#(( And I'm a madlad on the edge ))
lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 years
Summarising every single HTTYD movie, short and episode in roughly one sentence:
ADHD incarnate befriends Death: The Dragon and with the power of friendship they OH GODS OH FUCK OH HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
Legend of the Boneknapper:
Gobber likes to tell campfire stories
Book of Dragons:
DreamWorks attempts to write a reader POV fanfiction
Gift of the Night Fury:
Critical series lore in a Christmas special?? Yeah seems normal for this franchise
Riders of Berk:
1. Mildew tries to get a bunch of teenagers executed or some shit
2. Solidifying Gobber as a total madlad: The episode
3. Hot take: You can skip this episode, it's arguably the worst one in the franchise, but you WILL miss a penis joke so there's that going for it.
4. Toothless develops an Older Sibling complex over Beyblade: The Dragon™ and HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT???
5. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MILDEW?? I mean I knew you were an ass but I didn't expect THIS??
6. "The films aren't anything like the books!" UM, ACTUALLY- (aka the episode where Hiccup goes full-on Book!Hiccup mode and Alvin is nothing like his book counterpart but the rest of the outcasts are)
7. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
8. Hiccup has body image issues
9. Mildew gets bitten in the ass (SATISFYING)
10. The Mary Sue: Part One
11. The Mary Sue: Part Two
12. Oh yeah Snotlout's dad is an abusive cuck who can go fuck himself I'm not even joking. Love Snotlout tho I gotta say.
14. Toothless has a mortal enemy apparently and it is fucked up
15. (Dagur fanboys start screaming in the distance)
16. Snotlout fixes his mistakes (they were very big mistakes)
17. VALKA??? VALKA MENTION??? HICCUP HAS A DRAGON PLUSHIE??? (silently weeping by the end of the episode)
18. Fishlegs and Snotlout piss off some helicopter parents who are also Invisible Acid Dragons™ (ohhhhhh no)
19. Are there... other Night Furies????
Defenders of Berk:
1. Fight Club reference
2. That one time Meatlug became magnetic and almost died
3. Dagur is gay for Hiccup but like in a yandere way
4. Whoever designed the Screaming Death must have been on a particularly fucked up slice of magic mushroom because I've never seen something more in need of holy water than that dragon (my childhood favourite :D )
5. Snotlout's dad is a fucking asshole but I never thought he'd stoop that low
6. Behold: My second favourite dragon who canonically killed Astrid's uncle
7. They tried to train Terrible Terrors in this episode, guess how that went lmaooo
8. (grabs more holy water) IT'S BACK.
9. Hey remember Tiny Beyblade Dragon? Yeah now he's kinda sorta the size of a house. Meanwhile everything is on fire (twin's fault)
10. Behold: My favourite dragon's frozen carcass preserved in ice- I mean my favourite dragon is hibernating in ice- I mean OH SHIT OH FUCK HOLY FUCKING SHIT OH NO-
11. Dagur subjugates my favourite dragon and then karma bites him in the ass
12. Snotlout and Gustav are an anxiety/adhd wombo-combo
13. Ruffnut cuts her hair short to save the life of a really cute dragon and Dreamworks was too pussy to keep it like that for the rest of the season.
14. (darude sandstorm plays)
15. The dragons get high and try to kill each other
16. Toothless is on drugs (I'm not even joking, during the Toothless POV shots you can literally hear stoner music playing)
17. Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair
Dawn of the Dragon Racers:
The gang got new fits and invented a sport
Race to the Edge S1:
1. Oh shit, Dagur's out of prison, better go chase him down and OOOH, SHINY TELESCOPE THINGY?? (Hiccup is a magpie apparently)
2. Gothi once again proving herself to be an absolute madlad
3. Hiccup and the gang move out of home because telescopy thingy told them to. What could possibly go wrong? (GONE WRONG)
4. Welcome to our new home on Dragon's Edge! It's been years since we've been able to function effectively as a team, and Tuffnut's been smoking way too many hallucinogens lately OH FUCK HE WASN'T HALLUCINATING OH FUCK ME
5. Snotlout is gay for Fishlegs
7. Basically what happens when you put me in charge of anything
8. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
9. Fishlegs and Snotlout are gay
12. (darude sandstorm vocoded to running in the 90s plays)
13. they made girl dragon pink
Race to the Edge S2:
1. Astrid becomes that "SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE" guy basically
2. SCOTLAND FOREVER!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (new villain alert and he is AWESOME)
4. Dreamworks introduces Dragon Werewolfism and does NOTHING with this concept after this episode?? What a ripoff!
5. Fuck Snotlout's dad so much
6. Hiccup punches Snotlout in the face and knocks him out which is no surprise considering he is God of Dragons
8. Two people and a singular dragon try to fight off an entire armada
9. They succeed somehow
10. Oh hey it's a HTTYD 2 dragon (Free Willy parody? You couldn't have done anything more original?)
12. Prepare to thirst in 3... 2... 1: (Viggo appears)
13. If you thought Dagur was homosexual, you aren't prepared for how gay Viggo gets
Race to the Edge S3:
1. Dagur did WHAT NOW???
2. Fuck Cavern Crashers so much but SNOTLOUT SNOUTLOUT OI OI OI!!!
3. Sword in the Stone parody?? Are all the Fishlegs episodes story parodies now??
4. Did... Did they try to portray Snotlout's dad as being in the right in this episode?? Ew fuck that.
5. Viggo almost caused Covid-19
6. Hiccup forgets that not everyone has ADHD and the dragons go completely fucking feral
7. This show loves to force romances, doesn't it?
8. I think these people took HTTYD/Pokemon crossover fics a bit too far
9. A musical episode which has a reason to exist. Sarah Z was right all along?
10. Favourite Fishlegs episode :)
12. My go-to introductory episode for non-fans. It's got everything. Including Viggo.
Race to the Edge S4:
2. If you listen closely you can hear TJ Miller in absolute hysterics in the recording booth
3. At this point in time Viggo only values Hiccup as being worth 1000 gold coins
4. I love Snotlout so much... Spitelout can go suck a bag of rocks
5. Oh fuck yes Dagur's back
6. Viggo throws a hissy fit and kisses a man and Toothless is willing to die just so Hiccup doesn't have to die alone (sobbing)
7. Everyone is high in this episode
8. "You didn't think after all we've been through I'd expose myself without some... added protection?"
9. Jumping into a volcano on purpose: The episode
10. Viggo takes a sip of water in this episode (very important)
11. It took Hiccup and Astrid over four years since their first kiss to officially start dating, but they finally did it and it was one of the best episodes in the whole show
12. Ryker has had enough
13. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies (or did he?)
