#(  hc  ;  lacey  )
constarlations · 1 month
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🍊 Big Sis Nemona 🍊
my favorite Unovan/Latina Pokémon trainer ever created
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
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i made an edit for mjv!bb kieran so ya'll know what that means. enjoy the memes, everyone.
kieran's edit underneath the cut!
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i only did a half-body like i did with florian bc there was no fucking way i was redrawing their entire official art, i don't have the energy rn. 😭
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kiigeboi · 5 months
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loki-ioki · 20 days
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wanted to do some pride hcs for the SV gang and extended gang (no team star tho sorry i don't have slight timeskip designs for them yet)
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marshmallowchaos · 5 months
How I can imagine dipplinshipping’s wedding going based on my own opinions
Carmine- mad because she has a minor role, decorator
Penny- maid of honor
Nemona-Ring bear
Arven-gives Juliana to Kieran
Drayton-not invited =)
Lacey-in charge of the cake and the food
Crispin- best man(idk why)
Mela-bridesmaid #1
Atticus- caught the bouquet but gave it to another couple
Ortega- plays the piano for the reception
Giacomo-in charge of music
Amarys- there for Carmine’s sanity
Miraidon/Koraidon-stands with Juliana
Kieran and Juliana are both super nervous. Juliana’s dress has Applin inspired elements to it so does Kieran’s suit.
Idk this just popped into my head
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cottoncandyfrizz · 4 months
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love trial
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xxinkyshadowxx · 2 months
you know i dont have a lot of hcs for characters that arent kieran but i think lacey smells like either strawberry or blueberry muffin mix
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cheemken · 5 months
Oh that mental image of him breaking down and his Dragonite gently holding him until he's ready to hug back--crying in the club fr I wanna write this scene so much
Another personal hc that I have is definitely one that has a lot of self-projecting onto it. Mostly from the throw away line of 'my knees are creaking' and how the other E4s run to the end of the arena while he takes his sweet time. Couple that with lines on how he fell asleep and is always just resting at the club, a part of me likes to think that he's got some health issues. Maybe joint pain or something that causes chronic exhaustion.
Drayton isn't all too bad with his classes schoolwork wise but he fails primarily on his lack of attendance. Maybe it's partially from days where getting out of bed is hard, or when he can't pretend that everything's all fine and dandy. Sitting down often because standing or walking too long causes his knees to act up. Napping when he can cause he's just low-key tired all the time.
Perhaps he wouldn't have gotten the reputation of being lazy and a slacker if he just spoke up about it but no. He gives me the vibes of someone who dislikes pity, having a level of pride where he prefers to handle stuff on his own. He's got a system with his Pokemon where they help him on bad days. Shame that's how people saw him but it's not like he's making an effort to dispel it anyway. He'd hate it if those displeased looks turned to pity instead
But I'm also a sucker for days where he just can't summon up the energy to pretend around people, and while most just chalk it up to him being lazy again, maybe his friends can tell and help make things a little easier.
(Again, that's just my personal hc with a healthy dose of self projection. I just love putting him through situations haha)
Omf cndmcndm yeah yeah I get that I understand that that hit me right at home lmfaooo
No but, imagine if the reason behind that too is bc how grueling the training of Drayden was. Cause I also have this small hc that Iris really tried to keep up w Drayden's 10k push ups, sit ups, and squats during their training too (so she's a bit built thanks to that lmfao), but Drayton couldn't keep up w that, he tries but he couldn't, his body wasn't frail to say the least, but he wasn't built like Drayden or Iris, his body was a bit weaker compared to theirs, so when he tries, even when he did warm ups beforehand, it'd still leave his body quite sore
That plus the lil hc I have that he always waits for Iris to come back home most nights, so he stays up late most of the time too, making him tired the next day
But yeah, with his pride, he always refuse to get help, to the point he conditioned himself that there really is nothing wrong w him, but there is y'know, and sometimes he can't handle it anymore. There was once his body just needed rest that he didn't go to school at all, it resulted in his fam telling him if he's that lazy then he should just stop going to school and just help around the house, after all, he isn't trusted enough for the gym, wasn't motivated enough to do any kind of work, not even w school, so what's he gonna do
Anyways yeah, this I canon in my heart anon, just let the boy sleep in he deserves it
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chantillyxlacey · 2 years
So I saw this art that Abby Howard posted on twitter: [https://twitter.com/AbbyHoward/status/1601958920255307783] of Reese and Truck, and I entered a fugue state and wrote these little ficlets at work instead of... uhhhh working lmao.
