snoffyy · 2 years
Do you think we'll be seeing a Calidity update anytime soon? I'm so fliippin obsessed with it, I've read and reread it like 3 or 4 times now!
AHHHHHHHH thank you so much ;-;
I wish I could say there will be an update in the immediate future, but it's probably not feasible. I've just started a long placement, so there's currently quite a lot on my plate. Fingers crossed I do get more time to write once I've properly settled in, and I'm definitely aiming to get a chapter out next month if all goes well.
In the meantime, here's a sneak peak for the next chapter ;)
One morning, when the sky was barely tainted with light, stars fading into barely-there twinkles, Zhao found himself leaning against the railings on one of the Jasmine Dragon’s balconies. Zuko had snuck out of the house in the middle of the night again, and Zhao, who had been on the boundary between wake and sleep, had watched him go, slipping out of the window like a wraith.
The prince still wasn’t back, but it didn’t stop another, different, prince from approaching him cautiously, a tray of steaming tea balanced in steady hands like an offering.
“May I talk to you?” Iroh asked, placing the tray on the wide handrail between them.
Zhao gave a hum of assent but made no move to take the proffered cup of tea.
“I’d like to…” Iroh trailed off, seemingly trying to find his voice. “I’d like to ask you something.”
Well, that was a first.
“Sure,” Zhao said dully.
Iroh solemnly looked out over the city, which was beginning to wake with the bustling workers starting their day.
“What does being in rut feel like, if it is not too personal a question?”
Of all the questions Zhao had anticipated, imagined, even, he’d never had thought that this would be the question Iroh would ask. Still, he thought it over, mulling the words carefully in his mouth before he set them free. For this was the first time Iroh had ever asked him about something so deeply personal to him as a classified, to all alphas that had ever gone through a rut.
“It feels,” Zhao began slowly. “First, it starts with fire. Just… spreading from your chest. It robs you of your own will, but not so much that you can claim you weren’t in your right mind. Your body is your own, but your mind fluctuates between yours and the rut’s. You want to fight. You want to rest. You want to be alone. You want to be with a mate. It’s hard to say what your mind wants when it’s warring with your body all the damn time.”
“Is that the same feeling,” Iroh said carefully. “As when you’ve induced rut?”
“To a lesser extent, yes,” Zhao replied, now taking the cup of tea. He sniffed it carefully. Oolong.
Iroh let out a long sigh. “Ba Sing Se was an oversight on my part.”
At once, whatever amiable mood Zhao had evaporated in an instant.
Zhao’s lip curled in disgust. “An oversight? Are you fucking kidding me? An oversight? Is that really what you’re calling it?”
He’s suffered through so much utter bullshit in his life that now, to have such a tragic incident, something that had shaken the entire world of classifieds, be bequeathed the claim of ‘oversight’… it almost nauseated him.
“I am an alpha,” Zhao said thinly. “I very well could have been used for your own gains. You didn’t have to make them induce rut. You didn’t have to force them into that state. You… you were the one who made the call. You were the one who made the decision. It was in your hands! It was their blood on your hands!”
With every acrimonious word that spewed from Zhao’s mouth, Iroh’s head bowed lower and lower. What could the old general possibly be thinking? Repentance was no lenient mistress. And with such heft of his crimes weighing him down, it would be easier to feign ignorance than to face the music.
“At so many points in my life, I’d have given everything to be ‘normal.’” Zhao whispered, curling his hands tighter around the teacup. “When I speak, people stare at my fangs. When I go into rut, I’m treated as an animal. And you know what’s even better? I’m a bender. That’s just another thing I can be used for.”
There had been a time when he had prided himself on being an alpha and a bender. When he had been naïve and thought that it meant that it afforded him higher status. But it all came to a head the moment Jeong Jeong had looked upon him in disgust when it was revealed that he had killed a fellow alpha in a farce of an Agni Kai.
Where was the pride he had when it was tainted by derision and disapproval? Where did it all go? Here, in Ba Sing Se, what little pride he had was whittled to splinters. For what pride could be born from being one of the Avatar’s lackeys, being the uncle of a bunch of mixed breed brats, and an admiral that was likely presumed dead at this point?
“It doesn’t have to be that way anymore,” Iroh implored. “Zhao, I want to make things right. Atonement is not easy, but I am willing to learn.”
