#(and give onmund a heart attack)
ehlnofay · 1 year
the biggest change I've made for efri & co.'s college questline is that they have to sneak around for all of it. in the game everyone will just send you off to do whatever but mirabelle is refusing point blank to let this ten year old (+11 year old + normal apprentices) go gallivanting off on a death mission because Obviously. so the difference is that efri has marginally more difficulty getting the necessary information to go anyway and then routinely shows up again going hi!! we did the thing!!! you can't be mad at me because we only ALMOST died and we were successful. and you can't kick me out because you're attached to me now :D (kazari stop trying to get me to tell them about the really extra stupid shit I did. I'm not dobbing on myself)
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Clockwork heart pt11
Part 10 here
Wyrm: *staring around at the world when creation was new, whales flying through the skies along side dragons as he climbs the steps to the Adamantine tower, the earth climbing and crumbling, seas forming then drying, trees blooming and withering, and life living then dying*
???: *tired pained laughter* you may cut my limbs and bleed my blood into the veins of this earth brother. But I can not be killed. I am this realm. The air that gives life to your creations is my breath, the dirt beneath their feet my skin, and the clouds that shade them my thoughts.
???: Then I shall rip out your heart and let this disgusting mistake we’ve made rot with your corpse. Trinimac. My bow.
*The cracking of ribs and the pained screams of the true god of creation*
Wyrm: *walks up the steps and crests the platform to see the convention of the aedra, the Magna Ge, among them Meridia before her daedric ascension, as was malacath when he walked as Trinimac. And at the feet of auriel, bound in chains, the body of lorkhan, still smiling, still breathing, laughing softly with no voice as his form begins to wither*
Auriel: the heart of my brother still beats in my hand… how?…
The heart of lorkhan: *speaking with the voice of its master* This Heart is the heart of the world, for one was made to satisfy the other.
Lorkhan: *grins up at his brother knowing even in his stasis like death he will be with his greatest creation, winning the battle of their makers anu and padomay* you will be bound to me and my world forever brother…
Auriel: *glares at him with malice in his eyes as he snatches an arrow from Trinimacs hands, stabbing it into the heart before knocking it to his bow* Then forever you will suffer with me. *loosens it letting it fly into the sea, creating red mountain with its impact*
Wyrm: *watches in awe as lorkhans body explodes into light, his eyes turning to gems, his blood to ebony, his body to the moons watching over the new world and his soul into the orb he’d absorbed in the depths of saarthal* what?…
Auriel: *suddenly turns his gaze to look at him* heed this warning now. My wrath will be swift as it is great. Turn back from this path… do not allow the trickster to ret-t-tuuurRrrNnnnnNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH! *grabs his face in agony as his body is suddenly split into two, one elven, one human, one eagle, one dragon*
Wyrm: *stumbles back in fear and runs for the stairs only to see them now gone, and in its place the gaping maw of a dragon made to devour worlds* NO-
*terrified screaming and the heavy impacts of debris mixing with the ungodly roars of a giant, angry beast*
Wyrm: *blinks awake and shifts feeling hay beneath him* h-huh?… *sits up to see the cold stone walls and iron bars of a small prison cell* wh-what? Where am I? *looks down at himself to see his clothes replaced with rags, and his arm missing* t-Tolfdir? O-Onmund?… p-papa?… *gets up and shakily walks to the bars, relieved he at least still has his Pearl eye so he can see clearly* h-hello?
???: huh? Whose??? Someone’s alive in here!
Wyrm: *blinks as a handsome stormcloak soldier suddenly appears in front of the bars* h-hello? Wh-where am I? What’s g-going on?
???: I? You don’t know? You’re in Helgen! There’s a dragon attacking the city! Why are you in here?
Wyrm: I- I don’t know I was in saarthal th-then I woke up here-
???: he turned up here a couple days ago gibbering nonsense and scaring civilians, when we tried to grab him he let out some weird magic and drove half of our men mad before they burst into a pile of ashes. Don’t even think about letting him out Ralof.
Ralof: Well he’s not gibbering nonsense now, Hadvar! And if he can do that then he’s of better use to us against a dragon then being left to die here. *smashes the lock open and lifts Wyrm into his arms*
*a few hours later*
Ralof: *carrying Wyrm out of the cave and down the hill* Dangerous criminal my backside Hadvar! The poor lad was scared out of his mind in there. Just like the empire to lock up innocent people.
Hadvar: YOU, weren’t there to see what he did!
