obscuriites · 6 months
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wataei icons with (checks notes) themes of yaoi for a friend, credit to use.
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lilac-melody · 2 years
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bellawoso · 3 months
aitana bonmati x reader
a/n : the sleeveless training top kills me every time i see it
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aitana had been obsessed impressed with you ever since the 2021 games of barcelona vs arsenal, although she knew that she should be overcome by feelings of pride for her teams winnings, she couldnt help but let her small crush on you get in the way of her celebrations.
sure she was tired after the match, but so was everyone else, and they still managed to have a night out in the london bars. aitana however, spent all night stalking your instagram account on a random fake account she had, normal behaviour right?
after the 2022 euros knockout match, where england were victorious, aitanas crush which she thought was gone, came back even bigger when instead of immediately celebrating with your teammates, you instead went to the nearest spanish player to you, which happened to be the spaniard herself, and started consoling her. your hand on her back made her skin tingle, and momentarily she almost forgot about the loss when you whispered into her ear how she played a good game, before bringing her in for a warm embrace. aitana didnt waste the chance of wrapping her arms round your waist as yours went around her neck.
the brunette wouldnt be surprised if she dropped down with a heart attack right there when you requested for a shirt swap, with you both being number 6 nationally. seeing her name sprawled across your back definitely didnt ease her racing heart or her flushed cheeks.
the next time you saw the spaniard was at the world cup final, although you were out with your ACL injury at the time, you still wouldnt miss this match for the world. as soon as england lost you were straight onto the pitch, comforting your national teammates, who were about to see spain being crowned world champions.
you were just about to go talk to lucy, a close friend of yours from national camps, until aitana stepped in your path. you had grown quite fond of the girl, despite the fact you had never played for the same teams, you both respected each other greatly, and often congratulated each other through instagram of the others achievements. you werent quite ready for the girl stepping out in front of you, you were still on crutches, almost ready to come off them, the spaniard just clipped your crutch with her boot causing you to tumble forward slightly. luckily the brunette was ready to catch you, her strong arms gripping onto your waist whilst she repeated “lo siento” and lectured her self in spanish, until you cut her off “hola aita, good game you deserve this so much, i know how hard you worked to get here.”
“ah yes- gracias y/n, i am upset you dont play today, im sure you would have made a difference” aitana managed to get out, in slightly broken english but you found it extremely endearing.
“yes i am sad too, but i will be back for the euros before you know it! so, balon d’or huh?” you said with a grin, it was extremely obvious that the girl you was talking to was going to be a future balon d’or winner, despite her humble nature as she argued with you, saying there are other people who deserve it more than her.
until you cut off her rambling once again “aita it was so lovely catching up with you, but im positive all of your teammates are waiting for you to celebrate, i wouldnt want to keep you” you stated with a soft smile and a glance at ona who waited behind aitana, and seemed to have finished consoling lucy.
as aitana turned to walk away, you started walking over to lucy, painfully unaware of the extremely obvious glances aitana kept giving you over her shoulder, the spaniard prayed you didnt hear onas teasing.
it was around the start of december when you began playing again, helping by scoring 2 goals in the 4-1 win against chelsea. it was unsurprising how you had ended up on barcas radar, it was very unusual for a player to somehow be better than they were pre-ACL, after only just returning. it was safe to say that aitana had watched every single arsenal game since you returned, even on the ones where you didnt play, just to catch a glimpse of you on the bench. the other girls on her team had noticed this, and despite aitanas insistence that it was to keep up with the WSL and to check on laia codina, her teammates werent stupid. and it was painfully obvious every time aitanas breath hitched when you were displayed on the screen, which was quite often as you were a fan favourite.
you had also developed a bit of a fan-girling crush on the spaniard herself, it was hard not to when you saw her training pictures on her story daily, and couldnt help but wonder what you would have to do to be blessed enough to witness her training in real life.
clearly you didnt have to do much, as your manager called you one day to talk about potential transfers, one immediately stood out to you, barcelona.
it all happened very quickly in your opinion, although your manager disagreed as barcelona were actually being quite annoying with offering you a contract as they were constantly holding it until last minute. until finally they managed to sit you down with pen and paper, for you to begin your new journey with them. the media followed shortly after, barcelona and arsenal seemingly decided to just dump all of your departure and new arrival videos on every single social media platform they had.
aitana was at home when the media teams dropped your videos, immediately clicking on the notification from barcelonas instagram. she had been waiting for a while for keiras fully edited catalan interview to be posted, so she was visibly shocked when instead she was met with the sight of you in the barca home kit.
aitana definitely knew she was down bad when she couldnt fall asleep that night, her thoughts clouded of you in that stupid home kit, even better, in the barca tracksuit you had worn for your interviews.
she quickly sent you an short instagram message just to say ‘hola, welcome to barca amiga :)’ before finally managing to fall asleep.
your arrival was soon after, and despite your initial worry of not fitting in to the team, you soon learned that you got along fine with the girls after your first training session. from the very beginning aitana clung to you, immediately becoming your bestfriend on the team and promising to take you to all of the best hidden gems in barcelona. it was amusing to the team of how obvious aitana was being and how oblivious you were to it all.
such as the day where aitana was hit twice on the head by a football after not hearing the shout of “heads” while staring at you with heart eyes as you laughed with ona.
or when she was still running laps and warming up with keira whilst you had a 1 v 1 with lucy, and she ran into a goal post. she never truly lived that one down, and the whole team new about it as she had to go down to medical with a minor concussion and miss the next match due to her headache.
the bonus was that you were too scared to leave aitana at her apartment by herself after reading up about concussions online, so you stayed with her for a week. which was longer than necessary, but aitana didnt need to know the real reason for your insistence to stay.
the most recent thing to happen was when she dropped a weight on keiras foot in the gym when she saw you walk in, looking particularly good in the training kit today, this action made the english girl snap, telling aitana to just go admit her feelings, whilst cursing under her breath and walking to the medical room for an ice pack.
lucy came up behind aitana after keira left, chuckling about the previous incident but also to reassure the spaniard “dont worry aitana, ive known y/n for ages, she likes you back, trust me” she said, making aitana nod and turn on her heels to confidently and calmly walk over to you, as you were currently near the mats with ingrid.
except this didnt happen, as aitana didnt seem very confident or calm at all as she tripped as she neared you, causing her to stumble straight into you, sending the both of you tumbling straight to the floor.
“dios mío! lo siento y/n, i dont know what happened!” you stayed on the floor laughing about what just happened, as vicky came over “i think i know what happened, aitana just fell for y/n!” the younger girl shouted for the entire gym to hear like the pest she was, causing both you and aitana to flush bright red, still on the floor.
until aitana leaned over to you “while were still down here, will you please go on a date with me?” she asked giving her best puppy dog eyes.
“i would love to aita”
you and aitana went on the date on saturday, the brunette had chosen for the two of you to go to a coffee shop in the little town where she was raised, you could tell just how proud and passionate she was of where she was born. at first, things were a bit awkward between the two of you, until you fell back into your usual rhythm of chatting and laughing.
except for when aitana bumped into someone she knew from her youth, and stumbled a bit over her words when introducing you, the words “shes my girl-” coming out of her mouth before blushed cut her self off and ended up blurting out “y/n, shes my y/n” with an awkward, toothy grin.
this made you burst out laughing, at aitanas newfound social awkwardness, and the strangers confusion, it was only after they walked away that you playfully bumped your shoulder against hers, saying “if you wanted to be my girlfriend you could have just asked” with a smirk.
“cállate! muy molesta-“ as she carried on with her spanish rambling making you smile at seeing her worked up state until she suddenly asked “wait were you being serious that i can ask to be your girlfriend?”
“well normally back in england we dont ask the person for permission to ask them to be our girlfriend, but whatever suits you tana!” you answered back playfully.
“fine then! i wont ask if your going to be all sarcastic about it” the older girl replied. “sure you wont aita, sure.” taking a sip from your water bottle while the brunette seemed to be giving you the silent treatment
“be my girlfriend” she suddenly stated, making you choke on your water “thats really not how we ask back in england, spain must be very different” you thought aloud.
“stop it! just confirm it with me, we are basically dating all ready!” aitana huffed in faux frustration about how annoying you were being about this. “okay, okay! i would love to be your girlfriend then aitana.” this made her grin, so you were guessing you were in the good girlfriend books at the moment.
you and aitana went on many more dates after that, the two of you fit so perfectly. although you were both extremely talented footballers, aitana was always very work focused, whereas you got bored of things like match analysis very easily. where aitana was extroverted around new people, you were usually very quiet around strangers. you both balanced each other out very well, aitana often having to help you with your match analysis, and you being the one to get aitana to bed at the right time instead of letting her rewatch the match again.
one thing that aitana never really seemed to grow out of was the honeymoon stage, after two months of being together openly, she really should have got used to the fact that you were hers and she was yours. however, the spaniard never quite got over the fact that the two of you were actually together, especially after crushing in you for the past couple of years.
this led to her quite literally just trailing around after you everywhere, like a lost puppy. when you finally snapped and told her to go to keira, and socialise with her friends, said lost puppy suddenly became a kicked puppy that looked like you just abandoned it on the side of the road.
“but amorrrr, i wont bother you! i promise!” she begged, giving you her best puppy dog eyes.
“aitana no! you have hardly spoke to your friends all week, and although i love you, your starting to really annoy me!” you said. your girlfriend had already dropped a dumbell on your ankle after she decided she needed to do her arm workouts right next to your workout mat. she had then spilt coffee all over you, which although she claims is all okay now as she gave you her hoodie to replace your top, you never quite got over the sticky coffee feeling in your skin.
your last straw was when she decided to try trail right behind you into your meeting with jonatan and some of the other coaches, solely a checkup and a one to one meeting about things to work on in training.
“aitana no! go to keira please, i love you but this is a one on one meeting, your not allowed to be in here” you didnt leave time for her to argue as you quickly planted a kiss on her lips and went into the room, shutting the door straight behind you.
you were never normally one to reject your girlfriends clinginess, however sometimes you just needed your own personal space, and today was an odd day where things werent going right and your temper was short.
you were going to apologise to aitana, but as soon as you came out of your meeting she was there with flowers and coffee for you, and saying sorry for annoying you today. “aitana no, its fine, if anything, i am sorry. i love being around you as your my girlfriend, but i do think its important you start hanging out with your friends again!”
“yes amor i understand, i actually went with ona to get the flowers and she got some for lucy too!” aitana replied, as she planted a kiss on your lips.
on the way home, aitana also called at one of your favourite shops that sold books and records. despite her being more of a spotify and film person, she still made an effort to be enthusiastic in the shop. she definitely did not get bored and decide to pull you in for a kiss behind the non fiction book shelf.
however, she still never really left her honeymoon phase.
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liked by ingrid_engen, lucybronze and 23,962 others
caption: she follows me everywhere but its okay tagged: aitanabonmati
aitanabonmati: you love it
-> yourusername: i do.
lucybronze: you two make me throw up
-> yourusername: dont act like you and ona arent the same.
marialeonn16: i counted 3 balls to aitanas head yesterday training
-> vickyylopezz._: she fell over aswell 😭
-> yourusername: guys leave tana alone! 🥹
-> aitanabonmati: what my gf said.
user1: they are so cute omg 😭
user2: power couple!
user3: best woso couple there is
a/n: this is not proofread so no judgement to bad grammar pretty pleasee
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froggybells · 2 months
So what’s the deal?
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Sanemi x fem!reader
a/n: HI I AM BACK AGAIN this time my wonderful boy sanemi needs some love. he might b a little ooc but i like to think he wouldn’t resist a beautiful woman (wink wink) reader is totally a tease bc i feel like he would totes get flustered LOL
synop: amidst hashira practice, you get the bright idea to tease sanemi.
Word count: 1k
Part 2 —> here
Part 3 —> here
The first time Sanemi Shinzugawa laid eyes on you, we saw you as nothing more than a pest- always getting into things that you shouldn’t, and seemingly oblivious to the obvious irritation you caused him. He couldn’t help but wonder why no one else shared his frustrations. 
