#(and my therapist hates me) ❯ mun
abstractreign · 2 years
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Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music? ( → @fallenphxtxgrapher )
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( → munday meme !! still accepting )
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{ yep! a lot of the time i need it to filter out distracting noises (and i live in a rather noisy household). to better serve that purpose, more often than not, i listen to music with minimal to no vocals, such as lofi hip hop, jazz hop, instrumental cool jazz, ambient music, synthwave, and hardstyle (or just instrumental EDM in general), as well as restaurant/café sounds.
that said: sometimes i'll listen to my muses' playlists instead — for those, i focus a lot more on the lyrics of songs than i do their genres — or, i'll listen to either one of two huge playlists i've filled with a variety of songs meant for character or ship inspiration respectively, if i'm in need of it.
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saintslaughter-a · 2 years
i swear to god if im sick by the time my appointment with my new therapist comes around im gonna lose my mind.
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switchbrainedholylime · 7 months
Why did Toriyama have to die at 68 when Henry Kissinger got to live to be 100? Why did Toriyama have to be taken before Trump or Biden?
If there is a god, he must genuinely hate us.
I (the MUN) have been a fan of Dragon Ball since I was 8. That's nearly 22 years of pretending to go Super Saiyan, drawing up OCs and imagining them going toe-to-toe with Goku, and just being immersed in Toriyama's colorful world.
It's even harder to swallow since an adaption of Sandman is coming out in a few weeks and Daima is slotted to release in the fall season. Toriyama won't get to see those projects go to screen.
It's not just Dragon Ball.
Dragon Quest has been a beloved video game franchise since I was 11. I've played Dragon Quest 8, 9 and am currently grinding through 11 for the first time. My first poem ever was about the giddy feeling I had when playing Dragon Quest. I remember feeling so elated when I finally beat a boss that had been giving me trouble.
Both series were there for me when I had so much emotion bent up inside of me that I needed to express. He was like a fatherly deity figure to me, a wise, protective man off in a land far away that I could look to as my North Star.
Whether you like either series, the world of anime, manga and video games has never been the same since he first published Dr. Slump.
I don't know what I'm going to do without these series. I know they'll always be there.
Now if you excuse me, I'll be crying in my bed, eating chocolate and calling my therapist.
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dalishborne · 9 months
ok a LIL emotional (nothing bad!) but i wanted to put out some thoughts i have on my past anxiety and roleplaying:
out of sheer curiosity i searched up the name of my old roleplay blog and it's still there. i thought i deleted it, but i guess not. i think the last time i used that blog was 2 years ago before i ghosted it, and i distinctly remember ghosting because i was so wracked with anxiety around the quality of my writing, character, and just feeling so inferior to everyone else in the rpc.
i tend to do this a lot, where i google an old blog or account i had to torture myself with the anxiety i have associated with that point in my life. i know, it's dumb, i talked to my therapist and she says it's human lol. but the thing is, when i scrolled through that old blog, i was surprised to see how much fun i was having back then. the community was a lot more active, so there were more interactions being had, but i found myself pleasantly looking back at old headcanons (about my character and the universe she was in), seeing tons of appreciation from rp partners (many of whom i didnt end up writing with because i was so scared), seeing how head over heels in love i was with my character and how much i wanted to flesh her out. my writing may have been a little shoddy and i still struggle with coming up with a strong sense of personality in characters, but i wasn't as terrible as i thought i was back then.
it breaks my heart a little because i remember how hard i was on myself. i used to think everyone secretly hated me and thought my oc was stupid. i was terrified of accidentally creating a mary-sue. i couldn't message people without genuinely wanting to throw up. all the fun ended up being overshadowed by the sheer amount of stress i put myself under.
years later i've sought out therapy for anxiety and other things, but now that i've done (and am currently doing) the work around that, i can see the difference in how comfortable i feel just being here, talking to muns, asking to write together, talking about revie without feeling like nothing i'm saying is making sense. of course, i do still have some worries, but i have the tools to understand what makes me feel bad and what to do about it.
