#( i might revamp my multi soon???)
notrightnowsblog · 1 year
The more I think about it the more valid the Chuck won theory becomes. Because if you take the finale at face value it doesn’t make a lick of sense.
Cas sacrifices himself to save Dean. He does so by confessing his love to Dean, thereby paying off a multi season arc. Whether you interpret that love as romantic or platonic it is presented on screen in canon that just speaking it to Dean without Dean responding is enough for Cas to experience true happiness and summon the empty.
To reiterate no matter what you think about the nature of Cas’s love or if you think Dean feels the same way or not, in canon Cas loved Dean so much he gave his life to save Dean. All the other things he says he cares about during the speech, Sam, Jack, the whole world, are also in immediate danger, but Cas dies to save Dean.
Then the world gets saved, Jack becomes god and leaves Earth and six months later Dean dies in a hunt and goes to Heaven. This is all exactly as it happens on the show. Except they don’t specify how much time has passed between Jack leaving and Dean dying but we are told later it was six months. Regardless there is no indication on screen that a long time passed before Dean died. He had a very short life post Cas is what we’re meant to believe.
In Heaven Dean is told that Cas helped Jack revamp Heaven, specifically to make it more pleasant for Dean. But we don’t see either Cas or Jack. We get a very strange “happy ending” where all of the characters we’ve come to care about over 15 seasons are either dead or absent. The show tells us this is a good end but it rings false.
Up until the words “Cas helped” are spoken we the audience believe that Cas is still in the empty. While we aren’t told explicitly that Jack rescued Cas from the Empty, it’s heavily implied. And we don’t know how long he’s been back but it’s been long enough for them to undo the previous version of Heaven and create a new one and customize it for Dean.
And here’s where taking the finale on its surface level falls apart. There were problems with the presented narrative before this but they could be chalked up to the complications of wrapping up a long running series under Covid restrictions. But this is what turns Chuck Won/network interference into a viable theory in my opinion.
I am supposed to believe that the Cas we saw die for the love of Dean Winchester, so that Dean would live on, did not immediately go to save Dean when he was dying only a short time later? That makes sense? It only made sense to the viewer in the moment before you know that Cas is no longer in the empty. But if you accept what the show tells you, then while Dean is bleeding out on a bit of rebar, Cas is busy picking out Heaven’s window treatments.
Alright. Someone could argue that that Cas was still in the Empty while Dean died and his rescue from the Empty happened simultaneously with Dean’s death and then he and Jack did their Heaven refurb while his body was burning with god/Angel power. Alright, that’s a stretchy head canon but let’s go with that. So Cas doesn’t go to Dean as soon as they are both in the same plain of existence? Why? He’s sulking because Dean didn’t say I love you back? (a theory that only works if it was a romantic confession but beside the point)?
The show told us that saying it was enough for true happiness. He would go to Dean. He may feel apprehensive about how will react to seeing him and it might be awkward but he would go to Dean.
A straightforward reading of the finale does not make sense. But you know what does make what we saw make sense? Chuck won. Cas isn’t there because he’s isn’t there. He’s still in the empty. “Cas helped” is a lie. The “happy ending” feels false because it is. Chuck won.
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lilacmermaid25 · 6 months
Ted Lasso Fanfic Challenge 2024 - April
Guys, this challenge is my favourite one every year - I really hope some of you might be interested in taking part!
April’s Challenge:  3 Things!
The Rules: There are none, EXCEPT that  that you must message me or send me an Ask in order to take part. I will assign you 3 Things, and your fic needs to incorporate all of them in some way. The 3 Things might include an action, a setting, or a random object, but the way you use them is totally up to you! They can be minor passing references, central to the plot, or anything in between. For instance, if one of your 3 Things was France, you might describe Nate putting up a poster of a lavender field in Provence. Or you might write a scene where Keeley & Roy go to Nice for their honeymoon. Or write a story where Rebecca leads a full-scale invasion of France!
Any character, any setting, any premise - anything goes! I’m calling it April’s challenge, but there is absolutely no deadline. And no word limit either - make it a drabble or a one-shot, or the longest multi-chapter you’ve ever written. (I can’t claim to need new things to read these days, but I love multi-chapters all the same). It doesn’t even need to be fic - I’d be thrilled if any of these challenges inspired a gifset or some other form of fanart!
Want to participate but aren’t able to write something at the moment? That’s fine too! Just describe what you’d like to write about for this month’s challenge. I’m curious what ideas all of you have in your heads!
Please add your fic to the AO3 collection HERE, and tag it with Ted Lasso Fanfic Challenge anywhere else you post!
Feel free to check out any of my prompts if you’re looking for inspiration. My Masterpost here is very much a work-in-progress, but I hope to revamp it soon.
Bonus Challenge: Feel like setting an additional challenge for yourself? Send  me an Ask and I’ll give you a character or idea to write about!
Good luck!
Previous Challenges:
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dontwritemeoff · 2 years
guess who’s laptop of 5 years just shit out on them on friday night with no warning and they had to get a new one yesterday bc their warranty was long from being expired. this guy!!! BUT thats just me complaining, I was lucky enough to actually have money for a new one and its soooooo much better :)))
also i’ve heard mostly positive reactions to me making this a multi-fandom writing blog! so i’ll probably be revamping the theme and stuff soon but i still have some A6 requests to work through so it’s not abandoning a6 by any means, just including some new stuff :)))) will revamp my intro post to include fandoms i’ll write for and feel free to req stuff outside of that too, just keeping in mind i might reject because i don’t know anything about it (possibly!)
anyways, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, stay warm! and if you’re in the southern hemisphere, drink water and stay cool!
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vaelynez · 2 months
Hello! I’m so sorry for the sudden message, but I really wanted to reach out and thank you for writing and sharing BHLD, even if its an older fic
After a long night of no sleeping, I suddenly remembered the first digimon fic i read around four years ago. For some reason, I vaguely remembered the title enough to find it on ff.net. To my delight, I realized the story had been updated and finished. I knew I had to read the whole story then, and wow it was a ride.
As someone who suffers from a bunch of mental health issues, the story was an endearing tragedy from start to finish. I loved how you handled Takeru and Yamato by giving them flaws outside of their struggles and portrayed the slow growth in their relationship.
