#(encountering another person and being like I Should make sure I'm not vulnerable to attack or whatever but i can't be bothered right now)
familiaanteomnia · 2 years
Nathan flicked the metal lighter open, closed and kept brushing his thumb ever lightly against it’s starter. Campus was quiet at this hour of the night. So he didn’t have to play at his part, facade crafted over the years. Not that he really knew what he was without it. But after a moment he lit up; gracefully hopping up on the edge of the fountain. A tiny flash of sudden; jump in the fountain- ignored. Instead he favored to close his eyes; inhale and hold it in. For his first lap around the fountain. No clue what time it was, or how much passed as he continued to do so until he was finished. Hopping off, shoe crushing it underneath and bending to pick it up- put it in a small mints tin he kept on him. Only when he started humming did he realize he wasn’t alone. Yet he couldn’t force himself to slip back into his role. So instead he shrugged his shoulders. “Sooo how long have you been in the vicinity.” Could guess it had been a little while; if they’d been watching especially if they saw the dare it be said, pretty normal behavior- that might be mistaken for him being human. That joke didn’t even land inside his head so he didn’t allow it slip out loud.
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floating-mid-air · 3 years
The Princess of all Saiyans
Hey Everyone! It's been a while. My life's been kind of hectic the past couple of months. Long story short: I Graduated from Highschool this year, so I was busy with everything having to do with that. Then my summer job sadly prevented me from writing as well. And then I started College, which was a big change for me. For now, there are no more chapters in my life opening or closing. Now I'm finally in a place where I feel comfortable continuing this book again. I could've honestly been writing during all of this chaos. But I wouldn't have been pleased with the quality of my writing. I'm really excited to get back into the swing of things. I don't think this chapter panned out the way I originally planned, but I'm still happy with it. As always, I hope you enjoy it. And if you have any comments or concerns, feel free to let me know. My inbox is always open!
Chapter 11
You've been walking for quite some time now, and the experience has been excruciating. You haven't been in this much pain since you and Raditz were on planet Telia, ten-something years ago. Those damn underlings were able to get a good sneak attack on you. Though you can't say, you let them get away scot-free. You made sure to make their entire dreadful race pay for that injury. You and Raditz had covered up that incident, much like you're doing with your current injury.
"So---" You can hear Goku talking to Krillin from just slightly left of you. "Did you guys find the senzu beans?" Wow, Kakarot may be the least subtle creature you've ever encountered.
"Ya." Krillin chuckles. "All four of us were in pretty rough shape." Goku glances at you with a worried look on his face. You glare at him as Raditz eyes the two of you skeptically. He knows something's off between the two of you. Maybe something serious did happen while you and his brother were trapped together. 
A bit more time has passed, and you've been trying your best to keep up with the others. But it isn't as easy as you thought. You're now trailing behind the rest of them, with Raditz turning back to look at you every so often. The largest Saiyan slows down to catch up with your slower pace, now walking beside you.
He turns to you, whispering in a low tone. "Something's off." Raditz can no longer stay silent about his concerns. First, it was the strange vibes between you and Kakarot. And now it's your out-of-character demeanor making him uneasy.
"About what?"
"You. Typically you walk beside your brother, and when he doesn't let you, you make sure you're always only a few paces behind. But right now, you couldn't be more content to trail everyone. Plus, you're far too confident to not be in the very front." Raditz has been around far too long for your liking. Damn him. He knows you far too well, and you hate him for it.
You roll your eyes at him. "So this conclusion of yours is based on the way I'm walking? I'm tired. When I fought, Burter, that physically drained me. And then I got trapped in a ditch with your moronic brother, that mentally drained me. I'm exhausted, Raditz." 
"It's not just the way you're walking. It's your mannerisms as well." He points at your side. "Your hand hasn't moved from your side from the moment I first saw you."
"God, Raditz." You scoff. "Stop overanalyzing everything."
"Getting defensive now? That's your M.O whenever you're hiding something." He looks back and forth between your face and your hand that has remained glued to your side. The gears in the older Saiyan's head slowly but surely turning. " Y/N, are you hurt?" 
"No." You snap your eyes shut, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood in an attempt to suppress a wince of pain. "I'm fine."
He tilts his head at you. "Y/N, I know you claim otherwise, but I'm not stupid. I know you're in pain."
You chuckle softly in a self-pitying way. "Am I that easy to read?"
Raditz shakes his head, smiling to himself. "No, I've just known you for a long time now." He returns to his serious demeanor, his gaze returning to the area of your wound. "How bad is it?"
"I barely feel it at all. Though, climbing out of that ditch must have reopened the cut."
Raditz snickers. "You're a bad liar."
"That's strange. I've been told in the past that I'm quite good at lying."
A smirk spreads across Raditz's lips. "Well, you apparently aren't when I'm involved."
The larger Saiyan glances at the back of your brother's head. You respond with a glare, firmly pulling on a large chunk of his hair. You know what Raditz wants to do, and it's not happening. "Don't even think about it."
"I-I think we should tell him Y/N."
"No." You let go of his hair, tapping his chest with extreme force. "You're going to keep your big mouth shut. Vegeta will freak out. You know how irrational he gets."
Raditz decides to let you have your way--- for now. The man can't help but wonder why you're so stubborn, but then again, his nature isn't much different from yours.
With every minute that passes, your condition only seems to worsen. Your eyes even start to droop. "Y/N?" Raditz turns to you, his features beginning to fill with worry. He places one of his large hands on your forehead. You're burning up. "You have a fever. Your wound must be infected."
"No." You shake your head in disagreement, almost like a child. As your mental state becomes more and more delirious. 
"Vegeta!" Raditz shouts, gaining your brother's attention.
"Fuck you, Raditz! You're such a blabbermouth!" You shout at the larger Saiyan in front of you.
"What's wrong this time? Is my sister trying to pull you into another one of her elaborate schemes?"
"Y/N's hurt--- bad." Vegeta's eyes widen, and not even a millisecond later, he rushes to your side. "She has a fever. I think her cut is infected."
"Where is it?" He crosses his arms at you, noticing your hand placed firmly on your side. He moves your hand out of the way with ease, lifting your armor. "How did this happen?"
"Burter nicked me during our fight. It's no big deal."
"No big deal? It's infected, you stupid woman!" He turns his attention to Kakarot. "Did you know about this?"
You snicker. "Oh ya, Vegeta. I get hurt, and the first person I run to tell is Kakarot." Vegeta's fists clench at your sarcastic remark, turning his fit of rage back at you.
