#(and probably the most toxic versions of Jason + Bruce but I don't think either one would be as personally upsetting
teleportationmagic · 1 year
Thinking about Bat pairs, and I wonder what set of pairs would be in the end, just. the worst. (Yes a stipulation of this is that Bruce (+Jason) can only go once - such is life.)
Starting off I think Cass and Jason should be tied together first. More specifically it should be Batgirl (2000) era Cass and UTRH Jason. Yes.
Tim's tricky - I think he gets along with most of the Batfamily, and he knew Bruce through a lot of his worst periods so that's out. Jason's also out, and he has positive relationships with everyone else, so the answer ends up being Damian, which is terribly traditional but also, works out.
I think combining early Bat!Dick with Spoiler Stephanie as close as possible to War Games would also be fun. She's at her peak annoying + desperate, and I think Dick should get to be just. exhausted with her. He knows what's going to happen, and she won't listen to him, and why does he have to be the one who was time travelled back?
And lastly, Babs and Bruce. specifically BOP Babs with... again she was with (or well. near) Bruce for most of his toxicity, but I think it might be fun pulling modern Bruce, with his most self-destructive tendencies tempered by occasional moments of sanity and good decision making. I think Babs thinks he'll generally be rational and even headed and he is most of the time, except when he builds a indestructible robot to kill him if he ever breaks his code. Then I think she'll throw a computer at him. I think he'd take her overbearing direction with all the grace of an electric eel.
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