#(and also gay for kyou ^^)
reineydraws · 1 year
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renkaza sketches based off the opening scene of the bear 2x09 bc the shots were nice :') less nice was me squinting at the low-lit scenes trying to make out their features and getting mad at my screen's glare but i digress 😂
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kaiiscottage · 8 months
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꒰ Yuuri’s blue prince ♡ ꒱
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youareinacomawakeup · 2 years
Hey, you should watch Kyo Kara Maoh, and here’s why:
I feel like, when I try to get people into Kyo Kara Maoh, all I ever say about it is “You know how there’s this thing in shounen anime where there’s always some rival character that makes you wonder if he’s kinda gay for the protagonist? Yeah, in this one, it’s canon, and blatant about it. It doesn’t make you wonder for a second. It’s just upfront about it and you can watch him being gay on main the whole time.”
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But like, that’s not the only reason I like the anime. Far from it. It’s just what I think is most likely to draw a new fan in. But it really is just a solid story with or without that.
It’s an isekai--and I know, I know, isekai are a dime a dozen now, but at the time this came out the only thing I really had to compare it to was Chronicles of Narnia--about a guy who goes back and forth between our world and a fantasy world where magic exists.
And he’s your typical plucky shounen protagonist, energetic and kind and willing to make friends with absolutely anyone. You know the type. Not really covering any new ground there. But unlike One Piece or Naruto or, I don’t know, Black Clover, he has no interest in becoming the best of the best. He kind of just wants to go home and be a kid and play baseball.
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But the thing is, he’s king of this world by divine right. He was chosen to become king before he was born and he’s just been left to incubate in our world until he was older. His whole family has always known this, though he doesn’t find out until he’s magically pulled into the world and it’s sprung on him right away. And he wants nothing to do with it at first. It’s not something he has to do, either. He’s given the option of turning down the position and going home.
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There’s been this cold war going on between magic-users (”Mazoku” or “Demons” though the use of “demon” is more of a reclaimed slur than anything literal) and non-magic-users (humans). The real bloodshed has been put on hold for a while, but there’s a real threat of that cold war turning hot at any second. There are laws against humans and Mazoku being in romantic relationships, their mixed children face severe prejudice both from the people and institutionally, for instance being shoved into ghettos and left to starve, and tensions are high. And the protagonist realizes quickly that these people have been living this way for so long that peace is not going to happen naturally. They need someone with fresh eyes who can see that peace is possible. And that someone needs to be in a position of power to do something about it.
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So the protagonist accepts the job. Not because he wants to--he HATES it; there are so many scenes of him complaining about all the paperwork and the struggles of trying to learn the cultural norms and mores of surrounding nations so he doesn’t fuck something up in his position of power and accidentally start the war he’s trying to prevent just by unintentionally insulting another nation’s leader or something--but because he feels responsible. He has to do something to bring peace to this land because he might be the only person who has both the power and the good intentions to do so. Hell, the MacGuffin of the series is the protagonist trying to steal four magical nukes from other countries so he can seal them away where they can’t be used. (They’re just wooden boxes, nothing impressive about their appearance. Not romanticized at all. They’re as boring and dangerous as war.)
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And that’s...basically the series. Kid gets sucked into a fantasy world and becomes a king because he actually has a political agenda to make the world a better place and he saves the world with the help of a found family of nobles who are fondly exasperated by his incessant pacifism because they don’t think it’s reasonable, until he gradually and sincerely starts to change their mind and they all reevaluate their own prejudices. (And the prejudice reevaluation is really subtle, too. They don’t have big awakening moments like, “Wow, I’m not racist against half-humans anymore!” They just...slowly get better and bit by bit see the world the way the protagonist does.)