I just-I’m thankful I was able to revisit this fic after a couple of years and appreciate the progress I’ve made with my mental health. I was in a repressed, worse spot with my depression and the fic always stuck with me as a way to say that the emotions i had weren’t “okay” and that i truely wanted to be better (ironically Yamato’s story in adventure helped me realize i had depression).
I’m sorry for dumping this all on you after you wrapped up the fic years ago, but I wanted to let you know that your story made a great impact on someone and helped them <3 please keep writing as you have talent and an amazing handle on emotions.
Thank you again - Anon
Hi omg. This made my life you have no idea.
BHLD is kinda infamous in my head because it was a train wreck to write. I’ve got a love hate relationship with it. I started it when I was, shit 13? and in seventh grade. For context I’m in my second year of college and 19 at the end of September.
Kinda long post incoming.
That being said, the first variation wasn’t good (because I was 13). I’d actually go as far to say it was objectively bad writing, just on a craft level. But again, literal baby writer it was my second fic ever. When I revamped it, it was miles better. Looking back, I think I was 15 when I started the revamp? It ended when I was 16. Could it be better? Yes, but it could always be better.
HOWEVER, that’s just my overcritical writer brain getting hung up on the typos and passive voice and filter words. What actually matters is that there was improvement in between the two versions, and improvement to my writing now. What matters is I finished it.
Until this July, it was my only completed multi-chapter fic. Sure it took me years but it was done, that’s more than I can say for countless WIPS on my computer, (glares back at my past few posts about my recent projects…update on that coming soon) or that one fic collecting dust on my AO3 account.
On a more personal note, this fic also followed me through some rough times. A lot of the themes I write about reflect what I’m dealing with at the time. It’s both how I cope and how I hope to reach someone dealing with something similar.
I initially started it because I was struggling with my own mental health issues, which influenced the story greatly. It followed me through my recovery with self harm. I was either struggling or just getting out of an eating disorder when I finished it. I moved and switched schools three times. 13-16 is not a fun age to be for anyone. It sucks. I think I finished it my Sophomore/Junior year, which might have been one of the lowest points ever.
I look back at the open ending of the fic and remember that, besides the overarching theme reasons, I genuinely didn’t know how to write things getting better, recovery.
Which brings me to what hit me hardest about your message, I’m just glad my writing made a positive impact on you. Genuinely, it’s my ultimate dream with anything I create, I can help someone. It’s how I build the very foundation of my stories, what message do I want to send? (Aka theme, but yknow, lets be sentimental for a moment).
I’m not changing lives with my Digimon fanficion, but I can impact them. And even if I put out the worst thing I’ve ever written, if it helped someone even just a little bit, who cares? Shit, if what I write can helps someone admit they’re not okay and want to get better—and it did????—that’s actually huge. That’s such a big thing to admit to yourself, and a huge step to take.
Hugs to you, and thank you for taking the time to send this in. I’m having a bit of a month and this really cheered me up. I’m genuinely going to carry it with me all the time. I recently took a break for (physical) health reasons and your message was a reminder of why I love storytelling and art so much. It was also a bittersweet trip down memory lane.
Thank you. I’m proud of how far you’ve come. I’m so thankful and honored that I could be a part of it, no matter how small of a role that was. 💕
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ofsweetness · 2 years
i promise i will be Actually doing my revamp for the multi soon. feel free to lmk if there are any muses you think i should write or anything. i’m gonna pare down my list + organize it and such so i’ll have room. and also properly list the ocs i’ll be writing and such. depending on when i get home from work (have a thing after) i might start on it
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warriorswithin · 5 years
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neesieiumz · 4 years
My Hero Academia Masterlist
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One Shots 
//coming soon
//coming soon
Multi-chapter fics
All the Stars - {Tamaki Amajiki x Black!Female!Reader} [DISCONTINUED] [REVAMP COMING SOON]
//coming soon (may not even do them honestly)
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One Shots
Live Accident
Like I’m Bakugou
Multi-chapter fics
//coming soon
//probably not coming soon
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One shots
//coming soon
Take him back home
Multi-chapter fics
//coming soon
//probably not coming soon
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One shots
//coming soon
Multi-chapter fics
//probably not coming soon
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One shots
//coming soon
//coming soon
Multi-chapter fics
//coming soon
Limited Series
//probably not coming soon
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One shots
//coming soon
Night News
Multi-chapter fics
//coming soon
//probably not coming soon
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One shots
//coming soon
Multi-chapter fics
//coming soon
//probably not coming soon
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One Shots
The Tunnel
//coming soon
Multi-chapter fics
//coming soon
//probably not coming soon
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One shots
//coming soon
//coming soon
Multi-chapter fics
//coming soon
//probably not coming soon
Characters to possibly come, the ones above are just the ones I know I’m gonna write about:
Dabi (I want to know this man’s real name before I write about him) [UPDATE: Just added him]
Denki Kaminari (I don’t why, I want to get more of the others out before I push out more characters)
Izuku Midoriya (Honestly, I’m probably gonna make a banner for him tomorrow so expect his name to be taken off soon) [UPDATE: Just added him]
Tomura Shigaraki (*Thinks back to the manga* yeah, this man is in timeout for me right now, perks of stanning a villian huh?)
Twice (*Thinks back to the manga* *cries*)
All Might (...man is  barely holding on that small form, I don’t know... I still love him though)
Endeavour (I don’t care if he’s getting a “redemption arc”, I still don’t like him, it’s gonna take a lot to write about him)
Overhaul (Yeah, same with Endeavour)
Any of the female characters (Honestly, I wanna work on my WLW before I publish any with them so that’s gonna take some time)
Tenya Iida (I don’t know, he reminds me of this one dude in my church who likes me but I don’t like him in fact, that dude gave me the creeps, so I need to get over that before I write about Iida)
Mirio (Tintin looking ass motherfu- okay, let me stop... this is probably gonna become what Midoriya is but on a later date)
Anyone else (They aren’t coming to mind right now so they’re on the back burner, if you think there’s a character I should write about, send me a ask!)
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magiaesabiduria · 3 years
Pre-update (yes I need a pre-update to warn you all of what’s going on over here and just some of the whys) it’s long so yeah.
