#( josh matthews interactions )
pcetstcrtured · 3 months
@famefckr liked for a starter!
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josh looks at the blonde, licking his lips before letting out a little sigh. "maya ..." he begins, unsure where exactly to take this conversation. "i ... i don't know what you want from me, at this point in our lives. i know there was probably a lot you expected when i said i was going to play the long game, but ... i still had a lot of growing up myself to do before i could do that. before i was ready to do what you wanted then." a pause. "but during all that growing up, i never forgot about you. you were always in the back of my mind and ... like i said, i don't know what you want now. what you want us to be, what we're supposed to be. but i do know i just want you to be happy, so ... whatever will accomplish that, just tell me and i'll respect it."
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midxnights · 2 years
@mayapenelopes​ liked for a midnights starter!
midnight rain
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“i guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted.”
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jyrinestories08 · 8 months
My only rant about the fnaf movie is the stupid vanessa plot twist
I don’t care if you think “but it’s interesting” NO IT’S NOT INTERESTING
“But what about glitchtrap🥺👉👈”
AND MIKE BEING WILLIAM’S SON IN THE MOVIE WOULD’VE BEEN SO MUCH MORE BETTER BECAUSE THEY HAVE A STRONG DYNAMIC IN THE GAMES, THE RIVALRY IS INTERESTING AND IT REALY SHOWS THAT MICHAEL IS NOT THE PROBLEM, IT’S WILLIAM. Yes he did killed his brother but it was confirmed that the reason his dynamic with the crying child and yes he did accidentally killed him but it shows that mike has so much regret about his brothers death and then finds out that the animatronics are deadly
But this movie, william somehow knows mike’s name and mike’s brother even though he doesn’t even know him, how the heck did he decided to kidnap a young boy who he doesn’t even know. What the heck is this writing
This movie has so much build up of mike’s connection with William but decided to pick vanessa as the child that it makes william a total nobody to mike, i hate the vanessa plot twist, i hate it that mike is so sidelined by vanessa, i hate this plot twist, i hate it
“Oh but it’s just an AU so it’s not connected to the games”
I hate this stupid excuse because there are some changes that I am fascinated about, it’s the one that Abby is not William’s daughter even though in the games she’s elizabeth afton but it’s interesting to make her not related to william because she got more care about her father in the games and books and she wasn’t get that much mention on fnaf4, well yes it’s just one mention but it made feeling not important before sister location so in this movie we can see how she interacts with her “not really father” but gets more care about her brother mike and that great and that’s the thing that works as an alternative universe to the games but with mike and garret(movie version of the crying child), who has more story and character in the games and William’s story but not being related to him in the movie, it’s just so frustratingly bad because the crying child’s connection with William is so interesting but this movie doesn’t address on why did William kidnap him and killed him in the first place when he doesn’t even know him
And if you people are saying that I am talking trash about Scott cawthon and the blumhouse team, no, I don’t hate them, i respect them, i don’t want to waste a movie who has so much delayed controversies and the good practical effects of the animatronics, and i love the cast’s so much.
I love josh hutcherson as mike
I love elizabeth lail as vanessa
And I of course , i am super loving matthew lillard’s performance as William afton because i really do miss him as stu macher
And I love Scott’s work on the movie but I just don’t know why did he decided a character who is supposed to warn mike about the pizzeria because she had nightmares about it when she was young but somehow makes the child of a killer who has more that just one child
It doesn’t makes vanessa feeling like she was going to be the main character even though she isn’t, it would’ve been better if Vanessa in the movie was a child apprentice of william other than a stupid daughter, because in the games vanessa was just manipulated/controlled by glitchtrap and that could’ve been more better if William was just manipulating vanessa when she was young
And my theory is that I don’t think Vanessa in this movie is related to william because she seems like a child from a different family and then william somehow decided to kidnap and raise her as an apprentice
I’ll make a backstory fanfic of how william became the villain or how does vanessa became an apprentice soon I guess if I can
So yeah that’s my rant and theory about the movie, and don’t put a “oh but for me” because I am so annoyed by those because it made people acting like the original source doesn’t exist or they just ignore everything for no reason, it’s like a toxic friend who understands their victim friend even though they just rolled their eyes and thinking that they understand
But I hope people will understand this because I wanna move on my hatred about the twist when I’m writing this essay but I hope I am now a changed person already after that trauma I had with the twist
See you soon :)
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ughgoaway · 1 year
i hate matty healy- chapter 1
content warnings; no direct smut but theres build up, swearing, drinking, creepy men and my first attempt at writing anything!! word count- 2500-ish
a/n: here we go again! here's chapter 1, this was my first time writing anything so keep that in mind whilst reading lol. I just hit 200 notes on the original like 2 days before tumblr deleted my account so thanks again tumblr!! I'll stop being bitter soon I promise...
next chapter
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You hate Matthew Healy. Specifically, you hate his hands, which are currently desperately groping you wherever he can reach. His hips that you usually stare at on stage and roll your eyes at their gyration are pushed up against you, grinding, trying to get any friction between the two of you. You also hate his hair, the mop of unruly curly you have currently between tight fights gripping and forcing his lips to yours. That's another thing you hate. His lips. Even though they are furiously kissing yours, you try to reassure yourself you hate them. You absolutely categorically hate everything about Matty Healy, apart from the fact that you don't hate him. Not even a little bit. Not at all. But you don't know that yet. 
This “hatred” began at a house party in Wilmslow. Your very sad, very grey, very English hometown. You were in some massive country house staring at a room of teenagers grinding against each other. Whilst they might all be technically adults, they certainly don't look like them whilst giggling and swaying their hips to some awful house music. Large paintings of deer and horses decorate the wall as well as an oil portrait of the family that owns the house hanging over the fireplace that is currently filled with empty bottles of liquor. An interesting interior design choice you thought. The bass of some EDM tune is vibrating through you making you more uncomfortable than you already are surrounded by drunk people from school. You thought the guys you interacted with on a daily basis couldn't get any worse, and then you interacted with them once they had a bottle of vodka in them. 
Right now you were cornered by Josh Brown by the entryway and desperately trying to escape the presence of the, frankly, concerningly sweaty boy. In your head you vowed to never be a good sister again, the only reason you were at this scummy party in the first place is to support your brother Ross. Ross had formed a band a few years ago, from what you've heard they're alright but you had made a promise to yourself to never meet them or see them perform live.
