#(between both of them he is DEFINITELY losing now lol šŸ˜‚)
thebigshotman Ā· 1 year
* The audience pleads with you . It's all fun and games until her captor decides to take things to a new level . He may claim that she could leave at anytime , but the deadly strings which cage her to the front of his old shop say otherwise . Things are getting bad , and it's only when Spaul is distracted that panic fully sets in . She's already hurt herself once grabbing one of them , but if she stand idle stand by and let the weight of the world collapse on him . * You plead with Spamton ... but he doesn't seem to be listening . With only the viewers pointing out the obvious , she's left to her own devices in seeking a way out . Perhaps it's time the audience gets their own taste of power . Her SOUL flickers , manifesting a single string before taking the shape of an arrow . Drawing a breath , she takes a moment to focus . Sorry Spaul , but she's not going to let you hurt anyone else dear to her . * You snapped wires !
Ever since the fight has started, Spaul has definitely been more focused on Spafnir, his opponent, than anything else. Sure, heā€™s been trying not to fly or fire things too close to the Trash Zone to avoid hurting Eileen, but other than that he hasnā€™t been paying much attention to her. But this fight is for her!, he thinks despite this. And he is going to win no matter-
Thatā€™s when he feels, but doesnā€™t see, a handful of the lime green wires holding him up severing and falling to the ground. Slowing him down from the circles he is flying in a decent amount.
*Wires Snapped: 4
While his body continues to fly, his head turns 180 degrees around to look towards the Trash Zone. His Heartbreakers sink to the bottom of his nonexistent stomach as he sees a glimmer coming from Eileenā€™s direction. Did she fire those arrows?
Does sheā€¦want him to fail, tooā€¦?
ā€¦You canā€™t fail. Not now. Not even if she wants you to. She and him may not realize it, but thisā€¦this is for the best. For both of them. Keep fighting. Sheā€™ll see she was wrong after this is over.
His gritted teeth look a little less hostile as he turns his head back from her to Spafnir.
Thatā€™s two obvious handicaps now. But he can still win! He can still turn this around in his favor!
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longeyelashedtragedy Ā· 8 months
tbh did not send the Lamps chara ask (shy) however I was seriously considering and someone beat me to it. if you feel like it and have time/energy after the others pending then I would massively enjoy expanded Redders thoughts. and/or JT if you like vintage Chels beyond Frank. ik that the skipper (derogatory) corrupted Grealo but he no doubt sunk claws into Frank first
i can definitely do redders for ya! JT i don't know too much about. i know he has some controversies, but that ain't my business lol. i appreciate how he made franko feel and i'm intersted in how the 2 of them have taken different paths both about how they act toward each other and how they talk about roman abramovich post-ukraine war šŸ˜‚ (would love to hear more about how he corrupted grealo.) BUT. jamie i've got a lot more to say about.
i feel like if you read jamie's odd autobiography and then think of him through that lens, he's a real diamond in the rough of a fascinating footballer. he seems kinda brainless and vapid but i think some of that is because he has too much going on in his brain to use it for that sort of thought. i don't even mean that as a diss. that's a real thing!!! but let's see...
favorite thing about them: well, he certainly seems unpretentious and easy to talk to, which i like. has some good taste in music, is still close to his parents, always takes franko's side and defends him šŸ˜‚
so, this next part seems like a weird thing to list as a "favorite," as i'm sad he suffers or has suffered in this way, but out of all the things i've read about mental health, both fiction and non-fiction, jamie's book described some of my specific childhood/teenage Horrors so well it was like i wrote it and i was so surprised that he went through all that and admitted it so unselfconsciously. that combination of talented kid with an idyllic life (this was me, albeit in other ways than jamie lol) who lives in this private world of pure fear. some of the things he mentions, like having to paint his room cheerful yellow to ward off Bad Thoughts and Scary things, and being so afraid when he saw the exorcist as a teenager that he slept with the lights on and couldn't get the movie out of his head for weeks--the isolating strength of these kinds of fears is sooooo fuckin real man. he also describes needing to watch the same movie every day for comfort when he got home from school where he got bullied and teased for being a little different, and his attachments to his toys that he'd have to do little rituals with every day to help him feel Calm, and how he took them to school to try to make friends and kids stole them :( he also describes his older self as having something Dark inside him, like when his close friends would become occupied with a girlfriend, he'd kind of freak out and try to get in the way, because he was afraid of losing their support.
his book also describes very sinister perceptions of the external world too, a lot of kind of scary or just ominous scenarios drift through the book (a creep that tried to grab him in the park, the scary, dark corridors under dean court stadium when his Daddy was in charge of bournemouth--i related to that too--, rumors of some weird creep working at tottenham when they wanted to sign young him?)