Other little details you might want to know are:
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The protagonist has a Yu-Gi-Oh-esque alter ego. (The anime is from the mid-2000s, after all.) The protagonist himself isn’t super skilled in magic, despite having the ability to use it, and it’s...left kind of vague, but it seems like the magic itself takes over his body from time to time. But it’s not as helpful as that trope usually makes it. His alter ego is basically a big self-destruct button. It’s just an eruption of power that leaves the protagonist unconscious nearly every time. The typical result is that he wakes up a day later with his head in the gay rival’s lap and the two of them in a cell because, guess what, passing out on a battlefield isn’t super convenient. The alter ego is treated a bit like training wheels the protagonist needs to grow out of, and it’s extremely cathartic when the final conflict of the series is solved without the alter ego. Not because the protagonist can use strong enough magic that he doesn’t need to lose control to get the same result, but because the solution is not to use magic at all. To put his money where his mouth is and show himself as the pacifist leader he spends the whole show trying to be.
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The protagonist is the reincarnation of someone who died in the war, a woman who overexerted herself trying to heal the injured. Unlike the alter ego, the protagonist’s connection to this woman is treated as a strength rather than a weakness. She, like the protagonist, wanted peace, but unlike the protagonist, she wasn’t the king and lacked the power to achieve that peace. Her gentle and kind heart shines through in the protagonist’s nature and actions, and those around him who knew her, and who know that he is her next life, can’t help but see how little she’s changed from one life to the next. All the features the protagonist inherited from her, that were treated as feminine, are his biggest strengths. This shounen anime is so far from toxic masculinity and it’s beautiful.
To be entirely transparent, this is an older anime, and as such, there are some problematic tropes that were common around that period. For instance, “Hahah an adult is creeping on a teenager, that’s funnie.”
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I’m not the biggest fan of that, either, don’t worry. I acknowledge this as a flaw in the show. But if Master Roshi and Shigure could get away with it while DBZ and Fruits Basket are still beloved series, I’m willing to roll my eyes and overlook Gunter and Cheri as well.
And another thing I feel I should be transparent about is that the first half of the first season A) Is devoted to fleshing out the characters and the world, and B) Doesn’t have the best animation quality. What that means is that you’re going to have to sit through some wonky drawings and not a whole lot of plot for the first twenty episodes or so. But there’s a point--I won’t get into spoilers, but the shift is VERY obvious--where the plot really kicks into gear halfway through the first season. The animation quality starts to skyrocket at around the same time, and the entirety of the second season is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
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Also one of the supporting characters is this beautifully tragic character who is slow to trust the protagonist because he’s half-human and he’s never had a reason to believe in a leader before. It’s treated not as a thing that character needs to get over, but as a completely reasonable doubt, and the protagonist understands that. He actually gives that character quite a bit of power--basically the keys to a very powerful weapon--and tells him, more or less, that if they ever need that weapon, it’s up to him to decide if they get to use it. Like the equivalent of giving a post-WW2 Japanese refugee the full power to veto the use of hydrogen bombs, and I love that. ...This character, who is very serious and very cool, is also a drag queen. This removes nothing from how cool he is. He’s still an utterly sincere character, because this show is cool as fuck.
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Last thing: What I’m advertising here is the first two seasons of the show. It’s something like 80 episodes. That was where the anime proper ended and should have stayed ended, imo. I know some people like the third season, but the first two seasons tell a complete and extremely satisfying story whereas I find the third season (as well as the OVAs) has the vibe of a straight-to-video sequel to a great movie that tried its hardest to further a great story but only managed to invalidate all the original movie’s strongest moments by making them suddenly mean nothing in the face of new information. If you want my advice, stop where the story was originally designed to end and only watch the first two seasons. (I’m also saving you from having to look at the bad CGI skeletons. You don’t want to look at the bad CGI skeletons.)
Those first two seasons, though? Go. Go watch them. Watch them right now. They’re so fucking good. You won’t regret it, I promise.