Soon something changed. His feelings of irritation soon changed into some sort of possessiveness- needing to make sure you weren’t hurt because it’s obvious your dont know how to take care of yourself. 
“Shinazugawa! I don’t understand why I can’t go practice with Tomioka? I was walking by yesterday and saw you trying to kill him! I’m a Harshira too, damnit!” You yelled at him. 
“He’s too weak for you to practice with! Plus, you’re too idiotic to do things on your own.” Sanemi stated firmly, giving you a glare. He doesn’t care if you’re a Hashira, he’ll still treat you like an idiot. 
“I’m literally the first sun breather in generations!” You said, pointing your wooden sword at him. “Does that not make me powerful enough for you?!” You sighed, rubbing your temples. Suddenly, you looked at him with a sly smirk on your face. That couldn’t be good, you thought. 
“Sanemi,” He flinches at the use of his first name, “Let’s make a deal.” He pauses, a deal? He’s definitely curious at your offer. What kind of deal could you make? “And why would I agree to that?”
You scoffed. “No matter how you act, you still respect me and my strength.” He turned his head away. “Tch- fine. I’ll agree to your stupid deal, but it better not be a waste of my time.”
”Let’s do a real practice battle. Not training. If I win, you’ll let me battle with Giyuu,” God, you using his first name made his blood boil, “If you win, well, you can decide the punishment.”
A hint of a smirk appeared on his face. A practice battle? This was going to be easy. “Alright dumbass, you’re on. You won’t win. Not against me.” You drew your wooden sword, getting into proper position. “Let’s get this over with.”
He laughed at you, “Don’t cry about getting your ass kicked when I’m done! Got it?” You charged quickly, ignoring his words, landing a blow to his knee and chest, quickly zipping away. He hisses in both pain and annoyance, but quickly regains his composure, a smirk on his face as he watched you zip away. “You have some speed, I’ll give you that much. Let’s see if you can do it again!” He barked.
He took off after you, aiming for your leg, but you jump quickly. “Too slow ‘Nemi!” You got a hit on the back of his head, knocking him over. 
He lands on the ground with a thump, groaning in pain before quickly scrambling to his feet. ‘Damnnit,’ he thought, ‘She’s a lot faster than she lets on.”
“Don’t give up yet Sanemi! Come at me!” In a flash, he’s over to you within a second, hitting you in the stomach. The force knocks you over, hailing a cloud of dust. 
His vision now clouded, he couldn’t see where you ran off to. “I”m ending this here!” You yell, kicking his back, forcefully knocking him over. “I win!” You gleam, now sitting on his back. 
“Get off me dumbass!” He screams as you kick his sword away. “Nope.” You say, popping the P. “I said get off me, damnit!” You smirk at his words. “Oh yeah? What’ll you give me in return?” He struggles some more, groaning in annoyance as he can barely move. He let’s out a scoff, narrowing his eyes at you. “What do you want, you brat? I’ll give you anything, just get the hell off me!”
You look down on him. “You have to go on a date with me.”
His face turned red. “What?!” He sputters. You have to be joking, there’s no way you’d seriously as him that. “You want me to go on a date with you? Seriously?”
“As serious as I’ll ever be! Can’t our just imagine it! Us strolling around under the cherry blossoms? It’ll be beautiful!” A slight blush dances around your face. He feels a slight fluttering sensation in his stomach- seeing you blush like that was weirdly cute to him. But nonetheless, he was still surprised. why would you want to go on a date with him?
”You really want to go out on a date with me?” He questions, looking up at you, a slight flush on his cheeks from embarrassment. “Of course ‘Nemi! You’re attractive, I’m attractive. You’re strong, I’m stronger. We would make the perfect pair! So what do you say,” You finally step off of his back, helping him to stand up. “Will you go on a date with me?”
The red tinge on his face darkens as you help him up, standing at his full height. He looks down at you, his expression slightly vulnerable. He lets out a huff, not being able to look you in the eye. “Fine, I’ll go on a date with you. Dammit, you’re so stubborn! But just this once, got it?”
”Just this once!” You lean in to whisper in his ear. “Unless you beg for more~” You tease at him. You begin to walk away, a dark crimson staining his face. “Well then, I’m off to my estate! I’ll be back in the morning to discuss our arrangement!” You wave goodbye, not looking back. The truth is, your face was just as red as his, and you couldn’t bear the thought of him seeing you this way.
”Damn Woman.” He mutters in frustration.
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quo vadis
where are you going?
tags: depiction of mutilation, gore—sebastian basically kills you but in a disturbing way, all in all—dont read if you have a sensitive heart.
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?” You absentmindedly asked, staring at the ceiling that was adorned in paper stars.
Oh, how you loved those stars.
You enjoyed stargazing before your life went to shit, it was an everyday ritual of yours.
It was a pleasant surprise when Sebastian told you to cover your eyes and lay down on the cold floor.
“Just trust me, lay down.” You could hear a smile in his voice, so you chose to trust him.
You settled into a comfortable position, letting your body relax.
“Open your eyes now.” And you did. The ceiling was filled with all sorts of stars that were made with paper and pencil.
“You… remembered?”
“Of course I did.” He laid down next to you, rolling his tail up so that it wouldn’t be in your way.
“In every universe? Of course! I don’t see it any other way.” He interlocked his fingers with yours. No matter how many times he does it, it still makes your face heat up.
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
You smile at the reassurance, closing your eyes and letting yourself fall into a peaceful slumber.
Sebastian didn’t notice it until he heard soft snores next to him.
“You’re hopeless, I love you.” Sebastian whispered before reaching his free hand up to his lure, flicking it down to let the room be consumed in darkness.
When you awoke, Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. There was a mild ache in your back from sleeping on the hard floor, but your main focus was looking for Sebastian.
After sitting up, you crawled towards the vent’s opening.
You peeked your head out, the doors were closed, and it was silent.
You knew it was a bad idea, you did, but your curiosity got the better of you.
He told you to never leave his hideout without him. He was afraid of you getting hurt.
With a slight push, you were out of the vent. The air seemed thick, thicker than when you made your way through these halls the first few times.
You decided to go to the doors that were in descending order, figuring that it would be pointless for Sebastian to go through the newer doors.
It was lonely. Sebastian wasn’t here to distract you from the horrors down here, it was scary, almost.
You shook the thoughts away, continuing on.
You found data scattered throughout the levels, how did he miss them?
You shoved as many vials and usb sticks into your pockets as you could since you didn’t bring a bag.
You had no proper protection.
Oh, well. At least the creatures down here could be easily countered.
You passed through at least seven doors, and yet, there was no sign of Sebastian.
You were starting to grow more and more paranoid, would it be too late to turn back?
No, keep pushing. You needed to see him.
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, and cold sweat made your clothing cling to your body uncomfortably.
You heard quiet footsteps behind you, thank goodness Sebastian was here.
He didn’t have legs though.
You turned around with a relieved smile, but that was quickly wiped off of your face as you were met with what you assumed to be an Urbanshade guard.
“Hands. Up.” He pointed his gun straight at your face.
Your anxiety was through the roof. You had no choice but to comply with his demand.
You held your hands up, the weight of your selfish actions could be described as a pressing weight on your chest.
“You little brat. The company knew something was up when your PDG was rendered destroyed.” He continued on, his grip on his gun tightening ever so slightly. “Don’t think we don’t know about Z-13 at door 50.“ Your eyes widened at the mention of your beloved’s code name.
“You will come with me.” He walked towards you, the gun never lowering.
Your body felt heavy. This was all your fault, wasn’t it?
The guard got behind you. He holstered his gun and grabbed your arms harshly enough to make you wince.
“Shut up.” He cuffed your wrists together. The cold metal felt uncomfortable, and the cuffs were adjusted a little too tight.
He grabbed his gun again, pointing it at your head. “Walk.”
So you did.
Thoughts were running rampant in your mind. Where was Sebastian? Was he okay? Were you going to die? Will you ever see him again?
You were trying your best to hold back tears. You felt so helpless, you hated it.
The numbers on the doors got smaller and smaller. Would it be so bad to let him kill you right then and there?
A loud yell was heard behind the two of you, the guard turned around, leaving you with an opportunity.
You kicked the guard’s legs with your dominant leg, causing him to fall on his back.
You ran.
“You little bitch, get back—“
His words were cut off, but you didn’t stop. You ran as far as you could, trying to stay balanced.
Adrenaline. That’s all that was keeping you going. You had passed through three doors, and you felt your muscles ache.
You knew you should have worked out more.
You tripped on your own feet, landing face first onto the cold, smooth, concrete floor.
Harsh winces escaped from your throat, you lifted your face up to see blood on the once greyish-white floor. It must be from your nose.
Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t get up as your hands were cuffed.
You felt so pathetic. You couldn’t save yourself.
Whatever had gotten the guard was about to get you, too.
It came into the room, ripping the door off of the hinges and coming near you.
It flipped you over, and you saw Sebastian.
He was covered in blood. He didn’t look anything like the Sebastian you knew.
The Sebastian who would hold you close at night.
The Sebastian who would company you on small scavenges.
Bloodlust was all that you saw in his eyes.
Before you could even speak, he began to attack you.
His claws dug into your chest, and he harshly pulled them out, leaving deep cuts in your chest. “Sebastian—!” You cried out, he couldn’t hear you, could he?
His head dipped down towards your arm, and he bit your bicep.
He bit your bicep.
His razor sharp teeth easily tore through your skin, hitting your bone.
The noises of your bones being crunched made you cringe. The pain wasn’t registering yet.
The flesh that once protected your arm was now being chewed by Sebastian.
Your beloved was about to eat you alive.
In a desperate attempt to make him stop, you screamed, loudly.
The high pitched noise snapped him out of it.
The darkness that clouded his eyes was now gone.
His sworn spouse.
The person he ‘married’.
Sebastian ate their flesh.
He felt nauseous.
How were you even conscious?
Sebastian’s eyes met your half-lidded ones.
Poor Sebastian.
It wasn’t his fault, right?
He didn’t mean to.
No, he just wanted to protect you.
Sebastian weakly called your name.
Your breathing was labored, your hand was weakly clutching at your chest where blood quickly seeped out of, and your head was lolling back due to the lack of strength in your body.
It felt like you were high. You could feel your body tingle, trying its best to keep you conscious.
Sebastian cradled your body in his arms, fat tears falling from all of his eyes. “[Name]… Nononono. This isn’t—happening?! Don’t go. Please. Please stay with me.”
It was hard to make out what he was saying, you couldn’t hear him properly, nor could you speak in the current state that you were in.
The pain was hitting you at full speed now.
You cried.
All you could do was weakly cry. Your body was messed up beyond comprehension, there was no way that you were going to survive this.
Every breath was agony. Every inhale felt like needles were being inserted into your chest.
Sebastian just watched. He couldn’t reverse what just happened.
He was powerless. He couldn’t save you. Not this time.
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creepygirlcemetery · 3 months
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˚ i'll burn your name into my throat ♡ i'll be the fire that catches you : ticci toby x reader
warnings  𓂅 fluff, confession, best friends to lovers, sorta cliff hanger kinda? ┊an : im gonna shart this is my 3rd time trying to upload this wtf ... reblogs are appreciated !
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"psst toby" you whispered, turning to the boy next to you, the lesson being too boring for you to bother paying attention to. your best friend, toby, turned his head, looking at you in confusion. "i got you something. you then pulled out two concert tickets you had been keeping in the back of your notebook.
"are those for me? he asked you, raising an eyebrow. you excitedly nodded your head. "i know how much you love this band. i managed to get tickets last minute." you explained, handing him one of the tickets.
his heart skipped a beat, this was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for him. he took the ticket in his hand, a small vet excited smile forming on his face.
"i bought two so i can come with you.. but if you dont want me to thats okay i understa-!" "i want you to come" he said softly, cutting you off. you spent the rest of the class period talking about how you were going to go about the concert. you two agreed he'd pick you up, since he had a car, and he'd drive the both of you to and from the concert.
"i can adjust the seat for you if you want" he muttered. it was late, you had just gotten back to the car. your feet were killing you and it felt like you could fall asleep at any moment. you sat in the passenger seat. trying to get into a comfortable position.