It takes every ounce of strength you possess not to burst out laughing at the tableau you find waiting for you upon entering your apartment.
“If you’re going for a whole ‘seduction’ angle, the cat kind of ruins the effect a little bit,” you say as you shuck off your jacket and drop your keys into the little dish by the door. You even manage to keep the threat of laughter out of your words– well, mostly. It’s an admirable effort, at least.
Reese deflates, but only a little. He makes a sound between a disgruntled grumble and a laugh of his own, quiet but so low that you swear you can feel it resonate through the floor into the soles of your feet.
“I was doing my best to work around it,” he says. “I couldn’t just push him off– I mean look at him.” He gestures at Truck, currently sprawled over his thighs, and scratches delicately behind his ear with the tip of one long claw. Truck blinks at you, looking distinctly smug. You cross the room, shaking your head.
“Yeah, well– I can.” You unceremoniously push Truck to the floor. He sneezes on your foot to protest the indignity, but you ignore him.
You insinuate yourself into the freshly vacated seat in Reese’s lap, draping your arms over his shoulders and leaning close, delighted by the rush of color into his inhuman but comfortably familiar face, and by just how easy it was to turn the tables.
“You know, neither of us will get to eat tonight if you keep letting him distract you like that.” The admonition is blunted by the poorly disguised amusement in your voice.
From his perch atop Reese’s shoulders, Truck lets out a jubilant and unapologetic caterwaul, which turns vibrato when his stage is jostled under him as Reese laughs. The sound this time is a low, rumbling hiss that makes you think of an alligator.
Your upstairs neighbor, apparently unappreciative of Truck’s aria, pounds on their floor in protest. Reese reaches up and thumps the ceiling once, with enough force to rattle both your kitchen and the one upstairs. Your neighbor doesn’t offer a return volley, and you like to imagine there’s a meek, intimidated quality to their silence.
“Sorry, buddy.” Reese scoops up Truck in one enormous hand and curls his long fingers into a loose cage around the cat. Truck looks a little put out at the loss of his glorious vantage point, but he doesn’t attempt to wriggle free. Apparently, he’s content enough with the fact that Reese is technically still paying attention to him.
Even with one hand occupied Reese deftly finishes dredging and breading the slices of calf’s liver that still need it, passing them to you and the hot pan you’re monitoring on the stove. He’d learned to do a lot of things one-handedly, he told you once, from days when he’d gotten so immersed in his art that it was almost literally impossible to pry the brush or pencil from his grip.
That talent was mostly utilized for Truck-wrangling these days. He’s also told you, his voice soft and sheepish and sweet, that he hasn’t felt that consuming compulsion to exorcize himself onto a page or canvas nearly as often since he’s been here with you.
You watch your companions surreptitiously over the top of your book, your grin hidden by it. Truck chatters at Reese so purposefully that you can almost imagine he’s saying real words. Reese humors him and murmurs back, too quiet to make out his words any better than the cat’s.
Truck rears up and plants his front paws on Reese’s chest, then lunges forward for an affectionate headbutt the likes of which has nearly given you a black eye in the past. Reese, however, seems wholly unperturbed at being besieged by a ballistic missile of feline friendship.
