#(@ other mods: if this is weird please delete my comment)
jewish-vents · 5 months
i will never understand why goyische women so aggressively want to "reclaim" lilith, just openly insisting to our faces! saying lilith is a "fertility goddess" and usually say something about "she just refused to obey a man so she was villainized!", that it's misogyny- sometimes they even claim antisemitic misogny- to insist that is NOT correct
i still think about this white christian turned pagan's explanation from a discord i was in that she refused to even give a second thought to,
"well, i always heard it was adam tried to make her be his servant while he didn't do anything, so she just grew a pair of owl wings and noped out of there! which, good for her!"
i still dont even have words...
I think a lot of this comes down to a very interesting pipeline I've seen in Pagan spaces: a Christian (usually white) feels either unfulfilled or abandoned or villanized by the religion they grew up with, they learn about other religions and about different worldviews, but because they don't fully relate to them they feel the need to take and change certain parts to fit the narrative they want to follow.
I've seen that with wiccans who claim Lilith as their own, or twist different texts so they're unrecognized from their source (a few years back I've seen a version of Persephone's story being circulated that was unlike any version of her story) and just people absolutely disregarding any criticism of stealing from different religions while paying no mind to these cultures.
I also think that the reason it's specifically Lilith is due to the post-modern "girl boss" narrative - a demonized woman that is simply misunderstood and is secretly the underdog of the story, because they want a character to relate to (and I won't get into details today, but there is a strong relation between relatability -> worship in the west) because they just see themselves as a misunderstood underdog who is judged too harshly. -🧋
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bloodplague · 26 days
Addressing all allegations
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Before mentioning everything, I'd like y'all to note a few things.
— Trigger warnings: Mentioning gore, slurs, Offenderman, mentioning an abuser (Crystal Castles, Ethan), mentioning of alcohol, etc. — Please do not harass Seirei over this at all. Yes, she made 2-3 videos about that and yes, she has spread some false information, but this is about me and not her. She does not deserve to be harassed. Seirei has been harassed over this, which is why I wanted to mention this. [ @seireitonin ] — Some people don't want their names leaked, so obviously I will draw over some users. — If I'm unsure about what prons to use for different people, I will use they/them. — I don't know where people got that from, but I'm not 25, nor am I in my twenties. My age will be mentioned in this post. Topics: 1. Doxxing & Spamming gore 2. Crystal castles 3. Kastoway 4. Lulu canon sheet 5. Offenderman „headcanons“ 6. Sally‘s channel 7. "Groomer" allegations 8. L slur 9. Asher 11. School shooting jokes? 12. The whole SA thing 13. "Ben drowned controller"-person 14. August and her personal relationship 15. Alcohol mentioning 16. Overly dark humor 17. Krunkatron
I think people tried to doxx me over all of this now, sending my IP address to Seirei and (possibly!) others, which is a bit wild but there's not much I can do except get a VPN. They also threatened to doxx a literal 13 year old and spam them gore images which is fucked up, nicely said. "Tulip" is the "frenchfucker67200" person.
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Crytal Castles
Because someone mentioned me supporting Ethan Kath, I'd like to mention that I don't. He's a terrible person who has abused Alice Glass (The old lead singer of Crystal Castles) for years and more.
I do love listening to Crystal Castles and ramble about how much I love the music, but did not say anything positive about Ethan. I don't idolize him either. I idolize Alice Glass, who unfortunately was a victim of Ethan.
As far as I'm informed, Alice is the victim and Ethan the abuser. I heard rumors about Ethan being innocent, but there's too much against him. I'm just a Crystal Castles listener, I do NOT know what's the 100% truth.
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I made a video, claiming that "Kastoway didn't actually do anything" and people shouldn't immediately believe everyone claiming stuff without showing proof, and now I'm basically getting called out for that too. I researched a bit and went through his sister's TikTok who made a whole google doc about Kastoway, linking it in her bio. People claim Kastoway is trans-phobic and supported a really weird creator (Sally's creator, La_Mishi_Mishi), so I wanna show what I actually found related to that since I never saw anything confirming that Kastoway is trans-phobic.
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The links in the doc don't work anymore. Also another screenshot of me saying "as far as I know" and not saying "100% the truth".
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Lulu canon sheet
Basically; In our Discord server, every character has her own channel for canon information and images. I threw in most canon drawings the creator made, including one where she was very exposed with only a part of the chest-area covered and the hips including private areas. This was a scar, body and bruise reference. I only put it there for scar refernece purposes, though I see and understand how this drawing is disgusting and should not be shown in a public server. I deleted it after talking about it with someone I will keep anon and a few mods.
Because people got upset over me adding a sexuality headcanon, it's canon that Lulu is straight. When making the headcanon about her being straight, I had no intention of "sexualizing her". I just threw in a headcanon about what sexuality she could possibly have since apparently she's dating someone?
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^ This is all canon information. I'm not sure what "via" means, so I'm not gonna comment that, that's all I could related to Lulu's age. I do not know how old she is on the picture, but assuming she's a minor, I deleted it from her channel.
Someone basically claimed I was making Offenderman headcanons:
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^ , even though that's straight up a lie? Those are not my headcanons, those were canon facts. For context, we have channels for all characters and their canon information, including Offenderman (until he got removed). I copied those from his canon sheets on DeviantArt, I did not write them myself.
Rough context to the Offenderman channel: He was supposed to be a part of the book because of the whole 4-Slender-brother thing and I planned on killing him off & was NOT gonna include ANY of his actions, but after people expressed their discomfort towards Offendermans channel and him being a part of the book, I removed him completely.
I also like to mention that I don't support Offenderman nor his actions at all. I only added him to have "the 4 Slender-brothers" in the book.
Krunkatron was willing to purposely take something out of context which is kinda crazy, but also what you have to expect when it comes to using Discord, I guess.
But yeah every time someone tried to tell them, they got blocked.
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Sally's channel
Krunkatron claimed I called Sally "sexy" which is also a wild thing to say, purposely taking it out of context.
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This is all copied information I threw in the channel after copying it from her canon sheets. I didn't read everything, I just threw everything in I found. A while later I went through everything and noticed the "sexy", so I removed it.
As far as I can tell, La_Mishi_Mishi (Sally's creator) was explaining the "meaning of the name Sally" which you can literally see on the screenshot too.
Though, I don't see why they would have to include that in a character description of an 8 year old, so I'm absolutely NOT defending them & removed it. Not to mention that they drew weird shit as well.
Groomer allegations
I don't really have much of a choice in this since allegations like that are serious as hell, so please, I'm not 25 (where ever people got that from). I'm a minor. I was never comfortable with revealing my age or talking about it a lot, since I got groomed several times and wanted to avoid that happening again.
Some of my friends didn't know, so don't pounce on them, only a few knew. The me driving a car video, that was in a parking lot. I've shown my ID to a few people like August, Vanessa, Asher, Alory and Jack too.
I never planned on sharing my exact age. Once people started making guesses, saying they think I'm 19-24, I just went along with it because I was not comfortable sharing my age.
With that being said, most of the allegations are probably cleared up. Specially the "jokingly flirts with minors"-thing.
And before krunk comes at me for my diagnoses, surprise, you can get diagnosed at the age of 15 in Germany. Some personality disorders can be diagnosed at 15 and yes, I got my diagnoses by several professionals. Faking mental disorders is disgusting, I don't do that.
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There's basically a screenshot of me saying the L slur, and I just want to say that I didn't know it was a slur. I don't use slurs I'm not allowed to use, so I immediately stopped saying the word once Alory (the person who I said it to) explained it.
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Some people claim it's not a slur, some say it is, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is that I will not use it again since I'm not a lesbian and have no right to use that slur.
Some people claim Asher is a n.zi, and I just want to reassure everyone that he is definitely not one. He explained several times that he does not support any of HABIT's actions and rambles about how terrible he actually is. And no, I'm not "grooming Asher"?? Like I said, I'm a minor myself. In fact, I helped Asher get rid of groomers to stay safe 3 times now.
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School shooting jokes
I basically made a joke about something like "shoot them like the kids in America", and honestly, isn't that the most common joke? I see so many famous YouTubers like Markiplier or Flamingo joke about it, almost everyone on TikTok and literally everyone I talk to. I see how people are uncomfortable if they suffer under trauma related to school shootings, so I won't make those jokes anymore, but aren't they more or less normal at that point? (genuine question)
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Tumblr is only letting me add 30 images in total, so I'm trying to think fo a way to show screenshots without being forced to make 6 different posts.
The "Ben Drowned's controller" person
Basically a 12 year old that was upset that they got kicked from our server. You have to be 13+ to use Discord. Either way, they claimed that Virus (someone who tried to get nudes from a 13 year old and someone who tried to groom Asher) was not a groomer.
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Please note this person is ONLY 12, so DO NOT HARASS THEM.
They were spreading false information, claiming Virus (aka Kiro on those pictures) is "normal", even though he's far from that. Virus is 22, telling a 14 year old about his kinks, offering to write smut, writing smut, talking about porn and sending sexual drawings. This is absolutely not okay. Saying "Asher could've told him to stop" is not a valid excuse either. Why would an adult tell a minor about that in first place. That's just disgusting.
August and their relationship
There's nothing much I have to say to that other then that people shouldn't send around screenshots of August's and their ex's DM's?
They are both the same age and (as far as I know) were comfortable with what happened, bringing up their old relationship has NOTHING to do with all of this, so stop.
Alcohol mentioning
The whole alcohol mentioning has been stopped about 2 months ago. People already expressed their feelings about this, so I stopped. I used to send pictures of my collection at times, which some people twisted into "promoting alcohol" as if I was telling people to drink.
As said, I stopped around 2 months ago (I think) and won't really mention alcohol anymore. I don't know why people brought it up again if we stopped.
I'm gonna post a "part 2" tomorrow or once I can, talking about all the overly dark jokes I made. It's like 3:17 AM and I have to go to work in a few hours so yeah I'll do that tomorrow.
A few more notes!!!
— I'm most likely gonna delete overly rude comments because it's just unnecessary (looking at Krunkarton who said "Idc if youre a minor, slit to the bone"???) — Read everything before commenting something please, I don't wanna explain things several times when most answers are in this post — Again, I'll address the rest in the second post because of the picture limit
Telling 13 year olds stuff like that is feral. (most of the comments are towards 2 of my friends so yah)
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aphidclan-clangen · 8 months
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Welcome to AphidClan!
Where a bunch of brightly colorful sparklekitties live in a polluted, dull, depressing land with a hunger for blood that can’t be sated.
Iridis (they/she/he with a they/he preference + neos) - the non-binary, genderqueer, xenogender & trans audhd artist behind the blog, my main art blog is @iridiss (but im way more active over here nowadays!)
~ Resources ~
The AphidClan Code
AphidClan Family Tree
#aphidmoons - The tag for moons/main updates
#aphidasks - The tag for asks and answers from both me and the characters
#aphidlore - the lore tag
#aphidrefs - reference sheets for the characters
And my tag for showcasing other clangen blogs is #other clans
Q: Is your clangen modded?
A: Nope! The actual sprites of the characters are normal, but my own creative liberties turn them into sparklecats. That’s why you’ll see Pearlstar with pink and gold and sky blue markings in the pages, but not in his sprite.
Q: Are the background/side characters available for questioning?
A: Yes!! Any and all cats that appear on this blog are available for questions, even if they’re deceased, an Outsider, or a nameless background character only present for a panel or two.
Boundaries -
Please do not ping me. Don’t ping me with newly made clangen blogs, even as inspiration.
Don’t ask me for art or demand that I make reference sheets for the characters, or update the family tree sooner, or any other additional material for the comic. Don’t demand for updates to come out sooner. It’s very disrespectful. This is a hobby where I draw for my own entertainment, nothing else.
Do not make humanized designs of my characters. They are my characters, not yours. However, I am fine with you drawing Aphidclan cats as furries and anthros or dressing them up in cool outfits, since I already draw them as anthros/furries myself and no real aspect of the design is being changed when they’re drawn as anthropomorphic/furries.
