#(Please Don't Bite)
mascxdaddy · 6 months
hi so actually if you bite my neck to muffle your moans while i'm fucking you i will probably give in to the primal urges to absolutely ruin you
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You know what? I want a whole post for this:
Sex Repulsion is not the same thing as, or an excuse for, Sex Negativity
I am a sex-repulsed asexual. This means that I am uncomfortable and repulsed by the idea of engaging in sexual acts. This does not mean that I have an excuse to be repulsed by other people's sexual attraction or the right to police how other people engage in or express sexual acts or attraction.
Young queer people need to learn the difference between sex repulsion and sex negativity, and actively work to unlearn sex-negative attitudes. Asexuality, even sex-repulsed asexuality, is and should be fully compatible with sex positivity.
If you are uncomfortable with the idea of other people feeling sexual attraction or engaging in sexual acts that do not involve you in any way, that is not sex repulsion it is the cultural Christianity and you need to seriously work on that.
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captain-astors · 2 months
I saw that u got dndadss requesttt
Maybe some glenn and taylor bonding?
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Taylor was initially like "no thanks old man I'd rather hang out with my AWESOME MOM" about getting to know his grandfather but he was presented with an offer he could not refuse (learning the chords for Blue Bird from Naruto)
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fearofahumanplanet · 2 years
i've spent my entire 21 years of life refusing to have a social online presence whatsoever and tumblr is the thing that broke me
so hi ig i'm sorry for all the ramblings about mythology & writing you poor fucks will have to endure
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iite-cool · 1 month
simon the type of menace that fucks you silly with his fingers and his tongue on your clit while you're crying and begging for permission to cum ("c-can i cum, sir?") and the very second he says yes, your toes start curling and your back arches. but just as you're about to go careening off the edge, he pulls away. he kisses away the tears streaming down your heated cheeks as you thrash under him and whispers, "it's may i cum actually."
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whatimdoing-here · 10 months
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kiss kiss kiss
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oblique-lane · 23 days
"I'm only valuable when..." of TF2 mercs
Personal mental stereotypes they follow, yet will never admit aloud. An analysis:
(Headcanons but I tried to be as compliant as possible)
Scout: I'm only valuable when people see me as cool and tell me that I'm cool... 'Cuz that means, it must be true...
(Constantly comparing himself to everyone, barely knows his true self, struggles to be alone)
Pyro: I'm only valuable when I have friends to care about! If there's none... It's so cold and lonely...
(Fear of abandonment? Fear of betrayal. Urges for revenge)
Soldier: I'm only valuable when my community needs me! I am all about loyalty and faith!
(Strongly identifies with the place or beliefs he belongs to, constantly feels threatened.)
Demo: I'm only valuable when people find me fun to be around. As soon as it gets sad, everyone leaves.
(Numbing his emotional pain in substances because he has no idea how to handle it, especially since these emotions push people away time and time again. Feelings of helplessness.)
Heavy: I am only valuable when I can protect people. Although I understand, when people are able to stand for themselves, it feels like my purpose is gone...
(Being protective is his identity. If he's not a big human shield for the people he cares about, who is he?)
Engineer: I'm only valuable when my ideas become reality. While I'm still alive, my mission in life is to make as many creations as I can.
(His work is more important than his personhood. He's the Engineer first, Connagher last)
Medic: I'm only valuable when people need very specific solutions to very specific situations. Let's say, some of these situations were also a work of mine.
(Too genius of a mind struggles to fit into the "normal" flow of things. Extending what's possible.)
Sniper: I'm only valuable when I'm useful. When my help is irreplaceable. Otherwise, why am I even here?
(Struggles with "fitting in" and finding a community/genuine connections. Doesn't believe there's anything to him besides his work)
Spy: I'm only valuable when people can look up on me, when they admire me and want to be like me. Or, otherwise, when they hate me and believe that I'm the only cause of their suffering. It's never too much when it comes to praise.
(Extremely fragile ego)
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luthqrs · 4 months
doctor who big finish audio stories!
you may have seen my nuwho books post and thought “well that’s all good and proper but i wanted the big finish audio dramas >:(“ fear not, because i have a collection of those too and i am still not allergic to sharing :)
also up for grabs: doctor who novelisations (x) and torchwood big finish audios (x)
a list of what’s there + how to play below the cut x
things you’ll find here:
new who + misc
the diary of river song (series 1-12)
the tenth doctor and river song (series 1)
the tenth doctor adventures (series 1-3)
the ninth doctor adventures (series 1-4)
unit incursions (episodes 8.04 + 8.05)
unit nemesis (series 4)
missy (series 1-4)
the eighth of march (3.01 + 3.02)
masterful + terror of the master
rose tyler: the dimension cannon (series 1-3)
the paternoster gang (series 1-5)
master! (series 1-3)
time lord victorious (008)
once and future (005)
tenth doctor adventures: dalek universe (3.02)
classic who
the eighth doctor adventures (series 1-4)
stranded series (series 1-3)
doom coalition (series 1-4)
dark eyes (series 1-4)
ravenous (series 1-4)
classic main range (134, 135 + 168)
companion chronicles: the second doctor (vol 1-3 / series 10, 12 + 14)
gallifrey (series 1-3)
!!! torchwood audios have moved. they can now be found here !!!