I’m planning a blog revamp soon (not planning on moving but with how I tend to get around this time I will not make promises there). This means: 
Muse list changes (there’s a small preview of what that might look like on pinned post but that isn’t the finalized list)
Likely dropped threads (most if not all but the newest ones; long story short life kicked my ass lately and took my motivation and i coped by starting up a million new things and now i feel like i’m drowning)
Cleaning ask box regularly (this means those things I have no muse for and when/if muses aren’t specified esp if the sender is also a multi like.. my anxiety and overthinking is through the roof and i do ask to specify muses for a reason but also a simple “any muse” or “any female/male muse” goes a long way idk at one point it just feels like things are being sent in because you think you should not because you want to and.. yeah, maybe this is my anxiety talking but i get stressed and feel shitty when that seems to be the norm)
Cleaning follow list regularly (i understand slowness and all that so this won’t be it, it’ll be a lack of communication that does it for me.. again, i’m anxious af and already think low of myself so feeling like i have to beg for interactions isn’t happening anymore so if you’re not interested just say that so neither party has to waste time/energy. grew up having to guess people’s emotions/thoughts and a bitch is SO over that)
Blocking those peeps that hang around to take musing stuff or meme stuff.. like clicking reblog from source isn’t hard and when those are the ONLY notifs i’m getting from you it’s a problem.  
Selectivity; truthfully, i keep to this pretty well but going to add in here the whole sm.t as a RARE occasion thing (if those are the only interactions you’re seeking i notice and yeah not cool that isn’t the focus of this blog. nothing wrong with sm.t and sx at all but po.n without plot is NEVER the mood here; a bitch is EMO AF and so are my muses 
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Picani's Therapy House
Virgil feels like he might need some specialized therapy to help with being touch-starved and anxious about asking for love. Fortunately, there is a Therapy House nearby that just might help him...
There, he meets Dr. Picani and his special assistant: Şüräle!
Şüräle is a mythological character that I revamped and turned into an OC. Here's the link to the character:
In this fanfic though, Şüräle is a cute little grey stuffed mouse. This is what they look like: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/uOEAAOSwlixfJJgE/s-l1600.jpg
Hope you enjoy! And thanks @agarus-fallen-lershal for the adorable suggestion!
Chapter 1: A Welcoming Environment
Virgil walked into the open door and looked around the room for a second. The waiting room was childish-looking, but also homely. The room was painted a light purply blue color and covered with vines filled with little multi-colored flowers on them. The waiting room chairs were comfy-looking dorm chairs that were littered with cuddly blankets and fluffy faux fur pillows. There were side tables with sequined stuffies and those squishie toys, and even a pop up bin filled with pillow pets! Lastly: in the middle of the room was a kids table and chairs filled with interactive books and coloring pages with crayons.
Virgil smiled at the cute atmosphere, and walked towards the secretary. The secretary was wearing a light blue collared shirt with glasses, and had a big genuine smile on his face.
“Welcome to the Special Therapy House! I’m Patton. Are you here for an appointment?” The person at the desk asked.
Virgil was immediately caught off guard by the loud voice, but felt somewhat comforted by the heartwarming personality. “Y-...Yes.” Virgil replied.
Suddenly, someone else walked into the room. He had a black jacket on, a white shirt underneath and a pair of sunglasses on despite the man being inside a building. “Hey Pat: tone down the excitement a little bit. You’re scaring the poor little anxious man.” The stranger warned.
Patton sighed and turned to face him. “I can act how I want. And I want to make the new person feel welcome.” Patton explained.
“Well, guess what? You’re making the new person feel like running away. You wanna make them feel comfortable and safe. Not overwhelmed and anxious.” Remy explained.
“I’m...actually okay with how Pat introduced the therapy house. It...made me feel better about the type of therapy I’m here for.” Virgil explained a little quietly, but loud enough for the guy to see.
The guy with the sunglasses narrowed his eyes, but soon softened his expression. “Okay. A little warning though, I’m the only one that calls him Pat. Alright?” The guy warned.
Virgil put his hands up in surrender. “Okay.” Virgil replied.
When the sunglasses guy left the room, Patton waved him off. “It’s alright. I like the nickname. I couldn’t care less.” Patton explained to him. Which therapist are you looking to see?” Patton asked.
Virgil started to wrack his brain for a minute. What was his name again? Quickly though, Virgil remembered at least one of the names.
“Picani?” Virgil guessed.
Patton smiled. “Emile Picani! He’s a great therapist. You’re gonna like him!” Patton reacted. “You can go cuddle yourself in a seat over there, and he’ll be ready to see you shortly.” Patton directed.
“Thank you.” Virgil said with a smile before heading over to one of the seats. Virgil picked up one of the fur pillows, and immediately hugged it. Upon seeing an orange pillow on his chair, Virgil grabbed it and wrapped it around himself eagerly. He felt comfy, but it wasn’t enough. Virgil started looking around the room and came across an open chest filled with multi-colored blankets that were each made out of different materials. Happily, Virgil walked up to the chest with his orange blanket and started putting all the blankets on his head and shoulders. Sky blue, pink, brown, red, many different colors of blankets were now piled on top of Virgil. With his body now ready to marshmallow tackle someone, Virgil closed the chest and slumped into the waiting room chair with confidence.
“Uuuuuh...Hello?” Patton muttered, looking at the walking pile of blankets.
Virgil looked up at Patton with insane eyes and a mix of excitement. “I’m a blanket monster…” Virgil whispered in awe.
Patton giggled from the desk. It looked like Virgil was going to destroy the world with his blanket powers. What those powers would really be, Patton couldn’t tell you.
“Mr. San-...oh.” Someone said. Virgil looked up at the door, and gulped when he realized who it was. The man was wearing a white-collared shirt with a pink tie, and a beige sweater overtop. What really told him it was him though, was the name tag that said ‘Dr. Emile Picani, Psychologist and Therapist’.
“.........Hiiiiiiii Mr. Picani…” Virgil said awkwardly, still covered in tons of blankets.
Picani just bursted out laughing and whipped out his phone so he could take a picture. “Oh my gosh! Who knew I’d come across a blanket monster!” Picani joked as he took pictures.
Despite the cute reaction from Dr. Picani, Virgil’s embarrassment struggled to leave him and began to manifest into somewhat awkward laughter. With Picani’s help, Virgil put the blankets back and walked into the therapy room.
