#(<- tagging it as that consistently until i get an actual title to tag it as since it's on the site)
deuterium51614 · 11 months
Behold my Umatani conspiracy board
LOVE -> Robihachi:
Advanced technology
Shared universe
Wombat is there
HAPPY KISS -> Fairy Ranmaru:
Real magic
Memory wipe after battles
Butterfly/fairy wings
Dimension alternate to Earth
Kiss someone else to transform
Robihachi -> Monthly Delulu Science:
Umatani Taiga -> tiger man
Yang is obsessed with strawberry candy -> Umatani Ichigo
Person A going about their regular life, then Person B enters the status quo and turns his life upside down (basing this off the latter's character descriptions)
Periodicals (Robby was a journalist, this anime is about a magazine)
The characters' names are in Western order (given name, then surname)
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(Basically it's like an ABAB pattern...)
4 notes · View notes
Little Sass Factory
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Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: canon typical language, Logan being ruthless and Wade being a teasy asshole
A/N: LETS GOOO DEADPOOL AND WOLVIE FIC‼️‼️ I’ve been wanting to write for these guys ever since I saw the movie y’all have no idea I am so obsessed with them right now 😞 AND A PLUS BEING THIS DOESNT NECESSARILY SPOIL THE MOVIE SOOOO YALL CAN READ IT 🙌🏻🙌🏻
I really hope y’all like this bc I cannot stop thinking about them and yapping about them to my buddies 😭🙏🏻 Like as much as I’d love to wreck these two, I cannot stop thinking about them as a ler duo so have this :]
Tag List: @prairleedog (THANKS FOR THE TITLE INSPO POOKALOOKS 🙏🏻❤️) @kittenwhiskers @cherry-bomb-blush
“Y’know what? I’m actually real excited for this! Moony has been wanting to write a thing with us for a while now! Good on her for pushing through the writers block, that shit sucks ass.”
“…What the hell are you talking about?! We’re looking for the kid, remember!?”
And that they were. They’d been scouring the apartment for like… six minutes now trying to find you. But somehow, you’d been able to consistently switch hiding spots without them noticing.
How? They had no clue. The pair wouldn’t have been surprised discovering you were also some kind of mutant but with advanced sneakiness, if that was even a thing.
Wade was actually having a bit of fun with this, whereas Logan… he was getting pretty pissed. More so than usual.
“Kid, I swear to god, if you don’t show yourself in ten goddamn seconds, I WILL start tearing this fucking place down!”
Logan crouched, his claws instantly coming out, making Wade panic.
“Woaaah, woah, woah, woah! Easy, Peanut, we’re trying to find ‘em! Not kill them, which may sound a little rich coming from me-“
“I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to be angry. The kid decided to pull that shit on us and then split. And now we can’t find ‘em.” The older man growled, his claws retracting back into his hands.
“And this is the moment we start working together!” Wade announced, an arm slung around Logan’s shoulder that most likely would’ve been sliced if he hadn’t allowed the latter to shrug it off in annoyance.
However, Logan swiftly turned at the sound of a noise nearby, his eyebrow raising as he went to check it out, leaving Wade to keep rambling about nonsense he didn’t understand.
“God, where’s Peter Parker when you need him?? Actually, I don’t think I’d mind a lil bit of Miguel O’hara…” Wade let out a long whistle.
“…Ah wait, he doesn’t have that Spidey-Tingle , fUCK-!”
The merc suddenly yelped as he was grabbed by his collar, being yanked towards where Logan was moving.
Meanwhile, you were curled up, both hands over your mouth as you tried to shut yourself up, anxious titters threatening to give yourself away.
You mentally berated that stupid floorboard that just had to creak at the slightest bit of goddamn pressure.
“Ohhh, Y/NNNNN! Come on out now, we’re not gonna hurt ya!”
The sound of the merc’s goofy teasing made you snicker even more, but when you heard how close Logan’s voice was to the closet, you froze.
“Why the hell do you have to talk like that?”
“Whaaat? It turns up the fun knob a little bit! And I know they can hear meeeee!” Wade crooned in that same sing-song tone, followed by an unamused huff from Logan.
“We’re gonna getcha, we’re gonna getchaaaa!”
God, could they just get out the room?? You had to throw them off again and fast. During your panicked inner monologue, you were soon met with… silence.
You relaxed, knowing you must’ve had an opportunity.
…At least you did until you realised something. When the hell is it ever quiet when those two are together?
Then, you heard a hushed voice coming from outside the closet door.
“Ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve waited for…”
…Oh, fuck.
Without warning, the closet doors were swung open by Wade, and the merc jokingly vocalised (very off-key too) while throwing his arms up with a flourish.
As you yelped in fear and dashed out the closet, Wade laughed and made a glance towards… well, air.
“If ya know, ya know!”
You quickly slipped past Wade, also laughing as you ran out the door to the room you’d been hiding in.
“Yohou’ll never take me al- ACK-!”
You yelped again as two strong arms wrapped around your torso, hoisting you up and off the floor.
“And just where do you think you’re goin, bub?”
“Wait, wahahait! Logan, hohold on-“
“No no no no no, I’m not waiting for anything.” Logan interrupted, carrying you back into the bedroom. “Not after you pulled that shit.”
“Oh, whahat? A little bit of water?”
“I wouldn’t say the rubber band on the sink trick counts as a little bit of water, Y/N.” Wade snickered, crossing his arms and smiling proudly at the fact you’d been caught.
“Come ohon, it wasn’t that bahAD-!” You yelped again as you were tossed onto the bed, still giggling. “Whahat’s the matter? Couldn’t shake the water off, kitty cat?”
The older hero scowled threateningly at you, ignoring Wade who sniggered at the joking insult.
“You heheard me!”
Just as Logan was about to full on lunge towards you, Wade grabbed him.
“Hey, hey! Easy now, boy.” The merc spoke like he was talking to a feral dog, making Logan glare at him and growl.
“God, what now?”
“We gotta approach slowly! It builds up anticipation…” As Wade spoke, he began slowly approaching, carefully clambering onto the bed. “And proves to this little prankster how royally fucked they are!”
And it was working. Your giggles soon turned nervous, and you curled up, attempting to shy away from Wade (but not actually putting a lot of effort into getting away, much to Logan’s surprise and Wade’s amusement).
“And theeeen I’m juuust gonnaaaaaa…”
Suddenly, the merc’s arms swiftly looped under your own, lifting and leaving your, well, everything pretty much exposed and unable to be protected.
“Go on, boy! Gettem! Gettem, boy!”
Logan’s fury was way too fuelled by Wade’s stupid comments to even allow you to get a word in edgeways, instantly lunging forwards before digging and vibrating his claw-shaped hands right into your ribs.
“OhoH SHIHIHIT-! L-Logan, gehet OHOHOFF-!” A squeal left your mouth as you burst into frantic giggles and tried to kick, only for the older man to firmly shove right back at your legs, rendering you unable to fight back.
“God, will you just- quit the kicking?” Logan growled, a surprising air of playfulness behind it as he shot his hands right down to your thighs, firmly kneading there.
Despite already squealing your ass off, you couldn’t help but make a quip.
“Mahahaking biscuits reheally isn’t gonna hehehelp you beat the kitty allegahations, buhud-!”
Another low grumble filled the room, before Logan turned his head to Wade.
“Shut the kid up.”
“Roger that!”
Wade did a dumb salute before unhooking his arms from under yours to wiggle his fingers right into your armpits.
“AAAAHHHHHAHA DAMMIHIHIT-!” You practically shrieked, your giggles instantly shifting into full blown laughter as you pinned your elbows to your ribs, trying to squirm away but failing thanks to that iron grip Logan had on your legs.
“Ooh! I think I got a killer spot here, Logan!”
“Hmph, that’s nothin. Watch this.”
Logan earned another screech by mercilessly drilling his thumbs into your hips, making you buck instinctively and cackle uncontrollably.
“Nuh-uh! Armpits are the killer!” Wade protested, the merc speeding up his tickles on your underarms.
“Fat chance! They’re like a banshee when you get ‘em here!”
You wanted to protest, but all you could focus on were those hands attacking your weak spots.
Eventually, you felt them thankfully let up.
…For now, anyway.
“Now, Y/N. There is a way we can squash this beef, y’know.”
Logan sighed at Wade’s words, never understanding this ridiculous slang he dropped into conversation like it was nothing.
“Maybe a simple phrase such as… ‘I’m sorry?’”
“I can do one better.” Logan interrupted. “How about ‘I’m sorry I was a jabbering little sass factory who had the audacity to pull a dumb fuckin prank on people who didn’t do jack?’”
While catching your breath, you sealed what was basically your death wish.
“Oh, yeheah, Captain Caveman? Wheheres your helicopter cluhub, you gonna hit mehe with it?”
Logan fell silent again… while Wade couldn’t help but let out a wheeze at the quip.
“Ohoh, my god! Baby’s first character comparison joke, I’ve taught you so well..!” Wade sniffed dramatically, wiping a fake tear of proudness from the corner of his eye.
However, he froze once he heard you mutter something else.
“Thahat’s right, Mr Clehean-“
A strong gasp of offence left the merc as he placed a hand on his chest, while Logan gave him a smug look at not being the only one who was insulted.
“I beg your finest fucking pardon?! You think that’s any way to talk to Marvel Jesus and his very hairy disciple here!?”
Logan gave Wade another unamused glare.
“Y’know what?”
Wade then swiftly grabbed you again.
“Give ‘em the whiskers, Peanut!”
“They’re not whiskers, they’re muttonchops, you dumb fuck.”
“Same thing! Or shall I pull the move and do a much better job as always?”
The older man snarled, lowering his head down.
“I’ll show you who does it better, asshole…”
“Okay, wait, wahait-! W-What mohove is thiHIHIS-?!”
You cut yourself off with yet another shriek as Logan suddenly blew a giant raspberry right against your stomach, the added sensations that his facial hair provided making you near silent laughter.
It was clear that Logan was basically taking out all his pent up annoyance at Wade on you, and good god it tickled super bad.
And Wade? He was being no help either, as usual.
“Awww, wook at the giggwy wittle baby! Are the Badger Berries making their tummy all tickly? And are they having the time of their life? Yes, they are! Yes, they aaare!”
…Asshole. (Even if he was right.)
You did pride yourself on lasting about five raspberries (Wade could only ever really handle two), but you eventually had to tap your hand against one of Wade’s arms that were still hooked under yours.
“Okahay, Logan. Give em a rest.���
Despite his annoyed hesitance, Logan leant back up, allowing you to get your breath back in shaky pants.
“Geheez… you twoho are juhuhust..!”
“We’re waiting, kid.”
The older man interrupted, giving you a playful but threatening look.
“Fihine… I-I’m sohorry..!” You sighed, your face red as anything as you blinked away little tears that had pricked in the corners of your eyes.
“There we go! That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Wade teased, resting his chin on your shoulder, in which you just rolled your eyes.
“Anyway, we better get ready for round two, huh?”
…Uh oh.
“WHAT?! B-Buhut I apologised!”
Wade did a pretend ‘apologetic asshole’ wince.
“Yeah… but this attack was more only to get you to apologise. This one is to actually teach you a lesson!”
“But thahat’s bullshit-!”
“Well, it’s a good thing we don’t give a fuck.”
Logan shared a look of pure mischief with Wade.
“Let’s gettem.”
And just like that, you were screaming and laughing the apartment down once more, as Logan nuzzled his furry face right into your belly again, pretending to eat it and growling playfully while Wade wrapped his arms around you and blew a raspberry right into the crook of your neck.
Yeah… you were gonna be here for a while.