and how to access them
press play!!
if you like to listen at 1.5x speed like me, you can use an independent media player. on ios, press the 3 dots -> open with: [audio player of choice] (i use evermusic)
make and save copies of what you want even if you don’t have time to listen right now. don’t rely on this link always being here.
want something you can't have?
if there's a particular story/series you wanted to hear that i don't have listed yet, send me an ask or pop it in the comments x
happy listening! x
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chryseis · 15 days
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This is the sexiest thing warcraft has ever done
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bylertruther · 2 years
people who think will byers hates himself for being gay when will byers is one of the very few characters on the show that has refused to change himself to fit anyone else's idea of what he should be despite the fact that people, including his own father, have been harassing, bullying, and abusing him for it literally his entire fucking life are just...... so weird.
will's entire POINT is that he will survive and brave whatever you throw his way against all odds and come out on the other side of it still clutching on to his sense of self and hope that tomorrow will be a better day. the entire point of his character is that he loves what he loves without apology or shame.
he sings "that weird song he loves" in the middle of hell because it reminds him of his brother and offers him comfort in a place where there is none. he creates art because he loves it and doesn't care if it isn't something boys do, then he gifts it to his friends because he loves them and wants them to know it, too. he loves dnd and writes campaigns and dresses up for them because they bring him joy and he just wants to spend time with his friends even if they think they're "too cool" for it now.
he knows that sometimes it's harder than it should be to be gay in a homophobic society and has been harassed for that literally his entire fucking life it's LITERALLY how they introduce him to us not even twenty minutes into this fucking show and YET !!!!!!! he doesn't back away from that. ever.
he gets picked on for his clothes, but he doesn't change them. he gets called names, but he doesn't make any attempt to conform. his best friend, the boy that he's in love with and his very first friend ever, tells him it isn't his fault that he doesn't like girls and shamefully asks him if he really thought they were going to play games together in his basement for the rest of their lives and never get girlfriends, and what does will do?
he says yeah. i guess i did. i really did.
will faces all of that and goes to a new place where he has the golden opportunity of a clean slate, and what does he do? when assigned to do a presentation on his hero... he picks alan turing of all people. and when his brother later on tells him that he loves him no matter what, essentially giving him the It's Okay To Be Gay I Love You So Much And Always Will talk, still there is no denial on will's part here either.
will has NEVER, EVER denied being gay. he has NEVER tried to change that part of himself. he has ALWAYS stood tall and braved another day even when it was scary and hard. he has ALWAYS remained true to himself even though that has only ever made his life that much harder.
he said that sometimes he feels like a mistake for being so different from other people, but that being loved and accepted makes him feel like he isn't one at all and like he's better for being different and that gives him the courage to fight on.
literally what the fuck are you guys on about when you talk about will being self-hating for being gay. where is the canonical evidence for that? and more than that, why are you so keen on throwing away all of his acts of bravery and the sheer fucking strength of character that he's had since the very beginning? it would've been so much easier for him to conform, to be the "man" that everyone has always pushed him to be, but he doesn't ever do that. he stays true to himself no matter what. so, again, where the hell are these self-hating receipts?!
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mileymint · 25 days
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I put a ton of thought into her design but I'm bad with clothes, but I did add the detail that she always wants bigs sleeves. It makes her feel better about her little worker drone arms </3
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( @electrozeistyking you said to @ you when I post so here it is!!! <333 )
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modmad · 7 months
i was very brave at the dentist today i didnt even bite the SHARP OBJECT
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chilumitos · 8 months
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𝆬 𓈒 🍨 ⴰ ˚ ᜊ
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theriacballad · 7 days
Doodles of the guys :]
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d-lissa · 26 days
I am biting anyone that takes Tashi out of the throuple of doom and say that the guys only actually love each other and not her, or would've been better off without her or whatever.
Just say you can't conceive being in love with more than one person at the same time and move on, because that movie was not for you.
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levemetal · 23 days
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Nine of swords
Will I make a full watercolor tarot set for svsss on a whim? Who knows. Tune in next time for random experimental mediocre art.
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