"You know, in certain situations, you're more prone to infections. And a planet like Namek checks all of the boxes! You know you need to be more careful. Damn our mother and her faulty genetics!" Sadly that's a trait you had inherited from your mother. On most planets, you'd be fine, and injuring yourself would be no big deal. But Namek has specific conditions that result in you being more vulnerable. 
"Raditz, pick her up." Raditz picks you up, giving you a piggyback ride. You wrap your arms around his neck, giving yourself better balance. Vegeta glances up at you. He looks even madder than usual. "With the condition, you're in, you will not be fighting. You will stay away from Jeice, and you won't even enter the same proximity as Ginyu. Do you understand me?"
"No!" His voice booms, gaining the attention of every creature for miles. "I'm not kidding around. Do you understand me?"
You bite your lip, tilting your head downwards, avoiding your brother's gaze like the plague. "Yes, Vegeta." Vegeta returns to the front of the group, his mood sourer than ever.
As Raditz begins to walk, he starts talking to you again. "Are you mad at me?" You don't verbally respond. Instead, you claw into his shoulders, your nails digging into his flesh. "Fuck. I'll take that as a yes."
"You're a tattletale."
Raditz chuckles. "No wonder why Vegeta babies you. You'll thank me for this later, you stubborn woman. And I've kept your secrets before, handfuls of them, actually. Like what happened on planet Telia----" Raditz realized the grave mistake he had just made, mentioning that incident in the presence of the very being you worked so hard to hide it from.
You slap the older Saiyan upside the head as Vegeta turns backward, a scowl plastered on his face. "What happened on plant Telia?" It was a rhetorical question, mocking both you and Raditz. "Oh, the three of us will be discussing this in length later. Because it sounds to me like you both lied to me on that initial report." You and Raditz gulp, you've heard that tone from your brother millions of times now, and it has never once become any less terrifying. 
"Oh, lighten up, Geta." You groan. "That was like, what? Around thirteen years ago?"
"The amount of time that has passed matters very little to me. As I said before, this is a discussion for later."
A few more hours have passed, which honestly feels like days at this point. And considering Namek's strange day cycle, it very well could've been. "How much farther?" Your question was clearly directed at Vegeta. And at this point, you're not even sure he has any idea where you're headed either.
"I don't know why you're the one complaining." Raditz huffs.  "You're not the one doing all of the walking! And if you ask him that one more time, I'm going to drop you." Ok so maybe, that wasn't the first time you've asked that question today. Or the second, or third, you're very bored. 
"Man Raditz." You roll your eyes, which are barely open at this point. "You sure complain--- a lot."
"You were just complaining." The long-haired Saiyan grumbles. 
"No, I simply asked Vegeta a question. There's a difference Raditz. I know it's hard for your feeble mind to understand." When you're sick, you tend to act, oh what's the word? Bitcher than normal. And that's saying a lot.
Raditz clenches his jaw. "Vegeta. I need a break from your sister."
"That's how I felt ninety percent of the time I was stuck in a room with you, Nappa, and Cado. And you didn't see me running to wine to Frieza about it."
Before Raditz can retort, your brother interjects. "That's enough! From both of you!"
Krillin, Gohan, and Goku have identical bewildered expressions on their faces. Krillin turns to Vegeta, lowering his voice to a whisper. He doesn't want to be the next victim of your wrath. "Do they always fight like this?" The human finds this perplexing. Back on Earth, the pair seemed inseparable. They appeared to be the Saiyan equivalent of what on Earth would be considered best friends.
Vegeta lets out an exaggerated sigh. "Yes, but typically it's more playful in nature. When my sister is sick, she becomes even brattier than usual."
Vegeta's warning to both of you seems to have fallen on dead ears. Because your quarrel has not ceased, in fact, it has only elevated. "I will drop you, you royal brat!"
"I dare you to you second-class runt. I could still kick your ass even in my delirious state. I wouldn't even have to try very hard."
"I'm considering----"
Before Raditz can even get three words out, your bickering is once again interrupted, and not by the person you may think. "Enough!" Gohan shouts. You honestly forgot the others were here for a moment."If you two keep fighting like this, you're going to get all of us killed!" You and Raditz stare at the boy in shock. It's been a long time since the two of you have been yelled at by a child. The last time being when you were children yourselves. Vegeta hasn't changed much since childhood. He's been bossing you around and shouting at you since you were children, but I'm sure that's not very surprising. 
"Ya, and I can take Y/N---- if you need a break." Goku rubs the back of his neck, chuckling sheepishly. "Not that I want to hold Y/N or anything."
"No." You rapidly shake your head. "Raditz, I'm sorry. I'll be good now--- I promise."
A wicked grin spreads across Raditz's lips right before he grabs your hands with his larger ones. He loosens your grip around his neck, moving your body with ease, scooping you up into his arms. Every step Raditz takes toward Goku seems even more antagonizing slower than the last. Until he's standing directly in front of his younger brother. He elevates his arms slightly, dropping you right in front of an unsuspecting Goku.
Lucky for you, Goku has sharp reflexes. That allows the Saiyan to catch you easily. Raditz look's his brother dead in the eyes, his typical arrogant grin still on his lips. "She's your problem now, Kakarot." Raditz gazes downward to look at you. "Stop pouting. Maybe next time, you'll be nicer to good old Raditz."
A low growl echoes in the back of your throat as you glare daggers at the Saiyan standing before you. "Ya, or maybe next time, I'll rip out your tail and strangle you with it!" The only thing that's stopping you from lunging at Raditz is Goku's firm grip holding you in place.
Rather than arguing that the entire group has become accustomed to, the whole area has become dead silent. You're no longer pouting. Instead, you are glaring at the man who continues to carry you bridal style. You've never liked being held like this. It makes you feel weak like you have no control over your own body.
What makes you even more irritated, Is how Goku reacts to your death stare. He just grins at you. Does he just never get angry? What kind of Saiyan is he? It fills you with so much anger that someone as dopey as Kakarot has Saiyan blood flowing through his veins. 
You clench your fists. You just wanna punch Kakarot so badly. He just has such a punchable face. If you could take away his cheery personality, he'd actually be quite attractive. Wait--- what the hell are you thinking? Kakarot is stupid and way too friendly for you to ever think of him in that way.
 You move your fist up, finally giving in to your urges, attempting to punch the man holding you. Probably not your wisest moment, but your brain isn't functioning normally right now. Goku catches your hand with ease. His reflexes are unreal, or maybe this fever has you more sluggish than you believed. You'd prefer to think that it's the second option. He chuckles to himself. He's still not upset. What the hell is wrong with him? "Come on, Y/N. You gotta be quicker than that." He's challenging you. How Saiyan like of him. You seem to always be able to find specks of Saiyan nature in the cheerful man. And those are the aspects you actually like about him. 
