#(Just don't say that you drew it & link to me if asked the artist & it's chill)
anthonyzoxide · 7 months
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Program: Procreate - drawing, ibisPaint X - filters (iPad) / Time drawn in: 56 minutes
Original (drawn by femtanyl[?]):
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
-Hello! My name is Anomaly, happy to welcome you in my blog!-
(meet the artist)
Second blog
About Me:
Name: Anomaly
Favorite characters (borderline obsession): Error Sans, Horror Sans, Dust Sans, Science Sans, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Satan
Likes: Angst, Fluff, Horror stuff, Writing, Drawing, Lemon juice, Music, Creepy stuff (lmao)
Dislikes: Public speaking, Mushrooms, Unnecessary Loud People
My Main Series/Saga:
UNDERMINE (On-hold/being rewritten - 5/2/2024) [Link]
Overcopy 1 [Link]
Overcopy 2 [Link]
Overcopy 3 [Link]
Overcopy 4 [Link]
Overcopy 5 [Link]
Overcopy 6 [Link]
My Masterlists:
What is my blog about? / What can I find here?
I'm an artist, and a writer! There's a chance that I'll mash the two together, but I mostly separate art and writing.
How is it with requests?
My requests are always open, but I cannot guarantee that I'll answer right away, I'd say my rules aren't so strict, I'm just busy irl.
This blog isn't my only focus in my everyday life, so there are times where I just don't make posts for 5 days straight. The times where I post the most are on weekends, as I have more time.
Are there any special tags you use?
For personal questions, I simply use this tag: #anomalyasks
Old tag: #vicnityask
For announcing new things: #vicnitynews
And for posts, that are about my Au "Over-copy", I tag them all: #chaos sans
Can I draw fanart?
Yes! I have no problems with anyone drawing fanart for me, quite the opposite actually. It'd totally make my day if someone drew me fanart :)
Hope you'll enjoy my work! Hope you'll have a beautiful day/night! ^^
[5/2/2024] (A/N: Why am I always writing these things SO late? I swear, I probably have the WORST schedule known to men. 💀 This should've been the first thing I should've wrote dawg 😭)
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strange0-0storm · 3 months
i have... A question . How did you rise to fame?
Asking for a... friend
HOW DID I RISE TOO FAME?!?! UH UH I didn't know I was famous/j
But LETS SEE I honestly don't know, maybe it was the mixture of me sharing my art and sharing my stories about my characters‼️‼️
Or just fanart in general. I kinda just post and do whatever I want, just all the stuff I like.🤭
I didn't expect to gain so much attention, especially with SMG8 and his silly comic, I wasn't even planning on making it such a big thing, but people liked it, so I continued it.
SMG7 wasn't even gonna be made until I realized that 8 would need a link. 8 was just gonna be some one-off oc. I drew a couple of times and then never again- and NOW HES LIKE MY MAIN THING IM KNOWN FOR RN AHSHH
But, I gained my fame by posting stuff people enjoy, I don't know what much else I can say. I'm still flabbergasted that I'm like- somewhat a known artist in the fandom on here now HQHSHSH
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Me when I think I'm cool after I yap
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mblue-art · 5 months
i’m curious about your take on strawberry nightmare! to you, what’s he like? how does he act? what’s he all bout?
He is annoying (/aff hehe), and even more so to regular Nightmare. I tried to figure out (still am, I guess) how to put the flavor theming and '2P!' thing together, but here's what I have in my head for him ^^ (ramble warning!)
Finding out that the concept of '2P!' variants existed in UTMV too, made me happy! Usually 2P!s are inverted or flipped versions of the original character— think Fell'd or Swap'd versions in UTMV terms— so I thought:
Huh. If he's supposed to be a flipped version of Nightmare, would he have similarities with Swap!Dream? 🤔 But softer, nicer? 'cause he's also strawberry milk-themed! 🍓 flavors and aesthetics can be associated with soft, nice, sweet, cheery, and pretty...
(And sometimes, behind that pretty pink, lies red danger. While regular Nightmare clearly shows that he is a threat, S!NM hides it behind a layer of sweetness; (like a yandere— I explored yandere S!NM here), like a 'nice' character hiding their bad side—
But don't worry! Only those who are deserving of his wrath will face it. He's mean when he needs to. The simps are safe, as well as the people he cherishes! He can be a patient man. Just don't be on his bad side and you'll be a-ok! 👍(⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
He's like... If regular NM decided to go uwu for the bit, but forever.........(/hj)
He is friendly, a flirt, flips between being all cutesy and rizzing up the simps,
nicely offers you (suspicious— he loves making people doubt LOL) pink sweets in exchange for company or simply as thanks for spending time with him
(A king can feel so lonely sometimes 😩😔 esp w/o his dear brother around... so maybe he has a massive pink house instead of a castle :] Oooh, imagine how pink and aesthetic the interior would be...),
likes messing with the original Nightmare (Ah!! NM hosting parties! Him getting invited! Yes, he'd def talk to the king of the castle but tries to be civil! This is a nice fancy party with lots of people around; he's not gonna ruin this for anyone 😤 he just wants to socialize!!)
(Yes he owns a few creative 🍓-themed suits, why wouldn't he lean towards his aesthetic 😤)
Like any Guardian of Feelings, he can manipulate/control emotions. He can pull out one's negative emotions to calm them down, and he can also make one feel nervous or any other mix of feelings in his presence, just like how his original counterpart does.
As for his role in the multiverse, I'd say he honestly just tries to have fun. Yk, jus a lil chaos. Teehee. No multiverse domination or anything, he just likes being a menace to people hehehe
An idea I thought of a few times is him hinting that he has visited Nightmare's castle (whether he actually talked to NM or not) by leaving strawberry milk (carton/bottle) in the fridge for the others to see and be confused by.
'hey guys where's my choccy milk? did any of you drink it?? it was my last box!' - 'why is there strawberry milk again... none of you drink this...' - 'who keeps getting this pink stuff'
NM eventually informs them about this visitor, and to be cautious, just... Don't drink whatever pink thing he leaves in the fridge.
I've never really thought of what S!NM's backstory would be, what him and his Dream's 'Dreamtale AU' would be, so right now, he's just... There one day (lol) with a brother that keeps? running away from him?? (His Dream is 🟦 instead of 🟨! (I saw an artist drew him as such) And while 🍓 is happy and excited, 🔵 is kinda gloomy... Interesting to see a happy Negativity Guardian and a grumpy Positivity Guardian...)
