#(a lovely set of 24 plus a half dozen additional
liapher · 2 years
2 6 9 12 14 16 22 24 <33333333 + favourite cover/binding/typography you've seen this year?
2+12 & 24 :)
6. Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
Was there ever 🙃 The City & the City (China Miéville) (you will be the first to know when I read it). La vie mode d'emploi and/or Espèces d'espaces (Georges Perec) (ditto). About half the books in this post (oops). Art on Fire (Hilary Sloin), Chroma: A Book of Colour (Derek Jarman), Flights (Olga Tokarczuk).
9. Did you get into any new genres?
Hmmm not really, unless you want to count "short story anthology" as a publishing category?
14. What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
Maybe I'll finish Cover (Peter Mendelsund) or read A Prayer for the Crown-Shy (Becky Chambers), but I'll probably stay firmly in Whale Mode until the year is over.
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
Counting myself lucky enough not to really know what books are currently getting hyped up. That said, I read a couple books hyped up by acquaintances that were mediocre-to-okay but not amazing :(
22. What’s the longest book you read?
Le ton beau de Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language (Douglas Hofstadter), which was 600-odd numbered pages plus a couple dozen unnumbered pages long
Favourite cover/binding/typography?
Love this question, thank you!
I really liked the typography of Bringhurst's The Elements of Typographic Style (pics). Also, the paper of that book and of Two Titans: Tschichold & Mardersteig (Hans Schmoller, pics) was sooooo nice
I also really liked the typesetting of and reproduced graphics in the Tufte books I read (pics) as well as the other data viz book I read (Picturing the Uncertain World by Howard Wainer), which had a table of contents design I really liked:
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I do enjoy paintings on book covers, such as the Hockney painting on Ali Smith's Autumn (pic), which also has paintings printed onto the inside of the cover
The typesetting of Das Parfum was super restrained -- one typeface, different font sizes only used on the title page IIRC, chapters don't even start on new pages but are simply set off by two or three empty lines and a centred header, and it worked so well. The Diogenes typesetter probably was a Tschichold fan
Many of the books I read were ebooks or audiobooks so no typesetting/binding/etc to speak of :(
If I may say so myself I am extremely proud of the two books I typeset and bound this year :) (: I feel like I finally figured out how to do typesetting I actually still really like half a year later. (People with my 2021 typesets, avert ye eyes.) And I'm so happy with these covers too. I had so many additional typesetting plans but no time to realize them RIP (next year!!!)
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chekhovOS (2021)
What if fictional characters were stuck in an infernal, hopeless time loop, a cross between “No Exit” and being on hold with Delta Air Lines? You can imagine that the siblings in “Three Sisters” would like the opportunity to stop talking about going to Moscow and finally — finally! — do it.
Such is the premise of the Arlekin Players Theater’s ingenious interactive show “chekhovOS/an experimental game/,” which takes place in a virtual realm where the Russian playwright’s characters rise up against their creator (portrayed by Mikhail Baryshnikov).
“We are tired of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s plays being performed, and we are tired of being perpetually unhappy in his world,” they tell the audience. “We beg of you … let us move on.”
The theatergoers, who are watching on Zoom, can vote to set Vanya and company free or can, for example, decide that this time around, the cherry orchard will not be cut down.
Or can they? More on this later. (A review about a meta hybrid of theater and gaming can’t be expected to be entirely linear.)
This conceit could fit a number of writers and texts (“Pick 1 for ‘to be,’ 2 for ‘not to be’”), but the Chekhoverse is a perfect setting to tackle issues of agency, or lack thereof, because the characters are so often in a rut, paralyzed by forces of their own making: They pine, hesitate and waffle, deprived of options by wistful regrets and elusive daydreams.
The Boston company Arlekin Players and the director Igor Golyak had already come up with one of the virtual era’s most acclaimed productions with last year’s “State vs. Natasha Banina,” but “chekhovOS” — part of the 2021 International Online Theater Festival — is a leap forward in storytelling and execution.
The previous show’s lead, Darya Denisova, returns as the only live actor, portraying Natasha, who in “Three Sisters” is married to the siblings’ brother. (The other live performer, introduced as “a fish called Olga,” does not contribute much and does not appear frustrated by having to swim aimlessly in a glass bowl.)
In segments written by Tom Abernathy, Natasha serves as host, introducing situations and dramatis personae, and interacting with the audience. Occasionally, Baryshnikov turns up (in a recording) to read some of Chekhov’s letters in subtitled Russian.
The audience votes on which play it wishes to see. At a recent show, it was “The Cherry Orchard,” presented in taped chunks and set in a stylish digital netherworld. There is a good chance you’ll end up seeing it, too (Natasha even jokes about it), just as the Chekhov characters are unable to deviate from their prescribed paths. This adds another layer to the idea of fiction as a deterministic software.
The show’s master stroke is that the scenes from the play are a lot better than they needed to be. Anna Baryshnikov (Mikhail’s daughter, and currently in the Apple TV+ series “Dickinson”) is a revelation as the young Varya, but the main draw is Jessica Hecht as the impoverished orchard owner, Ranevskaya. Hecht, who is simply unable to give a conventional performance in anything, often looks up in space; the character is distracted, dreamy, maybe not entirely there. Whether you are new to “The Cherry Orchard” or have seen it a half-dozen times, this take is intriguing, absorbing. It left me wanting more, preferably live.
And so, as in other devised, self-contained universes that keep you coming back for more, like a casino or an Apple device, Chekhov has the last word.
Source: New York Times
While most of us were hunkered down at home during the past pandemic year, Igor Golyak, founder and artistic director of the Needham's Arlekin Players Theatre, has been traveling the world, at least online.
The creator of last year’s wildly successful digital production, “State vs. Natasha Banina,” Golyak's newest project, “chekhovOS/an experimental game,” is being presented on Sunday evenings through June 20 and a June 24 performance as part of the 2021 International Online Theater Festival. Admission is free, but reservations are required.
Inspired by Anton Chekhov’s “The Cherry Orchard,” Golyak’s version marries scenes from the play with projections, gaming techniques, actors both live and on film, to present an interactive experience for the viewers.
The title, “chekhovOS,” refers to the "operating system" that Chekhov has created for the world of his play. “The feeling of loss and disconnection is like the world of the pandemic,” Golyak said.
In addition to radically rearranging Chekhov’s work, Golyak has added the playwright as commentator, portrayed by no less a celebrity than dancer-choreographer-actor Mikhail Baryshnikov, speaking excerpts from Chekhov’s letters in Russian (with subtitles in English at the bottom of the screen). Baryshnikov watched “State vs. Natasha Banina” four times and became a fan of Golyak’s theatrical vision, along with actress Jessica Hecht (“Breaking Bad,” “The Sinner”), who also signed on to work with the director.
The members of the audience appear via Zoom in boxes at the rear of the setting, which represents the inside of a computer, and are asked to determine the course of the action. Their vote each night will decide whether the main symbol of Chekhov’s play, the fabled cherry orchard, will be chopped down or allowed to remain. They also dictate the order in which the scenes of the play will be shown by the actors, guided by a live narrator, Natasha (Darya Denisova), who has strayed in from another of Chekhov’s works, “The Three Sisters.”
Chekhov wrote his last play, “The Cherry Orchard,” in 1903 when he was dying of tuberculosis. The aristocratic Madame Ranevskaya (Hecht), the owner of her family’s rural estate, has returned after five years in Paris to find that her home will be auctioned off to pay her debts unless she agrees to sell the property to a developer who will cut down the cherry orchard to build country houses for tourists. Ranevskaya had fled to Paris shortly after her husband died and her young son, Grisha, was killed.
In Chekhov’s play, the historical context is clear. Ranevskaya is portrayed among a cast of 13 other characters, plus extras, in her house and from the neighborhood who represent the various classes of Russian society at the turn of the 20th century. Like Ranevskaya and her brother Gaev (Mark Nelson), the gentry does not understand that they must change to survive. Their servants, especially the ancient Fiers (Jeffrey Hayenga), long for the old ways, but upstarts like the brash, successful businessman Lopakhin (Nael Nacer), a child of a former serf family on the estate, represent the new order.
According to Golyak, the major theme for “chekhov OS” concerns the characters, now stripped down to a cast of six (plus narrator Natasha), “trying to escape the world where Chekhov has trapped them forever. They want to break free, to be happy but people have not changed. We do not know how to get rid of the past. Chekhov’s characters are stuck like we are stuck.”
At the end, the characters break the proverbial fourth wall of the theatrical illusion to beg the viewers to help them. The actors are superb in their roles, including Melanie Moore as Ranevskaya’s teenage daughter, and Anna Baryshnikov as Varya, an adopted daughter, who is in love with Lopakhin but is spurned.
Source: Metrowest Daily News
(images via YouTube)
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ketodietplan2020 · 4 years
21 Delicious and Healthy Keto Snacks
Many popular snack foods have too many carbs to easily fit into a keto diet plan. This can be particularly frustrating when you’re trying to ward off that between-meal hunger.
If you’ve found yourself in this nutritional predicament, don’t worry.
There are many low-carb snack options that are just as healthy as they are delicious.
This article outlines 21 keto-friendly snacks to include in your next meal plan.
1. Mini frittatas
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Mini frittatas, or egg muffins, are a great keto-friendly snack that’s easy to prepare and fully customizable.
All you need to get started is:
a dozen eggs
standard 12-cup muffin pan
mixing bowl
an oven
To begin, beat the eggs in a bowl and season with a little salt and pepper.
Distribute the egg mixture evenly between each muffin cup and add your preferred low-carb ingredients like:
Bake at 350°F (180°C) for about 15–20 minutes, or until set.
Exact nutrition information varies depending on what you add to your recipe. One frittata (170 grams) may provide up to 320 calories, 14 grams of protein, and 21 grams of fat.
Store them in the refrigerator so you can easily grab a couple on your way out, or bake a few batches and freeze them for later.
2. Caprese salad skewers
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Caprese salad is a classic Italian favorite. When you assemble the ingredients on skewers, it turns into a great portable snack.
Preparing it is as easy as alternating pieces of fresh mozzarella cheese, basil leaves, and cherry tomatoes onto skewers. Eat it plain or mix a little balsamic vinegar and olive oil for dipping.
A 3.5-ounce serving (100 grams) of Caprese salad may provide about 139 calories, 7 grams of protein, and 11 grams of fat — not including dipping sauce.
3. Caesar salad bites
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If you’re a fan of Caesar salad, you’ll love these mini Caesar salad bites. You can use romaine lettuce if you want to keep it classic, but a heartier type of green like kale holds up better if you’re not planning to eat them right away.
Make individual cups to hold the salad by heating tablespoon-sized portions of grated Parmesan cheese on a parchment-lined baking pan. Bake until the cheese has melted and is starting to brown.
Let the melted cheese portions cool slightly before placing each over the bottom side of a mini muffin pan, lightly pressing the cheese into the shape of the muffin cups. Let them cool completely, and they’ll turn into small, edible, crispy cups.
Toss the greens with your favorite dressing and portion into each Parmesan cup. In lieu of croutons, top with roasted pumpkin seeds or pistachios for extra crunch. For more protein, add chopped chicken or smoked salmon.
4. Cajun style shrimp and bell pepper kebabs
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Shrimp are a great source of heart-healthy omega-3 fats. They’re also lower in mercury than other types of seafood, making them a healthy and keto-friendly snack option.
First, use a Cajun style dry rub on the shrimp. Place the seasoned shrimp on skewers, alternating with thick slices of fresh bell pepper.
Bake or grill the kebabs until the shrimp is fully cooked and the peppers are between crisp and tender. Serve right away, or store in the refrigerator until you’re ready to eat.
5. Veggie sticks with nut butter
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Pairing fresh or lightly cooked vegetables with your favorite nut butter is one of the simplest, nutrient rich snacks you can make.
Nuts are loaded with heart healthy fats. Research suggests that regularly eating nuts may support blood sugar management and weight loss.
A 2-tablespoon (32-gram) serving of peanut butter, without added oil, typically packs around 16 grams of fat. Dip raw carrots and celery in almond butter or try lightly steamed or grilled broccoli drizzled with peanut butter.
If you’re not making your own nut butter, be sure to check the label of the type you purchase, as some recipes contain added sugar. The best and healthiest nut butters only require one ingredient — nuts.
6. Salmon salad celery boats
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Salmon is not only a good source of omega-3 fats and protein but also vitamin D, a nutrient many people don’t get enough of .
A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of canned salmon provides over half of the daily value (DV) for vitamin D, and it can quickly be made into a salad that suits a keto diet .
Combine cooked salmon and mayonnaise to make a simple, keto-friendly salad. You can customize the recipe by adding fresh herbs, spices, garlic, or lemon.
Serve the salmon salad stuffed into fresh celery stalks for an extra nutrient boost and satisfying crunch.
7. Keto sushi rolls
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Keto sushi rolls are excellent nutrient rich snacks that come together in as little as 15 minutes. All you need is a pack of nori seaweed sheets and some uniformly chopped veggies and fish to use for filling.
You can use raw, sushi grade fish, but it’s not necessary. Smoked fish or no fish at all — plus lots of veggies like avocado, bell pepper, and cucumber — will work just as well.
To boost the fat content, you can add cream cheese or serve it with a spicy peanut sauce — just make sure it doesn’t contain added sweetener.
To assemble the sushi, simply lay out the nori and dampen the edges with a little water. Lay your filling on the nori sheet and roll it tightly. Slice it into bite sized pieces or eat it like a wrap.
8. Collard green sandwich wraps
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Collard greens are loaded with essential nutrients, including:
vitamins K, C, and A
What’s more, their large, hearty leaves lend themselves well to a low carb sandwich wrap.
After trimming the stems, place the collards in a pot of simmering water for 20 to 30 seconds. Remove them from the pot and place immediately into a bowl of ice water for a few seconds. Pat them dry with a clean towel and begin making your sandwich wraps.
Fill your wraps with items like:
fresh herbs
chicken salad
tuna salad
sliced turkey
roasted veggies
cream cheese
9. Avocado egg salad
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Avocados are loaded with:
heart-healthy fats
anti-inflammatory compounds
Some research even suggests they may promote healthy aging.
Using avocado as a substitute for mayonnaise in traditional egg salad is a great way to boost the nutritional content of this classic dish while still keeping your snack keto-compatible.
Combine a few diced, hardboiled eggs, mashed avocado, minced red onion, and a bit of salt and pepper.
Serve with:
lettuce wraps
celery sticks
thick slices of cucumber and radish
10. Veggie sticks with guacamole
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Guacamole makes a great, portable, and healthy keto snack, as avocados are loaded with fat, fiber, and a hefty dose of essential nutrients. In fact, avocados provide 15 grams of fat and 24% of the DV of fiber per 3.5-cup (100-gram) serving.
To make guacamole, simply mash a ripe avocado and combine with lime juice, diced red onion, and salt and pepper. Fresh jalapeño makes an excellent addition, too.
If you’re not up for making your own, you can buy pre-made and individually packaged guacamole. Although guacamole is good to eat by itself, you can also use sweet bell peppers, red radishes, celery, or broccoli for dipping.
11. Bone broth
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If you crave something light and warming, bone broth makes a perhaps unexpected but tasty snack option for keto dieters.
Unlike traditional broth, bone broths are cooked longer and typically contain more protein. Some commercially prepared bone broths boast up to 10 grams of protein per cup (240 mL).
Bone broths don’t typically provide much fat, but you can easily augment this by adding coconut oil, butter, or ghee.
You can make your own bone broth on the stove top or with a slow cooker or pressure cooker. Make a big batch and freeze it in individual servings that are easy to heat up when you crave a warm, comforting snack.
If you opt for a commercially prepared brand, be sure to check the ingredient label, as some of them harbor added sweeteners and are high in sodium.
12. Keto smoothies
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If you follow a keto diet and thought smoothies would be forever off limits due to their typically high carb content, you’re in luck.
You can make keto-friendly smoothies using coconut, avocado, and nut butter as a base to boost fat content and provide a creamy texture.
Small amounts of low carb fruits, such as berries, lime, or lemon, may be used in a keto smoothie, but you should also include nutrient dense veggies like spinach, cucumber, kale, or jicama.
Other flavorful additions are:
vanilla extract
flavored protein powders
If you’re looking for something sweet, you can add a keto-approved sweetener like stevia or monk fruit.
13. Mixed nuts
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Nuts are full of protein, fat, fiber, and plant compounds that offer a variety of health benefits. In fact, some research associates a higher intake of nuts with a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer-related death.
Just 1/4 cup (28 grams) of mixed nuts provides approximately 15 grams of fat, 6 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber .
You can buy pre-packaged mixed nuts or build your own mix using your favorites. If you go for the pre-made option, be sure to check the label for any added ingredients that don’t fit into your diet plan.
Almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, pistachios, walnuts, and pecans are good options for your own keto-friendly trail mix.