No parasocial shit, please. Do not DM me, or ask to be my friend, or make headcanons of my OCs, or stalk me and obsess over me or otherwise put me on some kind of pedestal. I’m not your idol, I’m not an influencer, this makes me extremely uncomfortable. Respect me as a person and treat me the same way you’d treat a stranger you met irl, my characters/comic/art/writing is not yours to claim or take from or freely treat as your own just because you like my art. These are my characters, and not yours to play with and do as you please. I should not be your friend just because you like my art. Do not try to use me or my blog for clout. Do not ask me for my opinion on real-world things, it literally should not matter to you. I am just a guy drawing cats on the internet. I am a living breathing person with boundaries and flaws and a life outside of this comic. Please do not be weird about me or my characters, parasocial shit makes me deeply uncomfortable and it is often extremely rude and dehumanizing. If I find you doing any of these things in my asks or comments, I will block you immediately and delete the ask/comment. Treat me with respect, or I will block you/turn off asks/etc.
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neriumxoleander · 7 months
If you could explain, I'm only learning this now! What's going on with Gato? I've only seen vague posts but I know all social media is gone (because by god fucking twitter apparently) I've seen from the fake gatobob account post about recent events and I'm soo confused. Could you please shed some more light on this? If you are as clueless as I am, you don't need to respond. - @your-very-own-anon (mod speaking)
Sorry for the late response, I've been trying to retag some things while I'm focused on this account for once. I'll try to be brief? please don't take me as the authority on this, I just happened to get into the tags while it was unfolding earlier today. still going under a read more though. i suppose a tw for mentions of racism and xenophobia are warranted. And please do not interact if you are a minor or have no age listed on your blog, I will block you.
Gato deleted her social media accounts this morning (tumblr, twitter, pillowfort) and explained on patreon it was for her mental health and safety (which... safety? hm) and someone here immediately claimed the gatobob url. which happens, it's tumblr. but this person is using it basically as a callout center.
the callout seems to be about an incident that happened in the patreon exclusive discord server before it got shut down a couple months ago. tldr according to this person, someone (a mod?) made a racist comment towards someone, and gato apparently handled the situation poorly and neither her or the mods apology were really that great. I was in the server as a lurker more than anything, but I don't remember being there when this happened.
other people sending in asks to this new gatobob account have also been calling her out for xenophobia, but I have a feeling that's looking a little bit too much into statements she's made about her games being redistributed in Russia and Spain specifically if i recall correctly.
this new blog is demanding gato and the aforementioned mod properly apologize for their behaviour, but in my opinion, this is a really weird and bad way to go about it. Smart to use her url as a way to boost the problem, but... I haven't seen any solid evidence besides some very vague screenshots, none of them including the racist remarks (the screenshots they've posted so far definitely aren't good responses or apologies if they ARE linked to this incident, and it should have been taken seriously) And the victim from the racism incident is NOT the person running the new gatobob account, so it feels very weird to me that this person is taking it upon themselves to stir everyone up and demand things from gato and the mod.
as far as I can tell, gato hasn't said anything about this on patreon, although she's likely taking her separation from social media very seriously. If she is aware (and I'm sure she's getting plenty of DMs about this on patreon), she'll likely make a post there addressing it in the next couple days, but that's just speculation.
I'm keeping a mostly neutral stance in this whole thing, but I'm encouraging people to not interact with this new gatobob account. There's nothing we can really do; they aren't impersonating her, posting anything against ToS as far as Im aware, and people have been hoarding urls for years. Just... listen and learn, I think is all I can suggest. Form your own opinions, but don't go on a witch hunt about it, if that makes any sense.
I'll try to answer other questions, but I'm just one guy on the internet who doesn't usually get tangled with things like this. Please be patient.
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mixsethaddams · 2 years
Eddie/Hotdude Official Megathread!
(This is based on this post I made a while ago, shoutout to @bunk12bear for suggesting the format!)
(I know the formatting is a bit weird because of how tumblr is posting it, but it’s much clearer/cleaner over here on ao3!  But generally I think it works better on desktop than mobile...)
Eddie/Hotdude Official Megathread!
TheNumberOneBanished 8hr ago
Ok everyone, this is the official megathread to discuss this post from Eddie. Mods have decided it’s been too crazy in here and it needs to be compressed. 
If you missed it, although I don’t see HOW at this point, Eddie and a man (who was named by fans in the 90s as Hotdude Inthebackground) have apparently been engaged since 1989 and were among the first same sex couples to get married in Indiana this morning. Hotdude has previously been assumed to be part of their security but *shrug* looks like we were wrong. We’ve been overwhelmed with posts on the subject so keep it in this ONE PLACE please from now on. 
Bots and mods will be on patrol to mute/ban where necessary. Don’t be fucking rude. 
r/CCCJ Bot 8hr ago
Beep Boop. Don’t downvote mean comments, but do upvote anything you agree with! 
I’m a bot and my actions will be performed automatically. Contact the moderators if you think I’ve made a mistake!
EddiesGirl 8hr ago
Are we sure it’s not a joke?
---mrboombastic 8hr ago
    Yes baby we’re sure
    ---EddiesGirl 8hr ago
        How though?
        ---mrboombastic 7hr ago
         They’ve never joked about anything like this, sex and sexuality
          is probably the one thing they’ve always been super serious
          about. Guess this is why.
---user37397564397569 8hr ago
    U mad?
     ---EddiesGirl 7hr ago
         Just not sure I believe it
throwawayfuckeddie 7hr ago
burning all my cc shit right now man. don’t need a fucking fag on my car stereo. fuck eddie. 
---Mycoffinisfineactually 7hr ago
     They still have your money, dude. But sure, go ahead and destroy
      all your shit.
     ---throwawayfuckeddie 7hr ago
         fuck you too. 
(comment deleted)
---frogger75 8hr ago
    You kiss your mother with that mouth?
---lokisbabe 8hr ago
    What the fuck?
---allthegoodnamesweretaken 7hr ago
    That’s…an interesting threat? I think?
---(comment deleted)
     ---freakmeup 6hr ago
          Digging your own grave here. Just stop. 
         ---(comment deleted)
 ---seven8nine 5hr ago
     No way you could fit your entire truck up there
---(comment deleted)
    ---(comment deleted)
pussyfromaboywithcatears 7hr ago
Do we even know Hotdude’s real name? I mean I doubt Eddie’s going to be Mr. Inthebackground from now on?
---bornindenial 7hr ago
    I don’t think so? Someone on twitter said Eddie used the name
    ‘Steve’ literally one time when they were at a signing and Hotdude was the
    one who came to the table. No proof though.
    ---pussyfromaboywithcatears 7hr ago
     Strange thing to wait until NOW to mention. Also, Steve?
      Generic af. My money’s on that being a lie and ‘Steve’ was the first name
       they thought of.
---babygotfront 7hr ago
    Eddie’s got the name ‘Dustin’ tatted on his leg? 
    ---pussyfromaboywithcatears 6hr ago
      Along with about eight or nine others, so unless we’re also
       thinking Hotdude’s name is also either Jane or Erica, I don’t think
       that makes sense.
---lokisbabe 6hr ago
    Twitter right now is saying Steve and this tracks for me. Eddie’s got
    that big S tattoo on his ring finger.
   ---frogger75 6hr ago
       Did he not saying that stood for ‘sucking dick’?
       ---EddiesGirl 6hr ago
           When did he say that? Like is he even really gay?
           ---Mycoffinisfineactually 6hr ago
               sweetie he’s been out a long time, its time to move on
       ---indianaguy 5hr ago
       I knew eddie in highschool and that is absolutely something
         he’d get a tattoo of.
          ---mrboombastic 5hr ago
           My guy. Check your fucking yearbook rn to see if Hotdude in
           ---sevendogsinatrenchcoat 5hr ago
              No way to verify, Eddie never graduated, ergo no yearbook.
              Got his GED in 98.
               ---mrboombastic 5hr ago
                  We get yearbooks every year but yeah you’re right, too
                  hard to verify
        ---freakmeup 5hr ago
           Ignore this guy, he’s always on all the conspiracy boards
           claiming wild shit about. Russian invasions and monsters.
           Says the earthquake that gave Eddie that scar on his face was
           an evil wizard. The band themselves have renounced him as a
            ---indianaguy 4hr ago
                Fuck you you fucking sheep
                ---freakmeup 3hr ago
CallMeByYourMothersName 5hr ago
holy fuck HOLY FUCK everyone needs to watch this video right now. Eddie blowing a kiss to the side of the stage at MSG and if you turn up the brightness HOTDUDE IS THERE AND HE CATCHES IT
---ninebrassmonkeys 5hr ago
   Oh shit that’s cute
   ---ninebrassmonkeys01 4hr ago
      I have a bone to pick with you 
---burningmanwasboring 5hr ago
    Oh shit that’s cute, indeed
Chesticles03 5hr ago
Does this mean Lollipop is about Hotdude’s dick?
---pissbaby75 5hr ago
   …yes I believe it does
---showmeyourfeet 5hr ago
    lol you’re right it probably does
---drumbitch98 5hr ago
    There’s a video of Hotdude wearing a Lollipop shirt at a meet and
    greet! Eddie told the person recording that it was a merch sample
    that never got made!
    ---pissbaby75 5hr ago
      I’ve seen this video omg wait let me find it I’m sure it’s on
pissbaby75 4hr ago
HERE is the video of Hotdude in the scrapped Lollipop merch and I swear at 1:23 he SAYS HIS NAME. Headphones on full volume. This was from 2002. Whoa.
    Here are the captions for this video! 
    “Hi guys thanks for coming”
    “I’m so excited to meet you, your music saved my life”
    “Awesome to hear that man, glad you’re still around. Is this the
     shirt you brought to get signed?”
    “Yes please. I think all the Lollipop merch get sold out already but
      this one is  awesome too”
     “I’ll pass it on to Will our designer, thank you. There was only
     samples made for 
     Lollipop stuff *laughing sounds* They said looked too much like a
     dick to sell. (Steve?) back there has the only actual one. Here you
      go, enjoy the show tonight!”
     “Did you call me?” 
     “Oh my god Hotdude! Hi!”
     “Uh, hey?”
---Chesticles03 4hr ago
   STEVE!!!!!!!!!! He definitely does say Steve!
---interestingreaction 4hr ago
   The tattoo of the S on his hand. It all makes sense now.
   ---jackskullboy 4hr ago
     As much fun as the story he tells about it being about his love for
     sucking dick is, I agree that this is a better fit
CorrodedCorpse 4hr ago
Hotdude has an E tattoo! Repeat! Hotdude has an E tattoo! This video of him in shorts lifting an amp into a van is grainy because hey, cellphones in the mid 00s, right? But the tat on his left leg has a very definite E shape. Props to tumblr for spotting this one.  
---punchanazi 4hr ago
    How is it that we’re literally only clocking this now?
    ---CorrodedCorpse 4hr ago
        He’s also topless. We were not focusing on anything but
        Hotdude without a shirt
        ---punchanazi 3hr ago
EddiesGirl 3hr ago
There’s been nothing posted online since. I still don’t think this is for real if he hasn’t posted a follow up.
---coffinfucker 3hr ago
    How does that logic work?
    ---EddiesGirl 3hr ago
      Well wouldn’t you be posting your wedding day for everyone to
        ---coffinfucker 3hr ago
           He kept it secret since the 80’s and you think now is when
           that’ll change? We were lucky to even get this. There was more
           info about Beyonce’s first trimester on Blue Ivy than there was about
           this relationship until literally 10 hours ago.
            ---EddiesGirl 2hr ago
               I just think he owes us more of an explanation. We’re the ones
               paying his bills.
---Mycoffinisfineactually 3hr ago
    I think you should log off
    ---EddiesGirl 3hr ago
        Why? Because I want to know why he’s lied to us for so long
         he’s not the person I thought he was if he’s been lying about
         being in a relationship for so long.
        ---Mycoffinisfineactually 3hr ago
             ---EddiesGirl 2hr ago
                If you’re ok with supporting someone who has the capacity
                for such a huge lie then fine. Some of us are on discord
                writing an open letter about it.