You can scroll through the #snm asks tag to read past (mostly simp) shenanigans with him, and you can also click these links for my other rambleposts about him ^^
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maniculum · 10 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Choglaem
First, it seems that Tumblr's search function is flawed in such a way that just searching the tag doesn't actually get all of the results. So if you drew something for this round and it's not in this post, let me know and I'll put it in a reblog. Same applies to previous (and future) rounds.
Anyway, it's now time to look at the results for the Choglaem! Anyone who doesn't know what that means is encouraged to look at previous posts in this series, collected at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting .
And here's the link to the entry people are working from:
Now, let's get into it. As before, these are presented roughly in the order that people posted them. (I'm going to go through the tag on Tumblr's regular search, then again on the alternate search method someone suggested, so any that only show up on the alternate source are going to be at the end.)
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@embervoices (link to post here) decided to show that the Choglaem is bigger than all living things on the earth by... having it fight Godzilla. Perfect. Inspired. Love it. No notes.
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@mobileleprechaun (link to post) has helpfully labelled their drawing for us, which I enjoy. Also the interpretation that the tongue through the blowhole is a lure used by an underwater predator is a good one -- honestly, putting something this large in the water just feels more plausible, you know? In their tags, mobileleprechaun describes this as "sort of a dinosaur snake tsuchinoko", and I had to Google that last one, so let me show you the best result from that ...
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(If anyone else needed that word defined, it's a creature from Japanese folklore that does actually look a lot like a fat snake, but I'm pretty sure it's not just a fat snake. There's a (disappointingly brief) Wikipedia article about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsuchinoko)
Anyway, the drawing is great! I have no idea why Saddam Hussein is there; you'll have to ask mobileleprechaun.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has given her Choglaem wings to aid in causing the air to become turbulent. The medieval stylization is pretty dead-on, I have to say; I swear I've seen those trees before. And I think this Choglaem may actually be the closest to the drawing in the Aberdeen Bestiary out of all the submissions we got, so coolest-capybara is clearly quite good at thinking like a medieval artist. The post linked above contains a brief explanation of her design choices and also a link to the medieval illustration that elephant is based on.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) has once more done a very realistic-looking depiction of this week's beaſt. According to their post, part of their inspiration was an oarfish -- and I have to say this is pretty believable as a terrestrial version of an oarfish, so well done. I'm impressed by this one, which manages to look cool and dangerous but also kinda cute -- I think the tongue-through-the-blowhole part of the description makes all of them look a bit goofy in an endearing sort of way. The post linked above describes their design decisions, including a brief diversion over round pupils vs. slit pupils in snakes.
Silverhart also mentions that the nonsense-names I'm using sound like the names of mythical animals in a fantasy novel, so I feel I should confess what my process for randomly generating these names was. I've got a Goblin conlang that's been sitting in my pile of works-in-progress for years; I just fed the phonology from that into Zompist's gen program (link here), then picked out several dozen of my favorite results. So that's why they sound like kinda-plausible words.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) has drawn us a Choglaem who is having problems. Or, I don't know, maybe it meant to knot itself up like that; who am I to judge? Either way I think it's cute. Just look at that face. A brief overview of her design decisions is included in the linked post; I think the chicken crest is a pretty sensible call given the source material.
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@pomrania (link to post here) has made some creative choices with their version. I like how they've decided that if the Choglaem kills with its tail, the tail should have something at the end rather than just... you know. A tail. That tracks. "The tail ends in a fist", specifically, however, was not something I saw coming. The crest looking like an emo hairstyle is funny, I think, and the angry elephant is great. The expression on the Choglaem's face is suspect to me; it looks like it's having too much fun with this. The linked post above includes an early draft, and itself links to a post with a detailed account of the artist's thought process and some additional sketches.
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@miapcain (link to post here) has... wait, hold on, look at that border. That's gorgeous. Had to acknowledge that before moving to the inside of the frame. Anyway, Mia has given her Choglaem legs, which might seem odd for something described as a "snake", but actually isn't out of the ordinary for a medieval bestiary -- the authors tended to play a bit more fast and loose with their categorization of animals than we do today, and there are indeed examples of animals with legs being called "serpents" or "snakes". (I assume the artist knows this, I just want to share that with the rest of the audience.) Anyway, the drawing style is great; I like the stylized landscape and the muted colors. That elephant is definitely modeled after a medieval elephant -- I swear I've seen it before -- but I couldn't tell you which one offhand. Anyway. Love the vibes here. Not sure why the tongue is a vine, but it's a cool design feature.
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@rautavaara (link to post here) has gone an entirely different direction with this one, and I can kind of see the steps. Snakelike creature, kills with its tail... what if the tail it kills with is a snake. As a result, we have this chimeric "bovid-lion-snake beast", as the artist describes. It definitely stands out from the crowd, and looks menacing as hell. Rautavaara continues with the cool frames and stylization, and I continue to appreciate them. Kind of an art-deco feel on this one.
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@karthara (link to post here) gives us a big snake with a somewhat aquatic-looking fin-crest, grappling with an elephant in a very believable manner. That is a quality depiction of a snake fighting an elephant, no mistake. And like I said before, a kind of aquatic look feels right for something this big. The linked post contains a short description of the design decisions.
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@gradling (link to post here) apparently also had the thought of "if it kills with its tail there should be something dangerous on the tail", and made the excellent decision to give the Choglaem a thagomizer. That's amazing and I love it. The crest also looks quite good. I don't have anything else to add here. Thagomizer. Brilliant.
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@moustawott (link to post here) has done this very cool, kind of celestial-looking Choglaem. I like that its pose is evoking an infinity symbol. And, of course, it is in its natural habitat:
the skies
A brief explanation of design choices can be found in the post linked above.
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@treesurface (link to post here) has managed to really evoke the size of this thing even though it's the only thing on the page, which I think is quite good. Also, the brief discussion of their design choices in the post linked is pretty interesting, and honestly that's what I want to highlight for this piece, so go check that out.