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locksmen · 3 days
yuri is so fucking gay
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I really need to plan holiday themed art in advance
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hyponautica · 11 months
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they doing... they the... gay...
i could polish this more but GAH NO MORE!!!! school takes all my time and has had me working on this render since the start of september!!!! its been a damn month ENOUGH!!!!!! RAAAAH!!!!
it was enjoyable tho it made me forget the world existed. so than kyou gay people
also yes i know hank is canonically like. bald. i just like to hc that he has curly hair because i kin hank and am 100% projecting
yes i like 2b too shut up
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
Also it's just. So poetic to me if
Kyou. The Cat. The outcast of the zodiac, exiled, barred from his family's wealth and status, the 'lower class' rebel. Gets to be the romantic center of the story. To be other half to Tohru, the saviour of the zodiac. To get the girl. To complete her. To have that big damn kiss in all its traditional romantic glory, like a scene from a millenia-old legend.
Whereas Yuki. The Rat. The God's favourite, the perfect Prince, the unattainable figure that dozens of girls long for, the embodiment of tradition and privilege. Tries to like Tohru but just can't quite do it. And instead gets a big dumb gay baby crush on his annoying best friend who flirts with him 'jokingly' and has a girlfriend and a part-time job and a love of modern children's programmes.
In the end, they'd both get a taste of what they yearned for all this time. Kyou, to be this romantic epic's Prince. And Yuki, to just be normal.
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stardustvalentine · 3 months
finally revamped my old kyouhaba playlist !!!
and because i’m a little deranged, here’s some explanation on the highlights:
when life hands you problems- really encapsulates the messy chaos of the kyouhaba dynamic to me
bad day- a LONG time ago i’m pretty sure i saw a kyouhaba animatic wip to this song??? but i can’t find it anymore??? i think it was one of the things that got me into the ship so hmu if anyone knows what i’m talking about 😔😔
jason- sports and internalized homophobia. enough said
hurry, hurry- THE kyoutani song to me!! especially “i’m the jerk who’s late again” (late to practice) & the overall rushing through life, tunnel vision, blowing past opportunities for connection w other ppl. go go GO no time to think about all that stuff!! i can just totally see kyoutani as the type of guy who’s always in a rush
i don’t dance- sports and homoeroticism. enough said
problems- the song that got me into mother mother cuz i found it on some random 8tracks kyouhaba playlist when i was 15 and didn’t have spotify. both of these guys have major problems but i see the song more from kyou’s view, seeing himself as a mess next to yahaba who at least APPEARS much more put together and perfect
difficult- “the best dysfunctional team that this world has ever seen” is the most perfect description for them ive ever heard. yes they fight yes they get irrationally angry over little things but yes theyre also the best most in love partners at the end of the day
in the wings- yahaba’s literally always on the bench but kyoutani’s the one who gets the opportunity to play. yk, essentially the crux of their fight, so song title fits. more importantly though, the song is about trying to be people you’re not, and yahaba is Very Obviously trying to be oikawa 2.0, so he’s essentially waiting on the bench/wings of his own mind (and we only see the real him come out in moments like the confrontation)
touch starved- i saw someone put two best friends by bb been on a kyouhaba playlist once but lets be real. the REAL bb bean kyouhaba song is touch starved !!!! “fever got me aching” on ao3 REALLY sold me on this cuz yeah it makes sense. we don’t really see people touch kyoutani. when yahaba does so fearlessly, that’s bound to do SOMETHING weird to his brain right?? from “wait i thought this guy was some shallow idiot” to “wait he’s not scared of me” to “wait he’s being as violent with me as i am with everyone” to “wait he’s actually TOUCHING me?????” it just makes sense.
rebel girl- THE gay punk song imo. looser connection here than the others but gay punks. cmon
anyway that’s only like a third of the playlist, so go listen to the rest!!!! and feel free to ask any questions abt the ones i didn’t explain 😚😚
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aretheyqueer · 1 month
Is she a lesbian?
disclaimer: this is a hc, not speculating on what the writers intentions were.
