#(← not canon oc lore just a weird vent)
infiniteoreos · 9 months
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me and the boys at the local ihop last friday
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
I have brain rot so here's another Hexolot who's a hybrid between @my-quirk-is-fred's species and a random alien species I designed for something else, incredibly not Canon but both aliens have: multiple eyes, tentacle/tendril hair, glowy patterny bits and brain went lmao wouldn't it be funny if they just went yea I'd tap. And so they did. Info and long haired version under cut.
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I wanna start by saying the Hexolot was likely the 'mother' species receiving the dna to create child as the species I made unnamed would've preferred to keep their child safe on their ship but this oc is on other ships so the Hexolot likely left after a nice space meeting and had child later.
Hexolot dna seems pretty dominant so obviously it more heavily shows in the child.
Short king, has vibes of a dude and answers general to anything but resonates with he more so and people tend to assume they're a he too, significantly shorter than the average hexalot as the 'father' species is small themselves probably idk 5ft if stood from head to toes and idk how tall Hexolot are but I assume they're taller than people so this oc is short. (especially compared to half prehex who definitely stands over him like >:3)
Ship engineer can fix literally anything and everything on a ship, catch him working on things to keep ship going. He only took engineering as he was good at it told by teachers to pursue what he was good at and succeed, rather than learn about what he liked and fail.
He actually really likes plants he's just, really really bad at keeping them alive, in his original mental concept he had an experiment intelligent sentient plant he made (probably illegally(yes its still illegal in space)) called Delpheen but I don't know if I'm keeping that.
Because of his 'father' species he was born with a lot of incredibly short hair tendrils that have grown out a little but remain short as due to weird hybridization his genes probably just tell him to keep youngling hair permanently likely latching onto the Hexolot short hair gene making it more dominant.
He's actually capable of moving each individual one and can make them grow which he uses for climbing around in vents (sus) when working, this is also from the 'father' genes as they climb around similarly.
All his eyes are fully functional, his top eyes are better at night vision though and help process extra information making him very good during power outs or dark places, though the eye shine can spook people.
Finally from his 'father' species comes the metal structures on his face and growing from his tusks/pincers. The species naturally produces cobalt on their face as facial markings and in defensive situations and so he has his own markings and changing the shape of his tusk/pincers likely binding to some recessive dna that would've made those shapes normally.
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His extended tendrils do grow a fine metallic cobalt sheath making them slightly defensive and he has warning makings just for show to scare people off if needed.
Oh also surprisingly good with kids? The 'father' species has a very strong active protect child instinct and kids seem to sense he's a soft touch despite being a bit socially inept with adults.
Does not understand the "go bother someone else" parents, who then get annoyed that he's the person watching their kids keeping them safe and outta trouble cause you shooed off your young one? You did not supervise? You can't get mad at me watching over them?? I literally work here??
And doesn't get when people get annoyed if he asks if they even wanted kids considering they always shoo them off. Cause let's be real they'll always be the go away type parents who don't want to interact with their kids but like obviously still love them, it's just hard for him to comprehend as in his 'father' species babies and young are almost always constantly carried around by an adult of the family so it's strange to him, shooing a child away feels wrong.
The kind of crew member to wake up to a power shortage, roll over cause its not his shift they can fix it, then proceed to throw himself outta bed when he remembers a single mom on deck 6-C with a baby that needs bottle feeding every hour and last time these idiots took 3 hours to fix a 30 minute problem so he's GOING cause someone's gotta make sure this baby gets fed! Outta the way you incompetents.
Hand him a baby and he will hold the baby support the neck and body and any extra alien parts that need extra support while the parent works, doesn't make a scene or fuss.
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rockybloo · 7 months
wait so to the characters in-universe it looks like bitterbat is just trying to humiliate/seduce sweetheart, does sweetheart reject him constantly or does she actually seem like she’s into it? because if she rejects him publicly all the time, then the fact that there’s in-universe people who still ship them together despite that kinda gives me weird vibes
of course we as the viewers know that sweetheart is actually dating him and enjoys his advances, but the fictional bittersweet shippers don’t know the full situation. did you intend for the bittersweet shippers to be seen as weird fans, or is there some lore that i’m missing?
Because this is gonna be a very long response, I will answer this two part question right now with a "She seems into it" and "Yes" in case you (or anyone who is reading this) ain't into a 10 min read
Now comes the part where I slam down my essay about my OCs and the world they live in on your desk for the true expanded response under the cut
"Bitterbat is the King of Monsters who is smitten with Decking City's Loveliest Hero, Sweetheart, who constantly rejects his advances due to her sworn oath to stand as a pillar of peace and love to protect the city from danger."
Of course, this is what they have written down in their shared notebook where they brainstorm their confrontations to make them seem more believable instead of staged. I should state now that what really goes down when Bitterbat and Sweetheart confront each other is Bitterbat going ahead of Sweetheart and tracking down a seed of corruption that is about to be awakened or hasn't awakened yet. He then wakes it up prematurely so it's in a slightly more weakened state and lures it to Sweetheart where she destroys it as Beloved weaponry is the only effective way to put down a Vent without harming the person inside of it.