i apologize if this is repetitive to anyone reading but i had some very particular Problems as a kid and i've just never seen some of them articulated the way jamie articulates them. and i just found all this so...fascinating. i think it explains a lot about his adult self and provides such a contrast between him and brainy franko (see headcanons section!)
least favorite thing about them: he cut his hair and has a beard! i'm predictable--if a footballer had long hair and now doesn't, this will be my response. otherwise, what's there really to dislike? he's kind of inoffensive imho
favorite line: uh a few
"Frank Lampard has a vision for seeing things." (i-hope he actually said that for real)
from his book:
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and, for the "franko was too old when he was young" headcanons:
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oookay then, anyway:
brotp: idk, who does he hang out with? i like his interactions with the guys on ALOTO even though his main feature is clearly to be the punching bag. maybe with stevie g? with Daddy-Uncle Harry? lmao
notp: his new wife. at first they didn't look as miserable together as he and poor Louise always did, but he just posted a video from their maldives vacation today, and woof--she looks miserable. well, i'm not here for blonde scandinavian models and i think jamie is too childish to do well in a Grownup Married Relationship. again, kind of like with franko, i don't mean childish like... "spoiled entitled manbrat" or "hasn't lost joie de vivre"--more like. is trapped as kid because of his own mind. i think if a therapist saw only jamie and franko as clients, and no one else, they'd be set for life
otp: well...there can be only one. i'd love for jamie & franko to give romeo + juliet their happy ending šŸ˜­ they are weirdly...made for each other. and hey--according to the internet it's legal! šŸ«”šŸ‘®šŸ¼
random headcanon: so many! lampardverse is sort of all about Jamie in a sense, and i think as a child Jamie so very much appreciated the solid steady presence of his younger cousin. franko's psychological issues are of a very different nature lol, plus we know he's a master of repression (can relate) and we imagine that he'd help jamie with his homework and read him chapters of the narnia book, and eat the food jamie refused to eat.
another one is that jamie is super dependent on his Well-Known Dad. they do a lot of stuff together and idk on ALOTO one of the main purposes seems to get jamie overwhelmed and stressed--because he gets like that very easily--so it feels like Uncle Harry's presence is just. very necessary for him.
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fascin8ing! YMMV.
unpopular opinion: i don't think i have one? are there popular or unpopular opinions on jamie redknapp? hahaha
a song i associate with them: hmmm, not really any? i do have him singing shimmy shimmy ya by ODB at franko in "red red red" lol. but i don't really count that šŸ˜‚
favorite picture of them: let's do a few!
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gay af behaviors (affectionate)
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whump tendencies
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bougie gay cou-- (cousins? couple? choose your own adventure)
THANKS for coming along on this wild ride!
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mlobsters Ā· 1 year
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supernatural s9e9 holy terror (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad bruckner)
embarrassing but even though i've read a lot of fic for seasons i haven't watched yet, i didn't even consider until that recap put those bits side by side (angels conning people into saying yes + ezekial) that the angel inside sam was like. up to no good in some fashion?? LOL. me n dean. i think i even know the bad angel's name because i've definitely seen it mentioned in fic šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Ŗ this is like how i was kind of on sam's side about ruby, like i know she's up to something but we can make this work!! haha
SAM No, it's more than Vesta! I mean, this kind of thing's been happening to me. Like, like, there are chunks of time just ā€¦ missing. Like there are times when I'mā€¦ not here.
šŸ’” sam has a lot of reasons to worry about the state of his mental health, mad at dean, mad at the show. etc etc.
DEAN Yeah, because ā€¦ damn straight the trials. They whacked you, man. You're not up to warp speed yet, okay? But you will be. Would I lie?
more mad at the show/dean. like, why make him say that. why make sam feel that way, doubting himself and trusting dean when he shouldn't. a pal said it was the righteous man's turn to fuck up now and dean's doubling down
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literally just yelled "oh COME ON" i forgot about this. it was in the recap, but i already forgot. dean made that face and i was like, did he lie about something? i can't remember that either.
heaven politics have my brain glazing over yet again
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other than giving dean the much needed turn to fuck up and need to grovel and beg for forgiveness, the only thing i like about this ezekial situation is dean's increasingly flustered reactions to him popping in
CASTIEL It is so good being together again. You know, this is my first beer as a human. I hope it's okay, me joining you? SAM Why wouldn't it be okay?
i'm happy that sam's happy to have cas around, and i feel like he'd have reason to be not happy with cas but honestly i have no idea where things were left between them. i lose track when it's a plotline every several episodes.
