#uma facilier
isleofdarkness · 2 months
Mal, realizing that if she's daughter of Hades, she and Uma are related; Wait a minute. If Uma- Riah, having anticipated this conversation; No, you and Uma aren't really cousins. Gods work in a different way. They don't share DNA because they don't have DNA. They were created at the same time by the same people, but they're beings of pure magic, not humans with DNA. That's how gods can have kids with other gods and it's not bad, because gods aren't really siblings. It's complicated, but Hades and Poseidon aren't really related, they're barely the same species. That's why Zeus can marry Hera- that poor woman- and it's fine. Mal; That makes no sense. Riah; Just do yourself a favour and don't think about it too hard. Gods operate on completely different rules than we do. You and Hara are related because you're both descended from the same god, but you and Uma aren't related because Poseidon and Hades are very different gods with very different magics. You're fine.
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jaladdin · 3 months
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someday we'll find it the rainbow connection the lovers, the dreamers, and me.
all of us under its spell, we know that it's probably magic.
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kabishkat19 · 1 month
Descendant VKs characters💜
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The VKs in the style of their parent’s animated films (Only the ones appeared in the films).
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imahumashipper · 2 months
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Aw look it’s Celia and her brother in law
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EEEEEEven more incorrect quotes! Merlin Academy Gang! AND MORE. Kinda long? Idk
(and ships)
Hook: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Uliana: It's Hades's turn.
Hades: Don't die.
Uliana, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
(so beautiful 😭 I don't know how to explain, but this is canon now)
Maleficent : Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Fay: *sobbing*
Maleficent : Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
(She's used to her and Hades banter and fights. Fay still needs to get used to that)
Fay: What the hell is wrong with you?
Hades: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
(mm. Yeah.)
Hook: Goodnight to the love of my life, Morgie, and fuck the rest of y'all.
(just a normal day)
Morgie: *is throwing stones at Ella's window*
Ella: You have a phone for a reason, Morgie!
(Love my little chaos goblin. He absolutely knew what he was doing)
Ella: Hey, I was wondering, have any of you guys ever seen Morgie’s bedroom?
Bridget: No, they refuse to let any of us visit. You know what that means.
Maleficent, nodding: Dungeon.
Hades, nodding: Rich.
Uliana , nodding: Homeless.
Ella, nodding: Secretly in the mafia.
Bridget: What? No, I meant they’re messy. What the hell is wrong with all of you?
(Hook not being there because he's in Morgie's bedroom right now. they are cuddling)
Ella: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Bridget.
Fay: You just said it again.
Ella: I am not a role model.
(don't worry Ella. She knows worse. She just doesn't use them)
Bridget: Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
(once she went back to wonderland and didn't text anyone anything. Just sulking in her feelings for Ella)
Hades: How do you do that?
Charming: I'm fearless.
Hook: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.
Charming: I'm mostly fearless.
(Mhm. But fair)
Bridget, on the phone: I better go…kay, call me later… byeeee!
Hook: Friend of Yours?
Bridget: Nope, wrong number.
Hook: ???
(Hey. She's not gonna pass on making new friends 🤷)
(add some glassheart)
Chloe: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Red: What did you just say-
Chloe: Foetons! *Laughs*
Red: Wh-what?
(love how Red is just confused. Chloe making puns/dad jokes. Canon, actually)
Ella: Please pray for Chloe.
Bridget: What happened to them?
Ella: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.
(not her own mother saying that (he doesn't know tho lol). But honestly that's after the vase incident.)
Red: Chloe, you're my best friend.
Chloe: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.
(oop- true)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Morgie/Fay: Would never stab anyone.
Ella/Charming: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Hook/Maleficent: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hades: Would stab without warning.
Uliana/Bridget: Would stab as a warning.
(I wanted to put Bridget in the last one lol. Like if someone went too far and hurt one of her friends she'd be like *stab* don't do it again or next time it will be worse)
Uliana: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Bridget: Those are wanted posters!
(yeah. Still)
Maleficent: *looks at Hades*
Maleficent: Baby boy. Bad Boy.
Maleficent: *looks at Fay*
Maleficent: goody two shoes
(changed it a bit lol. Also Me just randomly shipped Maleficent and Fay because gay. Just a crack ship lol)
Red: I got an idea!
Chloe: Does it involve breaking the law?
Red: By now don’t you think that’s a given?
