#((thank you for the tag!))
dennydraws · 8 months
Last Line Tag!
Tagged by: @bamboorocket Thank you!
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Ban gritted his teeth. "We're slicing through that bastard and we're getting out of here..."
That was fun! :D;; I'm doing little RPs with friends on the side during lunch break, my lunch breaks need to be longer...
Tagging the writer beans but I don't know enough hehe @jitterzart @spotofmummery @shroudkeeper @beloveddawn-blog @sunnyluma @dragonwithgoggles @civveon @jasleh @palastel
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pyritefes2 · 9 months
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Wip Whenever: Kanders Edition!
Tagged by @salsedinepicta 🤍
Tagging whoever wants to do this ✨
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thesunpersists · 30 days
Prompt: “How am I supposed to focus when you look at me like that?”
Read @mollywog's version here— thank you for the tag! 🧚🏻
Tagging: @evax3, if you are feeling inspired! ❤️
A short story where Katniss attempts to knit a scarf for Peeta. This is set during their growing back together phase (or shortly after the first chapter of The Third Thing, if you will).
Is he really your crush if you don’t knit him an ugly scarf?
My eyes shift between the pattern and the needle in my hand.
Cast on 59 stitches.
I sigh. This is the third time I am doing it. The first time, the yarn tail was too short, and I had to undo the whole thing. The second, I messed up the count midway through and started over. This one has to do. Even if it is 58 or 60 stitches, I can’t bear to do it again.
Row 1: *Knit 3, purl 1.* Repeat * until the last 3 stitches. Knit 3. Turn.
My mother must have been some sort of a genius. There is no other explanation. She always made it look so easy. And she used to make complicated things, intricate designs with checkers and animal patterns and whatnot. All the clothes she made were perfectly sculpted to fit our bodies. She could even hold a conversation while knitting and the nice, steady rhythm of her needles wouldn’t once change. It was so different from the way my needles are squeaking now.
Row 2: Knit 1, purl 1, knit 1. * Knit 2, purl 1, knit 1.* Repeat * until the end of the row.
And when she noticed a mistake, she would unravel row after row without batting an eye. She would even unravel old clothes to repurpose the yarn. Prim and I would help her, one of us winding the yarn while the other ran around the house with a sweater or scarf in hand. It seems almost cruel now, after seeing how much work goes into each individual stitch.
I can see the glaring mistakes already, from the very second row. The ends are too loose, my tension is uneven, and it is a miracle that I haven’t dropped a single stitch yet. Oh, no — there goes the first one. Well, there is no going back. I am not strong enough to undo my hard work.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until you reach the desired length for your scarf. A scarf’s length should be approximately equal to the height of the person wearing it.
I have a feeling that the desired length and what my patience will allow for will be drastically different. And as if the whole thing isn’t annoying enough, the person who will be wearing it is watching me from the couch across with an amused look on his face.
“What is it?” I snap. “How am I supposed to focus when you look at me like this?”     
Peeta laughs and throws his hands up. “Look at you like what? I am just sitting here.”
“I can feel that you want to laugh!”
“I don’t want to laugh. I just thought you’d be…” he trails off, “I don’t know— good with your hands, I guess. More dexterous. Since you are an archer and all.”
“I am good with my hands!” An inexplicable blush travels up my neck to my cheeks. “This is just new.”
“And what was your talent again?” He scratches his chin as if he is in deep thought. “Oh, it was fashion design, real or not real?”
“Real. But that was my pretend talent. My real talent is hunting,” I remind him. “And I am perfectly capable of it. I don’t see you complain when you’re wolfing down your dinner.”
“Okay,” he laughs, “that’s a low blow. Is this supposed to be a therapy thing, then? Because it doesn’t look relaxing. It looks like you are fighting the needles. And losing.”
“Shut up. Just stop making fun of me.”
Peeta grins. “Or what?”
“Or…” I stop and think for a second. “Or you’ll say goodbye to your new scarf.”
His grin is wiped off his face, and he stares at me. “Wait, is it for me?”
It’s my turn to be surprised. “Of course. Do you think I’d go through this trouble for myself?”