                ---Mycoffinisfinactually 1hr ago
                    oh my god of course you are
allaboutthatbass 3hr ago
Is this Hotdude in this video? In the yellow? Is someone calling him Harry?
Edit: sorry, new to this. LINK
---showmeyourfeet 3hr ago
   You forgot the link, champ
   ---allaboutthatbass 3hr ago
       Sorry, fixed it.
---ozzyozzy 3hr ago
   That’s Hotdude! It doesn’t sound like Harry though. More like ‘Here,
   Tony’. Is his name Tony?
   ---CallMeByYourMothersName 3hr ago
      No we’ve figured out it’s Steve, but you’re right that there’s two
      parts to whatever he’s being called. Surname maybe?
---thedoctordonna 3hr ago
    He looks great in yellow
    ---pissbaby75 3hr ago
        He looks fuckin great in yellow
        ---milestellme 3hr ago
            Definitely his colour
            ---daisiesonyournightstand 2hr ago
                More Hotdude in yellow content please
                ---27 more replies
---CoffinUpMyHeart 2hr ago
     If you slow the video down it sounds like they’re saying Harrington.
     Could that be it?
    ---coochieluver 2hr ago
        Steve Harrington is such a Midwest name jesus christ
    ---bodysnatcher 2hr ago
        I hear it too. Sounds like Harrington for sure
EddiesGirl 2hr ago
If anyone wants to add their name to the letter of why we as fans feel betrayed by not hearing about this before now, I’ll leave the link here.
---mrboombastic 2hr ago
    Are you still here?
---Mycoffinisfineactually 2hr ago
    This is so funny
---showmeyourfeet 2hr ago
    What the fuck is this?
---TheNumberOneBanished 2hr ago
    There are easier ways to ask me to ban you
---pussyfromaboywithcatears 2hr ago
    Careful throwing that ‘we’ word around
tusconarizona 1hr ago
It’s kind of hard to see for sure because it’s a screenshot of an old Top Of The Pops performance, but this looks like Eddie holding Hotdude’s hand when they leave the stage?
---BeamMeUpThotty 1hr ago
   Hard to tell! Could be just Hotdude putting his hand out to help
   him step down off the stage?
TimCurryingMyFavour 1hr ago
Was he ever just a security guard?
---ironmanCW 1hr ago
    Now there’s a question.
    ---TimCurryingMyFavour 1 hr ago
         Like how did they even meet?
mopthefloor 38 minutes ago
I wonder if Eddie knows how big a deal this is? 
---callousedanus 35 minutes ago
    That he’s married?
    ---mopthefloor 27 minutes ago
      Well yeah but like, that he’s officially gay now too. NME has been
       saying for years that he’s been joking about it. This is huge for their queer
        ---throwawayfuckeddie 20 minutes ago
            fuck their queer fanbase
            ---mopthefloor 17 minutes ago
                Don’t threaten me with a good time
        ---callousedanus 25 minutes ago
          They’ve been pretty clear about never joking about that kind of
           thing (I think it was discussed further up the thread?) so NME
           haven’t been paying close enough attention. I get what you
            mean though, very validating, especially in this scene.
SpaceDogsInMyBrain 26 minutes ago
Hasn’t Eddie said that he lurks this subreddit? I wonder if he’ll see this?
---eddiem 20 minutes ago
TheNumberOneBanished just now
Ok! So we’re locking this thread now because we’ve come very close to accidentally doxxing Hotdude! We’ve been given a super rare insight into Eddie’s personal life and we’re going to stay respectful of it.
Also, Eddie has posted another picture on Instagram, you can see it here.
tl;dr for anyone too lazy to click, it’s a picture of them holding hands backstage at a show, it’s pretty cute. Caption confirms that Hotdude’s name is in fact Steve, they met through friends in 1986, and that CC will be scheduling their long awaited farewell tour dates once they’re back from honeymoon. 
It’s been a pretty wild day for us in the fanbase, but if it’s one thing we can all take away from this, it’s that Hotdude looks great in yellow.
Thread Locked By Moderators.
People who said they might be interested:
(Also if anyone was planning on writing this for real then please do and please still tag me! I'd love to see it)
@shainsaw22 @duckyreads @maya-custodios-dionach @impeachy @daydreamerblues @0o-queendean-o0 @softgaygothboy @butterisgod @theoncelee @toasted-ghosty @genderisaliesowhyshouldihaveone @furbywithaknife420
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galat1c-bas3baller · 4 months
Reach the end of the story in your own way.
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Also run by: @actorsmask & @manami-m1zun0
Keep reading for rules!
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Hello everyone, mod speaking! You may call me Ryoko or just mod! :D
Now onto the rules:
I will not tolerate homophobia, racism, sexism, hateful comments, and the like at all. I will block you and I will report you if needed. Do not try me.
OCs and the like are welcome. Doesn't matter what fandom or game, don't be scared to interact. I'm chronically online and on summer break for a few months, so I should be able to answer asks quickly. Though it doesn't mean I don't have my own life, as I still go outside(surprisingly) with both family and friends and other irl things. So do not spam your asks or else I will deliberately ignore them! I am a minor, so please do not send me anything weird or just downright disgusting in asks or dms. I will block and report you, so think before you speak because I will not be lenient with this type of thing. Opinions are welcome, but nothing that will diss on others and me. Don't get too much into irl politics and the such, a hsr roleplay blog is not the place to talk about such things that will not be given the attention it will need here. So do be aware I will delete asks related to that since I don't even know much myself. I am alright with graphic depictions of violence and blood, just make sure to give me a warning before hand in either tags or DMs so I won't be spooked. And make sure to mark the post as mature!
Nothing explicitly NSFW please, I am again still a minor. Though I am alright with suggestive, just don't go too deep down that hole alright? I'm alright with ships, just talk with me first in DMs. But nothing illegal please.
That's everything, happy role-playing!
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dhmis-gang · 11 months
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I’m so very sorry for being gone for so many months on end! It’s probably been a whole year since I’ve even posted a real comic on this blog and getting all of your guys hopes up by saying “new comic out soon!” And then 2 weeks later not a single word. I’m very sorry for doing that to you guys and I’m still very very active in the Dhmis community! I guess I was just on a art Hiatus for some time without telling any of you and I’m very sorry about that! Again I’m still a student in school and I have my own personal life to deal with so I can’t be online 24/7 but I promise that now I will focus on my blog more since I have been killing it in school now! (I’m other words I’m doing absolutely amazing in school now) but I will admit that some questions for last year I deleted out of my ask box (I’m sorry y’all) but I’ll be opening up the ask box again so be free to ask some questions and I’ll do my best to answer them as quickly as possible! Thank you all so much for your patience and I hope to be answering all your questions/dare/comment soon! Bye bye :D - mod a.k.a nicole
(P.s I know Colin’s tail looks a lil fonkey but I’m seeing about putting a new tail on him or not, still unsure about that, sorry)
(Edit: ok sorry hold on- ask box is being weird and isn’t letting me open it so I dunno might have to get in contact with tumblr or something like that? If anyone can help it says “please use 26 characters or less” no idea what that means because I’m only clicking the button to turn on ask but uhhh)
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polutrope · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @niennawept @melestasflight @sallysavestheday @spiritofwhitefire @grey-gazania for the tag! I've enjoyed reading all of yours.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 89 on main, 12 on my pseud, 2 anon.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 284k on main.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Silmarillion.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Seven Trials of Fingon the Valiant (Fingon/Sons of Feanor humour)
Who Shall Release Us? (Maedhros post-reembodiment angst)
A Gift (M&M childhood fluff)
Improving Relations (Maglor & Caranthir fluff)
A Proposition (Russinglor smut)
Y'all are predictable, but I do enjoy all of these myself so. Good choices. 
5. Do you respond to comments? Always. Unless they're rude, in which case I delete them without replying.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm reading the last lines of my fics trying to find one that ends with pure angst and laughing because they're all like "... but there was hope."
Anyway, The Marks that Bind Us (Celegorm/OC) and His Hour Had Come (Saeros & OC) end on a sinister note.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pretty much everything in my Sex Is Fun series. People have sex, it's fun, the end :).
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not hate, but I've had a couple people be rude, like commenting on a word choice they didn't like and nothing else. *Delete*.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Shamelessly. Prolifically. Joyfully. I co-mod @silmsmutweek with the marvellously shameless @ettelene. I'd say my niche is fun sex... hot elves + open communication + laughter. I've written dark stuff too though.
As with most in this fandom, my smut is mostly M/M but I'm proud of the amount of F/M smut I've written. Which is a weird thing to be proud of, if this weren't Silm fandom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No. Keep thinking about doing something with Silm + Greek myth but it's amorphous.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! The Seven Trials of Fingon the Valiant with @melestasflight and currently co-writing with the same. I love it.
Besides that, almost everything I've ever posted is some level of collaborative, whether it be with some big-brained anonymous prompter on silmkinkmeme or by shoving a mess of words at a friend and crying, "Help!" etc etc. I cannot and do not create in a vacuum, at all.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Maglor/Most Anyone.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? If I want to finish it, I probably will. There are a lot of things I don't want to finish, and I won't.
16. What are your writing strengths? Language and characterisation. Editing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I was going to say "Perfectionism", then started questioning if that made me sound like an asshole, and whether people would get what I meant by that, and so then I started making a whole list of things I don't think I am good at, and have so far spent about 10 minutes on this question, and ... you see the irony here?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don't know, I wouldn't do it (unless my universal disclaimer -- "Except if it's funny." -- applies.)
19. First fandom you wrote for? Silmarillion, in 2003. There was then a 17 year break. I have no other fandoms and need no other fandoms.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Refuse to answer.
I have a feeling a lot of people have done this over the last week while I have been buried in work but @ettelene @tethysresort @millenariumhappinesstheorem @a-tehta @gwaedhannen @zealouswerewolfcollector I don't think I saw one from you so please feel welcome to share these, if you like.
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genderheaven · 2 years
excuse me for this being a post full of drama
"i" is used loosely before, the person who used to run this blog has split multiple times
- shaun/(i genuinely do not know what name they might go by now because i’ve been making a point to not check up on people from my mogai days, sorry) DID reblog that post that caused me to send that (shitty) message, they are literally a mod on that mogai wiki critism blog and at the time it had no indicator there were other mods so at the time when they reblogged that post telling “i hope all you mods burn” i really thought they had just reblogged it and then lied in their next post on kenochoric and said “i never reblogged that post.” i had been discussing the post with my therapist at the time in private and my therapist had repeatedly described it as a borderline threat, so how i saw it was that someone who i used to respect quite a lot reblogged a borderline threat against me and other mods and then acted like they didn't. after this i had a more extreme breakdown and i think i may have been delusional at different points, which is part of the reason a lot of my posts after that got... weird and some got deleted quickly. not an excuse but i’d like to EXPLAIN this and give some context.
- never doxxed rogue. doxxing can kill people and disgusts me on a moral basis. rogue has said in private emails that lo thinks the wiki page i made about lov is doxxing. it’s not. (it WAS rude and a breach of privacy and didn’t really need to exist. still not doxxing, did not contain a literal shred of information that counts as doxxing.) rogue was linked to four or five actual legal websites by the person who was maintaing the NCB on my behalf with the definition of doxxing, to say “no, your claim that this wiki page was doxxxing is wrong,” and rogue quite literally responded with “but my friends said it is.” this implies that rogue literally ignored actual legal professionals over like.. proship friends. i think the things i did to rogue were mean and uncessary but rogue has also used the scary word “dox” as a tool to silence supports of me/old me pre-splitting, while lo KNOWS that the wiki page was not a dox. mean and not needed? yeah, absolutely, i feel a lot of guilt over it and if i could go back in time and slap myself i would.
- i don’t tell people to kill themselves. i haven’t really checked but i have ZERO doubt there’s still never been any evidence that i told some random 16 year old to kill themselves. in fact i was literally silently making an effort to stop interacting with minors (just because of my age making me worried about making people uncomfortable) so from my perspective this accusation is all kinds of wild.
i’m still incredibly upset that someone as smart as dexter would think it’s okay to post an ask like that and leave NO comments at first about how he received no evidence of it and i really do hope that in the future mogai tumblr remembers that this isn’t the first time someone has sent an anon to whatever random mogai blogs have their asks open, saying that i did XYZ. remember when tgce was going to every blog they absolutely could and telling them i was antisemitic and then never providing evidence when asked but just talking about how shitty i am? yeah.
