#(also yes technically you can block acrylic
scribefindegil · 4 years
@lafseanchai replied to your post:
Why did you obtain this lore? 
I knitted a scarf/shawl thing that’s intended to be a gift for my very-soon-to-be-sister-in-law out of an acrylic blend, and I was really frustrated with the way it wouldn’t lie flat, so I googled whether you can block acrylic, and the consensus seems to be that you can’t really block it per se but you *can* murder it!
so i did that.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter thirty-two: heart of gold
“i wanna live, i wanna give, i’ve been a miner for a heart of gold. it’s these expressions that i never give: that keep me searching for a heart of gold.” -”heart of gold”, neil young
Oswego was a rather tightly woven little dot upon the southeastern shore of Lake Ontario, at least according to Joey. He also explained that the nuclear power plant on the far side of town was so set apart from everything else that it seemed to come from another world altogether. He made a joke about the river waters being radioactive but it only made Sam wary of everything around there.
“Nah—they haven't had a meltdown up there,” he assured her, “that's just the whole joke about being from here is all. That we all glow in the dark like a buncha of glow sticks or sump'n.” But then he drove them back to his place down in a town known as Camillus, not too far on the outskirts of Syracuse.
“Hang on, I thought you lived closer to New York City,” Sam confessed.
“I mean, it technically is—about a half an hour less of a drive. Oh, you talking about my old place? I had to move back around here in March 'cause that drive was getting treacherous in its own rite and rent was getting to be too much. I would'a told you sooner but—you know. Things happen. I'm making a little bit more money than I was before so I was able to do it.”
“Right, right, right.” Sam flashed back and when she, Frank, and Charlie had to rescue him from the snow.
“Besides, I was startin' to miss this part of upstate, as you'll see here in a couple of minutes.”
Despite the darkness, the orange and yellow trees that lined the landscape made her think of fire or the cotton balls she would find a craft shop. The nondescript edge of town reminded her of California as well as the outskirts of Reno and Carson City. The two lane highway turned into a four lane main street and she spotted the faint line of lights over a ridge on the southern side of town: the brightest yellow light shone out from the top part of the ridge. Sam glanced about the block for anything notable to recall for the next time she visited.
“Not much here,” she remarked.
“Nah, there really isn't,” he confessed with a shrug of his shoulders. “'Swaygo is even worse as we'll see tomorrow. But every part of this is home to me. I was born in 'Swaygo and I grew up all around here. Even though I've moved outta 'Swaygo, I still call it home.”
They rolled up to a stoplight and Sam peered across the intersection to the long low brick building nestled next door to a fuel station. She recognized a paint palette over the front window and a line of big bold text right over it.
“Is that an art store?” she asked with a gesture out the windshield.
“It sure is!” he declared. “Given it's night time and we're a buncha hicks 'round here, they're closed for the night. But we can go in there tomorrow if you'd like.”
“Yeah, I kinda need something to make an artistic rendering of you,” she explained, “and even though I have plenty of things back home for that, it's still a four hour drive regardless.”
The light turned green and they lunged forward. They drove past the art store and a mere white light shone in the front window: she knew that tomorrow was going to be quite the eventful for them as Joey hung a right past the shop.
“Right down this way,” he explained as they drove down the dark side street to the very end. He reached the stop sign and he peered both ways about the dark neighborhood. No one coming.
He rolled forward to the low apartment complex right in front of them, such that it took her by surprise.
“Yeah, it surprised my mom when I brought my parents along when I moved in here,” he told her; even in the dim light, she could make out the sight of that lopsided grin upon his face. Even though he had just turned twenty six, he still resembled to a little boy with that smile on his face and that twinkle in his eyes even in the darkness.
They bounded into the driveway and then they posted up at the big cube of silver mailboxes.
“Gotta check it out first,” he told her as he unbuckled his seat belt and slid out of his car. He rounded the front end, and the headlights shone upon his slender body as he made his way over to the mailboxes. Sam watched him fetch for the mail but then she noticed the soft glow of the headlights on the back of his curls. It was right there she wanted to draw him and then to paint him out with oil paints. Not watercolor, not acrylic, but oil paints.
She hadn't worked with oil paints before, but she wanted to do it right there for him.
He returned to the driver's seat with a little pink sheet of paper in hand.
“Gotta care package from my aunt,” he told her.
“Oh, boy!” she declared.
“I can't get it right now, though—tomorrow is gonna be quite full for the both of us.”
He started up the car again and they made their way over to the building on the right. Right before their parking spot stood a little walkway that extended around the building and into the darkness. Joey led Sam around the corner to a low doorstep and a cold blue door: when he unlocked the door, he let her go inside of the dark and cool apartment first. When she was inside, he reached for the light switch on the wall. It was a small place: they stood in the living room right there, which consisted of nothing more than a small thread bare gray couch and a small side table with a black lamp and a low glass coffee table; an eggshell colored vent about the width of the door itself stood on the left side of the room. Right in front of them was the kitchen, a narrow sliver of a room rounded by a low table with three chairs. To her right was a stone stairwell which led up to the loft.
“I assume that's your room upstairs?” she asked him with a point to the stairs.
“Sure is. Bathroom's up there, too, and—I think I have a spare tooth brush in my medicine cabinet. I'll haveta check 'cause I know how sucky the aftertaste of coffee can be, especially this time of day. But in the meantime, make yourself at home here, Sam I am.”
He shut the door behind him and he darted up the stone steps. Sam peered about the small living room: right behind her was a tiny television with rabbit ears over the top; a long low barren bookshelf, barren saved for a small handful of books and a few stacks of vinyl; another lamp up top with a cream colored lampshade, and a small hockey trophy. She stooped down for a look at the bookshelf: nothing she had heard of herself, but it was in fact comforting to see that Joey did have another nuance to him. She eyed the vinyl records, at all the Journey and Led Zeppelin, Foreigner and the Beatles, Deep Purple and Rush, Kansas and Yes. She let her eyes wander over the record player itself, tucked behind the television and with the cable coiled up on top of the protective glass. She wished for her copy of Spreading the Disease to merely appear before her just so she could play it right then and there.
“Yeah, I do have a spare one,” he was saying as he descended the stairs, and he stopped right in his tracks. Sam turned her attention to his standing on the bottom step. Joey showed her another little grin.
“Ah, I see you found my music collection,” he proclaimed; he lay the head of the plain red toothbrush in one hand as if it was a club.
“Of course,” she declared with a beaming smile on her face. She lifted herself into an upright position and brushed herself off even though the floor was clean.
“I learned to sing by singing to songs from the Beatles and Journey, y'know,” he said as he neared her, “I literally would sit in my parents' living room and listen to records on their player and try to sing along to the Fab Four and Steve Perry. I'd also sing to Foreigner and Rush, and that was how my voice came to be so high and light.”
“Gotta start somewhere,” she added.
“Gotta start somewhere, right,” he echoed, and he handed her the toothbrush.
“Thank you,” she said in a soft voice as if he had just given her the best gift ever.
“I also hate to make you sleep on the couch,” he confessed with a shrug of his shoulders. “I just think back to how uncomfortable we both were in the cabin last year for my birthday.”
“No, no, no—it's okay,” she assured him, and she couldn't think of anything else to follow up to that.
“It is pretty comfy,” he continued on. “I've napped on it many times before. One time, I came home at three o'clock in the morning and I pretty much collapsed onto it face down ass up. I actually woke up face down ass up. That's how comfy that couch is—I slept for four hours in that position. Wouldn't use one of those pillows, though—it's hard on the neck.”
“Do you have a spare pillow?” she asked him.
“I do, as a matter of fact.”
“Do you have a blanket?”
“I have many. Sam, this is upstate New York and I've lived out here the twenty six years I've been alive—we gotta have a shitload of blankets and a warm place to sleep at otherwise no one can survive up here. You can use a bit of my toothpaste, too.”
“Good to know,” she confessed as she tapped the head of the toothbrush against the inside of her palm. “'Cause—I gotta get this taste of coffee out of my mouth.”
* * * * *
Sam jerked over onto her side there on the couch cushions. Joey was in fact right about the couch: it was comfortable. Almost too comfortable. She had a difficult time even so much rolling over on her side or onto her back. She had woken up twice throughout the night but she had fallen back asleep. Perhaps it was from laying in a bed different from hers that threw her off a bit.
The spare soft pillow cradled her head: she sighed through her nose and kept her eyes shut against the rich darkness before her. The only sound came from the pipes running in the wall and Joey's slow, gentle breathing upstairs.
She thought about the incident with Alex back at the coffee house and that little raise of his eyebrows. He had softened for her a little bit right there, even with Joey right behind her ready to beat him down yet again. She barely knew the young man and he looked at her like that because of her past with Cliff.
She couldn't stop seeing it over and over again inside of her mind. Not to mention that little sliver of gray hair over his brow kept reappearing in her mind.
She thought about the mysterious man and the stripe in his hair. No way that was him, even though he shared a lot of similar looks to him. The stripe was far too big and Alex had too soft of a face as well. And yet she wondered about him. One thing that baffled her about him was his referring to Joey as her boyfriend. As far as she knew, he only saw them together that one time, unless he saw more of what Joey was doing at the memorial than she did: it made no sense to her.
It was all so much to think about that she wound up falling asleep again.
No sooner had Sam fallen back to sleep when she woke up yet again, that time to the sound of a heavy rain outside of the apartment window right in front of her. Joey yawned upstairs and cleared his throat. She opened her eyes and soft bluish gray light shone through the heavy white blinds.