"yes please" you replied. he reached over, whispering a little apology when he felt as though his arm was putting pressure on your stomach. he adjusted the seat so you could lay down and get some rest on the car ride home.
it was quiet, but in a comforting way. you were the only person who liked to hang out with toby. he never understood why you'd make an effort to talk to him, be kind to him, or stick up for him, but loved you and he never could have traded it for the world. so while you slept peacefully in his passenger seat, after bringing him to a concert he couldve only wished to go to, he accepted that things happen and sometimes you dont need to understand why.
he gently tapped you awake after parking in a random spot in your condo's parking lot. "we're here" he told you softly. you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. tiredly getting up and putting the seat back in its original position. "thanks for the ride toby" you mumbled, picking up your bag from the passenger floor. he replied with a "no problem" as you unbuckled the seat belt and reached for the car door.
"you okay?" he asked. you couldnt get yourself to open the door. you turned to him, a soft blush tinting your cheeks and nose bridge. maybe it was time for toby to understand. maybe it was time for him to understand why you were always the first to stick up for him, to be there for him with open arms, to treat him kindly, to love him. "tobias, i'm inlove with you"
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freemansgirl · 1 year
video games
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pairing: amber freeman x fem reader
genre: smut
words: 1.4k
summary: you ride amber as she plays dead by daylight after she had a rough game to make her feel better <3
warnings: cowgirl position, g!p amber (she has a dick, dont read if you dont like it) p in v, praise kink.
a/n: this smut based on a new nsfw hc i added to my dating amber hcs! got too carried away w the daydreams in my head and wanting to put it in fiction😵‍💫 pt 2 will be on the way soon 😘
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“shit, (your name).” amber moaned out, as your hips grinded against hers. her dark brown eyes were looking so glossy, struggling to keep focus on the game in front of her. the way you were riding her made her feel like she was seeing stars, you were doing all so good for your beloved girlfriend, amber. she loved seeing your hips clasp around her hard dick, each leap was getting stronger than the last one. amber found her eyes shifting from the game back to you, the distraction of you riding her was getting to her now.
honestly, she could use the distraction, she was loving it so much. this all started when you started to palm her dick and touch her through her pants to feel on her clothed dick, it went from you giving her a sweet blowjob to now you were just riding her. before this had even happened, amber was having her rough days of when she played dead by daylight, which was pretty rare since she was so skilled at the game. however, last game, was an awful match for her, the survivors were way too good and they were getting generators done, no matter how hard amber worked to stop them when playing as ghostface. seeing her rank go down due to the lack of rank progress, it pissed her off so bad.
it made her want to get off the game so bad and just call it quits for the day. to make matters worse, the survivors were sending her hate messages and she sent them threatening messages back, threatening to kill them or just sending their ip addresses, just the usual. typical amber stuff when she gets mad. you hated seeing her upset, so like the good girlfriend you came up with some amazing ways to just make her feel better. you wanted to give her a “good luck” charm for her next game, so she can win to make up for her last game. the riding did a good job at relaxing her nerves and keeping her so calm from the anger she had earlier.
your arms were wrapped around her pale neck, as you threw your head back in ecstasy. you were moving your hips up and down in all of the right rhythms, just for amber to let out even more low groans. your walls were throbbing as you were just pushed your clit more and more inside of her dick. the more you pushed yourself onto her, the more you could see her dick disappearing. your wetness being on top of her dick was just adding more to the lubrication, your pussy was sliding in and out so easily with her. you start to kiss all over her cheek to her neck to add more affection to your girlfriend for her good efforts on the game.
“damn, baby, you’re so….. tempting. you make me wanna quit this game and just take you on my bed, right here and now….” amber expressed, her voice dripping with lust and horniness. even though she liked the challenge of seeing if she could stay focused on the game as her girlfriend fucks her, she wanted you so bad. the way your pussy just feels so good and your cute moans just drives her insane. as much as she wanted to improve her rank progress from last game, she wouldn’t hesitate to risk it all just to fuck you. this was just so attractive to her, why didn’t she even make the suggestion of you ride her when she has her bad days on dead by daylight sooner?
“nuh-uh, ambs, eyes on the prize. do good on this game first, then you can fuck me, okay?” you requested in your sweet, charming voice as you left a soft kiss on her pale cheek. as if you were some type of siren that sung her a hypnotizing song, she immediately listened to you. this would make the challenge even better. the palms of her hand on the controller were starting to grip harder than usual, fighting the urge to not grab you and throw you against the bed. amber’s self control was something that she struggled handling, she always had the higher sex drive between the two of you in the relationship.
she caught herself looking off of the tv screen and back at your breasts presented in front of her. she bit her lip just looking at them, they were just such a blessing to look at. amber definitely wanted to give those some special attention too, once she finished the game. you looked at your girlfriend with such a playful smirk on your face, trying to hold back a laugh. “focus, amber.” you grabbed her chin with your left hand to turn her gaze off your breasts back to the screen.
“fuck…” amber groaned, her black eyebrows furrowed, while she slightly moved her thigh to add friction since she couldn’t do anything because she was playing the game. she couldn’t wait to continue round two in the bed once she was finished with this game. she had hooked 3 survivors, all of them dead, while she searched for the last remaining one that looked for the hatch to escape the match. “you like that, baby?” you whispered, lightly squeezing her shoulder with both of your hands to ground yourself as you continued riding on her.
“yeah, you’re doing amazing, all for me, baby.” she breathlessly groaned, enjoying all of your movement on top of her dick. she felt herself close her eyes for a split second just out of pleasure. “just wait ‘til i kill this fucker and i’ll win the game. i’m going to fuck you on the bed as a celebratory win.” she added to her words, her eyes were still glazed over while looking at the screen trying to look dwight, the last dead by daylight survivor in the match. the idea of her getting to fuck you as a way to celebrate winning the match after the god awful match she had earlier, motivated her to search long and hard for him. she could feel herself getting close to release, her facial expression was getting screwed up.
“better hurry up and find him, babe.” you seductively spoke, ending your statement with a petty laugh. you started to hop more and more on her dick, your ass just bouncing on her hips with so much pressure. to add more sensation and pleasure, you changed your tempo in riding on her. at the new change in speed, amber could feel her dick just wrecked with how fast you were going on her. she could feel her hands getting sweaty around her controller from all the arousement the riding caused and from the pressure to win the game so she can fuck you.
the more your pussy was just taking her dick, she was honestly close to cumming. amber knew that all too familiar feeling too well, she could feel her dick getting ready to release. just as soon as she was about to cum, she finally found the survivor. she killed dwight using ghostface’s mori in the game. the sight of dwight being pulled up by ghostface with his hair from behind while he took a photo of him with a camera. it was now visible on the screen. “gonna fuck you just like this, baby…” she grunted, when she felt another one of your hard thrust come onto her dick. you didn’t even need to turn around to see what scene she was talking about, you knew your ghostface fanatic girlfriend too well.
with the idea of her fucking you like the image on screen stuck in her head, amber immediately climaxed right inside of your pussy. she felt her whole body get relaxed as she shoots her cum right inside of your pussy, your entrance was creamed with her dick. you stopped moving, while your body was rising up and down out of exhaustion from riding her so much. so many sounds of inhaling and exhaling of your breath escape from your lips.
you were about to get off but you noticed that amber took her left hand off of her ps4 controller to grab you instantly. she looked up at you with the most seductive smirk ever, her dark brown eyes were filled with lust and mischievous intentions. “let me turn the game off first, baby. there’s no need to rush.” she reassured you, while putting her left hand back on the controller to turn off the game system. amber now puts the controller down on her nightstand, next to the tv. she starts to lift you off her dick and grabs you by your hips, pushing you gently to the bed with her hands. next thing you know, she’s on top of you and things lead to another, leaving you two to a wonderful, sexual evening.
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4pfsukuna · 2 months
Enemies to f⭐️cking lover Toji
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Ok so ive been thinking about releasing a 3-5 part enemies to lovers(or something along those lines) for toji although i know the most common works on here is one shot smut. Trust smut will be involved… its toji
You used to be an american spy but japan pays nearly tripple. The jobs were quick easy taking 2 days at max. You had climbed the interest ladder for your ability to get things done in a quick and neat fashion with minimal mess and uproar increasing your salary from 4 figures to six in only a couple of months. Unfortunately theres another assasin whos getting in your way and hes the exact opposite of everything you stand for. 
Not only does he not wear a mask to cover his identity, he lets his targets know exactly who he his just so they can have his name as their last thought before death.
Toji fushiguro.
The biggest jackass youve ever met.
This wasnt your typical one sided beef where youd get mad at him and hed flirt no he had beef with the number one assassin who was stealing his target which means his money. It truly grinded his gears and yours when they made you split a salary.
“Might as well go home princess” you hear his raspy voice though princess was said in a derogatory way hes made it clear several times he hated the way you did things. Why be so… clean. Death is death.
“Fuck off pretty boy go back and crawl into whatever shitty little backroom of a laundry mat and return to horse betting” you seethe having done your research on him. Its not like he needed the money for anything important unlike you who wanted it for taking care of responsibilities back home.
This mission had been one of your biggest yet and you did not need to blow your hiding spot nor cover by arguing with his big ass over nothing.
You're grabbed from the crouching position your in and slammed against the brick wall not hard enough to hurt but it does press into your all black outfit.
“You can do whatever research you want on me but you dont fucking know me… you dont know shit.” he snarls lip on his scar stretching further yet you shove him off. “And im not a pretty boy”
“Please youre not the threat you think you are” you scoff attempting to bruise his ego and the way he steps forward lets you know you did but you never let your guard down to your surroundings and youre quick to pull out your gun aiming in his direction.
He chuckles crossing his arms over his broad chest and you may be uninterested but youre not blind to how his compression tee squeezes him in a way thats… satisfactory to the eye.
“Going to shoot me princess? I thought you were too good to get your hands dirty. Squeemish at blood even” he pokes until you release six shots shooting the men slowly approaching that he failed to notice.
“You fucking shot me!” He growls touching the tiny drip of blood from where the bullet grazed the tip of his ear just enough to break skin not cause any definite damage. 
Taking a bow you smirk before making eye contact with him the only gap in your mask being the slot for your eyes.
“Oh sorry about that pretty boy, ill do you a solid and let you tell shiu you got this one all on your own.” you tease knowing his pride wouldn't let him take the credit for something he wouldn’t do. 
“No i don’t want your pity kill” he seethes looking as if he’s ready to throw a tantrum yet you can only smile knowing you won this battle.
“Great more money for me” you grin running past him the location no longer serving you any purpose. It was time to cash in and Shiu didnt stay up past 2am.
Toji grabs your arm stopping you from escaping though before he could speak the faint sound of sirens in the distance growing closer.
“What? You goin’ to hold me here until the cops get here with these other dead bodies how do you think that’s going to look? A big, strong and muscular giant holding a petite young woman like myself” you victimize yourself and you watch the frustration grow in his eyes knowing he has to let you go.
“Its not fucking over” he hisses releasing you with a slight push making your smile grow even wider.
“Great more chances for me to teach a pup like you what not to do” you tease tearing off a piece of his shirt and pressing it to his ear. “Wouldn’t want your blood at a crime scene would we fushiguru”
And youre dissapearing into the darkness of night and he watches your silhouette slip down an alley until he no longer can. 
You may have thought you had the last laugh but he was best friends with Shiu. So when you near you third week of no assignment you figure its time to reach out to the former and see what the issue is. Learning that Toji somehow convinced him you wanted a break you decided it was time to cut your ties temporarily with the man and find a new “project manager”
The next assignment is the most you’ve ever been offered so high in the six digits it’s close to seven and for a simple retreival mission.
So when youre standing surrounded
Waking up with a throbbing headache youre confused when you meet the eyes of a spikey haired 5 year old who is playing with a toy truck a black puppy not to far behind. He must feel you stairing since he turns to face you and gives you a toothy grin.
