#(but also think about how you got a free trickster!forever for your au)
farseerofv0id · 1 year
oh god... forever is in trickster mode
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thepartyresponsible · 5 years
i’ve never written a soul bond au before. so, naturally, when i did, i somehow made it as angsty as possible.
here’s a fic about clint barton accidentally soul bonding with a recently recovered bucky barnes. i’m very sorry, and someday, when i have time, i’ll write a happier ending for them.
It’s an accident. Neither one of them would’ve chosen this, if choice had anything to do with it. But broken brains bond easy, the mind’s deadbolts sheared off by trauma, and Clint Barton takes one look at the Winter Soldier and feels the bond snap into place between them.
It feels like a hook catching in the meat of his heart. Like a hand closing around his throat.
Like a bear trap. Like a guillotine. Like cancer.
  It’s for the best, Clint tells himself. He tells himself that over and over, tries to wear down the instinctive horror, the selfish rage. Bucky Barnes is in a tailspin. His mind is eating itself. Without Clint’s thoughts to bolster him, without his awareness to steady him, he would lose his fucking mind. And God knows what that would look like. God knows how many people would end up dead.
What HYDRA did to Barnes is every kind of illegal, but it was HYDRA, so Clint doesn’t know why people seem so shocked.
“They bonded him to every handler,” he says, in debrief. Across the table, Steve looks like he’s going to throw up, which has to be a hell of an experience for a man who hasn’t been ill since the 1940’s. “They defrosted him, drugged him, and synced him. When the mission was over, they broke the bond.”
“Every time?” Hill asks. Her voice is even and professional. Her hands are steady as she types. But she’s pale.
Clint reaches into the whirling storm of Barnes’ thoughts. It’s easy to do, because he’s split wide open. Well, it would’ve been inconvenient for HYDRA, owning a puppet that could keep secrets.
Every time? he asks, because it’s polite. Because no one’s asked Barnes a Goddamn question in decades. They just reached into his mind and took whatever they wanted.
Barnes’ brain chases itself, a snake swallowing its own tail. Misery eating misery eating misery. He doesn’t think so much in complete sentences, just spills the answer out between them in flashes of memories Clint really doesn’t want to see.
Not that it’s his choice. He’ll see anything Barnes wants him to. He’ll see anything Barnes doesn’t want him to. The both them, they’re just open wounds.
Clint blinks his eyes open, takes a breath. “Sometimes he’d keep the same handler for a couple missions in a row,” he says. “They didn’t break it then. Just stored him until they needed him again.”
And that is its own kind of horror. Body stuck in cryo, mind walking. Coffin dreaming of the other half of his soul, starving for every scrap of information his handlers tossed his way.
Hill sets her tablet down. She considers Clint from across the table. “You can communicate with him at this distance?”
Clint laughs. He shouldn’t, but he can’t help it. “I can feel him breathing at this distance.”
Hill’s face is unreadable. That’s never a good sign.
Across the table, Natasha unwinds. Her gaze on him feels like a knock on a door that Clint can’t ever open again. “Should we break it?” she asks.
Steve’s hands curl into fists. Tony chews on his lip, shuts his eyes. It must sound horrible to the two of them. It must sound unimaginably cruel.
Clint bonded with Natasha the first time he saw her, right through the scope of his rifle. They were together for a decade, living in each other’s heads, trading intel and jokes and strength and secrets. She was with him, no matter what, no matter where, no matter how high the cost. She was his, forever, and he was hers, and then Loki broke into the heart of him and ripped and ripped until he pulled her out like a loose tooth.
You break a bond once, and it can’t ever be fixed. That’s why manufacturing the drugs that break bonds is an automatic life sentence in half the world and a death sentence everywhere that has one.
Loki broke their bond like it was a party trick, left Clint screaming into a line that went nowhere, thoughts spinning in a space too small for them. Right up until he slashed in deeper and stole Clint’s brain for himself.
“Don’t,” Steve says, and then nothing after that. He ducks his head.
To him, it must sound like torture. But what would he know about it? What he and Tony have is fraught, but it’s never once hurt them.
Loki unmade Clint like he was pulling the stuffing out of a doll. It was vivisection without anesthetic. He felt every inch of his inner-self pulled out, cast aside, trash down a drain. It hurt like nothing’s ever hurt in Clint’s life, before or since. Hurt more than Natasha being torn out of him, hurt more than the aching, nauseating wrongness of being alone.
But Clint doesn’t know how to say that to Steve Rogers. He doesn’t know how to communicate the terror of it, that dizzying, suffocating, animal fear of someone you can’t trust and don’t love in your head.
If you haven’t felt it, you can’t understand it. But Clint knows how it feels. Stuck in a trap, someone else in every thought, like a jailer living under your skin. Breath on the back of your neck, forever. Someone else’s fingerprints on everything you touch.
He would’ve lobotomized himself to get free. He would’ve cut and kept cutting until his brain broke free or just broke apart.
He isn’t Loki. And what he’s doing to Barnes, it wasn’t his choice. It wasn’t deliberate or malicious, and he isn’t hurting him on purpose. It’s not enough, and he knows it, but he tells himself that the distinction matters. Like intention is any kind of absolution. Like, in the end, he’s somehow better than Loki because at least he didn’t mean to.
“He’s not stable enough,” Clint says. “We break the bond, and he’ll sync with someone else.”
There’s a long silence where no one says anything, and then Natasha leans forward. “This way,” she says, “we can control it.”
Their bond’s been broken for years now, and she’s still stepping in to say all the horrible shit he can’t.
“Control it,” Steve says, suddenly looking up, eyes narrowing. “I think he’s had enough of being controlled.”
“Sometimes, Captain,” Natasha says, tone mild as milk, jaw tight enough to make a garrote nervous, “a little control is helpful. His mind is wide open. Would you like a list of all the people we don’t want whispering into the Winter Soldier’s brain?”
“His name is James Barnes,” Steve says. “And he can make his own decisions. We should ask him what he wants.”
Clint doesn’t drop his head into his hands. None of this is Steve’s fault.
He tries to think of how Natasha must have felt when Clint came stumbling back from Loki. But it was different for her. Clint didn’t surface and immediately bond with someone else. The last time Steve saw Bucky, they’d been linked since childhood, the kind of bond that’s meant to last a lifetime. HYDRA broke it before they even finished amputating Bucky’s arm.
“He wants what I want,” Clint says. He tries to keep his voice even. “Steve. He isn’t—this isn’t the person you knew. They hollowed him out.”
Clint can feel echoes of every handler the Winter Soldier ever had. It’s like staring through a pane of glass smudged with dozens of fingerprints. If he squints, if he tries, he can find pieces of Bucky Barnes left. But everything is surface-level, vague emotions and vestigial quirks and brainstem-level habits. There aren’t enough scraps left to sew together anything meaningful.
What Bucky wants, more than anything, is to be and do exactly what Clint wants. They hacked into Barnes’ mind so many times that they ripped the fucking doors off. He doesn’t even know how to be his own person anymore.
Clint remembers what that’s like.
He remembers, also, that he got better. All by himself, alone in his head.
God, he would’ve given anything to have Natasha with him then. Anything. His soul, his hands, his eyes. He would’ve given up the world to have Nat back. To have someone to wrench him out of his nightmares, push back the memories, put air back in his lungs.
It’s not the same. He isn’t Nat for Barnes. He isn’t anybody.
Well, he’s not a HYDRA agent. He’s not a trickster god. He’s not a bored sadist with access to a defenseless mind that he can wipe clean after he makes too much of a mess of it.
