#( she's gullible naive and many other things )
Likeable person & dislikeable person test
* Cassie Roosevelt
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enha-doodles · 4 months
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Note : AHH I WAS SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS ONE , I got this as a request in my messages and loved it !! It's my first mtl so I hope y'all like it and if you guys do then I'll probably do more of these 🤭🤭 Also i ranked them first and the reasons are written down in the same order they are ranked :)
Pairing : (mattheo , Tom , theodore , Lorenzo , Draco) x reader
Warnings : cursing , a bit toxicity ? mention of killing in one part
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Most likely ↑
Least likely ↓
。    ✧  REASONS  ⁺     。 .
1. Okay starting with Lorenzo I just feel like he's a very fluffy , very poetic , knowledgeable guy (my bros a nerd🤓-) . He really understands and observes people , sometimes it can be a bit stalkerish but eh doesn't matter because it's not like he's one with good intentions , he's in slytherin for crying out loud ? But in the process of this if he sees you and you are exactly his type which is exactly like him then BAM!! You're his new obsession . He thinks he's very smart but he's just gullible in my opinion.
2. Theodore nott . Guy who is just as romantic as he is monotonous . I just feel like because he wasn't loved that much by his "family" he seeks it out where and offcourse he likes pretty girls . So if you're caring , outgoing and basically just pretty he'll fall in love with you very quickly . I also kinda feel like he's a bit naive in those things - like he's the type to date a girl he liked at first sight and if she's not good / cheats on him / acts like she's his mother - then he'd break up and become a manwhore . Still very much up on the list to do it again .
3. Draco seems like a lovesick puppy to me solely because he's never recieved any love properly except for his mother which doesn't really count but whatever. He'll probably fall in love at first sight if you're badass but that doesn't mean he'll admit it ? He'll bully you to get close to you then somewhere between just admit due to too much pressure and teasings from his friends . Don't expect him to apologise tho , i know we're all wise enough for that . And please don't be in gryffindor and dream about a malfoy , like seriously please .
4. Mattheo in my opinion is just a born manwhore so he's not most likely to fall in love at first sight . I just see him hooking up alot but then again there's a chance he might if you're different to him than other girls. But I also feel like he'll mistake his love as a challenge and just blow the whole thing out 😭😭 Plus point if you're a slytherin and you're flirty , that could definately grab his attention and make him fall in love with you and GOD FORBID if you also smoke then you'll probably be married to him .
5. You are either on weeds or highly delusional to even think this man is capable of falling in love . Or you've just read too many fanfictions lmao . Tom is super hardworking and overall a very work oriented person so i don't think he interacts with girls much ? Only to connections that can help him , so yeah he's the least likely one . Forget about frst sight , even a love potion won't make him fall in love . Also I feel like even if he DOES fall in love which would be impossible , but if he does then he'd either ice out the poor girl , kill her or force her to marry him . There's no in between "trying out" bullshit here .
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TAGLIST : @sugarcandydoll @helendeath
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deathbealady · 6 months
has anyone talked about how gullible Feyre is, and the implications of it for the entirety of the ACOTAR series? Feyre is basically the sole lens through which we see the world for the first 3.5 books, and although a lot of things we kind of have to just take at face value (explanations given to her about how the fae courts work, etc), she also misinterprets a lot of stuff bc she’s young/naive/uneducated/lacks perspective. it’s understandable to a degree, but I feel like Feyre lacks serious critical thinking skills to the point that it’s alarming. (I’ve mentioned before Feyre is not my favorite character, and this is one of the reasons why)
like, I’m just thinking about how in ACOMAF, Rhysand has her writing lines to practice reading and writing. okay sure, fair enough
but Feyre writes “Rhysand is the most powerful high lord” one time too many and she’s suddenly like “Rhysand IS the most powerful high lord!”, which is bizarre. Rhysand is a powerful daemati, yes, that’s been demonstrated to us. we know that as a high lord, his power would presumably be comparable to that of the others. but for him to be the most powerful high lord? I don’t recall that any of that is really shown to us, it’s just Feyre/SJM telling us repeatedly until we believe it (which parallels how Feyre presumably wrote those lines so much she began to believe them herself)
Basically she starts hanging around Rhysand, and she manages to get brainwashed so quickly and thoroughly that it’s kind of wild. think of how quickly she takes to the Inner Circle and she immediately decides they are *her* family (and kinda forsaking her own actual sisters in the process if ACOSF is any indication) because Rhysand calls them his family. like honestly? if Nesta decided she didn’t trust Rhysand based purely off of how differently her sister started acting when she was hanging around the Night Court, I don’t fuckin’ blame her!
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
I saw this post a few weeks ago that was like a chart from a psychology text that described how different sorts of childhood trauma can produce different dysfunctions, one of which was (I *think*) Emotional Neglect -> Magical Thinking. I was so intrigued by that. Magical thinking is sort of an umbrella term for the belief in a causal relationship between two unrelated factors; it can include wishing on a birthday cake candle; the feeling that The Universe is telling you to call your ex because something reminded you of them; OCD-type rituals that you believe will ward off misfortune; the deeper meanings mis-assigned to mundane events that can be produced by schizo-affective disorders; and also religious convictions to some degree, although those are rarely considered a clinical problem as with anything that helps or doesn't seem to hurt the participants. There seem to be as many potential causes of magical thinking as there are forms of the thought pattern itself, and trauma is an interesting one.
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It might be better to think of "trauma" as "helplessness" here. Magical thinking can help impose a feeling of organization where there is chaos and loss of any sense of significance. There was a lot of magical thinking going around in the gritty, depressed town where I'm from, and I often thought it was because of the persistent economic pressure. It's relatively normal for kids to be susceptible to spooky ideas, but many of the adults were also full of ghost stories and superstitions. I have one very sensible friend who is smarter than I am, who grew up there too, and we often reflect on this, which helps me know that this isn't strictly an idea I have due to my own social choices. My friend doesn't live in that town anymore either, but she's always digging up interesting stuff related to it, and one day she showed me the website of someone there offering his services as a paranormal investigator. He was in his 20s, and the site included a lot of unconvincing photos and a long, vigorous testimonial by the guy's mom. Part of me was dying to put it on tumblr, but it would only have resulted in unnecessary cruelty. I was as much a victim of magical thinking as anybody, and I think even when I was pretty young I was aware of what motivated me to be so naive and gullible: that a world full of ghosts and vampires and UFOs and such was preferable to what I normally experienced, which was a consistent sense of boredom and meaninglessness and drudgery and embarrassment and pain and suffocation in an ugly, flavorless universe whose nicer side was not going to be available to me. I had a lot of really damaging friendships with manipulative assholes and pathological liars because I was so very willing to believe the crazy things they told me, just in case any of them were true, because such a truth could change my whole life.
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Sometimes I think it's amazing that I never wound up in a cult, although I guess those relationships were sort of like little one- or two-person cults. Once in a while I read about some crime involving young people who think they're vampires or something, and I have a deep feeling of pity, because I think I know what they were going through (except for the part where they think they can do whatever they want to other people). The sad story of Shanda Sharer involves a whole group of badly abused and underprivileged teens, some of whom thought they were witches or vampires, and it just makes so much sense to me that they would be overtaken by these fantasies of secret meaning and power. Recently I watched Bad Vegan on Netflix, something that I avoided at first because I thought it was just about rich douchebags humiliating each other--which is like, what else is new--and to some degree it is, but actually it's way more disturbing than that. Ambitious young raw food entrepreneur Sarma Melngailis was manipulated, isolated, and ultimately kidnapped by this sadistic freak who preyed first on her loneliness and financial fears by pretending to be a rich suitor who could solve all of her problems; then he preyed upon her feelings of personal insignificance and failure by convincing her that he and she had been selected by a cabal of extraterrestrial illuminati who would make them immortal. Sarma seemed completely broken down to me, and I was amazed by her courage in describing the scam she fell for, that she must have known would invite derision. Part of the documentary explores her youth as a kid who always believed she could become something special, and then mundane tragedies like her parents' divorce brought her back down to earth in a painful way, and it seemed like she spent the rest of her life haunted by the idea that she might just be an ordinary failure of a person. I think that's part of what made her so vulnerable to this psychopath, that he was able to access her secret dream of having a special destiny. I got one of my friends to watch the show and she was very frustrated by it because she just couldn't figure out what Sarma's problem was that would cause her to ever believe the things she was told. I tried to reiterate what I've said here, but it didn't seem to mean anything. Ironically this friend is a practicing witch with formal beliefs in the supernatural, including that people can awaken special powers within themselves, but I guess one man's magical thinking is just um not another man's magical thinking.