At the moment, he looks almost exactly the way he did when you first met him. The only clue to his true nature is the way his teeth press outward against his lips, straining against the skin like his jaw is just a little too large and a little too crowded to fit quite right. He almost never dulls his teeth anymore when he isn’t out in public. No– that’s not exactly right, actually. When you first met him he’d been– duller? More faded? He’s still pale as milk and thin as a leather cord, but there’s a lively color in his face now, and his cheeks are no longer hollowed and gaunt.
Truck blinks slowly and deliberately at Reese, and Reese blinks back in the same way. You wonder if he did it consciously or not.
Reese’s eyes are different these days as well. The bags under them are still there– that’s just how his face naturally sits– but they no longer look like bruises. There’s a light in them now too, other than the literal glow that lingers faintly even when he otherwise looks entirely ‘normal’. They have a spark in them–
They’re looking right at you, catching your own and holding fast.
Reese blinks at you, too, and those eyes of his are warm and soft and heavy with so much– so much, just in general, and it’s all aimed at you.
Heat floods your face and you duck back behind your book. You don’t hear his laughter so much as feel it, like infrasound. Lowering the book just enough to stick your tongue out at him, you prod at his bony hip with your big toe.
Truck apparently takes this as a declaration of war and launches himself at your foot, teeth-first.
Reese laughs again– aloud and full-throated this time– at your misfortune and the cartoonish yelp you let out, but he comes to your rescue anyway.
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divinelasso · 6 months
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mxstball · 9 months
[Headcanon] Self of Light and Shadow
This is a headcanon about Heidi and Lacey, Heidi's Shadow Self. While Heidi and Lacey share a body and are, in a way, foils to each other, they consider themselves as separate people.
If you want to learn more about how Shadow Pokémon before learning about Heidi and Lacey, please refer to my previous headcanon about Shadow Pokémon. You can view that previous headcanon here.
Shadow Lacey
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Due to reasons that she doesn't know, Heidi naturally attracts and absorbs Shadow Energy involuntarily. In the past, the natural Shadow Energy in the world didn't affect her. However, one day, she had an encounter with a Shadow Pokémon from another world. Its Shadow attacks were absorbed in her, causing unbearable pain. She was able to be cured of the pain, but she wasn't aware that, ever since that day, her body would continue to passively absorb the Shadow Energy that was present in the air. Eventually, the energy's preying on Heidi's identity crisis gave birth to Lacey, a shadow version of Heidi with its heart closed to the world and without emotions.
Note on writing Lacey's name: the bold part of her name is a part of her name. So, saying "Lacey" actually refers to Heidi's nickname while saying "Lacey" refers to the Shadow Form. If spoken or written in a format without bold, then you say "Shadow Lacey".
Lacey and Heidi consider themselves as separate people. They have different personalities, different reactions to stimuli, etc. However, they do have similar preferences and attractions, primarily because of Heidi. Lacey's actions or preferences towards other people is actually due to her being a part of Heidi and naturally responding to Heidi's preferential instincts. Because of this, Lacey is drawn to those that Heidi likes (i.e. Rayquaza, Zinnia, Nergal, Lauren, etc.); however, this doesn't mean that Lacey doesn't have a mind of her own. She is also drawn to Lauren because of being the first creature to consider her as her "sister".
Lacey doesn't necessarily have a particular end-goal in mind when it comes to herself. When she first awoke, she only cared about living. She was concerned about the possibility of Heidi finding a way to purify herself, an action that would ultimately kill Lacey. Thus, she worked to find a way to either separate herself or permanently take over the body. Heidi, on the other hand, thought differently. Heidi considered herself and Lacey as equals and as sisters from the moment she started understanding who Lacey was. Because of this, until recently, she worked to find a way to separate Lacey from herself so that Lacey may be satisfied. However, after Heidi obtained the powers of Arceus and after their relationship improved due to having a new sense of communication, both Heidi and Lacey are satisfied with ultimately sharing a body together indefinitely.
Lacey does not consider herself as an Arceus. While she is able to utilize Arceus abilities due to the fact that she shares a body with Heidi, she still considers herself as a Shadow Latias, not a Shadow Arceus.