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hana-the-ghostieee · 8 months
a lot of ideas infest my brain but this one is pretty new! partially because recently i've been getting into more popular vocaloid songs (mou ikkai! mou ikkai! "watashi wa kyou mo korogarimasu." to shoujo wa iu, shoujo wa iu) and po pi po. has taken me in (mwehehe!!!)
so imma just write yet another 2dmv (this is more of a draft than anything tho soooo. no cool sections with specific vocal lines)
so mhm! for april fools this year how about we torture rui >:333
(except it isn't we cuz i'm sure "we" aren't like. sega or colorful palette's project sekai team)
as always because this thing is going to be long, you're welcome mobile users blah blooh bleh, i puteth the stuff under the cut so go check it out if you want
hold on imma title it and everything though i haven't fleshed out really specific parts
Po Pi Po - LamazeP (ft. Miku Hatsune, Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi)
anyways! we torture rui >:DDD
so! for the 2dmv! it's in the style of a 3dmv with like a general stage-y dancey area and blah
yes. we torture rui. that. that's like all there is.
emu, nene and miku are all in slightly altered green workout project diva (?) outfits with different details and stuff i guess (but they all have to match cuz cohesive set thingy.)
so from the beginning of the song to around the end of the first chorus we're in the wondershow sekai, with rui sat at a table, refusing to eat his vegetable filled bentou. nuh-uh. no way in bahooey. and emu, miku and nene are just walking around him as. the po pi po cult, tryna get him to eat his food. oh also meiko rin len and luka have rui at tazer-point so if he ever tries to run off he'd probably go bbbrzrzZRRZRZRZBZRZBZRZBRZRZRZBZBRZRBZRBZRZZZZZZ (yes, in bold)
and then around after the first chorus, kaito leads tsukasa to the main area and he's like. what's going on. and then he sees the table, rui and the vegetable-filled bentou. ohhhhhhhhhhhh. but instead of joining the po pi po cult he goes sits at the table with rui and tries to coax him into actually eating his vegetables.
(for the whole thing the camera focuses on the po pi po cult, but from here rui and tsukasa argue in the back. like look. "but they taste disgusting!" "but they're good for you!" "have you even felt the texture of those disgusting things?" "just eat it TwT" "let's kiss" "sur... sTOP DISTRACTING ME")
and yeah after that exchange of dialogue we focus on more po pi po cult!! in the choruses there's going to be. flying vegetables and like vegetable juice carton box thingy cutouts cuz we have to push the theme or something
and po pi po cult is surrounding the oddballs (mainly 2) and yk. pushing him to eat the vegetables.
and then around the second chorus in the back tsukasa goes "*sigh* okay fine. if i kiss you will you eat your vegetables?" but rui only heard kiss so they go at it (woo.)
but then but then!! (for some reason i feel like he sounds like nene here if she wasn't part of the po pi po cult) near the end, (a very flustered, tomato-red) tsukasa's like "okay. now eat your vegetables." "eh?!" "what eh. that was the deal." "there was a deal?!?" "stop playing dumb =w= eat your vegetables before i take these chopsticks and feed you myself." "waa~, you're going to feed me? kasa, you're such a romantic~" "...mhm... *looks at vegetable-filled bentou*"
"if i must."
and then at the very end we see a (chibi?) rui with tears streaming down his face, mouth full of lettuce.
(for him this is torture of the highest degree.)
yeah i sent this to a friend on discord they were mainly focusing on the gay scrunkles
no literally they just went. "*le gasp* GAYS AWWWW GAYS I LOVE GAYS <3333 THEY'RE SUPER SILLY I LOVE THEM :DDD" dude i also made an entire cult of three people to feed vegetables to one person with purple hair and a soda candy addiction so. please focus on that too
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Will Wood:
Most Fucked Up Song: Venetian Blind Man, Vampire Culture, Marsha Thankk You
Favorite Song: 2econd 2ight 2eer, Dr. Sunshine Is Dead, Laplace's Angel, Hand Me My Shovel, Against the Kitchen Floor
Propaganda: "funky guy. Several of his songs are about how "I'm [Will] a raging fucking narcissist but I also hate myself" (the quote was something like that). Pulled out a worm on a string during a live performance. Amazing fashion. His music gives me gender envy what the hellhis most popular song on Spotify is basically "I'm cis actually so stop telling me otherwise because fuc kyou" and it's a banger.did ALL the songs for Camp Here And There doesn't need female singers with the high notes he can hit"
"I know a lot of people have probably already submitted Will Wood, but the music is important to me so I’m submitting them anyway"
The Beatles:
Most Fucked Up Song: I Am The Walrus
Favorite Song: Help
Propaganda: Gay
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remythologise · 10 months
i was going through your posts as i do and then i see it in the tags of an ask a week old. kyou kara maou.... i saw my life flash before my eyes now that was some Stuff that happened in the anime what the hell. not that i remember more than just bits and pieces but still. feels like an ancestral memory.
