#( uma and harry still need their gil )
could i ask for some sort of Harry Hook x reader where she overworks herself and faints? if not thats okay! thanks
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here you go! i actually really had fun with this and wrote it within two hours :D
Request-takes place during ‘Rise of the isle of the lost’
The waves of the isle shore crashed against the dock, making for an almost pleasant background noise as the crew of the lost Revenge worked tirelessly to get it in working order for its voyage to the isle of the doomed.
Repairing the hull, plugging holes, fixing sails, gathering rope, swabbing the deck-every crew member was hands on deck as they raced around to get it ready in time; which had to be within the day, before anyone else could have a chance to get the trident that rested at the bottom of the bay.
“Raise those sails, make sure tha’t anchor is connected, don’t ye dare let that sludge get on the deck!” Harry ordered the crew, his brow furrowed as he paced the deck-Uma was in the chip shop, unable to command her new crew, though she was far less knowledgeable about being a pirate captain, so Harry-the appointed first mate-was the best man for the job to make sure everything was in top shape.
He was already covered in sludge, a tar-like substance that acted like waterproof superglue-he’d already worked to plug holes and replace some of the hull’s boards but now he needed the crew to finish up the ship before the end of the day.
He turned as he heard a slight struggle from the gangway, seeing (y/n) Smee, one of his oldest friends-even older than Uma-carrying a shit ton of rope for the sails. Harry frowned, seeing how red in the face she was and how exhausted she looked. He looked at his pocket watch, and while he couldn’t exactly tell time-he knew the lass had been working for probably seven hours straight.
“Smee,” Harry barked out, beelining it to her, putting his hands on her back and shoulders as she continued to tug the huge ropes onto the ship. (y/n) panted, tilting her head to look up at him, sweat dripping down her brow as she breathed heavily, almost heaving.
“Harry,” she panted out and Harry frowned, taking the rope from her hands and easily slinging the heavy ropes over his shoulder. “I was doing that,” (y/n) huffed and Harry just ignored her, tossing the ropes by the main mast where they needed to be.
“ye need ta’ take a break,” Harry demanded, grabbing (y/n)’s wrist and beginning to drag her off the ship towards the chip shop.
“I’m-fine-“ (y/n) said, pulling her wrist out of his hand with more force than necessary, and she suddenly felt dizzy and swayed. “-Harry-“ she managed to say before the feeling of fainting took over and her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell backward, hitting the railing of the gangplank and she went overboard.
Harry instantly reacted, not wasting a second as he dove over the rails and into the water after (y/n). “Man overboard!” Bonnie yelled and Gonzo raced to the ladder hanging off the port side of the ship and unlatched it, the ladder unraveling and landing in the water for Harry to climb back up on.
Harry grabbed (y/n)’s unconscious form and tugged her close, pushing off a jagged rock next to him and swimming back up to the murky surface, shaking the water off his face as he broke the surface and swam to the ladder with (y/n) in his arms, still unconscious.
“she okay?” Drey asked as Harry climbed up the latter with one hand, (y/n) limp against his side.
“she will be, she fainted from overworkin’ ‘erself.” Harry said, handing (y/n) to Gil as he reached the top and climbed onto the deck. He shook his head again and took (y/n) back from Gil. “all of ye, take a break, before someone else faints.” He ordered and stormed off the ship to the chip shop.
(y/n) woke up less than 20 minutes later, blinking awake to the feeling of a cold cloth on her head and lying down on Uma’s bed in Uma’s room that was above the chip shop. She groaned a bit, feeling like she had a wicked headache, and sat up; the wet cloth falling to her lap as she rubbed her face.
“There ye are,” she looked to her left, seeing Harry entering the room with a cup of water, handing it to her. “what did I say ‘bout overworkin’ yer’self?” Harry asked, sitting at her feet, and giving her a stern look. (y/n) huffed, drinking the water.
“I didn’t want to seem lazy,” she muttered and Harry rolled his eyes, leaning over to flick her forehead and she yelped, flinching her eyes closed. “hey!”
“Yer not lazy, yer not useless, just because you can't keep up physically as the rest of the crew don’t mean yer any less useful, ye just have different uses. Besides, ye helped enough in tha’ morning, and I had told ye ta help Uma in the chip shop instead.” Harry said, flicking her forehead again and she smacked his hand away, making him smirk.
“You’re just trying to make me feel better,” (y/n) muttered and Harry rolled his eyes, no shit. He instead scooped her up and carried her back down to the chip shop, (y/n) hitting his back on the way down. “put me down! Harrison James hook!”
Harry just snickered and dropped her in one of the chairs at the long table near the kitchen, grabbing a tray and dropping in front of her. “eat, take a break, stay ‘ere with Uma, I’ll be back when the ships done.” Harry ordered, pointing his hook at her as he swaggered out the chip shop.
(y/n) huffed, pouting a bit as some of the patrons chuckled and then turned back to their meals as Uma came out from the kitchen with a mean glare to silence them. “When has not listenin’ to him ever turned out well for you?” Uma snorted as she passed by (y/n), leaving a seaweed smoothie as she did. (y/n) just rolled her eyes, grumpily taking her break.
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whatsmyname-uma · 2 months
Just watched Descendants rise of red and y'all I am GAGGING so allow me to ramble real quick thnx.
I have a few criticisms but I also have a theory for D5 that may be a little far fetched but I need to get it off my chest.
So at the end when Uma is talking about the consequences of unraveling the fabric of time,I believe that D5 could possibly transport Chloe and Red into the future to introduce the children of the originals.
Also I've noticed Jazmine and Aladdin are getting several appearances in the past and future along with what appears to be their son, could he star along side Red and Chloe in D5 ?? Could he be a love interest to either one of them?? A love triangle maybe???
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It's unclear to me what the main conflict will be for D5 other than the typical, reality and time dramatically collapsing trope like EVERY other time travel movie but D5 would still need a main villain and for the love of GOD don't make them another black woman this time like ALL the other movies; (D1: Queen Leah, D2: Uma, D3: Audrey (she's half black), Descendants Wicked World: Freddy, Descendants ROR: Uliana)
As for my criticisms;
1. Charming and Bridget should've had a bit more screen time
2. Bridget's character should've been a bit more fleshed out
3. The movie should've at least been 2 hours long, it felt a bit rushed trying to squeeze in every character so much that they forgot Rapunzel/Rapunzel's daughter or whoever the hell she is
4. Fire the hairdresser IMMEDIATELY, the wigs were nice at some points but why can you fully see the lace?? Why is almost everyone's wig bulky??
5. The outfits were cute but BRING BACK KARA SAUN
7. Where tf is Harry and Gil???
8. Where is Dizzy and Celia???
9. Killing off Carlos was a choice but I understand that recasting him would be entirely disrespectful so I support it, rest in peace CB💞
10. Color hair is cool but NOT when it's the same shade as your entire outfit like c'mon....... (Bring back Kara saun)
11. Descendants has been Monochromatic since the beginning but it seems overwhelmingly mishandled in this movie so please bring back Kara saun
12. DITCH the track pants/ bell bottoms and bring back the cool leather patterns and prints pls
As for what I liked:
1. I deeply enjoy Red and Chloe as Characters and if Disney isn't stupid they'd give them a romance (imo)
2. I LOVE the queen of Hearts, Rita Ora portrayed her so well and her voice is SO beautiful
3. BRANDY and Paolo returning as Cinderella and Charming is the gag of the century, still unsure how they raised somebody like Chad.....
4. Uma being principal is absolutely genius imo
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He should be having a mental breakdown behind the club
Sea Three going clubbing, as they deserve <3
It is dark and the air in the club vibrates with music, deep and wild. The sound echoes through Harry’s bones, but he manages not to focus on that, with Uma and Gil dancing right in front of him.
Uma– She’s wearing a shiny minidress tonight, as if she needed the extra bling to be jaw-droppingly beautiful – Harry almost scoffs at the thought. She is also dancing oh-so-close to him and singing the lyrics at the top of her lungs. The club is so loud that Harry can barely hear his Captain’s voice, but oh well, just more of the reason to go closer.
He grins at her and twirls her around, only laughing more when she bumps into him. He catches her into a hug and soon, Gil is there too: „Aww, group hug!“ he exclaims before he proceeds to pick them both up and spin around, causing a minor commotion on the packed dance floor.
These people should have known better than to get too close to them, anyway.
„Gil!“ Uma shrieks, laughing, „Put us down!“
He does, though he doesn’t let go entirely, and the music drops lower yet; it makes the hair at the back of Harry’s neck stand up. Unconsciously, he tightens his hold around Uma’s waist.
She glances up at him and moves her lips in a silent question: „You okay?“ (She has pretty lips.) He just smiles at her instead of an answer and inclines his head, knowing she’ll want more than just a smile.
„Okay,“ she says and then she presses a quick kiss to his jaw; „Love you.“ This leaves him so dazed he almost misses it when the music drops all-time low – when the DJ speaks and the crowd chants with him – when the lights flicker and die, only to come back wrong.
And there, of course, Uma is, amidst the nigh-black mass of the club, gleaming and alight, like the goddess she is; Harry wishes he could appreciate that properly, now.
Instead, he just blinks, processing the strange light and the music and pulses through him; he moves one of her braids over her shoulder.
„Uma!“ Gil exclaims, startling Harry from his thoughts, „You are glowing!“
Uma smiles – her lips glow, too – and winks at Harry before turning around and wrapping her arms around Gil. „If anyone asks, it’s just make-up, Gilly,“ she says, as if anyone who knows her – anyone from the <i>crew</i> would believe that.
But the club is too busy for Harry to argue, the too deep music and bodies all around them, uncomfortably close, and this is Auradon, he can’t just stab people for getting too handsy, break their bones–
„I’ll be right back, love,“ he says to her – hopefully she heard, or Gil, or – and walks into the crowd, pushing the shapeless mass out of his way. A sharp elbow, a hard push, who could blame him, really?
Soon, he is out of the stuffy dance floor, and looking at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Fuck. He didn‘t drink enough yet to be feeling so out of it. He grips the cold edge of the sink and closes his eyes, breathing in deeply.
When he opens his eyes again, staring back at him is the same manic expression as always. The eyeliner frames his eyes perfectly, but does little else to disguise the twirl in insanity inside. 
He blinks again and nothing changes, his eyes are still as wide as before and the air is still too heavy, and– Eh, might as well.
Harry exits the bathroom and walks directly to the bar. He pushes aside Ivy de Vil, who was flirting with the bartender and probably well on her way to get a free round for herself and whoever she wishes and orders.
She keeps speaking into his order gesturing to the bartender wildly, and he cannot distinguish her words; he shuts his eyes for just a moment, to block out at least something.
When he opens his eyes again, the three drinks he ordered for himself and his partners are in front of him, as well as two shots of clear liquid; Ivy grabs one of them.
„Vodka,“ she shouts, but he’s mostly reading her lips, „You look like you need it.“
He grabs his shot without thinking.
They drink together, and the shock of the alcohol does manage to block out the club for a moment. Harry shakes his head, ignores his hair falling into his eyes, and throws some money on the counter; it is probably enough.