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muniimyg · 11 months
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4.5: say it 》 series m.list
note: some feelings, some banter,, some smut at the beginning of the 3rd scene <3 have fun,, enj !!! do we like yuna and tae? vibes on... the jealousy? lmk what u guys think !!!mwah <3 updating sooon
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “c2u” // DO NOT comment here or on the masterlist . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks !!!
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @prdshobi @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main
fic taglist: @mint--yoongs @ellesalazar @bloopkook
Soccer was something Jungkook was known for on campus.
It never occurred to you just how well-known he was until now… Yet, it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. Jungkook had quit the team out of boredom and curiosity only to be begged back in as if he’s their ace.
Okay, fine. 
… He probably is the ace. 
Jungkook comes off as too perfect. It’s quite irritating, actually. He has decent grades, a fun friend group, and a well-balanced lifestyle. You can’t help but hate that being a part of his routine for the past few weeks has you in this emotional state: needy. 
You’ve never felt this way before. 
Before the arrangement between you and Jungkook was made, you two barely saw each other. His life consisted of school, soccer, and friends. You only ran into him at parties or friendgroup outings. Having one class with him every other semester has to be the closest you two have ever been. 
You’ve never missed anyone before and although there’s an underlying warm feeling—your feelings of frustration and annoyance have never been stronger. His absence may have gotten your heart to grow fonder of him—but your anger and resistance to him continue to linger. 
It’s almost like a haunting feeling. 
As much as you want to carry on with your day and act like you aren’t waiting for his clingy text messages; you can’t help but itch and wonder what he’s doing and who he’s with. Though his text messages yesterday provided you with some sort of comfort and assurance, you can’t help but feel uneasy about all of this. 
About him. 
“Earth to ____?” Yuna waves her hands in front of your face. Snapping out of your thoughts, you offer her a warm smile. “Geez, you’re so out of it these days… Are you feeling sick?”
You shake your head. 
For a moment there, you were so lost in thought you forgot where you were. For a brief moment, you look out the window and notice the gloomy clouds before turning back to your space. The library is fuller than usual and Yuna is sitting in front of you with her laptop and notebook. She’s been talking for the past 20 minutes about… 
You can’t recall.
Maybe you should start listening to her more… You’re truly the worst friend ever. 
“You look worried… Do you have an exam you didn’t study for or something?” Again, you shake your head in response. Yuna hums as she taps her fingers on her chin. Thinking to herself, she creates a solution. 
“Do you wanna come with me and see Taehyung?” 
You raise an eyebrow at her. “Why would I want to see Taehyung?”
She shrugs, putting her hands up in defeat. “…. Was just suggesting.”
Leaning towards her, you cheekily ask; “fess up. Do you have feelings for him?”
A gasp escapes her lips as she covers her mouth with her hands. Yuna furrows her eyebrows together and looks at you in panic. “Is the ____ interested in my love life? For the first time in forever? When did you get a nose job? You’re so nosy!”
You cover your nose and glare at her. 
“Shut up! Jungkook just mentioned that—”
“Jungkook, huh?” Yuna switches her hand placement immediately. She leans forward to you, putting her elbows on the table, and rests her chin on the palm of her hands. “What’s up with you two? I must’ve been wasted as hell that night at karaoke because if what I saw was true… Boy, do you owe me a girls night…”
Gulping, you keep your chin high. “What do you mean? What did you see that night?”
“He’s into you.”
“Jungkook is into everyone—”
“Yeah, right!” Yuna disagrees passionately, earning a few hushes from other students nearby. In a whispering tone, she continues. “Jungkook barely pays attention to the guys—his own friends! He does what he wants, shows up when he wants, eats what he wants and maintains his slutty figure, and parties when and with who he wants—I think… He wants you. He kept giving you fuck me eyes all night… And you! Don’t act all innocent. I saw you sulking like a little bitch! Which.. Is new? I’ve never seen you clingy before… Not with any of your exes... Not even with me."
You roll your eyes at her. Though her words rang true, you refuse to yield. If Yuna, the densest human in the world, can figure you out... You're fucked.
“You’re right.”
Yuna’s eyes light up. “Really?”
“You were sooo wasted that night.”
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After a few hours of studying, you and Yuna pack your things up. She practically begs you to come with her as she meets up with Taehyung. In all honesty, it didn’t take much convincing. For some reason, you say yes with the tiniest bit of hope that Jungkook would be with him. 
Although, you don’t ask.
Hurrying out of the library, Yuna instantly spots Taehyung. With a toothy smile, he waves and picks up his pace. He greets Yuna with a pat on her head and you by nudging your arm. 
“Where’s Jungkook?” 
Shrugging, you look around as if you could spot Jungkook. Shyly, you answer, “thought he was with you.”
“He came home late yesterday…” Taehyung says as if it mattered for you to know. “I assumed he was with you.”
In response, you shake your head at him. “Nope. I haven’t seen him in a while… Last time was when we got coffee—”
You wince at the memory. 
“You okay?” Yuna’s face falls concerned. Taehyung looks at you rather confused. She hits his arm and confides in him. “See what I mean? She’s been like this all day.”
Taehyung tightens his lips as he gives your odd behaviour some thought. “Maybe she’s sleep-deprived. Are you sleepy, ___? You look a little tired.”
“Maybe the break-up is finally hitting her. Do you miss him, ___? Is that it?” Yuna suggests rather passionately. “You know, I miss him! He was a good boyfriend and you seemed happy—”
You huff, feeling defeated. “I’m just tired. I guess I’m more tired than I realize. I think I should just head home… I’ll catch up with you guys next time.” 
Yuna shoves Taehyung away and pulls you in a hug. She sways you two side to side and cries; “my poor baby, ____! Feel better, okay?”
Laughing, you ask Taehyung to help you peel your best friend off of you. When Yuna lets go and gives you space, her eyes suddenly squint as if she has just seen something unpeculiar. Then, she rubs her eyes to be sure.
“Is that Jungkook?”
You turn your head and feel your heart clench.
It feels conflicted. 
Yes, that was Jungkook.
… But with whom? 
Before you can escape or avoid eye contact with him, Taehyung has already waved them over. Jungkook nods, acknowledging you all. He crosses the street and you turn around, keeping your head low. You do this because for some reason you feel all shy… Like you didn’t just have sex with him a week ago—in front of a mirror. 
“Whose that?” Yuna asks, disregarding the fact that the two were practically a three feet away.
“Who knows,” Taehyung scoffs. “Secret girlfriend? Sneaky link? Who knows with that kid.”
Yuna gasps. “No way! I thought he was into ___—”
“Hey,” Jungkook greets brightly. Taehyung and Yuna greet him with the same energy. He offers a big smile as he stands beside you and pinches your waist. You itch away and avoid eye contact. From the corner of his eye, he catches your behaviour and feels confused.
In a low tone, only loud enough for you to hear; he mutters, “Don’t ignore me. That’s fucking annoying.”
You don’t move. Still, you ignore his seductive words.
He tilts his head at you but figures you’re just in a mood. Shifting his focus, Jungkook breaks the ice. “Where you guys going?”
“I just met up with them like a few minutes ago,” Taehyung explains. “We were gonna grab dinner but I think—”
“Hi, I’m Yuna!” your best friend interrupts Taehyung. She stretches her hand out for the girl to shake. She takes Yuna’s hand and shakes it. “This is Taehyung and my best friend ___!” 
You raise your head and offer a short-lived smile. A simple, “hi,” is all you manage to choke out. 
Mina has short brown hair and pretty eyes. She’s a little shorter than you and has Jungkook’s towel hanging on her arm.
You feel sick.
“Nice to meet you guys! I’m Mina, Jungkook’s friend…” she pauses and lets out a shy laugh. “Actually, I’m more of his fan than I am his friend.”
Like a groupie? Ew.
Jungkook joins her and laughs. “She usually sits around with her friends on bleachers and watches our practices. We’ve been catching up since I got back in with the team. We were going to get dinner too.” 
Taehyung and Yuna nod, taking in the information. “Well, do you want to join us?” Yuna suggests. “___ isn’t feeling well so she was going to go home. It’d be nice to have better company! ___’s been so out of it today—”
You shush her. 
“You okay?” Jungkook brings his attention to you. 
It feels like you’ve just been kicked in the stomach. When did Jungkook’s gaze ever feel this… weird? It’s difficult to describe but it’s like you’re nervous or something. All you can really do is nod in response. 
“I’m okay,” you assure him. 
“You sure?” he presses, taking a step closer to you.  
He’s much closer to you this time and your body betrays you by staying still. You don’t move. You don’t even flinch. If anything, you take a deep breath and inhale his scent. It’s comforting after all the days you’ve spent away from him. From the corner of your eye, you can see Yuna begin to get excited to be witnessing this moment. When you can sense that she’s about to explode in best friend behaviour, you make your move. 
“Can I talk to you?” you blurt. “Please? It’s about that thing…”
Jungkook blinks. 
“Sure,” he doesn’t hesitate. “I’ll catch up with you guys later. Text me the address. I’ll just drive ___ home so we can talk.”
You're thankful he says this. You're thankful he goes along with your request without question. For a second there, you weren't sure if he was on your side.
Rather, you worried if he liked you enough to choose you regardless of the mix-signals and thus far constipated interaction.
Mina offers a warm smile in return, but you can’t help but notice the disappointment in her eyes as Jungkook takes your tote bag off of your shoulder and carries it. He assures Mina that he’s leaving her in great hands and that he’ll be there no later than 30 minutes. 
“I parked my car that way,” Jungkook points towards the end of the street. “Let’s go?”
“Yeah,” you almost stutter. “I’ll see you guys next time. Nice to meet you, Mina.” 
“You too! Feel better,” she says sincerely. “See you in a bit, Jungkook?”
“See you in a bit,” he promises. Mina takes his word for it.
Jungkook bids his last goodbye before grabbing your wrist and practically dragging you to leave. As he does so, you watch Mina, Taehyung, and Yuna wave you two goodbye. Even a few feet apart, you can practically hear Yuna begin her gossip session. 
“See? He’s so into her!”
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Unlike last time, there was no issue. 
Oh, it was up. 
Jungkook hisses at your touch. 
As you take his cock out, you run your thumb across the tip. You pump him, feeling his velvety skin follow the way you move your wrist. He’s thick—practically two hands on deck kind of thick. In fact, he looks even bigger in your hands. Maybe it’s the LED lights in his car or the fact that he hasn’t cum since your last meet-up—but he was bigger than usual today. If anything, it made you drool. 
Dipping your head low, you stick your tongue out and move his cock with your hands. You slap it against your needy tongue before closing your mouth and sucking on it. 
Bobbing your head, Jungkook can’t resist. He grabs a fistful of your hair and begins to push your head up and down. He holds your head close, making sure his dick touched the back of your throat. You gag and he takes that as a sign to let go. Pulling away, you take a quick breath in before puckering your lips at him. 
He shifts from his laid-back position and leans forward. Jungkook wraps his hand around your neck and brushes his thumb against your puffy lips. 
“You know how I like it,” he utters. “Missed this fucking mouth. Begging for kisses?” 
With hopeful eyes, you nod. 
“Anything my girl wants,” Jungkook leans in and kisses you slowly. He pulls away after just three kisses. “... My girl gets.”
“Kiss me lots,” you whine. 
Jungkook’s stomach turns. If it could do flips, that’s what it does. He would be an idiot not to know why you were acting this way… Yet, he still wanted to have fun. 
“Make me cum and I’ll kiss you all you want.” 
With that, you get back to it. 