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@scarlettbookworm (link to post here) has given us an elephant apparently in the moment when it realizes it's about to be attacked by a Choglaem. In order to allow their Choglaem to lurk despite its size, they've given it camo-pattern scales, which I think is clever. There's a pretty good explanation of their design choices in the linked post, which I think is worth reading.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) apparently did this with a fountain pen, which I think is very cool. I like the oarfish-inspired crest, and the very menacing face, and the elephant being ambushed. However -- and I realize I've said this like three times in a row now -- you should check out the linked post to read the artist's explanation of their design decisions. They describe it pretty thoroughly and I think it's more worthwhile to read their account of what they've drawn than it is to read mine.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) posted this while I was typing this round-up, so this will be the last result from Normal Tumblr Search. They've given us another "there should be something dangerous on the end of its tail" interpretation and drawn their Choglaem with an ankylosaur-style club, which I think is excellent. As per usual, their post includes an amazingly detailed modern-naturalist-style description of the animal in question, which I always enjoy. It's exactly my jam. (That bit about where the largest Choglaem lives... is that a reference to something? It feels familiar.)
All right, I'm now looking through "#choglaem" on @findtags's search system, and it is a bit different, oddly. There are fewer results than in the regular Tumblr search -- only six of the above images show up -- but it also has one that doesn't show up on the normal search! Dammit tumblr.
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@hairycarrot ... whom Tumblr will not let me tag? what the hell? [edit: the tag works now that i’ve posted this, but the editor seemed to think this blog wasn’t real] um... (link to post here). Anyway, they've done this neat stylized thing that kind of looks like pastels? I don't know art, that's just what it looks like to me and I like it. I also enjoy the Choglaem being coiled up like a spring -- I know it's because it's a constrictor and showing it in coils is a good way to communicate that, but I still like the look. Very pleasant-looking depiction of an elephant being ambushed by a giant snake.
All right, time for the reveal. Here's the Aberdeen Bestiary drawing:
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Yep. That snake has legs and wings. So everyone who added limbs was in an appropriately medieval mindset. It doesn't seem to have a crest, though, and I don't see any blowholes. And it's attacking with its bite more than with its tail. Honestly, I think y'all read the entry much more closely than this artist did.
But maybe they were also working with more preconceptions.
Because you see.
This is the entry for the Dragon.
Yeah, that's not what I was expecting from a bestiary description of a dragon either.
The interesting thing about it to me is that it's absolutely not what you generally see in fictional depictions of dragons in medieval literature. The bestiary entry is very firm on the idea that it's not venomous, it's a constrictor, it kills with its tail -- and most medieval dragons I've read about are highly venomous. Some of them aren't even that large; they're dangerous for their venom rather than their size. So maybe this is a bit of medieval mythbusting -- "no, guys, real dragons actually don't have venom at all".
And yes, this means there's historical precedent for the green & black dragons in D&D; dragons being so venomous they spit, breathe, or blow out poison instead of having to inject it with a bite is a pretty common motif in medieval dragon stories. I think a lot of people think of those as just variants on the classic fire-breathing version depicted by the red dragon, but actually there aren't that many fire-breathing dragons in medieval stories as far as I remember. (I would do some research on this, but I wanted to have this posted like two hours ago, so you're just getting what I remember off the top of my head instead of proper sources, sorry.) To my understanding, the classic fantasy dragon breathes fire because Smaug breathed fire. And Smaug breathed fire because the dragon in Beowulf breathed fire. But the Beowulf dragon isn't actually representative in that regard; the venom-spitting dragon is more common as far as I've seen. (No word on lightning or cold, sorry blue and white dragons.)
Anyway, there's probably room to reintroduce the constrictor dragon that kills with its tail. What colors haven't already been used up in the various monster manuals, splatbooks, &c.?
I'm rambling. End of post.
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what are some problematic elements of v4 again?
here's a list of not great things in no particular order. not adding pictures because this post is already long enough as is, but go and reread the volume and you'll see what i mean.
v4 ended on march 30 2024, and the new v5 sparklecare ref sheets started to drop march 12 2024. kittycorn is suddenly able to draw barry fat again out of nowhere after not doing so since around the start of v3. it would've been nice if squeak drew him fat in the actual volume that was releasing at the time. here's a link to an ask i got that clarifies the dates/posting schedule of the comic.
uni being annoyed by barry and making fun of him, but only three pages later she gets frustrated at cyn for making fun of barry. sure, there's a timeskip, but... consistency, much?
the scene after cuddles berating uni could have been impactful if we weren't told constantly by kittycorn that this volume doesn't have any gore or violence in it (and if you didn't hear about it from squeak, the volume's cover says it as well). i understand needing warnings for things, but it's a warning for something that... doesn't happen? all of the tension from that scene - the question of whether uni did something or not, considering the large amount blood on the floor - is made completely pointless. the comic wants to act like there's an important moment happening, but at the same time, the comic itself made the moment boring because it told you there was nothing to worry about beforehand.
on the same note of cuddles berating uni - it's not executed well. his point about it not being the same type of puppet is... correct. sure, he's being a dick to uni and uni only, but his design mirrors uni. there's clearly something going on there. it's so obviously being written as a mouthpiece for kittycorn to state squeaks feelings. which is fine, it's squeaks comic, but it isn't written well. "people don't like my art, why are they attacking me :(" because people are allowed to have opinions about the main writer and artist of the comic they like, maybe? having the comic people are reading change all of a sudden to only comfort versus the commentary on the medical system and trauma that it was originally stated to be is going to make some people upset!
carrie is a dick to mood for basically no reason. uni locks herself in her room, carrie and barry can't get it open, so mood uses her keys to open it. cool! and then mood offers to clean kneevil instead of just throwing him away (as we're shown they have to do to comfort objects in v2). so then why does carrie make a slight at mood about her job to her? mood is a nurse, isn't she? so she's not even harming the patients! even if it's carrie taking out her anger about doom to his sister instead, it's still a weird moment to do it -- right after mood did nothing but help them.
"Why don't you go back and do something with your magic, dude? That's a talent you have, you're good at it."
"...I don't wanna freak out Barry any more though, bro... my magic stresses him out..."
