#( i kinda headcanon that he knows how to hungarian )
calweathers17 · 4 months
Fucking clumsy, by that I mean constantly falling, tripping, spilling things, knocking things, bumping into people seriously don't play basketball with this guy or especially not football, even falls while just standing in one place he probably wouldn't even dare to stand if he was forced to wear high heels.
Used to be in a Volleyball team
"You don't have to run up and down I think it's perfect."
Although he quit after getting into racing.
Welcome your local cat lover, small note here Strip is allergic to cats, must suck but anyways Cal once found a small family of cats, a protective yet sweet and clingy mother cat with 4 kittens. You must picture that scene where he found them in the barn but can't take them home due to his uncles allergies so after school or whenever he could he would check up on them bring the mother food and give them a nice ...place blanket or whatever (obviously after earning the cat's trust) and would keep it a secret but obviously Strip would sometimes go there and eventually Cal revealed the secret but begged his uncle and aunt not to move them. He didn't dare to take risks (my boy knows a lot about cats).
With a very cool person I know‼️ we made up the fact Strip is allergic to both cats and peanuts the same with Cal but he's only allergic to peanuts.
Trans, FtM ‼️
"I just never felt right being called Carol and being seen like that but when they called me Cal." - LIFE CHANGING QUOTE YALL
Has been living with Strip and Lynda since he was 13 and met Bobby in highschool → went to 2 highschools after hardly convincing his uncle to let him switch schools, 9th grade in a normal highschool before going to a school to learn coding and other computer things.......yes (quick note I have no idea how different the American and Hungarian school system is so if I got shit wrong I will remake it.) He met Bobby after switching schools.
Likes art and is quite good at it mostly drawing planes and cars sometimes people, but got into racing more after meeting Bobby who's been a big race fan for years...also likes graffiti art but only did them after switching schools.
Mostly grunge and rock music listener.
Plays the guitar.
Kinda random...once stole an ukulele from some small art meeting thing (IDK WHAT IT'S CALLED outside of school activity)
HERE COMES MY RACING FAN I don't have much for them YET
Got into art after Cal, being his biggest fan and supporter on the topic.
Was the first to befriend Cal once my boy moved schools
Likes cats but more of a ... Guinea pig person don't ask how.
Lives with their father, total dick though. They got the first ever support for their racing dreams from Brick (knows him since the start of Highschool, them, Brick and Cal made a pretty great trio)
Who's someone who gets under my hcs and doesn't have gender problems? Welcome my Agender dude (or demiboy, still deciding..)
"This he thing just doesn't seem to fit me, that's all."
Brick supports him, wouldn't hold back if anyone ever bullied them for it. Although Bobby never really told his father and probably won't.
Not much of a music listener but listens to whatever Cal does
Got into guitar playing after Cal and loves hearing him play it.
Small thing for my Swiftweathers fellas
After the meeting Cal started drawing people more and you could maybe guess who he was drawing!
Cal can talk for hours about cats and cars, Bobby would listen. Bobby can talk for hours about cars and racing and Cal would listen.
Graffiti art mentioned? Bobby already joked / stated if they ever become a racer their racing number would be 19 and their car would be....probably purple ( I got cool news!)
Cal already could do graffiti art, his first one (on wall,.. if it makes sense) was the number 19, (obviously detailed and colored) small gift for Bobby (who still has it in their gallery and even as a wallpaper) although they eventually did get into trouble for it that was for something else but not the 19 one.
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sunny-honeytears · 2 months
So as I said im obsessed with the von Krolocks being hungarians so I'm gonna share my best hc names for Count von Krolock
And just to be clear I love the Breda von Krolock headcanon but during the time period he was born hungarians and székelyek (hungarian ethnicity) were the ones in position of power so its more likely he was hungarian than romanian
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So anyways my top 5ish names for him
#6-Bánk von Krolock: (for hungarians yes as a reference to Bánk Bán) its from a hungarian origin and means Bán (wich was kinda like a rank like a count) it just rolls nicely off the tounge and because we only know him as Count von Krolock its funny if he was just named after another rank)
#5- Előd von Krolock: Another name of hungarian origin. It meand "First" but has been interpreted as "Beginning" which is kinda fitting if we see him as the beginning of this whole vampire thing. Also means "ancestor".
#4- Holló von Krolock: Holló literally means Raven. Sounds Gothic, thats all.
