, before helping Soris take Shianni and the rest of the women home.
When the city guards came looking for the “murderers” responsible for the blood covering the palace, Dehari took full responsibility, and Duncan conscripted her into the Grey Wardens to save her from arrest. She was given time to say goodbye to her family before she left, swearing to do everything she could possible to destroy this Blight and find a way back home.
Dehari continues to hold onto her more romantic and daydream like personality, whilst juggling the responsibilities as a Grey Warden after Duncan’s death. She tries to see the good in people, though the harsh realities of the Blight and everything around them did not deter her. Her favored romances are with Alistair or Zevran, though it depends on who manages to woo her first.
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larryfanficwriter98 · 4 years
Chapter Six
*Fake It Until You Make It Real*
I got my new monitor and I finished editing this and decided to post it. TIME JUMP!!
Louis lasted all of two minutes under his mother's stare before he was trying to look busy. Usually if he looked busy, she'd leave and wouldn't stick around but not this time apparently.
"Who's Harry?" Louis froze only a second before he continued his organizing of children's books.
"Who?" He asked.
"Freddie mentioned him a lot over the weekend. Said you were getting married?"
"I am?" Louis asked trying to feign innocence, but he knew he failed when his mother didn't budge. "We've....discussed it."
"And I haven't even met this young man. Or heard about him."
"Fine. When we started discussing marriage, we decided it was time for him to meet Freddie. He has a daughter, and she doesn't know anything. We kept it a secret from everyone to see where it went. He's a doctor, works weird hours and we only see each other a few times a month. We've restricted ourselves to texting and the times when I don't have Freddie we see each other as much as we can." Louis said looking at her, she was sitting on the couch with her leg crossed over the other and her arms crossed across her chest.
"How long have you two been together?"
"Over a year." She narrowed her eyes at him, and he swallowed turning away chewing his lip as he focused on the books.
"Were you with him over the weekend?"
"I was. We...um..." Louis pressed his lips together tried to suppress a grin, "we looked at venues." He spoke quickly before he turned away and headed to the kitchen grabbed random objects just to misplace them somewhere else.
"Venues? Like Wedding Venues?" Louis nodded grabbing a napkin and cleaning off the dry erase board for the month. September was ending in a few days anyway, so he didn't need it anymore. "So, you're getting married to a man we haven't met yet?"
"I've met him. Freddie's met him." Louis tried to defend himself.
"Has Zayn met him?"
"Is he...a criminal?"
"I just said he's a doctor. He works weird and long hours. We're getting married January nineteenth." His mother stared at him, but he refused to back down as he looked back at her.
"Are you pregnant? Is this your way of tying someone down?" Louis' eyes widen and his jaw dropped before he laughed shaking his head.
"No. He proposed to me. I'm not pregnant this isn't like that." Louis said.
"Fine then tell me what this is like? You've been together for a year Louis...what if you don't like his personality in the morning...what if he treats Freddie badly after he gets comfortable...what if he traps you into a loveless marriage popping kids out...what if-" Louis sighed and headed to the table sitting down across from her as the sounds of Freddie playing with his train set could be heard. He grabbed his phone and opened the video of Harry and Freddie as they built that set then gave the phone to his mother.
Her eyes widen briefly when she saw him, and she looked at him making him roll his eyes. The video played and he could hear Freddie's consistent chattering and questions and Harry's calming voice answering his questions and telling him not to do something repeatedly. Harry's endless patience impressed Louis and his parenting style despite not having a child to parent all the time was also calming and nothing like Louis could have ever hoped for in a partner. He knew the moment his mother finally let some of her worries go, it was same moment he allowed himself to trust Harry with Freddie. Freddie had been jumping on Harry's lap only stopping a few seconds at a time when Harry told him to. Freddie was a toddler still however, so he chose to play over listen more often than not and as a result had ended up accidentally hitting Harry in the head with his own. Harry, unlike most people even parents themselves, Louis included sometimes, didn't even react except to calmly make sure Freddie was okay then set him on the ground beside him and told him to stay there or go play. Freddie had sat beside Harry without comment. Harry didn't look angry, didn't let the injury make him lash out, didn't even look to be annoyed at all. It was one of the many things that came with Toddlerhood unfortunately, Louis has had many bloody gums and lips because of Freddie. Later Harry had explained that he had many patients head butt him on the daily and Freddie's head wasn't as hard as a grown man's was. He had also been preparing for it and it wasn't that big of a deal. Injuries happen in the parenting journey and how the parent reacts can reflect on the child. Harry made Louis feel stupid and inadequate a lot, but he never meant to, and Louis made sure to never actually tell Harry he made him feel like a bad parent more times than not whenever he got into his doctor mode.
"He seems lovely and he's cute." She said wiggling her eyebrows, "I can see why you wanted to keep him all to yourself."
"It wasn't like that. We both didn't want Freddie or Maddison to know until we knew it was serious. When marriage became a topic, we knew it was time to meet Freddie." He said taking his phone back, "when I saw how well they got along we started talking about in depth and decided to do it in January. Smaller intimate wedding with just immediate family and close friends."
"And his daughter?"
"That's where it gets messy. Her mother isn't...great. Before you say there are two sides to the story trust me this woman does not deserve the title. Maddison goes to the school I work at and I see this woman all the time. She doesn't let Harry see her, the only time they see each other is if Harry comes to the school for a few minutes or when her babysitter let's Maddison use her phone. It's a mess. Harry pays for child support, but the mother uses that money on herself and not Maddison then has the audacity to ask for more money from Harry and Harry let's her. He gives her money. Hannah will bribe Harry of seeing his daughter for money only for something to come up and say next time only to ask for more money. Harry's afraid if he says no it'll look bad in court, so he just gives her money." Louis explained as he rested his head in his hand, his mother let his words sink in before she slowly nodded.
"I can see why it's been a secret then...so he's taking her to court?"
"November he's asking for regular visitation then after six months of visitation he can ask for custody. She wants to move to America and take Maddison with her, Harry wants to keep Maddison here with...us for stability and since she has already started school. All of her family is in the UK her mother's side and Harry's side included. Her babysitter is here."
"Stability. Is he pressuring you to get married sooner for this reason?"
"No mom though I won't lie it has influenced us a little. I want to marry him and we both want a winter wedding. We are sacrificing a bigger wedding for a small one so it's easier to plan on short notice, but it's not because he's pressuring me. We have already been planning for Freddie and me to move in with him this November when my lease is up so getting married comes next and we're taking the step a little sooner than we would thought but not for the wrong reasons." Louis said carefully making sure he said the right things.
"Promise this isn’t him pressuring you?"
"I promise. Look I can't promise anything as a sit-down meeting but next time I see him I'll facetime you. Deal?"
"Deal. So, where's the ring?"
"At his house. We want to tell Maddison without her asking questions about a ring on my finger."
Louis jumped and looked up at the knock on his own classroom door and stared at Harry in shock for a minute before he grinned. He stood up and walked up to him.
"What are you doing here?" Louis asked glancing over at his students briefly.
"Came to see what you and Freddie are doing later tonight."
"Who's this Mister T?" A male student asked teasingly, "a boyfriend perhaps?"
"Great. Thanks. You couldn't have texted me?"
"I was on my way here anyway. Figured I'd stop by to see you and ask about your plans."
"We are free why?"
"Sleepover?" His class immediately reacted with 'oooh's and laughter, "it's Friday night and this is my weekend off. I'm over my overtime anyways so I can't go into work until Monday even if I was scheduled."
"I'll ask Freddie what he thinks when I pick him up. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to say yes."
"Good. I'll text you." Louis nodded watching as Harry headed down the hall towards the staircase.
He shook his head and sat back at his desk ignoring his class as he focused back on grading. When the final bell ran fifteen minutes later Louis was the last one out as usual and headed to the main lobby. As he was walking down the stairs, he saw Harry and Hannah talking with Maddison between them. Louis watched for a few moments before Hannah finally rolled her eyes and stormed off leaving Maddison with Harry who kneeled upfront of her. Maddison nodded rubbing her face and Louis' heart broke realizing she was crying. Harry hugged her tightly, his arms covering her entire back as he pulled her into his body and her arms wrapping around his neck. Louis smiled at the scene they made and was about to head out but caught Harry's eye who smiled at him and wiggled his fingers in a small greeting. Louis waved back and headed their way smiling at Maddison when she turned to him.
"Hey sweetie." Louis said.
"Hi Louis." Maddison said smiling up at him, "guess what."
"Hmmm....let me guess....you cut your hair?"
"You grew your hair?"
"Nooo silly."
"I know what it is. You're turning grey." He said making her laugh.
"No, I'm staying with Daddy this weekend and he promised that if you and Freddie come over, we can build a big fort and watch Toy Story."
"That sounds like the best Friday night a man my age could ever have. I'll be sure to tell Freddie the plan when I go pick him up." Louis said.
"Pizza sound good?" Harry asked looking at Louis who nodded.
"Pizza is always good. I'll come by after I grab some clothes for the weekend if Freddie is agreeable."
"Perfect. We'll be there awaiting your arrival."
**** Louis took the offered blanket with a soft thanks as he sat on the patio swing overlooking the large backyard space that was rare to find in Manchester or anywhere in the big cities for that matter. Harry sat beside him, and Louis made sure to give him enough of the blanket to keep warm in the chilly night air.
“So, I’d say all things considered today was a great step.” Harry said watching the dogs run around to find a good spot to do their business.
“Yeah. Only three fights and one tantrum. A lot better than I thought it would be.”
“To be fair Maddie definitely had it coming when she tried to put makeup on him.” Louis laughed shaking his head remembering the fight they had to breakup. Maddie had somehow convinced Freddie to dress up as a princess with her, but Freddie refused to wear makeup, so Maddie decided to try and do it anyway.
“I can’t believe you let her do your makeup…I never thought I’d see you with lilac lipstick Harold.”
“I was rocking that lilac lipstick Louis don’t deny it. Lilac lipstick and bright yellow eyeshadow with light pink blush is a killer look.” Louis didn’t say anything as he slowly sipped his hot tea in his mug held between his hands.
“Sure it is.” Louis said smirking lightly as he remembered he still had to send those pictures to his mother before bed, “Maddie took the news well.”
“She likes you. It makes things easier on her part I guess since she knew you from school. What did you two talk about?” Harry asked turning to look at him completely.
“Oh, she asked me if she had to call me Papa and I explained to her and Freddie that our names will be fine and that there is no pressure to call us anything they don’t want to. Apparently, Hannah’s boyfriend makes her call him dad upfront of his family.” Louis said glancing at Harry hesitantly, but he just nodded, “You knew?”
“Yeah. He’s been trying to adopt her as well, but he can’t. Not without my consent and obviously I’m not giving it.” Louis shook his head looking over to the dogs.
“I can’t believe people are this petty…or horrible…why keep a father from his child?”
“I wasn’t the best boyfriend Louis…not back then. I was so focused on my education I neglected her emotionally that is. I didn’t bully her or anything, I wasn’t abusive by any means, but it’s not completely her fault. When she took Maddie and left I…I was so pissed, and I had the cops called on me for domestic dispute. Luckily, they didn’t have to arrest me as I left willingly, but I wasn’t innocent in this mess. Sometimes I’d take a last-minute grocery run with Maddie when I had her just to keep her a little while longer and it pissed Hannah off. I didn’t mean it in a rude way I just wanted more time with her than the few hours she gave me randomly. When I turned her down to rekindle the relationship because I finally wanted to be me and be with guys and be gay and be a doctor, she became like this and worse.”
“She cheated Harry…she wasn’t there to help you study or ease your stress from medical school. She wasn’t making sure you had hot food when you got home or anything. She started it and she let it grow and then she cheated and took your daughter and left without any type of communication. You may not have been giving her flowers every Friday or complimenting her everyday like you think you should have, but she also wasn’t do the same for you. None of it is your fault. You may not have solved the situation when you could have, but you didn’t cause it. Not really.” Harry looked at Louis, his hand holding his head up as he smiled at him.
“Thanks.” Harry said reaching out and taking his hand squeezing it, “I know I tell you this every time we talk, but I really do appreciate this.” Louis looked at him with a smile as he intertwined their fingers together and looked back out to the dogs. They sat there in the calm silence of the chilly night, letting it calm them from the busy week they both had.
“So, you never did tell me why you had Maddie. You started to but we got summoned for fort construction.”
