#( i'm asking queue as a friend just...put an end to me | queue )
ddeunbi · 3 months
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PAIRING jake x gn!reader WC ooo GNR fluff, suggestive WRNGS grammar mistakes, kisses, public setting, soccer-player!jake CAMEO huh yunjin of le sserafim ( BOOKSHELF ) for @jakesangel this was supposed to be a hyung line fic, but i decided to turn it onto a jake fic instead since i feel bad; writer's block sucks
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your boyfriend had promised to take you to the bakery that you've been wanting to try for weeks today, which explains why you're waiting for your boyfriend to finish his daily basketball practice at the gym. luckily, you don't have to sit on the bench alone today as your best friend, yunjin, is waiting for her cousin to give her a ride home.
you look at the clock in the gym, 3:55 p.m., just 5 minutes more until they're done.
sighing, you rest your head on yunjin's shoulder. she placed her head over yours and wrapped her hand around your shoulder.
"endure it for 15 minutes more, then you can hug and kiss your boyfriend all you want. I don't recommend hugging him, though; he's sweaty" you nudge her side, laughing at her. "hey! it's just my opinion,” yunjin laughed.
"since both of us are bored, tell me about that girl right there." you looked at where yunjin was pointing, only to find the girl that you probably despise the most right now, sitting with her minions. she was the one who always claimed to be jake’s real girlfriend and bothered him everywhere.
"her face is so annoying, I want to punch it," yunjin remarks. you chuckled, knowing that you and her were on the same boat. you hate how she's still following jake everywhere when she knows that he's with you.
just when you're about to tell yunjin more about her, you hear your name being called. you turned your head to the source of the sound, only to find jake winking at you before shooting the ball into the basket. the ball successfully went into the hoop, which filled the whole gym with the sound of shouts. the coach blows the whistle, signaling that it’s the end of the practice
you're never really a fan of public attention, but you started to ignore the feeling of it ever since the two of you got together. you know what you're getting yourself into when you're dating a well-known athlete at the school. it's not like you hate it; you just prefer doing everything in your own space.
"i can't believe i'm saying this but hell, that shit was so cool," you heard yunjin say beside you, clapping her hands. you know yunjin is not really fond of jake; well it’s not like she hates him but rather stays on guard in case jake does something he shouldn’t do.
“go, i’ll manage just fine here. plus my cousin is almost done,” yunjin nudged you once again. “well then, thank you for today jen. if it wasn’t for you, i would look like a lost dog sitting on this bench alone.” you stand up and start gathering your things together to put them in your tote bag. you slid it over your shoulder. yunjin hummed as a response. “you sure you got everything?” she asks, looking around, probably looking for your things.
you chuckle at her and say, "I did. thanks again for today. let's grab ice cream tomorrow, see ya,” you said, giving her a pat on the shoulder. “now that’s more like it! see ya”, yunjin smiles. you wave your goodbye, which she returns not even a second after, and that was your queue to properly go.
the second you reached down, you saw jake waiting for you with his arms wide open, making the smile on your face wider. you ran to him, and wrapped your arms around his neck before kissing him. you could tell that he was shocked at first, but he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. he closed his eyes and returned your kiss. you heard his teammates cheering, but that was the least thing that you cared about right now when you have your precious boyfriend in your arms right now.
you can feel him smile against your lips, probably because of the cheers. one of his hands went on its way to the back of your head, deepening the kiss. his soft lips are glued to yours, noses nudging against each other's.
you were the first one to pull away, resting your forehead against his. you want to kiss his soft lips every second, but the lack of oxygen makes you pull away. you open your eyes only to find him looking at you with so much love.
“bold now, are we?” he smirks. he leans in, hugging you properly. “do that more often; i love it,” he said against your ears, which made you let out a small laugh. you realize the little crowd is now gone; there are only a few people left in the gym. you look at the place where she and her minions sat, only to find an empty chair. they probably left, you thought. 
you smiled to yourself, knowing that in the end, you will always be the one who he hugs and kisses, not some girl that he doesn’t gives a fuck about
jake pulled away, planting a kiss on your temple. “i need to shower and change my clothes; will that be okay for you? i’ll be quick,” he asked. both of his hands are now caressing your hair, looking at you again with the same stare that you’ve come to love. “yeah, take your time. the cafe won’t close until 8 p.m. anyway,” you said, giving him a soft smile.
“perfect, let’s go,” he pecked your lips before taking your hands to interlock his fingers with yours and kissing them.
well, yunjin's advice may have gone over your head.
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NANA'S NOTE i should stop disappearing omg
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
Hello! I read your post about Sugishita with a talkative reader. So, could you write for Hayato Suo with a reader who's talkative? Like, she's so passionate about talking that she explains every little detail perfectly. (I'm the chatterbox of my class and I've gotten scolded many times but I'm shameless.)
With that, the reader is also stubborn af so she needs a reasonable argument otherwise she ain't gonna be convinced.
The reader loves fairness. She can't stand if anything unreasonable is happening in front of her.
Oh well actually, if you want the reader can be gender neutral. I just asked like three requests at once. 💀 If you want you don't have to do it all! <3
As an introvert, I'm in awe of every person who is talkative, or as you called them a "chatterbox" - I know I could never.
Hayato is just so fucking majestic.
Hayato Suou x Talkative! reader
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You were a very passionate person, who couldn't stay in silence for longer than a few minutes. The words had just always easily flown out of your mouth and it sometimes could get you in trouble. However, your words also helped to get you and others out with their problems. Growing up it was tricky to find the perfect balance of your talkativeness and the patience of your classmates, teachers, or even neighbours.
It was a little hard to find a person that could keep up with you, or at least didn't mind your ramblings. Hayato was perfect for that. Not only did he humour you during your rant sessions, but he also effortlessly kept up with your heated discussions.
You could spend hours upon hours talking about something and when he caught the wind of those times he would prepare some tea and snacks. That would make your discussions more comfortable and you would feel like your passion for talking was encouraged.
Hayato didn't mind your ramblings finding them amusing and informative. He couldn't also fathom how you could talk so much that during your logorrhea (stream of words), you'd change topics so much. Once, you started talking about the dinner with your friends you had the day before, going through the dilemma of whether pineapple should be on pizza, and finishing with sudden fun facts about different types of paint, with many more in between. It was still a mystery how you ended up completely detached from the first thoughts you shared.
When Hayato had his agility and martial arts skills to back up his testing words, you depended only on your phrases. You were an expert, and could easily out-talk anyone that started an argument with you. Your boyfriend thought it was pretty amazing how you could stand up to anyone with only words.
You used your talent for talking also to stand up for others, not being fond of some people putting down others thinking they were above them. "Excuse me, but it's not what I wanted." You heard a voice from your side from a woman, that previously stood in front of you in the queue. You were in the cafe with Hayato in the middle of ordering some desserts for yourself when she cut in and pushed you to the side. "I'm sorry, but that's what you ordered, Miss." The cashier said trying to be calm about the situation. "No, I wanted it with more milk and not this poor excuse of milk but the oat milk." She articulate it even more smashing the cup on the counter and spilling it. "I'm sorry Miss but you didn't inform us about it when taking the order, we confirmed it with you and you didn't say anything about the different type of milk you'd like to use. If you want we can-" The cashier said starting to get nervous as she fiddled with her fingers.
Your eyes widened when the fussing woman cut off not even listening to the barista. You were boiling all over and Hayato seeing that placed his hand around your waist and moved it in circles trying to calm you down before you could join the argument. "Of course, I did, you're just not listening to me. If you can't do your job correctly, then I don't know why you're still working here." The woman continued pushing the cup over the counter and into the cashier. "Miss, please listen-" "I'm not listening to someone so incompetent like-" She cut off the employee again and you had enough.
You pushed away from Hayato and heard him sighing in amusement as he knew what was about to happen. "Okay, that's enough." Your voice cut in firmly and the woman looked at you scowling. "Miss, you're clearly out of it, if you think you can be mean like that to someone who's working harder than you." "What? You're such disrespectful little-" You didn't let her finish just like she did with the cashier and continued on your own. "It's a fact that I can tell even without knowing more about you than what you've just shown everyone here. I was after you in the queue, I heard what you ordered, and now that told the barista she got your order wrong, and even doing such a thing." You motioned to the employee who tried to wipe the counter and her uniform from the spilled drink.
"You're the more disrespectful one. And I beseech you to shut your mouth and think twice before trying to make someone's life miserable just because your is." You finished with fire in your eyes making the woman frown and gasp at your rant. "OMG! I can't stand someone like that." She said waving her arms around before turning away and leaving the place. You sighed and felt Hayato moving towards you and moving his arms around you trying to calm you down. You showed your claws and he had a wide grin on his face, proud of you for standing up for someone else.
Tags: @misticbullet
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cookinguptales · 1 year
Can I ask you to do a post about Disney & disability please? You mentioned it and I’d love to know more!
Well, my notifications can't get any messier, so why not?
This post got very, very long because I ended up talking about a lot of the accessibility solutions in detail (and... ranting about how accessibility at Universal was so bad that I got physically injured there) so I'm putting it under a cut for you.
To preface this, I have mobility issues (as well as a lot of food intolerances/allergies) and general chronic illness, my sister is Deaf, and I have friends who regularly attend the park with autistic family members with high support needs. These are the disabilities I have experience with, so while I've heard a bit about others (such as portable descriptive devices for visitors with visual impairments) I can't speak as much about those accommodations.
I have also traveled quite a bit, mostly as a disabled adult. I can work from anywhere and my family enjoys traveling, so I've been very lucky in this regard. I also used to live in central Florida, not too far from Disney, and benefited from their FL resident rates.
So I'm coming at this from a person who has a lot of experience traveling while disabled and a fair amount of experience going to WDW, though I haven't been nearly as often since I moved out of Florida.
(Good fucking riddance.)
So know that I am speaking from experience when I say I have never, without exception, been to a single place half as accessible as Walt Disney World. It is literally the reason my family would go there; it was one of the only places we could all safely go together. One of the only places I've been on earth that even approached their level of thoughtful accommodations is Barcelona, which apparently did significant renovations throughout the city in order to prepare for the 1992 Paralympics.
(Hey, if anyone is reading this from Barcelona: I teared up the first time I used one of your curb cuts in my wheelchair, just so you know.)
Going through those parks in a wheelchair is a breeze, though you will probably have to fight a lot of clueless parents with strollers who are hellbent on using resources intended for wheelchair-users and then glaring at you when you try to use them yourself. Level ground, spacious sidewalks, accessible transportation, well-kept gradual ramps, roomy buildings, lots of accessible restrooms, alternate entrances at many rides for wheelchair users, special wheelchair rows in movie theaters that we're loaded into first, accessible queues in most rides designed or renovated in the last fifteen years, special viewing areas for shows/parades/fireworks so you don't end up staring at able-bodied butts for a half hour...
Like, structurally-speaking, the parks are very easy to get around in if you're a wheelchair user. That was built in and you can see a lot of very mindful design choices. As far as the rides go, most of their rides actually have special cars that you can load into while still in a wheelchair. They're pretty neat. I can transfer, but that means often leaving my wheelchair and/or cane with a cast member during the ride. They are always, without fail, waiting for me on the other side of the ride, no matter how far the exit is from the entrance. I have never once had a problem with this. A cast member will be there to put my assistive devices in my hand before I even have to think about getting up. Guaranteed.