He doesn’t really care that he just paid for Ivy’s drink, too.
He doesn’t spare her another glance as he walks into the thick crowd of people that make his skin crawl. He finds Uma and Gil easily enough – she’s still glowing like a star – and gives them the drinks; neither of them comment on his being half-empty already.
He watches them dance, Uma pulling in more and more people with her magnetic presence, but he doesn’t join, can’t bring himself to move. When Gil looks at him questioningly, he just shoots him a smile: Everything’s just fine, isn’t it?
He presses his nails into his palms.
The next thing he notices is Uma, taking the drink from him and speaking at him; he does his best to focus and listen, because it’s Uma.
He nods, mostly because saying „yes“ to his Captain’s suggestions is the most natural thing for him to do, and relaxes a little when she takes his hand, having given her own drink to Gil.
He focuses on the contact as he follows her through the club, the sea of people spreading apart to let her pass, she flashes her bracelet to the security by the entrance, and the cold air hits him in the face.
He exhales in relief, shutting his eyes and waits for the afterglow of the club lights to go away. Uma pulls him closer to her and he hides his face in her hair. 
„It’s okay,“ she mutters, „You should’ve told me sooner. It’s okay now.“
Maybe it really is, with her hugging him and Gil carefully putting his arms around both of them.
„Sorry,“ he says.
„Don’t say sorry, Harry,“ she says,„It was getting way too hot and crowded in there anyway.“
„Yeah, way too hot,“ agrees Gil quickly.
„So we’re just gonna stay here for a bit, okay, Harry? Let’s go sit.“ She gestures towards the wall. Let’s go sit, of course, he can do that – as long as she doesn’t let go.
And either way: „I love you,“ he says. It just seems like an important thing to say. „You know that, right? I love you.“
„I know,“ says Uma, smiling, tugging him down to sit.
„Love you too.“ Gil.
Harry sits in between them, just enjoying how close they are and that nothing else is trying to steal his attention, tearing it in a million directions. He lays his head on Uma’s shoulder.
„I don’t think I want to go back inside anytime soon.“
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velvette-hussle · 6 months
I really - and I mean really - hope that the next season of HH won’t pull the betrayal card out with the Vees, and specifically have Velvette be the one who betrays the guys for a power grab or something (or for Vox or Valentino to do a power grab betrayal either for that matter). Even though I know it’s not my call, for once I’d like the group of eccentric unapologetic villains to actually like each other (even if they don’t always get along). Like, sure they’ll fuck over anyone who gets in their ways but they draw the line at each other; the loyalty in the group is real and it is strong even if they sometimes fantasize about killing each other.
And I’ll say this too: I don’t want Vox and Vel to “spontaneously” find out the type of deplorable shit Val gets up to and suddenly kick him out of the group either; especially considering the fact that they’re all Overlords to-ge-ther, they should already know exactly what each other gets up to. They’re all in Hell for a reason too, let them act like it. Not every Hell-bound character who gets focused on needs to then start acting all altruistic and like they “just so happen” to be in Hell despite really being fairly morally “good” actually - aside for the killing and cussing of course. No, let them act like the sinners they are. Not everybody’s a rapist but not everybody gives a particular shit about rape when it’s happening around them either (‘it’s not their business’ so to say).
That’s all. Also, though, I didn’t get it with Nancy, Rochelle, and Bonnie (they were all magically culled and Nancy thrown in an asylum after they all betrayed one another) or with Uma, Harry, and Gil (ie: the basic concept of a group of villains who all like each other, even if there are differing power dynamics) I’d like to get it for once in HH, a show that can actually be violent and cuss and depict adult relationships (both platonic and sexual or romantic) that are varied and just a little contradictory and messy. I don’t exactly trust HH to do that well either though, but still.
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callmekenya · 1 month
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Pairings: Mal Bertha x m!y/n
Warnings: None
As the room fell silent, Y/n's eyes locked onto Audrey's peaceful face, her chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. He sat beside her, his fingers intertwining with hers, his lips brushing against her knuckles in a soft kiss. The tender gesture sent a pang of guilt through Mal's chest, but she pushed it aside, knowing that Y/n still cared deeply for Audrey.
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"I'm so sorry, Audrey," Y/n whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "I never meant for things to go this far."
Mal stepped forward, her eyes meeting Y/n's. "We know you didn't mean to hurt anyone, Y/n," she said softly. "But we need to focus on getting Audrey back now."
Ben nodded in agreement. "I'll send for Hades right away. He's the only one who can help us revive Audrey."
Uma spoke up from the corner of the room. "Harry, Gil, and I will head back to the Isle and make sure everything is okay there."
Celia nodded in agreement. "We'll make sure everything is taken care of while you're dealing with this."
Mal turned to her friends and former rivals. "I'm sorry for lying to all of you. I know I wasn't honest about my intentions—"
"No need to apologize, Mal," Uma interrupted with a warm smile. "We understand why you did what you did. You were trying to do what was right in your own way."
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The group shared a moment of understanding before the royal guards returned with Hades by their side.
"Ah, my dear daughter," Hades said as he approached Mal and the others gathered around Audrey's bed.
“Dad," Mal replied softly.
Hades' gaze fell upon Audrey's still form before he reached out and placed a hand on her forehead.
As he began to chant in an ancient language, a warm glow emanated from his hand and enveloped Audrey's body. Slowly but surely, color began to return to her cheeks, and her eyelids fluttered open.
Audrey sat up with a gasp, looking around at the faces surrounding her in confusion.
"Tell me it was all, just a bad dream." she asked weakly.
Y/n sadly smiled and shaked his head, giving her the response to her question.
Audrey tears began streaming down her face as she apologized profusely for everything she had done while under the curse's influence.
“I've owned you an apology...for a very long time now.”
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Mal stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Audrey's shoulders comfortingly as they both apologized back-and-forth like old friends reuniting after years apart.
Leah joined them soon after as well apologizing too
Hades watched this exchange unfold before speaking up once more.
"You know it is quite interesting how quickly everyone forgives those who are deemed 'good' when they do something wrong yet those who are considered 'villains' are forever judged harshly"
The room fell silent once more as everyone reflected on Hades' words.
Mal's eyes met her father's, a hint of understanding in her gaze. "You're right, Dad. It's not fair to judge someone based on their past actions or the label society gives them."
Audrey nodded vigorously, still sniffling. "I was so consumed by the curse, I didn't know what I was doing. I'm so sorry for hurting all of you."
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Y/n squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We forgive you, Audrey. We know it wasn't entirely your fault."
Hades' expression softened, his voice taking on a gentle tone. "I'm glad to see that forgiveness is possible here. Perhaps it's time for me to work on my own...reputation."
Mal smiled weakly at her father before turning to the group. "We've got a lot to catch up on and discuss. But for now, let's just be grateful that Audrey is back with us."
The room erupted into a mix of relieved laughter and tears as everyone hugged and congratulated each other.
As they celebrated Audrey's return, Uma approached Mal with a curious expression.
"Hey, Mal? Can I ask you something?"
"Shoot," Mal replied, still grinning from ear to ear.
"So, what now, the isle needs a new protector."
Mal hesitated for a moment before glancing at Y/n and Audrey, who were chatting quietly in the corner.
"I think...you would make a great leader to the Isle.” she said finally. "There's still so much work to be done here and there, and I want us to help each other make things right between our worlds."
Uma nodded enthusiastically. "That's awesome! We'll miss you back on the Isle, but we'll support you no matter what."
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As the celebration continued, Mal couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and belonging among her friends and loved ones. She knew that there would be challenges ahead, but with Y/n by her side she felt ready to face whatever came next.
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piratecore-art · 1 year
Fanfic- pairing Ben/harry/Uma
Rating: explicit
King Benjamin Florin Beast held his head high.
It was what he’d been taught.
The pirates jeered as Harry Hook and Gil Gaston led him up the ship’s gangway and onto deck.
He’d been striped of his jacket, hat and shoes already, leaving him in a thin blue shirt and studded pants- with bright aradon-yellow socks.
Ben was still cursing himself for being caught, for being recognized by Gil in the first place. He should never have shown up on the isle looking and acting like a target.
Harry snickered as he purposely tripped ben and ben fought a growl.
Making enemies won’t do you any good, he reminded himself.
He glared at the objectivly attractive first mate, taking in the other boy’s ocean azure eyes painted with black khol, his strong musceles and lean frame, his…
He glanced away, blushing.
He lifted his chin again, determined to keep his demeanor.
And then he saw… her.
The captain of the pirates, the queen of the Isle.
She was standing at the prow of the small ship, her long, heavy braids flowing in the wind, small shells and strands of teal caught among them. Her chin was strong and proud, lifted, just like his, head high like royalty.
She was stunning.
A smirk painted her lips as she beheld him, the captive king, flanked by her loyal first and second mates.
Harry snarled. “Keep yer eyes to yerself, beast.”
Ben glanced down, flushing yet again.
Uma swayed as she walked twords them. “Bring him below deck.”
“You don’t want to do this,” ben protested, trying one last desperate bid for freedom. “Whatever it is you want, we can negotiate-”
Uma spun around and grabbed the young king’s chin harshly. “I don’t negotiate with tyrants.”
The words spun in his ears as gill grabbed his arms and dragged him harshly beneath the deck, harry following after with a crazed giggle.
I don’t negotiate with tyrants.
Is that how she saw him? How all of the Isle saw him?
He’d never even considered the possibility before.
In the eyes of auradon, he was either just and merciful, or too soft-hearted. No one would consider him… tyrannical.
But to the people his father had imprisoned, to the children he’d failed to rescue…
He had thought, at first, that uma must be working for her mother. But slowly, he was beginning to realize they respected her as a leader in her own right, in a way Mal had never been.
The split up at the stairs, gil leaving to attend to his other duties while harry dragged ben down into the dark depths of the ship. When they reached the bottom of the creaking wooden staircase, he shoved ben roughly to his knees.
Ben let out an oof as his body made impact with the hard wood boards, feeling a splinter worm its way trough his jeans and into his knee, but unable to touch it with his hands bound behind his back.
Harry circled his captive slowly.
As his eyes adjusted to the dark, ben could finally get a good look at harry. The other boy was tall- taller than him- and lean, muscled and hungry-looking. His eyes held a gleam of insanity, and his face was split in a manic grin.
Ben shivered slightly as he felt the force of that intense gaze directed at him.
The dark kohl around harry’s eyes gave him the appearance of almost a skeletal presence, something dark and dastardly come from the king’s nightmares to taunt him.
He forced himself to meet harry’s eyes, but insted of being intimidated, the first mate’s grin merely grew.
“I bet-” he chuckled, low and dirty- “I bed i get to hook ye. I bet uma lets me-” he licked his lips and leaned down, pushing the tip of his hook under ben’s chin- “i bet uma lets me do all kinds of-”
“You don’t have to obey her!”
The words were out of ben’s mouth before he could think them through.
Harry froze. “What’s that supposed to mean, benny?”