He tells himself he’s better than nothing, but the reality is that it doesn’t matter. They can’t afford to leave the Winter Soldier in the privacy of his own head. It took Clint three months of quarantine and practice before he could ward off bonds, and Loki only had him for a handful of days. It’s not clear that Barnes will ever have the capacity to rebuild his defenses to the point of self-reliance.
It’s an accident. It’s no one’s fault. Clint didn’t choose to do this.
I’m sorry, Clint says. No one’s said that to Barnes for decades, either. Although, judging from the memories fluttering through Barnes’ brain like ash after a wildfire, the Winter Soldier found reason to say it plenty.
You’re going to get better, Clint says, to the remnants of Barnes’ mind. It’s like he’s talking to the aftereffects of a firing squad, like all of who Bucky Barnes used to be is just blood splattered on a wall, a cooling body on the ground.
I’m going to help you, Clint thinks, as hard as he can. His own walls aren’t strong. Like the Maginot Line, they only work one way. Barnes is in, so he’s in. There’s no pushing him out.
Something stirs in Barnes’ head, hooking into Maginot Line. Clint gets a flash of a uniform, three chevrons, a mouth forming words in the dark: name, rank, serial number. He gets blood and fear and a question, a desperate focusing, a sieve trying to hold against its nature, trying keep something in.
War, Barnes thinks. It’s the first word he’s formed, the most cohesive thought he’s had so far. He’s slipping, scrambling, trying to hold. There was a war.
The war’s over, Clint thinks. He tries to hold images of peace in his head: Tony bitching about coffee grounds in the kitchen sink, and Steve at a baseball game swearing at the Giants, and Natasha in borrowed sweatpants, reading Steve’s newspaper. Lazy mornings and daytime TV and knuckles clean and unbruised, unbloodied. His bow in its case, and his mind all his own.
It’s too much for Barnes. He shatters apart. That whisper of a mind is gone, and there’s just static humming Ready to comply.
“We’re keeping the bond,” Clint says. He’s not looking at anybody. His eyes are unfocused; he’s chasing Barnes in his head. “I can help him.”
And then maybe, afterwards, Barnes can forgive him.
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mamichigo · 5 years
51+53 for odango?👀
Tropes: Accidentally Married & Mutual Pining + my own sprinkle of Fantasy AU [more info about the setting here]
Ship: Odango
Ango is the Medium of the elven high council, and therefore is assigned as a diplomat in a month long trip to the Fae Kingdom.
Odasaku is the spring faerie he met when Dazai, the faerie prince, insisted he come along for one of their outings.
Ango is unused how to informal faeries are, so seeing the prince being friends with a common fairy is quite jarring, but also freeing in a way. It's easy to get close to the two of them, and three form a close friendship in the course of that one month.
(Ango is especially fascinated by the flowers that sprout everywhere Odasaku goes, and the five tiny faeries that will follow him around sometimes.)
Ango had been raised to believe faeries were ruthless tricksters, hurting others for their own amusement. But he learns he's wrong, and he finds himself enamored with Odasaku, the kindest of all the faeries he meets.
Of course, it doesn't last forever, since Ango has to eventually return to his own kingdom. The separation hurts, but Ango tells himself he'll forget about it eventually.
However, it seems luck is on their side, as three months later, Mori visits with the rest of his committee, which includes Dazai, as well as Odasaku (as per Dazai's demand).
As the high council's Medium, Ango should really pay attention to the conversation between Mori and Fukuzawa on their first official meeting, but instead he keeps getting distracted by Odasaku, finding his gaze wandering to the flowers growing by his feet, and the way his hair glows in the sunlight. Time apart seems to have just intesified Ango's emotions instead of erasing them, and he's now struggling to keep it under wraps.
Because of his position, Ango can't be around Odasaku as freely (so he won't be accused of playing favorites, or of conspiring with the enemy in case things go south), so Ango can't keep the content smile off his face whenever they do have the chance to meet.
Not that Odasaku is any better, always seeking out Ango, be it by being physically close, or simply by following Ango's passing figure whenever he's in his field of vision.
Odasaku notices, though, that Ango is tense even when they're together, due to the stress of the two kings meeting, which is a sensitive matter that demands all of his attention. Odasaku, worried about him, tries his hand at cheering up Ango.
That's exactly when things go off the rails.
Odasaku thinks it's a good idea to do something he picked up from Sakura: making a flower crown to show affection and support. He drops it right on Ango's head one afternoon, and doesn't even get the chance to protest. The elf is now frozen, blushing to the root of his hair. Odasaku, oblivious, hums to himself and declares that “red flowers go well with your eyes.”
People are staring at them, and an elf shifts like they want to approach the duo, so Ango finally snaps out of it to pull Odasaku away from the crowd.
Ango can't bring himself to explain what's happening, because Odasaku asks if he didn't like the flowers, and that has him melting on the spot. He can't just say that he refuses the flowers, and he doesn't know how to deal with the implications of what Odasaku accidentally did, so he Doesn't. He even wears it for as long as it takes it to wither--further making it seem like they just got married.
(“Of course we are not married, don't be absurd,” Ango will say to his underlings.
“Elven marriage involves offering a gift of your own making, in a craft that your partner doesn't master,” Murakoso replies cheekily. “Can you make flowers?”
“And can you make flower crowns?”
“You know I can't.”
“Did you accept his gift?”
“.....Yes. Yes, I did.”
“You even wore it for the rest of the day,” Murakoso said with a nod. “You are now married.”
“Oh, god.”)
Now Ango got himself in a ridiculous mess: he can't “break up” with Oda because that would taint the elves’ opinion on him, and only worsen animosity between fae and elves. He can't bring himself to tell Oda about the situation either (because he's a weak man and a fool).
So basically now Ango has to act married enough so others will believe it, but make it lowkey so Oda himself won't realize they're married.
All while Ango hides his actual feelings for Odasaku, which isn't easy when Odasaku keeps touching his hair and complimenting his eyes.
Seriously, this isn't fair.
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lostinthewinterwood · 5 years
RBC Exchange 2020
Hey friend!
Thanks for writing for me for this exchange :D
I’ve got a bunch of prompts below the cut, as well as a general DNW list and general likes list, but feel free to go wherever your muse leads you as long as you don’t hit the DNWs—optional details are optional, after all.
I only asked for fic; I wouldn’t know how to set up an art request at all, to be honest, but if you’re inspired by my ramblings to do visual art I’d be happy to get any sort of art treats!
My last prompt contains spoilers for Vanguard chapter 16; tumblr doesn’t allow me to put in multiple cuts or I’d hide it under one of them, so if you don’t want to see it don’t scroll past where I’ve said “Recent Vanguard Spoilers Past This Point”.
None of my other exchange letters have RBC stuff, but there’s other ramblings about my general likes and I talk about Tortall as well as canon HP a little, if you want to check out my tag for them here.
The prompts vary in length, but don’t worry if you matched on a shorter one—I’m interested in all of them, there’s a reason I asked for what I’ve asked for!
Thank you for writing for me for this exchange!  I’m super excited to see what you come up with for me in it.
General DNW
Rape/non/dub-con; non-canonical major character death; smut/graphic sex scenes; heavy angst; hurt no comfort; graphic depictions of deliberate and methodical self-harm*; graphic depictions of suicide; gore; grimdark; complete downer endings; character bashing; incest; cringe comedy; a/b/o; mpreg; mundane AUs; graphic eye trauma; graphic and/or permanent hand trauma; issuefic; a focus on romance; trans or nonbinary Harry; anything at all to do with blink or counterpoint.