"...you can do something with your magic, even if it confuses me, I'll be fine. If it would make you happy, do anything you want."
barry shouldn't have to sacrifice his own comfort and put aside his own feelings in order to make uni happy. also, when being yelled at by carrie, barry just says and accepts he's a jerk instead of defending himself? because the only reason he's being a dick to uni in the first place is because uni was a dick to him first (making fun of barry after he tried apologizing for something, which has been stated in the past to be hard for him). he was made fun of after being vulnerable, of course he's going to be a jerk to uni! but no, now he's completely in the wrong and uni is perfect and good in every way and did nothing wrong just because she's sad? that's not how that works! if uni (and carrie to a lesser extent) keep riling barry up, of course he's going to snap and act like a dick! why are they surprised that annoying somebody makes them act shitty to you due to them finding you annoying? you can't be intentionally annoying someone and expect there to be no consequences, or be mad/weirded out when there are consequences!
mood is scared by kneevil with the giant butterfly despite kittycorn stating that bugs are the only thing that mood and doom eat, and that them only eating bugs is supposed to be an attempt at writing an eating disorder. it's brushed off later with mood saying "nah. it didn't scare me that bad.", despite her being visibly uncomfortable a few pages earlier.
uni using her stupid perfect vision goggles to sew the puppets in this volume instead of kittycorn having to write squeaks blind character as actually blind. uni isn't supposed to have scissors or needles in the first place due to her being a self harm risk, so sure, the staff probably wouldn't help her with making puppets. but she could ask barry or carrie! maybe even jay! or any other friends she might have, considering she's spent nine years at the hospital!
barry should not be cool with barrific existing. it's been made a point throughout the comic that he hates and is distressed by magic due to it triggering his schizophrenia -- why would he be cool with seeing a puppet based on himself that's made alive due to magic? yes, i get that it's the famous barry puppet comic joke, but barry should be upset about this, not just shocked for a single panel and then completely fine with seeing magical sentient/sapient puppets the rest of the volume. barry should be panicking and hiding from all these shenanigans, or be mad, or something other than completely fine with it.
kneevil is able to trap barrific and barry in a cage... so why hasn't uni used her magic to stop cuddles in literally any way? i talk about this in more detail here.
the entire ending. or, more specifically, right before the ending, with kneevil crying and barrific apologizing. uni/kneevil is able to treat her/his friends like shit and don't get any sort of consequences for it. i go into more depth here about it (because trust me, it is written bad).
why are the sex jokes so constant? everyone has already said there's too many sex jokes already but sometimes less really is more. there should've been less.
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-mod polly 🧊
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dominimoonbeam · 3 months
Audio Script - M4A - First Tattoo
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I wrote this a while ago and would love to put it out there for audio artist to pick up if they're interested but I'm not really sure how to go about that, so we'll start here! <3
I wrote this M4A but if you want to change any of the pronouns you're of course welcome to.
Please give me credit if you decide to record this script, and a link so I can listen too! And, you know, don't put it behind a paywall. But if you want to pay me to make you your own scripts, you're welcome to contact me. <3 <3
Audio artists be warned, I seem to make a lot of background sound notes. Good luck, brave creators! I believe in your sound magic!
2 voiced characters with no interaction. Second speaker is the main character.
tags: confession of sorts, idiots in love, tattoo shop
First Tattoo
by Domini Moonbeam aka Clover Down
[fade in ambient music, muffled voices, the hum of tattoo machines]
You nervous?
Don’t be! I got this. You’re in good hands.
[paper rustle]
This is a great design. You did this yourself?
No? A friend?
Huh… You know this artwork style looks a lot like—
Yeah. You’re a friend of theirs? Roommates? They don’t usually do work like this unless they’re the one putting down the ink…
Alright. I’m just going to transfer this to tracing paper to put on you. Hang tight for a minute.
[muffled other voice] What the fuck? Who’s using my art?
[curtain thrown back]
[second voice, MC, surprised to see the listener and not some stranger stealing their art] Oh… [relief] Roomie. Shit, I thought someone stole my work… You… Wait…
What the hell are you doing here?
You were going to let that jerk tattoo you?
I’m your fucking roommate! We’ve been best friends forever and you finally want to get a tattoo and you went to them?
No, they’re not bad. That’s not the point!
No, it’s really not.
If anyone was going to tattoo you, it should have been me.
[chair sound, sitting down and scooting closer, voice lower]
You didn’t even tell me you wanted to get a tattoo.
A whim? Yeah right. You don’t do anything on a whim.
[paper sound] This isn’t a small tattoo.
What the hell were you going to say when I saw it?
What do you mean I wouldn’t see it?
Oh. I mean… yeah I guess I don’t usually see that part of you…
Wait! You were going to let that bastard work on your side and hip?
Yes, now they’re a bastard.
Because they were going to have you basically stripped down on their table with their hands all over you and my art… my…
Wait… You were getting my art tattooed on you.
[laughs] So what? Are you joking?
I remember drawing this for you…
Yes, I do. I drew this for your birthday that first year we met, right after I moved in.
I didn’t know it was your birthday until that afternoon, so I just drew you something… [awestruck] You really kept this.
That was years ago.
You were really going to get my work tattooed on you?
[listener getting up]
No, hang on. You don’t need to bolt.
[smiling] And where are you even going? We live together.
[listener sitting back down]
Don’t pout. I can’t believe you were trying to get someone else to tattoo my art on you at my own shop.
[laughs] Yeah, yeah, I did say they were the only good artists in town…
Seriously though, why didn’t you just ask me? You know I would have done it in a heartbeat, right?
Of course, I would! I’ve been dropping hints about tattooing you since we met!
[paper sound] I can draw you something new, if you want. Anything you want.
Why not?
Are you…blushing?
Okay. Obviously, I’m just seeing things then.
…Special? [paper sounds, looking at it again] It’s special to you…
Do you want me to do it then?
Yeah, of course, I mean it.
I mean, if you really don’t want me to…then I can send them back in.
[huffs a laugh] Yeah, the bastard… I would let them do my art if that’s what you really want. But I’d rather do it myself.
Because it’s mine. Because you’re… You.
Okay? [smiling] Okay. Great.
[putting on gloves] Show me where you want it.
Don’t get shy now…
[clothing rustling as listener takes off their shirt]
What? Nothing. Which side did you want it on?
[touching skin] Here? Down… Okay, stand up and push your pants down your hips.
Yeah, there. I need to clean the area first.
[spray. wiping. laughs] Yeah, it’s cold. Hang on.
[paper sounds. peeling the paper off] Okay, the stencil is on.
Take a look in the mirror real quick and make sure you like the placement.
Great. [pats the padded table] On your side, facing me.
[listener getting settled]
You’re going to be okay. Deep breaths.
[fiddling with equipment]
Okay, I’m going to start with the outline. This isn’t going to feel great, but you can take it.
That being said…if you need a break just let me know, okay? No shame in tapping out.
…Why are you blushing?
No reason… okay.
[machine hum]
Don’t move.
[starts working. background sounds and machine sounds for a bit]
Oh. No, it’s my day off. I don’t have anyone else waiting or anything.
