#( zella is a good person btw )
dragonsholygrail · 2 months
Do you have any monster OCs? or any OCs at all? :o
You are opening Pandora’s box with this question, my love. Goodness gracious, I’m gonna put it all under the cut because the answer is yes, I have many OCs both monster, cyborg, and otherwise!
Thank you so much for asking btw, it was super sweet of you <33
If anyone would like to send in any asks about these then I’d be more than happy to talk about them 👉🏼👈🏼
Tumblr OCs
So, starting off with on my blog, I have 2 OCs! I have Demon Prist, my special boy. His story is that he is a fallen angel who is desperately trying to get back into Heaven and God’s good graces when you come into his life. He’s convinced you’re a gift from God for his devotion all these millennia as you take his pain away.
I also have Ghost bf whose name is yet to be revealed although I do have one! His story (lore drop!) is that when moving to a new city, you’re looking for an apartment and you find him! The two of you talk for weeks before agreeing to a sort of trial run. But before you can get there, Ghost bf dies and you show up to an empty apartment and you expect him to be back soon. When he reveals himself to you the two of you contact each other in weird ways and fall in love along the way.
More to come too!
Book OCs
Then I also have Monster OCs that I would like to introduce here and later possibly turn into books! The first being Wren and Emery. Wren is a bigender Eldritch monster whose favorite show is a monster hunter show where they find monsters and study them. Not actual hunting. Emery was the host of this show with her bf Jonah when a bad werewolf accident happens and Jonah kind of takes over the show. Wren decides to invite the show to his manor to essentially… catch him. All in order to help Emery. It’s very rom-com vibes. Wren and Emery are the main couple (Jonah is bad)
I have Delilah and Augustine with their friends Ivory and Sivan. I want to write their story through an anthology. It’s basically flustered vampire x bimbo human. Delilah is insanely smart, she’s a mortician ironically. But she misses a lot of things right in front of her, hence the bimbo type personality. So it’s a collection of like Augustine constantly getting caught being a vampire bc he’s not smooth or sneaky (anymore) and it just doesn’t click for Delilah. Which makes Ivory, her best friend that’s also a secret vampire, insane. She’s a hypocrite but her and Auggie have a fun dynamic.
Thirdly, I also have Zella and Senén. Sen is a hybrid wolf who ran his own mafia when his men thinks he betrayed them and the cops are on his tail. So hides as a puppy hybrid in England with an American woman named Zella who’s there looking after her sick grandmother. He has to maintain his facade even as he finds it all super demeaning. But he falls for Zella and starts getting comfortable in this new life when trouble turns its head back around on him.
Next I also have this idea for a futuristic serial fiction that would span over at least 100 chapters. It’s sci-fi fantasy. Think Nimona-ish but darker. It’s ultimately kinda cyberpunk but from the opposite perspective of it for the most part. It follows Nora or Noor and she’s in the II (Iridium Imperium) also known as the eyes. It’s a guild that protects the city like law enforcement and they’re all cyborgs with special magical gifts. Their whole city runs on guilds it’s a requirement to be in one within city limits. Only those with magical gifts can join The II. The story covers the climatic and intense downfall of The II and ultimately Nora herself as everything she’s ever known is destroyed and she’s the last to accept it if she ever really does. She has at least 3 romantic partners over the course of the series but I’m unsure if I want her to end up Ren, her enemies to lovers man from outside the city limits who understands her far too well, her ex Gio who abandoned her in order to join the resistance but always comes back for her whenever she needs him, end up with them both in a throuple, or if she should end up alone! It’s a huge world and many OCs within this world.
The working title of this next one is called Grimoire Gargoyles! It features Giselle who’s a librarian working in France at a super old library. She finds herself in the restricted section and reads out loud from a book. Accidentally releasing two French Revolution Gargoyles from their prison stuck on top of the library. Now that Francois and Bastien are free they try and leave but find themselves drawn back to Giselle. Revealing themselves to her she isn’t afraid given that monsters are a normal sight in their world. Though Gargoyles have been extinct since the Revolution. Together they work together to try and finish the spell to release them from their curse and fall in love along the way.