SO THE MONSTER FIGHTING IS REAL-Bitterbat and Sweetheart's entire act in the public eye is fake.
And when it comes to rejection during the act, Sweetheart doesn't straight up verbally reject or voice discomfort. When Bitterbat flirts with her, she shoots him a corny one liner back and when he attempts to sweet talk her, she pulls out a good ole magical girl monologue. Sometimes they verbally bounce off one another and occasionally Sweetheart's acting face slips as she flirts a smidge back at him, dropping hints that he's "Cute but a troublemaker" or "A shame you waste your good looks on evil".
And when Bitterbat gets more physical like pinning or down or straddling her, she very obviously gets flustered as she manages to gracefully slip her away out of Bitterbat's purposely loose grip on her. There is never a struggle when he pins her down but he makes sure it's loose so Sweetheart to manifest a gun and blast him away pure and clean. Thought there have been times she has let the pin down linger a bit too long because a girl's thinking gets fuzzy when her boyfriend is looking at her like she's a 5 course meal and she has to focus on not swooning.
The two didn't plan it but they've accidentally loaded their entire act with sexual tension and the Bittersweet (the in canon ship name for Sweetheart and Bitterbat) shippers can TASTE it.
Even nonshippers crack jokes about the relationship like openly referring to Bitterbat as Sweetheart's boyfriend. Whenever Sweetheart has talk show interviews, her relationship with Bitterbat is a constant discussion topic to bring up that's filled to the brim with "Ok but what is Bitterbat to you?" type questions.
That being said, Bittersweet shippers are definitely meant to be viewed as weird by other shippers. That's mainly because all hero x villain shippers in story are deemed weirdos. It's a taboo relationship to many and there are countless forum posts, video essays, threads, call outs, cancellations, and straight up arguments about the morality of a hero and villain dating. Even a hero and villain putting aside their differences for a brief bit to work together to take on a greater good causes some civilians to voice their hot takes.
And while other hero x villain ships tend to have a relatively small fandom, Bittersweet is an outlier because of how much fuel the magical girl and her monster boyfriend add to the fire.
Freeheart, Freebird x Sweetheart, was one of the biggest hero ships before Bitterbat made his grand return and triggered the creation of Bittersweet. And it's the true "weird" ship as, while Sweetheart and Bitterbat's banter is playful and organic, Sweetheart genuinely voices her objections and rejections to Freebird's advances.
She does it professionally but she very much is blunt about her displeasure and only becomes more straight forward after Bitterbat returns.
This is a BIG contrast to Sweetheart's lighthearted and "school girl with a crush she doesn't want to admit out loud" energy when it comes to Bitterbat. And people notice this difference. The Bittersweet shippers are the biggest haters of Freeheart because it's so obvious Freebird is barking up the wrong tree but because of their title as weirdos, the masses just mark it up to them not wanting Freebird stealing Sweetheart from Bitterbat.
That's not to say everyone is blind to the lack of mutually shared feelings between the two heroes. But because Freebird isn't straight up out here being super forward and forcing himself upon Sweetheart, restraining himself to simply verbally flirting or admiring her, people just shrug it off and figure it's a matter of Freebird being oblivious the girl ain't into him, Sweetheart playing hard to get, or they just have a weird af friendship.
The twist to shippers in canon is that hero shippers IN GENERAL are viewed as weird by the average person who doesn't partake in that side of hero culture.
It's basically the equivalent of us in our reality shipping celebrities together but with an extra layer of separation to it because many heroes have secret identities no one knows. So people justify it with "Well being a hero is basically like being a different person and putting on an act so it's not that bad to say I think [hero a] should make out with [hero b]".
There's that element of striping away the humanity and filling that space with fantasy. Amara is grounded in reality and a girl anyone could run into on the street. She has her own life and private matters. Meanwhile, Sweetheart is a public and widely known face. She has abilities the mind cannot comprehend and is like a fictional character come to life.
And because many heroes don't view their hero identities as their true selves, it's easy to just brush off the shipping and laugh at it because it's just civilians having fun with what little information they truly know about their favorites.
Overall it's meant to be harmless fun (outside of the ship wars) though there's the rare case, like Freeheart, where the shipping can lead to consequences...like Freebird taking all the fans support of his crush as motivation and fuel for his determination to be with Sweetheart.