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I still have a lot of magical thinking going, but it doesn't have the same character it once did. I tend to think of it more as "symbolic thinking"; I have a hard time accessing senses of meaning and hope, let alone any kind of self-belief, and sometimes symbolic gestures and concepts can provide that access better than my own direct, practical attempts ever could. It helps that I have a basic agnosticism about the invisible structures of the world, like it's easy for me to believe that there is more to life than what comes in through the five senses, even if I don't pretend to know entirely what that "more" is. That may help me believe that "anything is possible" and I shouldn't give up, even if I direly want to and I know I'm being kind of irrational. Magical thinking can be a double-edged sword, but maybe it's better than nothing.
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experimentalmadness · 11 months
Broken Bird
Summary: Astarion is extremely confused by the odd fact Tav doesn't seem to want him for sex. But then, whatever in the world could she want?
Early relationship woes and Astarion slowly realizing he may have just played himself.
You can read more about Eidel and Astarion here
Astarion was at a loss. 
He flipped idly through the pages of the book he was only half paying attention to while the camp buzzed about with activity. Karlach and Wyll were still finding things to clean from the tiefling’s party the other night and Astarion did not wish to be volunteered to assist. 
By all accounts the party was a success. 
Wasn’t it?
He watched Eidel at the edge of camp. She sat cross legged, her staff alongside her as she tended to an injured sparrow she had found that morning. She smiled as she examined her charge, all teeth and scrunched up nose. Her gaze flitted over to his and she waved. Astarion winced, but instinct was a funny thing. He shot her an easy grin and a flirtatious wave of his own. 
Not that any of his old instincts had served him well last night. 
It all started out simple enough. He’d made his best proposition, he’d seen the blush rise in those mottled cheeks, seen her shy nod when she had agreed to scamper off into the night alone with him…and then? 
“And what is it you want?” She had asked him, all guileless eyes and innocence. Her words had stopped him cold. No one had asked him that. Not in two hundred years. But still he had an easy answer. He always did. That naive act had to stop eventually. He had been waiting for the other shoe to drop. But…it never did. 
“Why did you really come here with me?” Astarion asked. 
“Well, that’s easy, I like you! I wanted to spend time with you!” Eidel laughed. 
“Darling, here I am. We have nothing but time,” he purred. 
“The stars are so bright tonight. We could walk along the river, I thought? There’s a rise up not far from camp where we could look at them. Are you sure you won’t take my cloak? You’ll catch a chill.”
She wasn’t playing by the rules. He didn’t have time to answer before Eidel tossed her cloak over his bare shoulders, fussing as she pinned the edges. He had seduced his fair share of innocents before. But once they were alone they always went for him, no matter how shyly. But Eidel was either the densest woman in all of Faerun, or she was deliberately avoiding the obvious. 
“Aren’t you sweet?” If she wasn’t going to play the game his way, he’d have no choice but to play it the way she wanted. Dense or obtuse, she was still the best bet he had for protection. “And I’m sure that perfect little body of yours absolutely glows in the starlight. Lead on.”
He didn’t sleep with her that night. 
She’d led him up to the hill and rambled on about the stars and the constellations and how she’d never seen so many before. She’d sat beside him and clung tight to his arm as she excitedly talked. He’d watched as her eyes went as big as the world in her enthusiasm and when he did manage to kiss her she tasted of guilt. 
Technically it should have all felt like a victory. She was clearly enamored with him, sex be damned, and she was gullible enough he had her dancing to his tune no matter what he said. 
So why did all this feel…so terrible?
Astarion blanched as Eidel motioned for him to join her. He set the book down and walked on. It didn’t matter how he felt about the situation, he had a part to play. 
He smiled as he approached, lessening the seductive stare and mimicking her open one instead. “What can I do for you, my dear?” He asked lightly, sitting alongside her. 
She giggled. “I like when you call me that. Can I call you that?” 
“You may call me whatever you wish. Now, did you invite me over merely for my company? Not that I’d blame you.”
“I need your help,” she said. “Could you hold onto my friend here, and keep him nice and still while I set this splint for his wing?”
“Me?” Astarion asked. “Wouldn’t….wouldn’t Halsin be the better option? I’m not exactly the nurturing kind.”
“Oh that’s not true! You’re perfect for the job or I wouldn’t have asked,” Eidel said, holding out the sparrow. 
“Animals tend to run at the scent of blood, you know,” he pouted. 
“Hold out your hand, please,” she said. Astarion was beginning to think she wasn’t dense at all. Merely stubborn. 
It didn’t seem he had much of a choice. He sighed and cupped his hands as Eidel placed the bird in his palms. The bird gave a small peep and ruffled his feathers, but settled in moments and Astarion kept him still as Eidel delicately stretched the bird’s broken wing to fit the split onto it. 
“See?” She said as she worked. “He trusts you.”
“Your bird must not be very smart, then. That’s an objectively stupid thing to do.”
“Why? You’re a good person to trust.”
A slight splinter of guilt stabbed at the base of Astarion’s stomach. “Eidel, you’ve seen me lie, and cheat, and kill dozens of people. Sometimes all in one day.”
“Well, yeah, the world is a dangerous place and we have to do things to survive. I know that, but that’s not the same thing is it?” Eidel bit her lip as she tied off the bandage. “You can’t keep an animal anywhere it does not wish to be.”
“Easy for you to say, I believe the bird with the splint doesn’t have many options.”
“Don’t let that fool you. There now,” she took the bird gently from Astarion’s hands. “All set. Stay here in camp and I’ll check on that wing in a week, you should be good as new soon enough.”
The sparrow chirped what Astarion could only assume was a thank you before hopping off. Eidel watched him go. 
“I know what you wanted from me last night,” she said without looking back at him. 
The splinter in his middle tore a little wider. “I’m…I’m not sure I know what you mean, darling.”
“I would have said but I was afraid you’d leave, and I’d never had a night like that. It was perfect, and I was selfish, because you’re wonderful and I’ve never liked anyone before. But I’m not sure you’d want to spend more nights like that with me if sex is off the table for now. I’d understand. I won’t pretend it won’t hurt, but I would…understand.”
She’d taken the playbook and thrown it into the fire. He blinked at her as she turned around to look at him. Her eyes were downcast, as if she expected him to toss her aside. He wasn’t entirely certain he understood her at all. What did she want from him if she wasn’t after an easy escape? All of his best instincts were to offer a physical compliment, a teasing line, something to turn her head. He realized he was frozen. He’d never been with anyone who hadn’t wanted him for his body, for what the lies it could offer. 
“Darling,” he laughed, hoping she didn’t catch the hitch in his tone. “I’m hurt you’d think I’d cast you aside so quickly. In fact, I was going to ask you for another midnight stroll, but if you’re not interested…”
He inhaled sharply as her expression brightened, her one pale eye and one red eye lighting up like the sky. And the mottled pink that cracked through her otherwise copper skin turned a lovely shade of magenta where it polka dotted across her cheeks. “I’d…I’d like that!” She said in a rush. 
“Good,” he took her hands in his as he helped them both to their feet. “Then I’ll see you tonight.”
“See you tonight, my star!” She repeated, bouncing on her heels as she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. She pulled away, blushing furiously, a hand on her lips as if unsure if she was allowed to do such a thing.
My star? 
“Oh, I can think of something else if you’re not fond of it,” she said. Apparently his look of confusion had been a tad too obvious. 
“No…no it’s…charming,” he cleared his throat. He had to get away from her. “I’ll see you later.”
It was all for the best, he rationalized. She got a companion and in exchange he got a powerful druid as protection. She was utterly his regardless of how he had won her over, that much was clear. But it was all…wrong. She was practically eating out of his palm, wasn’t that what he had wanted? He thought of that pathetic, little bird he had held in his hands moments ago…how he should have broken its neck before it ever tried to trust him.