Lacey has most of the same abilities as Heidi, from flight to the power of Creation; however, there are several differences that stands Lacey apart:
In terms of strength, due to Lacey being a stronger Shadow Pokémon, Lacey is naturally stronger than Heidi in her Mega Form, but weaker than Low-Powered Arceus!Heidi
Lacey cannot Mega Evolve in any way.
Lacey is able to actively absorb Shadow Energy. She is able to absorb Shadow Energy from other Shadow Pokémon and stop the flow of Shadow Energy from those Pokémon. This does not count as purification, but it does make it much easier for a Pokémon to be purified. If a Pokémon whose energy has been absorbed is not purified, then an active reintroduction to Shadow Energy or even a particularly traumatic event can cause them to relapse. Because of this, absorbing the Shadow Energy of a Pokémon should be used as an interim step to purification.
Note: There is a limit to how much Lacey can absorb before causing unbearable pain or requiring for her to expel the energy. As such The Gale of Darkness is immune to this technique, even if she were to actively expel the energy while doing so.
It is theoretically possible for Lacey to reverse this process and inject Shadow Energy on a non-purified Pokémon to force them to turn into a Shadow Pokémon; however, she has never tried to do so, nor wishes to try.
Lacey is able to actively expel Shadow Energy within herself. She can vent out Shadow Energy from her body similar to venting out a heat engine. This allows her to regulate the amount of Shadow Energy that is within her body.
Lacey is immune to any effects of further corruption; however, the sudden amount of Shadow Energy will cause her to naturally expel it throughout her body and force debilitating pain upon her.
Lacey cannot be purified through usual methods, but any successful attempts without finding the source of her corruption will eventually cause her to return.
Heidi's and Lacey's Relationship
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Lacey and Heidi consider themselves as sisters that share the same body. They are friendly to each other (as friendly as Lacey can be, at least) and consider each other's needs and desires, with their mutual best interests at heart. When one of the two of them are active, the other serves as a second opinion and a helpful guide in case the other goes astray. They typically do not try to force the other into doing anything unless it's important, however.
Lacey is able to easily forcibly take over the body if Heidi is in True, Lacey, or Heidi form. It is impossible for her to do so when Heidi is Mega Evolved or in Heidi's Low-Powered form. Heidi, however, can forcibly take over from Lacey; however, it requires some amount of work, and she has to turn into her Low-Powered form to do so. High-Powered form requires for the two to consensually be in sync, however. In addition, Lacey is involuntarily taken over if Heidi in her standard forms absorbs too much Shadow Energy, and Heidi is involuntarily taken over if Lacey is out of Shadow Energy and does not either Mega Evolve or transform into Low-Power state in time.
Lacey and Heidi communicate internally. The inactive sister can use the narration of the roleplay writing to communicate her feelings and her thoughts of a given situation. Because of this, narration and writing when Heidi or Lacey is involved takes a first-person omniscient point of view instead of a third-person omniscient point of view as would be the case for all other characters. This means that the use of "I" and "me" would refer to the inactive sister. In addition, the active sister is able to hear the thoughts of the inactive sister and communicate with her, either verbally or through thoughts. However, when the two of them combine into High-Power Form, narration returns to a third-person omniscient point of view, and communication between the two of them occurs in thoughts.
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sturnsdoll · 2 months
𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳𝒀 𝑮𝑭 ˚୨୧⋆。 - C.S
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warnings: hc's, chris x hyperfeminine/girly reader, sfw and nsfw but they are labelled as such. nsfw warnings: dom!chris, brat!gf, teasing, mostly suggestive.
authors note: i had fun with this so if y'all want a pt2 or any other hc's pls send reqs for them!
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₊⊹⤑ chris always admired how in touch with your feminimity you are. he always loved the bows, dainty necklaces, skirts and lace, it made you seem so delicate and sweet.