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maddgical-boy · 26 days
remakin my pinned post bc i love spending hours on fun formats. anyways
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⸝⸝⊂➜﹒it's me! ⊃⸝⸝
mark/vinny ☆ he/him ☆ minor (strictly 18+ only blogs block me)
hello all! here i post about all things daydreaming-related, as well as some self insert stuff since there is big overlap there for me.
i have mainly fictparacosms (paracosms of existing fictional media). i'm kinda shy about them so i don't discuss them as much but please be respectful when i do. they do not always line up with canon and i just want to be happy and have a fun time since my life is sad. :)
❤️ this blog is a safe space for all madders/iders and whatever you daydream about. even if it's considered really dark nasty shit, and even if it's willingly! fiction is fiction my friends. ❤️
feel free to send asks about my paracosms or about yours! tumblr is buggy and i am chronically ill so i may not get to it right away, but rest easy knowing each ask is treasured in my heart <3 i'm shy but i want to interact with you all
if you want to see more of my silly self talking about other random things, my main is @thecrimeofmans-laughter!
below are paracosms & tags!
paracosms ☁︎‎‎‧₊˚*𖦹
these fluctuate in and out of how relevant they are to me, especially because god cursed my interests to wholly take over my life and then suddenly evaporate like sweat. this is also why i have random mini paracosms that only come out of hibernation if my hyperfixation does too! lmao
■ queerer things still — five teens learn of the magical secret realms on earth and travel through them to uncover the main para (enya liao)'s mysterious past. all of them have magical powers and all of them have emotional baggage that they are eventually forced to deal with by fighting monsters that target their greatest weaknesses. everything is weird and also everything is queer (hence the name).
■ arrows of shield — big crossover between marvel's agents of shield and the cw's arrowverse. at the center of it all is me, because i am awesome. (and because i need to cope with life.) the only other teenagers (and original paras) are cicero (an entity meant to deal with all emotional and physical pains) and jessop jiang (a boy from the typical 60s american suburb who accidentally killed his mother).
■ the super happy life of akemi ōtani — a blanket paracosm for all daydreams involving any of koei's musou warriors games (that i have played, which is dw8, sw2, 4, 4ii, and 5, and wo4). the name is from one of my two samurai warriors ocs, as she has a very normal, happy life with her dad and sister that is absolutely not besieged by period-typical war. (also my icon on this blog is of nō, who is a character from sw5! she's in her dlc outfit. i love her)
■ yttd paracosm 2 — i don't have a name for this one yet shhh. anyway have you ever theorized that shunsuke hayasaka is sue miley's mysterious fiancé and then made a yttd sona that has become separate from you and is also their adopted child and is also dating ranmaru kageyama and then spent way too much time rewriting the lore of the game to fit this change? that's what this is. (my first yttd paracosm is asunaroland which isn't as major anymore but yeah. i have 2 of these fuckers)
tags i'll use ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
i love using tags i love organizing i love formatting i love archiving \(^▽^@)ノ ☆ヾ(*´▽`)ノ ~(≧◇≦)/゙゙゙
my original posts -> #mark stops daydreaming for a sec.txt
answering asks -> #mark answers asks, #ask game answers | feel free to send in something from my ask game!
vents about madd -> #madd vent, #intrusive daydreaming | all of these are ok to rb
positivity about daydreaming -> #positivity <3
my art -> #martk | other art is on my toyhouse and instagram AND CARA!! | want me to draw your paras? commission me!
useful madd-related things -> #useful
anything not daydreaming-related, for whatever reason -> #not madd
...and probably other tags i'm forgetting! yayyy!!
all paracosms and paras are tagged #like this* to avoid anything (like fictpara stuff) showing up in big public tags because i am Scared
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dividers: animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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orbleglorb · 10 months
info post!
pt: info post
hi i'm sasha orbleglorb. i use he/him and they/them with no preference. this post is going to basically be a little intro post/guide to my blog. it has my tag system and stuff for wip wednesday/OC ask games, because i rb a LOT of those. it'll be updated every now and then :]
any palestinian followers can block #cdl to filter out posts about the brutality and genocide in gaza. donation posts and posts about gaza not featuring death and destruction (i.e., culture) will remain unfiltered.
pt: disclaimer (?)
i don't want to call this a DNI, because tbf i don't care if people who don't agree with me follow me. if you pick fights about it, you're getting blocked. but if you are anti-endo, exclusionist (including more "weird" identities like bi lesbian), or feel any type of strong opinions about the proship debate (in literally any way), you will occasionally see things that make you uncomfortable or piss you off. do with that what you will.
pt: interests:
blaseball (i post about this the most), world religion (i don't rlly post about it much, because people can be weird about it), lost media, my ocs, other ppl's ocs.
tag system
pt: tag system
#undescribed - images without an image ID
#id in alt or #id in alt text - images with the ID in alt text, but nowhere else in the post
#not screenreader friendly - posts that include formatting that is hard or impossible for screenreaders to read. this includes special fonts, even the ones on tumblr. this does not include bold, italic, bigger, or biggest fonts.
#colored text - posts with colored text. as far as i know, colored text is readable by screen readers. but it can cause migranes and be hard to look at, so i have a category for it.
#later gator - posts i have saved for later
#save for later - practical posts i want to reference later
#insert a queue pun here - queue tag
#sasha lore - posts about my personal life & general things happening with me. negative/bad stuff tagged with #rant and #vent
#asks 4 sasha - ask response tag
#eyeball emoji. hey - ask game tag
#orble art insp - posts that inspire me artistically
#orble art ref - art references
#orble art - art tag
#orble writing - writing tag
#blaseball (organizational) - blaseball posts i make that i don't want to maintag, but would like to organize somehow. i do this with multiple fandoms, and they all serve the same purpose.