You didn't want to meet anyone who had any desire to form a band as generally, they are the worst kind of people. Always somehow insecure and full of ego at the same time. As for not seeing them live, there were many reasons but mainly because you knew how girls react to a guy in a band and the last way you wanted to spend your Saturdays was seeing fit girls fawn over your brother. It was bad enough hearing “Oh my god you're Ross’ sister? No way! Can you introduce me?!” every day at secondary school and you just knew it would be worse now that he's 19 years old, in a band and is sporting an impressive beard (not that you would ever tell him that.) But Ross has insisted that you come to this show, apparently, they've finally perfected some new songs and you just needed to hear them, so you broke your rule. “Never again,” you thought whilst Josh somehow got closer.
Suddenly you heard “Josh bugger off mate cant you see she's physically moving away from you? Take the hint and move on” It was not a voice you recognised but a nice one nonetheless. Josh turned around suddenly and accidentally gave you a quick flash of your saviour before the stupid oaf blocked your view again. All you saw was a head of crazy curls and a leather jacket. “how cliché” you thought- coming to a house party in a cool leather jacket and saving a damsel in distress. Not that you were a damsel, you were however in distress but, to be fair, so is everyone within 10 feet of Josh due to the impressive odour he gave off. “Oh shove off Healy, you don't know what you're talking about. Does he love?” you vaguely recognise the name Josh angrily spits off but can't place it.
your brain was ticking and you were soon lost in your thoughts you hadn't realised that had Josh turned around and directed the last part of his statement at you. Once you realised he was actually talking to you, you glanced into his eyes and saw he was clearly hoping you were going to try and be polite and lie. You don't lie. As quickly as you can you respond with, “Oh no he definitely does, please don't come near me again. Or near anyone frankly. You are 19 years old, how have you not grown the fuck up enough to know when a girl wants absolutely nothing to do with you?” expecting a violent response you tighten your fists to prepare yourself to punch this asshole in the face. Ross had taught you how to throw a punch properly when you were 13 and had discovered that men suck. But, much to your surprise all he does is scoff and scuttle away standing slightly less tall than when he first came to speak to you. 
Once Josh is finally out of view you turn to face the guy who managed to get him to leave you alone. You are faced with someone you were certainly not expecting. From bottom to top you scanned him taking in his outfit and then his face. He had black doc martens on his feet but had missed a few holes when lacing them up leaving them looking slightly askew. Black skinny jeans adorned his legs followed by a baggy white t-shirt with the Chanel logo on it. You made the assumption that it was in fact not real Chanel. Covering the shirt slightly was the aforementioned black leather jacket. Clearly vintage and too big for him but he pulled it off anyway. Lastly, you looked at his face. Chestnut brown eyes stared back in yours and he had a lazy smirk on his face.
“No need to thank me love” he began to say “No one should have to be in the presence of that dickhead for any longer than absolutely necessary” he had a remarkably average voice by any definition but you picked up on the slight scratchiness of it, you guessed he was a smoker. “Thanks for your help but I really would have been fine, I can deal with people like Josh,” you said back trying to keep any nervousness out of your voice as you don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he helped you. You were petty like that. “Alright well since you're so fine on your own I guess I won't ask if you want a drink” he said cheekily whilst leaning on the wall behind you getting a little bit closer. This made you snort and take a deeper look at the man. You guess you could say he was attractive. Actually, the longer you looked you decided he definitely was attractive. Very attractive. Maybe you would enjoy this scummy party after all. 
This illusion was soon shattered when you heard a familiar booming voice behind you say “Matty why are you anywhere near my little sister, you're gonna give her an STD from breathing too close.” You then felt an arm sling over your shoulders, after a second of shock you quickly connected the dots and realised it was Ross. Well maybe it was longer than a second of shock, you had drunk a fair amount of jack daniels at this point. Ross chuckled at your clearly tipsy state causing your whole body to shake due to the sheer size of your brother, at well over six feet he towered over you- even in the platform boots you were wearing. “Ah well Ross I was just doing my civilian duty by saving her from Josh Brown, he has somehow gotten sweatier since leaving school you'll be happy to know” the man you now know as Matty rebutted.
Suddenly a third voice deeper than the other two joined in, “Does your civilian duty require you to be standing that close and leaning in so far you could see down her top?” This comment made you spin and glare at the voice, it came from a man somehow even taller than your brother with a pile of dirty blonde hair on the top of his head that had been scraped into a bun. “Can we all stop perving on my baby sister, please? This is not the introduction I wanted” Ross then turned to look into your eyes “Y/n these are two of the boys from the band, the blonde giant is George but we all call him G- he plays the drums. The short-" Matty's voice cut in “Hey!-” he was cut off quickly by Ross who only reaffirmed what he said “Ahem” he glared at Matty as he fake cleared his voice “As I was saying the extremely short curly dickhead is matty, our “charismatic” front man” his voice dripped with sarcasm as he did air quotes with his hands around the word charismatic. “And our final member Hann, well technically Adam but no one calls him that, hasn't arrived yet” You completely missed that last sentence as you were only thinking about Matty, something that you didn't know would become a staple in your life. 
You then start to really think about the situation, and it all becomes painfully clear. The random attractive stranger only helped because he knows Ross. Of course. You obviously cannot have a life separate from your older brother. Even the seemingly kind strangers who you're attracted to have to know him. Not even just know him, they have to be one of his best mates. Any thoughts you had of getting a quick shag tonight from the hot stranger dissipated quickly as you realised Matty was not just being nice and was in fact teasing you by talking to you. Just doing it knowing it would piss off Ross. Great. You love being the pawn in their immature games. 
Then and there you decided you hate matty healy. This hatred stuck for all the years that followed. It stuck through them getting their first song on the radio. Getting their first album out. The first tour. The first award ceremony. Through it all you hated Matty Healy. Even 10 years later you still hated matty healy. Which circles your thoughts back to his hands on you. You considered maybe you didn't hate Matty like you thought. Maybe this whole time you have done nothing but desire him. But you push that thought far far away.
The day began with you being awoken by a clanging in the kitchen and you knew it was Matty. Everyone else tried to be respectful on the tour bus, and keep quiet. Especially if you had all been drinking the night before like you all had last night. So when you heard the kettle click off and the loud banging of mugs together you knew it was no one other than Matthew Healy. There wasn't anyone else on the bus, they left earlier in search of pancakes. So it was the perfect opportunity to berate him with no backlash from his friends, in a state of anger you rolled out of your bunk to go and do just that.
However, as you walked into the bus kitchen your angry words died in your mouth as you caught him standing there in nothing but a pair of low-hanging grey jogging bottoms trying to make a cup of tea.  As he turned to face you, you snapped back to reality and you made your face as stoic as you could manage. He didn't need to see you gawk over him. He might be attractive but you knew he didn't need to hear it. If his ego got any bigger you think he would be a danger to society.