- the different carrds that i made no longer belong to me and haven’t been in my possession since this all happened, they’re not affiliated with me at all anymore so if you’ve removed links to them because they’re associated with Smelly Bad Guy i wouldn’t worry about that, i literally can’t edit them or anything now
figured out shortly after this that i have ocd and autism and i’m starting to slip and not be able to fight compulsions to come back here and comment so i think i’m just gonna outright delete the email this account is atatched to so i can’t get back in after this
with all that being said though: i'm sorry.
i don’t want forgiveness or to be defended, to be honest, so please just don’t. i’m very aware every action i took at this point was just asinine and rude and downright mean and hurting people and to say the least i’m not happy with myself for it
also: i’m no longer making any sort of mogai/resource-related accounts, so please know if you see anybody with an ezgendr/genderheaven/etc related url on another site it is ABSOLUTELY not me, i’ve seen fake usernames on other sites which kind of freaks me out so again that’s NOT legitimate
thank you for reading and i’m sorry, please know that there isn’t a single action i took that i don’t regret extremely
final note: if you're referring to me/old me pre splitting, please don't use the name "ez". our system's split was kind of violent and traumatizing and we've come to refer to it like "ez" dying. we would really like if people, especially those of you who outright knew me/us when i went by kris instead, didn't call me/us ez. mentioning the url ezgender is one thing because that was our actual url but people don't switch back to a name that this headmate no longer wanted to be called even when he was alive. never gonan stop you from being upset with me/us because there's a lot of legit reasons to but please don't with this name especially if we outright spoke to each other while it was "kris" instead
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cigarette-room · 10 months
I mean at this point it seems just having a fanfic uploaded on ao3 is supporting the site itself stopping now helps nothing we should strip the website of it's fans and content completely by deleting whatever works we have on there, just doing nothing for a week before resuming adding content doesn't seam helpful or hard hitting enough in my opinion plus there are other sites to post fan fiction like wattpad or fanfiction.net, i don't see why anyone would add new work ever again on such a disgusting site like ao3 who has always supported things like incest and racism, this new disgusting addiction isn't anything new in the sites history seeing as the main mods have always acted, and let's not forget it was founded on incest abo supernatural fanfiction. you of course don't have to delete anything if you care too much about comments\kudos\etc... but i have and i just want to make a friendly suggestion towards truly boycotting this site once and for all.
AO3 is an archive. Taking off hundreds of thousands of fanfictions from it is literally impossible. Fics that date from 2000s, fics of abandoned authors... besides, AO3 makes literally no profit whatsoever from uploading and consuming fics, so taking them down or refusing to upload, as much as a symbolic gesture, doesn't impact the site itself or the authors of it.
You know what is a direct hit to the site, though? Stopping the donations. There's hundreds of thousands of dollars going to this site every time they open up for donations. They breach the limit every single time, and without the money to hold the site up it would quite literally be in shambles, so - the most important thing you can do is talk about how shitty they are while withholding your money from them. Taking down your fics and refusing to upload is optional, and please don't come at me with "you care more about kudos/comments" I care about things that do the work, AO3 has never gotten a penny from me and never will and we should spread the word so others do the same.
Also, anon, please stop being weird. Bringing up fictional incest and abo supernatural fanfictions in the same breath as genocide apologism is such a thoroughly unserious thing, as it's becoming more and more obvious that some of your will stop at no situation at all, including genocide apologism, to bring up fanfiction discourse. I don't think incest fanfics are even in the top 100 of problems here jfc lmao
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kiwinatorwaffles · 3 years
hi guys
now that ive been using tumblr more why dont i make a real intro?
hi im kiwi and welcome to my blog!
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i also go by fels/waffles and nathan/nate, but kiwi is generally preferred unless you already know someone named kiwi and need a way to distinguish.
as you’ve probably guessed, i’m aroace!
i use both she/her and he/him pronouns, but honestly use whatever’s funniest. like call me bro if you want. my gender is The Bit. (but i only use gendered terms/honorifics)
i am a multifandom... kinda? i mean i rb stuff relating to my interests
but my main fandom for now is hermitcraft + hermit-adjacent SMPs, and on the side there’s legend of zelda, ace attorney and cookie run ovenbreak. also i never shut up about the loathing games so if youve played any of them.... put your fingers in my enclosure i wont bite i prommy
feel free to use my art for icons, banners, edits, dubs etc as long as you credit me.
i’m also a mod for @thelinkconvention (although i can’t check notifs very often) and i’m totally not a mod for @evilxdoodles but you should check it out wink wink nudge nudge
a lot of my art ideas and fics are co-written by my best friend and partner in crime @skyspersonalhell :D
i try my best to write image descriptions for my art (which i put in the alt text) but i’m not always consistent :’] i appreciate any IDs people write for me!
VDHAU masterpost for those who want it!
check out my store on etsy!
please don’t tag my work as ships if i don’t tag/specify it myself 👍 i can’t stop you but i would prefer not to have my works misinterpreted. you can check under the cut for my more detailed stance on shipping!
please do not bring discourse to my page. don’t make me tap the sign.
open up the cut for my tags, page content warnings, boundaries/full shipping stance, and other socials!
my tags!
art- #kiwi’s scribbles random thoughts- #kiwi’s calls writing & headcanons- #orchard’s library asks- #birdhouse inquiries homemade memes- #kiwi’s shitpost central oc content- #kiwi’s ocs (individual stories are tagged with the "original story: __" and "fandom ocs: __" format but you can check out my toyhouse for more actual stuff)
a masterpost of silly misc tags on my page can also be found here!
i might end up drawing possible triggering content! here are some things i draw:
blood, gore, and violence
dark and heavy material
general spooky content sometimes
gay people /j /j /j /j
my page also includes lots of swearing and all caps! if you dont like that then it probably isnt the best choice to follow me.
i filter any triggers with # ___ tw and keep in mind i do also use the #cursed tag for filtering those type of posts if you know what i’m saying just a heads up
here is my full stance on shipping! please read it if you are wondering about my boundaries! but the tl;dr of that post is that while i am not against shipping, please do not take it to my page if i don’t mention it myself 👍
there are certain ships i am really not comfortable with, so please don't take it personally if i block you for that reason
like i said earlier, please do not tag any of my works as a ship, unless i specify it myself! i mean you CAN i can’t stop you but i’ll probably end up blocking you for my own comfort. nothing personal
as mentioned before, do not bring discourse topics onto my page! any asks or comments about discourse will be not be dignified with a response and promptly deleted!
if the discourse pertains to something i posted, then please do inform me with a reason why i was wrong! however, if you phrase it like a callout or discourse, i will be treating it as such and deleting it!
if you want to learn more about me, here’s my carrd! it includes other socials as well as a (kind of loose) byi.
i don’t have a specific dni, but i do block people who make me uncomfortable. i also don’t interact with people if they’re weird.
i'm kind of on a hiatus on instagram but if you still want to check it out -- @ kiwinatorwaffles for my main and @ kiwisnotgay for my doodles/alt. you can check out my original characters in more depth on my toyhouse, which is also @ kiwinatorwaffles!
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Now everything is added to the queue and I'll reopen the inbox. Have fun everyone!
-Mod Nen
Include where a character is from and not just names. Ship names are especially bad as not everything is on the shipping wiki. I'm not overly familiar with celebrities, so adding what kind they are especially if they aren't part of a band is really useful, like someone confessed about Noora Louhimo, that they specified that they meant the metal artist helped so much!
Everything jkr is still on hold and will be deleted. If they're mentioned along something else, I will take it out.
Any adult-x-child ships will still be deleted. If someone like superheroes get through because the wiki do not specify character age, please tell me if anything slips through. For example I know that Robin is a child and Batman is an adult, and that Supergirl is underage in the comics (sometimes it's hard to tell with these characters), but otherwise I'm mostly confused. If you come with these ships, you will be deleted, try to defend them and you'll be blocked. Coming with excuses for incest ships too will also be blocked. The reason I'm not deleting the ones finding teen characters attractive is that I don't know the age of the confessor, especially if they are anonymous, they could be the same age for all we know.
Don't threaten others for not liking the same as you or light a fire to start a flame war. It gets old quick and some tend to repeat arguments.
No racism, transphobia, ableism, homophobia, or support of real-life genocide, I don't know why I have to say this. This includes the infamous "I don't like X because I just don't", yes even if the person or characters is white, taking revenge like that will only make a never-ending cycle of people justifying hatred for others for no real reason. You can do "I hate x because he's in denial of the colonial era" and if he did worse things, as long as you aren't lying about it.
A chain of confessions about how much you hate someone, especially an actual person. You can do "I dislike Dudeegory McDudeomery because he took over for my favorite host, and I don't understand why he got the job as he has said or done these things and by making him host of such a huge show he gets a platform for his shitty opinions if he was to share them again". Not "Why I hate Dudeegory McDudeomery", "Why I hate Dudeegory McDudeomery Z", "Why I hate what Dudeegory McDudeomery said that one time with elements of the first confession", "Why I hate what Dudeegory McDudeomery did that one time with parts of the previous first and second confession put together", "Why I hate Dudeegory McDudeomery electric boogaloo", etc. Will be deleted and you'll get a warning, if you keep doing it you will be blocked.
Be nice
I'm going to delete those insulting looks, I find them stupid too which is why I used toys or other weird merch based on them as pictures instead. If someone was insulting Emma Watson, I'd use this doll and not her.
Also, I don't know why so many comments have been deleted, I'm not doing it. And if you have any premade confession edits which quite a few wanted to make but never did, send them in, I'll download it and add to the queue so you will be anonymous unless you want otherwise. Only allowing through the app for now as the submissions became really cluttered. I'm still open to tell what could be worse than what's mentioned in this confession.
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1-800-kinhelp · 2 years
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hey everyone! you can call me mod cicada. my pronouns are it/they/xe & i am a non-black person of colour. welcome to my kinhelp blog! 
please read through this post for my rules, submission guidelines and service information before requesting! 
:: GENERAL !!!
i am primarily an otherkin/alterhuman help blog, so my main focus is catering to otherkin requests. however, i am fictive & comfort character friendly! while i will likely complete submissions from my whitelist faster than others purely because i know them better, i am open to any and all sources (with the exception of those on my blacklist) even if i am unfamiliar with them. here’s a list of what you can request from me! 
♡ stimboards ♡ moodboards & aesthetics ♡ positivity / validation posts ♡ icons 
note: i will automatically tag posts as otherkin / fictionkin / therian etc. dependng on the request’s nature if not specified otherwise. if you don’t want your post tagged as kin, just let me know! 
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:: RULES !!!
do not request anything from me if you fall under basic dni criteria (racist, homo/transphobic, ableist, antisemitic, xenophobic, islamophobic, misogynistic, proship).  no factkin. do not request from my blacklist. i will not be completing requests that make me uncomfortable, for any reason. i will not be tolerating harrassment of any kind towards myself or anyone requesting on this blog, and failure to respect that boundary will result in an IP block. 
please don’t rush me! i have other hobbies as well as a student life to keep up with. if more than a few days/weeks have gone by and you think one of your asks might’ve been eaten, feel free to inbox or message me and i’ll get back to you about it asap! while i am a non-otherkin friendly blog, any and all kinhate will result in a block and immediate removal of your comments.
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neon genesis evangelion, madoka magica, serial experiments lain, the promised neverland, danganronpa, demon slayer, any studio ghibli film, genshin impact, undertale/deltarune, omori, cookie run, night in the woods, death note, tokyo ghoul, assassination classroom, toilet-bound hanako-kun, your turn to die and a lot more i can’t remember rn !!!
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sources: DSMP, hetalia, harry potter, countryhumans, boyfriend to death, killing stalking, y*richin, your boyfriend, yandere simulator, euphoria 
characters & ships: haiji towa, endeavor, william afton, teruteru hanamura, junko enoshima, naiad (identity v), baizhu (genshin) // junko x mikan, shinji x asuka OR rei, deku x bakugo, byakuya x toko, joseph desaulniers x aesop carl, anything incestuous, p3dophilic or otherwise abusive. 
