#(also bc I can’t afford groceries)
phantom-peachie · 5 months
This is what your art looks like/tastes like to me
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my tastebuds just got tiny goosebumps
tysm fruity ily
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microsuedemouse · 1 year
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so I’ve been doodling while I’m on the customer service counter lately, bc I’ll go pretty long stretches without any customers or anything else to do. drawing all in pen (bc that’s all I’ve got at work) means I make a lot of mistakes lol, but it’s something to pass the time. and it’s practice I guess? I don’t draw nearly enough these days
anyway my friend Parth came over to see what I was doing today (he’s a supervisor, so if he’s bored he can just wander around and talk to us while ‘checking on things’ lol) and saw this horse I’d given up on, so he added some details of his own, including some sort of attempt at filling in the unfinished legs
then he turned the page over and saw those drawings of my character Carlotta and went 8O “who did these?!?!”
“I did!” I answered with a laugh.
“They’re great!” he announced. “Ten out of eleven! Wait… no… I mean eleven out of ten!”
and he wrote a mark on the page like he’s my teacher. bc he’s a fuckin dork
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torque-witch · 28 days
While the majority of my problems are a stress-induced disease - it’s like a never ending circular issue because
a) I am realizing I have very little motivation bc I probably don’t produce dopamine
b) my brain being in constant lacking can lead to anxiety, depression, etc which all correlates to gut health
c) my gut health is poor which leads to lack of motivation if I need to rest/am in pain
d) my health is also poor bc I was in a gross apartment for 3 years (mold and algae and non-functional central air, huge temp ranges)
e) my health is also poor because I was only making $400 every two weeks for a catastrophically terrible business and couldn’t afford good food
f) but also the food at the grocery store - SPECIFICALLY FRESH FRUIT AND VEGGIES AKA FIBER is already rotten????
g) I also have contamination OCD so I can’t buy and pick out bad food and force myself to eat it bc even if there’s nothing wrong I’ll feel sick??
h) if I can’t process food or can’t eat enough or if the food is bad my body will just make ulcers in my intestines for fun and try to take me out
I won’t go on but it truly is a capitalistic issue. While I do feel tons better in a habitable apartment and actively have been improving on my travel phobia + actually eating now that I’m not restricting in order to work a job AND somehow have been making so much more income now that I’m self-sufficient?? These are the types of problems that lead to keeping people sick, sometimes even under the guise of community care.
We need access to good health care. We need access to food that’s not on recall. Which means we need to pay and protect employees in order to keep factories and farmers and retail workers operating at 100%! And all those people need places to live that are clean and affordable!!!
I’ll never understand the commodity of keeping people sick while working them to death. Where is the logic?
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hi friends. this post is for folks who have some combo of disposable income and/or generational wealth.
i urge folks to consider how much you’re giving to mutual aid in comparison to how much you spend on stuff that you feel is frivolous. things that make your life a little better but that you wouldn’t suffer tremendously going without. this is a method that has helped me become a lot more generous.
this number is different for everyone. for me, that’s $40 on doordash every so often bc i’m too tired to cook or run groceries. it’s $30 i drop on buying a book on a whim.
i think we all deserve nice things that go beyond our immediate need for survival — and also, those of us who live with some degree of financial ease should share the abundance we have. my desire for comfort is not more important than another human’s right to food, shelter, and safety.
it’s easy to get trapped in - i can’t make a difference, i can’t individually solve poverty, i can’t fix structural injustice. all that is true, but my money can help alleviate suffering. if i can afford to drop $40 on drinks with a friend, how much can i afford to give someone who is hungry? or escaping war?
we know that lower income folks tend to share their money more than wealthy folks. culturally, people who grow up with money are taught to be cagey with it - with how much they have, how much they spend, and how much they can afford to give. if we are committed to solidarity we need to intentionally build in practices of sharing and mutual aid because we are taught to feel stingy around it otherwise.
i just shared a post with an evacuation fund for folks trying to leave Rafah. it is an emergency. Gaza has been in a state of emergency for the past 7 months — but what’s happening in Rafah right now is different. the clock is ticking and we can help people escape death.
if you’ve got a little left over after you pay your bills, if you expect to receive an inheritance, how much did you spend last time you bought something that was maybe a little irresponsible but that you knew wouldn’t impact your safety? can you afford to spend that amount to save someone’s life?