“That’s right. Well, we got called into a meeting about her reading and writing. They want her to start tutoring and I argued, tutors always made me feel dumber and I learned by having at home help. Hannah had this whole sob story about not having money for a tutor and how things have been tight as she was wearing a designer belt. But you know the man, the father is always in the wrong, so he believed her and asked me if I’d be willing to pay for a tutor. Long story short I refused. I said she needs help from someone who has dyslexia, someone who gave it to her. AKA ME. It was a tense meeting but at the end of it I figured me refusing to pay for a tutor would look bad, so I agreed to pay the hundred a month for school hired tutor. When we left Hannah and I started arguing because I asked if I could have Maddie sometime soon as I had news, I wanted to share with her. Hannah wanted to know but I didn’t tell her and eventually it ended up with Hannah leaving after telling me to just keep her until Sunday.”
“Sounds like a fun conversation. Sad I missed it.” Louis said smirking lightly making Harry’s eyes roll.
“Jerk. Ready to go inside?” Louis nodded standing up and grabbing the blanket noticing that Harry didn’t let go of his hand as they headed to the glass sliding doors. At Harry’s whistle the dogs darted inside and towards the fort where the kids were fast asleep still after watching Toy Story. Well after watching thirty minutes of Toy Story to be exact. Harry, his hand still holding Louis’ headed up the stairs quietly and walked him to his guest room, “What do you want for breakfast in the morning?” He asked leaning his shoulder against the wall, his hands now holding Louis’ hand in them.
“I think the kids mentioned pancakes.”
“That they did. Pancakes it is then. Goodnight Louis. See you in the morning.” Harry said.
“Goodnight. Thanks for walking me to my door.” Harry laughed.
“Well, I’m nothing, but a gentleman.” He said before he gently kissed Louis’ cheek before he turned and headed to his own room.
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deathsmallcaps · 4 years
July’s Story
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My fifteenth Win A Commission contest is Crystal the Wise! If you would like to see my version, and see all my drawings together, please
There once was a gentleman who had quite a daughter. Whatever her teachers gave her to learn, she gobbled up. Foreign languages, geography, so—all were unspeakably easy for her. And mathematics! She could add up columns of figures far better than her father’s accountants could. Before long, she could have taken their place.
When Crystal (for so she was called) grew a bit older, the neighboring children came over to ask her to explain the problems their tutors had set. Soon everyone came to learn from her. In time, word of this reached the king. He wrote to the young woman, saying, “My son is nearly grown, but my daughter has trouble with her lessons, and needs a teacher who could make her understand. Will you come and stay with us for a few months?”
Crystal was delighted to do so. When she arrived at the palace, the king, queen, and princess greeted her warmly. The prince, however, sulked like a little child. He had offered to tutor the princess himself, but the king had said, “You’re too impatient. I have found someone else who can do a better job than you can.”
Over the next few weeks, the prince sat in the back of the classroom and contradicted Crystal whenever she spoke. His interruptions grew more and more frequent. Still, Crystal continued to teach, because she liked the little princess and wanted her to do well. Tired of being ignored, the prince stood up one day and said, “This isn’t how I learned it. Everything you’re teaching my sister is wrong.” Crystal walked right up and slapped him! After that, the prince kept away from her lessons.
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When the time came for Crystal to leave, the prince went to his parents.
“I’m grateful for all Crystal taught me, and after all, she’s the cleverest woman in the kingdom. May I have your permission to marry her?” The king and queen eagerly agreed, and Crystal also accepted, figuring it was a good marriage. She hadn’t realized she was worth more. 
After the wedding, the prince took his bride to a secluded cottage deep in the forest. As she was changing into her nightclothes, he came in and said, “Well, Crystal, are you ready to apologize for slapping me?”
“Apologize? I was right to slap you! And I’ll do it again if you keep on about it.” Crystal didn’t enjoy violence but knew when to defend herself.
“Is that so?” the prince snarled. He and a couple servants dragged her down to the cellar, where he thrust her through a trapdoor, into a little cell under the floorboards. There was a bed and a table and almost nothing else. In the morning, he asked her if she’d changed her mind, but she said no. Every day he came down and demanded she repent. Every day she refused, despite knowing her chances of survival were diminishing rapidly in such a dangerous situation. She had tried to run away when he first grabbed her, but even her considerable talents were no match against ten armed men. 
Crystal grew weary of her imprisonment, but there was no way she would apologize. One day, she noticed a corner of her cell was blowing air, due to a spider’s web flying into her face. She blessed the spider for alerting her, tand investigated the hole. There, she discovered a rushing underground stream. She dug a hole big enough to squeeze through, and managed to swim all the way to her father’s house.
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Her father was appalled to find out how she’d been treated. “I’ll see the king immediately.”
“Oh, no, don’t,” Crystal said. “Just dig a tunnel into my cell and bring me some decent food, and of course, my books. The prince only lowers bread and water.” And Crystal swam back to her cell with the prince none the wiser.
At last, he grew tired of her refusals and called down, “I’m going to Paris to enjoy myself. I’ll have a servant feed you while I’m having fun.”
“Go ahead,” she called back cheerfully. 
As soon as the prince had left, Crystal bribed the servant to stop lowering bread and water, telling him to lie to the prince should he come back. She ran to her father and, with plenty of money from him, hurried to Paris, formulating a brilliant plan to ruin him forever with her father. There she disguised herself as a girl named ‘Marie’ and bought a house next to her husband’s. 
She then forged a letter to the prince’s parents, explaining that ’Crystal’ had died en route to Paris, and that he was going to mourn for a while. Somewhere in the back of her head, she knew this was a dangerous course of action, and very unhealthy emotionally. But she was SO angry.
Then, each day, she drove out in her carriage behind four white horses. Her gown was thick with embroidery, and her fan was trimmed with delicate lace, and she adopted a beautiful Parisian accent. When the prince saw her, he was dazzled by her beauty, though he didn’t recognize her in Parisian fashions. He began courting her, and wedded ‘Marie’ inside a month, never mentioning, of course, that he had another wife back home. Nor did he notice her glittering intellect, and thought her a dumb but lovely creature.  Nine months later, she gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy. Since Crystal had learned a bit, she made the prince sign a contract, vowing the children would be his heirs. He signed it, thinking it would be invalid, for she had drawn it up herself and he thought her stupid. He was mistaken. 
Three years passed. Then the prince told her he had been summoned home, but didn’t tell her it was for a new marriage. He didn’t know that this third bride had been set up by Crystal’s father. Feeling bored with his (supposedly) new and beautiful wife, he agreed to return home and decided to leave Crystal and his children behind. 
Returning home, the prince hurried to the cottage but discovered the cell empty. The servant told him Crystal had died of loneliness, so the prince thought he was in the clear. 
His family got him all set up for the wedding, disallowing him to meet his match, claiming superstition. When the day finally came, he said the vows, and everyone cheered. He raised her veil, and saw Crystal grinning triumphantly back at him. His children toddled out from the audience, and he knew he was in trouble.
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Stunned to see his triply-wed wife, the prince knelt down before the court and begged her forgiveness. But it turned out, she didn’t have to forgive him. 
Her father produced the contract proclaiming the children as the prince’s heirs and a written account of what had passed by Crystal verified by many sources, including the servant who was supposed to feed her. Disgusted by their son, the King and Queen banished him and stripped him of his personal land, money and title, immediately giving them to Crystal. She and her family promptly lived happily ever after. 
My Notes
Now, you may not have noticed, but this story? Extremely messed up. I mean, this woman is degraded and goes on the biggest revenge plot I’ve ever seen a female character do in a fairy tale. She even has revenge babies! They are going to have a pretty messed up childhood. 
Why did I choose Crystal the Wise? Well, for three reasons. 
One, I heard it on, you guessed it, the Myths and Legends podcast. I really liked his rendition, but I did NOT want to type the whole thing out (I did that with a different story of his that I’m going to give to a different little cousin). I found this version online. And this all happens in the story! Crystal is just that machiavellian, and I applaud her! I kind of wish she didn’t feel like she had to continue having relations with her abuser, or to change herself so completely, but she really hit him with the ol’ one-two, and I like it when people can dole out justice like that. Hopefully she had someone to talk to afterwards? Also its pretty problematic the King and Queen did not realize how much of a little creep they raised to be their heir. 
Two, I realized I hadn’t done a story from South America yet! I realize its definitely a more modern story, with less ties to the Native people of Chile (btw the royal family of Chile isn’t a real thing), but I really liked it. 
Three, I was looking up the Aymara people of Chile for unrelated reasons when I realized I would love to draw the women! I don’t know what the textile industry over there is like, but it must be pretty entrenched in the culture, because they have so many pretty patterns and colors in their everyday wear! Combined with the bowler hats (legend has it that a shipment of bowler hats made it to Chile just when they went out of style, so the haberdashers marketed them to women!) with all the lovely flowers added on, I was excited! So I wanted to draw an Aymara girl. 
Now that I’ve explained that, I’d like to explain my drawings. They weren’t as full of background as some of my other drawings, but trust me, I put a lot of effort into them! I had a kabillion reference pictures.
The title is not based off of any movie logo I’ve seen, for once. Rather, it is based a bit off of the ACDC logo. I was working one day, when someone with that logo on his shirt came up to the register. I was inspired! So I quickly sketched out a sort of geometric, sort of lightning-bolt-esque title in between customers. And I liked it!
The second picture, the slap, was a difficult one for me. It combined an unusual perspective, unusual clothing, and unusual face shapes for me. As you’ve seen with my art, and maybe with your own art, it is often very easy to have a character face you and not interact with another object or person, You can’t really have that happen with a slap. 
This story is supposed to be set in the early 1700s, when Paris was very in vogue. But as I really wanted to draw a modern Aymara woman, I did play little fast and loose with the fashion. There isn’t too many reference pictures for old Chilean fashion. I had to reach a little. Which led me to using a more European style of dress for the Prince. And this is the only time you get to see *Crystal dress in a way that is normal and comfortable to her. This is an important ‘theme’ of the story - sorry to go all English class on you!
*Just remembered that Crystal is not a very Spanish-sounding name. I’ve never found the story outside, even when I try to look it up in Spanish, so some part of me is worried that someone made it up and pretended it was Chilean. Please let me know if you find anything. 
Their faces are different than what I’ve drawn before. As you can see on the prince’s face, he has serious acne. I’m not trying to demonize acne, but I decided that he’s one of those boys who hates getting clean and despite literally everyone telling him so, will not stop touching his face and causing acne. I went through a stubborn phase like that. But I also wanted to show how young and already so privileged the guy is. I really wanted to make him annoying. Crystal also has a bit of acne, to show her youth, but what really makes her face different than my usual fare is the fact she has a mole, never gets to smile of joy in my illustrations, and she is plump. I have a tendency to draw skinny characters I’m trying to get rid of as an artist -  I want to be able to draw everyone, anyone. And i think she turned out quite pretty!
Third picture, the cave, was again sort of a challenge. I wasn’t sure at the beginning how to place Crystal so you could sort of see the hole that leads into her room, while also showing her climbing down and the underground waterways she is going to enter. And as you’ve might’ve seen before, when I draw caves and rocks, all I think of is really ‘geometry’ but in the way the guy in this meme thinks of aliens (look up history channel aliens if you don’t know).
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But I guess I did it? As for Crystal, you can tell she’s uncomfortable, she’s skinnier in an unhealthy way and colder than before, her hair isn’t in the customary braids but in a crappy bun to keep it off her face, and her dress is in tatters. Not a happy camper, and understandably so.
Last picture, Crystal’s wedding dress, was sort of hard in a different way, again! I decided early on I wanted to base her dress off of Elizabeth’s wedding dress from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. But I had to draw that while Crystal was holding her two kids on her hips, and smirking. I think I managed it, though. I think it’s interesting to note that the look epitomizes the kind of person she had to emulate while tricking the prince; a meek, european-mimicking little wifey. Totally different than the person she really is, the person she is illustrated to be in the first picture. 
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed that! Another problematic story will be the one for next month! Thanks for reading!
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prorevenge · 5 years
Abusive mom is ruined and wanted
It's a rough story to start, so I'll just go chronologically.
The first exmaple of how evil she was my older brother told me. Back when I was really young, my dad was in the Army and managed to score some leave (vacation time) from Desert Storm to surprise my mom for her anniversary. When he knocked on the door, all my mom said was "Why aren't you dead, I need the money." Her new beau then started backing out of the garage in my dad's mustang cobra.
He got revenge, but that's a story for later if you guys want.
The divorce was pretty much what you expect, mom got custody of me. My dad later tricked her with some money and got me for a visit, then filed for custody since my mom had warrants out for her arrest.
A few years later my dad remarried to your typical evil stepmother who doted on her daughters and hates her stepson. For example, for Easter my step sisters got huge baskets of candy and chocolates, a couple toys, etc. I got an old soup can with my name painted on it (poorly) that "I could use for pencils."
This witch managed to talk my dad into sending back to my mom, and here the story begins in earnest.