“And how will you do that?” Zhao scoffed. “You are saying you are willing to learn our ways?”
Iroh lifted his chin. “I would be. But I am not the only one who has blood on my hands.”
Zhao rankled. “What are you implying?”
“I would warn you not to be a hypocrite,” Iroh stated flatly, eyes hard. Dragon of the West indeed. Somehow, Zhao was no longer as intimidated by the man’s indomitable reputation.
They stared each other down, coming to a standstill.
Instinct, as it always did, peeled Zhao’s lips back, baring his fangs. “Is this truly about Ba Sing Se? Or is this about Zuko?”
Iroh’s guarded expression did not falter. “Could it not be both?”
“Maybe,” Zhao said slowly, working his jaw, “maybe you should stop trying to play the mastermind.”
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jothemouse · 4 months
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And WOW! Another commission!!??!?!?! And this one very specifically for the Harvey lovers❤️‍🔥 ;)
Thank you to @peachygoliath-blog for commissioning me!!!
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And a close up just for fun ;333
And if you, dear viewers, would like a commission of your own, they are still open!! Or if you'd like to just offer your support I have ko-fi and, as always, the best way to support me is just by reblogging!!!
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choccy-milky · 5 months
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insatiable clora and (barely) resisting seb from my latest chap🌡️💕
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michsmeesh · 4 months
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dfghjdhjkfghjkdfghjk cant draw riverboat javier without john i mean cmon
daily click reminder
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temporary-tats · 3 months
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If I ever stop drawing these two, its cause I'm dead.
Anyway, have a bit of a spicier bees sketch and a quick Blake portrait!
As usual, don’t reupload without credit/permission - thanks folks!
(My Ko-fi, if you wish!)
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Steve lowkey earning himself a reputation for liking guys and girls before he even realizes he does because he keeps interjecting and giving his own answer every time someone tries to ask Robin about guys
At first no one thinks anything of Steve’s interruption and answer when Nancy asks “what even is your type?” quite clearly to Robin and Steve immediately answers “I like girls that are way smarter than me” and everyone just assumes he’s interrupting to hit on Nancy and not to deflect
Then later someone insists some guy was flirting with Robin and she should go for it and Steve immediately goes “Are you kidding me? Robin’s way out of his league. Besides, I had a class with him and he mentioned his stamp collection in it like eight times. Do you really think she wants to sit around and pretend to be impressed by hundreds of stamps?” Still no one thinks much of it yet and if anything they think Steve might be jealous or might just have standards for who they should set her up with
It’s not until it becomes a habit of him answering questions meant for Robin that people start to think there’s a reason, but it’s not Robin they’re onto
Like when they’re having a movie night and Max is going on and on about a shirtless character while Lucas is totally unfazed but Dustin complains and El says which character she liked more and then Max turns to Nancy to break the tie and say which guy is dreamier and Nancy casts her vote, then turns to look over at Robin and ask which guy she’d go for and Steve knows who the question is for but hey he’s sitting right next to Robin so Nancy’s looking in his direction and too and she didn’t say Robin’s name, so Steve doesn’t even hesitate before dropping the name of a character and making sure he keeps the focus off of Robin and keeps everyone distracted from dragging her into that debate by immediately backing it up by saying that Max is right and giving even more reasons to choose him
But even after that, that’s mostly forgotten by the time the older group is drinking and Eddie suggests they play a drinking game and normally Steve would be all over any suggestions, but he turns down truth or dare because he knows how uncomfortable Robin would be and doesn’t want her having to choose between awkwardly lying and deflecting or doing dares she’s not comfortable with or potentially outing herself so he at least manages to change it to never have I ever because that’s a safer bet when he knows Robin hasn’t done anything with any girls
But then Steve ends up drinking significantly more than anyone else while Robin and Eddie are hardly drinking so they end up switching games and somehow they end up playing fuck, marry, kill except Nancy has no interest in getting married or discussing it and she says there’s been enough death in Hawkins and it would be more fun to play with the options as sleep with, kiss, slap. And the game is already started before anyone can ask why marry got changed to kiss and before drunk Steve can figure out how to discretely convince everyone not to. The game goes fine at first with Argyle asking Jonathan about three girls from California. It goes alright when Jonathan asks Eddie about three girls. Steve gets a little concerned when Eddie turns his attention on Nancy that he’ll put Jonathan and him in the list right in front of Jonathan, but Eddie is sober enough still that he at least has enough tact not stir the pot and blow things up on her first turn by throwing them both in in front of them