#3- Táltos von Krolock: also hungarian origins, means "Possessing magical abilities" and it comes from the word táltos who were basically prophets of the old hungarian religion (before christianity) who were doctors, prophets and other religious roles. They werent taught, instead "called" to this role. Which goes nicely with Krolocks seemingly magical abilities like teleporting during the songs (or running really fast) and how he refers to himself as a mage during songs (mostly trying to very (not) subtly rizz up Alfred)
#2- Lehel von Krolock: Hungarian origin, comes from the old name "Lél". It probably means "soul" and that kinda explains why I picked it no?
#1- Vajk von Krolock: Look it just sounds nice. Also old hungarian name, originally the name of Saint Stephen before he got baptised. And the meaning is "rich" and "plentiful".
But hear me out. Some people say Vajk originates from the name Bajik which means "Righteous man" Ironic.
Honorable mentions:
+Ódor von Krolock. Comes from the german name Ulrich and means "Grand" and "Ruler" which is fitting but i wanted to go for hungarian origins
+²Géza von Krolock -Given that ALMOST EVERYONE WAS CALLED EITHER GÉZA OR BÉLA OR JÁNOS OR ANDRÁS OR LÁSZLÓ during that time its fitting but Géza as a name is kinda memed on in hungary (you know its so common its funny) and I can't unsee that here) Also original hungarian name, means "Little prince" or well "princeling" to be accurate, just like Bán, its a name coming from a rank.
+even more slightly less honorable mentions:
Kálmán-turkish origin, means "Left alive" which is funny for an undead count
Koppány- hungarian origin, means "grand" "victorious" "strong"
Herbert- Lets be honest here. If you look at any noble families you see tons of "II" and "III" heck sometimes even "IV". Even in their era there are tons of kids wearing their fathers name. Other than plot reasons why would they be different?
Before you ask no I'm not fine <3
Tell me which one you like the most please I need to hear feedback before I start writing fanfics 💀
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Castlevania Language Headcanons
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I spoke about language in Castlevania before. Like most media the series mostly just shrugs off the entire language barrier. People are just magically able to communicate. No matter from how far apart they actually are.
But personally I find it interesting to think about what languages the characters realistically would have spoken or been able to speak.
Trevor would probably mostly just know Romanescu (old Common Romanian). A language I might note that is a bit different than modern day Romanian, as it had a lot more slavic bits in there, than the modern language does. He might also have known bits and pieces of old Hungarian and Common Turkish, given the political situation at the time. Though I kinda doubt he would've been fluent. I do assume that his family once upon a time would have taught him Latin and Ancient Greek, but I doubt he would remember a lot of that.
Alucard meanwhile would probably know at least the ancient languages. I see Dracula as very intrested in teach him. So, I got to assume that Alucard will know Romanescu, Latin, Ancient Greek, but probably French, Hungarian, Turkish and maybe some Arabic as well.
Sypha seems to canonically just know all the languages. Given the effort was made to cast her with an Hispanic actress and having her speak with a Spanish accent, I assume Spanish is her mother tongue, but she clearly also speaks Romanescu and seems to at least be able to read a write a plethora of ancient languages. Given the fact she has travelled a lot, I will also just assume that she knows a lot of current languages at the time. Probably enough to understand most languages spoken in Europe.
It do assume the trio will use Romanescu to communicate with each other.
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Assuming that Dracula is in this timeline still Mathias from France, he will speak Old French, though the question remains whether he understands the Middle French spoken at the ime the series takes place. I do assume though. Given his entire think with knowledge and his almost obsessive collection of it, I just am going to assume he has learned a lot of languages throughout his life, probably being able to at least understand most languages spoken throughout Europe and Asia.
Lisa probably only knows Romanescu, when she arrives at the castle. Maybe some Latin, if she had tried to learn some medicine before. I am going to assume, though, that Vlad is gonna do some work polishing her Latin and Greek at least.
Still assuming, though, that they are going to hold most conversations in Romanescu.
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Hector and Isaac are a bit more complicated, of course. Because we know little about them.
It stands to reason, that Hector's mother tongue is Greek (given he grew up on Rhodes) and Isaac's is Arabic. Given he has probably consumed quite a lot of ancient texts and texts about alchemy, I think Hector will at least be able to read and write in old Greek and Latin. I also am going to assume that under Dracula he learned some Romanescu? He might also know some Turkish, given that during his childhood Rhodes was under Turkish control.
Isaac is a bit more complicated, because canonically we do not really know where he got enslaved and what not. In my headcanon I went with him being dragged all the way up to Italy, so he speaks Italian. Given he was a slave in a monastery and tried to help, I assume he knows Latin as well (and quite frankly, learning Latin, when you know medieval Italian is not that hard). I have him end up in Greece, due to the ongoing conflict with the Ottoman Empire, after he escapes. Hence, he speaks Greek as well.