Where my mom was living was an old two bedroom, one bath house. My sister's shared one room, my mom and stepdad shared the other, my brother got the whole basement, and I got a "room" so small that I could touch fingertip to fingertip each wall, and it was double that long. I had a curtain instead of a door.
I got nothing. I hated life there. I was one of only a few white kids at school, so I got beat up alot for being white, it was low income area in Michigan, so I was the one who always had to shovel, rake, mow, and then my mom would "rent me out" to the neighbors, and they all just paid her. I did all the chores and was "grounded until she felt like ungrounding me." I basically sat on my bed for six years anytime I was not in school, cleaning, or making her money.
I learned this later, but my mom was "extorting" money from my dad. She would demand $3000 for a school photo, and he willingly paid $700 a month in child support, even though there was no need to. (He worked in the oil field business after he retired, on a corporate board). She would make stuff up like "Our car broke, etc" and demand money. My dad had to fork over $12,000 for me to go visit him for a week. He couldn't take me in at the time, he wasn't home enough (lots of travel) and he was single, but I found out he was sending me Christmas and birthday gifts every year, and I later found out from my brother she pawned them all. He bought me a brand new Color Gameboy, which was promptly taken away because "I was grounded." She pawned that too. She would often hit me for stupid reasons, like when I once put the dishes away a bit damp or if I managed to get a chocolate milk from the school cafeteria. Once I got fed up and pushed her, she called he police and he chided me.
In short, it was hell.
Meanwhile my sister's got upgraded to a private school and lots of amazing toys. She took custody of my grandfather who had MS from the waist down and couldn't even use the bathroom by himself. She got power of attorney and took all his money and blew it, as well as taking half his pain meds (like Vicodin) and giving them to my brother to sell. This will be important later, kinda.
Now the revenge part. This is going to be a bit long, so I apologize in advance.
In my junior year of high school, I got to working in the library. My teachers were amazing and supportive, and knew my situation. I got my dad's email, and we started planning. He figured once I finished high school, he would personally come up and get me. Finally when my mom decided to have a "graduation party" for me, complete with inviting all her friends and none of the like, two people I could call a friend, a couple days before my graduation ceremony. About two hours before the party was going start, my dad pulls up. I invite him in, and he looks around, looks confused. He leans in and asks me "Where is she?" I point. She was right in front of him lying on the couch. He screwed up his face, and said he'd wait in the car.
While I was gathering all my stuff in a single garbage bag, my mom finally realized who this stranger was, and lost her shit. She tried everything from bribing me with Nascar tickets (I hate Nascar, she liked it but I knew she didn't have any) to physically obstructing me. She had pulled out all the stops for this party, spending a couple thousand and lots of time cooking, err making me cook. I get outside, throw my stuff in the truck, and we take off.
(Side story. We get halfway down the street and my dad has to pull over. He laughs uncontrollably for awhile. I asked his what's up, and in his Texan accent says "Boy, when I was a kid I always wanted to marry a movie star. I just didn't think it be Jabba the Hutt." Evidently they didn't recognize each other at first, she put on ALOT of weight after they divorced.)
We get to his place, and it starts. I get updates from my sister in law. The party was f*****d. She was humiliated. Since she didn't have me, my dad stopped sending money. They had months worth of unpayable bills. She had to pawn her jewelry, pull my sister's out of the private school and back into public school, sell one of the cars she had. Soon she started calling for money claiming someone stole the mail all the time so they couldn't pay their bills and needed money to replace the mailbox so they wouldn't steal it anymore.
It was refreshing knowing I was free, and I could say no with no repercussions. I was happy to live and let live. I vowed to leave her be and let her sink or swim by her own hand. I was elated to be free, and had no desire to look back at that part of my life.
But she wasn't done with me.
I decided to follow my dad's example and join the service. I decided the Navy was the place for me. My job required a top secret clearance, so they do a very thorough background check, to include a credit check. Turns out I was delinquent in mortgage payments, I was receiving social security, and I owed a power company alot of money among other credit card debts. That b****** stole my identity and ran me into debt since she couldn't get anymore money. I knew about identity theft, it just never occurred to me that a parent has everything they need to do so.
This couldn't stand. After I finished basic training and my technical school, I spoke to my Chief (supervisor). Chief was awesome. She managed to wrangle me a "temporary assignment" to a recruiting station in my old town where my mom lived so the Navy would buy my plane tickets. I spoke to the police and filed a report. One by one I managed to clear most of the debts from me and send all the debt collectors after her.
Then I made a visit to the social security office. I was in uniform at the time, and spoke to a clerk about how I was somehow getting payments when I never got anything. She looks up the account, and boom. My mom was here. She claimed I was permanently mangled and disabled in an accident and I was physically unable to sign, giving her permission to cash my checks. The clerk read that last part out slower as it dawned on her that I was clearly more than able. She opened a case. For the monolithic bureaucracy that was the government, they move pretty fast when someone's stealing money from THEM.
Turns out when they went to investigate, she had already skipped town. They issued warrants for her arrest and she is on the run.
I got cut a check for $20,000, the amount that was garnished from my wages for what she stole from the social security administration, and she now owes that much to Uncle Sam.
So this was ten years ago.
So evidently my brother found out that not only am I doing great, I am very successful. I recently left the service and I am starting an even more exciting job. So he told Mom, and she came crawling out of the woodworks via Facebook for money for a "doctor", but I told her prison gives free medical care, and it felt good. Turns out when my aunts (her sisters who lived in another state) found out about how she treated me, she was cut out of everyone's will, to include my grandmother. Unfortunately we didn't get to my grandfather before she cashed in on him.
So heavily in debt, with no family to turn to, no way to get a job, with fraud on her record as well as selling prescription medication, and warrants out for her arrest, my mother, Jabba the Hutt, is receiving hers.
I got cut a check for $20,000, the amount that was garnished from my wages for what she stole from the social security administration, and she now owes that much to Uncle Sam.
Sorry if this is the wrong sub, but I thought I'd share.
(source) story by (/u/Admiral_Bismarck)
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princeraphoffrance · 5 years
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➥ 𝑹𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒐 # 𝟒
✘ Circa ─ December 2019.
✘ Trigger Warnings ─ mentions of statutory rape, forced prostitution, and family drama.
It was late December, and Christmas time was fast approaching and Raphael was forced back home to France in order to spend the holidays with his family. He was dreading it in all honesty. Verona was officially his and has been for about a month. Most of his siblings knew about her, but he had yet to tell his parents. He was dreading the confrontation that was bound to come about, they had after all tried to keep her from him since the very beginning. Verona was excited however, chattering on and on about seeing France and wanting to visit the Eiffel Tower. It was a nice distraction for the male as he packed their suitcases.
The flight was a whole new experience and his already strained nerves were leaving Raphael ready to pull his hair out. If it wasn’t for the fact that flying with a four year old was a hellish experience, he was still tempted to run with Verona to Glasgow and spend the holiday with her aunt Eudora. The last time he had seen the young woman was when she dropped Verona off. They Skyped yes, but it seemed that there was a difference. The ride from the airport alongside his siblings was tense, all of them knew that the Lynch parents were going to flip when they realized what Raphael had gone and did behind their backs. The thought made him want to laugh and groan. He could practically feel the migraine already.
Raphael and Verona were the last two out of the limo, the latter in his arms as he eyed his parents coolly, daring them to say something. They didn’t, not yet. They wouldn’t want to cause a scene. “Mother, Father.” The male greeted formally, lacking the emotions most sons felt for their parents. “Meet Verona. Your granddaughter.” His arm tightened his hold on her momentarily, her head above his due to the way he was holding her.
“Daughter?” His mother questioned quietly.
“Yes. Edith Caldwell was her mother. Remember her? You’re the ones who introduced her and I.” Raphael couldn’t help the dig, the vague reminder of what they did to him and what they forced him to do. And of course, they’d know who she was, and he made sure they knew he knew about the bribery. His lips twitched into a grin when his parents mimicked each other in their nods before going inside and leaving him alone.
It was later that night after Verona was asleep that a maid showed up with a summons from his parents. “Prince Raphael, your parents would like to see you in your father’s office.” The pretty young thing spoke timidly, seemingly aware that the prince was at war with his parents. He took notice of her hands twisting together as she spoke, and refused to look him in the eye. He sighed and stood up before making his way towards the door.
“Thank you. Stay with my daughter. She’s asleep so she shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s a new place. She might have a nightmare or wake up. If she does give her a glass of warm milk and let her know I’ll be back soon.” Raphael didn’t let any of his nerves or brewing anger show in his tone, instead he made sure it was uncharacteristically warm in order to sooth the maid.
He didn’t wait for an answer and instead strode out of his rooms and began making his way towards the other end of the palace. The entire walk there he considered every move they might make, every word they might say. It was like a game of chess with them, a constant need to plan five, ten moves ahead in order to remain on top of them. It was exhausting. He knew they couldn’t take Verona from him, he had made sure of it. He attended therapy, he had a social service agent watch over weekly visits before he gained full custody and they were set to make random visits for the next six months in order to ensure he was a capable guardian. He had even gone as far to have a full background check on the agent done to make sure they couldn’t be bribed. He won this round, they just didn’t know it. But he still felt nervous.
Raphael didn’t even bother to knock on the door before walking in. He wasn’t a child anymore, he was a father and he wasn’t going to let his parents bully him anymore. He didn’t say anything as he closed the door and leaned back against the cool wood with his arms crossed over his chest. He had no plans of being the first to break the silence. He had no plans of instigating this fight. He’d let them make the first move in their game of chess.
“So, do you have anything to say for yourself, Raphael?” His father’s cold, raspy voice finally broke the silence after five minutes of staring at each other. His mother standing next to him, an equal look of displeasure focused on their son.
Raph scoffed and grinned darkly. “About what exactly? I haven’t done anything wrong.” He of course knew what they were talking about. They were expecting him to apologize, to seek their forgiveness. Like he would have done when he was a teenager eager for their approval. But he had long since left that mindset behind him.
“Your bastard of course! What woman would want to marry you when you have that child attached to your leg?” His mother was the one that spoke this time, spitting the word ‘child’ like it was some diseased parasite. Raph bristled at the comments made about Verona, but forced the anger back into the box of unwanted emotions for him to go through or ignore later.
“First of all, mother. She has a name and you will use it.” His tone was low and cold. “Second of all, I have no plans of marrying any time soon if ever. Verona is my primary focus.” It took much of his self control to keep his muscles relaxed, physically unphased.
“You will not keep her. She is to go to a new family. You will forget about her and you will find a wife.” His eyes flicked over to his father now, he had been the one who spoke this time. “You will not disgrace this family’s name any more than you already have.”
“No.” Raphael was practically vibrating with the effort to keep himself calm and collected. His single word response cut through the room like a knife, unyielding and sharp. “She is my flesh and blood. She remains with me. And just to spite you I might seriously consider never getting married.” The tone remained as his fists clenched tightly, his knuckles white from the effort. “And the only way I’ve disgraced this family is through the actions you forced upon me.”
“Forced you? What exactly did we force you to do Raphael?” A steel gleam settled over his mother’s gaze. They took great care to never actually say that they sold him, his body, out. Just shoved him into a hotel room and told him to do as he was told or he’d be disowned.
“You pimped me out. You sold me like a prostitute for money all because you couldn’t get me into a marriage contract. Three nights a week, sometimes more, you’d shove me into a hotel room and let adults prey on me, on my body and the title I was born with. I was fifteen and eager to gain your approval and you used it against me. I was innocent and naive and filled with insecurities because of my eyes and the degrading comments you always made about them around me, around your friends, degrading comments that made those contracts you wanted unattainable. I was your puppet and you were the puppeteers. Verona is the product of your choices. She only exists because of what you did to me. And Edith is dead, you can’t bribe a dead woman. Having her do that DNA test? That was the nail in the coffin, that was what made it possible for me to gain custody of my daughter.” His voice was shaking slightly towards the end, he rarely, if ever, spoke in detail of what they put him through.
“You’re an ungrateful brat. We gave you everything. You were born to greatness and you can’t even be grateful for the things you have. The power you have at your fingertips because you bear the name Lynch.” The words were thrown at him by his mother, the emotional one who was always quick to anger.
“Ungrateful?” Raphael stepped forwards, the word coming out as a snarl. “I’m ungrateful? You are fucking royalty with more money than you need and all you want is more and more. You only had as many children as you did for the money it could get you, so you could sink your poisonous claws into other countries. The only thing you gave me was a shit ton of baggage and more insecurities than a person needs. You tore me down, you sold me like cattle to the highest bidder to be used and degraded and treated as a fucking sex doll, you made me hate myself and you turned me into the closest thing a human being can be to a robot because the only way I didn’t turn to trying to kill myself was if I didn’t feel goddamn emotion. Because of you I lived on fucking autopilot for years in order to survive. You haven’t given me a goddamn thing to be grateful for outside my daughter.”