“What,” he said, staring at you with disdain in his eyes. Due to all your years of hating Matty, he hated you just as much. In the 10 years you have known him you've never laughed a joke, complimented him or given him any idea that you actually like him. In fact, you've done quite the opposite by constantly saying you hate him. This infuriated Matty to no end due to his incredible ego so he hated you too. Mutually assured destruction was the best way to describe your relationship. “Do you have to make the most amount of noise possible at all times Matthew?” you angrily said between clenched teeth. You saw his jaw tick with anger at the use of Matthew. You never called him Matty to his face, in your head you did but never to him. Anything you could do to make his life marginally worse you would do. Hence the heavy use of Matthew. Normally he would rebut with something equally snarky but something was different this morning, he was obviously at the end of his rope.
“Oh my god. I'm done. What the fuck is your issue with me?” he stated angrily in a raised voice. “Oh Matthew we don't have enough time to detail all my issues with me, you have a show tonight!” You snarkily replied. That wasn't good enough this morning. “No. Not today. I'm being serious y/n what did I do to you that means you have done nothing but despise me for the past decade?” you scoffed signifying to him that you weren't going to dignify him with a response. This angered him further and he started to walk closer to you, “are you seriously not going to respond?” he said, you opened your mouth trying to speak but he interrupted you throwing his hands up and saying “That's fine actually because we all know why you really “hate” me” he put air quotes around the word.
“Oh, really Matthew?” You said starting to stand taller and walking closer to him like he had to you earlier, “please enlighten me then why do I hate you? Share with the class.” you replied sarcastically. “You really want to know?” he replied in a scarily calm voice getting closer to you once again.
After one final step forward by you, you were face to face as you whispered angrily “Yes.”. You stared at each other for half a second before you both shot forward and crashed your lips together in a fit of fury. This isn't your typical first kiss. There was no gentle start and gradual deepening. No. it was hard, dirty and full of anger. He quickly started groping you which was easy because you had been sleeping in nothing but a long shirt and some skimpy sleep shorts. You groaned and grabbed his hair and his hips started to grind into you. Teeth clashed as you forced yourself as close to him as you could while he pushed you against the wall of the bus kitchen.
After you physically had to pull away for air all you did was stare at each other, after a few seconds all Matty said was “Bed?” and you quickly replied, “Bed.” You then both began to stumble into the hallway desperately grasping at each other and going to the large bedroom at the back of the bus with no thoughts other than of each other.
(note- this is a repost, tumblr deleted my old account so this is a new one! I'll add this note on each reposted chapter)
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your-coquette-queen · 1 month
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I'm sorry for the two year hiatus, I went through a period where I struggled and I really just had to come out the other side finding who I am. However, I am now back and feel so much happier! In case come of you forgot, I'm Ava! I originally had this account and ended up talking mainly about rock bands (notably KISS), Stranger Things, and Star Wars!
However, over the past two years a lot has honestly changed. I still love music, mainly now pop and musical theatre however I do love rock and still love talking about it with people. I love Star Wars still however my main fandom is currently Supernatural. Hopefully I have some Supernatural enjoyers in my audience and we can connect.
I also love 2000's everything and Incorporate into a lot of my style , so just expect to likely to see lots of 2000's core on here
A little UPDATED bit about me:
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Expect lots of music on here! I think I will just have one blog and move throughout fandoms that I enjoy so expect a bit of everything!
I am Christian! Christianity has been a long journey for me but I am so thankful to be in a really positive place with my faith. I left this blog two years ago with a lot of struggles but have come back overcoming those problems! I likely will not post a lot about faith as that is not the main part of the account but it is a big part of my life and something I am proud of. If I have other Christians here, I am always open to talking!
I love makeup!
Favorite tv shows:
Ten Inch Hero
Wedding Crashers
Cinderella Story
Legally Blonde
Without a Paddle
Star Wars: Phantom Menace
Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Hunger Games
Scooby Doo!
Batman: Dark Knight
Princess Diaries
She's the Man
Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Destiny's Child
Duran Duran
Katy Perry
Nelly Furtado
Frankie Valley and the Fourth Seasons
Simple Minds
Alice Cooper
Motley Crue
The Temptations
Dianna Ross
Michael Jackson
Ice Spice
Lay Bankz
Ayesha Erotica
Meghan Thee Stallion
Nikki Minaj
Jessie J
Marvin Gaye
1 Direction (when I was like 14 but idc their songs still cook😭😭)
Fav Musicals:
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Starlight Express
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Book of Mormon
& Juliet
Miss Saigon
Rocky Horror
Back to the Future
Guys and Dolls
Legally Blonde
Ain't Too Proud
Little Shop of Horrors
Young Frankenstein
Little Women
Music Genres:
Rock(multiple genres within!)
80's/90's county
Musical Theatre
New Wave
Actors/Celebrities I love:
Jared Padalecki
Jensen Ackles
Matthew Lillard
Misha Collins
Christian Bale
Ryan Reynolds
Channing Tatum
Hayden Christensen
Ryan Gosling
Pamela Anderson
Heather Locklear
Chad Michael Murray
Mark Wahlberg
Reese Witherspoon
Josh Hutcherson
Elizabeth Taylor
Taylor Lautner
Tom Cruise
Tom Selleck
I will likely update this as I start interacting on here again but I am so happy to be back!
Excited to talk to some of you guys again🤍
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alfairy · 9 months
It’s so sweet to me actually how everyone involved in the fnaf movie seems genuinely excited to be part of it. The director dove deep into researching fnaf lore, josh hutcherson was really pumped to be in the movie universe and also knows about the whole fan community, piper rubio hugged the animatronics on set all the time she thought they were awesome, matthew lillard gets to have fun in a horror movie again and his kids are big fnaf fans. Plus all the youtubers who got invited onto the set to cameo and interact with the crew.
It just sounds like a fun environment to be a part of. It feels like a movie by fans for fans
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tophsazulas · 11 months
Maya Hart for the character asks? <3
• My NOTP for them: Josh Fucking Matthews. I'm sorry, no I'm not, but there is no reason why a freshman in college should be wanting to date a middle schooler. Like he did turn her down in s1, but then s3...
• My BROTP for them: Riley, Smackle, Farkle, Lucas, and Zay <3 Also Sage! She should've at least been a recurring character.
• My OTP for them: Lucas!!!