Race to the Edge S5:
1. "The volcano on Dragon's Edge is a dormant volcano" THINK THE FUCK AGAIN, FISHLEGS
2. How the fuck did Gen Z: The Dragon get ahold of Viggo's sword?
3. Savage needs therapy
4. Snotlout's casual sexism almost gets him killed: Lesbian Island edition
5. If you've ever watched an elderly person try to escape a nursing home then you've seen this episode before. Just without as many bones and corpses
6. The Gays Are Back In Town ft. Gay Snotlout, Gay Fishlegs and Gay Viggo
7. "my city now" - Krogan
8. You cannot watch this episode and tell me that Viggo isn't in love with Hiccup
9. Krogan insulted Viggo's hobby and Viggo got mega salty about it
10. Astrid punches a dragon with poisonous scales and almost dies because Save Stormfly Make Anditode™, turns out she did this for no reason whatsoever because Stormfly Wasn't Dying
11. Tuffnut fakes his own death in order to make Ruffnut happy
12. Dagur not-so-casually finding his fathers dead body
13. Rage.
Race to the Edge S6:
1. My blood has never boiled so hard as it did watching this episode
2. Stoick gets played like a cheap kazzoo and regresses back to how he acted in HTTYD 1 out of sheer stress
4. Fishlegs can't believe that his ancestors were Dragon Hunters as if he wasn't once enrolled in Dragon Killing School
5. Nothing solves a sibling rivalry like teaming up to kill the annoying cousin
7. The twins are just. So ride or die for each other it's not even funny.
8. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies for real this time (Viggo fans start sobbing as The Winner Takes It All by ABBA starts playing in the distance)
9. Snotlout writes a book
10. What if the gang had never left Berk? What if Hiccup never shot down Toothless at the start of HTTYD 1? What if Spitelout actually loved his son?
11. Protecting an island filled with a bunch of dead dragons
12. The satisfied smirk on my face knowing what the characters don't
13. The most satisfying death in the history of mankind.
Way to straight up ruin Hiccup's life, am I right?
Ruining every character and spitting in the face of all that I love
20 minutes of my life that I'll never get back
Snoggletog Log:
Half an hour of a fireplace and the wrong voice actors. This shit plays like a DVD menu.
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yyyyanyan · 6 months
Book Club: The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
part 2 of my Camp Halfblood Chronicles binge!
It had suchhh a strong start with The Lost Hero. I love all three of them to bits (especially Jason but also ALL of them are my babies I'm holding them in my palms). The Roman/Greek split blew my mind when I first read this book years ago and honestly I'm still kind of processing it LOL. I'm obsessed with how Piper works on her charmspeak and getting comfortable in her own skin and Leo and his relationship with his fire powers??? god amazing!! And Jason I always felt like was such a strong stern type and I'm just attached to him. I think specifically he came off super perfect at first (especially with how Piper had her crush on him) and it was so pleasant to see him failing.
I like The Son of Neptune slightly less but not for any specific reason I can pinpoint--I think I just really vibed with the Jason-Piper-Leo trio. I did think it was absolutely sick that we got to see Percy is utterly insanely powerful and Hazel's backstory had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I also have a soft spot for Frank since he's Chinese-Canadian (one nitpick: what is his Chinese name Fai supposed to be?).
Unfortunately, I really lost my drive by the third and fourth books ToT I think there was just too many POVs and every time I was getting in the swing of things it was time for a new character in a new situation. And I'm sorry but Tartarus was such a drag for me!! I feel like I didn't get enough of a sense of just how miserable and horrible it was and honestly I just felt sad for Bob/Iaepetus all the time. The one positive of the variety of perspectives was, again, seeing Percy being a madlad from outsider POV <3
Anyways once once I finished Book 4 and went to the last book (Blood of Olympus) it went way faster--I was so excited about reading from Reyna's and Nico's perspectives! Reyna and Nico are sooo good together they're my #1 brotp (maybe). Honestly though once I got to this point I was kind of like, "seven halfbloods" answering the call feels so arbitrary to me? Both Reyna and Nico play such critical roles--especially Nico--that I feel kind of robbed that they're not officially listed as people in the prophecy. This is also the place where I say: ngl I think Annabeth being one of the seven was totally lame LOL (I like Annabeth though!) I feel like she had more of a supporting role and her Athena prophecy could have been a quest that was helping this big one (also 'cause it wasn't listed in this one). However this is definitely also my Nico bias talking because Nico is definitely one of my top blorbos in PJO
Anyways it's been like maybe two or three weeks since I finished the whole series and I have to say the ending was really underwhelming to me. I'm literally not even sure I could tell you what happened in Blood of Olympus in detail. I was so sure it was going to be even more epic and even grander and it kind of totally missed the mark? I remember being so moved and feeling the battles in The Last Olympian so vividly and this one felt so weak. I also thought that Gaea would be like... more prominent I guess? I literally think Tartarus ended up being more scary and he featured so much less. The final defeat was so underwhelming lmao :'D
Kind of related to the above is: I also felt more and more as the series went on that Leo really was a seventh wheel, in the sense that he just didn't seem as close to everyone else. I wish his relationship with Frank had been less prickly especially after the main point of their antagonism was resolved (like why did Leo ALWAYS have to make Frank the butt of the joke?), and I also wish the weird almost-Hazel/Leo thing just didn't happen? I feel like at that point she already liked Frank and neither she nor he really got invested in the sort-of-romance and I feel like if they had just settled into just being friends after the whole revelation thing then it would have made sense. It was exciting that Leo was the key to winning the battle, but I felt like it lacked emotional impact because he felt so separate from them all. Calypso and Leo ARE the cutest though and I was/am rooting so hard for them
The last thing is, I feel like there were a lot of like... plot points that didn't go anywhere? I can't tell if they were put in so they would get resolved in the third series but I'm kind of disappointed that they weren't dealt with in this series. So the ones that I picked up/am really interested in are:
Percy getting more violent/merciless and being scared of it
Jason's sort of... struggle between Roman and Greek? Specifically I feel like in the first book he was so Roman and then suddenly it became that he had a conflict(??) and felt more Greek. I guess with this one it's less that it was unresolved but more it came out of nowhere for me and I kind of wish it had been laid out more from the beginning. I will continue my salt in my ramblings of the sequel series btw
Hazel coming back from the dead?? Did Nico just see her and go "I'm taking her" and that was it lol or was there something else...?
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summer-of-bones · 1 year
We have 2 types of mods this year: regular Mods, who are in charge of planning and organizing the event as well as modding the discord server, and Reading mods, AKA Rods, who will help the regular mods to read ALL the fics that participants will write during the event. We anticipate A LOT of fics, so we really needed some reading power to help us out!