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Prof. Nikos AU Concept
To be clear this isn't the only Au/ comic I'll put the model in but it is the one that comes to mind for me most often.
Pyrrha is born into the previous generation to RWBY's main characters like Jaune was in my Prof. Arc AU, also like him she became Glynda's partner.
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There weren't any problems to their partnership, in fact Pyrrha would even say it was a pleasant one. But, not a ideal one... Between Glynda's intimidating nature and stern attitude and her fame she merely found a compatriot on the pedestal instead of making many friends with life long bonds.
Sure there were Summer and Tai... Nit Qrow though, he was spiritually taxing and Raven was worse.
But slowly she found herself drifting from them as well. After all her and Glynda did have examples to set. And even after their teammates quit that only meant they had to work that much harder.
Which lead her to now, her being a celebrity, renowned huntress and the most popular teacher in Beacon...
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But also a maiden though that secret was to be held under wraps indefinitely.
Of course she never was able to quite find her way off her pedestal. Everyone just avoided her through school, intimidated or worse... They were obsessed.
When she said she was the most popular teacher in Beacon that was hardly a exclusively good thing...
Many students, fellow teachers during Vytal or even council members had tried to involve themselves with her. Some with honest if not unreciprocated feelings for her. Others having ulterior or more carnal goals in mimd.
At times like that she was glad that she could at the very least believe in Glynda. Even this year she expected little different, already a few boys had been unashamedly gawking at her. At least they weren't as blatant as miss Adel had been the year previous. Though they failed compared to miss Schnee who she could sense was going to be particularly insistent fan of her's.
Honestly it was at times like this that she was thankful for that silly rumor about her and Glynda being more then just partners were so rampant through the school.
They helped dissuade the more gullible or naive students, if only they didn't incite the more passionate fans. It was at times like this that she missed Velvet.
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The girl had been a wonderful experience to have, but that relationship was over and she had reality to face.
And Reality as it turned out was a blonde boy, one rather plain at first glance. admittedly unimpressive physically compared to the other possible students.
And she realized it when that Ravenette Weiss look alike abducted the flying boy straight out of the air.
He had a scratch from a tree branch, one that bled... That didn't heal, he didn't have aura. She moved to intercept but Ozpin was quicker and with a annoyingly good point. That boy, Jaune Arc stayed even after seeing other be launched into the forest. He heard his words and knew the risk.
So she stood and watched, watched him and his foul mouthed partner walk through the forest, the color swapped looking Schnee obsessing over him. She watched them stumble into that cave, she knew she should've cleared the Deathstalker out of it!
But she hadn't and now he was paying the price, at the very least they'd secured the Relic. And then it happened, they'd met up with four girls Ozpin had noted interest in and two others.
Forming teams, but also drawing in two rather dangerous Grimm. They made the right call, choosing to retreat from the threats. And the blonde could've, but his partner and another boy sadly couldn't make it across the bridge before the Deathstalker had them. Honestly she was suprised when he let turned back to help them, well let the redhead girl launch him towards them.
For most it wouldn't be all that impressive, a dime action a hunter would be expected to take. But Pyrrha saw more to it then that, the boy hadn't had aura for even a hour yet.
He still should've had his morals and thoughts firmly within what civilians would consider commonsense. And what he was doing was very much not that. She saw it, the way he tended, the tremble in his legs.
He was scared, very scared, to him who didn't fully understand what aura was it must've felt suicidal to face a Grimm like that. And yet there he was, fighting, giving orders and exceeding what she could've ever expected of someone with the clear lack of formal training he demonstrated.
It was completely fascinating and admirable. It was why she approached him during the first years entrance celebration after party.
Ignoring team RWBY (Especially Weiss), CRDL and just about everyone else. She could see it in his posture, Jaune wasn't enjoying his position as leader or the attention it got him as other students seemed quick to criticize.
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She understood their logic to a extent, Valkyrie and miss Gelé were clearly stronger and Lie Ren more skilled.
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Bit that line of thinking was heavily flawed in her opinion. And so she spoke to him, amd was suprised, he, he was utterly ignorant of most things relating to Huntsman!
It sent her through a loop, maybe it was because of how pitiful he looked then, or perhaps how much determination she could gleam in his gaze when he spoke of his dream to be a Huntsman... And also maybe, possibly because he seemed utterly ignorant to who she was. Regardless she spoke then and there. Informing Jaune that she'd be training him as one of his electives (Classes)
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He made one small comment about her thinking he wasn't good enough, but she quickly nipped that in the bud. Everyone had to start somewhere and she was a bit more stubborn herself compared to her Beacon days.
Glynda couldn't help but feel Pyrrha was putting too much interest into Arc. Did she hate the boy, no.
But Pyrrha shouldn't be putting all her free time into spending her time with a schoolboy... No she was not jealous no matter what Qrow said! She was just concerned about her partner's reputation.
And besides that Jaune Arc had shown to be dreadfully unprepared for this school given his Proformance during Initiation. She'd even go as far as to say that if it hadn't been for miss Gelé's unsettlingly strong interest in him that there was a good chance he would've perished during the exam.
If Pyrrha intended to truly invest time in training him she couldn't help but feel it'd a rather significant amount of effort for her part...
Pyrrha had enough on her plate, surely she didn't need to add training a underwhelming student on top of that.
And... Yes, perhaps there was a fraction of truth to the drunkards word... After all, Pyrrha and her were the only two given such high expectations. She was the only person who could understand her.
Of course she valued their friendship more then anything in the world. But the heart simply wanted what the heart wanted. She only hoped she could be professional and not let it effect her teachings.
Though given how far behind Arc was perhaps she could afford to be a bit more... strict
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Pyrrha had to admit, Jaune was a breath of fresh air, while still severely lacking in skill and training she felt that could be rectified and firmly believed in him. Honestly she was afraid this year would be a dull one but with him things were looking up.
She actually fell asleep rather peacefully that night... And had a dream.
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Well... Oh dear.
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Could I maybe request something about a cleric healer reader who has never killed before and actually managed to keep it that way until they reach moonrise tower. They have to kill to survive, but after the battle, they are really shaken, and Wyll comes to comfort them???
🗒꒰⸝⸝₊ Blood On My Name ❛ ✧
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Featuring: Wyll Ravengard x Cleric! Reader
Not proofread!
# Notes: wyll is such a sweetheart he deserves more attention fr
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When the fire starts consuming you and the whole world is coming after you, it's difficult not to get blood on your hands. There's only so much guidance your sacred stars can give you.
Wyll Ravengard knew that better than anybody. Or rather, The Blade of Frontiers knew. He felt like those were two separate people, at times. One a foolish young man with a heart too big for his own good, the other a knight in shining armour, deprived of all that others were blessed with.
He found the cleric's resolve to not harm anyone remarkable, if a bit naive. He, too, would rather talk things out rather than fight, but sometimes it's the only option. They didn't see it that way. He wished he could understand how they thought a bit better at times, because what in the nine hells do you mean you're not going to kill gnolls? Other creatures — more humanoid ones, goblins even — he could understand, but gnolls? They were either way too kind or way too gullible for their own good. Both, perhaps.
They kept away from the front lines, allowing others to get their hands dirty. Every now and then he would even catch them praying over the corpse of some creature, asking that they rest in peace. It was both troubling and endearing. But suffering would come again, and people would bleed for grace. He just hoped they were ready for it.
The time proved to come sooner than expected. After speaking with Jaheira and the Harpers, only to face off against the army inside Moonrise. Z'rell was proving to be a difficult fight, but they were managing to charge ahead regardless. In a matter of minutes, she was severely wounded and face-to-face with the cleric. Wyll could see the panic in their eyes as they quickly raised a hand and touched her forearm, necrotic wounds spreading up her limb to her neck until finally reaching her face. Her pupils gleamed an almost radioactive green and, just like that, she fell to the ground, immobile.