Wyrm: *tearing up looking at what’s left of his mechanical arm after finding it in a chest* I-I didn’t mean t-to hurt anybody, I swear it I’m not a criminal… *sniffles shaking his head before resuming picking hay out of his hair*
Ralof: Well I! See yet another person the empire screwed over! And if he hadn’t of set that bear on fire when it charged at us you’d be dead! So fuck off and leave him alone! *huffs and storms off ahead with him* don’t mind him friend, he’s always been a prick.
Wyrm: th-thank you for saving me, h-how did I make it all the way here in my sleep? H-how do I get home to winterhold? Papa will be so worried about me…
Ralof: hey, it’ll be alright I’m sure my sister will help you out.
Wyrm: *looks up at him sadly* th-thank you…
*a few hours later*
Wyrm: *got cleaned up at Gerdurs house, dressed in the mage robes he’d picked up in Helgen, now quietly exploring around the lake in an attempt to find any possible sign he’d come that way so he can follow it home, just completely lost* maybe if I get to higher ground I can find my path back?… *looks around before spotting a small path leading up to a ledge* oh! *hurries over and up it, immediately freezing seeing several dead bodies, and one seemingly injured thalmor justiciar* …
???: *looks up* oh gre-
Wyrm: *just straight up faints*
???: …Well brilliant.
*a few hours later*
Wyrm: *woke up to the thalmor agent shaking him gently and after healing his ‘life threatening wounds’ returned to riverwood with him* um? Taliesin was it?
Taliesin: hm? Oh yes my little friend what is it now?
Wyrm: I was asked to retrieve an ornament for the shopkeeper in exchange for some gold but… the last time I went into a barrow something bad happened… *holds his head* I can’t… remember what it was but… it hurt… and I need money to get home. Can you help me?
Taliesin: *looks up from his food quietly* hm? Well I suppose I can help you, it’s the least I can do for you saving my life and all.
Wyrm: you only had a small cut though.
Taliesin: … *reaches over and pinches his arm*
Wyrm: *jumps and tears up* O-ow! That h-hurt!
Taliesin: See? Now imagine how being cut open feels. It’s not nice is it?
Wyrm: *sniffles and nods* I’m sorry…
Taliesin: it’s alright. *sets his food down* But I promised I’d look after you and get you home safe! So if you want to retrieve this ornament for some gold I’ll be happy to help you get it. Who knows, maybe it’ll give us a story worth retelling.
*the next day*
Taliesin: *carrying him out of the barrow with the claw and strange tablet* That was not worth it!
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Not to be affected by J*wling K*wling R*wling Brainrot but I do actually think out of the 4 main members of the College of Winterhold class of 4E 201, J'Zargo is the one who stays and becomes a teacher.
Brelyna has her own shit going on, and I always envisioned Onmund to become the missing Court Mage of Falkreath one day, but J'Zargo? Becoming the weird teacher who teaches you nothing and everything at the same time? While also giving Toldfir heart attacks with how incredibly unsafe his lessons are?
No one has ever died during it mind you, but dude decides to just spend an entire year just using students as test subjects for some of his Scrolls and they end up almost tearing a hole through reality as a result, and the worst thing is the other members of the faculty can't even say anything to stop him because he's the Archmage best friend and Shounen Anime Rival apparently.
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betta-resplendent · 7 years
i want to get back into skyrim. I left one of my games behind a while back after I started playing...idfk what i was playing actually, maybe fallout 4 for the upteenth time (still can’t get into it? idk why). I really loved the character tbh. I played a Dagi-raht female (because i can dont judge me) who was...a bit messed up in her moral compass? I legit wanted to make a story based on my adventures of Skyrim, starting from her beginning to wherever I feel is a good stopping point for her. The game is...heavily modded, so spoilers for the mod Clockwork (OH MY GOD GET THIS MOD IT’S SO GOOD) and Skyrim in general. I try to be a good person IRL even though I have a lot of anger built up, but I even have guilt in a video game, to the point where I reload a save hours prior to the choice just so I don’t have to live with the guilt of murdering someone. I accidentally made Dorian in DA:I super angry and it broke my heart.  It honestly feels so good to play an evil/rough character for once, and since in Skyrim there are like...negligible consequences for my actions (ooooh noooo a guard got pissed at me whatever will i do and 50 NPC’s have the same voices) it feels like a good place to go ham and not feel super guilty for acting like an asshat.