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midnights-dragon · 2 months
Thank you for the tag @lvndrlondonfog to play this! The original thread was super long and my url is also. super long so I made a new one!
the rules of the game are to write one song for every letter in your url, and then tag as many people as there are letters in your url! (no pressure to do the latter, of course.)
M- Masterpiece Theatre III by Marianas Trench
I- I, Carrion (Icarian) by Hozier
D- Damage Gets Done by Hozier, Bandi Carlile
N- Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives
I- I Don't Smoke by Mitski
G- Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John
H- How Will I Know by Whitney Houston
T- Too Sweet by Hozier
S- Song About Me by TV Girl
D- Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men
R- Riptide by Vance Joy
A- Another One Bites The Dust by Queen
G- Good Grief by Bastille
O- Older by Alec Benjamin
N- Nina Cried Power by Hozier
Andddd that makes... 15 tags! Good lord. @yearning4life @brokendoor16 @harbinger-of-existential-dread @hisshiss-bitch @howmanyholesinswisscheese @orangejuiceinmyshoe @starry-eyed-darling @fearandhatred @rainecantswim @reybeeze @lickthecowhappy @hello7there @itsscottiesstark @the-stars-are-ineffable @rainforestferns NO PRESSURE AT ALL!!! +anyone else can join!
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spreadwardiard · 2 months
Tagged by @skeletonsgeorg, thank you so much!!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 21
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 176,709
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now, just Transformers but I used to write Fullmetal Alchemist fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Fun at Work- FMA, roy/ed, this is smut be warned. Kudos: 178 2. Saturdays- FMA, Roy/Ed, SFW Kudos:167 3. 4 Million Years- My first TF fic and my first fic after an 8 year writing hiatus. Megop, Kudos: 128 4. Crossing the Line- Megop, def valveplug going on inthis. kudos: 128 5. A New Kind of Word Sparring- Megop, SFW, Kudos: 100
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to respond to most comments but sometimes I miss some.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oooh probably this fma one: Regrets
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I... don't actually know tbh. a lot of my fics are just little oneshots that already were happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I used to, a long time ago. It's part of why I stopped writing for so long but honestly the worst of the hate came to my roleplay blogs, not my fics.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yessssssss smut is my fav thing to write actually. its fuuuun.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not really? I'm not opposed to it though if it makes sense.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? IDK
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! I co-write with @lets-try-some-writing! We're working on a TF AU together called Two Sides to a Coin.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Megop omg it has me by the throat.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Omg... I have so many I can't even think of just one... I ahve a REALLY hard time finishing fics, its why I usually just write one shots... but I have a mechpreg megop au i was working on that I WANT SO BAD TO FINISH but am intimidated by its scope.
16. What are your writing strengths? I don't actually know tbh... i know what I have the most fun writing, but Idk if that counts as my strenghts.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm on of those people that tends to only care for the romantic parts of the story, so I tend to skip by a lot of other things cuz I just dont care about it often.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I think its cool!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Shoot I think it was Yu-Gi-Oh?? Maybe Pokemon. idk i don't really remember.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Right now I think it was Until Next Time, Prime. It was just really fun to get into how megatron felt about Optimus post Optimus yeeting himself into the Well.
Tagging: @lets-try-some-writing, @steelthroat, @cyberrose2001 anyone else who wants to do the thing!
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summerblueringo · 2 months
thank you to @sisididis for the tag! here's a little snippet from my planned sequel to Winter Pitstop. the context is kimi coming back in 2012 😎
“Couldn’t stay away, huh?” Sebastian cheekily sways sideways into him, arms crossed over the parade truck’s rails. The corner of the Finn’s mouth twitches slightly, though the colourful sunglasses make it hard to truly read his expression. “Missed the competition.” “Think you’ll miss the rallying?” Kimi shrugs, taking the time to wave at the cheering fans before replying, “I can go back whenever I want to.” “Not too soon, I hope.” He meant for it for sound playful rather than wishful, but either he absolutely failed at it or his friend simply knows him too well. A pale hand comes down to rest on his shoulder for a brief moment, comforting in its weight if not its intention, and Sebastian stares at his own reflection in Kimi’s orange lenses. “Did you miss me that much?”