Joey cleared his throat again.
“Hey, Sam, you awake?” he called out to her.
She groaned and rubbed her eyes.
“Yeah—I just woke up. Why? What's up?”
“Kinda hungry right now. You want some breakfast?”' “Please,” she said in a broken voice.
She heard Joey climbing out of bed up there, and then he padded down the stone steps.
After a brew of coffee and a bite of biscuits and gravy courtesy of him, they climbed back into his car and drove down the block to that art store right as it opened for the day.
There were only six aisles before her, but she knew it was all for the best with all the smallness of the town. She couldn't hardly resist that new art supply smell as she picked out a pair of paint brushes and some acrylic paints: she had considered those beautiful oil paints but she wasn't willing to bust down for a can of turpentine, nor was she willing to fill Joey's apartment with that acrid odor. A brand new medium for herself and for Joey as well.
Meanwhile, Joey himself checked out the little wooden blank mannequins on the other side of the room: he picked one of the smaller ones for a closer look. Sam watched him move the arms about for the perfect pose. He set down the mannequin and he posed in its wake, as if he was ready to pose for her when they got the chance that weekend. But she couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of him.
Once she had picked out a canvas and spent the rest of the spare change in her pocket, she and Joey made their way back out to the lake effect rains.
“I got a little something waiting for us back at my place,” he said once they ducked back into the car in unison.
“Like what?” she asked him, but he didn't reply to her. He never did reply to her as they returned to the apartment and she set her things down on the coffee table in front of the couch. Joey ducked into the kitchen for something: Sam took the plain off white canvas out into the open. She ran her hand across the heavy grain of the canvas: like a thick heavy rug right underneath her skin.
“Sam?” he called to her. She raised her gaze to the counter top, and the tall brown glass bottle right before him, right in between his hands. She spotted the label on the front side there and her heart skipped several beats at the sight of it.
“Joey,” she begged as she shook her head at that. “Joey, please don't.”
“Why?” He frowned at her.
“Because it has booze in it.”
“Joey, please,” she pleaded as she stood to her feet and scrambled closer to him. “I want you to stay away from the booze for a time.”
He never changed his expression at the sight of her.
“Why? It's just you and me here. And it's a whole weekend, too. You've got time before you gotta mosey on back to school.”
“Joey—you don't want to go there right now.”
“What? It's just one drink, though.”
“Yes, and one drink leads to a second one and a third one. It happened at the restaurant with all of us there before—and it'll happen again.”
He nibbled on his bottom lip and she watched his hand as it rested on the bottle neck. His fingers stayed curled around the smooth glass. It was dead silent in that room: silent save for her own shuddered breath.
“What if I told you,” he began in a low voice, “that I feel better stripping down to bare skin with a drink in me?”
“Just one?” she demanded.
“Just one.”
“I'll stand here while you drink it down, though. I need you to be as clear as possible to boot.”
“Clear but also loose.”
“Exactly,” she said, reluctant. Joey pried off the cap and he tipped the bottle back into his mouth. She set her hands on the edge of the counter and watched him. He drank it down in four large gulps, and he ran his tongue around his lips like that of a snake.
He fluttered his eyelids at her and set the bottle down on the counter in between them. She scanned his face and at his brown eyes in particular. Even in a few seconds time, she could see the effects of it overcoming him. The canvas and the paints awaited her.
“Let your clothes fall to the floor,” she told him in a low voice. He stuck out his tongue at her, and then he cracked a little grin at her.
“Come on—let them fall right off of your body.
He unfastened the button on those tight jeans and he let them fall down his legs towards his feet.
“D'you take your shoes off?” she asked him.
He then stooped down and pried off his shoes.
“I have now,” he said as he kicked off his jeans and left them there on the linoleum. He then peeled off his shirt and lay it across the counter.
“Man, you do not hold your liquor well, do you?” she joked.
“I dunno 'bout that,” he admitted; he stood there in his underwear right before her with a giddy look on his face. Sam frowned at him and she set one hand on her hip.
“What's the matter?” he asked her.
“Take off your underwear.”
“Don't question it. Just do it.”
He sighed through his nose and then he slipped his thumbs inside of that elastic band. He let them fall onto the floor, right next to his jeans. Sam gestured for him to follow her.
“Right over here,” she encouraged him in a gentle tone; and she led him to the middle of the living room, right in front of the coffee table. “Hang on a second—”
She doubled back to the kitchen table for a chair, and she brought it back to him. A perfect fit in between the coffee table and the vent on the wall.
“Have a seat.”
Joey plunked down on the cushion and spread his legs out a little bit for her to see in between his thighs.
“Want me to pose for ya?” he cracked as he raised his arms over his head.
“No. Just sit normal. Let me see you. Let me see you in your entirety.”
Joey set those large hands on either side of his hips, right on the edge of the seat. Sam headed into the kitchen for a wash basin.
“There's an empty pickle jar right there next to the sink,” he told her; indeed, there was, so she picked it out and filled it with clean cool water from the faucet. She returned to him and picked up the paint brush. The sole light came from the kitchen and from the window on the side of the room but it proved to be enough for her. A nice moody painting for the man himself.
Even with the cool lighting in that apartment, there was a bit of a sheen to his skin, especially right around his knees and his ankles. A healthy shine of sorts upon the rich darkness about his skin, and one that she was eager to cover with her paint brush.
She didn't have her pencil in hand, but she could have a good look at his slender nude body before her. He had eaten and drank down a bit of alcohol: he was full enough for her and those soft yellow and brown tones for his skin.
She thought about Alex and the little pearl of gray hair over his forehead. She gazed at the painted head on the paper, at Joey's head of black curls. A fleeting thought crossed through her mind that told her to dip the brush into white paint and make a little pearl over his forehead. And yet she flashed back on their scuffle back at the coffee house: she need not draw attention to that, even if it was art.
Such a small, slender little body. Much like Cliff, he had a little crease in between his waist and his thighs as if he had had a belt there. Maybe it was just part of the male anatomy, to have that little crease there near their thigh region. If there was one thing she needed to polish up on in her future drawing classes, it was all of that. The taste of the fundamentals and perhaps running away with them more and more in her own artistry.
She used that one brush for his whole body and his thick black hair. A touch of blue all over and she had a portrait of Joey, done with nothing more than her and him in the safety and privacy of his own home.
“May I see it?” he asked her.
“Of course! You are the subject after all.”
She picked up the canvas and she showed it off to him, and he brought a hand to his chest.
“I don't have a pencil on hand so I just winged the whole thing,” she confessed, “so it's a bit rougher than I like and what I'm used to, too.”
“No, no, I love it! And it's not just the booze talking with that, either—that really looks like a Native American painting! I wanna share that with everyone now.”
“Well, it has to dry out first,” she told him as she placed it back down on the coffee table.
“Okay. Should I get dressed now?”
“Please,” she encouraged him with a gesture to him.
“I'll get dressed and I'll drive us up to 'Swaygo 'cause the day is still pretty young.”
“As long as you're up to par,” she pointed out. “I'm not riding in the same car with a drunk dude.”
“I ain't drunk, though—just kinda tipsy. I can talk you there, though, if you'd like.”
“Yeah, sure, I'll take that.”
Joey headed back into the kitchen for his clothes and his shoes. He then handed her the car keys and they strode on outside, where the rain had backed off a great deal into a fine drizzle. She climbed behind the wheel of his car: it felt like a million years since she last drove a car with all the rides she had gotten, from Charlie as well as the subways. But she managed to drive them up to Oswego, the city by the lake, by Joey's direction. Even with the one drink in his system, she could tell that he wasn't up to par to drive any distance, but he was lucid enough to tell her about it.
By the middle of the day, and by the time they had cleared a low rolling hill outside of Syracuse, she spotted the vast black sheet off in the distance and she knew that had to be Lake Ontario. The gray of the lake hung over that small city like a protective blanket, and she thought of the towns back in California, all the ones that lined the coastline and beckoned everyone with beaches, but there was something else to it. The gray washed over everything and left it all muted in its wake: the sole black and white light house off in the distance only added to the feeling of it all.
“So this is Oswego,” she declared. “This is where you grew up.”
“Born and raised!” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “The lake looks so cold right now,” he added.
“I imagine the snow here getting crazy,” she said.
“Oh—the time you, Charlie, and Frankie had to come get me was only a little part of it. Up here, we really only got two seasons: winter and road work. If they aren't working on the roads, it's probably snowing a shitload. And we often get feet of snow down by the lake shore, too. Speaking of which, I think it might snow in a bit. It feels like snow and looks it, too.”
“Sounds like Carson,” she noted as they rolled up to the first stoplight. “Almost word for word. Except Carson and Reno are both in the desert rather than near a lake.”
“Huh. Wow.” He raised his eyebrows at that.
“Yeah, it's—kinda crazy to think about especially when I hear the same thing being said about a place that's still relatively new to me.”
He then turned his head in her direction.
“I think I like you, Sam,” he admitted in a soft voice.
“I have seen you after all,” she added.
“You've seen me in the buff. And—if I'm bein' perfectly honest, I kinda wanna see you do more of it.”
“You want me to do it again,” she stifled a chuckle.
“If ya don't mind,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I'll have a pencil next time. I'll also make sure you're genuinely comfortable, like I want to make you comfortable around me sans the alcohol.”
“You have a heart of gold, Sam,” he declared.