Chloe: I was just trying to be optimistic.
Red: Don’t bother.
Chloe: You're not my friend anymore.
Red: I was your friend?
(Red. You just called her your best friend a few seconds ago! She's just trying to play it cool. She's screaming on the inside.)
Red: Sometimes I talk to myself for no reason.
Red: Me too!
(oh no. She's mad. PSST. I HAVE THREE ACCOUNTS ON DISCORD AND ACTED LIKE TWO OF THEM WEREN'T ME. I HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF, BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WAS ONLINE AND I WAS BORED 😭 I was very invested in my own dramas that I created. It also started with only two accounts 🫠)
Queen of Hearts, to Red: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Red: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Queen of Hearts: You just told me you're pregnant.
Maddox: Congratulations Red, you're glowing!
(Red can speak Italian and Spanish and also has a hidden British accent. There, my new headcanon)
(a little surprise)
Mal, staring lovingly at Evie: I would die for you.
Evie, doing their own thing: Then perish.
(Mal, you know not to interrupt Evie while she's working)
Mal: As a responsible adult-
Evie: *chuckles*
Mal: … As a responsible adult—
(Eeeviee, don't do Mal dirty like that. Even if you aren't wrong)
Evie: What do I get?
Mal: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Evie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Mal: It won't be you.
Evie: I'll get my coat.
(what are they planning o~o)
Cinderella: What’s your greatest weakness?
Red: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
Cinderella: Could you give an example?
Red: Yes, I could.
(why does it feel relatable even tho I don't remember actually having done that)
Red: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
Chloe: Ok.
Red: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
(Same Red, same Qvq)
Red, digging their grave: Long story short, this is ma grave.......Want me to make you one too?
(Omg Hunter! Is that you? ✨ love the owl house 😭😭😭. This is making me think Red fucked up a mission from her Mom. Like Hunter did.)
Red: I’m going to get so much done today.
Queen of Hearts: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Queen of Hearts: So how much did you get done?
Red: One thing.
Queen of Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Well, that’s one more than usual.
(QvQ me TvT)
Mal, at Evie: You're my significant other.
Evie: Yeah I am!
Mal, at Celia: You're my child.
Celia: Yes boss.
Mal, at Uma: You're my bitch.
Uma: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Mal, at Carlos: My bestie.
Carlos: Naturally.
Mal, Jay: HA, GAY!
Jay: Fuck you.
(Jay x Gil 🤸)
Chloe: Wow! Celia made you cry?
Red, holding back tears: Yes, and they said some really mean things that are only partly true.
(Daaamn. She can do that tho. Wow fr)
*at an awards show*
Chloe: Can I carry you on my back like Mal did?
Red: I don't think Evie would like that.
Chloe: *pouts*
Chloe: *carrying Red on their back*
Evie: What the hell??
Red: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
(Evie was panicking over Chloe's suit/dress because she made it for her. Do not ruin her designs. She will not take responsibility for what happens after that)
This was gonna be longer but I shall post it now anyway.
Hope you liked it.
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aksandvks · 2 months
The Children of Yzma all have the tendency to come up with overly complicated plans, which don’t have anything to do with their actual goals.
I’m referring to how Yzma wanted to buy Halloween Masks, the day after Halloween and resell them for next Halloween and using the Money to buy herself a brand new plasma TV. (Her actual Plan was to scare Kuzco)
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loreofthelost · 1 year
the VKs should not be as ok as they were, you can't tell me they don't have any trauma after growing up on a the trash heap that is the Isle.