Your eyes begin to once again feel heavy as your eyes droop shut, just before you fall asleep in the arms of your enemy. 
Twenty-Something Years Ago:
You're sitting on your bed, sitting crisscrossed, a book laying open on your lap. Since your father is currently off-planet, you can read all you want. You're enamored with your newest book. It's all about a topic referred to as diplomacy. It's fascinating and has many concepts that are entirely foreign to you, yet at the same time, some of these ideas are also familiar. 
As you read, your door slams open, but you pay the interruption almost no attention, not even bothering to look up from your book. Honestly, the unwelcome intrusion has you more angered than anything else. "God, Vegeta." You roll your eyes. "Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Something's not right. When Vegeta usually bursts into your room, he's automatically shouting at you.
Out of pure curiosity, you look up from your book. However, standing at your door, you don't find Vegeta. A boy with a very similar appearance but with a much smaller stature stands in your door frame. He's out of breath, desperately huffing for air. "Tarble?" You furrow your brows at your brother, launching off your bed to get closer to him. "What's wrong?" You have this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your twin has never behaved in such a manner before. 
"Captain--- Captain Ginyu is here." Tarble is shaking, his eyes watering slightly.
You scowl ever so slightly. "But Ginyu's not scheduled to be on planet Vegeta any time soon." 
"It's--- It's a surprise visit. What do we do, Y/N?"
You contemplate for a moment before your features fill with alarm. "Tarble? Where's Vegeta?"
His lip quivers as he looks down at the floor. "He's with Captain Ginyu."
"Damn it." You mutter under your breath. Diplomacy is a skill you need right now. And Vegeta doesn't have a single quality that a diplomat possesses. Your elder brother is more likely to unnecessarily provoke the Captain, putting your entire race in hot water with the Frieza Force. 
You rush over to your bedside table, rummaging through the drawer. Once you have your scouter in your hand, you run back over to your brother. "Stay in here, and use this to channel our father. Let him know what's going on." You push past your twin, about to leave, before Tarble's voice calls out to you.
"Wait, Y/N!" You turn back to look at him. "Where are you going?"
"I have to go stop our older brother from doing something stupid. Everything will be fine, I promise. Just calm down and do as I said." And with that, you take off, praying that Vegeta hasn't already done something rash.
As you sprint down the halls of the palace, you run face-first into the torso of a large body. "Princess?"
You look up at the bald Saiyan, the one who's supposed to be at your brother's side at all times. Since the future king of planet Vegeta needs to be protected. "Nappa, Where is my brother?"
The imbecile scratches the back of his neck, contemplating much longer for your liking. "I'm not sure. I haven't seen the runt in quite some time. You should probably ask Vegeta." 
You scowl at the Saiyan. "Not Tarble, you fool! I'm asking you where Vegeta is!"
"Oh, Why didn't you just say so?" It's taking every ounce of restraint you have in your body to not viciously attack Nappa. "He's just outside of the palace." 
You run through Nappa, intentionally knocking the large Saiayn onto the floor. His stupidity lost you precious time. It was quite an amusing sight, though. A mere child, being able to take down one of your father's best warriors. 
You arrive outside of the palace, your eyes landing on your target. This is the first time you've ever seen Captain Ginyu. Sure, you've heard stories of the purple man. And much like your people, Ginyu is just as bloodthirsty and just as ruthless. Much to your surprise, the Captain doesn't have an army behind him. This was just before the Ginyu Force had formed. All Ginyu was at this point in time was a captain of one of Frieza's many armies. 
You walk over to them, now standing at your brother's side. "Captain Ginyu." You speak with your hands, an exaggerated smile appearing on your lips. "To what do we owe the honor?"
The man looks down at you, clearly analyzing you with his scouter. "Well, if this isn't a surprise. I think this is the first time I've had the pleasure of meeting you, Y/N." Ginyu extends his large hand out to you, causing Vegeta to feel a great deal of alarm. Your brother's body has gone tense with an apprehensive look on his face. But when your older brother looks over to you, there isn't even a glint of fear in your eyes. You're calm, almost as if one of Lord Frieza's deadliest warriors was not standing before you. You accept the Captain's hand, presenting him with a short but polite handshake. "Your father doesn't like showing you off much, does he?" 
You chuckle softly. "My father likes to hold his cards close to his chest. I'm sure a man like yourself is quite similar." Sucking up to Ginyu is not your favorite pastime, but it needs to be done. And every Saiyan on this planet knows your big brother is far too prideful to do it himself.
Ginyu looks between you and Vegeta carefully. For someone so highly regarded by Frieza, he sure isn't subtle. He's trying to read your facial expressions. Unfortunately for him, your father has raised you both much better than that. A poker face to you feels more natural than a genuine expression. "Speaking of your father, where is he right now?"
"He's of---"
You quickly cut Vegeta off. "He's in a meeting. That's why our father sent me out. He wanted you to know he sends his regards, but his hands are tied at the moment. He will be here at soon as possible. I hope my brother and I can suffice your needs in the meantime."
Captain Ginyu eyes you skeptically, tilting his head at you ever so slightly. "That sounds serious. I hope it's nothing too pressing."
"Of course not. It's nothing my father can't handle."
You're about to continue your schmoozing, but you're stopped by Vegeta aggressively yanking on your arm. "We need to talk-- in private."
You grimace at your brother's words. He just always has to make everything that much more difficult for you. You turn back to Ginyu, offering the man a cheerful smile. "Will you excuse us for a moment? We'll be right back."
Vegeta drags you around a corner, concealing you both from Ginyu's prying eyes. "What do you think you're doing?" He huffs at you in a whisper. "I had everything under control."
You snicker, crossing your arms. "You were just about to tell Ginyu that our father was off-planet. It sounds to me like I got here just in time to prevent you from making a grave mistake."
"I don't see why that matters."
"And that's the issue, Vegeta. Now we don't have time for this. Let's go." You turn back around, walking back over to Ginyu, Vegeta trailing not far behind. "I'd like to apologize for my brother's rudeness, Captain Ginyu." You shake your head but with a slight smirk across your lips. "All Saiyan men are the same, and my brother is no exception. They're incredibly thickheaded and quite savage. I'm convinced they don't even realize what brutes they are." You watch your brother ball his hands up into fists from beside you. It fills you with an immense feeling of joy knowing you're getting under Vegeta's skin for once. You turn back to Ginyu, plastering that disingenuous grin on your face. "Now, how about we give you a tour of our wonderful planet?"  