“Nah—you're the one with the heart of gold, Joey,” she said as the light turned green. “It's in there under all those proverbial scars. It just needs to be coaxed out.��
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chxoticmuses · 4 years
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▌real name: Lauren “Lolo” Renee Frasier
▌single or taken: single
▌abilities or powers: she just a degular smegular human.
▌eye colour: brown
▌hair colour: changes, but usually a dark brown
▌family members: Laura Frasier (mother), Marcus Frasier (father), Marcus Frasier Jr (brother), Anthony Frasier (brother), Lucas Frasier (brother)
▌pets: A grey pit bull with blue eyes named poppy, a bulldog named Roxy, and a German Shepard named Chop. They’re her babies.
▌something they don’t like: Snitches! Snitches! Snitches! There’s nothing Lauren can’t stand more than a snitch. One wrong word and you can mess up whatever someone has going on and you don’t know what the reason might be. For example, she sells and run product to keep a steady cash flow for her and her mother’s medical bills and if someone were to snitch on her and get her locked up then that’ll fuck her whole life over and definitely put her mother into critical condition. She believes in sitting there mouth closed just minding the business that pays you and she thinks you should too! She’s hardly the type to get violent cause she knows it won’t benefit her, but she’ll make an exception for snitches.
▌hobbies/activities: Writing in her diary, reading, roller skating (used to be on a derby team), getting tattoos, buying jewelry, going to cookouts or block parties, and hanging out around her family.
▌ever hurt anyone before: yes.
▌ever killed anyone before: not intentionally.
▌animal that represents them: An otter. I have no idea why, but it’s the first animal to pop in my mind.
▌worst habits: She hardly gives people chances. She’s someone who’s trust runs thin and even if you think you have it, you probably don’t. She’s not closed off completely, but she is getting to that point. Also, she has a thing for getting tattoos or new jewelry whenever she feels herself slipping mentally. She’s convinced herself that it helps her feel better and in a way it’s self care, so she’s not wrong.
▌role models: Can she be a complete mommy’s girl right now and say her mom? 🙈 Cause it’s her mom. She’s watched her struggle through so much from eviction notices, being let go of from her job, taking care of the family once Lolo’s dad went to prison, and she watches her everyday fight through her sickness. She’s the strongest woman she knows and she absolutely desires to be like her when she’s older.
▌sexual orientation: bisexual.
▌thoughts on marriage/kids: She thinks it’ll be nice to settle down eventually and have a child of her own. None of her brothers have kids, so she’d like to provide her mom and dad with a grandchild before they’re not around to see them.
▌fears: loosing her mom and being completely utterly alone. Her dad is in jail, one of her brothers don’t speak to her, her other brother is in jail too, and one of her brothers (also her favorite) is dead. She doesn’t really have anyone.
▌style preferences: “urban” is the closest thing I could think of to describe her fashion. She’s not too flashy or materialistic, but she does like looking nice so common name brands like Nike, Playboy, Jordan, Tommy Hilfiger, etc will do. She does have a pricier side to her wardrobe, but she really only busts it out for special occasions or when she’s dealing with more professional clients and dealers. Jewelry is a must: all her fingers are covered in rings, sometimes her neck hurts from all the chains she wears, and her earrings are always dangling and making noise. Acrylics are another must and they’re always long and slightly curved. The only person she goes to is Kiki to get them done because she knows exactly what she likes.
▌someone they love: Even though they’re all a bit estranged, she loves her family more than life itself.
▌approach to friendships: Lauren is not a very social person at all. I wouldn’t call her anti-social or shy, but she’s definitely considered to be an introvert. She hates confrontation and therefore she doesn’t like talking to people first and because of her tattoos and resting face some people find her too intimidating to talk to. It seems like the only time people talk to her is when it has to do with drugs, to hit on her, or to start some mess and she only has time for one of those things.
▌thoughts on pie: does cheesecake technically count as a pie? She’s going to say yes.
▌favourite drink: water, Arizona’s, and energy drinks.
▌favourite place to spend time at: The beach! She loves the sound of the waves. Especially early in the morning when there’s hardly ever anyone else there. Also, her grandmother’s house is a big favorite. She spent majority of her time as a little girl there with her older brother and grandma being a little rugrat, so it holds some special memories. Her grandmother passed away a while ago, but her aunt still lives there. It’s literally a block away from her house and she makes sure to visit as often as she can
▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: ocean all the way.
▌their type: Softies! She likes those people who have hard exteriors but once you crack through them they’re completely different individuals and nothing like people expect them to be. You have to be a romantic person because she is and it’s boring having a one sided romantic relationship like she can’t make every cute thing up herself. She doesn’t go for a certain look but if you have tattoos or piercings that definitely helps your case.
▌camping or indoors: Indoors. She doesn’t like leaving her house if it isn’t for business or a peace of mind. Also, she doesn’t do the woods or nature. Her grandmother has told her too many little stories that have stuck with her.
Tagged by: @armsdealing 😘😘
Tagging: Steal it from me! But tag me because I’m nosey and I love reading abt your muses
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2x15 Chapter Twenty-Eight: There Will Be Blood
Hey stranger. Been missing your cute face. Where’d you go?
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Subtitle for this episode: Betty Cooper Wears A Lot of Sweaters.
Betty’s sweaters from this point onwards are...controversial, from what I’ve casually observed. As I said to a friend, they are often magnificent in their absurdity. Each one seems to endear me more and more to young Ms. Cooper. Perhaps this is exhibited best by our first outfit—this duck sweater. This is so...odd, as to be absolutely fucking delightful. Why ducks? Does Betty...hunt? Have an affinity for water fowl? So many questions. It does suit a preppy aesthetic, to which Betty is not immune. 
At this point, Betty is just fucking experimenting. She’s not dealing with romantic drama like she was in the first half of s2. She does have a creepy guy living in her house of whom she’s very suspicious. Her parents seem to be going through something—Hal asks Alice for a divorce this episode—something that they’re putting her in the middle of, unfortunately (which reminds me of that scene in 109—’you’re holding this family together’). The serial killer she was hunting down in the beginning of the season seems to be dormant (maybe even dead—at this point Betty is unsure). Life is...a lot. The status quo is broken. She can wild out.  
And she wilds out by fucking her boyfriend while wearing an acrylic wig and wearing increasingly diverse sweaters. 
That just seems fun tbh. These are not unhealthy coping mechanisms. 
Still, she’s CSI Nancy Drew, so she’s got stuff to do.
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She still often hews close to some of her old clothing tropes, especially in a family setting like the Cooper home, or among the Blossoms. This color may be new to us—but this sweater is ribbed and scalloped. It’s a bridge between. 
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This is some Mod Squad realness. I feel like she’s about the hit the ski lodge in 1968, or she’s a flight attendant on a regional airline in 1973. Or something. 
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We last saw these flats in 211! Please recall that episode started this run of...outré Betty Sweaters. 
The coat, I am starting to think of as her Chic Coat.
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A ribbed, flared-skirt sweater dress, with an embellished pink collar (and a fairly extravagant one at that). I’m shocked we haven’t seen Betty in something like this outfit already. Note that here she’s in also technically in a family setting—the Blossom family, of which she’s a part. 
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But there are still hints to changes she’s made—she wore this belt in 113.
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This is another great sweater, j’adore the color-blocking, and I’d also like to point out that this is Betty’s Pen. It’s a four-color click pen, and it’s really gone the distance for her, it’s her go-to pen. Keep an eye out for it, because she’s always using it. 
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This just happens to be Polly’s bathroom cabinet (currently occupied by Chic and his apparently gingivitis-prone gums), and this just happens to be the episode she declares she’s heading out west to San Francisco. 
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Guys—Baby’s got a brand new bag! Big moment, pour one out, get hype. 
Betty is very consistent with her bags—it’s Backpack, the gray purse with the tassel, and the gray purse with the v-front. This guy, this boxy gray thing with the part chain strap? Exciting. I told you she was living it up. 
This is her lapels-for-day coat, you know I like this one. 
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She even went shopping!! (I include this to highlight her boots, which kind of remind me of the Isabel Marant Dicker boots—an influential ankle boot, from which many many many knock-offs were spawned. 
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Chic’s sweater here is very evocative of Betty’s, isn’t it? Hmm. Let’s remember that. 
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Mmm this feels like a combo of both old and new Betty, almost. The colors, the fact that it’s a sweater, a v-neck, the length—all very Betty. But it’s surprisingly sheer, and it’s low cut. 
This necklace also appears to be new. As an aside, I’ve never really considered pink eyeshadow until Betty Cooper seemed to make it work. 
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Summary: 6 different looks, each with their own sweater~
The floggingink Memorial Peter Pan Collar Count: Oh indeed yes, we have a Peter Pan collar, a most visible one
Best outfit: It’s fucking hard to pick. My first instinct is that 70s mod-ish sweater—but the more I look at the ducks the more I love them. This is who I am. I am a fan of the duck sweater. Thank u for accepting me for me.