• My second choice pairing for them: Riley and Zay <3333
• My fluffy pairing for them: Riley (all of them tbh)
• My angsty pairing for them: Lucas (also all)
• My favorite poly ship for them: Zay/Maya/Lucas, Riley/Maya/Smackle, Zay/Maya/Riley
• My weirdest pairing for them: Her and Chai (the girl from girl meets she don't like me) would be fun. Or her with Smackle, and there was another girl she interacted with in girl meets she don't like me
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pcetstcrtured · 8 months
@paintedhart liked for a 1989 tv starter!
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"i never dreamed of this."
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qrjung · 9 months
@void-candy — for gifs, edits, icons and stuff I find on tumblr
@joshman-theandroid — for Josh and all Josh related activities.
@onetiredcorvid — personal blog
@houseofinfamy — for "obey me" and other related activities.
--- Since this is a DBH-centric blog; I don't care if you think Hank and Connor are father and son or if they're dating both options are purely headcanons and there's nothing wrong with that. But I prefer sticking with canon on this one; they're friends. Either way, I don't like the hate directed to either side and this conversation has a tendency to turn into meaningless fandom squabble. Keep all your Hank & Connor discourse away from me.
--- Please don't involve Gavin Reed in my stuff. Do whatever you want, but I don't wish to perceive it.
TAG SYSTEM* [below the cut]
orange - tag category
red - commonly used tags
Fandom tags:
--- detroit become human || horrible histories || call of duty || hetalia || bbc ghosts || moon knight || six idiots || guild codex || pacrim || pushing daisies || doctor sleep
Single character tags:
--- DBH: dbh markus || dbh north || dbh josh || dbh simon || dbh jericrew || dbh kara || dbh alice || dbh allen || dbh perkins || dbh kamski || dbh amanda || dbh hank || dbh connor || dbh luther || dbh ralph || dbh lucy || dbh jerry || dbh nines || dbh sixty || dbh carl || dbh leo || dbh chloe || dbh kamski || dbh traci || dbh daniel || ra9
--- COD: valeria garza || kyle gaz garrick || farah karim || simon ghost riley || john soap mactavish || gunslinger ghost feed
--- HWS/APH: gilbert beilschmidt || toris laurinatis || matthew williams
Character Interaction Tags
--- DBH: rk1k || connorkus || simarkus || norkus || luthara || northara || polycho || dbh trio || platoniconk
--- COD: ghostsoap || faralex
--- HWS/APH: lietpol
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*tags will most likely be added as time goes on
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infcinity · 1 year
okay since i am an absolute mess, I'm just gonna post a starter call instead of a combo with starters & plots! please let me know who you would like a starter for and from, remember to be specific bc I am not good at random ones! I will be capping these starters at six per character and four per mun, just so that I have the chance to interact with everyone!
total to write ( twenty four )
annie james ( 1 / 6 ) laura palmer
astraea ( 1 / 6 ) blathers
ben solo ( 4 / 6 ) ariana dumbledore, tenel ka djo, leia organa, jaina solo
cassian ( 1 / 6 ) josh washington
chrissy cunningham ( 3 / 6 ) filippa kosta, nancy wheeler, blaine anderson
ewan mckinnon ( 2 / 6 ) maddie mckinnon, marina mckinnon
george weasley ( 7 / 6 ) roxanne weasley, bill weasley, dominique weasley, molly weasley, albus severus potter, tatum riley, percy weasley
gwen stacy ( 0 / 6 )
helena ravenclaw ( 2 / 6 ) heron lyptus, sylvie slytherin
jemma simmons ( 4 / 6 ) leo fitz, daisy johnson, elliot alderson, patia por'co
jyn erso ( 1 / 6 ) chu wanning
kirei monsula ( 1 / 6 ) ahsoka tano
lan sizhui ( 1 / 6 ) lan wangji
lucien vanserra ( 4 / 6 ) kevin, elain archeron, morrigan, rhysand, belphie
mai ( 2 / 6 ) azula, ty lee
natasha romanoff ( 4 / 6 ) bucky barnes, loki laufeyson, yelena belova, matthew murdock
parker halliwell ( 3/ 6 ) roxanne weasley, ahkmenrah, pj halliwell
sarra palpatine ( 2 / 6 ) silco, sella palpatine
sidney prescott ( n/a )
sirius black ( n/a )
winter celchu ( 1 / 6 ) bail organa
wrecker ( 3 / 6 ) elliot alderson, hunter, omega
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moon-meridian · 11 months
hello, friends! here is a collection of some of my favorite faces. i'll update this list as i come into contact with faces that i've been introduced to and want to interact with. please keep in mind that this list is just what comes to mind, i love new faces so feel free to suggest new ones to me !#happyroleplaying
aaron paul, aaron taylor-johnson, aaron tveit, adam dimarco, adan canto, alan ritchson, alberto rosende, alexander calvert, alexander skarsgard, alex fitzalan, alfie allen, alfonso herrera, alfred enoch, alvaro rico, andre lamoglia, andrew garfield, andrew matarazzo, andy samberg, angus cloud, antoni porowski, antony starr, armie hammer, aron piper, austin butler, avan jogia, ben barnes, bill skarsgard, blair redford, blake jenner, bob morley, boyd holbrook, brandon flynn, brant daughtry, brenton thwaites, brian j. smith, bright vachirawit chivaaree, cameron monaghan, casey cott, carter jenkins, chace crawford, chadwick boseman, chance perdomo, charles melton, charlie coxx, charlie heaton, charlie hunnam, charlie weber, chase stokes, cheyenne jackson, chris evans, chris hemsworth, chris messina, chris pine, christian navarro, christopher abbott, chris wood, cody christian, cody fern, cole sprouse, colton haynes, curran walters, dacre montgomery, daniel sharman, darren barnet, darren criss, david castaneda, david castro, david corenswet, dean geyer, dominic cooper, dominic sherwood, drey ray tanner, drew van acker, dylan minnette, dylan o'brien, dylan sprayberry, dylan sprouse, ed westwick, eka darville, eric dane, evan peters.
felix mallard, finn jones, finn wittrock, froy gutierrez, gavin leatherwood, gong yoo, grant gustin, gregg sulkin, gus kenworthy, hart denton, hasan minhaj, henry cavill, henry zaga, herman tommeras, hero fiennes-tiffin, hugh dancy, ian bohen, ian harding, ian somerhalder, itzan escamilla, iwan rheon, jack falahee, jack quaid, jack mulhern, jack o'connell, jacob artist, jacob elordi, jai courtney, jan luis castellanos, jared padelecki, jason momoa, jedidiah goodacre, jensen ackles, jeremy allen white, jeremy jordan, joe dempsie, joe keery, joel kinnaman, joel mchale, joe manganiello, jonathan groff, jon bernthal, jon krazinski, jordan fisher, jorge lopez, joseph gilgun, josh hartnett, joshua bassett, justin hartley, justin theroux, karamo brown, karl urban, kit harrington, kj apa, kyle allen, liam hemsworth, logan shroyer, louis partridge, lucien laviscount, luke evans, luke pasqualino.