You and Vegeta have shown Ginyu around almost the entirety of your planet, and you must admit you're beginning to grow worried. Luckily you've managed to hold off any more questions about your father's whereabouts by charming him with various facts about planet Vegeta. But to be honest, you're not sure how much longer you can hold up this charade for. You've exhausted pretty much every idea that you've been able to come up with.
"Captain Ginyu!" Your father's brash voice invades your ears as you turn around to finally see the man you've been anxiously waiting for. You've never seen your father walk in such an urgent manner, and it's pretty funny watching your twin struggling to keep up with your father's pace. 
Your father places himself between you and Vegeta, ruffling your hair affectionately. You look up at him. "How'd your meeting go?"
Your father meets your gaze, catching onto your deception almost immediately. "It went very well. Thank you both for keeping Captain Ginyu company in my absence, but I think I can handle it from here." He directs his attention back onto Captain Ginyu. "Now, how about we discuss you're abrupt arrival somewhere more private."
The two men exit your field of view, leaving the three of you alone. Tarble, in his typical fashion, glues himself to your side. "What the hell was that?" Vegeta spits out with venom. "Where was your pride? You were basically groveling at his feet."
You furrow your brows at him. "I was doing what needed to be done. And if you think our father isn't currently doing the same thing, you're a bigger fool than I thought."
"I know our father is being more agreeable with him, but not at the cost of his pride."
"It's always about pride with you." You step closer to Vegeta, closing the distance between you. "Your pride today would have cost the loss of countless lives today, Vegeta."
"Then so be it. If there are Saiayn's that inadequate on our planet, we should probably just exterminate them now. It'll save us the hassle later on."
You snicker, shaking your head at Vegeta. "Some King you'll be." You turn to your twin. "Let's go, Tarble. I have no desire to be near our foolish brother right now."
The conversation between Captain Ginyu and your father was brief. It was a very anticlimactic ending to the naked eye. The briefness of this encounter only set off more alarm bells in King Vegeta's head. It was clear to the man that Ginyu's excuse for being on his planet was bullshit. He's just not quite sure what the captain's intentions were, but he sure as hell is going to find out.
As soon as Ginyu left planet Vegeta, he promptly set course for his next destination. He's headed straight to Lord Frieza to report his findings, and he's eager to do so.
 Ginyu arrives on the planet in record time, heading straight for the throne room. Ginyu kneels before Frieza, waiting for his boss to speak. "Captain Ginyu. You're sure back early. I trust you were able to gather enough information on the young prince."
Captain Ginyu nods enthusiastically. "Of course, Lord Frieza. The Price was exactly the same as the previous data we collected on him. He's powerful and quite intelligent for a Saiyan. Though, he did inherit that nasty temper from his father."
Frieza sighs. "How disappointing."
"But I did discover something that you may find interesting, Lord Frieza."
Frieza tilts his head at the man. He can't help but feel intrigued. "Go on." It's not that easy for him to find an advantage over those monkeys, so he'll take any information Ginyu can give him, no matter how minuscule. 
"Y/N--- King Vegeta's daughter piqued my interest greatly. She's not even close to as strong as her brother, but she's remarkably clever. She's very good with words, she knows how to manipulate people. I'd say she might even be better than King Vegeta himself."
"Now, that is fascinating. Good work, Ginyu. I'll look into the Princess's abilities more in-depth later. You're excused."
This is just something I felt the need to clarify: So in this chapter's flashback, Vegeta is around three, and Y/N and Tarble are about two. In my head, I picture children on planet Vegeta behaving like miniature adults. My idea is once they leave their chambers (the tanks they are raised in to get their basic Saiyan instincts under control), their minds are fully grown, but their physical growth is quite delayed. That's why they curse and stuff. I have a minuscule window of time to squash in all of my plot ideas. So this was the best way to do so.
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daily-fantasy-ideas · 3 years
CW: Fighting, Death, Injuries
You know I wanna sorta expand on an earlier post.
Your characters being strong.
Now the strength I'm talking about isn't just about like physical strength. It's more along the lines of the strength needed to be willing to fight others, or the strength needed for someone to push themself to do what believe in no matter the odds. But ultimately I think it's something that requires a person to be even stronger than is required to do everything previously mentioned.
What I'm talking about is a character being strong enough to let themselves be emotional and to care for others and to be gentle even with the strength that they posses.
Of course you could always have a character who lacks that strength, I mean yeah they might fight for a good cause with other people making funny quips along the way as they fight, but they're always ultimately careless in their actions and words, almost always unable to hold back their strength and to actually connect and open up with people they may meet or to deal with complicated situations cleanly.
Think of it like this, a character strong in both conviction and power could easily use their strength to do nothing but carelessly destroy every enemy and obstacle they encounter, but ultimately that's shows their weekness.
A character strong in conviction and power, who also has tact and compassion, the ability to spare enemies while minimising the destruction they could bring if they were less thoughtfull and gentle, that shows real strength.
Here's a bad metaphorical-ish short written thingy that hopefully gets across the same idea:
There's a door Infront of this door is an endless legion of some sort of enemies, a figure walks up to the legion having finally ascended an incredibly long stair case which now lays behind them. The charge in and begin to fight and fight and fight, never ending battle never ending conflict, at one point they were probably going to open that door but alas they have become lost.
Now imagine a new figure coming along, much like the first they have ascended the stairs and are now fighting the legion. But they're less focused on fighting than the first figure was, they're more focused on moving towards the door. Of course this leaves them vulnerable open to attacks, many of the attacks land true hitting the figure slowing their progress only slightly before they continue to push on.
Eventually the second figure makes it, they're at the door after everything they've just been through now a they need to do is open it. They begin to push, it's hard the door seemingly refuses to budge and the enemies attacks continue, the figure knows they should fight back against the enemies but they know if they do what little progress they've gained from pushing the door will be lost, and so they continue withstanding the attacks.
It's tough, too much almost but eventually they feel the door shift and it brings them hope. They continue, as do the attacks but they barely feel like anything now just a distraction compared to the door.
The figure keeps pushing harder and harder with all their might making sure to keep pushing in the right place so that they're strength can open the door without damaging it.
Finally it shifts one last time and the door is slowly pushed open. The figure looks behind them, the enemies are gone although some of the injuries they caused while the figure was pushing are still there.