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mysticsparklewings · 4 years
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The Dream Crosser
Surprise! NaPoWriMo didn't kill me (and I'm not abandoning dA because of the incoming Eclipse update either, more on that situation here), I just needed a week off to recuperate...and obsessively play Animal Crossing: New Horizons... Admittedly, I actually drew this well over a month ago (and wrote up the majority of the description!), not just before NaPoWriMo but before I actually had New Horizons in my grasp. The plan was to post it the day I got the game. Which was supposed to be much closer to the game's launch (March 20th). That ended up not happening and the day I got the game was the first day of NaPoWriMo, but 1. I messed up with the non-uniform prompts and spent all of the day trying to catch up so I couldn't even play the game yet, and 2. As a side effect, I ended up having two posts that day and a lot of work to do to catch up the second, and I hardly had time to think about posting this. And even if I had posted it, it would've been drowned in the incoming NaPoWriMo posts. And so, here we are. Really, really, I do have to mention that I truly feel for anyone else still waiting on the game for whatever reason. You have my deepest sympathy and I'm so sorry I can't just give you the game right now and make it better.  I know the wait was hard enough for me, being this is the one game I highly anticipated in over a year and I essentially had the rug yanked out from under me. But I'll save that story for after I talk about the art itself since I'm sure that's what most people are here for and not my pre-order frustrations. So in case you don't know or couldn't tell, this is the lovely Luna from AC: New Leaf's Dream Suite. From what we've seen of New Horizons since it's release, the Dream Suite's functions and purpose have been mostly absolved into the Airport and Dodo Codes, and so I'm very doubtful Luna will actually be in the game in any capacity, which makes me sad. A typical player (including me) wouldn't even necessarily interact with Luna that much in New Leaf unless you really enjoy visiting other towns using Dream Codes, so I'm not sure what it is, but for some reason I just really like her. That's why I picked her to draw to celebrate. I very nearly drew her a long time ago when I was on an Animal Crossing kick in 2018, but at the time I didn't like the idea of pressuring myself into drawing all and/or multiple AC characters just because I wanted to be "fair" to them all (much the same reason I don't draw Pokemon very often), so I ended up drawing One Little Spark, a crossover of the Disney character Figment drawn in the New Leaf style, instead. So in a way, she's had this coming for quite a while. At the time I started working on her, (way back in early March, because I was hoping beyond hope my pre-order would arrive to me actually on launch day, but ha ha ha look who's got egg on her face for that ) I was running a bit dry on artistic motivation, and so while I tried to draw her in my usual manner: Making a sketch, transferring the sketch onto different paper with finalized lines, then picking whichever coloring method I was most into at the time), I was struggling with the sketch. I've had days where I have to work on a sketch for a really long time before I can get something I'm happy with, but this day I was just so not into the whole sketching process. I wanted to create, but I wanted it to be quick and easy and simple. I didn't want to have to poke at it for hours and hours and then still maybe not be happy when I was done. So when I got discouraged enough, I broke away from trying to draw Luna and just drew mandalas instead. (As had become my art-block crutch for a little while.) Somewhere in me, as I worked on other things, I kept going back and forth on what to do about Luna, though. I did still want to draw her, but my usual formula just wasn't working for me. Not for her. I even tried briefly to draw her linelessly, digitally, as what was supposed to be a quick and simple experiment, but that went downhill even faster than sketching did. Although, for some reason, the lineless idea wouldn't leave me alone after that. Finally, I decided to try something completely different. I was going to try and free-handedly draw her, without lines, traditionally. With, primarily, alcohol markers. Honestly, the thought minorly horrifies me now just as much as it did before I started. And yet, here we are and I actually like how it turned out. Allow me to explain how this came together: So, since I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out once I decided to try it, I opted to use my not-so-great mixed media paper so I wouldn't feel guilty about wasting better paper if I ended up hating it. Naturally, this did lead to some notable limitations, but not enough to discourage me from trying. I dove right in with the dark brown for her head and body, focusing on getting the general shapes down. I'd noticed some glaring mistakes in my mostly unproductive sketching when it came to Luna's body proportions, so I tried to keep those things in mind and adjust accordingly as I went. It was scary because there is no erasing this way short of using white paint and because this paper feathers pretty noticeably with markers. Then once I got to a certain point, I had to switch and bring in some pink and off-white markers to draw in parts of her dress so I knew where to put her other arm and her legs. And here is where I technically cheated; I did use my "clear" Stardust Gelly Roll pen to do most of the outlines for her dress. I needed some kind of guideline, but pencil tends to get yucky when you put markers on top and at the time I couldn't really think of a better option. (The joke was kind of on me because somehow I still got a nasty gray line that looked like pencil under her bust that I had to gently edit out later in Photoshop, but I digress.) As I went with the markers, I was also doing some light shading. Not too much, because this paper is really fussy with layers and blending, but enough that I felt like it didn't look completely flat and I could tell where one shape ended and another started. Though, for her nose (trunk? I believe Luna is supposed to be a Tapir) and her raised arm, I had to get a little creative and I used a white brush pen meant for glass/ceramics to put in the lines so you could actually see them. And later I would use the same pen in 3-4 layers to add the white back in for her eyes. With the base for her body, dress, and the bun part of her hair done though, then I had the task of figuring out what to do for her shoes and the details of her face. (Without having to mix and use specific paint for those tiny details.) In the end, I opted to mostly use my classic red Gelly Roll pen for her shoes, and a little bit of a dark red alcohol marker for shading. And then I got to experiment with mixing the classic red and one of the Moonlight Gelly Rolls for her lips so that the color would be visible and not just a dark lip-shaped "what is this." This was because the classic Gelly Rolls don't show up super well on dark surfaces and the Moonlight ones do, but I didn't have the right color straight out of a Moonlight pen. It did take 2-3 careful layers, but I think I managed well enough in the end. I used just one black pen, a Prismacolor brush-tip fine liner, for her eyes, though in-person the white base underneath makes her pupils look about a shade or two lighter from certain angles, which was a very unintentional nice touch. My answer to everything else ended up being gouache, although I did try to come up with pen colors for her eye shadow and the blue dots on her cheeks before admitting defeat that I just didn't have the colors I needed. Originally, I had actually been thinking of trying a lineless art piece with gouache, as I think it would work particularly well for that look, but I wasn't ready to fully commit to the idea, mostly because I seem to be even worse at mixing a non-excessive amount of a specific color with gouache than I am with acrylics, and that sounds like a fantastic way to waste a bunch of palette space because I mixed too much but it's gouache so it can be re-wet and re-use it and I don't want to just throw it away...  (Although I suppose this could be half-way solved by getting a bigger palette specifically for mixing gouache, but I also don't want to have to buy yet another palette when I have some perfectly good ones...If I could just use up all the paint in them already...) Anyway. Point: This is kind of a step between a full lineless gouache piece and not doing one at all. Baby steps, yes? I knew from fairly early on that I was probably going to have to use gouache for the front part of her hair/bangs, since I did not thoroughly plan ahead enough and didn't leave a gap there to do it with markers. Fortunately, I didn't have to do much mixing since my gouache already has a nice yellow ochre color included, and I could use a bit of the other two browns and one I had some leftover mixed already from Roses in Your Eyes for shading. (White for the flowers, too, thank goodness.) And I actually ended up going over most of her bun with gouache too since, by comparison, the marker didn't look like it had much shading and it was bothering me. I did have to mix my own blue and pinky-purple for her makeup, and I ended up with a lot of leftover pinky-purple. But it's kind of okay because by itself it's such a pretty color I'm sure I'll find an excuse to use that one. After that, I just had to do some minor tweaks where the gouache had gotten a bit away from me and then I went ham on the shading for the dress based on my reference photo. Then I realized I wanted some kind of background because this seemed awfully boring without one. And, naturally, I hadn't really planned ahead for that, me being me and being in habit of doing the background last... At first, I wanted to do something hot pink, since her official Amiibo card has a hot pink background, but then I thought that might be a little too loud and I wasn't really sure the best way to apply one without potentially messing her up. And also, this isn't watercolor or paper thicker than 140 lb, which immediately threw watercolor out the window unless I wanted a very uneven paper when I was finished. I'd already pushed my luck with the gouache and been very careful about not using much water with it; I decided it was best not to push my luck any farther. Also, I couldn't use my pink PanPastel, despite that being maybe my best option, because it is still perpetually screwed onto the little Pan Pastel stack with no hope of getting unstuck anytime soon. (One of these days I swear, I will order either another set like the one I have or an individual Pink one to solve this problem, but until then, I am going to bring it up every single time as a caution to others to please be very careful when screwing and unscrewing your own Pan Pastels if you store them screwed together.) And I didn't feel like dragging out some of my drawing pastels and/or makeup that's too expired to use on my face and very slowly building up color and hoping it'll do what the Pan Pastels do. With no better ideas coming to me, I decided I'd leave the drawing for the night and come back to it the next day. After yet more brainstorming the next day, I finally settled on doing a glittery rounded rectangle and filling it with washi tape stripes. This plan did change a little as I figured out which tapes I wanted to use (a purple-y, champagne gold, and light pink ones, the latter two of which look more different in-person than they do on the scan) and as I actually started applying the lines. Partially because this tape is a bit thin and partially because I'm not used to cutting tape around very specific shapes, it took a very long time to both place strips of the tape and then get them cut to fit right up to Luna without looking strange. Once I got to a certain point going in one direction, I realized my next couple of cuts were just going to be too hard for me to stand. I had a choice: Ditch the tape, or figure something else out. Taking a risk, I decided to try and salvage it by doing an almost-plaid/checkerboard with the tape, specifically leaving out certain areas where I knew it would be too tricky to cut the tape. This also turned out to be a good way to use up some of the pieces of tape I'd already cut off that were too small to be used the other way. It's still not the greatest background solution I've ever come up with, but it does the job of making it look less empty, and that's really all I wanted anyway. And you know, compared to official images her proportions look wonky, but by herself (meaning, without comparing the two) I think Luna looks pretty good, actually. (Though, I admit I did have to tweak her right ear in Photoshop because it came out entirely too long and there wasn't really a good way for me to fix it by hand.) To think, this piece started out as such a mess. Or rather, I was such a mess when I started. And yet, here we are, and it looks kinda okay. Okay enough that I finished it and am posting it, at least.   