LITERALLY EXACTLY HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT. I don’t remember anything about it except 2-3 main characters’ general vibes, that it was an extremely fun ahead-of-its-time parody concept (pre isekai stocks skyrocketing) and also very bad. also very gay while also being very homophobic. In many ways probably made me who I am today, if I could remember anything about it at all,
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joasis-rp · 5 months
EDIT: Everything outside of replies is running in queue. I will tag accordingly for organization's sake so enjoy all that goodness~
If interested in writing don't hesitate to message me even if I'm a little bit slower these days. I usually reply at least once a day depending on my mood.
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Continue for muse info - All muses are 18+ - STARTER CALL - ASK MEMES - All Muses are Original Characters -
Rio - 152cm - Inugami (Dog demon) Black and white Akita- Autistic, chronically Ill, PTSD, and anxious. - part-time fashion model and part-time shop worker - Pansexual (no preference)
Anxious autistic girl. Dealt with a lot of abuse in her youth and now struggles with the trauma. She relies heavily on her emotional support dog Akachan a lot. She doesn't talk to her parents anymore. Her parents disowned her for being disabled and her mother tried to kill her when she was young. She was homeless for many years and dealt with a lot of abuse during this time. She tends to avoid people as she is afraid of being hurt again. Though she keeps to herself deep down she is desperate for love and acceptance. She wishes to not be alone anymore but is scared to reach out to new people.
Cho Hye-Bin - 172cm - Nickname Hayden - Tengu (Crow demon) - Autistic, PTSD, addictive personality and anger issues - Freelance writer - Bisexual (prefers females)
Autistic and a bit of a loner. Dealt with a lot of trauma from past relationships. She is a protective person who tends to avoid relationships but likes to fool around. She has a sister but isn't close with her. She also doesn't talk to her parents anymore. Her mother always hated her for not being straight. She is soft spoken and rather intimidating looking but she is actually rather protective and caring underneath her often angry looking expression. She has an addictive personality and is trying her best to avoid falling into old habits but even now she drinks to numb herself and quiet her mind.
Hikari Ogawa - 167cm - Half human and half alien - ADHD and addictive personality - Nail artist and hairstylist - Bisexual (prefers males)
Kyou Imai - 160cm - Energy Vampire (feeds off attention and emotions) - Anemia and autism - Aspiring idol and secret cam boy - Bisexual (prefers males)
Autistic and a bit out there Hikari is a style conscious person. She loves partying and takes no shit from anyone. She has a terrible past that she loves to avoid talking about. She's prone to addiction but as an alien is harder to die from them. She is hot headed and outspoken but she will protect you with every fiber of her being and not ever question it.
Though he's an energy vampire he can eat human food. But must consume energy too. Not just one or the other. Though he doesn't have to eat as much food as most.
He's a huge flirt and the type of muse you think is innocent but is the total opposite. He's also a virgin because he thinks no one is good enough for him. Also despite his perverted and lewd side, he's actually quiet and reserved. He's a cam boy because it was that or being homeless and when doing that he wears a cloth mask to hide part of his face. He can be confident because his identity is hidden. In real life, he has no confidence and struggles to maintain relationships. Because of this, he's a bit of a loner with only a few close friends. He has tattoos and smokes, he's not as innocent as he seems but that's what he likes, he enjoys surprising people when they get to know him.