Ben’s tongue flicked nervously over his lips. “I just meant… you don’t need to do what she says. You don’t have to hurt people. If she, or your father, are making you do stuff-”
“My father is dead!” harry snapped his teeth in ben’s face. “Uma killed him. So no, he’s not making me do stuff.”
Ben felt ice flood through his veins. Uma had killed hook?
“She- but if she hurt someone you love, why would you follow her? Are you scared of her, or…” ben trailed off when harry let out a loud, high pitched screech of laughter.
“Loved? You think I loved him? Oh, that’s funny.”
His face turned suddenly serious, and he leaned in to whisper in ben’s ear. “All the old man ever did was fucking hurt me. So no, I didn’t love him. And I follow Uma because she saved me.”
Ben closed his eyes, feeling the sharp tip of harry’s hook slide over te skin of his neck in a blatant tease, feeling harry’s warm breath against is ear, feeling-
“Harry. Leave it.”
Ben’s eyes snapped open at Uma’s voice.
She stood in the doorway, her leather teal and black skirt swishing around her hips. She spoke firmly, but a small smile still painted her lips as she gave harry a fond, exhasperated look.
He grinned unapolageticaly back at her. “Just getting him ready for you, darling.”
The endeerment through ben for a loop.
Mal had told him there was n0 ‘dating’ on the isle, discribing it as more gang activity. So to have harry call Uma darling, in front of a proiosoner no less, was strange.
Something pullsed in ben’s heart, an almost ache.
He’d always thought mal’s cold and withdrawn mannerisims were just part of her isle upbringing, always been so convinsed that what they had was true love, even when she pushed him away.
But if Uma and Harry could be openly affectionate… maybe he was wrong.
Maybe he was the problem.
He looked up to find Uma staring at him with a cutrious look on her face. He tried to rally himself.
Im trapped in the bowels of a pirate ship surrounded by Vk’s, he thought. Now is not the time.
“Harry,” Uma drawled, “I think the king is wearing a little too much to be comfortable. After all, it’s quite warm today.”
Harry and ben both froze in confusion.
Uma gestured to the bound and helpless king. “Well, harry? You heard your captian. Get to work.”
Harry hesitated a second longer, then a smile slowly crawled across his face, getting more manic by the second. “Well well well, benny-boo. Let’s see what’s under those fancy auradon rags.”
Ben swollowed hard.
Harry stalked twords him slowly.
He slipped the tip of his hook under the thin material of ben’s navy shirt, and with a distinct rippp, it gave way.
Be nshiverd in the cold air.
Harry ripped the shirt in half, then shoved it down, letting it slide to a stop at harry’s bound hands.
“Pants next,” uma hummed from where she watched. She had taken up residence in a sturdy-looking chair encrusted with seashells that ben hadn’t previously noticed in the gloom, and sat with one leg neatly crossed over the other.
Ben shivered under her penetrating gaze.
Harry yanked ben roughly to his feet and stripped him, leaving him in nothing but boxers and socks.
Harry and Uma both stared.
Ben blushed, glancing down at his blue underwhere covered in little yellow crowns.
He was humiliated.
And then it got so much worse.
Because under their stares, he began to feel himself growing hard. His cock strained agianst his boxers, the tip leaking slightly.
Harry gave a low whistle.
“So he likes humiliation.” He smirked, speaking to uma as though Ben wasn’t even in the room. Uma smiled, a low, predatory thing.
Ben shuddered, his eyes wide with fear.
Harry moved tword him again. He grabbed Ben's hands and reached up, hooking his bound wrists to a chain dangling from the ceiling. Ben felt his body stretch, his toes just touching the ground. He felt utterly helpless.
And it was making him so desprate.
He wanted Harry to touch him.
He meant- he wanted Uma to touch him, surely? Uma was the one who was getting him worked up, the one making him hard.
Because… Harry was a man.
And Ben wasn’t gay.
He couldn’t be.
King Adem had made sure of that.
He’d screamed at ben enough about being a fag, about how the futer king could never be in love with a boy. It was bad enough that ben linked being dominated by women, he shouldn’t- couldn’t- like men.
And yet, he’d never wanted Audrey or even Mal the way he wanted Harry right now.
And Harry obliged him.
He slid his hand slowly over ben’s torso, lightly muscled from tourney, squeezed at his pecs, ran a hand over his delicate throat- all under Uma’s watchfull eye.
“Pretty,” she cooed. “Two pretty boys.”
Ben glanced at Harry, who was inches away from his face with his hands on ben’s biceps, expecting him to protest at being called pretty. But instead, a gentle blush stained the son of Hook's face.
“Thank ye, Uma,” he murmured.
A beat passed.
“Well?” Uma said. “Aren’t you going to thank me, Ben?”
Ben debated, but te end of Harry’s hook prodding the underside of his chin made the decision for him. “Thank you, Uma,” he growled.
“Now, harry, why don’t you show our guest a good time?” Uma leaned back in her chair with a smirk.
Harry growled with pleasure, leaning forward and licking and sucking at one of ben’s dusky nipples. Ben arched into his mouth with a cry.
Harry bit down, and Ben squirmed, letting out a high-picthced noise of pleasure and pain. Harry grinned against ben’s pale skin. Next, he used is mouth to lick at the young king’s coller bone, laving with his tongue over each freckle, twisting it like he wanted to savore the taste.
And then he dropped to his knees.
Cupping Ben’s length, he swallowed it whole.
Uma and Ben groaned in unison, and ben looked up to see te pirate queen with her gorgeous strong thighs spread, a hand tucked beneath her leggings pleasuring herself to the sight of harry sucking Ben off.
And suck Harry did.
He lavished Ben’s rock-hard length with tongue and lips and even teeth, gently nibbling the end, making Ben moan and squirm, trying depratly to thrust into te warm heat of Harry’s mouth.
“Harry- Uma- please-”
Ben lost himself in incoherent moans, not even realizeing he’d been redused to begging for release.
And yet, Harry held off just enough, teasing and edging the king, till he was wild wit pleasure and desperation.
And then Uma spoke again.
“Let him use you, Harry,” she mo0aned.
Harry stood, released the king’s hands fro mthe chains, and dropped back to his knees.
Ben didn’t even try to escape.
Instead, he looped his hands through harry’s pretty brown curls, thrusting wildly into his open, wet mouth with a moan. He fucked the other man’s face thouroughly, making the pirate gag with each thrust, all while Uma’s moans filled the air.
He barely even noticed Harry tucking a hand into his own pants to pleasure himself, too busy chasing the orgasm, the height of intensity-
And then he came, hard, Harry swallowing down every drop, milking his length.
Ben Collapsed to the floor, thoroughly spent.
“Good boy,” Uma cooed.
She and her first mate had both orgasmed as well.
She staliked over to Ben, who barely protested as she yanked him to his feet.
“Get dressed. It’s neary time to give you back to Mal.”
Ben froze. “What?”
Uma glanced over her shoulder and laughed. “You didn’t really think we’d keep you? No, Benny-boo, we’re trading you. The king for the wand, to bring down the barrier.”
Ben felt so foolish.
All this.. It meant nothing to them.
He glanced at Harry, but the first mate didn’t make eye contact as he stalked away, leaving Ben bound on the floor.
It was over.
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isleofdarkness · 12 days
Riah knows Uma, Harry, and Gil because when he was little, Hades was talking to Facilier and he was worried Riah wasn't getting enough social time (this was slightly before Hadie and Selah were born, Riah was the only child in the house,) so Facilier bought over Uma for a playdate. Over the years, Uma eventually introduced him to Harry and Gil (she'd have introduced him to more people but he does still need to be as much of a secret as possible,) and introduced Claudine to the family in general because Hades lives fairly close to Frollo's compound- I mean, church
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telli1206 · 9 months
I Won't Let Go
Happy Holidays @bucket-barnes! I'm your Descendants Secret Santa. I did my best for a little Harry hallucination holiday angst for you. I hope you like it!
Harry is dealing with past trauma in Auradon during Christmas, and Uma and Gil are there to get him through it. Just a little fluff and angst for the holidays ❤❄
Uma’s hand tightens on the doorknob. Her eyes are tilted downward, following her own movement as if in a trance. She’s trying so hard to focus on the dinged-gold gleam of the metal rather than the words being spoken to her.
“Uma? You get what I’m saying, right? It’s for his own good. T-to, help him, I guess? I just…I want to keep him safe.”
Her chest feels tight, and the next breath she sucks in is borderline painful. But she plasters on the most genuine-looking smile she can muster, looking Ben in the eye with her chest puffed in fake bravado.
“Of course, Ben,” she coos, brushing her hand along his arm in a reassuring way. “If there’s anyone here that knows what’s best for us, it’s you. If you think Harry needs this, I’m in.”
Ben flashes her a grin, the most white and straight and perfect one she’s ever seen still, despite being surrounded by them now in a world of prim princes and princesses. There’s a sadness in his eyes, though. Uma feels like she’s been recognizing it more often. Whenever Ben has to acknowledge how the Isle has made their lives different, she sees it. And she finds she can really appreciate that about Ben in this moment. Neither of them wants to do this, but they both care enough about Harry to know it needs to be done.
“So, you really want to be in there, with him? I’d hate to keep you confined, too.” Ben’s chewing his lip, his brow furrowed with worry. “Once I lock the door it has to stay that way. The clock’s going to start ticking down the minutes to the parade in about…10 minutes?” He tells her with a brief glance to his watch. “And then the bells go off for a full minute after that. I think Harry’s going to need the full night to recover. After what happened at that Tourney game, I can’t risk it. The gash on Jay’s leg isn’t even fully healed yet.”
Uma winces at the thought. That wasn’t the first time they realized the Tourney bell could set Harry off, but it was definitely the worst. He had lunged at Jay simply because the boy was closest to the direction of the sound, so he got the brunt of Harry’s swing. Jay hadn’t stood a chance.
She shook her head sternly. “I’m not leaving him alone, Ben. He needs me.”
And I need him. The thought goes unsaid, but the tiny smile quirking at the end of Ben’s lips makes his understanding clear. With a gentlemanly wave of his hand, he grants Uma’s entrance through Harry’s door.
There’s no hesitation in Uma’s step. She charges through the door with the same determination and confidence she always has when she’s coming to see Harry. Like she wants to be here. Because she does.
In this moment, there’s nowhere else she’d rather be.
The second he meets her eyes, Harry’s smile gleams so bright. Warm and all-encompassing, reaching all the way to the crinkles of his ocean-blue eyes.
He always smiles that way when he sees her, Uma knows that. Because she always feels that same familiar heat pool in her belly when he does it, like she’s the only thing he ever needs to see again. The only thing he wants in his life, forever.
“Love, you’re back!” Harry proclaims, his arms already outstretched for her. He waits patiently that way, his wide grin unwavering until Uma’s in his arms, her tangle of braids spilling into his face as he envelops her.
“I was hopin’ ye weren’t gonna make me spend Christmas Eve without ya,” he said, voice muffled into the side of her neck. She shakes her head vigorously at that, making him chuckle.
“Don’t be a dolt, Harry. You know that would never happen.” She pulls back to smack him on the chest, the gesture missing all its animosity as she couldn’t fight the smile off her face. Harry ducks into her space, looking up into her eyes with a teasing smirk on his lips.