EZEKIEL-IN-SAM I told you. When I chose to answer your prayers and heal Sam, I chose sides. That means I'm not in good standing with certain angels. DEAN Okay, well, you know what? Cas isn't in good standing with any angel, all right? But here he is, ass on the line, fighting the fight. So tell me, what makes you so special?
what indeed! dean and i are both idiots šŸ˜‚
METATRON Well, I'm really looking forward to this. EZEKIEL-IN-SAM Excuse me? METATRON Oh, please. I know who you really are. And it isn't Ezekiel. NOT-EZEKIEL-IN-SAM looks constipated.
got another funny transcription, thank you. gadreel reveal??? i'm going to be way less impressed with myself when it's someone else
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CASTIEL You said the angel, Ezekiel, helped heal him. DEAN (looks down, avoiding the question) Look, I got to do anything I can to get him back. Now, if that means that we keep our distance from you for a little while, then... Then I don't have a choice. I don't feel good about it, but I don't have a choice. It's great to have your help, Cas. Okay, but we just can't work together. CAS looks sad.
understatement! good job dean, made him make the sad wet kitten face.
METATRON And yet you spent countless thousands of years locked in Heaven's darkest dungeon. And now you're hiding in this human, posing as Ezekiel.
i did not know that! i know nothing about gadreel just bad+sam. lol (and yet that wasn't enough of a clue!!)
METATRON And so ā€¦ Plan "B." Rebuild Heaven as the place God envisioned it, only with a handpicked few. No more anemic functionaries like Bartholomew. And no more stupid angels. (consideringly) Maybe some funny ones.
i'm not down with calling cas stupid, and i don't know if this was meant to be a little shade on cas per se, but i did appreciate it nonetheless. because cas consistently makes the worst decisions. but he was funny there for a bit! let's go back to that
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LOL this framing he looks like the big robot
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the day the earth stood still (2008)
GADREEL-IN-SAM Humans do seem chaotic, Metatron. METATRON Which makes them fascinating, but... All that emotion. Geez. And the wasted energy. It's just... exhausting. GADREEL-IN-SAM I know. Sam Winchester... It is a mess in here. And the brother ā€“ I do not know where to start.
low hanging fruit but i'll take it
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pretty shot
wanna know a secret? i force myself to pay attention to the goings-on with cas and make sure i include bits of it whenever he's around only because he has such a large presence in fandom's mind. otherwise i kind of tune him out like i do the political machinations. he's around more than people like jody, his storylines never make much sense because he just makes the most batshit decisions, they talk about his relationship with dean more than they ever show it. it's such a weird combo. it's like we're all pretending he has a bigger part in the story than he ever does on screen. but we (the show) talk about it, and the fandom talks about what the show talks about. i may be too high for this thought process
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see i forget about kevin too! and i like kevin. i love how completely fucking over this all he is. but he keeps plugging away, forgotten, somewhere.
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no pressure. just a bunch of kids died too.
was cas trying to get caught? i'm confused
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????? okay. needed to fill that torture quota
CASTIEL I've explained in detail. I don't know how Metatron's spell worked. Therefore, I can't assist in reversing it. I was an unwitting accomplice. MALACHI Ohhh. A dupe. The great Castiel. Valued and trusted Castiel. Top-of-the-Christmas-tree Castiel. No more than a dupe.
MALACHI Just following your example, Castiel. How many did you kill in Heaven? How many in the Fall? Oh, you didn't know? A host of angels died when they fell ā€“ Azrael, Sophia, Ezekiel
i was like, he got you there, cas! about the following your example thing but now cas finds out about not-ezekial, ok
i am so confused. cas sucking this dude's grace out
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very domestic and sweet.
CASTIEL Iā€¦ I did what I had to. I became what they've become. A barbarian.
i mean, not the first time, amirite
all right, dean and i got with the program, not-ezekial==bad.
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DEAN You're gonna have to trust me, okay, trust that I told you everything that I can for now. Can you do that? KEVIN I always trust you. (DEAN nods.) And I always end up screwed. DEAN Oh, come on. Always? Not always.
cute cute. kevin's fun
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i compulsively screenshot the bunker too because i'd like to try to understand the layout but i'm useless at it. i should just cheat and look it up. anyway, what's up with the weird bathroom vanity sinks in not-bathroom rooms. one in the kitchen, one in the war room place
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s8e15 (mentioned it here too :p)
DEAN (hurriedly) No, you don't. I mean messed you up like almost dead. No more birthdays, dust to dust. Well, that messed me up, so I made a move, okay, a tough move about you without talking it over because you were in a coma.
oh, dean.