“My dad must like you, he doesnt let us wear hats in the house but let you keep your mask on” he stutters slightly and you reach up feeling the mask
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fae-morrigan · 4 days
Someone put a post (where they admit they straight up dont know these characters lol, and also spell damian as 'damien' so like. yknow.) in the tags saying that if you're a fan of Jon & Jay, you shouldn't buy super son. Well, as the crowned CEO of Jay & Jon, I'm here to tell you guys that you absolutely should.
Super Son did the amazing thing of hitting several marks that I predicted while still managing to surprise me in how they hit them. Which is high praise for any story: A great narrative should be able to both meet reasonable audience expectations (i.e, staying in character, setup payoff) WHILE STILL throwing in curveballs that tell you something new.
There's a lot I want to analyze and get into, namely how I think the rooftop conversation between Jon & Nia is really brilliantly done in what it says about both characters, but mainly I've been thinking a lot about how great those last few pages were and how I think Sina absolutely nails how Jon & Jay's specific issues interact with each other.
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Jay's always been a blunt person. From their first meeting back in SOKE 2, hes said what he thinks, and rarely does he try and soften himself. More than that, his bluntness is often a shield from vulnerability, which Jay struggles with the whole scene. It makes total sense, after what hes experienced (re-traumatization at the hands of a friend) that he's displaying that trait again.
Jon, however, is immediately vulnerable. This is the most poignant confession of the issue: Not even in the amazing sequence of Nia helping him make a place in the darkness (look, its back, thanks isabel!) do we get this admission of fear.
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And Jay, like always, embraces him. Sidenote, LOVE how they got in the thing Jon does where he's constantly tucking his face in people's shoulders during hugs.
But the moment ends, and we get here. First of all, cold af. I could feel the aura before I turned the page.
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Second of all: Jay is totally valid in feeling this way. And it makes perfect sense that he would.
Sara was his everything. Getting her back was one of his main motivations in SOKE. Because of Nia's actions, she died horribly (do you know what happens to a person when they fall from that sort of height? I do. Its AWFUL.) for an unjust cause. Of course he's glad she can't hurt anyone else!
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And that's when we get to my FAVORITE PART! Oh how I love this bit. Because like. You understand why Jon's angry- Its a harsh thing for Jay to say! Nia was the one who kept him sane while he was trapped in his own mind! But Jay, like always, is RIGHT: Jon DOESN'T get it. How could he?
Jon Kent will NEVER, ever, be put in this position. Out of universe, his parents are Clark Kent and Lois Lane. They'll ALWAYS come back. Hell, the fact they'll always come back is something Ma LITERALLY says to Jon in SOKE. He will never, ever have to know this pain.
In universe, Jon's a white american. Despite being queer, despite being an alien, he'll never know what its like to be this kind of collateral, delegated as pawns in a greater war for 'freedom'. That is what killed Sara at the end of the day: imperialism.
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This next bit hurts my heart. Great job, guys!
For one: Jon claims he's not excusing the mistakes Nia made, but by downplaying it like this... yes he is. But did you catch that part? Right at the start of that bubble?
"I'm going to fight every day to make up for my own part in this."
That's where it clicked for me. Something I had been hoping for since Nicole first called them twin flames.
He's projecting.
Of COURSE he's defending Nia. Of COURSE he wants Jay to forgive her. It isn't just about the fact that she gave him support, it isn't just the dreams, its the fact that... well. If Jay can't forgive her... how could he EVER forgive HIM?
THIS is where the fact that Jon and Nia are so similar as character SINGS. They become mirrors to each other, evaluating their own self worth through the other, at the unintentional expense of the people they've hurt.
Jay's right, though. Again. Its almost like he's the embodiment of the truth or something. He doesn't HAVE to do anything.
When he starts crying though, I immediately was RUINED. This is the first time we have EVER seen him cry before during his entire existence of a character. And its not really even because his mom is dead (though yes, that) and its not even because of the argument. Its because Jay fundamentally wants to be understood, and he's not getting that.
Which is important for the next bit:
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I want to first backtrack a bit to Son of Kal El again, specifically, issue fourteen, right here.
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Hello, two-panel sequence that succinctly describes these two as characters. How convenient you are for me, a guy analyzing a work that isn't written prose.
Jon isn't good at letting go, for better or for worse. The things he cares about stay with him, and when something or someone tries to exit his life, he clings to them with all his might.
Jay however, both selflessly and selfishly, is willing to let go first if he thinks its better for the other person. To me this line so effortlessly summarizes who Jay is- he's a person who's accustomed to not having things, and will leave before it hurts and he gets too attached.
And that thought is ALL over this scene. Jay, who begins to let go, Jon, who both literally and physically CLINGS to jay, practically begging him to stay.
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(Sidenote. This is like, the third time Jay mentions breaking up when Jon starts acting up. Good for you king, keep that white boy on his toes, let him know he ain't all that.)
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Every little detail of this four panel sequence is killing me. "My worst nightmare is not having a home with you in it." His greatest desire. The thing that kept tipping him off in every fake reality Nia constructed for him- Jay's absence. Him wiping the tear of Jay's cheek. Jay walking away from him.
But what really gets me is how on this page, Jon talks about them as 'we', while Jay is firmly stuck in 'I.'
This is what made me LOSE MY MARBLES at three in the morning. Just utterly fucking off my rocker in a straightjacket talking to myself.
Because this is what JON wants. But is it what JAY wants?
Jon never asks.
What about what Jay fears? What about the life that HE wants? What if he doesn't want San Francisco? What if the life he wants is the life he HAD before everything went wrong? Jon outright says he wants a fresh start. But Jay, Jay's someone with such deep connections to what he just lost, what he likely WANTS to get back. His country. His mother. His sense of self. But. He says yes.
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(Sidenote. FIRST I LOVE YOU WOOOOOOOOOO) To quote my buddy Dami: Oh, the drama of needing a future with someone who can't get over the past.
It is left unclear, by the end, whether or not Jay is saying yes to this because he genuinely wants to, or if he's only saying yes because he doesn't want to lose Jon, too. Jon doesn't stop to question whether or not Jay's only reaching after him because Jon's walking away. We, the audience, are left to ponder that for ourselves.
How much of Jay saying yes is him just accepting that this is the best he's going to get? That he's never going to be understood because nobody wants to understand?
He's an afterthought to Nia, an obstacle at best, and to Jon he's a particularly handsome prop in this little fantasy he has of running away and starting new. He's either not thought of at all, or when he is thought about, it's in the context of how he can emotionally fulfill the other person And you get why Jon did this. He's desperate, he's hurting, he just got tangible evidence that the time he has with the people he loves isn't ever guaranteed. He's been needing space from Clark and Lois for MONTHS because god knows they haven't been fulfilling his emotional needs. In a very real sense, Jay is who he has.
But wanting someone to stay with you so much that you'll... Not even ignore, but just not ever consider what they may want. The intentional isolation, moving halfway across the country away from all support systems. The need to cling to someone.
It reminds me of... something. Someone.
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Don't tell Jon I made this comparison. He'll kill himself. Jon and Ultraman ARE similar. They're both such deeply lonely people who cling very tightly and even though it manifests in different ways and even though they have different core thoughts about it. The effect at the end of the day is the same, isn't it?
Is loving Jay not a brutal act of destruction?
There's so many more details about this story I love. Jon & Nia's conversation being vague enough that you have no idea how Jon meant what he told her but you KNOW how NIA took it (girl you can do better hes literally ugly!). Jon breaking a pillar by bonking his head against it (LMFAO). The pretty lies vs ugly truth dichotomy of Jay vs Nia here.
But this one scene, man. This one fucking scene takes the cake. STELLAR work all around. Every panel counts.
This better lead into a full Superman & Gossamer run or SOMETHING or I'm going to have WORDS with DC's editorial staff.
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fuckin-wilde · 21 days
Tw for police brutality, murder
One of my high school friends was murdered by our local cops last week. Ive seen absolutely nobody talking about it, and while im sure Bill would appreciate that, i definitely dont. That being said, im making this post for me and anyone else who has lost sleep over Bill's death, nobody else.
Bill was a uniquely wonderful man. If he'd just met you, he'd stick his hand out and say "Howdy, Bill Factor". He would do things for the fuck of it, or because nobody else would, just to laugh with his friends. He was one of two teenagers i knew who didnt think you had to be mean to be funny. He wore this amazingly tacky christmas suit (blazer and pants) for the holidays, which his sister wore to his funeral yesterday. He was barely 25, disabled, native, queer, and a legally ordained minister. He was the only guy i knew who could be in color guard through high school and then rush a frat in college. Truly if the world is ever going to get better, it takes a whole bunch of people like Bill.
Bill was murdered by two cops with less than 5 years of job experience between the two. Supposedly he was hiding on a strangers balcony before he fired a gun at the officers, but - and i know this is an old ass song - thats complete bullshit. He isnt here to explain what happened, he cant tell us what was going on that night, and i hate that how cops abuse this every time they kill someone.
Isaiah Lewis should have been able to tell his mom why he was doing edibles, get grounded like a normal kid, and graduate high school. Bill Factor should be here to tell his mom what he was doing in some karen's backyard. No parent or grandparent should be at their kids funeral. No one person should be allowed the position of judge, jury, and executioner - especially after only doing his job for a year or two.
If you made it through this long ass post and want to help, put pressure on Edmond PD. Let them know we havent forgotten Isaiah Lewis and we wont forget Bill Factor. Ask the city of Edmond and/or the state of Oklahoma for an external investigation this time. Leave a voicemail that just says their names.
And please do say his name.
Bill R Factor. 1999-2024
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satinsummer · 12 days
Chapter 4: What do I wear?
Summary: It’s date night. Will Y/N be able sweep Sam off her feet? Will the night go as planned? Lets find out
Chapter 5: https://www.tumblr.com/satinsummer/761292503089627136/chapter-5-she-loves-me-she-loves-me-not
Pairings: G!P Reader x Fem!SamCarpenter
Warnings: Suggestive Language, Drug Use (smoking weed), Smut!!!! 18+ MEN & MINORS DONT INTERACT
Nobody's Pov:
The first thing Y/N noticed when she woke up wasn't the light shinning in through the blinds in Sam's room nor was it the footsteps she heard outside of the bedroom door. Instead the first thing she noticed was Sam's barely covered lower half was nestled perfectly against her, pushing back every so slightly as the girl shifted in her sleep. This was not a good position for Y/N AT ALL, being as though they both agreed to take things slow it began to get harder and harder both physically and literally. Y/N had to fight the urge to press herself more into the older girl, just to let her feel how happy she is to see her, to feel her, and much much more but that could wait. Trying to fight the battle in both her heads, she realized she had two options: sleep it off or cold shower. The fist choice didn't sound too bad unless she counted the fact that this is how she ended up having to make this VERY hard decision.
Y/N wished she could have Sam, right here and now but that would happen in due time. Gently rubbing the girl in her arms back, Y/N whispered Sam's name to which she immediately perked up. She was never much of a heavy sleeper when everyone was over since something was always breaking. "Mmmm" Sam hums in response to the girl behind her. "I need to go take care of this.." Y/N trails off, while pressing her hips into Sam to emphasize her point. Suddenly, Sam's entire body feels like it's on fire, sure she's felt Y/N get hard and press against her the few times they made out but this was different. There was a lot less clothing involved and Sam could've sworn she felt it twitch.
Turning her head slightly and pressing herself further unto Y/N's body, she wrapped her arm around the back of Y/N's head and began to kiss her. The grip Y/N had on Sam's hip was almost bruising, she was trying so hard not to lose control. She had been so respectful in the way that she kissed and touched Sam. Allowing everything to move at her pace. Sam bit her bottom lip, while Y/N's hand left her hip to wrap around her throat never pulling her mouth away from Sam's. As Sam moaned into her mouth she felt her brain going hazy all thoughts of taking things slow starting to vanish until she heard the voices outside of her door. "They are probably fu-" "Chad finish that sentence and I'll kill you" Tara yells, charging towards the boy only to get scooped up by her girlfriend. "Okay, okay. Let's make you something to eat?" Y/BF/N suggests. "We all know Y/N/N is the chef, we don't eat till she cooks" Anika declares.