Wheelchair users always used to be able to skip the line, but there was unfortunately a problem with able-bodied people pretending to be disabled to skip lines (because god forbid they not have access to a single thing we have to make our lives livable) so now there's a system where if you cannot wait in a line, they'll basically give you a special time to come back that's equivalent to the length of the line. Which feels fair to me as someone who often cannot be in even an accessible line for extended periods. (I have problems with sunlight, heat, and often need emergency food or restroom.)
More important than all this, though, is the fact that cast members are impeccably well-trained in all of this. Any disabled person can tell you that the most accessible design on earth isn't worth shit if the people working there aren't well-trained. (More on this later, when I take a giant shit on Universal Studios.) But Disney trains their employees, many of whom are disabled themselves, incredibly well.
Every employee will know where the accessible entrances are. Every employee will know the procedure for getting a return time. Every employee will know about first-aid centers, and every employee will know where the quiet areas are for people with sensory issues. Every time you make a reservation for a meal, hotel room, transportation, etc. they will ask for all accessibility needs and they'll be ready for you.
Every waiter you have will be incredibly careful and knowledgeable when it comes to special dietary needs, and chefs will often come out to discuss them with you. They often have specific menus for different dietary needs, and they are scrupulous when it comes to allergens. I have a few intolerances that suck and allergies that could kill me and I have always felt very safe in their hands. This ranges from fancy sit-down restaurants to quick service burger places.
And -- honestly, I have just always been treated with respect. I know that sounds like a low bar, but most people do fail to clear it. Disney has their employees very well-trained on how to interact with disabled guests. People speak directly to me, never to the able-bodied people over my head. They never treat me like I'm a child. They never ask invasive questions or make uncomfortable jokes. They never, ever get impatient with my accessibility needs.
The few times I have misjudged things and have injured myself or gotten extremely ill, they were professional and caring as they provided much-needed first-aid. It's kind of embarrassing to be doted on by a costumed character while you wait for a doctor to come help you sit up again, but also kind of endearing, I'll admit.
They also, in addition to captioning all videos in the park, have some of the best sign language interpreters in the world, bar none. They're very personal and professional, they're easy to reserve, they will always be in a visible place during shows, and they're incredible performers as well as being very technically proficient. In addition to the professional interpreters, many cast members, performers, and characters can sign as well.
In addition to that, and this brings me to my next point, you'll meet a lot of disabled employees throughout the park. In front-facing positions. Deaf employees, employees using mobility aids, etc. They're well-known to hire disabled people and treat them well. This is. Fuck, this is incredibly rare, I say as someone who was never able to find a job in Florida with my health conditions. It's the moral thing to do to hire disabled people, but also -- selfishly, there's something so heartening and normalizing about seeing people who look like you working at the park. I'm happy every single time.
I have a little less personal experience when it comes to accessibility for neurodivergence, despite being neurodivergent myself, but I've been told that Disney is very, very accommodating for people on the spectrum. A lot is done to lessen crowding, waiting, sensory overload, etc. for autistic guests. Cast members are usually super good at this; finding designated quiet areas, helping autistic guests avoid more crowded areas, keeping them out of long lines, making sure they have access to any particular experiences that are special to them, etc.
For folks who need help from their group, whether that's an autistic child who needs to be with a parent or a disabled adult who needs someone to push their wheelchair or anything else, Disney has a rider switch-off model. In other words, if you're there with both of your able-bodied parents, for example, and you need one of them to be with you at all times and you don't want to be on the ride yourself, Disney will allow one person to go on the ride while the other waits for them to finish, then will allow the second person to go on without any additional wait. This makes sure that everyone in the family gets equal access without leaving disabled people alone. (Which... can be a very shitty feeling, I assure you.)
I know that Disney has also pioneered a lot of assistive technology. The accessible rides, obviously, which can be ridiculously cool (like Toy Story Midway Mania has an accessible car with alternative "guns" for people with dexterity limitations so they can play the carnival games as well) but also handheld assistive devices for visually impaired guests, etc. Like they are literally inventing new forms of accessibility technology, which is so cool.
And honestly, I'm always learning about new ways they assist disabled guests. I've stayed in Disney's accessible hotel rooms before (they're very nice!) but I don't like to swim so I've never been in the pools. But even just this week, someone told me that Disney has pool lifts for disabled guests, which I had never even considered. That's so cool.
The best part about accessibility at Disney is that in some ways it's very casual. A lot of their design decisions are so intuitive that you never even notice how accessible the parks are until you go somewhere where that's... not the case.
Like -- just so you don't assume that any of these things are industry standard, let me tell you about the two times I went to Universal, a park very close to Disney. I went there once for an event and once with my family.
The first time I went was for an event at the opening of the Harry Potter park. (This was before JKR made her most appalling views public, to be clear.) It... was frustrating. Guests asked if there would be food and drink available for people with special dietary restrictions (such as sugar-free butterbeer) and were pretty much told that no, that was not something they were interested in pursuing. It became very obvious very quickly that the park itself was so narrow that it only barely fulfilled ADA standards -- when empty. We were told that JKR had actually specifically insisted that it feel "cramped". Which is a nice way to say that I couldn't actually get around in any of the stores while people were in them.
It was overall a frustrating experience, but it was like. One night. I figured it was probably a fluke and they were still ironing out all the details. So I ended up going back with my parents later.
Y'all, it was a shit show.
Broken elevators that prevented disabled guests from accessing rides. Performers being up on raised platforms/sidewalks so disabled guests couldn't get to them. Sidewalks being made inaccessible by putting movable signs directly in the middle of them. Stores (even outside of the HP part) that were so damn narrow that I actually ended up getting hurt trying to navigate one of them. And no -- it was not easy to get first aid.
And my god, was the training bad. We went to one of the new HP rides, asked if there was a specific entrance for disabled guests. We were told no. We waited for a very long time in a line that honestly I shouldn't have been waiting in, but I wanted to be a good sport. I was pretty sick by the time we got through it, and the line itself had some very dangerous inclines/turns for wheelchair users. We get to the front of the line -- and the employee asks why we didn't just use the accessible entrance. 🙃
(Side note: several of their rides are also just unrideable if you don't fit within a pretty narrow body type of thin and able-bodied, so... there's that.)
We'd asked repeatedly and gotten incorrect answers, and I'd been put in physical danger as a result. Wild. I started to notice that if you asked different employees, you'd get different answers about almost anything, really. Just exceptionally poor training. Even stuff that should've been a no-brainer, like loading wheelchair users into a stationary movie theater, ended up creating chaos when they did it incorrectly and we had a giant wheelchair pileup.
Like -- let me stress to you that many of the things that happened could have caused actual injury to people. Some of these situations were dangerous. And some of them were just alienating, like when I'd have to wait outside a store while my family could go in.
I never went back after that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We just kept going to Disney.
One thing that'll probably show how good Disney is at accessibility is the whole Make-A-Wish thing. A lot of people know that it's a popular Make-A-Wish request, and you're likely to see at least a couple kids with Make-A-Wish buttons during your visit if you keep an eye out. One reason for this, is that, y'know, Disney World is fun. Kids want to go there. But more important, I think, is that Disney can accommodate people with at-times severe medical needs. Those kids can safely go anywhere and do anything in those parks that able-bodied kids can, and that's important.
All in all, the parks are just so accessible and you will never, ever be made to feel like you're lesser for needing those accommodations. You will be treated so well and you will not have to worry about accessibility because the cast members are always doing it for you. They'll usher you into the correct entrance as soon as they see a mobility device, and they'll do it with a very warm welcome. It's one of the very few places on earth where I have never felt like a burden.
Again, y'know, I know that Disney does not have a perfect track record on a lot of issues. I would never defend them from rightfully earned criticism. I strongly support labor action against them, and I do think they should be criticized whenever they fuck up. I have been uncomfortable with the sheer amount of power they have both in Florida and in the entertainment world just because no one should have that much power. But I am far more uncomfortable with that power being stripped away for blatantly discriminatory political reasons.
I do have some loyalty to Disney just because there is no other place on earth where I've been able to safely have fun with my friends with so little agony. That's... I mean, it's important, really. To be able to just exist in public without getting grief for it. And I have some loyalty to them because they were a safe space for me as a young, queer kid who was not safe being out in other areas of my life.
(Like, I am talking about actual literal safety. I kept seeing notes on my post saying that Disney didn't care about creating a "safe space for queer people" but as someone who lived in Florida for the entirety of my teenage years? It was the safest goddamn place there.)
I do not have enough loyalty to defend them when they do immoral bullshit, but I do have enough to make sure that people know the good that they do as well.
I want other businesses to follow Disney's model for disability. I will praise them forever for what they've done in that regard because if I don't, there's no reason for other companies to follow suit. I want to praise them for the good things they've done so they have incentive to keep doing it, and other companies have an incentive to do it as well.
Like bro, I just wanna be able to move around and be treated with some dignity, y'know? My bar is so low. lmao
But yeah. That's why you always see so many disabled guests at Disney. It's literally the only place some of us can go to have fun.
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rhey-007 · 9 months
Driving Home For Christmas
Pierre Gasly x reader || snippet (?) / short story
Summary: Pierre and Yuki got stuck and arrived late to the Christmas Eve making you mad. At least the kids were happy that Santa came.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, family fluff, female reader, wife reader, mom reader, dad Pierre, husband Pierre
A/N: Just a short story I had in mind :)) Also let me know if I can even call it a snippet or a one shot cause idk ://
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"We're so fucking late... "
Pierre whined hitting his head against the steering wheel, impatient honks leaving the car as they waited in traffic. It was supposed to be just a quick trip to the store to finish up buying present but turned into a shopping spree when Pierre couldn't find anything special for you, instead buying a couple of gifts. When he and Yuki left the mall centre the traffic started to form on the streets and they were fucked.
"Where are you? "
You asked them through the phone as you prepared the Christmas table along Mr. Gasly.
"You were supposed to be back home an hour ago! "
You whisper shouted as to not startle your kids that impatiently awaited their father's and uncle's comeback.
"I know honey, I know... But there was so many people and such long queues that when we left we drove straight into traffic... I promise we'll make it"
Pierre assured you at which Yuki just shook his head. There was no way they were going to make it on time. And they still had to have a few minutes to change into their costumes, as Pierre promised your 3 and 5 year olds that Santa and his elf assistant will visit them just as every year.
"I hope so... Cause if you make kids mad then you can prepare yourself for sleeping on the couch"
You hissed angrily before hanging up.
"I told him to finish it up a few days ago so he would have plenty time to help us today, but of course he didn't listen"
Your father said walking into the kitchen, Pierre's dad agreeing.
"He never did, never does and never will listen"
The older man added. As much as you appreciate their boths company and help, you wished they would drop the topic.
2 hours later Pierre and Yuki were finally by your apartment, changing their clothes in an elevator to soon burst into the flat.
"Ho Ho Ho! Are here some good kids or did we got the wrong floor! "
Gasly's Santa voice sounded through the whole house, making the kids run to the door and hug Santa immediately. The man picked them both up then the four entered the dining room.
"Mommy! Mommy! Look who's here! "
Laura, your 5 year old daughter, shouted happily almost ruining her father's ear.
"Sorry we're late... We tried... "
Yuki whispered to you as you helped him put the presents under the tree.