Other nutritious additions are:
sunflower seeds
hemp hearts
cacao nibs
14. Fermented vegetables
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Fermented vegetables like pickles are a great keto snack option.
Research suggests that eating fermented foods that contain beneficial bacteria may promote healthy digestive function and reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Fermented vegetables can be purchased or made at home.
You can ferment almost any type of vegetable, including:
green beans
For added fat, pair your fermented veggie snack with herbed full-fat crème fraiche.
It’s important to note that pasteurized pickles or those made with vinegar don’t provide any live probiotics. This applies to most, if not all, commercially sold pickles.
15. Olives
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Olives have long been praised for their rich supply of heart healthy fats, which is just one reason why they make a great keto snack.
Olives also contain vitamin E, fiber, and other health promoting plant compounds that may reduce inflammation and prevent chronic diseases like osteoporosis.
A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of olives provides roughly 145 calories, 15 grams of fat, and 4 grams of carbs — almost all of which come from fiber .
You can enjoy them plain or stuff them with feta or gorgonzola cheese to add some extra fat.
16. Fat bombs
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“Fat bomb” is a term people on the keto diet coined to describe low carb, dessert-style energy bites that satisfy your sweet tooth.
Fat bombs are often made using coconut oil, nut butter, avocado, or cream cheese as the base. Other ingredients are added to create delicious flavor profiles.
Dark chocolate and peanut butter is a popular combination, but the possibilities are limitless.
You can purchase these delicious, portable snacks or make them at home.
17. Buffalo cauliflower bites
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Try a healthy, vegetarian twist on classic buffalo wings by swapping the chicken for fiber rich cauliflower.
In addition to fiber, cauliflower contains vitamin C and other antioxidants that may reduce inflammation and boost your health.
To make these tasty “wings,” toss chopped cauliflower with your favorite buffalo sauce and melted butter. Roast in the oven for 20–25 minutes or use an air fryer.
Serve with carrot sticks and a side of ranch or blue cheese dressing.
18. Flax crackers with cheese
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For many keto dieters, crackers are usually off the menu — but they don’t have to be. Ground flax seeds are loaded with fiber and omega-3 fats, and they make a great base for keto-friendly crackers .
Pair the crackers with sliced cheese, and you’ve got a healthy and delicious keto snack that requires very little preparation.
You can make flax crackers yourself or skip the baking process and buy a bag instead.
19. Coconut yogurt
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Yogurt is a great source of probiotics, which may support healthy digestive function .
Coconut yogurt has been making waves as a popular dairy-free alternative to traditional yogurt, and some types are also suitable for a ketogenic diet.
20. Stuffed mushrooms
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Mushrooms are low in carbs and provide important nutrients, including selenium, potassium, vitamin D, and several B vitamins .
For a tasty keto snack, try stuffing button mushroom caps with herbed cream cheese or ground sausage.
For a different twist, turn portobello mushroom caps into mini Margherita pizzas by stuffing them with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil before baking until tender and golden.
21. Meatball sliders
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Traditional meatball sandwiches are high in carbs because of the bun. However, you can replace the bun with lettuce to make keto meatball sliders.
Mix your favorite ground meat with eggs, garlic, herbs, and Parmesan cheese, shape into balls, and bake. These keto-friendly meatballs can be eaten right away or frozen for later.
When you’re ready to dig in, place the meatballs in the lettuce “buns” for a high protein, low carb snack. For an extra dose of fat, serve them with a tomato-garlic aioli for dipping.
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snow-slayer · 5 years
A Bunch of Good Things from 2019
*I don’t do things consistently, so there’s chunks of time I just forgot to write. So the blank spaces are days where I could not recall the exact good things that happened.*
January 1: Started the year off right by hanging out with @nah-young, eating some delicious leftovers from New Year’s Eve and working on a puzzle. Also caught a shiny Delibird in Pokemon Go as the first catch of the year.  2: Had a headache at work, but went home to take care of myself. Dad and I talked for a long time about money and taxes without arguing. I have also discovered a future hobby I want to get into: 3D printing. 3: I cranked out four solid hours of studying. I’m going to ace the Auditing section of the CPA exam. I feel it in my bones (especially when I finally stood up and stretched). 4: My ‘other mom’ (one of my best friend’s mom) took me out for a belated Birthday lunch to our favorite Thai food place, and I enjoyed more mango sticky rice. It’s one of my new favorite desserts. 5: Did some epic New Year cleaning. Caught up on laundry, filed away my 2018 paperwork, and did some 2019 taxes. Finally on top of things! 6: A puzzle day! I connected a big piece of the sky to the side on the Lion King puzzle. I’ve still got a lot to go, but progress is being made. 7: As usual, I both surprised and pleased the teller at the bank when I moved some money from savings into my IRA. They wanted to know if it was for tax year 2018, but I could tell them last year was maxed out and it was for 2019. 8: Got to practice my training and supervising skills with @arrowhearts.  9: Spent the night at Lucy’s (she’s a cat). She’s the sweetest cat though, and was cuddling in my lap for so long! She even held my finger with her paw for like ten minutes. I love her. 10: It’s been forever, but I finally sat down and played some video games. I’m replaying Arkham Asylum again and really just exploring every nook and cranny I can find. 11: Might have started a new Francis story line ... Whoops :) 12: Helped Jane clear an apartment and acquired many new tools and art supplies to use. 13: Snow! It was snowing before bed, but I still woke up at 5 am to about 4 - 5 inches. Activated my dad gene and started shoveling at 5:30 am (sorry neighbors to the house I was dog sitting at). It’s so pretty out! 14: A quiet day, but I did some work for Jane and gamed some more. Can’t wait to start Arkham City when I get 100% on Arkham Asylum! 15: I took my coworker a basket of fun snacks from Lotte for her Birthday. She’s so excited to try them all! 16: Donated blood today and when I went to get dinner on the way home, I got a free salad! The entree was already free and I ordered a side salad. I pulled out my wallet to pay, but the coupon covered it, too!  17: Treated myself to breakfast on the way into preschool (my new volunteer place since the teacher I followed to several elementary schools is now at). Also ate some amazing home cooked food for lunch with @nah-young before going out for ice cream. 18: Did some very early spring cleaning to prep for my next yard sale and straighten up a bit. 19: Beat the storyline and finished gathering all of Riddler’s trophies in Arkham Asylum. I do still need to finish up the additional content for 100% completion. 20: Working with Jane to help clean out an apartment again and got stencils to use for my art (the ones with shapes of different sizes). I had wanted to get me a set, so I really lucked out. 21: Started reading a book for fun. Lol, I forgot that I can still read non-accounting things for fun. 22: Sent out 1099s at work. It’s always a dreaded part of the year, but it’s taken care of! 23: I started uploading my old Franmouche stories to AO3. I forgot that I’d written 185 pages of them. At least if someone else likes my rarepair, they have lots to read. No guarantees on the quality, but there is quantity. 24: Made fun penguin cutouts for the preschool class I volunteer at. Then studied for nine hours on campus. A busy, yet productive day. 25:  Finished watching all my lectures for the next portion of the CPA exam! So much auditing knowledge!!! 26: Panic alleviated. My check engine light had been on for a few days. Usually it’s just a gas cap issue so I was worried, but after readjusting the cap again (which usually fixes it) and an oil change, the light went out! 27: Played some Pokemon Go for four hours with @arrowhearts and Lyla. No Kyogre, but at least we each got a Groudon. Plus, the weather was beautiful for this time of year. 28: I found a dollar today while sweeping the parking lots with my dad! I’m gonna be riding this wave for a week. (Fun fact: my dad and I used to go bike riding on Sunday afternoons/evenings in the local parking garages and look for pennies. We’d always get bragging rights when we found a quarter or more. We still get excited and tell each other of the day’s finds when we find a few coins while we’re sweeping). 29: Had a bit of a headache, but managed to get through it so I could finish the workday. Then I get some well deserved rest. 30: Met up with @nah-young for some fries and ice cream! 31: My annual physical went well! Took care of a couple test we’ve been putting off, too, and they weren’t quite as bad as I thought they’d be.
1: I had such a productive day in the office, even for a Friday. Special thanks to @arrowhearts for helping me move all (24  years worth) of our files. 2: Started off the day a little rough and feeling low, but I decided to go up to campus, and I’m so glad I did. I was able to help a bunch of people get to their destination. Also hung out with @nah-young and @arrowhearts in a sketchy room. 3: Technically today (starting at 1 am). Had a great talk with @nah-young about a lot of things including our friendship. Successfully avoided the Super Bowl (which I heard sucked, so that was a good use of my time). 4: Had a really good conversation with my dad for almost an hour. We had some fights earlier in the year, but it was nice to be able to connect some. 5: It’ll be silly to look back on, but I thought I lost a reference letter for a scholarship applicant, but realized I could find it on our shared drive. Such a relief! 6: I tried Duck Donuts for the first time today. One of our board members brought me and a coworker a half dozen each. 7: Caught a Miltank in Pokemon Go! I thought I missed my chance, but there was a special running, so I got it. 8: Just heard we got a new boss at work, so it’ll be nice to be full staffed again. 9: Started working on a painting for @arrowhearts. It might be my first completed artwork of the year. 10: A lazy day, but I flipped through a book on home decorating. You know, to plan for my future house. 11: Officially started working for Jane’s business. We’ll see how it goes, but at least it’s an extra couple of hours per week. 12: Finished a dog sitting job, and I’m super thankful to be sleeping in my own bed again. 13: I gave Lucy, the sweetest cat ever, a piggyback ride and it was the cutest thing ever. I was on my knees and forearms trying to get Lucy to boop my nose when she just climbed on my back and sat down. I rose up on my knees and hands and she did the “i’m not so sure but I’m going to stay here” stand and let me crawl across the floor a while before finally jumping off. I love this cat. 14: Took the auditing section of the CPA exam. I feel much better about this one than I have about the other two. We’ll see on the 26th. 15: Such a busy day at the office! It was productive, but just a lot of work. 16: Even though I just too the other exam, I managed to get a lot of studying done. 17: Mamaw and I got to chat and work on the puzzle for a while. It was nice to hang out with her since I haven’t done son in quite a while. 18: We had some really good food at our investment club meeting today. Sheppard’s pie (like meat and mashed potatoes), salad, this great cracker dip (I have no other details other than feels like sharp cheddar finally shredded with a hint of spice in some sort of sauce). 19: Our new executive director started today. I think I made a pretty good first impression! 20: Started playing Arkham City again. We had a snow day and even my office closed, so I made the most of my day. 21: Lol and today I finished the main storyline of Arkham City. Accidentally, because I was doing side quests, but Batman got mad when I tried to go finish some before the last mission. 24: I am obsessed with Excel, but I figured out a formula so that it would total certain categories even if they weren’t in order. Plus I learned how to make a drop down menu (on two versions of Excel). Guess who’s budget looks beautiful! 25: I caught a Latias in Pokemon Go. Not having much luck with the water legendaries. I wonder if they don’t like me because we picked the grass starter. 26: I passed the Auditing section! (and instead of keeping it quiet, I made a point to tell some people). Then @nah-young and I went to dinner to celebrate our successes of the day and just have a nice chat. 27: Good news: I starved off a migraine that was starting on Feb 26. Maybe this new method will help them from getting bad. Just took an Aleve with some hot tea. 28: Went on a Pokemon run, and I found $20 blowing across the yard when I got home! A nice find for the year.
March 1: I’ve been really getting into “Ghost Story” by Peter Straub and had so much time to just sit and read while it rained. 2: I watched “Spiderman: Enter the Spiderverse” today. An epic movie and I highly recommend it! I also have several new costume ideas... 3: Officially started working on my Library Comic Con cosplay. There’s not much to show, but it was nice to start costuming again. 4: Hiked up to the nearby bubble tea. It was good! I got a mango green tea creama. Next time I know I have to mix it up before I start drinking it. 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: Started replaying Castlevania IV. It’s been a while since I beat it, so hopefully I can still finish it! 11: I have proven myself an Excel deity. Well, at least Jane thinks though. She needed a spreadsheet for something and had some ideas so I whipped it out in five minutes flat with a bunch of formulas she didn’t even know were possible. I’m quite proud of it. 12: Lol, speaking of excel, I was geeking out over my budget with one of our board members. She was showing me how she built her itinerary in excel for her next trip and I got to show off my budget. 13: 14: 15: It was fake St. Patrick’s day at work, so I got to show off my green Riddler suit. Apart from being mistaken as dressing like a leprechaun a few times, I received a bunch of compliments on it. I’ve gotten a lot of use out of that suit jacket. 16: Tagged along with @nah-young to her grandfather’s birthday party and watched Bohemian Rhapsody. Apart from the timeline inaccuracies, I really enjoyed it! Look at that: two new movies in one month. 17: First big leaf job of the season. I guess the first major landscaping job. Dad helped out, so it made life easier. 18: Investment club meeting went well, and I ended up staying late to chat and help clean up, but it was enjoyable. Also had some great tiramisu from Trader Joe’s. 19: 20: 21: It was a downpour today, but I also made a 20 minute Costco run. Parking was great, the lines were short, and I managed to balance everything without a cart. Success! 22: Finally got around to doing invoices. It’s such a weight off my chest to take care of them. 23: I had the house to myself, so got ample studying done, played some pokemon, and treated myself to some bubble tea. Got myself a bunch of good pokes from Community day. 24: Another lovely day to sit and hang out with @nah-young. I always enjoy our hour long conversations just sitting in my car in her driveway. I also finished the lectures for the BEC portion of the CPA exam. 25: I found a gift card loaded with $30 today. It had been thrown into the dumpster, so a little gross, but it washed off nicely. 26: Ran up to the local library to turn in my books (look @arrowhearts, I did it the day before they were due and didn’t have to make a midnight run). I wasn’t going to check out more books since I already had some checked out from another library visit (I go to many branches due to my job and often check out a book or two, resulting in cycles of books due at different times), but I did anyway. I started reading Area X, too, and so far, I’m really enjoying it. 27: Our family’s accountants think I’m a bit weird because I was so excited to get my tax papers back even though I owed money. I was just like “cool!” to all the facts and things on my sheets, which is apparently not what they’re used to, but one of the new tax laws works in my favor as small business income is taxed at a lower rate or something. 28:  29: 30: I love Annihilation in the Area X series! I haven’t plowed through a book that fast in years. 31: I was catching up on my business spreadsheets and it turns out I had the most profitable March since I started my business :)
April 1: No April Fools jokes, which is always a huge plus. 2: 3: 4: Took the BEC section of the exam and then clocked in a bunch of hours for the Foundation. Jubilee is almost here!!! 5: 6: The Jubilee is over!!! What a relief! A lot of things went well, and I heard it was a lot of people’s favorite. Not sure what actually happened because I was stationed at check in/out all night, but hopefully the silent auction results are good. Huge shout out to @arrowhearts and @nah-young for getting me through the night! 7:A quiet morning of returning the Jubilee to the Foundation. Plus some other landscaping. 8: I know everyone at work is saying I should take time off, and I didn’t, but I’m actually feeling blessed that I have the physical and mental stamina to keep working on things. Plus, I need to catch up with post Jubilee stuff. 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19:  Got to talking with my art dealer for a long while and we exchanged headcannons and ideas. 20: Had a nice Pokemon run with @arrowhearts‘ dog. Plus, enough work to keep me out of trouble X) 21: A very busy Easter. I moved a huge mound of mulch. It was half the size of my car. Hopefully the home owner will like it. 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: I’ve been feeling behind, but I finally knocked out a really important thing at work today. Got our annual applications in!