Pulling back from Sam, Y/N dropped down on the bed now staring up at the ceiling. Putting her hands over her face, she giggled a bit. "They are capable of cooking yet they always want me to do it." She sighs moving her hands. "You are the Chef" Sam replies climbing on top her, just before she could drop her hips down Y/N caught her with a smirk. "You said slow, Sammy" Placing a kiss to her forehead she moved from underneath her and walked over towards the door. "Cold shower, then breakfast. I suggest the same for you" Y/N says smiling, spinning around and walking out of the room before the older carpenter has a chance to even form a coherent response.
After a very needed cold shower and reset Y/N exits the bathroom and heads towards the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. "So, how was your night" Y/BF/N smirks leaning against the counter. "I have no idea what you mean" Y/N replies not turning around to face her best friend knowing she couldn't hide the lovesick look on her face. "Yeah, sure. First she's threatening you, next your sharing beds and going on a date. Welcome to dating a Carpenter 101 the next stop is: GIRLFRIEND TOWN" Y/BF/NN laughs throwing her arm around Y/N. "But seriously, Sam is great and you seem to be actually sleeping when you're with her. That's great Y/N/N" She continues. "Sam is great, she’s more than great..she’s everything Y/BF/N" Y/N whispers, eyes not daring to leave the food in front of her afraid she'd seem too vulnerable.
With a squeeze to her shoulder and kiss to her head Y/BF/N softly said "You're so lovesick it's disgusting" Elbowing her in the ribs Y/N finally let her eyes meet her best friends just as Sam entered the kitchen. "I don't know what to where on this date tonight, is there a dress code?" She questions Y/N.
Flipping the french toast, Y/N thought about it. Was there a dress code? In reality Sam could've worn a burlap sack and Y/N would still show her off like the best dressed in the room. "No dress code, may I ask what color you feel best in?" "Black" Sam says "So we wear black, got it. 8pm, you and me. I'll be leaving after breakfast to get a little shopping done beforehand and I'll pick you up around 7:15?" Y/N asks peering over at Sam while she begins plating all the food and fruit. When did Sam stock up on fruit? It was on her list but a trip to the market just seemed too grueling. Had Y/N taken care of that for her? "I seen the list on the fridge when I came in last night, had all of it and some extras delivered for you this morning. No need for an unnecessary trip!" She informs the girl standing in shock before her. "Gremlins, your breakfast is ready" Y/N yells and all of them come rushing into the kitchen just like the name she had called them by.
Y/N had cooked and made sure all the dishes were done before her and Y/BF/N left set out to find the perfect outfit for Y/N and Sam's date. "Where are you taking her?" Y/BF/N asks, staring out the window as they rode to the mall. "Sampan" Y/N replies, racking her brain for outfit ideas. She didn't want to over or under-dress and She was sure Sam thought she only had tshirts, cargos, sweats and chef jackets. Y/N wanted to show off how good she looked with Sam, she wanted to compliment her in all the right ways.
"Isn't that the place in Philly, that always has a line? Let me guess my always prepared best friend either made a reservation OR you know the chef. Which is it" Y/BF/N questions, holding out an invisible microphone in her hand. Playing into it Y/N responds "Uh, I'll take. I made a reservation but happen to know the sous chef from school for 1000 please." The both burst into a fit a laughter that reminds Y/N why she was so grateful for her best friend. Pulling up to the mall they brainstormed ideas on what Y/N should wear bouncing between quarter-zips and cardigans to polos and rugby shirts. They found themselves in the fitting room of a Uniqlo jumping up and down having finally found the best outfit for tonight. Y/N had a the perfect pair of filling pieces penny loafers to complete the outfit.
The girls had left the mall around 2:30 which still gave Y/N a bit of time to tie up some loose ends. She dropped her car off for a full service and detail, made sure to have the flowers ready for pick up a block away from Sam's apartment and had began getting ready for her first date with the girl of her dreams.
3hrs 45mins Later, 7:15pm
To Y/N surprise she wasn't nervous about this date at all, maybe that's because she hadn't even laid eyes on Sam yet. She had made it up the stairs to quickly for her liking, trying not to seem as eager as she actually was, Y/N cleared her throat and knocked on the door. After a minute it swung open and she was greeted by Tara who was trying to put on the whole "What are your intentions with my sister act" and in the process she threatened to drag Y/N by the fingernails if she hurt Sam in any way. Which Tara knew wasn't going to happen by the look in Y/N's eyes the moment Sam came into her field of vision.
"Ready?" Sam questions softly, slipping on her heels. Y/N's mouth is suddenly dry, her brain has short circuited and she can't stop her eyes from roaming all over Sam's body, taking her in completely and getting lost in her legs that seemed to go on for miles. She wore a simple black dress, nothing super short but it showed off her legs just the right way, her hair was down in loose curls framing her face perfectly. "Y-Mhm. I--These are for you" Y/N extends her arm out holding the vase of flowers towards Sam. They were already trimmed and in water to save Sam the time of doing a task instead of just reveling in receiving a gift.
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(Sam's Outfit Ref.)
"Thank you, they're beautiful Y/N/N and already in a vase. You're so thoughtful." Sam finishes, pressing a kiss to the girls cheek and running off down the hall to put the flowers on her nightstand. As Sam walks back towards Y/N she's able to do her own gawking. If it were up to Sam, she would have Y/N dressed up like this everyday, so put together yet ready to be ruined as soon as Sam gave her the go ahead. This is going to be an interesting night she thought to herself.
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(Y/N outfit ref.)
Grabbing Y/N's wrist and pulling her out of the apartment and into the hall. She pressed her up against the wall just next it, placing a searing kiss on Y/N's lips "You look good" She states wiping her lipstick off of Y/N's bottom lip with her thumb. Still standing there trying to push the unholy thoughts about her date out of her mind Y/N stumbled to catch up with Sam who was now almost halfway out of the building. "Let me get that for you" Y/N steps around Sam holding the door open for her to exit, she does the same thing when they get to her car. Sam could get used to this type of treatment, with Y/N it was like everything was always handled and in order but somehow she made sure never felt obligated or pressured within anything that transpired between them. She felt safe with Y/N.
Making sure the directions to the restaurant were set and correct, Y/N double checks everything before finally pulling off and heading to their destination. The ride there was smooth, filled with the playlist Y/N made just for today. Along the way Sam had slipped her hand into Y/N's free one that rested on the center console as she continued driving. Smiling softly to herself when she felt Y/N squeeze her hand in an effort to let the girl know she was still present with her even if they sat a comfortable silence. "We should be there shortly" Y/N says after a moment looking over at Sam who was already looking at her. "Have you ever been to Sampan before?" She questions. Sam shakes her head and chuckles "I've barely been outside of the city, save for when we moved from Woodsboro" She added. "Hmm, we'll have to change that now wont we Sammy" Y/N says sparing another glance at the beautiful girl beside her.
Soon they're pulling up to a restaurant that has a line of people standing outside. Sam is now rethinking her outfit, this wasn’t something she wanted to stand outside in but maybe she'd just have to trust the other girl just this once.
Y/N parked the car and after hopping out and offering a helping hand to Sam, they walked into the restaurant. After a brief conversation and a few greetings Y/n & Sam were lead to a private table in the back of the restaurant. Y/N wanted this to be special for Sam, so she pulled more strings than she mentioned earlier when talking to her best friend. She was able to get in contact with the sous chef at Sampan. His name is Ryder, he was in her culinary program before going full-time in the restaurant. He was more than happy to make the accommodations for Y/N as long as she agreed to share her secret to cooking waygu perfect each time. To Y/N this was a small price to pay to guarantee Sam's comfort.
"I hope this isn't too much, I didn't want to have you bumping shoulders with strangers plus you can see the kitchen from here." Y/N points over in the direction of the kitchen after finishing. Sam's heart swelled at the thought Y/N put behind simply getting a table where she wasn't surround by others or too exposed to be comfortable for her liking instead she made sure they were tucked away in a large round booth just left of the open kitchen and bar. "There's also an exit just behind us, if at any point you'd like to le-" Y/N didn't have a chance to finish her sentence because as she continued to make sure Sam was comfortable, she couldn't help but kiss her square on the mouth in efforts to show her undying appreciation for the thought and detail that had been put into their first date. "Thank you" She says leaning her forehead against Y/N's. Ryder soon approaches the table, greeting both girls and asking what could he get for them and reminding Y/N that whatever they needed or wanted would be taken care of. Y/N orders water for the table and asks whats on the chef's specialized menu for tonight. Without second thought she asks Sam if she'd like to order herself or have her do it. Sam sits back allows Y/N to take control. Shortly after several plates of food are filling the table they sat at, each dish served with it's name and description while being placed down.
Y/N had ordered a 7 Course tasting experience for the two of them allowing Sam to swoon even harder over the younger girl. They talked, shared laughs and sweet kisses while feeding one another and trying not to make something out of nothing but when Y/N is looking at Sam, eyes low and hazy. Taking in every part of her face while telling her how pretty she is. Sam has to fight against her initial response of "Show me how pretty you think I am" and settling for a deep look into Y/N's eyes and whispering "Mmm, You think so?" A coy smile playing on her lips. Y/N is now leaning in eyes dark and hungry, pressing her lips to Sam's cheek for rasping out "I know so" into her ear. Once again the older girls body was set ablaze. She felt Y/N's hand drop to her thigh, now seated back looking at everything going on around her.
She felt her hand tracing shapes on her inner thigh and it was not calming her down especially not when Y/N's hand dropped a bit lower and squeezed, as she smiled over at her. She had to know what she was doing, couldn't she see the way she was making all of Sam's thoughts of taking it slow wither away? Couldn't she feel the heat radiating off of her body? Did she need to spell it out for her? She wanted, no she NEEDED Y/N. She needed her like she needed air and water to live. A soft voice broke Sam out of her thoughts "Come on princess, we're outta here" Y/N says holding out her hand for Sam to take. Allowing herself to be pulled in and tucked into the girls side, Y/N said her goodbyes to the boy who approached them earlier that evening and they made their way out the restaurant and back to Y/N's car. Running around and getting in the car after making sure Sam was all squared away, She put her car in gear and pulled off into the night.
The ride back was harder than sitting in that private booth with Y/N's hand between her legs. Her hand was back in Sam's lap, playing with the bottom hem of her dress as she cruised down the turnpike. In a bold effort to show Y/N she was ready for whatever the girl was willing to give Sam shifted and let her legs fall open a bit more causing Y/N’s fingertips graze her inner thighs. Without looking over at her, she began pushing her hand further up Sam's dress, causing her eyes to flutter shut, and releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding.
Pulling up to a red light on an empty street after exiting the highway, Y/N turned to Sam and pulled her into a bruising kiss. Her left hand made its way between Sam's legs and pressed against her satin covered center. Her panties were ruined. Wrapping her other hand around Sam's throat she quickly took control of the kiss as Sam completely fell apart in the passenger seat. Her mind was so clouded with the way Y/N was kissing her, licking her bottom lip politely asking for entrance into Sam's mouth to which she happily granted. Tongues moving fluidly against one another never fighting for dominance instead falling into a slow and nasty tango. Y/N pulled back noticing they had completely missed the light cycle and it was now yellow, taking off down the road she continued their journey back to Sam's apartment until she felt her leaning over the center console and whispering "Take me home..with you" before placing a single kiss behind her ear and sitting back and staring out the window as she reminisces on the things she learned about Y/N tonight.
Pulling up to Y/N's loft came more quickly then Sam realized, they pulled into the garage and parked Y/N's car and made their way to the elevator. "That's my other car right there" Y/N pointing out while passing what looks like a Honda? Sam wasn't really well versed in cars but she found herself wanting to hear Y/N talk about them while she got lost in the way her lips moved. Stepping into the elevator, Y/N pulls Sam close to her. Once again tucking her into her side, this time placing soft kisses on her shoulder and securing her arm around her waist. "Wanna take a picture" Y/N shyly asks and much to her surprise Sam is pulling her phone out of her purse. Snapping the picture Sam thinks it's perfect as she examines it.
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(photo ref.)