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Remember when the Audrey villain leaks came out and then we saw the offical c4 and s3 outfit reveals and saw the c4 on the isle and the s3 in an auradon forest and we all thought there had been some sort of time spell where Audrey twisted time and instead of the c4 coming to Auradon it was the s3 so Audrey stayed with Ben and there was a whole adventue to fix the timeline? no? just me? okay
#i remember the theories they were so interesting#like how dr. Facilier ran an underground motorrace and the vks had to race to get the key to Hades lair#and we all thought Harry and Gil had dyed their hair blue becuase that reveal photo of the s3 looked so odd for Harry's hair lighting and i#looked blue#and we all thought Audrey had gone to a wishing well like in ouat and had cast a time spell and the vks had to work together to get their#timeline back#Uma#Mal and Audrey and Hades are the only ones who remember the last timeline#aka demi-gods#person who cast the spell#and god#and Mal goes to see Hades and confronts him cuz hes a god and might know where cronos sundial is so she can get her timeline back#but she also notices alto of the isle is-way better than what she and her friends had done?? theres fresh food-no one is wearing ratty old#clothes that were trash from auradon#the air is better#and theres no propagana pictures#Mal asks-not so descretly-what happened and Hades just goes 'uma.'#Uma made it her whole ass mission to make the isle a better place in gernal becuase even if they're steadely getting kids off-its still a#really bad place and-ya know-HUMAN RIGHTS#Ben is very supportive and the isle becomes less an inhumane prison and more just a isle of solitude where the villains live without magic#the barrier was edited personally by FG and Uma to allow fresh air and water in and out of the isle becuase it was really fucked up that#once ANYTHING gets in it cant go out so the isle waters were really really poluted and bad and FG was like- "how did i not know it was this#bad!?“ and uma is just like ”....really?“#anyway i have feelings about the fandoms old theories about d3#anyway Mal goes through teh deliema of either going back to her timeline where the isle is still really bad but shes happy or#stay in the timeline where the isle is much better but she's still stuck and not with Ben/becoming queen#so she has the same choice in this alt timeine that she gets in d3 but its much more-just on her-becuase she knows Uma wont twist back#the timeline-shes happy#Harry and Gil are happy-lots of kids are already off the isle#and Ben looks happy too...hopefully
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
The VKs and Games
It doesn't matter what kind of games they like to play. It doesn't matter what kind of game it is. The very notion of a game is warped, for some of them.
The last time Harriet Hook played a game, it was in an attempt to keep her barely-out-of-toddlerhood siblings quiet and occupied as they crouched in a small dark place on the Jolly Roger and their father rampaged in a drunken rage.
The very idea of playing a game is completely foreign to Claudine Frollo. She genuinely has no idea what it is.
The only games Mal, Uma, Evie, Ginny Gothel, and anyone else with fairy or witch blood have experience with are word games, riddles, where one misspoken word costs you a lot more than the game. They are experts in wording things very carefully and finding loopholes.
The only games Freddie and Celia Facilier have ever played are card games. And they're always for something, even something small and useless. Games are never for free.
When Carlos was younger, Cruella sometimes played a game with him. Usually it involved Carlos having to pretend to be a puppy and Cruella hitting him with her cane if he forgot.
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little-teacupss · 26 days
My Masterlist + Rules + blog
Their good fairy. Series
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Part one.
Part two.
Part three of part one of castlecoming.
Part three of part two of castlecoming.
Part four the ending. Coming soon
P.S. - I love you two-shots
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P.S. - I still love you.
P.S. - I'll always love you. Coming soon
May your anchor be tight and your heart be mine. Series
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Chapter I.
Chapter II.
Chapter III. Coming soon
Chapter IV. Coming soon
Chapter V. Coming soon
Chapter VI. Coming soon
Chapter VII. Coming soon
More chapters under construction!!
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The Pirate meets his fairy.
The Pirate and his Fairy.
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The Pirate and His Fairy.
The Serptine's Jealousy.
Miscellaneous/Spin offs.
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Family Montage - mini fics.
Couples therapy - mini fic
She's yours - angst fic
Memes with MFH and the VK's - meme quotes
Part two of MFH and the VK's - meme qoutes
The trapped fairy - Yandere fic part one
The trapped Fairy pt 2 - Yandere fic part two
Harriet's lullaby - yandere mini fic
1. I do take requests, but there are somethings I will not write
2. Character death, it's just that I've never done it and would have no clue how to set it up - I might be trying it in an upcoming story
3. NSFW/non-con/SA, once again I've never written about it before and would have no clue how to set it up, but also I will not write about non-con/SA, it's not in my morals and not something I support or want to Romanticize. But for NSFW, I will have as far as making out, implied, and off-screen, that is as far as I will go
4. Labor scenes, it would make me uncomfortable to write about something so sensitive, I'll go as far as getting to the hospital and after
5. Omegaverse, sorry in some ways I think it can be written well depending on the person, I'm just not one to those people
6. Suicide, sorry I won't write about that kind of sensitive subject
7. I only write character x character, unfortunately I've tried to do character x reader, and it doesn't work for me either I go into writers block, or it doesn't perform well, or it never gets finished
8. I won't write stories where the partner is bullying the other partner, for example: Bridget x Hook, Morgie x Fay, Maleficent x Fay x Hades. I'm sorry, but it doesn't sit right with me
9. Domestic abuse, once again, goes against my morals and trauma, but also I won't write about that kind of sensitive topic
10. At the moment I'm only writing for Descendants, but I will notify when I'm writing for other Randoms
And that's all for Rules for now.