*I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this, even if it does result in an injury. however, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
 General Likes
-- I really like plotty fics
-- I’m a total sucker for ruse reveals, whether on the small or grand scale (I say, eyeing my own series, which I started writing because I couldn’t stand the waiting lmao)
-- Ridiculous amping up of the secret identity drama, and possibly adding in more layers of secrets and irony, is always good
-- I’d be super down for crossovers with Tortall and/or HP canon, whether just in characters or plot beats or in full
-- Time travel and time loops, especially as a fix-it—especially if we let the characters learn a little more than they currently know, and then toss them back in time.  I have a general preference for Peggy Sue style (aka, an older character getting put back in their younger body at an earlier point in the timeline) over the character’s physical body stepping back in time, but either one is good.
-- A focus on family and/or friendship, especially characters realizing they’re not nearly as alone as they think they are, and just generally characters who like each other and enjoy spending time together
-- Character studies
 In general feel free to include unrequested characters, if that’s what your story wants—my requested characters are ones I want to be the focus of the story, not necessarily the Only Characters.
 Prompts that could be either main RBC or Rev Arc, or the two blended together:
Harriet Potter | Rigel Black
There’s a lot of stuff you could go with here, of course.  If you’re just interested in RBC, and aren’t interested in any kind of AU, I’d like maybe something with her family, including Sirius and Remus and Archie in the category of “family” of course, or with her friends, or maybe something about learning to do her animagus transformation herself.
If you’re feeling more like an AU, though, I’ve got some other ideas hah.
-- Some flavor of Mother of Learning au, probably feat. Harry as Controller, with Tortall’s gods taking the place of the angels maybe, smashing together as many rbc, Tortall, and MoL elements/characters as you want, feel free to go absolutely wild here.
-- What’s she doing, during rev arc, having run off to go gallivanting across the world? Alternately—her parents track her down, and we get to see that reunion and dealing with the fallout from her ruse.
-- Convent au, aka she and Archie never switch and she goes off to AIM; this can be the AIM of rev arc or an AIM of your own creation based on RBC canon!
-- Genderbent AU, aka Harry’s a boy and Archie’s a girl but they still go for the switch.
-- If you know Fialleril’s Tatooine Slave Culture stuff you’re probably familiar with the motif of Ekkreth becoming a bird and flying away when his trickstering is over for the time being; if you worked that into a fic with Harry I’d love you forever for it lol.
 Arcturus “Archie” Black
We don’t get a whole lot of Archie in canon, so I’m down for more exploration of him, either through the canon lens or through the lens of rev arc.
If you want to go down the path of rendering Archie into a more Thom-like figure, either by power level or by his relation to the rest of the world, I’d be down for that, but please don’t take him in the direction blink did (aka, please do not give me depressed suicidal Archie).
Things I think would be cool:
-- Slice-of-life with Archie at AIM, especially if it’s not the AIM of rev arc, but either way works.
-- Palace au, aka he and Harry never switch and he’s got to go to Hogwarts, and what happens from there.
-- Genderbent AU, aka Archie’s a girl and Harry’s a boy and they still switch places.
-- For whatever reason, he needs to go to Hogwarts and pretend to be Rigel for an extended period of time; dramedy ensues.
-- Leaning hard into the Mother of Learning AU idea, and making him the Zorian to Harry’s Zach, less powerful but learning to work with what he’s got.
 Adriana “Addy” Potter
For this one I’d really like a future fic with a family focus; Addy and her family, once Addy’s old enough to participate properly in things.  What’s the world like for a noble half-blood girl more than a decade younger than Harry?  Do they live in Wizarding Britain, or have they moved elsewhere?  How has the fallout of the ruse’s inevitable revelation impacted her—if, indeed, it noticeably has?  Rev Arc and canon basis are both fine!
 Severus Snape
He’s such a great character I love him, also, like, I’d adore something that brought him closer to Myles’ role as the spymaster/character who goes “girl what girl all I see is a smallish boy who’s just what he appears to be, why do you ask”
Other explorations of The Life And Times Of Severus Snape, Halfblood Potions Master And SOW Party Member would be great too.
Rev Arc and canon are both fine!
 Ginny Weasley, Bill “Will” Weasley
Would love some youngest sib-oldest sib bonding!!  Also would love exploring Bill in the Lower Alleys, and Ginny learning about that part of his world.
IIRC we first see Bill in the Alleys in FF?  So if you go with rev arc I’d appreciate that being kept in, but assuming that much, rev arc and canon are both fine.
  Rev Arc prompts:
Neal Queenscove, Graeme Queenscove, Jessa Queenscove, Will Queenscove
Hey, the Queenscove siblings get to be not 50% dead in this story!  I’d love to see something lighthearted with them all together.
Also feel free to bring in their parents, but it’s definitely not required lol.
 Harriet Potter | Rigel Black, Aldon Rosier, Justice (Revolutionary Arc)
Obviously there’s more than one way to get to this character combo, but I was thinking something like this:
Aldon Blake is raised by his birth mother and schooled in America.  Harriett Potter can’t break through Dumbledore’s wards alone.  And so a law is challenged.
 Lily Evans Potter
Anything through her life would be great!  Key moments I’d be especially interested in include her discovering her magic and having to go abroad to school, her time at AIM (maybe being Exceptional for stupidly powerful wild magic?), her time in the Triwizard Tournament (which I’m big into, not that that should discourage you from writing something else), returning to Britain, her relationship to the British International Association (assuming I got that name right), her reaction to Harry’s reveal and her hunt for her elder daughter.  Some of these wouldn’t have to have a heavy rev arc influence, but I’m currently more interested in the universe/story set up in rev arc.
 Keladry Mindelan
Look at this point I’m this close to just straight-up asking for a crossover, I love Kel and I’d love to have more of her in the world of rev arc.  I’d love her getting involved in Britain’s issues, whether through Neal or otherwise; she’s got no reason to be personally invested but she is the protector of the small, after all, and I can’t imagine she likes the way they run their country even before the end of Vanguard, which I’d imagine would only make it worse.
 Recent Vanguard Spoilers Past This Point
    Aldon Rosier, Sirius Black
I would adore something with the Lords Rosier and Black, and awkward formality, and Comedy™ which I suspect there may be little of in CC (it is a war after all), so I’ll take what I can get lmao.  Obviously there’s no way around what happened to give Aldon the title, but I’d rather neither that nor the war be a focal point; I’m more interested in dumbass shenanigans for this.
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eternityunicorn · 5 years
Elijah’s Eternity: New Orleans - Part Seventeen +18
Tumblr media
Author: eternityunicorn 
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Warnings: Violance, Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: Sequel to the AU Elijah’s Eternity - Ten years have passed, a mournful Elijah has finally started to move on without his lady. In that time, he has gained a reunited family and has also found a new lady love. Yet, all is not well as danger comes for the smallest member of the Mikaelson family: Hope, and it prompts Niklaus to call upon the white goddess, drawing her back into Elijah’s life. As they reunite, can Elijah really say he’s truly moved on?
NOTE: OC and original elements are from my up and coming novel series!
When Gia finally awoke, she was disoriented. She didn’t seem to have any idea as to what had happened or how she had gotten to the old loft. She sat up with a start to find herself laying on the couch with Eternity sitting on the opposite one, while Elijah pacing worriedly behind her. He was deeply concerned for the young vampire, afraid for her since someone from his past had decided to hijack her for malicious purposes. Her safety had been compromised and he found that unsettling, to say the least.
“Where is Hel?” The dark beauty asked, looking around the place for Eternity’s daughter.
“We do not know,” Eternity replied gently. “You came here spelled by some malicious entity. You were not yourself. If I may ask, what is the last thing you remember?”