Getting off of the elevator and making their way down the hallway to Y/N and Y/BF/N loft, the two girls made small talk and poked fun at each other. "How it is dating someone taller than you but also younger than you Sammy?" Y/N teased, opening the door front and motioning for the older girl to enter first.
Turning on the light and kicking her heels off after Y/N locks the door. Sam turns towards Y/N, they collectively notice how silent the loft is indicating Y/BF/N was probably staying at the Carpenter residence. Searching Sam's eyes for approval Y/N reached out and pulled Sam close and kissed her softly. Falling into another slow kiss, Y/N's hands found their way down to Sam's waist and eventually found her ass softly kneading the soft flesh over her dress. Sam was coming apart at the seams, and they hadn't even made it past the foyer yet. Y/N pulled back and started leading her through the loft and to her room. Closing the door behind them as they entered.
"You can wear this and these! I don't want you sleeping in your dress" Y/N said handing Sam a pair of satin boxers and a tshirt. "Keep the shorts, just the shirt is fine" Sam responds tossing the shorts at Y/N who decides to wear them. Instead of changing, they find themselves tangled in the soft sheets of Y/N's bed. Sam is on top Y/N kissing her like there's no tomorrow, neither of them bothering to come up for air. She could feel how hard Y/N was underneath her pressing against her clit. Y/N gripped her hips and pushed her down as she ground her hips up into Sam with only one thing on her mind.
"Show me how pretty you think I am" Sam whispers against Y/N's lips. Flipping her over Y/N pressed against Sam with more fever than before. Running her hands over each piece of exposed skin she could get her hands on. Sam's legs opened a little more to accommodate the girl laying between them working her way down her neck, marking her skin for everyone to see and to know who she belonged to. "Oh my god, Y/NNN" Sam moaned pushing the girls head further into her neck. "I need you, ple-" The pleas on her tongue died out and were soon replaced with the prettiest sounds Y/N has ever heard as she wrapped her lips around Sam's nipple while toying with the other eventually switching to give her other nipple the same love and attention. Sitting up and pulling her shirt over her head and reaching out to help Sam do the same, Y/N returned back to Sam's nipples until she was a whining whimpering mess. "Fuck, Sam. Do you feel what you do to me?" Y/N groaned pulling Sam's hand down to her aching cock. "That's all for you, princess" She grunted while drowning in the pleasure that was coming from Sam's hand on her. Kissing down the rest of her body, Y/N settled between Sam's legs, face mere inches away from her pussy. "Is this okay?" She hears the other girl asks and instead of verbally responding Sam simply reaches down and pull her panties to the side. Showing her just how "okay" this is.
Without anymore hesitation Y/N began eating Sam's pussy like it was her last meal. She was devouring the girl whole, like they didn’t just have dinner and dessert. Y/N had an appetite only Sam could seem to sate. Y/N was becoming drunk off the way she tasted and the way she tried to contain her moans yet she kept failing. Y/N moaned into Sam’s pussy, watching the way her eyes rolled back at the sensation. "Look at me" Y/N requested, waiting for the girl beneath her to meet her eyes. Sam probably shouldn't have looked down because the sight she seen was down right dirty. It was now burned into her brain. Y/N’s eyes were dark and predatory, staring back at Sam watching her take everything she gave her. "You taste so good baby" Y/N commented slipping two fingers inside of Sam. "Taking everything I give you so well" She whispers before wrapping her lips around Sam's clit, sucking it softly.
Sam was soaking wet. Surely, she was sure she was making a mess all over Y/N's face and sheets but not really giving a fuck because the way Y/N was sucking on her clit and pumping her fingers in and out of her. She felt like she was going to explode any minute and the heat in her body was rising, the knot in her stomach was about snap and Sam didn't know how to warn Y/N. Throwing her head back and her toes curling, Sam's back arched as her body grew rigid and stars exploded behind her eyes, her mouth opened in a silent scream. Reaching down grabbing at Y/N's hair and tugging she lost herself in the pleasure that took over her body. Y/N continued to fuck Sam through her orgasm allowing the girl consumed in herself ride her fingers and semi-fuck her face. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N " fell from Sam's lips like a prayer nearly making her cum in her pants. Pulling her fingers from the girls heat Y/N trails kisses back up Sam's body, while she was attempting to catch her breath with her arm thrown over her face trying to ground herself. "Everything okay?" Y/N checks, gently pulling Sam's arm down. "Yeah, it was just intense" She responds almost breathless. Pulling Y/N down by her neck, Sam kisses her as they begin moving against one another again sighing together as they fall into a comfortable rhythm.
Sam can taste herself on Y/N's tongue and lips, for whatever reason it turns her on more. The girl above Sam pressed herself back into her, causing her clothed cock to brush up against her bare pussy over her pants. Sam was determined to drive Y/N crazy. Rocking her hips up into Y/N's and smearing her wet pussy all over the front of her slacks, she couldn't help but get worked up again. While still kissing Y/N she reached down to unbuckle her belt, and unzip her pants in the process before shoving her hand down them and grabbing Y/N's cock. Sam could feel the way Y/N pulsed in her hands, she could feel her straining against the soft fabric of her boxers. Slipping her hand into the waistband she pulls the fabric back and lets it slap against Y/N's skin "All for me?" Sam questions looking up at Y/N who doesn't trust her voice enough to respond so she nods in response. "I need words, Y/N" She requests stuffing her hand back down her pants, lightly running her fingertips over the hard appendage feeling it twitch. Removing herself from from hovering over Sam, Y/N stood and took off the rest of the clothes that previously covered her body. Discarding them on the floor, she climbed back on top of and settle between her legs again. Her cock was beautiful just like she was Sam thought. It was weeping for some sort of relief. Reaching down and wrapping her hand around her softly she began to stroke Y/N, her thumb swiping over the tip on each up stroke.
Y/N couldn't take it. She didn't want to be so close to cumming but with the way their date had transpired, the ride home and eating Sam's pussy Y/N was embarrassingly close to cumming in Sam's hand, on her stomach, maybe some would get on her tits Y/N thought. Halting her movements as she felt Y/N subtly fucking her hand, she asked again "All for me?" She almost came when Sam's voice rang out. Learning from her previous mistake fast Y/N used her words "All for you, baby" She says looking into Sam's eyes not for long as hers are rolling back from the feeling of the ministrations on her cock picked back up. "Fuck, Sam. I need to be inside of you. I wanna feel you squeezing me just like you did my fingers" Y/N groans, fucking Sam's hand at little harder now as she hovers over Sam, weight supported by her elbows. Pressing one hand against her stomach she used the other to guide Y/N's cock to her entrance. It was too much for both of them. Y/N slowly pushed in, allowing Sam's heat to engulf her. She would go as slow and be as gentle as Sam needed her to be. The stretch she felt as Y/N bottomed out inside her was indescribable, her pussy clenched so hard Y/N was sure her walls were trying to mold to the shape of her cock. Ruining Sam for anybody else after her.
Peppering kisses all over Sam's face Y/N wanted to make sure Sam knew this was about her. "Let me know when I can move, okay?" She couldn't do anything but nod. "You can move now" Y/N set a slow pace barely pulling out before slowly pushing back in making Sam feel fuller than she ever has. She can feel each stroke in her toes, it makes her knees weak as Y/N pick up her pace and the tip of her cock brushes the mouth of Sam's cervix. "Shit Y/N, I can't I ca-" Sam whimpers out pressing her hand against Y/N's stomach in an attempt to push her away, which was a battle she had no chance at winning especially with the way Y/N was talking her through it. "You can, and you will" She punctuated her sentence with a hard thrust that had Sam drooling. "You're doing so good, baby. You're sucha good girl for me. Aren't you?" Y/N says still fucking Sam into the mattress beneath them, both hands now behind her knees pinning her legs to her chest. The new angle made Sam shriek as Y/N's cock slipped deeper and deeper into her pussy. "Please, Please, Please" She begged looking up at the girl fucking her into oblivion. Sam was cock-drunk and they both knew it. She didn't know what she was asking for but that familiar knot in her stomach began to form and she wanted to let it consume her . She was so close, she just needed a little more. "Isn't this what you wanted? For me to show you how pretty you are. Mmm, Take that shit. It's all for you" Y/N grunted she was now leaning over Sam, letting her chain dangle in Sam's face so closely she could feel the gold tickling her skin. She grabbed it gently and pulled Y/N down to her as she all but sobbed into her mouth "Please let me cum, Y/N please, I need to cum. Let me cum for you" Although Y/N wanted so deny her so badly and make her hold it she knew she couldn't hold out much longer herself. She was biting Y/N shoulder so hard she might've drawn blood but right now main focus was trying to hold her orgasm off as long as possible for some odd reason Sam found herself needing Y/N's approval for release. Changing the angle of her hips as she continued to fuck Sam, she finally gave the girl what she'd been practically begging for all night. "Cum for me Sam, let me feel that sweet pussy squeezing my-" Sam slapped a hand over Y/N's mouth as she cums so hard her ears are ringing. She's calling out Y/N's name like a mantra, legs shaking and arms pulling the girl completely against her to ride out her high. "I have to pull out s-" "No, Please cum inside me. " She begs looking up through her mascara stained lashes, eyes completely black as she clenches around Y/N' cock again. After a few more strokes and Sam declaring her pussy belongs to her. Y/N is burying her face in Sam's neck as she cums. She remains inside of Sam after a while and begins to move off of her, both of them hissing out of sensitivity when Y/N's cock finally leaves the vice grip that is Sam's pussy.
"Don't move" She says as she pulls on her robe and leaving the room. Sam is utterly spent, she has no real reason to move plus she couldn't feel her legs so she would rather lay there anyway. Y/N came back into the room with several items in hand. She handed Sam a water and began cleaning her up with a warm rag once she was done drinking. Holding out the tshirt and shorts she offered sam earlier, she realized that the older girl was already fast asleep. Scooping sam up in her arms Y/N made her way to the guest room down the hall, pulling a shirt and some shorts on to Sam before tucking her in and retreating back to her room to pull on some clothes and put her sheets in the washer. Once all was said and done she made her way back to the guest room where Sam was, slipping in bed and pulling her closer they both fell into a deep sleep.
AN: Chapter 4 is long as fuck but it was worth it. How do yall like the smut?
Lmk what yall think🕷️
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murdrdocs · 1 year
could i request a ethan landry x mentally tired reader? it could be no ghostface au or ghostface, but if it is could there be a scene where mindy is accusing everyone and she gets to the reader And the reader says something along the lines of “ i haven’t slept in days “ my english isn’t very good so sorry!
ur english is perf(ect) bae don't worry !! also i rlly dont remember this scene that well so ... GN!reader
Mindy stood before you, truly in her element as she explained the 'rules' to going through something like this. You could tell that the information she was spewing was essential to your survival, but you couldn't focus. You were going in and out, your head bobbing each time you fell asleep, the involuntary movement instantly awakening you from a slumber that could barely even be labeled a cat nap.
"Here," Ethan whispered to you, his hand snaking around your waist and nudging you closer to him. "Lay on me." You barely even had time to verbally accept or reject his invitation, nor did you have time to thank him. Your head was finding his shoulder like a magnet and solace came upon your being as you were finally in a position comfortable enough to at least get a few minutes of consecutive sleep.
Until Mindy turned to you, her voice traveling alerting you of her change in direction. "And here we have the newcomer, love interest to another new comer," you opened your eyes to see Mindy gesturing between you and Ethan. His grip on your waist tightened just a bit.
"So what, they're a suspect because they're new and we're dating?" You'd been dating Ethan for a short while now, but hearing him refer to your relationship in its official capacity always made you feel all giddy inside.
"Exactly." Mindy smiled, seemingly thankful that Ethan was catching on fairly fast. "Maybe you two are working together. Ghostface is usually a pair anyway," Mindy gasped, her eyes lighting up and an idea fostering in her mind. "Maybe ..." she appraoched you both until she was standing over you. "Ethan here does all the killing and slicing and dicing. The gory stuff. While," she pointed to you, saying your name as she leaned down just a bit to meet your eye level, "makes the phone calls. You seem clever enough to manage that."