The therapy room had the same homely feeling put into it. There was chairs to sit on, a table to draw at if you wanted, a box of stuff in the corner, and a sheeted bed added to the side of the room. Atop the bed, was a little stuffed animal shaped like a mouse.
...Wait...Was the stuffy moving?
“Welcome to my love-atory! It’s a laboratory for those who are lacking different types of love and affection. One of my favorite psychologists to quote, is Neil R. Carlson. After a while of studying kids with little reactions to touch, Carlson said ‘When the enriched kids returned to the typical conditions that involved little touching, the physical and behavioral advantage they had obtained faded. Although the enriched group showed a better response to stress as long as eighteen months later, they still were socially withdrawn and failed to respond normally to other children and adults’.” Dr. Picani explained.
Virgil looked at him.
“Basically what that means, is even though touch-deprived kids are able to handle stress better, they are still lacking the ability to accept touch and affection.” Picani told him. “Have the people in your family been hugging you and giving you lots of love?” Picani asked.
Virgil sat down onto the bed. “Well, I have been getting lots of hugs from one specific caretaker. But everyone else has either grown up quickly, or grown to hate hugs.” Virgil explained.
Picani frowned hurtfully. “Really?” Picani reacted.
“I mean, I do get hugs and love. But I would probably get more love and affection if I could work up the courage to ask.” Virgil explained further, growing awkward from the idea of asking.
“Sounds like you’re a shy man!” another voice spoke. It sounded like the voice was coming from beside him. Virgil looked to the right side of him and reacknowledged the mouse stuffy that was there. He noticed it moving slightly before, but this time…
It was waving at him!
“Hi there!” It spoke suddenly.
Virgil’s eyes widened with surprise as he scooted away from the stuffy. He pointed at it. “Do-Does this stuffy have an automatic talking sensor or something?!” Virgil asked.
“Well yes, but actually no. He does have an automatic sensor...but by sensor, I mean ‘he’s alive’. This is Şüräle! My plushy assistant!” Picani introduced.
Virgil gulped nervously and looked at the little mouse stuffed animal. It was grey, had flat paws and even had a long, peach-colored tail! It looked somewhat realistic, but also cartoony. It had black eyes and no specific nose piece at the end, as well as no visible mouth.
“Nice to meet you! Do you have a name?” The mouse greeted.
Virgil kept in mind the moving black line that outlined the mouse’s mouth. It was...kinda cute! “V-...Virgil. My name is Virgil.” He replied, before holding out a hand. The mouse took one look at the hand, and immediately grew curious and eager for love. So, Şüräle placed his forehead onto Virgil’s hand and started rubbing its face on it. Virgil, surprised by the strange reply to his handshake, started giving Şüräle little pets and scratches. Şüräle practically melted like a puddle from the scratches and laid itself down on its back onto the bed so it could get some belly scratches as well.
“Good to see you two are getting along!” Picani reacted eagerly.
“Is it a boy or a girl?” Virgil asked.
“A boy. A manly, macho boy!” Şüräle replied, showing off its muscles and claws.
Virgil laughed at this and gave Şüräle some belly squeezes and scratches. “About as manly as a toddler.” Virgil teased.
Şüräle guffawed in surprise and started kicking, squirming and giggling. “Hehehehey! Thahahat tihihihicklehes! Hohohow dihid yohohou knohohohohow?!” Şüräle asked.
Despite his manliness being proven wrong, Şüräle seemed to love the tickles! And Virgil seemed to notice this right away! “So, I guess you like tickles too?” Virgil asked Picani.
Picani blinked in surprise and slowly started scratching the back of his head. “W-Well...yeah. It’s why I came up with this type of therapy in the first place.” Picani explained.
Virgil nodded in understanding. His hand slowly started to drift away from Şüräle, allowing Şüräle to get out and start breathing and talking properly.
“How would you like to start now?” Şüräle suggested.
Picani nodded his head and snapped his 1 finger. “Yes. Good idea.” Picani replied. “So Virgil: telling by your cute little reaction to Şüräle, I think you are a bit of a Ler, as well as a Lee.” Picani explained. “So, that makes this a little more complicated. Do you prefer to be tickled? Or would you rather tickle someone?” Picani asked.
Virgil looked down and visibly blushed at the internal thoughts he was having. “I wanna...I wanna be tickled.” Virgil replied.
Picani clapped his hands together. “Wonderful!” He reacted as he walked up to the purple-wearing emo. “Would you like to tell me where you’re ticklish? Or would you rather let me figure it out?” Picani asked. “Or, perhaps you could give me a spot to start with, and I can go on from there.” Picani suggested.
Virgil looked up at Picani with a smile and started giggling as he pointed to his own ribs. Picani narrowed his eyes and smirked as he understood just what he was telling him.
“Sounds like a plan!” Şüräle declared before jumping into Virgil’s hoodie. Şüräle immediately started skittering around in the sweater, and sniffing all over Virgil’s upper and lower ribs.
“Wha- HEY! NAHAHA! ŞÜRÄHAHAHAHALE!” Virgil laughed helplessly, doing all he can to not squeeze his arms against his chest.
Şüräle popped himself out of Virgil’s shirt collar. “Mr. Picani! Reporting high levels of ticklishness!” Şüräle told him.
“Ooooh! This is gonna be fun!” Picani reacted. Eager to start right away, Picani placed his hands on Virgil’s ribs and started wiggling and drumming the fingers.
“OhohoHOHOHOHOKAHAHAHAHAY! Hohold on-” Virgil instinctively started pushing away the eager fingers. He seemed really nervous about letting people know about his ticklish weakness.
“Pushing me away, huh? I guess I’m gonna have to...GOFORTHESTOMACH!” Picani declared before shoving a hand under the sweater and tickling his belly.
Picani giggled and started squeezing his belly more. “Look at how squish-squish-squishy your belly is! Such a chub-a-chubby belly!” Picani teased.
“But it IS! Such a lovely little belly for an emo like you!” Picani teased while he continued to squeeze it.
“Is it really that squishy?” Şüräle asked.
“Yes! It really is!” Picani told him, pausing his tickling. Şüräle gasped excitedly and shoved itself under Virgil’s shirt. With curiosity and mischief, Şüräle started squishing Virgil’s belly with its front paws, and started tickling his belly with its mouse tail.