And don’t think I failed to notice how you plotted to come in when I wasn’t here.
Yes, plotted.
Don’t try to change the subject.
I came in because I still had some boring shit to get done after I skipped out early the other night.
[laughs] Yeah, I guess you could say I cut out for a hot date. I was taking you to that movie you had to see on opening night.
Yeah, that shut you up…
Oh, you wouldn’t call that a date?
What the hell would you call it? I picked you up…
Yes, we do live together. That did make it easier.
I bought you dinner.
Popcorn counts when the bucket is bigger than your head.
[machine and background sound stretch while speaker thinks and works]
So…why this one?
This sketch. Why did you decide to get this tattooed?
[laughs a little, focused on the work] Yeah, I did say people usually get something meaningful to them.
You…wanted it to be permanent?
You know I’m permanent, right?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you want the tattoo. I’m fucking thrilled to put my art on you, and I would gladly give you a dozen more, but you know you don’t need to have something permanent from me, right?
Yeah… People leave. But I’m not going to leave you.
No. You know I don’t say things I don’t mean.
I’m not going anywhere.
[another stretch of machine sounds and background sounds]
Do you mind if I add some freehand or do you want it exactly like the image?
You know this is going to take a couple sessions, right?
[laughs] Yeah, some people could sit for the whole thing at once, but you can only sit still for so long.
No, I know you, you only sit this still when you’re scared or flirting…
[realization] And I know you’re not scared of me…
Hm? I’m not saying anything.
But you did hang on to this drawing for three years.
[getting serious] Roomie…
[surprise when listener starts to move] No, seriously, don’t move.
[another pause while the machine hums/background]
[soft spoken] You have no idea what it means to me to put this on you.
Yeah, I’ve done a lot of tattoos, but this is you.
The idea of my work on your skin? Permanently?
That you wanted me permanently with you…
That’s what you’re saying, right?
[happy sigh] Yeah. Yeah, I want that too.
You know, I’d say we need to work on your communication skills but this kind of works for me… Just, you know, don’t ask other people to do the tattooing, next time?
[laughs] No, you’re right, I’m not usually the jealous type but this is different. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it.
Because… It’s you.
Now, hold still or I’m going to screw up your first tattoo.
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cyrusclouds · 5 months
last updated on: may 23rd, 2024! haaiiii!! my name is cyrus, super nice to meet you guys!!! here's my pronouns.page for anybody curious on my pronouns and such, but if you just want a quick overview, i use any and all!! :DD
moot requests are totally open!! a little p.s, i am angelkin, raccoon therian/raccoonkin, and a nina hopkins (creepypasta) & kris (deltarune) fictionkin!!! <3
CONTINUE FOR: dni, custom tags, and extra info <3
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other links : pinterest , ao3 , spotify, simplyplural: cyrusclouds, @drhenrymillerrr & @cloudyfilezz
cyrus does art ☆
cyrus says a lot ☆
cyrus says a little ☆
cyrus makes edits ☆
cyrus speaks the truth ☆
cyrus answers your asks ☆
cyrus makes stimboards ☆
cyrus talks about system things ☆
cyrus says something important ☆
fnaf, dsaf, dialtown, scp foundation, batim, sander sides, mark egos, roblox myths, bnha, scott pilgrim takes off, hazbin hotel/helluva boss, hetalia, gravity falls, gobb, ddlc, mlp, undertale, deltarune, cuphead, dead plate, centricide, death note, pokemon, hamilton the musical, resident evil, underverse, detroit become human, okegom, tf2, kinito pet, and some other things i probablyyy forgot to add!!
youtubers: flamingo, markiplier, jacksepticeye, danny gonzalez, drew gooden, jarvis johnson, kurtis conner, funkyfrogbait music artists: ghost bc, sleep token, mitski, lana del ray, jack stauber, lemon demon, sodikken, tally hall, will wood
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i have bpd and suspected asd, so please tread lightly and try to keep this a positive space (no drama)!
as my pronouns.page says, i am a minor. keep it sfw.
i tend to get very anxious with interactions, so if i seem nervous, don't worry, you didn't do anything!
i can be a bit obnoxious with asks, so if you don't like it, please just ask me to stop :))
i block freely, buuuuttt... homophobes, transphobes, racists, zionists, nazis or neo-nazis, anti-furry, anti-otherkin, anti-therian, anti-neopronouns, anti-xenopronouns, anti-xenogenders, proships or comships, and overall assholes. keep off my page, you WILL be BLOCKED.
dave miller (dsaf)
henry miller (dsaf)
twilight sparkle (mlp)
dr iceberg (scp foundation)
karen (dialtown)
darkiplier (mark egos)
dabi (bnha)
toga himiko (bnha)
yuri (ddlc)
error (underverse)
(none of the above are for abusive reasons!!)
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enden-agolor · 4 months
I don’t know how often people tell you this, maybe a lot, but can I just say you’re my favorite artist in general? It’s indescribable, but your art just has it’s charm to it that makes it so special and lovely. Every drawing you make is absolutely amazing, and you’re an incredibly talented writer as well! I remember finding your account somewhere around early 2023, and finding your account somehow managed to both get me out of artblock and get me back into mcsm <:) I just wanna simply say I enjoy your work so much and I look forward to every art or fic you’ll create. Sorry if this kinda was a silly ask lol
Also, how do you make your au designs? The designs you make for each individual character in your aus are amazing, especially forest deity and royal, I was kinda wondering if you reference some stuff while making your designs or something <:D I hope you have a great day, Enden!
I don’t know how often people tell you this, maybe a lot, but can I just say you’re my favorite artist in general? It’s indescribable, but your art just has it’s charm to it that makes it so special and lovely. Every drawing you make is absolutely amazing, and you’re an incredibly talented writer as well! I remember finding your account somewhere around early 2023, and finding your account somehow managed to both get me out of artblock and get me back into mcsm <:) I just wanna simply say I enjoy your work so much and I look forward to every art or fic you’ll create. Sorry if this kinda was a silly ask lol
Also, how do you make your au designs? The designs you make for each individual character in your aus are amazing, especially forest deity and royal, I was kinda wondering if you reference some stuff while making your designs or something <:D I hope you have a great day, Enden!
Jeez. Wow, I hardly know what to say. Like literally I've been sitting on this ask for a day thinking of how to respond.