#firewalker with me friday - every(ish) friday i reblog the song "firewalker with me" by the garages
#sidelined sunday - same as above but with "sidelined" by the garages, every(ish) sunday
#wip wednesday - an ask game where i post my wips & ppl can request snippets (more info below)
#wip wednesday works - snippets of wips i post on wip wednesday
all triggers/content that needs to be censored are tagged without TW or CW in the tag. for instance, anything with transphobia is just tagged #transphobia, anything with flashing lights is just tagged #flashing and #flashing lights.
ask game stuff - OCs, favorite characters, ships, fic wips
pt: ask game stuff - OCs, favorite characters, ships, fic wips
essentially, i reblog a lot of ask games that are about OCs, ships, and WIPs. because i'm a blaseball fan, and blaseball has no canon, i also like it when ppl send blb players for OC asks! so, if you want to send an ask but don't know what to ask about, here's a list of things for when i share those ask games:
👤 OCs 👤
most used/fleshed out ocs (bolded are main characters): alejandro salinas, arthur murphy (that's the only ref i've posted), connor shrapner, diego salinas aguilera, dhia hassan, ezra hoffman, gwen shrapner, hannah abrams, leylo gromit (nee wright), manea, marco salinas rojas, nicostratus dreadful, silas vanderzee, william shrapner, and zach schneider (nee wright)
ocs with a decent amount of lore: amos salinas (nee wright), catalina salinas flores, dolores rojas velásquez (flores), christopher shrapner, callum ferreira-cohen (nee wright), danika murphy, gabriela flores salinas, james voland (nee wright), luke fullmer, martín salinas flores, mallory shrapner, matthew norman, minato kishimoto, opal dreadful, ornias dreadful, penny dreadful, rowan wallace, taylor wallace, timothy "mothy" miller (and dreadful but dw about it), wilbur wright, and valerie schneider
other ocs: aidan thompson, aliyah anderson, margarita salinas castillo, carlos salinas castillo, cecil weaver, camilla salinas rojas, cynthia wright, daniel cohen, gilberto flores martinez, henry milburn, indigo milburn, irene salinas, jackie ong, jessica, josé salinas pérez, maría concepción castillo gonzález de salinas, mei, mercedes aguilera, molly mae wright, nicole murphy, oliver wright, peter wright, rory wright, sergio ferreira, tristan, wendy ong, and zellie anderson
‼️ Favorite Characters ‼️
blorbos that are basically my ocs: conditional yuniesky (i call him yuniesky torres), chester abu-zaid (nadeem abu-zaid and his service dog, chester), fletcher berger
blorbos that are not basically my ocs, but i have a lot of lore for them that others do not: parker macmillan, megan ito, new megan ito, clare ballard, mike townsend, tillman henderson, declan suzanne, lenjamin lin, flattery strewnberry
💞 Ships (and some characters): 💞
🖊 WIPs: 🖊
fic wips: every other wednesday i do a little thing called wip wednesday, where i share a list of my wips and ppl can request a snippet of each wip. the most recent wip files post (which will be tagged as #wip wednesday) will be the most reliable for this.
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beastofmoss · 1 year
tell e about your OCs. also did you know Daiki is the name is of Ritsu's seiyuu
Ooh! Oh! Hiii, and sure- but I have a lot of things about them so I'll probably just get the basics. And no, I did not know about that!? That's interesting, thank you! I'm also biting you for asking this (affectionately) going insane
Sorry this is so long, and it doesn't really scratch most of the lore for them 😬
Also, let me know if anyone wants the picrew I used ^^ I may of went overboard here hahahah~!
Most of my idol unit were from when I first got into enstars, so some lore got lost- which sadly means that Daiki, my youngest and mint idol, is put on the backburner until I can figure out what to do with him. (I sadly also forgot his last name as well, and I'm not even sure if Daiki is his real name either)
Also the oc foreign idol unit I have is called "Buskin and Socks", very heavy motifs with theater and deals with comedy/tragedy (hence the name). Each song was supposed to tell a story with character roles that each member would play.
Also some old art of Daiki as well!
Daiki: tooth obsessed big little guy. was supposed to be the youngest of the unit. He was supposed to be the pure knight, and was a semi-foil to Sierra (The double faced queen) I ended up dropping him, but his concept will probably be used for later.
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Sierra Rivera: transfem. (18) shes 5'11. She/her user. I'm still working on her bc I'm not really used to having a meanish character. She comes off across as flirty and cute, but is kinda just manipulative and just likes to leave an impression. Attention seeking in a way as to never be forgotten. Slightly murderous, hasn't murdered anyone yet- but she's willing ;). She's a huge wip but I love her a lot. She's the only one that sees Frecil as just a weird guy (the others see them as differently). She's has a hearing aid and does do the choreography of performances. Also step-sibling to Frecil.