May 1: 2: 3: My gauntlets for my comic con costume look so cool! They’re a little stabby (there’s staples on the inside, although I should be able to tape it down for safety), but overall look cool for a first draft. 4: A long day, but I feel like I was really able to help my friend and her family, which is nice considering how much they do for me. 5: The event that happened wasn’t good, but I’ve been humbled as to how well our house was kept and motivated to try and become more organized. 6:  Dad and I were chatting today, and we could even touch on topics in a civil manner. It was quite nice!  7: Just found out I passed the BEC section of the CPA exam! I’m 75% CPA!!! And no cavities were found after my dentist appointment :) 8: Frantically working on my costume, but my head piece looks really good! 9: Mom even chipped in to help. We rigged up a steampunk mask I have (which doesn’t fit on my head right) so that I can actually wear it. 10: I’ve been fasting for Ramadan and I think my body and I are finally on the same page. It was a rough start this year, but I’m looking forward to focusing on being thankful for what I have and working on self discipline. 11: Library Comic Con! My costume is a bit rough, so no final pictures, but I have plans to make it better! 12: It was a busy Sunday. Lots of lawns, but thankfully the weather was cool. 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: Had a nice meeting with my boss. I keep feeling like I’m not on top of things or she’s disappointed, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Plus, she said I did great at the finance committee meeting, so that was nice. 18: Although I scared everyone I worked with all day, I was able to donate blood even though I had been fasting.  19: I saw the tiniest inch worm while I was pulling weeds today. It was more like a quarter inch worm and it was just trying so hard to climb up my arm when I found it. I also saw the first lightening bugs of the year. As a bug type Pokemon trainer, I’m quite pleased with all of this (less so with the mosquitoes though, as I got my first bite of the season). 20: I have found a nice way to keep cool at the property Dad and I work at. I’m allowed to douse my head, neck, and hat with the hose, and man does it feel good! 21: I received many compliments at the executive committee meeting for all my hard work on the budget, the Jubilee, and finance committee. 22: Caught up on reconciliations at work (finally). It’s been just a nightmare, but I’m happy they’re done. 23: Another me day. I’ve been taking Thursdays off and got to game for a bit but also accomplish a lot of laundry and studying. 24: Had a good meeting at work to discuss the future of the nonprofit I work at. Plus I finally made a phone call I didn’t want to make. 25: Went to a foam helmet making class with a coworker. I’m super excited to start trying out this style, and I think the sample we made in class can easily be used to make a helmet for Vile. Might have purchased a few things to go with it :) 26: Found a new drink that I love from Kung Fu Tea! Also got to rewatch Coco, which is always good. 27: Part of my afternoon spent working with Jane was changing her screen saver. It was set up for one photo of pictures, but some were so fuzzy, so we set up new pictures and I got to add my fuzzball to the reel. 28: I visited one of Jane’s friends to discuss dog sitting and we had such a nice conversation afterwards. 29: I found a four leave clover today while mowing lawns. It’s been years since I’ve found one, so that was exciting. 30: I plowed through about 6 hours of studying for the FAR portion of the CPA exam. Only two more lectures and then onto multiple choice! 31: Filled out a form at work (finally). Now I just have to hope my boss will sign it and have it notarized.
June 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Took the (hopefully) last CPA exam. It was nice as I spoke to an elevator engineer before the exam and it helped to calm my nerves a bit.   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: Wasn’t sure what day to put this on, but @nah-young and I hung out for hours just sitting and chatting on the cats’ back porch. 15: Successfully navigated into DC with the help of @arrowhearts (and had an interesting laugh about her being my son...? Oh well, at least we got to give the people sitting outside a show as we left the building with two rollie office chairs each). 16: Started working on my Halloween costume. I’ve abandoned the idea I originally had and will be switching to a different Mega Man X character (fun fact: it was a costume I originally intended to make before being introduced to Scaramouche back in 2017) 17: It was a scorcher, but had a slurpee for the first time in almost a year. I’m so thankful for the 7-11 within walking distance of where my dad and I work on Mondays. 18: I’ve officially passed the CPA exam! Now onto the next steps... 19: I have been struggling with telling people good news, but I did make an effort to inform some people about me passing the exam. 20: Told some more people about the CPA exam and just trying not to stress. I got celebratory milkshakes for my family after dinner. 21: My coworkers are so sweet. They brought me in a cake and we had a mini celebration. 22: 23: 24: 25: 26:Found a praying mantis while mowing. She kept standing where I wanted to mow, so I got to pick her up and put her somewhere safe (with lots of snacks for her!) 27: 28: 29: So glad I went to see Detective Pikachu with @nah-young and @arrowhearts! I really enjoyed it! 30: 31:
July 1: A new fiscal year! I did manage to get a good bit done on my latch hook. 2: A sudden thunderstorm took me off the weed pulling job early (i.e. a perfect opportunity to read). 3: It was quiet in the office. Too quiet ... yet super productive! I processed so many gifts and letters. 4: I don’t really celebrate, and spent a lot of it working, but played some pokemon in the rain. It was a warm day, so the cool rain felt so refreshing! 5: A jammed packed day with trashrooms, a bank run, and more pokemon quests! I completed another 15 and hatched a new pokemon. Plus I finished another book: Dr. Death. 6: A busy day, but I was able to finish everything so I can take the next day off completely (for once). Again, apologies to @arrowhearts  for dragging you out and getting caught in a downpour so I could get some bubble tea! 7: 8: 9: 10: Unboxed my unicycle! Not sure when I’ll ride, but it’s ready when I am. 11: 12: 13: 14: The vanity is back in my bathroom! Dad’s renovating it, and it’s been a slow process, but I finally have a sink! 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: Spent a few hours working on cleaning the basement, and I’m finally seeing some of the fruits of my labor. 21: 22: 23: 24: Officially finished the Vile helmet! 25: Just started a new dog sitting job, and the house is right on top of a pokestop. Guess I’m going to have a full item bag again! 26: Finally got myself a memory stick for my PSP. I’m replaying the Maverick Hunter X game ... because I can! 27: Got three team rocket grunts in one day at the one stop. 28: Plowed through the Vile portion of Maverick Hunter X. Lol, I probably make it harder on myself since I only use my favorites, regardless of if they’re good against the boss. 29: Had a huge crab and shrimp dinner at Jane’s house. 30: Hung out and ate delicious homemade butter chicken with my best friend’s mom (she’s basically like my other mother). We laughed and chatted, showed off our latest projects, probably kept the neighbors up, and just had a good time until like 2 in the morning.  31: Welp, it wasn’t a raid day for armored Mewtwo, but @arrowhearts and I did defeat more Team Rocket Go grunts in the rain.
August 1: Chatted with @nah-young for a few hours and I’ve got a new place to eat on my radar! 2: I kept feeling like I was letting my boss down because I couldn’t answer her questions/didn’t understand, but she insisted I was handling myself well, and found the information she needed later. Plus, she’s very complimentary of my work and appreciates my transparency and work ethic, both of which I work hard on and value. 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:
September 1: 2: 3: It’s official! We’re having a Halloween party at work. If my new schedule turns out, I’ll be at work on that day and will show off a costume. Not sure if it will be the one I’m working on, but I can always recycle an old one. 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: I had such a good ripstik run. @nah-young and I practiced for a good while yesterday (and she did her first trick, too!). I guess it’s nice to see the fruits of our practice since we’ve been working off and on for about a month. 16: Had the investment club meeting at my house. I didn’t get to cook everything, but I picked the recipe and it turned out well! 17: I finished “Every Tool’s a Hammer” by Adam Savage (from Mythbusters) and I really recommend it. It’s such a great book for anyone who makes or creates. It’s a fun read and chocked full of helpful hints. 18: I decided to start reading the Naruto series. I’m enjoying it so far! Now I just have to wait for the next to volumes to be available from the library. 19: I started replaying Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase. It’s amusing, although I’m a little rough. 20: 21: 22: 23: I’d been on the fence about taking a vacation early next year because I want to save up for a down payment, but after talking to my dad, I decided I’d do a little something. I still need to work out the plans (and make sure the people I want to visit are free), but I’m looking forward to it! 24: 25: 26: There’s a chance I might be going full time at my office job, so dad encouraged me to take the day off from trash rooms. I still got up early, but knocked out a bunch of chores, finished Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase, finished a drawing, and cleaned in the basement a bit. 27: Lol, I just realized I have three cycles of books checked out again. I started reading The Wicked Years series. I’m trying to set aside time each night so I can read a chapter or two before bed. 28: I made the pattern for my gauntlets! I’m actually trying to do it the right way and making measurements, creating an accurate template, and just generally taking my time. 29: Part 2 of the gauntlets: They’re made! My template worked and I spent a couple of hours slowly forming and shaping them. I still need some practice on the gluing component, but at least they feel sturdy. 30: Started replaying DK 64 again. I really love this game. Besides Gauntlet Legends, it’s probably my favorite N64 game we own. 31: Got rained out at work, but managed to take it easy in the afternoon and just generally keep ahead with laundry.
October 1: Today officially marks the first day of working full time at my office job. They added ten hours a week, so now I’m working 4 days at 10 hours each. It’ll take a little adjusting. I’m happy for the extra hours! 2: I sent out invoices on time for once! 3: It was my fuzzball’s 16th Birthday today! Someone also brought in some really yummy snacks to work that were leftover from a meeting. I also managed to create templates for the leg gauntlets and cut them out of  foam. I’m just rolling with the motivation now, and would like to have Vile finished by Halloween (keep reading to find out if it was finished). 4: Really just having a good time playing DK 64. Knocked out Gloomy Galleon, so all that’s left are my favorite levels! 5: 6:   7: I have leg gauntlets formed. Lol, I guess I should look up the name... All that’s left is the chest plate and cape! 8: I lucked out! My coworker can’t go to a book signing even this weekend and asked me to get her book signed since I’m going. It was the perfect opportunity to get my hands on a copy of “Where the Crawdads Sing” which I wanted to read before this weekend. 9: Making some headway on the costume again! Arm and leg gauntlets have the plating and base coat of plastidip. 10: I finished “Where the Crawdads Sing” within 48 hours of having it my possession. That’s such a huge accomplishment to read something so quickly and eagerly! 11: I was plowing through my to do list at work. I knocked out 11 items. Woo! 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: My Halloween costume is finished *gasp* before Halloween! Barely, but it counts. 31: I won the most creative costume at work! Well, tied for first, but that’s cool.
November (whoops, I really forgot to write this month) 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:
December 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:   7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: My coworker is back! She had been on extended leave for a while, but now she’s back. She bring such a positive and fun attitude to the workplace. 13: 14: I’m officially 25! I worked a few hours in the rain, but got a lot done (and saw Lucy, my favorite cat I cat sit). Instead of going to a steakhouse for dinner, which I’m not a fan of, we ended up going to somewhere I did enjoy. Overall, it was a nice and quiet celebration. 15: 16: 17: I finished the Naruto series today! It was a good series, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Going to take a manga break to work on a few novels I have checked out and then  decide which series to start. 18:  19: A busy day again. Knocked out two leaf clients for the year and went to see three bands perform at a local music club. I stayed out way too late, but had a great time hanging with a friend, one of the performers, and the performer’s friend. 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: Hung out with my brother and grandmother. I crushed them in several games! 25: Went to my coworkers in the afternoon and dueled for the first time in quiet a while. They wiped the floor with me, but I had fun with my deck destruction deck. 26: 27: Ended up hanging out with Jane for a while and just chatting about everything. We’re seeing eye to eye on a lot of things, so it was nice.  28: Finished my leaf jobs for the year! Time to relax. 29: 30: 31: Welp, ended up being sick and missing out on the intended New Year plans. I guess I did start the year with a migraine, so here I am ending it with one. After I rested up, I did start playing my favorite video game. Plus, I frantically read “Hey, Kiddo!” before the end of the year
Notable stuff
Highlights: Passed the CPA exam Officially hired full time
Books read: “Ghost Stories” “Every Tool’s a Hammer” “Where the Crawdads Sing” “Wicked” Naruto series “Hey, Kiddo!”
Movies watched: Spiderman: Enter the Spiderverse Mary Poppins 2 The Princess and the Frog Pokemon Lucario
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psychicmedium14 · 5 years
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Your 2019 October Horoscope
Today is the beginning of the tenth month of 2019. The only problem? It does not feel like Autumn at all. Regardless of the temperature outside, October starts in a calm Libran manner and closes with a passionate Scorpio vibe. A lot will happen within the 31-day period. Pay attention to the small things, stay on the look out for signs, and listen to your subconscious. What else should you focus on? Find out what Libra season has in store for your sign.
For the past few months, your desire has been to breathe freely, and October is finally giving you the chance to feel independent. No trouble at work will bother you, plus you are very likely to get things going smoothly in the relationship department. What you shouldn’t do in October is to go heavy on food and drinks.
The second half of October will drive you to dig deeper and get a better understanding of the meaningful things. After October 24, it may be a good idea to reconsider your friendships and decide which are worth your while. It’s high time you found a like-minded companion. At the end of the month, shift your focus to financial matters.
October is putting your inborn abilities to test by a workload increase. However, you are sure to cope with everything, thanks to improved health and a number of unexpected lucky chances. By the end of the month, you’ll get a spell of especially successful cooperation with superiors and maybe even a salary boost!
From the third week of the month, you may dip a toe in the water in terms of starting new projects at work. In the last week of the month, you may feel an urge to change your vocation. However, by the 27th of October, things will clear up and you will get all the pros and cons you need to make the final decision.
“Game on!” might be your October motto, Gemini! You effectively juggle all sorts of activities from taking extra hours at work to dating and pursuing your creative impulses. Your home is likely to become a social place, and you will not be against it. After all, it will give you a chance to improve your décor and show off your communication skills!
The second half of October will shift your focus to detail. You’ll be more actively involved in communication at work, reconsidering your health habits, adopting a better eating regimen. Nearing the end of the month, you will find some unexpected and unexplainable answers to emotional issues you’ve been trying to resolve.
Your activities are now being relocated to your home! Many rows and misunderstandings that have been going on in your family for a while now will begin to settle. You’ll receive guests, communicate with relatives, engage in minor and major repair works, and what not! Be careful, though, not to give too much attention to your refrigerator and pantry!
In mid-October, you may even start a work-related project that involves your family! The final week of the month will drive you to explore the area you haven’t given too much thought to before. On the 27th of October, you will get an unexpected piece of insight into the way of achieving your goals and dreams or finally find an answer to a pressing question.
Leos like to express themselves in numerous creative ways. October 2019 will give you plenty of chances to do so. However, the speed of life will also be on the increase, and so will be the scale of your goal-setting! A need for watching and obtaining things of beauty is overwhelming now, so don’t deny yourself some shopping – it will make your outlook on life so much more positive!
In the middle of the month, you will be more drawn to a quieter home and family matters, looking for a more secure foundation. October 24th will give you objective insight into your relationships, both professional and personal. The final four days of the month will help you see a clearer picture of where you would like to be in 5 years!
If you are a Virgo, October will be the prime month of 2019 for making money and resolving financial issues. You’ll find a dozen new ways to be more productive and maybe even discover a completely new income source. Your inborn qualities, as well as the positioning of the celestial bodies, literally make you a financial and social magnet this October!
Every conversation you have after October 15 will resolve or open your eyes to a certain issue. During the final week of the month, you will become exceptionally aware of your physical senses and needs. However, people at work may at the very same time misinterpret the actions you are taking. So, as the end of the month is auspicious, retreat from everyday routines and have some alone time or do something completely unexpected.
It’s your month, dearest diplomat of the Zodiac! This is actually your prime time, too! You will come across endless opportunities and use them wisely to achieve success, so it would be especially great if you have started a new promising project by now. Your energy will be on the rise, and you will propel yourself forward along any path you have chosen!
Starting mid-October, you may feel an urge to reconsider your values and determine what material, spiritual and intellectual things matter to you at the moment. Are you making money to cater to your needs or are you sweating your guts out to make money? Finally, the end of the month will encourage you to change your style, so if you feel adventurous, go for it!
On the inside, you are a pool of bubbling lava that is just about to erupt. Libran energy is so unlike yours, Scorpio, and it is messing with you this October. You may become irritable finding it hard to understand certain things that are going on around you. To avoid stressing out, you should go in for intensive physical exercise or engage in a straining mental activity.
Another method you can rely on is spending more time with friends. Mid-October will finally help you open up and share the thoughts you were mulling over in September. Be patient – your time is just around the corner! When it finally comes at the end of October, you’ll successfully resolve a conflict within your family and maybe even find out you have a secret admirer!
You always are goal-driven, Sag, but this October is especially auspicious in terms of ticking items off your to-do list. It is also a good time to gather with friends and for you – to take the lead. If you have a dream – go for it, as October 2019 offers you enough chance to achieve success!
Starting mid-October, you will feel a stronger connection to the spiritual world and your subconscious. You may even succeed in finding answers to the questions that have been bothering you for months. The final days of the month will be eye-opening in terms of how things are going at work. It will also be useful to focus on your health at this time, as the Universe may hint at the issues that could be nipped in the bud.
There is hardly a more diligent sign than Capricorn, and this October, all of your diligence will pay off. The Universe will send you enough energy to complete what you have started and to achieve whatever you want. The trick is that the time will also be auspicious to finally take a look at your wishes and goals and discard the ones that are not worth pursuing.
Don’t shy away from extra work, as it is sure to come your way this month. The additional effort you put in will not remain unnoticed by superiors. Mid-October will give you the right vibe to improve your social or professional image. Feel free to speak up and express your ideas as well – the month is favorable for this sort of straightforwardness.
October 2019 highlights the area of education for you, Aquarius. It does not necessarily mean you will actually study (of course, if you want to, feel free to do it), but rather to get new experiences, to give your life enough thought up to the point when thinking turns into philosophizing. You can also feel an urge to make new acquaintances and spread your social connections.
For the better part of the month, you will feel a non-stop need to get thrilled, to stir up your emotions, to be impressed. One of the easiest ways to satisfy this need is to travel. Breathtaking views will replenish your adrenaline and endorphin stock. During the second half of the month, focus on work-related matters. Closer to the end of October, shift your attention to what’s going on at home to prevent any arising issues.
October will be a very favorable month for Pisces representatives. You will feel eager – and what’s more important powerful enough – to make the world a better place for you and your loved ones and work for the common good. It’s as if October helps you shake off the gloom and slumber and finally act!
