#(Resist the beginnings)
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2.12 Chimney Begins - 2.09 Hen Begins - 2.16 Bobby Begins Again - 7.04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered
Tommy's family arc
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houndvoice · 9 months
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🌙 The moon will sing a song for me I loved you like the sun ☀️
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musubiki · 2 months
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mochi doodle. coco hyping her up to switch to the short-skirt-with-shorts-underneath combo!!
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bietrofastimoff23 · 2 months
✨they're besties ✨
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I just know that their first meeting was supposed to end in a fight, but Tai Lung saw how this loser couldn't use his own breath fire, and he was like, "ha-ha. well, this funny guy is my bff now ."
No, he didn't ask for Scott's opinion. He decided it for the two of them.
Tai Lung before and during a conversation with Scott:
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obsob · 1 year
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drawings ive done this week for a competition!! probably the most ambitious thing ive drawn in my new style but im very happy with them! :3
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pamouche · 2 months
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parallels between ongsa x sun and akk x ayan
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comradekatara · 2 months
to jumpstart your lok rewrite posting, i have to ask. lmk if this isn't worded well enough but if lok's plot was coherent all throughout, actually explored the lasting effects of colonialism, do you think it would make sense for hiroshi sato to be the sole "big bad villain" of book 1? and how would that tie into red lotus ideology vs white lotus ideology as the main conflict?
yes actually. hiroshi is very much a facet of the white lotus, a symbol of economic growth under capitalism (he created so many jobs!!!) and technological progress and the liberal dream. like according to him he was once a scrappy street urchin like mako and he worked his way up from a factory job to owning his own factories (I don’t remember what he says exactly lol). but like. he literally owns the means of production of like. an entire city that basically exists as a testament to this neoliberal neocolonial vision of progress as both cynical and a given. so in a subtler show, he wouldn’t be funding a terrorist movement, he would simply be the villain because of what he represents. I think hiroshi could easily have functioned metonymically the way ozai does. the akio ohtori of republic city.
I mean in my vision for lok asami is very much more of an anthy figure whose codependent abuse is actually given the space to be acknowledged and handled with the care that something of that gravity deserves. so her role as korra’s love interest (as it foments from the beginning, because a clearly defined telos is always important in serialized television!) would be as her foil as someone who is similarly trapped and restricted and denied agency despite being immensely privileged and socially powerful, and the abuse she experiences at the hands of her father that she cannot fully put a name to would be the central building tension of the season as korra identifies that violence and then, perhaps even if only subconsciously, connects it to her own exploitation. and so through seeing themselves and their own pain and suffering reflected in the other, they hand each other the keys to their own liberation.
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galaxywarp · 5 months
Motivation really does follow action and that was such a hard lesson for me to learn. Took years of hearing it in therapy to actually apply it to my life
I kept waiting for a day when I felt good enough to clean my apartment. That day never came, so I never cleaned. The only thing that made me want to clean my apartment was to clean it when I DIDNT want to enough times for it to become a habit. Now I feel some energy and drive every day to do a few chores.
I waited to feel like I wanted to draw for years. I didn’t draw. A few weeks ago I started “forcing” myself at least once a day to doodle something. Anything. Now today I actually felt inspired about an idea for a drawing
If you spend your life waiting for motivation to find you, you’ll waste your life. Do the things you want to do even when you don’t feel like it, and it honestly does get easier.
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creaturetap · 3 months
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doodle page for my dragonborn :]
(id in alt text)
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 4 days
Ok so I mayyyyy have maybe, possibly released several hundred ladybugs into my apartment 🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞😬🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞
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aboutmercy · 4 months
thinking about how dongsik and joowon are the inverse of each other. thinking about joowon's journey realizing that blood is not thicker than water, ties can be severed from abusive family members (no matter how painful that is) and that among many things, his father's cruelty is what took away and destroyed dongsik's family who actually were a positive force in his life. many things about beyond evil appeal to me, but i mainly want to put a pin on the central themes of the show, particularly the failures of adults and parental figures, how that ripples through the lives of their successors in an especially vicious and self-destructive manner. this is a commonality found between multiple characters in the show (minjeong, joowon and jeongje) - but i want to put emphasis on joowon's struggle with this because his path to freedom was walked to completion, in comparison to minjeong whose life was cut short and jeongje who we part with carrying the painful knowledge that he may never achieve absolution, as his journey has only begun.