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Thoughts of the HC of Ironmouse being adopted by Spiderbit?
Also, it can also be interpreted as a demon that Cellbit summoned by mistake and now they're roomies. Roier accept her bc... he is Roier, he does what his husband does (and because she can speak Spanish too and now he has someone who understand his jokes)
Hi, I fucking hate it! As a disabled woman who has spent over half her life getting fucking infantilized by random people and her own family, that hc sucks and I hate it. It’s ableist and misogynist and also? It’s stupid. q!Mousey is canonically Satan. She’s as old as q!Bad at least. She isn’t even hiding it like Bad is, she’s literally running around talking about cock and balls and being Satan. And there’s no signs of like parenting coming from either half of Spiderbit, they’re literally just being nice because q!Cellbit seems to want to be friends with her and q!Roier kinda just likes everyone.
Just make them roommates, guys. Think about it: Cellbit accidentally summons a demon who turns out to be literally Satan. She moves into his attic and he’s left trying to explain to his Not At All Goth husband why Literal Actual Satan is living in the room above their bedroom, and Roier is like “Hey man, it’s fine, but she needs to stop using all the tortillas, we can’t afford to go grocery shopping this often!!!” Literal sitcom stuff. And then later in the third season Mousey gets adopted as Richas’ aunt officially because found family doesn’t always equal a nuclear family you absolute clowns
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theiceandbones · 2 months
I hate seeing videos of this beautiful gingerbread house on the market for $320k and someone says “this is what $320k gets you in Nova Scotia” because you know what? That’s not true!!! Sometimes yes, you CAN get a beautiful house for cheap. There’s a catch. That house is a 40 minute drive from the nearest grocery store and any amenities. “But homestead-“ I know!!! I know. That’s also expensive, there’s so few people around here who sustain a farm and their own livelihood without some sort of financial and material inheritance. And what’s more is people are moving across the country to come to Nova Scotia because the maritimes are somewhat cheaper than BC and Ontario but our wages are the lowest and our sales tax is the highest and because of property owners from the interior buying up all the housing I can’t afford to make my own way in my own home province and I think that’s fucked up
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oddishfeeling · 3 months
this life consistently inundates us with the most insane standards and continuously barrages us with violence and exploitation so that we are so tired so so drained and sick and tired that we succumb to Ai in a quiet ambivalence. because like the advent of the internet, in the early times when things were still optimistic, when there were talks that it could potentially bridge the wealth gap by making information/education more accessible for everyone, it is only a matter of time before it also becomes a major tool of late stage capitalism. in a major way. if it hasn’t already. and it’ll be in the most blatant and horrifying way. and i don’t need to explain this to anyone reading this. our brains have been hacked and we are being harvested and bled dry. and we’re all so tired! and it’s tragic and it doesn’t have to be too late but. when i’m at work and the Ai does my job for me it’s actually a relief bc i am sleep deprived and i can’t think straight and it makes me even more resigned to the fact that this is all by design. and if this is what happened to the internet i can’t even begin to imagine what might happen for what’s next. i just spent so much on groceries. and i’m glad ill have food. healthy food. but the cycle is at peak vicious right now. and it’s hard to ignore. and i have to keep teaching the Ai to afford rent and groceries and bills. and i want to do something else. i want to help and break the cycle and forge a new path. but right now we just really need vegetables. we really need sleep. we really need healthcare. and honestly i’m tired of being tired. and of giving my energy away to all of these other things. and of leaving none left for myself. and i know another option is possible even if it doesn’t exist yet, even if it’s unlikely or unusual, i know there’s another way. well i have to believe that, anyways.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Oh babe I read your post about graduation and life after. I FEEL YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I’m graduating Friday and I pursued a film degree in a city with little to no opportunities for that industry. Don’t know why I did that. Sorry to my parents who sacrificed a lot to put me through school. Moving to a bigger city is not an option bc I can’t afford it. Might be moving back in with my parents might not be. Everyone is asking whats next for me. Girl idk. I’m stressed I’m anxious. I hate it here. The real world sucks and I just want to skip over all this character building stuff and get to the part of my life where I’m happy with a career and can actually afford groceries. Sometimes I wish my dreams weren’t as big.