More include a heist trilogy with a Dragon jeweler for the King and a thief, a dryad who accidentally performs a mating ritual with an ancient dragon at a festival celebrating his supposed vanquishing, a vampire stalker who stalks a human after tasting her blood for the first time but then stops and she starts stalking him bc she’s upset he stopped stalking her, a dragon hybrid and a griffin hybrid who exchange mating symbols as kids and basically betroth themselves to each other but he’s meant to marry her sister and years later they go through the marriage trials together not knowing it’s impossible for him to marry someone else.
Other Book OCs
My oldest OCs are from last November and it’s called Crafting Constellations. It’s an elf world and all high fantasy. The first book follows Soleil and Peracles. Peracles is the heir to a Kingdom that’s only ever had female rulers and Soleil is his general. They have a forbidden romance going on and have to work together to figure out the evil plot against the crown by an unknown force. See art of them here. Its sequel features Cane, Peracles’ royal advisor and Soleil’s ex, in his heartbreak when he saves Pera from being poisoned. He gets into an enemies to lovers with Pera’s assassin named Astraea. Then the third book features the antagonist as the main character Nova and she kidnaps Viyan, a co-worker of sorts with Astraea in order to get revenge. Then I have a secondary series featuring all 4 of Peracles’ brothers with love interests. Also a prequel that’s a sapphic tragedy with Peracles mother and her own general.
Then my second oldest OCs named Prudence and Narada. It’s another sci-fi fantasy series. Prudence is a part of a faction that has the power to get into another persons mind and read it and control it. A long time ago her faction was deemed too dangerous to stay alive so they made them extinct. And for over 100 years they’ve been living in secret and pulling the strings of their entire world Janeus. Her coven sees into the future and ensures fate stays on course. So they kill the emperor of one of the empires so that his son takes over: Narada. Prue goes there, hiding her eyes as their powers are revealed through eye color. And she successfully manipulates him but they fall for each other along the way and she ends up betraying her coven and revealing herself and their plan for the young emperor. Prue is convinced that she can fix things and manipulate fate all on her own but their world slowly begins to perish and she realizes her mistake. When she gets a “chosen one” prophecy with herself as the one to defeat, she learns to accept fate and that you can’t control it as she thought.
More include a fae hunter x fae lord that’s kinda similar to Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride lol, two demons and a human working at a casino and underground fighting ring that helps them hide from the world when their pasts catch up to them, and a biblical apocalypse where the world is split into the seven deadly sins and the Lord of Greed and a man working for the Lord of Lust inadvertently work to bring the second coming of Christ.
And I’m sure there’s even more that I’ve forgotten or that have slipped my mind!! I have so many plots in my head that it’s hard to focus on any of them lol.
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arisalem · 1 year
Hi, i'm Ariadna but i go by Aria
I saw someone in tumblr make an introduction in a post so i thought why not do it myself too?
~My name is Ariadna and i love reading about mythology ever since i heard of it.
~I'm 23 y/o and i'm an Aries. Yes, i like astrology and i'm pretty much into it. I also believe in energy, spirituality, reincarnation, ghosts, angels, witches. You pretty much get the point i think.
~I love all things weird, like subcultures, reptiles, gothic literature, carnivorous plants and other strange topics (ik the examples aren't really strange but it was what came to my mind, i'll keep updating).
~I LOOOVE horror, fr, it's what gets me going. I also love vampires and werewolves, stories about them, the possibility that they actually existed or still exist, pretty horrorful but i do believe in them, for some f*cked up reason probably.
~I love animals and wish i could go vegan, i actually want to achieve that goal cause i think that killing animals to feed on them and the things people/the industry does to get animal food is absolutely horrorful (not in a good way), gross and cruel. However, i don't judge those who eat meat or even like eating meat, it's how this world is used to eat basically, we're used to do many things that aren't right for us and other creatures. Also, i've heard people say phrases such as "poor plants, they have feelings too" or "we're carnivorous by nature", etc. and my thought on those "arguments" ("" because it's not really an argument) is fuck you, i get it, you like meat, fucking say it , don't justify yourself, just say you like eating meat.