manny jacinto, manu rios, matt bomer, matthew daddario, mark pellegrino, mason gooding, maxence danet-fauvel, max irons, max riemelt, mena massoud, michael cimino, michael trevino, michael vlamis, michele morrone, michiel huisman, miguel bernardeau, miguel herran, mike colter, miguel angel silvestre, miles heizer, milo ventimiglia, nathan parsons, nicholas galitzine, nick robinson, nico mirallegro, nico tortorella, nikolaj coster-waldua, noah centineo, nolan gerard funk, oliver jackson-cohen, oliver stark, omar ayuso, omar rudberg, oscar isaac, paul wesley, penn badgley, pol granch, rafael silva, rahul kohli, rami malik, richard madden, ricky whittle, riz ahmed, robert sheehan, rome flynn, ronen rubenstein, ross lynch, rudy pankow, rupert grint, ryan guzman, ryan kelley, ryan potter, sam claflin, sam heughan, samuel larson, scott eastwood, sean teale, sebastian de souza, sebastian stan, shiloh fernandez, skeet ulrich, steven strait.
taron egerton, taylor zakhar perez, theo james, thomas doherty, timothy granaderos, timothy olyphant, toby kebbell, toby wallace, tom ellis, tom hiddleston, tom holland, tom hopper, tom pelphrey, tyler blackburn, tyler hoechlin, tyler lawrence gray, tyler posey, wentworth miller, zac efron.
austin porter, benito ocasio (bad bunny), brandon arreaga, charlie puth, dominic fike, edwin honoret, harry styles, jack gilinsky, jack harlow, jaden smith, joe jonas, lil nas z, machine gun kelly, nick jonas, nick mara, omar apollo, shawn mendes, troye sivan, zayn malik, zion kuwonu.
bang chan, choi chanhee, choi minho, christian yu, han seungwoo, jackson wang, jay park, jung ki-suck, kim jennie, kim jisoo, kim jongdae, kwon hyuk lai, kuan-lin, lalisa manoban, lee dae-hwi, lee tae-min, mark yien tuan, ong seong-wu, roseanne park, taehyung, wong kunhang, wu yi fan, xiao dejun, and yan an.
adam senn, adil haddaoui, adrien sahores, agustin bruno, arthur gosse, billy vandendooren, bo develius, brad skelly, brooklyn beckham, cameron dallas, casey jackson, christian hogue, daniel abohzira, daniel bederov, david gandy, derek chadwick, desire mia, diego barrueco, francisco lachowski, gage gomez, gui fedrezzi, harvey newton-haydon, isha blaaker, ivan kozak, jacob bixenman, janis danner, jamie dornan, joe collier, jordan torres, juan betancourt, julian schratter, kit butler, lenny izaguire, manu rios, marlon teixeira, marvin cortes, matthew noszka, matty carrington, maverick mcconnell, michael yerger, neels visser, nick bateman, nicolas simoes, nyle dimarco, ollie loudon, owen lindberg, rafael lazzini, rafael miller, reese king, richard diess, robbie satchwell, sean opry, simon loof, simon nessman, tanner reese, tom webb, vinnie hacker, will higginson, xavier serrano, zander fitzpatrick
gus kenworthy, noah beck, ryan garcia, vlad hoshin.
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whisperstemptations · 4 months
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formerly, kiissme. penned by, Y V E. 30s. she/her. SMUT CENTRIC but not exclusively. low activity. semi-selective. most muses are 30+. no minors engage and will be blocked on sight. no personals, pls. discord on request. under construction.
wanna interact? opens ! — memes ! — muse list ! — wanted plots ! — wanted opposites !
be sure to read the rules. ( when I write them )
Where in the world is (👉゚ヮ゚)👉 y v e ?
@whisperstemptations ( fandomless multimuse - you are here! ) @ofashesandthorns ( got / historical - margaery tyrell ) @qveenofnoise ( stranger things / fandom based - jane bardot ) @quinntessentialmuses ( joe quinn muses, wip. ) @corrodedmaster ( stranger things based - eddie munson, wip. )
IN QUEUE — 16 / 33
mobile muse list under the cut !
💋 — FAYE BROOKES, OG, 36, bisexual, journalist, karen gillan fc. 💋 — FAYE BROOKES, CEO, 46, bisexual, publisher, lotte verbeek fc. 💋 — FAYE BROOKES, 30s, bisexual, historical lady, eleanor tomlinson fc. 💋 — FAYE BROOKES, 40s, bisexual, historical countess, lotte verbeek fc. 💋 — SHEILA BROOKES, 59, hetero, english teacher, michelle fairley fc. ( non-romantic ships ) 💋 — PATRICK BROOKES, 64, hetero, construction foreman, gary lewis fc. ( non-romantic ships ) 💋 — JERRY BROOKES, 60, hetero, pub owner, john hannah fc.
💋 — ALYSSA MITCHELL, 30s, bisexual, criminal lawyer, amy manson fc. 💋 — KEITH MITCHELL, 30s, hetero, detective, sam heughan fc.
💋 — LYDIA COLLINS, 40s, bisexual, bookshop owner / author, laura fraser fc.
💋 — CHARLIE CLARK, 30s, hetero, music journalist, matt smith fc. 💋 — NATHAN COLE, 30s, hetero, craftsman, joseph quinn fc.
💋 — ELLIE MATTHEWS, 30s, bisexual, graphic designer, felicity jones fc. 💋 — LIAM JACKSON, 40s, hetero, CEO of family oil, josh henderson fc. 💋 — JADE HART, 30s, bisexual, assistant to FAYE BROOKES, kat dennings fc.