Hi gorgeous! First of all, I'm so sorry you feel that way. I promise your degree has value whether you feel like you can get a job out of it right away or not, and I won't pretend to know how your parents feel but I doubt they would have sacrified anything if they didn't feel your education was worthwhile. Graduating from college is a big deal nonetheless ! We both know I'm struggling with this too but I have some pieces of advice that have been given to me and I've found helpful if you want them <3
Obviously, "almost no one works in something related to their degree" is a really disheartening thing to hear, and I bet you've been hearing it (like I have) a lot lately. But what I think the people who say that are trying to convey is that there is no shame in just doing a job that makes some money (and preferably also makes you happy), and sometimes that financial security can help you pursue your dreams with a bit more surety since you're no longer trying to find a way to eat at the same time.
A few months ago, I talked to my mom about how guilty I feel about potentially not being able to get a job relevant to my degree after she helped put me through college, and while I know not all parents feel the same way about this, I think she made some great points. She said that college is about learning how to think, and your education and the experiences you've had in college will always be valuable no matter what job you end up with. And did you have a good time? Did you like learning all those things you did about film? Did you meet some cool friends, or get to talk about your interests with people who get it? If so, none of it was wasted.
It's so, so easy to feel pressure from others when you're trying to figure out your life post-grad, but in my experience most of that pressure is really internal. People ask what's next for you because they're interested, not becuase they have any one specific path in mind, and the vast majority of the time if you seem happy, they're happy. If you're not happy, fuck it! Then your priority should probably be getting to a place where you are happy, and those conversations really don't matter when you've got bigger fish to fry.
Last thing, but as someone also struggling to re-orient herself in her life plan, I've been taking a lot of time to figure out my priorities. I kind of got stuck in this idea of what my life was going to be, and once that seemed less certain I started questioning what I wanted if I didn't have to do that. I'm making a pinterest board (always my first course of action haha), and it's helped me figure out that whatever I do, I want to be around nature and books, and to live in a mid-size city. Figuring out what I need to be happy has really put things into perspective for me, and I'm sorry I don't mean to assume we're in the exact same mental state but I just want to give you all the stuff that's been working for me in case any of it fits into your situation too.
You can still use your passion in film while working another job, or use that job to save to move to a larger city, or maybe even reflect and find that you're content keeping the film thing as a hobby and there's something else you enjoy doing for a career (I know how heartbreaking that can sound when you love something, but that's how writing has turned out for me so I just wanted to put it out there--feel free to reject it of course). For me, trying to open my mind to all the possibilities and re-evaluate what I want from the next few years has been super scary but also kind of exciting, and I hope that whatever happens for you you're able to find happiness in the big and little things. Wishing you all the best my love!