The look at what's Infront of them, it's another door, smaller with a handle delicate and intricate. Slowly and carefully the figure softly lowers their hand onto the handle grasping it gently.
They turn to door handle and open the door at a calm and comfortable pace. With the door open they feel a comfortable breeze flow over them, it's neither warm nor cool it is simply pleasant to be able to experience.
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emily-the-fae · 3 years
Sound of a Heartbeat
Part 3. Back to Business
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Here I am, back with a new chapter. I have absolutely no betas, so this is what I get after editing the text myself.
Pairing: Dracula x OC
Warnings: absolutley none
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What Shari did not expect, was to feel cold - in fact, there was now extremely unpleasant cold at her back and something burning warm and soft at her side, the juxtaposition making her shiver and move her shoulders. As soon as she did so, sharp pain shot through the left side of her neck, causing her to flinch and groan, straightening her shoulders carefully as not to evoke another shot of pain. Why-why-why does this have to sting so much all over again? Shari could hear some sounds around her - noises like obscured quiet dialogue, the voices were still undetectable, but she already had a hint of who they might belong to. Next there was a raspy sound of someone's - or something's - quick breathing right next to her ear. Light struck her eyes through closed eyelids, causing her to turn her head, wincing. There was a sound of footsteps coming closer. Some other noise, getting louder by second, until she finally heard...
- Shari! - as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Sypha leaning above her, anxious face watching her reaction carefully, strands of red hair falling in front of her eyes.
Shari bolted upwards, nearly bumping into the speaker and instantly regretting it as sharp pain shot through her body, she bent forward, almost folding in half, then straightened up again, taking deep breaths. Alright, easy. This is what surviving feels like. She was going to live for now. Shari looked around: she was laying on the snowy forest floor next to a campfire, her body covered with a warm cape; the wood opening was lit in dim daylight, Sypha was crouching on the ground next to her, Adrian and Trevor staring at her from across the campfire; Rodo crawled closer, putting his muzzle onto her lap and wagging his short tail happily, his nose poking her belly.
She caressed his big furry head absentmindedly. Shari did not understand how the hell she managed to make it back, especially considering her health condition. She was expecting anything, but home sweet home among the three friends on the other side of the water.
Something moved on the edge of her peripheral vision, between the trunks of the trees and Shari had to turn her shoulders fully in order to keep her neck as immobile as possible, as she tried to look in the direction of the movement. She saw a shadowy figure of the ghost stare at her, hovering immobile close to the edge of the trees. Oh, Lisa Tepes is not going to leave her alone now. She knew Shari would survive, somehow the damned woman just knew it. Now the healer could be sure the ghost will stick to her for some time and continue the scheme of "go and save the world". A very pleasant beginning of the day.
- Lord, it's so good that you're back. We seriously thought that we might lose you, - Sypha threw her arms around Shari's neck, for the time being taking the healer's thoughts off her new acquaintance. - I tried all I could, you know, magic and other stuff... Adrian almost suggested turning you, - Shari snorted. Like hell he would have.
- How long was I...?
- Three days, - Sypha's face was probably as pale as her own. The poor girl must have done all she was capable of to keep Shari alive.
- To be honest, I am quite surprised that my father didn't finish what he started, but I am anyway relieved, that you are well, - Adrian walked up to her and petted her shoulder. - I'm so sorry we weren't there to help you straight away.
- It's fine, Adrian, we couldn't have predicted that he would pay us a visit. It's not anybody's fault, - no it is. My own and yours too, it was a dumb idea to leave the most battle-unprepared person alone. Shari shut the voice in her head and smiled weakly.
Trevor just nodded from across the fire, listening to their exchange; he watched the three of them, his gaze from time to time drifting back to Shari, or rather to the reddened patch on her neck. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, as if hesitant to speak, then finally spilled it out:
- How did he attack you? How did he find us? Did he speak? – the hunter started throwing questions at her and Shari got a strong feeling of being interrogated.
- I-I don't know, - Shari almost lied, throwing a cautious glance at Lisa. - He just, sort of, appeared and attacked me that's mostly it.
- He probably watched us. She was alone, so he decided to weaken us by removing the one left vulnerable, - Adrian finished, lowering himself on the ground next to the healer. Shari didn't want to respond, dropping herself to her improvised bed in exhaustion.
- You must be more or less right. That night is a bit foggy in my memory, really, - she huffed.
- He has a nasty habit of putting his victims under hypnosis, so your condition is quite - I almost said normal - quite to be expected I dare say, - Adrian mumbled matter-of-factedly, his palm coming up to caress her head and brush away a few stray strands of hair from her face. Shari felt her stomach turn in fear at the word "victims", she breathed out heavily. Silence followed.
- Guys, seriously, I feel drained... - Shari stretched as well as she could; Sypha snorted at her involuntary pun. - Can I please just rest for a while?
- Of course. Take your time and gain some strength. You'll need it soon, - Adrian spoke before anyone could respond. He stretched out his hand to take her palm in his for a moment, capturing her attention. - You deserve some rest. Thank you... For not dying on us. Really, - his tone began to be uncharacteristically serious, but as he ended his words in a chuckle, Shari could only breath out and smile warmly. Sypha just nodded and hurried to cover her once more with the large warm cape - the healer wasn't sure if it was Adrian's of Trevor's.
Shari lay back in peace for once, feeling Rodo's large warm form next to herself and letting the sounds of the forest wash over her. Maybe she could at least get some normal sleep.
When she woke up the next time, it was already deep in the night. The fire was burning low, Sypha and Trevor sleeping soundly on the ground around it, curled into two freezing balls, an empty bottle next to Trevor's hand - as per usual - and Adrian nowhere to be seen. Rodo purred in discontent, shaking his sleepy red eyed head, when Shari tried to sit up.
There was a shadow at the edge of the trees once again watching the small campsite intently; Shari could see it clearly its outline hiding behind the tree trunks. Lisa. The woman caught her gaze and beckoned her to come closer. Shari shook her head at first, but the woman only continued gesturing more aggressively; she hesitated for a while, contemplating whether she should just turn on her side and go back to sleep, then stood up at last almost against her own will, walking up to the ghost cautiously, ready for any unpleasant surprise. She felt like she was going to regret even this small decision.
Lisa, seeing her move, turned away and walked further into the tree shadows, leading the human away from the campfire; Shari could barely follow her transparent form, walking through the bushes careful not to make too much noise that could awaken her unaware companions. Rodo ran behind his human, smelling the air around him for any traces of life, his huge claws making him clumsy as he trotted through the bushes. At first Shari could barely see her way, cursing under her breath as she went until all of a sudden she found herself in an opening once more, a small free patch of ground formed around an old fallen tree, it's darkened trunk laying on the ground and clearing some space around it; Shari saw the ghost settle on top of the trunk as if sitting down on a bench, gesturing for the human to do the same. Shari walked closer and lowered herself next to the woman. It was silent for a few moments.