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José Diaz plus picrew: he's like 5'10. With Daiki out of the unit and put on a back burner, he's actually the youngest(17)of the ground and leader bc enstars love putting their youngest members as leaders. Also trans. But, yeah, he's selective mute and is just very shy.
Like, not in a blushing mess kinda of way- just more aloof? I wanted to explore shyness in a way that's not a stumbling mess, if that makes sense? He's very anxious and probably the most "normal" of the unit. He's very kind and sweet-hearted, having a love for hello kitty. I'm still exploring him as well, but he's definitely fun to explore and I love him dearly. Funny enough, he's also plays the dubious confirmed or not enstar-like game, he's a rabbit!p. He looks up to Frecil and had this weird devotion with him, both as someone he looks up to (putting Frecil on a podium) and as his mentor. It's interesting to say the least.
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Frecil (Frederico Rivera) they/them user,: 5'2
The shortest of the unit, but they are the oldest (20). This little guy was made to be my absolutely bonkers character when I first made them, and now I'm reworking with the original concepts and giving them more depth. Probably the one with the most thoughts. They are blind. The ears are also fake/not canon to their actually design. Does most of the vocal training/writes the songs.
They are probably the most experienced of the unit, having gone through the ringer a couple of times. I mean, to be the one at the top and fall type of story. I often think of them as a fallen angel at times. They're just someone who's kinda done with the limelight and just kinda sits back when it comes to idol life.
They somehow?? Smell like?? Wet earth??
They act very child-like to throw off people, speaking rather child-like as well. Has been known to bite people, give people rocks, and has territorial battles with Mayoi in the vents. Just a very out there, eccentric, character. They and José were the ones that created Buskin and Socks. Ahh, I should stop before making this too long hahah~
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Cherry/Aela Barbasdotter: 19, 6'0, she/her user as well. Oh! And one of my producers, mostly producing with Socks and Buskin.
Her design mostly stayed the same, but her personality is a lot different than before. Before she was bubbly and cheerful, often time picking up others with ease. Now she's more stoic and guarded. She's always so strong, but in a chubby sort of way. Like she could very easily pick up all cast in Enstars bc I think its funny to pick up the more taller idols like they were kittens. Despite her cold mask, she's actually very very very nice and kind- often motherly towards others. But also very protective. So protective that it kinda causes issues with the growth of Buskin and Socks. There's some issues between Frecil and her. She kinda treats Frecil likes they are some sort of fragile doll, afraid to watch them fall apart again. It's kinda dehumanizing at times, but she's also very loyal towards Frecil and what they are trying to do. She's well-research and very professional when she works with idols. Some final girl stuff going on with her.
She's been with the idol unit since the beginning.
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Diwa García; 17, she/they. 2nd year.
She can see ghooostt~. The ability is "genetic" in their family. Their mother is from Philippines, so that's where most of the ghost-seeing relatives are from. Her little immediate family (her mothers and them) are kinda the black sheeps of the family, which is due to her mothers being ghost hunters for a TV show. Kinda like selling out in a sense?
Nonetheless, Diwa's kinda been isolated as a kid- so talking to living people is a bit difficult for them at times. It doesn't help that sometimes they can't tell who's alive or not. She honestly thought that some of the idols are, well, ghost. She actually doesn't want her mother's fame nor her ghost seeing abilities to be known. She just wants to be normal, and is just obsessed with anything she considers normal. Oh to be someone who desires to be normal and never being able to reach it. Also, she's missing a pinkie! Hahahah!
She's probably the character with the most interactions with the main cast compared to the other ocs(due to Cherry kinda "cock"blocking Buskins and Socks from interacting with other idol units etc).
She's terrified of bodies of water/water ghosts, so she is absolutely terrified of Kanata. It doesn't help that she's friends with Tetora, and kinda gets dragged out by him. Also has a "lowkey" crush of Narukami~!
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9 notes · View notes
did you ever felt weird for “splitting” daemon and rhaenyra? since they’re so beloved by a large portion of the fandom?
i’ve never wrote anything for hotd but i had an idea for a fic with oc (daughter of viserys and alicent)/jace but i kind of feel… bad for baela? even so now that *jacela* has a lot of shippers…i was planning on doing like a oc/jace/baela thing but idk
anyway sorry for venting on your askbox, i just thought you’d have a perspective on that point and i would love to hear? sorry if im being annoyng too you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to
Hey, nonnie!
Don't apologise for being annoying! You're not, I promise! All questions are valid questions.
Honestly, I'll admit that I never really thought about the whole 'splitting up Daemyra' angle. I wanted to just be thirsty, but I couldn't superimpose myself into Rhaenyra as she's too.... too. You know? Like, I'd be weak as fuck in that world.