Chaiyo Chaikham - 162cm - Bakeneko (Cat demon) - Autistic and anemia- Aspiring idol and part-time shop worker - Gay
Chai is an aspiring idol. He's a bit clumsy and overly friendly. He's always smiling and overall is very happy. Though he's a bit awkward when it comes to meeting new people due to his autism he does pretty well with making and keeping friends, though he struggles romantically. He is a cat demon which is a yokai from Japanese lore. Though he is Thai his species can come from any country. He has a few siblings but isn't close with them. Overall he isn't very close with any of his family as they dislike the goals he's set for himself career wise.
Arun (Ah-roon) Siriwong - 182cm - Nickname Sky - Vampire (friendly kind) - OCD, sensitive to sun and overprotective - Gang leader and model - Pansexual (no preference)
Sky is a vampire. Known by most as the friendliest vampire. He's lived a long time and has since forgotten his exact age. He's over protective of his community as his mother died because of prejudice against his kind. He is a born vampire while hus mother was turned by his father. He's dated many during his long life but none ever wished to turn for him. He has avoided relationships for about a hundred years now and he's hesitant due to all the loss in his past. He is protective of his friends and anyone he let's into his life. Though he survives well on blood bags, he's prone to going too long without feeding which can be dangerous.
Mitsuki Iwata - 175cm - Inugami (Dog demon) Black Shiba Inu - Autistic and asthmatic - part-time model and part-time shop worker - Pansexual (no preference)
Mitsuki is a model most of the time. He adores fashion and likes being creative. He's socially awkward and struggles to make and keep friends. Being autistic on top of being part alien he tends to keep to himself as he's afraid of being judged by others. He's very close with his family and once he feels he can trust you then he can become very attached. He's quiet and often soft-spoken spoken but he opens up once he knows the person well enough. He's afraid of being judged so keeping to himself helps him feel secure.
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narhinafan · 6 months
I find it funny for SasuSaku to compare their ship to JinXiao when the latter shares their dynamics more with NaruHina and IchiHime, rather than SasuSaku.
Sharing dynamics refers to how the men treated the women. Naruto, Ichigo and Jin never insulted, dismissed or attempted to physically hurt Hinata, Orihime and Xiaoyu once. Sure, Jin and Xiaoyu sparred but they're martial artists and Jin only peforms the Kyokushin bow to her (his fighting style is heavily based on Kyokushin Karate). The men also lighten when they interact with the women, particularly Jin, whose character has been cynical for most of the Tekken series. Sasuke, on the other hand, was the complete opposite and it also took Naruto to convince him to apologize to Sakura. I don't even need to mention it as many people have repeated that a lot of times, thanks to delusional NaruSakus and SasuSakus.
When you look at it, while Naruto and Sakura are teammates, they never interacted much outside of missions. This is a huge contrast to the other teams in the Konoha 11 where we see them interact outside of missions. Team 8 interact a lot outside of it, particularly when all 3 of them visited Kurenai once. Ino-Shika-Cho goes out to meals once in a while, even after Asuma's death, and still kept it even when they had their own families. Team Gai showed they train a lot when not in missions. Even when Sasuke was still in Konoha, we never saw their team interact or do activities with all the three of them outside of missions. It's kinda weird since Sakura stans are holding to Sakura's importance as part of Team 7 when in reality, we see both Naruto and Sakura join different groups outside of missions. Naruto is with the boys, Sakura is with the girls.
Apologies for my long ask but this is the only time I managed to get a long break due to work commitments and how FB is flooded with pro Sakura, NaruSaku and their twin from another franchise, IchiRuki pages where their delusional fans are flooding it. Ignoring and hiding it doesn't work much.
P.S. - I'm a follower of the Kingdom manga and anime and thank goodness, there is no shipping wars there and if there is one, not as bad compared to Naruto and Bleach. One possible reason is that the genre is Seinen so people who actually consume the series are mature in contrast to Shonen. Also, Hara-san was quick to douse it by clearly showing how Shin felt with Ten and Kyou Kai. While it's clear that Ten loved Shin, he only saw her as a younger sister figure and in fairness to Ten, she never went beyond it. For Kyou Kai though, he did recirprocate her feelings to him and already proposed to her.