I have no idea if I'll be returning to this style/method for art-making in the future, but even if I don't it was a nice experiment to try, and that's what art is really all about isn't it? Experimenting, trying new things? Speaking of experimenting though, about those pre-order frustrations I mentioned now that I've covered everything about the art itself...(in small text for those that don't care to easily skip over) Back in February I tried twice to pre-order New Horizons from Target, since they were running an ad where if you pre-ordered the game you'd also get an AC themed journal with it, and that combined with my family member's employee discount made it the cheapest/best value way for us to buy the game. As I said, I tried to order it twice. Both times, it was sold out. My family member had even tried to go to the store and have them order it before then, to no avail. After the second time, which was the day after Target sent out the sale paper with the new ad in it, while I was still frustratedly wondering how on earth do you sell out of a pre-order?? I kept refreshing the page every so often just to see if by some fluke it would miraculously not be sold out. I got very lucky around 3 in the afternoon and we managed to get the order in before it sold out again. Now, we're a relatively cheap family, so we didn't pay for the "express shipping" or whatever. Although, this was a $60 game and we were ordering it three whole weeks (on March 2nd) before release. If you ask me, the least they could do is have it shipped out either on launch day (March 20th) or the day after. Especially if I can pre-order a book on Amazon with three days' notice and they can still get it to me on release day. But, okay, I could live with waiting an extra day or up to maybe three if I had to. (And, to be fair, this was all before a certain virus exploded into chaos here in the US.) Much to my dismay, a week before NH release day, I checked the order status with Target only to be told I wouldn't get it until the 26th. A week later. That was pretty disappointing at the time, but it didn't really bother me until the day before and the day of launch when some people were getting their pre-orders early from places like Amazon and Best Buy (and some of them didn't even pay for the express shipping option from their selected source). If those two companies could plan around virus constraints to do that, why in the heck couldn't Target? But, okay, fine. Maybe the virus had something to do with it and they were really doing the best they could. Whatever. A week. Fine. I'll wait a week. A few days later though, we got an email saying: Surprise! Don't expect your dumb video game until April 3rd because we couldn't get our act together! (Okay, that's not what it really said, but that's what it felt like.) And I know, I promise I so know there are much more serious issues going on in the world right now and a video game about talking animals isn't exactly a priority shipment. I know. But it was still massively upsetting after I'd already waited so long. And, honestly, I feel like they had plenty of time and notice to take care of the game before everything else exploded and messed it all up. Again, especially if other companies already had time to even ship orders early and/or get the games to people on launch day. Or the day after. TWO WEEKS after launch, and you don't tell me about the secondary delay until the week I started expecting the game to already be in the mail on it's way to me? The only tiny silver lining is that as I was checking the order to make sure it didn't miraculously get pushed back to sometime in 2021 (because I really had no faith in Target's time estimates at this point) is that it did get bumped back up to April 1st. Although, I did think that it would be the absolute least funny April Fools' Day Joke ever if the day came and it was late because screw me.  But it did arrive to me on April 1st as promised; I just had a million other things to do before I could play it. ) And I will say, I know I could've just canceled the pre-order and bought the game digitally, but it was enough of a hassle to order it in the first place, and if I did that I'd also lose my pre-order bonus. And all that aside, I specifically wanted a physical copy to begin with. I always prefer that when it's possible. So people on the internet that want to eat me alive for not canceling when the shipping got screwed up, there are my reasons. Take 'em or leave 'em. (Seriously, I've seen some people be really rude about this just because they didn't like hearing people upset that they didn't have the game yet...when they already had it themselves or didn't care about AC in the first place...) Moral of the story: Don't pre-order from Target. Or, at least, don't expect the item to actually get to you right around release day. Account for at least two additional weeks of not having the thing. ...Seriously though, how do you sell out of a pre-order?? At least, when it's a highly anticipated game and you're a big company and not some small indie company with limited resources! Sheesh! Anyway. I have the game now, I've been playing it as much as possible and enjoying it. I still have a ways to go before my island is "complete" per se, but it's coming along nicely and I feel more comfortable now taking some more time away from it to get back into the swing of making art and things like that. So hopefully I'll be getting back into a regular posting schedule and you'll have that to look forward to. 
____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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kneesheee · 7 years
Can I have another imagine? Imagine Ben accidentally wishing to know what its like in the isle.
Loosely inspired by the argument scene between Mal & Ben in D2 (not connected to the movie though)Also so this didn't go how i planned it to?MENTIONS OF CHILD ABUSE/RAPE/PTSD/EATING DISORDERS ---Ben had been pacing in his office for what seemed like hours. "Believe me, I know..." Mal had said. The Isle was bad. Ben knew that. He saw that every time he saw Carlos hiding in area that was way too small for his frame. He saw it when Jay tightened his hands on his book straps until he was red in the face to keep them from wandering. He saw it when Evie scrubbed her face bare and redid her makeup with shaking hands. He saw it when Mal glared at everyone and sketch out Long Live Evil signs.But they were in Auradon now and the Isle may be bad but surely it wasn't bad enough for them to be over it by now. So why weren't they?"It feels like just yesterday when I standing before your father," a voice stated from behind him. Ben whirled around and blinked out the spots in his eyes from the bright pink light."You Beastly men. Always thinking you're better than another because of your status," the voice continued until the light dimmed down to show off a beautiful blonde lady."Bonjour, Benjamin. I'm the Enchantress," she smiled at him. Ben felt shivers run down his spine at her smile. "Speechless, eh? Better than your father with all of his yelling for another chance," the Enchantress stated as she leaned forward in his desk chair."What are you doing here?" Ben heard himself ask."What I do best, of course. Give you Beasts trouble. Don't worry, you're life wont be measured by a rose," she giggled to herself as she just told the best joke in the world. "I always knew your mother and father would be the ones for each other, you know. After I cursed him, I had to pave the way for them to find each other. You're welcome.""Merci, I think? But what did I do for you to be here," Ben demanded. She pulled her wand out and pointed it at him. "Don't use that tone with me, Benjamin Florian! Without me, you wouldn't even be here."Ben felt his mouth snap shut. She did have a point. She cleared her throat before the smile was back."I'm here because of the selfishness in your heart. I'm disappointed, actually. With Belle as your mother, I wouldn't have expected your heart to be so selfish. I thought it would've been Chandler that I would've had to visit even if he is technically my sister's charge or that ex girlfriend of yours, Audrey. Mother knows that Janet, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are doing horrible jobs with them. I told them the Isle was a bad idea, but no one wanted to listen to the woman that cursed a selfish man," she spat bitterly. Her eyes flashed as she remembered how her objections fell on death ears. How Fairy Godmother tried to belittle her. "You should lay low, Enchantress. Adam still hasn't forgiven you for turning him into a beast," she had said. At least the Enchantress' transformation lasted for years and not hours. She seriously couldn't give that poor girl until 1 o'clock. A shame really. "Selfishness," Ben questioned drawing her back out of her thoughts.The smile was back. "Oh, yes. Your friends from that cursed prison. The Isle of the Lost where you all had my sister locked in but she escaped and now sitting in her daughter's room as a lizard."This time she stood up as she made her way closer to Ben. "You don't understand why they're not over the trauma they received from the Isle. But you cannot undo 14 to 16 years of pain.""But they're in Auradon now. They're safe! Don't they understand that?"She ran a hand down his face, "They know that, but their behavior has been instilled in them since they could sit up on their own. Hm, here let me show you."Before Ben could ask what she meant, she pressed her fingers to his face and everything went black.When Ben finally came around, the first thing he noticed was how no one paid attention to him. The second was the body that literally walked right through him. He looked around and noticed well a dump. Unstable buildings surrounded him. The smell of rotten food hit his nose and he gagged at the foul and questionable scents.But then a familiar flash of color caught his eye. He whipped around to stare at the obvious younger version of his girlfriend. She looked... she looked like how she did when she first came to the Isle except more dark. More evil. Beside her was the obvious younger version of Jay. His hair was still long except this time it stopped at the very beginning of his back. There was a cruel smirk on his face as they stood outside of what appeared to be their school. Their old school. Students gave the two of them wide berth as they made their way into the building.Not too long after another boy went stumbling backwards on the steps as the familiar younger version of Evie appeared with a glare so fierce he thought he was looking at the framed photo of the Evil Queen that Snow White keeps on her desk. Some kids squealed and ran in the opposite direction as she appeared."You broke my nail," she snarled as she held her hand up. Mal and Jay stepped forward to see the offending nail and glared at the boy on the ground. It may seem stupid to get mad about a nail, but they knew what the Evil Queen would do when she saw it."I-I-I didn't mean to," the boy stuttered pitifully. He tried to stumble away, but he didn't get far when the familiar form of Carlos dropped out of nowhere right behind him. "I'm sorry!""You're sorry? You know what my mother would do to me if she