There are definitely ways to go about splitting up a pairing, and not always to the detriment of the other party. Of course, a time-old trope in fandom is casting the original love interest in the villain role; I've read plenty of Daemon x OC/Reader fics where Rhaenyra becomes the scheming wannabe lover etc., which is perfectly good. There's a reason it's a trope, after all! But I love Rhaenyra like I love all the characters (yes, even Vissie. Sigh, suppose I'll say I love Otto), so I just couldn't write a world in which she was the bad guy. I've tried to give her a somewhat happy arc with Harwin and her bestie/hubby Laenor, though I'd like to flesh this out from her POV a little more because I don't really get the opportunity to explore this from Daemon's or Babey's POV.
If you're worried about splitting up a pairing, workshop alternatives for the other person that gives them an ending they would be happy with, maybe? If your plan is to write Jace/OC, perhaps Baela could meet Alyn Velaryon a little earlier than in canon and get married and run wild on the seas with her million babies and her hubby forever and ever? IDK, to be honest I've not entrenched myself very deeply in the lore of the kiddos, so not certain what kind of resolution would best suit.
I hope I've helped rather than hinder, nonnie! Good luck to you!
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Could i plz have some shang tsung kontent that doesn't involve him shipped with random characters (i mean really random. 99.99% of the roster genuinely hates him so him fucking them makes no sense. They would kill him in a heartbeat and would rather die. So wtaf). Because y'all so deprived in life?
(Also nobody in mortal kombats lore likes shang tsung. He is the biggest bastard. As we love him for it. So no. Him being with any canon characters makes no fucking sense at all. Period)
Could i have some x readers that doesn't involve other characters in how you meet? Like it feels like an oc at that point. The only characters that could introduce you. Would be if they are working for shang tsung. And no its not the storm bros. No its not any of the "good" guys. It would be a shadow priest,a shokan,a black dragon merc,shit like that.
(If you are doing an oc. Plz tag and label that properly. I dont mind shang if he's with an oc. Or hell id rather take a non mk character. Weird. But ok. But anyone and everyone in the mk roster hates him so no)
Could i have some actually decent fucking kontent?
Other characters get more respect and decent kontent.
Why do you do that to shang tsung if you guys "supposedly" like him? Or like mortal kombat.
Do y'all play the games? Do y'all care about the lore?
Or are you casual? Its fine if you are. Just state so. I dont wanna assume you are a huge fan and then go off. And then you say you dont know something. Then it feels embarrassing that i just info dumped on you and i feel like a weirdo.
Like i dont wanna waste my time with people that dont genuinely wanna get into something that i love. And i wanna actually engage with people without having to jump around hoops. And jump thru hurdles trying to explain shit.
And waste my time with people who don't respect him. And mr. Cary hiroyuki tagawa as well. (Because i swear you guys really don't.)
But also respect shangs character as a whole,outside of mr tagawas performances over the years. Because he exists outside of him. Tho he is most known and all fans agree HE IS SHANG TSUNG. But still other actors and interpretations exist. Like his character is grossly misinterpreted.
Like he's either too soft when he doesn't need to be. Too rough where it shouldn't be.
No balance.
Like imho the yandere fic writers know how to write him.
The villain/antagonist fuckers know how to write him.
Hell some monster fuckers know how to write him.
If the roster didn't hate this sneky mofo so much sure. I wouldn't be mad at the dumb shipping. Because its just that.
But its the fact they do. And that it makes no sense. Even in best case scenarios.
Shang hates them,they hate shang. It wouldn't work. Like people don't get it thru their skulls. That SHANG TSUNG IS A BASTARD VILLAIN THAT IS ONE BADASS DANGEROUS MOFO! (Again we love him for his atrocities. We dont demonize him,we even cheer when he gets karma. We also love him BECAUSE HE IS AN EVIL SORCERER BINCH) ok?! Like god damn.
You can make shang tsung sweet without uwufying him. You can make him an asshole without taking away his integrity.
This wont stop people unfortunately. And people think with their dicks,literal and metaphorical. And genuinely dont care about a character as long as they get their jimmys wet.
But whatever.
I guess im asking too much from people to give genuine respect to a character. Let alone a series that is happy part of my childhood and a series that i love deeply for 18 fucking yrs.
Sorry for this rant but im so sick of genuinely bastard villains in the hands of people who don't like them. Or genuinely understand them.
Im sick of people who say they love shang tsung as a character but only care if he's with their "safe" blorbo.
They wanna defang the fucking snake and it pisses me off.
Im done venting. You don't have to like me. But plz try to listen where im coming from as a fan. As someone who has seen the death and decay of fandoms in real time.
Try to listen to where im coming from plz. It sucks when you love a character and others dont really care about it like you do.
It sucks when you feel so damn alone when talking about problems with fans.
And it sucks loving a character and series that people genuinely don't really care about and is so superficial and surface level.
It bothers me. I know it shouldn't but it does.