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i will be tagging common triggers and discomforts, with the complete list found here. if you need something added to the list, please send me an ask or a message! (also, please lmk if this list goes down, since txti automatically deletes webpages after a while of low activity) because of tumblr’s weird tag filtration system, i will not be editing anything with flash, as i can’t guarantee that a warning tag will filter out the post and i don’t want to expose flash-sensitive ppl to anything disorienting or dangerous.
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please include the full name & source (where applicable) of who you’re requesting for, along with your request type (icons, stimboard, etc) and any specific themes, aesthetics or imagery you have in mind! you’re also more than welcome to claim custom anon handles in your asks to better keep track of them. 
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jamestheenderman · 3 years
Links, rules, etc.
This will be a pinned post. Read everything under Keep Reading carefully before interacting.
James's reference
Mod blog
My other MC blog
Mod Q (Queuedpotato/3x0nArts) is Autistic. That means I might not understand what do you mean sometimes. Before asking or commenting something, please make sure you're being as clear and direct as possible! You can also DM me if you think I won't get it, or ask me privately (send an ask but I'll answer privately)
I might/might not be fast when answering your asks. Please don't push me to draw them, because I actually want to post pictures instead of walls of text.
Please don't send adult-related asks. This is related to kinks you might want me to draw (for ex. asking for feet pics of my OCs) I'll delete the ask right away. Flirting with my OC is fine.
Please don't interact with this blog if you are against LGBTQIA+ people. Mod Q is part of said community, James is included there too. Basically, don't be an asshole.
I don't mind DMs, but I might find them uncomfortable. I'd rather interact with people publicy before talking to them privately. Again, nothing personal.
I might try to draw random OC interactions, but that will depend on my mood. Please don't get upset if I don't reply back, chances are I might be burnt out and I don't feel like drawing, nothing personal.
I'm open to m!As (Magic Anons) but keep them 13+ . Also, don't ask for weird stuff. For real.
If you want your OCs to befriend mine, go ahead! Please understand that while I, the Mod, might like them, my OC might not. It's all about luck, I guess!
If you want to draw my OC(s): go wild! Just keep it 13+, there might be minors around... you know. I'm 25, but I want this blog to be as user-friendly as possible.
James might be shipped at some time. Before doing so, I'll make sure that relationship isn't toxic. I have my reasons to do this.
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lgcmax · 4 years
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hellooooo my legacy loves !! i hope life’s been treating you all well ! i know right now things are still pretty difficult ( as been all of 2020 tbh ), so i just wanted to flood the dash w a little positivity !!  you know, sometimes i feel bad because it seems that i can’t connect with everyone as much as i’d like, and it sucks !! but between my spotty activity at times and bad response times i didn’t want you to think i loved you all any less. so !!! below you will find a love letter to all of you lovely muns as well as some individual comments about my favorite thing about your muses everybody ! also, if you have lgc friends who aren’t really dash scrollers feel free to share this with them so that they can see !! anyways, go ahead and enjoy 😇💖
dear legacy,
okay - let me start by saying - i care for you sooooo so much !! and that goes for ALL of you reading this !! even if we’ve never talked, or you just joined, or we talk like every other month but never seem to catch each other at the right time ? i care for you !!! and don’t you ever forget it. honestly, legay is one of the healthiest places i’ve been in to develop my muse in a safe space, void of any judgement or just weird vibes. and that has to do with all of you, and i’d like to thank you for that !! our mods, of course, get a special hug for all that you guys do - i know that things can get hard, and we test your patience sometimes ... i get it !!  but to us, you’re kinda like our rp parents ?? we might nag, joke, and annoy but it’s all out of love, we promise ahaha !! anywho, once again everyone i’ve met in legacy, has no lie been so special to me ?? and i want you guys to know that !! literally all of you, even if it was just a quick message, have made an imprint on the great rp experience i’ve had here and i’d like to thank you for that ! and no this isn’t me leaving, i promise i’m gonna stick around for a loong time to come ahaha. but honestly, who would’ve thought ? i was bouncing around from rp to rp, and i didn’t recall, if i’m being hoenst, expect anything to come out of me giving this place a shot for the 2nd time ? but i’m so grateful to have gotten such a wonderful experience that made me not want to leave. there’s always things to do, muses to meet, and it’s crazy how well everyone keeps the dash flowing ! i’m always excited to look at what you and your muses are up too, and honestly i’m lowkey invested in all their little relationships lol ?? but that’s what makes this place so special ! the friendships, the enemies, the romance, and everything in between has made this into such a unique writing atmosphere to be a part of. so for that, i say thank you. and here’s to more legacy for years to come !!
now for the special portion of my letter !!! in alphabetical order, you will find a compliment of mine for your muse below !! phew, here i go :
(  and pls ... if i forgot u ... i apologize 20000x !! PLEASE tell me lol !! obviously this is for muses who are here at the time of writing this 10/2/2020, and i may update ! but if your muse is here at that time and you don’t see them PLEASE tell me i want to write them something but i might have accidentally deleted someone’s in the process of writing so many ! )
phunsawat kannika first of all i have the fattest crush on her fc ojoijjoioij !! anyways, i love the commitment to all her pages, all her character inspos are my favorite, and i’m really interested to see her adjustment to korea ! i think she’s doing a great job already and will show that she can go even further !
yoon aria i haven’t got to say it yet but i LOVE how much of a meme she is oijoiiooij !! esp since she’s a model, it’s fun to have one who’s this cool model on camera but honestly so real and fun ?? like it gives her so much depth and i’m sure she’ll develop a loyal fanbase of like-minded goofs ? i want her and nari to interact tbh haha !!
lee benji my KING ! i love seeing benji develop his sense of purpose and try to see what he wants to become in the long run, and also how he’s stayed true to himself even after mocing to a whole different country ! and of course, his commitment to caring for others !
pongsak tee i ship jinseo and tee oijojoijoij !!!!!! anywho we love the thai representation, i really have enjoyed seeing tee’s progress over the past few months and how he’s adapting to slowly coming into the starlight ? it seems he’s still managed to maintain his kindness and i really enjoy that about him !
im nari is void because she is my muse but i love her very much hee hee !!
kang eunho first off as i’m writing this i see eunho’s first words for his babysitting solo is him flipping out over how cute babies are and i just think that’s adorable lol. but anywho ! eunho’s such a little sunshine and def gives me baby energy ?? light of my life. he’s like legacy’s daily dose of vitamins !
im bomi hana ... my favorite girl who i’m in love with ojjojjoijioji !! i think hana is so weird and goofy in the BEST ways and she’s an example of someone who’s not a famous girl, but a girl who happened to get famous ? i love her for her quirks and all her uniqueness, gamer girls ftw, 10/10 main character material !
hwang minjun i also love shinha and minjun too lmao !!! they are ... v cute !! i love how warm minjun’s heart is from what i’ve seen, and how open and accepting he is to all types of people and welcomes them to his warm fuzzy heart !!! also i would like to personally thank him for taking max in when they were in tokyo max DOES NOT deserve !
kim jinah ah i love her sm !! i know it sounds like max talking, but i love how she’s basically one of the bros lmao ?? but really ! i love her dually embracing of her cuter side and her more casual one, and how she just seems like the type of person you can have a drink and a good talk with ? and her interactions w junghwan stand out and give her an unexpected soft side !
lee yushin i feel like yushin is the younger brother we all wish we had but don’t deserve !! just a real fresh breath of air, definitely a little goofy but just as sweet ?? has the capability to win over even the coldest muses hearts ! and i am rooting for actor yushin 100%. you got this bud !!!!
kim nami somehow nami always pops up first on my dashboard but i’m not mad about it at all lol !! and i think nami is actually very multi-dimensional ! she already seems pretty sure of where she wants herself to go, and i think she’s going to make a really good senior to mentor junior trainees once she’s debuted for a bit ! she def will come correct !!! 
lin yue the way i’m SO invested in guessing what she’s eating but never can .... ahh !! also she loves martial arts which means nari would love her if she knew her uwu. anyways to me she’s quite the baddie, i feel like she’s got her toes dipped in a lot of things and therefore will be very versatile in what she can do ? i really love that ( outside of her outstanding visuals ) she actually has a v good personality and niche interests !
ahn dohwan i have promised myself i wouldn’t put any emphasis on fcs but since vernon is one of my ults i literally have to say: TASTE. anywho lmao !! dohwan gives me cafe boy vibes ?? hear me out. could totally see him making someone a macchiato while listening to their problems and offering advice ? he just seems like a v good listener & adviser ! i think once he debuts for real for real he’s gonna have a lot of bf material made by fans haha !!
leong charlotte first of all i just need to comment i saw a while ago on the dash when charlotte covered i wait and that was ?? iconic ??? we stan ??? streamday6pls ahem anyways ! her being in a band itself makes her an instant baddie, but beyond that she also seems v kind & passionate from what i’ve seen ! she’s got the cute & the fierce, and because of that i think she’ll be fierce competition in the industry once she debuts !
choi max is my muse however as my first bb here i love him deeply heart heart !!
jung ahin i will not lie i did not know seungwoo before i saw ahin, then realized he kinda looked like wonwoo and started to simp ?? IOJOIJOJ anyway this is more of an ooc note but thank u ahin’s mun for bringing me to the light 😇anyways !! i want ahin to do more things to make himself happy bc i think he really is this close to living his best life !! i want something really really good to make him super happy yk ? also i support his english learning journey !
kang jaemin HI ME REALIZING I NEED TO MESSAGE U BACK I’M SORRY SCREECH anyway !! he has a very warm presence, i feel like even when he debuts he’ll be the approachable type ? but also he’s just so smiley and i love it !! such a little fuzzball !! i do feel like more is going on in jaemin’s head than people would think, though ??
lee jaewoo listen jaewoo is my baby ok ... and he’s nari’s too ! also btw did you ever get that birthday text from her own his acc ? anyways i’m going wayy of topic let’s regroup lol !! i honestly admire the level of passion and drive he has so young, and he’s already come so far ? jaewoo has a lot of love in his heart for people and i hope he keeps that even after years of acting ! he truly is the light of lgc agency uwu !
seo yura i feel like yura is v real ! i think she only hides the things she feels are nessescary about herself, but to me she still comess off as really genuine ? it seems she has many types of connections present in her life, which i really like ! i think she’ll do really good at holding her own once it’s time for her official debut and i’m excited to see what’s ahead !
kang jun i think jun doubts himself far more than he realizes just how much he’s capable of !! jun is so adorable and he might hate me for saying that but it is what it is !! i don’t think he’s recognized his true power yet, and though that’s sort of good at humbling him, i think he will be a beast when he becomes fully confident ?? and i believe he will !! i think getting a proper fanbase will show him just how much he can do !
 ji haneul okay haneul made it to type zero, so tbh he already has his life together more than half of us ?? IOJOIJOJ no but for real i think haneul is a true  ✨professional ✨even if he wouldn’t believe me if i told him ? although HE might not be so confident in it, i think haneul’s growing into his more mature self well and it’ll actually help him in the long run as he starts his journey in the idol industry !
kang jina you know what ? i think jina would be a really good leader in her group, if she were to debut as an idol ! i think she has really good communication skills and seems to just vibe with everyone around her ? which is important, as a leader ! but i also feel like she could lighten the mood and kay down the rules depending on which is needed ? that’s just how i feel ! i think she’d do well <3
seo geonwoo first of his theme is so aesthetically pleasing wow ?? anywho ! i do really enjoy geonwoo and honestly need to pay him more attention !  i honestly respect the fact that he knows his own power, and isn’t afraid to be confident in himself ? he just seems v sure of how he wants to live his life which makes him seem v stable, and def in the right direction ! i think he most often knows whats best for himself, and that’s a really valuable skill to have !