Meaning that in all my Isaactor stuff, the two communicate a lot in Greek.
Given they end up in Austria, though, they do learn German soon enough. Speaking of which...
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The sisters are interesting in regards to their lannguages.
Now, Carmilla very probably is from Austria and always has been from there, so she would speak Old High German as her mother tongue. Given she was a vampire for a while, she probably learned a few languages, though. I gotta assume she knows Latin at least, especially given that at the time Latin was kinda the official language of politics in many regards. I am gonna assume she knows at least some Italian, Old French and Hungarian, too.
As I explained before: I assume that Lenore originates in Scotland. But given she was taken from her family as a child, she knows very little in terms of Scottish Gaelic and for the most part her mother tongue is old English. Given she was nobility, she has learned Latin, too. She also is the diplomat of the group, so I gotta assume she knows quite a few other languages as well, just to keep up her position. Very certainly Romanescu, too, given it is Vlad's main spoken language and he seems to be the big boss of vampires.
Morana, of course... Honestly, I am just gonna assume she knows all the languages. The woman is more than a millennium old. Depending on whom you ask even older than two millennia. She had the time to travel. She knows all the ancient languages for certain and if she knows Akkadian, Persian and Phoenician the other languages springing from that will be easy. I have her travelling Asia, too, so she kows at least Hindi, Chinese and Japanese as well.
Striga is a bit more interesting. She speaks with a Slavic Accent and her voice actress is from Croatia. Which made me put Striga there, too. She has to have travelled a bit. And of course she will probably speak Old High German with the sisters. I kinda want her to have learned old Akkadian to speak that language with Morana. Because that would be sweet.
I am going to assume that in everyday life the sisters speak Old High German with each other.
I am also going to assume that Lenore, to woe Hector, is gonna speak Greek with him.
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ask-hws-suomi · 5 years
Fin and Slovakia, because it just has to happen
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based on a brainstorming session about these two between me and a friend
Hoooo boy! Do I have some headcanons concerning these two...
I know that these two look like an unlikely pair, mostly because Slovakia gets sweeped under the rug (like many other Hetalia characters, shame) but these two have so much in common! Time to talk about my home country oh god
Finland, meeting Slovakia for the first time: who are you
Slovakia, almost tearing up: obviously not Czechia
Slovakia: you, but my government is less stable and I drink more vodka
Finland, opening his cabinets: finally, a worthy opponent
These two countries have some serious vodka business going on, no joke. But they handle it just fine.
Slovakia: so, you’ve been under Sweden’s rule for the better part of your history, huh? Mood
Finland: it wasn’t so bad
Slovakia: did you have to know how to speak speak Swedish like I had to speak Hungarian?
Finland: ... I-
Slovakia: you know your language kinda reminds me of hers... which is funny since you two are very different... but she’s technically your cousin... haha... huh
Finland: ...
Slovakia: ... but that’s just a theory?
Finland: I don’t wanna talk about it
They proceed to have teraphy sessions
They are both salty about Russia’s friendly endeavours back in the good ol’ twentieth century showdown
Finland: I lived at Russia’s house before I got independence
Slovakia: Russia lowkey occupied my ass after ww2
Finland: *winter war flashbacks*
Last, cherry on top:
Czechia, watching Slovakia jump over a campfire: god, he’s an idiot
Sweden, watching Finland add more fuel to the fire, concerned but impressed: I love him
Sweden: ....
Sweden: but what the hell are they doing?
Hint: it’s a Slovak tradition in which people jump over fires. I won’t tell you more.
Ah, I have more than this, but for now it’s enough. Personally I think that these two could be good enough friends if they ever got to interact. This was fun to write!
I’m working on more requests. Stay tuned~
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gccdnews · 4 years
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Did you see JESSICA DREW from MARVEL walking around Limbo? The CISFEMALE looks like ALICIA VIKANDER, and is NINETY SEVEN years old. I’ve heard she can be VIRTUOUS & WITTY but also COCKSURE & REACTIVE. When I think of them I think of HELPING THE INNOCENT BY HOSPITALIZING THE GUILTY, RAISING SPIDER-BABY, THE GREATEST QUIPS OF ALL TIME BITCHCAKES. They’ve been here WITHOUT their memories as an PI & FIGHTER at BAKER STREET INVESTIGATIONS & UNDERGROUND FIGHT CLUB for SIX MONTHS. I heard they’re seeking a sanctum.