i wish i felt this way back then, because i was in the midst of such a robust and welcoming community that would have been so much fun to really immerse myself in if i wasn't so dreadfully hard on myself. and it makes me think about all the other opportunities i lost out on just because i was convinced that i wasn't worthy of existing in that space.
anyway, a part of me wants to bring that oc back to give her a second chance. but maybe i'll wait until i settle in with revie, or make a multi-muse.
all that to say, i'm so proud of the progress i've made, even if i'm still sad for past-me who deserved better.
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strebcr · 1 month
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
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People who make fandom discourse their whole entire personalities are annoying as shit! If you see something genuinely harmful then by all means adress it! However starting beef with every rando you see who “doesn’t like your favorite blorbo”, “doesn’t like your favorite ship”, ect is just annoying! Even I’ve been gulity of this but people are either waaaaay too defensive over the media and characters they like, or way too hostel toward the media and characters they hate! At the end of the day life’s too short to start internet beef with randos over pointless shit, or be rude to people just for enjoying something you personally think is “kinda cringe lol”. The block button, tagging systems, blacklisting, and DNIs exists for a reason!!! Speaking from personal experience getting into online spats over fandom shit 24/7 is just not good for you. It also just kinda sucks the fun out of being in fandoms! By all means set boundaries but don’t be an asshole!!
Y'all need to stop making assumptions about people's mental health and if they're neurodivergent or not, based off one post you don't like. Is there some genuinely infaltalizing and ablist shit out there? Absolutely! However, lashing out at another mentality I'll or neurodivergent person for making a silly post doesn't help shit. We all cope with mental illness and neurodivergentcy in different ways. No one person's experience is the same! You gotta stop assuming people have the same experiences as you! You are not the ceo of how people's brains work! You are not someone's therapist, if you see a post you don't like just ignore it! Dog piling someone without knowing the full context of their situation does more harm then good.
Maybe it’s beacuse of my bad memory issues beacuse autism and ADHD be that way, but I just don’t get the point of soft blocking. Normally when I block people I just hard block them. You do you and whatever makes you comfortable, if you think that you can work something out with the other mun down the line then go for it! However if someone is just being an annoying dipshit despite the soft block in my opinion it’s just easier to hard block people. :^V
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thegcng-arch · 8 months
💧 How often do you annoy the mun? And with what? // for Dennis hehehe
i  just  laugh  at  first,   a  snicker  as  i  rub  at  the  back  of  my  neck.  "well  you  know,   i  do  annoy  him  from  time  to  time."   my  hand  drops  and  i  shrug.   what,   am  i  supposed  to  be  responsible  for  his  feelings  now?  "i  think  what  pisses  him  off  the  most  is  how  much  i  tend  to  ...  bend  the  truth.   or  avoid  it.   however  you  want  to  describe  it.   you  know,   for  someone  who  says  he  loves  me  as  much  as  he  does,   chuck  really  says  he  hates  me  more  often  than  not. you know what? it also pisses him off that i have yet to properly set foot into a therapists office. what do i need that for? i went to school for psychology ... i don't need help." 
muse talking about the mun, @mercred, accepting.
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cosmic-gemstone · 2 years
20. Wild card: The mun discusses any situation/problem they want.
Stalking and harassment, with mentions of suicide, so be warned.
Back on my blog @phoenixtheseeker, I dealt with a stalker and harasser. He was an individual who developed real feelings towards me, but I did not feel the same way so I politely turned him down. He began threaten suicide, sending tons of hateful anonymous messages with information that I did not share with many people, and generally giving me severe panic attacks for several months.
I later showed the messages he sent to my therapist, talking about how badly the situation affected me. She looked at me softly, and said, “do you know that this is what emotional abuse looks like?”