ok miyoung first off i DEFININTELY whole-heartedly ship miyoung and hunji, i do !! 😌 but yes miyoung def has romcom protagonist vibes, and i mean that in the best way possible ?? like she’s got quite a lot of things going on for her simultaneously, all while trying to discover things about herself too ?? i empathize with the level of chaos in her life but i think she’s handling it all very well and it’s exciting to read about !
son nabi nabi my ANGEL. i didn’t even know nabi too well prior to us plotting but now i’m so glad that i do !! she has the kindest heart and is willing to go out of her way, even for people she isn’t that close to, just out of the good of her heart ? and i think that’s so powerful ! she’s so baby and i vow to protect her from all the horrors of the entertainment industry because she’s a prime example of light amongst darkness !
ahn jaehwa you knowww jaehwa’s my girl 😚 i just love her adventurous spirit, and how she definitely is filled with more mischief than she may show on first impression ? i think she can use that to her advantage, and it will translate really well as charisma !! her and max’s first interaction showed me just how much of a daredevil she can be and i love it ! psa, we need to plot again !  
lee yohan first of yushina nd yohan’s broken friendship is some .... tea 🍵 i’m intrigued ... really i am !! i kinda wanna give him a massage chair for his birthday because i feel like there really is a lot of internal conflict going on in his head ? def hoping he achieves the dream od getting famous before he’s forced to enlist and drop his dreams, and in return for my support i am expecting free starbucks coffee on him, lol !!
bae nathan i honestly didn’t even realize just how iconic nathan is until we started plotting ? him and max share a lot of similarities, which i love, but beyond that he just is such a real dude who kinda just seems ... ok with being not perfect ? and i enjoy that ! he’s accepting the fact that he makes mistakes and knows that that’s ok. i feel like in the future he’d have a fire podcast ?? like i just feel like it’d be so real and entertaining !
han allie first of all, happy ( belated ? ) birthday to allie !!! second of all, producers in general are always just so interesting to me ? i feel like even though she’s still finding it, allie’s rather focused on creating a sound for herself and making it different ? def has the drive to make her dreams a reality, and i know she’ll do well ! allie, fighting !
kim junghwan i think junghwan has a heart of gold ! he’s good at working with others and def would have nice personality to just sit and talk about life with ! i think he also has a lot of hobbies and interests that are v cute and soft boi, so he’s definitely gonna attract the soft stans !! he’s another person i feel would make great leader material some day. also ship him and jinah all the way 😉
kim alex first off i LOVE luna she is my pride and joy .... i feel v embarrased i think we were supposed to thread and i forgot ! but that beside the point !! i feel like he does have crazy duality ?? at some points it’s like “wow, nice man, pet parent of the year” and other times it’s like “wow this man is wilding did he just say that ??” but ... the way i love both !! it’s so interesting seeing his conflicts and how he deals with other people, but maybe that’s the messy mun in me 🙊
ahn jaesun jaesun !! a king. first off i said it to danbi’s mun before but i am just putting it out there i love him & danbi together i do, i ship it !!! secondly i think, maybe because he’s been around for a quite awhile, but you ( the mun ) seem to have a very good grasp on his character ? i think he’s had really significant but gradual development, sort of coming out of his shell and expanding the things he’s willing to take on ! and i love that for him.
yoon shinha let me repeat that minjun and shinha - i ship it !!! i don’t even know hwo to describe it but i just love the energy shinha exudes !! it’s fun, playful, and full of energy, and i think that’ll transfer really well on stage !! he’s the type of guy who’s just down for whatever and i feel like he could befriend anybody if he really wanted to ! i like that about him and think he’ll have no problem getting along w whoever he works with in the future !
kyo miyeon my queen .... oh how i love her ! 😣❤ i think miyeon’s got a cold exterior with a soft interior ?? like she’s sososo composed and a little cold on the outside, but in reality she’s just over here loving animals and the simple things in life ? i think once she debuts she’s going to have fans have v passionate debates about whether they like her cool or soft side more since they’re both so prominent and so good !!
løvehjerte emil first off emil being from denmark and his name immediately stood out to me when he was accepted, and to me makes him v unique ? also doyoung rights ;) i like how well he seems to adapt to the situations presented to him, even if they’re new and unfamiliar to him ! i think he has his ability to keep his cool, but is still learning a lot from being a trainee and proving he can definitely grow beyond what he’s already accomplished !
jung miso miso is the baddest b no one can change mt mind oijoijoijo !!!!! but no for real i always have admired miso even if i haven’t got to interact w her on my muses too much ? at first i def got vibes of the popular girl everyone wants to be just like ? but i’ve realized she’s a loot more ! she has ( shrek vc ) layers, and i think it’s good to see someone who has a lot of things people would see as ideal, but without being unobtainable !
nam yunho yunho intrigues me so much !! i’m sad max hasn’t gotten to interact with him yet lol !! i feel like in this i keep comparing muses to character types but - just take a journey with me ok soijioiofoijfio !! i so see yunho as one of those guys in the movies about small town who’s family has has a business there for years and he’s the chill guy who shows the main character around town ? AND THAT’S A GOOD THING LMAO ! i feel like he’s just immensly chill and always is just vibing and down for a good time ! <3
jo jiwoo i think jiwoo is so exceptionally cute !! but don’t underestimate her because to me she also does have a very fiery spirit ?? and i love it !! def would have the potential to be a maknae on top and i am here for it !! but since she wants to be an actor i def see her even stealing the hearts of the staff ?? the best example of a puppy in real life i’ve ever seen !
na sera first of all being a twin is automatically cool so there’s that ?? but also !! i like how hard she’s fighting to prove her own, individual self worth ! i’m definitely excited to see how she’ll find her “thing” that really riles her up and makes her feel passionate ? and that maybe she’ll decide the idol thing is for her and go forward with it as a career !
min soyoun i think soyoun’s definitely go the girl next door charm, she defintiely seems like the type who you could be friends with easily, and i think she’ll maintain that even when she’s more famous ! she gives me free spirit vibes, and i think that even if she doesn’t know how, life will somehow work to make sure she always does well ! she’s defintiely proved her individuality and i think she’ll stand out from most around her !
geum danbi ugh danbi ... the way i’m obsessed with her ! i mentioned this already but her and jaesun ? cute we ship it !! i am a stan, i am ! anyways i think that danbi is so powerful, and i don’t mean that jokingly ! she does hold a very commanding presence for me, and i really respect her resilience in continuing to fight for her debut, even after being discouraged numerous times in the past ! i think that’ll make her debut all the more worth it, as she has taken the time to get even better and improve her skills !
jang taesung taesung ... the way i really am fascinated by him ! i don’t even interact w him on my muses but he’s still so entertaining to me !! he’s so casual and i just enjoy seeing his interactions ? he isn’t afraid to be authentically him, and though he doesn’t really show it in his words all the time he’s got a lot of emotions swirling around there ! he do ... he do be messy sometimes i get it ?? he’s a lil problematic ?? but it entertains me so we will take it !
song ahri ok i don’t want to claim this bc i’m not COMPLETELY sure but do i have permission to ship her and geonwoo .... i saw their thread on the dash and they’re so cute what 😚💖 ( revision : they are together i can say this lol !!! ) anywho onto ahri things ! she just seems like the sweetest person EVER she’s v gentle with her words and actions, and definitely seems like a comforter of sorts ? i think that, whoever she gets close to, would def have her to lean on in hard times ! she’s like 
son seolmi first of congrats on seolmi as the new musical actress !! we need more of them >.< but i feel like when seolmi looks back on her training experience she’ll be very proud of herself ! she has made a lot of improvements over her training period, found her passions, and worked to prove herself ! but i think, although she’s working v hard, she’s also doing twice as good at maintaining her friendships and being good to the people around her !
seo minseok minseok a true angel !! i know we haven’t gotten to write together in a while, but seeing his thread w nari we had i saw how kind he was ! he’s loyal to the people he calls friends, open to trying new things, and i think in the future when he gains experience he’ll be a really great mentor to the people who he precedes ! 
oh max ok first off i feel like i cannot not say this everytime i see him on the dash or a thread with him i’m constantly in a state of confusion about which max it is oijoioiiojaojoi ?? but !! i’m despite their names, they’re actually pretty different ! because unlike max choi, oh max is has a very loving and warm personality, and even though he comes from money you couldn’t really tell by his personality ?
park dohyun i def want him and max to interact together, side note !! because they’re both goofs and, of course, we need as many lgc boys connections as we can ! but anywho, i love dohyun, as i feel muses such as him are v necessary ! he definitely provides comic relief, and even though he doesn’t like to reveal his emotions, that just reveals another component to his emotional depth ! even if he isn’t someone who is vulnerable, i think it is great he does his best to make others happy !!
lee jiho i mean can i pls just adopt jiho as my child ?? he’s so cute oijjoijoij !! i think all though he’s ambitious and knows what he wants in life, he’s also realistic with himself and knows what he can expect and how to work toward a clothes ! it’s a trait not everyone has so i like that he does ! i think he’s also enough of a positive thinker that throughout any troubles he may have, he’ll get through it with a nice mindset !
lee hanbyul i think that once debuted officially officially, hanbyul will definitely grow in popularity almost immediately ! she’s already done well at gaining the hearts of fans even when she was a trainee, and with so many friends and opportunities under her belt she’ll get big in no time ! i think she’ll definitely be well known and that she’ll bring multiple fandoms together because it’s just hard not to like her !
jung jihye i love jihye !! she’s so raw and rolling with all the punches life has given her ? even after a rocky start to her career, she’s ready to give it a second chance, and although she went through a lot of bullying discovered a newfound love for acting ! i think that her dedication to being happy will show in her passion for whatever she acts in in the future, and i’m excited to see how the public perceives her !
tsai sunisa isa is the ultimate chill dude haha !! i think that he’s very calm and level-headed, while not coming off as careless ? although he’s very casual, he clearly does care about the other’s around him, and i think for him that shows in the little details rather than the big things ? i think he’s the type of person who does well at picking up on the energies of others, and noticing small details about them !  v v cool 💖😌
shin yeseo u KNOW me and max are collectively whipped for her oijoijoi !!! no but honestly, from what i’ve viewed of yeseo from an outside perspective, she’s goes beyond the socially required level of thoughtful ? she really does listen to everyone’s perspective and do what she thinks is best for everyone involved and i really like that ! i also like that the simple things are enough to make her very happy, and that she puts her all into the ones she cares for ! 
kang yonghwa i love how in love yonghwa is in with life, and how bright his spirit is !! he has such a ... sunshine spirit ? that’s the best way i can put it ! he’s just so positive the majority of the time, and i feel he has the ability to see the best traits of others and bring that out of them ! i also love his sense of adventure, and i think he’ll be a favorite for fans in no time ! kang yonghwa, 10 / 10, our best boy !!
kim hyunbin hyunbin reminds me of a cartoon character, in the best way ! he’s definitely very theatrical, and also has a more playful, teasing side to him ? i think that everyone needs a hyunbin in their life because he’s very considerate of the emotions of the people around him, and on top of that has a lot of interests and boosts any social scenario !
choi jinyoung jinyoung ... an angel ! it’s so my fault we don’t but we should plot more ! uwu anywho ! first off, happy belated birthday to him ! i noticed that during our to the max thread, despite being a little overwhelmed by human tsunami max choi, he stayed very polite and was open to trying a new experience out, and for that i really gained respect for him ! i think he’s a v soft boy but i don’t think he’s weak at all, in fact maintaining his kindness for others has shown my just how strong he is !!  😇😇
oh eunhye just like her article says, eunhye has a real knack for entertaining and i think it’s already begun to show ! i think her authenticity easily transfers to the camera, and that it makes people love her all the more ? she has the type of hypnotizing personality that makes people want to get to know her, and i don’t think it’s coincidence that she’s had the opportunities that she’s had already come to her !
oh gitaek congrats on becoming a producer gitaek !! clap clap !! hehee but i think gitaek is very adaptable ! even in environments when he doesn’t want to do anything, he’s going to push through - like dancing, for instance ! also him and hyunbin’s dynamic ?? v interesting. i’m invested on seeing where it goes ! i think gitaek has a lot of potential, much of which he’s already showing, and i think he’ll have no problem discovering himself fully and becoming big !