DEAN I tricked you into saying yes. It seemed like the only way. SAM (sighs) So... Again. You thought I couldn't handle something, so you took over! DEAN No, I did what I had to do! You would've never agreed to it, and you would've died. SAM Well, maybe I would've liked the choice, at least. DEAN We can do this ā€“ later. You can ā€“ you can kick my ass all you want. Right now, we got bigger problems.
i can feel that longstanding frustration-rage bubbling up that's so particular to a familial relationship
oh, gadreel fooled me too. i thought maybe he popped back in because dean was too slow.
and i knew kevin died (only recently read something that mentioned it, i generally avoid stuff around the time period i'm watching when reading but oops) but like. anticlimactic? :\ and as always, ALWAYS just when i start to really enjoy a side character they get killed off. womp womp. at least i didn't cry, that's something
instead i just sighed because "trust me, kevin" and "i always end up screwed :)" so now dean's gonna feel guilty. he's already feeling guilty enough, did we need that too? when they push too hard on the excessive dean whump, i get annoyed. like the whole 4 months=40 years, i enjoyed torturing people, etc. edgelord bullshit :P
the single tear of man pain has returned
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bring it on (2000)
what i think of every time
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cha-melodius Ā· 1 year
RWRB and Man from UNCLE crossover... go! (Modern or Cold War AU!)
Hello anon, and sorry for taking forever to answer this. When you sent this ask back in last October I was in the doldrums of writing Nova, Baby, a little stuck. I'd shared some snippets previously, which might have been what inspired this ask, but I didn't want to dive into this ask knowing that I was nowhere near posting the story. Then I didn't want to answer it until I'd actually finished posting the fic so that people would have a chance to read it. Because this ask is a lot easier to contemplate when you make it a crossover between Alex and Henry as spies, rather than something like canon!
Ok, bumping UNCLE up to a modern setting and having Alex & Henry tangle with them on some mission would be fun for sure. For some reason I'm picturing the UNCLE crew as older in this situation though, like in their 40s or early 50s. They've been working together for at decade or two, been around the block quite a few times, and suddenly these two young agents show up in the middle of an operation, mucking things up. Maybe Alex has even heard rumors about an art-thief-turned-CIA-agent, but he didn't really think they were true. Also I'm amusing myself thinking about Waverly having some history with the Mountchristen family, having been British Naval Intelligence but not part MI6, so when he realizes who Henry is he's like "Oh Christ, NO." šŸ˜‚ This would definitely happen sometime in the middle of the events of Nova, Baby, amongst A&H's various undescribed missions together.
I'm even more intrigued by setting this during the cold war though, which I guess makes the RWRB part an AU of an AU, lol. More thoughts below the break!
Ok, Alex is CIA, right? What if he's actually part of the extraction in Berlin? Not a big part, just one of the other agents hanging around at the safehouse later. Point is, he knows Napoleon. Not well, but he's familiar. Alex has mixed feelings about Napoleon because on one hand he's a very prolific criminal who got a pretty decent deal to get out of prison, but on the other, Sanders treats him like shit and from what little they've interacted he seems like an ok guy. This also means Alex hears about Illya and the chase through East Berlin and everything. Of course he's not part of the mission in Rome, and after that he loses track of Napoleon for a while, not knowing that he's now part of this independent spy agency, working with the very man who chased him down in East Berlin.
Ok, fast forward a few years. Alex & Henry have already been forced into a partnership. Napoleon & Illya are working together (with Gaby) for UNCLE. No one is together in any way, but safe to say there's some pining going on lol. In the midst of a mission in Bolivia, A&H end up at odds with a giant Russian agentā€”bad news. They didn't realize the KGB was involved (spoiler alert: they're not). It's a pretty bad misunderstanding, and thing go south VERY quickly. Then, suddenly, Napoleon Solo shows up, throwing himself in the line of fire, risking his own life to protect this Russian agent. Alex is completely befuddled. He thinks maybe Napoleon isn't CIA anymore (well, it's complicated), that he defected. It takes a while to convince him otherwise.
Turns out they've been following two different threads that lead to the same baddie, so they need to work together. Easier said than doneā€”Illya is, as always around new people, grumpy and forbidding. Maybe Alex catches glimpses of him around Napoleon when they think no one is watching, and it's shocking (because he's secretly a giant Russian lost puppy, natch). Henry is pretty skeptical about all of this but he'll do anything for Alex (though not without complaining), so he goes along with it. Meanwhile, Alex and Napoleon kinda bond during this time. Ooh, maybe they cook together, both being really into cooking, and we get a very absurd scene of Illya and Henry both being jealous (for no good reason, of course) and trying not to show it.
More random thoughts: idk how it would happen but we definitely need Nora and Gaby to meet, because they'd get along like a house on fire. What if, in this universe, instead of playing James Bond, Arthur Fox was basically Ian Fleming? Maybe Waverly even knew him during the war!