// whew. jess has a history™. it's long af and spans nearly a century so im not gonna go into crazy detail, but it's still lengthy. and i'm also gonna modify just a bit to fit in with the mcu for plotting reasons and stuff. if you don’t really care about her full history then there’s some bullet points toward the bottom.
she was born in england in 1924 and brought as a small child to the transia (it's a small, fictional slavic country) where her father was conducting research. unfortunately due to her being a small child, she contracted uranium poisoning from her father's work and had to be placed in a cryogenic chamber and treated with radiation and a highly experimental serum derived from the blood/genes of various species of spider.
she spent decades in stasis, educated subliminally with special tapes. when she was finally awakened she had only aged into her early teens, but she'd developed superhuman abilities.
grew up, moved away, met a dude, fell in love, then accidentally killed him with her powers. so yeah that kinda torments her still to this day. well, when she still remembered it anyway.
got recruited into hydra who she was led to believe were the good guys, had her memories suppressed, was told the high evolutionary basically a "god" figure, idek evolved her from a spider into a human woman, had an agent pretend to fall in love with her, etc etc. basically got gaslit and brainwashed into becoming a high ranking member until she was put out on a field assignment and told to assassinate nick fury. during the mission he told her what hydra really was and she dropped their asses.
got her memories back from mordred the mystic, then lived in a shitty apartment in london for a while. ended up breaking into a convenience store across the street at one point to get some food, but got noticed by shield agent jerry hunt who pretty much hounded her until she dyed her hair and created a secret identity to hide from him
did the hero thing for a while, moved to l.a., dated jerry, became a bounty hunter, moved to san francisco, became a p.i., superhero'd some more, met carol danvers 😍
went on a mission to finally take down longtime archenemy morgan le fay, and did so, but not before some morgan did some magic shit and separated her soul from her body ?? so she goes to the sorcerer magnus and has him cast a spell to make everyone who ever met her forget she existed.
not long later she was found and revived by two hero pals, breaking the spell, but she was left comatose. dr strange gets involved, abra cadabra, jess ain't a cadava'. but she is however, powerless.
continued working as a p.i. until an encounter with the new spider-woman mattie franklin somehow restored her powers, which came back slowly and were very unstable. meets jessica jones, accidentally zaps tf out of her, then works with her to save the new spider-woman.
eventually struck a deal with hydra to spy within shield so she could get her powers back but the skrull queen veranke was behind it and manipulating her so she could learn to perfectly impersonate jessica. jess ended up held captive for two years aboard a skrull spaceship while veranke took her place.
she and the rest of the captives got saved but because of the havoc veranke wreaked, she didn't exactly receive a warm welcome back.
spent some time rebuilding her reputation until she was invited to join the avengers (for avengers 1 in the mcu, let's say). they did some good work and she eventually fell for clint/hawkeye. they dated a while but things went sideways when he cheated on her (but obvs that's subject to change depending on who picks him up, just leaving that in for now bc it seems kinda noteworthy).
skipping comic spider-verse stuff bc how does that work with the rp, idek.
left the avengers after that and mostly stayed out of their business so she wasn't around for ultron or civil war and instead got back to her roots with some good ol fashioned p.i. work. may have crossed paths with the defenders and other street level heroes during this period.  
then of course, came the snap. jess was one of the ones that vanished. using this instead of her death during secret wars in the comics. when everyone came back she joined all the others to fight thanos and damn right she was part of that moment with all the female heroes like she should have fucking been irl.
when things settled down after y'know, dying, she realized that she wanted to be a mother and raise a child, and almost never got that chance. instead of waiting, she got herself artificially inseminated. which was good too tbh because like, look at her luck with men and imagine getting stuck in one of those relationships she'd been in so far. way better off doing it on her own smh
got invited to an alpha flight maternity ward by her captain marvel but when she went there it ended up getting overrun by skrulls and being super fucking pregnant she called carol for help, but the maternity ward was apparently in a black hole?? bc ofc it was lol. so jess protected all the women there, had an emergency c-section to give birth to her son gerry, then popped right off the table to finish kicking skrull ass. carol got there just in time for jess to collapse into her arms after the fight. headcanon — there was always a crush there but this was the moment jess fell hard.
had a liiittle teensy falling out with carol tho so she ended up kissing roger gocking/porcupine right in front of her during a battle that ended up repairing their friendship. then she went on to have a party announcing she and roger were dating but lbr she did most of this sub/consciously hoping to get a rise out of carol. but her spider-baby ended up crawling out a window and roger was the one to find and save him and there were some actual feelings there too, so. complicated. she kind of distanced herself from everything else to focus on p.i. work and raising her son.