On tumblr got under little-teacups. I'm a minor, I go by she/her, I will not allow any kind of bullying, I also believe you can give criticism without being a prick.
Tagged Creators: @giveityourworst
My co-founder/creditor of the MFH ship: @giveityourworst
Remembering Eric Pankratz.
Multi-Universe lores.
Pirate terminology.
My anons
🎃 anon - pronouns they/them
🦐 anon - pronouns he/they
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lumax-mayclair · 2 months
There’s something very interesting about the Hook family in Descendants…
With all the lore surrounding descendants, the movies, the books, wicked world, etc, there’s a lot of talk about how no one on the isle are “friends”; they’re acquaintances, partners in crime, crew members— and then there’s the Hook siblings and their ride or die besties:
Personally I explain it by headcanoning that unlike the rest of the kids and their parents, Captain Hook and their mother actually were in love; therefore the Hook sibling have seen what it is to actually be in love and devoted to someone 😊🩵❤️
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
Uliana is the aunt of everyone on the Lost Revenge. They all call her Aunt Uliana. Uma says her aunt is coming over and everyone instantly lights up because they love her.
"My aunt" "Our aunt, Uma."
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caswensworld · 6 months
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The headmaster of Dragon Hall and the principal of Auradon Prep would be an iconic duo!
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dizzydizney · 2 years
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emeraldtart · 20 days
Descendants AU where the villains are surprisingly good parents. Out of spite but then it turned genuine.
It started off with some of the good characters of Auradon said that its impossible for villains to love or even comprehend what love is.
You know what the villains think? Aight, bet.
Some of the villains are genuinely good parents, like Hades since he is the god with the less shenanigans out of the entire pantheon.
Since this is an AU, I've thought of making Mal close with the Underworld family rather than being directly related to Hades (maybe she's very distantly related, some generations back from her father's side?)
Hadie's real name was Zagreus, but since he looks after his father a lot other villain parents calls him Hadie as a nickname. When he reached adolescence only the adults knows his real name.
Hades and Captain Hook might be the best dads on the island, and they have a friendly rivalry on who's the top dad on the island is.
Spoiler, it was Facilier who won that title.
Captain Hook is probably one of the first to be on board the idea of trying to raise a child (or three) properly, because his nemesis is a boy who brings children to a dangerous island and 'thins them out' when they get older, of course he'd grow a conscience.
Hook's wife lives in our world, along with their three children, but when the barrier was erected the magic pulled the children to the Isle.
His wife also happens to be Mary Darling's sister, which make Wendy and her brothers cousins with the Hook kids.
The Hook siblings' mother never knew what happened to them. She thinks that The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up took them as revenge for being bested by Hook long ago.
Hook having his three children (Harriet, Harry and CJ) suddenly ended up on his bed at three in the morning surely isn't how he expects fatherhood to come back to him.
Mal is technically the oldest Villain Kid on the Isle, because she was a dragon fae she came from an egg, and her egg was laid more than a century before the villains were banished to the Isle of Lost.
Her egg was supposed to hatch about 100 years ago, but due to the whole fiasco with Sleeping Beauty and some of the fairies hating what Maleficent did, they cursed her egg so it won't hatch until Sleeping Beauty woke up.
And the fact that the father was a human and there was no magic on the Isle rises the possibility of the child dying within the shells of their egg.
It caused Maleficent so much grief during that 100 years time. Even when she was banished she worries that the people of Auradon were right; she doesn't know how to love. That's why her child don't hatch.
Mal's birth was the greatest thing to happen to Maleficent, next to the happier times in her past.
The Evil Queen/Grimhilde is best friends with Maleficent. She was by Maleficent's side when she was grieving the fate of her unhatched child.
Grimhilde is the best at gossip because of her mirror.
She and Cruella probably make a living on making children clothes.
Gaston probably struggled in how to take care of children. Before, he wanted boys yes, so he can teach them how to hunt and be a man. But when he realised that parenthood started even before the child is born he knew he needed help.