If you have any lingering issues, start looking for a solution this month, and you are sure to find one! Starting mid-October, you will reconsider your outlook on life. During the final week of October, you might even get as far as to reevaluate your life values, principles, and ideals. Hopefully, the last days of the month will help you come to an enlightening conclusion.
6 notes · View notes
fountainpenguin · 5 years
Update On Release Dates
I’m planning to release more FOP content soon! I have a buffer now which will help me post during the school year; my plan is to release ‘fic updates every other week. The sideblog should have plenty of content to keep you busy in between if you’re craving more worldbuilding and characterizations (I’ve scheduled character bios to post every Thursday).
Upcoming Updates
Sideblog release - Should be released early to mid October if I get my other life obligations finished on schedule (It’s nearly done, I’m just tidying up a few last things while working on “You Deserve It.” If “You Deserve It” takes more time to polish than expected, the release will be slightly delayed. But the plan is to release it in October!
Ask box re-opens - Same date as sideblog release; I’ve been stocking up on “Ask the Author” ask box games for the occasion.
“You Deserve It” Prompt - 130 Reasons comes off hiatus this October with a special one-shot that’s been loooong in the making. This prompt stems from a discussion Bookwormgal and I had years ago about genies and Anti-Fairy beliefs about equilibrium; one scene from her ‘fic, Never Had a Friend Like Me (FFN / AO3), would be drastically different simply by replacing her take on Anti-Cosmo with mine. So this prompt is an alternate universe of Never Had a Friend Like Me Chapter 24, “Trapped” with just as much lava but more fancy dinner parties. If you’ve never read this ‘fic, I highly recommend checking it out. Bookworm’s work is a major inspiration for me and this is the story that gave me the confidence to write and share FOP works of my own.
“Almost” (Origin Chap 32) - Will be released 2 weeks after “You Deserve It” or the sideblog- whichever is released later. H.P. wraps up his meeting with Iris, has a very awkward lunch with Rupert Roebeam, and does some other stuff. Like shower. And grocery shop. And pose for nude sketches. This is a thrilling fanfic, guys.
“The Phoenix and the Courgette” (Origin Chap 33) - Oodles and oodles of Anti-Fairy culture, plus lots of Anti-Cosmo. And snuggles. Sweet fluffy snuggles. From past experience you probably think I’m lying but I assure you this is a happy chapter about healthy friendships.
“Woozy Bat In a Sanitary Zoo” (Knots Chap 27) - Act 2 finale. Anti-Cosmo is loose in Fairy World and struggles with his morals. He, Jorgen, and H.P. come together for the first time and I hope you love it as much as I do. Also Anti-Cosmo makes new friends and tries a different diet. Note that this chapter takes place after “Off;” Knots is ahead.
“Nothing Needed” (Origin Chap 34) - H.P. calls out Kalysta for writing thinly-veiled fanfics about him and faces off with Big Daddy and some other guys at Fairy Con. Good chapter! Best chapter!
“Senseless” (Origin Chap 35) - The Fairies pay their seven-year tithe to hell I mean have a totally innocent party with pals who are definitely not sketchy demons. Fergus sends his pixies to school and Rupert comes over to play. Snuggles with plot.
“Off” (Origin Chap 36) - Act 3 finale. Santa Claus is coming to town! The pixies get their shades! H.P. crashes and burns! And there’s cake. I should have led with cake. Enjoy the young pixies, because we’ll soon be timeskipping to Sanderson’s coming of age ceremony, and the war hits right after that. Kaboom!
Additional 130 Prompts might be posted too (I’m hoping to finish the direct sequel to “This Is a Box” in time for “Gray Tuesday,” and there are a few others I’d like to finish sooner rather than later). Schoolwork takes top priority. I have some other FOP one-shots in progress that I’d like to finish soon too:
Time Slows Down - A Cosmo pregnancy story I actually started before “No Absolutes;” those two pregnancy pieces are meant to mirror each other. Will be posted soon after I finish it. Not high priority due to school but lowkey hoping to share it in November.
Bells On Bats’ Tails - Winter piece that revolves heavily around the anti-family. Aiming to post on December 13th (another Friday the 13th) though that may not be doable since that’s during finals week. I’d like to post it before the end of 2019 in any case.
In Confidence - Sanderson and Mama Cosma friendship piece; still blurry because I have half a dozen ideas for it and haven’t settled, but all of them have excited me so I’m pleased about that. Tentatively planning to set it around Cavatina’s birth, so you might get to see my boy back when he was still okay smol. Will most likely post in January.
If all goes as planned, 2020 should be a continued year of fanfics during spring (I’ll be building my buffer over winter break), with a hiatus in summer. I’m still working on my original projects behind the scenes and trying to prepare them for publication, so that cuts into ‘fic time. I intend to finish my planned ‘fics regardless of how long it takes, so I hope y’all stick around for a while!
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thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and reaching the zero point field and being more zen
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TGIWednesday News
If we can come to that place of neutrality after clearing yes, unclear no, and running forward, more often than not, miracles can occur. I no longer meditate as in at all, but feel as if I am in the in-between more often than not.  The more you can come to that still small quiet spot within, no matter what your method, the more likely you are to reach that point where everything can change.  Know that we are here to guide you and help/contribute to you and all of your new endeavors in any way that we can.  And I pray that you welcome this new year with new beginnings, the peace that surpasses all understanding and do so with enthusiasm for sure!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ REACHING ZERO POINT FIELD ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can reach that centered place and zero point field that dwells within us all. I am ready, willing and able to be a channel for all that is good, light, kind and progressive. I know, when, where, how and why spirit can show me my custom and special way to hear that voice within me. I am asking in all languages, and throughout all time lines and so it is.
LIVE MySwitchWorks Event
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Starting fresh new job? Have a new business idea? Moved to a new location? Beginning or searching for a new relationship or ending a relationship? Starting a new diet or exercise routine to improve your health? Entering into a new financial endeavor? What are you struggling with? Is something blocking you? What happened last time that you want to clear the past energy of? What switches do you want to strengthen and turn on/off related to new beginnings? Live Zoom Event Next Wednesday Theme:  Clearing the Way for New Beginnings  January 27th from 7:30pm-8pm Eastern  Registration for live event, includes replay. >>> https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/jan2021-switches-event
These monthly LIVE events are by invitation only exclusively to our TGIW subscribers held on the last Wednesday of each month. These calls are unique in that you have the benefit of tapping into a multitude of issues that many participants have submitted for the group.  We compile that list of dozens of write-ins and one by one, we will clear it all together that evening.  And know too that during the LIVE call, I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand on things and cover the clearings in a much deeper way.   The value in this is tremendous! Instead of paying $68 for a half hour one on one with me where we might clear a dozen or so items, you can join our group each month for just $22 where together in 30 minutes you will watch in silence and amazement as you hear and feel the shifts of near 100 items - most of which you haven’t even thought of until you hear them LIVE!! 
*NOTE Those who are buyers of Darius' special offer Package B should have already received a free registration confirmation email with details for how to join the event (see also your offer download page w/replays).
Register Here - $22
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy, Just a quick update for you - I last wrote you about 8 months ago and you told me to stick with money and investing as I was considering different options to pursue - just wanted to let you know it's going pretty darn well!  I've been investing in the crypto market in my free time, learning as much as I possibly can, and it has paid off.  Over the months I've created a nice portfolio that has grown quickly into 6 figures, and I've doubled or tripled most of my investments.  Granted it's a perfect scenario right now for a beginning investor, but the timing is just "perfect", and I know who to give credit to!  I am so grateful for my session with you, your recordings, and MLF.  I love your end of the month live group session, I sign up for most of them.  If you're looking for inspiration for a theme one month, I'd love to see you do one on discipline, focus, perseverance.  So many of us start projects, but how many finish, or accomplish what we set out for . . . I find I often get distracted, I could totally use a good dose of focus!  I will fish it out in the meantime!  Keep up the good work, and thank you!"  - Lexie
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10-4 on Friday February 19th.
OFFICE LOCATION 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack JANUARY 20th "Today, I will endeavor to contribute. I will move forward in my life and assist all I can with others in their lives. I won't hold the lantern while someone else chops the wood. I will assist all that I can to move projects, relationships and my life, forward."
Live Radio Show Appearances
2021 UPDATE THE JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW GOING FORWARD I put in 5 years hosting weekly shows on Blog Talk and nearly another 5 years into my current show and Spirit came to me during a 3AM ending of My Daily Prayer services and whispered...“Enough.” So while we will not return to our weekly show in 2021, we will of course be guest or co-hosting on a variety of other shows on occasion.  So stay tuned to this section of TGIW as variety show line ups where I am a guest on other shows will be posted! 
Watch hundreds of replays for FREE here in the archives: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Bountiful Harvest Creatives Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Financial Windfall The Gold Coin Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress
Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish™ Starter Kit (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and reaching the zero point field and being more zen
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TGIWednesday News
If we can come to that place of neutrality after clearing yes, unclear no, and running forward, more often than not, miracles can occur. I no longer meditate as in at all, but feel as if I am in the in-between more often than not.  The more you can come to that still small quiet spot within, no matter what your method, the more likely you are to reach that point where everything can change.  Know that we are here to guide you and help/contribute to you and all of your new endeavors in any way that we can.  And I pray that you welcome this new year with new beginnings, the peace that surpasses all understanding and do so with enthusiasm for sure!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ REACHING ZERO POINT FIELD ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can reach that centered place and zero point field that dwells within us all. I am ready, willing and able to be a channel for all that is good, light, kind and progressive. I know, when, where, how and why spirit can show me my custom and special way to hear that voice within me. I am asking in all languages, and throughout all time lines and so it is.
LIVE MySwitchWorks Event
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Starting fresh new job? Have a new business idea? Moved to a new location? Beginning or searching for a new relationship or ending a relationship? Starting a new diet or exercise routine to improve your health? Entering into a new financial endeavor? What are you struggling with? Is something blocking you? What happened last time that you want to clear the past energy of? What switches do you want to strengthen and turn on/off related to new beginnings? Live Zoom Event Next Wednesday Theme:  Clearing the Way for New Beginnings  January 27th from 7:30pm-8pm Eastern  Registration for live event, includes replay. >>> https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/jan2021-switches-event
These monthly LIVE events are by invitation only exclusively to our TGIW subscribers held on the last Wednesday of each month. These calls are unique in that you have the benefit of tapping into a multitude of issues that many participants have submitted for the group.  We compile that list of dozens of write-ins and one by one, we will clear it all together that evening.  And know too that during the LIVE call, I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand on things and cover the clearings in a much deeper way.   The value in this is tremendous! Instead of paying $68 for a half hour one on one with me where we might clear a dozen or so items, you can join our group each month for just $22 where together in 30 minutes you will watch in silence and amazement as you hear and feel the shifts of near 100 items - most of which you haven’t even thought of until you hear them LIVE!! 
*NOTE Those who are buyers of Darius' special offer Package B should have already received a free registration confirmation email with details for how to join the event (see also your offer download page w/replays).
Register Here - $22
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy, Just a quick update for you - I last wrote you about 8 months ago and you told me to stick with money and investing as I was considering different options to pursue - just wanted to let you know it's going pretty darn well!  I've been investing in the crypto market in my free time, learning as much as I possibly can, and it has paid off.  Over the months I've created a nice portfolio that has grown quickly into 6 figures, and I've doubled or tripled most of my investments.  Granted it's a perfect scenario right now for a beginning investor, but the timing is just "perfect", and I know who to give credit to!  I am so grateful for my session with you, your recordings, and MLF.  I love your end of the month live group session, I sign up for most of them.  If you're looking for inspiration for a theme one month, I'd love to see you do one on discipline, focus, perseverance.  So many of us start projects, but how many finish, or accomplish what we set out for . . . I find I often get distracted, I could totally use a good dose of focus!  I will fish it out in the meantime!  Keep up the good work, and thank you!"  - Lexie
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10-4 on Friday February 19th.
OFFICE LOCATION 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack JANUARY 20th "Today, I will endeavor to contribute. I will move forward in my life and assist all I can with others in their lives. I won't hold the lantern while someone else chops the wood. I will assist all that I can to move projects, relationships and my life, forward."
Live Radio Show Appearances
2021 UPDATE THE JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW GOING FORWARD I put in 5 years hosting weekly shows on Blog Talk and nearly another 5 years into my current show and Spirit came to me during a 3AM ending of My Daily Prayer services and whispered...“Enough.” So while we will not return to our weekly show in 2021, we will of course be guest or co-hosting on a variety of other shows on occasion.  So stay tuned to this section of TGIW as variety show line ups where I am a guest on other shows will be posted! 
Watch hundreds of replays for FREE here in the archives: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Bountiful Harvest Creatives Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Financial Windfall The Gold Coin Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress
Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish™ Starter Kit (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and reaching the zero point field and being more zen
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TGIWednesday News
If we can come to that place of neutrality after clearing yes, unclear no, and running forward, more often than not, miracles can occur. I no longer meditate as in at all, but feel as if I am in the in-between more often than not.  The more you can come to that still small quiet spot within, no matter what your method, the more likely you are to reach that point where everything can change.  Know that we are here to guide you and help/contribute to you and all of your new endeavors in any way that we can.  And I pray that you welcome this new year with new beginnings, the peace that surpasses all understanding and do so with enthusiasm for sure!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ REACHING ZERO POINT FIELD ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can reach that centered place and zero point field that dwells within us all. I am ready, willing and able to be a channel for all that is good, light, kind and progressive. I know, when, where, how and why spirit can show me my custom and special way to hear that voice within me. I am asking in all languages, and throughout all time lines and so it is.
LIVE MySwitchWorks Event
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Starting fresh new job? Have a new business idea? Moved to a new location? Beginning or searching for a new relationship or ending a relationship? Starting a new diet or exercise routine to improve your health? Entering into a new financial endeavor? What are you struggling with? Is something blocking you? What happened last time that you want to clear the past energy of? What switches do you want to strengthen and turn on/off related to new beginnings? Live Zoom Event Next Wednesday Theme:  Clearing the Way for New Beginnings  January 27th from 7:30pm-8pm Eastern  Registration for live event, includes replay. >>> https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/jan2021-switches-event
These monthly LIVE events are by invitation only exclusively to our TGIW subscribers held on the last Wednesday of each month. These calls are unique in that you have the benefit of tapping into a multitude of issues that many participants have submitted for the group.  We compile that list of dozens of write-ins and one by one, we will clear it all together that evening.  And know too that during the LIVE call, I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand on things and cover the clearings in a much deeper way.   The value in this is tremendous! Instead of paying $68 for a half hour one on one with me where we might clear a dozen or so items, you can join our group each month for just $22 where together in 30 minutes you will watch in silence and amazement as you hear and feel the shifts of near 100 items - most of which you haven’t even thought of until you hear them LIVE!! 
*NOTE Those who are buyers of Darius' special offer Package B should have already received a free registration confirmation email with details for how to join the event (see also your offer download page w/replays).
Register Here - $22
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy, Just a quick update for you - I last wrote you about 8 months ago and you told me to stick with money and investing as I was considering different options to pursue - just wanted to let you know it's going pretty darn well!  I've been investing in the crypto market in my free time, learning as much as I possibly can, and it has paid off.  Over the months I've created a nice portfolio that has grown quickly into 6 figures, and I've doubled or tripled most of my investments.  Granted it's a perfect scenario right now for a beginning investor, but the timing is just "perfect", and I know who to give credit to!  I am so grateful for my session with you, your recordings, and MLF.  I love your end of the month live group session, I sign up for most of them.  If you're looking for inspiration for a theme one month, I'd love to see you do one on discipline, focus, perseverance.  So many of us start projects, but how many finish, or accomplish what we set out for . . . I find I often get distracted, I could totally use a good dose of focus!  I will fish it out in the meantime!  Keep up the good work, and thank you!"  - Lexie
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10-4 on Friday February 19th.
OFFICE LOCATION 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack JANUARY 20th "Today, I will endeavor to contribute. I will move forward in my life and assist all I can with others in their lives. I won't hold the lantern while someone else chops the wood. I will assist all that I can to move projects, relationships and my life, forward."
Live Radio Show Appearances
2021 UPDATE THE JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW GOING FORWARD I put in 5 years hosting weekly shows on Blog Talk and nearly another 5 years into my current show and Spirit came to me during a 3AM ending of My Daily Prayer services and whispered...“Enough.” So while we will not return to our weekly show in 2021, we will of course be guest or co-hosting on a variety of other shows on occasion.  So stay tuned to this section of TGIW as variety show line ups where I am a guest on other shows will be posted! 