It's pretty dang rare to hear I'm someones favorite artist, so I was shocked to see this when I woke up yesterday. I just want you to know that means the world to me, and it's a huge honor. Thank you so much. As well as the praise towards my writing, it means so much to me to hear positive feedback about it. To know my silly art and writing has had a positive impact on you is incredible. I love that, thank you so much. <:D 🩵
As for how I make my au designs? Gosh I really am not sure. It really is just me pulling up a blank canvas and drawing the characters then adding clothes and armor that I feel fits them. I actually had someone recently ask me on discord how I came up with FD Jesse's design and what the process was, but that one art of them I did with Lukas and Jesse standing side by side (I'll link it at the end) was the first time I drew their designs for this au. Wasn't even sure if I'd stick with the Jesse design but then a bunch of people started making fanart of him and I am SOOOO unbelievably grateful for that but then I knew the design was a success and he grew on me a ton, so I don't see myself changing it. I don't usually use references when doing my character designs, I kind of just work with what I know how to draw already and try to get the image in my head out into the drawing. For the royal au Jesse, I had Link (LoZ) in mind 🥰
I hope your day is great as well!!! : D
And here's the post I was talking about:
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bludweave · 6 months
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hi! my name is tryst. i'm 16, my pronouns are he/they, i have audhd, and i like the color orange. i'm also an artist! i've been drawing digitally since 2018, and traditionally for, like, basically all my life.
boundaries or something
- proshippers dni
- please do not repost, print, or sell my art without my permission. if you see someone doing this, inform me or report them.
- i give full permission, however, to use my art as profile pictures, banners, wallpapers, etc With Credit. please credit me somewhere, whether that be through linking my blog or just adding the name of my url.
- don't pm me unless i know you
- i like getting asks :)
- i won't take feedback/suggestions/requests unless i say i'm going to. i will block you if you try to tell me what ships i "should have drawn."
- if you post sexual content on your blog, please don't follow me
- did not know i even had to say this, but Please don't make redraws of my stuff. i'm okay with art vaguely inspired by something i drew, but i'm Not Okay with that.
my tiktok
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
Do you take requests?
No, but I do take suggestions! The main difference is that I can pick and choose between suggestions for ideas that I like and want to draw from, you're welcome to send in suggestions whenever! Obviously don't take it personally if I never draw your suggestion, they are just drawing ideas to me and I would go insane if I drew EVERY single suggestion I get!
Can you draw my OC/AU?
As much as I love everyone's OC’s and AU’s, I cannot draw for everyone, and to be honest I am a lot less likely to draw someone's OC/AU if I’m requested. Don’t take it personally, I have a weird thing where I would much rather gift someone art rather than be asked to draw it for them, it makes it feel like my idea and therefore I’m more passionate about doing it for them! It’s why I don’t request people directly to draw anything for me. Again everyone's ideas are amazing and I love seeing how creative people are. It's just that I'd much rather gift people art of their OC/AU than be requested to draw it, I will draw things for people when I have the motivation to do so!
Can I draw your characters/AU's/designs?
Yes! You are always welcome to draw any of my characters, AU's or designs! Please make sure to @ me in your own post if you do so I can see it and reblog it! I'd prefer to have any gifts for me be posted instead of sent to my ask box, as asks can sit in there for a while and I want others to see your amazing work ASAP, though I don't mind either way!
Can I write something with your character/AU’s/headcanons?
Yes!!! That would be so awesome!!! You are welcome to come to me to ask for advice on writing about my characters and stuff but yes you are welcome to write for them! I cannot write to save my life (dyslexia/ADHD mega combo lol) so I look up to anyone who can write fanfics and such, you guys are so cool!
Can I use your work for icons/banners/edits/etc.
Yes you can! No need to ask permission, I would appreciate credit being given to me, either to this blog or to my Twitter account, an @ to either account name is enough for me though a link is preferred. You are welcome to edit my work for icons/banners/edits as well, again as long as credit is given.
Can I repost your work?
Reposting is only allowed provided credit is given! Again, either to this blog or to my Twitter account, an @ to either account name is enough for me though a link is preferred. Do not repost my work claiming it as your own, that's weird. If i’ve drawn something for you you’re more than welcome to repost it with credit as well!
Can I copy/trace your work?
Do I really have to say this? No please don't do that, you don't learn from tracing other artists work, use real life references images if you need help learning anatomy. I don't consider style copying to be a thing so I'm fine with people incorporating my style into their own, and sketching over my work to get a rough sketch is fine, just don't line over it and call it your own.
Can I used your work for AI?
No, fuck off.
Why do you tag some of your art as suggestive?
Just to be safe, I know I draw “sus” stuff sometimes and I mainly want to make sure people keep themselves safe when viewing my stuff. My blog will never explicitly post anything NSFW, the suggestive tag on my art is mainly for sex jokes, pinup style clothing/posing or ass. Again it is just to be safe, you’re not obliged to reblogs with the same tag as me, it’s just to make sure people don’t see something they don’t want to.
Who are the recurring characters that keep showing up here?
Oh, you mean my children? Let me give a rundown:
Mango (He/They) - Mango is my sona! I use him all the time for answering things and also just in general. He is part Dr Mario and part MLP pony from another dimension that somehow got sucked into the SMG4 universe. He works as a doctor in the SMG4 universe, he’s a bit cynical at times but he’s still a kind and caring guy, he’s just sick and tired of all the BS that happens in the SMG4 universe.
Smug (He/Him) - Smug was originally a weird bootleg SMG3 plushie that got turned into a human somehow, he is still a plushie just much bigger now. He spends all his time scamming people in various ways to get what he wants out of them and has no care or regard for them. He has a friend/partner who’s a bootleg SMG4 plush, however she wasn’t transformed as much as him and therefore is the same as before, she can just move and talk now.
Telly (They/Them) - Telly is a happy little accident that somehow occurred out of nowhere, they are the child of Mr Puzzles! They are a shy yet friendly little child who just wants to make friends and watch TV. They struggle with meeting people due to their speaker not working as they can only make static noises to communicate, but they are adventurous and always looking to have fun! They love and look up to their father a lot, he's their biggest inspiration.
If more get added I’ll put them here, you are always welcome to ask me about any of them! I love talking about them! All of them have their own tags on my blog that are free to be used by others as well!
Do you have any AU’s?