- Did you really have to do that? - Shari spoke up.
- Do what? - Lisa responded.
- Appear to me. Rush my decisions.
- I didn't. In fact, I tried to tell you to think it over, if you remember?
- Oh yes, you didn't intimidate me with the prospects of returning to Earth straight for a painful fight, - sarcasm it is.
- I needed you to be out here.
Silence once more.
- Why don't they see you? Adrian and others - you were there in the morning, but they didn't notice. Are you just a hallucination? In my head? I’m going insane, am I? - Shari asked. The ghost sighed in response, lowering her head.
- No, no. I believe, you... Crossed some border because of almost dying. You aren't supposed to be seeing me now, it never happened to me before... Maybe you are able to see the other dead too. Maybe it's just me because I tried to connect to you, - Lisa answered, unconfident, studying the girl's face. - I was never exactly an expert in the paranormal field.
- You raised a vampire son.
- That's different!
- I'm still not going to go looking for Dracula, - Shari stated.
- You can go looking for his castle instead then, - Lisa was seemingly unworried about her decision.
- Looking for his castle?! Do you even hear yourself? How is that supposed to be "instead"? How.. Wait, why?
- Well, as you said, you want to hold onto your life - he has the answer to your sickness, your salvation - I know, I remember, I've been to his library - if you manage to find the castle, you will as well find the cure, - Lisa smiled knowingly at Shari's visible confusion. The healer wrinkled her nose, thinking. Now there was something to it – could be possible; a chance for longer survival, if the stories didn’t lie; besides Dracula is quite busy and Lisa had told her she watched over him. But still...
- Oh no, I'm not buying this. You're just telling this to me, because you want me to encounter him. He very obviously will be there and will certainly be not happy about a human intruder. I won't go, nope, - Shari replied.
- Don't you think it's the better option of not encountering him? - there was a smirk on the ghost's face now.
- Oh, yes, why would that be?
- He's following you four around, he said it himself, so he will definitely notice you are still alive and quite soon. But I do know he is not as often in his castle nowadays - so if you leave the others, in fact, you will have better chances of...
- Alright, alright, Lady Logic, I get it. What's in it for you then? Making me search the castle? Sounds all too good for me and nothing for you, as you place it. What do you have in mind?- Shari stared at the ghost suspiciously, waiting for the answer.
- His castle and all its movement is controlled only from the inside, I know it for sure. And maybe, just maybe, together we could find a way to reverse this war with minimum blood. If we find a way to stick the castle to one place, he will have to be more careful, because his safe place will grow more vulnerable. As for Adrian and your team out there – they wouldn’t be able to ambush him. Drawn in that condition they may have more time and necessity to… reconsider some of their tactics. Who says diplomacy should work without a little destructive help? You and I – together we can create the needed mess, - Lisa responded. This sounded almost like a rehearsed speech. - Magic and knowledge: if you help it may actually work out.
- And that's all? - Shari raised an eyebrow.
- Yes.
- Too simple.
- Only on speech, - Lisa tilted her head towards Shari. - Do we have a deal?
- I don't trust you, - Shari cut back. - You're nice and all, but I don't trust you, - she stood up from the tree trunk.
- You don't have to. But we need each other, you have to admit it, - the ghost responded with an amused smile. Shari really wanted to shut her ears and run away. This was no good. There was no way the ghost wasn't lying about Dracula deserting his castle; Adrian said he wouldn't... Though Adrian didn't expect him to be watching them either.
- Okay. Say I do trust you – for now. What do I do? How do I get away and to his castle without Adrian?
- Leave tomorrow. Tell them you need to go and settle some personal matter – or rest somewhere peaceful, that you know of a small village to rest in for a while. That you're sick and solving it - it's not far from the truth. You'll catch up with them in some time… possibly, - Lisa told it all as if she had planned the whole thing a long time ago, which unnerved Shari quite a lot.
- Will I though? - mistrust once again.
- Depends on you, - the ghost dissolved into thin air. - Remember, we both need each other.
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wciblackbeltacademy · 6 years
In other articles about women's self-defense, Dai-Shihan has talked about having the proper attitude, and developing the survivor's mindset. To have the right attitude, you must be able to see the value in yourself, and be committed to surviving an attack - no matter what. In this article, you'll be given the tools to do just that. In order to develop the proper mindset, you must be able to identify the actual, or most likely, threats that you as a woman will have to face. Statistically speaking, most women that encounter violence or sexual assault are assaulted by someone they know. I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of statistics, but as a minimum in order to be able to effectively protect yourself... you should know that 40% of all rapes take place in a victim's home, and another 20% take place in a friend or relatives home. Also, approximately 70% of rape victims know their attacker. Therefore, from a women's self-defense standpoint, you have to be aware of where and to whom you are most vulnerable in order to protect yourself effectively. The bottom line is this - no matter what the statistics say, when it comes to effective and reliable women's self-defense training, each woman has her own unique life, and therefore will have to be prepared to protect herself somewhere she normally finds herself. This means that, if you're ever attacked, everything will depend on your own unique situation. The risk factor and most dangerous places for a single woman going to college will be different than for a woman in a stable marriage - who is a homemaker. However, that does not mean one should not have a plan for a place that they are unlikely to encounter something, because you always have to be prepared. In reality, if you are a woman and you are isolated from everything or everyone else, then you need to have a plan of defense in place. You need to know the critical principles and concepts upon which all tactics, techniques and strategies are built, so that you can create a sound plan of escape, evasion, or counter-attack should you need to. Unfortunately, the most likely place for any woman to be assaulted or raped is in her own home, in a friend's home, or in the surrounding area. Other places that are dangerous for women are their workplace, public parks, parking garages, colleges etc... A lot of places do not have to be desolate or dark to have to protect yourself. You could be walking at the park, a van drive up, someone jump out, pull you in, and drive off. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. The question is, do you have a plan of action for each of the places that are close to home, in your home, or familiar to you? After all, these are the places that will give you the greatest advantage over your attacker! Everything else becomes more and more difficult due to the unfamiliarity and disorientation that you will be facing. After identifying the location(s) where you will be the most vulnerable, you need to identify the people who put you at the most risk. In actuality, if you have never had an incident with that person before, then you really do not know if they are a threat or not. Usually more often than not - it is someone you are either related to, know professionally, a friend or an acquaintance. Please know that I'm not out to make you paranoid about the people in your life. Just prepared. If you think it will be difficult to strike, kick, or break the body of a complete stranger - if you can just imagine the shock and disbelief of being attacked by someone you've never met, imagine what that's going to feel like when the attacker turns out to be someone you know and love? Have you ever heard someone say that it seems like family and friends will cheat you before a stranger does? The reason for that is because they are the ones that you trust the most, and you let them get closer to you than you ever would a stranger. In the context of women's self-defense, the same is true; except that you are trusting them with something much more valuable than money... your life. I will also say it again; that does not mean you rule out strangers and go around in public with your "eyes wide shut". This also doesn't mean that you should alienate everyone in your life. What I mean is that to protect yourself with a balanced, aware, and objective women's self-defense attitude and mindset, you must understand, that the people you know could end up being the most likely culprits. If you have one of your acquaintances that stops by when he knows your home alone, they could be looking for an opportunity. It could also be a stranger saying he needs to make a call because his car broke down. Either way, when that women's self-defense sixth-sense kicks in (regardless of where you are), make sure that you listen to it. Do not feel pressured or be guilt tripped or coerced into allowing them to come into your home. Listen to your intuition and, when the hair on the back of your neck raises, it means you're in danger and someone has a bad intention for you. Regardless though... with the proper training in effective and practical women's self-defense techniques, tactics, strategies and skills - you will be able to protect yourself. Effective women's self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible - against an attacker who will be bigger, stronger, and determined to succeed!
