#(and Scout and Pyro ofc however. however i. sniper.)
gracefireheart · 5 months
Random silly TF2 Modern Highschool AU HCs that I just wanted to throw out there for fun:
Even tho' Soldier and Demo look like they would be the ones to play shooters or battle royal games, they mostly play (and sometimes stream/make let's plays of) chill games together. Like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, and Minecraft. Sometimes Sniper joins them when they play Stardew Valley 'cause a part of him misses that life back home.
Engineer and Medic would very much be weebs and will randomly do those magical girl poses together when they announce to the others that they've just finished their project or something. They also tend to do cosplaying with Spy and Pyro (sometimes Medic is able to drag Heavy into cosplaying as well).
Scout is very well versed in the world of dating sims. Ofc, he started playing these types of games at first to try and get better at picking up ladies, gents and enbys. But eventually, he played dating sims just for the fun of it (and sometimes these dating sims just have really good stories, alright? He definitely isn't crying to some of these games. Nope. Not at all).
Pyro has a huge following on Tiktok where they do different arts and crafts, edits, tips on baking (maybe they something similar to that chocolate guy), showing off their cosplay, and so on. Scout is often featured during art challenge videos.
The gang definitely have [irl] DnD nights together. Although Heavy isn't that huge into the roleplay and dice rolling and whatnot, he does think it's very satisfying to carefully paint the figurines and set up the maps that Pauling had planned for them to use for the night, and then watch the others get awestruck over the maps when they're shown.
Spy is the one that makes the cosplays for him and some of the others to use. Sometimes it takes longer than it should because Engineer and Medic can't sit still for the life of him, but he always comes around by the end when it's finished, feeling proud of himself for doing such an amazing job. He will not take compliments from the others however.
Sniper- along with Scout- is a huge Hatsune Miku fan. When he eventually visits back home to his parents, Sniper wants to figure out if he could get tickets to a Hatsune Miku concert at the same time. And maybe bring Scout with him as well.
Heavy and Medic often play co-op games together, especially of the puzzle kind. While Medic may overthink certain puzzles, Heavy will see the obvious and point it out. And when Heavy can't quite figure out what to do, Medic's there to brainstorm solutions with him and try it all out until it's solved.
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Sniper leaving kisses on my shoulders is so important to me rn.
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 2 years
Hellooo!! I just found this account and i gotta say i luvvv ur posts, they make me so happy :,) especially ur dadspy ones T-T . I ALSO wanted to ask if mayyybbbeee (only if u really want to ofc)… um write some cute lil headcannons bout my fav boy Scout 🥺 i feel like not a lot of people chose him as their favs but idk why but i think this man is the boy of my fucking dreams and it’d be rlly cool and epic if u wrote some cool/cute headcannons bout him 🥹 (sorry if this has been done before!!) - 💖
Scout was on his way to becoming a pro baseball player, he lost his scholarship however because he couldn’t keep his grades up.  he instead took the job for Mann Co. because it was really good money that he could send home to Ma
he thinks she’s disappointed in him for not getting into college even if to just play baseball, but she’s proud of him no matter what he does
he has a rabbit plush from his childhood that he sleeps with every night and hides during the day.  it’s been resewn over and over and is very dingy and dirty.  he has no idea who it’s from but it’s always been very special to him
Scout has his own comic series he draws on stowed away in his room.  he’s kept hidden because he’s embarrassed about it.  it’s a typical superhero comic with a self insert of himself as the main character
he copies things his teammates do, mostly Spy.  it’s always small things like how they stand or walk or if one of them starts acting all confident then he will too.  he doesn’t realize he does it, but he does because he looks up to all of them
he’s self conscious about his buck teeth but any time someone refers to them as cute or adorable, he gets all flustered and giddy over it
Scout is VERY praise driven, he thrives on having approval of everyone he looks up to.  if anyone on the team needs something done, he’s almost always the first to volunteer himself and loathes when they ask he take someone with him
he’s bi and doesn’t realize it, he just thinks it’s normal for guys to find other guys really hot and daydream about them and doodle them in his comics later.  he always has a justification for why that time he saw Soldier shirtless right after a shower made him all flustered
he was in both his high schools track and baseball team as the star player.  track was more a hobby to him so he could keep limber for his baseball games and when he’d go off and cause trouble with his brothers
Scout’s been arrested once before joining Mann Co. but doesn’t realize his brothers have actually kept him from getting in trouble with the law many more times.  they would always try to shove him out of the way and have him run home when they could tell cops were about to get involved because they knew if he got arrested, Ma would be very upset