There weren't many other enemies standing, and Wyll found himself rushing to their side as soon as the fight was over. They had fallen back, chest rising and falling rapidly with panicked breaths, their eyes wide in disbelief with a hint of guilt and perhaps even sorrow as they stared at the corpse. He grabbed their shoulders firmly, kneeling in front of them so they could gaze into his eyes.
"Hey, deep breaths — don't look at her, look at me, okay?" He urged in a low voice, attempting to sound comforting. Their eyes met his, but it looked like they were still realms away. He squeezed their shoulders lightly. "Listen to me: it was either you or her, and I'd rather fight the nine hells than see you hurt. You did the right thing. Do not judge yourself by your horns." He whispered in a steady tone, trying to bring a safe shore for his friend currently lost at sea. He felt their breathing calm slowly, their eyes finally focusing on his, and a small smile formed on his lips. He pulled them closer into a reassuring hug, his hand rubbing soothing circles on their back.
"Your heart is too big for your body, you know."
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eliza-dearest · 1 year
I watched The Amazing Digital Circus’ pilot.
… and through my time looking at theories on character designs and meanings, I’ve noticed one particular point that nobody brings up!
Pomni is transported into the Circus resembling a jester. Many feel that this either reflects a hidden component to her personality, a role she’s destined to play, or a hint as to what she was viewed as before (perhaps not taken seriously or treated as a joke by her coworkers, as evidence is shown in the office introduction clip).
Many point out that a jester is known as an entertainer, a jokester, and a trickster. But there’s another side to this symbolism: what is another name for a Jester?
A fool.
Pomni is the fool in the digital circus, constantly searching for an exit only to be denied. She asks questions anbout how she got here and nothing gets answered. She tries convincing herself that she’s dreaming, only to instantly be denied that comfort. Her confusion and potential to descend into madness is not only entertaining to the ringleader, but to us, the audience.
Fools are usually seen as being not very bright in the eyes of the higher power they are entertaining. But fools also have the ability to directly insult that higher power and get away with it under the guise of a joke. This may be a hint as to how her and Caine’s dynamic will play out. Pomni can search for an exit under the guise of an entertaining bit or adventure, and Caine will allow it to some extent, as long as she never actually gets close to finding it.
Fools are seen in another familiar place: the major arcana in a tarot deck. Upright they represent a new beginning, hope, spontaneous behavior, adventure and innocence. Reversed they represent risk taking, as well as being naive or gullible. And I think these two meanings fit Pomni to a T. Her appearance and mention of seeing an exit will bring hope to the other circus members and start them on a great an epic quest to save themselves. But her rushing into things and naivety on how simple escape will be may sabotage her plans.
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wendytestabrat · 8 months
10 KEY differences between wendy & kyle
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i feel like everyone acts like wendy & kyle are pretty much the same characters, but the more i've looked into it no, they're actually VERY different. the only shit they have in common is that they're both morally preachy hypocrites who hate on cartman (and wanna fuck him teehee) but they go abt it in very different ways. ok here we go:
1. wendy is wayyyy smarter than kyle - ok let's get this one out of the way first bc i just talked abt it in my rant on why wendy is the smartest character. but yeah kyle may be booksmart and good at school but wendy is good at school AND she can manipulate and actually outsmart cartman, kyle can't.
2. wendy is more confident than kyle - obviously wendy isn't 100% confident and def has her moments where her insecurity shows like when she gets crazy jealous but overall i feel like she's A LOT more confident than kyle bc she doesn't let shit get under her skin as easily as him and she actually knows how to ignore cartman better. like yeah wendy did fight cartman back in "breast cancer show ever" but her response to that seemed pretty reasonable when u take into consideration all the times where cartman had harassed wendy in the past and she just ignored it and let it go lol. there are sooo many tiny moments in the series like that where cartman picks on wendy and she does NOTHING unlike kyle who reacts to EVERYTHING. like in "le petit tourette" cartman deadass went up to wendy and was like "DUMB BITCH!" and she didn't even get mad or anything wheras kyle decided to pick a fight with cartman over the tourettes thing when cartman DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING TO KYLE. another example was that time when cartman was like "check out wendy she's as flat as a pancake" and wendy didn't say anything lol there are sooo many more examples of this shit but i’m not gonna get into it rn.
3. wendy is a leader, kyle is not - this goes hand in hand with the thing abt her being more confident. i feel like wendy's ability to lead the other girls and take a stand rily shows her confidence, while kyle is def more of a follower and usually just takes the backseat as the sidekick to whatever the fuck stan or cartman are up to (usually cartman) lol. kyle is EXTREMELY bossy and controlling tho so there def are moments where he takes charge of situations, but just bc he's rlly bossy and likes coming up with ideas that doesn't mean he's a good poised leader nor does he know how to execute his plans efficiently imo. the other characters will go along with kyle's shit bc they feel like they have no choice be he won't stop complaining to get his way, not bc they look up to him LOL.
4. kyle is more gullible than wendy and more easily persuaded - kyle is DEF way more gullible than wendy which is part of the reason why he’s not as smart as her. i feel like kyle is way more likely to believe some bullshit or be persuaded into changing his stance on something, wheras once wendy has her mind set on something there’s no changing it. she stays true to her beliefs EXCEPT when it comes to peer pressure but we’ll get to that point soon lol. kyle can also get manipulated easily wheras wendy sees through all the bs 100% of the time.
5. kyle is more naive and childish - this is a rlly subtle difference and goes hand in hand with the last point abt him being gullible but yeah i def feel like kyle is more juvenile and acts like a regular kid. he’s rlly high strung and has a lot of energy and gets excited over dumb shit like making a farm on facebook and talking to a damn poop which i can’t rlly see wendy doing lol. she def seems more mature than him in that sense.
6. kyle is WAYYY more temperamental than wendy - this one is prob the most obvious. kyle gets easily annoyed over the tiniest shit and has rlly bad anger problems, while wendy has a temper too i feel like she usually tries to resolve shit calmly first and has a more mature demeanor and is more rational & levelheaded most of the time, but when u RLLY piss her off she becomes scarier than kyle and does way worse shit LOL. kyle is also way more impulsive too so if he does react with anger he's gonna do the first dumbass thing that pops in his head like punching someone or calling them names, wendy is usually way more strategic when it comes to her vengeance.
7. wendy is popular, kyle is a loser - yeah this one is pretty obvious we all know wendy is the most popular girl and kyle hardly has any friends that he resorts to hanging out with CARTMAN. i can imagine the kids would rather be around wendy and like her more bc she’s not as pissy as him, even tho she certainly has her bitchy moments but she still aint as easily reactive as kyle and has RIZZ.
8. wendy is more easily influenced by peer pressure - so yeah being the more popular one definitely comes at a cost bc wendy can stoop LOW to maintain her popularity and make sure the other girls like her still. this is the one category where kyle actually wins bc he’s usually more likely to stand on the fact that no one likes him and he won’t sacrifice his morals to be liked, even tho he certainly has his moments where he does. kyle overall seems wayyy more introverted than wendy tho and seems comfortable being a loner while she isn’t. wendy is extroverted af and wants to have a bunch of friends and an army of skanks around her at all times.
9. wendy actually takes ACTION abt the issues she has rather than just complaining about it - this is something i respect more abt wendy bc even tho she’s preachy like kyle at least she actually does shit and takes a stand on the political issues she has, while kyle is all talk LOL. kyle will give 0 fucks about helping any cause and does absolutely nothing, but then when he sees cartman doing something terrible he’ll all of a sudden act like he was the biggest advocate for that thing all along even tho he never was. wendy was likable af in “breast cancer show ever” tho bc she was just minding her own business trying to do good by spreading awareness on breast cancer and cartman’s bitchass had to keep annoying her and harassing her abt it so yeah ofc she snapped back bc she was just defending herself lol.
10. they have completely different weak spots - and lastly, even tho they both can get angered easily they have COMPLETELY different triggers as to what sets them off. kyle’s achilles heel is his juddaism and if anyone comes for him over it he will throw and huge bitch fit. for wendy it’s any threat against her popularity/attention or relationship with stan which is why she is known for her jealousy, which is prob wendy’s most toxic behavior in the show lol. kyle doesn’t have a reputation for being the jelly monster like wendy does, although his behavior in s20-21 was pretty wendy level bad bc he was jelly and possessive AF with cartman lol. up until that point wendy took the throne as the annoying jealous, possessive, & petty one.