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dykeyuu · 10 months
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i’m not gonna actually reblog it bc i don’t feel like getting dogpiled but this is the most allistic take i’ve seen in a hot fucking minute like first of all since when are the two options “mind numbing small talk” and “traumadumping your deepest darkest secrets” like there’s a middle ground… there is talking in a meaningful and connected non-small talk way that also isn’t therapy session-level sharing😭 and secondly i cannot fathom on any level how it would be enjoyable to engage in small talk with anyone. like im not “speedrunning” anything i am just having a conversation as a human being and as a human being i do not want to engage in some pre-constructed social ritual that i can barely navigate half the time, that drains me energetically and affords me no sense of connectedness (and usually feels like it alienates me even more). if having a human conversation with someone makes you uncomfortable that’s not my fucking problem. if you don’t understand how one might feel glimpses of connectedness from a conversation with a stranger that is also not my problem— obviously i’m not looking for emotional intimacy with the cashier at the grocery store or whatever but that doesn’t mean that there’s no human connection when we chat for a couple minutes about some life experience or something. connectedness isn’t a sigmoidal response you can find human connection in people you meet once in your whole life and in people that you see once in a while and in people that you’ll never actually be that close to. anyways i think what primarily pissed me off was the all or nothing framing of the issue because it’s a dire misrepresentation of the experiences of at least some of the people op is referring to, and also the phrasing of the post makes it evident that op is painfully allistic and probably unkind to the autistic people in her life.
idk like of course the post feels directed more towards people who are vocal about hating small talk and use it as a way to exit a conversation they don’t want to have but i honestly don’t see a problem with that beyond it being a bit of a social blunder— but i have no problem with people committing social blunders like that because i think that unspoken social rules are confusing and frustratingly difficult to follow 100% of the time. i view small talk as the thing i have to get through to have a normal conversation but there are definitely times when i don’t have the mental energy to deal with it. besides, people in the notes are saying the most vile shit where they’re obviously taking “i don’t like small talk mfs” as code for autistics
like fundamentally i actually agree with op that you can’t just jump right into a breakdown of every trauma you’ve ever endured and that it’s important to be able to engage in a conversation about something other than yourself (and that it’s pretty irritating to ask someone how their day was and have them reply “oh i don’t do small talk”) but i just think the way the argument is presented is really hostile to autistics and misrepresentative of a lot of people who struggle with allistic social rituals
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i think this is also an important point to make: when i say small talk i mean “weather’s nice today” type stuff, not like surface level get-to-know-you type conversation or chatting about interests, and i think people tend to have a muddled definition of small talk where anything that isn’t trauma dumping is small talk. i won’t start talking about hyperpolarization/all or nothing thinking in society’s collective perception of the world but know im thinking about it <3
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whimsicalchaos · 11 months
I think the most disappointing thing about being an adult is never getting what you want. I work a good job, I pay my bills, I do everything right and yet I still can’t afford to have a massive shark tattooed on my leg bc groceries are expensive 🙄🙄🙄
I’m also allergic to my favorite food and I’m craving it soo I’m grouchy.
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
Cherry!!! Hello hru??? I'm so stress bcs this is my last year in uni now😣 soo seeing you in my tl is making me sooo happy🥰 tysm.
Here's the happy day when taehyun still the most active member on wv, and my most favorite pict of him bcs it's just too cute, he is gettin lost in a grocery store🥺 aaaaaaa
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I hope you have a good day💙💙💙
I wanna tell a story, txt finally announce the concert in my country, but of course I still can't afford it☹️☹️ i'm so happy for my friends tho. But, I really wish I could go there. Maybe I will, someday
omg dear!! please don’t worry too much <3 if you study regularly there won’t be any reason to be worried, you’re on your last year so that means you can go through it all!! 🤗🩷 i’m glad seeing me on your dash makes you happy, i feel the same 🥺
he’s the sweetest cutest i love him so so much i can’t wait for our little taehyunie to be active as he used to on weverse 🥺🩷 poor baby needs directions (i can help with that and more 😈)
also omg!! i’m so sorry… one day for sure you will be able to afford it!! 🥺 i strongly believe txt will come back to your country and give you another chance to see them!! they loved all their stops so there’s no reason for them not to come back 🥺🩷 or else i’ll drag taehyun there for you myself
this message made me smile thank you dear 🥺🩷 i hope you have a good day today too!!