Ok, I'm going to stop now, but thank you for the ask, anon, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it!
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thelazyhermits Ā· 1 year
How would the meeting between Sebek's parents and Fortune!Yuu go? Would Sebek's mom misunderstand and think her son is following her footsteps in marrying a human?
Mama Zigvolt would first hear about Yuu from Lilia cause I could see him wanting to update on her on this entertaining situation, and he knew Sebek wouldn't willingly talk about Yuu to his parents cause of how he is lol
Both of Sebek's parents are happy that Sebek is making friends at school, with a human, no less. I'm sure this is something they were hoping would happen when Sebek came to NRC.
Since we don't have a lot of info on Mama Zigvolt, I'm just gonna make a guess and say that she's someone who would find Yuu and Sebek entertaining just like Lilia. It's just too amusing that a girl Sebek's age would "adopt" him.
I bet Mama Zigvolt would support Lilia's matchmaking efforts and cheer for Sebek, saying he won't lose to Silver. Meanwhile, Papa ZIgvolt just shakes his head at their antics and asks that Lilia not go too far since he knows how his son is and how he wouldn't appreciate the matchmaking efforts lol
While it's clear that Sebek doesn't have any romantic feelings for Yuu at present time, Mama Zigvolt definitely sees potential in that relationship, so she's very supportive. I bet she's also the type to affectionately tease her son about this relationship, much to Sebek's distress šŸ˜‚
In regards to Yuu's first meeting with Sebek's parents, it's hard to say for sure how that would go with the little info we have on them. I'm hoping there will be a Briar Valley event that will finally introduce the Zigvolt parents to us cause I'm dying to meet them. I just know I'm gonna love them.
For now, I'll make a guess and say that Mama Zigvolt would be very excited to meet Yuu and would want to spend a lot of time getting to know her, and Papa Zigvolt would be there to ensure his wife doesn't go overboard and overwhelm Yuu.
I think Yuu would have a great time meeting Sebek's parents ^^
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the-pjo-analyst Ā· 2 years
Chapter 16 - We Take a Zebra to Vegas
Theme of the day: Comfort
I never meant to take such a long time off whoops. Thank you to everyone still reading my posts and leaving such kind comments ā¤ļø
Lots of things that brought both comfort and discomfort this chapter, and also one that seemingly brought comfort at face value. The first discomfort is definitely that Kindness International truck lmao. Those poor animals though, Iā€™ll never understand people who like. get a kick out of spreading misery to others. Even though this is all fiction, Iā€™m very thankful that the trio helped those animals out by cleaning them up a bit and giving them their proper meals, if you can even call them that. I hope that satyr blessing worked and theyā€™re in a better place.
Now onto something that does bring comfort, like āœØFRIENDSHIPāœØ lol. The conversation Annabeth and Percy have on the truck shows a turning point in their relationship. Most their previous convos/heart-to-hearts end up with them insulting each other in some way, but this is the first time they actually talk without bickering. The first time Annabeth puts aside her idolization for her mother and calls Percy her friend. I think Percy helping her through the traumatic experience of facing her phobia at the water park without mocking her for it kind of put things into perspective. In fact, when Annabeth brings it up, he tells not to worry about it. Like of course heā€™d help! theyā€™re a team! Annabeth is probably so used to being competent and level headed in every situation. Like Annabeth prides herself in it, makes it synonymous with her very identity, that when sheā€™s faced with a problem sheā€™s practically useless in, it not only hurts her pride but she might also think that itā€™ll make others value her less. But this is Percy weā€™re talking about, and he (nor Grover) doesnā€™t value people based on what they can do for him. This moment and the water park incident shows Annabeth how loyal Percy actually is. So much so that sheā€™s willing to open up to him about her father more. And openly admit that she considers him her friend. Idk why but her handing Percy half of her oreo as like a sign of truce really gets to me ;w;
Grover also gets a bit of comfort from Annabeth and Percy too. Iā€™m not sure who has lower self esteem between Grover and Percy, but Grover definitely outwardly expresses his low confidence a lot more. The encouragement he gets from them is so sweet though. These three together are everything šŸ˜©šŸ‘ŒšŸ¾
Speaking of insecurities, the beginning of Percyā€™s dream straight up screams his self esteem issues. He states that itā€™s his reoccurring nightmare where heā€™s alone in a classroom and forced to take a test while wearing a straitjacket, being ridiculed about his inability to even pick up his pencil. Like hello??? that whole dream screams ā€œno one thinks Iā€™m capable of anything.ā€ Whatā€™s strange about this dream is that Thalia appears in it, and he knows exactly what she looks like. Itā€™s not like this is a dream about the past or present, so I can only assume her dormant spirit or whatever came to him. Like ā€œget ur shit together kid.ā€ Maybe she helped him eavesdrop on Kronos and Luke talking? Iā€™m still trying to figure out that part in Hadesā€™ throne room though. Why that whole thing with skeletons dressing him in silk and crowning him with poison? What does Kronos mean by calling Percy the conquering hero? Iā€™ll set that aside for later lmao.