Trust Kimi to just ask something like that so easily, as if those words don't carry the burden of misplaced expectations and misaligned schedules. And maybe to Kimi they don't, maybe Sebastian is the only one overthinking, cowardly looking away to fidget with his drinking bottle. “It’s not like that.” He expects to be asked 'what is it like, then?' but Kimi doesn’t push it, instead turning back to the crowd and sparing Sebastian from embarrassing himself further, letting him get away with not finishing what he started. As always.
A small part of him wishes Kimi would pursue it, corner him into answering what exactly is going on between them, make demands of him and force him to spit his feelings out. At least then he’d know he isn’t the only one feeling lost, that he isn't wrong for wanting more.
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bunnakit · 2 months
bias check 🌸
thank you so much for the tag @catgirl-yeji !!
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some of these are subject to change (bc i dont know much about monsta x or seventeen yet) and some are also my wreckers bc i defer to my friends who are more insane than me about some of their biases lmao
once again not tagging anyone bc im lazy but if you feel like doing it consider yourself tagged!
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major-fukkup · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @cardi-c and @hyperobsession!
LAST SONG: What I've Done - Linkin Park
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Purple! Black! Red! Uh yeah I'll stop now
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Avatar: The Last Airbender (the original)
LAST MOVIE: Not sure exactly but I think it was Mean Girls (2004) (sister made me watch it)
SWEET/ SPICY/ SAVOURY: Savoury all in all, but I have to balance it out with sweet. I like my spicy stuff but if I was never able to eat it again I think I'd be fine.
CURRENT OBSESSION: Cyberpunk 2077 fr fr and AtLA is growing on me more and more with each episode
LAST THING I GOOGLED: Canon AtLA ships Imao I'm so curious but I couldn't find anything
Tagging @celestial-citrus @flesh-n-brain-rot @spacekrakens @samatedeansbroccoli @raiphend and anyone else!
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Last Line Challenge
I've been tagged six times in the past week by @jedi-enthusiast (twice!), @dreamerkath, @frostbitebakery, @tired-bshocked and @shortcuts-make-long-delays so I figured I should probably get around to doing it (you're getting an entire section now)!
This is from my pirate AU fic that I'm hoping will be a fill for Codywan week's battle husbands (lots of kissing and swapping weapons to be had)
“Have you come to your senses, Commodore?” The question came from the smooth but elderly-sounding voice he’d come to dislike over the past few days. He knew precisely who it was and refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing him break. “I’m afraid, sir, that was rather the question I had for you,” Obi-Wan answered, his voice as calm as ever, unwavering as he looked up to meet the cold blue eyes of his captor. He had to remain polite because his younger brother had been brought on board too. He wouldn’t put him at risk, not even when he found himself sitting in the brig of a merchant ship, shackles around his wrists and without his wig or hat like someone in his position should be wearing. “What do you want, Palpatine?” “For you to join us for dinner, Commodore Kenobi.” “In chains?” He only had to lift his bound wrists to make an almost satisfied smile come to his captor’s lips. The merchant was used to getting his way, that much was obvious. He was clearly also used to inflicting punishment on anyone who didn’t agree with him. Unfortunately, he found himself in that category. “I think not.” “Our other guest will be disappointed.” “Other guest?” Palpatine’s smile grew into something almost cruel as he lifted his hand to beckon someone and the footsteps that followed were thankfully familiar. He shouldn’t still be here, not days later, but his presence did soothe him a little. “Obi-Wan!” His name in his younger brother’s voice made the first real smile come to his lips in days, standing to greet him and was nearly thrown off-balance by the force of the hug, steadying himself as the younger man wrapped his arms around him tightly enough to cut off his air. “You’re not- Oh…” “It’s alright, Anakin.” He reassured softly, lifting his bound hands and awkwardly draping his arms around the other’s shoulders in the best hug he could give at that point. “I’m alright.” “Sir, you said he was a guest.” “Then I’m afraid I find Mr Palpatine’s hospitality to be lacking, my little Lieutenant.”
No pressure tags for @happybean17 @afoundling @anaclastic-azurite @ferretrade @shootingstarpilot @meantforinfinitesadness and @dontbelasagnax
Full pressure tags to everyone who tagged me (yes, it's a bit of piratey revenge)!