son alec just gotta say i always mix him and alex up on accident i wanna scream oijooi !! but also while scrolling his page and saw this: “ old people are amazing, is the conclusion he’s come to yet again  ” and i just wanna say i love him for that ojojoioij !! but anyways, alec gives me the vibe of a young adult still sort of finding their way, and i really love that ! he enjoys what he does but still has doubts, and i think that little back and forths very important ! i hope he becomes a super famous actor and achieves all his dreams !
son jieun i love how much jieun cares for her friends !! she was bold enough to straight up call taesung out for mistreating allie and tbh ... kinda in love with that energy ?? i think her bravery goes beyond even just this though, as she’s already tried many new things that others may have strayed away from in fear ! her sense of justice and determination is something i admire and honestly i feel like if it wasn’t for her obvious career path she’d be a great lawyer haha !!
nam jueun it’s the way i want to claim that i indeed am one of seojin & jueun’s biggest fans ... i am 😌✌ but listen !! i have to respect jueun for the way that she’s managed to repair a damaged relationship AND work on herself and her career at the same time ? and both are going good ! she’s also got a real edge to her, and i feel like she doesn’t realize just how cool she is ?? we stan !
park seojin now we alr know ... seojin is one of the muses i am most whipped for in legacy i cannot lie i’m sorry !!! listen ,,, i love my tsundere !! he’s had exceptional development, but in really small yet significant ways, and he’s grown so much in the time he’s been here ! in terms of max, he’s definitely starting to take on a more nurturing role, and in term of himself, getting a better idea of who he is as an artist and a person and i think that’s gonna really show when his band debuts ! also think he’ll be a strict yet incredibly respected mentor when the day comes ? anyways i’ll just say i l*ve park seojin and go 😭💔
lee jiae lee jiae, the apple of my eye !! i was astounded how much kindness could be fit into one small body ?? even in situaitons she doesn’t like, she maintains her bright spirit that brings people to her in the first place, and i think that comforts the people around her if they’re having a hard time as well ! but i think she also does have a bit of a chaotic side when panicked and i do love it i do !! do not underestimate lee jiae everyone i am betting all my money on the fact that she can beat some ass !!
hwang sori first of all her theme made me gasp it’s literally so incredibly gorgeous omg ?? but !! the first thing i read was hwang sori is an ugly crier and that made ME ugly cry with laughter LMAOWAOOA !!  even though she’s relatively new i’ve already come to love how out of the box and unapologetically her she is ! she has so much to offer, both on and off stage, and i know she’s destined to be a star ! i’m already so invested and excited to see what she does in the future !
lee aaron aaron !! our dad of the year sobs. of course, my favorite thing about aaron is how nurturing he is ! he has no problem taking care of others, and i think that although it’s easy for younger / less experienced trainees to be intimidated by those above them, aaron removes that stigma completely ! truly a gentle soul. my only complaint about aaron is that he’s so selfless that i feel he sometimes forget about himself, so aaron please eat more and take care of your health oijoijoioij !! 
lee youngmin the way i love youngmin !! i was so touched by his patience when he helped my baby nari get herself together when it came to learning lines for cram school ! it proved to me that he’s a v caring person, and even if acting was sort of a sore subject for him, he still went through with helping her ! and that brings me to my next point - congrats for joining the actors youngmin !! i admire him for giving something he’s apprehensive about another shot, and i’m so incredibly excited to see how it goes for him !
song yifei ok even though i don’t know yifei too well yet seeing her intro did help me see why i’m going to love her so much !! i appreciate her adaptation to such an unusual environment like korea, and although i’m sure she’s homesick and a little lost she’s already doing her part to adjust to life in korea ! starting so young, i have to admire her work ethic and her strength by not giving up ! i’m excited to see what she can offer us all ! 
hwang minsik ok so !! even though minsik is quite the introvert, i think it’s v cool that he has worked past that, and although it may have been uncomfortable, got more comfortable performing in front of others ! i think that being in his head for the majority of the time will actually prove to work in his favor, as it’ll be easier to transfer all the emotions he’s feeling into his music when he locks down and pursues his dream of being a producer !
tsuchiya mitsuki from what i’ve seen, mitsuki seems to be very considerate of others, and i like that she celebrates other’s accomplishments outside of just her own ! the entertainment career can be a very risky and sometimes scary one, but i think that she’s doing a great job at rolling with it and putting her all into forming it into a serious career path for herself !
yamashita ichika i think she put it best - she’s new to korea, but not this world !! i love love LOVE how sure of herself ichika is, and though it may come off as blunt, maybe y’all aren’t just ready to accept the truth she’s spilling ... 👀 lMAO no but for real !! she’s a woman who knows what she wants and i never will be mad at that ! you can never say that ichika doesn’t keep it real and i think that’s something we need to learn from her !
hwang subin i think subin is incredibly self-aware, which really is such a super important trait to have ?? he’s had a lot of conflicts over his training period, but he’s overcame them, and to me he holds a lot of grace even in those scenarios he has this sort of ... calmness to him ? idk maybe that’s subjective but that’s how i feel ! i think in the end he’s going to turn the pain into power, and he’ll be one of the people really idolized for their resilience !
kim minjee i feel like along her path to fame, she’s learning all sorts of new things about herself in the industry, and that feeling of self-discovery is awesome ! i think she’s a really good example of the changes people go through throughout their path toward stardom ! i think she does her best to embrace both the highs and lows life brings her, which i think is preparing her to be a really steady person when it comes to being famous !
im hyunjin my baby !! the way i love him beyond measure !! he gets along with max so well and i love how well they balance off each other’s energy ! he’s got a boyish charm that helps me remember that yes, a lot of the trainees are still kids at heart, and that reminder is v refreshing ! though a lot has been thrown on him with this trimester, he’s been a good sport, and i think he’s such an accurate representation of someone who’s growing up in the spotlight ! i think it’s enough for me to excuse him mixing up the maxs. 😚😌
okamoto akira what a wonderful soul ugh !! he really did impact nari’s heart with his unconditional kindness. i think he’s grown even in his time in the rp alone ? he’s so kind to others, and i love how he holds interest in other people and their stories ! even though he’s still getting adjusted to life in korea, i think he’s doing a great job at getting his name out there while making a good impression of himself. but like i said about aaron pls, akira, take care of yourself more !! you deserve the best, heart heart !!
jeon haeun haeun has such an intense drive when it comes to her love for dance and performing, and i hope she never loses that ! it’s the most important thing, after all ! she’s got such a spunky personality, which will work in her favor as it will keep eyes on her even after she’s off the stage ! she’s a baby, being so young, but already has proved herself to have a worthy place in legacy, and i think she’s even got the capability to teach the older trainees a thing or two, haah !
park viggo i definitely respect viggo, because of the insecurities that have developed from his biological parents putting him up for adoption, he’s shone so brightly already at such a young age ! and i just read his solo w / his encounter with his biological father and - literal chills ?? but .... phew ! i’m so impressed by how he’s had so many horrible experience influence his life, but not let it overtake him ? he’s so strong and if he can handle what life has already thrown at him, i know he’ll have nothing but good to look forward to from now on !
techaapaikhun kit i don’t think i’ve had the chance to tell you yet .... but god i LOVE kit oijoioi !! he’s such a loveable ball of fluff ! he has a very big heart, and i feel like even when he doesn’t know exactly what to do or what’s going on he’s still very much 😊💖✨ ?? you would never think he’s a foreigner because he just seems in high spirits ! also him and daehyung’s interactions ? 10 / 10 in terms of entertainment, definitely deserves a read !
ahn yein i love the short queen energy this woman exudes !! her duality is already quickly becoming my favorite thing about her ?? she’s so this and this ! i truly cannot wait to see how she’ll let her musical style influence the type of music she produces, and i think she’s a producer full of energy who has the potential for being famous for her music and her own personality !
seo yumi though yumi did go through a lot of hardship with her first debut, i really respect her for fighting to prove she deserves a spot in a group for a second time, even if the first time wasn’t even her fault ! i think because of it, even if her light’s dimmed a little, her enhanced discipline will work in her favor, as well as her prior experience, and potentially give her a step up among others ! which, hopefully, will make the hardships she went through not to be in vein !
han insoo insoo’s gone through quite a bit, and though i’d imagine that to be incredibly tough on him, he hasn’t lost his shine ! he still has a brightness to him when interacting around the people he loves, and i think that’s what it takes to be in a band ! i wish nothing but the best for him, because honestly, i think he’s just trying to get by and have a good time, and i really have to respect it !
choi jongsuk okay so from what i see jongsuk is a tad manipulative in the way he interacts with people ... and yet ... i stan ? obviously this isn’t a very good trait, but it is entertaining, especially for a messy mun like me haha !! i think, if he wants to, he can actually use his particularly good social skills to his advantage, and become a charmer among his fans !
choi daehyun omg prince daehyun rise !!! i always love the spoiled rich boy types, because to me, they have the most room for growth ! if i’m being honest with you as ... awful as he  might be i think he’s one of those trainees who would 100% give everyone a run for their money ? because if he doesn’t have anything ( beside money ofc ) he has confidence, and well .... confidence is a dangerous thing !! i’m really really anticipating seeing how he’ll get along with the other trainees, and his journey in legacy !!
chwe hunji phew .... my adoptive son !! i admit i am slightly biased to hunji i am i am what about it !!! 😌💖 i gush about him all the time so i’ll keep it ( relatively ) short - i don’t think hunji realizes, but given the whirlwind of events that’s happened in less than a year, he’s doing a fantastic job of both grieving and growing !! he’s been able to look out for those who need him most even in his darkest times, put up with max’s shenanigans even amongst trying to decipher his feelings for him, and adapted to a ever-changing climate that comes with being a trainee in his hardest year ! not to mention how much he’s grown since his arrival !! his development ?? chef’s kiss !
kang dongwon first of all already massive respect to dongwon for doing school and training at the same time ?? that’s already difficult in itself ! but i think he’s taken a lot of risks despite not necessarily wanting to, like expanding outside of activities he’d expected that he would do ! it’s good for him to dip his toe into numerous places, and he’ll be less thrown off if he’s asked to do something unexpected in the future. also him & his relationship w his siblings is the best haha !!
park sarang first off seojin and sarang together are such a cool duo !! the concept of siblings in the industry is honestly so cool ?? but anywho ! but i soso admire sarang !! even though she was initially was following her brother’s dream, it’s gradually morphed into her own, and she really has developed an individual name for herself, which shows her passion and determinism ! i also love how they have a healthy relationship, even with normal sibling fights, without getting into super super competitive territory ?? that just shows her capability to love & that’s great !
kim jinseo first off !! his familial relationship w shinha ? we love to see it ! cutest cousins on the block ! but what i admire about jinseo is how stable he is ! i think he can help people and handle his own problems without getting too stressed, he’s a good problem solver and i think he can calm down and figure out the best way to approach a situation ? also once again him & tee ? cute, we ship it 😊
kim ara first off, friend of the year award goes to ara for helping hanbyul through her breakup and working around processing her emotions ! and also that she’s pretty mature in handling her own breakup w / nathan ! that brings me to the point that i feel ara is a thoughtful person, who definitely sees the good even in bad scenarios and tries to think of the positives that come out of her life, even if it can be difficult to do so !
jin eunji now we know that’s my queen !!!!! i honestly love seeing eunji’s development, and she’s much more of a deep character than she shows on the outside ?? and there’s even more left for others to discover about her ! she’s trying to work through her shit but I like her because she’s the realest depiction of someone who’s growing - because it’s not particularly nice or cute ?? it’s rough but it’s real, she’s struggling to grow and move through her emotions but she’s growing nonetheless and i love that for her !!!
park seon seon is def the type of girl who is just sort of taking it day by day, and i respect it so much !! she has a lot to discover of herself and what she wants to do, but quite honestly i like that about her !! i think that she’s still young and def doesn’t need to stress about it, and i like that she’s just sort of flowing in whichever direction that life wants to take her ! i can only imagine how far she’ll go when she discovers her true potential !