Gia frowned contemplatively, her brows furrowing in concentration as she did. “Hel and I were enjoying a day of shopping in the Quarter,” she replied. “We were just looking around, you know? Not really doing much, besides window shopping in the Quarter. I remember suddenly not feeling very well and Hel screaming my name in a panic, but everything is dark after that - fuzzy. I don’t remember anything that came next.”
“Well, do not fret about it. The evil done unto you will not be back for a second strike,” Eternity told her. “I can promise you that. For now, it is best that we get you back to my daughter. Knowing Hel, she is probably out of her mind with worry. I can see that you two have grown quite close, from your reaction upon waking, and my child is always fiercely protective of those she cares about. It’s one of her best qualities.” She smiled gently.
Gia nodded with a small, fond smile, “It is. I’ve really grown to like Hel.”
Just then, Eternity’s daughter appeared in the room as if she had been summoned. Immediately the younger immortal, whom resembled her mother uncannily, was across the room and embracing Gia on the couch. “Oh, thank the universes that you are alright,” she murmured to the other woman.
The female vampire embraced Hel in return with a sigh of relief. It was obvious to Elijah, as well, that the two women had grown quite close in the months since Gia had left his protection. In fact, they looked like the best of friends to him, at first, but then he noticed something surprising as the pair pulled back to gaze at each other. He couldn’t see Hel’s eyes from his position behind the opposite couch, but his ex-fiancée’s were shining with an adoration reserved for lovers. 
It seemed love was in the air for the younger immortal and the young vampire. Elijah was happy for Gia. He was glad that someone could help her mend her broken heart since it had been he who broke it. 
“I’m sorry, Gia,” Hel murmured to the dark beauty. “I didn’t mean for harm to come to you.”
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” the female vampire reassured her. “Just take me home, alright, and we’ll call it even.”
Eternity’s daughter nodded and then turned toward her mother, falling to one knee upon the floor in front of her with her head bowed. “Forgive me, Mama,” she said. “I have failed in my mission. I swear it won’t happen again. I promise you upon the pain of death to be more vigilant in the future.”
The immortal queen smiled softly at her child, “There is no need for this extreme apology, daughter. You are young and still coming into your role as a protector. I will however hold you to your promise to be more vigilant. There are many evils about. You must be forever ready for them.”
“I swear, Mama,” Hel looked up at her mother with a determined look in her eyes.
With one final nod from Eternity, the younger immortal got to her feet and turned back to Gia with an outstretched hand. The vampire smiled widely and took it in her own, letting Hel tug her up from the couch. They turned to exit without further words being exchanged.
However, Eternity approached Gia before the pair could head out. “I promise you that nobody will ever take control of you again,” she said firmly with confidence. “Elijah and I will ensure that whomever used you as a pawn will pay dearly. You have my word on that.”
The dark beauty nodded curtly, still feeling a little bit of hostility toward the ethereal woman for Elijah’s choosing her over Gia, after he had swore to spend his life with the baby vampire. It was obvious to Elijah by the way her dark eyes lit up with the subtle fires of anger and heartbreak. He felt terrible still for how things had happened, but he couldn’t regret their parting ways as Eternity was where his heart had always laid. 
“I hope so,” Gia replied to queen tightly. She suddenly glanced down at the ring on Eternity’s finger and quickly looked back up at her to say, “Congratulations on your engagement, by the way. I hope the two of you will be very happy.” She didn’t say this in a disrespectful way, but even in her neutral way of speaking, there was obviously some subtle belligerence there in her tone of voice.
Neither Eternity nor Elijah said anything in response. Instead they simply watched as Gia and Hel walked away, leaving the loft completely. Elijah realized that she never said anything to him nor had she even look at him. Part of him was unbothered by this, but his pride as an Original vampire was stung a little by her lack of acknowledgement of his presence, heartbreak or no.
Thinking on it, however, perhaps it was for the best she moved along without turning her justified anger onto him. Though Elijah understood why she was hostile and took full responsibility for it, he knew he would refuse to let her get away with disrespecting him as her superior, according to vampire hierarchy. He didn’t want to be forced to cause more problems by asserting his place above her as vampires.
“Well, that went better than expected,” Eternity quipped as she turned back to face him, once the pair had gone. 
Elijah walked up to his lady with fluidness and smoothed back the hair that framed her face, while his other hand remained in his pants pocket. “Yes, it did,” he said to her softly, ready to get back to their previous tenderness, before the interruption.
She smiled at him fondly, before it faded into concern. “I fear what is to come next,” Eternity told him. “If this has been just a warning from Loki in the afterlife, then what else does that bastard have planned?” She turned away from his touch with her hands threading through her hair in frustration. It was very human of her, yet fitting for who she was. “I thought with his death,” she carried on, “I’d be rid of him for good. I’d be...free. Alas, that seems to be a wish never granted.”
Elijah didn’t know what to say to her. What could he possibly say to comfort her? He was no match for Loki, if that was truly who their enemy was. It was likely, but had yet to be confirmed it was the Trickster causing problems. If it was, it wasn’t as if he could promise her to deal with the fiend himself, as he would if Loki and Eternity were Earth-based immortals. Elijah felt frustration well up in him, the same as his lady’s; though his was at the fact that he was still helpless. 
“My grandmother was right!” Eternity shouted into the air angrily. “I should have never married that bastard!” 
Immediately, she stopped and turned back around to face Elijah with a timid, almost guilty expression. Her eyes were wide as she realized what she had blurted out.
Married? They had been married?
Elijah had his suspicions that was the case all along. Their relationship had been long lasting and they had children together. The possibility of matrimony between them made sense, so it wasn’t that much of a shock to find out the truth. However, what got to him about her unintended confession was the fact Eternity had omitted that little piece of information in her retellings of her relationship with the Trickster. Omission was the same as lying and that was something that Elijah never stood for.
It was apparent by the way his lady was looking at him now that she knew this about him too. Of course she did. Why wouldn’t she?
He felt a bit of anger build up in him, because of her previously being less than truthfulness. His jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed upon her remorseful face.
“Elijah,” Eternity said slowly, “I always meant to tell you the truth, but whenever we would speak of Loki, I found I simply didn’t want to admit to that fact - that I had been his wife and he my husband. I was ashamed, I suppose. I rarely spoke of him as my ex-husband in the four hundred years I spent running from him. Yes, I did divorce him long before we met, to be clear. Even so, I didn’t want anyone to know I had foolishly loved that man, let alone that I had married him. I don’t know what I thought in not telling you from the start, but perhaps I simply didn’t want you to think poorly of me for my choices or to mistrust me because of them.”
Elijah gazed at her intensely. He didn’t like being lied to, but he supposed the offense wasn’t that grave since at the very least, she hadn’t revealed to him that she had been married to Loki the whole time they had been together. He hadn’t been ‘the other man’ in this, as the Trickster and her had been already divorced during their whirlwind love affair. As a result of this fact, his anger dissipated as quickly as it had arose.
The Original approached her with a soft, genuine smile as to show he wasn’t angry with her. He reached and cupped the side of her face, while she stood perfectly still before him. She said nothing else, only gazed at him expectantly as she waited for him to speak.
“You should know I would never think poorly of you, because of whom you had chosen to bind yourself to,” he told her. “After all, I, myself, have loved and believed in the wrong person, a time or two. Nobody understands that more than I, I don’t think.” 
Elijah paused to take her hand into his other one and rubbed his thumb over the back of it as a show of affection. “No, but I am not at all pleased that you would omit the truth about your relationship with Loki,” he gave her a pointed look with a little smirk upon his lips, “or that you would think so poorly of me, that you would think it possible for me to think less of you for your past choices.” He sighed deeply before he gently said, “Sweetheart, I love you and I will always think the world of you, no matter what.” 