You spit on his dick as you pump him at a slow pace. His hands travel to your shirt, pulling at the neckline to see your cleavage. You let go of him to lift your arms. Without hesitation, Jungkook helps remove your shirt and admires your breasts in a plain black bra. 
Suddenly, you shift your position. The passenger seat is extremely uncomfortable considering you’re giving him head… But this part must be the hardest part. You lean your body towards him more, prioritizing your breasts. Somehow, you manage to bend a certain way and slip his dick in between your tits. 
“Holy shit—” Jungkook cries as he begins to lose it. 
You bite your lip, trying your best to make this work. You hold your breasts closer together as he begins to pump himself. Every time Jungkook lifts his hips to dig himself deeper in, you can’t help but like the way the head pops up.
It’s almost cute. 
The position doesn’t last very long. You begin to cramp and Jungkook misses your mouth. So, you switch back to giving him a blow job. Then, that doesn’t last very long because Jungkook can’t do it anymore—he can’t hold it in. His breath hitches as you suck his dick. He throws his head back and hisses your name. 
“___,” he cries, “fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Then, he cums. 
He spills himself into your mouth and you swallow. As he empties himself, you take it upon yourself to lick his dick clean. Today, his cum tasted sweeter than usual. You wonder if his diet changed or if you just haven’t tasted him in a while.
Jungkook stares in amazement as you finish him off. He can’t help but let his mind spin as his body tingles from the sensation you caused. When you finish, you straighten yourself out and he hands you your shirt. Putting it on, you sit yourself back properly in the passenger seat and sigh in relief. Jungkook tucks himself back in.
“Good talk,” you joke, attempting to lighten the mood. 
Oddly enough, you feel awkward. What were you supposed to do now? After you two got into his car, it didn’t take much time before you threw yourself at him. Happily, he received your kisses and took it upon himself to drive towards his place. Parked outside his home, the coast was clear. You gave him head and now you feel stuck. 
Jungkook notices the panic in your eyes and reaches his hand out. He places them on your upper thigh, causing you to look at him. 
“What’s up with you?” Jungkook can’t help but ask. “You miss me too much?”
You scoff, “as if.”
He laughs, moving closer to you. Jungkook rubs your thighs innocently and squeezes it. It’s comforting for some reason… You like the way he touches you. 
“Spit it out, pookie.”
You shrug. “Nothing. Just wanted to give you head. You can take me home now.”
“Ha!” Jungkook taunts you. He then removes his hand from your thigh and reaches for his phone on the dashboard. Looking at the time, his eyes widen. 
“It’s been an hour? Mina called me like five times. I’m late—no, I missed it.”
Giving him head didn’t take an entire hour.. No, it was the flirting and the clingy talk that took majority of the time. Convincing him to let you give him head? That wasn’t even a conversation that needed to be done. It was always yes for you. So, you took your time.
And giving him a sloppy blowjob that completed the 1 hour mark of stalling.
Your lips curve into a small smile. Looking away, you feel a sense of relief. You aren’t proud of yourself but… This was something you could live with. As you stay silent, you think of what you could possibly say in this situation without coming off suspicious. 
But, your silence lasts a second too long.
“Wild guess but… Did you give me head so I’d miss the dinner?” Jungkook theorizes. 
You turn to him, eyebrows knitted together and your head slightly tilted to look confused. “Are you blaming me for missing the dinner?”
“Are you gaslighting me?”
You’re tongue-tied. For the first time in forever, you have no come back. Your brain can’t think of any words. Slowly and then all at once, you felt like a stupid idiot sitting in his car. Had you gone too far? You’ve never seen yourself act upon jealousy like this… You have no excuse. You have no explanation. You don’t feel like yourself. 
“Mina’s pretty. Is she your type?”
Jungkook doesn’t answer your question. Partly because he didn’t want to entertain whatever you had stirring up in your mind and partly because he didn’t want to feed tour ego.
“___? What’s up with you?”
“I don’t know.”
He sighs, not knowing whether he finds this irritating or cute. Why would you sabotage something so meaningless? Dinner with friends? It’s not like you weren’t invited either… His thoughts lead him to one question: “I think you’re acting jealous. Are you jealous?”
Unsure of what to do, you decide to give up. “Are you going to be mad at me if I admit that I am?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Is this you admitting that you are?”
You reply in silence. 
“Give me a fucking minute, okay? I’m trying to figure out if I should lie or not,” you groan. Taking a moment, you look into his eyes. “Am I supposed to lie, Jungkook?”
Now, he feels choked. “Maybe.”
You blink at him. 
Before you can stop yourself from the words that have been spiraling through your head all day—you confess softly; “I’m jealous.”
His head begins to spin. Is this what post-orgasm depression is? The pit of his stomach feels weird… 
Taking a deep breath, you shift your body to face him as best as you can. Fidgeting with your fingers, you push yourself to admit the ugly truth: “I don’t think I can lie about it… Jungkook, I don’t like it. I don’t like seeing you with other girls and I’m annoyed you have a little fan club. So, yeah. I sucked your dick so you’d miss your little date. I’m sorry, it was selfish of me… So, go catch up with her if you want…. I was out of place. I don’t care anymore—”
“Yes you do,” he cuts you off. 
You gulp, noticing the way his eyes have lit up. 
“Say it,” Jungkook insists. “Say it and I won’t go.”
With shifty eyes, you ask, “really?”
In all honesty, he wasn’t looking for a specific word or phrase. He just wanted you to say it. Say something. Make this fuck session mean something.
Jungkook breathes, “I’m all yours if you want me to be.”
He shoots you a glare. You’ve ruined the moment. 
Jungkook reaches over and unlocks your door. “Fine. I gotta get going. You can walk home from here, right? Mina won’t mind me being a little late—”
You hit his chest with an annoyed look on your face. 
He smirks, “say it.”
“Jungkook,” you begin. “Don’t make me feel this way, okay? The second you continue this vibe, I’m going to expect more from you and that’s not what we—”
“Then expect more,” Jungkook scoffs. “It’s simple, ____. If you’re jealous, tell me. If you like me, tell me. If you hate this and want out—give me at least two weeks’ notice so I can emotionally prepare.” 
A part of your heart feels like it’s being tugged. Was he always this good with words? For some reason, you find it humorous. “You bring up confessing a lot… Are you trying to tell me something, pookie?”
“Please,” Jungkook laughs. “I’m not here to play stupid games and win stupid prizes. I’m not confessing until I have you absolutely in love with me… Pookie, this jealousy thing? It’s just the start. Just a little longer and you’ll be standing outside my window in the pouring rain, begging for me.”
In response, you make a puking face at him. “Shut up. The minute you get jealous, I’ll make you eat your words.”
He leans in and puckers his lips. “Why waste your time getting me to eat my own words when I can eat something else?” 
You cup his face and squish his lips together. Pressing your lips against his, you pull away quickly with a cheeky smile. “Keep entertaining your little fan club and you’ll be eating nothing.”
He rolls his eyes at you. “It’s not my fault they watch while we practice—”
“Shut up.”
He does just that.
Jungkook buckles your seatbelt and then his. Turning on the engine, he pulls out of his driveway and begins to drive you home. It’s a short 15 minute ride, but it’s filled with your rambling and constant shuffling of songs in his playlist.
As he stays silent, half-assed listening to you; he soaks in your presence and can’t find a single fibre in his body to be mad at you. He knows that what you did tonight was unacceptable. You had caused Mina to look like she got stood up and jeopardized a perfectly peaceful night by earning him a place on Taehyung’s hot seat of questions later tonight… But it’s okay.
With the smile on your face and the way you hesitate to reach for his hand as he drives; he can’t but help to feel like it’s worth it. Your hand will take his without a second thought one day. One day, you’ll be a part of the little fan club you hate so much. One day, it’ll work out because it has to.
If he never goes through these exact moments with you, maybe he wouldn’t have known his feelings for you… But, he does and it’s so clear to him.
Jungkook will wait for you.
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aloesarchives · 10 months
Kengan Headcanon: Gaolong's reaction to an opponent speaking about you in a unsavory manner
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Warnings: Swearing on my end, reader been ogled at, gender neutral reader/pronouns
Series: Kengan Ashura/ Kengan Omega
Pairing: Gaolong Wongsawat x GN! Reader
Word count: 1988
Pronouns: They/them (reader is referred as partner and (Y/N))
(A/N: Been sitting in my file for a year. Now it's finally finished and posted. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to tag in my warnings.)
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So I already established that in my headcanon of Gaolang that he respects women unironically, actually he respects people in general.
That’s because he’s just GOATED like that and is overall a decent person, especially in the world/universe of Kengan.
But back to the topic, the reason why I want to establish this is he is someone that doesn’t take no shit from anyone. Based on what we learned in Ashura, Gaolang looks down upon those who are cocky and don’t take fighting seriously. Looking more into it, he normally just gets irritated by them due to his calm and collected composure. 
In the world of the sport boxing, it’s no stranger that he will come across people who don’t fall under the definition of sportsmanship. Gaolang has his fair share of opponents that need a little bit of humbling, and he for sure gives it to them during the boxing match. It also doesn’t help his perception of them when they think and openly claim they can clean Gaolang up, making him believe they’re shallow inside and out. But he only does the pre-fight press conference because his manager told him it builds up his good reputation and consistent publicity. Knowing him, he wouldn’t really go to these but he does it for the sake of the sport and the benefits it brings as previously mentioned.
In a normal situation at a pre-fight press conference, he’ll get annoyed by these fighters and let that emotion subside after the press conference is done. He’ll reply nonchalantly to anything that’s thrown at him whether it’s questions or remarks from his opponents that tests the waters. He knows how to handle them and just waits to get into the ring so his fighting can do all the talking for him.
That’s until there was one opponent he had to fight he wouldn’t forget. Gaolang’s title as heavyweight champion was never challenged nor questioned at all. But during that moment in time, Gaolang’s title as champion was being questioned when another boxer was racking up wins left and right. Although this boxer was slightly younger, he was picking up fast and his fights looked impressive. Eventually, this novice boxer was turning heads and getting popular to the point where rumors and speculation about him being the new champion in the heavyweight division. It seemed absurd to think so, but it wasn’t out of the picture. 
Gaolang saw the boxer’s other fights and understood where the praise was coming from. Although Gaolang was confident in his abilities, he still was cautious of the other’s abilities and boxing style. So like always, Gaolang trained like he always does. This wasn’t new to you at all since you have been with Gaolang for quite some time and married for a few years at that point in time.
You thought this opponent was different as he seemed humble and didn’t bark a lot. After turning on the t.v. back in Thailand, you started watching the pre-fight press conference. Again, nothing new to you at all. When the questions from reporters started coming in, both boxers answered them as normal. However, you had a feeling that something was off about the guy. You could tell what it was but your gut had a strange feeling that couldn’t be shaken. 
It was not until the last 15 minutes of the conference that the novice boxer started to bite off more than he can chew. There was one reporter left that triggered a particular answer from him that caught Gaolang’s attention. However, what got a reaction out of him was when the boxer mentioned your name.
“But I will admit though, Gaolang. I’m jealous of you. You’ve got a beautiful and wonderful partner there. I wish I had someone like (Y/N).” 
Gaolang didn’t like where this was going. More so when someone mentions your name that wasn’t friends, family, or King Rama. He knows people like to use your name to throw off Gaolang but he knows how to deal with those who try to use your name to their advantage.
But it doesn’t mean Gaolang doesn’t feel any sort of anger when this happens, especially now.
Gaolang stood up and gave his signature glare to his opponent. He then walked across the stage and stood in the middle. The boxer did the same but he had a stupid shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“What’s with the face, Gaolang? I thought you would agree since you have (Y/N) to yourself, ya’know? Having such a fine person as a partner is something between us two men with good taste could understand.”