“We will cut you off. We will cast you out and disown your ass. How will you take care of her then? No college degree, no work experience, nothing but your reputation as an arrogant playboy.” The ace was laid out, the move they viewed as a checkmate played. And it made him laugh.
“No you won’t. You won’t disown me, you won’t cut me off, and you will pay for everything I need when it comes to Verona.” His smirk was back, dark and promising. He still had a move he could make, one they refused to see and acknowledge. “Because if you follow through on your threat, I have a card I can play. There is nothing I won’t do for Verona and that includes making the paparazzi’s year. I will tell everyone what you did to me. I will tell them how you forced me to have sex with strangers for money, how I went to the highest bidder and that anything went as long as it didn’t leave visible marks. I will give them the names of every single one of the clients you lined up. I will tear this family and the Lynch name down and drag it through the mud. You will likely go to jail if they manage to find proof, hell, the names I give might sell you out to get lighter sentences. After all they’d be facing statutory rape charges. Your legacy will no longer exist. Not the way you want it to.”
“You wouldn’t. You’ll never get out from under it. You’ve kept this a secret just as harshly as we have.” His father responded, the doubt clear in his tone.
“I would. And you know it. Maybe I’ll even tell them about my theory about Nesryn’s adoptive parents. I’m sure they can track the money trail back to you.” Raph threw the comment out, bluffing but they didn’t know that. “If you want me quiet, you stay out of my life, I keep my inheritance and title and you will make sure I have a steady income for Verona. Our summer home in Scotland will be signed over to me and I will live there with her when I’m not at the Estate. Eudora Caldwell, Edith’s younger sister, will be gaining a scholarship anonymously from you. You will pay for her schooling and housing. And I repeat, you will stay out of my life and out of the life of my daughter and those around me. The second you try anything and I mean anything to meddle with my life I go to the press. Goodnight.”
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emma-nation · 5 years
Thinking Of You (Mona x MC Fanfiction) - Chapter 6
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You said move on Where do I go? I guess second best Is all I will know
Summary: Years later, Allison has everything she wants, a brand-new internship as a doctor, a handsome boyfriend… but her first nightshift won’t go as expected…
Genre: Romance, Angst
Tag list: @zoe6111, @simsvetements, @mvrinettes, @whoinvitedalx, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @abunchofbadchoices, @kamilahmademedoit, @janurary, @talkinlikeateen, @eagle-one-1, @andreear17, @tia-bi, @monagf, @monahott, @fal-carrington, @crazzyplays, @honorablebicycle​ (let me know if you want to be tagged!)
- English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
- Things will start to get really wild next chapter. Stay tuned! 😜
"I've said no," Mona said, once again, placing her very few clothes inside a bag.
"After all you've done against the police, it's the least you can do!" Detective Wheeler insisted.
"I got locked up for eight years, I owe you nothing anymore."
"Well, I have something that may give you some motivation."
Mona was determined to go back to New York. Nothing else was holding her in Los Angeles anymore. She didn’t have any attachments, she didn’t owe anything to anyone, and Allison would be getting married really soon. Though she'd never admit, it was killing her inside. She spoke to her mom, who was more than relieved to have her around again. She even managed to buy a house, for the two of them to start a new life.
Detective Wheeler came back to the bedroom, tossing her a keychain.
"What? Are you bribing me with a car, Pops?" She chuckled. "I'm not allowed to drive remember?"
"If you accept the mission, you are," he affirmed. "And it's not any car..."
She followed him to the garage to find her 2008 Yottsume Halberdier.
"My car!"
The painting was conserved, intact. Impressed, Mona carefully examined every detail of the engine, concluding that whoever had been keeping her car did an impressive job.
"I missed you, baby," she sat down at the driver's seat, remembering the good old days. "Where did you find her, Pops?"
"It was out of radar for a while, then a couple years ago the police found it in a dealership and took for possible evidence, to track the rest of your... friends."
The word 'dealership’ caught her attention. She had a bad feeling about it, related to someone from her past. When she opened the glove compartment, her suspicions were only confirmed by a small handwritten note. He had been keeping her car, for all these years. She scowled in rage.
"I don't want it anymore," she threw the keys back to Detective Wheeler. "Sorry Pops, find somebody else for you investigation."
"Griffin, I have to tell you something," Allison was sitting down in front of her laptop, getting ready to tell her fiancé she wanted to take a break. She had invented a perfect excuse, about this stressful moment of her life and how she wasn't ready for marriage.
“What is it, Allison?” He asked from the other side of the screen. “Is it about our future house? Didn’t you like it?”
“No, actually it’s about...”
The door opened in a slam and an angry Mona stomped inside. She was never in a good mood, but something had seriously upset her that morning.
“Could please stop with this kinkiness and come to the living room?” She angered. “It’s important.”
After convincing Griffin it was only her cousin who was spending a few days at their house, Allison went to the living room, where a heated argument between her dad and Mona was taking place. Which she found strange, considering Mr. Wheeler had been treating Mona surprisingly well in the last few days. Too well to be true.
"You're bribing me!" Mona yelled. "Into a suicidal mission."
"Oh please, what can be worse than allying yourself with the Brotherhood?" Mr. Wheeler argued.
"Act as a bait for a serial killer?"
"Guys," Allison shouted. "Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on here?"
Detective Wheeler explained his plan. Mona would be infiltrated in an university as a new student, where she’d socialize and find out who was selling a dangerous synthetic drug.
“With her reputation, these tattoos and the tough girl attitude... she’s perfect for the job,” he finished.
“Then you could lock me up again for buying drugs?” Mona asked.
“The police and the university will be aware of your disguise! We're even offering you a reward.”
“Whoever is developing this drug is too big and powerful, I’m not willing to get shot a second time.”
Allison completely understood Mona's point of view. It was risky and she was just recovering from a surgery. If she wasn’t careful enough, the lesion could return and become something more serious.
“Dad,” she spoke. “It’s up to Mona to decide. If she doesn’t want it, I'm sure you can find someone else.”
“Thank you, Allison,” Mona had some sarcasm in her voice. “At least for once you stood by my side.”
She knew exactly what she meant. Mona was attacking her for the possibility she’d go away to New Zealand, after confessing her feelings.
She scowled at both of them and grabbed her car keys that were lying on the coffee table.
"I'm going out for a while. I have something else to solve."
Before Mr. Wheeler could protest or reinforce the fact she wasn't allowed to drive, unless she accepted the task, she was already gone. Allison took a concerned and weary sigh, wondering how or when she’d find a quiet moment of peace.
"I'll see what I can do," Mr. Wheeler shook his head and left for work.
Alone, Allison sat down at the couch. She reflected and somehow her mind clicked. Without even knowing, she had just found the most perfect solution for all her issues. A sly smile appeared on her lips.
Mona entered the dealership in her best bad girl attitude. She was sure that most of the employees there had heard about her at least once, through the old 'wanted' posters that could be found all over LA and the internet.
She confirmed the dealership’s owner was indeed living in Los Angeles for the last couple years. Lying she needed an exclusive model of car, she demanded to speak directly to him.
She waited a few minutes inside his office, kicking her feet up on his desk. She examined the surroundings, if it wasn’t for that security camera pointed at her, she’d take one of those expensive pens as souvenir. The door opened and a tall, black haired man wearing a fancy suit, came inside.
"Hello! How can I help you, miss..." that annoying, usual smirk he usually had on pictures and outdoors suddenly faded from his face. "Y-You... What..."
"Hello, David. Long time no see."
Uncomfortable, he sat down in front of her, almost panicking.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, in a low tone, making sure no one was listening. "I thought you were still in prison."
"I came to return the car," she told. "Since you've laid your dirty hands on her, I don't want it anymore."
David handed her back the keychain. His fingers slightly brushing her hand.
"What's the problem with a father taking care of his daughter's most prized possession while she's in jail, huh?" He looked her straight in the eyes, trying to intimidate her with his words. "I even made improvements for you! You should be more grateful."
"I'll never be grateful for anything you do!" She stared even deeper, showing she wasn’t feeling threatened. "You abandoned us when I was two. We went through hell because of you!"
"Let me tell you something. A few years ago, I was watching some videos online and I was fascinated by Mercy Park Crew's skills. Especially one particular driver, the one behind the Yottsume. Can you imagine my surprise when I found out it was my own daughter? The one who fled from New York after a mysterious man bailed her out of jail. Oh, sugar. We have more in common than you think.”
Mona clenched her fists in rage. She knew what awaited for her when she decided to meet that man. He was extremely manipulative and sadistic, but that was too much to listen.
"I'm not even a single bit like..." she interrupted.
"Let me finish,” he silenced her. “I've met Kaneko, I worked for his dad when I was a kid. He taught us everything we knew about cars. He even hooked us up in some of his... jobs. Then when the police was hunting for our heads, that was when I went to hide in my grandparents' house in Lebanon, where I met your mom."
"You?!" Mona let out a laugh, pointing to the portrait on his desk, with his current wife and step-daughters. "The perfect family man used to steal cars?!"
"Like you, I was fascinated by that life. The adrenaline, the speed, the expensive cars, the easy money... but all of us have to grow up at some point," he told, in a cold and insensitive tone. "Don't get me wrong, I loved you and your mom, I truly did, but my job as real estate agent didn't pay enough. I wanted more. I wanted to be near these beautiful speedy machines somehow again..."
"Then you met her. Your rich wife, who has helped you to build all your empire."
"Exactly, I was only seeking for my best interests. Sorta like you, when you joined the Brotherhood. You could've escaped along with your friends, but you were aiming higher. You wanted more."
"Wrong," Mona smirked. "I was saving my life, and my girl's too. They were going to kill us both."
"And there you made a mistake, putting somebody's life above yours. You could've died, besides wasting almost a decade of your life in prison."
"I'm not like you or I'll ever be. I don't know what you want, but stay away from me. You never wanted to be part of my life, so screw off!"
Mona stood up, throwing the car keys on her father's desk again.
"Take it, it should be enough to pay the costs you had, hiring me one of the best lawyers in the country. What was your intention, huh? Was it to torture my mom? Show her you're in control?"
"What are you talking about? I never hired you a lawyer. I could've gotten you out of prison immediately if I wanted, with my powers and contacts. But like I said, you needed to grow up. Otherwise, right now you'd be still acting like a stupid kid, stealing cars in some other state. God knows if you'd even be alive."
"As if you care."
It was useless to keep arguing with that man. He was a sociopath. She was only putting herself under unnecessary stress. His presence in Los Angeles had now became the main reason why she should return to her mother's home. She had no idea of what he was planning, but it shouldn't be good. Nothing good ever came from that man.
She decided to keep her car. She still could sell it and use to money to rebuild her life from zero in New York.
“I’m sorry, Dr. Carlson,” Allison said, inside her father-in-law’s office. “I can’t go to New Zealand right now.”
“Why not, my darling?” His eyes widened in shock. “It’s a lifetime opportunity. There’s so many doors it will open for your future…”
“Actually, I’m quitting my internship too. Temporarily.”
“I'm enrolling myself in a six-month course in university. I’m feeling kinda lost, so I'm searching for an specialization, as Griffin suggested.”
The mention of his son’s name should be enough to not upset the man too much. In the end, after speaking to Griffin, he was convinced it was really the best for Allison at the moment. She left his office feeling accomplished and victorious. Part of her problem had been solved.
Back to her house, Mr. Wheeler wasn’t home. She knew he wouldn’t be thrilled with the news, but when she told her real purposes, he’d eventually forgive her.
She went to her bedroom, where Mona was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to some music on her cellphone.
"Hiya, gorgeous," Allison grinned ear-to-ear.
She looked at her, rolled her eyes and unplugged the earphones.
“What are you doing home so early? And why do you look so happy?"
“I’ve quit it, Mona,” she bit her lower lip mischievously. “I’ve quit my internship and I’m not going to New Zealand either.”
“What?!” Mona stood up. “But good. It was about time, considering how miserable you were looking. What about Gavin?”
“Griffin is supporting me,” she told. “But he doesn’t know my real purposes, of course. I’m enrolling myself in this six-month course to play the role my dad needs to catch these criminals.”
“It’s stupid and dangerous. Besides, your father will freak out and blame it on me. I’m not letting you do this.”
"Then stop me,” Allison challenged, “or... there’s another option.”
Only a couple of hours later, they were both inside Mona's car. They had just left the University, where Allison enrolled herself in the course and Mona filled the papers she needed, to be play spy for the police.
“Whoa, your car is looking great. The dealership did a great job on it.”
“I’d have done better myself.”