“Hahahahaha! Yohohohour tahahail ihis soho sohohohoft!” Virgil told the mouse.
Şüräle popped out from under the bottom of the shirt and beamed. “Thank you!” Şüräle replied.
“Nohoho prohohoblehehem.” Virgil replied.
Şüräle crawled itself back under the shirt and climbed itself up Virgil’s body. It was about to pop out and snuggle into Virgil’s neck, but it stopped in its tracks when it started smelling something...pretty! It smelled nice, actually!
“Hey Virgil! Your armpit smells nice! What’s in it?” Şüräle asked as he shoved its nose into Virgil’s armpit.
“Oooh! You want some help there, buddy?” Picani asked.
Şüräle removed his nose from the armpit. “Yes please!” Şüräle replied.
“Okay. Which arm are you under?” Picani asked.
“This one!” Şüräle replied while poking the sweater with its nose. Picani noticed the poking fabric, and lightly grabbed onto Virgil’s arm.
“If you were ever uncomfortable with the thought of being pinned, just let me know.” Picani told him. Then, Picani gently lifted the hand above Virgil’s head and lifted the other arm as well. With both hands pinned, both armpits were now vulnerable and ready for tickling.
“Thank you!” Şüräle said happily before sniffing and moving its nose around the armpit.
Virgil bursted into helpless giggles almost immediately and started tugging on his left hand. It was his left armpit that was being tickled by Şüräle’s nose right now, and he wasn’t able to stop it no matter how much he tried to. Picani was too strong. And yet...he didn’t have the heart to tell Picani to let him go. He liked this. It made him feel all giggly inside and made him want to curl up at the same time. It was a strange mix of feelings that he struggled to fight with.
“You feeling okay, Virgil?” Picani asked.
Virgil nodded in reply. He had a huge smile on his face that couldn’t be hidden, no matter how much he squirmed.
“That’s good. How would you feel if I tickled your other armpit?” Picani asked, as he slowly brought his left hand over to Virgil’s right side. Virgil squealed and squeezed his eyes shut. “Do you want me to tickle your other armpit? Or is that too much?” Picani asked.
Virgil looked at the lingering fingers above his right armpit and looked at Picani with a pleading facial expression. That seemed to tell him everything!
“Alrighty then!” Picani touched his fingers down onto Virgil’s right armpit and immediately started scratching and skittering his fingers in the hollow part.
Virgil let out a HUGE squeal and fell into loud, squeaky laughter! It was so cute to listen to! Who knew such an awkward and quiet emo would be hiding such a cute laugh?!
Finally after what felt like hours, Picani stopped tickling him. “Alright. I think you deserve a big break.” Picani told him.
Virgil was still giggling and kicking, and even shaking his head back and forth a little. It was like he was still being tickled.
Hmm...Maybe he was?
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle! Such a cute little guy! I like you a lot! You’re so fun!” Şüräle’s voice spoke.
...So he IS being tickled still!
“Şüräle? Buddy? I said for us to stop. He needs a break.” Picani told him.
“Awww...But I didn’t get very long with him!” Şüräle whined.
Picani gave Virgil a guilt-filled ‘sorry’ expression. When Virgil signalled for him to get his mouse, Picani reached under Virgil’s shirt and pulled him out from underneath. “You sir, got more ticklish Virgil time than I did! So don’t start complaining.” Picani warned.
Şüräle frowned and pouted in the doctor’s hand. Virgil, finding it kinda cute, let out a giggle at the pouty stuffed mouse.
“Hey...don’t be giving me the whiny pouts, buddy.” Picani warned before curling his finger in an evil, threatening manner. Şüräle looked up, and immediately dropped his pouty face in surprise and slight eagerness.
Picani started tickling Şüräle’s belly with a couple of his fingers. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koo!” Picani teased.
Şüräle let out a squeal and started laughing. The mouse’s laughter was super high-pitched and squeaky, making the mouse even MORE adorable!
Not even a second later, Picani laid Şüräle onto the bed beside Virgil and started tickling both their stomachs at the same time! Both of them were giggling, laughing, squeaking and even snorting!
Picani quickly figured out that Virgil has a snort when tickled long enough! And even though Picani already knew this, Virgil learned something adorable about Şüräle:
Şüräle will fall into fits of just squeaking when tickled a lot! It was like Şüräle was a real, living mouse! Only...its body was stuffed with cotton.
Soon enough, Picani let up on both of the adorable beings.
“Alright. I have to go talk to Patty the Secretary out in the waiting room. You guys can bond for a while. Okay?” Picani rold them.
Virgil nodded and happily took the time to get to know Şüräle. Through talking to the mouse, Virgil learned that Picani’s father actually get him the mouse when he was younger! Not only that, but Şüräle had taken on Picani’s childhood personality, including his childhood love for tickling! So through getting to know Şüräle, Virgil was getting to know Picani as a kid!
And of course, no bonding experience could ever be finished without a cuddle or a tickle. And for Virgil, he was gifted both. 
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videcoeur · 4 years
The Time Has Come!
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It’s time for me to branch out of this community and make my blog multi-fandom. I understand this change might be bothersome to some of you, so no hard feelings if you feel like unfollowing. 
My blog is going to be revamped. I have talked about this a few weeks ago, but I’m making it happen now. On the course of the next few days, I will be changing some links, editing my blog, adding a tagging system, and making sure my blog is ready to welcome muses from other fandoms.
I will reblog this post with the new updates as they are done. Fantrolls still are one of my favorite thing to rp so I’m definitely not leaving. I’m just branching out with fandomless OCs and some old canon muses I miss. 
Expect a list of fandoms and tags to block soon. 
Thank you all for understanding and for those who will choose to go, I wish you the best! 
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athletiger · 5 years
Author Meme
Tagged by: @mizzy2k (love ya <3)
Author Name: 
Fandoms You Write For:
I currently write Marvel. I’ve written Kingsman, and, when I was much, much younger, Percy Jackson, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and the Ranger’s Apprentice. Fun times.
Where You Post:
AO3. Never look at my ff.net page.