“Watch your tongue, (Boxer’s name). (Y/N) is not an object and is not to be ogled at, have some respect.”
But the boxer didn’t know any better and forgot to hold his tongue. The next few things that came out his mouth sent Gaolang’s blood boiling. Then there’s you  who gasped and covered your mouth as you watched what unfolded in front of you on the screen. Deepening his glare more while still keeping his stoic face, he looked down upon the novice boxer.
“Your words against (Y/N) are punishable crimes, and I will deliver the punishment without further question.”
With that, Gaolang turned and walked towards the exit. All chaos breaks out in the conference room. Meanwhile, you were sitting at home with the feeling of disgust and a pinch of fear. You never minded when your name came in the news, but this type of attention was something you feared and the fact a man said on live television with no hesitation was terrifying.
Basically, Gaolang went straight to his hotel room and took a cool shower to calm down.
The anger subsided but the feeling of repulse didn’t.
There are only 3 things that Gaolang shows pride, loyalty and devotion towards: the country of Thailand, King Rama, and you.
And how dare that boxer disrespect you in front of him. The absolute audacity!!!
After Gaolang finishes his shower, he calls you to see if you're okay. Whether it is physically or emotionally, Gaolang needs to make sure you’re doing alright. Gaolang, as always, is respectful towards you in anything. That’s why he has never mentioned you or your relationship to the public unless you allow it. But even then, he wants it to be lowkey af.
Sure, you have calmed down. However, you were a little shaken by this. I mean, I would if a random man said some unsavory things about me on public broadcasting.
Gaolang apologized for letting this happen to you, to which you told him that this isn’t anything too serious and that he should focus more on his upcoming title defense match.
However, this was and IS a serious matter to Gaolang. So the next few days, Gaolang trained with just a little bit more intent than normal.
(Meanwhile, that boxer is getting absolutely slandered for the shit he said on the internet. Those netizens don’t like how he dissed their favorite power couple)
At last, the day of the match that would decide who keeps the title is here. You opt to stay home for this as it would be better for your piece of mind. But you were more worried about Gaolang. Although you  know your husband well, actually that’s the problem. You know how exactly your husband is. Goalang isn’t a hard person to read. He’s rational, calm, loyal, and observant. One thing you notice about Gaolang is how defensive he can get.
People can shit talk him all they want, he could give zeros fucks at all. But insult Thailand, King Rama, or god forbid you, that person is gonna get fucking die.
It had been a couple of days since the conference. So you know the initial anger wore off. But still, you only hope Gaolang goes somewhat  easy on him.
But since the controversy at the press conference caused such attention, this match was one of Gaolang’s most anticipated matches yet for any of his titles.
The event started as per usual with any boxing matches, the sponsors, introductions/entrances, anthems, etc. The challenger seems as confident as ever, having barely any nervousness evident on his face. Same goes with Gaolang, but with his classic stoic stare. The match was on its way once the referee explained the rules and the first bell rang.
However, you knew something was wrong right off the bat with him. It wasn't like Gaolang was fighting alright, he’s a man that never half ass anything. But you can tell he wasn’t giving his all at all. You didn’t know why he wasn’t trying at all. This wasn’t like his fight with Kaneda, he put effort into that one. But something was different about this match and you couldn’t tell what.
It seemed like Gaolong was struggling seemingly, the commentators were shocked and questioned that there would be a new heavyweight boxing champion on their hands. Was this the end of Gaolong’s reign as boxing champion?
No, you knew we wouldn’t lose to people like his opponent. He would rather die than give them a win.
The third round came along and around seemed hype about Gaolong’s opponent and he seemingly being the winner. However, Gaolong was not phased by this. In fact, he still kept his calm composed aura like he always does. That’s when you saw that Gaolong was up to something. You didn’t know yet but it was something.
The 3rd match began and that was when everything suddenly changed. It was like a flip of a switch as Gaolong just started boxing the hell out of his opponent. Gaolong had landed more hits than his opponent could dodge. 
It was obvious to the crowd that this round was one-sided. Gaolong outmatched the hell of his opponent in every way he could. And with a finishing blow to the jaw, Gaolong had won by a knockout. The crowd went wild, the commentators losing their minds from the fast yet heavy KO.
Gaolong pulled the ultimate power move by letting his opponent think he had a sliver of hope in beating Gaolong. Only for Gaolong to straight up smash it to the group and pummel it until it was dust. He shattered the man’s hopes and dreams by letting him think he had a chance of getting a win only for Gaolong to show him that he is nowhere near his level.
That Gaolong was miles ahead of this cocky bastard and he made sure his opponent knew that. This loss will forever change his opponent for the rest of his career.
After the Gaolong’s win was finalized, all he wanted to do was go home back to Thailand and be with you. That’s it. He did his press conferences and interviews, but he didn’t care for them. All that mattered was you and he needed to get home to you as soon as possible.
As always, King Rama gives Gaolong a few days to a week off of work when Gaolong brings home a win. Every time Gaolong wins, it’s like an unofficial national holiday is happening. Thailand is bright and festive as ever everything he wins.
Now with Gaolong back home and off from work, he just spends his time with you. Maybe a little training but more so leisure and doing errands or chores with you. You were happy that Gaolong isn’t in a bad mood anymore but Gaolong now knows that people who weaponized you and your name against him just to stir the pot. 
Well, he takes that pot and creates his own fucking food with it because no way in hell will he let someone do that to you. He made it known with that match. Because after that match, his opponents never mentioned your name ever again.
Thai God Guard Dog privileges.
Hope you enjoyed it! Please like or/and reblog it! Have a wonderful day!
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marvel-snape-writes · 2 months
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Hear me out, I have an idea… 🫣
To write about a sleazy, emotionally constipated, older man having an affair is one of my favourite things to write about ever. Naturally, for that reason, Alan’s character, Harry, in Love Actually has always been my favourite character in the film. As I mentioned in a previous post, every now and again I get the STRONGEST urge to write some smutty drabble about Harry finally giving in and being unfaithful to his wife — (which I would like to reinstate I know as a collective that we all hate the fact that he breaks Emma Thompson’s heart, I just like writing sleazy smut😬🤣). I never expected anyone to even be interested in reading such a niche fanfic storyline, so I was pleasantly surprised to find out that some people would! Because of this, I have decided to create something that will consist of several one-shots that will all be under the main title name of ‘Bad Harry’, just like he signs his Christmas present… to his wife. 🫣 Each one-shot will just be a different take on how he and another original female character go about their little affair and the close calls they may have in the midst of it all – and will be under the picture above and hashtag of ‘Bad Harry’. It is set after Mia, so she may be mentioned in passing, but the name I have decided to give the original female character is ‘Arabella’. Each ‘chapter’ so to speak won’t necessarily follow on from one another, but the first one I publish will be the beginning of their affair. Like the film, it’s going to be set around Christmas, so I may not post this until later in the year… although, I’m currently a fair way into writing the first one-shot and it is getting rather hot 😮‍💨 I guess what I’m trying to gauge is whether anyone would be interested in reading this little ongoing thing? 👀
If anyone’s interested, I can also post a snippet of what I’ve written so far for ‘the beginning’ of their affair, or I can keep it a complete surprise…
If you would like to be tagged in each published one-shot, please let me know! Please also feel free to let your wildest Harry/Alan fantasies come to life and send me any requests for any situations you’d like me to write about between the two of them - make it as smutty, sneaky, reckless, or daring as you like! 🫶
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Here’s a little reminder of the sleazy boss in action 🤭 thank you to whoever created these gifs, let me know if they’re yours! 😁♥️
(Also, please don’t think I won’t be continuing with my Snape one-shots and requests, they are still very much being written and open as the number one priority!)
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tellmegoodbye · 4 months
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Thank you for tagging me @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @strandnreyes and @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
I haven't been able to get much done as I've been pretty busy the past few days, but here's a little something from the wedding fic that I really enjoyed writing.
The morning light falls over Carlos' skin, casting warm tones over his body in a way that makes him look incredibly peaceful as he sleeps. His hand is tucked under his head and his breaths are quiet. TK thinks this might be the first night of truly restful sleep his fiancé has gotten in days.
His fiancé. TK smiles as he remembers that this is the last day that Carlos will have that title, that when they find themselves back in their bed tonight, he will be his husband.
He can't hold himself back when he notices the way Carlos' curls fall across his face. He reaches out slowly and brushes them out of the way, careful not to disturb him as he does so. He pulls back when Carlos stirs in his sleep, his face now completely unobstructed as it shifts, his mouth twisting up in a half smile. Still, he doesn't wake, and TK wouldn't dare make him until he's ready.
Whenever he finds himself awake before Carlos, which doesn't happen often given that his fiancé is the most consistent morning person he has ever met, TK always takes time to watch him. He watches his chest and counts his breaths, subconsciously keeping track of how many seconds fall in between each one, every subtle movement a reminder of the fact that they're actually here.
Against all odds, they both made it.
Tagging @nancys-braids @carlos-in-glasses @goodways @carlos-tk @freneticfloetry and anyone else who would like to participate!
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chronic-escapixt · 11 months
His Rose ~ Details
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, dom/sub dynamics, abuse, murder, childhood trauma (mentioned). Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
K.P. Masterlist
This fanfiction is born from my dissatisfaction with the way Kai was criminally underutilized in the TVDU. Honestly, I found him annoying at first, but he grew on me as season 6 went on. Thru Chris Wood's charming performance, Kai stole the show for me. I'll never forgive the showrunners for a lot of things, including underutilizing Chris Wood in this role & not allowing this broken king to have a real redemption arc.
On the topic of the showrunners, I'll never forgive them for how they did Bonnie Bennett or the Bennetts in general with how they were limited to magical plot devices for everyone else's use without any appreciative focus on their power & how it could really benefit them. Even though I love Bonnie & Kai, my otp endgame for her has always been Bonenzo, but I also adore Klonnie ❤️.
My AU changed and added plenty of lore around his coven & certain events. The plot follows the life of Bonnie's younger sister, Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz. I go on to describe her below, but I'd like to state that she acts as Kai's antithesis as an innocent, fledgling witch. She's also Bonnie's support system. I always hated how the show often ignored that Bonnie lacked family around her that were unconditionally there for her. Bonnie's mom left when she was small, she lost her grams in season 1, and her father was a non-factor in her life until he returned... just to get killed off in front of her.
I wrote Rose & Bonnie's dynamic keeping in mind everything I hate about older sibling/younger sibling dynamics, like the one between Buffy and Dawn in BTVS. Bonnie deserves family that consistently supports her, encourages her to prioritize her well-being, and actually tries to lessen the existing load on her shoulders.
Another thing I kept in mind when adding Rose to my TVD AU is not to have her replace or take away Bonnie’s space in the plot. Now, I do give her Bonnie's plotline of being sent to the prison world in season 6, but this is essential to the story, and the way Bonnie was treated that season made me so sad that I have no problem taking traumatic experiences from her (of which she has more than enough) and giving them to Rose.
Okay... if you made it through my rant, congrats. I also want to offer my inbox as a place where anyone can offer up requests, scenarios, ask questions, even if you want to roast my cruddy writing... my inbox is open.