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the-creeping-shadow · 4 years
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Shade has come to invade the DOOM fandom with her weird ideas now, featuring an Imp OC this time. [insert some obligatory comment about ripping and tearing and the SSG here]
With that out of the way, meet Kyniera! The idea for this character began appearing before DOOM Eternal came out, so her design, as well as some headcanons I have going in my mind are heavily-based on 2016. Exists just-for-fun and as a minor jab at the usual tendency in the fandom to portray female variations of the demons in a hypersexualized manner. Which is to say, yes, this Imp here is meant to be female. There is sexual dimorphism in my headcanon, but it’s rather minor. I have a lot of headcanons regarding the more technical, biological aspects of the various demon species, courtesy of my interest in monsters and biology XD The lore in 2016 just fueled my imagination. Kyniera also serves as a “vent” for these ideas to portray through pictures and stories... if enough people are interested anyway.
There is a rough story concept for her, focusing more on Hell hierarchy and power struggles. For the sake of making this work out, some demons will be portrayed as a little more “intelligent” than they are described in canon. The idea of “ferocious pack hunters” for the Imps will be maintained though.
Hope you like it! I was going to post a character sheet here, but the description is long enough as it is. If you have questions, my ask box and replies are open ^^   
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francel · 7 years
i have nothing good to post, so i thought it might be fun to compile some answers to various ffxiv- and rp-related memes and questionnaires i’ve done on my private accounts! please enjoy my screaming.
8. Is there a character that embodies your good traits, or traits you wish you had? Several characters? Which ones and what traits?
i wish i was handsome and suave like all my characters thanks
13. What’s something you’ve never thought about your character?
a certain someone recently decided to remind me that francel's house has no bathroom... and i had honestly never considered, in two whole years of playing him, where he goes to pee?
"do you mean poop" francel is a delicate maiden i will not consider this
(we figure there’s probably an outhouse... somewhere...)
3. What’s something that surprises you about your canon?
Wiltswys: You think me cold? Well, fie on what you think! I wanted something better than tilling salty fields and spilling small fry out the nets, and occasionally taking a passing sailor into my bed for more o' the same!
i have done this quest at least... 4 or 5 times now and it never fails to make me scream. and every time i do it i have to zoom in on her and look at her face because she is a really cute roe girl, so i wonder what her taste in sailors is...
19. Give me an appearance-related headcanon of your choice.
LAUGHS OK hmm what have i never said before...
i have definitely mentioned that i don’t think francel likes his appearance very much — he especially wishes he had lighter-colored eyes like stephanivien and aurvael...
i personally want to think that chlodebaimt looked very different from francel BUT, although i have never datamined the necrose knight (i really should), a friend of mine took screenshots and his eyes at least look like francel's eyes
...but they might very well have just used a generic house haillenarte knight model for that, so who knows what chlodebaimt looked like?
i also like to think that baurendouin (francel's father) persists in the belief that his youngest son will do great things because he at least superficially resembles driancoin de haillenarte (the haillenarte founder you see in the haldrath flashback scene). i mean, i doubt portraits of driancoin survived or anything, given the nondescript statues of thordan's knights, but i’m sure comments about him did?
"he was fair of face and fair of hair" idfk some shit like that
5. What do you hate about your canon?
i am always, ALWAYS so tired of hearing people complain about how “no one ever” treats the wol like they’re “a normal person” ah, yes no one no one ever has treated you nicely never mind the fact that people regularly apologize for turning to you in their hours of need, and for asking you to kill things, and you usually just dismiss their applogy no one!!! has ever!! been nice!! to the wol!! i know the entire arc of my francel writing career has been bitching about similar things but at least i find new ways to do it
24. What’s a song that reminds you of your character?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B7VKiJhU_s “Dear Jack,” by Jack’s Mannequin.
lately, i’ve been listening to this... i don't like every part of this song, but lyrically, it is such a perfect francel song
dear jack, i write you as a friend dear jack, i write for fear the end is coming soon to you it's not so clear it's clear to me it's clear as glass
dear jack, wherever you are, hold tight wherever he is, shine light right there be strong i dare
i had songs for you i had all your music written out the words came when i heard you screaming i had plans for you until the plans fell through now there is no turning back, my dear jack
11. Something you like to look at.
i have complicated feelings about haurchefant these days, but sometimes i go and look at this mug and cry about his handwriting
like from a lore perspective i know he can't be writing in english because they write in eorzean but until then, my friend...
14. When writing for specific characters, is there anything you have to do to get in the specific mindset?
yes! but it depends on the character. for ramza... i either read shakespeare (for real — i have lifted quotes wholesale from hamlet and the tempest) and/or listen to "rather be" by clean bandit? seriously, that is my most strong ramza association... which is weird because the song and the game are like 20 years apart? or i listen to the FFT ost...
for francel i have a whole playlist, but most importantly i either go on twitter and look at wolchefant fanart or read bad wolchefant fanfic on ao3... (don’t judge me; it keeps the bitterness alive)
18. Is there anything you really wish you could do that you feel is outside your current ability? A concept that you wish you could pull off but are uncertain about?