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arrow44 · 2 months
Tagged by @nerdnag!
Last song: Technically the Finale from the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack cause I just finished the show, lol. It's a banger, btw. Peeps should absolutely give it a shot if they haven't already and are the least bit interested in it.
Favorite color: Purple! I've had lots of different favorites (or just liked pretending purple wasn't my favorite), but I can confidently say purple is the best. I made my mom paint my room purple when I was a kid lmao
Currently watching: ... Does Hazbin count? It's the first new TV show I've watched since Obi-Wan came out. I really have a hard time sitting down and watching TV without feeling like I'm being unproductive so.
Spicy/sweet/savory: Depends? If I had to choose one, I guess it would be sweet.
Relationship status: Engaged!
Current obsession: Oh god, my adhd is currently obsessing over like four things. Hazbin, as I mentioned. FE3H (particularly edeleth and doropetra) is pretty much always on my mind. The new Mirrorverse event for Overwatch has me thinking about Widowtracer pretty hardcore. And my original novel I'm working on.
Oh yeah. Surprise! I'm writing a novel :^)
Tagging: @rumtumtuggerofficial @thehegemoncaller @kyokoenthusiast @saxesandsunsets
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simlit · 4 months
what kind of love are you | tagged by: @dandylion240 |
Taryn | Love as a Choice
you choose to love. Love does not come to you easily, but every day you wake up and choose it. It would be so easy, wouldn't it, to grow cold and callous and grim. But you rise to greet the world, making the conscious effort to find something, anything to love. When you fall for someone, you do not kid yourself of their flaws. Instead, you resolve to see them for who they are, mistakes and all and you love them all the same. Your love is work, and it does not come easy. Your love sweats and toils. It is calloused and sunburned; it bears scars and comes with stories. Your love is worn, but it is no less valuable for it. Being loved by you is like being loved by a gardener, a mother, a teacher. Your love may not always be the simplest, but it is worth the effort.
Yehl | Love as a Force of Nature
your love is like whiplash –– it comes in with the rain, it blows the doors wide open. When you fall in love, it is sudden and hard and immense. It is powerful. It is earth-shaking and world-ending. Nature is a force, and that force can be destructive if you're not careful. See how the world is doused in gasoline and set on fire ––your love consumes, your love takes, your love burns. You're hot and cold all at once, a hurricane and a wildfire bound together in skin, and when you're in love, it can feel like it's eating you alive from the inside out. When you love, it is with everything you have because it is everything you have. Be careful, darling, because not everyone survives the storm.
tagging: @amuhav | @thesimperiuscurse | @keibea | @rollingsim | @morrigan-sims | @lilypixels | @kuroashims | @izayoichan (farlo pls)
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philosophika · 7 months
Writeblr Positivity Tag
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Hi @inkovert! Thank you, as always, for the tag. Just a quick shout-out; if you don't know Inkovert yet, please please please go check out their WIP, My Dearest Enemy. Also, do you like having in-depth discussions about writing with other up-and-coming authors? Participate in @inkovert's Spilled Ink Saturdays. The first session (on book-to-screen adaptations) was a lot of fun!
✦ What motivates you to write?
I agree with @inkovert. It's not that I'm motivated to write, exactly... It's more that I feel I... have to? There's a sort of internal inertia that keeps pulling me back to fiction. Maybe it's obsession? Maybe it's Maybelline? 💃😉 No, but seriously, I think it may be connected to this weird instinct I have to document things? To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, when I was in my mid-twenties, I went through a terrifying break-in. I kid you not; there was a literal man with a balaclava crouched in my shower in the middle of the night. How did I respond? By screaming, obviously. But after the screaming? I called up my boyfriend and narrated every single detail of what I saw and heard while trying to escape the house with my family. In my mind, I felt it was critical to tell him what was going on, not because I thought it would help catch the culprit(s) (we didn't know if there were more), save us from whatever bitter fate awaited, etc., but kind of in the same way people carve "I was here" into walls? If I was going to die (which was a possibility; a friend's father died in similar circumstances at around the same time), I needed someone to know what I'd seen, to know that I'd seen... So, do I write because I'd die if I didn't? No. I write because I'm going to die anyway. Because I know I'm going to die.