Our 5 Mods are:
Cognito: she/her, they/them, forever 🔥madlad🔥 and always hosting new events! I'm weak in the knees for Sanses and Sanscest, and EDGE MY BELOVED. I'm really excited to be a mod again this year! (also go check out my side event, @ut-rsc 😛) @sin-cognito (NSFW) or @con-cognito (SFW) also on Twitter @/sinncognito
LB: she/her, they/them, the gremlin that started all of this. Will absolutely bite. AU Papys are love, AU Papys are life. @fell-boys-fave also on Twitter @/Leftblind1
MsMK: Hi, I'm MK and I'm an unapologetic Papyrus fan! I love everything Papyrus, be it xReader or Papcest! Last year I started Papyly with LB and I'm so excited to do it again. I can't wait to see what wonderful Papy content we can make this year! @msmkcreates also on Twitter @/msmkcreates
Mage: They/Them, non-binary bean. This is my first time helping with this event and I'm excited to get started. Papyrus, Pirates and Clowns are life. @absurdmageart also on Twitter @/absurdmageart
Skelebunny: Lyco Wolfbunny, obsessed with skeletons since 2016 and the reason UT is the no. 1 fandom in the vore tag instead of no. 6 (she/they). @nom-the-skel also on Twitter @/lycovore
Our 3 Rods are:
Anjel: she/her, first time helping with an event (instead of accidently breaking one by reading too much) Sans-sized reading madlad with a love of puns, Kustard and bone bro shenanigans. @anjel-x also on Twitter @/Anjel_Ecks
Ryu (mainly for Sansgust): she/her, they/them, just an undertale dork who likes reading fanfics a lot! And likes sanscest even more! XD It's my first time being a reading mod and I can't wait to see what everyone creates. 💙 @silverryu25 also on Twitter @/silverryu25
Tomato (mainly for Papyly): she/her lil fruit 🍅 Feed me skeletons and Redbull 🔥 First-time taking part in this amazing event as a R O D (reading mod) and I'm super excited to read y'all's stories! @redtomatofan also on Twitter @/redtomatofan
Please direct all your questions to the MODS instead of the rods, as Mods are the ones who are the most familiar with how the event works.
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spare some classic/horror recs of any variety? it's a rarepair, and i'm not picky. thank you
Howdy, & thank you for asking! I couldn't find much, but here is what I did find!
ClassicHorror by @koreposion (Teen And Up, Complete)
Horror wants to keep a Sans and Nightmare offers them both a deal.
Aww, Shucks by Acoustic_Meatus (Teen And Up, Complete)
Sans finds his calling as a tattoo artist.
Blood's Heat by SXH1417 (Explicit, Complete)
The very air in Snowdin was tense today. It hadn’t started out that way. It was just seemed to… happen. Everyone was set on edge and no one knew why. A rumor was starting to go around, saying there was a human lurking in the town.
Sans quickly figures out that this is not the case.
Don't mind me, I'm bad at summaries. This is just smut.
🥄 i finally got the SPOONS to do Skelemonth 2023 🥄 by Anjel_X (Teen And Up, Complete)
*welp* as the title says... i finally worked up the spoons to do something for Skelemonth (at the very least the Sancest week... tho depending on the prompts i'm prob'ly gonna do the Papscest week too) be prepared for memes, puns, jokes and japes Edit: Papscest week is chapter 2 though it's written as platonic but can be taken however you want it
November UT Character BONEanza 2023 by Anjel_X (Teen And Up, Complete)
I decided to do another prompt event since i've been having fun doing them with my favorite trash gremlins, this time i did the November UT Character Bonanza 2023 which had a prompt for all 30 days. So i did what i usually do in these situations and madladded though all 30 in one chapter (in order) This fic is set in the same 'world' as the ones i did for this years Skelemonth and Kustard Month and set in a nebulous time around those two fics (so there will be references to those fics)
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calamity-unlocked · 2 years
sending this again cuz holy crap that ask got so many notes, wut-
im on the first ep rn and it sounds rly fun!! i heard the content warnings and went "this is right up my alley :D"
also to everyone calling me a madlad in the tags teehee<3 i live life on the edge<3
Haha I think we were all just a little positively stunned by the idea of someone's first impression of dndads being All That.
Hell yeah, I'm glad you're vibing with the pod! Dndads is truly something special, it really draws you in and if you're like me, it doesnt really let you out again. If you ever wanna update me on how you're experencing the pod (especially with the knowledge of just how Alright Everything Is Going To Be), feel free to message me luv <3
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machinesandman · 2 years
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smallandfurious · 3 years
my assumptions based on who you have/would like to have in Genshin Inpact (including leaked or unreleased characters)
Diluc: your mind is still stuck in the 1.0 meta it's okay to let go you can pull for other characters/your diluc build is actually shit but you just like him so you can't let him go/his skill and ult make you feel powerful
Amber: exists purely out of spite with sexual undertones, you probably started waifu wars back in 2013 over really mediocre female anime characters/you're bi and your sense of fashion is superior/you had her since you started and you've used her just fine you have no idea why people hate her
Diona: sweetie are you okay how's the daddy issues/you're religiously f2p and you conditioned yourself into liking her/insists on ice bridging with her in co op
Lisa: do you actually like her play style or are you just horny/millennial that doesn't know how to play the game to this day
Kaeya: you guys try so hard to get the best builds/you think he's hot and you're right/either doing 200 dmg or 200k dmg
razor: has a very f2p team/you randomly pulled on a banner when you first started and you had him since then/later becomes the meta player that does 50k-400k dmg
Bennett: you probably kin him too/you love him as a character more than you love his play style/shit sleep schedule idk y'all just give off that vibe
Klee: the meta won over you/makes terrorist jokes/whale or very lucky f2p
Eula: simp/insists that she's the best character/always farming for her even though her banner came out months ago
fischl: haha kinnie/can sit down and listen to her speak entire essays for hours/either sad high schooler or creepy adult
Noelle: your devotion is that of a cult member/constantly tells everyone how good she is/C6 triple crowned with 5* weapon and artifacts
Barbara: what the fuck/watched one of those dps Barbara videos and poured their entire life force into her just for her to do no more than 10k dmg/how bored are you
Albedo: bi energy/thinks about his backstory and cries/probably read that fanfic, opinions vary
Mona: creepy neckbeard or really sweet person who doesn't know shit about how to build characters and just vibes/her sprint won you over completely if not the 🅰️SS
Jean: idk what to say I've never seen a jean main
Sucrose: madlads that main the support/living proof that ever character can be mained
Venti: huge nonbinary energy/definitely very fruity/constantly thinking about him like brainrot kinda thinking
traveler: ?????????/excuse me?????/it's possible but??