he was arrested for taking part in robbing a gas station, and was young enough to be let off without any trouble
Scout’s name on his birth certificate is spelled with the accents (Jérémy) but everyone, even Ma, always spells it without.  he doesn’t even really know there are accents in his name
he’s semi-fluent in Italian
he looks up to Spy a lot.  he sees him as the father figure he never had and genuinely admires everything he does.  out of everyone on the team, he copies him the most, down to even sneakily buying himself a butterfly knife to teach himself how to flip it around like Spy does.  they pick on each other a lot and bicker even more, but they’re both just as quick to find little ways to say they’re sorry after things have calmed down
he considers everyone on the team his best friend, but he hangs around Pyro and Sniper mostly.  Pyro because they enjoy a lot of the same things he does when it comes to TV or comics or whatnot.  and Sniper because he’s a good listener and will allow him to just trail behind him all afternoon and talk his ear off.  and because after he came out of his shell, Sniper turned out to be just as much a troublemaker he was
Scout, Sniper, and Demo are the three to watch out for if there’s even a hint of a “so stupid it’s dangerous but sounds fun” idea floating around.  jumping off the base into a pool?  they’re gonna do it.  see how long someone can hold to the top of the camper while Sniper drives donuts in the desert?  let’s get drinks and see how bad this can go.  “I dare you to take a sip out the sewage water under the bridge.”  “okay, but you gotta do my chores for a week.”
also hi, you’re Sparkles now
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lime-gutz · 3 years
Mmm so maybe could you do headcanons about the mercs helping out an autistic reader with sebsory overloads? If not that’s totally cool too
There wasn't a specification for romantic implications with the mercs so you get some general hcs!!
Engineer is a kind and all around easy to get along with friendly man. He's pretty sociable but often times desires to do some work and experiments of his own so sometimes he'll just speed walk straight on pass you, blueprints in hand, reading them quickly without so much as a glance or smile in your direction, not because he's wanting to be rude but because he's someone who has places to be and he'll talk later when he's done.
Engineer also has to deal with some pretty rambunctious teammates, Soldier, Scout, and Pyro come to mind and as shown before, he's also a super patient man, opting to not be super confrontational in a situation that seems to be tense or aggressive, example being how he had saved Scout from getting his face beaten in by Soldier by being calm and still carrying his friendliness to ease the situation at hand. Or Pyro!! As he's the only one at the base who even understands anything of what Pyro says because he was patient enough to learn.
So with all of that being said, I see him as someone who is very very well equipped to helping you out when you're getting intensely overwhelmed and your senses are overloading. If you're around people and are on the cusp of just crying or about to go into a panic of some sort, Engineer would be the one who would gently place a hand onto your shoulder, masking what's going on with his friendly demeanor and an excuse to have you removed from the situation to calm yourself. He does it in a way as to not draw attention to you or make you feel ashamed or embarrassed. He understands, it happens, he's had to help Pyro with the same situation you were in!
He's sure to be much more soft spoken than usual, asking if you want some water, to be left alone, or if you need some comfort and he will do whatever it is you ask of him to do if it means you can calm yourself.
Pyro is probably not going to catch on as quickly, their mind is constantly thinking about. Everything at once and often tuning in and out of conversations everyone has in general so it's very likely that they will be slow to notice if you're getting wildly overwhelmed.
However! If they were to eventually realize if no one else has before them, how utterly uncomfortable and teary eyed you are Pyro will "scold" his teammates, wagging a finger in there faces and tapping their foot..I put that in quotations because it's not like anyone (other than Engie) can understand them anyways). It's sort of childish, but it could maybe bring you some comfort in a small sense as they lead you away with a huff directed towards their rude teammates.
Same deal as Pyro, he's also slow to realize something is amiss with you, his mind also wandering to the many other things he thinks or dreams about.
And like Engineer if he did snap out of his thoughts long enough to notice that you're beginning to look shaky and panicked he attempts to try and steer you away from everyone...although with a lot less grace than Engie, attempting to make whatever is going on isn't a big deal but he keeps running his mouth long enough that eyebrows are raised. But he succeeds anyways and is able to get you somewhere so you could calm yourself down away from it all.
His voice is a little softer when he tries to comfort you in some way. Maybe trying to crack jokes to make the air light instead of filled with dread. His angle is just to try and cheer you up more so!