"It's okay, my husband's the only one to blame"
Hearing you call Pierre 'your husband' instead of just his name, Yuki knew the Frenchman was screwed...
"Santa! "
Your 3 years old son Leo responded to his older sister before their father placed them down and greeted you.
"You're late... "
"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you"
He proceeded to kiss your cheek but you pushed pass him and entered the kitchen, to soon come back with a hot pot of borscht and dumplings.
The kids unwrapped their presents happily with Santa's help, as the rest of you finally ate.
"Whe daddy? "
Leo asked, looking up at Pierre wit his big blue eyes.
"He'll come soon. Just as uncle Yuki. Now, give Santa one last hug as Santa and my elf friend have to go visit other kids"
The two hugged him once again while your father took triliard photos, then occupied them while Yuki and Pierre changed.
"Finally... "
The Japanese sighed in relief as he put on his normal clothes.
"You have no idea how itchy that costume was..."
"I imagine"
You chuckled quietly as they came back to the room.
At the end of the day everyone was happy with how the Christmas Eve came out. Even you, although you didn't show it being a little mad at Pierre.
You warned as you felt him hug you from behind after walking out of the bathroom.
"Don't think you'll get anything after today"
You hissed at which he shook his head.
"I don't expect anything. Just wanted to say sorry. I know I should have done it a long time ago but I just lacked time... I'm sorry... Please don't make me sleep on the couch... "
The man made puppy eyes at you, a trick he learned from your kids. You sighed heavily spinning around and facing him.
"I wasn't going to. But please... Next time be prepared way earlier so I wouldn't have to stress out so much okay?"
"You don't even have an idea how crushed they looked when you were late. I almost cried if it wasn't for our dads to occupy them"
You admitted laying down under the covers. Pierre quickly put on his pajama and joined you, pulling you close to himself and stealing a kiss.
"I can only imagine... I'm sorry once again"
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Wibta if I brought a sandwich to a thanksgiving meal?
I have a food allergy that's in everything, but it's fairly easy to avoid if you're making your own food (especially from scratch). Unfortunately, it's also a very uncommon allergy and I've had a lot of people who think it's made up or that I'm just really picky and lying about having an allergy. Most people are cool about it, but enough people aren't cool about it that I have a baseline of anxiety about eating food that I didn't cook- ESPECIALLY at other people's houses. I usually try to plan ahead because of this and either make sure the host is cool with accommodating my allergy or that I have safe food with me.
My partner's friends invited us to a thanksgiving with a mix of their friends and family. In the group, there are a number of other dietary restrictions including someone who's vegan and someone who's gluten free. We asked ahead of time, and the host has options to accommodate both of those dietary needs but not my allergy. We've been invited to lots of other meals at this same friend's house, and they've only tried to work around my allergy once but they still used a bunch of food with that ingredient and I ended up having to sit outside for part of the day because the smell was making me sick. Last year we also went to a thanksgiving at their house, but it was after our own thanksgiving so I just brought leftovers. However, this year the friend's meal will be a week before we're cooking so I won't have any leftovers.
When discussing it with my partner, I said I would just bring a sandwich. They said that would be rude, and suggested I buy and cook a turkey breast before the friend's gathering. They also said that I don't have to go if I don't feel comfortable. Initially, I said I still wanted to see everyone, but that I didn't see the difference between a sandwich and a turkey breast since either way I would be bringing my own food. My partner is leaving it up to me, but now I'm in my head about it and want to know what other people think. I don't want to be left out of the group because other people won't work with my allergy, but I also don't want to put in a bunch of effort to make up for the fact that other people can't be bothered to leave one ingredient out. Would I be an asshole if I just brought a sandwich instead of cooking a more on theme food?
I'm almost definitely going to have to make a decision before this gets posted, but tbh I genuinely want to know what other people think about this no matter when it gets through the queue. I wouldn't be offended if a guest brought their own food to a meal I cooked, but I'm also just one person and definitely not representative of the general population.
What are these acronyms?
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chuluoyi · 8 months
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this is also my personal blog in which i post my thoughts so don't expect it to be fully about fics. there are tags for you to block if necessary
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of basic dni criteria (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.)
porn link posters
subposting often and disguising it as “shitposts” or “opinions”
haters of my works/opinions
for subposting: i do not subpost. but i’m also no pushover. if you dare to subpost about me first then i won’t hesitate to respond to it, so don’t whine after blocking and say that i’m subposting back — you started it
this is my safe space and also intended for those who genuinely want to have fun too, so if you intend to spoil it, please just reflect hard on yourself and begone for both our sakes
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please be respectful. i don’t appreciate swear words being used in asks sent to me (or targeted to my anons). anything remotely close to unpleasantries will go straight to trash bin on sight
do not rant about or bring discourse into my askbox
do not spam like or i’ll block you. tumblr will think i have a bot and shadowbans me. if you want to show support, please reblog instead. rule of thumb: mass like + mass reblog = OK // mass like = NO // mass reblog = OK
do not send questions about other writers to my askbox. i don’t appreciate being compared to others. this is a space to have fun, not a race for notes. i also don’t tolerate anonymous messages with alleged claims without any proof. if you want to clarify something, then ask it in my dms or off-anon. but if your intent is to start discourse, then do your worst because i won’t entertain you
i put reblogs, asks and (sometimes) posts on queue, so if i haven’t replied to your asks or messages and you see me reblogging or posting answers, that’s because they've been queued—i’m not ignoring you! i will get back to you asap! and my askbox has like 100+ messages, so it’s taking me a while to answer them too
you can talk to me outside my fics! you can randomly drop by my askbox but no trauma dumping (because i'm not a professional) and be nice!
do not ask me to become mutuals. i follow on my own accord. we can always be friends even if we are not though!
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i write female reader only, for: ⟡ jujutsu kaisen: gojo, megumi, nanami ⟡ love & deepspace: sylus, zayne
do not rush me to write. i’m an adult with 8-5 office job. i can write/post as soon as the next day, next month, or never
askbox open for suggestions and especially for love entries! share your thoughts, give me prompts/anything to work with, it'll be more helpful!
i mainly write fluff, angst, crack and occasionally, smut i don’t write: bimbo reader/dumbification, degradation, hate sex, period sex, poly, dark content (rape, incest, stepcest, non/dubcon, etc), vulgar kinks (vomit, scat, piss, sex toys, etc)
please do not ask me to write specific traits/attributes (e.g skin tones/weapon/cursed technique) for the reader and by default, she is always described as smaller/shorter than the characters i'm writing. i try my best to keep the reader as inclusive as she can possibly be but if you still have any problem with this/don’t feel presented by my writings, then please kindly just block me and move on—any preaching/hate comments will not be appreciated, they will be deleted on sight and you will be blocked immediately
do not use my headers, headcanons, plagiarize my fics for your blog/send it to another blog to write it. i will call you out for plagiarism—and it’s not going to end pretty, so just don’t
i do not allow translations or reposts in other platforms such as wattpad or tiktok. should i ever catch you, i’ll call you out as well
i have no qualms with aging up so if you’re a bigot who can't separate fiction and reality then my blog isn’t for you. do not interact or just block me, and do not bring discourse about this to my askbox. you’ll get ridiculed/ignored, blocked and reported
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porn links poster. there’s no justification for it—porn links are not writings!
spam liking without reblogging. there’s no reason for you to mass like my posts if you’re just mindlessly liking it. please at least reblog instead to show support!
leaving rude comments. i don't tolerate rudeness in my blog
plagiarists. pretty self-explanatory, these shits must be driven out of here
subposting often. mutuals or not, i’m blocking you. vaguely spreading hate about me/other creators in the form of “rambles” or “shitposts” just because you don’t like someone is peak children behavior. i don’t want that in my dash!
a bigot, problematic individual, or instigating discourses. i neither have the time to deal with these shits nor do i want to partake in them, so goodbye. and if you’re affiliated with them, i’ll block you too
making me uncomfortable. i’m curating my own experience too here so if i see you posting or venting things i don’t want to see in my dash, i’m going to block you—this also applies to mutuals. no hard feelings, i just want to keep my peace
for mutuals: if you want to break the mutual, feel free to do so—but please hard-block so i won’t refollow you by accident
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i believe this goes without saying, but if you disagree with any of my rules above, then my blog is obviously not for you
thank you for those who have made it this far! i don't mean to sound harsh — i'm just establishing boundaries. if you have any further questions or unsure about certain topics i can write, feel free to send me an ask, i promise i don't bite :)
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Hannibal? Meeting Mads at RDC6
Following on from meeting Hugh in Boston and gifting him a copy of Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of NBC's Hannibal, I wanted to gift a copy to Mads.
No disrespect to Mads, but I wasn't expecting (and didn't get) the same sort of interaction I had with Hugh. I've met Mads at many cons before, including one in 2018 right before I had top surgery where I had a lovely chat with him about queer and trans Fannibals.
But I've noticed over the years, including from accounts of other Fannibals too, that he's become much more guarded in his conversations. Which is fair, his star has been forever on the rise and he's been working for bigger studios and properties. But as a trans person, I am always very cautious when people become much less vocal about something they previously seemed to support - though I do acknowledge that some people just don't want to get dragged into what they see as a volatile issue. And I knew, given how much more stoic he's become, and the time limitations of signings at cons, that this would be the case regardless of his personal point of view.
Also (and I've mentioned this before in posts about his answers on con panels), Mads has a habit of just saying what he thinks people want to hear, and what will get the biggest reaction - he's a master at fanservice. Which even includes repeating the same stories (Fragile Little Teacup for example). Which again, is not a criticism, but an observation and another reason why I was pretty nervous about meeting him again. And that was BEFORE a couple of different Fannibals approached me with concerns that some of the things he'd said at RDC6 hinted that he might be making a movie that may include a trans character in an unflattering way. (I'm still on the fence about whether that was his meaning, but I'm glad I'm already pretty emotionally divorced from him since he did FB).
ANYWAY! I had talked with the fantastic wholeanddeadly before the event and we agreed on getting his brilliant "F**k transphobia Grindelwald" art print signed in order to auction it for trans charity (in fact we ended up getting two!). As we knew in advance we would be doing this, I wanted to let Mads know, because I don't feel right auctioning something without someone's knowledge if we had already made that plan.
So, this is what happened:
I was maybe third of forth in the queue (which was huge), so this was going to be a whistle stop and I'd thought carefully how to frame it and use my words wisely. So I walked up and he said "Hello, Sir!"
Which, thanks! (always love getting correctly gendered!)
I asked "May I give you a gift", and he said "Yes, of course!"
Whilst I was getting the book out of my back I told him that I met him in 2018 right before I had gender affirming surgery and he was very kind to me. His response was along the lines of "Oh yeah?"
I continued to tell him that since then, I have been involved a lot with of the trans and non-binary Fannibals and we made this book because of what the show means to us. He took it and flicked through and stopped at some of the art and admired it. He asked if it was just about Hannibal, and I said yes because I totally blanked in the moment, so the HEU stuff will be a nice surprise for him, lol.
Then the art print got passed over by his helper and I said I didn't want him to personalise the photo as I wanted to auction it to a charity that supports trans youth if he's OK with that. And he replied "you can do anything you like with it, man." I said thanks, and we were all done.
Whilst on the surface this was all good, I was definitely struck by the difference between this and times I'd met him before (especially in 2018). And perhaps it was just down to him being more guarded, but it felt very... standoffish. Which is fine, it is what it is.