Rosaria: the moment they saw the leaks they've been a dedicated simp and main/powered by the sheer force of simpery/they all disappeared after her debut for some reason
Hu Tao: either metaslave or some poor f2p who wants to do dmg/loves to live life on the edge/good luck going bankrupt trying to get zhongli on a banner to be her support
Zhongli: stop looking at his ass/if you got him on his debut banner you went through the 5 stages of grief before his buff/forgot to dodge
Xiao: you simped and whaled so hard and completely let the hype die down after his banner/if you're a whale he's probably sitting in your collection at lvl 20/makes it their life goal to make as much dmg as possible
Xingqiu: please can I have him I have all 4* characters except him and ningguang please/xingyun shipper/you don't know why you main him but he grew on you/carries in pyro domains
Chongyun: hehe ice boy go brrrr/also xingyun shipper/you cried at his teapot voicelines and I mean same/"HE'S UNDERRATED🥺🥺"/you do 400 dmg with your build bc no one taught you how to build characters (i mean same I'm a former chongyun main)
Xiangling: she looked pretty so you decided to main her/cries in dragonspine/her ult saves lives
Keqing: you're constantly trying to prove yourself/you can't teleport your way around every domain or puzzle please stop it/"eLeCtRo bUfF wHeN"
ningguang: you thought she was pretty/you'd like her to step on you/you constantly pull out her skill even when it's not necessary
Beidou: she's really good tbh/her counter is addicting/you aged while waiting for enemies to attack you buT THEY JUST STAND THERE AND STARE AT YOU
Ganyu: you do so much dmg holy shit/timmie's arch nemesis/you're begging for a rerun/abyss and domain gods
yanfei: do you seriously enjoy maining her/can't stop burning literally everything/gets carried in domains
qiqi: lost 50/50 but it's okay bc you got a cool healer zombie/cries when people slander her bc she ruined their pity/you're either okay or a creep
Xinyan: you guys definitely kin her/"SHE'S UNDERRATED >:(((("/she's actually really good idk why people don't like her
Childe: I know he's from snezhnaya there's just no other characters from there/you guys are walking memes/"WATCH ME DO 200K DMG" doesn't crit/there's a small group of you that are incredibly invasive and creepy but the others are funny/all Childe mains i met didn't speak at all, killed a bunch of bosses and left
Shenhe: some of y'all make me wanna clutch my purse/either that or you're just some kind innocent person who wants her bc she's pretty
Yunjin: beidou main looking for something new/master of vile builds
Baizhu: hot dendro man go brrrr/you're either focused on his vision or his design/this man has some spicy lore I just know it
yaoyao: her design is pretty/oo dendro/you thought you'd get her in game earlier
Ayaka: holy shit you guys wanted her ever since that first trailer/why are you all men/you love her despite her huge forehead
Kazuha: YOU GUYS ARE SO NICE/i love Kazuha mains dude they're all so kind and they do lots of dmg it's all thanks to Kazuha mains that I was able to build yoimiya/ Kazuha mains I'm free this tuesday
Yoimiya: you got her bc she's pretty/a lot of you are apparently really toxic for some reason/I don't got much to say I didn't meet a lot of yoimiya mains/proud yoimiya haver btw
Sayu: you wanted her but you accidentally got yoimiya/windtrace gods/her roll thing is pretty cool
Baal/Raiden Shogun/Ei: you are all simps/"bOoBa sWoRd"/a lot of y'all shame yoimiya havers for some reason
Kokomi: you guys are so sweet and you really have good builds for her despite the hate she gets/there's a surprising amount of kokomi havers despite her banner revenue tbh
Itto: y'all broke twitter/checked for leaks on the daily until he was released/the biggest act of simpery was probably committed by one of y'all/can't blame my every waking thought was him I'm SO glad I have him
Gorou: you guys don't know what you're doing/goes blindly into everything
Thoma: malewife enjoyer/I saw so many ppl who want him but I genuinely never met someone who actually uses him in teams🧍where are y'all
Yae Miko: you want her to step on you/metaslave/you guys are pretty similar to ganyu mains tbh
Scaramouche: you guys are soooOOOooO hORNY/you want him to degrade you to death/do you really care about his kit or are you just looking to have another hot man in your team/Childe mains with a hint of hypersexuality/ "day 2315 of (doing something) until scaramouche banner drops"
Ayato: I just know he's gonna be hot/I wanna see what he looks like/there's NO leaks about him dude wtf can't we at least get a tiny lil low quality screenshot of his back like they did with itto/i can feel the "5 StAr XiNgQiU" comments already
Heizou: bby please show yourself/if that one leak isn't fake he looks so cool are you kidding me/giving me hu tao vibes
thats it that's the post take this with a grain of salt and don't get pissy about it this is a joke
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
So I'm here to say that I really love your Bingyuan fic! The research you do for it and share with us is just amazing! I also have a q regarding LBG. From SV we know that he felt admiration for his Shizun so do you think that if SJ wasn't cruel to him LBG's admiration would've grown into love and attraction like it did in LBH's case for SY? Which then also raises a question: would LBH/LBG fall in love with any Shizun who was kind to him? Or was he just drawn to SJ's type of personality. WDYT?
Hi there, Anon! I’m glad you’re liking the Untold Tale! Thanks for reading! I think it lowkey helps when the story I’m writing (in general) is from a culture I’m familiar with and that I know some of its language nuances (just general Mainland dialect; I’m unfamiliar with Shanghainese, the Beijing dialect, etc etc). So fortunately for me, as someone who is Chinese but was born in the Western side of the world speaking Mandarin to family and friends, emulating the Chinese aesthetic and atmosphere in TUT comes a little bit easier to me than someone who did not grow up with this culture. I bet if I had been raised in China, I would be able to write something even more multilayered and deep but, alas, the youthful rebellious me of the past hadn’t taken my pinyin and Chinese character writing lessons seriously so I can only communicate verbally and understand audibly 😫. It’s very special for us writers in fandoms to be able to write a story of a culture that we actually know and can identify with. But high key it’s been immensely fun injecting some references of things I’ve come to notice from watching period C-dramas and the C-novels I’ve read, and I’ve come to learn interesting things about Chinese history and mythology even I didn’t know! So the story really writes itself.
Shen Jiu (OG!Shen Qingqiu)
To answer your question 🤔, to be honest this is why the SVSSS fandom is great—because there’s so many interpretations of the original source material. That’s why we have our headcanons and fanfictions to explore these many different possibilities. So for me personally, I can see it happening both ways: *1) LBG does develop a crush/falls in love with SJ, or 2) no matter how SJ treats him LBG regards him respectfully or coldly. I think Possibility 1 is more likely, since SY transmigrated into SQQ and we saw what happened with “Bunhe.”
Now, mind, for Possibility 1 to be more likely to happen, the SJ in PIDW will have to undergo a massive personality change/ a change of heart/ develop a good conscience and will need to clean up his image aka clear up the massive misunderstandings from PIDW canon (like him being mistaken as a pervert for Ning Yingying, visiting whorehouses, killing LQG, etc). It’ll be difficult though considering who Airplane has changed SJ into for his stallion harem novel (reading through SVSSS, my impression of PIDW besides it being the harem stallion novel is that it sounds similar to a “dog blood plot,” where audiences tune in to see how the villains are brought to justice). I literally have a line from TUT in a future chapter where SY says this about SJ since I will resurrect SJ and bring him into the story for closure:
People like Shen Qingqiu naturally had a set of deeply-rooted values. If one wanted to change them, it’d be easier to just have them reincarnate. (—TUT, ch???)
At his core, he’s a flawed man (which makes sense with the underlying cycle of abuse theory, considering his upbringing and backstory). He’s jealous and petty and prickly. His image is that of a proud and cold immortal. In Chinese terms, he’s the type of character archtype who I can see being àojiāo (definitely not canon characterization; this is just a stray thought that amuses me) in a romantic relationship.
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LBH will have to recognize that^, or be in a position where he finds SJ’s caustic side endearing instead. He will also have to be extremely patient with him (although, since the joke in SVSSS is that LBH is an incurable M, it shouldn’t be that hard).