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moongirlcleo · 8 months
Please don’t read ahead if you don’t want to bc
Tw: abuse | family drama | crap.
I just need a place to vent into the void. I know yall don’t follow me for life drama but I legit need to finish venting. Pls skip ❤️
I’m just so fed up with this family man. How are you gonna go out of your way to lock me out the house in the middle of the pouring rain? And start hollering at me calling me a fucking loser and telling me to go fuck myself because I slammed my bedroom door?
You’ve known me your entire life, bro. You know wet clothes is my biggest pet peeve, you locked me out of a house you don’t even live at. And the fact you knew what I was mad at means you did it on purpose. And the fact you locked my boyfriend out after he followed me? Trash.
Dad- your response to your son calling me a fucking loser and to go fuck myself, calling me worthless with an “easy life” is to tell me to find somewhere else to live? Also trash.
Sorry two incomes can only afford us one car and no house yet. I wouldn’t be stuck in a box for a room at thirty two if I had it half as easy as y’all claim I do. I can barely afford my own groceries trying to save up for a second car and our own place. But cool. Cool.
Don’t regret telling you all how much I hate you. Don’t regret waking everyone up spamming the door shut considering y’all wake me up 3-4 times a week “forgetting” I work overnights.
Don’t cry when I get an apartment and move away never to see you again. Don’t be pissed that I removed myself outta T & A’s wedding because I refuse to let my YOUNGER brother talk shit to me as if he wasn’t sitting on a silver platter all these years.
And certainly don’t act surprised like you did when I told you I don’t care if y’all died at this point. Because you can’t treat someone like a burden and trash for years and be angry when the person has had enough.
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psychosomatist · 2 days
Getting my fucking COVID research together ahead of this goddamn house meeting 🙃 which feels pointless bc my housemates already fucking understand and have heard the science. One of them in particular just doesn’t actually care.
Anyway idk it’s thrown into question the longevity of this housing situation. I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or what. I know I’m partly just extremely activated after everything this week. Idk all I’m saying is that I don’t want any more chronic health conditions or to have my existing ones be worse and I don’t want to give COVID to anyone either. I’m not even saying don’t go anywhere or do anything. My big ask is please wear a fucking mask and don’t have people over who haven’t been cautious. And if there is a surge don’t go to things or at least pick and choose and try to keep it outdoors. Those are pretty minimal asks.
I KNOW it’s a fact of life now and I know I’ll probably have it again. But I think harm reduction is still important. Because even if you don’t get long COVID there is still cumulative damage each time you get it.
It’s hard bc I am someone with a couple disabilities and have had a hard few years of sickness, surgery and injuries. It’s hard to explain the powerlessness, isolation and desperation of that to someone who hasn’t experienced it. The toll it takes on your body, mental health, relationships, finances, goals. I also was out on FMLA for like 4 months already this year plus then had COVID and being out for emergency fucking surgery meant I was out for a lot of august. Aside from any effects to my actual body, I straight up financially and professionally can’t afford to get COVID again if I can help it. This housemate has definitely had her own health issues but she has also had a social and financial safety net in a way I haven’t and don’t, and is generally able bodied/more able to consistently function than me.
In addition to the actual risk I feel like fundamentally not respected/valued rn bc of this and it is hard to have the same respect for this housemate that I previously have had. She talks a good talk about like disability acceptance and modification of activities and shit but then I’m like dude I’m not sure this word means what you think it means lol.
Like… I’m not gonna tell you what you can and can’t identify with past a point… but I’m sorry, if you can keep up with housework, two relationships, friendships, working out all the time, gardening, cooking regularly, hobbies, work, going out to events and a bunch of other stuff…… CONSISTENTLY….. we’re not the same 😂
I am usually in a place where I have to budget the energy to do almost everything I do. It is actually pretty rare for me to be able to handle going into the grocery store and I spend a lot of time in bed. I go through phases of not being able to be intimate with my partner. I don’t usually know how physical activity is going to affect me and if it will lead to me then struggling to do basic things the next few days. I had to drop out of school last year to address health issues. I have a shit ton of mental health stuff too that requires a lot of work to stay on top of. And I’m proud of myself because I do that work and I don’t make it anyone else’s problem. My friends know that plans with me are always tentative though and I’ve lost people who that does not work for. Which is sad but ok, bc it’s not for everyone. I’m distant with family for the same reasons.