But this is a real problem in the RPC. Harassment, stalking, etc. And it shouldn’t be. Over a fucking HOBBY.
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gowithplana · 2 years
// So. Hey. I'm noting a lot of hate on my dash being directed at folks I love.
- Start Topic TW anon hate discussion and Mental Health -
So let me make it clear.
You don't get to diagnose others. If someone has a mun bio that states something? You don't get to invalidate or argue that fact. You're not their doctor, their therapist, you don't prescribe their meds or treatments.
You do not tell others how to dictate their self care or their mental and physical health.
Just like you don't spread hate for how others write or portray a character.
You can unfollow them. Walk away. Its easy.
But knock off this anon nonsense. If you aren't brave enough to say it the equivalent if face to face you clearly know you shouldn't be saying it at all.
Anon hate is ridiculous. You don't have the right to tell someone anything about their health. Nor should you be sending nasty anon to folks period. Don't like? Walk away.
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stillwnder · 1 year
I’m called Darks! English is my first language. I am also legal and 21+
I work full time as a Physical Therapist Assistant, please note that my shifts vary.
That being said, I may be slow with replies, because work comes first.  I may disappear for a while unexpectedly because of this. Please wait at least a week before reminding me about our thread. Thank you!
All interactions that include mature themes will not be conducted with muses or muns below age 18. PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE UNDER 18.
Therefore, there will be no smut in canon verses. Here’s why —> [X]
If you are under the age of 18 don’t even ask. I would prefer not to smut at all. Even in AUs.
Any action the muse does does not reflect how the I feel. I am not the muses and the muses aren’t me!
I am selective. I am mutuals only, but am not exclusive. There may be exceptions , but I want tumblr to be fun and safe. You are welcome to send me an IM inquiring about interaction if I haven’t followed you back right away. I reserve the right to decline.
I’m not gonna bug you if I don’t have a thread in mind or at least a vague idea of what I want to do.
I will not write with anyone who does not have an about page. I need to know what fandom your character is from and who they are.
Crossovers are welcome. Please note that if I cannot find a suitable reason for the muses to be in a crossover I reserve the right to reject it.
The same rules apply for OCs.
Regarding OCs:  I’m a dork when it comes to OCs. I love them, I love all the hard work you guys put into them, but I usually don’t get invested in them. If you want the things, jump in the inbox/ IM and sell me on you muse. It’s a lot harder for me to jump into an OC when I know nothing about them. I am not going to reject you outright if your muse is an OC. You just have to come to me with ideas.
Don’t bother sending hate. I’m just gonna delete it. If you have a problem or are upset, anonymous isn’t going to do you any good. Please be an adult and talk to me face to face.
I like and ship chemistry. To me, chemistry is developed slowly thread by thread or through extensive OOC discussion. You ship our characters? Jump in the inbox/IM and tell me all about it!! Chances are I ship it, too!
I am more than down for friendships , hateships, unrequited lovers, etc. I love all the things! Literally just lay it on me. I. Love. All. The. Things.
I will not be exclusive with anyone. I will, however, take on mains. I define mains as muns of characters I have an idea/plot for that I will approach first.
Please note that there most likely will be violence,gore, etc. They will be tagged accordingly .
Please look for any tag with ”tw: trigger” or “tw; trigger” at the beginning and blacklist them as you wish.
If you want something tagged, please just tell me. I will tag it.
If you write in the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings fandoms, I will in all likelyhood NOT follow you back. If you write in these fandoms on a multi-muse please tag all interactions.
Anyone can send memes. Memes are good ice breakers as well as relationship developers. I love getting memes. if you send me memes I’m gonna send you memes. Memes are fun and great! the more the merrier!
Because you’ve gotten this far please know that I will read your rules as well and headcanons if you have them. I will not approach you if I have not read them. I expect the same courtesy from you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my rules! They may be updated as needed. I look forward to writing with you!