💋 — FELICITY HARRINGTON, 40s, bisexual, actress, natalie dormer fc. 💋 — ALISHA KNIGHT, 40s, bisexual, heart surgeon, freema agyeman fc. 💋 — JEONG-EUN KWON, 40s, hetero, CEO of father's company, hyun bin fc. 💋 — BRYAN ALEXANDER, 40s, hetero, college professor, chris evans fc. 💋 — SANTIAGO BARRERA, 40s, hetero, artist and professor, diego luna fc. 💋 — RICHARD LIVINGSTON, 40s, hetero, duke / royal, henry cavill fc. 💋 — KURT BAKER, 40s, hetero, private investigator, dan stevens fc. 💋 — CHERYL ABBOTT, 20s, bisexual, young actress, sydney sweeney fc. 💋 — SCOTT WEST, 40s, hetero, talent turned talent manager, idris elba fc. 💋 — ABIGAIL CHAMBERLAIN, 20s, bisexual, preacher's daughter, lili reinhart fc.
💋 — CARVER ASHFORD, 50s, hetero, architect, timothy olyphant fc. 💋 — JASON ASHFORD, 30s, hetero, chef, joe keery fc.
💋 — ALICE ASHE, 40s, bisexual, brothel madame, natalie portman fc. 💋 — VIOLET DARLING, 30s, bisexual, escort, lily james fc.
💋 — TRIXIE HOLMES, 40s, bisexual, corporate lawyer, january jones fc. 💋 — ROXY WRIGHT, 20s, bisexual, OF content creator, josephine langford fc.
💋 — JOHNNY BARRETT, 50s, hetero, rock legend, jeffrey dean morgan fc. 💋 — JOY BARDOT, 30s, bisexual, law secretary, brianna howey fc. 💋 — JANE BARDOT, 20s, bisexual, aspiring singer, danielle campbell fc.
💋 — LUISA GUERRA, 30s, bisexual, influencer / business owner, melissa barrera fc. 💋 — DANIELA GUERRA, 20s, bisexual, investor, camila mendes fc.
💋 — MARK SPENCER, 40s, heterosexual, college dean / headmaster, tim downie fc.
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archxngxl · 5 days
This is a highly selective blog! I reserve the right to not respond to starters, asks, or messages! Please do not take offence to this, as that is not my intention. I'm just trying to keep a clean, drama free dash.
I do not write on Discord!
Due to countless weird messages, my chats are disabled. This does not mean we cannot plot in DMs, but due to previous mention weird messages, I will put this barrier up. After some writing together, I may reach out in messages!
You may reach out to me through asks, but the anon feature will remain off.
I will not write with muses or muns under 21.
Reblog from source.
Don't like my starters.
I will not follow back unless we've had some sort of interaction.
I reserve the right to not reply to starters & memes!
Ways of interaction: Answer an open starter, send a meme etc.
Thread cap: 5
I drop threads after 2 months of no activity.
This is not a smut heavy blog. Muse for it is fickle, sometimes I don't feel like writing it at all. I reserve the right to fade to black.
Communication is key. Feel free to express any opinions you have, any changes you want to do, plotting etc.
My muses' sexualities will not be changed.
I write fxf, fxm, fxnb, nbxnb etc. However, I am selective with MxM ships and will not write smut for them.
I love plotting, and I would like that my writing partner pulls their weight within the plot.
Don't use me for my males.
This is a +18 / +21 blog. Mature and Dark themes will be present.
I am a fan of psychological thrillers, murder mystery stories and slashers, so plots in that similar vein intrigue me. My muses have a variety of dark themes in their bios, some are also just dark muses (like my cult muses). I am willing to explore toxic relationships, dark situations, in threads as long as none of the triggers mentioned in the list below are not committed.
TRIGGERS / I WILL NOT WRITE : Rape, Incest / Stepcest, Extreme Gore, Huge Age Gaps, Extreme Descriptions of Abuse
I'm not really picky on formatting but here are the main things:
Cut your posts.
I am a multi paragraph / novella writer, so I tend to gravitate towards people who do the same. But it's understandable if someone is tired, or just doesn't feel like writing too much.
I am completely fine with going icon less.
No large gifs or gifs from the gif finder.
All long as it's legible, we're good.
If I am using a Fc that is problematic / a shit human being, please let me know so I can change it!
Anyone who has asked to not be used.
Those who have passed away.
Animated FC's (anime, cartoons etc)
Certain book characters
Johnny Depp , Amber Header , Gal Gadot , Franco Brothers , Chris Pratt Chris Pine , Josh Brolin , John Ham , Percy Hynes White , Camilla Morrone , Armie Hammer , Matthew Daddario , Dominick Sherwood , Jared Leto Ian Somerhalder , Kardashian/Jenners , Ben Affleck , Olivia Wilde , Sabrina Carpenter , Aubrey Plaza Nathaniel Buzolic , Youtubers/Tiktokers/Influencers , Kj Apa , Sprouse Twins Reality TV show stars , One direction members , Phoebe Tonkin , Claire Holt, Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerholder, Most singers and bands, twitch streamers
Fandoms - These are banned for either having a problematic author, I have not read the material, or had bad experiences with in the past:
ACOTAR, Fourth Wing, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Disney
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hereticsinc · 6 months
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#𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖈. This is a directory hub for a multitude of sideblogs featuring both canon and original characters by 𝗝𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗞𝗡𝗜𝗙𝗘, with muses from Marvel, Final Fantasy, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, Russian Doll, Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus ﹠ more ... 𝗥𝗢𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥.
𝗗𝗘𝗨𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗢𝗠𝗬   𝟭𝟮:𝟯   …   And   you   shall   ᵈᵉˢᵗʳᵒʸ   their   altars,   break   their   sacred   pillars,   and   burn   their   wooden   images   with   fire;   you   shall   ᶜᵘᵗ   ᵈᵒʷⁿ the   carved   images   of   their   𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒   and   destroy   their   names   from   that   place.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⁽ ㅤᵇᵘʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ ㅤʷᶦᵗʰ ㅤʸᵒᵘʳ ㅤ𝖌𝖔𝖉 ㅤᶦⁿ ㅤʰᵘᵐᶦˡᶦᵗʸ ㅤ⁾ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 ?
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𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘. This is not a writing space. It is a directory for all of my muses, each of which have their own sideblogs attached to this blog. All writing and in character interactions will take place on said sideblogs. All active sideblogs can be found here and here, or below the cut. Any and all memes will be reblogged here on the hub. Make sure you specify a muse when you send a prompt in unless you'd like a randomly generated one.
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₀₁. @yasoldat. 𝙱𝚄𝙲𝙺𝚈 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂. 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗩𝗘𝗟, Earth - 616. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Headcanon influenced and comics based portrayal, since August 2019. Bisexual.