not much later, jess realized her radiation immunity was gone and her powers were killing her, so she had roger take gerry to an upstate farm in case her condition could potentially harm her son, then set out on the search for a cure. that search of course, leading her to limbo city, nevada.
upon her arrival however, her memories quickly started to fade and by the time she woke up the next morning she had no specific recollection of memories. just innate and instinctive knowledge like her emotions toward people she was familiar with, emotional trauma that manifests mostly in her dreams, maternal instincts/yearning, her abilities both physical and learned, her interests and likes/dislikes, etc. things that come naturally to her, for the most part.
interestingly though, the town’s magic seems to have cured her??
gonna say she speaks english, romanian, german, hungarian, symkarian, russian, bulgarian, polish and spanish fluently, and knows a bit about a number of other languages.
incredibly intelligent, she is after all the daughter of a genius, raised among scientists conducting research, and her knowledge/intelligence was only maximized by her stasis education tapes.
exudes a high concentration of pheromones that can attract or repulse people, to put it simply. and ignore the original heteronormative connotations bc women aren't typically the ones she wants to repulse, and men arent always the ones she wants to attract. it's difficult to control but she learned over the years. even now without her memories she has innate control over it, but if she manages to work up a sweat (which isn't all that easy for her tbh) or misses a shower or two, well… it's gonna kick in.
she probably can't do it anymore in limbo because she can't remember how, but with her pheromones she learned to control them so well she was able to elicit fear, anxiety, attraction, hatred, pleasure, etc. and even used them to convince the hulk to make her a sandwich once.
fucking loves butter. she's been known to eat the stuff straight up. and a lot of it. lucky thing she has a spider-metabolism.
hc: she loves making puns, especially spider related ones. she also likes to annoy her spider-friends by spider-throwing the word spider in front of everything though it's obviously a joke, unlike in her cartoon where im pretty sure she was dead serious lol
hates rats. so much. she will tear down a whole skrull army but if one shapeshifts into a rat it's over okay, she already lost.
allergic to flerkens. which is great for visiting her bestie/crush, and her pet flerken chewie.
still has her suit but hasn’t worn it yet in limbo. she found it under her bed a couple days after “waking up” in limbo but put it right back because she figured it was probably some weird sex thing and maybe wasn’t even hers so, gross, yknow?
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aventisz · 5 years
I'd love to hear your theory on how Elodin got into the fae 👀
Okay, but first lemme insert a cute Elodin scribble here ;)
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Now, to the real thing~
First, I have to declare that I only read Rothfuss’ books inhungarian and I’m not sure how much the translation affected my understanding.Second, I never really theorized anything before in any fandom (except right now I’m in The Dragon Prince Hell with a buddy) sooo I mightmake wild guesses. I welcome any addition or criticism because I’m pretty sureyou (or a bunch of other people in the KKC fandom) have read these books waymore times than me and know way more about it as I do… and again, I feel like I’m bad at making theories and even tho I spent like forever organizing my thoughts it came out like rambling…
So then, let’s see how Elodin, my baby boi, has any relationto the Fae. Pretty much the only thing we know he knows something of the Fae isthat he recognized Kvothe’s enshade (is it how Kvothe’s cloak is called inenglish?). How the heck can he know that tho? I doubt he just recognized itbecause he read about in a book description or something. I’d guess he has seenone before. If he did, he either saw someone wearing it either in Temerant(which isn’t a common sight) or he’s been to the Fae realm. If he did so, itseems pretty suspicious that his visit was around the time he was Chancellor.He went there, somehow came back, went mad and somehow his student went nutstoo in the process. To be honest, I feel like if I add more to this that’d berather my headcanons than actually relying on the text. Other than that onecould think that Elodin sorta did the same thing as Kvothe: he went to Ademre,met Felurian but he just changed a wee bit more than Kvothe did. It would kindaexplain why Elodin is so interested in talking about sex. But I’m pretty surethat’d be just poor storytelling which I doubt papa Rothfuss would commit to.