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anyfight · 1 year
I’m called Darks! English is my first language. I am also legal and 21+
I work full time as a Physical Therapist Assistant, please note that my shifts vary.
That being said, I may be slow with replies, because work comes first.  I may disappear for a while unexpectedly because of this. Please wait at least a week before reminding me about our thread. Thank you!
I AM AWARE that some of my muses are racists. they’ve got 1950s brain and it sucks. My intention is to put them in as many situations as I can that force them to reevaluate this character flaw. Please please please keep in mind that the mun DOES NOT reflect the same thought processes of the muses. mun =/= muse. my main purpose is to look at how poverty, neglect, urban renewal, and abuse all play into juvenile deliquency , zenophobia, and racism. I want to  give these characters a chance to grow and get somewhere better. If you have seen West Side Story and hold the thought that anyone is irredeemable, especially since most of the characters within the show are minors ( between the ages of 14 - 23), or that specific characters deserved to die, then you’ve missed the point of the story and I kind request that you do not follow me.
All interactions that include mature themes will not be conducted with muses or muns below age 18. PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE UNDER 18.
Therefore, there will be no smut in canon verses. Here’s why —> [X]
If you are under the age of 18 don’t even ask. I would prefer not to smut at all. Even in AUs.
Any action the muse does does not reflect how the I feel. I am not the muses and the muses aren’t me!
I am selective. I am mutuals only, but am not exclusive. There may be exceptions , but I want tumblr to be fun and safe. You are welcome to send me an IM inquiring about interaction if I haven’t followed you back right away. I reserve the right to decline.
I’m not gonna bug you if I don’t have a thread in mind or at least a vague idea of what I want to do.
I will not write with anyone who does not have an about page. I need to know what fandom your character is from and who they are.
Crossovers are welcome. Please note that if I cannot find a suitable reason for the muses to be in a crossover I reserve the right to reject it.
The same rules apply for OCs.
Regarding OCs:  I’m a dork when it comes to OCs. I love them, I love all the hard work you guys put into them, but I usually don’t get invested in them. If you want the things, jump in the inbox/ IM and sell me on you muse. It’s a lot harder for me to jump into an OC when I know nothing about them. I am not going to reject you outright if your muse is an OC. You just have to come to me with ideas.
Don’t bother sending hate. I’m just gonna delete it. If you have a problem or are upset, anonymous isn’t going to do you any good. Please be an adult and talk to me face to face.
I like and ship chemistry. To me, chemistry is developed slowly thread by thread or through extensive OOC discussion. You ship our characters? Jump in the inbox/IM and tell me all about it!! Chances are I ship it, too!
I am more than down for friendships , hateships, unrequited lovers, etc. I love all the things! Literally just lay it on me. I. Love. All. The. Things.
I will not be exclusive with anyone. I will, however, take on mains. I define mains as muns of characters I have an idea/plot for that I will approach first.
Please note that there most likely will be violence,gore, etc. They will be tagged accordingly .
Please look for any tag with ”tw: trigger” or “tw; trigger” at the beginning and blacklist them as you wish.
If you want something tagged, please just tell me. I will tag it.
If you write in the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings fandoms, I will in all likelyhood NOT follow you back. If you write in these fandoms on a multi-muse please tag all interactions.
Anyone can send memes. Memes are good ice breakers as well as relationship developers. I love getting memes. if you send me memes I’m gonna send you memes. Memes are fun and great! the more the merrier!
Because you’ve gotten this far please know that I will read your rules as well and headcanons if you have them. I will not approach you if I have not read them. I expect the same courtesy from you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my rules! They may be updated as needed. I look forward to writing with you!