In other articles about women's self-defense, Dai-Shihan has talked about having the proper attitude, and developing the survivor's mindset. To have the right attitude, you must be able to see the value in yourself, and be committed to surviving an attack - no matter what. In this article, you'll be given the tools to do just that. In order to develop the proper mindset, you must be able to identify the actual, or most likely, threats that you as a woman will have to face. Statistically speaking, most women that encounter violence or sexual assault are assaulted by someone they know. I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of statistics, but as a minimum in order to be able to effectively protect yourself... you should know that 40% of all rapes take place in a victim's home, and another 20% take place in a friend or relatives home. Also, approximately 70% of rape victims know their attacker. Therefore, from a women's self-defense standpoint, you have to be aware of where and to whom you are most vulnerable in order to protect yourself effectively. The bottom line is this - no matter what the statistics say, when it comes to effective and reliable women's self-defense training, each woman has her own unique life, and therefore will have to be prepared to protect herself somewhere she normally finds herself. This means that, if you're ever attacked, everything will depend on your own unique situation. The risk factor and most dangerous places for a single woman going to college will be different than for a woman in a stable marriage - who is a homemaker. However, that does not mean one should not have a plan for a place that they are unlikely to encounter something, because you always have to be prepared. In reality, if you are a woman and you are isolated from everything or everyone else, then you need to have a plan of defense in place. You need to know the critical principles and concepts upon which all tactics, techniques and strategies are built, so that you can create a sound plan of escape, evasion, or counter-attack should you need to. Unfortunately, the most likely place for any woman to be assaulted or raped is in her own home, in a friend's home, or in the surrounding area. Other places that are dangerous for women are their workplace, public parks, parking garages, colleges etc... A lot of places do not have to be desolate or dark to have to protect yourself. You could be walking at the park, a van drive up, someone jump out, pull you in, and drive off. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. The question is, do you have a plan of action for each of the places that are close to home, in your home, or familiar to you? After all, these are the places that will give you the greatest advantage over your attacker! Everything else becomes more and more difficult due to the unfamiliarity and disorientation that you will be facing. After identifying the location(s) where you will be the most vulnerable, you need to identify the people who put you at the most risk. In actuality, if you have never had an incident with that person before, then you really do not know if they are a threat or not. Usually more often than not - it is someone you are either related to, know professionally, a friend or an acquaintance. Please know that I'm not out to make you paranoid about the people in your life. Just prepared. If you think it will be difficult to strike, kick, or break the body of a complete stranger - if you can just imagine the shock and disbelief of being attacked by someone you've never met, imagine what that's going to feel like when the attacker turns out to be someone you know and love? Have you ever heard someone say that it seems like family and friends will cheat you before a stranger does? The reason for that is because they are the ones that you trust the most, and you let them get closer to you than you ever would a stranger. In the context of women's self-defense, the same is true; except that you are trusting them with something much more valuable than money... your life. I will also say it again; that does not mean you rule out strangers and go around in public with your "eyes wide shut". This also doesn't mean that you should alienate everyone in your life. What I mean is that to protect yourself with a balanced, aware, and objective women's self-defense attitude and mindset, you must understand, that the people you know could end up being the most likely culprits. If you have one of your acquaintances that stops by when he knows your home alone, they could be looking for an opportunity. It could also be a stranger saying he needs to make a call because his car broke down. Either way, when that women's self-defense sixth-sense kicks in (regardless of where you are), make sure that you listen to it. Do not feel pressured or be guilt tripped or coerced into allowing them to come into your home. Listen to your intuition and, when the hair on the back of your neck raises, it means you're in danger and someone has a bad intention for you. Regardless though... with the proper training in effective and practical women's self-defense techniques, tactics, strategies and skills - you will be able to protect yourself. Effective women's self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible - against an attacker who will be bigger, stronger, and determined to succeed!