₀₂. @caninevirus. 𝙳𝙴𝙽𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝙺𝙰𝙿𝙻𝙰𝙽. 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Lead guitarist for the Bay Area based hardcore punk band,  𝗟𝗢𝗗𝗚𝗘 𝗗𝗢𝗚. Pansexual. 𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Josh Katz. 𝙰𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷: @pierrotts
₀₃. @stigmatableed. 𝙹𝙾𝙷𝙽 𝙳𝙴 𝙻𝙴𝙾𝙽. 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Stigmatist and Roman Catholic priest, created October 2018, formerly thegothfiles. Bisexual. 𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Oscar Isaac. 𝙰𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷: @olivehanged @shewhowept
₀₄. @freakleash. 𝙼𝙸𝙰 𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚄𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁. 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Original  MySpace celebrity.  Bassist and vocalist for the California nu metal band,  𝗦𝗣𝗜𝗧𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗦. Professional adult film star. Bisexual. 𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Liz Vicious. 𝙰𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷: @00sgoth @3atmaggots
₀₅. @matryshkas. 𝙽𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙰 𝚅𝚄𝙻𝚅𝙾𝙺𝙾𝚅. 𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗔𝗡 𝗗𝗢𝗟𝗟. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Headcanon influenced portrayal. Bisexual. 𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Natasha Lyonne.
₀₆. @deathsboy. 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙾 𝙳𝙸 𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝙻𝙾. 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗖𝗬 𝗝𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗦𝗢𝗡. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Headcanon influenced portrayal. Homosexual.
₀₇. @insomniastar. 𝙽𝙾𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚂 𝙻𝚄𝙲𝙸𝚂 𝙲𝙰𝙴𝙻𝚄𝙼. 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗬 𝗫𝗩. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Headcanon influenced portrayal. Queer.
₀₈. @pitchfever. 𝚁𝚈𝙰𝙽 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙳𝙴𝚁. 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Australian - born singer and guitarist of the late 1990's post - grunge rock band, 𝗙𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗣𝗜𝗧𝗖𝗛. Bisexual. 𝙰𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷: @3atmaggots @backbeat3r
₀₉. @godhaed. 𝚂𝙴𝙿𝙷𝙸𝚁𝙾𝚃𝙷. 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗬 𝗩𝗜𝗜, 𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Headcanon influenced portrayal. Queer. 𝙰𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷: @strifeborn
₁₀. @eidetikr. 𝙳𝚁. 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴𝚁 𝚁𝙴𝙸𝙳. 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗗𝗦. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Headcanon influenced portrayal, since May 2020. Bisexual. 𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Matthew Gray Gubler.
₁₁. @heuretourne. 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙷𝙰𝙼. 𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗜𝗕𝗔𝗟. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Mixed book and show portrayal with heavy headcanon influence, since October 2020. Queer. 𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Hugh Dancy. 𝙰𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷: @plesytojas.
₁₂. @nahuals. 𝚇𝙾𝙲𝙷𝙸 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝚁𝙴𝚁𝙰. 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥. 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢. Cynanthrope and dark pop musician. Satan's lapdog and the guardian of Hell, known as 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗. Pansexual. 𝗙𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Romy Flores.
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dearaliya · 8 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: My longest love affair
Dear Aliya,
I know we have spoken at length about this, but what can I say? I always come back.
I cannot remember a time I have not be utterly obsessed with FNAF and I know there's probably not a time you could remember either. From day one I was enthralled, perhaps it was Markiplier's doing, but that is an entirely different train of thought.
Through the convoluted timelines, the constant piecing together of snippets and tidbits and everything refusing to make even a hint of sense, I've only wavered once in my love of the franchise. A dark time indeed, but I quickly realised the emptiness in my heart and fully immersed myself in my own weirdness continuing on to today.
How lucky am I that the movie has finally come out! After years of waiting, mostly thinking it was a rumour, I am fed so well by Blumhouse, Scott Cawthon and everyone else that made the movie possible. My rose-coloured glasses may be blocking deeper criticism, but we are all allowed one faultless glance back at our childhood and this has been my choice.
Shall we dot point? And stop me if I might spoil this for you!
Characters All of the favourites were here, as well as some I don't think I expected.
The gang, all beautifully done as costumes and a single animatronic by way of Foxy, stole my heart in an instant. Visual effects can be a tricky thing to handle so having the main characters be practical with only a few helping hands along the way was a choice I couldn't grin wider at. Jim Henson's Creature Shop, I salute you.
Seeing Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) as Mike Schmidt was a crossover I hadn't anticipated and what a time for him. He must be seeing a surge in attention now, considering there's that new Hunger Games movie coming out that I absolutely haven't mentioned. A renaissance for him indeed.
Matthew Lillard?? In my Springtrap?? They wrote this movie for me xx What a gem of a performance, even if the twist was ruined because of casting sheets. I think this was the character they needed to nail because William Afton is the reason anything exists and it's safe to say they nailed him.
My brain sure did itch when I saw Elizabeth Lail, though I didn’t remember her immediately. Lo and behold I do know her and enjoy her previous works, just as much as I enjoyed seeing her play Vanessa! Welcome to the party, you’re earlier than we thought you’d be but no less welcome! I’m excited to see how any sequels plays out, her being here now means a whole new continuity.
Plot For the critics who called it paint-by-numbers, predictable and decidedly unscary I have just one question.
What movie did you think you were coming to see?
FNAF is a franchise that thrives on jumpscares and the anticipation surrounding that, which wears off the longer you're exposed to it. More importantly, it's an adaptation of a game that's been around for a good long while and whose target audience is kids and of course long-standing fans. It's a gateway for anyone new and slightly interested to check out the games, where there is a lot more to interact with given that games are an interactive experience.
That being said, and with a heavy heart I admit, I get where some of the complaints stem from.
Bits and pieces of the story were admittedly disconnected. A few plot points seemed to pop their head in the door, wave and then leave again. My personal sticking point was the aunt who I’m pretty sure died. I'll have to noncommital shrug about it because she doesn't get mentioned again, despite her prominence in the rest of the movie.
Lore Deeply engrossed as I am, I know that nothing is static in the FNAF continuity. A few things remained the same, which is great! William still gets springlocked, Golden Freddy is the most vengeful of the bunch, so on and so forth.
Some things changed.
William is now the father of just Vanessa it seems, no longer Michael, Elizabeth and a third child named ????? which I don't know how to pronounce. If more movies do happen, we're following a new-ish continuity which may further the headaches of the theorists (MatPat you've suffered greatly) but it gives me more content to consume so at least I'll be fed, fat and happy a-la-garfield style.
The books don't follow the games don't follow the movie don't follow the other games and nothing ever sticks or makes sense. It's a very standard affair.