“A dolt, am I? But I’m your dolt, so what does that make you?”
Uma’s eyes whip to the door when Gil comes bounding in, practically toppling over Ben as he tries to open the door. She swallows a snort at the comical way the blond boy rolls over the king’s arm, flipping into a somersault and jumping up to his feet in an almost graceful flop. He flashes a toothy grin when he’s finally standing in front of them, panting audibly as he tries to offer a little bow for them.
Harry bursts out a laugh at that, picking up Uma in his arms to bow them both in return, eliciting a giggle from her while she clings desperately to his neck. Harry stands up quickly though when a loud cough erupts from the doorway.
“Eh, well…I guess Gil…we’ll see you in the morning too?” Ben stammers slowly, his smile halfway curling in an uncomfortable way. “Just, you all have a good night. And Merry Christmas!”
Ben waves as he closes the door, barely nodding an acknowledgment at the way Harry waves wildly back, almost dropping Uma to the ground as he does so. She lands on her feet though, brushing herself off quickly so she can jump on Gil and hug him tightly.
“Gil, what are you doing here?” Uma demands, smiling easily when he hugs her close. He’s sighing happily, and she lets it happen for a few moments before pulling back to look at him.
“Really, you should be out, enjoying the holiday stuff! You don’t need to be stuck inside.”
Gil’s brows knit together as he stares at Uma, clearly dumbfounded.
“Why would I want to do that when you an’ Harry are in here? That stuff doesn’t matter if I don’t have you guys! You know I love you, don’t you Ums?”
Uma bites her lip at that, holding her breath to fight down the swell of tears that’s starting to build.
“Yeah, Gil. Yeah. I know.” She smiles at him, turning to stand beside him to throw an arm over his shoulders.
“And you love our first mate too, right? We both do,” she adds with a wink, relishing in the way Harry beams back at them.
“Course!” Gil agrees, quickly jumping on Harry. They fall back on the bed in a hug, Harry nearly bellowing with laughter as Gil squeezes him tight, tickling his neck when he buries his nose there.
“I was bummed when Ben told me you guys couldn’t come out of this room, so I made him lock me in too,” Gil added in his muffled voice. He lifted his head to look at Harry, his expression changing to confusion when he sees the smile unexpectedly slip from Harry’s face.
“Locked…in?” Harry repeats. “So we can’t get out?” He glances at Uma. “What’s he talkin’ about?”
Uma huffs, but forces a smile back on her face. As much as she loves Gil, sometimes he could really stand to have some sense knocked into him.
“It’s nothing!” She waves it away, walking up to Harry to grab him by the forearms. “I wanted to have a nice Christmas, just us. I told Ben not to let anyone bother us, ok? I’m sick of all bells and lights and singing and that…eggnog crap that tastes like spoiled milk with cake mix thrown in.”
She emphasizes her last comment with a fake gag, forcing a slight chuckle out of Harry. She throws a quick glance over Harry’s shoulder to Gil, who’s just staring at her, eyes blank and confused. She tries to give him a little wink, but she’s sure it’s not enough for him to understand what she’s doing. Still, she tips her head their way, indicating for Gil to join them, and her shoulders relax when he simply shrugs and follows her.
“Can we snuggle Harry? I just need some time with my boys. This winter weather is shit. I’d like nothing more than to lay in bed and maybe watch a movie on the laptop.” She grabs Gil and yanks them both to stand beside her.  
“‘Pirates of the Caribbean’?” She adds, pouting her lips hopefully.
Harry grins instantly. “Oh Cap’n, you always know how to get me to do yer biddin’.”
She smiles brightly, pushing Harry back towards the bed. As he crawls into place, Uma is quick to pull Gil close to her.
“Clock ticking’s about to start,” she mumbles quietly, eyes still on Harry. “Make sure you have both arms around Harry as soon as we lay down, got it? The next 10 minutes are gonna be real tough on him. And us.”
She looks up briefly to Gil, relief flooding her chest when his eyes widen in recognition. He nods and scrambles quickly onto the bed, prompting another cackle from Harry when he leaps on top of him, wrapping his arms and legs around him and locking them together on the bed.
Uma manages a shaky laugh at the sight, her eyes darting quickly around the room for a second. She spots Harry’s hook on a high shelf, where Ben had made him set it when they arrived in Auradon. His sword is mounted in a case on the wall, out of commission.
She sighs in relief and crawls her way onto the bed, carefully positioning herself on the other side of Harry. He’s still laughing, and she offers a loving smile as she lays her head on his shoulder, placing a hand over his and Gil’s on his chest. Her grip tightens as the clock ticks its first, and she’s fast to swing her other arm behind Harry’s shoulder, holding firmly as his eyes bulge at the sound.
Harry’s face quickly twists from fear to anger as his fists begin to clench. Uma plants a small kiss to his shoulder before closing her eyes and bracing herself.
“Love you Harry,” she whispers softly, before the silence of the room is lost to a heart-wrenching scream.
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missglittersmiles · 7 days
Noble To The Core- CH. 5
Descendants × Fem! Reader Summary: The week is filled with tests, tests, and test. Then even more tests.
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 •| ⊱ Test Week ⊰ |•
When y/n woke up, she didn’t immediately get out of bed. She just laid there. Her mind was blank and fuzzy. Light fluttered through the curtains, and birds happily chirped outside. It felt like a dream, but her mind could never come up with something so nice and peaceful. It was strange waking up and not hearing the lunacy ensuing outside her bedroom. Or hearing the clanging of pots and pans downstairs.
It was nice but off-putting as well. Then y/n shot up from her bed, looking at the clock before she suddenly relaxed. She still had time to get ready. Looking around the room, she noticed something on her nightstand and that Frida's bed was empty. Sitting on her nightstand were a muffin and a cup of juice with a note beside it.
You didn’t eat dinner.
At least eat this.
You need energy for the day.
- Frida
y/n’s stomach rumbled and she took a bite into the muffin without any hesitation. The muffin was easier to eat than the pudding in some ways. It was just the outer layer that made it hard to eat. It wasn’t sweet like the rest of it, and it actually tasted really bad. It was like eating paper.
Regardless of the weird bottom half layer, y/n ate it. She chugged the juice down before hopping into the shower. She reveled in the nice warm water a little longer than she should and then got out.
Since Auradon was colder than she expected, she put on long pants and a turtleneck sweater. Her outfit had seen better days. Her green sweater had a few holes and was frayed at the edge. Glancing at the clock, she knew she had time to go down the cafeteria to drop off the cup. y/n wasn’t sure how to thank Frida for last night and breakfast. But she figured taking care of her dishes would be a start.
It took her longer than she’d liked to admit for her to gather the courage to leave her room. When she did, she regretted it almost immediately. The moment she left, she could feel eyes on her. Seeing the looks on everyone’s faces made the air tense.
Walking down the hall, most of the students discreetly backed away from her as if she had a contagious disease. Some of them looked at her with curiosity, fear, or disgust. This was a far cry from the welcome she got yesterday. Nonetheless, she tried her best to ignore the stares and remind herself that this isn’t the worst thing.
She’s been kicked, punched, and scratched. This was nothing. She could handle this. There was no point in denying that being stared at like she was a zoo animal was comfortable. Admitting that she felt conscious didn’t undermine her.
‘I can do this. It’ll be hard, but it's not impossible.’ y/n told herself. Once she dropped off her dishes, she walked to the room where she’d be taking the tests. Feeling their staring intensifying, she picked up the speed of her walking.
When she made it to the door of the classroom, she could hear whispers. Peaking through the door window, she saw that everyone was there except for Fairy Godmother. The four Island kids were huddled together talking about something.
y/n normally doesn’t snoop into things. Minding your own business and keeping your head down had been her rule. Though Uma, Harry, and Gil did make her bend and twist that rule many times. y/n couldn’t ignore how suspicious the four looked.
She glanced down both ends of the hall before putting her ear against the door. For once in their lives, they were too quiet. She hears them murmuring something, but it was all unintelligible.
Then she mentally slapped herself for this behavior. Eavesdropping on others' conversations? This wasn’t the Isle. She didn’t need to stay on guard and wait for the next big fight to happen. Even though those four didn’t like Uma and her group, that didn’t mean they were after y/n. Why even bother trying anything when they were at the mercy of Auradon?
‘I’m so stupid. Getting worked up over nothing. They’re probably just talking about... I don’t know what they talk about. Don’t worry about them. Just focus on yourself. You can get through today. I know you can do this!’
After giving herself a pep talk, she opened the door. Hearing the door open, the four went quiet and looked at her. “I’m surprised that I'm the last one here.” y/n said with a chuckle as she took a seat in the front row. Everyone followed her example and sat down. Mal clicked her tongue, “Don’t worry. We won’t be taking your title of teacher’s pet.”
‘Geez, Mal, it’s only morning, and I already wish Evie would sew your mouth shut.’ y/n thought to herself before turning to Mal with a smile. “Don’t worry about me. If I were you, I'd be more worried if I could actually read the questions on the test. Skipping so many days of school probably hasn’t done you any favors. I'd be surprised if you could even spell your own name.”
Then y/n turned her back on Mal and kept her eyes forward. There was a slight pang of pride when she didn’t hear Mal instantly snapback. ‘I think I kind of said something mean. I could have said something worse, but I did say something back.’ y/n slightly smiled to herself. ‘Uma would be proud of me.’ The mere thought of that turquoise girl dampened her mood.
‘Dad always said it was better to ignore petty insults. Maybe I should apologize? It was a bit uncalled for as well.’ y/n wasn’t allowed to dwell on that thought as Fairy Godmother busted through the door. “Good morning!” The woman slightly sung her words.
Everyone slightly jumped in their seats at the woman’s energetic entrance. The woman was radiating with joyous positivity that made everyone slightly grimace. Even y/n winced at her loud appearance.
Once Fairy Godmother got behind the desk that was stationed in front of the class, she looked at all of them. She quickly had them change seats, as most of them were huddled in the back. She had them space out to make sure they weren't peeking at each other's answers before explaining how the tests would be taken.
Everyone would be given six hours for each subject. There were five tests they'd have to take. Language arts, math, social studies, and science. They were allowed to choose the order of how they would take them. Everyone could use the bathroom, but only one at a time.
To say that this was going to be a grueling process was an understatement. Not even an hour in y/n was struggling to answer most of the questions. She chose to take math first because it was her weakest subject. It was just better to get over that hurdle, but she couldn't even understand most of the questions. Back home, she was one of the top students, maybe even the only one considering how most stop going after a certain age.
Auradon's education system was more than humbling her. It was completely humiliating her. It could have been karma for that backhanded comment towards Mal.
The only thing that would be heard in that room was the occasional page flip and their pencils scratching the paper. It was horribly boring. Mal was mostly doodling on the edge of her papers. Jay was tapping his shoe on the floor, almost like he was trying to annoy everyone. Carlos would often get bored and start playing with his hands. Playing rock, paper, scissors, shoot with himself. Evie was curling her hair with one finger as she looked at the paper.