But then Nancy goes to give Robin a turn and she’s looking right at her and lists the three guys there other than Steve (possibly because she believes Robin on the platonic with a capital P thing and possibly because she doesn’t want to find out if that would waver) so of course Nancy thinks it’s clear that she must be talking to the only other girl there. And before Robin can even try to think of what lie would be the most convincing and least likely to start any awkwardness or drama, Steve’s already jumping in with “Well, I already hit Jonathan and that didn’t go well for me, so I’ll give him a break. And this situation” (gesturing between himself and Nancy and Jonathan) “is finally starting to feel normal so I don’t need to make that awkward all over again by sleeping with your boyfriend. So kiss Jonathan.” And Nancy and Jonathan are looking at him so confused and Robin is grateful for the interruption and relieved but also kind of amused by the level of thought he’s putting into it instead of just throwing out names however. Argyle’s not fazed at all and just waiting to see what he’ll get. Eddie goes from deer in the headlights startled to leaning forward with his elbow on his knee and his chin resting in his hand waiting to see where this will go to abruptly sitting up again and trying to look less interested while his leg nervous bounces and he tries to figure out if Steve is giving a detailed answer to this as a joke or because he’s putting genuine thought into the idea of being with a guy
Steve looks between Eddie and Argyle for a moment, then focuses on Argyle and is like “Sorry, I hardly know you and getting dragged into hitting Eddie or standing around and watching Tommy do it without making any move to stop him is exactly the kind of douchebag bullshit I would have pulled in high school. So I guess slap you and have sex with Eddie.” Eddie’s drink goes down the wrong way when Steve adds “Plus, guitar players are supposed to be good with their hands, right?” and he tries to play it off and not react to the fact that Steve Harrington just said he’d have sex with him and that he thinks Eddie would be good in bed even if it was just in the context of some stupid game. Meanwhile Argyle’s just like “Nah, that’s cool dude. I get it. I would have slapped you too if the roles were reversed.”
After that, a few people start wondering a little more seriously if Steve is into guys too and had his guard down while drinking. But Eddie isn’t going to press his luck without clear evidence and everyone else isn’t going to push it so they just silently wonder a little more every time Steve interjects in the girl talk with his own opinion once again
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env0 · 5 months
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Tree Trunk Thighs so big my booty looks small
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pixlokita · 3 months
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Lil guy screaming at 4 am outside because there’s that storm in Texas =w= we already have 10 cats so we can’t keep him >>; hopefully the mom and siblings are ok :’v he was by himself
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hey-august · 2 months
Time keeps moving on and on and on
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🎂Happy birthday, clown man! Here's your bday fic!🎁
WC: 810 Warnings: SFW-ish (brief mention of genitals but in a not-sexy way), Buggy x GN!reader, established relationship, Buggy has self esteem issues because of course he does Title from Man Overboard by blink-182
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There was a stranger in the mirror. The longer he stayed, the less familiar he looked. Recognizable features became overshadowed and created a dissonance. Steam and condensation clung to the sliver surface. Buggy leaned closer and stared.
That was his hair. It was long and blue, like it should be. But it was thinning. The strands that he hoped were highlights, sun bleached to a light blue color, were white. Stark fucking white and void of color. At first he pulled them out, but the colorless hair grew like weeds. Like plants that propagate and take over if you don’t deal with the source. And how could he, when the source was time.
Buggy recognized his eyes. Well, he did at first. The longer he looked, the more he lost himself. The color was right, but the shape seemed to change. Were his eyes getting baggier? More hooded? Fuck, maybe he should stop pulling his skin so tight when putting on make-up. He wasn’t young anymore, his skin didn’t bounce back like it used to…
And there were the wrinkles. Emotions carved into his skin. Even if Buggy tried to smooth them out by filling the grooves with thick moisturizing creams and rough massages with calloused fingertips, they were fucking canyons. His wrinkles were deep and unfading. Forehead marks that fucked with the smooth lines of his crossbones, creases dug between his eyebrows, crow’s feet flanking his eyes, lines around his mouth that he couldn’t hide with paint.