The funniest thing is that Mads often signs the characters name on the things he signs, and the one we already had signed the day before via a friend, he didn't put the character name on it. On the one he signed for me, he did: Hannibal.
I saw him hesitate part way through signing the name but it just made me chuckle at the potential that this character meant so little to him he didn't recall his name and then the next day confused him for another character - Trans Rights Wizard Hannibal!
Anyway. I hope he reads the book. I hope he gets something out of it. I hope he's not making a transphobic movie.
And I hope you'll all check out @transhanniday on here (and on Twitter), where the two signed prints and some other bits will be going up for auction soon! The proceeds will be going to UK trans youth charity Mermaids, the same charity that Deadly supported with his original art prints.
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yespleasetommyshelby · 7 months
I need you now - Modern!Tommy Shelby Imagine
Part 3 of Before he cheats - Based off of I Need You Now by Lady Antebellum
Requested - kinda - @jadesjam sent this as an idea for part 2 but I flipped and made it the third and final part of before he cheats! It hasn't been proofread so beware!
Enjoy! 🥰
"No." I sighed for the upteenth time.
"Oh come on y/n, it's been weeks since all that shit with Tommy, it's about time you come and find yourself a rebound!" My longest friend Leah practically begged down the phone, her birthday was coming up and she'd been trying for the last hour to get me to go out for her pre-birthday bash.
"Le, you know I love you but I'm really not in the mood tonight, we'll do something in a couple days, okay?" I sighed, trying to find some middle ground so the conversation could end.
"Okay fine, but I'll hold you to that! Love you girl!" She cheered happily through the phone, my answer enough to stop the pestering, for now.
"Have fun babe, love you too!" I smiled before hanging up, the smile dropping from my face as soon as the beep sounds. "Guess it's just you and me." I whispered as I looked down at the shoebox in my lap.
Checking the time I couldn't help but laugh slightly at how the time had managed to get away from me, with the clock reading 1:04am I couldn't help but laugh slightly as I looked over the piles of photographs that were covering the floor. "Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor, reaching for the phone cause I can't fight it anymore." I sighed, picking one up and focusing on the smiling faces beaming back at me, it was from my 21st birthday around ten minutes after Tommy had officially asked me to be his. We were so happy, everyone was so happy that night, laughing and singing being the only thing to be heard throughout Small Heath that night as everybody celebrated their king finding his queen.
Putting the picture down I reached up to wipe the line tear that has slid down my cheek, sniffing quietly before I picked up another, this one of me and all of the Shelby siblings, Ada and John on one side with Tommy and Arthur the other, even at 16 years old and apparently seeing Greta, Tommy still has his arm round my shoulders, my head resting on his arm. Throwing the picture to the side I huffed as I rubbed my hands over my face, the thought of Greta leading me down a rabbit hole.
"I wonder if I ever cross your mind, for me it happens all the time." I spoke to myself, "Probably not, you've probably had a whole queue of women waiting for this to happen." My voice cracked as I said what I'd been thinking out loud for the first time. "Maybe I should just send a quick text..." I whispered, picking up my phone, opening Tommys contact I paused before starting to type.
It's 1am, I'm all alone and I need you now, I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
Shaking my head I quickly deleted the message and locked my phone, throwing it onto the floor besides me. "Don't give him the satisfaction." I reminded myself with a sigh.
The loud shrill of phone made me shriek, my hand flying to my chest to try and soothe my racing heart. "Motherfuck." I breathed out, reaching over and seeing it's Leah calling.
"Hey Le, what's up?" I asked worried, knowing that she never called when she was out, unless there was a problem.
"Baaaaabe! You'll never guess where we are!" Her cheery voice burst through the phone making me wince slightly. "The garrison!" She squealed without waiting for an answer.
"That's great Leah, but I'm still not coming out tonight." I sighed, not understanding where she was going with this.
"Yeah, yeah, -- all depressed, I know, but I also know that lover -- is just as bad as -- are, if -- worse." She laughed through the phone, the music and voices in the background muffling half of her sentence.
"I can't hear you properly Le." I smiled slightly, her giggles infectious. "Le?" The beep of the phone indicated that she'd hung up. "What the hell was that about?" I muttered, my question answered two seconds later as my phone buzzed again.
I said that lover boy is even worse than you!
A message from Leah with an image of Tommy attached, say at the corner of the bar in the Garrison alone, his head in his hand as his other holds onto a glass of whisky - probably. Just from the zoomed out picture I could see his hair had been left to grow out and his shirt had been left untucked, something that had never happened before, in public anyway.
"Oh baby." I couldn't help but sigh, my heart breaking all over again at the picture.
Keeping my eyes down I swigged the last dribble of amber liquid from the glass raising it high before rapping it in the bar a couple times, a sign for the bartender to refill. Feeling the glass being moved from my fingertips I looked up, giving the bartender a nod of thanks as he slid the bow full glass back to me.
Another shot of whisky, can't stop staring at the door, wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before. Rubbing my hand over my face I clenched my eyes as I thought of her, the reason I'd been sat here for the past few weeks doing nothing but drinking whisky after whisky and chain smoking till my chest hurt. Looking over at her door I couldn't help but think back to y/n's 21st birthday, the day we became official, she had come barreling into the garrison with her windswept hair and rosy cheeks absolutely fuming because she thought that everyone had forgot her birthday before the shout of surprise had her forgetting she was ever mad. Shaking my head I couldn't help but wonder if I ever cross her mind, for me it happens all the time, every little thing reminding me of her.
"Fuck sake." I growled to myself, pulling out my phone to check the time. "Quarter past fucking one and I'm sat drinking by myself, again, Thomas Shelby the king of fucking Small Heath aye." I chuckled ironically. Not like I hadn't had plenty of offers during my evenings rotting away at my own bar, but none of them were her, none of them were my y/n.
My heart started to race slightly as I noticed the missed call notification only to drop again as Arthur's name came into view. She said she didn't want to hear from me but surely one text won't hurt, right?
It's 1:15 I'm a little drunk and I need you now, I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now, and I don't know how I can do without - I just need you now
I'll be at the Garrison - T x
"Fucking pathetic Tom." I shook my head before locking the phone, not realising my thumb had already hit send.
1:17, it had taken all of 3 minutes to reach the Garrison, shoving my hands into my pocket so said as I stared up at the gold sign above the door, a door that I'd walked through so may times before but never feeling like this. I jumped slightly as my phone buzzed at the same time as a group of girls can tumbling out the door, laughing and stumbling down the road as they held onto each other for support, I couldn't help but laugh slightly before pushing open the doors.
Stepping through the doorways Leah and the girls immediately caught my eye, giving me a quick wave she grinned before pointing over to the bar my eyes immediately landing on the mop top of black hair and slumped shoulders in the corner. Sending her a quick smile I slowly made my way over to Tommy, hesitantly taking a seat on the stool next to him.
"Not interested." He muttered making me jump slightly.
"Meh, I like your brother more anyway." I shrugged, giggling slightly as his head shot up, eyes wide as he stared at me.
"Y/n.." He breathed out, reaching his hand out he placed his palm on my cheek almost as though he was checking I was really there. "Y/n, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." He muttered, pulling me forwards slightly and resting his forehead against mine.
"Tommy I-" I took a breath, struggling to think clearly being this close to him after so much time, the longest we'd been apart since we'd met some ten years ago now. "I'm sorry too, I should've let you explain, should've listened to you." My voice wobbled slightly, pulling away I used my sleeve to wipe away the tears that had started to fall before resting my hand on his.
"I figured it would be easier to just finish things, after hearing about you and Gracie I just couldn't think of anything else... And I just lost it.. I dunno Tom. I guess I just, I guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all." I whispered, knowing that over the past few weeks that's exactly how I'd felt, nothing.
"Hey, don't you dare apologise, these past few weeks have been nothing but my fault, and I promise you y/n with everything I have and will ever have, I will spend every day of our future making it up to you. If you'll let me, just one last chance, please." He trailed off, his eyes on mine the whole time.
"One chance Tommy, that's all we have left." I whispered, my grip tightening around his wrist slightly.
"That's all I need." He smirked standing up and pulling me along with him, his arms wrapping around my waist and mine came up around his neck, playing with the longer hair at the nape of his neck. Pulling me in he placed his lips on mine, moving in sync I couldn't help but smile, the Tommy shaped hole in my heart slowly shrinking.
"I missed you so much." He mumbled after we pulled away, resting his chin on the the top of my head as he pulled me into a hug, completely ignoring the looks he was getting from the punters who had never even seen him smile before.
"I missed you too Tommy." I sighed happily, resting my head on his chest, sending a quick wink to Leah as she caught my eye, making her erupt into screams, much to the confusion of everyone else.
"So that's how you found me aye?" Tommy chuckled, the sound echoing through his chest.
"She helped yeah, but there was also the text you sent." I giggled slightly, as I head the faint 'shit' leave his lips. "It's okay Tommy, I love it when you're cheesy." I grinned, patting his chest as I looked up at him.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He chuckled as he shook his head. "I love you." He whispered, eyes locked onto mine.
"I love you too." I smiled, placing a quick peck to his lips before resting my head back against his chest. "Oh and Tom?" I muttered without looking up, only the slight hum letting me know he heard.
"I'm sorry about your car."
And there we have it! I know it's slightly shorter and I personally don't feel like this part is even nearly as good as the previous two, but hey, we move on!
Thank you for reading and I do hope you've enjoyed! 🥰❤️
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Hi! I love your blog, it always makes me so extremely happy when I find new linguistics blogs! Currently a lot of your post are sitting in my unspeakably long queue. Anyways, after seeing that freshman anon that wants to study linguistics in the future I thought that I might as well pop in and ask you my question about pursuing linguistics in college. I’m a high school senior that should (knock on wood) be starting college next year majoring in linguistics. I absolutely love linguistics and love the idea of studying it, but I’m worried that I won’t be able to actually get a decent job with it. I’m currently planning on becoming a researcher in applied linguistics, but I’m worried that that’s a bit of an unrealistic(?) plan, and I don’t know what else I’d do with linguistics if that didn’t work out for any reason. I’m just worried about putting all of my eggs into one basket I guess. Sorry that this is a bit of a vague ask that doesn’t really have a direct question, whatever insight you can give would be greatly appreciated, thank you. 
my advice is: keep your goal in mind, but don't be alarmed if/when it changes.
i planned to study linguistics from about freshman or sophomore year of high school, but i was interested in neuro- or psycholinguistics. once i got to college, i took a few courses in that direction, but the psychology part just didn't capture my attention in the same way (and let's be real i didn't want to take organic chemistry). by the time i was planning my undergrad thesis, it had pivoted to bilingual education research, and then in senior year i took one random course that skewed my trajectory completely into historical linguistics (after i finished the bilingual ed thesis, at least). i went to graduate school for that subfield—masters and phd—but now i'm burnt out on academia so i'm pivoting into public education.
it's very hard to feel like you've invested so much time in one direction that may not work out in the end, i won't lie to you. but at this very early stage in your possible future career, i encourage you to enjoy the ride where you can. take classes that sound interesting. get to know a variety of people working in the field. and explore topics off your beaten path! i've ended up working closely with archaeologists, which is very fun but also confirms that i don't want to be an archaeologist.
even if you decide not to stick with linguistics—even if you're forced out by a lack of jobs, which is not uncommon—you'll still have the experience of research and critical thinking behind you. also, linguists are fun friends.