All this to say I’m genuinely hopeful that maybe things will be better soon with my health and maybe I’ll be able to do more.
She is framing it as her valuing her bodily autonomy and I’m just like ok dude you’re infringing on the bodily autonomy of others that you live with when you choose to go do a bunch of high exposure recreational shit, specifically refusing to mask.
I think what really did it is like… this whole damn year has been so so bad physically and mentally, just one thing after another, the actual worst of my life, then I get covid, then my fucking ovary randomly explodes and dies, and then literally the first week I’ve had in like… I can’t remember how long… where I’m feeling more normal and able to do more after surgery and stuff, and there’s a COVID exposure at my house bc of carelessness and my housemate proceeds to say she will actually be taking LESS precautions going forward.
Idk like COVID is not just about me. But I’m feeling all this between her and I in a very personal way because I thought things were different between us than they apparently are. A friend helped me identify that my anger is partly just intense fear of getting sick again and becoming more disabled.
I’m trying to spend some time focused on my own feelings and honoring the grief and fear and powerlessness of what this year has been like for my body and mind. Because I’ve not really done that much. Instead I’ve just tried to dismiss it and get through it and have seen everything as my own fault or what I deserve or felt selfish for struggling. And that attitude has taken its own toll on me. I’m grateful to be at a point in my life where I can even recognize that I need to do this tbh.
I don’t want to communicate from a place of anger. Not bc I shouldn’t be angry but bc it’s not going to be effective. I’m trying to decide if I should share my very personal feelings about all of this (like what I just wrote) in addition to the science and more basic “hey I don’t want to get this it makes me scared.”
On one hand she is more touchy feely than me. On the other hand I think there is a strong likelihood that this household of mental health workers will try to validate my feelings while not listening to my words and then I might actually lose my shit.
I’m also feeling scared and threatened bc this house was the most stability I’ve had ever as an adult and has been the first place I thought I might actually stay for a few years since I was 24. And now I’m feeling afraid that it might not be. If she doesn’t mask it’s going to change how I spend time in common areas, and limit what kind of time/how much I will spend with her or her partner who is a good friend.
Idk I just seriously might lose my shit if this house meeting turns into a big touchy feely cry fest though because it feels so far from the point. When that happens at house meetings it’s like yeah ok great I’m glad that you feel comfortable expressing yourself but now we are just in the weeds, not addressing the problem. The problem is now your feelings.
Like I feel upset at house meetings sometimes too but that’s not the time or place imo to cry it out. I get resentful when other adults have big emotional displays that require others to help regulate them. It happens to everyone sometimes and no one is perfect. But there’s certain times that it’s like… ok. THIS should not cause this much of a reaction. I do not want to do the work of helping you emotionally regulate about this.