BONUS KEY DIFFERENCE: wendy cares abt stan more 🤷🏻‍♀️ just by 👌🏼 this much
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sunatoru · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (epilogue)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : mentions of past trauma, phantom pains, saying goodbye.
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : the conclusion of ‘botdb’ this feels so bittersweet. my first ever series, finally coming to an end. thank you so much to everyone who read it, and to everyone who had shown any interest whether it be through comments, reblog a or asks. AND TO THE PEOPLE IN THE TAGLIST 🥹 but i think the person who deserves my thanks the most, is my best friend and long time tumblr moot, mimi 😭 my 4lyfer fr, if she didn’t laugh at my spelling mistakes, you guys would have instead. sihsjshsk jokes jokes !! but everyone say thank you mimi, if it wasn’t for her, half my fics wouldn’t exist ( she fr helps me brainstorm and plan everything )
w/c : 1.4k
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after rintarou’s banishment, life went on, over the years the relationships between sirens and mermaids had slowly begun healing, the hatred turning into a tolerance for one another, and soon a friendliness flourished under the deep waters waves.
you’d spend hours looking up at the surface on the water, never getting close enough to break it, you’d never had a reason to go back up there, not even your curiosity for rintarou could make you face the world that almost harmed you beyond repair.
you were content under the blanket, in the life you lived, with the friends you had made, the surface no longer had meaning, your life was more than just killing sailors and pirates. you could freely explore the vast ocean, knowing you’d be safer even in the darkest depths, than you had been even a foot above the water.
though you regretted many things after your traumatic experience with rin, you couldn’t regret loving him. the raw emotions he had evoked from you in the short while of knowing him, the love he made you feel. you were thankful you learnt what that could feel like. more thankful that you could experience it again.
it seemed like the merman from rintarou’s kingdom were quite the charmers.
shinsuke had met you exactly a year after your return home, a year after the banishment of one of his best friends, and a year after you had closed yourself off. the first twelve months after the events had been the hardest, getting used to working with a tail that would never be as good as it used to be, and a mind constantly clouded by thoughts and the loop of the pain you had gone through. even years after the events, your scars would ache from phantom pains. yet shin stayed by your side.
a reminder that good things came with time, you regained your strength, your passion, your soft touch. life was better with someone to love, someone who fulfils your silly little fantasies. sure, he wouldn’t bring you treasures from above, but he’d bring back different rocks he’d found on his journeys and always had a story to tell. he’d teach you about the other kingdoms’ customs and would take you with him to the places he knew were safe.
his love for you was pure, the softest and sweetest love you could have ever wished for. shinsuke loved you hopelessly and endlessly.
so, when you suggested visiting the surface after decades of avoiding it, with the intention of finally checking in on rintarou, shinsuke asked to come with you. he vowed to keep you safe, to protect you from harm, and though it was to visit his old friend, after knowing the pain he caused you, shinsuke exercised extreme caution.
the trip to the surface was a nerve-wracking experience, though it was short and quiet, you could feel the heavy pounding of your heart, and when you finally reached the top, you took a second, clutching shinsuke’s hand tightly before breaking past the barrier of water.
sucking in a deep breath, you gazed at the same rocks you had been taken from, the rocks where it all began, the rocks where you decided you loved rintarou.
your eyes moved past the rocks to the buildings that now surrounded the shore, it was quiet— empty, however, it was different. it was nothing like the shacks and villages you saw all those decades ago. these had more structure, it looked sturdier, more detailed than before.
shinsuke squeezed your hand, silently asking if you were okay. with a slight nod, you pulled the both of you towards the ledge, letting him pull you out of the water after his tail had dried into human legs. your arms still felt weak despite the anxiety leaving you.
within a couple of minutes, the two of you were running down to where you remembered helen’s shack being, mermaids and sirens had no awareness to the modesty of humans, but from what you had remembered, your nude forms would be heavily looked down upon, so the both of you ran as fast as you possibly could down to the rundown little shack of the woman who had first greeted you into the human world.
with deep breaths you pushed the shack door open, thankful that it was still here. your eyes gazed around the room, landing on a blanket that you could use to wrap around yourself, and a discarded towel shinsuke could wrap around his own body.
after calming down, you fully took in your surroundings, lips pursing at the sight of fresh mermaid scales drying out on the counter. a bucket of water below it, and a pair of boots haphazardly thrown off on the floor.
the feel of the shack had changed, it no longer felt like the working space of a woman who held an unusual amount of knowledge of the world beneath the sea. it had a more homey feel to it, more like a shelter.
your thoughts were broken by the shack’s door swinging open, letting the light in to illuminate the figure standing by the doorway. a figure you were hoping to see.
“…rintarou?” your breath hitches. he hasn’t changed.
rin looks equally as shocked, not expecting to see you in front of him after years of no contact. he lets out a shaky exhale, taking a slow step forward, and then another, and then a few more before he makes it in front of you. a hand moving up to cup your cheek.
“yn?” his eyes soften, his body relaxes, his other hand aches to cup your other cheek. to hold you, to hug you.
a smile slowly spreads across his features as he examines your face, you hadn’t changed, you still looked as soft and sweet as the day he had met you. with a love-filled exhale, he looks past you, gaze locking onto shinsuke’s who had already been staring at him.
“hello, rintarou.” the two continued the mutual eye contact, before shinsuke broke it, eyes trailing down to the hand that was still cupping your face so gently. rin’s gaze trailed down to his own hand, quickly lurching it away from you, breaking you out of the emotional trance you were locked in.
the tension was high, the pain was sinking in. rintarou was alive, he was alive and he still loved you. and that fact hurt you more than a stab from any pirate ever could.
he loves you, but you couldn’t love him. not when you had shinsuke, not when everything you had ever wanted to feel was felt because of a man who had loved you so passionately without breaking your trust, without placing his selfishness above your own safety. shinsuke was worth the hardships and mistakes you had lived through.
rintarou was not.
“what are you two doing here?”
shinsuke speaks up for you, walking up close enough to place a gentle hand on your shoulder. you sink into his warmth. “we wanted to see how you were. see if you were still alive. i’m glad you’re doing well, we should leave now.”
“i’m glad i could see you two again. even briefly. yn… i have the rest of eternity to apologise for what i did, please let me. i will spend every hour of the sunlight and every second under the night sky atoning for my mistakes, so long as you don’t hate me for what i did to you.”
you were shocked, and from the sharp inhale from shinsuke, you could tell he was too.
“rin… i— i don’t hate you. i forgive you, i forgave you long ago. when the pain stopped hurting and became a memory that i could lock away. live your life without the guilt of what has happened. eternity is a lot less bearable when you have regrets.”
you move to hold shin’s hand, squeezing it tightly before pushing past rintarou, your heartbeat quickened and your breathing stuttered. you needed to leave, to get back below the surface, back into the comfort of the cave you had found so many years ago.
the surface wasn’t a place you would willingly come to often, if ever at all. but, you’re glad you could say what you needed to say, and leave rin with a final goodbye before you both went your separate ways for the rest of forever.
what you had gone through was hard, but saying goodbye was harder.
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tags : @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro @bertqut1 @usermins @yanihatesu @rntrsuna ( bolded, could not tag!! )
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aboutzatanna · 8 months
why was zatanna so useless in the first half of jld 2011. She kept getting beat again and again and her magic useless
I wish there was a concrete answer.
The usual answer is that she is so powerful that she has to be nerfed in order for others to contribute. But as we've seen many times from her appearances in Justice League of America comics, she can be powerful and vital member of the team without overshadowing other characters. Or like in some comics, it was fun to see the League step back and let her deal with the threat.
The writer of JLD seems to have only read Swamp Thing #50 and Books of Magic (a great book but not one of Zee's best appearances) and concluded that Zatanna is some naive, gullible daddy's girl whose in over her head with all her abilities and needs someone like John to swoop down and get her out of trouble and show her how to use her abilities.