UMMM... hmmmmmmm...
i dont know... i don’t really think any plots are outside of my current ability, but i admire my friends for being so consistent and on the ball with their dignified prose? i can be dignified too, but at some point i'll crash and start writing intensely silly tags
i would like to do more plots where francel is a badass for whatever reason, but that’s just wish fulfillment
17. Which character is the easiest to write? Why do you think that is?
francel is the easiest to write because he has the ugliest emotions
ramza is the hardest because he is always so virtuous
everyone else has varying levels of self control, but with francel i can usually succumb to base impulse reactions. i like his unguarded nature...
6. When writing a character, do you find it easier to work on their external or internal ticks first? oh, internal, definitely. i think my tags suffer from the fact that i often don’t describe what my characters are doing or what is around them? just... just assume on my behalf lmao.... so IF FRANCEL IS CAUGHT UP IN INTERNAL TL;DR there's a 90% chance he's doing that kicked-puppy stare at the floor
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? XIV, hard mode: no Haurchefant/WoL.
xiv's fandom has rarely "ruined" pairings for me, as in "i liked them before but i hate them now solely because of fandom"... that said, i think i kind of liked the idea of zephirin and aymeric as a rivalry ship, but i hate when fandom takes the "oMG ZEPH RAPED AYMERIC WHEN HE WAS HELD CAPTIVE" route...
i think this perception of zephirin as this horrible awful evil man comes from the fact that the information on the ward happened after the game was released, so... in the span of time between "zephirin killed haurchefant" and "wait actually zephirin is a virtuous man," people formed their opinions, you know?
but it's still really annoying, and to some degree the misconception persists...
i was also okay with guydelot and sanson at first, but i’m a little annoyed by them now, too... it’s not for any particular reason — i just think the fandom is annoying in the "THEY'RE SOOO MARRIED!! EVEN THE OTHER QUEST NPCS SAY THEY'RE LIKE A MARRIED COUPLE!! THEY’RE SO CANON!!!" way and i’m like Please Shut Up. that said, i guess it’s mostly jealousy because none of my pairings are ever canon, but whatever...
so i guess i'm going with zephirin/aymeric, guydelot/sanson... and oh btw like. urianger/moenbryda to a degree? i remember when the wind-up moenbryda item came out and the english item description was like "you don't want to know what urianger did to this" or something like that, like, i just took it as — like urianger probably dressed it up in a little maid outfit and had it serve him tea or something equally otaku-like?
but the entire fandom was like OMG HE JERKED OFF TO IT OR USED IT AS A SEX DOLL OR SOMETHING and i was like ... okay. like if that's how you're determined to see it, fine, but fandom always takes the worst possible interpretation of something i swear to god
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
LAUGHS WELL I GUESS MY USUAL TIRADE: i don't think of haurchefant as the perfect cinnamon roll angel and actually he annoys me a little...
my friend just finished running coerthas quests on her balmung alt and like... even she commented on how brusque and condescending he seems to francel? and she has no reason to be tainted by my perception of him, it's just... it’s just that he is brusque and condescending.
back when i liked haurchefant/francel, i told myself that it was just how he acted in the heat of the moment and i was sure he was gentler later... but now we’ve seen so much of haurchefant that from the way he treats francel it really feels more to me like francel was just a friend of convenience. i don’t know. i’m bitter. maybe i’m just bitter because it’s easier to cope that way.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
um... well, i think everyone in the ffxiv fandom also agrees that the fandom is annoying...
something i sometimes worry about, but which is not exclusive to ffxiv, is like... people who rp wind up with such a different impression of things than people who just play the game? 
i'm not judging either side on this but... i have rp friends, and i observe the rp community on tumblr/balmung, and i also have friends that are just gamers? and you know, like. sometimes rpers get carried away and invent all these narratives, like i know some tumblr rpers had a bunch of "plots" where a murder mystery happened in ishgard and it was all full of like noble OCs and intrigue or something?
but my gamer friends will sometimes be like, “ishgard is so boring.” so they... see it differently? you wind up viewing the game differently based on what you do in it.
there's also the divide between the english version of the game and the rest of the world, which i bitch about a lot but
just as an example, in english the nobles of ishgard are kind of broadly characterized as being unintelligent and shallow and foppish, whereas the other versions of the game really take a much more neutral approach?
or well i can really only speak for the japanese, but in general the german and french versions of the game are loyal to the japanese, however, 2.0 content was often based on the english...
so, for example, 2.0 content was EN->FR, but ever since 3.0 most of the patches have been JP->EN/DE/FR
however, the EN version continues to make changes, whereas DE and FR don't really change many things!
so i worry a lot about the different perceptions people have of the game, and what that means, like, when i write fanfic...
does my interpretation of coerthas align with other peoples' interpretations of coerthas? probably not. that’s something that’s deeply distressing, as a writer and as someone who prefers to have control, but i don’t know...
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen...
STARES INTO THE VOID it's it's too late for any of this
2 years ago i would have told you without hesitation that i wanted haurchefant to be alive and for him and francel to have eloped together, but now i just...
i've learned to play with the cards i've been dealt
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