A lot of things happened this chapter lol. I think with how important the Lotus Hotel becomes later and how much it pops up in the fandom, I forgot that it only takes up a couple pages in the story. The trio come in thinking they have plenty of time for their quest, just short of a week, finding a place of rest and comfort and entertainment. But in reality, those things are just a deception. Just a few hours in the hotel makes them lose the 5 days they had as a cushion for the quest. Too bad book!Annabeth didnā€™t have the same sense as musical!Annabeth šŸ˜‚ But to her defense, sheā€™s 12 and exhausted and just wants a nice shower lol. I mean that was basically Percyā€™s reasoning too.
Small things:
As someone from the Denver area, it is unfortunate that the city didnā€™t bring much comfort to the trio šŸ˜”
I find it funny that whenever Percy mentions Thalia, itā€™s always her full title ā€œThalia, daughter of Zeusā€ lmaooo
ā€œIt only works on wild animalsā€ ā€œSo it would only affect Percyā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Previous: Chapter 15 - A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Next: Chapter 17 - We Shop for Water Beds
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arziaisfrench Ā· 2 years
ā–ŖļøŽ IPKKND Ep 26 recap : Khushi and Arnav look at each other differently now
Khushi literally exposing Arnav's secret to his grandma was definitely rude of her, overstepping boundaries but she didn't know he kept it as a secret.
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I definitely understand why he got angry. But now this incident makes him think she's indeed really is trying to get closer to "seduce" him for his money.
"What is she doing? Is she trying to create a mess between Lavanya and my family, to create for herself an opportunity to steal me?" loooool SIR YOU WISH !!! šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚
This is the first and last time Arnav will refuse her to come with him in his car lol
Arnav feels very offended that Khushi revealed he has a girlfriend to his grandma. She already gets to control his thoughts and now she is invading his personal life. He can't let her win more power. His suspicions about her having hidden motives are coming back.
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"You can't talk to me like that" Khushi says this first to Arnav but soon he will ask her to not talk to him "like that" too.
They both can't bear the other using a distant tone and denying the familiarity that has automatically settled between them !
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"Those who don't know me, I don't allow them to talk about me" but it's a right you gave Khushi the first day you met her SIIIIR !
"If anyone tries to interfere in my personal life then I don't even allow them to apologize" he will let Khushi interefere with everything about his personal life, question him and he'll even explain to her loool (it already started) !
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"It's my fault, that even if I knew your status, I made a contract with you. I should have remember that, people like you never have good intentions. "
Everytime Arnav talks like this about status/social position, he really disgusts me. I know he does it to hurt her after she hurted him (cause he knows how much this has an effect on her) but it's so annoying.
"What were you thinking when you said all this infront of grandma?" In my opinion, this question has two layers of meaning.
He doesn't trust her, so he's questioning her motives, he still suspect her to approch him for his money
He wants to know if maybe, maybe she's also catching feelings for him. "Is she trying to create trouble with Lavanya cause she can't stand seing me with another woman?"
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"You must feel worry ā€¦ because after trying so much, you didn't succeed in persuading a rich guy" Now he literally tells her that he thinks she's trying to seduce him openly ! He doesn't make just simple insinuations. And he wants her to know it's not working (IT'S WORKING THO LMAO) ! And Khushi understood what he meant but she doesn't understand why he treats her as his worst ennemy.
She don't know he's fighting against himself because of her, of how she turned his life upside down !
But Arnav revealed to her and us what he's going through unconsciously. He's losing against her, he's getting persuaded by his heart to think of her as a possible next girlfriend. He's fighting (Asr) against the temptation/thought to make her his with all his strenght, even if he thinks she is getting close to him for his money.
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He thinks she entered his life with the intention to seduce him because of his money. But he's not just seduced, he's catching feelings. He doesn't trust her and clearly misunderstands her, but somehow he also sense her genuine personality, that's why he's started to fall in love. But he hates the feeling, it makes him weak.
He needs to do something. So he sent her away from him. He needs to rest, seeing her everyday is starting to make Asr weak, Asr is falling too.
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dreamwritesimagines Ā· 2 years
Itā€™s CMA-
I forgot two things since I was so upset lmfao: first of all, I see that chanthony slip in therešŸ‘€ they were totally doing that thing where theyā€™re both way too cautious/oblivious/nervous to start anything, but I agree that after the duel theyā€™re going to totally get together.