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Euphoria - JJK
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Paring: Jeon Jungkook x Fem!reader
Type: One-shot
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Lil bit of angst.
Warnings: smut, dom!jk, sub!reader, pet names, praise kink, fingering, Jungkook being complicated, major fluff throughout - especially at the end.
Summary: You and Jungkook sit next to each other in English class and it's only when your professor assigns every pair with a project that the two of you begin to realise how much you really feel.
A/N: This one is gonna be long and it might drag on so deepest apologies for that but enjoy the ride!!
You and Jungkook sit next to each other in English class.
The two of you have never gotten along.
"Hey Y/N, have you ever thought of wearing a mask?" Jungkook asks.
"No, why?" you reply, turning to send an unamused look to the boy.
"Because then I wouldn't have to see your ugly face every day," he cackles.
"Jungkook, Y/N, can we be quiet please," your professor says. "So, as I was saying, I will be assigning you and your partners with a project to complete over the next two weeks-"
Your face drops.
So does Jungkook's.
"-and I will be choosing what tasks you must complete for the specific type of story I ask you to write. So, one of you come up here to the front and queue next to my desk for me to give you a subject. You will have the rest of this lesson to plan what you will do with the prompt I give you."
You let out a quiet groan, but Jungkook manages to hear you.
Of course, he has to make an unnecessary comment.
"You're upset, at least I'm good looking! I have to put up with your ugly ass in my spare time for two weeks straight."
"Oh, shut the fuck up, Jungkook," you say, standing up and walking away to get the prompt.
You walk over to your teacher's desk and join the queue.
After around three minutes, you reach the front of the line and receive your prompt.
"I want you and Jungkook to really bond over these next two weeks so with this, I want you to use this polaroid to take photos to prove to me that you and him have solved all conflicts. Use this to create a comic book kind of layout," he explains.
"Sir, you have to be joking."
"Nope, now get on with it," he says, handing you a polaroid and a small notebook to mate notes in for the actual project.
"What!?" Jungkook shouts when you tell him causing the whole class to look over at the two of you in confusion, your professor shaking his head.
Walking away felt like the worse decision of your life because you could only imagine the look on Jungkook's face when you tell him
"Look, I don't want this as much as you do but we have to just get it over with," you explain, placing the camera in front of him.
"I know you're way better than me at photography, so I'll let you have that."
Walking out of class with Jungkook hot on your heels was a strange feeling, he had never followed you out before.
"Don't try and suck up to me now, Y/N," he snaps, rolling his eyes and pushing his hair back in anger.
He grabs you by the shoulder and pushed you up against the lockers, his figure towering over yours with his hands pressed on the doors beside your head.
"Listen to me now, you freak," he snarls. "Just because I am spending the next two weeks with you doesn't mean I will begin to feel any less hatred against you, understand?"
"Jungkook, I couldn't give a fuck less what you will think of me by the end of this project, because I'll still hate you just as much."
Shoving his arms from next to you, you walk away flipping him off with an angered frown on your face.
This will be an entertaining two weeks.
The next period was lunch, and you were so grateful to spend it with your best friend, Jimin.
Jimin was surprisingly good friends with Jungkook which was pretty hard for you since the two of you hate each other's guts.
Because of this, it wasn't a shock to you when you found him sat with Jungkook when you walked into the cafeteria, a small smile on lips.
"Can you move?" you ask the boy, stood behind him.
"Do you hear that, Jimin?" Jungkook asks in response.
"Haha, very funny, now get the fuck up and go away."
"She's feisty," he chuckles.
You sit down next to Jungkook but shove your elbow into him, pushing him off the bench.
"Thank you," you smirk, looking down at him on the floor.
He sends you a death glare and scrambles up off the floor before quickly walking off.
"Do you have to be so mean to each other all the time?" Jimin questions, shoving a forkful of pasta into his mouth.
The next day, you had to begin your project with Jungkook.
Both of you were not looking forward to this at all but it was okay for this lesson as the two of you got to work separately to take background photos for the comic.
Jungkook took the camera around the classroom and outdoor field, snapping pictures of the papers and trees, letting them develop on the floor before taking them back in.
You were left with the drawing board.
You drew out the base of the comic sheet, the squares as to where each photo would go, where the text will go and who will illustrate each page.
To avoid argument, you ignored Jungkook when he returned to his chair, spreading out the photos on the desk and choosing his favourites.
You couldn't help but admire him sometimes.
Now was one of those times.
You knew you shouldn't but it never mattered as to how much you hated him, you had to admit he was pretty.
His hair hung over his eyebrow, his tongue poked out of his mouth to mess with his lip ring and his nose scrunched when he disagreed with himself.
Unfortunately for you, he caught you looking.
"See something you like, freak?" he asks, sending you a dirty look.
You scoff, roll your eyes and look away.
Why did he have to be such a dick all the time?
"Have you chosen the photos for the first page yet?" You question, flipping the paper back to the opening page where four empty boxes lay, waiting for photos to be stuck in them.
"Give me time," he says. "This takes time y'know?"
"Yeah right."
"Okay then. How about you go out and try to take photos of whatever could fit in this fucking comic!" Jungkook exclaimed.
"Jungkook!" shouted your professor. "I will not be hearing any more of that language, do you understand?"
Jungkook simply nods at him before turning back to you, his annoyance clear on his face.
You look away from him because you know he's right, it must take a lot of thinking to try and get some of the shots he did.
"That's what I thought," he mumbles.
For the rest of the hour, you and Jungkook didn't speak much, all it consisted of was him passing you the photos he liked and then pointing to where he think they'd look best.
"No, Jungkook, it would look better on the left," you said.
"No, on the right."
And even though he was still being a complete asshat, you quite liked working relatively well together, him concentrated on his pictures and you focusing on where to place them and such.
It was nice.
The following day you didn't have English.
Which meant you and Jungkook were going to have to actually meet up alone to do work.
Did I say that clear enough?
You still hadn't figured out how you would even ask him as he's never willing to stay around you for more than 5 seconds if he doesn't have to.
Then... you cracket it.
All you had to do was ask Jimin to tell Jungkook to meet you at the end of the day near the front gate.
And boom, you wouldn't have to speak to him.
But when break came around, you discovered that Jimin wasn't in today.
There was no way you could go looking for Jungkook.
It just felt so wrong.
As if the devil himself could read your mind, Jungkook appeared from around the corner.
You hated this.
Running over to him, you tapped his shoulder lightly.
He turned to face you with a small smirk on his face.
"Look, before you say anything, this is solely for the purpose of the project-"
Why the fuck did you say that?
Silly bitch.
"Would you meet me at the front gate after school so we can start work on our project? Maybe we could go to the park or something?" You ask.
"Ugh, I completely forgot we'd have to do that." Jungkook groans. "Fine, but instead of going to the park, we'll just go to my place and stay in the garage, it's pretty empty in there and I don't want your ugly ass in my room or house."
"Oh okay." You respond, not expecting him to take you to where he lives.
"Are you going to leave or just stand here and embarrass yourself even more?" He grins.
You roll your eyes at him and walk away, giving him the finger as you left the cafeteria.
The whole day had dragged on since you had asked Jungkook to meet you.
You didn't really know why but you suspected it was because you weren't looking forward to it at all.
You just quickly had to grab something from your locker before you left to see him.
Opening your locker, you felt someone glaring at you.
It was Jebu.
That asshole.
"Can I help you?" You asked, turning to stare at him.
"No, I was just wondering why you chose him over me."
"Sorry? Chose who?"
"Jungkook, obviously," he says. "I thought we had something."
"We did," you said. "But then you ruined it. So who's fault is that?"
He scoffs and walks over to you, placing a hand on your waist.
"Jebu, can you please get your hand off me?" You asked.
"Why?" He responded. "You used to like it when I did that."
"Not anymore."
Jebu doesn't listen to you and keeps his hand firm on your waist.
"Come on, Jebu, just let go. I need to meet up with Jungkook for our project."
"I'm afraid I can't do that," he smirks.
"Then let me do it for you," a voice says from a little away from the two of you.
The boy shoves Jebu out the way and knocks him to the floor.
"She told you to get off."
That voice...
It sounded awfully familiar.
The boy turned and it was only when you saw his face that you realised who it was.
Jeon Jungkook.
"Jungkook... why did you-?"
He cuts you off.
"The only person who gets to be mean to you, is me," he says. "Now pick your bag up and come with me."
It took you a moment to process what he had said and and although it wasn't the nicest of comments, it did make you feel a little warm inside.
That even though the two of you hate each other as much as you do, he still helped you.
But anyways, pushing that behind you, you grabbed your bag and folder from your locker and followed Jungkook out to his car.
A black Mercedes.
"Cool car," you say, admiring it's perfectly shiny exterior.
"Thanks, I guess."
The inside was even more luxury.
With those white leather seats and a midnight black gearstick.
It was so pretty and you couldn't get enough of it.
Maybe Jungkook driving you around wasn't so bad as long as you stayed in this car.
When you got to his place, he immediately took you into the garage.
"Like I said," he begins. "I don't want you and your disgusting self in my house."
And he was back to being an asshole.
Opening the garage door, Jungkook was quick to point out where everything was.
Things like the bathroom, and where he kept his spare pens and such.
He had a small mini fridge in the corner filled with coke and beers if you wanted one.
The coke, maybe, but you took a hard pass on the beers for now.
The last thing you wanted to be doing was drinking with Jeon Jungkook.
You would never forgive yourself.
Sitting down at the nearest table, you open the folder with the comic plan in and the comic itself.
"Do you have any more of the photos or did we go through them all yesterday?" You ask.
"I still have a couple more but they're shit," Jungkook says, sitting across from you.
Now that you were here, you didn't know what to do.
"So I think what sir was saying is he wants us to take photos of us being with each other everyday for the next two weeks and then have like a page per day," Jungkook explains.
You knew it was weird of you to do so but you couldn't help but stare at his lips when he was talking.
His looks had always been your weakness.
"So what, do we just take a photo of each other and that's it?" You ask.
"I guess so, but I think we're meant to actually spend time together but I'm all for it if you leave now."
You hated how snarky he was.
He grabs the camera before you can, snapping a photo of your annoyed face before throwing the polaroid and camera back at you.
The next few days went by pretty quickly.
You had been going over to Jungkook's for the whole week and you two only had to get through the weekend to have the first week over and done with.
You were stood outside of school waiting for Jungkook to finish at basketball practice but because you were stupid, you had forgotten to bring a jacket with you so you were freezing.
The hour and a half of practice was soon to be over and you just couldn't wait to get into Jungkook's car and be warm with the heated seat on.
Over the past five days, you and Jungkook had grown slightly closer.
He hadn't been so mean to you in class or whenever he saw you in school.
He hadn't sent you as many dirty looks as he usually does.
He had let you into his house yesterday because he said it would let him focus better even though he had been perfectly fine the previous times.
Nevertheless, you still weren't allowed in his room and he still didn't want you or your "dirty self" in his room.
The bell rang, which meant that all additional student time was over and they needed to leave the building.
After a couple more minutes, you heard loud laughter coming from three boys walking out of the doors.
"Bye guys," Jungkook smiled at his friends, sending them a small wave before turning to walk towards you.
"Hey," he says, walking next to you.