A fun thing about OG!SQQ is that he’s the cannon fodder scumbag villain of PIDW. He’s the reason LBG blackened from a white lotus. And, as you know, villains aka antagonists aka bad boys resonate strongly with people for a reason. That’s why we see a lot of Enemies to Lovers tropes, etc. It squicks me to use this phrase but “the allure of dating a ‘bad boy’ is strong.” SJ is that type of bad boy we could identify as a “fixer-upper project” (ugh, that phrase)—even with the red flags and warning signs—especially for those said to have a troubled past with rejecting neglectful parental figures/ family members/ friends and have have not outgrown their wish to convert that sort of person into a loving, accepting person. When we want something we can’t or shouldn’t have, our desire for it grows exponentially. In fanfiction this is a concept writers and readers can explore safely in a world of the imaginary.
From a Meta Perspective
Although, if we look at it meta-ly, the cold and proud and/or knowledgeable Shizun (teacher/ master) character who comes to know love and “is redeemed” by whomever is the love interest (typically a cute and quirky girl who may or may not have started off as naive to the innerworkings of the Cultivation World and therefore needs an established and mature mentor to guide them) is a very well-known archetype for a reason in Chinese fan culture.
Seeing a terrible person change their ways and try to become a better person because of the influence of the one they love is also a popular depiction for a reason.
It’s almost like gap moe. The crueler and aloof one starts out as (arrogance is a staple), the more impactful the shift is when we see such characters soften their edges.
The draw of the sacred master/disciple relationship is that it’s taboo, so I think it’s fair to say that such a relationship in fiction is a popular trope precisely because of this aspect. From a writer’s perspective, the main appeal is to show that there is someone out there who can cause this respectful figure to lose control (undergo emotional change) and go to great lengths to protect his/her precious person. That precious person also has to fall into the “not like other girls” trope (so they can show the ML a different world he would not have seen the beauty of before). On the other side, we look forward to the point of the story where the love interest has their “Oh” moment and realizes their admiration has somehow shifted into love and attraction over the course of events.
Other Romantic Possibilities
It’s very likely. I personally like the fanon headcanon where anyone with Heavenly Demon blood running through their veins feels a compulsion to “obsessively fixate on one person” (TLJ —> SXY, LBH —> SQQ). Personally I don’t recall if this was canon or fanon, but someone had written something about LBH imprinting on one person in his lifetime on the account of his demon nature. And I like that theory (I think it’s likely more fanon than anything but it’s an intriguing idea full of possibilities!).
For him to fixate romantically on one person, I personally don’t think the prerequisite is just by being kind to LBH (but it probably adds to the person’s appeal). There’s probably other factors that go into this to capture the male protagonist’s eye, such as him finding someone attractive (or passes his own personal standards) and/or having good chemistry with that person. So I could see him being into other Shizuns and whomever else. Personally I also think there is appeal in the unobtainable. It’s one thing to have someone’s affection (see LBG and his harem of 600 wives who definitely aren’t shy about giving him affection), but it’s another to know you’ve earned the affections of someone you really like and respect (especially if it’s someone thought to be unobtainable).
As long as the writer can provide a plausible justification for me to suspend disbelief and they set up events to justify it, I can swallow just about any ship possibility. It doesn’t necessarily have to be SJ’s type of personality. (For example, I read a very good fanfiction before where the writer paired Luo Binghe with Ming Fan. Ming Fan, people!!! And they actually pulled it off! What a madlad! Mind, it’s Shen Yuan who had transmigrated into MF in that premise, but the writer set up events that showed how these two characters came to bond and develop a deep friendship which inevitably had LBH developing a crush on his shixiong. I use this as an example because this is the type of unexpected (crack)ship, but because the writer did their work trying to make it seem plausible, we can only admire their hard work and effort at pulling it off.)
As the saying goes, there are plenty of fishes in the sea! As the protagonist, LBH/LBG can have many OTP possibilities with just about anyone as long as the writer can make it plausible. It’s all about the character development and the story/ central themes they wish to tell with the ship!
(Note, these really aren’t hot takes, lol. I’m just having fun answering to this casually from the perspective of a writer. Thank you for your Ask, anon!)
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the-nysh · 2 years
I was reading your answer to that ask about Garou being reckless because he's got low self-esteem... and that made me think of Deku :( do you think he doesn't care about what happens to himself during battles because he doesn't have self-esteem, too?
There's a little more involved concerning Garou's warped self-perception and identity issues stemming from his childhood (rather than it being caused by just self-esteem) but yee, I'm glad you noticed those Deku associations. :') Because the similarities are absolutely there, from their (compassionate) natures to stand up to the injustices suffered by others, the way they have a 'react on feeling first - think later' approach to solving problems (breaking all the rules in their own way), and the complete disregard for their own safety/preservation/life when (recklessly) jumping into things... That when taken to the self-sacrificial extremes, their instinctual, selfless drive to act on behalf of others, and the way they tenaciously push & destroy themselves in sole pursuit of their duty, leads them to their own self-destruction. :')) (Or rather, how having the 'pure heart of a hero' this way, is quite the cautionary, double-edged sword...)
Anyway, you're probably already familiar with this, but Deku.....he was also inherently like that as a young kid, even before he had a quirk. Which Kacchan noticed was odd, as the powerless kid with nothing (no special talents or otherwise), still behaved Like That with the heart of a hero. :') And stubbornly never gave up either, even if it might recklessly cost him his life one day when he foolishly gets in over his head. (To Kacchan - among many of his feelings towards him, Deku needed a reality check before his 'hero' dreams left him out of touch with reality.)
Concerning Deku's self-esteem though...you can see when he calls himself 'no-good Deku' when he's extremely hard on himself and thinks he's failed everyone's expectations in him. :') Yet he strives to be the 'Deku who does his best' anyway...(except when that mantra becomes a detriment to himself when his 'best' pushes him far past the acceptable limits towards his unsustainable worst.) Whether what fuels him comes from a need to feel useful (and no longer useless) to others when he puts his all into things, it's hard to say...cause there's likely a lot that fuels his madlad motivations, esp now when it includes the fear of seeing everyone get hurt. But it's true he (obliviously) doesn't take himself into account, or put himself into the equation when there's a risk of someone getting hurt. :') And that's just...Deku being Deku. (Often he says, 'no matter what happens to me!' and then Kacchan's stress/worry for him skyrockets.) So once again, I think there's more to it than just having low self-esteem or not, since much of his behavior was already unnaturally selfless from the get-go, which only escalated the more he became literally empowered.
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 6 - Back in the Early Heist Days
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Flashback time!
Let's take a pause from what happened in the previous chapter and backtrack to the past~!
We'll be mainly sticking with Kou for this.
This happened before the first chapter!