~I organize and categorize things when i'm bored and don't know what to do, they're usually files or films in my pc or could also be photos in my phone, things like that. It's like the way i destress (not sure if that word exists) sometimes.
~I'm a people person but i seem a bit antisocial or introverted in person because i suffer from social anxiety sometimes (most times). Also, my blog is a safe space for anyone that identifies "outside the norm" or the socially accepted, like goths, emos, lgbtq+ community, etc. And i won't accept any agression, violence or cruelty done against anyone in my blog. If you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, lgbtq+ phobic, sexist, mysogynist, hembrist (yeah that's a thing too), xenophobic, sexual abuser (or someone who supports abuse cause "they were asking for it", btw f*k you) or just a plain bully, then fuck off my blog, you're not welcome, i won't condone it.
~I write and create oc's as a hobby (i'm not very good at it though). Some of my character's names are Celestine Phade, Orion Debstern, Coralinn Wardwell, Eleonor Bruneau, Osiris Éjzsaka, Lavender Kelechii, Andromeda Harkin, Rita Abital-Cheronobog, Anastasia Bosporus, Zella Haizea. Some of them have pretty weird names and i made a few of them (their names). Some are witches, most of them are witches.
~I have many stories to write about, i always start them but never finish them cause i think i'm not a good writer (i'm probably not, at least not so good), i have good ideas though.
~I draw and paint sometimes, but i haven't in a while. I like dark art and usually draw/paint faces, i'm good at drawing bodies tho but mostly female bodies, i've never really practiced much drawing male anatomy. Not really good at hands, they feel difficult to draw, they're not actually difficult, they just feel like it.
~I'm currently studying html programming but i'm not sure that's what i wanna dedicate myself to, i actually like cybersecurity but i'm just starting with programming. I also like many things to study but not all of them are well paid as a job, like photography, criminology, archeology, speleology, painting. So many possibilities, but so little time.
~For anyone that could and will probably ask: i have a boyfriend, and no, i don't want to s*xt with you or get any pics of your d*ck. Tysm
I'll keep updating if anything comes to mind
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sundrought-blog · 8 years
Send me an ✍🏻️ and I will introduce you to one of my OC’s | accepting!
☽║☾ ZELLA: is a young woman with very low empathy, low emotional affect, and borderline APD who is a non-psychokinetic user in‘The Leviathan Program’ novel. Her moral compass is somewhat skewed, but it is what she’s been using since her childhood to gauge her actions and words. She has a very black-and-white way of seeing the world due to this, dividing people into three categories: usable, foe, and (very rarely) friend. 
Acting as a chameleon of sorts, Zella adapts her personality and mannerisms to fit whatever role she needs to play. Her physical appearance is that of a woman with long, dark hair, green eyes, lithe, and stands at roughly 5′8″. She is best described as shrewd, careful, manipulative, cold, possessive, and methodical. 
A breakdown of her categories are as followed: 
“Foe” is anyone who gets in her way of her goals. For now, her main goal seems rather altruistic: help people with psychokinetic powers gain more rights/freedom. She has no problem eliminating these people in any way possible-- though she prefers to have others do her bidding. 
“Usable” is anyone who can be manipulated to help her achieve these goals. This is by far where the majority of people she meets are thrown into-- everyone has at least one simple motivation that she can use to further her own goals. Because she has had to study human nature/personality so steadily, she is quite good in regards to interpersonal skills, and many would not believe her to be lacking in empathy. 
And finally, “Friend” currently has only one person in this category. A childhood friend with psychokinetic powers, Hope is the only person who, after seeing who Zella truly was, did not leave or try to change her. Being the only constant in her life and the person who helped her craft her moral compass, Hope is someone who Zella deems as irreplaceable. Due to this, she is highly valuable and outranks any of Zella’s goals. Despite being a non-psychokinetic user, Zella genuinely wishes to help their cause, going so far as acting as the “brain” of their organization so their goals can be met: of pk’s eventually having the same rights as non-pk’s. 