Once the bell rang for lunch, the Isle kids practically ran out of the room. All thankful to be stretching their legs out and getting out of those wooden chairs. y/n would try to catch up to Mal. Though it seemed like Mal would start taking longer steps. Before walking a little faster if she got too close.
y/n was nothing if not annoyingly persistent. Mal swore that y/n's sole reason to exist is to annoy her. y/n spoke up. "Hey, Mal." The purple haired girl didn't even spare y/n a glance, her eyes staying forward. "What do you want?" She spoke with a curt tone that had a hidden venom to it. That was just how she was. Venomous.
Carlos watched the two interact with worry. Mal's vitriol towards y/n in particular wasn't a secret. While Jay and Evie were mildly interested for a moment, they didn't care enough to listen and carried on with a conversation of their own.
"I just wanted to say sorry. It wasn't right for me to insult your intelligence." Mal suddenly stopped and y/n continued. "Here in Auradon, we should try to work together, not against each other. I hope you can forgive me for saying that."
Mal snapped her head towards y/n. She snared and gave y/n a dirty look like she just spat on her. There was some anxiety rising in y/n, yet she didn't let herself run away. There was no one she could run to, and it was best to apologize for something trivial. Even if the person you're apologizing to is the most petty being alive.
"That's not going to get you to sit with us."
Mal snickered at the girl's ignorant expression. y/n had always been a slippery snake to Mal. Always running away to hide behind others backs. The girl was a backstabber, but worse of all was that she was a coward. Mal took a step towards y/n. "No one here's to protect you, and that scares you, doesn't it?"
y/n didn't allow herself to be scared by Mal. There was no way Mal could physically harm her. They were in the middle of the hallway. Even if there wasn't anyone walking down it, Fairy Godmother wasn't far away. That's when a thought came to her.
Mal could throw in a punch or even start a fight with y/n. When Fairy Godmother or anyone comes to see what the ruckus is about, Mal and the others could turn the tables on her. Say that she was the one who started the fight. That Mal was only defending herself from y/n. It'd be too risky to do such a thing, but it's not like it wasn't possible.
Seeing that the gears in y/n's head were turning, Mal asked. Looking her dead in the eyes. "Where is it?" The three behind them had stopped their chatter long ago. All of them were looking at y/n. Watching and taking note of any slight reaction she had to the question.
There wasn't any hesitation in her puzzled face. "Where is what?" Mal gritted her teeth and put her hand in y/n's pockets. "Hey! What the hell!?" She checked both of y/n's pockets and came up empty-handed. "I don't think it's small enough to be there." Jay commented, already convinced that y/n didn't have what they were looking for. Carlos was thankful Jay said exactly what he thought. He was too afraid to say it aloud.
y/n backed away from Mal. "I don't know what you're looking for, but I don't have it." Her civil tone was gone. Replaced by flustered confusion. Mal's eyebrows furrowed and gave y/n a threatening look. "I know you have it, and when I get it back, you'll wish you never met me."
This ridiculous situation was getting to y/n. All she wanted to do was apologize for her mean words, and now Mal was accusing her of stealing something. "You don't have to do much on that front; I've regretted coming across your ugly face long ago." y/n didn't allow herself to feel bad for saying that. She quickly turned on her shoes and began walking down to the cafeteria. "I just wanted to apologize." She mumbled.
The group watched y/n disappear behind the corner. Once she was gone, Mal spoke up. "Do any of you know where her room is?" Everyone seemed a little shocked. Most of the group silently agreed that y/n probably didn’t have it. Even if she reacted a bit out of character, actually biting back and not being pushed down. It could be because she knew everyone would be on their best behavior here and was probably using that to get in a verbal jab here and there.
Jay shrugged his shoulders. Carlos' silence meant no. "If you really think she has it, do you think she'd hide it in her room?" Evie asked. Jay thought about the question and nodded. "I didn't see her during dinner. I didn't see her after lunch either."
Evie added, "Then she was probably looking for a hiding place for it. That's if she does have it." The blue haired girl looked at Mal. Waiting for any further comments. After a moment of thinking, Mal would explain that it's better to be safer than sorry, and searching y/n's room wouldn't take a long time. Everyone would agree. Mal would notice Carlos' lack of response.
"Anything else to add?"
He shook his head. "No, but we should do it another time. Running around the dorms trying to find her room will look suspicious." Jay agreed with Carlos. They'd be wasting time by running around like headless chickens. Mal was strongly against the idea. "We need to get it back now, and this is the perfect time. Everyone is having lunch, and we can sneak in and out without too many witnesses."
Jay would argue that it was safer if they didn't act on impulse. If they were going to break into another student's room, it'd be best to think this through.
"What if we have someone follow y/n around for the day? She could lead us to the hiding spot, and if not, then we could find out where her room is. Since we need it back soon, then we could sneak into her room in the middle of the night." Everyone thought over Evie's idea. Mal seemed satisfied enough with the plan. If Mal likes it, then that means everyone likes it.
"It just makes me uncomfortable seeing you so..." y/n struggled to find a word that didn't sound too negative. Something that didn't blow the situation out of proportion. So she tiptoed around it by saying, "Close to them." y/n shifted her weight to one foot as she spoke. She kept her eyes away from Harry and chose to gaze off into the distance.
He'd laughed at her face. It always looked funny seeing her angry. She'd always slightly pout with furrowed eyebrows. It made her look like a child that was told no by their parents. y/n would slightly groan in frustration. "Harry." He had a hard time taking her seriously. It seemed like everyone did. "You're overreacting again."
Overreacting. She slightly winced at that word. It wasn't the first time she was told that and it probably wouldn't be the last. Yet that didn't invalidate her emotions. Crying and being upset wasn't an overreaction. Her emotions and trying to explain her feelings wasn't what he'd always make it out to be.
A conversation with her mom made her realize there wasn't anything wrong with how she felt. In fact, there wasn't anything wrong with what anyone felt. Frustration, sorrow, joy, and everything that came with being human. There wasn't anything wrong with that. Remembering what her mom said, "It's okay to feel. No matter what anyone tells you, it's just you being human."
y/n wasn't wrong to feel jealous. It was okay for her to be annoyed or even irritated with others. As long as she tried to keep things respectful.
Harry came up close to her face and gave her a peck on the cheek. That's usually all he had to do to make her let him off the hook. Often sprinkling in embellished words that came out of his mouth too easily. It was like he never gave a second thought to what he said. Which was probably true. y/n has been nicely wrapped around his fingers. Everyone knew that.
Seeing that his gesture hadn't made her flustered and smile like the lovestruck fool she was, he'd step up his approach. He shoved his hook into his coat before cradling her face and turning her head towards him. Her [skin tone] skin was always so soft despite living here. It was a personal mystery for him. One that he'd never bothered to investigate because speculating was so much more fun. Thinking that she was part mermaid or even an angel were a few of them.
"Doll, there's no reason to pout like that. There'd be no one else who could make me smile like you do. I don't think I'd find someone who could even if I tried."
Harry looked into her eyes, smiling. y/n wanted to believe what he said. His face and his words made it sound like it was true. That she was irreplaceable to him. Not irreplaceable to anyone else. Irreplaceable to him.
She had to ask. "Do you even..." Love. She wanted to say love, but everything was slowly being pieced together as they spoke. They weren't anywhere near being in love with each other. She wasn't like him. She couldn't bring herself to spout out affectionate words without meaning them. This was nothing more than a childish crush. A game where she'd run to keep up with him because she knew long ago she couldn't catch him. All she could do was try to keep up, but even that was wearing her out.
"Do you even like me?"
He didn't seem surprised. They have had this same dance a number of times before, so this was foreseen. Still, he couldn't help himself from chuckling at her question.
"After everything we've been through, you still ask that?" He was being honest in a way, yet his teasing smile overshadowed it.
"Do you?"
Harry slightly threw his head back and laughed. She had always been there. Not just for him, but for his crew. The crew weren't soft and nowhere near as well-mannered as her. Still, there was no denying that she was one of them. Maybe not rough and tumble, but that made y/n, y/n. No matter how disgustingly virtuous she could be.
"Of course. If I didn't, I don't think we'd be here right now."
"Then can you please stop being so flirtatious with every person that walks by?" Her tone was surprisingly firm. At least for her.
"Like I said, there's no reason to be jealous. I'm not leaving you for anyone else."
For the first time, Harry didn't tell y/n the right words. Her eyes hardened, and she shook his hands off her face. "That doesn't make it any better." He raised his eyebrows at this sudden backbone. His surprise was swiftly replaced by amusement and cat-like curiosity. "What do you want me to do? Not talk to anyone? Maybe learn sign language?"
Their relationship foundation was cracking each time he opened his mouth. "I'm being serious, Harry." He'd mockingly put his hands up in the air. "Hey! I am too. I'm being serious about learning sign language." This whole time, he had been just teasing her. Taking everything as a joke.
"Do you like me?" She'd ask again. Trying her best to not sound and look as though she was grasping at straws.
He gave her a smile. "You're sounding like a broken record there, doll."
y/n found herself wondering for a moment if it was her fault. That she was overreacting. No one has ever pointed out Harry's flirty ways. No one ever tried to stop him. It's not like he was cheating per se. He only played around because that's just how he was. Maybe this was normal. She didn't want to throw away something she had worked on for so long. Something that they nurtured together. Even when it sometimes felt one-sided. Petty jealousy shouldn't be this relationship's downfall.
But y/n reminded herself that there was no need to put herself down. Her feelings were valid. Her experiences were valid. "Well, it doesn't feel like I have a boyfriend." y/n spat out. "I wouldn't have to ask that question over and over again if you didn't ogling at everyone. Or start flirting with anything that was alive."
As y/n felt her frustration building up and getting ready to be fired at Harry. It'd suddenly be stopped by his laughter. "I guess you're starting to get a backbone. I'm sure Uma will be happy to hear that." Her face was drained of any color. All she could feel now was her heart thumping in her chest. Everything else felt numb, like she was going into shock.
Even when no one else would, Harry should at least be the one to take her seriously. Everyone could laugh at her to the point of tears as long as he wiped her tears away. He could have been a lot of things, but he wasn't. He wasn't this perfect person that she believed him to be. He was no blessing in disguise. She was just lonely, and he wanted to play a long game of tag. She could never win against him.
All he had been was a silly boy that wanted to play. That's all he ever could be.
"We should break up."
Even now he doesn't acknowledge the weight of this moment. The only one who laughed and smiled right now was him. As she walked away, he acted as if the breakup had never happened. Brushing her off and heading back to the crew. Not without telling her goodnight, of course, but she didn't say it back. She kept walking away from the dock. Not looking over her shoulder with a smile or waving goodbye like she always did.
That was the last time Harry saw y/n for a few weeks.
It seemed like the whole Isle gathered to see the five be set free from this prison. Harry and Gil trailed behind Uma since she wanted to watch as well. Everyone was there for different reasons. Some wanted to get a glimpse of what wonders came from a world that could be described as paradise. While others thought of ways to take advantage of the barrier being slightly opened.