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abstractreign · 2 years
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slowburn or love at first sight fake dating or secret dating enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence hurt/comfort or amnesia fantasy au or modern au ( * since t.wewy already takes place in the modern world— ) mutual pining or domestic bliss smut or fluff ( * okay, but consider: very casual, conversational sex [ think small talk in between dick-sucking ] and fluffy aftercare ) canon-compliant or fix-it reincarnation or character death writing a scene from scratch or plotting kid fic or road trip fic arranged marriage or accidental marriage college romance or middle aged romance time travel or isolated together neighbours or roommates sci-fi au or magic au ( * since t.wewy already has a magic system of sorts— ) body swap or genderbend angst or crack ( * if only because i'm personally not a fan of gratuitous angst ) apocalyptic or mundane
( blank template ; poster is looking for the original source, so if anyone has any idea whom to credit this to, that would be great !! )
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nithhaiahh · 3 years
God that was so much cringe at once did you call him ''pappa''? which means ''dad''? I'm not talking about the others neither do I ship them with anybody else, I'm talking about you and Swain, and you think I didn't talk about other age-gap shippers who are infact younger than you?
but muhh seperate fiction from reality muhh
just admit you have an age-gap kink like many girls and women who have watched or read 50 shades of gray, and think it's cool and mature to hang out with older man as an unexperienced woman.
Why would a man who is around 50 be interested in someone who is 26? It's mainly about control and women around his age who could offer more in terms of knowledge and power see past his bullshit then, or not?
You headcanon him as someone who is aware of that and that's why he calls you, his s/o, princess instead of queen because deep down you do interpret him as someone who doesn't view your self-insert as equal just as an entertaining accessoire (''oh look she talks smart unlike others her age'', ''oh look she is my emotional support animal and is my therapist for free''). I mean that's the natural consequence of age-gap relationships.
You aren't a mature woman, otherwise you wouldn't ship yourself with someone who is what? 20 years older than you? And butcher his character into some troubled manchild for that? Perhaps you did have a convo where he praised you on how mature you were lmfao
I'm 20 years old yet I'm not a delusional self-shipper who likes to fit characters into a special ''if he were like he'd like me'' mold, it's just insulting, as if you have never read his short stories.
Be honest with yourself, canon Swain wouldn't be interested in you, he wouldn't even notice your presence unless you have talents but even then he'd take a mentor role as he did atleast once in canon.
//Shdjsjf HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry to disappoint you, but not Nith or me have had the chance to read or watch 50 Shades.
"... Dude, you literally don't know a muffin about me, do you?"
//Read some posts my man. Pappa is THRESH. He adopted her. Dadda is Karthus, same, adopted. Grandpa is Mordekaiser and Maokai, and then we have her uncles. Mom is Olga, also adopted. I thought that was obvious but fair, fair, I'll add it in rules or something like that hahaha.
"And, no? Why the hell would I want to be with someone who doesn't see me as an equal? Besides, he calls me princess simply because THAT'S MY TITLE. I am the princess of the Shadow Isles. Not that I like it, but since pappa (THRESH) became the new King and Im his daughter that made me the princess of the place. Bleh, politics."
//Self inserted, pff, hehe. Well, you aren't wrong there. I did wrote the first rps based under that concept of someone like him using Nith or having her just for fun. Because, honestly, yeah that's the perspective I had of an evil character. Later on, many rps later, he alone cleaned his name and there for, with that out of the question, she fell for him. Is like 2 years of rp, I don't blame u for not wanting to read all that. And nah, I don't ship like that. If the person is evil, keep them evil. Character develop. is different depending of the mun. I hate the concept of change ones essence just because 'miss fairy appeared and now he isn't evil'. Too cliché.
As for your last last point, yeah I agree! Canon Canon Swain wrote by Riot wouldn't even look at Nith if not for someone to manipulate or mentor, just to use her. That's why I like the fresh perspective of this one.
Hey, dude. I see some logical points there. Some that are misinterpreted because of lack of information. Wanna DM me? No, no, really. I just wanna talk and hear your thoughts. Perhaps explain you some of the context behind my characters story, but yeah, no harsh feeling.