“Elijah,” she breathed his name with an adoring smile, relief evident in her sweet face as she looked apologetically at him. “I am sorry for hiding the truth from you. I shouldn’t have done that. I love you with all my heart.”
His mouth descended upon hers immediately. He kissed her with everything he had, his tongue slipping into her mouth to plunder the cavern throughly. She melted against him, her hands sliding up to thread through his short hair. One of his hands caressed down her back over the silkiness of her lavender dress, the very one that she had changed into when they had left the compound. It came to rest on her waist, while his other hand came to cup the side her neck.
He wanted her badly. It was almost concerning how he seemed to never be satisfied. He always wanted more of her. He was sure he had this thought before, but he couldn’t help thinking: never in his long life had Elijah ever quite felt an insatiable need for another. Eternity was an all consuming fire that burned through him, igniting every passion in him until he felt as though he couldn’t even breathe.
Just how did he manage to spend ten years without her? He had to wonder. 
Eternity pulled back to smile up at him adoringly. Her big sapphire eyes gazed into his own as she simply looked at him. She didn’t speak at all and really, she didn’t need to. Everything was there written upon her face.
Elijah leaned down to rest his forehead against hers with his eyes closed, as he simply held her to him. There was nothing but happiness between them - and peace, in spite of all the insanity of the day. Nothing and nobody could ruin it, not Céleste, not Loki, not even Bruno. All their enemies could come at them at once right then and it wouldn’t change the near euphoric feeling of the tender moment between them.
This time, Elijah pulled back to kiss her forehead and smile at her with an adoration all his own.
Eternity returned his smile with a coy one. “Make love to me, Elijah,” she whispered to him.
He didn’t need to be told twice. 
Elijah lifted her hands to rest on his chest. He grinned mischievously as he quietly commanded, “Undress me.”
She immediately did as he requested. First, she removed his tie from around his neck and tossed it aside. Then Eternity pulled his shirt from where it had been tucked into his pants and deftly attacked the buttons of his dress shirt, undoing them all. He helped her remove it by shrugging out of it. She tossed that article aside as well, before gazing at him appreciatively, admiring him in his half naked glory. 
Suddenly, her mouth was upon him. Eternity’s lips trailed over his jaw, down his neck, and further down his chest, where she peppered open mouthed kisses to his skin. As she did this, her hands moved to undo his pants, opening them swiftly with one hand dipping inside to caress his already hardened length. 
Elijah gasped quietly at her touch, his heart rate having greatly increased by it. His eyes shut tightly at the wonderful feeling of her hand on him, as she began to stroke his cock slowly. He let her do as she pleased for a little while, moaning as his need climbed to higher levels from her caresses to his sensitive skin.
Then just as suddenly as she had begun to touch him, she pulled away completely. His eyes flashed open at the same time as he groaned in disappointment at the loss. Eternity took a few graceful steps back from Elijah, reaching around back of her to tug the ties to her dress loose. She let the light fabric fall into a pool at her feet, revealing her complete nakedness to him. 
She was perfection, he thought as he hungrily gazed at her form. 
In a couple long strides he had her lifted into his arms with her legs wrapped firmly around his waist. His mouth attached itself to hers, their tongues dancing together as he walked them over to one of the couches. Elijah laid her across it with him hovering over Eternity, as they continued to kiss. 
The immortal queen magicked away the rest of his clothes, including his socks and shoes, without prompt. Then she pushed him back, guiding him until he was sitting on the couch with her straddling him. The ethereal beauty gazed at him hotly, while her hand reached between them to grab hold of his cock and guided him into her wet warmth. Eternity sank down onto him slowly until he was buried deep.
Elijah’s hands automatically fell to her hips, ready to help her move over him. However, his lady had other ideas it seemed. She grabbed his wrists in her stronger grip and pulled his hands away from her form. She threaded her fingers through his and pushed his hands back against the couch, holding him there as she began to move over him all on her own. 
Eternity’s playful gaze locked onto his intense one as she rode him steadily. She lifted herself and slammed back down on his cock, over and over again, while he was left to watch helplessly. His hands itched to touch her, and he tried to free himself from her grasp, but she refused to give them back to him. 
Elijah growled at her in displeasure, but she only grinned wickedly at him. Eternity began riding him even faster, until he was tossing his head back against the couch with his eyes screwed shut from the pleasure she brought onto his body. His mouth was agape as he panted breathlessly, feeling the fires of his need climbing higher and higher and higher still.
Finally, Eternity allowed him back one of his hands, guiding it herself to the hidden jewel between her legs. “Touch me, Elijah,” she breathed needfully. “Touch me.”
Elijah did as she beckoned and let his fingers play over her clit rapidly, wanting nothing more than for her to come with him. He was already so close to completion, he could practically taste it. What kind of gentleman would he be, if he didn’t ensure she went with him over the edge?
Then with a few more thrusts downward, it happened. He came with a loud cry with his head thrown back against the couch and his hips spasming as he did. Eternity followed him over the edge, crying out into the air as her walls clamped down on him. 
They both quacked in orgasm and then she slumped against him with her face hidden in the crock of his neck. In the afterglow, Elijah held her to him, stroking her hair with one hand while the other caressed her back beneath the copious amounts of white hair. 
“I love you, Elijah,” she murmured against his neck.
Elijah couldn’t help but to grin into her hair, “And I love you, Sweetheart - always and forever.”
Then, in a playful impulse, he flipped Eternity over to lay back on the couch and proceeded to have his wicked way with her all over again, as he saw fit. 
To Be Continued....
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starscreamloki · 6 years
When Witches are Thieves and Tricksters are Saviors, all will fall
Chapter One - Witch
Imagine: You’re an immortal witch who was cast out of Asgard and kept in a cell in another realm where you couldn’t escape nor hurt anybody. When Loki learned about you, he was instantly curious and did all the research necessary to find you. He also learned that you were unstoppable when you used to possess the mind stone. Loki started to pay you very interesting visits, where he actually developed a sort of fascination and loyalty to you, to the point where he actually plotted to break you out, get the stone from Vision and give it to you so you could join forces and do the unimaginable together.
Warnings: none
Words: 3562
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A/N: I had a little trouble getting this story kicked into gear. Biggest issue was that I had a couple of possibilities to cross over in AU’s, and one of the biggest problems was that Marvel and Norse Mythology aren’t always compatible. So I had to figure out a direction where this would go, but I think I have found it. For now I have 5 chapters planned for this story, but you might never know what happens along the way.
“Like an animal they caged me, locked me away to forever rot, no contact with the outside world. But you know what? When you cage a beast it will grow restless, it’ll start to pace, and with time it will build up a burning rage that will claw to get out.
Try as you might, but the powerful creature I am can not be locked up for long. Maybe a hundred, maybe a thousand years. But I can never die and there will always be someone who wants to bask in my power, use it or steal it. And when they do, I will break free and hunt those who caged me.
For no rational being would ever lock up an immortal witch who wields the very powers of the universe.
My name is Morganna, and I will be set free…”
Loki licked the top of his finger and turned the next page of his book. He quickly scanned the images drawn there and read their captions. The authors notes weren’t always readable due to the fallen state in which the book was, but Loki could imagine what they said or just skip past the smudged letters to complete the words.
The book itself was a thousand years old and he had sought hard to find it in the library, but when he did, he was overjoyed. Like an addict he devoured the pages almost wanting to inhale its content.
When he had finished the book in a matter of mere hours, he had rummaged through the library looking for more information about the person he had been reading about, but little was known and his search was fruitless.