You mumble a 'hey' back but because you were so cold, your teeth couldn't help but chatter.
"Y/N, you're freezing," Jungkook points out, a small hint of worry in his tone.
Next, he does something unexpected.
He removes his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders, making sure it doesn't fall off.
"My car wouldn't start this morning so we have to walk," he says, turning the corner to begin the walk to his place.
"But Jungkook, you're gonna be cold," you say, removing the jacket from around you.
"If you don't put that jacket back on, I will leave you here all night."
You then stop talking and put the jacket back on, sliding your arms into the sleeves and pulling the ends over your hands.
You had to admit that the jacket was comfy and it smelled amazing.
Walking with Jungkook felt quite relaxing, especially since you weren't going at each other's throats.
While it's quiet, you think back to how you had come to like Jungkook.
You always knew you didn't completely hate him but now he was being a little nicer, you recognised that he was a pretty nice guy.
"Are you warm now?" Jungkook asks, interrupting your train of thought.
"Yeah, thanks," you say, a small smile on your face as you look up at him to reply.
"Look," Jungkook says, stopping in the middle of the path. "I'm sorry I've been such an asshole to you this past year. I know we've both hated each other for a while but ever since I started really getting to know you during this project and what things you like and who you look up to, I've come to realise you're one of the best people I know. I just wanted to apologise for the way I've been treating you lately and I hope this next week can be us really trying to put all conflict behind us."
"I never thought I'd ever hear you say that."
He simply chuckles and looks down, kicking small stones with his feet as he walks ahead.
You stay behind for a moment, thinking about how you and him had completely changed your opinions of each other.
Breaking away from your thoughts, you realise how far Jungkook had walked so you run up to him and latching your hand onto his arm.
He looks down at you, shocked.
You realised you had just practically linked arms with him and quickly pulled away.
"Sorry," you say, rushingly.
He send you a small smile. "It's okay."
You look away from him, embarrassed at your actions.
"It's okay, Y/N, I liked it," he smirks.
A warm blush creeps up onto your face and you're glad it's dark because you couldn't have him seeing how flustered he makes you.
When you get to his place, he opens the door for you and lets you take off your shoes before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the stairs.
It's only when he stops you and apologises if it's a little messy that you realise he's taking you up to his room.
"Jungkook, I thought you didn't want me up in your bedroom?"
"Well, now I do."
Okay then.
You and him spent some time sat on his bed watching the new top gun movie.
You managed to snap a few photos of him laying down in the dark and him the same with you.
You took a photo of the two of you making popcorn and laughing while throwing it at each other.
"Jungkook, get off!" You laughed as he continued to try and tickle you.
"Jungkook, you're suffocating me," you giggle, trying to lightly punch him in the stomach.
It's only when he pauses for a moment when you realise how close to each other you both are.
Jungkook spends a moment just looking at you, his gaze drifting from your eyes, to your lips, and then back up again.
Your breathing becomes heavier and your heart pounds in your chest.
Jungkook slowly leans in towards you, his nose grazing yours as you close your eyes and place your hands on the sides of his face.
Your lips join with his in a gentle kiss.
His hands move down to your waist so he can pull you up from underneath him and place you in an upright position.
His tongue slides along your bottom lip as you grant entrance.
The kiss begins to develop into something more desperate, your fingers intertwining into his hair and softly pulling at the roots, earning a small moan from him.
Hearing this, you pull away.
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks in a panic. "Do you want to stop?"
"Jungkook... should we be doing this?"
"Well, it's not wrong for us to," he responds.
"I know, but it feels different with you," you say.
"If you start to feel uncomfortable, just stop me, okay?"
You nod as he attaches his lips back on yours for a peck before moving down to your jaw and neck.
You whisper out a moan at the feeling of Jungkook's soft sucking on your neck, his lips marking the skin.
You feel his hand slide down your front and slip under your skirt.
His cold hand on your inner thigh makes you feel a want and need towards him, your core soaked and ready for him.
"Is this okay?" He asks, his slender fingers reaching for the hem of your skirt and panties, ready to rip them both off your body.
You nod your head before he yanks them off you and teases your folds with his middle finger.
A moan escapes your lips as Jungkook slides a finger into your pussy, your juices coating him.
"J-Jungkook," you whimper, his fingers speeding up inside of you, the tips just grazing your spot.
You feel the knot in your stomach become tighter with every little movement Jungkook makes and it's driving you crazy.
"Jungkook, please, I'm gonna cum," you moan, pulling at his hair.
"Just hold on for me, baby, you're doing so good for me," he says, his voice soothing you with how smooth it sounds.
"You're being such a good girl for me, just hold on a little longer."
You let out a cry of pleasure as Jungkook adds a third finger into you, stretching your hole out even more.
"I can't take it, Kook, I need to cum," you gasp.
With a small 'okay' from him, you become undone under his gaze.
You let out a loud moan as you release all over his fingers, your white liquid coating his hand and dripping down your thighs as he pulls his hand out of you.
"Such a good girl," Jungkook says, stroking your hair with his now cleaned hand.
"It's a shame we didn't get a polaroid of it," you joke.
"Next time," he smirks.
"Next time?" You question.
Jungkook simply nods before pulling you into his chest and dozes off with you, your body wrapped around his.
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piillow · 2 months
can you write a skz comfort fic where the reader struggles with their university work pls and they comfort her?? xoxo
OMGGG yes comfort fics i love these also first request!!!!!! everybody cheer (queue awkward silence)
( •̀ ω •́ )✧
bsf!skz x gn!reader | cws : lots of implied sadness/stress/overworking, starving mentioned | wc : 2.5k | a/n : sorry some are shorter than others :(
chan -
- you'd been spending less time with him ever since it was midterms season. he understood you needed to study, but you seemed to be cooped up in your textbooks all too much.
- "y/n? don't you think it's time for a break?" he asked you. you just shrugged it off and replied with a quick "no."
- he sighed and let you do your own thing. he had plans to go to the library with some friends for an hour or two to study, so he hoped that you'd be done by the time he got back.
- but, lo and behold, you were still studying when he got back.
- "y/n! please... go to bed? i know we have midterms this week, but... sleep is still important, you know."
- "i know, chan. but i want to get as much done as i can, i've still got homework to finish."
- "here, we'll make a deal, yeah? you can study until midnight, but you'll only study until eight tomorrow night. your classes end at three, so five hours of studying."
- "what?! but.. chan! that's not enough!" you replied, slightly disappointed.
- "so, will you take the deal?"
- "fine..." you said while sighing.
- as the rest of the week went on, chan decided to invite you to his short library sessions with his friends, and even let you invite your friends along too.
- once midterms finally rolled around, he was always there for you.if it was comforting you with your late night study sessions, or even sending you a simple motivational text while you were taking your actual test. 
- it was the little things he did that made it better. so, maybe the deal wasn’t that bad after all.
minho -
- minho had been studying with you since lunchtime, and it was almost dinner time.
- "y/n-ah, time for a break. it's almost time for dinner, what do you want?"
- "i'm fine, min. i'll just make some instant ramen, don't worry about me."
- the surprised face he had made was.. interesting, to say the least. "y/n, eating is just as important as studying. it's on me, i promise. what do you want to eat?" he said, putting a hand on your shoulder.
- "are you sure? if you say so... i'll just eat what you're making, chef's choice." you said, giving him a smile.
- "ooh, okay! i promise you'll love it~"
- "wait.. not spicy food though!"
- "aww, fine..." he replied, pouting at you. “but still, why don’t you take a break? it’s been five hours, i’m sure your brain has gotten enough work done.” he says, standing up.
- “you’ll have to help me make dinner, it’s hard to make food with two hands, y’know?” he teased, but with full intent to get you to help him in the kitchen.
- “you- ugh, fine… i suppose i’ll help you.” you replied in your fake annoyance tone, to which minho had happily smiled at.
- as you walked into the kitchen to see many ingredients sprawled across the table, you were met with a very happy minho.
- which meant that you were in for a long cooking session. and possibly baking too..?
changbin -
- you’re both at the gym, sitting on a random bench while doing some sets of curls.
- then, from out of nowhere, you remember about a research paper that was due tomorrow. while you really wanted to tell changbin that you had to go and finish it, you didn’t want to finish your workout short today. 
- so, you didn’t. - it was currently 6:30am, and you had a bit over 30 hours to get it done. - but, it was a tuesday. you had classes, which meant more work, which meant you were definitely staying up tonight.
- just as you two were leaving the gym, you turned to him and asked “hey, you remembered the research paper for comp sci, right?” - “oh yeah, i finished it like, two days ago. it’s due tomorrow.” … right. of course he knew. he’s always on top of everything. - “yeah, i know that, just gotta make sure y’know? i mean, i cou-” - “could just check the syllabus.” he interrupted. “y/n, you didn’t even start it, did you?” he said in a flat tone. it’s almost like he could read through you. “y/n, c’mon. you really gotta start getting on top of your work…” - “i know bin, but.. i’m just so tired from everything. all these professors i have to email, all these papers i need to write, all the equations i have to solve. it’s getting overwhelming and i don’t know what to do. i know i have to work, but i just get stressed at the thought of it.” you admitted. it was getting too hard, too quick. but you couldn’t make it stop.
- as you two got into the car, he turned his keys and started pulling out of the parking lot. but, he wasn’t going to the dorms. he turned in a different direction.
- “bin, where are you going? this isn’t the way to the dorms, let alone campus in general.”
- “let me do my thing, y/n. you just have to sit here and relax, don’t worry about a thing. i promise.” he said.
- while you decide to get some shut eye while he drives, you suddenly wake up in the parking lot of your favorite cafe outside of campus. you always complained about how the ones on campus were always so crowded, and of course changbin took note of it.
- as he woke you up to your surprised face, he said “we’ll be staying here today. you have your laptop, don’t you?”
hyunjin -
- as you two sat in your non air-conditioned and sweaty dorm room, hyunjin was starting to get bored of trying to take a nap. so, he decided to take out his sketchbook, and draw you at your desk.
- he’d been listening to you type away at your laptop for what seemed like three hours, possibly more. you were in the same position when he went to bed, and still being in that position started to worry him. - “hey, y/n? you good over there? you’ve been working for like, 10 hours straight.” he said, walking over to where you were.
- “just working. i have to get this paper done for tonight, i have no time to waste.” you reply, not bothering to look at him while you shuffle through your tabs of resources and documents.
- “and… how much else do you have to finish?” he asks while adding some more hatching to his current sketch.
- “... three lectures i have to take notes on for quizzes next week.” you blurt out.
- “that’s next week. it’s only sunday, this week just started. why don’t you take a break after you finish? that’s your conclusion paragraph, no?” he asks again, leaning a bit closer to you so he can see your screen.
- “yeah, this is my conclusion. but i’d rather get it done earlier than i need to.” you reply while you proofread your paper once again. 
- once you let out a groan while you fix one of your mistakes, hyunjin pipes up. “here, give me your laptop, i’ll proofread it for you. it’ll be easier, since i haven’t read it before.”
- as you hand him your laptop, you take a peek at his sketchbook and the sketch of you. as he glances over the top of the laptop, he slides it a bit closer to you so you can see it better.
- while you admired the sketch of you, and while he proofread your paper, the silence in the room was nice. it wasn’t too awkward, not too tense, just… right.