her name is Queras and im gonna gush about her for a minute im sorry. it’s long and some of it is pure evil but it was fun as hell. Bold are my personal fave moments. I should really write a story and put it out there like I did for previous characters like my mage warrior Dragonborn and her husband Onmund, or the lesbian Dragonborn healer and her Dark Brotherhood lover...ttthhhhat never got finished whoops
I sort of figured that the Dagi-Raht are a close cousin to Khajiit, so I ran with that as part of her lore. She’s female, around 18-22. Kind of selfish, huge adrenaline junkie. Mostly just serves herself. ‘Slightly psychotic’ is how a friend put it when I relayed how I was playing to him. She travels with Garm the wolfdog. Her family is deceased, has considered adopting children if she can ‘find a use for them’. In other words, no, because I hate the way adoption works in Skyrim. There’s no point aside from taking orphans off the streets (which dont get me wrong is really really great just not a great DLC IMO, I get annoyed when I drop my stuff off and have two children, a crab and a fox running around and tripping me up). She’s a stealth archer/lockpick. Has considered taking up magic, but doesn’t want to spend her time at a college to do it. Has no particular interest in any guilds unless there’s lots of money involved. She honestly has no interest in the war, and would sooner pt them against each other, wait for them to die, and loot the bodies.
Notable moments from my playthrough, as told in ‘rp format’:
[Using Alternate Start]
Broke out of Prison after being arrested for thievery. How was she to know that bag of coins was spoken for?
Came across Helgen’s ruins after the dragon attack. Found Hadvar in a cave. Saved Hadvar. Got distracted on her way to Whiterun chasing butterflies and bandits.
Told Braith of Whiterun to drown in a river when she started getting bratty. Paid a guard to spread rumors of her eating beetles. Laughed at her tears. Never heard her bullying again.
Stole money from a family crypt while the living descendant watched helplessly.
Found Alva’s journal in Morthal. Killed her in the night. Raided vamp lair. Told no one.
Was chased by a Ghost in Velothi tunnels. Found a skull she thought was particularly endearing. Took the skull with her as a trophy.
Was trapped in Clockwork Castle for two months. Found Ludwig dead in a false wardrobe. Is hit with pity for the first time. Burned him and his journals.
Retrieved new heart for Lamashtu. Felt sorry for her and Lahar. She visits the castle every few months for a cup of tea and small talk.
Retrieved Eldergleam Sap for Danica Pure-Spring. Became annoyed with Maurice Jondrelle’s yammering. Killed him and propped him up against the Gildergreen tree with a book over his face.
Brought the golden claw back to Lucan Valerius in Riverwood. Stole it back to keep in her personal collection. Has no regrets.
Threw her own boots into the ocean to prove a point. The point was forgotten.  (in reality, i was pissed that every single marauder there could hear me sneaking for some reason. realized I was wearing metal shoes. Threw shoes into the ocean, looted the marauder’s shoes.)
Hid behind a statue and assassinated Heimskr. Was not caught. Looted the body when the heat died down. Now laughs when she sees a Talos Statue.
Became extremely offended by Mikael the Bard’s behavior. Performed at the Bannered Mare every night until he gave up competing. Smothered him in his sleep whispering ‘this is for Carlotta’. Bought the poor girl some drinks before she left Whiterun.
Teamed up with Jaree-Ra to share the loot of a purposely crashed ship.
After catching wind that something was amiss, she murdered Deeja. After reading the note from Jaree-Ra, she makes her way to Broken-Oar Grotto herself to slaughter the marauders and steal 100% of the loot back. Sucks to be the losing side, she thinks.
Slowly picked off the Blackblood Marauders one by one. Left a note to Jaree Ra while he slept: “You shouldn’t have crossed me.”. Spent another 3 days following him and leaving notes before putting an arrow through his eye. She made her point...but nobody is alive to tell the tale. Oops.
Left only one bandit alive at a held fort. Said bandit told stories of a murderous Khajiit. She killed him in Markarth in a rage that she had been mislabeled. She is not a Khajiit.
Investigated Wolfskull Cave. Stopped the summoning of Potema purely by accident. Played it off as ‘i meant to do that’ to get the reward. May have embellished a few details.
Sheogorath knows her by name (obv not cannon...makes me laugh anyway.)
While fighting in Pelagius’ mind, she desperately wanted to keep the Wabbajack. When instructed to keep it, she leapt onto the table with both feet and fired it at Sheogorath. He was amused.
Has played instruments in many inns for a free room, wearing face masks. Has passive-agressively played over the top of bards she dislikes.
Promised to put a warhorn at a Shrine of Talos for Elisif the Fair. Had a moment of clarity and honored the woman’s wishes.
While in this moment of clarity, she informed Angeline Morrard of her daughter’s death. Felt guilty enough to give the woman some gold toward burial.
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