Yes! I have a werewolf SMG4 AU! I need to work on it. Werewolf SMG4 is a version of SMG4 who's been cursed to turn into an out of control werewolf every night, his friends are constantly working to try and find a solution to this curse while 4 is busy trying not to get anyone killed. It's very angsty and sad I promise, one day I will work on it more, you are welcome to ask about it whenever! It might motivate me to work on it more lol.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side A
A Sadness Runs Through Him - The Hoosiers
"And don't look at me with those eyes I tried to unheave the ties Turn back the tide that drew him He couldn't be saved A sadness runs through him Through him"
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
"With a thousand lies and a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes When you walk away, nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
A Sadness Runs Through Him - The Hoosiers
maybe it was a different tournament but i could've sworn this one was a cinch. i am looking Directly at a professor layton animatic for this one. a sadness runs through that man indeed because why the FUCK is a series about puzzles so goddamn tragic. i love it but also i cry about it. there are so many dead people. also just "as he asked me to pray to a god he doesn't believe in" is SUCH a good line
Animatics with the song:
Genshin Impact
Gravity Falls
Infinity Train Simon Animatic
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
sorry I can't write propaganda pieces but fuck I loved that song growing up, I'd see it in a ton of Undertale fan animations (often made in Flipnote and uploaded through Hatena) and by the gods I loved it like it was my own son.
My mom found a nightcore MLP AMV with this song and didn't realized there was swearing in it when she showed me. Anyway, 2009 edgelords go brr Also that guitar solo is just epic
Animatics with the song:
Ace Attorney Klavier Animatic
South Park
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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So you just steal artwork and don't care? Got it. Either that or my ask asking about sources from your posts on April 8th disappeared. Or I guess you could be off tumblr and not have been here for two weeks.
Hi Anon,
I'm assuming this is you:
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If it is, yes, I did see your last ask - but life has been a bit shit lately and frankly, I didn't have the emotional bandwidth to deal with an accusatory email that gave me absolutely no details about what you were upset about so I could investigate. So today, despite it being an incredibly long and shit one that isn't over I'm going to reply.
*Takes a deep breath* From this point forward I'm going to assume that, like me, you are just a real-live human with feelings that get hurt and not someone who just likes to yell at people on the internet. So let me apologise that I have used your artwork without attribution, it was in no way my intention. Please take this apology as someone who was just trying to amuse themselves and perhaps help some other people out by reminding them to take their meds too. I absolutely suck at art-type things so in my mind, no one would think I did them or was claiming the actual 'art' part of them as mine. I realise now this is the internet, you guys don't know me, and so I should have been clearer that nearly all of these are edits. (There are a few waaaaay back I actually drew myself). Looking at the 7th, 8th & 9th of April (allowing for time zones and assuming that's when you saw your artwork). All of them except one have a link at the bottom of the image that links back to where I sourced the original image - I don't know if this is visible on mobile so I'll show it below (the bit circled in red)
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So I'm assuming this one is yours:
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It seems that one doesn't have the link. I don't know why. I haven't made any new reminders for this blog in ages (again - life) - it seems like most of the ones from early April this year were originally posted back in 2021. I got briefly excited about this blog again a few months ago and loaded up a bunch of old ones so this blog was still functional for the people that find it helpful. Going back I have noticed that others seem to not have credit either. It is possible I made a mistake and forgot to add them. It's also possible that Tumblr has a had a glitch/error/weirdness which means it's disappeared. I also used a bunch of images from the editing app I was using to add the reminder message and I wish I could remember what the site was called because I cannot for the life of me remember. Honestly, who knows. I have deleted the post(s) with that image - if it's not the right one please let me know.
I have always gone out of my way to ensure that anything I use is either free use, or non-commercial under Creative Commons. As an aside, I'm an academic and a person who has artist friends and my partner runs a business where our customers are largely designers and artists, so I do actually do my best to give credit. Am I perfect - no I'm not. Part of the reason I stopped making new posts was because of difficulty giving credit even on images that were non-attribution and finding images where I knew what the attribution requirements were (along with trying to remember everything everyone asked me to tag, and doing the image descriptions etc.) If anyone else finds something of theirs in one of my posts and there isn't credit attached please either dm me or send an ask and let me know which post and how you would like to be credited and I'll add it in. If you want it removed, I'm happy to do that too.
Sorry for the long post, hope it helps to clear things up. Finally, let me take this opportunity to say
"Don't forget your meds today my friends"
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tarulink · 6 months
what is your zelda notp and why? Is there another zelink you love besides oot zelink?
Hello anon!
Uuuh well... There's only one ship that I don't like in Zelda franchise and it's Malink, not bc the ship is bad, bc the fandom ruined it to me.
Ok this will be too long but here goes: I am a baby in this fandom I have only started loving the franchise for 4 months so there are things that I still need to understand. My first Zelda was BOTW, so I had no idea about the plot of OOT BUT I remember that in forums and facebook groups people mentioned that there was a canonical ship in that game confirmed by Nintendo, at first I believed that, of course that ship was Link x Malon. I didn't know who Malon was until I saw some Uzucake fanart and thought "well maybe she's a close friend of Link and they have a nice development!" I remember I asked a friend and he told me it wasn't true, so I was very confused!! Then I played the game and realized they were just friends? She couldn't remember him 7 years later until you played Epona's song and only then she remember him, which leads me to think that they didn't have such a close friendship. Then I read the famous theory, the first time I read it it made some sense but then I started to think "how are they canon if in the game they barely even interacted??" then I drew my own conclusions and investigated a little deeper. I realized that theory didn't make sense. And look, it's perfectly fine for everyone to have their own headcanons about their favorite ships, but the problem lies when you take that headcanon as canon and force others to believe it. I started to dislike that ship because when I was looking for OOT Zelink fanarts on Twitter and Facebook, there ALWAYS were comments saying that Malon was his real wife, there were comments from people comparing Malon and Zelda, I even saw insults towards the works of the artists who drew OOT Zelink WHICH IS DISRESPECTFUL. I'm talking to you about recent times, the fandom has changed, the popularity of ships has changed, what happens now is not the same as what happened in the early 2000s or 2010s. I feel like... Malink became "popular" among the problematic community of the Zelda fandom due to this theory that over the years they have taken for granted that it's canon and that many people who support that theory are the same people who hate Oot Zelda. You'll be surprised how many videos on YouTube there are about this topic and how many people support it (at least on the western side the ship became very popular). Of course there are nice people who don't behave like that, I'm just speaking from my experiences. I prefer malink as buddies, I enjoy fanfics where Malon and Zelda are besties:(
Also yes! I support all Zelinks but here's my top 3 :
OOT Zelink
SS Zelink
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taffybuns · 11 months
Hi Taffybuns! Thank you for being you and artist that has passion to make. My brother told me that he bought two shirts out of it and he loved it, i was surprised you were the artist drew design! (the pokemon ones!)