Most Popular One-Shot:
Twink Tony, the Fuckening. (MCU - the period is included in the fic title). Wrote the first part completely drunk and finished the rest of it on a train to London. I credit @ionicirelia for coming up with the title and then @sabrecmc for reblogging it so that it became my number one fic.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
I don’t write multi-chaptered stories typically. Knot your Typical Case (MCU) is one of them, and I did that with @rose-on-the-mountain. It was mostly sharky who wrote the fic - I provided the idea :P
Favourite Story You Wrote:
These Wings Were Made to Fly (MCU). I was supposed to be writing my big bang fic; I wrote this instead because the plot bunny wouldn’t let me go. I spent a solid 12 hours in front of the laptop cranking out this fic, and it’s my favorite fic to date.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
Fics that include other people ideas are the fics I’m most nervous about because I’m playing in their sandbox and I want them to be happy, and it feels very disappoint when I don’t. Liminal Space was an MTH fic I did for @ifall. It was supposed to be a horror story; my brain couldn’t work it out because I’ve never watched The Haunting of Hill House. I’m still trying to work it out and hoping to write a fic for spookytober. We’ll see if it pans out (gotta finish bb first!)
How Do You Choose Your Titles:
Puns, song titles, sometimes I make my fellow discord friends give me a random title. Usually steal them from quotes or song titles.
Do You Outline:
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes my stories run away from me. Mostly I do one-shots, so I don’t need a written outline, and more or less somehow I conveniently forget I do have an outline XD.
39 on my Ao3 account. Let’s not talk about ff.net.
“3 Assholes, 2 Tardises, and a Dalek walk into a bar” is my big bang fic, and I’m super excited about that. I’m still writing it because I’m a slowpoke who can’t write over 25k words. I’m ecstatic that my artists chose me to draw for my fic! It’ll be out in November (and I definitely blame @mizzy2k for making me write this fic. Just kidding...not really :P )
“La Famiglia” is a multi-chaptered mob AU that is going to be revamped hopefully, new storyline and all. I really wanted to incorporate some things that I didn’t get to incorporate the first time around and it will hopefully be better the second time around. Also, my writing style has changed since then, and I just can’t make the fic work the way it is.
“this is nuts, but be a little bit more boulder” (MCU). Gotta finish chapter 3 for @onlymorelove
“Teeny Tiny Centaur Steve” (MCU). Gotta finish chapter 3 for this fic as well.
I have a giftfic for @serinah80 that I haven’t looked at in months but feel guilty over because I really wanna write her fic but I’m still trying to work it all out. Sorry serilove. It features sub/slave/slut Tony and Dom/master/out-of-his-depth Steve, I think. LOL.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started:
I have an untitled supernatural AU inspired by Teen Wolf that will feature Steve as a hunter who hates the supernatural and a werewolf Tony who realizes Steve is his mate. It’s gonna be angsty and great. I’m super excited to crank out this fic when I’m finished with my big bang.
I’m supposed to do a remix for @ayapandagirl. It hasn’t gone anywhere. 
I have more, but these are at the top of my to-do list right now.
Do You Accept Prompts:
Yes, but since no one prompts me here anyway, I get most of my prompts from discord. I’m happy to take prompts. Like mizzehhhhh, I’m going to write fics in the order I’m most inspired by, and I might not get to some fic prompts.
Mizzy said it best: If you have a prompt and you’re very eager to see me write it, check out MarvelTrumpsHate next week, for a small cashy donation to charity you get to order me around. Sort of. Within reason. <3 It’ll be at the top of my to do list next year.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write:
Wolf Tony is the fic I’m most excited to write about! I’m super excited to put you through the feels and the angst.
Tagged By:
@mizzy2k Hope you are satisfied with my answers love <3
Tagging: @onlymorelove @rose-on-the-mountain @my-soul-and-perfume @firelightmystic @ashes0909 @festiveferret @ayapandagirl and anyone else I’d forgotten who’d like to join in
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zooinks · 5 years
methods i have either tried or am going to try in order to feed my western painted turtle his multi vitamin and calcium powder supplements:
powder on celery leaf: bad. also tried a bit of broccoli and then remembered he can’t really have that so yeah. he didn’t eat any don’t worry !!
banana/powder mash (gross and he does not like. sinks to bottom and makes mess)
said mash on dead mealworms (im scared this might not be enough cause a lot of it rinses off when he uses his hands to break the worms up)
mash on pellets: he was not fooled
mash thickened w MANY small pellets to make a monstrous lump on his dock: looked like dog shit AND he wasn’t fooled
new method in making: freezing mash into worm shapes so it’s solid enough he can eat. mixed a bit of crushed dry shrimp to hopefully disguise powder taste
maybe next method: powders in scrambled eggs, or let beaten powder+egg mix drizzle into boiling water to make noodles/worms.
this would ofc be a treat kinda thing as a diet supplement/enrichment cause he can’t have TOO much of that but im rlly focused on figuring it out rn bc when i was gone he was over fed and had too much protein rich foods (feeder fish, some of their food, pellets, meal worms, freeze dried shrimp). im ALSO focusing on bettering his lighting situation and im going to be cleaning his tank soon to revamp it and try to find the best substrate to plant some shit but also keep him safe
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emblcmatique · 5 years
//i may have used the little free time i had before work to actually make a new blog for my multis :D (why yes i’ve decided to move both blogs bc it’d be less of a mess for me and as surprising at it might seem, it’d be less of an effort and work for me to make a new blog altogether than revamping the older one, especially since it’s already being wonky for me anyway).
the 3 houses muses aren’t moving any time soon, but just so you know...
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Hawks: Day Off (Part 2)
A/N: I got a couple of requests to do a second part to this and so I tried my best to come up with something! Sorry if it's not great, I wasn't planning on turning this into a multi-part story but hopefully you enjoy! :)
It had been a couple weeks since that shitty day in the office, you weren’t all that mad because you got paid overtime, but still, it wasn’t exactly how you wanted to spend your day off.
Everything had calmed down a little in your work life, nothing too interesting had been happening in the land of Heroes, just small crimes and a ton of paperwork. The big mission you had been working on with Endeavor and Hawks had come to an end last week, it all went smoothly, and you’d managed to take down a huge part of a current crime syndicate that was trying to illegally sell power enhancing gadgets.