Oh man. Okay Soldier uh. Let's be frank, he's most definitely not going to ever notice unless someone tells him directly. Soldier has a pretty strong character, a strong and very loud voice, very boisterous. He most likely will not notice that him being so loud combined with maybe some other factors might be too much for you to handle.
So, best course of action is to be very direct with him but explain it in a way he could understand you. If your point gets across, he can better recognize if you're getting uncomfortable!
His form of trying to comfort you is patting your shoulders or back (a little bit too hard but you appreciate his attempt none the less) while he tries to say some encouraging words to you.
Spy is actually one of the first mercs to notice even just the slightest sign you're starting to grow uncomfortable. He's meant to be very observant man and he's someone who is very capable of reading body language and is very good at it.
So he's one to be quick to helping you out of a situation before you get to the point of getting extremely overwhelmed. He's quiet, quick, and smooth about it, most likely awaiting an opportunity where no one would notice that he gently grasped your shoulder, nodding his head in a direction that signifies you should follow him, and then the both of you slip away from a potentionally mentally draining situation.
He doesn't offer too much physical comfort, best he'll do is pat your shoulder a few times. But he does offer a listening ear or offers to leave you be, whichever makes you feel more comfortable.
Right next to Spy, is also one to quickly notice that you're slowly growing distressed. He is-! Er. Was, a doctor and is still practicing medicine to this very day! He does surgeries on a weekly basis, he just knows a distressed or uncomfortable face when he sees one!
Takes the kind of mix between an Engineer and Spy route of things to help you. He's quickly able to steer the attention or conversation towards himself, in such a way that he gave you an out to hurry to flee and get away to save yourself from literally breaking down from how overwhelmed you are in front of your entire team. You see him give you a very quick wink if you're able to catch his gaze before you leave.
He does check on you later once everything is settled, glass of cold water in hand to hopefully improve your mood some more and offering it to you and if he's free, offers to be your listening ear.
This mostly depends on how drunk he is for him to be considered helpful I suppose you could say.
But! When he isn't just shitfaced drunk, he's quite unsurprisingly helpful as he's also someone who's generally very jovial and friendly. He's also noted to be generally as helpful as he possibly can. So when he sees you getting all shaky, uncomfortable, and panicky due to your sensory overload he's quick to act in a way where nothing is wrong, very nonchalant and keeps the mood light as he slowly pulls you away more and more from the situation until the both of you are good distance away where you could just slip by without a question.
He offers some encouraging words to you, patting your shoulder and ruffling your hair comfortingly and offers you a beer. He just feels like it's it's for you to calm yourself and cheer up.
Sniper can definitely relate to what you're experiencing. He's one of the mercs that's easily able to just immediately tell if you're experiencing sensory overload, your pained expression gives a pang to his heart as he feels immense empathy for you.
He's been in your place time and time again and..so it's time for him to do the thing no one besides his parents had ever done for him when he was on the brink of breaking down. He wordlessly grasps onto your arm, gently in his hold as to not seem harsh to startle you, and then when questions are asked they are plainly ignored as he takes you away from the situation.
He coaches you to take breaths, patting your back and being otherwise silent as he patienly waits for you to gather yourself before the both of you start talking quietly to one another if need be.
Heavy also understands what you're a feeling, although, he has worked passed this long ago that doesn't mean he can't help but feel some empathy undertones for you as you look so distressed.
Heavy is very very quiet when going to remove you from the situation you're in, his big heavy hand grasping your shoulders as gently as he can possibly muster as he knows how utterly easy it is just to hurt you accidentally, and he does not want that. He whispers for you to please come with him, not wanting any unwanted attention to be thrown towards you as he knows you definitely don't want that. Once you comply he's leads you away.
Heavy very gently pats your shoulder and back, talking to you quietly as to bring you some comfort as you cry and try to regain your composure. If you are crying, he doesn't try and make you stifle it in anyway, encouraging you to instead let it all out.
Once you're all cried out or feeling a little better, Heavy offers to get you some water or tea, and then offers if you would like to stay and either read with him, or have him read to you out loud to further bring more comfort if you're someone who appreciates just being read to as comfort.
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volno-pesh · 4 years
Rewritten script for Expiration Date with science party :3 Ofc, I'd already posted this on @fuckyeahscienceparty but now i did an whole script for this
It all starts with the discovery by a medic of a flaw in the teleports provided by Mann Co. After he says that they have 3 days to live, he assures others that there is no chance for a different outcome of events and they cannot do anything about it, so he gives everyone the freedom to do whatever they want with the devices. The scout goes to Mrs. Pauling on thebase(they are already in a relationship), because such plans do not suit him at all. He decides to figure out "why the company scored on their lives!"