Watch hundreds of replays for FREE here in the archives: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Bountiful Harvest Creatives Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Financial Windfall The Gold Coin Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress
Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish™ Starter Kit (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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TGIWednesday and reaching the zero point field and being more zen
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TGIWednesday News
If we can come to that place of neutrality after clearing yes, unclear no, and running forward, more often than not, miracles can occur. I no longer meditate as in at all, but feel as if I am in the in-between more often than not.  The more you can come to that still small quiet spot within, no matter what your method, the more likely you are to reach that point where everything can change.  Know that we are here to guide you and help/contribute to you and all of your new endeavors in any way that we can.  And I pray that you welcome this new year with new beginnings, the peace that surpasses all understanding and do so with enthusiasm for sure!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ REACHING ZERO POINT FIELD ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can reach that centered place and zero point field that dwells within us all. I am ready, willing and able to be a channel for all that is good, light, kind and progressive. I know, when, where, how and why spirit can show me my custom and special way to hear that voice within me. I am asking in all languages, and throughout all time lines and so it is.
LIVE MySwitchWorks Event
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Starting fresh new job? Have a new business idea? Moved to a new location? Beginning or searching for a new relationship or ending a relationship? Starting a new diet or exercise routine to improve your health? Entering into a new financial endeavor? What are you struggling with? Is something blocking you? What happened last time that you want to clear the past energy of? What switches do you want to strengthen and turn on/off related to new beginnings? Live Zoom Event Next Wednesday Theme:  Clearing the Way for New Beginnings  January 27th from 7:30pm-8pm Eastern  Registration for live event, includes replay. >>> https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/jan2021-switches-event
These monthly LIVE events are by invitation only exclusively to our TGIW subscribers held on the last Wednesday of each month. These calls are unique in that you have the benefit of tapping into a multitude of issues that many participants have submitted for the group.  We compile that list of dozens of write-ins and one by one, we will clear it all together that evening.  And know too that during the LIVE call, I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand on things and cover the clearings in a much deeper way.   The value in this is tremendous! Instead of paying $68 for a half hour one on one with me where we might clear a dozen or so items, you can join our group each month for just $22 where together in 30 minutes you will watch in silence and amazement as you hear and feel the shifts of near 100 items - most of which you haven’t even thought of until you hear them LIVE!! 
*NOTE Those who are buyers of Darius' special offer Package B should have already received a free registration confirmation email with details for how to join the event (see also your offer download page w/replays).
Register Here - $22
From the Fish Box
"Hi Jimmy, Just a quick update for you - I last wrote you about 8 months ago and you told me to stick with money and investing as I was considering different options to pursue - just wanted to let you know it's going pretty darn well!  I've been investing in the crypto market in my free time, learning as much as I possibly can, and it has paid off.  Over the months I've created a nice portfolio that has grown quickly into 6 figures, and I've doubled or tripled most of my investments.  Granted it's a perfect scenario right now for a beginning investor, but the timing is just "perfect", and I know who to give credit to!  I am so grateful for my session with you, your recordings, and MLF.  I love your end of the month live group session, I sign up for most of them.  If you're looking for inspiration for a theme one month, I'd love to see you do one on discipline, focus, perseverance.  So many of us start projects, but how many finish, or accomplish what we set out for . . . I find I often get distracted, I could totally use a good dose of focus!  I will fish it out in the meantime!  Keep up the good work, and thank you!"  - Lexie
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10-4 on Friday February 19th.
OFFICE LOCATION 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack JANUARY 20th "Today, I will endeavor to contribute. I will move forward in my life and assist all I can with others in their lives. I won't hold the lantern while someone else chops the wood. I will assist all that I can to move projects, relationships and my life, forward."
Live Radio Show Appearances
2021 UPDATE THE JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW GOING FORWARD I put in 5 years hosting weekly shows on Blog Talk and nearly another 5 years into my current show and Spirit came to me during a 3AM ending of My Daily Prayer services and whispered...“Enough.” So while we will not return to our weekly show in 2021, we will of course be guest or co-hosting on a variety of other shows on occasion.  So stay tuned to this section of TGIW as variety show line ups where I am a guest on other shows will be posted! 
Watch hundreds of replays for FREE here in the archives: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Bountiful Harvest Creatives Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Financial Windfall The Gold Coin Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress
Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish™ Starter Kit (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
Random joke magic items
Here’s a list of random joke items to use for fun in your campaign. I’d recommend adding them to treasure hoards rather than subbing normal items for them. Anyway here they are:
1. Ace of Spades - An ace of spades from a standard card deck. No matter where you store it on your body, you will always be able to find it in your right sleeve afterwards.
2. Amulet of Extra Amulet Slot - This amulet allows you to gain the benefit from two magical amulets rather than one. It cannot be further enchanted.
3. Amulet of Feather Fall - When worn, this amulet turns into a feather and falls to the ground.
4. Amulet of Unbreaking Bones - Con-man says you can’t break any bones. Really, he means other’s bones. -100% damage against skeletons.
5. Amulet of weather detection - yells that it is or is not raining.
6. Anti-Matches - A box of matches. Striking one will make it begin to drip water from the tip while the match shrivels away. The amount of water a match releases is about enough to fill a tablespoon.
7. Arrow of Euarere - A silver arrow, suspended on a string. It always points to the person holding the string.
8. Arrow of Slaying, The - This magical arrow is capable of killing a creature.
9. Artist’s Bludgeon, The - Inanimate objects hit with this bludgeon will receive no damage; they will however change color.
10. Attentive Guardsman’s Pike - These ornate and deadly-looking ceremonial pikes are reach weapons and appear to weigh at least 20 lbs, not counting the weight of the fluttering banners that can be unfurled for parade use. Constructed of shadowstuff, they weigh one pound, and inflict only a single point of damage on an attack, being almost entirely for show, although they also have the unique property of remaining in place when set (although unable to support more than 20 lbs), allowing a ‘resting his eyes’ guardsman to prop it up and leave it standing under its own power, while his hand sags off of it.
11. Attentive Guardsman’s Tabard - A dozen of these tabards were fashioned for palace guardsmen in the Empire of Sard, 250 miles from the nearest enemy. The bearer is placed under a glamour that causes him to appear alert and awake, even if his eyes are closed and he is snoring lightly.
12. Axe of Big Numbers - This axe shouts “Big numbers baby, come on!” whenever it is swung, but always deals 1 damage or less.
13. Axe of Empathy - Every time you hit something with this +5 greataxe, you get dealt an equal amount of damage. Both you and the thing you hit are then healed the amount of damage dealt by the axe, even if either are dead. The Axe hopes you have learned your lesson.
14. Axe of Pain - The axe is always moaning and groaning with pain.
15. Bag of Faerie Gold - This sack appears to be full of gold coins and jewels. When one attempts to spend them, however, the glamour on them soon vanishes, revealing them to be nothing but leaves and pebbles. Obviously, most shopkeepers will not be happy about this, and no amount of 'we didn’t know, I swear!’ will change their mind.
16. Bag of Holding - This item functions as a normal backpack, however when attempting to retrieve an item, a calm female voice tells them there is a wait time of 4d10 minutes before they can retrieve their item (actual time is stated time plus 6d6 additional minutes). During this wait, the bag plays either annoying muzak or advertisements for the bag’s creator’s other products/services. Upon attempting to retrieve an item, there is a chance that the wrong item is retrieved, or that the intended item is simply missing. Obtaining the original item requires an additional 4d10+6d6 minutes and has only a 5% chance of success.
17. Bag of Trading - You can take one thing out of the bag for each object you put in the bag. However, you have no control over what you get, and there are no trade-backs. Past research seems to imply there’s some sort of correlation to what gets you what, but it’s extremely convoluted and far from understood.
18. Bag of Trick - This bag operates like a Bag of Tricks, except it only works once a week and produces a rat each time it is used.
19. Bag of Unholding - Quite a large backpack but even the smallest item doesn’t fit.
20. Bagpipe of Stealth - Grants the user invisibility as long as it is being played.
21. Ball of Eyes - A snow-globe filled with miniature eyeballs. When shaken, it grants the user a blurry, jittery vision of some future event.
22. Banana Walkie-Talkies - There exist two, and only two, of these items in the world. One of which is possessed by a cranky and lonely half-orc. It appears to be an innocuous wooden banana with a coat of faded yellow paint. When an end (doesn’t matter which one) is placed against your ear, you can hear a ringing followed by a click and a half-orc yelling at you for waking him up at this ungodly hour. If you drop the banana or “hang up,” the call ends. If you stay and listen, the half-orc will yell at you, call out obscenities, and start going on about his daily problems and mishaps in his love life. Every so often (2% chance/day), the banana will ring while you are sleeping and the half-orc will want to talk to you about his problems.
23. Barrel of Holding - This large wooden barrel measuring √(12/π) feet in diameter and 5 feet in height can hold up to 15 cubic feet of matter.
24. Beam Sword of Severed Nerves - A beam sword. It cannot cut anything but nerve strings. Will pass through any other material leaving no harm.
25. Belt of Pants - This belt creates illusory pants on the wearer. The wearer can suppress the illusion at will
26. Belt of Tightening - Every time you put this belt on, all of your clothes permanently shrink a fraction of a millimeter. The effect is compound.
27. Belt of Unbathed Breath - When worn around the waist, allows the user to breathe underwater. Does not function when wet.
28. Boogie Skeleton - This pile of bones is small, such as one that might be obtained from a bird or a toad, though it can look as though it came from any creature. When a song is sung or played in the vicinity of the skeleton, it begins to dance appropriately. As soon as the music stops, it collapses into the pile of bones again. The skeleton, when dancing, can be no larger than Diminutive.
29. Book of Canon - A book that automatically transforms into a copy of the sacred text of any religion, translated into the language the user is most familiar with.
30. Book of Confusion - The letters in this book always appear to be upside down, even if viewed from different directions at the same time. The book is a bad novel about zombies.
31. Book of Curses - When opened, the book verbally berates anyone in the immediate vicinity, calling into question their combat ability, intellect, personal hygiene, lineage and profession of their mothers, and other delightful insults. Once closed the book continues shouting (although it is muffled) until placed inside a bag or some other similar container for 1d4+1 minutes and ignored. Replying to the book in any other way causes the insults to get louder and more childish the more time you spend replying to it.
32. Book of Exalted Deeds - Contains a listing of some of the finest houses ever sold and the specifics of the titles to the properties.
33. Boots of Blinding Speed - The wearer’s speed is doubled, and they are blinded.
34. Boots of Levitation - These boots levitate a few inches off the ground when not worn.
35. Boots of Stylishness - Knee high black boots that are always clean and shiny. They never take in water, thus feet are always dry.
36. Boots of Teleportation - Allows the player to teleport wherever they like, but don’t carry the wearer with them when activated; the boots teleport just fine, though.
37. Boots of Walking - The wearer of the boots cannot run, nor can he take a double move action, and takes a -5 to Tumble checks. These boots are made for walkin’, and that’s just what they’ll do.
38. Bottle of Air - It’s a bottle. Full of air. Congratulations.
39. Bottomless Beer Mug - Any liquid poured into this mug treats the bottom as incorporeal, but solid objects don’t.
40. Bowl of Comfortable Warmth - Any liquid in the bowl will feel comfortably warm, so icy cold water will feel like it’s a bit over room temperature. Do note, however, that it’s still icy cold water, it just feels warmer.
50. Breastplate of Secret Detection - If the wearer of this breastplate gains a piece of information that is somehow connected to the concealment of a hidden conspiracy or plot, a live and still wet red herring forms on the inside of the armor.
51. Bullying Gloves - At random intervals, these gloves instil the wearer with a near-irresistible urge to hit themselves.
52. Bunyan’s Belt - When worn, causes an enormous, bushy black beard to appear on the wearer’s face.
53. Cape of Resistance - When this item is placed on any living thing it somehow manages to fall off, untie itself, slip past the owner’s neck entirely, or otherwise avoid being worn.
54. Case of the Litigator - Translates any document placed in the case into legal jargon; non-reversible. Does not confer the ability to understand legal jargon.
55. Cat of Schrodinger - When this cat is not being observed in any way it is both dead and alive. When something observes it, it suddenly becomes either dead or alive with a 50% chance of either.
56. Chair of Steadiness - This chair can be moved but cannot be tipped over by anything less than a DC 35 Strength check.
57. Charles - This small, unremarkable figurine of a gnome refuses to be called anything but Charles. No other name will leave the lips of the speaker. It has no other powers.
58. Chime of Interruption - This instrument can be struck once every round, which takes a standard action. On any round the chime is activated the user may ready one action without spending an action to do so.
59. Chime of Opening - Commonly affixed to or near doors, when pressed it emits a sound on the interior of the owner’s home to let them know guests have arrived.
60. Chime of Opening (Alternate) - When struck against a solid surface, this chime emits a loud click, and opens along its length, to reveal a tiny compartment adequate to conceal a single 'smoke’ worth of pipeweed or a blowgun needle. When the compartment is closed, it is seamless and can be detected only with a DC 20 Search check. If hit with an instrument such as a small mallet, it chimes.
61. Cloak of Billowing - This black and silver cloak will always billow dramatically behind the wearer, it has no other effects.
62. Cloak of Displacement, Minor - This item appears to be a normal cloak, but when worn by a character its magical properties distort and warp reality. When any attack is made against the wearer the cloak has a 20% chance of falling off, no matter how it is secured.
63. Compacting hammer - The force imparted by it is multiplied, but is spread around the surface of a struck object facing inward.
64. Cymbal of Symbols - This musical instrument enables the user to comprehend dead languages, but only while they are deafened by noise.
65. Dagger of Told Secrets - A simple-looking dagger. If used to backstab someone to death, it will whisper your most embarrassing secret to that person.
66. Dagger of unnatural sharpness - The blade is exceptionally sharp to your touch. It confers no combat bonuses but can be used as a normal dagger for fighting or crafting, but the user seems to always cut himself in minor ways when using it.
67. Dagger of Untold Secrets - A simple looking dagger. If used to backstab someone to death, it will whisper the most embarrassing secret of that person to you.
68. Decanter of Endless Sorrow - A pewter flask that produces limitless alcohol when held to their lips by someone who is troubled. It gets them drunk but they never feel any better.
69. Diadem of Brothaurity - When wearing this headpiece, you are as elegant and well-spoken as a famous diplomat or regent, but you can’t stop calling everyone bro.
70. Enchanted Book of Collected Stories - Opening this will cause miniature creatures/people to pour out and perform a chapter from the book much like a theater.
71. Focusing Ring - The digit on which this ring is worn can be viewed in extremely high definition from a great distance.
72. Gloves of Tinkering - Wearing the gloves will make you able to almost repair any broken item. However, you will always end up with pieces from the item that don’t seem to fit anywhere.
73. Glowing sword of orc detection - When it gets orc blood on it the sword glows.
74. Good Luck ring - Gives your enemies good luck!
75. Greater Staff of Random Summoning - Summons a random creature at a random place. You could be summoning a giant Ogre on the other side of the globe for all you know.
76. Helm of Awareness, The - The wearer is acutely aware of the fact that they are wearing this helmet and that it has a magical effect. - All you need to do to make this work as a DM is frequently remind the player that the helm is magical while they are wearing it but be evasive about exactly what it does.
77. Hoarder’s Wand - Does nothing but for some reason you think it might be important later in your quest.
78. Hood of Offensive Facades - This hood will change your identity in the eyes of others to the appearance of the person they most personally dislike.
79. Hood Of Worrisome Facades - This hood will change your identity in the eyes of others, however the identity used will be random.
80. Indestructible Notebook of Memories - This otherwise normal notepad of normal notepad size cannot be damaged or destroyed, and anything written in it cannot be obscured or defaced. It also has unlimited pages despite its finite size. However, the data it holds only lasts as long as the writer independently remembers it, and decays in exact proportion to the relevant memories. Remember who and when, but not where? Then the words describing the location in that particular entry are the only ones gone.
81. Intransigent Rod - When the button on this artifact is pressed in, the holder’s opinions solidify and they become impossible to convince.
82. Key to anywhere - opens any door into a closet with a water bucket that falls and hits the player’s head. Inside this closet is the treasure of true adventurers. If opened with a key, it opens a closet…
83. Lunch Box of Delicious Unfulfillment - This lunch box will hold whatever food you desire. However you will never get full and the food will deliver no nourishment.
84. Mask of Concealment - Hides the wearer’s face and conceals everything from them by blocking their eyes! Bonus points for requiring a strength check or a time limit to expire to be removed.
85. Mattress of Poverty, The - No matter how you fluff this gorgeous, thick, mattress, you will always sleep on the thin part of it.
86. Mug O’ Dissatisfaction - A mug that always produces a steaming hot cup of coffee or tea when tapped on the bottom. It conjures the opposite of what the tapper prefers, so if you like tea you get coffee and vice versa. Handing the full mug to another person will make the drink in it transform to the opposite of that person’s preferences.
87. Murder Dagger - All damage it would deal is instead replaced by the target being harassed by crows for that many hours.
88. Needle Of Learned Compromise - This needle will create beautiful tattoos of any design, however they hurt a tiny bit more. When used to sew it is entirely normal.
89. Portable Dark Tavern Corner - Consisting of two wooden boards connected by a hinge, this artifact draws those nearby into assuming it is a perfect spot to conduct seedy business.