Obviously, the end of that mission would mean the disbandment of the team, or rather meant that Hawks should go back to spending time at his own agency rather than annoying Endeavor on a somewhat daily basis, but that didn’t appear to have happened. You assumed that the pair had become friends after working with each other for so long, but the look on your boss’s face every time Hawks entered the building seemed to debunk that theory.
Every time Hawks came to visit he always made an effort to swing by your desk and wish you a good morning or afternoon, which ultimately ended up turning into a lengthy conversation about anything and everything, one time you spent a solid hour debating whether or not Die Hard was a Christmas movie and during another visit you discussed how winter was a way better season than summer – he disagreed but that’s beside the point.
Hawks might have been a complete idiot at times but dammit he was the cutest idiot you’d ever seen, he always brought a smile to your face with his stupid theories on different films or tv shows and he told some of the corniest jokes, that was his charm, and oh boy was he charming your socks off. Just seeing his adorable little smile when he walked into a room seemed to make your day so much better, he was, quite literally, an angel.
You’d both seemingly fallen head over heels for each other, but you were both so caught up in your own feelings and anxieties over what to do that you hadn’t realised how each other felt. It was cute, or at least your co-workers thought so. Other people were fascinated by what was occurring between the two of you, it was like a love story unfolding before their very eyes, the two clueless superheroes that had met on mission and had developed feelings for each other without realising were now subconsciously trying to spend loads of time together, it was great, they’d even started a betting system on how long it would take for one of you to ask the other out, most people betting that Hawks would finally live up to his flirtatious actions and actually just ask you to dinner.
You had been a rather busy with some personal stuff lately, you’d only just managed to find a dress for your cousin's wedding and now you were having to deal with all your relatives breathing down your neck over the fact that you hadn’t said you were bringing a plus one to her wedding. It wasn’t exactly your fault – you were so busy with work that the concept of dating was somewhat side-tracked in your life path right now. You weren’t against dating someone, a lot of high profile Heroes swore of dating due to thinking their line of work was too dangerous and it would put their partner in danger, you, on the other hand, didn’t consider yourself high enough profile to warrant any form of arch nemesis, you’d arrested a fair few small scaled criminals but nothing compared to the likes of All Might, Endeavor, or even Hawks.
While you did like the idea of having a significant other, the concept of weddings was a little much. Your cousin was going all out, a big, grand display of her and her partner’s love for the world (Well a select group of friends and family) to see. You thought the whole little was over the top and having to deal with your family going on and on about how you could be the next one to walk down the aisle wasn’t fun, maybe one day you would, but that wasn’t going to be any time soon.
You woke up on an average Monday morning and went into work, it was a nice day out, not too hot and not too cold, the few clouds that were out made some beautiful sky art and the sunshine made it warm enough to where you wouldn’t need a jacket. You spent the first half of the day on patrol with some of the other sidekicks currently working under Endeavor, but nothing too interesting went down so you and a couple others returned to the headquarters in order to get some in-house work done. The whole office space was currently getting a revamp and so your desk was very messy as you were trying to get all the documents out of the draws for when your new equipment came in. You had paperwork and all sorts of personal items everywhere and you were desperately trying to get it all into piles so you could have some form of organisational system in place.
As you were shredding a bunch of old documents you saw someone pick something off your desk out of the corner of your eye. Turning to fully look at them you saw the cute little angel boy himself holding a small A5 card, you weren’t sure what it was at first, to be honest, you were a little messy and probably had stuff from your first day still lying around. You sent him and smile as a form of greeting and he returned the gesture.
“Wedding huh?” The messy haired blond said. “I always loved weddings, they’re fun – dancing, drinking, the overall theme of love, it’s great”
“Well if you love them so much why don’t you go? I’m dreading this damn thing and dress shopping has been a pain in my ass” You replied sitting back in your seat, relaxing a little seeing it was just the local red feathered chicken man.
He laughed a little at your statement, he always enjoyed your company, you were honest and always really light-hearted about everything, so it made falling for you easy so it made befriending you easy. “Is that an invite to be your plus one or are you saying I’d look good in your dress?”
You snapped your head up to look at him, he’d made some silly little comments here and there but this one was very direct and personal. You were a blushing mess, you didn’t mean to accidentally somewhat ask the number 2 Hero to go to a wedding with you, yet here you were. You also weren’t sure if he meant it, I mean what did he expect you to say? ‘Oh yeah, I've actually been meaning to ask you to come to this wedding as my date so all my relatives can poke and prod into our lives and get a couple year head start on planning our wedding’ how were you supposed to joke it off either? ‘hahaha yeah funny one Hawks, us going on a date is so out of the blue and hilarious, I would never want to actually go to any kind of personal event with you ahahahaha’.
“I- um, I gue- I erm” You were in a weird state of confusion and embarrassment. You were a complete mess while with the one person you really wished would never have to see you like this.
“Well I mean, I am known to be great company, kids and grandmas love me so I’m sure I’d fit in just fine” His internal thoughts seemed to be going 100mph for the same reasons as yours. What was he doing? What was happening here? Why was he going along with this little joke that was very quickly turning into a serious proposition? In his mind he was a wreck but, on the surface, this was his moment, he was putting on the smile and making sure he seemed somewhat unbothered by the whole situation, you said yes? Cool, he’s excited about the cake, you say no? That’s cool he can go down to the local market and buy his own damn cake and not have to share with anyone. Everything was fine, apart from the small fact that he was low-key asking out the love of his life in a very odd way, and you were probably going to say no because he was an idiot and should have asked you to something normal like a coffee. Why was he like this?
“I genuinely can’t tell if you’re being serious or not right now” You finally said. You were very confused, this was supposed to be a normal, if not slightly boring, day at work and yet it had very quickly turned into a day you were sure you wouldn’t forget.
“I just noticed that you hadn’t ticked the ‘plus one’ box on the invite and if you’re ‘dreading this damn thing’ then maybe I could make it a little more interesting” The red feathered man had now turned up the flirting to a full 10, there was no backing down now, he was too deep into this.
You were shocked, it was a good kind of shocked, you loved Hawks’ playful little comments, but you never thought that there were actual feelings behind them. Asking to tag along to a wedding with you was definitely not a playful little comment, that was a serious situation, who does that? Who willingly wants to go to a wedding? You had to admit that you liked the idea of going together though, Hawks was so carefree, bubbly and social, so having him with you at this wedding would definitely make the whole ordeal a lot more fun. Oh God were you seriously considering letting this guy come to a family event with you? What would your family think? Just imaging all of the looks and questions about the pair of you being together made you a little more nervous. But what if this was your chance? What if this was the one chance to get a date with a genuinely lovely guy? I mean he’s basically already said he would like to go so all you have to do is say yes.