-Phantom Thief Hanako released a heist notice to steal yet another jewel
-The detectives and police force were working together to strengthen security
-This thief was astonishingly outwitting them all if he never failed a heist
-Minamoto Kou, younger brother of Teru who is one of the top policemen, was just starting out his career as a new police officer
-His first mission was to join some police officers to capture Hanako
-Teru couldn't join the team during the heist since he was busy taking care of other more serious offenses
-So he was cheering Kou on for the time being, congratulating him on officially becoming part of the police force
-While Kou aimed to be like his brother, he admired a certain radish girl Yashiro Nene
-They didn't really know each other right now
-Before, Kou just came to visit the police station and departments to give lunch to Teru and make sure he's eating properly
-And it was a coincidence that Kou saw Yashiro with Detective Tsuchigomori as they came by at the same time
-Seeing Yashiro working hard on cases became part of his motivation to also work to fight crime along with Teru
-and so she was a Senpai to him in the field and a current acquaintance
-Kou was hoping he could get closer to Yashiro
-Preparing a small bouquet of pink flowers, he wanted to present them to her to make a good impression since they would be working together from now on
-On the day of the heist, he went to look for her with the flowers in hand
-When he found her with Tsuchigomori, he immediately went to hide behind a wall
-Kou peeked over and noticed that they were talking about the heist
-Would right now be a good time to give them?
-He stopped peeking to gather himself together before deciding to head over, feeling nervous
-Only to realize that the moment he let them out of his sight, they were already gone
-Darn, he missed his chance
-Well, it will be okay. He could see them again at the heist itself
-He tucked the flowers in his pockets
-The location of the heist was at a hotel owned by Akane
-Kou heard from Teru that Hanako would go steal from Akane from time to time
-He couldn't help but wonder how the gem collector was dealing with the situation
-Night time arrived and a small crowd gathered
-Not too many people knew of Hanako yet but already there were a few reporters at the scene and word had spread
-Kou was looking around when he accidentally bumped into someone
-"Hey! Watch the camera, Lame-ass Traffic safety Earring!"
-Kou: "Oh sorry--wait what?"
-Kou looked to see a pink haired boy with a scarf and camera on. He seemed to be around Kou's age
-Kou: "Do you know who you're talking to?"
-Mitsuba: "No. Should I?"
-Wow, this guy was testing his patience
-Kou: "Geez. Look at my uniform. I'm a police officer."
-Mitsuba: "Okay, police officer. Now could you let me go? I gotta take photos for the papers."
-Kou's eyes widened as he looked down at Mitsuba's camera he's holding
-Kou: "Oh! Are you a photographer?"
-Mitsuba: "Well I'm a journalist but I guess--"
-Kou: "THAT'S SO COOL! Sorry for bumping into your camera! What's your name?"
-Mitsuba was surprised at Kou's outburst. He felt a little embarassed all of a sudden.
-Mitsuba: "....Mitsuba Sousuke."
-Kou: "I'm Minamoto Kou! Nice to meet you! I can't wait to see all of your work!"
-Mitsuba: "I've done a few already but I'm still new at my job so my writing isn't that great."
-Kou: "That's okay! My reading isn't that great either!"
-Kou gave a thumbs up at that.
-Mitsuba: "Reading and writing are two different things. Also, I don't think you should be proud of that pff"
-Kou: "Hm? Is that so?"
-Mitsuba: "Anyways, I'll be going to the hotel rooftop to take pictures of the cityscape from there. Would you like to come along? There should still be time before the heist"
-Kou: "Sure! Let's go!"
-And so they are both at the rooftop chattering away as Mitsuba took photos with his camera
-Kou: "Huh so you like taking pictures of animals and landscape stuff. How about photos of people?"
-Mitsuba: "I do take them as well. The papers get way more media attention that way anyways."
-Kou: "How about taking one of me? I'll be the ultimate subject! Just call it 'Police Officer Minamoto Kou Makes His Debut'!"
-Mitsuba: "Hm....No thank you."
-Kou: "Aw come on! I want to be in the papers!"
-Kou tried to grab the camera from Mitsuba
-Mitsuba: "Hey wait a minute!"
-Kou: "Just a bit!"
-"Two gentlemen fighting on the rooftop? That's quite dangerous."
-Kou and Mitsuba looked over to find the the phantom thief Hanako standing near the edge of the roof
-When did he get there?
-Oh wait, did the heist start already?!
-They lost track of time!
-Kou: "Hanako!"
-Hanako: "I will be taking the treasure~"
-Hanako showed them the jewel in his hand.
-Kou: "Oh no you don't!"
-Kou rushed towards him and Hanako just dodged Kou's attacks, keeping the jewel out of reach
-As they got closer to the edge of the building, a sudden strong gust of wind burst forth
-Knocking the jewel out of Hanako's hand
-and the pink flowers from Kou's pocket
-Ah. The flowers. Kou completely forgot about them
-Both items were being blown away far apart from each other and off the roof
-Kou: "Oh no the flowers!!"
-That was Kou's immediate response
-Hanako ran and jumped to grab the flowers, dismissing the jewel
-He just jumped off the roof without a thought
-That madlad
-Kou's body moved and he managed to reach and grab onto Hanako's legs to prevent his fall from the roof
-Hanako was a bit heavy so Kou was having trouble lifting him up and they were right at the edge
-Mitsuba grabbed onto Kou and they both were able to lift Hanako up to safety
-Kou was shocked at Hanako's sudden move
-Kou: "Why did you just risk your life for a bunch of flowers?!"
-He couldn't understand
-Hanako also let that jewel drop!
-Hanako: "These are important to you, no?"
-Kou was rendered speechless at Hanako's words
-What kind of thief was that considerate?
-Hanako: "I'm sure you wanted to give these to someone. Also, I got my equipment on me so I wouldn't have fell to my death but thank you anyways"
-Hanako handed the flowers back to Kou and took a bow
-A racket of footsteps and shouts came from the door leading to the rooftop
-Hanako: "Welp, time's up, my fellow gentlemen. Perhaps we'll meet again~"
-Hanako escaped using his smoke bomb as a smoke screen
-Kou and Mitsuba coughed through it and once the smoke cleared, Hanako was gone
-The door slammed open to reveal a frantic Akane, panicked Yashiro, and a curious Aoi
-Akane: "AAAAAA NOOOOO we're too late!"
-Kou: "Huh? What are you talking about?"
-Yashiro: "Hanako made off with the jewel!"
-Kou: "Wait but I saw the jewel drop down the building. I apologize about--"
-Akane: "That must have been a fake! I prepared fake copies but he saw through my plan and still stole them anyways. He already stole the real one when I wasn't looking, since it was in a different location. That bastard thief!"
-Kou: "HAAAH?! Wait, why didn't I know about this??"
-Mitsuba: "Ahhh drama between the police and the gem collector once again. Why do you guys think he managed to get away?"
-Aoi: "So the rumors about Hanako were true! He's a clever mastermind!"
-Akane: "Ao-chan praising that thief....oh no no no no no that charmer did not just--"
-(Inside Akane's head of delusional fantasies):
-Aoi: "Hanako-sama! Please take me with you!"