She noticed Mona was quiet and tense. She thought the news and her company in university would make her feel better, but her behavior barely changed.
After buying burgers and milkshakes, they were at home eating. Mona was still looking angry and very anxious.
"So, will you tell me what's bothering you?” Allison finally asked. “I mean, you don't have to be part of this job, if you don't want to."
"It's not that," Mona answered. "It's a personal issue. Someone from my past. He's living in LA and I'm sure his intentions aren't any good."
"Who is this? If you don’t mind me asking."
"No one important."
Allison knew that was all she'd get from Mona, so she decided to change the subject. She burst into laughs.
"Can you just imagine? You and me, in college together?"
Mona gave in, laughing too.
"Yeah, babe. We're going to burn down that place!”
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infernal-iris · 5 years
Hi! Recently I’ve been wondering why the church became involved with karlheinz and the sacrificial brides. Like were they gaining something from it? Did they have a deal of some sort? This probably sounds stupid I’m just sort of confused haha - also did seiji know exactly what he was getting yui into when he brought her to the mansion? It just seems like he cared about her and it would be weird if he knew she would be treated the way she was.
Hello there, Anon! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Well, it all started off with Karlheinz’s plan. Karl married multiple women because he had hoped that at least one of them could change him with love. So initially, he thought he could become “Adam”. But alas, his first plan was futile. Therefore, he placed this hope for his plan in his sons! He wanted to have many sons (he probably used his magic so none of his kids were born daughters) so only one could succeed in becoming “Adam”. 
Karl has a lot of power in the human world. If I remember correctly, he got in touch with the church using his human persona - Tougo Sakamaki. He made his sons live in the human world so his plan could bear fruit. Then, he made the church do most of the work for him by finding young women that would go live with his sons, holding onto the hope that one of them would become “Eve” and create a new race with one of his sons. But yet again, all of them were either killed by the Sakamaki brothers or committed suicide. All except for Yui.
Yui was lucky enough to have had Cordelia’s heart transplanted in her, otherwise she would have died like the others. 
I believe the church was most likely bribed by Karl? It’s been a while since I read up on all the routes again…but Karl probably gave them something such as large amounts of money so they could send away young women so frequently to the boys. 
And the answer is - no. Seiji didn’t know. This was a huge plot point in one of the routes in Lost Eden. In one of the routes, it was revealed that Seiji was lied to by the church and was mortified when he learned that the church sent Yui off to live with vampires. Which is why he killed everyone in the church before coming to see Yui again.
I hope this answers your question though! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ If you have anything more to ask me, you’re free to message me! I’ll try my best to answer truthfully. 
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raging-violets · 5 years
1-10 for Cade!!
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Cadence is an only child. Can’t you tell by how spoiled she is? Lol. But, if we’re speaking technically, and with different Earths. (minor spoilers if someone hasn’t read this far), Jesse Wells from Earth-2 is her sister. Tess Morgan and Harrison Wells are Cade’s birth parents who gave her up for adoption to their best friends. When Tess and Harrison were attacked by Eobard, Tess was pregnant with Earth-1′s  Jesse, but the baby died in the attack. On Earth-2, Cadence/Burnout and Jesse are estranged sisters, but Jesse sees Cadence more as her real sister so they get along very well.
2.What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Cadence’s relationship with her mother, Maya, is weird. Her mother is a socialite in every form and of the word and dragged Cadence into it since she was a baby, showing her off like a little dress up doll, bribing her with things if she “acted nicely”. Cadence figured out quickly that if she were to play the part of the ‘perfect daughter’ she could get whatever she wanted, hence being spoiled. (Though her father definitely spoiled her as well). So, growing up, they weren’t too close, though they do love each other. After Cadence became pregnant, Maya was the one who was hesitant to kick Cadence out, but sided with her husband, though worried about her daughter and grandson every day. When she’s an adult, Cadence holds her mom at an arm’s length away and treats her as an annoyance, though their relationship does improve as Maya leans more about Cadence’s life in Central City and about Cadence as a person. Better late than never.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Oh ho ho, was Cadence ever a daddy’s girl. She could bat her eyelashes at her father, Kent, and he’d dote on her at every second and at every turn, often being the one to take on his wife’s wrath if he allowed Cadence to miss events or talk her out of trouble. For her father, Cadence had no problem being the ‘perfect daughter’ until that illusion was shattered when she became pregnant. Kent reacted horribly and kicked her out, not wanting her to embarrass him or his image. When Cadence is an adult, he apologizes for what happens in a means to make amends before his death, and Cadence quickly and easily forgives him, still being the daddy’s girl she couldn’t quite get over. They had a very close and loving relationship with him giving her advice every time she needed it.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
There are two answers to this, well, there’s three but I can’t say the third because it’s a major spoiler to her character that I haven’t revealed in Burn yet. (But if you really want to know, just message me). The first is, I guess this is kind of cheating, but her parents kicking her out. She saw it as a sort of out of body experience, watching it happen to her rather than experiencing it. Seeing her parents look at her and speak to her so ugly broke her heart and made her put up a large wall between herself and them, which hurt all sides even more as Brady was in the middle and she took him away from them. (This is also intertwined with watching Ryder’s parents send him away from her after they found out they were going to have a baby). The second is watching a man die after she accidentally set him on fire while trying to defend herself and Brady from a homeless man trying to take their space/stuff. People know of the first incident, no one knows of the second. She was only 16 and that was the first man she killed.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Her cell phone, a tube of lipstick, and some gum. Everything else is in her purse.
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
She doesn’t remember her dreams very much, but a lot of them was the recurring theme of protecting people in her dreams, long before she became a hero. Though, for some of her weirder dreams, she does have a recurring dream of falling from a great height.
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Being chased by something she can’t see, running so much, so hard, and so fast, but never getting away.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Yep. She learned how to fire a gun with her training at the  CCPD, but it’s also part of her main weapons for her part as  Flare so she progressed quickly. Her first target was a practice target that she taped a picture of her ex-boyfriend’s, Ryder’s, parents to. She hates his parents.
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Yes and No. Growing up, she was filthy stinking rich. Had no problems or worries with money at all. Could rivals the Queens with the money they had. Then, when being kicked out, she was poor and living on the streets. Slowly but surely, she brought herself back to be able to live comfortably with her son, then received money from her father’s death, was given access abck to her funds when she made up with her mom, has money coming to her from Harrison and Tess, and is now going to be even wealthier due to marrying Barry, with what was left from his parents, the settlement from the city, and stocks in STAR Labs. A lot of the money she has now, she worked hard to receive herself.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
Less clothing. She gets too hot when she wears too many layers, due to her powers. Plus, she actually really likes her body (minus the stretch marks from childbirth).
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poisonquill · 5 years
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                                       QUEEN OF THE QUILLS.                                         rita alvera skeeter. twenty five.                                               creative. silver tongued. resourceful.                                                 corrupt. cruel. vindictive. selfish.                                                  reporter. columnist. gossip icon.                                                        death eater collaborator.
                                                             too bad. so sad.
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soft betrayal, mom jeans and high heels, long nails tapping impatiently against paper, organized chaos, quietly humming while ruining yet another life ( piece by piece ), ancient typewriters, never getting your hands dirty ( but your hands are stained red, regardless ), the devil’s favorite weapon is a quill, coffee that burns your tongue, burying yourself in strangers, chasing stories, the sweet taste of destruction, heart shaped lollipops, sunkissed shoulders, blurred lines between right and wrong, dog eared pages, blowing bubbles, fake smiles, the color of dark oceans, running in high heels, slowly becoming an empty shell of a girl, sour ambition, ‘my heart will leave you blistered and stained’, roses tucked behind ears, revenge in a tea cup, backhanded compliments, writing and writing and writing until your heart bleeds, scribbled notes in margins, blood red lips..... and how you’re so afraid that you think it might just break you ( luckily, villains don’t break that easily ).
LINDSEY MORGAN? No, that’s actually RITA SKEETER from the MARAUDERS ERA. You know, the child of ADRIANNA VARGAS (NEE SKEETER) and DIEGO VARGAS? Only 25 years old, this SLYTHERIN alumni works as an REPORTER and is sided with THE NEUTRALS / HERSELF ONLY. SHE identifies as a CIS WOMAN and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be VINDICTIVE, CRUEL, and CORRUPT but also SILVER TONGUED, CHARMING, and RESOURCEFUL. — &&. ( LIZ, GMT+2, SHE/HER, 22. )
name: margarita alvera skeeter. born name: margarita vargas. occupation: journalist. nicknames: rita, ree.
+ creative, silver tongued, resourceful, charming and bright. - two faced, cruel, vindictive, selfish and scheming.
age: 25. date of birth: december 31. zodiac: capricorn. hometown: acapulco, mexico. current location: lives across the street from the ministry in an apartment she can most definitively not afford. gender: cis female. pronouns: she/her. orientation: bisexual. allegiance: herself only. but she collaborates with the death eaters frequently, as she will write anything that they want. spoken languages: spanish ( native language ), english ( fluently ), french ( sufficient ). moral alignment: neutral evil. - A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience (x).
element: water. house: slytherin.
so. margarita vargas was born as the youngest of five daughters. she grew up in the coastal city of acapulco, located in mexico, and her first few years were spent in absolute bliss. her father, a muggle man, was a famous - and later, infamous, televangelist. diego vargas was known all over mexico for his weekly broadcasted church service, and became very rich for it. what did he do with this wealth? well, for the most part, he spoiled his family rotten.
the vargas girls were the perfect daughters, as was expected of them. they grew up in the public eye, attending sermons, smiling pretty, posing for elaborately staged family portraits. and always, always saying the right things. like pretending that they were being sent off to a christian girl’s school every year, instead of attending illvermorny.
mr. vargas married adrianna vargas knowing full well that she was a witch, and intended to take full advantage of that. and adrianna was happy to make diego’s life easier, because she loved him. but more than anything, she loved him for his fame, his money, his success.
unfortunately for the vargas, everything came crumbling down when rita was eight. then, it became public knowledge that her father was heavily involved in financing and also collaborating with several corrupt political bodies which aimed to cause mayhem, destruction and terror within the country.
so the vargas fell from grace, and out of favor in the public eye. mr. vargas faced jail time, lost all of his sponsors, and suddenly didn’t seem so appealing to mrs vargas anymore. so adrianna packed up her bags, took her daughters, changed their names and moved to england. and so margarita vargas found herself with a new identity - rita skeeter.
after that, she would never see her father again. her mother never spoke of him ( like most things, in the skeeter household - problems were buried but never forgotten ), and refused to acknowledge his existence.
their new life was a sharp contrast to their past, which would come to seem like a blurry dream. while the vargas had bathed in luxury and money, the skeeters kinda struggled financially. her mother was fueled by fury - angry with a man that had humiliated her, taken advantage of her, left her with nothing. so she vowed to never be dependent on anyone else ever again. she found herself a job, and set up a new life for herself and her daughters, one that wasn’t focused on the saintly teachings of her ex-husband. instead, adrianna skeeter drilled into her daughters that success, power and glory was all that mattered. everything else, even family, comes second. you can only depend on yourself.
so, the skeeter girls became competitive. cut throat. dangerous. her sisters’ names can be read in the highest offices of britain, in politics, in the nicest corporate offices in london. but they also hardly ever speak to each other, anymore.
she arrives at hogwarts ready to prove herself. show that she’s just as good as her sisters, if not better.
but she soon realizes that she falls painfully short — that she isn’t the brightest of the skeeter bunch, that she isn’t the most talented witch. hell, she doesn’t even place second.
so what does she do? she plays dumb. pretends that she’s just a pretty face. it’s just a fluke that she’s getting high grades - it’s not that she sits up all night studying. or that she manages to bribe and cheat her way into getting a time turner by her fourth year. she’s working herself into the ground, but refuses to let anyone know. it’s better, that way.
really though, pride isn’t the sin that will hang rita. she’s playing the long game, and comes to realize that no one doubts a pretty, senseless girl. so that is what she shall be.
she gets through hogwarts on dirty tricks and hard work, but makes it look effortless.
around hogwarts, she was known as quite the party girl, always looking to have a good time. maybe a little too good of a time, actually. her reputation always walked the line, on that one.
she acts drunker than she is, but is careful to always remain sharp. most people think of her as baby skeeter - fun, but harmless. for rita, secrets become a currency.
and so she moves through different social circles, shedding her personality like a snake sheds its skin, all to fit in with any crowd, any house. she loses herself somewhere along the way - at this point, rita doesn’t know who she is. but that’s just as well. rita skeeter has never let anyone in, and she never will.
a new name appears in the school paper around rita’s fourth year. bridget higgins writes the stories that are on everyone’s lips, but no one knows who she is. obviously it’s rita.
by her seventh year, rita manages to become an animagus, and a royal blue beetle begins its reign. miss higgins’ stories become more and more elaborate, more daring, more scandalous. by the end of her time at hogwarts, rita is already writing in blood, destroying lives through the flick of her quill.
rita started interning at witch weekly during the summers after her fifth year at the school. she wrote short fluff pieces about fashion.
after graduating, rita started working as a columnist for witch weekly. she wrote a popular gossip column about popular famous witches and wizards, but also dipped her toes into the pool of wizard politics in britain.
eventually, she came to take on a second job at the daily prophet. she stretches herself too thin, but she makes it work. somehow.
at the daily prophet, she writes more political stories. zeroes in on the ministry. asks uncomfortable questions. shows up where she is definitively not allowed to be. she becomes a pain in the ass like no other, and writes exposés that become notorious for putting people in tight spots.
many at the ministry treat her like crap, like a bug that needs to be squashed. she realizes quickly that they have little respect for her, and she is quite happy to return the favor. if they treat her like she’s awful, she might as well be just that.
her stories aren’t entirely fabricated —- every story that she writes has a seed of truth in it. just enough to make it believable.
most of it is bullshit though, but to stir the pot, she every now and then drops something that is very accurate. sometimes she does it to help the order. sometimes she does it to help herself or the death eaters. but there is always a motive behind it.
eventually gets involved with the death eaters. didn’t actually mean to, but fucked with the wrong person at the ministry !!! now she’s under their thumb and it kinda sucks but she’s also not that mad about it because she gets some ~~~~carefully selected~~~ information in return. so she basically writes whatever the fuck the death eaters want her to write.
rita started out with the goal of doing good reporting, but realized quickly that those stories did not sell papers and gained little interest from the public. so she turns to sensationalism, doesn’t see the harm in spinning her stories a little further than necessary. which soon spiraled out of control.