the show, technically starts at the beginning of joowon's journey/arc. unfamiliarity and discomfort force him to adapt and self-reflect, because the only way joowon was able to free himself was by breaking every rule his father set for him, going beyond his selfish confines and breaking down the walls he built. joowon is unable to get his physical body dirty, he is emotionally closed-off and is incapable of understanding why the people in manyang, particularly dongsik, would look out for anyone other than themselves. he is selfish, rigid, guilt-ridden and bashful; but it is exposure to dongsik's unwavering faith in and patience for others (for jeongje, for sangbae, for the people of manyang that have wronged him for years) that erode his harsh edges. dongsik, although not without flaws and contrary to what his outer appearance and manner of speech radiate, is kind and forgiving. that kindess, that forgiveness, as well as joowon's own guilt and shame is essential to getting him to a point where he is comfortable bloodying his hands, his clothes, and his face to protect dongsik (+ jihwa and her partner. to protect his friends).
dongsik recognizes joowon's pain too ("i know what it's like to be blamed for something you didn't do"). he sees his guilt, it's not inordinate to what joowon's done per se but a large portion of it brings so much shame to joowon ("please, stop doing unnecessary things out of guilt.") how could i have been so self-righteous when the man who bore me is responsible for so much misery? how do i rectify this, how do i absolve myself from the guilt? all dilemmas joowon grapples with, and dongsik, knowing pain and shame all too well does not grant joowon mercy when he is bowed down, forehead to cuffed hands while joowon's own are also cupping dongsik's, begging for it. mercy is letting joowon go, it's lifting the burden of responsibility off his shoulders - but instead, dongsik’s final request ensures that joowon truly atones ("i ask you to arrest me" - "no, how could i do that? i have no right") by informing him that the only way to live with guilt is to try and do right by the people who expect something from him. "joowon-ah", dongsik says as he softly picks up joowon's clenched fist, the look they share informs joowon that going through with the arrest is how he'll do dongsik right. it's what dongsik, his now friend, expects from him. that's what their final scene as partners is all about, in my opinion.
and something good does come out of dongsik's firm but tender confrontation. joowon gradually becomes a better person who seeks community and whose life, in return, is enriched by the friends that forming community gave him. dongsik and joowon's parting is bittersweet, but in letting joowon know that his actions matter to others and that he is wanted and expected by others - (jihwa, as part of the larger collective whose feelings towards joowon are influenced by dongsik's, texts him and checks in - that expectation to show up and empathy for when he does not respond is an invitation letting him know that there is a place for him if he chooses to occupy any) - dongsik sets him free.
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artyasumi · 5 months
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rizzzcat · 6 months
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Enot and Arti visit metropolis!
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shippingbell · 5 months
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Happy birthday, Trinity Glassfille
Happy birthday to my beautiful sweet cringegirlfailure. To rectify drawing her alone on my own birthday party, I wanted to draw the six heroes at her birthday tea party... Valk, Jubei, Hakumen and Celica are all there too just off screen. And Valk's gift is even more tea leaves!!
Absolutely my favorite character in the whole world I love her to bits and will refrain from eating her alive for the next 24 hours 💞
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valictini · 6 months
Etoiles: so it’s confirmed that the codes aren’t with the federation!! He wouldn’t be in a cage!!
>>>>> we’ve known this information since the day Etoiles joined the resistance
Etoiles: so maybe it’s like, the original code that was used to try and kill the eggs!!
>>>>> him still somehow convinced that the Federation was using the codes to kill the eggs at the beginning
>>>>> so much copium this evening
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rexscanonwife · 1 month
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idk if someone's made this kind of post before, but draw your angstiest ships like this ☝️☝️☝️
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