Uma wasn't dumb enough to take the risk of trying anything. There were guards everywhere. This wasn't the first time the barrier would be opened, but it was the first time someone would be taken out. She ordered her crew that no one was to do anything. It was best for them to observe.
Of course. She also wanted to yell some profanities at Mal and wish y/n off.
Harry would watch as y/n tightly hugged her mom, dad, and younger brother. Her mom whispering something into her ear and her dad giving her a pat on the back. Her younger brother seemed to look bored by the whole affair, but if one looked close enough, they could see him blink away tears. The whole time y/n held up a small smile. She wasn't being as loud as the others. They cheered and yelled their goodbyes to the whole Isle.
She'd depart from her family and make her way to the carriage. Mal and her little group would shortly discuss their seating arrangements. Without much hesitation, Mal would suggest that y/n be seated in the carriage that carried their luggage. y/n wasn't opposed to the idea and practically jumped into the carriage. Probably wanting to stay away from those four and get out of everyone's prying eyes.
As she took the step to enter the carriage, Uma yelled out to her. "Don't let those moneybags pull one up on you! Give them hell! You hear that, y/n!?" y/n froze for a moment before looking over her shoulder. She only looked Uma in the eyes before smiling, then turning around to get into the carriage.
"Yeah! Good luck, y/n!" Gil cheered.
As the carriage door was shut by one of the guards, Uma elbowed Harry. She gave him a look. She wanted him to yell something encouraging to y/n, but he's been silent as a church mouse. "Come on, say something to her." Uma hissed quietly. Harry scoffed at his captain. "Like what?" Uma clicked her tongue in annoyance. He's been brooding for the past few days now. "Maybe sorry for being the biggest lubber? Or better yet, that you'll be waiting for her."
Wait for her?
"Come on, say something while she's still here."
His captain would keep pestering him to say something. He'd open his mouth a few times, yet nothing would come out. He wasn't sure if he couldn't find the words or if he didn't have the strength to say something. The moment the carriage started moving, Uma urged him to hurry up. But there wasn't anything he could say that hadn't been said before. Anything that came out of his mouth would have sounded cheap and overused. It might have been better to stay silent.
"—And don't worry, y/n! Harry will be here waiting for you! Like the dog he is!" Gil yelled out. There were a few chuckles at the blonde boy's statement.
"Ack! You moron! Don't say that!" Harry hissed while Uma patted Gil on the back with a smirk. The two had planned on doing that from the start.
Once the little event was over, the crowd slowly disappeared. Only a few stayed behind to watch as five of their own reached freedom. Uma had no interest in sticking around any longer. So as they walked back to Ursula's, his two friends were ragging on him about how red his face was. Was it out of anger or embarrassment? He didn't know; maybe it was both.
Every time the crew would get into a skirmish, y/n would ask why they resorted to violence for every problem. There were a wide variety of answers from Uma's crew and the main three. Each time she asked, it seemed like she was directing it towards Harry by how she looked at him. No matter what condition he was in. He'd respond to that question with a smile.
"Because it's fun." She'd hide her mild disappointment. Turning her head away from him to focus on bandaging up another crewmate.
She was never one for anything more than playful roughhousing. Sword fighting was fun until it became life or death. She took pleasure in the boring things. Compared to them, she had always been levelheaded. Which was ironic considering she'd always try to wuss out and called a crybaby. Maybe she was meant for better things. Still, she was refined as a person.
Uma absent-mindedly spoke. "She's too good for you." Harry didn't disagree. She put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. "She's going to make out it there. I know it."
"Yeah. She will."
The next week was mostly spent in that classroom. Writing on paper until their hands cramped up. Their eyes were strained from reading lines of text and equations. The Isle kids dreaded each day. There'd be a new test that felt as though it was written in another language. They'd spend hours decoding it, and even then they couldn't understand what was said. It felt like Friday would never come.
y/n has tried her best to keep her distance from those four. After their exchange on Tuesday. Right after that moment, she grabbed lunch while feeling others staring at her. As she waited in line, she realized that they weren't giving her odd looks because of where she came from or that she was a new face. That was a large part of it, but one of the major factors was her clothes. It made her stick out like a sore thumb.
Everyone around her wore such beautiful clothing. Each one looked even more lavish than the last. It was like each stitch and weave was methodically thought out. While all her clothes were worn out over the years. It felt humiliating having people look and snicker at something you didn't have.
She wanted to tell them to stop staring or just to mind their own business, but she didn't want to make a scene. Once she grabbed some food, she quickly made her way out of the cafeteria. She had seen that there were picnic tables near the garden. Seeing that it wasn't a bad day out, she figured that she'd eat outside. Silently hoping that there wouldn't be at least too many people.
When she made it to the picnic tables. There was almost no one there. Just an alone girl picking at her food with her fork. The girl looked bored and sad, like there was a rain cloud hovering over her. Taking a deep breath, y/n put on her best smile and walked over to the girl. "Hi! I was wondering if I could sit with you."
The moment y/n spoke up and came into view, the girl nearly jumped out of her skin. Her eyes widened in fear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The girl didn't respond. Only staring at her like a poor deer that was about to be hit by an arrow. "I'll just find somewhere else to sit." y/n tried to keep up her smile and not look dejected. She wouldn't want to make the poor girl any more uncomfortable, so she decided that she wouldn't sit at the picnic tables.
She'd find a tree to sit at. Leaning against it with her back. She hadn't grabbed a lot since she was too busy trying to hide away, but everything was delicious. Even a simple apple was more savory than anything she had eaten back home. Just as she got done eating, a lanky boy popped out from the side of the tree.
"Hey! This is my spot!" Getting a good look at the boy's face, y/n quickly recognized him. It was the boy from yesterday. The one that threw water balloons with paint at her and the others. His hair looked a lot messier from when she first saw him. "You have to pay the toll now." He was going to continue speaking until he was cut off by another boy.
"Percy, shut up. We aren't here to extort money." Percy huffed and said that he was no fun under his breath. The other boy gave y/n a charming smile. He looked nice enough, but she wasn't sure if she liked the look in his eyes. Looking as if he knew something that she didn't. The scar on his lip didn't make him look any less intimidating. "Sorry, I couldn't meet you when you first came here. I was busy." He held out his hand.
Something felt off about him. Still, y/n wasn't going to brush off someone who wasn't treating her like a criminal. So she shook his hand. They both seemed surprised by the texture of one another's hand. y/n thought his hand would have been soft like Frida. Not callous. She had predetermined that no one here would have soft skin. Simply because softness was associated with wealth and power. He was mildly surprised that her hands weren't rough. After the handshake, he put his hand into his pocket.
"So are some forms of magic able to be cast even with the barrier up?" The moment he asked that, y/n became confused. Taking note that she hadn't taken his very vague hint. He would swiftly add. "Because I don't believe someone as pretty as you could exist without some sort of magic. Right, Percy?" y/n's face went red, and Percy gave his friend a puzzled look.
"Why are you flirting with her? Aren't we here to- OW!" The boy kicked Percy's shin to keep him from leaking out any information. "Ignore him. He was dropped on his head as a baby and can't say the ABCs." Percy gasped at his words. "You promised to not tell anyone!" He paid no attention to Percy's betrayed cry.
"I'm Gallagher, Gallagher Ivanov."
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure you already know, but I'm y/n Vainira."
Gallagher wanted to make a joke. Though seeing that she didn't have a reaction to his last name made him think she probably wouldn't get it. Then again, the joke would have come off as more insensitive than humorous. He wasn't looking to make enemies just yet. He put his arm over Percy's shoulder. "Well, it's nice to see a pretty face from time to time. We'd love to stay around longer, but we better get going. Right?"
He sent Percy a look. He was still confused by the whole ordeal. They had come here looking for information. Not for Gallagher to make flirty remarks at the girl. Still, Gallagher was their mastermind in a sense and went along. "Yeah, we got stuff to do, like... stuff." Gallagher rolled his eyes at Percy's words.
"Again, he was dropped as a baby. Anyway, I hope to see that pretty face more. Bye, Miss. Vainira."
"I hope to see more of you too, Mr. Ivanov."
y/n would hear Percy mumble to his friend as they walked away. "I didn't come here to watch you and a girl make moves on each other." Once he said that she could see Gallagher pinch his arm. Making the boy let out a yelp in pain.
'Make moves on each other? Did I flirt back?' y/n couldn't help herself from blushing slightly. 'Yeah, I guess I was kind of flirting at the end. But I should step up my game if that was the best I could do.' Her thoughts made her shudder. 'One cute boy flirts with you while you're single and you're already thinking about dating him. Get yourself together, y/n.'
Noble To The Core Masterlist
Thanks for reading. I'm grateful for the support. Love you all!
Taglist: @nobl3sse @remiechu
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descendants-extended · 10 months
AK & VK's Hobbies
A lot of the AKS probs do horse-riding too cause rich kids and their parents have pet horses mostly in canon stuff.
Also hanging out with pets for VKs and AKs since they all have pets galore. Though no one has more than Aladdin, Jasmine and their kids’ massive menagerie.
Everyone sings (probs various degrees of good)
Harriet: Likes doodling (not coherent usually & just for her eyes only) and reading.
Harry & CJ: They like to read but mostly for the dramaticness & extraness. And because they are Hook’s kids so classical literature and stuff is easy for them. It’s probably a hobby that surprises people the most!
^ the hook kids’ hobbies are also inspired by chats with @panthera-tigris-venenata
Hook kids may also play some instruments cause their dad does (piano, harpsichord and from jake and the Neverland pirates: the trumpet)
Ben:  Headcanon that he can do some ‘tinkering’ with things. Not full on inventing like his grandfather, Maurice or like Carlos. But it’s a talent he has from spending lots of time with his grandad during his childhood.
He is probably a great assistant/helper! His mode of doing things is trial and error! Though he probably does know the basics pretty well. It helps him relax and calm down. It transports him to simpler times with his grandad and the stories he used to hear.
Audrey: Swordfighting, fencing & jousting with & cause of her parents (mum too cause in one disney picture book Aurora does joust! which is cool of Disney to give us content for. Also Aurora uses a sword in concept art).
Spending time with woodland creatures, hearing stories from her ‘great-aunts’-the 3 good fairies and gramma. She likes foraging. Embroidery and stitching too maybe. Probs likes reading stories too. She also writes her diary.
Gil: possibly woodworking/carpentry? But he values detail, style and elegance and likes engraving it with art unlike his father who only cares about its functionality and just generally leaves it like bare and crude. People also hc he likes gardening which is cute!
Hunting responsibly? A take I heard once. Like he only takes what he needs and sometimes just enjoys running after animals and not actually hunting if that made any sense.
‘Uma’s wicked book for VKs’ said he made Uma and Harry’s outfits for em I think so he’s a fashion designer too? Or maybe they gave him special instructions that he followed. Good for him. Cause dude can still sew then.
Jay & Jade: Practicing disguises (Jafar & Nasira both got disguises in canon so like just a family thing). Practicing magic when they get to Auradon (Jay is 1/4th Genie in mine. Plus Jafar & Nasira do have some magic of their own so do Jay & Jade).