SasuSaku always do this they reach for more popular and positive ships to try and make their disaster of one better.
Yeah outside of missions and team 7 Sakura and Naruto don't interact they never go out of their way to hang out and Sakura turns him down. It was the same with Sasuke if team 7 is not being made to gather for some reason they don't hang out or train together like other teams do. Its one of the reasons what I think team 7 has the worse dynamics.
On the other hand Naruto gets along with all the other teams and they all go out of their way to include him. Like in the Road to Ninja one shot Rock Lee after seeing Naruto is feeling lonely invites everyone for a get together to cheer him up. It would have been so much better if Naruto was on any other team.
Oh you also read Kingdom been following it for years since the anime introduced me to the series. Another reason is cause in that time period in China its normal for a person of high status to have a wife and concubines so Shin as a general would qualify for that so it is possible for him to take a second wife.
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kafus · 1 year
ok answers for what each of these things is a reference to below the cut! :]
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listening to - flower/note:
kaf's name is 花譜, "ka" and "fu", in this case meaning "flower" and "music note" or "sheet music". her name basically means Flower Music or Flower Note. the only kaf specific headphones or microphone i could remember weren't very visually interesting so i went with this instead of a more obvious icon
reading - book:
a while back kaf was hired as brand ambassador for a company called kiminovel that sells books to youth and encourages youth reading, and a few things were released because of that collaboration but one of them was the song ソレカラ (sorekara) which has an mv partially animated by young student animators in various 2d styles, but there is also a portion where kaf is looking at a floating book and i tried to copy the design (but had to simplify it because of the small size)
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looking at - kaf's eye:
it's kaf's eye. she is looking. if you didn't get this one i don't think you know who kaf is (i was out of ideas lmao) here's kaf winking though she has pretty eyes im totally not gay about this (lie)
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eating - bowl of ice cream:
kaf is commonly associated with ice cream but this is a really specific ice cream cup design! during her concert fukakai kyou at the budoukan last year, they gave out kaf ice cream and cookies with a specialized design for the cup - i took some creative liberties on the ice cream itself to make it more obviously ice cream with multiple scoops but i copied the design of the cup (images below from the official kaf twitter at the time of this promotion)
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drinking - laplace drink:
kaf had a themed cafe in japan recently in correlation with her radio show and this is just one of the drinks they were offering, it's themed after laplace :] photo courtesy of my friend alt who went irl (im so jealous. a different friend who went brought me back cafe merch though bless his heart)
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playing - weird laplace:
this one's the deep reach that not even most of my kaf friends got lmao. the image is a scaled down and simplified version of this laplace graphic:
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what does this have to do with playing video games and where does it come from you ask? well uh
this specific MV made for the 柊キライ remix of 戸惑いテレパシー (confused telepathy)!! where kaf puts on a VR headset and plays... some sort of fucked up racing game on drugs idk LMAO. the little laplace graphic represents the kaf character she chooses on the character select screen and i thought it would be a perfect deepcut reference for this
thanks for coming to my ted talk i'm still not done with that blog skin LMAO
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shuttershocky · 2 years
God save our king? As in kyou kara maou? I thought me and my dad were the only two people on earth who also knew about the anime lmao. Curious about what your thoughts on it is because my only gleaming memory of it was my realization years later that it was a yaoi anime but my dad somehow just thought it was a They Were Good Friends in Shonen™ deal lol
I remember almost nothing about it except that it was funny as fuck and yaoi that actually went uncensored on local TV, probably because producers never realized Wolfram was also a guy.
I also remember Gunther was Yuri's bodyguard but also he was a bishounen with long silver hair constantly talking about beauty and grace or whatever while flinging around 3 guys at once.
I need to see it again if it's just as gay as I remember it in my mind. Looking back I find it hard to believe it was a modest hit in 2004.
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