So, instead, I’m thinking about something else: what isElodin is one of the Fae? I’m pretty sure some people out there could prove mewrong (you are more than welcome tho!) but hear me out: what if he’s a bitweird because he has zero idea about normal human social interactions? He asksof his students to tell him random facts because he’s fascinated with thisworld and wants to know more? He’s into being nude and having sex, because, theFae might be interested in that stuff in general (I’m not sure if all the Faeare tho, but Felurian and Bast are at least, I don’t know). Like, if he was oneof the Fae, that’d explain how he knows of the enshade. Also that part in Wiseman’ fear, where Kvothe meets Felurian: in every other sentence he describeshow Felurian’s eyes/voice/everything is similar to Elodin’s (now there’s thisthing that Kvothe’s eyes changed when he came back from the Fae realm too… I’lloverlook that because I can, lol). But then Elodin was admitted to theUniversity at a young age, right? Maybe either he was a lost little baby Faethen or simply he used some magic to make himself look young? He could behalf-fae too oh my heart… And even if the Fae have their own magic, I’m prettysure they can learn naming since I guess Bast knows it too (because in the end ofWMF, there are rings of various materials in his room). But then what happenedwhen Elodin was abdicated from being Chancellor? Maybe he organized a schooltrip to the Fae and it didn’t turn out well XD
So I dunno,  I’mhaving fun thinking about this stuff… and oh man Elodin looks even hotter withpointy ears so let me have some wild guessing X) And uh, in the end I hope this was somewhat enjoyable! If you got this far in reading, feel free to request KKC art XD
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bliss-delight-jr · 5 years
goofy and indulgent crossover
i already made a post about this, but i don’t know why i didn’t just copy+paste the text into an actual post, instead of posting the link to the document??? anyways, you can read more under the cut, plz enjoy
When Rose has free time, and isn’t helping out the Caretakers or Madoc with the Archipelago and whatnot, she’ll take trips to the Summer Country. Sometimes short, sometimes long.
Sometimes she will take friends with her - like Caretakers or other Magicians - but not always.
Rose could be anywhere from still a young teenager, to a young adult.
She goes to a concert in the early 70s and luckily meets the band members after the show. What follows could go one of a few ways (or a combination):
Rose meets them and is slightly/very intoxicated. She shares information on things that they definitely should not know, concerning the Archipelago and such. (only problem with this is that they might find her kinda crazy - which could be interesting - but they may also be intrigued or amused)
Rose meets them and they hit it off. She continues to go to their shows and interact with them over a long(ish) period of time. (Rose becomes roadie???? dunno…)
Question: is there Trouble or Evil in their midst? Or is this a chill AU? The boyz could become involved in something bigger, most likely due to Rose - or saved by Rose?
Either way, Rose, of her own accord, decides they would (probably) be good allies, mystorians (if those exist still), or even Caretakers (if that role isn’t already filled by someone else, like Bradbury).
The boyz visit the Archipelago! (Possibly through the gate at the Kilns?)
Or people and things from the Archipelago visit them
The boyz at this time aren't HUGE, but gradually, as they get busier and busier, they visit less, and are involved less
Potential Caretaker placements:
Freddie: principa
Bri: secundus
Roger: tertius
Roger and Brian could share the role of secundus, making John the tertius of the group
John: The Fourth One, Or tertius
Or - Fred and Bri could share being the principa, making Roger secundus, and John tertius
General headcanons:
Brian loves the badgers instantly - fast bffs
Brian loves all the animals and they love him
Freddie plays the piano with/for Edith
Brian is possibly the nerdiest, and so gushing and excitement and endless questions insue
John is so nervous but everyone loves him
Other Caretakers call Deacy “other John” - or start teasing Tolkien instead
“How do you do, Jirt” “for the last time, Geoffrey”
Freddie probably loves Tamerlane House yo - big, extravagant, beautiful
Freddie’s (family’s) religion of Zoroastrianism (pre-Islam) strongly connects with themes of cotig
This Is Not A Headcanon This Is A Fact
Freddie knows other languages, like Japanese, Spanish, Gujarati, and Hindi - this would help in understanding or translating parts of the Geographica and other things
He APPARENTLY knew some German curses as well
He also knows a Hungarian folk song???
Brian and Tycho Brahe
Freddie and Byron
Freddie admires and respects all the Caretakers Emeritus, buuuut he isn’t a big reader, and so he’s nervous to be around them
“So are you familiar with my work?” “Uhhh no not exactly” “Or mine?” “Erm, i’m afraid not-” this goes on for several minutes
The band performs for them and everything and it’s so great
Bert LOVES them - he’s a dad he likes dad rock
IF roger ever gets angry or volatile while their at T.H., he’ll just go outside and fuck shit up out there, so he doesn’t wreck the house and become exiled - everyone else just hears yelling and crashing and everything from outside
John: “roger you all right?” Roger, coming back inside, covered in leaves and twigs and dirt: “yeah”
Roger can be so blinded by rage, sometimes he doesn't give a shit, he loses control, he throws the only TV they have at TH out the window
Everyone is Smoking Buddies
They, for the most part, DO NOT smoke around the magicians - they are responsible(?) and caring adults - second hand smoking is bad
These boys time travel a lot??