₊⊹⤑ chris will always jump at an opportunity to help you braid your hair (which you taught him.), clip a necklace for you, zip the back of your dress. he loves helping you out no matter how big or small.
₊⊹⤑ anytime you're doing your makeup or picking out an outfit you can always find chris watching with adoration.
₊⊹⤑ even when chris didn't understand something, he still loved it. did he know what the difference between cream or powdered blush? nope. but nonetheless, he thought it looked pretty on you.
₊⊹⤑ did he know what the hell the difference between coffin or square was? also no. but he paid for your nails anyways because he knew it brought you joy.
₊⊹⤑ he'll find any reason to get close to you so he can take in your familiar sweet scent..
₊⊹⤑ from your hair to your clothes to your perfume, you always smell like candy, cake, anything and everything heavenly.
₊⊹⤑ sometimes your delicate appearance comes back to bite you in the ass though.. you and chris will get into small arguements and he'll just stand staring at you, a small smile growing on his face..
₊⊹⤑ "what's funny jackass?" "jus' can't take you serious when you look that cute" he'd tease you.
₊⊹⤑ despite your delicate exterier, chris knows you have another side to you. ₊⊹⤑ chris would casually congragulate you on things infront of friends with a nonchalant "good girl." or "you're doing so well" that would make your thighs clench. ₊⊹⤑ chris knew exactly what he was doing though. he would say the same things when you were on your knee's for him or when you asked him before you came. ₊⊹⤑ what did you love more than chris' praise though? ₊⊹⤑ being a brat.
₊⊹⤑ on days where you'd wear your short skirts and dresses, you'd always make sure to tease him. sitting on his lap, bending over near him to let him catch a glimpse of your lacey thong. ₊⊹⤑ you especially loved doing this in public where he couldn't do anything about it.
₊⊹⤑ he'd whisper in your ear "keep it up sweetheart, i'll bend you over my lap the second we're home." and he would. ₊⊹⤑ he loved how your attitude betrayed your sweetness, but you know what he loved even more? to fuck it out of you. ₊⊹⤑ "such a dirty mouth for such a sweet girl. maybe we should fix that hm?" and next thing you'd know you were on your knee's, doe eyes looking all fucked out as he filled your perfectly glossed lips.
₊⊹⤑ skirts were also a weakness of his for other reasons. easy access when you were sitting in his lap asking for attention or when he wanted to tease you under the table at dinner with friends.
₊⊹⤑ it was nearly impossible to say no to you though.
₊⊹⤑ you'd come to him while he was getting ready. "chris. i need you" "i need to film in a few. later okay baby?" "chris please." then he'd catch sight of you.. ₊⊹⤑ pretty little top with your clevage peeking out, your hair pulled back with ribbon but little pieces framing your face. a desperation in your eyes that only he can fix.
₊⊹⤑ how could he say no to you?
₊⊹⤑ so before he'd film, he'd lay you out across your bed on your fluffy blankets. his head would dissapear beneath your skirt till your perfectly manicured nails were dug in his scalp, till you were more than satisfied. ₊⊹⤑ matt and nick couldn't help but giggle when he entered the car. ₊⊹⤑ "dude.." nick started. chris looked at his brothers confused "what?". "you have pink lipgloss ALL around your mouth.." matt would tell him knowingly.
₊⊹⤑ wonder where that came from?...
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tags: @mattsrod @sturncakez
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
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yes, i finally sat my ass down & made a bb academy florian edit just so i could make this joke. florian being the world's most fail wingman for these two would be very funny to me.
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alxclaremont · 2 years
i may only be a few episodes into season two but the way that there are soo many indications that josh could’ve been bi
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months
Avahjdiaksvvxhsx this blog is so silly in a good way
As much as I love toothpaste, edgy onion deserves some love as well
Can I get hcs of Kieran x reader set after the end of Indigo Disk where Kieran and the reader's rekindled friendship slowly grows into romance over time? I just think the idea is cute
Your wish is my command!💜💜
Pokémon Headcannons | Kieran (Post-game Romance)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet DLC Spoilers ahead!