You stared in Mindy's dark eyes, barely even a hint of malice in your gaze as she stared back. You knew she didn't mean any actual harm, she was just trying to prevent a recap of last year, trying to protect her friends. And you want the same.
You go to defend yourself, but Ethan does it first.
"Okay, they would never do that. Right?" He's peering down at you, eyebrows raised for confirmation. His gaze isn't accusatory at all, unlike the others behind him.
"Right," you confirm. "I can barely even keep my eyes open right now, Mindy. I haven't slept in days. I can tell you that I'm not the killer, but you probably won't believe me until the end. So just know that there is a slim to none chance that I could mastermind a murdering spree right now."
Mindy seems to believe you enough to turn away and continue her rant. Your eyes close once more, satisfied to be in your current physical position, and you doze off, oblivious to the way Ethan's eyes shift to Quinn, the way they share a mutual look, and the way they both turn to face Mindy with a harder look in their eyes.
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mintaikk · 8 months
Moments in the Hunger Games that Dr. Gaul would hate
Dr. Gaul says that humans are naturally violent, and to prove her wrong, here are moments in the Hunger Games that show that they aren't.
-Lucy Gray comforting Jessup when he wasn't feeling well
-Lucy Gray crying and mourning when Dill died (Wovey in the book)
-Lucy Gray making sure Jessup ate despite her having the advantage if he didn't eat
-The first thing Lucy Gray doing in the arena was look for Jessup and run away with him so they could both have a chance at surviving, despite all the murder and chaos happening around them
-Lucy Gray comforting Jessup as he was dying
-Lucy Gray in general
-Jessup protecting Lucy Gray from the bats (rabid raccoons in the book)
-Reaper giving Lamina cloth and Lamina giving him food. Then Coral, Mizzen, and Tanner came and she warned him (in the book)
-Reaper collecting the bodies of the fallen tributes and covering them with the flag to give them proper respects
-Reaper warning Wovey when she was walking to the snakes
-Lamina killing Marcus. Ik it was still murder, but it was a mercy kill. She even comforted him before and stared at his body and curled up into the fetal position after
-Lamima has a lot of empathy in general and I love her so much and she's litterally just walking proof of Dr. Gaul's theory being wrong. Her name is litterally animal spelled backwards, which is what Dr. Gaul belived the tributes were. Violent animals
-Bobbin letting Wovey sleep on his shoulder
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-In the walk to the cart, Bobbin was holding Wovey's hand
-Lucy Gray letting Wovey hold her hand before the games
-Treech protecting Lamina when Brandy was killed from the bullet
-Reaper going out of his way to protect Dill. I could make an entire post on this alone. But like, in every scene with them together, he's always looking out for Dill. Even when he jumped at his Mentor, he was looking at Dill before to see how she was doing. Dill's death is what made him want to honor the other tributes deaths. I can only imagine how that made their friends and families feel at home, to see the person they loved getting the respect they could in such violent games
-During the bombing, Marcus ran back to go get Lucy Gray despite thst fact that his chances of dying there were very high
-Ik he wasn't part of the games, but Sejanus going to spread bread around Marcus's dead body (I love Sejanus sm and I better not see y'all thirst over Snow anymore)
-In the book, there was no bloodbath scene. Most tributes ran straight for the tunnels, while Coral, Tanner, and Reaper went to get weapons, but even Coral, who was known for being violent, ran. Only Reaper stayed
-Reaper apologizing for having to kill the tributes the night before, and promising to honor them
-In the book, Teslee was running from the snakes and Lucy Gray came out of the tunnels singing so the snakes would be distracted so Teslee would have time to escape
-Screaming and crying and throwing up because Reaper killed Teslee but brought her body over to the other bodies because it's really all he could give her
-In the book, Lucy Gray and Reaper were the last ones left, and they procrastinated on killing each other. Lucy Gray killed him by getting him to drink poisoned water, not by any violence. She even closed his eyes when she realized he had died.
This was just the 10th Hunger Games. Damn. Imma go on to the other ones now
-Instead of of breaking their alliance by killing each other, Maysilee just left Haymitch saying that she didn't want it to come down to the two of them
-Haymitch staying with Maysilee as she died
-When Annie's district partner died, she gained serious PTSD, which should be proof enough that naturally, HUMANS DONT LIKE VIOLENCE
-Katniss volunteering to protect Prim
-Thresh smiling at Rue when she managed to steal the knife from Cato (this is so sweet to me, I love the District 11 kids sm)
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-Foxface not killing anyone (that Katniss knows of) and running away, proving thst people are just trying to survive and not be violent
-Foxface and Katniss bumping into each other but then running away. Especially Katniss, because she definitely had the advantage
-Peeta joining the careers to protect Katniss
-Peeta telling Katniss to run when the careers were hunting her
-This wasn't shown to the audience, but Katniss said that if her and Rue were the last 2 left, she'd let Rue win
-Katniss letting Rue cuddle under the sleeping bag so that she could stay warm
-Katniss mourning the death of Rue by leaving flowers over her body and then giving respects to District 11. She even cried and threw her spear when Rue died
-Clove and Cato's entire friendship (also, Clove smiling at Cato while they were on the plane)
-Thresh killing Clove purely because of what he thought she did to Rue, implying that he wanted to protect Rue. (I like to believe that he didn't make an alliance with Rue the dame reason Katniss didn't make an alliance with Peeta in the beginning; he didn't want it to come down to the two of them). Despite that, he was still heartbroken when she died
-Thresh sparing Katniss's life because she was friends with and protected Rue
-Clove calling for Cato when Thresh was threatening her, and Cato coming to help (in the book)
-Cato crying and begging Clove to get up when she was dying
-Katniss mercy killing Cato despite everything (in the movie)
-Katniss and Peeta not wanting to kill each other and deciding to eat the berries together instead
75th Hunger Games
Yes, ik the rebellion. But I'm still counting it.
-Peeta volunteering to avoid having Haymitch go to the games
-Mags volunteering for Annie
-The female morphling (who I headcanoned as her name being Chassis) sacrificing herself to save Peeta
-Peeta staying to comfort Chassis and talking about how pretty the sky was
-Chassis and Autus (male morphling) teaching Katniss how to camouflage, despite her not knowing about the rebellion, and for all they know, she could try and kill them. But they still wanted to save everyone, so they kept Katniss alive
-MAGS. Mags is the best
-Finnick staying with and protecting Mags despite her chances of surviving being very low
-Katniss keeping Finnick alive, despite not knowing about the rebellion
-Peeta staying to comfort Katniss and Finnick during the jabberjay attacks
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shaunamilfman · 9 months
Imagining locker room sex w Jackie. You get tossed early into the game because of a misconduct game penalty after being hit to the ground and you of course lose your shit on the ref and get thrown out for the game. After your coach screams at you, you’re sent to the locker room to get dressed and nurse your head that slammed into the ground. Until Jackie interrupts you, that is. Jackie comes in and absolutely LAYS into you, going on about how you’re throwing the game for the rest of the team and not to be so pigheaded. You try to explain yourself, “Well you saw what that Emerson girl did—“ “I dont care what THEY did, YOU have to learn to keep your composure, like seriously y/n—.” Jackie was getting up in your face, god she’s so loud and bossy. You need her to just shut up, your head is already killing you.
Jackie hears her back hitting the lockers before she processed what happened. She takes in your position, one hand held gently over her mouth and the other hand, the one that pushed her into the lockers, on her shoulder. Your face is inches away, as you speak quietly to her, “You really need to know when to stop talking, pretty girl.” Jackie can’t help but melt immediately as you start to gently pull away. The one hand on her shoulder, dropping to hold her at her hip. “Now, don’t you have a team that you need to get back to, captain?” You tilt your head. Jackie’s eyes are blown wide as she looks at you. “No… I don’t” Jackie is absolutely only focused on you at that point, she’s sure the girls could manage without her for a few minutes.
Jackie returns to the soccer game 15 minutes later, her hair messier than it was when she went into the locker rooms, her neck littered with new bruises and her legs a little wobbly under her as she runs. She caught glimpses of you eyeing her from the bench as she tries to rejoin the game, a smirk on your face as you tease her by sucking the rest of her, off of your fingers.
i have nothing to add to this masterpiece. this is what a true artist looks like. i feel like i just took notes on it lmao but here
something about jackie trying to get in your face like she isn't 3 apples tall never fails to make me laugh
i really think bossy captain jackie should have been explored more in canon there is so much potential for her to be a fucking brat that they just wasted
i just know that jackie loves to be pushed around. like just move her around and position her like she weighs nothing. it gets her going every time. also pet namesssssss. she's such a sucker for pet names, especially pretty girl.
jackie abandoning her team to get fucked i know thats right. thinking about teasing jackie for how desperate she is for it when she came in there all big and bad to tell you off.
you're all like "why should i behave if this is what i get when i lose my cool?" she's too distracted by the way your touching her but she gets so annoyed when she's thinking about it later. she tells you off for it after your next practice while secretly hoping you put her in her place again.
jackie would so trip watching you clean your fingers off. she wipes the fuck out on her own feet and everyones like "jackie? do you need to sit down?" and shes like "NO." she'd literally die if she had to sit next to you right now
she spends the whole night thinking about the way you sucked your fingers, wondering if you liked the way she tastes. she's so embarrassed about it, but she can't help the way the very thought makes her squirm.
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rosedere · 4 months
Murder mountain
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(Yandere Azul Ashengrotto x Afab Reader)
Modern AU
TW: Dark Content, Attempted Murder, Harassment, Non Con/Rape.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (you are here), Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Cross Posted on AO3.
Synopsis: It was simple. Azul Ashengrotto hated you. Reaching your breaking point, you decide enough is enough: you're going to kill your boss. But little do you know the dark secret your tyrant of a boss is hiding.
Part 3 Summary:
You find yourself unable to move, your plan is compromised and your boss might not be so forgiving.
Very dark chapter ahead if you dont want to read about SA or the R word please go to the next part thankssss
Can you roll me a paper doll?
From your fall harvest
In the murder mountain
You say it's dangerous out there.
For a silly girl like me
"Azu-" you murmured trying to shake the feeling back into your limbs.
Before you could utter another word you felt azul's lips hungrily collide with your own. Trying to pullback was impossible only feeling him begin to almost taste you like candy.
Trying you hardest to push his chest off your body you nudged him with the most strength you had in your fingers.
"Azul, please let me go-" you mewled as he began to wrap his hands around the ones on his chest.
Before you could speak however, a strong clasp around your wrists was felt as he held them tightly, his expensive silver coated watch dingling off his own wrist.
“Why? Is it because it's not in your little plans?” his amber musk and lily cologne now fanning into your nostrils.
Your mask almost fell completely off.
“I knew exactly what you were planning to do the moment you came to my office alone,”
Azul looked down at you boring his crystal hues into your eyes with something dark.
Is he going to rip the mask off of me?
Is this going to be it for my plan?
Why try so hard?
You were in a trance as you stared back at him with confusion written all over your face.
"What?" You meekily whimpered
“I never knew you would be the one to sneakily plan to seduce me for a weekend to keep your position,” he suddenly, snaked his hands towards the him of your plain white t-shirt.
Your stomach and heart sank to the pits of hell.
Why me
“I don't mind indulging you; I do need a new source of stress relief.” His hands were now snaking underneath your shirt, caressing your breast that were freed from your thin bra.
"Just relax (name)"
 Azul then moved his hands to lift your shirt up.
You werent sure what made you do it but you were able to push him enough to completely move him out of the way getting up on unsteady feet and bolting out of the bed.
Azul laid against the footboard stunned before fixing his glasses to look for you.
Racing from the room to the front door, you shakily grabbed the wooden knob, only for it to be...
You have at least 3 minutes to figure out how this lock works without using a key.
You remembered the door was able to open when you walked out to unpack why was it locked now?
As you violently shake the knob and stick your nails into the key opening, it doesn't work.
Damn it
You pound at it, taking your anger out at being in this predicament in the first place.
“I wouldn't try that if I were you; you act as if there isn't a key in the Guest bedroom,” Azul practically purred from the master bedroom door frame.