Also, it is because of her, that Zella knew she could experience a truly pure emotion: that of love.  *side note, Zella is not an antagonist in the novel, and is actually quite kind to the protagonist. Her APD does not define her, but it is a part of her personality and actions.
their pinterest board is here and i’m absolute trash for them lol 
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karin-in-action · 5 years
Davenzi Playlist
So I've made a David and Matteo playlist on Spotify: Davenzi (David x Matteo)
I've decided to share it before today's episode because that could potentially change how we see these two characters.
Chicago - Sufjan Stevens
"I drove to New York
In a van, with my friend
We slept in parking lots
I don't mind, I don't mind
I was in love with the place
In my mind, in my mind"
I fell in love with Sufjan Stevens when I watched "call me by your name". His music is on the soundtrack and I love the calm and a bit sad vibe of it. I think it fits Matteo and David too.
I picked this song because it reminds me of David asking Matteo what he'd wish for, Matteo saying he'd just drive away and David adding "to Detroit". Detroit is not Chicago but I think the vibe is really similar.
Jameson - Zella Day
"Oh Jameson, you've had your fun
Stop holding him, I wanna be the one
I promise you, I'll treat him right
Don't wanna fight, you don't need him like I do"
The song is originally written about falling for someone who is an alcoholic and not being able to have them because they already have something else (the alcohol) but I think it fits well with falling for someone who is in a relationship too.
Keeping a secret - Bleachers
"One more dance, one more night
Hanging on for bitter moonlight
They can't change what we started
If we stop keeping a secret
I can't let go
All your pictures on my phone
All your clothes are in my bedroom
What if we stop keeping a secret?"
This song is from the "love Simon" soundtrack and it's about having a secret relationship and not wanting to keep it a secret anymore.
Half as good as you - Tom Odell, Alice Merton
"And people say my expectations are too high
But I'm not asking for the moon
If I ever find anyone half as good as you
I think maybe that would do"
I think the song fits Matteo's situation well. He knows he wants David but he also knows he can't have him. He's still with Sara and he's really trying to make it work. He knows Sara is a good person. "If I ever find anyone half as good as you maybe that would do" Matteo knows it's not going to work and that it's an illusion but he can't give up yet.
Girl Crush - Harry Styles
"I want to taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much"
This song is a cover version. Originally it was sung by a female singer and I think that was a bit messed up. This song as a straight fake gay love song is just ugh. Luckily the cover is a lot better in my humble opinion. It changes the perspective. Suddenly it's actually gay. A guy wants to be the girl his male crush is with to be with him because being her or even just being with her is the only chance he sees to be with him.
True Colours - Tom Odell
"But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow"
This is a cover version of an iconic song by Cyndi Lauper. The song wasn't originally meant to be about the lgbt+ community but it is seen this way by many. True colours is about loving someone unconditionally and about the pressure to be ‘normal’ and being unable to be and express yourself for who you truly are.
summer depression - girl in red
"Summer depression
There’s so much time to question my life
Summer depression
It's my
Summer depression"
A song perfect for our favourite depressed boy and that not only in summer but also in fall, winter and spring. Girl in red is a lesbian singer and this playlists needs lgbt+ representation.
Talia - King Princess
"But four drinks I'm wasted
I can see you dancing, I can lay down next to you
At the foot of my bed
If I drink enough
I can taste your lipstick, I can lay down next to you
But it's all in my head
If I drink enough I swear that I will wake up next to you"
A song by my favourite singer King Princess. She's a lesbian too btw. This song is about a breakup but I think it fits Matteo's daydreaming quite well.
Make Me Your Queen - Declan McKenna
"I know that I mean nothing to you babe
I've tried my best to keep these thoughts away
Oh I try to speak but there's nothing left to say
'Cause I mean nothing to you babe"
Matteo and David provably both think that the other one isn't interested in them. Matteo tries really hard to appear straight and even has a girlfriend. David just disappears without an explanation and leaves Matteo on read. What else should they assume?
Declan McKenna also has a song about being trans (Paracetamol) but that's a bit sad and this playlist is more about the relationship between David and Matteo.
What are songs you associate with David and Matteo? I'd love to add them to this playlist.