Frustrated he stomped out of the library, the thousand year old book still under his arm, and went to his chambers. He needed more information and he wouldn’t get it here in Asgard. But he knew a place where he would be able to get more information and thus he had a trip to prepare.
“And for that”, Odin said, “you will be imprisoned on Muspelheim until the end of your days” his judgement fell and with that he tapped Gungnir on the ground, sealing my fate.
Fury overtook me, but the bonds which held me in place made acces to my magic impossible, and I could do no more than just scream. I screamed at the Allfather for his judgement, called him names and wished him dead, but it mattered not for his words had been spoken. I fought and struggled against the guards who tried to collect me after his judgement, but it was to no avail, for I couldn’t access my magic. Without it I was powerless, I, the mightiest witch who had ever walked the Nine Realms. Not even death would be a match for me, for I had escaped it’s claws many times.
The guards dragged me away from Hlidskjalf and Odin’s scrutinizing glare. I spat and glared at everyone I passed trying to kill them with nothing but my glare, but I couldn’t kill them any less with my glare just as the simplest creatures of the universe couldn’t.
I trashed my bonds, rioted and gave the guards a run for their money as they dragged me through the shining city of Asgard. It felt like my last stance, because when I would arrive upon Muspelheim my fate would be sealed for who knew how long. But the guards were with many and as they dragged me on to the bifrost I attempted to run off it and plunge myself in the depths that lay beneath. But by know the guards had learned and try as I might, I couldn’t even throw myself of the Rainbow Bridge. I wasn’t afraid of dying, as I said before, I hade deluded death many times.
No, the fear the Muspelheim put in my heart was far greater than death, even if my death proved permanent, and I trashed and fought the last metres of the Bifrost to the Observatory. I nearly took out the guards had it not been for Heimdall who intervened. At that point I knew I was defeated, for I could not escape his all-seeing eyes, nor could I talk myself out of this for Heimdall was, and forever would be, loyal to the Allfather.
As Heimdall opened the Bifrost I saw my destination and swallowed hard. Fear gripped my heart and took control over my body and my mind, and as the guards pushed me to Muspelheim, a tear rolled down my cheek. I felt the heat of the realm wrap itself around me and then the power of the Bifrost engulfed us and send us away to our destination. My destination.
My prison…
Loki set foot on the Bifrost and started to walk. A little bit of a heavy heart because he wasn't sure he'd get past Heimdall but he needed to get to Midgard, for that might be the only place where he could find his answers.
When he entered the observatory, Heimdall greeted him without looking at him. “Prince of Deception, to Midgard it is?”
“If you'd be so kind, good gatekeeper” Loki answers while biting his tongue at the snippy remark Heimdall had just made.
With a swift move Heimdall put his sword in the control panel and opened the Bifrost to Midgard. “Oh, and Loki. Should you try to come back with that witch at your side, the Bifrost will forever remain closed to you.”
Loki looked at Heimdall, trying to hide his surprise, but he should’ve known, for Heimdall sees all. Well, almost all…
With that Loki is pulled away and transported to Midgard. Heimdall watches him leave and switches his gaze toward Muspelheim where he sees the witch. Nothing had changed since the last time he had looked at her, or the thousand other times he had looked upon her in the past eons. She wouldn’t ever change, nothing would ever change, for the witch would never be able to escape her prison.
With a light touch Loki landed on Midgard and immediately used his magic to change his wardrobe to fit that of Midgard. Of course that black suit would make him stand out among the Midgardians walking in jeans and sweaters, but he’d rather choose stylish over comfortable, even though he would be heading for a dusty library.
Well, dusty… On the outside the Library of Congress in Washington was a spectacular sight to behold, and most certainly not dusty. But as Loki quickly quipped through the books he knew, and as expected, he needed access to the basement of the library where the most precious tomes and ancient books of mankind were stored.
Loki actually found it sad that one of reasons why humans had to guard books from other humans, was because they otherwise would defile them.
He walked to the secluded area of the library where he casually passed the guard, took the elevator to the lowest floor, walked passed the security systems there, and entered the basement which was filled with books and probably contained one or more that would give him the information he needed. He laughed at how easily humans were fooled by him, a little trick here, a little illusion there and he could get anywhere he wanted without any human ever catching him or stopping him.
He walked passed the hundreds of racks containing forbidden or ancient books, carefully pulling them out, quickly reading a few pages of content, and then putting them back until he had found a couple of books that looked promising.
He plunged down in one of the wooden chairs (couldn’t that have been a more comfortable chair?, he thought), and started reading- nay, devouring the books. The more he read about his subject, the more his heart sank.
This would be a difficult and dangerous quest for him, but still he hadn’t had enough answers. The fact was, he had to get back to Asgard to get those. And to get those answers he had to treat with a number of Aesirs he actually didn’t want to confront about this subject. Loki shuddered.
He carefully placed all the books back, making sure to not leave a trace behind - not that they would be able to find him, but better safe than sorry - and he walked outside.
“Heimdall, if you’d be so kind?” he said with a little bit of restrain in his voice. The Bifrost opened right then and there in the middle of Washington for al Midgardians to see, and Loki was transported back to Asgard.
Back to the place where he could possibly get the answers regarding Morganna.
I paced my prison for days, tested its mettle, but the prison was strong. Layer upon layer of strong magic had been woven to form my cage and outside my cage burned the fires of Muspelheim. The denizens of the realm had also tested my confinement from the outside, angry claws running along its surface, fiery breaths tested its metal and glass, but it wouldn’t break, not even scratch.
Even Sultur, Ruler of this realm, wasn’t able to set me free with his almighty powers that made the lower demons cower. It was only then I realized I would never get out of this without some proper help.
Eventually the demons got bored of trying to enter my prison and just ignored my presence. Only Sulter occasionally swung by to have a little chat. He wanted to know all there was about Asgard for one day he would lead to its destruction. If only I would be present to witness that! That would wipe the smug smile of Odin’s face!
And thus I waited. Time was hard to tell in a realm that didn’t have night or day, and the boredom almost drove me insane. Maybe it had driven me insane, I do not know, because I haven’t seen anything else for a long time than the insides of my cage and the demons that stalk around it.
Maybe the most horrible part is that my body is completely weakened. I could not get out of the cage, the demons could not get in, and therefore nobody came brought me food or water. Any other being would just have died from this lack of replenishments, but I did not, for I could not.
It was the everlasting blessing and curse of being immortal.
When Loki stepped into the observatory and Heimdall closed the Bifrost, Loki didn’t waste a single minute to delve deeper into the subject.
“Heimdall, pray I ask you, were there ever criminals that you are not allowed to speak of and what had happened to them?”
Heimdall gave Loki a glancing look. “If there were, I would not talk about it, for I would’ve taken an oath not to do so,” his cryptical answer came.
Loki gritted his teeth. Sometimes he just hated this all-seeing creature that forever dodged every question.
Loki opened his mouth to wage his Silver tongue but Heimdall cut him off. “I’ve seen where you have been and what you have sought. You’d be wise to not further press the matter young Prince, for my lips are sealed about the matter.”
Loki let out an angry harumph and stalked out of the Observatory, muttering some curses at the Keeper of the Gates.
He walked through the halls of Asgard looking for the one person who might want to answer his questions; his mother.
She was surprised at his visit, but he wanted to talk to her without Odin around, and so they settled for dinner in her chambers, just the two of them.
“Mother, the other day I was in the library and I came across a reference to an event I’ve never heard of,” Loki started.
His mother gave him a careful look. She was well aware that her son was up to something for he wouldn’t often visit her in this fashionably manner unless he wanted something. “And what might that be?”