Oh my god between Simon and daphne being caught in a scandal and now benedict and clover- I wonder if Charlotte and Anthony will be too lmao. Like imagine the heart attack lady bridgerton will have lmaooooo like why have I raised my children so poorly.
But the other bridgerton sibs are going to be roasting them about this for the rest of their lives. And whenever theyā€™re going to get in trouble theyā€™re just going to be like ā€˜hey mom at least I wasnā€™t a part of the great trifecta of scandals in that one seasonā€™ LMAO can you imagine???
Also anthony being honor bound to wed Charlotte- it being a reminder of his duty, of what he is going to have to leave behind. THE ANGST!! THE DRAMA!! And Charlotte wouldnā€™t understand why heā€™d be so torn/distancing himself and wondering if it was her.
This isnā€™t even canon yet and Iā€™m already losing my fucking mind.
Okay the other thing I wanted to say was that Josie and clover remind me of petal and her sister in twisted!!! I know we havenā€™t met her yet but just the overprotective older sister vibes and the ability to be a lot tougher/meaner than the younger sister, plus the feeling that they must protect their younger siblings/failed them when they got hurt by their parents.
As a bonus, teddy is totally the equivalent of petalā€™s niece
Fuck I am losing my mind over every single detail in this story it is so fucking good (Iā€™m not surprised because itā€™s you and your stuff is always amazing, but I am relishing it)
also I feel like Iā€™m way more invested in every single detail than I was in enamored idk why lol. Maybe clover is more relatable??
also I feel like those hour long YouTube videos going in depth on a single tv episode or whatever, and meanwhile everyone else is like ā€˜maybe the curtains really are just blue and it doesnā€™t mean anythingā€™ lmao
I need another word besides also. Every time I send an ask I use that word 20 million times lmao but thatā€™s just the equivalent of me rambling on without a plan I guess lol
Omg omggggā¤ļøā¤ļø
I feel like the duel will definitely serve as a wake up call for them šŸ˜
Wait, are we calling them Chanthony or Lothany by the way? šŸ˜
Lolll Clover and Benedict starting this season's scandal marriages šŸ˜‚
ā€˜hey mom at least I wasnā€™t a part of the great trifecta of scandals in that one seasonā€™ I AM DYING AT THIS-
Darling this is hilarious! šŸ˜‚ Someone would definitely say it, and both Anthony and Benedict would be glaring at them šŸ˜‚
Oooh Anthony being honor bound to wed Charlotte! That would be very interesting! Like, I think Charlotte is such a sweet romantic, so she would be so confused as to why he all of a sudden got a bit distant with her šŸ˜± But he can never be distant with her for so long so eventually -before the wedding- he would open up to her šŸ„°
I totally see what you mean with Josie! Like, she's definitely much tougher than Clover and very protective of her, just like Mina was with Petal ā¤ļø
Awww this is so sweet of you! šŸ„°šŸ„° ILYSM!ā¤ļø
I feel like those hour long YouTube videos going in depth on a single tv episode or whatever, and meanwhile everyone else is like ā€˜maybe the curtains really are just blue and it doesnā€™t mean anythingā€™ My love, I majored in literature, the curtains are never just blue for me šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø Symbolism my beloved šŸ˜‚
I'm the sameeee! I use "like" and "also" a lot so no worries, I get you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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writing-house-of-m Ā· 11 months
That is a reasonable rule (unless one person keeps winning lol). Is this NBA2k? My tactic was just run a pick and roll then drive or kick the ball out for a three haha
Taboo is tough. I havenā€™t heard of the rest but Exploding Kitten sounds interesting Iā€™m hoping no kittens are harmed in the game lol
I enjoyed Totally Killer, itā€™s a fun movie. A mix between Back to the Future and Scream. Definitely give it a watch. What other movies are on your watchlist?
Yeah thatā€™s always the case when you start a new job šŸ„² but you got this! Happy belated birthday to your nephew!! Hope he got the best presents
Itā€™s been ok, started out chill but been busier mid week. But things are getting done which is nice
One person does tend to win but it makes everyone else band together to want to take them down. That's one way to unify everyone until that person loses and everyone is back at each other's throats again šŸ˜‚
We have NBA2k21, you can use these words but I still suck at it lol do you actually kick the ball??
Exploding kittens is a fun one, it's a card game so don't worry, no cats are harmed šŸ˜Œ
Back to the Future and Scream are both good, hopefully I'll watch it soon
I can't think of any movies right now but I wanna watch Only Murders in the Building and Gen V - I've heard good things. I'm just remembering The Morning Show has new episodes out so probably that too
Do you have anything on your list?