Unfortunately none of the villain dad group could help Gaston with his horrible naming scheme.
At least Gil was spared from the confusing fate of sharing his name with his dad.
Ursula also needs help when raising Uma, since she has no idea how to raise a half-mer daughter.
She figured it out, mostly. But sometimes Uma just went and do some of the weirdest things that are neither Merfolk things nor human things. Eventually the entire island just chalk it up to an average child's weirdness.
Jay and Carlos are neighbours, and they stick to each other's sides, thick as thieves. Carlos sometimes take scrap fur and sew them into a blanket they use for fort.
The Core Four and Sea Three are friends, although the shrimp accident happened because Gil's brothers think it'd be funny.
That was the day the island learned that Mal has way too many teeth in her mouth and too little reason not to use them.
When Ben became king and asked the Isle children to come to Auradon, he doesn't realise what he had brought to the kingdom.
Harry asked Smee in forging three more letters so the Sea Three can go to Auradon too.
Mal made a magic copy of the original letter and printed it to avoid magic detectors.
Jay swapped the fake with the original, and nobody realise that there aren't supposed to be seven Isle kids in the kingdom.
Ben did and asked why there's seven of them, to which Carlos said, "What do you mean? Of course there's seven of us, it says so in the letter. Everyone of us gets it,"
There's still plot with Audrey being bitter with her breakup, but instead of the entire island save the cast falling asleep, everyone (on Auradon and Isle of Lost) falls asleep and the Core Seven has to navigate the dreams and reach Audrey.
Maybe the Core Seven sees their parents' lives before the Isle.
Maybe at one point they end up in London, somehow the magic Audrey used connected them to that world via Hook's wife.
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Some moooore little incorrect quotes from Descendants! This is gonna be a long one, sorry not sorry.
(with ships)
Audrey: *kisses Uma*
Uma: !
Audrey: ...Did you steal my chapstick?
Uma: Did- did I what?
Audrey: My chapstick, Uma. Did you steal it?
Ben: Audrey, for the love of God, not this again.
Uma: I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Audrey: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick.
Uma: Chocolate and popcorn?
Ben: Why do you think it got discontinued?
Ben: Do you think I'm plastic?
Audrey: No.
Ben: Phew. Oka-
Audrey: Plastic, at least, has some use in life. You're not plastic.
(Damn. What did he do to yo-..oh.. right.. yeah. I've also decided to make him Orange because it's close to yellow)
Ben: War is heck!
Chad, to Ben: If my dad doesn't say "I'm King of the world" within an hour on that boat, I will give you my next pay check.
Charming, within 5 minutes of getting on the boat: I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!
(Absolutely. Canon)
Audrey: God, if only someone loved me…
Uma: *standing behind them with roses*
Ben: *holding box of chocolates*
Chad: *has balloons and a card*
Mal: *facepalms* This is sad.
(Me: *holding a big Teddy Bear* lol I had a crush on her only in the Third movie. Loved her Queen of Mean Era)
Chloe: So, what is Red to you?
Maddox: The reason I wake up every morning.
Chloe: ...That’s adorable.
Red earlier that morning, barging into Maddox's room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
(They've got this sibling bond)
Chloe: Are pigeons drones?
Chad: What? No, I'm trying to sleep.
Chloe: Think about it. How come you've never seen a baby pigeon? And why do you never actually see a pigeon nest? Because they're DRONES!
Chad: *Crying* Please let me sleep...
(Sibling sleepover. Also Chloe, your Mary Anne is showing)
Red: I intend to stay pissed at you forever.
Red: Even if I seem helpful.
Maddox: Then you're in luck.
Maddox: Because you don't.
Uma: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person.
Carlos: Actually, Jane is my favourite.
Uma: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
(Yup and I love you. Carlos and Jane✨🫠)
Evie: I love making parties more interesting by telling strangers “I want you to know that I personally have no problem with you being here.”
(Sweet and dangerous. Perfect.)
Uma: Evie said its my turn with the brain cell.
Mal: Square up.
(lol. Canon.)
Uma: What starts with F and ends with Uck?
Chad: No it doesn't.
Jane: Firetruck!
Mal: FUCK!
(Mal speaks my mind. Jane is smart and Chad got the spirit. He's not wrong tho.)
Jay: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer.
Carlos: ...Please, go back to bed.