Anthony: reading, upcycling outfits & accessories (because a line in the 1st book saying his outfits look regal & tailor-made somehow though they’re made of the same materials other’s outfits are made of. He generally makes any outfits work but further elevated by him tailoring stuff).
He likes spending time with his mum, siblings, cousins, pet(s) & his bestie, Eddie Balthazar! Loves throwing parties (based on the 1st ‘isle’ book again, saying he throws great parties)- he just enjoys the effort, the pay off & it helps him unwind (good for him. ambivert vibes).
Thinking up business strategies, accounting & book keeping! (Why are these in his hobbies? He finds it pretty fun when it all works out. So generally ‘plotting’? Yeah. Likes things organised), being a taste tester for his sibling’s food creations (they’re just good at it), dignifiedly sassing annoying isle people (mostly villains, some won’t get it sometimes) & learnin‘ stuff like languages!
He can play the piano but not really something he likes as much (wind instruments aren't his thing just like they weren’t his mum’s thing). Probs likes the idea of dueling but not exactly good at it?
Hadie: Likes rock & roll music like his dad, maybe he likes giving himself new piercings as a hobby? (met someone who did this irl! sounds cool but be careful). Likes to be a pest to the villains who are horrible parents and people (like him bothering Frollo to do his fortune quite regularly- @panthera-tigris-venenata made a post bout this! Give it a read, it's such a treat).
is the prince of the underworld so he likes to practice magic with his dad though you don’t really see results on the isle cause of the no-magic nature of the barrier (I suppose other magic users also found it very hard learning magic without well, magic! His irises glow yellow sometimes & his blue hair lights on fire so some magic still is kinda visible.)
Likes hanging out with his friends! Oh and his cousin, Freddie (if one hcs Freddie being Ursula’s daughter which I adore) and by extension Celia (who isn't Ursula’s kid in mine so not his blood cousin but he still treats her like one)
Chad: Dude won’t ever admit it but doing chores helps him clear his head and he likes cleanliness cause his mom wanted to still know some responsibility (never forced him to do it though).  Likes sports and also shopping! He can sew but like only repair stuff. He can cook some basics but not a hobby of his and not something he ever has to do.
Jenna, Rafi, Salima, Aziz (& their two lil siblings in mine): Hanging out with family, friends and pets.
All love going on long magic carpet rides. (‘Borders? Air traffic? Aw, bless your heart.’ They have like no need for passports on carpet rides & Agrabah’s got it as a clause in their agreement. The royal family doesn’t need those. (reminds me of how irl the British royal family’s head doesn’t need a passport). They have passports though. This is a new idea I just had & yeah. Can have a lot of exploration).
They love travelling. Probs try different modes of travel.
Aziz can Skateboard (based on Jasmine skateboarding in an Aladdin console game XD. Can't remember which game it was rn. But ‘Nasira's Revenge’ maybe? Feel free to correct me if I remembered the wrong game. While trying to find a pic, I found a doll of Jaz with Carpet as a skateboard so interesting.)
Anxelin & Ruby: Too many cause of their mom, Rapunzel's many hobbies and how it inspired them. They love trying out new stuff and are pretty adventurous. Their favourite book series is obv the 'Flynnigan Rider series'.
inspo from this post from @dragoneyes618: here
This is it so far. Maybe this is a part 1? Depends.
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thedragonemperess · 1 month
I already tagged you in another ask about them so I'm gonna use this one to ramble for a little bit about them :333
When I was talking about Oscar, I brought up his relationship with his father(s). And there's a reason for that! Because he only technically has two. I, personally, don't think that the barrier blocks out ALL magic, because in a world where magic is so intrinsically tied into some things' biology, it would be insane cruelty and straight-up mass murder to block out magic, completely. Only people that really pay attention or experience this first-hand are actually aware of it, such as Soren (and the Snow Queen), who is still magically immune to the cold under the barrier, or Dr. Facilier, who has had his Shadow for so long that it's now permanently tied to his being and still has it under the barrier (which I actually included in a fic I wrote about a month back). Oogie Boogie is another character who is held together by almost entirely magic, and as such, wouldn't be able to live without access to it.
So, when the Isle and Auradon both started experiencing a baby boom, Oogie Boogie didn't wanna be left-out.
And he Frankenstein-ed a child using some of his own bugs and fabric, dead body parts, and a bunch of electricity.
With the help of Dr. Facilier.
Making Dr. Facilier his second father.
And Freddy and Celia his half-sisters.
(Oscar did get to grow up alongside other kids, by the way, it was just that every few years his human body parts needed to be replaced.)
In my version of D1 that includes Soren, they blackmail the Core Four into sneaking them into Auradon with them in exchange for not reporting their plan to steal the wand to the people that come to pick them up. The whole time he's Auradon, he's communicating with Uma through a pager that he got Toby to fix for him. Post-D1, Soren talks to Ben about getting some more kids across the barrier sooner rather than later, but he's backs himself into a corner in the process:
Do they vouch for bringing Uma, Harry, and Gil over, do they vouch for bringing Hansen over, or do they vouch for bringing Toby over?
Or, in other words:
Do they vouch for bringing their crew over, do they vouch for bringing their best friend over, or do they vouch for bringing their brother over?
The conversation with Ben happens during the post-Coronation party, after they revealed their identity to save Auradon, and it's the first time they are actually admitting to themselves that they do feel love for people, and that it's something they can't fight, anymore. Furthermore, it's something that they can't continue to lie to themselves about, anymore.
And immediately after coming to this realization, they have to choose between the people that they love the most.
It completely fucks up his view of love for a hot minute, since, when they ultimately choose their crew (because they're the ones he's been in contact with the whole time), he ends up convincing himself it's because he loves his crew more. And he feels so bad about that. It also continues to fuck up his relationship with Gil, because, in his head, Gil should be with someone who loves him above all, and obviously that can't be him, because he prioritized his loyalty to his crew and Uma over the other people he's close to when convincing Ben to bring more people over. He has no idea that he can love people equally while also loving them in different ways, or that there's not necessarily anything wrong with loving someone more than someone else.
In terms of a smaller moment, post-D3, when Hansen comes over to Auradon and starts college, I'd like to imagine that he applies to a school in Arendelle in order to make-up for the trouble his father caused. And, much to his surprise, Anna actually invites him to live in the castle with them while he's in school, because she wants to give him a chance.
(Kira develops the WORST crush on him and Adrien sits and waits to see how long it'll take for her to realize Hansen's gay since she refused to listen to Adrien the first time he tried to tell her.)
In relation to Kira and Adrien, I like to believe that Captain Hook is a good father, so he's actually one of the first OVs to settle down in Auradon post-D3. So, when they find out that Hansen knows a guy (Soren) who works with a guy (Harry) who's Captain Hook's son, they take the first break from school to visit Soren together and track down Captain Hook. They geek out SO HARD, BRO. It catches Hook COMPLETELY off-guard. The first thing he says when they finally shut up long enough for him to get a word in is, "Is this* allowed?"
*Auradonians being huge fans of villains.
Tamara doesn't like Peter Pan. Tinker Bell does not like that Tamara doesn't like Peter Pan. They regularly fight about this.
In that regard, Tamara's relationship with her mother is strained. Tamara is half-human, which is how Tink was able to have a daughter in the first-place, so she feels like her mother doesn't entirely understand what it's like for her in Auradon or Pixie Hollow. (Me? Projecting my identity issues onto my OCs? More likely than you'd think.) Additionally, since fairies (from Neverland) having relationships with humans is a fairly new trend, with kids spawning from those relationships being even newer. Most fairies that do go that route end up leaving behind Pixie Hollow altogether. So Tink doesn't really have any idea what she's doing. And then there's the fact that they're two different types of fairies, so Tink really has no idea how to bond with her. Tink once asked Tami to wear green on family day, since she was under the impression that Tami usually wore purple/red (again, I can't decide between fast flying or fauna) around campus. Tami wears green around campus, though, (which is representative of the fact that she actually does really want to be closer with her mother, she just has no idea how to achieve that, either), and decides that, since Tink had the audacity to ask (Tami had no idea Tink didn't know she wore green around campus), she wore purple/red on purpose. (If she were to wear purple, I'd like to imagine the extra cherry on top would be that she asked to borrow some of Mal's clothes alskdjf. [Within my AU of Regime Change, people that heard and saw their fight on family day think that, surely, things can't get any worse, but then two family days later, she introduces her new boyfriend, Harry Hook alksdjf].)
Of the Tempo Trio (who are definitely a polycule of some kind, by the way), Mimi has the easiest time finding a music following in Auradon. Her more pop-y songs land easy and people who are really dedicated venture into the rest of her music from there. Oscar is in the middle in terms of difficulty, since her folk-punk music intrigues some older people, but overall does so-so at reaching his target audience. Sika has the hardest time since his sound and lyrics are either very harsh to match the Isle or very personally concerning to match his attitude about life. Mimi, when she decides to take a gap year to focus on her music career post-D3, ends up getting them to perform with her from time-to-time, which always ends up helping them grow their following the most.
Soren's title of 'Prince' can't technically be taken away from him once he enters Auradon, because, in my head, it's not technically a real title. It's really more of a human-term that was applied his mother ('Queen,' in her case) to better understand what exactly it was her mother did. Soren would keep the power that came with taking over his mother's role no matter what, so the title is really meaningless. She says this to Audrey at some point in either the Soren-insert version of Wicked World or D2 and Evie just feels so vindicated while Audrey is just so pissed.
I think that's all I've got that I wanna share for now?
Again, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for responding to this so late. I hope both you and @bassguitarinablackt-shirt enjoyed this!!! ^-^
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damonlakes · 1 month
descendants as things my friends have said pt 2 (except it’s mostly quotes from our uil oap fun run)
Harry : *puts on wig* am i your type now?
Uma : NO
chad : yo yo yo bbg 
Audrey : i sold my kids
Chad, ignoring what she said : i promise i won’t do drag anymore
Fairy godmother : you are just like your mother
Cinderella : mother
Fairy godmother : she was mexican too
Cinderella : so what does that make me???
Fairy godmother : you will learn to be mexican, you will find mexico
Ben : Honeys and daddys, in the straightest way possible-
Chad : *walks up and makes grabby hand*
Ben : oh *pays chad in seashells*
Jay, in the background: *throws stuffed panda at a pillar*
Pillar : *falls over*
Ben and chad : *turns around* 
Ben : ummm *turns back around* ladies and gentlemen i am very excited to tell you that the kkk isn’t chasing me anymore-
Ben : we’re fighting climate change at an exceeding rate, some people want to be mexican and i don’t know why
Evie : we’re just better
Everyone else : *silence*
Evie : than the kkk
Chad, having a completely different conversation on the other side of the stage : WHAT?!?? BLASPHEMIE !! 
Coach : i know you’ve been mewing, you got fashion, you got style, but you just aren’t good enough, there are better options out there
Lonnie : take me away, take me back *sits on top of jane in a wheelchair*
Jane : *slowly rolls them away in the wheelchair while giving coach the stank eye*
Lonnie : ainebdbbe
Jay : what did she say-
Chad, making engine noises: MMmmmMmmmMMMMMMmmmm 
Audrey, rolling in on her wheelchair : i thought you were supposed to be mexican?