Thank you and thank you, he did like his gifts. He's gotten into drawing recently so he was happy with the mechanical pencils and calligraphy pens hehe and we'll see if he wears the shirts and hoodie we got him
Always working for the weekend 'ey?
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theteasetwrites Ā· 2 years
lmaoo, that anon about the hanky spanky between Daryl and reader when they're both in their 30/40s lol. don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some good smut scenes between the two in the beginning universe I too wonder how they manage to do it.
I do think reader has a bit more tolerance just because she's, what? around he mid 30s at most which isn't bad or anything while Daryl, yes he's in his 40s but he's also pushing almost 50 BUT he too still has stamina in him lol. + I have to give them credit because if they can kickass and kill walkers at their age, they're definitely ok to have some hanky panky here and there lol.
Lol yeah I mean Iā€™m sure Daryl has some issuesā€¦ getting hard sometimes (which is actually something I want to write aboutā€¦ maybe Iā€™ll do it in The Beginning universe where Daryl is kinda having a mental meltdown because he canā€™t get hard as easily as he used to lmao) but for the most part I like to think that a) they love each other very much, b) they live in a very uncertain world where they could lose each other at pretty much any minute, and c) itā€™s fanfiction so if I want them to have a lot of sex I will lmao šŸ˜‚
And you are correctā€”in The Beginning universe, Daryl is approximately 47 in season 11, and reader is approximately 35 (yes they have an age gap lol but I donā€™t really focus on it ever because itā€™s not very important to their relationshipā€”reader was a full on adult in her mid-20s when she met Daryl so I think itā€™s fine). And yeah like you said, they both have a lot of stamina so itā€™s conceivable that they would have an active sex life I think? Idk but all I know is they are probably not having a ton of sex right now because reader is pregnant for one thing and Daryl is always busy doing his commonwealth police stuff. Plus they live with three (3) children. Not a lot of time for sex rn unfortunately šŸ˜” hopefully things will calm down after season 11? Idk everything is up in the air rn. Iā€™m still not sure if I am going to make the spin-off canon in my series or not.
Thank you šŸ˜ŠšŸ’—
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atlasfoundation Ā· 2 years
heyy thanks for answering. If you don't mind, do you have some headcanons between white fox and shang chi? I know they hanged out in Shang chi's infinity comics but not much more beyond that, and even then it was in a more superficial level. Plus, they both seem to care about Lin Lie, although in different ways I think.
Also, I saw some previews of the marvel voices pride comic that has an adventure between kamala and shang chi, but I don't think i've ever really seen them talk before. How do you think a friendship between the two would work out?
Also, in general if anyone of them would change their thoughts on Shang chi after he's taking over his father's organisation
For Ami Han and Shang-Chi - I guess she would bring him back to his classic spy days lol. Honestly I think sheā€™d always be closer to Leiko like I donā€™t really see them hanging out outside of their trio. I guess they are both motivated by their loneliness in the world, which they could bond over. Shang-Chi was Lin Lieā€™s teacher and he definitely treated him as a student more than a friend lol. Lin Lie is motivated by his desire to save his father while Shang-Chi is motivated by his desire to kill his father so thereā€™s a bit of disconnect šŸ˜‚. Ami Han sees him as a closer friend, probably first and foremost bc theyā€™re closer in age (early 20s, while Shang-Chi is presumably ~30), but also probably feels elements of her own childhood trauma playing out at him losing his family. Theyā€™re also both directly tied to a complex mythological legacy, which Shang-Chi wasnā€™t back in 2019 but is now with the introduction of Jiang Li so maybe his interactions would change in the future.
Quick correction, itā€™s marvelā€™s voices: identity**. The writer has expressed that they wanted to explore how these characters are different especially pertaining to their families, which obviously reminded me of Totally Awesome Hulk #15
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The same writer also wrote a story for Kamala in last yearā€™s Marvelā€™s Voices Identity, specifically comparing her experiences as a Pakistani American contrasted with that of a Pakistani hero.
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Shang-Chiā€™s status as an asian american vs asian is often contradicted by different writers - even Greg Pak has switched between the two in different comics. This is as his relationship with ā€œhomeā€ and ā€œfamilyā€ is very different to other peopleā€™s like Kamalaā€™s which is what I think the writer wants to explore - but importantly Shang-Chi is empathetic and caring. Yes theyā€™re different, but I donā€™t think that really matters to Shang-Chi - they probably wonā€™t be close friends because uhhh heā€™s 30 and sheā€™s 17, but I would love to see him develop into like an older-brother-type figure that the Protectors can call on
Shang-Chiā€™s organisation is very similar to Jimmy Wooā€™s, which is to say the Protectors will trust him as long as heā€™s as vague about his personal life as Jimmy is about his šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Amadeus will probably be pissed at some point lol
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