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🌹Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz:🌹
Born: March 18th, 1994 (18yrs)
Gender: Female | Height: 5’1” | Hair color: Brown | Eye color: Hazel
Race/ethnicity: Black and Latino/Hispanic
Species: witch (Bennett)
Titles: Rosy (Kai), littlest witch (by Kol), kid (by Damon)
Rose is a gentle and kind-hearted person, always looking for the good in people and situations. She can be a people pleaser and overall naive when dealing with people, often seeing the best in everyone and believing in second chances
She highly values family, so bonding with Bonnie means a lot her. Due to her naivety and weakness, she can be easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Like Bonnie she’s compassionate and tends to selflessly help others. Struggles with powerful spells due to her insecurity in her magical abilities
She enjoys singing, gardening (honing her nature-based magic, making potions & studying herbology), sewing and cooking (she bakes when she’s anxious)
She has a strong aversion to blood & violence so spending time with vampires took a lot of getting used to
Trilingual: fluent in Spanish & Portuguese
Despite her demure demeanor and virginal innocence, with her stuffed animal collection, enduring love of cartoons and a lack of dating, she’s a hopeless romantic that harbors the hidden desire to submit herself to a powerful dominant
Family: Bonnie Bennett (half-sister), Jamie Ruiz (half-brother), Abby Bennett-Ruiz (mother), Matteo Ruiz (father 🕊️), Sheila Bennett (maternal gm🕊️)
Rose was raised in Summersville, North Carolina. She was a child model until 13 when her father tragically died. She was the captain of her high school majorette dance team. Her life drastically changed when Bonnie arrived on her doorstep.
Rose was 16 when she & Bonnie would finally meet. Bonnie and Elena came to Abby for help with a spell. Rose was shocked to find that she had an older sister as Abby never mentioned Bonnie or the life she left behind in Mystic Falls. She was even more surprised upon finding out about her magical bloodline and that supernatural creatures walked the earth. Unlike Grams, Abby never mentioned magic throughout Rose’s life and even went as far to suppress her magic with a binding spell
After Abby is turned by Damon, she decides to leave her family to learn control and find peace as a fledgling vampire. Rose moves to Mystic Falls with Bonnie where she learns magic from her.
Magic doesn’t come naturally to her. Admittedly having a 50% accuracy rate with her spells. She struggles with her confidence & focus when chanting and spells drain her much quicker even when she tries channeling the energy around her. Despite this, Rose is determined to improve, valuing her one-on-one time with Bonnie and spending late nights on her own practicing & memorizing spells. She is determined to use her magic for good, prove herself and lessen the load on Bonnie as the resident Bennett witch of the group.
Her role in the Mystic Falls gang is the “Bennett witch in training” or “the bringer of baked goods” (according to Damon), since she often supplies their gatherings with fresh pastries. Everyone underestimates her power, even Bonnie. She tries to keep Rose out of danger unless she can’t help it.
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🔪Malachai "Kai" Parker:🔪
Born: May 9, 1972 (22yrs)
Gender: Male | Height: 6'0" | Hair color: Dark Brown | Eye color: Blue-gray
Race/ethnicity: white/non-Hispanic
Species: siphoner (Gemini Witch coven)
Titles: abomination, black sheep, the defective twin (his coven)
Charismatic with a charming smile. Upon meeting him, his charisma operates as a façade to hide his lack of empathy and his sadistic tendencies
Can be hard to read but that’s because he struggles with expressing his emotions which stems from his abusive childhood. He’s cold and relatively unfeeling with people, but once he lets someone in, he’s fiercely loyal and protective.
He can be observant, calculating and manipulative to taking advantage of someone and get what he wants
He’s a sassy man, often comes back with quick quips and has a natural sense of humor (typically dark humor)
When he’s comfortable, he never shuts up, has no filter and sucks with certain social cues. After being alone for nearly his whole life, will talk anyone's ear off without realizing they are not willing to listen
Kai can siphon all of a witch’s magic without killing them. He controls how the process feels - at its worst, a fast searing burn to a slight tingle. Overtime, a witch will regenerate their magic
High libido!!- He’s starved for touch and affection (though he would never admit that he needs anyone). Sexual desires reflect his sadistic personality as he enjoys dominating another person through absolute control and pain infliction
He likes raunchy comedies and media with half-naked women such as Bay Watch and MTV videos. A major foodie with constant cravings for sweet and salty snacks. He prefers snacking throughout the day but when he does bother to cook, it’s really good
He is fluent in old Latin, often found in grimoires and other ancient texts. When he was young he’d get his hands on old grimoires and study them, all the time to himself allowing him to hone his knowledge of witchcraft and technique
The Parker family is the head of the Gemini coven. Its patriarch, Joshua Parker is the coven leader. Kai is the eldest child, being half an hour older than his fraternal twin, Josette. Unlike Jo, Kai was born without the ability to generate his own magic, instead siphoning magic from lingering spells, objects, or other witches. When he was young, he would naturally gravitate toward the magic of his sister, so Joshua quickly decided to physically isolate Kai from everyone for fear of his son's "defect" hurting others.
As fraternal twins born of the coven leader, Jo and Kai would be set to merge on their 22nd birthday, where the winner takes the other's magic and coven leadership and the loser dies and is absorbed into the other but with the risk of Kai's siphoning ability giving him an edge in the merge, Joshua and Viviane continued having kids until she birthed another set of twins that would merge instead.
Kai's upbringing was lonely, spending most of his time locked in his bedroom up in the attic. Following his father's lead, most of his family excluded and demonized him. As he grew, Kai learned to internalize the cruel labels they gave him. If they wanted a monster, they would get a monster and on his 22nd birthday, May 9th, 1994, he would finally act on his boiling rage and resentment toward his family, unleashing the hatred he accumulated through a lifetime of torment onto his siblings when Jo refused the merge. To protect the twins, she would relent to merge with him but the coven was waiting and with the help of Sheila Bennett they banished him to a prison world of complete isolation.
Each year that passed only added to his hunger for revenge, left with nothing to do but plan his escape and seizer of coven leadership. He grew to take pride in what he had done to his siblings and his status as a sociopath capable of killing anyone who gets in his way without remorse.
AU-Specific Lore:
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Prison world Lore:
Prison worlds are created by Bennett blood sacrifice, meaning a Bennett must be bled to death so the gemini coven can channel her blood magic.
A prison world resets with the eclipse every 3 months.
Time works differently, so no one ages throughout their time there.
A prison world cannot create life so the only living inhabitants are those sent there or arrive via ascendant.
Kai is linked to his prison world so he can’t die. If something kills him, he’ll be out for a while depending on the damage but the magic will heal him back to life. Without Kai, the prison world falls apart so while he’s there, it sustains his life to sustain itself. Once he leaves, it ceases to exist.
The Ascendant - an ancient device created by the Gemini coven and a Bennett ancestor that only responds to a living Bennett’s blood magic. The ascendant is sensitive to magic in general, so even when the spell is done right, it will activate then fall apart. You only have one chance at the time of the eclipse to correctly do the spell, which Kai knows from experience because early on he tried collecting a vial of Bennett blood that he hunted down in a hospital and using Josette's magic he siphoned from a hidden dagger. Disappointment boiled over into rage when he did the spell beneath the eclipse, the ascendant disassembled, but he was not transported out.
The Gemini Coven Lair:
Exists as a interdimensional where the coven keeps ancient texts, grimoires, enchanted items (talismans, gems, ascendants, etc.), and materials for spells & potions
Infinite space that can be utilized by the coven leader: often includes a space for magic instruction, a library, spell casting, a gathering area for the coven, etc.
Accessed only by portal, which is summoned by a spell entrusted to high-ranking Gemini members
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aerodaltonimperial · 9 months
FRIENDS, ARE YOU READY? let's talk about.... julia and skye!
there is a TON of lore we've gotten with the house of black/mist in the past few months, and now we've seen what marks a fairly pivotal turn in all of this, but it all makes sense if you trace back what's been laid out so far. and while i will always moan about how much of the women's stories ends up shuffled into short backstage segments and social media updates, we're still getting it, and it's still here, and I JUST WANT TO SCREAM ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S SO GOOD? and it actually doesn't even start here: to trace this back, we've got to wind the year back to when julia misted anna jay, because that was our first piece of the puzzle. READY?
we don't have, really, a ton of hard data on the mist and what it does, aside from the very obvious thing of what it did to julia, but what we do have is the fact that julia is the primary person using it, which, for me, is a spectacularly fun nugget considering that her entire trajectory was so violently changed by it. (also i just love her holding the reins within the hob) so earlier in 2023, julia mists anna jay. it seemed, at the time, like an act of aggression, but if you look back at it now... it isn't.
julia and anna went back as friends. their promos (which were fucking fire) all drew on the fact that they used to be friends and now they hate what the other person became, and that's essentially what the feud boiled down to. we saw bits and pieces of the mist sticking to anna: the dark tear streaks, and her yelling in her promos about how it was "all julia's fault." but it didn't stick, and the feud ended where it did, with their match.
then you get to october, where julia mists both willow and skye. this one drew on the same dark streaky tear bits that the earlier attempt had, but we finally got to see how the mist reacted differently based on who the target was AND we finally got some solid descriptions about it. in one promo, willow specifically references the mist and talks about how she hates the feeling of it inside her, and this is telling on a lot of levels. first, willow was ALWAYS fighting it: she only ever had the one eye with the streaks, and her instinctive response was pretty much "i don't want this." but skye? skye's was different.
skye's went to both eyes. skye got meaner and edgier, but she was always very clear that she was there for willow. she was, essentially, fighting it for willow. but at the same time, her demeanor very quickly changed into something else, while willow's bounced back pretty fast. and skye was also clear about how she didn't intend to join up with julia at all. (blue mist in julia's face!)
then julia gave the promo where she said that willow and skye had rejected her "gift." and this is where it all starts to make sense. not because of the oh julia is so evil she thinks this is a gift, thing. julia isn't looking to be on the offensive with the mist: that's never been the way she's used it. julia has been looking for a partner.
this was why she started with anna! they were friends from before, and the target made sense. julia tried it, and it didn't work: anna wouldn't accept her, and in rejecting the mist, she rejected julia. so julia went wider with it. she hit willow, she hit skye, and she tried to hit kris during their first TBS title match. she's looking for the person who won't reject the mist - i.e. won't reject her. and for awhile, it looked like she was still going to come out empty.
until willow and kris became fairly solid, fairly consistent tag partners. and the dark streaks that skye had been sporting under her eyes for months - the sign that she was still fighting the mist - disappeared. she had them in the TBS three-way match; she has not had them in the past week and a half. now! this can go one of two ways: either she gave in and stopped fighting because the person she was trying to stay for (willow) found another tag partner, or she's faking that she stopped fighting in order to get close to julia and get a shot at the TBS title.
skye has done some fucking KILLER work with this, and so has julia. julia tweeted on her HONEYMOON the "she's in the clouds, heavy and dark" with a little picture that looked a lot like skye. skye took some AMAZING photos with julia's photographer friend where she's covered in black goo that are, quite frankly, fantastic. it seemed like skye was going to completely reject the mist - and julia - until she went after abadon and the team-up happened.
tonight? they went full THRALL with this thing. skye was wearing LEATHER. she looked up at julia like julia HUNG THE MOON. this is such a stark reversal of what we had seen up to this point, that coincidentally comes on the heels of willow and kris having a big tag match together. but i can't tell you which way the actual story is going to go, and honestly, i love that. did skye finally give in and embrace the mist... and julia? or is she faking this to get closer to julia, figure her out, and try to take her belt? THIS IS SOME FUCKING SOLID-ASS STORY WORK THAT'S ONE OF THE MEATIEST STORIES THE WOMEN'S DIVISION HAS SEEN FOR MONTHS.
i watch both skye and julia's social media pretty closely to see what they post, and i'm keeping a weather eye out after this. i expect skye will be ringside for julia's PPV match against abadon, though i suppose i could be wrong. but julia went right after skye after that loss tonight and pulled her up to drag her up the ramp with her, and that's huge! she went to skye before the belt. for julia, this is finally having the partner that she's been searching for. for skye? i'm not sure yet.
but they've put a lot of work and a lot of time into this story, and i hope they drag this out for awhile longer because i'm really invested in it. they were pretty much the only thing i watched tonight's episode for. just my girls!! i love the lore we're getting. i love how much they've obviously put their efforts into this, into making this a really solid, long-arching story line. julia, on her own, consistently does some of the best character work and has a real eye for the long game - and taking risks.
anyway!! i wanted to scream about them a little bit. i talk about my boys a lot, but my girls are doing such a fucking KILLER job with this, and i'm just so jazzed that it's come to such an already satisfying peak!!! and also, they are so sexy. it is so difficult for me. i am a weak-willed woman. i cannot be expected to behave normally with this. we need more fic immediately.