-Hanako: "My dear sweet lady, I shall come for you as my next prize~"
[They fly and get farther away as Akane runs after them]
-Akane: [reaches out] "AO-CHAN! NO WAIT I LOVE YOU!"
-Aoi: "Hm 1 point~. Farewell Akane-kun! Please forget about me. I'm eloping with him now ♡"
[End of delusion]
-Akane: 'AAAAAAAA NO THAT CANNOT HAPPEN! IT ALL BACKFIRED!! I should not have brought Ao-chan here...Now I gotta watch out for not just that Teru bastard but also him aaaargh!'
-They were all staring at Akane leaning against the wall, agonizing
-Akane: [mumbling] " 'If we met under different circumstances, we could have been friends' my ass you thief, not when you're flirting with Ao-chan you son of a-"
-Kou: "Uh...is he okay? He's been leaning against that wall, mumbling weird stuff"
-Aoi: "He'll be okay ♡. Akane-kun's a big boy"
-Mitsuba nudged Kou
-Mitsuba: "Minamoto-kun, there's something you want to do, right?"
Kou: "Huh? Oh! Right!"
-Kou approached Yashiro who was zoning out, looking a bit troubled
-Yashiro: [mumbling to herself] "Aah~ I can't believe I got lost again...it's a good thing I found Akane-kun and Aoi along the way"
-Kou: "Um! Senpai!"
-Yashiro snapped out of her thoughts
-Yashiro: "Me?"
-Kou: "My name is Minamoto Kou. I'm a new police officer in the workforce so I'll be in your care! These are for you!"
-Kou handed the pink flowers over to Yashiro
-Yashiro: [smiles brightly as she received them] "Thank you! They're so pretty! I think I've seen you around. I'm Yashiro Nene. It will be a pleasure working with you!"
-Kou flustered as steam came out of his head and his heart felt like an arrow shot through it
-He may have developed a slight crush
-Kou: "Y-you're welcome! And I-I look forward to it too!"
-Kou turned around to see Mitsuba, trying to distract himself
-Kou: "Mitsuba! Did you get any good pictures?"
-Mitsuba, taking a look at his camera, smiled to himself
-He had taken a few photos of Kou without him realizing
-Mistuba: "Mhm. I sure did~"
-As Hanako walked casually through an alleyway, he heard footsteps coming closer and he stopped
-He didn't have to look back to know who it is
-This happened often enough after all
-Hanako smiled
-Hanako: "Of all the people who could actually capture me if serious, you sure don't really take me seriously."
-He turned anyways to face the person responsible for the noises
-Hanako: "Great detective Tsuchigomori."
-Tsuchigomori stood in the alleyway as Hanako figured, looking at him nonchalantly
-Hanako: "What is this, a game of catch and release?"
-Tsuchigomori: "Hmph so you really did go this way. There wouldn't be many people here after all. It's a good escape route."
-Hanako: "Why didn't you tell the police?"
-Tsuchigomori: "They need to learn for themselves. Seriously incompetent if they can't capture a single person. Besides, I realized there's more to your stealing. I haven't figured out why exactly though."
-Hanako: "Oho I see. So that's what you care about. Curious?"
-Tsuchigomori: "I'm too busy for that now. I have an apprentice to look after....who apparently got lost since she's supposed to be with me..."
-Hanako: "Oh? You have an apprentice?"
-Tsuchigomori: "I'm showing her the ropes for now. And then, she'll be taking over my place to capture you."
-Hanako: "What, great detective? Aw, I'll miss you! Things won't be the same"
-Tsuchigomori: "Oh don't worry. You'll find her to be quite a persistent one."
-Hanako: "Heh~ Interesting!"
-Hanako vanished from sight using his fancy garment and smoke bomb for the second time, saying one last thing.
-Hanako: "I'll keep that in mind."
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enigma-absolute · 3 years
3 and 14 for the ask thingy!
3. What color do you want to paint your room?
God, I love it so much. But if I had to go in-detail, I'd do various shades of blue and one or two white walls, and paint the ceiling to be like a night sky or a galaxy.
14. How would you describe your perfect day?
Hm. That's a tough one. After being physically isolated from the rest of the world for a while and realising how much I actually thrive being with friends in real life, it would be something like this.
I wake up early enough from either a treehouse cabin or a van life home, enough to watch the sunrise, on the edge of a lake. Forests and mountains surround it. Preferably somewhere in the back of nowhere of the US, the north of Romania where my extended family lives, or the south of New Zealand. The little firepit area I've shared with my friends is just barely glowing a little after such a cold night. The fire hasn't been fully gone out but it was out enough to keep it from causing damage.
There's a blanket around my shoulders and a cup of hot water in my hands as I watch. I'm only half-aware as all my dearest friends join me to watch the view from their treetop cabins or van life vans. Eventually I remember and realise I'm not alone and we all make breakfast together. If the firepit's still warm, we'll make damper. With honey or maple syrup. Maybe nutella. We'll crack jokes and talk about life, dreams we've had through the night and maybe one of the more faith-bold friends prays: for the day, for each other, for all of us and the future ahead. (Maybe, if I have enough courage, it's me.)
That day, we'll do everything together. Go wandering in the woods, climb a forest trail. Take a dip in the lake. Maybe, if we're disciplined enough, the artistic ones will sit their asses down and do life drawing of the world around us. Perhaps, we’d even swap sketchbooks! The more film-based ones would probably start busting out cameras to make an 80′s styled home movie. Or practice photography skills - either on the nature around us or for those of us who committed to the aesthetics of the academias and -core suffixes. Either works. Maybe there’s a madlad musician among us who brought out their instrument and adds a live backing track because of course they would. Perhaps some textile-based friends brought their projects and the film kids have these perfect shots of texiles sewing by the river or on the rocks.
Maybe we’ll play games like tag, bullrush and others from childhood. Maybe have a water fight, if we’ve brought or packed super-soakers. Maybe one of us finds an old bridge and we’ll recreate Shane’s takeover of Goatman’s bridge. Or we find an old cabin and break in, take photos and leave it in a better state than when we found it. We might have a picnic somewhere for lunch. Who knows. 
And when the sun starts to set and the moon shines brighter, we’ll come back to our grounds, light the firepit again and start to make and have dinner. There’s talk across everyone and a lot of it is about the day we’ve had. It’s nothing but warmth of the fire and the hearts around it that fight off the cold. Maybe one of us brings the instrument out again and we all start singing songs and shanties - both of the seas and the stars. Maybe it’s smores, marshmallows and hot chocolates for dessert. Maybe it’s old ghost stories and conjuring up new ones. Maybe it’s card games a little closer together so we don’t lose them in the fire, because thank god I remembered to bring Muffin Time, and I don’t wanna lose cards in those flames as loud as you may yell at losing to a trap card, thank you very much. 
But most certainly, as everything winds down, we all look to the stars. Right back to where the day began, at the edge of the lake. Pointing out constellations, watching in awe as the stars look back. If we’re in New Zealand, I will seek out the Southern Cross and look on in sheer, quiet joy. Maybe this is what it means to feel alive. Huddled together with your favourite people in the world and staring out into beyond, knowing you’re safe and warm in more ways than one. 