- “it’s really good. i fixed what i had to, by the way.” he said, placing your laptop back on your desk.
- “you didn’t fix anything, though.” you say, confused.
- “yeah, because there was nothing to fix.” he replies.
- “oh- OHHH.” you say, facepalming yourself while hyunjin just laughs. “hey! don’t laugh at me like that. not my fault i’m a bit slow…” you say, crossing your arms.
- seeing your slight disappointment, his laughs come to a stop. “okay, okay, fine. but still, seriously, it was fine. and here, your gift.” he says while ripping out the page and handing it to you.
- “thanks. i guess i owe you, don’t i?” you ask as you took the paper.
- “cafe day?”
- “cafe day.”
jisung -
- you and jisung had clicked ever since you two became roommates at the start of the semester. just two new freshmen who were just trying to survive their first semester at college.
- so, while he was out at his night classes, you were working at the dorm. and almost every time he got back, he’d see you fast asleep in your bed.
- since you two couldn’t really talk to each other much, you decided to start writing sticky notes for him to read in the morning. they were always short messages, mostly consisting of anything similar to “i hope you’re doing well in your classes :)” or “hope you slept well.”
- so, when he entered your dorm room at 1am, he definitely wasn’t expecting you to be awake.
- “y/n? well, i wasn’t expecting to come back to this. what’s up? how are you doing?” he asks, not hiding his surprise.
- “oh, hi. i’m working. you?” you rushed out of your mouth. you felt like you were running on 100k/mph, and nothing could slow you down. there was no time for distractions, you just had to finish this assignment.
- han, sensing something is up, says “quickly cramming something? i can help you if you want. or, well, try my best, at least.”
- after hearing the word “help,” you jolt you head to the side to look at him. “really? you’ll help me? Seriously? oh my goodness, you’re a lifesaver! i can’t proofread for the life of me!” 
- as he sees relief wash over your face, he can’t help but smile. “yeah, i could! after this, you just have to turn it in, yeah?” he asks as you hand your mac over to him and nod.
- while he proofreads your work, you end up rambling to him about how you just hope that your professor doesn’t fail you. even though he wasn’t fully focused on you, he was just happy he could help you in any way.
- as he watched you turn in your assignment, he gave you a high five. “nice! now you can finally sleep, so i guess it’s my turn to start working now. good night y/n, sleep well.”
felix -
- whenever felix had arrived from his culinary classes, he almost always had some food with him, and he was always willing to share with you.
- today, he brought back an assortment of fried goods, which you could smell the second he opened the door.
- “ah, hi y/n. sorry about the smell..” he says as he takes his shoes off.
- you turned your chair to him, hoping that you’d be able to see what was in his bag. “it’s fine, at least it’s good food and not b/o.” you joked, which made both of you laugh.
- “still,” you continued, “what’d you bring? Chicken?”
- “spot on. and they let us experiment with random foods, so i tried frying some tteokbokki.” he said, looking at you with wide eyes. “definitely don’t recommend. i almost burnt myself from the oil like, twenty times.” he continued, sighing.
- “sounds pretty stressful, but i assume that that’s an understatement?” you ask, to which he nods almost right away. “i see.. well, if it makes you feel better, i’ve been working on these stupid geometry problems for like, two hours straight. i really need a break.” you admit, rubbing your temples.
- “well, why don’t we dig in? it’s still warm, and you can rant to me about whatever you want. sounds like a pretty even trade deal, hm?”
- and that ended up leading to a long dinner, with you two eating almost everything he had brought back. but, he would gladly do it again if it meant you’d be able to let go of some stress just for a little while.
seungmin -
- you two decided that today would be a good day to sit outside and get some work done, until it started to rain, and your laptop started to get water in it.
- once you got inside, you two checked the condition of your laptop, and after realizing it wasn’t turning on, this made you two bummed out.
- but you weren’t just bummed out. you had been working on a lab assignment due at 11:59 tonight, and it was 5pm. 
- after smashing the power button a few more times, you groaned. “great. i guess i’m going to fail this assignment that’s worth the same as a quiz. how beautiful.” you said sarcastically, shutting your laptop shut.
- “you wanna use mine? it’s back at the room, and besides, we got enough time outside today. i guess the rain was just a sign to tell us to come in.” he replied, hoping to lighten the mood.
- you raised a surprised eyebrow at him, “really?” you asked. “really.” he replied. “well, i will gladly take your offer. i’ll take anything i can to get this done. thank you so much.”
- as you worked, he happily accompanied you, even singing you a few songs, and being happily surprised when he heard you singing or humming along.
jeongin -
- you both sat at a table at the library, just studying in between your classes until your friend called you.
- “y/n! there’s gonna be a party at f/n’s house, you wanna go?” they ask.
- “oh, i would love to, but i’m too busy.. i’m sorry. tell me how it goes though! i hope you have fun.” you say, before hanging up the phone and sighing.
- jeongin looks over at you as you sigh, looking slightly concerned. “you okay? i know what it’s like to miss out on parties too. i’ve had to miss a lot, but i get over the fomo pretty quickly. i can stay with you tonight, if you’d like.” he offers. 
- you glance over at him, confusion written all over your face. “how’d you know- never mind. you’d stay with me? really? but i don’t want to be the reason you don’t go, then i’ll feel guilty too.” you say. - “no, really, it’s fine, y/n. if i’m being honest, i have lots of work to get done too, so it’s okay.” he reassures you as he pulls out his phone. “oh, it’s almost time for my class. i’ll see you later though. bye for now, y/n!”
- while he waved to you as he walked out of the library, you couldn’t help but think about his nice gesture to stay with you later. sure, there was a possibility he could be lying, but it was nice of him to do what he did.
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1eoness · 1 year
I need Leon starting to date a girl with curly hair and he LOVES her curls and tries to learn how to style them
i'm not sure how you want me to format this im sorry so i'll just write like a list of hcs GRRRRRRR but i love the curly hair stuff HEHHEEHHE
content: fluffy leon kennedy with fem curly-haired! reader
synopsis (?) : leon kennedy has a curly-haired girlfriend :3
-leon's hair has ALWAYS been straight ash so when he saw you and the way you took care of your curl he was like woah :0
-it's like a level of enlightenment to him lol (jk)
-this man will always look at you while he has the chance so you can expect him to pick up on your routines. sometimes he'll be present in the bathroom while you're doing your little hair pampering routine and he's like 'so what's that?' and points at a bottle and u have to explain it to him LMAO
-no matter what the length (hell you could be bald) leon loves your head because 1. it holds your pretty lil face 2. your HAIR
-and idk i just have a general hunch that this man just loves carding his fingers through your hair or your head a lot (as you can notice from my first works lol)
-and leon is MESMERIZED by your curls everytime. whenever leon is standing behind you at a queue or waiting for you to finish doing something, like say putting your makeup on, his hands will absentmindedly bounce on the ends of your curls and just watch them go boioioiioioing
-there was a time when you were at a night bar with leon and some other friends. you guys were sat on stools and your back was turned to him while you were conversing with your friend, and leon just kept bouncing the ends of your curly locks because it's like a satisfying fidget to him.
-he loves the shape, the texture, the way it feels in his fingers (especially when he pulls on it in bed oops im sorry hehe)
-and tbh what can i say? leon likes taking care of you and that can apply to different parts of your everyday life; before you go to sleep he reminds you to take your vitamins, and whenever you come home and he's there he will undo your shoelaces :3. but he will NEVER forget to brush your hair (especially if it's long as hell, he knows ur arms probably get tired brushing through it and applying product through it)
-if you were bashful at first and said it was okay, he insisted with a lighthearted and joking tone. he's like 'i got the strength for this c'mon gimme that brush NEOWWW'
leon loves to approach his pretty girl while she's perched in front of the mirror. he sees you brushing your wet curly locks and, silently, walks up to you from behind. he's a rather silent man right now while he takes your hairbrush from your hands, your arm slowly stopping its brushing motions as you looked up at his reflection; him being behind you while his eyes are downcast to your locks. "and where's my love going?" he asks with a mild tease. he knows you're going out somewhere because you seem to smile a little more when you're anticipating some plans. you giggled while feeling leon gently brush your hair with tenderness. maybe by narration it sounds obscure, but he adores the back of your hair while you're rambling about your day so far and where you're heading off to next. "so she's a busy girl. hm?" leon grins slightly, eyes locked onto your soft hair while he helps in spreading moisturizing product (rather expensive product that leon willingly paid for u bc, well, he loves you like that) on your hair in moderate amounts, being careful not to accidentally pull your head back or something lol. his fingers tread and work caringly— and he even scratches his fingertips on your scalp lightly and briefly to top it off ♡ he continues the rest of the brief conversation with his thumb gently stroking your wispy baby hairs, and you're just so cute to him he just wants to eat u tbh
-and whether you want him to put some lil bows, ribbons, clips or extensions in it is up to you. you probably have an array of hair accessories and leon memorizes all of them. he knows when one is new and which ones are the ones you've always had in your dresser/vanity.
-speaking of, leon LOVES seeing you accessorize your hair. beads, hairclips, anything that furtherly charms your pretty hair literally makes him melt you have this man in an entirely different state of matter atp he just loves you sm argghh. one time you let him put some little butterfly clips in your hair after teaching him how they're clipped on and you had leon WHIPPED the entire time in front of that vanity ♡
-omfg and leon does this thing where whenever he's hugging or cuddling you from behind, he nuzzles his face in the back of your head and start inhaling your hair like you're some sort of freshly-washed pillow. it tickles a little for you and he can feel your frame repulsing or squirming in his arms but leon doesnt rlly care lol (he's kinda sorry)
-i feel like leon has more of a tendency to ruffle your curly hair if it's short, maybe like above shoulder length or something.
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fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
I looked around and didn't see anything about this on your blog but I apologize if I missed it.
I was wondering, what does doing the work behind this blog...feel like? I guess what I'm asking is if it does anything to you. Like, I had a thought. For a flash, I imagined you as Butters from South Park in that episode where he is tasked with filtering out all the negative comments on Cartman's social media. It ended up really messing with Butters, what with him having to see all that negativity.
You're definitely not being affected to that extreme, I assume, but I wonder if you would have anything to say about the process of finding these negative posts and reading them several times to edit them. Has it exposed you to unpleasantness that you wouldn't have otherwise seen? Or is there perhaps a kind of catharsis in editing such filth?