Oh boy was this movie full of fun little treats for the longtime fans! I felt like a zoo animal laden with enrichment activities, there was not a single moment I didn’t spot something in the background and wiggle with glee. I was a very respectful movie guest, no noise from me but I did swat my poor companion several times.
Here are my favourites!
Dream Theory Book
ITS ME, written on the foggy mirror
MatPat, oh how delighted I was to see you.
The crossing road game on one of the thugs shirts.
LivingTombstones Song!
And of course, all the other little treats we were given.
Nothing more comes to mind, so I appreciate you listening to my thoughts. I’ll see you next time, stay well!
Hannah xx
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talkingandwatching · 8 months
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So I watched the fnaf movie yall this was crazy
Hello everyone, I'm literally on my way home from the movie theater while I'm writing this post (might be a couple of days to publish it because I have no attention spam) because I watched the Five night's at Freddy's movie and yall, this was wild.
Before I get into it, I wanna complain that the guys in the front seat talked nonstop, like, all the time while we watched this movie so I wanna tell everyone, if youre the kind of person who does this crap, please stop, its very annoying.
I never once had the chance to feel like I literally cant talk about a movie, not because of the spoilers but because I literally cannot find the words to describe what I just saw, not because it was shocking or anything but because there is almost nothing to talk about. But what kind of "movie critic" would I be if I didn't at least try?
I think the main reason why I cant say anything is because I can barely comprehend the fact that this is a real movie that I watched in theaters, I think it will take about 3-5 business days for me to finally settle this information down.
This is the part where I start talking about the movie and it will probably have spoilers, so read it at your own risk.
Even before watching the movie I realised that it will be a real challenge to figure the lore out, since okay, we got Mike as a main character, I thought then it supposedly Michael Afton right? But his sister was called Abby and not Elizabeth and I knew Mike is interacting with William Afton (and I knew its William because it was Matthew Lillard in the trailer and everyone knew Matthew Lillard will play William Afton, the internet went crazy for over a week), but somehow he doesnt suspects its his dad? Also Vanessa is in this movie? And I had even more questions and let me tell you, none of them was answered by the movie.
The movie starts with our main character Mike (played by Josh Hutcherson), who works as a security guard in a mall, but beats the shit out of a random man because he thought he's kidnapping a kid but the kid was actually his son, then he gets fired, so a guy, supposedly his boss called Steve Raglar (played by Matthew Lillard) offers him a security guard job at an abandoned restaurant called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, but Mike rejects it, saying he cant do night, then we find out why. He has sleep problems because he dreams about the same thing over and over again, which is the memory when he witnessed his little brother, Garret being kidnapped. This memory haunts him and he's also the legal guard of his little sister, Abby. Abby is a weird kid, she has invisible friends that only she can see and she's also very antisocial in school, which worries both the teachers and Mike's & Abby's aunt that want to take full custody over Abby because she doesnt think Mike is a suitable guard for her (neither does Mike thinks he's suitable for this but yk, he doesnt want Abby to live there because they both hate their aunt). After this, Mike changes his mind about the security guard job and calls Steve. So the job starts and boy o boy, what the fuck is going on in this movie-
First of all, I was very excited when I saw that Matpat got a cameo as a waiter, I audibly gasped when I saw him on the movie screen, what makes this even funnier is that I literally told my boyfriend who sat next to me that Matpat would probably get a seizure from this movie's storyline (also something that I havent paid attention to in the theater is that his name tag says "Ness", someone on youtube pointed that out and this makes the cameo 100x more ironic, if you know, you know), I think he deserved it 100% and I was pretty sad Markiplier at the end didn't make it into the cameo because of Iron Lung.
I gotta admit, I fell into the flaw that I thought the story will be a part of the main things that happen in the game and thats why some aspects of the movie left me very very confused. For example, we found out Vanessa is the daughter of William Afton. The fans speculated that there might be some sort of relation between them after Security Breach came out, but I dont remember if anyone thought he's her father, only maybe her grandfather or something. Just so you know, in this movie, Mike and William are not related (or at least doesnt look like they are) and my boyfriend had the idea that this movie might be about Mike Schmidt, which is a very og character in the fnaf games/community, who in this story, isnt Michael Afton, this could explain why his sister is called Abby and not Elizabeth either.
Speaking of Abby, she also left me a bit confused. We found out that her imagined and invisible friends are actually the ghost children that haunt the robots and she can communicate with them through her drawings. I was left a bit dissapointed that they didn't explain how this works exactly, especially because I personally liked the aspect that the robots arent malicious and that theyre still just traumatized children who were manipulated.
Of course, nobody was suprised by the fact that William who said he was Steve, was the villain and oh boy, Matthew Lillard KILLED it as William Afton. As someone, who's childhood wasnt just FNAF but also Scooby Doo, this man is literally the face of many many childhoods, including mine. He didn't get enough screentime AT ALL, even though I dont really mind, because its nice that Afton wasnt the main focus of the story, but Matthew was so good, so talented that I wanted more and more.
Josh Hutcherson as Mike was also awesome in this role, he's relatable, he's flawed yet a very sympathetic character and you cant help but root for him.
These two were the stars of this movie, however Piper Rubio as Abby was also pleasant in my opinion, I thought her character was sweet and lovable and I hated how the guys on the front row were mocking everything she said. Elizabeth Lail as Vanessa was also.. okay? I didn't like Vanessa's presence in the movie at all, because it was very confusing, but she was pretty okay in the role. The ghost children werent that good in my opinion, the acting was very small and Garret's actor had only one face through the entire movie, he didn't have any dialouge either.
Speaking of dialouge, I didn't like it at all. It felt like someone trying to grasp and mimic how people talk to each other, some dialouges were almost ridiculous and NO, if you havent watched the movie but still read my blog post, no, the phrase "Together we're fnaf" does not appear in the movie sadly.
In conclusion, did I dislike this movie? No. Not at all.
In fact, I enjoyed this movie very much. I was a bit of than a casual fan of this game franchise since 2016 and it was a great experience to dress up with my boyfriend and watch the Five night's at Freddy's movie, because we were and are both fans of this game. The bad habit everyone fell into is that we were fixated on the "lore accuracy" and missed the fact that this is more than probably a spinoff, using lore from the books instead of the games.
It was really nice to see this movie and I dont think anyone who wasnt a fan of this game growing up will watch and/or appreciate this movie because its like Barbie but for weird kids and I think its flop among critics is just the Mario movie all over again, where the fans are praising the movie and its story to the roof but the critics just sat into a cactus or something.
Anyways, I'm curious what you guys think of the movie, let me know if you had any opinions and until next time, see ya.
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