0 notes
wciblackbeltacademy · 6 years
In other articles about women's self-defense, Dai-Shihan has talked about having the proper attitude, and developing the survivor's mindset. To have the right attitude, you must be able to see the value in yourself, and be committed to surviving an attack - no matter what. In this article, you'll be given the tools to do just that. In order to develop the proper mindset, you must be able to identify the actual, or most likely, threats that you as a woman will have to face. Statistically speaking, most women that encounter violence or sexual assault are assaulted by someone they know. I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of statistics, but as a minimum in order to be able to effectively protect yourself... you should know that 40% of all rapes take place in a victim's home, and another 20% take place in a friend or relatives home. Also, approximately 70% of rape victims know their attacker. Therefore, from a women's self-defense standpoint, you have to be aware of where and to whom you are most vulnerable in order to protect yourself effectively. The bottom line is this - no matter what the statistics say, when it comes to effective and reliable women's self-defense training, each woman has her own unique life, and therefore will have to be prepared to protect herself somewhere she normally finds herself. This means that, if you're ever attacked, everything will depend on your own unique situation. The risk factor and most dangerous places for a single woman going to college will be different than for a woman in a stable marriage - who is a homemaker. However, that does not mean one should not have a plan for a place that they are unlikely to encounter something, because you always have to be prepared. In reality, if you are a woman and you are isolated from everything or everyone else, then you need to have a plan of defense in place. You need to know the critical principles and concepts upon which all tactics, techniques and strategies are built, so that you can create a sound plan of escape, evasion, or counter-attack should you need to. Unfortunately, the most likely place for any woman to be assaulted or raped is in her own home, in a friend's home, or in the surrounding area. Other places that are dangerous for women are their workplace, public parks, parking garages, colleges etc... A lot of places do not have to be desolate or dark to have to protect yourself. You could be walking at the park, a van drive up, someone jump out, pull you in, and drive off. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. The question is, do you have a plan of action for each of the places that are close to home, in your home, or familiar to you? After all, these are the places that will give you the greatest advantage over your attacker! Everything else becomes more and more difficult due to the unfamiliarity and disorientation that you will be facing. After identifying the location(s) where you will be the most vulnerable, you need to identify the people who put you at the most risk. In actuality, if you have never had an incident with that person before, then you really do not know if they are a threat or not. Usually more often than not - it is someone you are either related to, know professionally, a friend or an acquaintance. Please know that I'm not out to make you paranoid about the people in your life. Just prepared. If you think it will be difficult to strike, kick, or break the body of a complete stranger - if you can just imagine the shock and disbelief of being attacked by someone you've never met, imagine what that's going to feel like when the attacker turns out to be someone you know and love? Have you ever heard someone say that it seems like family and friends will cheat you before a stranger does? The reason for that is because they are the ones that you trust the most, and you let them get closer to you than you ever would a stranger. In the context of women's self-defense, the same is true; except that you are trusting them with something much more valuable than money... your life. I will also say it again; that does not mean you rule out strangers and go around in public with your "eyes wide shut". This also doesn't mean that you should alienate everyone in your life. What I mean is that to protect yourself with a balanced, aware, and objective women's self-defense attitude and mindset, you must understand, that the people you know could end up being the most likely culprits. If you have one of your acquaintances that stops by when he knows your home alone, they could be looking for an opportunity. It could also be a stranger saying he needs to make a call because his car broke down. Either way, when that women's self-defense sixth-sense kicks in (regardless of where you are), make sure that you listen to it. Do not feel pressured or be guilt tripped or coerced into allowing them to come into your home. Listen to your intuition and, when the hair on the back of your neck raises, it means you're in danger and someone has a bad intention for you. Regardless though... with the proper training in effective and practical women's self-defense techniques, tactics, strategies and skills - you will be able to protect yourself. Effective women's self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible - against an attacker who will be bigger, stronger, and determined to succeed!
In other articles about women's self-defense, Dai-Shihan has talked about having the proper attitude, and developing the survivor's mindset. To have the right attitude, you must be able to see the value in yourself, and be committed to surviving an attack - no matter what. In this article, you'll be given the tools to do just that. In order to develop the proper mindset, you must be able to identify the actual, or most likely, threats that you as a woman will have to face. Statistically speaking, most women that encounter violence or sexual assault are assaulted by someone they know. I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of statistics, but as a minimum in order to be able to effectively protect yourself... you should know that 40% of all rapes take place in a victim's home, and another 20% take place in a friend or relatives home. Also, approximately 70% of rape victims know their attacker. Therefore, from a women's self-defense standpoint, you have to be aware of where and to whom you are most vulnerable in order to protect yourself effectively. The bottom line is this - no matter what the statistics say, when it comes to effective and reliable women's self-defense training, each woman has her own unique life, and therefore will have to be prepared to protect herself somewhere she normally finds herself. This means that, if you're ever attacked, everything will depend on your own unique situation. The risk factor and most dangerous places for a single woman going to college will be different than for a woman in a stable marriage - who is a homemaker. However, that does not mean one should not have a plan for a place that they are unlikely to encounter something, because you always have to be prepared. In reality, if you are a woman and you are isolated from everything or everyone else, then you need to have a plan of defense in place. You need to know the critical principles and concepts upon which all tactics, techniques and strategies are built, so that you can create a sound plan of escape, evasion, or counter-attack should you need to. Unfortunately, the most likely place for any woman to be assaulted or raped is in her own home, in a friend's home, or in the surrounding area. Other places that are dangerous for women are their workplace, public parks, parking garages, colleges etc... A lot of places do not have to be desolate or dark to have to protect yourself. You could be walking at the park, a van drive up, someone jump out, pull you in, and drive off. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. The question is, do you have a plan of action for each of the places that are close to home, in your home, or familiar to you? After all, these are the places that will give you the greatest advantage over your attacker! Everything else becomes more and more difficult due to the unfamiliarity and disorientation that you will be facing. After identifying the location(s) where you will be the most vulnerable, you need to identify the people who put you at the most risk. In actuality, if you have never had an incident with that person before, then you really do not know if they are a threat or not. Usually more often than not - it is someone you are either related to, know professionally, a friend or an acquaintance. Please know that I'm not out to make you paranoid about the people in your life. Just prepared. If you think it will be difficult to strike, kick, or break the body of a complete stranger - if you can just imagine the shock and disbelief of being attacked by someone you've never met, imagine what that's going to feel like when the attacker turns out to be someone you know and love? Have you ever heard someone say that it seems like family and friends will cheat you before a stranger does? The reason for that is because they are the ones that you trust the most, and you let them get closer to you than you ever would a stranger. In the context of women's self-defense, the same is true; except that you are trusting them with something much more valuable than money... your life. I will also say it again; that does not mean you rule out strangers and go around in public with your "eyes wide shut". This also doesn't mean that you should alienate everyone in your life. What I mean is that to protect yourself with a balanced, aware, and objective women's self-defense attitude and mindset, you must understand, that the people you know could end up being the most likely culprits. If you have one of your acquaintances that stops by when he knows your home alone, they could be looking for an opportunity. It could also be a stranger saying he needs to make a call because his car broke down. Either way, when that women's self-defense sixth-sense kicks in (regardless of where you are), make sure that you listen to it. Do not feel pressured or be guilt tripped or coerced into allowing them to come into your home. Listen to your intuition and, when the hair on the back of your neck raises, it means you're in danger and someone has a bad intention for you. Regardless though... with the proper training in effective and practical women's self-defense techniques, tactics, strategies and skills - you will be able to protect yourself. Effective women's self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible - against an attacker who will be bigger, stronger, and determined to succeed!
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