RITA’S FUTURE ( 1998 and forward. )
rita skeeter goes missing in 1999 and is rumored to be laughing all the way to the bank because the biographies she wrote on harry potter, albus dumbledore and severus snape sold MILLIONS. new books by rita skeeter resurfaces every few years, but no one ever sees her again. conspiracy theorists are sure that she was murdered ( and her books are now penned by a ghost writer ), but others say that she’s off on an island somewhere.
so ------ rita is pulled from her youth, straight into the future. it’s a bit of a shock, of course.
rita is a reporter first, everything else second. so what does she do? RESEARCH. looks around. tries her best to figure shit out. makes diligent notes of everything that has gone wrong, and everything that has gone right. she researches her future self. she researches everything her future self has written.
most of all, i think she adapts. to the muggle technology, mostly, but also to the new world order.
holds a grudge like no other !!
other talents include backstabbing and lying!
lowkey mean. lol.
only does what serves her best : ~)
neutral evil thank u
never sleeps? runs on coffee and caffeine pills
has never done a selfless thing in her entire life
daddy issues 4 sure
super good at faking niceness!!! it’s a talent, really
most stubborn gal ever, try to change her mind
doesn’t actually realize that she’s the villain
always playing dirty
*sombra vc*: where’s the fun in playing fair?
has like three cents to her name at all times :/
always working a fucking angle and plays the long game.
loves attention!!!
cut throat, will drop u so fast !!!
very bi 
loves hearing her own voice!!!
but also very observant and can shut up if she knows that’s more beneficial to her !!
the type of person to take and take and take until u are left with absolutely nothing
10000% her parents’ daughter !!! takes after them both.
very determined!!!
doesn’t really believe in what voldemort is doing, but also isn’t personally invested enough to properly care.
trust issues!!
not so much motivated by money ( she’s broke ) as she is by fame. could have something to do with her past idk.
possibly the most selfish girl on the planet?
THE DARK CHICK - good at reading emotions, resolving fights and weaponizing her strengths — all the while keeping an eye on what she considers to be the bigger picture.
FEMME FATALE - ‘first she turns you on, then she turns on you.’
INTREPID REPORTER - a troublemaker sort of journalist.
THEN LET ME BE EVIL - any sense of good reporting and morals gets broken down by being treated like crap by presumptuous forces of good for too long. aka everyone telling her she’s shit.
CONSUMMATE LIAR - a liar so good you never want to play poker with them because you’d go home without your underwear and short next week’s paycheck.
BITCH IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING - wears a thousand masks to hide her true colors.
THE POWER OF ACTING - a character who acts her way through life.
NO FACE UNDER THE MASK - does the real rita skeeter even exist? who is she? can she remember her true personality? probably not.
THE EVIL PRINCE - a character that knows they’re meant for greatness, but there are a lot of other… less great characters in their way. if only these characters could be “persuaded” to move, then nothing would stand in their way to the throne. ;)
CHRONIC BACKSTABBING DISORDER - someone who constantly and successfully betrays their allegiances. switches sides as frequently as she switches clothes. what is loyalty?
AMBIGUOUSLY EVIL - it’s never quite made clear what side she is truly on? sike, she’s playing for both teams !!!
HEEL / FACE REVOLVING DOOR - morality is grey, and this character switches sides so often that in the long run, they end up… just not having one.
THE CORRUPTER - the metaphorical devil on your shoulder.
THE CON ARTIST - selling lies so outrageous they can’t possibly be true, but still getting away with it.
SOMBRA ( overwatch ) - always got another dirty trick up her sleeve, kinda selfish, always infiltrating something, out there manipulating those in power hell yeah
KELLY KAPOOR ( the office )- the narcissism, the many layers, the gossip, the jealousy, the drama, the lies, ‘i don’t talk trash, i talk smack. they’re totally different’.
CONNOR WALSH ( htgawm ) - wow i can’t believe rita skeeter is connor walsh?? either way. so sly, bit of a slut, utterly shameless, lies a lot, doesn’t care too much about other people, very confident, bit over emotional at times. gets whatever the fuck they set their mind on. the ends justify the means, always.
MARGAERY TYRELL ( game of thrones ) - the cleverness, the manipulation, the scheming.
HERA ( the goddess ) - the vengeance, the viciousness, the jealousy.
DEBBIE EAGAN ( glow ) - lowkey thinks the world revolves around her. bit manipulative. really ambitious. kinda cut throat. ready to throw anyone under the bus to get places.
JESSICA HAMBY ( true blood ) - the strict religious upbringing, the rebellion, the occasional softness.
ALISON DILAURENTIS ( pretty little liars ) - the bitchiness, the cruelty, the constantly shifting personas, the lies.
CHANEL OBERLIN ( scream queens ) - really ruthless, can be quite mean, bit narcissistic.
LIRA ( to kill a kingdom ) - the siren!!!! singing (aka writing) people to their undoings!!!! with little to no remorse!!! hell yeah
LAUREL CASTILLO ( htgawm ) - a snake that is good at hiding under the radar, kind of shady, highly manipulative, bounces back and forth between allegiances.
JACKIE BURKHART ( thats 70s show ) - the STYLE!!!!!!!! the narcissism! the manipulation! the greed!
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Savage Spite: 1
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Ch. 2    Ch.3  
Warnings: None yet, cursing if it counts, Loki being a ass.
A/N: Written in three parts! Ended up longer than I thought! This was a request from @moonfaery. This is the original prompt & I hope I did it justice. Loki really makes a mess & it seems it will take longer for him to right the mistake than originally thought! So enjoy! Reader is a young celestial that is younger than Loki and whose powers have yet to know just how strong she is but the reader is stronger than Loki she just hasn't realized it yet. Morgan Stark is Tony’ daughter, she and the reader were raised together by grandparents.
Words: 3,400
The gentle rustle of a cell phone vibrating had Loki rolling over to realize that Y/N had left the device on the edge of the bed while she got a shower, citing she needed to meet with Morgan, Tony Stark’s daughter about a new design for a suit. It normally didn’t bother him but here lately the goddess had spent more time with the Stark & his brother. Well truth told it was mostly Thor which was beginning to eat at the god of mischief. Looking over to note the message flashed for a second with a few words of a text.
Thor: My sweet dove, I want you to know how much I love you.
It made Loki’s heart drop, never had the younger god thought or never had Y/N his lover, betrothed would betray him like this, not with Thor. Lithe hand reaching for the phone to easily unlock it both knew the codes to the others phone, quickly he opened the message & began to read more.
Scrolling through the thread, noting Y/N’ response in the goddesses distinct slang that was Midgardian, having been raised & adopted by mortals of the realm 36 years ago. She was confessing an unrequited love to Thor followed by addresses to known hotels & the like. Scheduled meetings as well before locking it back as he heard Y/N coming out of the bathroom &t putting it in its spot. Turning to watching the thick framed woman he had fallen for step out & sitting up as she stepped to the night stand to pick up the ring he had just given her not long after Halloween.
“Morning love,” Loki began as if asleep, testing the waters as he reached out to wrap bear arms around cold plump middle to nuzzle at the goddesses soft belly worriedly as the phone vibrated again, the go holding tight as she called it to her hand with blue seidr, free hand combing through messy raven locks as she scanned the messages.
“Morning Loki,” she hummed sleepily herself.
“Who is it,” he asked innocently, curious what her lie would be, wanting to tear into her then & there for betraying his trust, his love a thing he refused to give easily.
“Morgan & your pesky brother,” Y/N admitted locking it back to cram it into her pocket, wrapping cold arms around his bare shoulders & placing a kiss to his head, the god unable to detect the lie.
“I’ll be back by 6. You still wanting to go walk the park,” Y/N ventured, filling tension in the gods shoulders as the phone buzzed but this time it was a call.
“Aren’t you going to answer that,” he spoke into soft tummy filling her chuckle, muttering something about Morgan being impatient.
“So, park at 6? Meet me at the compound & we will take our walk & go get something to eat so I don’t have to cook,” Y/N bribed filling him let out a sigh, lithe body tensing slightly more as she carded through his hair.
“How about a quiet night at home yeah,” Loki countered quickly, “order in?”
“Then meet me at the compound to drive me home, I love it when you chauffeur me, around 5 then,” Y/N bargained as she paused her carding curious to the gods response as tension faded but picked back up.
“Sure love,” he finally lamented as cool nose nuzzled at the young celestials belly.
The phone vibrating with a text once again, surprised Y/N continued to hold to him, puzzling over why he was holding to her so tightly.
“I gotta go baby,” Y/N cooed to the god that continued to hold tight squeezing plump midriff before letting her go, looking over curvaceous body when she stepped back, nothing the ripped skinny jeans & long sleeve shirt to blend in with the weather though she didn’t need it, emerald eyes raking over the boots to realize he was showing just how much he enjoyed the view.
“I’ll take of that tonight,” Y/N smiled as she took a step forward to place a kiss on his lips but stepping back quickly before he could catch her.
“Love you,” she shouted as she hurried out of the house, keys jingling as she grabbed them from the table at the door & hurried out to her Jeep.
It still didn’t sit right, Loki standing to clothe himself with a thought, standing at the door to the house the two shared away from the city to note Y/N was already talking to someone via hands free dawning on the god she had taken up with Thor over the last few months & recalling it was known the older brother was dating Stark’s daughter Morgan, HIS Y/N’ best friend or trying to at least. The idea of Y/N deceiving him sent dull splinters under his skin, making him itch with jealousy as he decided today he would be making an appearance at the compound unannounced.
The god could cloak himself, shadow Y/N, but she would know immediately. The young goddess, a celestial, the daughter of the oldest creature of the universe, born with seidr more powerful than his own, Y/N having barely touched it's potential as well as gave her a cold body temperature perhaps colder than his own. He would have to do it the old way, deciding if it was true he would make sure Morgan knew & make the two pay.
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“No Thor look you’re wording it wrong & that last address you gave me, I don’t think it will work,” Y/N began plopping next to the burly god in the common room leaning hard into his scorching side so Sam or the others wouldn’t over hear the surprise they planned for Morgan.
It was brainchild of Thor to take her on a quiet vacation in the Montana wilderness, the daughter of Stark, tech savvy but all too happy to take a quiet vacation to a cabin to get away & especially with Thor the two having dated for a little over two years. The god feeling, he could only trust Y/N with the advice he craved, especially since the two had been raised together when the young Stark’s grandparents adopted Y/N as well as Morgan. The goddess as everyone took to calling her since true parentage was unknown the only one that was willing to help pulling up a cabin she had found.
“I hope Loki doesn’t find your damn lover letters that you want me to go over,” Y/N commented handing the phone over for Thor to look over the cabin.
The god looking at the simple engagement ring Loki had given Y/N, the winding silver band shining as if new though it was centuries old, the goddess refusing to take it off for any mission since his brother had put it on, the emerald the size of a pencil eraser, sparkling as if alive & knowing Loki it probably was.