70 hours before his death, the spy takes everyone's dying wishes, but the operation fails due to the incompetence of his colleagues. However, after all this, a medic comes up to him and says that he would like to call Engineer on a date. Engineer has not appeared at the base for several months, and Medic hasn't received letters from Engineer.
"I would like to call him ..."
"Well, call him?"
"No, you misunderstood. I would like to invite him on a date ..." Medic began to crumple on the spot.
"oh, enfers ..."
"Wait, our engineer?"
Medic had turned pale, but his cheeks were redder than rose petals.
Spy's eyes shone for a little bit. One of the mostly deadly secrets that can only be learned on pain of death was revealed to him. Of course, the spy was ready to help with the date, on one condition: a couple of people would still help him. So Spy, Pyro, and Demo were helping Medic with the date.
Pyro decorated the meeting room, the spy taught the Medic the basics of a decent manner of communication, and the demo set about adjusting the situation: put cameras in a certain place, got rid of the australium etc.
Pyro took jewelry from the basement.
Medic had a question: wouldn't the spy teach him how to dance in pairs? The spy refused, because there was no suitable candidate to dance. Sniper, of course, proposed his candidacy for the dance with the spin, but he was embarrassed, so he rudely refused him.
Medic looked at him skeptically, but said nothing.
The moment came, 4 hours before death.
The button was pressed, although the medic tried to refuse at the very last moment, he was kept at the door by the entire base.
Finally, the truck drove up to the RED base.
The door opened unexpectedly. Medic appeared in front of Engineer in an unbuttoned shirt to the waist, below were black bell-bottomed trousers and black shoes.
“Oh, what a un—” he started, leaning his left hand against the doorframe.
"Not now!" Engineer interrupted him coldly and went to the base. "If there is a leak of australium, The Administrator will unscrew our heads."
Medic came up to him "Maybe you would like to come with me to the table? I'm sure today is a good day to relax with a couple of glasses of wine. Which one would you like?"
Changing his voice didn't help. This was noticed by Spy, Demo, Sniper and Pyro while watching the cameras.
"Who the fuck taught him to climb on the walls??" The only thing Spy said for the whole time.
"Wait. The contents of the tank haven't changed much ... Maybe this is a problem with mine ..." His voice trailed off. He pulled out another of his devices, the green megal lights on the device.
Music began to play. This should have been the time when Medic takes Engineer for a walk. Engineer turned his head towards the room. "Are you have a sacrifice?" "Well, ehh,..."
Demo sighed convulsively and looked at the clock "3 hours left"
"We need to promote this deal"
Engineer finally got things in order. "I told her that there was no leak! Here, unscheduled transportation!"
"Ahah, yeah..."
"Are you alright, doc?"
"May I invite you to the table?" He asked hopefully.
"Be your victim today?" Engineer hit him gently.
Medic wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Realizing that the date was an absolute mistake, he decides to spend it before going out.
Then the whole team appeared.
"Engineer! You have no idea what I did!" The first soldier burst into the room
"He's going to talk again about the necklace of teeth that the demo gifted," added the Heavy, who entered right after him.
"Oh no, something different!"
"Mfmnfkf!" Pyro ran into the room. He hugged Engineer as hard as he could.
"Did you have any booze? If I'm about to die, then with pleasure" the demo passed to the table.
"I'm sorry about that" Spy and the sniper approached the medic.
A roar sounded outside the room.
"What the hell?" Engineer was still able to stay for a few minutes.
"This is the thing that I did!"
Everyone left the room. It was on the brink of destruction.
"I'm going for the tools" shouted Engineer and disappeared into the corridor. Spy pushed Medic towards the corridor. The whole team was fighting the monster.
"We need to blow it up, I know it!"
"Listen, I would like to apologize for this."
"For what? For the unscheduled transportation of the australium? I'd love to take those apologize, thank you."
"More likely for what's going on outside" he helped Engineer with the tools. They went out to the yard, where the monster had already scattered almost everyone.
"Demo! Where are the explosives ?!"
Demo shouted something indistinctly and threw one of his bombs at them.
"Done! We need to get her there!" Engineer pointed to the huge mouth of the monster.
"You are crazy?!" Medic and Spy stopped him from jumping directly into the monster's throat.