“The book spoke about an event that happened long ago, also referred to as Waters Purification. But as I sought through the books of old, I couldn’t find much about it.”
Frigga looked stern at her son, a glimmer of recognition crossed her eyes as he named the event, but she reeled herself back in, hoping her eyes hadn’t given anything away.
“Pray tell me mother, do you know more about this?”
Loki looked at his mother, an innocent look plastered across his face. But sometimes he could not even fool his mother, for mothers knew their children and when she spoke, Loki wasn’t surprised. “You are talking about Morganna?”
Loki only gave her sly smile as an answer.
“Loki, I want you to forget that name. She-- You--,” Frigga struggled for words. “Just forget her.”
Loki gave her a sour look afore he spoke, “why? I’m merely curious about this… Witch? That is what they called her. Why am I not to know? And why is almost all information regarding her… missing?”
“Loki, enough,” his mother spoke softly. “Forget it.”
“WHY?” Loki spat as sudden rage overtook him. Why was his mother so reluctant to talk about her? As he saw the look of hurt on his mother's face, he quickly composed himself, putting a calm demeanor back on his face. “Then answer me please, why am I not to know?”
Frigga looked at her son, her brain searching for a plausible answer, but she had none and thus there was nothing left to say but the truth. “Because I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Loki opened his mouth to protest at her answer, but she put her hand up and spoke before him, “and that is the end of this conversation, and thus it’s subject, Loki.”
Loki snapped his mouth shut and scrutinized his mother. But he knew all too well that she would not give in and that indeed it was the end of the conversation.
The remainder of their meal they hardly spoke, and when Loki left his mothers chambers a fire was burning within him. Because the harder someone told him not to do something, the more he would!
From my solitary confinement I saw Muspelheim change. Fires that once roared like dragons turned into mere fireflies as time took hold of them.
Demons came and demons went, Surtur came and Surtur went, and all that time I didn’t know how much time had passed. It felt like a hundred years, but it could as well have been a single year.
Sometimes there was entertainment when the demons fought among themselves, ever trying to get higher on the social ladder. I laughed at them. Pitiful creatures. If I were ever to get out of my cage I would subjugate them all!
But my cage remained locked, and all I could do was dwell on the past, lost in memories of things that had once been, and sometimes lost in things that might have been.
Or could be.
Loki considered talking to Odin about Morganna, but he quickly flung the idea away. It would lead to no answers and the both of them having a fight and being frustrated. And even though he loved to get under Odin’s skin from time to time, this wasn’t the moment nor the subject to achieve some form of mischievous joy out of it.
He paced back and forth through his chambers thinking about where he could get a clue. Midgard wasn’t an option, nobody living there would be old enough to even remember the event, and their books had given him a little bit information, yet it had been meager. Searching every realm wasn’t a good idea either, and if she was on Asgard, he surely would know about it… Wouldn’t he? Considering how hard everyone tried to hide the information she might as well be.
He paced through the palace and it suddenly hit him how eerie quiet it was. It took Loki a couple of seconds to discover why, it was passed midnight and everybody was asleep. Suddenly the tiredness hit him like a tidal wave and the trudged to his chambers and let himself fall on the bed.
Their he lay thinking about what he had discovered about his subject, Morganna. Her last know whereabout had been Asgard which was roughly 1000 years ago and she had been a very powerful witch back then. From the lists Loki had seen, she had been formidable indeed.
According to legend it all had to do with the ability she was born with, the ability to replicate, and later even absorb, other beings abilities. With those powers at her disposal she stole and copied a great deal of abilities from others like controlling the elements - including plasma and ether - cloaking, levitation, the power to walk through walls, or crawl on them, dream manipulation and so much more.
But there had been two treats that she had been most known for; shapeshifting and - in Loki’s eyes the most desirable - regeneration, the one thing that granted her immortality.
A shudder of pleasure ran down Loki’s spine. The things he could do if he would be immortal! Every realm would either lie at his feet or tremble in fear. Loki relished in that thought, and with that feeling warming his cold, Frost Giant heart, he fell asleep.
As I said before, boredom can drive one mad. And when you start to hear voices, you surely will doubt your own sanity.
I had heard the tricks of my mind many times while I rotted in my cage. Made friends with them, played with them, and in the end, betrayed and slaughtered them. The voices had learned a long time ago not to disturb me any longer, for I would devour them before they even could speak.
Until one night - or was it day? - A voice spoke to me. Anger flared inside me and like a hunter I scoured my mind in search of that voice. My prey!
But when I found the voice it was not as I expected it would be, for the voice wasn’t mine. I felt something reach out to me. It searched for me, called my name, and I could taste the thirst of the voice reaching out for me.
I was sure, this wasn’t a trick from MY mind.
And thus I answered. “Yes, Lost One, you have found me.”
“If I have found you, and I know where I am, than how am I lost?” the voice cleverly asked.
“It is not what you know now, or where you are, but it is what is in your heart.” I answered him. I never was one for pretty little lies, just utter and destroying truth. I could feel the person behind the voice was taken aback by my answer, even hurt, but I didn’t care. “Why are you seeking me out, Young One?”
I could feel him mulling over the new pet name I gave him but he putted it aside and answered, “I never intended to be here, I just strayed along the wrong path and found you.”
“LIAR!” I shouted back. “Don’t ever lie to me again for I am Truth!” I felt him shudder. He would not openly show his fear, but I could feel he was very impressed. “Tell me the truth! Why are you searching for me?”
It was silent for a moment but when the answer came, I could feel the truth in his words. “Because I am curious.”
I scoffed. “Little Trickster, you and I both know that is only half of the truth.” I could feel him bristle, a little bit of doubt crossing his mind for I had so easily guessed his trademark. But then a fire started to burn within him and again his answer rang true. “I want to set you free.”
The answer dripped with eagerness, with longing. An anticipation of pure thrill, almost at the border of suicidal.
I laughed. It wasn’t a mean laugh but a genuine laugh. One filled with my own eagerness to be free, but also a laugh filled with trepidation for I might as well never get free. “Little God of Mischief are you sure you want to set me free? Because with all that cold, Frost Giant blood running through your veins you might easily get burned when you try to pick your way to my cage.”
I felt him reel back, a little bit more of that fear taking over. But he pushed it back and let the coldness in him cool his fears. “I am sure; and I can” his bold answer came.
I laughed again. “If one could do it, it would be you, Loki Laufeyson.”
I felt him cringe at the name but he didn’t step back. “Tell me where I can find you,” he ordered me.
For the first time since… Well… long, I felt something that was akin to a little spark of hope. Maybe indeed he could set me free.
And thus I showed him my cage.
I showed him the denizens that dwelled around it and the bonds of magic placed upon it. I showed him all he needed to know, and with that he looked straight into the burning fires of Muspelheim.
Next Chapter
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prinzenhasserin · 7 years
Dear Creator!
This letter is just in case you might want to poke at some more of my prompts/likes. Generally, I’m open to a lot, and I will be pleased with any rating from gen to explicit.
My prompts are pretty ridiculous in places. That’s just how my mind works! Feel free to play them entirely straight, or subvert them to your hearts desire.
I’m not so much a fan of darkfic, exceptions apply for hopeful/happy resolutions.