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aymethyst · 11 days
I’m still not having a good time jesus crist I also need to tow my totaled car and I’m just hoping I’m not out of free tows to do that bc I really can’t afford more shit happening I haven’t even gotten has in my car yet or groceries for this week
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disco-cola · 3 months
Also had a talk with my grandpa today who sadly is also so frustrated about the economic situation here at this point and after having worked hard and constantly overtime for the majority of his life still not being able to live comfortably (but I need to add my grandpa is getting a better pension than most others his age because he worked in a high position! it‘s a whole lot worse for many others who cannot afford to go to a retirement home or a flat of their own bc it’s too expensive and then the next problem is groceries and electricity!) and leaning the blame towards immigrants when that’s just not the core problem, the state can send billions of euros every year to provide weapons which destabilize and jeopardize other regions so badly that the civilian people there feel the need to flee in the first place, like i am pretty sure no Ukrainian wanted to leave their home behind and head into an uncertain future. And just because some individuals misbehaved on social media or in real life and said things about their new life in germany that others deemed „ungrateful“ doesn’t mean everybody is like this or has an ill intent of „milking the system“ like it’s also not immigrants or jobless people’s faults that even people who are working full time are still struggling! But politicians keep framing it this way and say they want to shorten social allowances and many people are celebrating it but like?? People on social allowances already barely get by and the fact that people working full time in some sectors barely gain much more from their job is an absolute pathetic display of everything going wrong here. immigrants did not raise your electricity bills. jobless people do not decide the prices of groceries. Instead of pitting the poor vs. the poorer some of y’all really need to start looking up towards the mighty and rich (because money buys power and power decides over „justice“ and they are only concerned about their own comfortable lives most of them don’t know that it’s like to really struggle financially) bc they are the root of the problem. Like god dammit we‘ve got children’s hospitals being bombed in Gaza and Kyiv alike and the government here is involved in both (however with very different approaches like it’s viewed rightfully bad and shocking in German state controlled media when it just happened in Kyiv but in gaza it was their own fault and they printed justifications?) but they pretend they can’t do anything than send weapons all the while pushing their own citizens into poverty and homelessness and still have each other at their throats about who deserves to be poorer, people with a German passport or without 🤡
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my-little-loverboy · 6 months
Dies instantly (I’m bitching and moaning about irl shit)
Head in my hands….. citing a disorder as the reason for your behaviour does not make you exempt from the consequences of it. I’m (metaphorically) shaking my one roommate around by her shoulders. If you do not think you will do something you need to tell us or the cats will shit in your bed again, and when they do you the fault is no one’s but your own.
The solution to not being able to do cat litter is not playing weird ass mind games with your husband who lives on the verge of an anxiety attack because he feels like a burden so he will do it after he (with much turmoil and anxiety) asked if you’d be willing to do it once in a while when his arthritis act up and he can’t hold the scoop.
It is not just ignoring it until our cats shit under your bed then bitching about it and talking about getting rid of them
It’s telling one of us. I don’t mind doing it, I’m just too forgetful to do it all the time. But if you ask I’ll do it immediately so I don’t forget.
If you ask your husband he’ll do it too if he can and if not he’ll ask me bc somehow I have managed to form a strong positive relationship with your husband that has him actually safe enough to ask me to do things.
You literally have no responsibilities other than doing the litter once every few weeks when he can’t. You don’t pay any rent, despite always talking about how happy you are to be a housewife even though me and him do all of the housework and pay all the bills.
Your only job, is to pay off your credit card debt because in your infinite wisdom /sarc you got a card with an 8k spending limit and managed to max it in 2 months.
The solution to not having the energy to cook is not to reactivate that credit card you’re trying to pay off and spending $60 on food. Then getting upset about not having money on your credit card.
It’s asking one of us to cook, I usually can, your husband makes enough money to chip in if you need to order food, also we literally have a dedicated savings for when none of us can cook and we need to order food if we want to eat just? Use that?
The solution to not being able to put away the soup I asked you to fridge with is not pouring an entire pot of hot soup into the toilet (debatably more effort than putting the whole pot in the fridge, which had a spot cleared and everything.) then complaining when we’re short on food the next 3 days (I used the last of our shit to make a pot of soup that would’ve lasted us until we could afford groceries.)
It’s asking me to do it, I was literally in the next room pondering having another bowl before going to bed.
Also please, please tell me how in the blue fuck your bpd makes you drink my meds (one of em is a liquid I keep in the fridge. They’re not pleasant tasting and make you feel like SHIT for a while after.) They don’t even have any psychoactive properties they’re just like, prescribed nutrient shakes for when my eating disorder gets Real Bad.
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