"It's going to be finished now!" Engineer did not come up with a continuation of this plan "Go to the base, it'll be safer there"
Almost the entire team, with the exception of Engineer and Medic, was in the building.
"What the hell are you doing here? I told you to go to the base!"
"I won't leave you here!"
Engineer threw a bomb in the mouth of the bread monster. Medic shielded the engineer from the explosion.
Oddly enough, lumps from the monster flew off all over the site.
"Are you okay?"
"I can't feel my right hand!"
"Oh, Unterwelt, just, don't worry, I'll fix it!.."
"...No, wait,...I'm not,,,, I have a prosthesis ..." Engineer completely forgot about this, Medic wanted to laugh at the stupidity of this situation.
"Well, which of the idiots teleported bread?" Engineer asked.
"Well, bread grows tumors when teleporting."
"Did you know?? Did you know we were all going to die and didn't do anything about it??"
"He says that we have half an hour left to die, and you did absolutely nothing" Sniper approached them.
"And your teleport is the reason" Spy crawled.
"What the hell are you talking about? Are you drunk or something?" Engineer got up from under the medic who was still lying
"Teleportation of bread was caused by me!" Soldier screamed.
"... But you can't ..." Engineer just started to speak, as Pyro and the Heavy came to them.
"It's for you," said Heavy holding out the phone.
"Mhmvmkhh" added Pyro.
"Yes?" Engineer picked up the phone
"Conagher, have you figured out the reason for the unscheduled transportation?" The administrator spoke clearly, expressively
Engineer just wanted to hang up.
"Yes, all problems have already been fixed," the engineer involuntarily put on a smile, he looked at the medic, who was being held by the sniper and the Heavy, the smile was immediately replaced by shock.
"Okay, I'm waiting for a report on this incident," the administrator hung up.
Engineer sighed.
"Do you want to say anything about the teleporter?" The spy demanded information.
"Grains develop a tumor during teleportation, you happy?!"
He shouted and ran to the first-aid post where they put Medic. His condition was terrible.
"Don't worry, we'll fix it!"
The bell rang. Scout returned to the base: "Guys, you won't believe what information Pauling has gotten. It's only bread have tumor!"
"Yah?" Sniper said. The whole team looked at the Scout.
"Well, yes! ...What?"
Engineer connected the life support apparatus and turned on the Uber for recharging.
"So what was that?" He asked when everyone left the room.
"What was what?" Medic asked in bewilderment.
“Your heroism,” Engineer replied curtly, leaning back against the back of his chair. The medic decided to tactfully remain silent.
"And is this a sacrifice in that room? Was this monster summoned?" Engineer laughed, it hurt the medic to laugh.
"Whoa-whoa, you better lie down, but then suddenly that" Engineer took his hand. Medic was smiling. Engineer kissed him. Medic responded with a kiss. Engineer's gone, and Medic thought only about him until the night.
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3rdniggafromthesun · 4 years
TF2 OC Ask Meme: Riflewoman
here i go again, lmao....only person who been using this damn ask meme but whatever i designed it for me mainly anyway <3 still not answering all my questions cuz i dont feel like answerign ones that make me think too much ya..plus this one is less serious and deep compared to irradiatior idk idk  
Character Building/Backstory
•  What was it specifically about your OC and their skills that caught the attention of Mann Co?
A shooting contest. No, really. Thats it. It was sponsored by Mann Co with the intention of finding a recruit and she did wonderfully. I suppose all those years at her high school’s rifle club paid off. • Does your OC have a particular opinion of Mann Co itself?
Didn’t know about them till she started working for them. Kinda hates them, actually. You’ll understand why further down.
• What mercs does your OC get along with well? Who do they have most in common with? Any best friends? Or…more than that…?  👀
One word. Scout. They get along as good as peanut butter and jelly. They’re both from the east coast, for one, and for two they’re both kinda dumb little idiots. also shes buff and hot so like...She and pyro mingle ok due to them both rlly liking cute frilly things, and she likes soldier as well. She really thinks soldier is funny and awesome as hell, which sometimes causes a lil bit of jealousy in scout. 
• What mercs does your OC NOT get along with? Anyone they particularly hate? Why?
Spy is not the biggest fan of her because of how well she complements scout and kind of encourages his behavior. He sees her as kind of a nuisance. Thats kind of a lot of people’s opinions. Also she does not get along well with sniper because she feels there is a rivalry between them both. He doesn’t really care but she is mad competitive against him and is always trying to prove that she’s a better shot, and also has N O T H I N G in common with him at all and she is unique and special 
• What is it specifically about your OC’s personality that stands out? Many of the mercs have their own (exaggerated) traits that make them , well, them! (Canon examples are like how soldier is obsessed with America, Medics shockingly Hippocratic approach to medicine, etc.)