Songs of special potential connections:
My Fairy King
The prophet’s song
Who wants to live forever
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chanlyeya · 7 years
I asked empressarcana about this but i wanna hear your headcanons too! (Bless the two of you for all these TL posts!) How do you think it would go once isabella introduces ashton to her family? And isabella to ashton's family? I mean there's probably a disconnect since they come from different cultures and social standings! But I wanna know how they both deal with it!
This is such a cute ask (。 ˃艸˂) I’m more than happy to provide posts for this fandom nonnie, I love it nearly as much as Ash loves Belle (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧
Before I answer, I want to make one thing clear: I am a Canadian of mixed European descent, specifically Hungarian, Finish and German, so I have absolutely no first hand experience with any of their respective cultures. I can look things up, but that’s only so accurate, so I apologize beforehand if anything seems uncharacteristic!
Since Ash’s family is smaller, and nearby, we’ll start with his, as Belle is definitely going to meet them before Ash meets hers. Since she meets his surrogate father figure in the actual game itself, I’m going to leave Professor Andrew out of this 😅
First member to be met, is Mama Frey, and Belle is nervous as all get out. She asks both Ash and Becca so many questions about her leading up to the meeting. Ash thinks it’s adorable and is enjoying watching her freak out, until the day they’re supposed to meet up and goes to pick up Belle but, she’s not at home??? And not answering her phone??? Then he starts to freak out until Becca calls him to let him know she’s with her; she showed up at half past six freaking out over her hair of all things and Becca’s been trying to calm her down since. It serves him right, enjoying his girlfriend’s freak out like that.
Anyways, once Ash stops being an ass, he goes to pick up Belle, who latches on to his hand and won’t let go until they reach his mom’s place. He can feel her nerves through the way she grips his hand, so he tries to calm her down by running his thumb over the lines of her palm, and, when that doesn’t work, flicks her forehead. That works much better, and though he mourns the loss of her hand in his, he knows she appreciates it despite the glare she sends him.
Mama Frey opens the door before they even have a chance to knock as she was watching them approach because, damnit, she’s been waiting for this day for years! Her son may be under the delusion that’s he’s cool and smooth and can keep a secret, but not from his mama! She knew this Isabella would be the one for her son ever since she received that call half a decade ago where he drunkenly ranted about some stupid girl on some stupid bridge with her stupid smile!
Mama Frey shoos them into the house where they find she made them a feast, complete with all of Isabella’s favourites. Turns out, Isabella wasn’t the only one bugging Becca about the upcoming meeting and Belle is super touched??? And, to top everything off, unlike her son, Mama Frey not only knows how to cook but??? Is actually quite good at it???? Belle immediately tells her boyfriend he better watch out, because he’s quickly losing his position as her favourite Frey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Needless to say, Isabella and Mama Frey hit it off big time. Lots of embarrassing stories are shared, and Mama Frey thanks Isabella for putting up with her son. He may be an idiot at times, but he has his heart in the right place. Belle says not to worry, she knows, and though he tends to mess up a lot, she still loves him for it 💘
There’s nothing else to say, since Ash dies right then and there ;)
Joking! The next member to be met is Papa Frey! Just like with Mama Frey, there is a lot of talk with Becca about what to do, since Ash is biased and therefore useless whenever she asks him for help. Since her meeting with Mama Frey went so well, Belle is not nearly as nervous this time and doesn’t run off without a note to her boyfriend’s relief.
Now, I imagine Ash’s dad to be much like mine, and, very relaxed??? My dad’s a lot like Professor Andrew actually. He’s not as prepared for the meeting as Mama Frey was, since he believes in just letting things happen. To Ash’s immense relief, he does not pull out all forms of embarrassing stories, and instead they have a deep discussion about art??? He’s seen some of her paintings and is very impressed and, in fact, he owns one of them. He went to her exhibit she had done with Zach, wanting to know a bit more about this girl his boy was in love with. Once more, Isabella turns to Ash and tells him, if he doesn’t do anything, he’ll soon become her least favourite Frey 😂
As far as Ash is concerned, it’s perfect, Not embarrassing in the least, until, near the end, Papa Frey asks Belle if his son told her he loved her yet??? And Ash is all, “uh, dad, we’re dating”. And Papa Frey is shocked??? “With how you act and talk about her, I thought for sure you were still in the pining stage!” Ash takes it back—his dad is so much more embarrassing then either Professor Andrew or his mom!!!