“I don’t think he would think you would cheat on him or leave him Y/N. This cabin is nice, can you arrange it for me,” Thor asked handing the phone back to watch Y/N clicking to reserve it.
“What name,” she asked the god getting ready to type in the information.
“Oh, Drake,” he smiled at Y/N throwing an arm over the back of the couch to watch her intently swearing she was the little sister he never had, “thank you again.”
“It’s no problem. You manage to find the reservations for the restaurant I sent over? She really likes to eat there,” Y/N began, phone buzzing with a text from Morgan herself asking about dinner reservations for the 4 of them for a small Christmas dinner & Y/N telling her it was a go.
“You owe me by the way. So, lunch,” Y/N smiled at the god that chuckled at the brave warrior that got to her feet waiting on Thor to join her.
“Sure, sister in law,” Thor laughed holding out his arm so he could escort the goddess down to the parking garage, the woman smirking at his use of Midgardian slang.
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It wasn’t out of place for Loki to walk the compound looking for Y/N, mostly everyone stayed out of his way or did speak with him, but today he had his mind clouded with thoughts of Y/N, his Y/N speaking with Thor & the text he read. Not to mention having found several other things by looking over her laptop out of paranoia, finding the bank account Stark sat up for Y/N & noted money transfers from Thor the money going to a hotel or rental company.
He had hoped she wasn’t that stupid to leave it all out, well actually not in the open because he never messed with any of her things & gave her privacy, but the text ignited something in the god that made him scowl instantly as he looked up to see Y/N hanging on Thor’s arm laughing at the oaf. Quickly Loki took a quick turn to step down a side corridor to allow them to pass.
How could she do this so openly & he never noticed? A pling from his pocket alerting him to a withdrawal from the account & a deposit as well to a cabin rental in Montana.
That was it, the god lost his reasoning, a quick press of the screen had the deposit & transfer denied as he stalked off down the hall way with one thought in his mind.
“Good evening Morgan,” came a smooth voice as the god of mischief stepped into the tech room of the compound.
“Hey Loki! Where is Y/N? She said you two had plans to go have a day to yourselves,” the dark headed woman began the fire in Loki growing almost out of control, pushing it down, once a well thought out plan turning to one of instant gratification.
“I believe they changed. Have you seen my brother,” Loki began almost cold making the woman look away from the tablet she was working on.
“Umm… he said he had to prepare for a mission. What’s wrong,” Morgan finally picked up on Loki’s attitude, he had to hand it to her, the mortal was very perceptive but wondered how both could be so blind to the fact they were being treated like shit by their betrothed's, knowing Thor had been planning on asking Morgan to marry him.
“I believe we are both being betrayed by those we love as we speak,” Loki spoke hotly stepping forward to take a seat to explain it all.
Thor looked over at Y/N who was furrowing her brow at her phone, witnessing the frustration brewing behind Y/E/C eyes as she looked up at the god & back to the phone.
“What’s wrong,” the god asked as the waitress sat their drinks in front of them.
“The cabin rental was denied because payment was stopped & now it is telling me it went to the next in line. I can’t access my bank account,” Y/N spoke worriedly looking up at Thor who was upset himself.
“Well, we can figure something else out. I’m sure there are others… but why is your account froze,” he questioned, feeling it get cooler in the room, knowing it was Y/N’ frustration manifesting.
“I don’t know, I’ve never had that happen. F.R.I.D.A.Y can tell me, I will send a text to see what she can find,” Y/N commented trying to keep nerves calm, looking at Thor just as his phone buzzed, the god frowning himself to show the goddess it was the jewelry store where they were to go next.
“They said a man came & picked up mother’s ring,” Thor worried as he was growing frustrated himself.
“Loki? He would be the only other right,” Y/N began, the younger god was the only one who knew about the ring being sized, a gold ruby ring belonging to their mother just like the emerald one she wore, both had been in a soft animal skin pouch that Loki had taken & stashed when they had to allow Surtur to destroy Asgard.
“They didn’t say. Why would he…,” Thor began Y/N’ phone buzzing signaling F.R.I.D.A.Y had gotten back to her.
F.R.I.D.A.Y: The bank claims it was frozen by your husband. I removed the hold but if you make a purchase again he has the ability to freeze it once more.
Y/N took a deep breath, what the hell had just gotten into the god?
“Y/N,” Thor asked gently knowing it took a lot to get the goddess upset Y/E/C orbs looking up at him rimmed with tears.
“Can you pay? Um… we need to go. Loki has put a tracker on the account & I ... I can’t ..,” Y/N spoke quietly anger rising in her chest that Loki was all of the sudden showing this side of him, swallowing the lump, preparing to completely lose her composure whole Thor looked her over worriedly as the temperature around them drop more, a blue shimmer to her eyes.
“I’ve got it. Calm down Y/N,” Thor spoke quietly pulling out his wallet to place more than enough cash to pay, getting up to walk out with Y/N, the goddess handing him the keys stating she couldn’t focus enough at the moment.
“He knows correct? I told him that you are helping me with Morgan as did you,” Thor began as they headed back to the compound.
“He does. I swear he does. I made a point to explain what I was doing by helping you surprise Morgan with the ring & ... you honestly think he would believe...,” Y/N’ voice cracked not looking away from the road the god maneuvered the vehicle down, knowing if she looked at him the dam would break because the engagement was ruined due to Loki.
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He did, Loki thought the worst & played the nastiest out of the bunch. Morgan was fit to be tied pulling surveillance & the like of the two supposedly cheating when in fact they were planning the perfect time for Thor to ask Morgan to marry him ,unlike Y/N & Loki in the middle of a battlefield. The two-sitting foot into the silent compound making their way to the Avengers floor & into Thor’s room Y/N fuming until the lights clicked on to reveal Loki & Morgan.
“Well nice of you two cheats to join us,” Loki spoke eerily calm watching anger & seidr flash in Y/N eyes.
“Loki... I need a private word with you, this isn’t what you two believe,” Y/N began calmly trying to salvage the situation.
“Oh, I believe it has been kept private long enough pet. Or should I call you dove,” Loki snipped looking at Thor who was losing his own calm.
“Morgan,” Thor began but the woman would have nothing of it shoving past Thor in an attempt to leave the three but Y/N quick to go after Morgan using seidr to hold the door& lock them in.
“LOKI! WORD! NOW,” Y/N snarled blue mist wrapping the god to bring him to her & wrap them in a battle of silence only they could hear.
“I never took you for a whore Y/N,” was the first words to be spat out of Loki’ mouth as he stepped so he towered over her, knowing how much she loathed for anyone to try to dominate her.
“Whore? What the fuck Loki! I was helping Thor to surprise…,” she attempted to finish explaining the engagement, but Loki was in very rare form as he seethed with green seidr.
“Oh, I bet you where! I thought I could trust you,” he snarled, making Y/N try to take a step away but he barred down on the goddess more as if trying to provoke her.
“You can,” the goddess shouted back hatefully the air around them becoming colder.
“No, it’s obvious I can’t the way you fawn over him! I should have known you wouldn’t have stayed satisfied with me for too long,” he growled out at her, his hands reaching out as if to grab her to hold her close but stopping.
“Loki I love...”
“No, you don’t. If you did...,” he spat with venom making Y/N heart drop to her feet, a tear falling from her eye as fury seized her.
“LOKI SHUT UP & LET ME FUCKING EXPLAIN,” Y/N lashed out temper getting to the young goddess for cold blue strings to sow the gods lips closed.
“I was helping Thor surprise Morgan with a trip out to Montana. I was helping him with the arrangements, I volunteered to pay out of our account since it never went noticed how much we spend on certain activities & Thor was writing it off as business thanks to some clever work from F.R.I.D.A.Y! He was planning on taking her to Montana on a quiet getaway to propose instead of on a dank battlefield like you! I told you what I was doing Loki! You told me you trusted me! And you know I share no interest in Thor & would never hurt Morgan because she is like a sister to me! You should have just come to me & asked instead of this,” Y/N spouted, rage finally ebbing to call it back stepping up to Loki with her hand out & his lips free to speak.
“Where is the ring,” the goddess sighed, knowing Thor was going to have to salvage this somehow, the god pulling the box from his pocket to place in Y/N trembling hand as she took it straight to Thor & looked at Morgan.
“We were planning a surprise for you,” the blonde began as he turned with ring in hand, “I wanted to take you to a cabin in Montana & ask you to marry me.”
“Y/N... I’m sorry…,” Morgan began, tears beginning to flow from the young Stark’ chocolate brown eyes, taking a step towards her best fried who waved her off & masked her own tears with seidr.
“It’s OK,” Y/N smiled at the brunet, picking at her own hands, turning the silver band to delicately pull it free to rest in the palm of shaking hand before handing it to Thor.
“Make sure Loki gets that. I don’t want him to be obligated to marry someone that he fills he shouldn’t trust,” Y/N croaked quietly taking strides to step out of the room & down the corridor.
“Y/N,” Loki began starting after her, his brothers heavy hand falling on his shoulder to stop him.
“Give her a few minutes to calm Loki,” Thor warned, Loki taking the ring hatefully out of his brother’s hand to go after the goddess.
“No. I need to speak with her,” the god began rushing after her with Thor on his heels.
Loki didn’t think twice as he ran up behind Y/N grabbing strong biceps to pull her back flush to his front making her body go ridged against him.
“I can fix this love,” he began nuzzling at soft lose locks as he released one arm to place his hand palm up in front of her to present the ring back to her.
“I am your god still Y/N,” Loki murmured into her ear the goddess looking straight ahead, ignoring the asshole behind her.
“Thor,” Y/N began getting the older brothers attention who stepped in her peripheral.
“Do you hear something,” the celestial spoke calmly knowing Loki felt her growing colder.
“It sounds like an asshole trying to apologize for jumping to conclusions,” the blond spoke up smirking at Loki who scowled at him but stayed focused on Y/N.
“Thought so. Morgan OK,” Y/N spoke ignoring the god that was trying to keep his own cool so to say.
“She is waiting to speak with me, but she understands,” Thor reassured the goddess who nodded in understanding.
“Good. Tell her I’m sorry for all the panic. I think I’m going to take the rest of the day off,” she spoke quietly.
Steady hand pushing Loki’ hand out of the way, leaving the two gods in the hall & stepping on the elevator to the parking garage. Yeah she could technically think about being home & would be there in an instant, but she needed time to think. The drive home would do that & give her time to make a decision that was making heart thud & hard to breath.
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khhunniewriting · 7 years
Save Me
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[ Mafia AU ] 
Growing up you were thought of nothing more than a pretty face. Your only aspirations were chosen for you. Your job would be to become a token. You were the only daughter of a mafia boss.
You were to marry someone of your father’s choosing because after his death it would be up to you and your husband to continue his work. The only problem was you already had a boyfriend.
Kim Young Woo, he was an extremely handsome and capable man. He had money, power, and the leadership that allowed him to command a group even larger than that of your fathers.
To be exact… he was your father’s rival.
Your hands roamed along Young Woo’s chest as your lips hovered within a centimeter of his. “Did you or did you not have a party here last night?” Intrigued by your hands and how they slid slowly down his torso he was no longer listening to your words. A smile appeared on your face as you began to unbutton his shirt. You only got to the third one when he decided to close the gap between the two of you.
All he got was a three second peck before you deprived him of your touch and backed away completely. “Answer me Young Woo.”
“Baby, I don’t want to talk about business when we only have a few moments to ourselves.” He attempted to hold you but you refused his advances.
“The men from the group mentioned going to the best party ever the other night. In a new club where there was an abundance of women." Being your father's rival, Young Woo was constantly a topic of conversation in your home. It worked to your advantage when you needed to know information, such as this, about his whereabouts.
Young Woo sighed, you obviously knew more than you were telling. "Fine, there was a party. It was the grand opening of my new club. I had to be there." He knew you didn't like him being in a place where he could possibly get hit on by girls. Being in a secret relationship meant that to everyone else Young Woo was single and available. With his status as a mafia boss you were sure many women would try to seduce him.
Knowing your concerns Young Woo began to put your mind at ease. He put his arm around your shoulders before propping your chin up with his index finger. "Baby, you have nothing to worry about with me. I love you, you're the only one for me." You couldn't help but smile. He was so charismatic and after two years of dating he knew exactly what to say to get what he wanted. “I love you too.” You locked lips with him, this time you allowed the kiss to go on longer and eventually clinging onto him.
This was Young Woo’s signal to pick you up and take you to his favorite place, his bed. 
“My lady where have you been?” The head maid asked you once you entered the house. “You’re father came back this morning and he’s asking for you.”