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themickey · 5 months
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MICKEY JACQUEMIN ( RUBY CRUZ ) is a TWENTY SIX year-old AEROSPACE ENGINEER in MONTREAL, CANADA. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only ELEVEN YEARS OLD. They are known as THE NOSTALGIC because they are UNDERSTANDING but also NAIEVE.
Full Name: michèle jacquemin (she only allows richard and mrs tristian to call her michèle)
Nickname(s): mickey, mick, mj
Date of Birth: march 5th, 1979
Age: 26
Occupation: aerospace engineer
Current Residence: montréal, canada
Orientation: lesbian
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: blue (maybe hazel, idk)
Height: 5'5"
Notable Features: full, expressive eyebrows. gay face
Strengths: kind, caring, understanding, loyal
Weaknesses: naive, gullible, too trusting, spacey
Quirks: always a bit fidgety, especially when excited or anxious. has an obnoxious french canadian accent
Vices: drinks occasionally and will never deny a drunk cigarette
Interests: space, comics, computers and the rise of new technology, music from the 90s, hockey (any good canadian should)
Hobbies: video games, mostly gameboy and the brand new nintendo ds. runs a myspace and livejournal like the military, always posting new "surveys" and blog posts daily even if no one reads them.
Special Skills/Talents: very good at math, can do long equations in her head without a calculator. can pick up most things pretty easily though she usually gets too distracted to keep up things for too long so she always had a bunch of unfinished projects or hobbies she gave up on
mickey, born in montreal, was raised by a single mother and never knew her dad. the only thing she knew about him was that he was american because she has dual citizenship. however, when she was seven years old, her mom passed of sudden heart attack. mickey was too young to really understand what happened but her life drastically changed. at first, cps tried to take her to her father in chicago, but he denied even knowing he had a kid and she was placed into foster care. she spent four years in foster care, some good homes and some bad but it never quite broke her spirit and generally positive outlook on the world. she caught richard's attention when he was visiting her school on a business trip and was intrigued by how bright she was and despite her teachers warning of how her hyperactivity makes it heard to teach her, richard decided to bring her to woodrow and give her the tools she needed to flourish.
mickey was always seen as the naive ward, too trusting and gullible. she always seemed much younger than she really is and hates that people think she's the youngest even though she is quite young. she sees the others as her family but after much teasing from the other wards, she tries to keep those feelings to herself, she always wants the others to like her and make everyone happy. at first, she had trouble bonding with the other wards because english was not her first language, speaking mostly québécois french when she first came to the states but she quickly learned english and has since tried her best to connect with her fellow wards. there were many times she would get in trouble growing up because she's very easily influenced by the other wards, letting them drag her into their schemes and dumb ideas. if mickey wasn't a girl raised in the 80's and 90's she would probably be considered to have adhd and be autistic but since we didn't know as much about it back then, mickey was written off as being hyperactive and childish. she often visits woodrow even after moving away because it was the only place that has felt like home since she was a child. even though most of the wards are gone now, she still sees them all as a family. the last time she was home was just a few months before richard's passing.
mickey is never one to care about the latest fashion trend or what is in style, she prefers to be comfortable and wear things that make her feel good. she was always a tomboy growing up, would sometimes try to steal some of the boy wards' clothes until richard caught her and allowed her to shop in the boys' department of stores. she likes baggie clothes and will hide her body in layers. loves a good graphic tee over a long sleeve shirt. think of any classic 2000's teen heartthrob and put his wardrobe on a 5'5" girl. [pinterest inspo if you're curious] she's always preferred her hair on the shorter side, grateful that richard always allowed her to be herself and experiment with her looks. now it's cut past her chin and with swoopy bangs that she's always flicking out of her eyes. again, think of any 00's teen heartthrob with the classic vaguely scene boy hair cut
mickey chose to go with the woodrow home schooling. she was never very good in a tradition school setting because her mind seemed to move faster than the teachers could teach which often got her into trouble for "acting out." so instead she liked that she could set her own pace with the teachers at woodrow and learn what she was interested in. after high school, she went on to go to richard's alma mater. she's always had a dream of going to space and working for nasa.
mickey loved extracurriculars growing up, she did science club and science fairs, was a mathlete, even tried model un for a year but realized she didn't like geo political sciences. though, outside of her academic hobbies. as a child, she played hockey but was never quite big enough for it to get back into it as a teenager. instead, she found she loves fencing, which may seem out of character but as a young hyperactive teen, richard encouraged her to try a physical hobby to get her energy out and liked the idea of being able to swing a sword around.
after graduating college, mickey accepted a job at DART areospace in montreal. she didn't plan on going back home after spending so many years in america and being two and a half hours away from woodrow, but when the opportunity came, she couldn't say no. currently, she lives in an apartment in the city with her long term girlfriend, jessica, and their cat. unbeknownst to the other wards, however, mickey and her gf have not been on the best terms. they met while in college and when mickey took the job, jessica moved with her but moving to a new country has caused a lot of tension between them. jessica thinks mickey works too long of hours and doesn't give her the attention she deserves because even when she's not at work, she's talking and thinking about work. mickey's not perfect, but she loves jessica. before receiving the letter about richard's death, they had the talk about how they want different things in life and mickey knows their relationship is pretty much over. going back to woodrow for the funeral, she's not sure what she'll be coming home to and is scared that it will be nothing
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arcadekitten · 2 years
sorry if this question upsets you because you've answered it a lot, but is mary a child/teen on Blackout Hospital? i supposed she was young because of the game console thing and her naiveness, though its part of her personality i feel like she's a minor in this game
No. Mary is not a child. Mary is not a teenager. Mary is not a minor. Mary is an adult woman.
I don't mean to sound harsh, or mean, or cruel, but I am quite frankly sick of getting this question and people's inability to see Mary as an adult. I don't think you are trying to "bait" me into getting worked up or something, but because this happens often enough, I need to say something about it.
Mary's appearance should not be an excuse as to why people see her as a child. She's essentially the same height as Twyla in Cemetery Mary, but not one person has ever came to me saying they suspected Twyla of being a teenager? Or a child? Or a minor? Is that not weird, when they look so similar?
In Blackout Hospital, Mary is shown to be around the same stature as other adult characters. Yes, she is a short person. A petite person! But there's plenty of adults who are petite too--do you call anyone you see under 5'5" a child?
(Images presented for comparison)
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I think some people also conceive the notion in their heads that Mary is younger due to having a flatter chest than some of her other female/feminine peers. I, however, find this to be pretty ridiculous for a few reasons.
One, is because it is completely natural for people to have different body types. There are teenagers who have big chests. There are adult women who have small or even flat chests.
Two, because as I have openly stated in the past--Mary is designed with the potential to be interpreted as a cis or trans girl. If one were to read Mary as being a transgirl, it would also make sense for her to not have much of a chest.
I think using Mary's personality as a reason to read her as young is...well, in the most polite way I can possibly say this...I think it's bullshit. Because I notice this trend happen across hundreds of characters and now it's happening with mine.
Characters who are mean are perceived as older, more mature. Characters who are nice are perceived as stupid, and younger. Twyla and Mary are around the same height and have nearly identical figures, but because Twyla is mean no one spares her a second glance and because Mary is nice everyone accuses her of being a child. (Even with characters who aren't Mary this happens. Dr. D. Light is often portrayed as stupid or gullible or idiotic when he's...literally a certified doctor? He isn't stupid--he's just nice.) Similarly, it's interesting to me how when Reginald doesn't understand a piece of technology he's often viewed as older, but when Mary doesn't, she's viewed as younger? Why is that?
And, because this has recently been confirmed as part of Mary's canon, I ESPECIALLY do not like Mary being accused of being a child/minor when Mary is autistic.
The infantilization of autistic adults is a real issue, and there's plenty of articles and conversations on the topic. I don't necessarily want to start a whole new conversation about that here, but I will say that because of it, it really does rub me quite the wrong way when people accuse Mary's personality or mentality as being that of a child. I often wonder how many traits Mary displays that people see as "being that of a child" when they're really just "traits associated with autism".