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Mun update
Disclaimer: This post contains triggering content. This post will be tagged accordingly. Viewer discretion is advised.
The reason I haven’t been on much is because I’m dealing and always struggled with extremely low self-esteem and extreme self-loathing. I really do hate myself. I hate my body, I hate my current position in life, I just hate everything about me. I’m working on this issue with my therapist, but it’s just so hard when I’ve been dealing with extremely low self-esteem for a quarter of my life. I don’t know how to internalize compliments. 
I don’t know how to do things without getting someone’s approval. Ever since I was a kid, I had low self-esteem from being bullied. While in community college, I was my authentic self and my self-esteem was finally building up, but when I got banned from the dorms at NYCDA, it went down again, back to where it was in grade school. I don’t want to kill myself, but I don’t like the way I look either. I really do hate myself. Hopefully, my therapist and I can think of solutions to solve this self-esteem and self-loathing issue.
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mxlouloute · 3 years
I’m fully away of the problematic nature of the book and in no way condone the actions of HH. it is the mindset of this blog to illustrate that the narrator of Lolita was an abusive psychopathic pedophile. that being said some of these topics might be discussed as that’s part of Dolores’ trauma. these will be heavily tagged if discussed.
I’m called Darks! English is my first language. I am also legal and 21+
I work full time as a Physical Therapist Assistant, please note that my shifts vary.
That being said, I may be slow with replies, because work comes first.  I may disappear for a while unexpectedly because of this. Please wait at least a week before reminding me about our thread. Thank you!
All interactions that include mature themes will not be conducted with muses or muns below age 18. PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE UNDER 18.
Therefore, there will be no smut in canon verses. Here’s why —> [X]
If you are under the age of 18 don’t even ask. I would prefer not to smut at all. Even in AUs.
Any action the muse does does not reflect how the I feel. I am not the muses and the muses aren’t me!
I am selective. I am mutuals only, but am not exclusive. There may be exceptions , but I want tumblr to be fun and safe. You are welcome to send me an IM inquiring about interaction if I haven’t followed you back right away. I reserve the right to decline.
I’m not gonna bug you if I don’t have a thread in mind or at least a vague idea of what I want to do.
I will not write with anyone who does not have an about page. I need to know what fandom your character is from and who they are.
Crossovers are welcome. Please note that if I cannot find a suitable reason for the muses to be in a crossover I reserve the right to reject it.
The same rules apply for OCs.
Regarding OCs:  I’m a dork when it comes to OCs. I love them, I love all the hard work you guys put into them, but I usually don’t get invested in them. If you want the things, jump in the inbox/ IM and sell me on you muse. It’s a lot harder for me to jump into an OC when I know nothing about them. I am not going to reject you outright if your muse is an OC. You just have to come to me with ideas.
Don’t bother sending hate. I’m just gonna delete it. If you have a problem or are upset, anonymous isn’t going to do you any good. Please be an adult and talk to me face to face.
I like and ship chemistry. To me, chemistry is developed slowly thread by thread or through extensive OOC discussion. You ship our characters? Jump in the inbox/IM and tell me all about it!! Chances are I ship it, too!
I am more than down for friendships , hateships, unrequited lovers, etc. I love all the things! Literally just lay it on me. I. Love. All. The. Things.
I will not be exclusive with anyone. I will, however, take on mains. I define mains as muns of characters I have an idea/plot for that I will approach first.
Please note that there most likely will be violence,gore, etc. They will be tagged accordingly .
Please look for any tag with ”tw: trigger” or “tw; trigger” at the beginning and blacklist them as you wish.
If you want something tagged, please just tell me. I will tag it.
If you write in the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings fandoms, I will in all likelyhood NOT follow you back. If you write in these fandoms on a multi-muse please tag all interactions.
Anyone can send memes. Memes are good ice breakers as well as relationship developers. I love getting memes. if you send me memes I’m gonna send you memes. Memes are fun and great! the more the merrier!