You ran past Azul, who had been not moving from his spot in the door frame, only with the smug smirk he always wore as he watched you frantically run to the guest bedroom.
Instinct had you go to the wardrobe, which made you believe luck was on your side when you immediately found the key next to his car key in the bottom compartment.
You stumbled over your bag that was laying across the floor almost making you fall backwards, your arms shaking as you grabbed the two keys.
Screw this plan; he's absolutely insane.
As soon as you turn towards the sound, however....
Azul was there.
In front of the door. 
Locking it.
You were face-to-face with Azul Ashengrotto.
And you knew what was unfortunately next if you didn't act fast enough.
Trying to access the situation, you remembered you had the sharp metal key in your hand.
Sizing Azul up, you realized he was way stronger than you, despite not having a weapon. The worst he could do was go for your neck, but you had an advantage with your little piece of metal hope in your hands to at least threaten him.
You tucked the key between your knuckles.
And so, raising your hand in a surrender position, you slowly tried to back yourself towards the bathroom.
“Azul.. Come on, let's just be reasonable here. You know I'm not into you like that, and neither are you,” you said slowly.
Way to be convincing
"I'm not as dumb as you think, Y/N. I know your type; you just want to play hard to get," Azul said, walking towards you, rapidly closing the space between you.
"It's okay to admit how you feel, darling; it's natural to want someone intimately," Azul said, zeroing in on you.
Unconsciously, you backed away, realizing he was
Your back hits the wardrobe.
“Let me just convince you how great of a lover I am," Azul said, almost closing the gap between you two.
With as much strength as you had, you finally swung your arm in his direction before Azul could completely close the gap between you two.
You swiped at him with the key, barely missing his nose but completely knocking on his glasses.
You quickly tried to shuffle around him.
He glared back at you with aggression in his eyes.
Great, now he's angry.
Instead of giving you a window of time to run by picking his glasses off the floor, he charged at you, grabbing your arm with the key.
You struggled against him, almost being hit against the walls and nearly avoiding it.
You grasped the key as hard as you possibly could, feeling your knuckles turning white as Azul grabbed at it repeatedly to disarm you.
Unfortunately, after a struggle that felt like forever, you started getting exhausted trying to fend him off from prying the key from you.
You left yourself open as you tried your best to keep your fist closed, unbeknownst to you.
He grabbed you by the hair, painfully tugging at your hair, causing you to yell in pain. You also dropped your only weapon on the ground as he threw you harshly onto the wooden bed, barely missing hitting the bedpost violently.
Trying to ignore the pain from your throbbing head, you writhed against his hand that was pulling your hair up, clawing and scratching at him, hoping it'd hurt enough to be let go of.
Azul then finishes closing the gap and straddles you from above on the bed.
“I didn't know you were this feisty behind that little submissive facade you have on you,” he said, violently pulling you up by the hair.
You screamed so loudly that you swore this was it for your hair, at least with how hard his grip was on your delicate head.
Not wanting to let him win you fought harder, even if it meant having patches of hair gone for a few months.
Wincing from the continuous painful yanks to your hair you shot your arms at his chest, which was directly in front of you, trying to reach for his neck.
Assuming even if you couldn't get your hands around him, he'd at least let go of your hair and focus on trying to get your small hands off his windpipe.
But you didn't get a chance, as he threw you down by the hair back on the bed so hard that, before being able to react, he pinned you against him with his knee and free arm.
With a defeated yelp, you tried to struggle once again and loosen his vice grip on your small hands, but it didn't do much.
Now being able to see his face was even more terrifying than the previous times you'd seen him in the office or on magazines and talk shows.
Being face-to-face with the monster, you could really see the man behind his angelic eyes.
His face was twisted in a sadistic smile that was different from the ones you'd see when he terrorized you.
How could someone so pleasant to the eye be so ugly?
There's only one thing you haven't tried.
You closed your eyes and gathered as much saliva as you had in your mouth. With a quick closed-mouth motion
You spat straight into his eye.
Surprising Azul, it seemingly stops him for a moment, closing his eye and reaching a hand up to this saliva-coated eye.
But when he opened his eye,
All you could see on his face was
“You little bitch,” he screamed at you.
He throws you down once more, being at his mercy, pinning you against the headboard, and in one swift motion, you could only gasp as you realized what he was going to do to you.
Azul then sucker-punches you so hard that you swear you see stars.
You were positive that you had to be dead.
On this mountaintop, hidden off the beaten path,
No family or friends even knew you were missing.
Nor was your boss the one who took your life.
At least that's what you thought until you felt your eyes flutter open.
You didn't realize the punch had knocked you out or how long you've been out since the altercation.
All you could see was the wooden paneling on the ceiling. At least being aware you were still in the master bedroom gave you relief.
You tried getting up, but you were straight up unable to.
And you were cold.
Too cold..
You moved your fingers.
Good, at least you had control of your fingers.
But your arms…
You tried moving your head, but you just felt pain.
You were so certain you at least had a bruise on that side of your face.
He hit you well enough, but at least you lived.
"Oh, I hear some movement. Are you finally ready to behave?” Azul's voice chimed from somewhere in the room.
You still couldn't see him, but you could hear his footsteps getting closer to the bed.
You violently stirred, hoping you could move your arms before he got there.
"I'm sorry, dear. I had to do this to prevent you from hurting me, but if you show me you'll cooperate, I might just untie your legs,” he said now, clearly in view, looking down at you with a manic glint in his eye.
"Please, Azul, what do you want from me? I'll do anything! I'm sorry, I'm scared to die,” you pleaded, trying to shift your body away from him.
“Anything is a dangerous word, isn't it? Don't say it unless you mean it,” he said, sitting next to your body in the bed before taking a finger to gently rub your abdomen in a soothing motion.
A chill went down your spine from the realization you came to as he idly traced patterns into your sensitive stomach with his index finger.
It was cold because you were naked.
"Where are my clothes?" You cried out.
“Come on, there has to be more women at work and in public you can do this with? Let's just think this through. If you let me go now, I won't tell another soul what happened here." You began trying to plead to convince him to change his mind, but when you glanced at your tormentor's face, your heart sank as you felt tears well up in your eyes.
All you saw was darkness swirling inside his soul.
He didn't care at all what you had to say.
He had already been set on what he was about to do to you.
He wanted you.
And he was going to have you, whether you wanted him or not.
The mask fell.
For good this time.
You finally started to wail and sob.
You could feel yourself shaking in fear and crying.
This wasn't good at all.
He was going to torture you and kill you, and he wasn't going to listen to your pleas at all.
You'd never cried this hard before, and you felt like this was the end your body had been warning you about all morning.
Never see your family and friends again.
Or him…
With your eyes still closed as fat tears fell from your face, and between all the hyperventilating breathes you took, you felt A pair of lips ghosting against your cheek before eventually feeling a warm peck as your tear's stream down your face.
Azul was kissing you.
It was gentle, and you'd dare say it was comforting if it were from anyone else.
“Shh, just let me take care of you; it won't be that bad. Just relax, sweetheart," Azul cooed near your ear.
You couldn't stop sobbing but eventually tried to calm your shaking body.
He gave a few more tender kisses on your face as your tears silently cascaded down your cheeks.
Eventually, you opened your eyes to be greeted by Azul over you, still giving you endless kisses on your face.
Then you could see him lift your bound arms above your head.
He wasn't lying; they both were secured using clear zip ties you'd seen around the office.
Even if you could run out of the room, you'd never be able to get far without cutting them completely off.
You felt him creep onto the mattress so you could see him over you, and now you could feel the pressure from where he was tightening your arms to the bed posts on either side of the queen-sized bed.
You felt hopeless.
Azul then turned himself around, and you felt a relief in the pressure on your bound ankles.
Weird how honest he was about bounding you.
At least he was untying my legs.
He returned to your field of vision and, immediately after caressing your face with his hands, laid a soft kiss on your lips.
You'd never been kissed before, let alone even had sex before. But you knew this wasn't the person you wanted to do this with.
After some time, this kiss became more feverish and hungry. As his lips kept clashing against yours for what felt like hours, he parted first from the kiss, leaving a string of saliva attached to your lips.
"God, how have I been waiting to taste you for so long? You definitely did not disappoint," he said in the most lustful tone you'd heard from him.
"Azul, please, I've never done this before,” you pleaded once more with him. This time, you mustered the most heartbroken expression you could at him.
Your hope was maybe to coax some kind of guilt out of him.
But it wasn't working at all.
He put his hands around your face and looked deep into them.
"Well, I promise to make this the most unforgettable experience ever."
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Notes: aha sorry for the cut off again but the word count was too long so the next part will contain the drama and action <3
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ollieolliewrld · 7 months
Hi!- do you perhaps do HSR angst or smth. Maybe a Blade angst where he gets nightmares/flashbacks of his past life as yingxing in his sleep, but is woken up by reader (his lover, can be gender neutral, whatever u prefer). He refuses reader's comfort, yet still secretly feels grateful (This is my first time requesting smth so i hope u dont mind!)
Thank you for the request, my love <3 I hope you enjoy this!
0.8k words
The area is dim, shadows overtake the land as Blade walks down the street. Booths of vendors are left empty, their goods left out to be taken. All the lanterns meant to light the walkway have long since burned out. Blade walks trying desperately to remember why he is here, why he is alone. 
“Yingxing!” a small voice calls out.
His strolled pace comes to a stop and a chill covers his body as he turns to face the voice.
In the darkness, he struggles to find any semblance of life. Failing at this, he decides to move closer, investigating a storefront that has left their window ajar.
As he gets closer he sees the inside of the store has been ravaged. Marks of a sword scar the walls and broken glass is thrown across the floor. His ears start ringing as he is overcome with a sense that he has been here before.
A pit forms in his stomach, and his eyes widen as the palms of his hands begin to sweat. This is fear. Something he has not felt in a long time. 
Blade turns quickly to get away from this place but he is stopped by a female figure, it’s impossible to make out her features in the dark.
“Yingxing, I told you to be home by dark. Sweetheart, did you get lost again?” The figure says as she brings her hand to his cheek, wiping away a tear he didn’t know was there.
Furrowing his eyebrows he places a name to the voice, “Mother?” His voice is shaky unsure of what he is saying.
“Let’s go home now, your dinner is getting cold,” she says leading him back to the street. 
As she turns into the moonlight the indistinct features of her face disappear leaving a flat white mask. 
Stuck in place Blade is frozen with fear.
“Why are you looking at me like that, Yingxing? Don’t you trust your mother?” The figure says extending her hand back to Blade.
Sick to his stomach, he feels a tightness form in his chest making it impossible for him to breathe. The world starts to spiral around him as he loses his footing. Just as he feels himself falling into the chaos around him, he is brought back to reality feeling your hand on his chest.
As Blade opens his eyes he wakes with a jolt immediately moving to sit up and back away from you. His eyes dart around the room and he attempts to gain his bearings back. You watch as his chest heaves, his breath unstable. 
“Did you have another nightmare, my love?” You ask placing your hand lightly on his leg.
Taking a deep breath, he meets your eyes and pushes your hand off him. 
Without saying a word he gets out of bed and leaves the room. 
Worridly you follow after him, giving him his space but watching that he is ok.
Blade ends up on the living room couch with his head in his hands attempting to push away the pain that he felt. How could he not remember the face of his mother? Why did he remember that street? The questions just pilled up until he felt your presence behind him. 
“Your eyes burn holes into my back, I can feel you there,” He says not removing his head from its position, “Go back to bed, this does not involve you.”
Silently you nod as you turn to go back to your shared room. 
When Blade hears the door close and knows that he is alone, he moves so that he is lying on the couch looking up at the ceiling. His thoughts start to slow as the broken memories of his past are mixed with the remembrance of your presence. 
The care in your eyes as you looked at him, knowing that he is capable of killing you and everything around him. Even with that you still stay to care about him, trying to help him out of the darkness of his past. He stays there in thought for some time before returning to bed. 
Blade knows that you are only pretending to sleep, as you always do, waiting to ensure that he is ok before you drift off to sleep. Silently he gets into bed, carefully wrapping his arms around you. When he falls asleep this time he is at peace being able to leave his past behind him.
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