90. Potion of fire breathing - For the length of time that the potion is in effect, every breath out is on fire, whether you want it to be or not.
91. Potion of Quelchment - Cures thirst when consumed
92. Ring of Fire Detection - becomes warm when placed into Fire.
93. Ring of First Impression - Wearing the ring will make you able to perform a perfect handshake with the hand wearing it.
94. Ring of Stoneskin - Turns your skin, muscles, and organs into stone! Character is now a stationary statue. Can’t be reversed until someone takes the ring off.
95. Rope of Entanglement - Becomes entangled when left in a pack
96. Sack of Hive Eggs - Crushing one of the numerous tiny eggs will cause the thoughts of everybody in the proximity to merge. Everybody can hear what you think and you can hear everybody.
97. Shirt of fire protection - this shirt is sopping wet.
98. Shoes of the Restless Traveler - These shoes allow their user to run for miles without feeling fatigue, but if they try to do anything else with it (walk, sit down, jump), they will instantly trip
99. Sword of Parrying - Parries every attack, swinging it yourself will force it to “parry” your opponent’s weapon/attack even though he/she/it is defenseless.
100. Torch of Night Vision - grants bearer Night Vision while lit.
101. Vorpal Grindstone - It can “sharpen” any object to become vorpal. Any object.
102. Wand of command - Lets your character be controlled after saying the command word!
103. Wand of Create Wand of Create Wand - Creates a Wand of Create Wand. Consumes original Wand.
104. Wand of Pigeon Summoning - summons 1d20 pigeons everyday. On a 20 it breaks and summons a giant pigeon god (can be the size of Godzilla or like 5 pigeons.) Giant pigeon god should be in the mid 20s for CR, but is uninterested in attacking, and will simply fly away when summoned.
105. Water Hat, The - A small red hat, when worn, causes water to pour from the wearer’s fingers at the speed and pressure of a kitchen faucet at half power.
106. Wineskin of the Eternal Primary - This wineskin never runs out of water, but even the tiniest sip makes you have to go potty, like, super bad. Right now.
18K notes · View notes
realstate2020me · 5 years
The Keys to Success to Investing in Real Estate
Most Property professionals flunk over the first month or two of attempting to make a business venture out of property investing. The trick starts with a favorable marketing program and then practicing a tumultuous campaign to the advertising strategy on a even basis. There's far more required to triumph, and you'll find out additional hints, tricks and exceptional property advertising techniques in this report.
Can there be Anybody in your city that does not recognize that you purchase houses or that you're a real estate professional? If that's the case, you are not doing as well at advertising or rendering property investing advice about your property investing business enterprise as well you may be. I find out property investors notification all of the time which they aren't getting seller telephone calls and then are not getting the prospects that they should discover the real estate company deals they need in order to make a living. I say raise the advertising and the vendors will Call. Not just that but if you're canvassing the planet (or your place ) that you purchase problem property holdings, finally you'll be acknowledged for everything you are doing and sellers will phone you strictly in your standing. This is called cost effective advertising.
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One Property specialist was at a house, garden and hardware store a couple of calendar weeks back and moved beyond a few men in an aisle. A conversation was discovered while he walked , I overheard a single nation,"That is the real estate man". I had never understood both of those guys and don't have any idea who they are but experience enables me admit that I need to do my business in letting the entire world to understand that my company is purchasing real estate in that region. There are several ways to allow the region know that you're in the real estate investing profession and receiving information out there which helps individuals realize you purchase foreclosures, distressed property, perform real estate short sales and also have a great deal of real estate info and experience to reverse properties. Some methods are inexpensive and some are more costly. You're likely to need to try many things and develop a sense for what attracts around for one of the very best results on your area to find the calls you need in order to transact property bargains. I've tried many kinds of promotion methods for property commercial businesses of all types and have come back into some that always create enough leads for me to buy the two or three property holdings and homes I wish to buy each and every calendar month. They're as follows:
Classified Ads
The classified Ad in the most prominent paper in the area is undoubtedly the heaviest manufacturer of prospects for neighborhood property investors whom I have determined. I know it's expensive and I know that there are cases it doesn't create phone calls however if you're likely to persist in the actual estate investing business sector just put it in there and abandon it. Get used to it which makes up a part of the cost of doing the actual estate enterprise. You'll expend roughly $350.00 per calendar month to get my 4 line advertising and that's the industrial variety. I would look at running it 365 days per year to continuously indicate everyone that you're a real estate professional and you also buy property in their area.
Over the Last Few or so years I have observed several"real Estate investor" advertisements go and come. Most people put them in to get a couple or even only a few of calendar months and remove them try only putting them in on the week ends. Real Estate Marketing simply doesn't operate this way. Set your property advertising in the newspaper and leave it in there. It will more than compensate for the cost, expect me, and you'll see after you complete your first thing. If you're distressed since there are property investors advertisements out of a number of different investors in the marketplace, do not be. They're there because they're getting answers. Be absolutely certain to and really answer your mobile phone and keep it on all of the time you'll be wasting cash.
When a new advertisement for real Estate investor info shows up in my paper, I shall always call about the ad. 9 days out of 10 I receive a message apparatus or answering services. This is a substantial turn away to someone who requires a settlement to their property problem today. They would like to consult with someone who can silence their nervousness over their existing issues with their house and tell them what will be ok. Your answering device will not do this, they require a human being. As for what to place in the advertisements, you'll need to work with this one. I've tried different idea and also the one I have hast not altered for over 4 decades. I have not changed it since I receive answers. My advertisement is:
We Pay CASH FOR HOMES In 24 Hours! Any area, price or state Call xxx-xxx-xxxx
Now I've had other property professionals searching for location and interchange their advertisement copy to be top of mine at the pillar but it's not made whatsoever gap, as much as I could distinguish. Do not be concerned about these things, simply get out the advertising there and abandon it. It might possibly have a little bit of time, maybe a few months to begin but vendors will phone. The moment you've got your classified advertisements conducting, then you need to begin working on your other advertising and marketing techniques straight away. If you simply go through one thought per week, in just a couple weeks or even a few weeks you'll have a substantially successful real estate buying process.
Ads at the"Freebie" Papers
You May also run ads from the freebie newspapers in the regional area or the area that you need to run property investment deals. All these will be the"Thrifty Nickel", or anything they're termed on your area. We conduct both a column advertising and a screen in this paper and expend roughly $175.00 or so a calendar month to get those advertisements. They pull seller prospects fairly well and have consistently rationalized the prices. Bear in mind these men are usually receptive to speaking phrases in your rates and you'll likely receive a better rate if you commit to a more advertisements arrangement.
Bandit Signs or Road Signs.
Bandit Signals are fantastic. They are a few of the very best lead generating tools around. I've yet to put a bundle rather than be bombed with forecasts directly after I ordered my advertising. I simply don't place them out often. I might place a few to some half dozen or so a calendar month and those which continue and do not get removed continue to pull phone calls. In an average cost of less than $4.00 a signal, they're among the best property marketing and marketing values out there. Check the internet for sign makers for reduction signage expenses. I utilize 18 x 24 hints and place them in high traffic crossings round town I want to buy homes in.
I also place a sign in front Lawn immediately after buying any home. I've bought several houses in the very same areas as a consequence of advertising this manner.
You Can either utilize timber stakes or the cord bets with your own signs. I enjoy the wood bets since they don't bend like the cable ones, moreover, they're more cheaper and you may find pretty much any reasonably sized pole of timber or bet at the regional hardware store for a great price. Only secure long spans and cut down to match. Then simply nail the indication to it together with the roof nails with the green or orange plastic shirts or you may use screws. There are numerous variations on what the wording on the signal can say. Remember that traffic will soon be moving so that you would like to keep your message brief and easy so that it might be read. Plus your phone number has to be large, big and easy to read.
If You hunt the signal advertising material, you may discover it is Same similarity my newspaper advertising. I love to brand my advertisements since I Think that helps with diagnosis that's most likely why both men Seen me as a Real Estate Professional..You wish to have comparison, so A white symbol with dark blue letters are the best lure. Some Individuals swear by black yellow or black on orange. I say it is not Exactly what or how you state it rather only that you are out there advertising And putting outward signals that counts. You will build a'brand image over time In the event you remain logical along with your property advertising endeavors. When Handling bandit signs, make certain your regional code enforcement laws Are mindful of these. In certain regions or counties they could lax on them however a Few miles down the street in a different county or town, they are sometimes super Intense and can ticket you in a moment, pull down the signs and direct off On the lookout for your following posters to go once you . Some retail Retailers in high tax areas can not put any A plank signage without Having them then fined.
0 notes
xnxadultstore · 5 years
Top 30+ Christmas Coloring Books for Adults
The snow is falling and the Christmas lights are beginning to go up so, after all, we have to have some Christmas Coloring Books to maintain us calm earlier than throughout and after Black Friday insanity.
Now that Coloring Books for Adults are an establishment, there are a complete lot of Christmas coloring books accessible together with Christmas Coloring Cards this yr. We have searched for essentially the most stunning selections for you. Please let me know within the feedback or on social media if I’ve neglected your favourite. 
My Picks for Christmas Coloring Books for Adults 2019
My best choice this yr is the Queen of Colorings’ Christmas providing….
#1 JOHANNA’S CHRISTMAS by Johanna Basford
Something relatively particular for the festive season! Johanna’s Christmas is accessible NOW!
This e-book options 40 collectible, perforated pull-out prints, ultimate for framing or giving as presents. The excellent Christmas current for coloring followers. The illustrations are printed on one aspect of the ivory paper solely, to help you take away your murals with out sacrificing the picture on the reverse.
Delicate tangles of holly and ivy, bauble-laden Christmas timber and mountains of exquisitely wrapped presents are all ready to be dropped at life on this new assortment of pull-out prints. From flurries of delicate snowflakes to deliciously embellished gingerbread homes and reindeer-led sleighs, Johanna’s Christmas is a celebration of this excellent vacation season that invitations you to select up your pens and pencils to paint, full or embellish every of the festive artworks. Hidden on this e-book are a flock of elusive little robins – can you notice all of them?
US, UK & Canada Amazon Order Link or Book Depository (Free Shipping)
At Book Depository you may also snag the UK model which is a little bit totally different.
#2 Masja’s Christmas
Masja van den Berg is an artist within the Netherlands promoting her books on Etsy. Her pictures are magical and her books are all stunning hand-drawn and printed on single-sided on thick environment-friendly paper. If you buy $35 price of merchandise from her your transport to the US is free. If you enroll for her mailing record you’ll get the obtain of this cowl picture for free to paint. I’ve seen dozens of her pictures coloured on Instagram and have fallen in love. This is a model new e-book for 2019.
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Click to Order on Etsy
#three Escape to Christmas Past by Good Wives & Warriors
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If you haven’t but found the Good Wives & Warriors design workforce you’re in for a deal with. I’m completely in love with the 5 books (plus one on pre-order) that I’ve acquired and coloured in. They are all two-sided coloring books with good paper for numerous mixing, layering and shading for coloured pencil followers and they’re smaller sq. books that help you end up a mission in a day or two of TV watching coloring.  
Escape to Christmas Past is an homage to Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” Evocative Christmas scenes and characters from Charles Dickens’ well-known story of Ebenezer Scrooge and Marley’s ghost, threaded with imaginative, delicate patterns all clearly outlined in pen and ink, make ultimate compositions to paint. Pivotal extracts from the story are scattered all through for inspiration, and there are areas left inside a number of the compositions for particular person design and embellishment.  I promise you’ll adore this e-book.
Escape to Christmas Past Amazon US    UK    Canada    Worldwide at Book Depository
#four Christmas to Color by Mary Tanana isn’t a brand new e-book however it was my favourite of 2015.
It has the proper mixture of conventional and eccentric, all hand-drawn with stunning thick white paper.
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Order Christmas to Color on Amazon US, UK or Canada  or Book Depository
#5 Sherri Baldy My-Besties Winter Snowmen Coloring Book
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Sherri Baldy’s My Besties “Winter Snowman” Coloring Book is the primary time she has created vacation illustrations. Her enjoyable big-eyed snow folks besties are nice coloring for all ages, adults, and kids too. You get 50 coloring pages 2 of every picture is printed single~sided so you possibly can body or give away your colourful Bestie creations. This is a less complicated e-book than you’re used to with simply the lovable woman on the web page, so should you like them extra complicated, this isn’t the e-book for you, however such as you see within the image above it does offer you numerous area to play with background results, chalk, and stencils.
Order Christmas to Color on Amazon US, UK or Canada or Book Depository
#6 All Is Bright: A Devotional Journey to Color Your Way to Christmas
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I  simply acquired this beautiful coloring e-book from the writer Tyndale House and fully fell in love with it. It’s an Advent coloring count-down, prayer journal, bible examine, household exercise e-book all rolled into one. The illustrations by Lizzie Preston are simply stunning depicting totally different scenes concerning the season and accompanying commentaries by Nancy Guthrie lead you from December 1 – December 31. The again pages even include kid-friendly coloring pages alongside the identical theme because the e-book. Now let’s discuss concerning the paper, it’s wonderful! The good thick paper all of us love to paint on, the dimensions is the usual massive sq. 9.7 x 9.6. Check the YouTube channel for my flip by means of too.
Order All is Bright on Amazon US, UK or Canada  Or Book Depository
#7 Mein Winterspaziergang
English translation is My Winter Walk, making this coloring e-book not particularly Christmas however it has numerous Christmas in addition to all through the winter climate scenes to paint. Rita Berman’s illustration fashion is sort of iconic and I’ll be you’ll develop into a fan and need all of her seasonal books. This e-book has 80 pages with a web page measurement smaller than the usual Johanna Basford measuring eight″ x eight″. 
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This German coloring e-book is new to the US coloring viewers this yr though it’s been accessible on Book Depository.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada or Worldwide at Book Depository
#eight Mounts 5 Christmas Coloring Book by  Olya Goloveshkina
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The e-book is crammed with 24 one-sided distinctive and fantasy detailed driving animals of artwork by artist Olya Goloveshkina. You can see a coloured model of this gorgeous chook in our Facebook group right here.
Click to order Amazon US, UK or Canada or Book Depository
#9 25 Days of Christmas by Jane F. Hankins
A stunning spiral certain coloring e-book with skilled paper depicting the 12 Days of Christmas, scenes from a Children’s Nativity, Sugar Plum Fairy and Santa’s Workshop on artists paper.
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK & Canada
10. Nice Little Town Christmas 2 by Tatiana Bogema
Tatiana’s second e-book is crammed along with her unbelievably lovable mice within the setting of her iconic “Nice Little Town” all dressed up for Christmas.
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada or Digital Download on Etsy
#11 Home for the Holidays: A Hand-Crafted Adult Coloring Book for Christmas – Illustrator Galadriel A. L. Thompson
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Home for the Holidays: Travel Edition
#12 Christmas Coloring Book (Coloring is Fun by Thaneeya McArdle)
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
#13 A Christmas Carol – A Coloring Classic
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This e-book is simply GORGEOUS! 80 pages with a sewn binding, thick white paper printed on either side. Click to order A Christmas Carol Amazon US     Amazon UK   Amazon Canada 
#14 A Million Christmas Cats by John Bigwood
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This is a smaller format than many of the books on this record however simply fabulous! Cats in all kinds of vacation and winter scenes, whimsical and enjoyable. It’s printed on either side with medium-thick paper, some with black backgrounds. I notably favored the cat’s ice-fishing web page.
#15 The Night Before Christmas Coloring Book
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The solely gray-scale coloring e-book I’ve discovered with Christmas pictures and this one is simply GORGEOUS! Highly detailed web page by web page retelling of the well-known poem of the vacation season. If you will have by no means coloured in a gray-scale e-book they are surely fairly magical and you could find some recommendations and tutorials right here.  This is a Dover e-book so the paper received’t be spectacular however you possibly can at all times copy the pictures to cardstock for presents or to border.
The Night Before Christmas is accessible on Amazon US  –  UK – Canada & Book Depository
#16 Santa’s Cats
By the illustrator of the favored “Cats & Quilts” coloring e-book, “Santa’s Cats” is a Christmas coloring e-book that comprises twenty-four timeless, distinctive illustrations of cats and kittens stepping into bother, serving to Santa and his elves as they put together for the large day, and cuddling up with Jolly Old St Nick after an exhausting day within the workshop on the North Pole.
Each image is printed on one aspect of 60 lb pure white paper to reduce scoring and bleed-through and seems in two sizes: massive and half-size (four″x6″), each appropriate for framing when accomplished.
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Santa’s Cats is accessible on Amazon US   UK   Canada and Book Depository
17. Color by Number Christmas Coloring by George Toufexis
George’s e-book is crammed with conventional Christmas vacation scenes and is secular in nature with issues like Santa, Christmas Trees, Stockings by the Fire and Winter Nature scenes. Images are printed on one aspect of the web page and are perforated. These 46 pictures are designed for skilled colorists.