I'm making a lot of assumptions here. Maybe I'm also asking about your process. I just think what you're doing is neat and would love to hear about your experience with it.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have plenty of reasons to feel joy <3
oh boy, i love talking about myself haha—so thank you for giving me an excuse to do so! i have answered similar questions in the past, though never at length. every once in a while, someone pops into the inbox to ask about my mental health (which, rest assured, is just fine—i don’t put this blog’s operation above anything; it’s honestly pretty low on my list of life-priorities), and it’s always quite sweet. having a mob of strangers following one’s sideblog has its perks: one being that sometimes parasociality results in some well wishes, kind thoughts, and general goodwill. which is very nice, and probably an unearned vanity-boost for my ego.
what does the work behind this blog feel like? in turns: mundane, challenging, vindicating, annoying, amusing… and probably other things that i’m forgetting. most of the work i do on this blog is actually me procrastinating! i am a certified adult with a job™, and i’m definitely guilty of slacking off at work sometimes to queue posts submissions from my inbox, which is more fun than like… proofreading financial documents and making spreadsheets. other times, i’m sitting in a café with my partner, and allegedly i’m “writing” fanfiction. but, uh, if you know any writers, you know that sometimes “writing” means, ‘looking at a blinking cursor’. so it’s in those moments that i open up tumblr and start writing image descriptions and adding tags to prep posts for my queue. that’s mainly when the blog feels mundane.
something that i think helps me avoid negative doomscroll-spirals is that i don’t actively seek out bad posts for this blog. being a citizen of the internet delivers fodder to me naturally. that, and running a semi-popular sideblog on tumblr. when i see a bad post in the wild, that’s when the feeling is annoying/challenging. challenging, because ever since starting this sideblog, hateful posts don’t feel as vicious to me. once i see them, they stop being posts and turn into word-puzzles. and i love word puzzles!
solving the word puzzle is amusing for me, as is getting to look at my resulting “blackout poem.” it makes me laugh, it stretches my brain. when i started, i used to have to read a post several times to find the ‘good post within the bad post’ so to speak. these days, i’m so used to it, i barely read the bad posts more than a handful of times. but as i was saying to my partner, one of the reasons i love found poetry (erasure poetry, and cut-up poetry) is that it uses the same part of my brain that loves scrabble (the board game). then, of course, it's vindicating to see my posts get so many notes, sometimes surpassing the original bad post. that's more of my own vanity, i'm sure.
as for the last part of your message: yes, i have plenty of reasons to feel joy. i work with people who respect me, i live walking distance from a bubble tea café, and have friends and family whom i love. i have the good fortune to be safely out as a queer person. i’m a fanbinder. i’m currently working on a long fanfiction which is getting some very nice comments on ao3. and i’ve recently decided to become a poet (like, for real).
i must admit, i’m fascinated by how you imagine me. i often wonder how i am perceived, especially because i keep many cards close to my chest here on my sideblog.
anyhow, thank you for this excuse to ramble about myself and the process of running this blog. i hope you also have plenty of reasons to feel joy 💛
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libraryofloveletters · 9 months
Bumps and Bruises
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Andrew 'Andy' Robertson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: andy isn't a fan of sledding, reader is a little pushy, minor injuries, andy is so dramatic lmao
Word Count: 528
Author's Note: my apologies besties, I thought I had put this in queue with the other posts yesterday but it seems I forgot lmao
You convince your husband that it’d be perfectly safe to go down the massive hill.. except it wasn’t.
Winter break had you beyond bored. You and Andy had been in the house for most of it, you had gone to visit a few friends but other than that, you had been lazing around the place.
If you had to spend another few days in there, you were going to lose your mind.
You find Andy laying on the couch, you jump on top of him. Your husband grabs you, keeping you from falling off of him. "What's up?" he asks, his eyes still on the tv.
A hand on his jaw, you pull him to look at you. "I'm bored."
"So do something, babe."
"Let's go sledding," you say, sitting up on the man. Andy finally turns his attention to you, raising his eyebrows. "Sledding? What are you? 5?"
"Fuck off," you laughed, "let's go, it'll be fun."
"There's too much snow babe, you'll end up face planting into it."
You rolled your eyes, getting up. "Fine, if you won't join me, I'll go by myself." You leave the man on the couch, walking to the closet to get your whiner coat and boots, bundling up to head out. Andy realized you're not giving in, pulling himself up from the couch to join you.
It was a short walk to the park, at least for you. You had Andy pilling the sleds up the path and up to the top of the smaller hill. Andy still wasn't too keen on the whole idea but as a good husband does, he joined you because there was no way in hell that he'd leave you alone in the cold.
He refused to go down the hill but he watched as you went down the smaller one over and over again, your coat, hair and face covered in snow but you were giggling, a big smile on your face.
Eventually, he gave in and joined you.
The two of you waddled in your winter gear over to the bigger of the two hills, Andy looks over at you. "Are you sure? What if you slide into the trees?"
"It's fine," you assure him, sitting on the sled. "Gimme a push, baby."
Andy sighs, his hand on your back before he gives you push, watching as you go zooming down the hill. He can hear your laughter from the bottom, you shook the snow off your hood.
"C'mon!" You called for him, "it's fine!"
He has his hesitations but if you made it down unscathed, he's sure he will too.
Andy goes down the hill but instead of following the straight path you did, he sorta leant which took the sled off to the side and straight into the trees.
"Andy!" You ran over to check on him, the man laying flat in the snow. "Are you okay?" You asked him, kneeling next to him.
The man groans, holding his shoulder. "Did you hurt it again?" You asked again, concerned.
Andy shakes his head, "I just hit it, the coat sorta blocked it."
"You're okay then?" You help him sit up, brushing the snow out of his hair. Andy nods," yeah but I'm never going sledding with you ever again."
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liamobrienlove · 11 months
My MCM Comic Con Experience
Oh y'all, i have been wanting to talk about this to anyone who will listen haha Sorry this post is a bit late but it's been busy at work since i got home.
Where do i even begin? I met Liam! Still seems surreal even though i have photo evidence haha Let's just start with meeting him!
First up on the Saturday morning was meeting up with the amazing @formulares - who is amazinnnng btwwwww! had so much fun! 10/10 would recommend being friends with him lmao
Next it was time to get in and get in line for the Liam autograph! CR had their own section for autos which was great because the queues were SO LONG. Luckily, we were like 5th in line! When they all came out, the whole room erupted and the cast looked utterly amazed and completely taken a back with the turnout. Here starts the whole Liam experience haha I made Ares go first because i just couldn't and to watch is conversation with Liam was special. Liam is a special guy, i'll say that.
When i got to him, i was so nervous and he just made me feel like we were old friends. I gave him some letters i had to give and then the dice i'd brought him and he was so happy and rolled them! got a Nat 1 on his first roll but rerolled because halfling luck hehe and got a much better number! i then was able to tell him how much his characters and he have helped me through a lot in recent years and he was so grateful and wrote a lovely message on my print i was getting signed (which i'm not going to share yet as i will most likely be getting it as a tattoo) and then that was the end of the auto portion! when i went in for my photo with him, he remembered me! ahhhh and then we had the cutest picture and he gave me a bug cuddle as i was leaving. Liam is an amazing human, so kind, sweet and humble. I'm hoping i get to meet him again in the near future because truly, one of the best moments i've ever had.
Then i had photos with Travis (who was making sure to ask everyone their names and shake their hand before the photo) and was thanking everyone as well once they were done. it was so sweet!
I did have a Sam photo op but because i was anxious about not making it to my Taliesin one (sam's was the same time as Travis), i gave my photo ticket to Ares who had a great picture with Sam (who is really tall!). Next it was time to have my photo with Taliesin who is just a super sweet man and was wonderful! i love my photo with Taliesin so much! he was so excited to meet everyone!
Now, onto meeting Matt! Bear in mind i queued for three and a half hours to meet him. One thing i will say is MCM need to work on their queuing system because the line for matt was 4 people wide and just didn't seem to go down! By the time i got to the front i was emotional and overwhelmed and i think Matt could see that right off the bat. He shook my hand and asked my name and then we jumped into what was a very amazing and sweet conversation, where when i started to get emotional, Matt took hold of my hands (he's an utter sweetheart) and when i told him how much this show, this world had changed my life, he was just so receptive and so humble about it all and just amazing. Then he got up to give me a hug and it was so sweet of him - that man just adores every single person/fan. He spent time talking to every single person and stayed late to make sure everyone got to meet him.
i cannot begin to put into words how amazing they all were. From seeing Travis, Laura, Ashley, Marisha, Sam and Tal interact with everyone when standing in line, to how they were in photo ops - this cast are genuine and amazing. I count myself lucky to have been able to see them in person and cannot wait until i'm able to again in the future. I just adore them and it's an experience i will never, ever forget.
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d4isywhims · 1 year
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hello friends! 🌷
recently i got an ask on how i edit my instagram screenshots and here in gemville, all you have to do is ask and you shall receive my child
fun stuff under the cut!
this guide will be divided into two parts: how i take & edit my gameplay screenshots and how i edit my simstagram posts
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before we get into the actual tutorial, here are a list of things that i use to help me take better screenies :)
i'm using an older version of gshade because - thanks to my procrastination - i never updated the version before everything went to shit.
2. presets!
i switch around between presets a lot lmao but for the most part, i use ellcrze's gshade preset for my family dynamics save, sunset n vinyl for my globetrotter save & sim download pictures and a modified boho dreams for my tjol legacy save (first post coming up soon!) sometimes i use lithium for cas pics too :p click here for a somewhat detailed explanation lol
3. tab mode camera mod
this camera mod is a godsend and makes taking screenshots soooooo much easier! 😌 i highly recommend getting this mod!!!
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i think i mentioned this before in an ask - i edit my screenshots in photoshop before posting them on tumblr :D i don't really do much, just running a few actions and cropping my screenies. gshade does most of the work for me lol
this tutorial by @buglaur is insanelyyyy helpful omg i based my entire editing process on her tutorial, except for the colouring part because i'm lazy hehe
here's an example of my screenshots before and after editing (cropping the screenshot and running some actions)! there’s not much difference because as i said earlier, gshade will basically carry your entire editing process 💀
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sometimes i put text in my pics like these screenies below :) i mainly use these two fonts - winkle and lemon milk :D
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and that's about it for part one! now it's time for
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here's what you neeeeeed
1. photoshop
i'm using a 🏴‍☠️ version of photoshop that i got from a somewhat sketchy website but it runs great so i'm not complaining 💀
2. instagram post template and instagram story template
a HUGEEEE thank you to @windslar for sharing the instagram story template link 😭 she is such an inspiration to me 💛
3. the actual instagram app
this is how i add text and emojis to my simstagram posts lol
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disclaimer: i am NOT a photoshop expert. there's probably an easier way to do what i'm about to show you, but this works for me and i don't really mind the steps hehe
first things first, you're gonna want to open the psd files on photoshop and it'll look like this, depending on which file you opened
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i usually just hide the layers that i don't need so in this case i'll hide the tagged users layer from the story psd and the bg layer from the post psd.
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these are the layers that i hide but you can also leave them on if you want hehe totally up to you my dude. then you'll end up with something like the pics below
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now we move on to the profile pictures! so what i do is i click these layers (shown below) and go 'file > place embedded > selected picture'
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once you do that, you'll end up with something like this (below)! use 'ctrl + t' to resize your picture to fit into where the profile picture would go.
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right click on the layer of your selected picture and click 'create clipping mask'. then you can hit 'ctrl + d' to adjust the picture to your liking!
now for the actual pictures for the posts. click on these layers (shown below) and go 'file > place embedded > your selected picture'
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now all you have to do is 'ctrl + t' to resize your pictures, right click on the layer of the selected picture and click 'create clipping mask' then 'ctrl + t' again to adjust the pics!
after this whole process, i'll export my pics to my family dynamics folder on my desktop and queue it up on tumblr! :D sometimes my simstagram story posts have text and emojis like these ones below
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all i did was upload the pics to google drive, download it to my phone, add text/emoji on the actual instagram app then saving the story to my phone... a lot of work but i don't really mind <3
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aaannnnddd that's it!!!! i can't believe i made this guide 😭 hopefully this helps :D english isn't my first language so apologies for any grammar/spelling mistakes i've made in this post 🙈 feel free to ask any questions and i'll try my best to reply to you asap!!
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