Idk man she kind of a bimbo. That’s really it hahaha, that was my intention. Self bimb-sert. 
•  Whats an unexpected quality your OC has? A secret hobby or skill or trait that nobody would expect from them?
She’s actually really politically educated and active. She’s also anti-war which is why she doesn’t much like Mann Co. When she discusses this stuff it kinda puts a strain on how well she gets along with sniper, and he tends to call her a hippie, which...she kinda is, honestly. Just doesn’t look or tend to act like one. 
“Gameplay” Questions
• If your oc was in the game, in your opinion what would be the best strategy to play them effectively?
It’s pretty simple really. Tranquilise someone, then wrap back around and shoot them dead with pistol. Or let someone else do it. She is not really a hard offense character, and is kind of a mix of support and offense. 
• What classes/mercs is your oc strong against?
Best used to counter higher attack enemies like heavy or soldier. Tranquilising them can do wonders, haha. 
• What classes/mercs is your oc weak against?
Imo, sniper. I think for her to effectively tranq ppl she’d have to stay a bit still leaving her open for shots. 
• What would you do to make your character balanced, but still fun to play? Basically what weapons and abilities would you limit? Which ones would you highlight?
I would really like to highlight her ability to tranquilise people to slow them down. This means ofc that it does not do a lot of damage, if any. Her modified pistol however does a lot more damage and has a bigger clip size and hits harder than the regular pistol. (and also its cute) 
• Would your OC have a special ability or gameplay element unique to them? (Canon examples include Pyro’s pyrovision, Soldiers ability to rocket jump)
Nope, not exactly. The closest is the fact that all her cheerleading training makes her similarily agile to scout. But of course not the same nor better. 
• Would your OC be effective on the front lines, flanking, ambush, or rear?
Combo of Rear, then front lines. 
For Fun Questions
• What cosmetics would you like your OC to have? Is there a particular theme?  Feel free to include pics of what clothing, hats, or weapons you’d like to see as cosmetics for your OC.
I would definitely think a cheerleading costume like this (and for fun, the marching band costume too :D) 
Tumblr media
And possibly just some cute alt hairstyles like this
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And hell, maybe even a few hippie outfits for the hell of it :)
• Who would you like to voice act for your OC?
No clue. But her voice claim is Frenchie from Grease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfrHcVyIv48
• Would your OC have a Team Fortress Classic counterpart like the other mercs do in the comics? What makes your TFC merc different from your TF2 oc? 
Yep! infact she’d definitely have a counterpart for the first mercs, like the ones in the 1800s. Somethin kinda like an Annie Oakely type of girl. 
• Do you have any ships for your oc? If so, what is or are the ship name(s)?
I dont know if its all that clever but i think her ship with scout would be called East Side since they both from the east coast area. :)
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gracefireheart · 5 months
Working on my TF2 x Pokemon (or more specifically Pokemon Mystery Dungeon) drawing, and man... It reminds me that, everytime I do one of these [insert current fandom I'm in] x PMD drawings, there is at least one pokemon I need to figure out how tf to draw.
At the moment, I've sketched 5 out of the 9 mercs (might add Miss Pauling and maybe the Administrator too if I got the energy for it). Pyro's pokemon I've drawn once before, so it shouldn't be too hard to draw, I just need to figure out the pose. Sniper's pokemon should be fine to draw as well, and I've got a pose in mind for him. Demoman and Soldier's pokemon however, they are the two pokemon I've never drawn before that will take me a bit to figure out.
I don't want to spoil who got what pokemon, besides Pyro [Heatmor] and Engineer [Raichu]- since y'all voted on their pokemon- along with Spy ('cause there really is just one pokemon that's absolutely meant for him like c'mon it's god damn Zoroark he got the fucking Illusion ability and all), buuut I do want to give hints.
Heavy will ofc get a bear pokemon. But which one did I pick? OoOooOOooOOO
Soldier's pokemon can give wicked headbutts. That's all you get.
Demoman gets to be a dragon. 'Cause I said so :]
In contrast, Medic is a fairy type pokemon :)))
Sniper's pokemon has the ability "Sniper." His pokemon is probably obv too lol
Scout's pokemon is slightly shorter than Engineer's pokemon, to which Raichu is 0.8m, or 2'07".
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