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18. Christmas Magic Coloring Book by Deborah Muller
Deborah’s e-book has Fairies, Mermaids, Unicorns, Snowmen and Magic all wrapped up in vacation enjoyable.
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada Deborah additionally has one other Christmas e-book known as Fairy Merry Christmas that you simply may need to see.
19. The Magical Christmas – A Colouring Book“
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The Magical Christmas – A Colouring Book for Adults Illustrator Lizzie Mary Cullen This e-book may be very well-liked nevertheless I had a very exhausting time coloring in it because the illustrations are SO busy and detailed and drive you to paint just about each inch of the paper. Many of the pages have sections the place you aren’t certain what it’s you’re coloring or the place it stops and begins. I might advocate this solely for very skilled colorists who don’t frustrate simply.
Order Magical Christmas on Amazon US  ~  Amazon UK  ~  Amazon Canada or Book Depository
20. Whimsical Winter Wonderland by Molly Harrison
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada or on Etsy right here
21. Christmas Coloring Book by Jade Summer
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
22. Merry & Bright
A Festive Christmas Coloring Wonderland of Snowmen, Ice Skates, and Quirky Critters on High-Quality Perforated Pages that Resist Bleed Through from numerous artists at Design Originals
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
23. Snowflake Mandalas By Marty Nobel
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
24. Christmas Designs by Peter Pauper Press
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
25. Christmas Joy
Christmas Joy is a coloring e-book crammed with 24 pages of great, cute pictures within the theme of Christmas hand-drawn by Swedish artist Sabine van Ee.
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada or on Etsy Here
#26 Another of my favourite illustrators created a Christmas Coloring e-book “The Gift” unique title or “Night Voyage” for the English market
“The Night Voyage: A Magical Adventure and Coloring Book”
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The Gift or All Gifts of the World or the Night Voyage are all alternate names for Daria Song’s Christmas e-book.
The tabby cat you see on this picture is all through the e-book for you cat lovers which might be additionally Daria Song followers. Her Christmas e-book follows the little woman on a brand new nighttime journey when the conductor of her toy practice involves life and helps her distribute presents the world over
This beautiful Christmas e-book is accessible to Order from Amazon US – UK –  Canada or Book Depository Worldwide.
Tatiana is thought for her “Little Town” collection and this Christmas coloring e-book has a few of these lovable mouse home, little city kind illustrations however it additionally has different pictures and the one which received me over was the lovable gnome colorings I noticed a couple of occasions on Instagram. I contact the artist on Etsy and he or she answered me nearly instantly that I may discover that picture on this her first Christmas e-book. Honestly, at this value level and for the flexibility to immediately obtain and coloration I’ve already received it printed and also you’ll be seeing it posted on my social channels very quickly. I believe I additionally may shrink it down and make it into present tags. I could also be a little bit bit behind the occasions however Christmas gnomes are making me actually completely happy this yr.
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Click to order the Instant Download right here. Only $four.99
#28 Entangled Christmas Coloring Book
Angela Porter’s work is actually enjoyable to paint in. It has simply sufficient element to make it fascinating however not so tiny that you simply get fatigued with a web page. This is a Creative Haven e-book so pictures are printed on one aspect of the paper and are a vivid white good high quality paper.
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Click to Order Amazon US, UK & Canada
29. Sticker by Number Christmas
Something a little bit totally different, if these coloring fingers are getting drained, attempt your hand at Coloring by Sticker.
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Click to Order Sticker By Number Christmas Amazon US, UK or Canada
Christmas Creative Haven Coloring Books
There are fairly a couple of Christmas Creative Haven & Dover Coloring Books which were round for some time so we’ll be including these titles as time permits.
Christmas Around the World -Joan O’Brien is the illustrator. This e-book is extra elementary than a number of the others however has some pretty conventional vacation pictures
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Nativity Stained Glass Coloring Book – Illustrator Marty Noble Christmas Mandalas – Illustrator Marty Noble Vintage Christmas Greetings Illustrator Marty Noble Winter Scenes – Illustrator Marty Noble Christmas Trees by Barbara Lanza Merry & Bright – Design Originals Illustrators An Old-Fashioned Christmas Coloring Book – Creative Haven My Besties Christmas Cottage Coloring Book – Sherri Baldy Ugly Holiday Sweaters – Creative Haven Winter Scapes Creative Haven Color Christmas Portable Book (Mini measurement) by Thaneeya McArdle Winter Wonderland with Love – Sherri Baldy Snowflake Mandalas – Marty Noble Night Before Christmas – Sherri Baldy Hebrew Illuminations Coloring Book: A Coloring Journey Through the Jewish Holy Days Adult Christmas Coloring Book: Magic Christmas: for Relaxation Meditation Blessing Nice Little Christmas Town by Tatiana Bogema Winter Magic: Beautiful Holiday Patterns Coloring Book for Adults  Winter Wonderland – A Creative Haven e-book seems prefer it has some good winter scenes which might rejoice the vacations properly.
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The Fart Before Christmas – A model new humorous coloring e-book that may be nice for school-age youngsters in addition to adults. This new coloring e-book is sort of intelligent and humorous. If you will have a school-aged kiddo or grandkid you understand that something to do with farting is at all times massively hilarious.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK & Canada
Johanna Basford’s Holiday Freebies
Johanna Basford has a number of Christmas and Holiday pictures on her web site which you can obtain for free and we count on her to do one thing enjoyable and particular once more in 2016. Here is her beautiful Christmas Star. Johanna knew she wanted to get the phrase out about her work a couple of years in the past and arrange a enjoyable twitter mission the place she tweeted a chunk of an introduction calendar every day on twitter. Luckily for you, it’s now all on this web page the place you possibly can click on on and print every picture to paint in at dwelling. My plan is to print these on good high quality paper, coloration and use them to make handcrafted Christmas playing cards.
Stocking Stuffer Favorites for the Holidays
Not certain how one can get began with Adult Coloring Books? Check right here for Where to Start with Adult Colouring and Top 13 Tips for New Colorists. Best Coloring Pencils, Gel Pens & Markers to make use of in Adult Coloring Books.
Check Book Depository for any which might be out of inventory on Amazon
If you understand of any others please contact me and let me know. If you’re an illustrator with a vacation mission for the 2019 or 2020 holidays please ship me a duplicate to evaluation so I can add it to my curated lists.
Check out Christmas Cards to Color right here, Christmas Coloring Instant Downloads on Etsy, and Jewish Holiday Books right here.
Join the enjoyable in our Christmas Coloring Contest from Jane F. Hankins 2019.
The post Top 30+ Christmas Coloring Books for Adults appeared first on XNX Adult Store.
0 notes
The Keys to Success to Investing in Real Estate
Most real estate professionals flunk over the first couple of months of attempting to make a business enterprise from property investing. The trick starts with a favorable marketing program and then practicing a disciplined effort to the advertising strategy on a even basis. There's far more required to triumph, and you'll find out additional hints, tricks and exceptional property advertising techniques in this report.
Is there anybody in your city that does not recognize that you purchase houses or that you're a real estate professional? If that's the case, you are not doing as well at advertising or rendering property investing advice about your property investing business enterprise as well you may be. I find out property investors notification all of the time which they aren't getting seller telephone calls and then are not getting the prospects that they should discover the real estate company deals they need in order to make a living. I say raise the advertising and the vendors will Call. Not just that but if you're canvassing the planet (or your place ) that you purchase problem property holdings, finally you'll be acknowledged for everything you are doing and sellers will phone you strictly in your standing. This is called cost effective advertising.
1 real estate specialist was in a house, garden and hardware store a couple of calendar weeks back and moved beyond a few men in an aisle. A dialog was discovered while he walked , I overheard a single nation,"That is the real estate man". I had never understood both of those guys and don't have any idea who they are but experience lets me admit that I need to do my business at allowing the entire world to recognize my company is buying property in that region. There are several ways to allow the region know that you're in the real estate investing profession and receiving information out there which helps individuals realize you purchase foreclosures, distressed property, do property short sales and also have a great deal of property info and expertise to reverse properties. Some methods are inexpensive and some are more costly. You will need to try many things and develop a sense for what attracts around for one of the very best results on your area to find the calls you need in order to transact property bargains. I've tried many kinds of promotion methods for property commercial businesses of all types and have come back into some that always create enough leads for me to buy the 2 or 3 property holdings and homes I wish to buy each and every calendar month. They're as follows:
Classified Ads
The classified ad from the most prominent paper in the area is undoubtedly the heaviest manufacturer of prospects for neighborhood property investors whom I have determined. I know it's expensive and I know that there are cases it doesn't create phone calls however if you're likely to persist in the actual estate investing business sector just put it in there and abandon it. Get used to it which makes up a part of the cost of doing the actual estate enterprise. You'll expend roughly $350.00 per calendar month to get my 4 line advertising and that's the industrial selection. I would look at running it 365 days per year to continuously indicate everyone that you're a real estate professional and you also buy property in their area.
Within the last few or so years I have observed several"real estate investor" advertisements go and come. Most people put them in to get a many or maybe only a few of calendar weeks then remove them try only placing them on the week ends. Real Estate Marketing simply doesn't operate this way. Set your property advertising in the newspaper and leave it in there. It will more than compensate for the cost, expect me, and you'll see after you complete your first thing. If you're distressed since there are property investors advertisements out of a number of different investors in the marketplace, do not be. They're there because they're getting answers. Be absolutely certain to and really answer your mobile phone and keep it on all of the time you'll be wasting cash.
Every time a new ad for property investor info shows up in my paper, I shall always call about the ad. 9 days out of 10 I receive a message apparatus or answering services. This is a substantial turn away to someone who requires a settlement to their property problem today. They would like to consult with someone who can silence their nervousness over their existing issues with their house and tell them what will be ok. Your answering device will not do this, they require a human being. As for what to place in the advertisements, you'll need to work with this one. I've tried different idea and also the one I have hast not altered for more than 4 decades. I have not changed it since I receive answers. My advertisement is:
We Pay CASH FOR HOMES In 24 Hours! Any area, price or state 
I have had other property professionals jockey for location and interchange their advertising copy to be top of mine at the pillar but it's not made whatsoever gap, as much as I could identify. Do not be concerned about these things, simply get out the advertising there and abandon it. It might possibly have a little bit of time, maybe a few months to begin but vendors will phone. The moment you've got your classified advertisements conducting, then you need to begin working on your other advertising and marketing techniques straight away. If you simply go through one thought per week, in just a couple weeks or even a few weeks you'll have a substantially powerful property buying process.
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Ads at the"Freebie" Papers
You may also run ads in the freebie newspapers in the regional area or the area that you need to run property investment deals. All these will be the"Thrifty Nickel", or anything they're termed on your area. We conduct both a column advertising and a screen in this paper and expend roughly $175.00 or so a calendar month to get all these advertisements. They pull seller prospects fairly well and have consistently rationalized the prices. Bear in mind these men are usually receptive to speaking terms in your prices and you'll likely receive a better rate if you commit to a more advertising arrangement.
Bandit Signs or Road Signs.
Bandit signs are fantastic. They are a few of the very best lead generating tools around. I've yet to put a bundle rather than be bombed with forecasts directly after I ordered my advertising. I simply don't place them out often. I might place a few to some half dozen or so a calendar month and those which continue and do not get removed continue to pull phone calls. In an average cost of less than $4.00 a signal, they're among the best property marketing and marketing values out there. Check the internet for sign makers for reduction signage expenses. I utilize 18 x 24 hints and place them in high traffic crossings round town I want to buy homes in.
I also place a sign in front lawn immediately after buying any home. I've bought several houses in the very same areas as a consequence of advertising this manner.
You may either use wood bets or the cord bets with your own signs. I enjoy the wood bets since they don't bend like the cable ones, moreover, they're more cheaper and you may find pretty much any reasonably sized pole of timber or bet at the regional hardware store for a excellent price. Only secure long spans and cut down to match. Then simply nail the indication to it together with the roof nails with the green or orange plastic shirts or you may use screws. There are numerous variations on what the wording on the signal can say. Remember that traffic will soon be moving so that you would like to keep your message brief and easy so that it might be read. Plus your phone number has to be large, big and easy to read.
If you hunt the signal advertisement material, you may discover it is same resemblance my newspaper advertising. I love to brand my advertisements because I feel that assists with identification that's most likely why the 2 guys found me as a Real Estate Professional..You wish to have comparison, thus a white sign with dark blue letters generally would be the best draw. Some people swear by black yellow or black on orange. I say it is not exactly what or how you state it rather only that you are out there advertising and putting out signals that counts. You will build a'brand image over time if you stay logical with your real estate marketing endeavors. When dealing with bandit signs, be sure that your local code enforcement laws are aware of them. In some areas or counties they can lax on them but a few miles down the road in another county or city, they can be super strict and will ticket you in a minute, pull the signs down and lead off looking for your next posters to go after you again. Some retail merchants in high tax areas can't put out any A board signage without having them sized and then fined.
Flyers and Bulletin Board Postings
Flyers and related collateral are another cheap way to get the word out that you are a real estate investor buy property, foreclosures or distressed properties. Just create a flyer with any one of the free on-line flyer software internet sites telling people that your are a real estate investor and how to get in touch with you. Make copies for few cents apiece and you have some really inexpensive real estate marketing and advertising. It really is that simple. Then place these flyers on every bulletin board in your Town or region you would like to buy your property, foreclosure or distressed home. . I also recommend that you place some of them in those plastic sheet shielders so the rain won't ruin them and put them up on phone poles around neighborhoods I like to buy property in. . While not as prominent as the bandit signs, on poles actually in the neighbourhood they still attract phone calls. I carry a file with me in my automobile and put them up whenever I stop at a grocery store or major discount shop or really wherever. Some of the other area to put them are:
· Laundromats · Taped to the inside of telephone Booths. · On the counter of any business organization that will let you place them at. · Bulletin boards at any local or major rebate store (lots of traffic) · Grocery store bulletin boards · Fax to Mortgage agents, call first · Fax to Real Estate Agents, call first and they may get a lot of these. · Take them Door to Door in target regions · Employment centre Bulletin board · County Courthouse or public office Bulletin board
These are just a few illustrations. Any place that will allow you to set one is a good place. You can never let too many people know that you are a real estate investor and are in the foreclosure market.
Imprinted and/or Promotional Items
Optimum Real Estate Investor Marketing Ideas - These no-lose ideas are sure to get you top hits on leads and calls for your Real Estate Investing occupation.
These are some of my favourites and most fun. While they are not the top producers of leads or the least costly, they will sure position you apart from the average investor.
Pen Knives - These tiny Swiss army knives are the neatest things. They are actually key chains etched with your content, mine being: WE BUY HOMES - All cash or take over payments within 24 hours! Call xxx-xxx-xxx I assure if you give one of these to somebody they will hold on to it it and if they conceive of selling, they will think of you. They are about $1.75 each.
Key Chains - I give these to all my buyers with the keys to their new house on them and leave them all over the place. They come in the shape of a house or #1 or whatever style you like and have your message on them. You can guess what mine says. Cost - about $. 25 cents apiece.
Pens - I use these all the time. Whenever I sign a sales receipt or anything I leave my pen. I cannot tell you how many outcries I have gotten off of these things and since I often need one, I always possess one to give away. My attorney even has a supply on his closing table. I possess two types printed. One for sellers says "We Buy Homes!" and one for buyers says "Everyone Qualifies". Cost - about $.26 cents per unit.
Coin Holders - These you hardly find anymore so everyone is surprised when I have them. I leave these things everywhere. Mine are bright yellow with blue letters and my message. Cost - about $.30 cents apiece.
I leave all of these promotional items everywhere, on the top of gas pumps, on end-cap displays in grocery stores and in department stores. I look at it this way, if I give away 100 pens, 50 knives and 50 coin holders a month, that is only a little over $100 bucks a month. That is still cheap advertising. And with the money you can make in a real estate deal, it is'no cost' advertising strategy. You may find at least one of these promotional advertising products in many significant promotion promoting maker, and you'll be able to find businesses on line also.
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The Keys to Success to Investing in Real Estate
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Most real estate professionals flunk over the first couple of months of attempting to create a business enterprise out of real estate investing. The trick starts with a beneficial marketing plan and then practicing a disciplined effort to the advertising strategy on a even basis. There's a lot more required to triumph, and you will find out additional tips, tricks and unique property marketing techniques in this article.
Is there anyone in your town that does not recognize that you buy houses or that you're a real estate professional? If that's the case, you are not doing as well at advertising or rendering property investing information about your real estate investing business enterprise as well you may be. I find out property investors telling all the time which they aren't receiving seller phone calls and then are not getting the leads that they should discover the real estate business deals they require to make a living. I say increase the advertising and the vendors will Call. Not only that but if you are canvassing the world (or at least your place ) that you purchase problem property holdings, finally you'll be acknowledged for what you do and sellers will telephone you strictly on your reputation. This is called cost effective advertising.