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Can we please talk more about Nagi and Reo's favorite songs please I found out what the lyrics were for them today and I cant stand them
Like Reo what do you mean ur fav song is about a strange chameleon who has a thorny tail that won't fall off who is prepared to be destroyed when the person it adores changes what do you meaaaannn. What do you mean "the cat that finally got used to you was only hungry the whole while and it's all just an illusion" and then the song ends with "I'm still glad that I met you" . WHAT DOES THIS MEAAANNNN
And Nagi. Nagi, what do you mean ur fav song is about regretting miscommunication and yearning for happiness?? What do you mean "Please forgive me, The me who keeps saying things with a sigh" What do you mean "Let's meet again next year", "Please give us happiness like in the paintings"
Also, if the lyrics are truly consistent with the characters, it would imply Nagi being rather aware of the miscommunication, of him saying the wrong things to assure Reo, and regretting it. (also Reo being insecure, thinking their friendship was an illusion and Nagi a stray cat that outgrew him) and I really wonder 2 things
What this says about what to expect for the epinagi vers of the breakup coming out next chapter or chapter after that. Cus I feel like we're gonna get a Nagi monologue/explanation. I know the next chapter's title is trash/POS and the running theory is that this is Reo's thoughts about himself - which I think will definitely be the case. But I also wonder if Nagi becomes frustrated at how he lashed out and hurt Reo, causing Nagi to call himself a POS? Like, if he regrets it to the degree of admonishing himself. We already see him apologizing (in his head of course) but I wonder if he'd go further.
What does this say about where they're at in the main manga? Have Reo's anxieties been assuaged, or does he still think of himself as a strange chameleon tagging along with the person they love until they're inevitably thrown away because they cant seem to get rid of their thorny feelings? And Nagi, if he's truly aware of how he hurt Reo's feelings or if he becomes more aware does he think the problem is solved now that Reo's back or does he still feel like amends need to be made and is fumbling around trying to figure out how to get Reo to trust him again (thinking of how he thanks Reo and Reo laughs it off, thinking about how he always compliments Reo)
I feel like I'm gonna have more thoughts later and make a more detailed post adding stuff (and repeating some stuff from here because my brain requires completion like that haha) or maybe not who knows
whole thing prompted bc I saw anacchi48 's translation of Nagi's song on Twitter. I actually had kinda a hard time finding much of a translation elsewhere. Reo's song is pretty easy to find a translation of tho
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evevoli · 10 months
original story concept: flight feathers (working title)
aka me shoving my new OCs in everyone's faces for a few minutes. low and behold, my gang of losers:
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from left to right: Phoenix, Selene, Helios, and Killian
so a wayward beam of divine insanity lightning struck me about four months ago in the form of the first genuinely coherent original story idea i've had in... basically forever and i am finally crawling out of my mad ornithologist lab to talk about it, if only so i have something to point to when i start tagging random innocuous text posts with the names of characters no one's ever heard of. this project is perhaps the most self-indulgent Autism Fueled venture i have ever gone on and it is so fun actually
the basic gist of the story is that local Teenage Bird Hater Selene accidentally gets isekai'd to a Greco-Roman/baroque-inspired city on a floating archipelago hidden in the clouds, inhabited by bird-worshipping winged people. there she befriends a strange one-winged fortune teller named Phoenix, who takes her in while she looks for a way back down to earth.
as a certified Bird Disliker(tm) for reasons she will absolutely not disclose, the idea of being trapped in this city with its strange bird-entrenched culture has got to be Selene's personal hell. but she's already made a few good friends and is learning a lot, so hey... if you ignore the castle surrounded by doves looming off in the distance, and the general poor sentiment surrounding corvids, maybe it's not such a bad place to be after all.
...until it turns out the King himself might have it out for her, much to the dismay of his son and loyal knight, Prince Helios and Captain Killian.
there is. A Lot more to it than that lol—and at least like 8 more characters i haven't gotten to drawing yet—but there's your elevator pitch. to explain the world a bit more, everyone has bird wings to fly with, their own Bird Familiars(tm), and rides around on pegasi and different species of griffin. the world consists of little islands connected by bridges, with the city developed vertically, and sort of resembles a fusion between the Aether mod in Minecraft and Zephyr Heights in MLP G5.
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and now the most important thing, the Closeups
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some notes:
Selene is transfem :), Helios is transmasc only because i tried giving him curled ram horns and got so frustrated trying to draw them i just gave up and gave him the ewe ones instead
Selene is a Wolf Kid and really vibes with the lyrics to Angel of Darkness on a personal level
Helios's wings are weak and undersized so he can't take off or fly for very long on his own
i like to consider Helios my personal challenge to design the most unapologetically cringe and archetypal character ever. i am going to make a character that is so sad little loser prince. kicks him
Phoenix is a childhood nickname, Killian is just a shortened form of Achilles. Phoenix absolutely hates his birth name. Killian is ambivalent towards his
Phoenix lost his left wing in an accident that changed the trajectory of his life forever teehee :3c
the little blue jay is named Celeste, the crow is Peanut, and the tawny owl is Athena :)
and that is all i shall reveal in this post >:) this idea has been rotting my brain from the inside out for months now so don't hesitate to shoot me an ask if you're wondering about anything :]
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wrestlingfaves · 2 months
Royal Rumble Marathon: 1996
We’re rumbling into 1996.
Spoilers for past Rumbles.
Sunny, from her bathtub, warns us viewer indiscretion is advised. The Attitude Era doesn’t officially begin until 1997 but hints of it began way back in 1995 with the Pamela Anderson skit and continues with Sunny’s vignettes.
The undercard:
Jeff Jarrett vs Ahmed Johnson. Meh.
The Bodydonnas (Chris Candido/Tom Prichard, accompanied by Sunny) vs the Smoking Guns (Billy & Bart) for the WWF Tag Team titles. More meh.
Billionaire Ted skit with a fake Hogan, Savage, and Mean Gene. We’re wasting pay per view time on this?
Recap of the Razor Ramon – Goldust feud. Mr Machismo doesn’t appreciate Golddust’s flirtations.
Golddust (accompanied by Marlena) vs Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental title. Was this Terri Runnel’s debut for the WWF? The commentators refer to Marlena as an “unknown woman”. Golddust and Marlena’s gimmicks are forerunners to the Attitude Era. Marlena causes a distraction as the 1-2-3 Kid attacks Razor, allowing Dustin to pin Ramon and become the new Intercontinental champion.
Hype vignettes for Royal Rumble participants: Owen, Jake Roberts, Jerry Lawler, Vader, Shawn,
For the first time the Rumble does not end the pay per view – we still have a Bret/Taker match for the World championship. I never like when the Rumble itself doesn’t end the pay per view.
The entrants, in order of appearance:
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Henry Godwin
Bob Backlund
Jerry Lawler
Bob “Spark Plug” Holly
Mabel (accompanied by Mo) Mo remains at ringside – there doesn’t seem to be year to year consistency on whether seconds are allowed to remain at ringside.
Jake “the Snake” Roberts
Dory Funk Jr (Vince notes Terry was also invited but is watching the ppv from Germany)
1-2-3 Kid (spends his first few minutes in the Rumble attempting to avoid an angry Razor)
Takao Omori (Vince actually mentions All-Japan by name!)
Savio Vega (formerly known as Kwang)
Vader (accompanied by Jim Cornette)
Doug Gilbert (Henning & Vince mention both USWA and Eddie Gilbert, Doug won a tournament in Memphis to qualify for the tournament)
Squat Team Member #1 (1/2 of the Headshrinkers)
Squat Team Member #2 (1/2 of the Headshrinkers)
Owen Hart
Shawn Michaels
Aldo Montoya
“The Ringmaster” Steve Austin
Barry Horowitz
Isaac Yankem, DDS
Marty Janetty
Davey Boy Smith
Duke Droese
 Winner: Shawn Michaels
Longest performance: Hunter Hearst Helmsley
First-time Rumblers: Hunter, Dory Funk Jr, 1-2-3 Kid, Omori, Vader, Doug Gilbert, the Headshrinkers, Hakushi, Aldo Montoya, Steve Austin, Barry Horowitz, Isaac Yankem
Surprise Entrants: Dory Funk, Omori, Doug Gilbert, the Headshrinkers
We have two “clear the ring without eliminating everyone” spots: Henry Godwin with his slop bucket (Backlund and Lawler are the recipients) and Jake Roberts using Damian (his snake) – Lawler gets covered with Damian. Was Lawler on someone’s shit list?
Vader does the “eliminate everyone” spot but as he was previously eliminated none of his eliminations count.
Lawler is the first participant in a Rumble to hide under the ring.
1996 is the first year all participants receive entrance music. Finally! A small thing but it adds to the presentation.
The pay-per-view ends with Bret Hart vs the Undertaker (accompanied by Paul Bearer).   Diesel causes a disqualification, costing Taker the match. The match was fine but I’m not a fan of Taker.
Interviews with Gorilla Monsoon, Shawn, Diesel, Vader, and Jim Cornette.
Rating: 4 out of 10
Wrestlers and others who have passed on: Howard Finkel, Curt Hennig, Chris Candido, Razor Ramon, Mable (Visera), Yokozuna, Vader, Owen, Paul Bearer, Gorilla Monsoon
Total number of deceased individuals: 10 (down 5 from the previous Rumble).
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bolton-buried · 5 months
Took too long but here’s an OOC intro post I can pin. (It’s out of character because Harold wouldn’t think to write one.) You don’t have to read it to interact, but it contains some information on how I’m running this blog and on what’s happened so far. While the blog belongs to Harold—ostensibly—I may bring other characters into rp posts.
Putting it under the cut for space purposes.
General Character Info
Harold Bolton—call him Harry if you want. He’ll hate it but that’s 100% in character.
24, graduated art school in ‘22 after studying cinematography.
He/Him pronouns, in the “I really don’t care enough to turn off default settings” way.
An average-height man with dark hair and eyes, wearing a long, black trench coat and carrying a telescoping umbrella that he seldom opens. He is almost always dripping wet. He has a large nose, an idiosyncratic British accent, and consistently forgets to shave.
As far as paranormal phenomena, Harold doesn’t breathe and is constantly dripping wet—not just from the storm that follows him. His lungs and other organs are full of silt, making his voice come out gargled and making eating an impossibility.
Harold + other recurring characters from this blog.
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The Story So Far
Blood on the Ice
When Harold was 11, his father went on a hunting trip, during which he went mad and killed his companion, whose remains were seen as an empty husk of skin and a pile of cockroaches.
On his way back to the small town above Newcastle, he killed another person who the autopsy found had no internal organs.
When his father reached their home, he chased Harold out of the house with his rifle. Harold fell through the ice above a river and was pulled out downstream, unconscious. He believes the Buried marked him at this point.