All you have to do is just say yes.
Just say yes.
“Yes!” Hawks eyes shot up in your direction, he’d subconsciously been fiddling with the small piece of card in his hands while waiting for you to respond with something, your silence breaking his heart as each second passed. But now? His heart was all over the place for a whole other reason. “I would like that, I mean if you’re being serious, because if you’re not then this is really awkward and nowimnotreallysurewhattodobecau-“
“Awesome! March 9th right? I’ll pick you up at 12 and we can make our way there together!” Your cute little ramble just made his heart all the more giddy, while his nerves were hidden by his confident smile yours seemed to be less subtle and that made him extremely happy. The cute girl he’d been low-key obsessed with? He just bagged a date with her and he couldn’t contain the huge smile that made his way onto his lips. All this time he’d been anxious about asking you out? He doesn’t remember it because all he knows is that he has a date, with a cute girl, who just so happens to be you. All the teasing looks he was currently receiving from your co-workers (who were currently cashing in their bets)? They’re looking at the number 2 hero who just bagged a date with the love of his life. Today was the day that Hawks finally asked you out and the only regret he had was that he wished he’d done it sooner.
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twice-lit · 6 years
          ok so here’s the plan. tomorrow i’m going to buckle down and try and catch up on the threads / memes / starters i owe from the past couple weeks. god knows there are so many of them. i have remade my multi-muse so if you’re interested in writing with me there, hmu. mutually exclusive unfortunately. it’s a low-activity blog since olivia is my main. i also have an ally mayfair-richards from ahs. cult which you can find here. she’ll get a revamp soon or i may move her to my multi. if you want more carla on your dash, i created a source blog for her here. you’re all welcome. 
                  on sunday, i’m going to try my best to go through all the caps i have and sort through them, including thohh’s  --  i’m primarily looking for olivia caps but if enough people want me too, i could be persuaded to sort the caps @adivines provided us ( bless her, honestly ) in to individual character folders and release them for public download. she also taught me how to cap myself, so there is a chance ( a very slight, maybe kind of chance ) that i might make a resource blog for people who need caps or base icons. i say slight, because i already have enough accounts on the go and that might be a touch overwhelming for me. we’ll see. 
          and finally, send me memes. like my starter call. ask me things, i love answering any and all questions about the series or olivia herself. please ask me more. tomorrow is a writing day, i’m going to commit myself to catching up so if it might take me a while to respond to you ooc. i also need to make more gifs for the source blog. okay, goodnight !
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shapeofbones · 3 years
so i've decided to start a stress free blog for thoughts, rants, projects, updates etc.
i've tried to start a blog for a long time but i've never succeeded bc i either made it so formal to the point where it was like writing personal essays, or i just ghosted it.
anyways i'm a high school junior and i'm pretty busy so this might become a monthly thing. i'm quite disorganized so i have thoughts scribbled all over the place (notion, notebooks, docs, discord) and i'm just adding to that collection.
but this is a stress-free environment so...!!
updates for 2022 so far
january 9-15: attended youngarts week! so phenomenal and i've talked a lot about this elsewhere so i'm not gonna ramble again. but definitely such a valuable community and place to grow. thank you nicole for giving me so much inspiration. <3 yay poetry i guess?!?! always thinking about wildness and radical suggestions too. ngl i felt intimidated by everyone's energy as an introvert but i met ppl who would randomly text me about kdramas and game pigeon so I LOVE UUU! started a skincare routine too, discreetly.
mid jan: caught up with school work mostly, spent lots of time studying for compsci... i need an A in that class... but i oddly have lots of free time to watch kdramas and play games? i've developed an unusual (but not suprising) addiction to candy crush and this water filtering game.
late jan: went to the cardiologist and luckily my heart isn't too bad but my blood cholesterol levels are abnormally high. gonna cry. watched true beauty like 3 more times and i fall in love with eunwoo every single time, smiling like a crazed gal. astro's songs are actually really good and i've been obsessed with eVeRy song for this entire month.
early feb: still not very busy, and that gives me chills because i feel like i should be dying at this point. told mr v that ap lang was the easiest (least time consuming) english class so far and he was shocked. finished our beloeved summer and started all of us are dead. i thought i'd hate zombie movies (first one and counting!) but i actually really like this one. i am trying to eat less sugar and it worked until today (feb 4) when i ate 6 girl scout cookies. birthday coming soon! means i'm 18 and will get a paypal account.
writing news so far: lynne thompson called! i'm working on publishing my chapbook manuscript and miye's doing the cover art yay!!! also wrote 2 poems, one's a ghazal. talking about brokenness and form with nicole. ran lumiere's contest and received 1500+ pieces. also wrote half of a flash fiction piece. did an interview about writing and youngarts with elyse! i also started thinking about future collection ideas (apologies, motion, abundance), and i'm really fascinated by the intersection between antithetical things (abundance vs. absence, endings vs. beginnings, loss vs. reunion, motion vs. static, wholness vs. brokenness) and how they complement each other more than repel.
random thoughts: gotta start studying for aps sometime soon // still thinking about crying in h mart, and crying // i should watch train to busan soon // my parents and sis are so obnoxiously noisy i can't bear it anymore... gives me chest pain // starting to like mitski more! // why am i so bad at reading? // eunwoo is so sexy and his voice/face is calming. calm polar bear vibes. // i feel like i'm gender fluid... really contemplating this these days.
looking forward:
i want to write a collection of poems as a personal project. not for publication though.
i want to go exploring around LA, especially korean-american imprints in this city like koreatown. wanna go out with some friends, old and new. like my band friends and maybe multi friends. learn and experience culture!
i wanna live a youtuber lifestyle (think minimalism, vegetarian, fashion revamping, makeup) but i think i'll save this till end of college apps next year.
gotta really make an ap study plan. there's 3 months left.
i'm getting $3,000 from youngarts and i want to use that well. really wanna travel but i don't think that's possible with covid. i'd buy lots of fashion items but also it seems like a waste.
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