“I’ll go see him.” After spending the night with Young Woo you usually went home to a lonely house. Your father kept busy at his many secret locations leaving you behind with only the maids and guards for company. When you were younger you would complain but now you were thankful for those moments. That was when you were able to escape for a full night and spend it with Young Woo. “Dad it’s me” you announced yourself as you knocked on the door.
“Come in” your father sternly responded. The look on his face was one of anger. “Where were you young lady?”
“Out enjoying my youth before you marry me off to some low life criminal.” Many of the suitors your father had presented you to were nothing compared to Young Woo. Some were only beginning in the business and others were into low grade crimes that you would never want to be associated with. 
Your father closed his eyes as he exhaled his frustrations away. “We are not going to argue about this again Y/N. You have another meeting this weekend and I expect you to behave properly.”
“Great” you exhaled this time showing your disagreement. “What is it, another sex trafficker? Do you really want this group associated with those kind of people?”
“No, of course not. You were right about that and I have already apologized. This time I will get you the best husband ever. He is the boss of a drug trafficking group with connections all over the world.” He approached you with a picture of the man you would be meeting. “See he is only eight years older than you.”
You pushed the photo away. “I don’t like him.”
“You haven’t even met him.”
“Exactly! You expect me to meet these men once and marry them?”
“After all I’ve done for you. Do you wish to see my life’s work die with me? Do you not appreciate the sacrifices we have made for you to live a luxurious life like you do now? Going out, partying the night away with endless amounts of money.” Your father had gown up in poverty. He lived in the worst of neighborhoods, that was how he got into the life of crime. Only now he had made it to a place where he had no need to run. He had the money to bribe the police and get away with anything. “You don’t care about this at all?”
“Of course I care!”
“Then you will do as I say.” He sat back down behind his desk dismissing you from his office. His word was final and you knew that. No matter what you would have to sit through another uncomfortable meeting.
“I don’t care who he is, if he touches you he is a dead man.” Young Woo had been less than enthusiastic about your upcoming meeting. It had been a while since your last one. He had begun to think your father had given up on that idea after the last few failed attempts.
You sat down on his desk directly in front of him. “Save me Oppa.”
His eyes darkened with a haze of lust after hearing your pleas for help. You had just called out his dark side. “Did you just call me Oppa” he asked in a huskier voice than usual.
“I did” you smirked. “I also asked for your help.” If there was one quality Young Woo possessed that you loved it was his protective nature. He would stop at nothing to protect what was his weather it were money or you, the woman he loved. 
“You don’t even have to ask baby girl.” He held your hand, pulled you off the desk towards him, and sat you on his lap.
After spending some intimate time alone with you Young Woo had put you at ease. 
On Saturday when you went out for your meeting Young Woo made sure to send some of his men to keep an eye on you. They didn’t know about their boss’ relationship with you and never asked questions. They simply followed orders and kept a close eye on you as you sat at a secluded table in an upscale restaurant.
“Hello I am Kim Woobin.” The man introduced himself to you before sitting.
“Yes, my father told me.” You had to admit he was handsome but he was nowhere close to Young Woo’s level. “I’m sure he told you my name and much more.”
Woobin laughed liking your rebellious attitude and snarky remarks. “He did, that’s why I came prepared to be treated as a hostile enemy.”
“Perfect” you smiled. “Then you know I don’t have any intentions of marrying you despite how much my father would like me to.”
“How can you be so sure? You are just meeting me. Maybe at the end of the day you will find me irresistible.” He flashed you a cocky smile making you realize how often he must do this kind of thing.
“I doubt it.”
“Why, is there someone else you are interested in?”
“There is.” You admitted without hesitation. 
Woobin nodded accepting the fact that you had someone you liked. “I don’t really care if you have a romantic interest. I’m not the jealous type but I am competitive so I will make it my personal challenge to be better than him.”
As the meeting went on you kept your distance from Woobin. He was persistent unlike the other men you had been forced to meet. Your lack of enthusiasm didn’t bother him one bit. “Woobin you’re a decent guy, I’m sure you have women who want to be with you.”
“I do, many of them” he nodded. “But I hate that. Like I said before I like challenges so I want a woman who I have to work for.” 
“Then if I actually pretended to like you would you go away?” His laugh was answer enough. “I thought it was worth the try.”
Finally you had spent the minimum amount of time required by your father and were taken home. Woobin drove you home despite your wishes and pushed it further by walking you to the door. “You should go now or my father will get the wrong idea.” It was strange to admit this wasn’t the worst thing to happen to you. Woobin was very casual and easy going which made for an easy day.
“You have to admit marrying me wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.”
“Maybe not but it would still be horrible. You’re handsome, respectful, and have all the makings of being a one woman man. If you keep looking you will find someone who isn’t taken.”
Woobin nodded, “but I won’t keep looking. I already found the one I want.” He quickly pressed his lips to yours and left before you could react.
At Young Woo’s office he was being given the information by his men who had followed you. “At first we thought she was on a date but then we heard her say something about already having someone she liked.”
Young Woo didn’t show it but he was glad to hear you had managed to make it through the meeting without altercation.
“But I think she was only playing hard to get because when he took her home they kissed. We couldn’t hear anything but it seems he initiated the kiss.”
Young Woo gripped the glass in his hand tightly as he heard about your kiss. It got to the point where the glass broke.
The men gasped, quickly they ran to his aid. 
His blood dripped down his hand to his fingertips before falling onto the floor. The pain was not present for him. All he felt was anger. Before him there had been no other man in your life. This meant Young Woo was the only man you had ever kissed. Knowing someone ruined that had him thinking of murder.
You were in the middle of having lunch with your father when Young Woo walked into the same restaurant. He had his men following him like usual but what was out of the ordinary was the woman that was accompanying him. 
Almost immediately your father spotted his rival and expressed his distaste. “They just let anyone in here nowadays.” He watched as Young Woo so blatantly had his arm wrapped around the woman’s waist. “You criticize me for my choice of suitors but look at that poor girl. Kim Young Woo is nothing but a player.”
You took a deep breath feeling a huge weight on your chest as you saw Young Woo being so close to a woman. It took all your strength to remain seated. Biting your lip helped keep your mouth shut but soon you drew blood.
“Y/N!” your father jumped up dabbing your lip with his napkin. “Did you bite your tongue while eating?”
“I guess so” you responded in a barely audible voice. “I’ll go wash it up, excuse me.” As soon as you got to the ladies room the tears you had been holding back broke free. 
Young Woo noticed your incident and followed behind you. He waited just outside the restrooms until you came out. “How does it feel?” 
“What?” You were beginning to realize this was all an exhibition of some sort. “Did you do this on purpose?”
He nodded, “you kissed another man.”
“He kissed me” you angrily responded. You felt a whole different kind of sadness. “I would never willingly do anything to hurt you.”
“I didn’t kiss her or anything like that” Young Woo defended himself.
You on the other hand are here on a date with another woman.” 
Your eyes darted over to the end of the hall reminding him that he had someone waiting outside for him. “You are here on a date with another woman because you chose to be. I only meet with other men because I am forced to.” 
Young Woo felt like a jerk. He had acted out of jealousy and in that moment it felt right to do it. Now he regretted hurting you. “Baby I’m sorry.” He went to hug you but you stepped back.
“No.” The small action took so much out of you. For one you hadn’t seen Young Woo since your meeting with Woobin. You missed him very much and until today had been craving the comforting feeling of being in his arms. Now here you were in emotional turmoil as you resisted hugging the person you love. Tightening your lips brought a sting of pain that made you wince in pain. “I have to go.”
Young Woo followed close behind as you walked over to your father. “ Dad, can we go home, please.” You pushed back the tears but your father noticed them.
“What’s wrong? Is it your lip?” 
You nodded using it as your excuse.
The concern for you lead your father to not even notice Young Woo when you pushed past him. 
Watching your figure disappear from his sight Young Woo realized how bad he had messed up. He kicked the table beside him causing the restaurant to go silent.
Woobin’s eyes roamed your face as you looked down at the cup of tea in your hands. Your demeanor was very different from before. Your eyes didn’t hold rebellion but instead pain. Your guard was down almost as if you trusted him. “How are things with your boyfriend.”
Your gaze shifted to the side. Unpleasant thoughts came to mind when you thought of Young Woo. He had tried contacting you various times before but no matter what he did you avoided it. 
Sensing your discomfort Woobin realized he had hit the target. “Guessed correctly huh?” He smiled, “I’m sorry but that makes me happy. Monster Woo doesn’t deserve someone like you.”
You finally lifted your head showing your widened eyes. “How did you-”
“Players like him can’t be loyal to one woman. They take dating very casually and don’t see the harm in holding other women as long as they don’t do other things with them.”
His words only reminded you of the incident at the restaurant. “He’s not like that.” The love you had for him told you to defend Young Woo.
“He is!” Woobin raised his voice for the first time.
“How are you so sure?”
He sighed, “i don’t normally tell people this but I used to be married. My wife cheated on me with Monster Woo. When I found out she decided to separate and go to live with Young Woo. That same day she came back in tears saying Young Woo refused her. He didn’t want to be in a relationship with her, he only though of her as a casual fling.”
That certainly didn’t sound like the Young Woo you knew. Up until now he had been nothing but serious with you. It was a secret relationship but it was legit and formal. He was loyal to you and talked about marrying you someday when your father stopped trying to insist on arranging your marriage. “You’re wrong, that’s not the way Young Woo is.”
“No? Then tell me what happened between you two.”
“He was angry because we kissed so he tried to make me feel jealous. If he didn’t care then he would have looked past it but he loves me...” You realized the reason he had gone so far to get a rise out of you was because he had always felt this way. The way you felt seeing him with that girl it was the same way he felt knowing you would go on meetings with other men. You smiled, this conversation had made you put everything into perspective. “I have to go.”
“Not so fast.” Woobin stood up beside you.
You stiffened as you felt a cold metal object pressed against your side. “What are you doing?”
“Walk” he ordered you. The gun was well concealed between both of you making it seem like you were leaving with him freely.
Your eyes opened slightly as you began to regain consciousness. A throbbing pain in your head had you clenching your firsts. When you tried lifting your hands you felt the cold restraints around them.
“Oh, you’re up.” Woobin placed a chair in front of you only a few feet away. He sat down and observed you as you fully regained consciousness. “Young Woo will be coming soon. What do you think his reaction will be when he sees you like that?”
Looking down at yourself you realized you were half naked. Your clothes had been slashed open revealing your bra and underwear.
“It took a while but I finally found Monster Woo’s weakness.”
“Are you doing this to get because of what Young Woo did to your wife?”
He seemed confused by your question then laughed. “That was just a story I made up to get you talking. Monster Woo didn’t do anything to me. I just want to expand my group by taking out his. Then thanks to you I can triple my group by getting your father to surrender as well.”
Woobin seemed so normal that this never crossed your mind. It made you angry to be in the position of damsel in distress. There was no way you would let Young Woo and your father lose everything because of you. “Can I go to the restroom?”
“Since you are helping me so much I will let you have that luxury.” He un-cuffed your hands and feet but stopped you from walking. Grabbing a role of tape he asked for your hands. “I’m sorry but I have to take precautions.”
You nodded extending your hands out obediently. As he began to wrap the tape you noticed he left the gun on the chair so he could tape you up. Taking your chance you headbutted him and ran for the door.
Woobin fell back grabbing onto the back of his head only for a second before reaching over to grab your foot. He laughed seeing you fall down to the ground. “I see you aren’t just some helpless woman.”
“Let go” you screamed as he got on top of you. You kicked successfully hitting him before he held your legs down. 
He smirked seeing you struggle beneath him. “Did daddy teach you to defend yourself?”
“No, I did.” Young Woo stood behind Woobin pointing a gun to the back of his head. 
Woobin sighed as he let go of you.
“Oppa” you felt a sense of relief once you saw Yong Woo. 
His men came along taking Woobin off of you. “Get him out of here” he ordered before going over to you and helping you up. 
“Baby are you okay?” He tore the tape off of your hands. With your hands free you hugged him, wrapping your arms tightly around his torso. He pulled you away to examine you. “Did he hurt you?”
“No, he didn’t do anything like that” you responded knowing he was asking because of the state you were in. 
He was glad to know nothing had happened. There was no way he could forgive himself if something happened to you because of him. “I’m so sorry for what I did. I won’t ever go near another woman so please just don’t be mad at me. I don’t want to be away from you anymore.”
As a response you reached up and pulled him down to you. He kissed you gently minding your fragile state but you didn’t want gentle. Not now, after all that had just happened. You leaned forward pressing yourself against him and he got the message. He groaned, low in his throat as he kissed you hungrily.
A/N: Added a little evil Woobin because why not? Sorry this took so long Anon. I made this longer as an apology. Enjoy~ Also please let me know if you guys find any mistakes. I miss them sometimes ^^’
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