Warnings: mild obsessive behaviour. Kieran being a sweet bean
SPOILER WARNING For The ending of The indigo disk
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After the whole Ogerpon, Terapagos, situation was finally over, the guild Kieran felt was unfathomable. The people he had hurt, the things he had said to everyone he cared about were weighing on him more than they ever did before.
So when he had practically yelled at you to forgive him on the bridge to the academy. To see your smile once more, to know after everything he had done you’d forgiven him! His only friend had forgiven him after all of this. Not a chance was he letting this go, not a second time. You are his best friend and he’s making sure he doesn’t lose your trust or you again.
Getting your forgiveness was pretty easy, as for the others… that was more of a challenge. Carmine never really held a grudge, Kieran’s her brother she cares for him! Drayton forgave him quite quickly, though he still holds a grudge against him for what he’s done, and will remind him of this if he slips out of it again. 
It took weeks for Crispin and Lacey to forgive him, so much persuasion, apologies, gifts, everything under the sun so they would even remotely forgive him. So many times he wanted to give up, thinking he had failed them as he had himself. But with your constant motivation and joy, he continued trying to gain they’re trust again, for you.
His grades began shooting up as well. He began actually focusing more on the Pokémon world and the people around him instead of his obsession with getting stronger. Which caused Amarys to admit to him how proud she was of him. Be it stoically.
After some time he was even able to earn Ogerpon' s love and trust, becoming good friends with the adorable Pokémon. 
Kieran had even begun spending a lot more time with you, going on shiny hunts with you, catching Pokémon with you and just genuinely wanting to be around you! It reminded him of how he felt back on Kitagami, the joy he felt running around doing all those challenges with you. 
But it also brought back some feelings he had bottled away. Feelings he never thought would resurface, and yet, running around the Terrarium with you, running through the stories of your adventures in Paldea with him. He wanted nothing more than to just hold you.
Little did he know you felt the same.
It wasn’t until a few months after that he finally mustered up the courage. And by that I mean Carmine practically dragged him to you and demanded he tell you how he felt. Much to your confusion.
But he does confess telling you straight up how he felt, how much you make his heart ache when you're not around, how seeing you so focused on catching a Pokémon makes his face go all red and warm. How your focused battle face was so refreshing to him, your smile being the cutest thing in the world to him.
Granted he stumbled over every word, the old shy Kieran you knew before, showing his face one last time.
When you plant a kiss on his cheek, followed by a hug, he knew your feelings were mutual and he couldn’t help but smile a beaming smile, hugging you for the first time in so long. And he was never letting this moment go. And never again was he letting you slip from his grasp again.
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de4dlyniightshade · 4 months
I need the most back-arching, kitty clenching, slick tip hcs you have for Spencer. Him in lingere, him buried 7.5 inches deep inside you, him cumming so hard he can't think, everything.
spencer would be so shy when you put him in lingerie but when he catches he's reflection he's like honestly shocked at how pretty he feels, he'd also love thigh garters on himself like pretty lacey ones specifically.
definitely has thing for cumming in you, not necessarily a breeding kink but he just needs to cum in you, the feeling of you clenching around him while he releases inside you, his mind going blank as he whimpers and moans.
loves nipple play, giving or receiving, the first time you gently pinched his nipple between your fingers jokingly he couldn't get it out of his head and would shyly ask you to do it again when you were making out with him.
cums in his pants all the time like it's so common that you've got a whole routine when it happens, very efficiently and quickly getting him cleaned up and changed as if it was as natural as any other task.
morning wood every single morning without fail, even when he's away from you he wakes up painfully hard in his pyjamas, whimpering to himself as he can't help but rut his cock into the inside of his underwear, his tip rubbing on the material making him gasp.
biting! loves biting you but loves when you bite him even more, loving seeing the teeth marks in his shoulder after the fact, tucked under his clothes so nobody can see it.
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