Lonnie : sometimes you can’t be something that you aren’t 😞
Audrey : what happened to mewing? No mewing? No mew master?!?
Lonnie : first i was a mew master, then i was a supermodel, and then i was … jane’s lover??  Idk where i am in life and now you’ve given up on me too!!!
Audrey : you have to stop this now *gets out of her wheelchair*
Lonnie : why can you all of a sudden walk??
Chad : MMmMmmMmmmmMmmmMMMMMmm
Mal : and take your kid!!! *throws stuffed panda at uma*
Harry : i still love women, i still can’t mew, i’m not a supermodel, *motions to air forces* they’re creased, i’m not even a deluxe mexican i don’t like jalapeños 
Gil : *GASP* no jalapeños 🥺
Harry : and i’m in love with this woman who fakes being disabled, who’s a heroin addict, who i going through withdrawals cuz i stole all her meth but we are okay, it’s gonna be okay, because i love her
doug : *takes samples* essence of sound technician, essence of cameraman, ESSENCE OF FUNKY MUSIC
The vk parents : you don’t make me proud you don’t make your auntie proud
Carlos : well my aunt is dead so it doesn’t matter if i make her proud or not … and you’re fixing to be too
Jay, running in carrying a giant horse head, then runs out of frame: WOOOOO
The vk parents : ….everyone else is a better mewer than you, you were never a real mexican
Carlos : i know, i don’t even know who made me mexican 
Evie, backstage : me
The vk parents : you always were a non-mewing boy
Fairy godmother : i don’t support any of this
Carlos, talking to the vk parents : -AND ALL OF YOUR WRINKLES MAKE YOU LOOK SO AWFUL *vine boom*
Audrey : no i’m a witch
Chad : *Screams in terror* WE’RE GOING TO GET YOU FIXED
Audrey : NO *fighting back*
Chad : *dragging her away while barking at her*
Chad : unfortunately 
it is almost finished
Chad : what is almost finished?
Audrey : MIXTURE E
Chad : no you can’t use that because i need your full support not thomas’
Audery : *takes dna sample* ESSENCE OF FULL SUPPORT YESSS *takes fake hand out of his pocket* THOMAS SHUT UP I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE *throws fake hand so hard crown falls off*
Chad : no you can’t do that *pours the mixture on her*
Audrey : DOBBY NOOOOO I’M MELTING *flops on the floor like a fish while the harry potter theme on recorder plays*
Harry : *throws stuffed panda over shoulder, it falls*
Evie : oop- oh i’m calling cps
Carlos : *picks up skull*
Jay : *points to the jawline of the skull* he was really good a mewing
Evie: um jay just ate a curler
The rest if the bus: take me home to the placeee i belongggg
Chad, on the phone : yes i want the burger with no onions no pickles-
Chad: *whispering while recording backstage* theater vlog theater vlog aye aye aye aye aye reeses puffs reeses puffs eat em up eat em up eat em up ….. there was a spider earlier and i almost shitted my pants
Carlos : why is there a door if there’s no glass? *sticks hand inside fire extinguisher cabinet*
Chad: *walking across rocks in the shopping center flowerbeds* i am traversing terrain rn, i gotta make sure i don’t fall and land in front of these cars
Ben : there’s a peculiar apple just sitting there in the parking lot, it’s like perfect and i’m gonna walk away from that cuz i feel like it’s a trap
mal, with a nosebleed : nose bleed core🎵🎵🎵 *bell rings* oohp there goes the bell
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Do they keep a diary/a journal?
Mal - yes, actually. But no gross feelings stuff, ew. Just drawings. ...Of various levels of "disturbing". (Peak being begining of D2, of course)
Jay - nah. Better stuff to do. Also lowkey paranoid it'll be stolen.
Evie - yes, technically, multiple. She keeps one journal to jot down what was when done to any potions she's brewing (the correct scientific procedure), her fashion one, of course, for whatever designs she dreams of, and lastly, one to note down orders and payments for her shop.
Carlos - nah. He's got a collection of loose papers with important and "important" info on them. His cousins still keep finding them in Hell Hall. Jay has to move them from his parts of the room regularly. Mal found papers stuck in between her journal.
Uma - no. WAY more important shit to do, and she finds it way too sentimental. She keeps records of stuff important for the running of her crew, but doesn't consider it a journal, rather a public record.
Harry - yes. To the surprise if absolutely no one, the thing he writes most about is Uma. There are several original songs and poems for her as well. He wouldn't mind if she found it.
Gil - I wanna say yes, he tries. He's not very consistent though. The only thing he writes about is his friends and crewmates – he accidentally puts it down in the common space of the ship often, and most of the crewmates picked it up once. Cos, y'know. You see, you take. If they read it, they began blushing furiously under the excited "My friends are SO cool" Gil wrote and gave it back to him without a word.
Claudine - once she stops living with her father, yes, though it took some convincing. She doesn't write regularly, though, because she just doesn't know what to write, and is afraid of putting her thoughts on the paper. Later, she writes poems in letters so small it's illegible, since poetry masks the true self a bit.
Harriet - yes. She writes regularly, though not a lot of feelings stuff. She writes poems and vague stories draws whatever comes to her mind (mostly abstract stuff) and keeps it tightly locked up in her cabin, since that shit is DARK. Smee twins accidentally found it once and Sammy kept complaining they were afraid of her drawings for two weeks straight.
CJ - ...she tries to. It never lasts more than two days in row. But she adds new disjointed entry every time she's reminded that her older siblings do so. It's actually extremely disturbing in different way than Harriet's since she has ZERO ability to self-censor.
Freddie - two. One for music and one for dreams and card readings.
Celia - one. Dreams and Cards and Friends on the other side. Though, technically, both sisters share another one, written in cryptic code and abbreviations and moved from place to place with regularity but without a set schedule. This one is about secrets of the Isle residents, the ones they bother or dare to write down.
Dizzy - I wanna say yes, actual diary, feelings and all. To utter exasperation of all her older relatives.
Anthony - no, keeping tabs on the salon is enough, thank you.
Dulcia - look, my girl deserves a Burn Book.
Ginny - not really. If she absolutely NEEDS something noted down, she tells Anthony. Exception being medical notes at the Escape but she delegates paperwork away any time she can. Also, I feel like her handwriting is borderline illegible to anyone but her and the three people she shares mental disturbances with (Maddy, Anthony, Harriet)
Maddy - she keeps tabs on the Apothecary and like Evie, writes down the shit she's synthetising. It's only correct to do.
Ivy - Yeah she gets a burn book too. She deserves it <3. It's in one notebook with scraps from fashion magasines and and some kaligrams. (Again, that's a form of self-censure. Can't read it, so it isn't there.)
I think I ran out of Isle kids, so AKs (all regarding a diary):
Audrey - canonically she does, I have nothing else to add.
Ben - he tries to, but he doesn't manage to write regularly, what with being a CHILD KING and all. It's healthy for him tho. Took the habit from his mother.
Chad - I refuse to believe this boy has a diary. He views it as "useless" and "too feminine".
Jane - yes, actual diary full of feelings. Starting each entry with "dear diary". She locks it religiously though, since her mother can and will read it if give an oppurtunity to.
Ally - yes and frankly it should be studied and/or published (with different names for the sake of privacy, but i'd pay a lot to read a diary of Ally Liddel of Wonderland)
Lonnie - ...no. she tried to, few times, but never quite managed more than few entries in a row. She doesn't particularly like sitting still, and fancies the thought of someone actually reading what she thinks about certain stuff even less.
Jordan - ...she uses her blogs and vlogs as a diary. The more private ones. Not her Drama Channel.
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Descendants A/B/O headcanons:
Am I exposing myself as a reader of a/b/o? Yup. Do I care? No I have no more shame left. ANYWHO.
Mal: Alpha. (This one is just obvious in my opinion. She’s a natural leader, protective, everything a typical alpha in fics are.)
Evie: Beta. (Calm, level headed, nurturing but also powerful and commanding when needed.)
Jay: Alpha. (Mainly same reasons as Mal but in the core four he’s definitely the right hand man whereas Mal is the “pack leader”.)
Carlos: Omega. (He’s THE spunky omega, does not completely act like a traditional omega but I still think he is most definitely an omega.)
Ben: Omega. (He has the typical omega traits you see in fics, he’s nurturing and kind and gentle. I also can’t see him as anything else.)
Uma: Alpha. (Same reasons as Mal, this one is just obvious in my opinion.)
Harry: Alpha. (Once again same reasons as Mal (shocker) but idc.)
Gil: Beta or Omega. (He has traits from both and could go either or, I typically write him as a beta though idk why.)
Jane: Omega. (Same reasons as Ben and Carlos basically, could possibly be a beta but I doubt it.)
Audrey: Beta. (Mainly same reasons as Evie but also because she doesn’t necessarily demonstrate either alpha or omega traits.)
Lonnie: Alpha/Beta. (I’m leaning towards alpha but she could honestly be a kick ass beta.
Chad: Beta. (Same reasons as Audrey tbh.)
(If you can’t tell I’m a Alpha Mal/Omega Ben truther until I die)
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caffeinatedbookworm89 · 2 months
Rise if Red was.....something.......not bad but not great either.......
1. Love the tribute to Cameron it made me cry.
2. The time jump makes sense to separate the generations but that means Chad and Chloe are really far apart in age.....same with Aziz and whatever kid Aladdin and Jasmine brought.
3. Great seeing Brandy and Paolo back. I love her version of Cinderella it has always been my favorite.
4. It's weird not having Gil or Harry around Uma or her even mentioning them. Like are they on the Isle? Are they sailing? Is Gil with Jay traveling with Mal Ben and Evie? Did Harry get with Audrey and now he's prince consort in Auroria? Like it's weird she'd be all sad and wanting to honor Carlos and not mention them. Don't get me wrong I know China and Cameron were close but there has never been in universe proof that Uma cared about Carlos....sure alot can change in 10 years but still
5. Harry is a better flirt than Hook.......just saying
6. I need more than one handhold to show Hades and Maleficent are a thing
7. The revenge plan was stupid, the stopping of the revenge was stupid, the ending was abrupt
8. The most unbelievable thing in this movie is that Chad was raised by Ella and Charming and that he went on to go to college and have a tourney career
9. Chloe trying to meddle with her parents romance was stupid and risky
10. This movie wants me to believe that Maleficent and Hades would ever be anyone's lackeys and I don't......Hook sure that I can believe but the Mistress of Evil and God of the Underworld no
Well I'm off to write some fanfics for time between D3 and ROR.
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humaforever · 2 months
after Uma does whatever she needs to do settles down, travel the world, etc etc where is she gonna live cause I see stories saying she lives on her ship after repairs and stuff but then I also see some that say she’s lives in a mansion so where do you think she’s living
I'd like to say she lives on the ship for most of her time. But if she's the principal of the school she'll probably have to be closer to it. I don't see her living in a mansion but a good size house or apartment with Harry and probably Gil. Like she still goes back and forth to her ship but she at least has a place to stay during the school year.
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