#(and my writing)
hashtagcaneven · 20 days
Me whenever bigger blogs in the fandom like or reblog my insanity
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wambsgansshoelaces · 5 months
You are an amazing writer, I have not requested anything, but I just wanted you to know, that I've broken my bones multiple times (too many to count), but you write so good I would break them again if I could read what you write forever. <3
anon??? omg???
this made me giggle but actually that’s so sweet of you and it means so much that you enjoy my writing I want to give you a big kiss on the forehead and a hug 🫂
like genuinely you guys are my only source of happiness these days it means so much
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aragarna · 7 months
8. Narrative or dialogue? 
1. What’s your favorite part of the writing process?
8. Narrative or dialogue?
Inner thoughts. I equally enjoy writing narration and dialogues, but I looove getting in the head of my favorite characters.
What’s your favorite part of the writing process?
The day dreaming. You may enjoy my fics, but if only you knew what's going on in my head! With a few exceptions*, I day dream my stories for a long time in my head before I start putting anything on paper. It can last for months, slowly nurturing, distilling, until it becomes something more or less coherent. Some of my stories never make it to the page, for lack of time mostly, but that doesn't prevent me from making up stuff in my head all the time!
*The short WC stories, like the Fatherhood Chronicles, were often a spur of the moment thing, born from a discussion with fellow artists and WC fans, so not that long a nurturing period. There's also a couple fics (If This Dog Could Talk and How To Successfully Fake Your Death and Start Over) I wrote for a challenge called Run the Con, where you were tagged by the previous writer, given a prompt, had 24 hours to write a story, before tagging the next writer.
Thank you for asking!! :)
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tavina-writes · 1 year
Hello tavina, I hope you're doing well! Will you reupload sunrise/moonfall onto ao3? They're the first fics I read from you and also one of my favourites, I can't help but want to revisit them from time to time ^^
Hi! I'm glad you like them, that always means a lot to me.
As for if/when I'm going to reupload them... People have been really cruel to me about moonrise/sunfall/bloodless in private and in the comments on ffnet, as well as in general demanding and honestly appallingly rude about them before I took them down. (There's been like, multiple reddit threads esp of people sharing copies when I said specifically in the same thread that I don't want old copies to be shared, that I'm editing, and they'll be back up soon, as well as general demands for updates and "suggestions" for where the plot should go)
ATM I'm not super comfortable sharing them with the world. They'll be back up when they're up. Sorry anon other people being presumptive assholes about these works has really soured my mood on them.
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How would you describe a cookie to someone who has never eaten or seen one?
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I just did my first follower clean since I started my blog in 2012, I had over 800 followers and ended with around 300, most of them were blogs that haven't been uploaded in more than 2 plus years :(
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dizaryswrites · 1 year
New comic book day is looking very blue 💙
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ilaiawanderlust · 2 years
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TY!!!! <33
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yukidragon · 2 years
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Oh wow, 400 followers? I’m floored! And so many of you started following me recently too. I just had to do a quick doodle of my amazement. Thank you for following me and giving me such lovely comments. I appreciate you all. Thank you for appreciating this silly writer’s nonsense. 💖
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aragarna · 9 months
For the Fanfic Writer Ask Game—5, please.
Assuming we're talking about the same one ;-)
5. What rating do most of your fics fall under?
All my fics are General Audience. I honestly don't think the level of hurt/comfort I'm describing reaches a PG-13 level. And even my occasional romance or established relationship sort of fics are very mild and safe.
The main thing is, I just physically can't do too much harm to my favorite characters. It's too painful. To quote Doug Ross, "I have a very low threshold on your pain." I can barely imagine it - sometimes I picture very angsty scenes, but then I realize that it would require something bad to happen to get, like, a character to breakdown like that, or whatever. And I can barely *think* about it, and I will certainly never put it on paper.
To quote another great philosopher, "With great power comes great responsibility." As a writer, I feel like I'm given such a power over the characters, and I'm supposed to protect them. Keep them safe. Making sure they get a happy ending. So, at the very least, anything that happens to them, have to be fixable.
Of course, this is not a judgement on other writers. Heck, I don't mind seeing more serious stuff happening in canon. But this is just to explain how *me*, I feel, when writing. I actually love writing some very angsty stuff based on canon events. Those, I didn't inflict on the characters. It's the evil (affectionate) show writers who did. Now I'm just comforting the characters by sharing their pain.
(as for the absence of anything naughty or - god forbid - explicit, it has more to do with me being asexual)
Thanl you for asking! :)
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
Love your writing so much! Thanks for sharing with us!!
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Awww I'm so glad you enjoy it 😊 I seriously love sharing it with you all! ❤️
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augustslippedavvay · 2 years
‘so what is wrong with another sin?’ quite literally almost has 1k hits on ao3 in less than 24 hours screaming crying throwing up
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alisha-barik · 2 years
“Neurobiology”: Read by me.