Because you’ve gotten this far please know that I will read your rules as well and headcanons if you have them. I will not approach you if I have not read them. I expect the same courtesy from you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my rules! They may be updated as needed. I look forward to writing with you!
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imxthexhandler · 3 years
You think you know Amelia's mun?
Listen up, a-hole, because I'm about to tell you about the most amazing person I have ever had the honor to meet.
This woman is so kind, when my family left me on my birthday, on short notice, she invited me to spend the day with her in a different state and paid for the whole thing, just so I wouldn't have to be alone.
She works so hard at a job that treats her so much worse than she deserves, because the work that she is doing (helping children) is so important to her that she is often the last one there, even though her bosses and coworkers don't acknowledge how much effort she puts in.
She is the most generous soul I have ever met. Twice now, she has spent her hard-earned money on a photo op with a celebrity that we both admire, and invited me, her broke friend, to join her in the photos and have the only chance I would have to meet these people.
She is so clever and funny and creative, and inspires the same in me, that she is the reason I write or role play on Tumblr at all anymor.
She is so loving, she has stayed up with me all night, multiple times when my mental health and family situation got to be too much and I was considering something permanent, she would talk to me the entire time until I had calmed down enough to sleep and not do anything permanent. She is literally the reason I am still alive, many times over.
And all of this? This is just the stuff that I personally have experienced. You don't know how much she does for her family or her other friends, or even strangers, I do, because I've seen it.
And you don't have to have your heart break while you're on the phone with her and you hear was she says how little she thinks of herself, how other people treat her, and how, even after years of me trying to convince her, she can't see how strong and rare and special and amazing she is.
All of this is to say, if you think there is a chance this woman is a bigot or hateful, or would support anyone who is at AT ALL, then not only are you deeply misinformed, not only will I fight you with my bare hands for insulting one of my closest friends, but you can go fuck all the way off.
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OOC: Okay, so just to explain--this was in reference to some anons I had received awhile back. I was sobbing about this to my friend. They said I could identify them (they just felt their message would come across stronger if it was on anon rather than one of their accounts), but as this contains information about their mental health, I'm not. That's their information, and should they wish to share it, I'll let them do it on their own time.
This person is one of the best friends I've ever had the pleasure to make in this life, and I do hope they know how much they mean to me. I love you, dearie, and I am so very happy you're still here.
I promise, my therapist is trying to help me with the self-loathing issues, I'm trying.
This wasn't required. I know you know me, and again, I love you. Thank you for always having my back, and I hope you know I have yours.
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alexis-venkman · 3 years
Hey everyone,
I'm making this post to apologize for my slow replies (not that I don't take forever already, but you know what I mean). I've been having problems with my Borderline and splitting. It's been happening for almost 4 months now, but, sadly, there's no medication for people who have BPD as badly as I do. Mood stabilizers could make me worse, or just not work at all. And my therapist doesn't specialize in BPD, however, I have a book by a psychologist that specializes in it. So, I'm (slowly) reading that as well as watching his YouTube videos. It's a slow process, but I'm just starting off with this.
Not looking for sympathy, this is just how my life is sometimes and I've accepted that. I hate being this way, but I've come to terms with there being only so much I can do. I'm only saying this to keep you all in the loop and to apologize. I know you all don't mind and are very lovely about this type of stuff towards me and I CANNOT thank you enough. You are ALL beautiful, amazing, and caring people. And I appreciate each one of you more than you'll ever know.
That being said, I'm gonna try and get to some replies this weekend. If I do, but I don't to get to certain ones, please don't take it personally. I'm slowly trying to get myself out of this funk and back into writing. So, I may only be able to reply to 2 or 3 this weekend. Not to mention how well I can get Alexis to work with me.
Again, I'm sorry, but thank you all for being so supportive whenever I make posts like this.
Mun 💜💜💜💜
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