Shit. Everywhere Buggy looked, he saw more details and definition that didn’t belong to him. That wasn’t him in the mirror. But it was.
Buggy was getting old.
He hated this. He hated all of it. The negativity simmered, sitting on a low heat in the corner of his mind. Every glance in the mirror made the fire hotter. Every day closer to his birthday brought bubbles to the surface, until it all spilled over.
“It’s your birthday! Are you excited?” Your cheeriness finally brought Buggy’s self-esteem issues to their boiling point.
“Why the fuck would I be excited about getting older?” he spat, more than ready to pour out every damn insecurity he had. “Look at me, white hair, wrinkles, flab-” Buggy grabbed, pointed, and squeezed every area of his body’s betrayal. “I’m old and it’s only going to get worse.”
“Beer gut and droopy balls,” Buggy practically wailed. His future was unavoidable.
The clown pirate continued his long withheld lament, releasing every thought and frustration in a fast moving stream. Complaints about the hair growing out of his ears and no- Nevermind. Achy knees, a back that twinges when the weather changes too fast, hangovers lasting longer and longer. There was so much on Buggy’s list, but a hand grabbing his own stopped the tirade.
“I like those things-”
“Liar. Who would like a washed up clown?”
Buggy’s glare was met with fiery determination. He didn’t want to listen, but you weren’t done talking.
“Babe, I like that you’re getting older because I get to see it happen.” You paused. “I… I feel lucky that we get to grow old together.”
The confession sent blood to your face and turned your cheeks red. You chewed your lip but didn’t turn away from Buggy.
“Ew.” Buggy opened his mouth and pretended to gag. “You really think like that? You’re so sappy, it’s disgusting,”
The clown’s teasing came with a smile that grew bigger by the moment. His chest puffed as he put on a fake sneer and shook his head in mock disappointment.
“Whatever, it’s not a big deal. I don’t know why you’re still talking about these things,” Buggy continued, patting your shoulder condescendingly.
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “Right, my bad. Happy birthday, Buggs.”
“Thanks, hun.”
Buggy pulled you into a tight hug, holding you like he’d lost the ability to communicate any other way. Like there was nothing else in the world but you, him, and the sea. Like he’d melt into you, dissolve into you entirely, if you’d let him. Like you healed something deep inside.
When the embrace broke, you reached up and pushed back a few loose strands of Buggy’s long hair. You stayed quiet as you studied him. And for the first time in a long time, Buggy didn’t mind it. He didn’t worry that you’d see something disgusting, old, and ugly.
“I like these shimmer strands. They catch the light and sparkle,” you said softly, running your fingers through his hair again.
“Hmm…” Buggy hummed, pleased with the flashy compliment. Maybe white hair wasn’t so bad.
There was a stranger reflected in your eyes. He couldn’t always see it himself, but for a moment, Buggy saw himself the way you saw him. He saw the person you wanted to grow old with. He saw someone worthy.
He saw someone lovable.
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guzhufuren · 3 months
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Thai BL Battle Of The Writers with Tutor and Yim will start airing on July 29th
Synopsis: Writer Obaun faces accusations of plagiarism from top online novelist Shan because their protagonists are so similar. However, they unexpectedly have to collaborate on a project. (seems like wuxia elements are because of a reincarnation plot)
Adapted from a chinese novel "The Great Battle of Games" (游戏大作战) by Ping Guo Shu Shu Shu
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breezycheezyart · 6 months
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Oh? Seems the mood isn't over~
Please do not repost
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spicyvampire · 7 months
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YAI and SAND in
THE SIGN (2023) EP. 12
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identityquest · 5 months
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check out the shirt i got for my birthday :)
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dna-repo · 7 months
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froot loops
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archonghoul · 6 months
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Page 6 of Knock 'Em (Up) Dead!
This and the previous two pages are more cases of 'it was sketched out forever ago' and I only more recently got around to updating them (a little.) It was hard to make myself not redraw Error here (bc I just wanted to get it posted :'D) Anyway, I'm glad I could at least get this continuation started in time for Error's birthday (hbd bb girl 🎂💙)
That's it for now, but more pages will be coming soon. >:]
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