Alright, so, that’s it for Isabella meeting Ash’s family, now for the real challenge: Ash meeting Isabella’s!
It’s a bit over two years into their relationship before the two of them can both set aside enough time to head down to meet the family for a week. Mama Santos is super looking forward to finally meeting the man who captured her daughter’s heart???? Belle had never even entertained the idea of dating before Ash, and suddenly they’ve been in a relationship for two years and from what Mama Santos has heard, this boy really loves her daughter????
Mama Santos prepared for him big time. She had the house cleaned top to bottom a week prior, and just kept cleaning it during her free time. She rearranged the furniture in the guest room, and Isabella’s old room. They would be sleeping in different rooms, which is kinda a bummer as far as Ash is concerned, but, whatever pleases her family. They come bearing gifts, which endears Ash to the younger siblings, and while Mama Santos loves him immediately, the same cannot be said about all her siblings :’( I have another ask asking about exactly that, so I’ll go into detail when I answer that one.
Mama Santos immediately treats him as part of the family, and tries to get him to help out with cooking, but Belle puts a stop to that immediately. Ash apologizes and says he’s still learning how to cook thats a lie, Isabella doesn’t let him in the kitchen even to watch but he offers to help clean instead. Mama Santos is a bit worried over the fact that he can’t cook, since she loved to cook with Papa Santos and the kids, it was a family activity, but he didn’t have any other glaring faults so she lets it slide.
They visit Bella’s father’s grave. Bella brings flowers, and Ash brings incense, a basket, and a barrel of water. He cleans the grave first, then burns a stick of incense, before sitting in front of the grave and starting to a tea ceremony where he then leaves a wooden cup full of it before the grave. He apologizes to the grave, saying he doesn’t know if he would like the matcha, but it’s all he learned how to make properly. Isabella asks what he’s doing and he explains that he doesn’t know if Filipino have a traditional way of honouring the dead, but this is what his mom taught him to do whenever visiting the grave of his grandparents, and he wants to treat Papa Santos with the same respect.
Isabella falls a bit more in love then
They stay until the incense finishes burning, the two of them just…silently standing side by side, each offering their own prayers to the man. When they finally leave, Isabella takes Ash’s hand and reassures him that Papa would’ve appreciated the thought and act behind what he did, and that he would’ve loved him.
Since this also got long, I’ll put it under a read more when I get home. On that note; do you guys like these long responses, or should I start cutting them shorter???? (。 ˃艸˂)
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aventisz · 5 years
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Another Elodin scribble :D
Also another little theory/headcanon/bold assumption/I dunno thing below ;)
And as I said in my earlier posts I don’t think I’m good at making theories but I kinda enjoy them XD And on a sidenote I googled “is Elodin a Fae?” and I was happy and surprised other people are guessing the same stuff I do! So, if I again make another theory that everyone and their mom
But now another thing came to mind: what if while Elodin is pretty darn good at learning the names of things, he’s a dummy when it comes to actually giving names (or nicknames)?
I’m thinking this because when it came to name Kvothe’s invention (that stuff that catches arrows) Elodin came up with Bloodless, and Kilvin was like: „wow, that’s pretty shitty but if that’s the best you can come up with, then fine”. Shouldn’t Elodin, the pro namer, give a name to that thing that everyone agrees on as a fine, fitting name? And while one could argue that either Elodin just wasn’t in the mood, or he wasn’t interested, or the creator himself couldn’t come up with a name for it, then what are we expecting?
But then remember how amazed Elodin was when Kvothe said he named Auri? Elodin tells him that Auri doesn’t mean sunshine, and Kvothe is surprised too. In that scene as I remember Elodin is really surprised that Kvothe came up with that name, and that it was kinda unintentional and unconscious. And then it was kinda ironic that Elodin’s and Kvothe’s roles switched for a moment, because Kvothe was then the unintentional but successful namer, while Elodin was the nerd who spoke a bunch of languages but still couldn’t coin up a name that has a meaning.
So what I’m saying is, what if our baby boi Elodin lacks a wee bit of creativity? Like, when he’s talking to Kvothe on the roof and he really, really tries to make an association for the phrase „breaking one’s neck” and he comes up with something weird that doesn’t really fit into the context (in the hungarian translation at least). I’m even thinking what if he’s being weird all the time because he’s trying to squeeze out a bit of creativity of himself? Like, otherwise he’d be too smart and logical and reasonable.
…idk I think that’d be cute… and sad. Like, knowing how to call things by name but being a bit untalented at actually coming up with names X)
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