Though I am curious and i hope you'll able to respond, do you have advice to make my art for merchandise in the future? I don't mind if you want to simplified explaination, a tumblr posts, or dropping a youtube link video; since you're busy with conventions.
I'm picky when it comes youtube art videos that are always give me the vibes of elitism, clickbait videos or others. You're the first artist I wanted to ask, so i hope it's fine if you can reply or not.
Sending my best regards to you. Take care and love your art as always. (I hope i can buy your pokemon hawaiin shirt!)
hello! thanks so much for the sweet message!!
apologies for the confusion, though! the pokemon shirts arent mine! i share a joint storefront with my friend and tablemate, you can view all his designs here! we have our store bio set to say we are two artists, but it's hard to see on the shopee site format, haha. i'll pass this message along to him, and i hope you can buy his shirts in the future too, they're very well made! i'm glad your brother enjoys them!
(if anyone is reading this, he also has them listed internationally on Etsy! my items aren't here though, sorry!!)
i assume you're PH based aswell if your brother got our shirts, so i'm gonna link some resources and basic advice under the cut-
i'd be glad to help where i can, though my basic advice is to just start.. i began selling merch with dann (friend who made the pokemon shirts) when we were just classmates in college, and we started at small anime events selling small prints with our table falling apart hahajkfghjk.. but even back then everyone was so friendly, so it was very encouraging !! the art community is very sweet and there is a lot of support for you !!
first, you'll want to find your market! this will determine what conventions you want to apply to and what kind of merch you want to make. do you want to make fanart, or original art? are you doing mostly stickers, tote bags, or anime merch? or do you just want to sell online?
second, what is your budget for merch production? starting out is expensive, personally my funds always circulate between profit and spending on restocks again. this will determine what kind of merch you can make, and then you expand later! i started out with only stickers and art prints, then keychains, and then bags and t-shirts later on!
if you're into original art, some events i recommend for beginners are Patrons of the Arts, Buzzart, Komiket. they have regular events throughout the year. if you're into stickers, there's Stickercon and Sticky Expo!
if you're into fan art, you can try ozinefest (sales are slower but table cost is cheaper), or if you have enough money, split for cosplay ph events
of course these aren't the only events, though they're the ones i regularly attend! if you have a more specialized market, there are dedicated cons like philifur, the grand lason, pokecon, etc. for all of these events you'll either have to keep your eyes peeled for table openings on their pages (rare), or email them to be added to their mailing list so you'll be told when they're open
if you don't have any suppliers yet, you can apply to join Artist Alley Group Order on facebook ! people regularly post about suppliers for all kinds of merchandise that you can look up. if you want any recommendations you can message me off-anon!
as for the merchandise itself, this varies person to person. my market is more obscure fanart that other people don't sell, and cutesy original art! i sell big illustrations as prints, though other people report on having a hard time selling prints. it depends on the content and art style. you'll have to experiment and see, or look around other shops to see what sells! visiting art markets yourself is also a huge help, to see the market, make friends in the artph community, and support artists!
i'd recommend starting out with stickers and prints- they're the cheapest to produce, and people often buy stickers because of their low price at cons. when you get more familiar with the market you can try going onto more expensive things to reproduce!
again if you want details, let me know! this is very vague and general advice, if u have any specific questions i'll do my best if i'm not busy! don't be afraid to surf thru some videos too, a lot are very helpful n not too elitist!
gl and take care aswell anon!
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arkiwii · 11 months
for the ask game: 8 (a quote that means a lot to you), 1 (the moment you started shipping your otp), and 17 (a worldbuilding aspect you have the greatest admiration for)
Fandom (8)
I can't just not quote my favorite quote from NoriZC's scrappaper collection on Saria and Silence's arts; "Because grass and rocks always complement each other over time." It's just beautiful, simple, it's peak, I love it. But it's not in the game or canon so let's throw it away
I really like Frostnova's song, Lullaby - and my favorite quote in this song is "In your dream, in your dream, are you seeing formidable adventures? How will you grow up, little one? Who will protect you?" (Unofficial translation but I like the wording better) It just. Speaks to me to a level I can't imagine. The fear of growing up, to be alone, to have to face the world and life by yourself
And if we don't count songs, a quote I LOVE from Reed's module's story: "Ever since, the fire never truly went out. It burned within (their) eyes, inside (their) heart, in the night of every festivity. [...] Slowly, (they) became used to the heat, to the scorching that stabbed through (their) body with each breath. (They) believed this undying flame would be with (them) for life, even chasing (them) in death. Until (they) received this present. (They) realizes, and it startles (them). So there were people who'd still try to put water on these raging flames." (I they/them Reed, apologizes) It's just beautiful I think, the metaphor of the fire as their pain, and people who cares about them, trying to put it out. It's beautiful
Fandom (1)
OK THIS IS FUN BECAUSE. The answer is before I ever started the game. A friend of mine showed me some characters, specifically Liberi, because they know I love birds SO MUCH. And they showed me Silence, I immediately fell in love with her design. So they told me a bit more about her, mostly how she had a child and was incredibly divorced from Saria. The thing is. I thought it was canon. Like that they REALLY were divorced, canonically. I simply got a lot of affection for these characters and aimed to get them in game, all together.
But if we speak about when I really really started to get into it, my very first ship fanart of Sariasil was done in March 19th this year, so like a month or two after I started the game? And oh god I never stopped drawing them since then
If anyone wonders, this is the first art I drew of them, I never posted it as it was done before creating this blog. Notice how my artstyle changed AHAH
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Fandom (17)
Everything. No seriously, how am I supposed to pick only one.
There's many aspects I love but it's just, how all of them just answer to each other, how this world lives, outside of the main story, how everything is linked together and how the world move. I admire this as someone who tries to build a world for a story.
But if I have to pick one, I'd say the political stuff behind each faction. I suck at politics, so I admire this a lot. Arknights has been a huge inspiration for my own project, and I started to think more about politics in my own universe. Just like what I said above, each has consequences, each has influence, and that's how this world lives.
And most of all, each artist behind have their own part, they work together and create this world together, and that's beautiful to me
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