Feel also free to include other characters or OCs as side-characters, if they are necessary because of plot reasons.
fake/pretend relationships
arranged marriages turning into supportive partners
odd couples
found family, dysfunctional families that nevertheless love each other
cultural differences, age differences, height differences
heists, rescue missions
dragons, fairy tales, magical realism, urban fantasy
competent characters
people not realising they’re the most competent at their job/hobby
people failing their way to success
happy endings, earning your happy ending, open yet hopeful endings
cynical humour
mutual pining
suits, corsetry, fancy dresses
Identity shenanigans (secret identities, mistaken identities)
Blatant Lies
Enemies becoming friends and/or lovers
orange/blue morality, grey/grey morality
outsider POV
people not usually found in law enforcement solving crimes
non-verbal expressions of affection
wall sex
shifting power dynamics
semi-public sex
lots of foreplay, drawn out orgasms, edging
sex toys
sex toys in public (though I get embarrassed if someone else notices)
size kink (not only about their dicks but also hands/body/muscles relative to each other)
sex, and then slowly growing romantic feelings
mentions of suicide
major character death
rape (dubcon is fine though; I’m mainly DNW’ing feelings of utter revulsion on part of the POV character)
The Queen’s Thief - Costis/Kamet
This contains spoilers for Thick as Thieves!
Oh god, I am still not over how competent Costis looks through the eyes of Kamet. I love the cultural differences, and I’d love if that relationship developed further (or more explicitly!) I’d love to see a relationship develop during their travels (because a pleasure slave is less obvious?)
If you want to rewrite the ending, I’m game! 
-Kamet likes being pampered, Costis pampers him? 
-Kamet learns to appreciate other cultures through their sex practises
-Through a combination of Costis and Kamet’s knowledge they solve a plot on the King.
-They need to pretend to be a couple on a daring escape from someone
-Kamet is — now that he’s been freed — an object of desire among the court, and Costis is jealous. At first Kamet thinks it’s because Costis wants to be the object of desire himself, until he notices that it’s him Costis desires…
Would love canon AU’s!
Original Work
If you want to combine any of these pairings, feel free :D Juvenile Superhero/Librarian Supervillain would be a personal favourite but all others seem intriguing too.
Male Pirate/Male Naval Officer
-I would love this pairing in any setting, Mediterranean pirates of pre-Roman Empire, Egyptian pirates, Chinese pirates, privateers, pirates of the Caribbean, pirates in SPACE, smugglers… -Did they know each other before? Is the naval Officer perhaps a point of contact for the crown for a privateer? I like an aspect of danger in my ships, but I don’t like totally unredeemable characters. -Does the pirate capture the naval officer for ransom? To seduce him to the dark side? -Does the naval officer capture the pirate, and the pirate seduces him for his freedom? Or both at once?
Juvenile Delinquent/Librarian
-I’d love if the setting in this would play a role. Space Libraries? Rural Libraries? Library of Alexandria? The Global Seed Vault? -Maybe they meet because of community service. Maybe they meet because the delinquent likes to read? Maybe they meet because the delinquent uses the space to sleep, and he gets kicked out during closing time?
Nobleman/Diplomat from Enemy Country
-They are spying on each other. It involves lots of fancy parties. -The Enemy Diplomat finds out a secret the nobleman is hiding, and blackmails him. Somehow it involves lots of sex. -The nobleman finds out a plot the diplomat is involved in, and tries to resolve it himself.
- I like moral quandaries. Maybe it turns out the superhero was working for an evil government, and the villain helps him get out? -Maybe they team up to defeat an even bigger enemy? -The Superhero is really into being tied up, and gets an unwelcome boner during one of their fights, and the supervillain really does not know how to deal with that.
Prince who is out of favor/Loyal Councilor
- The prince who is out of favour is told to marry the loyal councillor to get back in favour? -The loyal councillor teaches the prince about politics, and somehow the lessons are really boring but the councillor is really hot, and the prince can only seduce him?
Treasure Planet - Jim Hawkins/John Silver
This pairing fascinates me. I like that they are both tricksters, that Jim wants to be moral and good, while clearly being a bit of a bad boy. I would like if he manipulates Silver into doing something altruistic, even though John Silver is the one with all of the experience.
I would also love if people suspected them of having sex while they weren’t yet.
-John Silver teaches Jim Hawkins a bit more than sailing. -There’s a really odd-looking cyborg that visits Jim Hawkins every weekend at the marine institute, and his fellow students would really like to know if that’s his sugar daddy or what. 
DNW: D/s, A/B/O dynamics, character death, rape
(I’m really not all that fussed about canon accuracy of any kind here, I’m well aware that it is an incredibly cracky pairing, and you can feel free to take it wherever you want to. All ratings are excellent!)
Mycroft Holmes (Sherlock)/Percy Weasley (Harry Potter)
-Does Mycroft learn the existence of the Wizarding World from Percy? Does he want to meet again to learn everything he can? - There’s an issue with the traffic cams at Charing Cross. They are malfunctioning constantly. It’s gotten to the point where even Mycroft can’t ignore his actual position in the government any more. His research leads him to a really weird, if exceptionally bureaucratic person, Percy Weasley. -Mycroft Holmes is not all that thrilled to learn of a secret society that has infiltrated the government at its deepest levels, and can control minds with the wave of a wand. He would really rather eliminate the entire issue. Percy Weasley is the person elected to stop him.
Thomas Nightingale (Rivers of London)/Bertie Wooster (Wodehouse)
- Did they meet during WW2? How was that like? - would love outsider!POV for that relationship. Peter, maybe? Or Jeeves? And them wondering how Bertie knows such a respectable person/Thomas knowing such a flamboyant flake -Or maybe they meet later, in the sixties, perhaps? Maybe Bertie is the one who makes Thomas halfway comfortable with ageing backwards – or the first one to notice it, anyway?
Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones Series)/Flynn Carsen (The Librarian)
-This would be such an epic rivalry. This stupid English lit guy who vanishes behind doors all the time, not like a real Archaeologist at all (and yet somehow he continues to nab all the best artifacts, and then they disappear, nevermore to be seen. What a waste) -Or maybe Flynn Carsen outsources some of his work to Indiana (because even he can’t be everywhere at once) -Sex Rituals. I don’t know about you, but they would definitely stumble upon the only trap that would necessitate having sex with each other to escape. Bonus points: epic rivalry, but still reluctantly attracted -also good: ancient ruins filled with sex pollen of some kind
Harry Potter
Regulus Black/Harry Potter
-The possibilities of this relationship fascinates me. Is Regulus not really dead? A ghost of some kind? Does that potion in the cave transport him to the future? I’m not too fussed about the details, you can handwave any time travel. I would be really interested in their cultural differences, the way they see the world. -Do they bond over their friendship with really weird house elves? Or on killing Horcruxes? -Does Harry try to renovate Grimmauld Place and disturbs something he really should not have?
Marcus Flint/Harry Potter
-What do those two have in common other than Quidditch? Do they get together because of a Quidditch celebration that got out of hand? Drunken one-night stand fuelled by rivalry? -After the war is over, does Marcus contact Harry because knowing/seducing him might make his reputation better?
Rivers of London - Thomas Nightingale/Alexander Seawoll
Is negotiating about cases a sex thing? If so, is it hate sex, or the “I really like the way you look but the bullshit that comes out of your mouth”-sex? Is there going to be a romantic relationship, or just one filled by really good sex? Would also love canon style cases — maybe they at first think magic plays a part, but then it turns out the solution to the case lies with mundane police work?
Also a thing I would read: An accident turns Seawoll into a genius loci, or any other being of magic and he’s entirely sceptic about it. He goes to Nightingale for help.
Or they split hairs about bureaucratic nonsense – and it’s not actually about that it’s that neither can stand being attracted to the other?
Or do they get surprised by some kind of sex pollen?
Have fun!
Please feel free to tell me if I made a mistake anywhere, I hate to be wrong forever. My anon is open.
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