heard me ever say that," Carlos snarled. The other three nodded their heads. You just don't apologize on the Isle. Carlos grabbed the boy by the front of his shirt and dragged him back in front of his friends."He's all yours," he told Jay and Mal. Before pulling Evie away while the other two tore into the boy, he led her to unoccupied room and began to try to fix her nail. "We made this in Weird Science when we had a joint class with Gothel. Apparently, it's what gives girls nails. Something called acrylic."Evie smiled and kept her sniffles to herself. Massacre avoided. It wasn't long before her nail was fixed and her other two friends appeared."Crisis fixed," Jay questioned wiping the blood from his hands. Evie nodded and showed off her fixed nail. "Wicked.""Lets ditch," Mal stated like an opinion. But the rest of them knew it was an order, so they all just left without even looking at their classes. They just walked away from school and made their way to the marketplace."Score. I can do some shopping early," Jay stated before they made their way into the throngs of people.Ben watched with wide eyes as the four of them stole. Jay was looting the most and he was doing it effortlessly. Evie didn't have to steal much. With her perfect pout and a smile every now and then, people just handed things to her while she stole whatever stood out to her but no one wanted to give away. Mal didn't have to steal much either. A glare here or there had people scrambling to give them whatever she wanted, but that didn't stop her from grabbing a couple of wallets and whatever else she found appealing. She laughed cruelly as she walked off and found a poster of his dad. She reached into the crevices of the walls and brought of spray paint. Then she started another one of her familiar long live evil designs. This one with Cruella as the background. Carlos' small stature had him zipping in and out as he took whatever he could get his hands on. Food, money, and is that a fur coat? where is he going to even hide that!After awhile, the four of them left the marketplace and headed towards what stated Jafar's Junkshop. "Dad," Jay called. Jafar made his down and scowled the second he saw his son. "Don't you suppose to be at school," Jafar questioned. Jay shrugged and started to empty his pockets and Jafar immediately lost his scowl. And even though it was far from encouraged, Mal and the others started to empty their own pockets. How else could they get Jay to hang out with them if Jafar wasn't pleased?Jafar nodded his head with an eyebrow raised as he looked over everything. He looked at Jay and said, "I guess you aren't completely useless. I expect to see better this afternoon."Jay fought down his smile and nodded his head before waiting to be dismissed. "You can go," Jafar stated shooing them away. They all walked off somewhat slowly to make it seem as if they weren't excited to have help Jay make his dad somewhat proud of him. Ben watched as Mal brushed a hand through her hair and saw the beginnings of a tattoo peeking out from under her jacket sleeve."What now," Evie questioned. Carlos startled."If i get home and start on chores now, then there won't be anything for me to do this evening!"The other three scowled at the mention of Carlos going home. They didn't want him around Cruella longer than he had to be."Fine," Mal snapped. Her hatred for his mother clear in her voice. "But we're going to be in the treehouse if you need us."Carlos nodded his head. If anything, the fact that his friends were near would have him working harder.This time the four made their way to Hell Hall with Ben silently following them. And the route they took this time had tears springing to his eyes. He saw little kids running around before being snatched away into alleyways. Their screams and pleads of help falling on death ears. Their "leave me alone" and "you cant touch me there" being ignored.He saw other kids being slapped down in front of people. Their arms being grabbed so forcefully that they might as well be pulling them out of the socket. He wanted to help, but how could he? He couldn't even touch them.He just closed his eyes and tried to block out the sounds of pain coming from around him. When he opened his eyes, he basically ran away from the scene to catch up to the Rotten Four. He watched as the older three broke off and headed towards the backyard while Carlos headed through the front door.Ben hesitated but he kept following Carlos. He can admit that it was a selfish decision to see what one of their homes looked like despite them never really talking about it.He didn't expect the bottle to come flying at his head. He ducked on instinct and saw Carlos a few steps ahead doing the same."What are you doing here, brat? This is my time!" Cruella snarled as she made her way towards her son. She had previously sitting on the couch attempting to sew up a pillow when Carlos opened the door."I didn't have anything better to do, so I-I decided to come home and do my chores," Carlos stuttered out. Ben gasped as Cruella slapped him with the sewing needle still in her hand."This isn't your home! This is my house and you're only here because I need someone to keep my furs clean," she snarled. Carlos didn't say anything but pull put the fur coat that he had stolen earlier from the inside of his own jacket and wow, how did that fit in there? And are those matching earmuffs?"I brought you a gift, mother," Carlos told her holding out the objects. The snarl dropped completely off her face to be replaced with an insane smile. She bet the little stuffed scarf/dog thing around her shoulders."Yes, Baby. Maybe the mutt is good for something other than cleaning," she told it. And Ben felt a little disturbed at the obvious affection in her voice for a stuffed animal in comparison to her son. "Add it to the others and fluff them. And don't forget to wash my baby when I get back from the spa." She grabbed her keys and left the house slamming the door shut. Carlos sighed deeply before sinking to floor. He looked at the droplets of blood splattered on the floor before he headed towards the closet and walked in carefully.Ben didn't understand why until he got a good look at the floor and the first thing he saw was traps lying on the ground. And not something simple as mice traps. Huge bear traps. And wolf traps. And then he got a clear look at the furs surrounding them. Her closet had more furs in it than Audrey had dresses. Teapots! Did she expect him to fluff all of these with those traps lying around? Ben saw the resigned acceptance on Carlos face and knew that she did. Ben didn't want to see anymore of this. He didn't think he could stomach it. Carlos was the youngest and he was like a life sized teddy bear. If his mom threw a bottle and slapped him for just coming home, what would she do if he didn't finish the furs? What else had she done just for Carlos being born?Then he thought about the panic in Evie's eyes at the mention of her broken nail. What would her mother would've done if she went home with that? He remembered the reports for when the four came to Auradon, but he dismissed hem thinking they were being biased because they were villains. Evie had a slight eating disorder. She ate just enough to stay her size. She didn't eat under and she didn't eat over. And she'd starve or force herself to throw up if she did. He didn't want to believe it. Evie was perfect. Why would she need to watch her weight so badly?He thought about the desperate gleam of approval in Jay's eyes as he emptied his pockets for his dad. The happiness in his eyes when his dad said he wasn't worthless. A viscous beast with a heart of gold the adults had whispered about him. and then he thought of Mal whose glare fell on anybody that hurt one of her own and compared her to the girl he knew. He knew Maleficent only wanted the most evil for her. How would she have acted if she saw the connection between the her daughter and the other three?He didn't think he wanted to know. Mal, you're not on Isle anymore. And maybe it's time I stopped trying to force myself to forget that its all you knew. Put the ball in your hands.When Ben blinked, everything went black and he was back in his office this time to the worried faces of the other four. They were all staring at him worried and jumped back the second they noticed his eyes open."Ben," they all sighed in relief before averting their eyes.Mal stepped back a little. "We know what happened."Ben sat up on the couch he had been placed on with the help of Evie. "The Enchantress came to our room demanding to see her sister and telling Mal that she was her favorite niece and that she placed you under a viewing spell and you were going to need our help when you woke," Evie stated."She showed me the Isle," Ben told him and noticed how all of them tensed. "You four were... You really ruled the Isle. I didn't see much, but you could tell with how everyone basically gave you all everything." The four of them still didn't look him in the eyes as he spoke. He wasn't going to mention anything about Cruella and Carlos. "I didn't see much other than you guys stealing and disturbing scenes in the marketplace. It stopped as the four of you mentioned a tree house?"He noticed some tension leave at the mention of it. He guessed it was their safehaven, but they still didn't say anything."You four will always be the kids from Isle. And its about time we all accepted that and stopped expecting you all to get over it. Its wrong of all of us."The four gave him small smiles, but they all still seemed a little forced."Well, I'm glad that learned your lesson and it didn't take years for you," the achingly familiar voice of the Enchantress stated from her seat at his desk again. She had the lizard form of Maleficent sitting beside her. "Unlike Janet, who decided to lock our sister away and then had the audacity to treat her like an animal. I will be taking her home to face the punishment from our mother. And Mal, dear, when you're ready I'll take you to meet her also seeing as Janet hasn't even taken her own daughter to meet mother."She stood up in her full glory and grabbed Maleficent's tank before turning back to the five of them. "Benjamin, I am proud to be your families' guardian despite the way my actions may seem. You have my blessing to date my niece."Ben and Mal blushed as she disappeared before them. Evie, Jay, and Carlos all laughed at the looks of the two of their faces ridding the room of the tension in the air. Ben looked at the four of them. The Isle may be worse than he expected but if these four can shine and blossom, then he knew with their guidance so could other kids."You guys want to help me choose the next group of kids to come over?"
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bugheadbughead · 7 years
blossom memorial hospital
disclaimer: this is an au where veronica never came to riverdale, jason never got murdered, and jughead, after archie didn’t go through with the road trip, grew apart from the group and eventually went to southside high
also im pretty sure that someone used the name blossom memorial hospital in a fit so lmk if thats u! this is my first fanfic so i hope y'all don’t hate it 
chapter one
Betty Cooper sat down in the uncomfortable plastic chairs that the hospital provided in the break room. Today, a premature baby had unexpectedly developed pneumonia. That, and her gossiping best friend Kevin, had kept her occupied all morning. For there was a new resident at Blossom Memorial Hospital: the sleek, sophisticated Veronica Lodge.
Apparently, the New Yorker had done her first year residency at the New York Hospital, just like the resident curmudgeon of the team, Dr. Jones. Then, after realizing that she would be “more fulfilled” in Riverdale than in a big city, she transferred her residency from one of the most prestigious hospitals in the United States to this small town clinic.
Little did she know, her new mentor would be Cheryl Blossom. Though Betty and Cheryl were technically related, the blonde couldn’t help but shudder at the neurosurgeon’s biting critiques and sarcastic comments, reserved not only for the interns, but coworkers as well. No one (except maybe Josie) was spared.
“Oh my God HI!”