And one by one, as everyone starts to drift to their beds to sleep, maybe I’m the last one sitting or standing there, tears down my cheeks and the biggest smile in my eyes and face because to me and those who know, it’s the Creator the Universe speaking to me. And I am vividly reminded of important truths which ring out in my soul, spirit and faith. 
I am not alone. 
I am made special.
And I am loved. 
So very. Very. 
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monstermemories · 5 years
Ok so I'm a little late but I finally watched Mark play GTFO by himself and holy fucking shit the madlad did it. Damn ngl I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and I'm extremely impressed.
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moonhatake · 6 years
This theory is about what might happen soon and possibly the end of the story
**claps hands** THEORY RevIEw
First off ever since they found Norman things have felt a little icky to me and as we all know, a story like this doesn't give you happiness and let's it stay happy. People have said that Norman came back too early but I think that's intentional. The gangs all back together now, but there's gotta be a catch.
Let me also add how Norman looks much older than them. Idk if this is just the way the author drew him, but I think it could show how Norman isn't on Emmas and Rays level anymore since Norman hasn't spent all that time boogieing with them. (Inspired by a best buds theory) So him looking older could be a symbolism thing
He was experimented on at the place he was held captive at and now is older, which could be plausible once we gather more information.
Okay Back to the Trio
Okay everyone's back yes it's all great, but in chapter 120 Norman talks about his plan to eradicate all the monsters. Basically an all out war and everyone is on board, all except Emma. I mean look at this face.
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Is this the face of someone who agrees with whatf Norman is saying? Okay we have that established and it is confirmed that Emma doesn't really want to kill the monsters in chapter 122 and is conflicted with that. Emma wants to find a peace for both worlds and that's a really interesting take since the monsters have been basically eating them, but Emma makes a good point in chapter 122.
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Now I'm pausing here and going to
Ray has gone through hell and back for Emma since Grace field to the forest to goldy pond and till now. He follows Emma and believes in her plan to create a peace, since time and time again, she has shown him there is another way. When Ray wanted to leave everyone back at Grace Field, Emma (With ghost Normans help I guess) showed Ray they could do it and save everyone. When Ray and them were in the forest it was Emma who was the light in darkness and believed that everyone can push on. And then at Goldy Pond. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. THAT. GODDAMN. ARC. THE AUTHOR AND THE ILLUSTRATOR ARE FUCKING MADLADS. Emma's goddamn plan on how to beat the monsters was so fucking cool, but in the end Emma gets hurt and they're all in the cave like "ooohh shit we gonna dieee too many peeps hurt" but then like Oliver is like, "leave us, we dead anyways" and everyone is like "Noooooo", but after all this Ray says
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Nobody is being left behind. Emma's words are now his and since he's seen that Emma can do it, then maybe even he can do it.
Now back to chapters 119 and so on. Ray has been seen to be on edge and it looks like he doesn't even trust the place nor Norman
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I mean he has the look of concern on his face and I think the authors are hinting something at us because they wouldn't add this in just because. In chapter 121 where everyone was having fun and stuff, we see everyone smiling and it's all nice but yet there are subtle images of Ray being left out.
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I think now that Norman and Emma are fine and they're all fine, he feels like he's not needed anymore. His soul reason to keep on living and pushing was to protect his friends. They're in a way, his Ray of Light aahahhahaha **cries in a ball**
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I think now, Ray feels left out and like I said not needed, but he's still willing to protect them because he loves them. Although there are some things Ray sees in Norman that is suspicious. Ray isn't stupid and sees more of a bigger picture. Obviously he knows that something is up with Norman, but is just playing along right now because Emma is happy. Basically I would like to say is chapter 121 is the
Calm Before The Storm
So I'm pretty sure we're going to get a spitfire of pain after these chapters.
Now to the Main Point
I think what's going to happen is that Emma's gonna go to Norman and tell him that war is not the answer and that they should go to the "Seven Walls" thing and Dragon eye, (idk it was kinda weird but...)
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...because back around chapters 102 and 103 where they went to that creepy temple thing with all the ancient artifacts, Emma and them ALREADY found a way to get in using
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But then they were attacked just then. :^( so sad we all know who yeets to heaven.
But when Emma tells Norman this it's one of two things, either Norman refuses to go and pushes his plan for war or Norman agrees to check it out JUST FOR EMMA and pretends to find nothing so he can push for his war. Because I'm sure Norman doesn't want to be goodie goodie with the monsters.
So here it is...
Emma might break from Normas party and might take a small group of people including Ray and find their own solution back at the temples. There might be some people opposed to trying to find a peaceful solution and that's when Emma's original party breaks up. Idk for sure who might stay with Norman (Gilda and that other dude? Probs? Cause with Norman it's safe?). As Emmas party breaks up and leaves, Norman plots for his war and the story soon becomes like a race to see whos solution will prevail
Because we have seen Ray feel iffy about Norman, Ray might make his own group and leave FIRST. Why? Maybe because he feels like he isn't needed anymore OR the fact that Emma wants to stick with Norman a little too much and isn't listening to him. Ray might take an even smaller group and leave to go find info about the monsters or go back to the Feilds to save Phil for Emma, because he feels like he can do it without her. Idk if he would tell her that he is going. I feel like he would but that would mean Emma wants to come. For most of the story it's always been Emma and Ray and now it's his chance to actually be an individual. And it might be a prove to himself thing. In the meantime Emma argues with Norman and that's when she splits from Norman. In the meantime, Ray and Emma try to keep touch as they both do different things, because they can't all go to save Phil and then run back to the temples. That's a lot of time and also Norman is planning his war. So Emmas going to temples, Rays freeing Phil and Normans plotting a war
Norman and their crew go to where Phil is and save him, but some arguments happens (maybe they were going to kill the mama of that house but Emma says like, "no don't kill her.") and BAM! As the house burns up with FLAMES, Emma decides to go to temples and takes some peeps with Ray, while Norman takes the rest of the kids and goes back to plot his war. Then it's a race.
**side note** if this does happen and Ray does want to leave in all of this and be his own third party and disappear to do his own thing, during the showdown in the end of the series, Ray will probs pop out and help Emma
OR?**kinda weird theory
Norman is trying to find the super human kids and make an army outta them and trying to experiment on kids to enhance them for an army. Ray finds out, almost killed. Tells Emma and Emma doesn't believe. Confronts Norman. Norman a hoe and lies to her. Ray makes his third party and leaves. Norman then comes clean like a little bitch. Emma leaves to temples (maybe after Ray leaves her a note on what he's doing)
Basically what I'm trying to say is I think the Trio is going to split and it's going to be where the kids have to choose sides and it's a race to find the right solution.
Just my opinion though, I could be missing a bunch of things but this is what I see. Oh and going back to way Norman is shown earlier than people think, this is why. To start the second phase of the plot. Let me know what y'all think, I'd really love to hear from ya. Thanks for reading till the end. I know it's long as hell.
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