✦ A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud of/happy with. If not, maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them):
I can do you one better! Because @inkovert kindly tagged me, I'd like to return the favour by referring you to their Wattpad page, where you can read their current WIP, My Dearest Enemy
✦ Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them, and what are they like?
Haha, I don't know if any of the OCs in The Sorcerer's Apprentice make me smile. They all worry me a lot. By accepting an apprenticeship with the sorcerer Valeriano, Altaluna is heading straight into a nest of venomous vipers, and they are going to maim her; they are going to maim her for life. Every time she feels optimistic or wow-ed by the glitz and the glam of her new environment, I cringe internally. My poor, sweet summer child! Valeriano, on the other hand, is a monster, so it's hard to smile when thinking of him. Hmm... maybe the only character I genuinely smile around is Cucufate, the talking monkey. He's the only character whose behaviour and snide comments can be underplayed as just 'animal antics,' which means he's the only character who can get away with giving people a little of what they truly deserve. It's hard not to love him for it.
✦ What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Again, I have to agree with @inkovert. The editing process means no blank page, and no blank page means (rejoice!) no existential suffering. My first drafts are always shit and a disappointment. But my second drafts? Dost thou want to live deliciously? With the second draft, I know where I'm going, what's happening, where to trim the fat and everything I need to make the story what I wanted it to be in the first place. Usually, I downright discard the first draft and write the entire story from scratch, but better, so much better. And editing the second (or sometimes, third) draft? Pure, unadulterated bliss. Goodbye, low self-esteem, goodbye doubts; cue me some Nina Simone, why don't you?
✦ What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Editing, re-drafting. I'm good at figuring out what's wrong and have no trouble whatsoever massacring my darlings.
✦ What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
The community! I love participating in tag & ask games, reading people's work, celebrating my mutual's triumphs, and sharing my progress. I don't have any writer friends outside of Tumblr (apart from academic writer friends, though they're a very different kettle of fish), so I really appreciate being able to log on and be met with all this creativity.
✦ A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Okay, so first thing first: I have ADHD. Any thought I have is an explosion that simultaneously sends spin-off thoughts in every imaginable direction, which, in turn, send spin-off thoughts in every imaginable direction, and so on and so forth, and on and on, until some of the spin-offs reach a dead end and their line withers, and/or I reach the limits of my capacity to hold all these thoughts in my mind and spontaneously combust. Instead of trying to fight this multi-generative tendency (this leads to a state of paralysis where I can't do anything), I've found a way to let the 'explosions' take the lead without overloading my systems, so to speak. Basically, I figured that if I stored every direction my mind went in somewhere other than my mind, I could let it do its thing without risking burnout. For that, I use MindNode, a visual brainstorming software. And let me tell you, it's been a life-saver. Now, when considering a scene, I document every possible route available to the characters and/or the setting, assign each ramification a score (for example, +1 Worldbuilding, +1 Foreshadowing, +1 Symbolism, +1 Character Development, -1 Cliché, -1 Undermines Tension, -1 Repetitive, etc.), and then choose the one with the highest score to write out. This method is obviously quite time-consuming, but it does have some unique strengths beyond helping me deal with my ADHD: (1) it ensures that there are no superfluous scenes in the grand design, (2) it ensures that all scenes are layered and fulfil multiple story functions at once, (3) it discourages going with the first option that presents itself (usually cliché, in my case), (4) it encourages out-of-the-box creative thinking, (5) and, finally, it's likely to lead to scenes that surprise you, the writer (for example, I was shocked by how many routes led to my character's death, lol). So, yeah, MindNode has been very helpful to me.
✦ A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law, etc)
I love the magic system, but I'm not sure I'll reveal anything more about it before publication than I already have in this post. You're just going to have to wait and see ;)
✦ Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
I follow TONS of talented writers on this site, among them: @inkovert, @that-chibi-writer, @tate-lin, @kingkendrick7, @ettawritesnstudies, @blind-the-winds, @aquadestinyswriting, @avrablake, @alinacapellabooks, @lordfenric-writes, @moonscribbler, @cee-grice, @sender-paulson, @sarah-sandwich, @liv-is, @athenswrites, @junypr-camus, @rubywrite, @winterandwords, @salmonandfox, @merlina87, @songsofsomnia, @words-after-midnight, @lucianinsanity, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @nanashi23, @sam-glade, @at-thezenith, @kestalsblog, @kaatiba, @theunboundwriter, and so many more!