But I think a big flaming gun in this whole argument is that no one in these universes where Mary exists treats her like a child or a teenager. When Mary meets Twyla in Cemetery Mary she describes her as looking college-aged AND also around her age. No one brings up any objection as to why Mary would be allowed in a bar that serves alcohol. No one ever brings up the idea of Mary currently being enrolled in a highschool(Except in a game like Here For Sweethearts, where she is a highschooler just like EVERYONE ELSE). No one brings up an age difference when it seems like Mary and Reginald could be romantically involved in CM. Twyla accuses Mary multiple times of dating Reginald in CM without mentioning any difference they could have in age or why it would be inappropriate if they were dating. When *slight Blackout Hospital spoilers, I'm sorry!* Hyllindrix sees Mary wearing a wedding ring, he asks her if she is married without any sort of mention that she would be a child bride or something similar. Reginald has line in Blackout Hospital where he refers to her as being a woman. Vasilis, a clearly established adult with a job, says things to Mary like "These have been around since WE were kids".
And part of the reason receiving asks or comments like these makes me so mad is because it always feels like you guys are trying to accuse me of something. Like you are covertly trying to catch me in a "gotcha!" moment where I'll admit Mary isn't actually an adult or something, so you can frame the relationships Mary has with other people as being something predatory and gross and "expose" me as someone who is okay with that kind of content. And that makes me really sad to be viewed as someone who would portray that kind of stuff as OK in my work.
Mary Anta is an adult woman. I have never treated her like she is not. None of her in-universe friends have treated her like she is not. And I think that is what I want people to take away from this. If YOU view Mary as a child, a teenager, a minor, when she clearly is not then that is on YOU. I am not the one infantilizing Mary. You are.
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nowis-scales · 11 months
no idea if this ask will reach you in time to alleviate your school boredom, but you have a lot of interesting thoughts on Felicia, so are there any wildly specific headcanons or theories you have for her that you've never really seen anyone else come up with that you feel like chatting about?
Hey, no worries about timing — a good ask is a good ask! Besides, I actually did end up having to think a bit about this one, so in a way it kind of all worked out. That’s why it’s uh… taken me pretty much the entire weekend to figure it out lol.
I don’t know if I have much in the way of full-on theories, but I am really quite good at the whole specific headcanons thing, so I tried to come up with some to share that just kinda have a tendency to rattle around in my head. And thank you for your kind words about my Felicia thoughts! It’s always nice to hear that you have a good perspective on one of your most precious blorbos.
All that being said, though, here are some of my ideas:
‣ Her scatter-brained tendencies are not out of carelessness or stupidity, but because she’s regularly thinking too fast to the point where she can’t even keep up with herself. When she thinks of one task, she thinks of all the little steps that compose the whole, and thus she finds herself bouncing from place to place with it and messing things up because she’s not paying enough attention to detail. I’ve mentioned before that this is why I think she’s so good in battle: battle requires a lot less thought on her part. When she gets into the heat of battle, her instincts kick in. She doesn't have to break things down step by step because survival in this case is all about flexibility. In day-to-day life, however, she can't just go by whatever her instincts tell her... especially since she can be a bit naive and gullible. This leads her to overthink to the point of jumbling herself up.
‣ She might actually be the most open-minded person in the army. While Corrin themselves is very, very kind and patient, they do still have a tendency to react towards the army's more odd characters. However, if you look at Felicia's supports with them, she doesn't tend to react all that strongly. She doesn't understand Niles's attempt at innuendos nor get all that frustrated with him when he makes it clear he's trying to pick on her. When she's asked to keep an eye on Odin, she's very matter-of-fact about it, and lets him rant to her about how he doesn't think he's the only weird one. In both their support conversations and I believe the anthology, Felicia is shown to keep quite cool about Laslow's flirtations. She doesn't really consider them directed towards herself, but she doesn't chide him for them, either. Even when she does react strongly to someone like Keaton, she reacts out of fear of the bug. She does categorize his hobby as unusual, but her main frustration that he doesn't seem to get that just because he likes it doesn't mean she does. So I really just get the feeling that Felicia is pretty non-judgmental, perhaps on account of being regularly judged for things outside of her control herself. She tries to see people for their intentions, rather than their quirks.
‣ Felicia is... not all that popular in camp. It's commonly acknowledged that she is "cute, but pretty annoying". There are only so many times that people are willing to put up with her breaking things or knocking them over or bursting into tears before they just get fed up, and unfortunately for her, she is quite aware of it (you'll notice in-game that one of her lines when she's invited over is "what did the others say about me this time?"). She definitely has tried to make peace with the fact that some people just aren't going to like her, but I feel like that most certainly contributes to her feelings of social anxiety.
‣ Her refusal to look at her hostage situation for what it is is a coping mechanism for her. Of course in the back of her mind she's kind of aware that she's not there just to learn responsibility and grace or whatever, but she likes to tell herself that that's what she's there to do. Otherwise, it would put her into a state of heavy anxiety, because it would be a lot easier for people to just get fed up with her and throw her out or worse. Even when they're being kind, people often talk to her about how she should quit her job. Sometimes she worries that if she weren't a good retainer, they would have disposed of her a long time ago for being the worst maid. Life in a tower might not be perfect, but as long as she's safe, protected, and with people who love her, that's all she cares about. Would she love to be in the outside world, maybe even living back with her Tribe? Of course... but she's grateful for the way she's treated at the Northern Fortress, so she will take it over crueller accommodations.
‣ She might actually be a half-decent representation of food scarcity in Nohr. I guess this one is one of the ones that falls more to theory side of things, but it's noted in one of her supports that she actually loses meal "privileges" if she breaks too many things. She is also more fixated on money than some others, making jokes about deserving a raise and even going further than Jakob does about being rewarded in the Ghostly Gold DLC. I think, with her clumsiness, food is probably something she thinks about more than other people, because she's not always guaranteed to get it even if she is employed. It's like the budget that would be spent on her food goes towards the things she breaks instead, so she is concerned about having her own pay to make sure that she might still get to eat something even if she is not being provided for.
These were about the first things I could think of after trying to wrack my brain to remember what I thought (convenient how I only forget them once I'm asked), but hopefully they interested you! Some of them were admittedly a bit more sad than others, but she is a particularly happy character. Sometimes that means people might forget that her life isn't always easy either, which is what leads people like me to our headcanons, lol.
Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to ask me this! It was a great time passer.
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chronussy-bc · 1 year
Discussion: Does Creed Hate Women? (P1)
Particularly women with power and having a strong influence on others, those he feels can be his equal or superior in terms of both (either) physically and (or) mentally. After knowing about his past, i think this is quite a valid question, making his hatred towards Saya much more understandable. In the manga, Creed has come in contact with a few female characters: Saya, Echidna, Kyoko, Sephiria, Rinslet, Eve and Shiki (yeah Shiki is canonically a woman). However, I notice he shows dislike outwardly for only Sephiria and Saya.
Kyoko and Shiki are those he can easily manipulate into working for him. Shiki did find out about his real intention of exploiting taoists later for his dream of achieving immortality through nanomachines, but still she fought against Train and the sweepers to defend their hideout, just betraying him when she was already defeated. Kyoko is young, quickly swayed by Creed's inducing to do as she please. So Creed does not bother with both of them. Eve's case is also similar to Kyoko, but she is lucky Sven and Train got to her first.
Echidna is a volunteer. She doesn't even need to be manipulated to be with Creed. Through the final arc, we can see how Echidna actually has an opinion of her own and how she stands with it, even though she may not show. She is well aware of Creed's ambition, before most of the Apostles, and she does have fear of what he might become, besides all the power and the victory. Yet she stuck with him, staying by his side after he was beaten back to square one. It can be said that Creed never has to concern himself about her loyalty. She is willing to be a subordinate.
Rinslet is terrified of Creed. Like most people with common sense, tbh. She is not a coward, but one experience with him is enough for her to stay away as far as she can. She accepted Sephiria's offer because Sephiria manipulated her, goading her into it, not because she thought she could actually pull it off in the first place. Creed knows this as well, explaining why he could tell she came to the castle was a part of a plan. "Creed is interested in those who used to stand in his way." He is since most of them will not dare to face him again, if they are still alive. So there must be someone behind Rinslet that gurantees her safety, that must be why she still has the guts to follow him.
=> All of the characters mentioned above are not those Creed regards highly or feel threatened by. He may acknowledge their capability, but that's all.