One real estate professional was in a house, garden and hardware store a couple of calendar weeks back and went beyond a few men in an aisle. A conversation was discovered while he walked , I overheard a single nation,"That is the real estate man". Now I had never understood either of those guys and don't have any idea who they are but experience lets me admit that I need to do my business at allowing the world to recognize my company is buying real estate in that region. There are several ways to let the region know that you are in the real estate investing profession and receiving information out there which helps individuals realize you purchase foreclosures, distressed real estate, do real estate short sales and also have got a lot of property info and expertise to flip properties. Some methods are cheap and some are more costly. You will have to try many things and acquire a sense for what attracts around for you the best results in your area to get the calls you require to transact real estate deals. I have tried many kinds of promotion methods for property commercial businesses of all types and have come back into a few that always create enough leads for me to buy the 2 or 3 real estate holdings and houses I wish to buy each and every calendar month. They are as follows:
Classified Ads
The classified ad from the most prominent newspaper in the area is by far the heaviest producer of prospects for local property investors that I have determined. I understand it is expensive and I understand that there are cases it doesn't create phone calls however if you are going to persist in the real estate investing business sector just place it in there and abandon it. Get used to it which makes up part of the cost of doing the actual estate enterprise. You'll expend roughly $350.00 per calendar month to get my 4 line ad and that is the commercial selection. I would consider running it 365 days a year to continuously indicate everyone that you're a real estate professional and you also buy property in their region.
Within the past few or so years I have observed several"real estate investor" ads come and go. Most folks put them in to get a many or maybe only a couple of calendar weeks then remove them try just placing them in on the week ends. Real Estate Marketing just simply does not work this way. Set your property advertising in the newspaper and leave it in there. It will more than make up for the cost, trust me, and you'll see after you finish your first thing. If you are distressed because there are property investors ads from many other investors in the marketplace, don't be. They are there because they're getting responses. Just be sure to and really answer your cell phone and keep it on all of the time you'll be squandering money.
When a new ad for property investor information shows up in my paper, I shall always call about the advertisement. 9 days out of 10 I get a message device or answering services. This is a significant turn off to somebody who needs a resolution to their property problem now. They would like to speak to a person who can quiet their nervousness over their existing issues with their home and tell them everything is going to be ok. Your answering device will not do this, they require a human being. As for what to place in the advertising, you'll have to work with this one. I've tried various idea and the one I have hast not changed for more than 4 years. I haven't switched it because I get answers. My ad is:
We Pay CASH FOR HOMES In 24 Hours! Any area, price or condition Call xxx-xxx-xxxx
I have had other real estate professionals jockey for location and interchange their advertising copy to be top of mine in the pillar but it's not made whatsoever gap, at least as much as I can discern. Don't be concerned about those things, simply get the advertising out there and abandon it. It could possibly take a bit of time, perhaps a several months to begin but sellers will telephone. The moment you've got your classified advertisements running, then you should start working on your other marketing techniques straight away. If you simply go through one thought a week, in just a couple weeks or a couple of months you'll have a significantly powerful real estate purchasing process.
Ads at the"Freebie" Papers
You may also run ads in the freebie newspapers in the local area or the area you want to run property investment deals. All these will be the"Thrifty Nickel", or whatever they're named in your region. We run both a column ad and a screen in this paper and expend roughly $175.00 or so a calendar month to get all these advertisements. They pull in seller leads reasonably well and have consistently rationalized the costs. Remember that these men are usually open to talking terms on your rates and you'll likely get a better rate if you commit to a longer advertising agreement.
Bandit Signs or Road Signs.
Bandit signs are great. They are a few of the best lead generating tools around. I've yet to put a bunch rather than be bombed with calls directly after I arranged my marketing. I just don't place them out that often. I might place out a few to some half dozen or so a calendar month and the ones that continue and don't get removed continue to pull in phone calls. In an average price of less than $4.00 per sign, they are among the best real estate marketing and advertising values available. Check the internet for sign makers for discount signage costs. I utilize 18 x 24 signs and place them at high traffic crossings around the town I want to buy houses in.
I also place a sign in front lawn immediately after purchasing any home. I've purchased several houses in the same areas as a consequence of advertising this manner.
You may either use wood stakes or the cord bets with your own signs. I like the wood stakes because they don't bend like the cable ones, in addition, they're more less expensive and you can find just about any reasonably sized stick of timber or stake at the regional hardware store for a excellent price. Just secure long lengths and cut down to match. Then simply nail the sign to it with the roof nails with the green or orange plastic shirts or you may use screws. There are many variants on what the wording on the signal can say. Bear in mind that visitors will soon be moving so that you would like to keep your message brief and simple so it may be read. Plus your phone number has to be big, big and easy to read.
If you search the signal advertisement material, you may discover it is same resemblance my newspaper advertising. I love to brand my advertising because I feel that helps with identification that's most likely why the 2 guys noticed me as a Real Estate Professional..You want to have contrast, so a white sign with dark blue letters generally is the best draw. Some people swear by black yellow or black on orange. Again, I say it's not what or how you state it rather simply that you are out there advertising and placing out signals that counts. You'll build a'brand image over time if you remain logical with your real estate advertising endeavors. When dealing with bandit signs, make certain that your local code enforcement laws know of these. In some areas or counties they could lax on them but a couple of miles down the road in another county or city, they may be super strict and will ticket you in a minute, pull down the signs and direct off looking for your next posters to go once you again. Many retail merchants in high tax areas can not put out any A board signage without having them then fined. Find out more info click Haus verkaufen Salzburg
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spicynbachili2 · 6 years
The Best Nintendo Switch Games
Final up to date October 2018.
By IGN’s Nintendo Followers
The Nintendo Swap has been out for a 12 months and a half and in that quick time, dozens of superior video games have hit Nintendo’s hybrid console.
We did the homework and put collectively a listing of our 25 favorites.
Let’s go!
25. Blossom Tales
Blossom Tales feels proper at residence on the Nintendo Swap. The sport has no disgrace in how a lot it truly borrows from The Legend of Zelda: A Hyperlink to the Previous, and that’s under no circumstances dangerous factor. It might be a brief sport, however the second to second gameplay brings a ton of nostalgia and satisfies the craving to play one thing so acquainted but provides new challenges alongside the best way.
– Brian Malkiewicz
24. Kirby Star Allies
Kirby Star Allies proves that some adventures are rather more enjoyable with pals. Even when these pals are AI, Star Allies nonetheless brings frantic four-player enjoyable that is frequently a blast, due to numerous ally mixtures and an exquisite attraction. Its scenic settings, loopy, over-the-top closing boss battle, and catchy soundtrack make it an ideal bundle that solely will get higher when utilizing trendy workforce assaults to destroy every thing in your path.
– Brendan Graeber
23. Tremendous Mario Occasion
Tremendous Mario Occasion is the very best Occasion in two console generations. It’s accomplished away with some, however not all, of the slowness, you get to play a ton of nice minigames with the cool, however not excellent Swap controllers, and that infuriating randomness of awarded stars on the finish of a sport is … nonetheless an issue. However even these painful upsets really feel like much less of a celebration killer this time, as a result of Tremendous Mario Occasion, particularly within the team-based Accomplice Occasion mode, is aggressive, strategic, and, above all, a whole lot of enjoyable.
– Sam Claiborn
22. Puyo Puyo Tetris
An ideal marriage of two glorious and timeless puzzle video games, Puyo Puyo Tetris is a feature-packed assortment worthy of being put in on each Swap. Whether or not popping in for a fast sport of Tetris, battling it out in split-screen multiplayer, flexing your abilities on-line, or puzzling your method by means of story mode, Puyo Puyo Tetris will hold you coming again for years. Again in 1989, no GameBoy was full with out Tetris and that very same sentiment stands as we speak with Nintendo’s fashionable handheld.
– Peer Schneider
21. Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker
Some of us say that there are too many Wii U ports coming to Swap. These folks have clearly by no means performed Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker. This phenomenal spin off is charming, difficult, and downright cute on any platform, and time. I imply, have a look at his little vest!
– Zachary Ryan
20. Minecraft
Minecraft is no doubt probably the most accessible exploration and journey video games there may be, nonetheless feeling recent even years after its preliminary launch. It places creativity above all else, and has an insanely deep set of instruments to allow that. Its Swap model is especially thrilling in that it may be performed cross-platform with PC, cellular, and even Xbox One gamers, making it one of the best ways to play it on the go.
– Tom Marks
19. Overcooked 2
Overcooked 2 takes the easy premise of making ready a meal with a pal or beloved one and flips it on its head by dialing the madness as much as ten and forcing you to work collectively in chaotic kitchens which may simply tear your relationship aside. You’ll battle kitchen fires, conveyor belts, and even wild animals in a frantic race to prepare dinner collectively throughout quite a lot of dynamic levels.
– Brian Altano
18. Hole Knight
Hole Knight could be extremely demanding, however you get far more again than what you place into it. The expertly crafted Metroidvania map that’s the kingdom of Hallownest has an absurd quantity of paths to discover, bosses to combat, and secrets and techniques to uncover. That is all drawn in a somber however expressive artwork type that offers the lovable bug individuals who dwell their lives, and tales, of their very own.
– Tom Marks
17. Evening within the Woods
Evening within the Woods is a grasp class in interactive writing. Each character has depth, their struggles and shortcomings really feel acquainted and painfully actual, and the interactions between them are particularly spectacular and diverse contemplating it is all delivered through text-based dialogue. Coupled with a daring, putting artwork type and a somber have a look at the state of the world as we speak, Evening within the Woods is a must-play on Swap.
– Cassidee Moser
16. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Shovel Knight is definitely the most effective platformers of the final decade. For 4 years and counting, Yacht Membership has put a lot care into making each pixel of Shovel Knight into an ideal tribute to basic video games, and each new enlargement manages to convey new and thrilling mechanics that hold issues fascinating. With Treasure Trove, you get not solely the unique sport and the expansions launched to date, but in addition every thing that can come out sooner or later. On prime of Swap’s portability, what extra might you ask for?
– Andrew Goldfarb
15. Into the Breach
Into the Breach distills turn-based technique video games down their purest essence. Its bite-sized fights are like little puzzles, however your instruments to unravel them are the methods you determine alongside the best way. It is FTL roots convey wonderful replayability to the desk, and there are sufficient totally different mixtures of enemies, allies, and upgrades to maintain it recent for a very long time to come back.
– Tom Marks
14. Octopath Traveler
Sq. Enix’s Octopath Traveler would not attempt to reinvent the wheel on basic JRPG titles, as an alternative tremendous tuning the style’s profitable parts to create a enjoyable, lovely and sometimes difficult title that hits all the suitable nostaglic notes. Octopath’s power is its deep and dynamic fight system, and its distinctive method of layering collectively a number of tales even when they by no means fairly come collectively the best way you’d suppose. Greater than only a tribute to earlier generations’ finest JRPGs, Octopath reinvigorates the style and provides again as a lot as you place into it.
– Terri Schwartz
13. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Once we first noticed Skyrim working on a transportable system, on a aircraft no much less, none of us truly believed it may very well be accomplished. “You possibly can’t cram that many aspect quests onto a single cart!” we screamed, “It is scientifically not possible!” Seems, we had been unsuitable. Skryim on Swap is each bit as sprawling, and epic as it’s almost anyplace else. Plus, you possibly can cosplay as Hyperlink and Hyperlink is cool.
– Zachary Ryan
12. Fortnite
Fortnite air drops 100 gamers on to an enormous, chaotic battlefield the place you’ll smack one another with cartoon hammers, drive golf carts, shoot rockets and construct forts, after all. Because the map shrinks, your survival possibilities develop till one participant is the final one standing. It’s addictive, extremely enjoyable, and completely free to play – till you determine to spend a bunch of V-Bucks on backpacks and goofy costumes, that’s.
– Brian Altano
11. Monster Hunter Generations Final
The Nintendo Swap makes it doable to get the very best of each *worlds* with Monster Hunter Generations Final. You possibly can play utilizing a comofortable pro-controller, however you may also slay its greater than 100 monsters in individual with pals. On prime of the ridiculous quantity of content material packed in, you may also play as an lovable cat and pet alpacas.
– Casey DeFreitas
10. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a standout RPG that manages to maintain its story, fight, and exploration fascinating over the course of at the very least 70 hours of journey by means of an impressively diverse and wealthy world. Merely put, this is a wonderful sport filled with powerful, memorable battles, and a constructive message.
– Leif Johnson
9. Stardew Valley
Born out of Harvest Moon, it makes excellent sense that Stardew Valley suits proper at residence on the Swap. The farming life sim is splendidly open ended, letting you forge your individual nation path with fishing, combating, farming, and falling in love. Moreover, with the ability to make the most of the Swap’s sleep mode helps take a number of the strain off of not with the ability to save in the midst of a day, even when just a few different bugs within the port are nonetheless ready to be squashed right here. Tom Marks
eight. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle confronted no scarcity of skepticism earlier than its launch. (Mario has a gun? And he’s hanging out with the Rabbids?) However UBisoft Milan’s sturdy technique sport proved itself with some actually difficult ranges and accessible however advanced turn-based gameplay, whereas additionally discovering a method of marrying the Rabbids and Mushroom Kingdom’s senses of humor into one, charming expertise.
– Jonathon Dornbush
7. Lifeless Cells
Lifeless Cells fuses breakneck movement with an emphasis on risk-and-reward for an extremely partaking action-platformer. It’s rewarding in its flexibility in a method few video games are. Every simply digestible run by means of its fantastically detailed and shifting ranges goads you to push the bounds of your capacity, and crushes you once you get too comfy. There are layers of technique and ways buried not solely within the speedy decisions you make, however within the grander metagame, making it one of many absolute best motion platformers you possibly can in your Swap.
– Brandin Tyrrel
6. Celeste
Celeste is a shock masterpiece. Its 2D platforming is a number of the finest and hardest since Tremendous Meat Boy, with ranges which might be as difficult to determine as they’re satisfying to finish. Hidden all through these ranges are a wealth of secrets and techniques and collectibles, a few of which push the abilities it teaches you to absolutely the restrict, together with sufficient end-game content material to maintain you enjoying for dozens of hours. However the biggest triumph of Celeste is that its best-in-class leaping and dashing is mixed fantastically with an vital and honest story and an unimaginable soundtrack that make it a genuinely emotional sport, even when your ft are planted firmly on the bottom.
– Tom Marks
5. SteamWorld Dig 2
SteamWorld Dig 2 is a textbook instance of every thing a sequel needs to be: larger, smarter, and simply straight up extra enjoyable. Guiding Dorothy by means of SWD 2’s labyrinthine caverns trying to find loot and upgrades is a difficult and charming twist on the basic “Metroidvania” type and has a gameplay loop that can undoubtedly hold you up into the wee hours of the morning for “only one extra run”.
– Zachary Ryan
four. Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 is a kind of uncommon video games you possibly can play for greater than a 12 months and nonetheless not be uninterested in it. Many gamers hoped for a quick port to Swap to hit the bottom working, however what we obtained was a formidable sequel with an all-new single-player marketing campaign and a “season 2” multiplayer mode that took the very best from the primary sport and expanded on it. Couple that with Salmon Run — an addictive new co-op mode — and loads of free post-release content material, and also you’ve obtained one of many prime causes to attach your Swap to a wifi community the place and each time you possibly can.
– Peer Schneider
three. Mario Kart eight Deluxe
e adored Mario Kart eight when it first got here out on Wii U however famous one conspicuous absence that made many people fall in love with the unique Mario Kart on SNES to start with: Battle Mode. Mario Kart eight’s encore on Nintendo Swap didn’t simply hold the web group alive and added returning favorites like Balloon Battle and Bob-omb Blast, we additionally obtained a brand-new “cops and robbers” workforce mode with Renegade Roundup, all the nice DLC levels, and even some friends from the Splatoon universe. It’s not a brand new sport, however one so good, it deserved to succeed in an even bigger viewers on Swap immediately.
– Peer Schneider
2. Tremendous Mario Odyssey
A masterclass in 3D platforming, Tremendous Mario Odyssey seamlessly blends the very best parts from almost each Mario sport with a whole portfolio of recent gameplay mechanics to create one thing each nostalgic and brave. New gamers will adore stomping by means of thep vivid and huge new worlds, whereas seasoned veterans will stick round after the credit to unlock the lots of of challenges that await their ability and dexterity. To place it succinctly, Tremendous Mario Odyssey is pure, chic pleasure and the most effective Tremendous Mario video games ever made.
– Brian Altano
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Let’s face it, the Zelda sequence was lengthy overdue for a serious change, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild presents an unparalleled sense of freedom and scale within the palm of your hand. It tells a an epic story, as glide, prepare dinner, and battle your method throughout a fantastically ruined model of Hyrule. It helped reinvigorate The Legend of Zelda in a method that followers had solely dreamt of, simply propelling it to the primary spot on our record and in our hearts.
– Zachary Ryan
from SpicyNBAChili.com https://www.spicynbachili.com/the-best-nintendo-switch-games/
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