(Jay loves to annoy everyone. Mostly Mal.)
Carlos: I can do anything I put my mind to. I once figured out Jane's phone number just by choosing random numbers.
(..why didn't you just ask? But also impressive)
Chad: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched?
Chloe: IT.
Dizzy: Annabelle.
Maddox: Paranormal Activity.
Red: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.
(Honestly just did this because Kylie was in the HSMTMTS. Honestly. They do that in Auradon too. So watch out)
Red: Why is it so hard for you to believe me?!
Chloe: ...
Red: Oh, right. The lying.
(Has she ever lied to Chloe? I don't think so. But I find the quote funny)
Evie: A mouse!
Mal, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Jay, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Carlos, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Gil, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Harry: His name is Remi, dummy.
Evie: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
(um.. yeah.. you know what-)
Chloe: A mouse!
Dizzy, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Celia, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Maddox, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Chad, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Red: His name is Remi, dummy.
Chloe: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
(just some family time)
Chad: Sometimes I like to call people by the wrong name to show them I don’t care about them.
Red: That’s brilliant.
Chad: Thank you, Maddox.
Jay: Everyone has a toxic trait. Except Carlos, they’re perfect.
Carlos: Wrong! My toxic trait is how badly I want to domesticate a raccoon.
(Facts. He is perfect)
Red: Hold the fuck up.
Chloe: Excuse me?
Red: I said hold the fuck up.
Red: I’m the fuck up, hold me.
(Aww...canon.. I mean she's not a fuck up. Maybe in her mother's eyes. But aww)
Jay: You know, there’s something weird going on with your face?
Mal: What?
Jay: You’re smiling! I didn’t know you could do that?
(Because she and Evie finally got together. UwU)
Evie: How do you tell someone their breath stinks?
Jay: Hey, I'm bored, let's drink mouthwash.
(He definitely did that with his teammates)
Jay: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Evie: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
(Oof. Do I want to know?)
(Little surprise from the past)
Charming: Care to give a free sample to a pretty person?
Ella, manning a bake sale and tired of their shit: Sure! You know one?
Charming: Care to give a free sample to an ugly person?
(he's trying)
Brigdet: I have a question.
Ella: Shoot.
Bridget: Is the S or C in scent silent?
Hook: Fuck you, I’m going to be thinking about this all day.
Ella: Okay well, cent is pronounced the same way as scent so I’m gonna say the S is silent.
Bridget: Okay, but sent is also spelled the same way.
Hook: Google says that the C was added in the late seventeenth century, so I guess the S is silent.
Morgie: Plot twist, both the S and the C are silent and the E actually makes the sss sound.
Hook: Morgie is not allowed to talk anymore.
(Just them having a double date)
Bridget: Made you all playlists!
Bridget: Hades and Maleficent, yours have only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Bridget: Ella and Uliana, yours have sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Bridget: Charming, Morgie and Hook have the ABBA Gold album.
(she knows them well)
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Ella: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Bridget: ...I did. I broke it.
Ella: No. No you didn't. Uliana?
Uliana: Don't look at me. Look at Morgie.
Morgie: What?! I didn't break it.
Uliana: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Morgie: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Uliana: Suspicious.
Morgie: No, it's not!
Hook: If it matters, probably not, but Maleficent was the last one to use it.
Maleficent: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Hook: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Maleficent: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, James!
Bridget: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Ella.
Ella: No! Who broke it!?
Hook: Ella... Hades has been awfully quiet.
Hades: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Ella, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Ella: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Ella: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
(Damn Ella)
Bridget: It’s just that lollipop sticks last longer than the head, even if they’re less flavorful. I’m thinking of paper sticks, because you can peel off the layers with your teeth or leave it there until they fall off naturally, but plastic sticks can be chewed on too or left sticking out like a cigarette. Paper straws can be eaten layer by layer over time though, so they have the edge.
Morgie, bored: Can’t we just leave while they’re distracted?
Ella, genuinely interested: But what about wooden sticks?
Morgie: I hate you.
(No. It doesn't taste good and it's flaky? I don't like the paper ones. I like the plastic ones. Love to chew on them, tastes neutral ig idk. Wooden sticks tho. Taste great. And you can chew on them. But they break easily and you could get a splinter I think? But still Wooden wins for me. Plastic second and then paper)
Hope you liked it!
This was a bit longer.
Sorry not sorry.
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