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onyxsboxes · 15 days
Find the Word
Thank you @avonne-writes for tagging me 🥰
Rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
My Words: hug, hair, smirk, believe
Your Words: silver, support, swear, lake
All the snippets are from Werewolf!Gale au 😅
"What do I do?" "Okay, um, first you two have to get off the wing. No Buck, you have to do it on the ground, … yes, even though you love Our Baby." Kenny looks questioningly at Bucky, but he is cut off before he can ask how Cleven is going to get down. "Come on, little wolf, give me a hug, will you?" Kenny watches in amazement as the wolf hops off the plane's wing to land safely in Egan's outstretched arm. It's like all their interactions, like they've done this a million times.
So, they came up with a solution. A solution they're both very happy with. If, when someone gets too close, or things get too heavy, he needs to use his body to soothe everything and let them have a good night, he'll do it easily. Moreover, he loves draping himself over his little wolf. Feeling Buck's low growl reverberate through his bones, caressing his neck, sinking onto him, keeping other’s smell away, shielding Buck from the world, making him focus on John rather than the poor guy throwing up at the other side of the bar. Sometimes, sometimes, Buck will lift a hand to stroke his hair and start talking to him in his deep voice. And it's so nice. John loves doing this, smelling their scents and Buck's cologne mingling. It's like taking a break from hard work, drinking cool water in the summer. It's the best thing ever. Plus, if it can piss people off or make them uneasy, that's even better.
“I don't care what you do, but I can't sleep with all your noises.” Satisfied with his statement, Curt leaves for his room without giving Bucky time to respond. After a few steps, the lieutenant turns around with a smirk. “Don't tire him out too much, we need him up and running tomorrow. And don't forget kids, always wear protection.” Before closing his door. “What?” What the hell just happened? Did he just... ? Stunned, John closes the door. “You won't believe the conversation I just had with Curt."
John moves them both into a better position. They settle with Bucky on his back, Gale half on top of him, the jacket tucked snugly under his head. “Watch your fangs, don't tear it.” “You know you can't expect me to believe you next time you tell me you hate my jacket if you steal it all the time”. The younger lets out a muffled growl before burying his head deeper into the jacket and Bucky beneath him.
Tagging 🤗 : @anachilles @pinksiames @sempervera @alienoresimagines
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savriea · 1 day
5 characters tag
Thank you for the tag @darkurgetrash and @lemonsrosesandlavender !
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
This is so cute! I’m going to leave out the obvious ones (my BG3 boys) and stick with game characters (no movies/shows/books) so I don’t have to narrow down too much.
The poll says Detroit BG because I guess I can’t get BG3 off the mind. And now I can’t change it 🥲
Tagging: @falcatamandarina @heytheresunflower @orangekittyenergy @reverieblondie & @princess-leaorgana
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greyias · 5 months
People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @commander-krios -- thank you for the tag! ♥
Gale x Tav
Terra Branford x Locke Cole
Theron Shan x Jedi Knight
Draike x Lyra
Ben x Rass
Weeping Dawn by Borislav Slavov
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)
Bookshops and Bonedust by Travis Baldree, a backlog of Gale/Tav fics by @keldae, who is writing far faster than I can read 😂
Some croissant toast but all the local stores are out of it rn 😭
The leftover bulgogi tofu I made for dinner last night
Writinggggg -- have been doing quite a bit of background/planning work this week on some really long neglected WIPs but not been able to manage real words yet
My Tadfools I miss them
Tagging: @storyknitter, @keldae, @elveny, @aki888, @honekitteh, and @captainderyn
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sunnysideprincess · 3 months
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the wonderful @soliloquent-stark and @whinysteve tagged me to do the cosmos persona test 💫
This is accurate down to the shade of green I have on my nails 🫨 Also what do you mean I can't do 100 things all at once???
Tagging @pandagirl45 @venomous-soliloquy @crownofstardustandbone @ginbenci @polizwrites @robertdowneyjjr @earliebirb and whoever else wants to do it!
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