A squeal suddenly snapped Betty out of her reverie. The infamous Veronica Lodge was expectantly holding out her hand. Oh, how she wished Kevin was here to save her.
“Nice to meet you! It’s Veronica. Veronica Lodge. Are you Betty Cooper? I’ve heard so much about you here already!”
“I hope not all bad,” Betty joked. She hoped that her nervousness wasn't’ showing too badly; among Kevin’s other juicy tidbits of gossip, she heard that Veronica’s father, Hiram Lodge, was a billionaire. 
“Nonsense! From what I’ve heard, you’re the sweetest and most competent doctor here.” As an embarrassed, but proud Betty blushed, the pearl clad woman pulled up a chair to the otherwise empty table.
“So! What’s all of the hot gossip here? Tell me everything! After all, from my first impressions of all the other women here, I think that we’ll be the best of friends,” Veronica continued.
Betty stuttered, and started to say something along the lines of “I’m definitely not the person to ask about gossip,” when suddenly, the intercom system crackled to life.
“Betty Cooper, you’re needed in room 305. Two weeks premature with respiratory distress syndrome.”
With an apologetic glance to the curious brunette, Betty became Dr. Cooper and ran off to the elevator.
“I got a pocketful of, pocketful of sunshine,” the familiar ringtone blared. Betty paced around her apartment, debating whether to answer her phone. The smiling Alice Cooper (nothing but a cover, of course) filling the screen beckoned her to press the green button. Finally, she succumbed to the guilt of not answering her own mother’s phone call.
 “Hello Elizabeth. Anything new today babysitting infants?” Betty bit her lip at Alice’s subtly condescending words. Ever since she had passed up a scholarship to NYU for journalism, her mother never missed an opportunity to remind her of a lost career path.
 Betty’s nails drugs into the fading crescents of her palms. “It was fulfilling, as per usual, mother. Someone new came though.”
 “Really?” Alice asked. “And who might that be?” Her sickly sweet voice betrayed her skepticism of Betty’s announcement; after all, it was a rarity for anyone to move to Riverdale, and if they did? Everyone would know about it within the hour.
“Her name is Veronica Lodge.” She was going to find out anyways, right? Betty thought.
 “Oh no! She’s the daughter of Hiram Lodge, and he was on trial for fraud and embezzlement. We can’t have you being friends with the daughter of a criminal, now can we?”
 Her fingernails pressed deeper into the now scarlet red, bloody cuts on her hands. “Mother, I make my own decisions, including what I do and who my friends are!” She pressed the red button to effectively end one of the more tiresome conversations with her mother. That phone call was a new record, Betty thought as she checked her phone. Thirty one whole seconds.
 One of the reasons that she got an apartment in the first place was to be away from the condescending matriarch that is Alice Cooper, but apparently, not even five miles could sever the ties that the 29-year-old still had to her childhood home, and consequently, her mother.
 Well, she thought. Tomorrow is another day. One that I’ll get to see Archie. And with a smile, the blonde promptly fell asleep.
As soon as Betty got to work, she heard that trusty intercom blaring across the empty halls of the hospital.
“Staff meeting. Be in room 121 in twenty minutes.”
Betty could barely conceal her excitement. The cause, as was typical for every Tuesday, was the staff meeting that she would inevitably see Archie Andrews at. In her opinion, he was the perfect guy; sweet, kind, and caring to the children he operates on, steady hands, smart, and god-like in his looks to match. Yes, he had some grey hairs in his beautiful auburn locks, but what doctor here didn’t? (Except for Cheryl Blossom; everyone suspects that she dyes her bright red hair to keep it so fluorescent.)
It helped that all throughout high school, they both fit perfectly into the cheerleader and captain of the football team narrative. Yes, she had her fair share of boyfriends in Maryland where she went to Johns Hopkins med school, but they never stayed longer than a month. One could call it an illogical childhood crush (for that’s what it was), but Betty never could get over the titian-haired football player. It was just her luck that they found each other in Riverdale once again.
As she settled into a plastic chair on the first row of many, the most lovesick of them all patiently waited for Dr. Andrews to make an appearance. As the door started opening, her excitement increased exponentially, but to her chagrin, it was only Veronica. As she tried to not let her disappointment show though on her face, the brunette slipped into the seat next to her.
“So, have you always lived in Riverdale?” Veronica delicately tore off a piece of her donut, powdered sugar falling like snow on her black skirt.
“Yeah, ever since I was four. I went to Boston for college and med school, but I couldn’t bring myself to stay there. Not when I knew that my true calling was right here.” As Betty continued talking about her love for this town, she didn’t even noticed Veronica’s not-so-subtle head turn and subsequent jaw drop. Archie Andrews had walked in. And of course, his eyes immediately landed on the raven-haired princess.
“Hey, are you new here?” Archie’s voice had an easygoing, sweet cadence, and as soon as he started speaking to someone, they knew that they were in good hands. Perhaps his voice is what made him so amazing with the kids he performs surgery on; it could calm you even if you were jumping off a helicopter.
“Yep.” She popped the P with her powdered sugar covered, yet still enticing, red lips. “Did you know,” she said, suddenly standing up, “that I’ve tasted every flavor but orange?” And with a stroke to his titian locks, she strutted off the coffee machine. Archie, with a single look back to Betty, quickly followed, whispering something in Veronica’s ear.
 By now, Betty was gaping, mouth and eyes wide open, at this spectacle. Archie barely ever talked to her, and they had been best friends from age four to eighteen! And now he was going to waltz in, and start flirting with her newest “friend”? As the buzz of their conversation (which she had tried her best to block out) plagued her ears, she took to her typical approach. She dug her nails into the soft skin of her palms. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, Betty counted, five, four, three, two, one. She tried her best to calm her mind, but all she could think about was what Archie whispered to Veronica.
 Why was I so foolish? she asked herself. Did I think that we would ride off into the sunset together as soon as the word “hi” came out of my mouth? Of course Veronica is always going to get the guy. Why did I ever think it was possible for me?
 Yes, technically Veronica never knew of my undying love for Archie, but at a staff meeting? At 7:56 in the morning?
 People finally began to filter in, relieving Betty of the awkward tension in her shoulders at Veronica leaving her side to sit next to Archie. But of course, the first person walking in the door had to be Cheryl Blossom.
 “Awww, did your so called “best friend” leave after finding the delicious boy toy that is Archie Andrews? Oh well. I don’t blame her.” The redhead talked down to Betty, almost like her mother in the obvious condescension of her tone.
 Flipping her long scarlet hair, she walked away to her normal seat, hips swaying as if she was modeling on a catwalk. Why did she wear bright red acrylic nails if she was going to be operating with a tiny scalpel all day? And those six inch heels? Her patients are under anesthesia, it’s not like they’re going to compliment her on her shoes of choice mid-surgery.
 And of course, because her day was amazing already, Dr. Jones walked in. No one knew his first name, but he had a mysterious aura surrounding his every action that everyone, even lifers, struggled to understand at the hospital. He was the most quiet out of any of them, the only person even coming close being Phyllis, a secretary. The surprising thing was that when she looked into his icy blue eyes, all she saw were layers of sadness, anger, and pain. If she was being honest, he almost scared her, with his brooding disposition and evidently somber way of life. But he didn’t scare her for the sake of self preservation. Rather, Betty Cooper was scared because he was the epitome of all that she was, but didn’t dare to show. Every moment not spent with him reminded her that she could keep up the facade of perfection surrounding her life. But when she looked into his eyes? The darkness threatened to come out.
 Dr. Jones did his familiar slump-walk hybrid all the way over to the chair next to her. “Taken?” he muttered.
 “Of course not,” Betty replied. This was going to be a long staff meeting.
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pkredki · 7 years
Warhammer 40,000 - The Ahrmen’Korah Dynasty
    This weekend, my first major Painting project that I had ever done regarding painting miniatures has reached completion. The project for the Games Workshop Inner Circle contest is on display at my local store waiting for the final judging this Saturday. This was my greatest undertaking in painting by far. Through this project, within a few months I learned more about painting miniatures than I had during years of playing and painting prior. Before, I only painted the miniatures to make them look just barely presentable. I had been disregarding an integral aspect of miniature war-gaming. Also, since I’ve finally realized that I’m a mediocre general at best, my armies can look fabulous as they’re cut to shreds. So, without further ado, here is my Necron force, the Ahrmen’Korah Dynasty!
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Why did I attempt the Inner Circle competition?
1.    I was assured by the manager at my local Games Workshop that there will be a scoring rubric that would provide a level playing field.
2.    I had been wanting to buy some new units for my main army.
3.    I had finally come to terms that my grasp on tactical war as a general was weak, so I’ll make my forces the best-looking forces in my area.
What did I learn from the Inner Circle competition, and what did the Inner Circle help me accomplish?
1.    I learned how to better layer and add glowing effects to models.
2.    I learned that you can go back and fix what you think are mistakes. No model is perfect but it can get better after you’ve gotten better with some practice.
3.    Acrylics are better to use on models than enamel.
4.    Washes add a depth to your models that simply basing and layering cannot let you achieve.
5.    Not everything can be accomplished in a certain time, but giving yourself a painting deadline can really jumpstart your painting schedule.
6.    I learned how to use Green Stuff and how to convert a model
7.    I finally started showing my work to the world.
8.    I finally started this blog.
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The blueprints for painting
The scheme for the Necron forces that I painted before the beginning of the competition were undercoated with a black spray paint, based in Testor’s aluminum, green and copper. Three colors. That is the tabletop standard that many people and companies abide by. Literally the bare minimum. If I wanted to win or at least do well in the competition I needed to step up my game.