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dancekickboxcardio · 5 years
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I am already up and I am wondering if I can go back to bed 🛏. I went to bed 🛏 Cinderella time. It was horrible but TV 📺 was good. Maybe I should watch early morning to wake me up. Yeah, I’ll do that. I should make my espresso too while I am at it. I was upset, mad 😡 and angry at my Mom for not picking up any of the items on my 🛒 BJ’s list. She said she only got what was necessary with what she has. Ugh 😩, constant car 🚘 repairs. I would love 💕 love to believe my Mom but my parents combined income are sizable. But I am not entitled to their money 💵. It’s just that sometimes I can be the most understanding person in the world 🌍. No, this is not good enough for me. I always get the short end of the stick right. I mean what kind of 30 year old has all her bills taken care of, free everything, two cars 🚘 and a $300 stipend. I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️. If you ask me, I’d rather be making my own dough and traveling 🧳 to Europe. It’s like your life is unbelievable. It’s like you can afford Pepper Pike. So which private school did you go to? Oh, you mean you live on charity. How dignified. You mean you’ve never like travel anywhere? So tell me, who are you friends and without trying which college can you go to without worrying about tuition. You are to judge because obviously, you are embarrassing. Please shrivel in littleness. Oh, my gosh, you had to work. I had like cash in my bank 🏦 account. But don’t worry, I divvied up $22k with my Dad. He like went to a private university in California. Where did you Mom go? Oh, my Mom is like a graduate 🎓 of Notre Dame herself. We are poor. We like don’t have student loans. We buy sale 🏷 items at Nordstrom’s. We have actual lawyers. You mean you don’t have one? Surely you have CITI in your wallet. I know I like want Kate Spade ♠️ but I am getting Ted Bakers instead for my passport carrier too. BTW, I am not getting outfits because I have to get Zella’s pants 👖. They are so cheap. Oh, I am not getting Northface duffel which the business administrator in me screams 😱 yes, I am getting more cheap everyday leggings and oooh bauble bar 💎 . You mean to tell me you all didn’t go to private universities. I know, it’s tough to put up fees upfront. It’s like one year matriculation plus room and board cash. So in Case that’s $28k * 2 = $60k. Ugh 😑, I don’t want to work in MICU. Who cares? You are at Hillcrest and you are bagging one of the doctors in the surgical team. I believe he is the anesthesiologist. You mean you have no boyfriend. Ah, girl. Would you like to borrow a Koch? A prince 🤴🏻 perhaps. Well, let’s get real a well-connected Spaniard. Hahahahaha. You are that big deal. You should like marry a Jew from Orange.
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inktae · 7 years
(This'll probably be a couple asks because I don't know how long these will be;) But for Music, I think you would like the artists: Birdy, Hozier, Jaymes Young, Bastille, New Politics, Lana Del Ray, Marina and the Diamonds, EchoSmith, Paramore, Of Monsters and Men, Clean Bandit, One Republic, Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, and Misterwives (legit just went through all my CDs rip). Some are more soft, others a little more pop/punk, and others are a bit quirky/meaningful. You've probably heard some (1)
(2) of these guys already too. I kind of just chose some more indie vibes bands/singers, if I'm honest? You said you liked that and I already get that feel from you, so I thought they'd be good ^^ sorry if you don't like them tho 😅. Uh, so others songs I think you might like are "Lights Down Low" by MAX; especially the orchestra version. It's one of my personal favorites, tbh. "Ten Feet Tall" by Afrojack, "Angel" by Theory of a Deadman, "Closer" by Emma Jensen, "High" (Vanic x Zella Day remix)
(3) "Faded" (Alan Walker remix), "Stayin' Alive" (Bee Gees Cover),"I wanna be yours" by Arctic Monkeys, and "Sail" by AWOLNATION. btw I think you'd like Ed Sheeran, Neon Trees (maybe?), and X Ambassadors too. Maybe even Troye Sivan, but him and Jaymes Young usually have sadder/soft songs. (Wow I made three asks for music). For movies... maybe Adaline? It's a romance, but idk, it makes me think of you. There's also Eragon- which is an /AMAZING/ book and the movie is trash compared to it;