Harold, now an adult, visited his father in prison and was told the man had been well-behaved. However, when Harold arrived, his father began yelling “You’re too close, I can’t breathe!” And pounding the glass until it splintered and his fist was bleeding.
An Angel in Harold’s inbox explained that his father had written letters while in prison, and they were withheld from Harold. He sent one to this blog, where Nicholas explains that when around monsters (people touched by the fears) he becomes murderous, leading Desmond to wonder if Harold was marked by the buried even before falling in the river.
In later letters from Nicholas, it’s revealed that on his hunting trip he experienced a vivid hallucination of being tackled by a wolf that attacked his heart, and that’s when this all began.
For Harold’s birthday, the Angel pulled strings to get Josie from the Bookend sent to Nicholas’ prison, where he killed her and escaped, chasing a trail of spiders.
Harold left London to stay with Dez’s brother in order to hide from Nicholas and Kieran (another hunter)
Check the tag (#HuntingHauntings saga).
Harold works for a ghost hunting show that he thinks is cheesy. Due to his large student debts, he can’t quit, despite doing all of the technical heavy lifting for Angie and Charlotte, the co-hosts.
An investigation into a supposedly haunted firing range revealed what Angie believed to be a rifle haunted by the ghosts of things it had killed. A spectral wolf appeared and chased Harold into the rain, where it dissipated.
When they went to film the next episode at the Bookend, they encountered 3 Leitners, one of which opened an emptiness into reality that both show hosts fell into
Harold took all three books and ran.
The show revamped with a focus on actual paranormal events after Harold saved Angie and Charlotte, with an episode on a mold-infested corner store, and the not-them.
Toe in the Water
Harold took the Leitners to Amelie, a librarian at the Magnus institute, and borrowed a book titled “Choke” while there.
By reading Choke, Harold learned about the existence of the Buried (though he knows it as Choke), and based on his observations, he deduced the existence of an opposing force, which he has dubbed Adrift.
Based on interactions between Amelie and the Unholy Bible and the blue book and the rain, Harold reasons that these two forces can be used to counter each other.
After interviewing at the Magnus institute, Harold identified a new pair of fears, which he called the Known and Unseen—rudimentary versions of the Eye and Dark.
After a first outing to retrieve a painting that caused things around it to bleed, his theories spat out another pair of opposing forces: Blood and Decay. Faye corrected his names for the Buried and Vast.
After a dream while drowning laid the fears out for him, and a post from Amelie gave them names, Harold lined them up with each other.
Falling Up
During the events of the Bookend, Charlotte and Angie fell into a hole pulled into reality by a Leitner.
Harold reasons that since matter cannot be created nor destroyed and their bodies didn’t drop, they must still be inside the book. He feels guilty for abandoning them and he needs to get them out.
When speaking with Faye, they confirmed that the Vast doesn’t tend to kill its victims.
Harold took the blue book up to Yorkshire and jumped into the Bolton Strid with it, drowning himself and saving the book’s victims in the course of becoming a full avatar of the buried.
He had a dream in the Strid where he experienced 14 of the fears and ran from each in turn, before falling to the Buried and finding comfort in it.
He called an ambulance for the victims, and they are well on their way to a full recovery, with Angie and Charlotte back in London.
The footage of this event, recorded on his camera, is deeply marked by the buried and causes a claustrophobic feeling when viewed. Harold is alone in thinking it’s beautiful.
The Crushing Storm
Tagged (#the crushing storm saga)
Since Harold’s senior year finals week it has been raining on him. He doesn’t mind it that much, but the havoc it wreaks on some of his personal belongings irritates him.
For the third time, rainwater has begun to leak through his flat ceiling, and he anticipates the apartment flooding (again) and needing to move.
When compelled to answer a question about his mental state, the rain let up slightly when he let the weight off his chest, but came back just as heavily when he denied his answer a moment later.
Harold has deduced that the rains are a manifestation of Choke.
The puddles forming in the rain give Harold access to cramped underwater tunnels, which drag him to places where the Buried is strong—or where it wants him to be.
Harold realized that other people were falling into his tunnels through a statement an institute worker gave him. After he started pushing people in himself, his powers developed further, allowing him to control if the storm is real or only visible to him, and have a bit more control navigating the caverns.
Boltzmann’s Brain
At the Bookend, Angie read the two annotated papers by Robert Kirk that made up a Leitner and became convinced that she is the only real person in existence.
When Angie emerged from the book, this effect was still in place. She is rude and frightened, and Harold is struggling to talk her out of Solipsism.
She attempted to steal a bunch of lapis from a crystal shop, meaning to use it to enhance her “psychic abilities”. She was arrested and when Harold paid her bail, she mellowed out, realizing that even if people are fake, her experience of the consequences are not.
A Stranger Streamer
Harold won a giveaway to see one of his favorite twitch streamers (d.parfit.plays (fictional)) in a private Q&A
Desmond recognized Harold from his HuntingHauntings work and arranged a meetup for coffee. Tea in Harold’s case.
They began dating, and Harold’s attempts to keep it private blew up when he accidentally hugged Desmond during a livestream.
Dez used Harold’s phone to run a Q&A, mentioning that he’s been streaming the video of Harold drowning, because he knows it feeds Harold.
As Hunting Hauntings rebooted, Dez added supplementals to each video, explaining that he was being followed, and investigating into the Angel.
During a stream, Dez was attacked by the notthem, which managed to convince Harold the screams were just a prank.
Eight-Legged Angel
While Harold was confused of an aspect of the powers, he got an ask explaining it in terms he understood, signed “an angel”—only this ask was sent in before he mentioned the issue aloud.
Harold received several taunting messages from this angel, leading to it revealing that it has the letters his father wrote in prison, and while it will send the first one for free, to get the others, Harold will need to do exactly what it says.
The Angel had Harold find two statements in the archives, pointing him to the NotThem and the moldy corner store that became the first two episodes.
On Interacting with This Blog
I intend to have some posts that are like, actual narrative rp, and some which are in-universe posts. Please don’t respond to an in-universe post like it’s narrative rp or vice versa. If you do I will ignore it.
I will not rp a romance with someone I am not actually romantically involved with. Light flirting will usually be fine, but it will not be reciprocated and I will not hesitate to say you’re going too far.
If you’d like to approach me in DMs to plan out story arcs involving both our characters, they are open. I will not rp in DMs.
I will also not rp in post tags, those are simply for meta blog organization.
If my character is upset, that does not mean I am upset. If I am upset, I will say so in tags or DMs, not in the body of a post.
Feel free to tag me in chains and ask games and such, I might not interact on all of them, but I’ll probably see it.
The One Behind the Curtain
Names are all made up in the first place. Why do you want mine? So you can moan it? That’s gay.
I’m 20. Really not sure what else to put here since I, as a person, am pretty irrelevant to this blog as a whole.
Mountain Time so if I’m not responding, check the hour. I’m probably asleep or at work.
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contritecactite · 3 months
Thanks for the tag, @quoththemaiden! I saw this one milling around and dreaded/eagerly awaited it reaching me in alternating 6-hour shifts (OK, I didn't think about it that much). No-pressure tags for... @frogs-in3-hills @rage-against-the-dying-of-light @franzizka @monimolimnion @dgcakes @nemaliwrites @kristimoon @mirjam-writes @thelocalmuffin
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 90, accounting for one in a currently unrevealed collection.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 394,715. Ambitiously, I hope to hit half a million this year. We Shall See.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Ace Attorney, Good Omens, and a smattering of Final Fantasy titles.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! One of the first places I landed when I finally got internet access was Livejournal, and I had a great many conversations in the comments there that led to long-lasting friendships. AO3 currently doesn't seem to have quite the same culture of keeping a conversation going, but every now and then, someone catches on (hi Quoth), and I'm always grateful. I also love getting responses when I'm the person who left a comment, so I like to assume that others feel the same way.
5. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Ooh, not to my knowledge. I think I've always been safely enough under the radar.
6. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yep, plenty of times with a variety of people. Mostly RP-style with alternating forum posts or instant messages, but once or twice via something like google docs, which I like because there's a comment functionality rather than [putting the part you're saying in brackets to tell your partner(s) it's not part of the body message]. I miss it pretty often, but I'm also nervous about trying again.
7. What's your all-time favourite ship? Ooh. Hmm. Frog and Toad. Those were formative works for me. Tell me that doesn't explain my insistence on Softe(tm) vibes. I'll also give a shout to Klapollo for getting me back into writing after roughly a decade, but tbh my multishipping heart sees other fun options for them too.
8. What are your writing strengths? Warm and cozy vibes, close character focus, wrapping things up nicely. I also like to think my heavy-handed metaphors and parallels are strengths since they're consistently part of my style, though I know they're an acquired taste.
9. What are your writing weaknesses? Physical description. Get that outta here. I don't know what she's wearing. I don't know how it looks in the room. I don't know what the room looks like or if they're even in a room! All written scenes take place in The Void until plot mandates otherwise. I think I also still struggle with consistent characterization, particularly over the course of longer works, but I'm getting better.
10. First fandom you wrote for? Wrote for casually? Monster Rancher. Actually officially wrote for and let others read? FFVII.
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momo-wants-siesta · 1 year
I did not originally intend to read this IF. But by popular demand I have been pressured to write this review.
Apparently it's the story of a "samurai" who lives on an island called "Hyuga" which is literally Japan, but I guess giving it a random Japanese name was cooler. More original.
This IF is divided into different books, and the adventures of this "samurai" and his companions will be told. Let's get down to business.
Well. Let's see what this brutal interactive heart-pounding interactive tale is about.
The text of the Chapter 1 (Along with the Kanji) basically reveals to us that the author doesn't know Japanese and basically used a kanji dictionary.
As a tip, Japanese translation doesn't conserve plurals, So instead of "Sake with the Oyamas" it should be "Sake with the Oyama" and probably specificy it's a group or family. But I digress.
Steamed dumplings, nice. It's good that we start a japanese setting with a dish that is from Chinese origin (Nikuman in Japanese, Baozi in Chinese) and probably wasn't introduced until later.
I'm starting to have my doubts about the MC being a samurai, given how the dude seems to love to mix themselves with "Bakuto" people that were basically part of the modern "yakuza" today.
So for some reason we are stuck with a "spoiled kid"
Next scene. Someone getting close to a "samurai" and asking for a favor. Yeah, that was totally normal back then.
But it get's funnier when the title of the game is "samurai of Hyuga" but the two options are basically saying "I'm not a samurai". I don't understand what the author did there.
Okay. So this MC that has been living on the slums, suddenly know all about nobility and "royals". Its funny using "royals". It's good to know that the author doesn't seem to have studied Japanese history. Mostly how the correct term would either be "nobles" or "clanmen" or "imperials".
MC: *Says they are not a samurai* Random dude/woman: Master samuraaaai
I'm starting to feel like the author has been under the influence of sustances while writing this. Since the lack of consistency is apalling.
I don't want to make this review too long. But I really need to ask. Why two nobles are trying to make an alliance marriage, in a fucking Inn. And not in their houses. That doesn't make any sense. And then "let's ask this random no life to pose with us". I think that the author believe the Japanese to be stupid, or have watched too much mainstream brainless anime.
The "how the bride looks" options seems to have been written by the horniest individual to have ever existed for Google play standards of non lewdity.
I feel like I need to stop and point this. Why is the groom wearing a Kamon? Why do they need a samurai if they are samurai?
I think the author needs to understand what a samurai was. Because I think they are confused and believed all the nobility to be samurai. And that's a grave error. That's not how it worked. Nobility didn't need to be samurai. And some samurai weren't even nobility. Samurai was a social class on it's own.