How are red blood cells constructed?
They are not constructed okay> shapes are red in sizes, and all the while how does the cellular mechanism of growth affect cancer biology is really a sunshine of hope!
How does diabetes cause amputation? it seems redundant to say that where sugar metabolism takes place, their is a neurobiological circuit in the embolism of neuroplasticity that dictates that diabetes is not the result of cancerous objects flying around in space.
I see a circle, an object and in it is a cell. Cellular projects are drug discovery waiting for neurobiology in the requiem of life.
---Biology is a neurobiology substrate that treats leukotriene receptors to leave the red blood cell in the grey area known as the pre neo-cortex of the heart, the auditory center of the brain that rarely receives love.
In the neuroscience, this tendency destroys itself as a miss, a love known as leukotriene androgen receptor.  Suicides, thus are mistaken for love, when it was really life---
Part II (to be continued).
So wait a minute? What is a cell?
I think it is some cellular object that is red in circumference, and its cure is a pain medication known as red blood cells.  The red blood cells, enter via the neurobiological pathway of a hydrogen-sulfide contamination that takes in the neuro approach to cancerous treatments.
Why is this true?
Cancer is curable by a means of a solution.  We take away the substrate from the carcinogen that causes that negative feedback in insulin production and treat it with chemotherapy that is really not a problem.
Solution: lower the chemotherapeutic side-effects with a  negative approach such as x-ray on carcinogenic protoyometric therapy of drugs like a ray of sunlight in the exterior of the red cell that shelters the carcinogen from exposure to the light that permeates the red blood cells exterior.
If the light does not penetrate, the exposed skin surface layer will be reading it like it sits on a wire or something.
Leave it to me...said brilliant man Life.
___thanks, Alisha...Barik.
“All that is society does not glow if lost to that hofsteader approach.  I recognize a beacon of hope in life, just below my hope.”
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
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Finished writing all of the 100 followers prompts! Thank you to everyone who participated - this was fun! I'll definitely be doing something similar in the future!
There's 2 more left:
Dave York prompt: 1/8 at 7pm est
Benny Miller prompt: 1/10 at 7pm est
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There should be a word like 'photogenic' except for how fanfic-prone a thing is
Y'know, when Trahearne died I was able to write fanfic about it because it was pointless and cruel and heartbreaking, from a narrative perspective.
So now I'm too busy to write fanfic when the next characters die.
But also because Almorra's death... is less fanfic-inspiring? It was pointless and cruel and heartbreaking, yes, but from a character perspective, from a villain perspective, rather than being a narrative foul like Trahearne's death was.
Almorra's story was already over: she'd defeated Kralkatorrik and avenged her warband. And her death was masterfully used and narratively placed to outline Bangar's villainy. Narratively, her death was perfect. It's just... from a character standpoint, as the Commander... full adrenaline warrior mode, rage at maximum.
And I don't know what to do about this. I need an actually satisfying, climactic revenge scene on Bangar. Him wasting away in a cell, stuffed full of Icebrood corruption is not poetic justice.
Nobody deserves corruption, and that's the basis and foundation of the Vigil. We're betraying those principles when we start picking and choosing when it is and isn't okay to leave people in a corrupted state. Poetic justice would be casting Bangar out of the Legions. But even that wouldn't be satisfying.
ArenaNet built up Bangar as the villain for four episodes - half the planned saga, and 90% of the saga we got - and then ignored him. All that tension, and then nothing. He's treated as a side concern, not the real problem: something, at best, that Jormag was using to distract us.
But narratively he was the villain, and we should have gotten some resolution with that.
I'm not sure how that would have played out exactly since the saga, ultimately, came together to be more focused on Aurene, Jormag, Primordus, and their champions than on the charr civil war, but Bangar being the final boss, with tension build-up and release, and the understanding that we've properly avenged Almorra - you know, narratively speaking, end that story arc so as to be able to start fresh on the next one.
I said Almorra's death isn't fanfic-inspiring, and that's still true. What is fanfic-inspiring is how awful the Icebrood Saga was. If the fact that I'm still mad about her death is fuel for me to actually write it, well. I won't complain. (Actually yes, I will complain, because I have far too many other projects going on, but - )
TL;DR: As the Commander I am angry that Almorra is dead. As a writer/GW2 player I am mad that IBS failed to deliver a satisfying conclusion to Bangar's villainy. BUT MOSTLY I'M MAD THAT ALMORRA IS DEAD.
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justsparklingwords · 3 years
Hello my lovely followers! I wanted to let you all know I have college starting up again Monday so I might not post much and I’m very sorry for that especially since I just left my hiatus. I will absolutely try my best and I definitely have some ideas for what I want to write so just be patient and remember that I’m trying my best to finish all the requests that I have. Anyway, I’m posting something either Sunday or Monday so stay tuned for that! Much love!! ❤️
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