(4) I really recommend the book instead, if I'm honest. It's my favorite book series 🙏🏼 Anyways, back to movies! The Giver was a good movie (and book), and the plot was very interesting. Interstellar was a space movie with some crazy tricks at the end, but I wish I knew more movies that messed with your head! I'm not near my movie case so I can't go through them right now :( If I find any more, I'll be sure to tell you! And back to Adaline, the plot and feel of the story reminds me of you and
(5) your stories. It's romance and the whole storyline is creative like your writings; it's also low key indie, vintage vibe like what you have. But on to animes! I'm going to say the ones I like and think you'd like; there's Hetalia, Seraph of the End, Bungou no stray Dogs, Karneval, Ouran HighSchool Host Club, Black Butler, Free!, Sword Art Online, the Devil is a Part-Timer, and my first anime, Kawaichi No Maid Sama. Phew! I think that's it? I said a lot, but I hope you like them ^^;
Wow, I just can't stop saying my Recs. I think you'd also like Lorde, the song "Closer" by Brandyn Brunette x John Lock, and "Work this Body" by Walk the Moon. And tbh I think you'd really like Birdy (the first singer I suggested). She's got a very indie, sad-song-but-you've-accepted-it kind of vibe? Her voice is low key raspy but her voice is soft and beautiful. I suggest "Skinny Love" or "Not About Angels" first if you haven't heard her before. I'm going to stop myself now ^^;
I think you read me quite well, because I know half of the music already and my favorite artists are among them! from your first ask I only did not know about misterwives, so I’m giving them a listen right now. so far so good, I love their vibe!!
lights down low is good, yes!! I feel like it’s a song I already heard somewhere, on the streets maybe haha. so thanks for bringing it back to me :) I also just added closer to my playlist. such a bop 👌👌
and omg, someone actually recommended me adaline a while back but I completely forgot about it. I definitely want to watch it this summer, I think it’s a movie I will enjoy. and eragon alksdjsa I’ve been wanting to read it for years! as for the giver, I think I will note the book down instead of the film, it looks very promising :D interestellar is actually my number one (non-animated) film of all time, it has everything I look for in sci-fi and the scientific accuracy was amazing *sobs*
as for the animes, I’m screaming bc bungou no stray dogs!! I really want to watch that one! and I will check out karnival because I never heard about it before. I already know about the rest - ouran is one of my all time favorite animes, so so good!
thank you for dropping a bit more music there ahaha. closer sounds amazing, and work this body is so upbeat, I will actually add it to my work out playlist lmao :)) birdy is an artist I really enjoy, and my favorite song from hers is wings! (it actually inspired one of my stories hehe). thank you so much for your asks lovely, you really hit my taste spot on!! 
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autumn-garden · 8 years
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by @read-as-dawn (who you should all follow btw), I am so flattered, Rules: Answer the questions and tag followers you’d like to get to know better. Name: Sydney Nickname: Syd/Opera house Gender: Female she/her Star Sign: AQUARIUS (no, not aquarium autocorrect) Height: 5 ft 4 in Favorite Character: depends but also Adam Parrish and Wylan Van Eck and more Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Favorite Color: Indigo Favorite Animal: Um doggos Average Hours of Sleep: 6-8 'cause I stay up to late and have to get up at 5 Cat or Dog Person: Dogs but cats are cool Number of Blankets I Sleep In: One comforter that everyone in my house loves (but it's mine!!!) Favorite Singer/Band: goodness... Hamilton cast, Metric, Halsey, Zella Day, Arctic Monkeys, Heathers cast, Hayley Kiyoko, Panic! At the Disco, Lana del Rey, Glass Animals, Louis Armstrong/Ella Fitzgerald, Troye Sivan,Marina and the Diamonds, some Nirvana. I'm missing some but. Dream Trip: man idk... Dream Job: Writer/Teacher/i don't know Current Number of Followers: ahhhh I'm a smol blog; 174 What Made You Decide to Join Tumblr: um it looked cool and I wanted more fandom in my life I tag: @wondergirlxgirl, @lovelysandlonelys, @morozovasjournals, @czernys-glitter, @bowlofmadisoup, @mushroom-cookie-bears, @coco-the-corbae and I think that's it but I'm bad at tagging so ugh
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