lim sanghyun i feel like sanghyun really is prepared for any situation that’s thrown at him, even if he feels like he can’t do it !! i mean, since birth he’s had tons of bad cards thrown at him, and yet he always manages to turn them into something good ? although it may seem like he doesn’t have good fortune, to me, it seems he has the opposite, because he always finds a way out the trenches !! i think sanghyun’s legacy’s phoenix !
choi daehyung omg daehyung has been a favorite of mine since he came !! i love peeking at the many relationships he has bc they’re tbh so interesting !! he's honestly fit to be a main character in a show ? and i think, despite what daehyung thinks, he’s grown a lot in the time he’s been here ! to me, he’s more aware of his emotions, and more reflective of the choices he makes ! sure he’s got some things to work on but let’s be real .... don’t we all ?
lau mike mike is such a breath of fresh air !! def a roll with the punches kind of guy - reminds me of those popular kids where it’s just like ... dang, things always seem to be go well for them ?? i’m jealous ?? but i think more of that has to do with mike rather than him just having good luck ! he does good at adapting & working hard, from moving to korea, to changing careers, to now training ! he seems to excel and everything he does and i have no doubt that will help him out in the long run !
li zimeng meng is so pretty !! but she’s also SO much more !! this whole thing of her feeling average, and like she didn’t really stand out in comparison to the other trainees .... it’s so real !! and honestly, so good for her ! even though she doesn’t feel special always, i KNOW she is, but i think it’s also great she has this good foundation ? because rather than being good at only 1 thing and realizing in the long run she hates it, zimeng has the potential to be super well-versed and i think she’ll be more aware of what she needs to work on to improve !
tsai king truly our king ... and i don’t mean that ironically !! i looove king’s development, i truly love to see it !! though he’s still got his pride, i think he’s transformed his confidence from blind cockiness to a reason for him to want to work hard and succeed ?? king definitely had things to work on, but he has worked on them, and i think he’s truly proved his place in legacy in the long time he’s been here !! also thoroughly impressed w how much he’s done !
bae doha i think that if I had to describe doha, it would be “ proceed with caution ” !! he’s a cautious person, i feel, who wants the balance between having a good life and keeping himself grounded ? which is a really good type of personality, and I think it would make him a leader for those around him ! he’s also very observant, and i think that will make him much more meticulous of a person as an actor !
song shaun first of all i gotta still thank shaun for doing tiktok dances with max back in the day !!!! that was iconic and i will never forget it lol !! and i'm so glad he’s back. anyways, i think shaun is definitely the type of person that’ll stay true to himself even after becoming famous, he seems v carefree, but also w/o not losing that ambition to work hard ?? 
pongsak arinya arin is so freaking adorable !!! i think she’s like a puppy and I love it !! she’s so curious about the way around her, i think she just loves what life has to offer her and in turn life loves her ?? she has such a playful and optimistic light about her and to me, it’s impossible not to want to be her friend !! her fans will easily love her <33
jeon haru to me, haru seems like a team player !! he listens to the input of other’s, and i think before rushing to do what he wants to do, it’s in his spirit to think of how his actions affect other people ! and i think that’s shown in how he’s babysitting on the show, even though he’s a little panicked ! i also think he’s a good self-soother, he’s good at helping calm himself down and make himself feel better, and to me that’s so great !!
liu jiao I think she’s doing a great job at making her reality one she enjoys ! she’s struggling to find the differences between her dreams and her moms, what she wants and what she doesn’t ! and still, i believe that she’s doing well and spreading love to those around her despite ! i hope she finds full inner peace and that she can live a life of happiness ( and a little wrecklessness tbh ) without any worries !!
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Markiplier manor is toxic here’s why
So Markiplier manor (Markipliers official discord server) has gotten a surplus of new people in it, this happened a few weeks ago the manor itself though has been up for awhile. originally a members only server it was eventually opened up for everyone and yes there are alot of genuinely good people and the mods are alright but unfortunately its becoming a toxic environment. 
SO EDIT i have discussed with the mods that being said ... im keeping this up as a reminder of we can do better we can help people who are struggling through something instead of shutting them down we can listen to people who are being oppressed and bravely point out new media that only worsens that oppression and stigmatization and not just the mods who i was kind of harsh towards but who are human everyone as a community can do better and this is a large community think of the work we can do just doing the basics like boycotting problematic content and helping those who cry out for it who need it (and noticing and shutting down manipulative/toxic behaviors) ... i dont know if im going to go back to the manor yet tho im going to let this sit give it a week yall can agree or disagree but know that if you try to be an ass your going to get shut down and your feelings are going to get hurt 
lets start with the basics “triggering topics” triggering topics can be anything in particular but it generally means a topic that relates to another persons trauma. Now while it is important to acknowledge a persons trigger words and try to keep the conversation respectable ive also noticed people use it to shut down people who come on freaking out because their dealing with a stressful situation/something traumatic just happened. This has happened to me personally and to a friend with me it was about being pro choice and having to in short make that actual choice. i was discussing this in the bathroom because i (like anyone else who comes in with baggage) did not know about any pro choice discords at that moment and was afraid of being stigmatized or going onto a discord that says its a safe space only for it to be filled with trolls. Mark manor is labeled as a safe space and many people come on there looking for support with me no one told me that the topic was triggering to them (which apparently it was because a friend of theirs had to make the choice not her herself think what you will) they just went to a mod early on when i just found the server as a member a friend (who i wont name) had gotten.... assaulted majority of her werent online and as someone who has been there and yes when she told me it did trigger my own trauma she needed moral support... the mod shut her down and deleted her comments and didnt give her a pointer to any other discord where she could discuss the topic openly and get moral support and be pointed to resources (it actually took me ten minutes to find and confirm a lgbtq therapy chat earlier this year for another individual discussing mental health) this was before i had gotten on for that day but i noticed those messages and i contacted her when she told me what was up yea it triggered my memories and its not fun but I FUCKING HELPED HER i made sure she went to the police to atleast file a statement (while the police dont always help it is good to have it on file) i even made her a plush and shipped it out to her and i would do it again and again because its not good to basically tell another person to shut up because it triggers others not without atleast trying to help them find another fucking place and making sure their actually ok and in a physical safe place  next is them claiming the manor is a “safe space” a safe space is by definition  “ a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm.” you would also think that the manor would be a safe space in the fact that marginalized and oppressed groups of people would be able to point out problematic content and have an open and free discussion about it and how it makes them uncomfortable. especially people of lgbtq community which alot of people in that chat are. yesterday (and this was what caused me to officially turn away from the server) in the patio (which is the members only chat) a Transgender individual pointed out the problematic content that is huniepop and how it fetishizes trans people as well as other minorities now this game i hear tries to make itself out as a “parody” .... its not its a sexual dating sim what would make it a parody is if sex noises were replaced with donkey sounds and the lewd pictures were replaced with poorly drawn doodles of tits or what have you its a game for incels marks hilarious when he plays it because he doesnt take the game seriously my issue isnt with him its with the developer. and if you did not know (which apparently people dont) the character poli is described as “a girl with a dick” the individual pointed this out because they felt like it dehumanizes them and paints them as nothing more than a fetish... and also apparently you can “choose” is poli is trans which kind of gives off the message that people can ignore trans peoples identity if it makes them uncomfortable... or if they dont sexualize them. and the muslim community is more or less in the same boat i come from the bible belt in usa im not muslim i am not trans but i do have a reason for standing with both and i will get to that in a bit so i was raised in a christian household in a christian setting like muslim women were basically told we cannot have sex and any sexual thought is sinful and we will be punished blah blah blah your even more closeted if your gay or bi because then you can face ... violence that being said to make the woman from the middle east hyper sexual like they did is kind of shitty even for a incel pleasing sex game. the individual who thought it would be ok to discuss this in the server because its labeled as a safe space and is generally “lgbtq” friendly thus believing he would have people agree and discuss ... was unceremoniously shut down by their peers and a mod was notified this person was not hostile maybe a bit frustrated because he wanted to talk about it and thought he would have this genuinely helpful conversation and people would listen and spread the word because to have problematic content be popular can isolate the oppressed group even more so WHEN NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO THEM. if a group of marginalized people notice something problematic with content and you claim to be an ally of said group then you need to acknowledge and support what they say. they told him to go to twitter where he could potentially be bullied and written off ... because again its an INCEL PLEASING SEX GAME.(which means incels if you ever dealt with them will go and say anything to justify the game even using slurs and bullying) and to put the icing on the cake to change the topic they brought up robin ... i actually dont know who robin is as i dont really focus much on youtube creators personal stuff (it feels off for me to not personally know an individual but know their personal stuff without having actually talking to them its weird i know its a thing i have in my head) but apparently they recently came out as female and good for them im super proud of him and the patio members were discussing how they were proud of him as well for beginning to wear makeup and making themselves more feminine which would be great if they werent trying so hard to shut down the trans male who was trying to spread awareness on problematic stuff .... something he pointed out ... and something they gaslighted and said he was being hostile. really its almost as if they only care about trans issues when its someone famous discussing them  so what can we possibly do about huniepop being transphobic and the answer is very easy BOYCOTT IT like... yall were up in arms and boycotted jk rowling with snap and a turn do we only cancel the old and ugly? do we only cancel those who we dont think is funny? mark is not at fault he probably doesnt realize it and any comments made on the issue are talked down upon or drowned amongst other comments im not saying to cancel him im saying to cancel the game HARD. ignore the posts bitch at the dev demand refunds for your game. like consumers have infinitely more power than corps want to admit.  so you basically have a community that claims to be a safe space but only if you want to talk about sunshine and rainbows and its highly hypocritical of them to claim safety.  another thing is emotionally abusive/manipulative people hide in the server and the mods dont ever seem to acknowledge it. i cannot tell you how many times ive gotten into arguments with people who seems nice then turn into assholes then claim to be the victim when i or others go off on them. if you recognize my name you know i dont stand down when it comes to having a snarky or rude comment thrown at me if your going to be an ass were fighting i dont care how nice you seemed beforehand and you dont get to call a mod just because i actually stood up for myself or others sorry not sorry dont be a bitch nuff said.  now why would i care so much about problematic content? why would i care and stand by the transgender and muslim people (aside from being ya know... an actual ally and not someone who claims it for sympathy and brownie points?) its because i am autistic i am also able to function well on my own but there is a movie created by the famous singer sia it is called music it is a movie frowned upon by the autisitic community because infantizes and dehumanizes non verbal autistic people i am fortunate and unfortunate in not having to deal with much stigma unfortunate because i wasnt diagnosed until i was 17 alot of answers about my behavior could have been answered if i had been diagnosed earlier but considering society loves the quiet timid female and i functioned “well” for neurotypicals i was ignored. so yea you bet your ass im standing with them and raising awareness about huniepop and their was this one person when i mentioned this point i cant remember there name nor to do i give a shit about them because when i mentioned how autistic people ... how i was in the same boat with music by sia (again i advise that no one target the actress who was under contract target sia and please boycott her so she knows she cant get brownie points or money for a movie that stigmatizes who she claims she wants to “help” (*cough* profit off of *cough cough*) and only serves as a feel good movie for neurotypicals and ignorant people)  they said “i heard people who hated the movie i heard people who found it alright people are ALLOWED to like problematic content” ... and like ... does anyone else see the problem here? its not hard at all to boycott celebrities for making content  and im going to repeat this point  IF A GROUP OF MARGINALIZED, STIGMITIZED AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE CALL OUT SOMETHING FOR BEING PROBLEMATIC AND YOU CLAIM TO BE AN ALLY YOU FUCKING LISTEN TO THEM AND DONT SHUT THEM DOWN I DONT GIVE A SHIT YOU DONT HAVE A FUCKING EXCUSE. if you cant bring yourself to boycott a piece of media and replace it with the infinitely more suitable forms that supports the group you claim to be for your not an ally your a fucking hypocrite  and that is why i left markiplier manor i am still a youtube special ... thingy member and i will continue to be a member to support mark i want people to overall listen to those who speak up against a creator and a piece of media and listen to us all no matter how “good” something seems. .. also there is a video called listen it was created by nonverbal autistic people  and communicationFIRST a group that sia apparently communicated with for her movie... and then ignored  https://youtu.be/H7dca7U7GI8
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