I don't understand why they didn't ask the MC name. What kind of way to refer to someone is "Samurai-san" is like someone comes to you, if you are barista, even if you have your name in the tag, and go "Mister Bartender, nice to meet you".
Japanese are polite. They would ask the name. We entered full weebish anime paradise and we are only on chapter 1.
Not to say, this marriage would never happen, in those guys were not part of the nobility. Unlike in Europe were the burgesy could buy titles and marry into nobility, in Japan that was socially forbidden. And blood was really important, to the point of eugenics.
The day i find a "japan" IF that has been written by someone who did actual research instead of watching anime, will be the day I plant a tree or something.
But what is bothering me the most, is how the MC is all knowing. Not only we cannot decide on their personality (even tought there are a lot of useless stats) but the guy is basically a Gary Sue. He knows everything. He looks at you, and he knows your tragic backstory already. There's some fucked up powerfantasy there already. And it still kills me how I haven't been able to customize anything yet. I'm playing with a MC that I don't even know the game. Its fucking awesome. /s
I love how threating each other in the middle of an Inn it's great. Or how for some fucking reason, the author believe that your typical western bar fights would happen in Japan.
Fuck's sake. This author needs help. That our a japanese history book in the head, to gain some brain cells.
.......I'm going to kill someone.
So some guys appear with what I supposed it's irezumi, or the ancient version of it.
MC: they are not criminals.
Just you guys know, back in the day the "yakuza" didn't exist yet. And Irezumi exist, because back in that day criminals were tattoed, as a way to mark them. So irezumi started as a way to hide those markings.
Why would the author write something called "Samurai of Hyuga" which is clearly Japan themed, but then refuse to do even the most minimal research? I'm baffled.
So suddenly we are at "Yamato" but the game calls the place "Hyuga" then the MC goes I'm from "genfu". Someone seriously need to decide on a name, or make a fucking map.
Good Lord, this is hard.
"Wish I had an escort of Ninjas" yea because Shinobi totally escorted people. FUCK.
"That was low even for a shinobi". What the fuck is this. Shinobi were not considered dishonorable, basically because they didn't have to follow the bushido.
Stop calling him samurai-san after hearing his fucking name. ITS FUCKING OFFENSIVE. WHY ARE YOU OFFENDING PEOPLE, TOSHIO.
Okay. I need to make this stop. So for fucking reason, to keep going I need to kill a Carp. Because fuck yeah. If I don't want to? I better quit the game.
It's good to know that the Author is complete psycho who is into stupid edgy protagonist.
Why is this even an IF? Where are the options? Why I'm still playing?
I'm gonna skip for a while to make a more compact review, because if I have to stop at every fucked up part...
So super random fight where we get more male powerfantasy. Then it's me or it's the Masashi kid a RO? Because that basically child that acts like a child. So now the author is a fucking pedo too? What's next? The guy is into lolis?
How the fuck was I ever convinced to read this?
This is not even an IF. There's not even real choices. Like, the MC is totally 100% set on stone. And this is pure anime weebish trash.
This is one of the most questionable tales I read in a while. I don't event wanna now about the other ROs. This bad, this is horrible. This is something who jack up to lolis and decided to make a fucking work out of their personal waifu fantasies.
What the fuck is this. Seriously. The worse part is how people actually bought this, and how there are so many books. Unless it suddenly improves.
I been deeply disgusted and I don't even want to hear about this work ever again in my whole life.
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zutaralesbian · 1 year
I was technically not tagged (which is fair. I haven’t been super active in the Gallavich fandom for a while). But this game is super up my alley so I’m doing it anyway 😊
rules (more or less): use this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you.
then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment.
I got:
AU: Shipwrecked AU
Trope: Write a modern royalty AU
The Gallaghers are a royal family from some European country. (Possibly somewhere in the UK or a made up one idk). They’re notorious because of the antics and scandals of their father, King Francis, and the whole world is basically waiting for him to finally get himself killed and for the eldest, Princess Fiona, to become queen.
Prince Ian, frankly, is glad that he is two people behind from ever becoming king. Being a prince in the public is bad enough with having to keep his sexuality on the down-low. Not to mention he always has the fear of his true parentage one day being leaked to the press. (In this AU, he is secretly Clayton’s biological son just like in canon).
The Gallagher siblings decide to take a break from the scandalous life the castle brings them by going on a long cruise on their private yacht.
Mickey is hired to work on the ship as a deckhand during the cruise. At first he didn’t want to take the job because working under a bunch of prissy rich royals was the last thing he wanted to do. But he eventually talked himself into it because hey, the pay is decent and it would mean a good month of being away from Terry. (And if he played his cards right, maybe he could find a few jewels or other expensive shit to snag).
Ian meets Mickey on the ship and is smitten immediately. There’s something about Mickey’s grumpy exterior that just charms him. Being a prince, he’s always had to be careful about his hookups not getting exposed. But they were on a ship and away from the general public. Perfect timing to have a fun fling, right? Only, Mickey doesn’t seem super receptive to his flirtation. Maybe his assumptions that Mickey wasn’t straight were off?
Mickey can’t tell if Ian is flirting with him out of genuine interest or just to be a cocky asshole. Either way, he’s not falling for it. Fuck him for thinking just because he’s a prince that Mickey will fall into bed with him. Sure Ian doesn’t seem all bad and is definitely less irritating than the other Gallaghers. And sure Mickey gets this annoying, fluttery feeling in his chest whenever the fucker smiles at him. But whatever, it doesn’t mean anything.
The ship ends up sinking of course, due to some sort of accident. Everyone makes it onto a lifeboat except Mickey. The worst part? He never learned to properly swim. Ian, having ended up in his own lone lifeboat, spots Mickey struggling in the water and quickly rows over to his aid, grabbing him and pulling him onto the lifeboat.
The tides separate Ian and Mickey from the others. They eventually find themselves on a small tropical island. And there are no other people.
Ian is panicked. Having grown up as a royal, he never learned proper skills to survive in a situation like this. Mickey, however, has grown up teaching himself survival skills and sets out to work on getting them shelter and food. He includes Ian in on all his plans because, as annoying as the guy may be, he did save Mickey from drowning and Mickey supposes he owes him for that. And right now, all they had was each other.
They eventually get themselves a pretty decent setup. They create a fort for them to sleep and take shelter from the sun in. There’s a stream a little further into the forest where they can get fresh water. And their diet consists of fish from the ocean, fruit, and small animals they hunt on the island. Mickey teaches Ian as they go.
Once the threat of death is for the most part evaded they begin to bond. After all, what else do they really have to do besides talk? Ian opens up to Mickey about the pressure he feels being a closeted gay man in the royal family. And eventually, tells Mickey his biggest secret-he isn’t really King Francis’ son.
Mickey in turn tells Ian about his life growing up under Terry’s thumb and his own dark secret. About how Terry once caught him with a boy when he was a teenager and was nearly beat to death.
Horrified by Mickey’s story, Ian makes a silent vow that, if they ever got off the island, he would come out to the public and use his fame and image to become an activist for gay kids who could be suffering the way Mickey did.
Mickey for his part makes a promise to himself that if he got off the island, he would finally leave Terry behind once and for all and make a new life for himself. Even if it means leaving the south side.
Months go by and they of course begin to fall in love. And both of them start to wonder…maybe being on the island isn’t all that terrible. It somehow becomes a solace and escape from the drama of their normal lives. And here, it’s just the two of them. They can finally be themselves.
They do eventually get discovered and rescued. The news of Prince Ian Gallagher being found alive on an island months after the family’s yacht sank becomes huge news. And Mickey somehow gets painted as a hero-the ordinary citizen who helped their beloved prince survive months on an uninhabited island. The Gallaghers are so grateful to Mickey for keeping Ian alive that they give him a large sum of money. Mickey doesn’t want to accept it at first but Ian convinces him to use the money to begin building his new life away from Terry.
Ian and Mickey reluctantly go their separate ways. No matter how they feel about each other, Ian is a prince and has an image to uphold. Mickey knows that Ian already has enough shit to deal with being closeted and having to keep his true parentage under wraps. The last thing he needs is to be tied to a south side thug. It’s better for them to say goodbye, or so he tells himself.
Some time goes by and Ian eventually reaches his breaking point. He misses Mickey and, as much as he loves his family, he’s never fully fit in the royal life anyway. He finally does what he promised himself while on the island and writes and publishes an article where he comes out as gay. And at the end of the article, he officially announces his intent to abdicate his title of prince.
Though Ian never name drops Mickey in the article, a lot of the public had already romanticized their relationship from the island story and assume Ian is abdicating so he can be with him.
Mickey is sitting in his new apartment and watching the news. His jaw drops when he see’s a story about the famed Prince Ian Gallagher coming out as gay and leaving the royal life behind. But before he has a chance to fully react, there’s a knock on his front door.
Ian is at the door. And he smiles at Mickey before asking if his apartment has enough room for two.
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aria-i-adagio · 8 months
WIP Ask Meme
Bold of you to think I'm organized enough to have a WIP folder @hoochieblues.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I'm adapting these to brief descriptions. If there are any ongoing files in my GDrive I'll include the title/first line, but those are temp then everything moves to Scrivener.
Tagging: @atypicalacademic @motherofqups @niffty24, @ankoku-jin and @hollyand-writes
Here's what we have going on right now:
(In addition to the super fun work of writing my own bloody geometry textbook because the major publishers can't be bothered to do it decently/even vaguely in line with the current academic standards.)
Thrift Shop Vikings continues. It is cringe, it is dark, it is... hopefully actually decent. It has also grown from, "eh, think I can make the Nanowrimo draft into a decent short novel" to "yeah... this is going to be three genre length novels." I want to say I'm 80% of the way to beta-reader ready draft of Act 1, but I'm scared of jinxing myself. (That said, if anyone is interested in not quite Game of Thrones level dark fantasy, with yours truly treating crack [omegaverse] seriously, HMU. This is... not for everyone, and much darker than the fic I've written.)
Once Sindre had recovered enough to not feel that he needed to sleep until the end of days and the final battle, he began waking with the sun. Misery barely described... There's an idiom: as useless as nipples on a man
Where the Elfroot Grows is not dead. It is just percolating. In fact, recently Jeanne has been very loud about being the POV character for the arrival back at Skyhold. Also, the fish out of water appeal of forcing Rhys though Halamshiral is just too damn much. Also, I feel entirely empowered to make up my own canon now.
Jeanne became one of Rhys's primary minders Scene: Getting Hawke moving Rhys wakes to a kiss pressed to the back of his neck Adrian's arm remains extended R&D Ocean
On that note, I'm not really filing the serial numbers off WTEG per se, because I think I've backed far enough up to basic fantasy tropes. Or maybe I'm filing the serial numbers off, IDK and IDC. Either way, I'm at the world-building, occasional scene writing, creating lore, boning up on history and anarchist theory stage of taking the elements I particularly like and running with them, while paying more attention to consistent characterization and general coherence in terms of theory and theology. Currently has more of a steampunk vibe, as I can't quite pull off the level of 'sweeping social change more than mage rebellion' with a thoroughly medieval world-build. I would get into my Xnity, but to the left, meanderings here, but it would turn into a thesis. Anyway, both this and Thrift Shop Vikings are engaged with the idea that anyone who believes god is on their side is as dangerous as hell, just in very different directions.
And @hollyand-writes I really do have enough of an outline for Gatsby meets Kirkwall to get somewhere with it. Just maybe not until the school year is over. Every time I drive past the road named for the local moonshiners I'm reminded/start thinking on it.
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