However, Saya and Sephiria are different. Sephiria is undeniably powerful, both in terms of influence, conviction and strength. Saya initially got his attention due to her changing Train, but later on her skills and resolve as a sweeper were also a big factor when they came face to face. And the most important thing is, they do not fear Creed's true nature and they are not fooled by his mask. He cannot manipulate them or overpower them without "cheating".
Saya is a girl who is far more beyond what is on the outside:
Not wanting to be shaped and bothered by her past tragedy, Saya has learnt to enjoy what is good in life. She acts naive, not because she actually is, but because she wish to believe in the bright side of people. Kentaro Yabuki built her character really well through small details. A childhood filled with abuse from her parents and neglections from relatives, being passed from one orphanage to another...a person having gone through those things at such a young age cannot be gullible.
"I've been to many places, seen many people, but the only one I consider my friend is you, Train." This phrase is such a crucial one. Saya has never trusted anyone enough to consider them her friends. Never. In all her years of travelling and socialising. Her knowledge of the world is much broader than Train's, but still she cannot find anyone to confide in until he comes. She was mistreated by her flesh and blood, and the fear birthed from knowing even those who are supposed to be her family can do her wrong has deeply rooted inside her. She is just as doubtful as anyone in the story. However, as written, she does not let the past define her and her reality, her present. Train was an infamous cold-blooded assassin, but she tried to understand his heart to judge, and when she knew she could trust him, she trusted him with everything, even the past she had been hiding so well. If Train could be similiar to anyone, it would be her, not Creed (when I have times I'll say more about this).
It takes a lot of efforts and courage to be optimistic about a world that has been nothing but cruel, and Saya managed to do it. Her zealousness is probably something that adds to Creed's hatred. Bro is psycho and pessimistic all the time so it's understandabe *sigh*. Sometimes I experience it too, Creed. Sometimes.
Inevitably, Saya's mentality is by no means weak. She has an ideal to live by, be happy and be helpful, and she sticks to it to the very end. Creed always assumes she is an ordinary girl, so he never expects her to defend her belief with her life. Everyone ordinary would choose their lives when push comes to shore because they are selfish, that is what Creed stands by. However, Saya chose to save the children instead, and was able to break Kotetsu due to her determination to protect them. That was the moment Creed realized Saya could affect Train because of who she is, not of any witchcraft and he continued to deny this until the final battle when Train called him out.
Creed does not love life, and he does not want Train to find a way out of their shared misery either. It was to the point he had nearly become a god through the power of his hatred, and yet that power could not help him defeat a young girl who he deems so unsignificant, so low. Creed was aware that with Saya's skills, she might not have lost the fight had she prioritized herself; and that her saving the kids was not just a moment of heroism, it was a choice she was willing to take consequence for. The truth is she lives her life by what she believes, and not even the-man-who-can-become-god can bend her.
Creed could not dodge her reflecting bullets then, and still he cannot dodge them from Train's Hades. Saya's shots would always hit him.
Well, well,...Definitely added to the rose-scented, Train-stickered blacklist.
But if switched Saya's gender into a man, would Creed be that crazy? I doubt not. Later on, Train also has someone who is his friend, his partner, who he voluntarily travels with, and that is Sven. Being with Sven and then Eve is what finally forms Train into Train Heartnet, a free sweeper. Being with Saya makes him no longer Black Cat, making him realize he desires happiness instead of power. However, the thought of killing did not leave his mind. Man does away with some mafia's assassin right in volume 1 and only until vol.13, decides to capture Creed alive. Train is still not clear about his actual path even after Saya. He just knows he does not want to be controlled and going around, do bloody work his entire life. The experience he has with the gang enlightens him on what he should choose.
Does Creed know he still have the chance to change Train back? Yes. Does he know Sven plays a part in Train's resistence towards murdering? Also yes. He has attempted to repeat history, getting rid of Sven as he did Saya. However, this time he is much more relax, as if playing. The manner in which he talks to Sven is more casual, no accusing him of dark magic and stuff, no cursing either (he called Saya a b!tch). He deals with Sven leisurely, not losing his wit and went rabid like when he came for Saya.
IMO Creed's fear and hatred towards his mother must have affected his view on women strongly. Nothing could feel more painful than those pain inflicted in childhood, since it was when people were the most vulnerable. If both a man and a woman were at the same level of strength, I think outside Creed would be more likely to recognize the man's competence and look down on the woman's. No he is not misogynistic, it's kind of a trauma response. Inside he would feel more threatened by the woman than the man, but he would never admit it.
Yeah, that's about it for now. Gosh this is much longer than I expected so I guess Sephiria's part will be on another post.
Read pt.2
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mageofseven · 1 year
Hello my friend! Would it be too much trouble to ask me for an Obey Me match??
Name: Mochi
Gender: female (she/her)
Sexuality: pansexual
MBTI: infp
Zodiac: Libra
Personality: Shy at first and generally quiet, but ambiverted and love to be around my chosen family. Naive and gullible but I put up a tough front and I'm very book smart. Love to have philosophical and deep conversations. I'm awkward but charming (at least I like to think so) and while I'm generally cheery and pleasant I can get a bit moody, and tend to be sensitive. Honesty and communication are very important to me. Also, very nerdy and indoorsy
I hope thats enough info!!
Okay first off: Yay!!!! Another INFP Libra 🥰
Secondly, your information is a bit on the small side, but I think I might be able to scrape something up for ya~
Okay so your MBTI: INFP (just like me 🤭)
This means your function stack is FiNeSiTe or more simply, FiNe.
Your primary function is Introverted Feeling. This means you lead your life asking questions like
"How would this make me feel?"
"Does this decision match up with the morals/values that I hold dearly?"
And overall, you are a person who does a lot of reflection, both on yourself and the state of the world.
This is supported by your auxiliary function, Extraverted iNtuition. This helps you find patterns, form connections, and overall see many possibilities. This function serves your Fi and collects information for it to process.
For your sun sign, Libra, it shows you are indecisive, friendly, and fair. You aim to be diplomatic and kind to all you meet, but at your lowest you can be codependent, impatient, and fragile.
We Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet that governs love, beauty, and money; this leads us to generally be artistic and enjoy both creating and admiring art in various forms.
We are a cardinal sign, meaning we can do great at taking initiatives, but our indecision also stops us in our own tracks. We need to learn to trust our own intuition instead of always pausing our efforts to look at other perspectives.
All of this info, including the others you listed above, bring a few things to mind.
You need a s/o who can accept you at your core. You feel deeply and think deeply and you need someone who can appreciate that about you.
You need someone who will respect you and not let anyone take advantage of your gullible nature while also not becoming frustrated with you about it.
There are a few Boys who come to mind for you with this information and with so little, I can't truly say any of them are wrong for you.
However, there is one name that has been extra persistent in my mind for you. Because of this
I pair you with...
Honestly, I just think this man checks all of the boxes in the strongest way possible.
He'd love your deep thinking ways, something he wishes he saw in more people.
Soli would find your sensitive and gullible nature to be too tempting and would have plenty of fun in teasing you; never far enough to hurt your feelings, but always enough to bring a cute blush to your cheeks.
Most importantly, he would protect you from those who wish to use those traits to hurt you. This man has been alone for a very long time and therefore is very protective of those he loves. No one would risk taking advantage of these traits of yours that the sorcerer finds so beautiful because they'd have to deal with him if they even thought about it.
Honestly, I don't think Solomon let's other see his philosophical side a lot, but I know he has it; he has lived for thousands of years and has an insatiable curiosity for this world. To me, it would be strange if he never asked or pondered the big questions in life and I truly believe you would find such conversations with him to be fulfilling and mentally stimulating.
I'll admit, Solomon might have an issue opening up to you at first. He's lived for so long, experienced so many terrible things (some that he no longer remembers well, but still feels their affects to this day).
He's not someone who would lie to his little Minx, but I think he would dodge your questions for a while till he truly starts to feel safe with you.
Solomon is someone I can see loving you completely to your core. He has his issues, yes, but you have this magical way of breaking his walls down.
He loves you for your heart, mind, and soul and will appreciate who you are the most out of all of the Boys.
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