The Forces that I painted after I joined the competition were painted with much more care. I used Rust-oleum Flat Antique Nickel to get a consistent base coat and then blocked out the other base colors. The green was Army Painter Greenskin and the bronze was Army Painter Weapon Bronze. Almost the entirety of the force was washed in Citadel Nuln Oil, (Which I did end up spilling a few nights ago while fixing up some details). And the Green was highlighted with Citadel Warpstone Glow and then Citadel Moot Green. But something was missing. Just one last color was needed to round off the scheme, and in the end, I discovered that a quick addition of red was just the thing I needed. I used Army Painter Pure Red, and a wash of Carroburgh Crimson to subdue the brightness.
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The Bases Still Needed Basing!
           Since I didn’t think of basing as a crucial point to painting, I needed to find a solution to getting a texture on the base while not getting too close to the feet of my models. Enter Citadel texture paints. These magical pots of painted sand and texture saved me a lot of headache, I simply used a texture tool to spread out the paint over the base, waited for it to dry and hit it with a strong drybrush of Citadel Eldar Flesh. But something was still missing for me, earthen soil needed some sort of vegetation in my mind (even if it isn’t an easily habitable planet) so I ended up using a mix of the Army Painter Battlefield XP Frozen Tufts and Mountain Tufts. Simply pull whatever vegetation that you need off the paper backing and glue in place and you have a wonderful little base to work with. But I wasn’t done there. Because I was using grass that was either frozen of from a mountainous region I needed to add some snow. Citadel Valhallan Blizzard was another quick and easy step to add into the entire composition.
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Are water transfers really a big deal?
           Short answer, yes. Long answer, they give a level of detail that is almost unobtainable by hand, so yeah, they’re kind of a big deal. Micro Sol and Micro Set can be your greatest friends when it comes to uneven surfaces. Simply cut out your desired transfer, let it soak individually, follow the instructions on the bottles for each transfer, and repeat for desired effect. Obviously, if you’re putting the transfers on an even surface Micro Set and Sol aren’t necessary, but you should always seal all your transfers with a non-gloss varnish (or gloss it’s your choice really.)
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           The final addition to my forces was the most fun. I was convinced at the store to buy some Blood for the Blood God technical paint from Citadel. I was told that simply putting a little bit of paint on a tool and using my fingertip to flick it at the model would produce an excellent gore splatter effect. What I failed to consider was the size of the tool correlated directly to the size of the blood globules thrown at the model. So, taking my handy texture tool in hand I dipped it into the pot and let the blood fly! Of course, I used a box to keep my workstation relatively clean, but the carnage was amazing. Giant blood splatters covered my models and as I learned to control the amount from larger torrents of blood to smaller droplets I covered my entire force with a steady random covering of blood.
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Major take-aways and what will I be doing from now on.
           The most beneficial thing that I learned from this competition is that you NEED to take steps outside of your comfort zone to further yourself in your hobby sometimes. I had always been slow to attempt anything at this scale, but through the help of some awesome people and a lot of hard work I am extremely happy with my finished product. Even if I don’t finish in the top three I did get a pretty cool pin for participating.
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    This competition ended up sparking a modeling and painting flame. Currently I’m now painting the Flesh-Eater Courts Start collecting box for fun, and a Space Marine Librarian for another competition. I’ll be documenting both projects progress on this blog with another larger post at the end, but if you’re hungry for other Warhammer projects follow me on Instagram or Twitter!
For better quality pictures and some extra pictures that didn’t make it click here! https://imgur.com/gallery/5sDGI
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This is long
1) Do you prefer traditional drawing, or digital?
Uhh recently I’ve preferred traditional as for recent style updates/changes but I do most my work digitally.
2) How long have you been drawing?
I’ve been drawing all my life really but I started taking actual art classes when I was around 7?
3) How many classes have you taken?
(I’m assuming art classes here.) Well I’ve taken after school art classes during middle school and I’m currently in an art school! The classes I’ve taken for art are: 2D (painting, drawing, etc.), 3D (wood, metal, wax, etc.), ceramics, photography (film, digital, photo editing in photoshop & dark room settings), computer (digital art classes based in photoshop), printmaking (screenprints, copper etchings, woodcarving, etc.). While I’m still in high school, I go to my art school half-day (all these courses are college level btw kjrgnweklv).
4) Do you have a DeviantArt, personal website, or art blog?
I have a DA, Instagram, Art Amino, Paigee World, and this blog. I’m more active on here and Instagram however.
5) What’s your favorite thing to draw?
I love drawing arms and legs kejglvebtlkhnj I like the curves the body tends to have bc I just tend to like drawing round shapes?? But sketching a person is just generally fun to do.
6) What’s your least favorite thing to draw?
I dislike drawing still lives so much like, you don’t understand. While it’s great for basics and learning how to properly space things out, I find it completely tedious now.
7) How often do you use references?
Most of the time. Always use references. I use them for hands, shoulder placement, scenery, etc. I suggest not copying it directly, but looking up a stock photo can really help with learning how the body works for anything.
8) Do you draw professionally, or just for fun?
Both. I draw professionally at my art school and have sold work through them, but I also draw for fun so I can draw better professionally?
9) How much time do you spend drawing on an average day?
Almost everyday I spend about 1-4 hours drawing? My job qualifies I help little kids draw so that’s also added in but this also helps my drawing abilities. 
10) Are you confident about your art?
11) How many art-related blogs do you follow?
I follow a lot on Instagram but maybe 5-8 on Tumblr.
12) Is it okay for people to ask you about your process?
Yeah! If it helps someone perfect their process sure!
13) Do you prefer to keep your art personal, or do you like drawing things for other people?
I like doing both but I guess it depends on what the subject matter is?
14) Do you ever collaborate with others?
Not often but I have in the past. I would like to collaborate more with others so if anyone is interested let me knoow!!
15) How long does an average piece take you to complete?
A digital work takes me about 1-3 hours to complete depending on how complex I make it. A traditional work (ex. my paper star project from forever ago with the hands on the jar) takes anywhere between 5-10 hours. 
16) Do you draw more today than you did in the past, or do you draw less?
I draw so much more given my IB Art workload and art school workload and then my job. I think it has helped me improve a lot quicker than I would’ve if I were going slower.
17) Do you think you’re justified in giving other people art advice?
Yeah credential wise. I mean I go to and art school (for almost 3 years now) and have been in critique class settings so I mean?
18) What are you currently trying to improve on?
Being more racially/body type inclusive in my art style. I find a lot of my characters are white and thin and it’s something I want to fix, along with making the different body types appear successful in my style.
19) What is the most difficult thing for you to draw?
Animals of any kind along with feet.
20) What is the easiest thing for you to draw?
Hands and legs and eyes. 
21) Do you like to challenge yourself?
Yes. Challenging myself is a way to get better and I’d prefer improve a lot more rapidly by always challenging myself.
22) Are you confident that you’re improving steadily?
Yeaah, if you were to see my personal sketchbook you could see a definite improvement from February to now.
23) Do you draw more fanart, or more original art?
I do a good mix of both?
24) Do you feel jealous when you see other people’s art, or inspired? (Be honest!)
Sometimes I get pretty envious but mostly I chose to take that envy and turn it into determination to get better at my own thing? So yeah I suppose I do get inspired lmao
25) Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
I prefer music because I like taking frequent breaks to just, jam out?
26) For digital artists: what program(s) do you use?
I mostly use Medibang Paint Pro and sometimes Photoshop CS6.
27) For digital artists: how many layers does a typical piece require?
Over 20. I separate all the colors of a piece on multiple layers and add a clip layer if I want to change a color quickly, then lineart and the initial sketch both have different layers, then overlay and background. It’s a big mess.
28) For traditional artists: what medium do you like most? (Pencil, charcoals, etc)
I mostly sketch with a blue color pencil (as I find a regular pencil transfers the graphite too much for my liking) but I love working in watercolors and oil paints.
29) For traditional artists: How do you usually start on a big piece? (Light sketch, colored lead, sketchpaper, etc)
For something around 18 inch x 24 inch it all depends on the media I’ll be using. For a painting I start with a pencil sketch, then go to an acrylic wash (to block in the shadows), then do the actual painting. 
30) What inspires you to not just make art, but to be a better artist?
I want to get better, not the best, but better. I want to be able to be someone’s inspiration to get better and want to overpass my technical skills. 
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It is also crucial that you hire a business attorney that discovers how to deal with contracts and will walk you through many different conditions may arise in your business. Many businesses keep attorneys on call and rehearse their services regularly to ensure that complaints are kept down. This could be utilized in many different possible business situations, such as working with unicipalities, forming partnerships and protecting your intellectual property. • In but the, starting an organization will automatically expose you to deal with many legal implications and complications. An attorney will make suggestions handle each one of these matters efficiently. Moreover, he can enable you to avoid technicalities and making commitments that might lead to further problems for you personally afterwards.
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If you're finding a business attorney to handle your case within an ongoing kind of situation, you need to be sure you're getting somebody who will in reality be around. This is just about the most common complaints people have when talking regarding the lawyers they've dealt with. To a degree, it's a given. Lawyers tend to be extremely busy. However, they ought to stop so busy they have almost no time to answer questions from their clients. Now, you're obviously not going to get a totally honest answer because of this question, however it is something you'll be able to probably discern quickly and make up a change if your relationship isn't training.
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