#(how did you guess flora was my favourite winx growing up)
laulo821 · 11 months
whats your favorite combination of colors/color scheme
hello there. colours are too pretty together to have only one favourite so here is a bunch of my favourite colour pairs
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there's prolly more i forgor but here's a starterpack
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
TV Show Tag Game
I was tagged by @darkpoisonouslove
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. Legends of Tomorrow
3. Winx Club
4. Supergirl
5. Steven Universe
what’s your favourite character from 1?
Hmmm.... Probably between Mick Rory and Sara Lance. Mick because he’s so unapologetically himself, even as he starts to grow and change a little. And Sara is the confident leader (after season 1) and I just... Love her chaotic bisexual energy.
who’s your least favourite character in 2?
Fuck.... There’s so many. There was a Ted Bundy-esque dude who I really fucking hated. And I despised this guy named Dearing.... And I wasn’t a fan of this back-up team that came in to hunt the P2P killer (port to port killer). Not to mention Chip was an asshole. And the Cartel Siblings that tried to kill/destroy Gibbs’ life....
what’s your favourite episode of 4?
I loved this episode in (i think it was season 3? or four?) when Kara and J’onn go to Mars and we see bits and pieces of J’onn’s past and we meet his father (who voiced J’onn in the Justice League cartoon!)
what is your favorite season of 5?
I really liked Steven Universe Future, the final season. It was... Cathartic and it answered many questions that I had. And it showed Steven growing up and learning more how to deal with himself and his own problems instead of the problems of those around him. 
what’s your favorite couple of 3?
Flora and Helia. They clicked in just the right way. (Though I wish canon in both the comics and the show would at least try to line up instead of changing every time. But whatever.)
(My favorite non-canon/potentially canon in the past couple is Valtor/Griffin though... Just saying.)
what’s your favorite couple in 2?
This is a loaded question because damn does this have all the ships... But I’m going to have to say Tiva-TonyxZiva. They had chemistry from day 1 and it just escalated from there. Even now, after they’ve both left the team, they’re together with their daughter, Tali. (Who is played by an adorable little girl who’s name I can’t seem to find.)
what’s your favorite episode in 1?
I have quite a few. But the top is 1.03: Blood Ties.
One, we get to see how badass Sara Lance is and how awesome her training is. 
We also get to see the limits of time travel and how sometimes “time wants to happen”. (Meaning you can’t just change fate.) This is a whole conversation brought on because Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold goes into the past to try and stop his father from going to jail the first time around. (Spoiler: It doesn’t work and Lewis Snart still ends up being an abusive bastard.)
what’s your favorite episode in 5?
On the Run. Holy shit this episode started off as the usual feel-good/filler episode... But then it quickly turned into more.
We see Amethyst’s roots and how she came to be and... And we see a glimpse into her self-loathing and I just... I want to cry thinking about it because it just... Hit home in so many ways.
what’s your favorite season in 2?
I’d say Season 3, simply because we’re introduced to Ziva. Or Season 4 (or was it 5) in which the team gets caught up in an inter-agency investigation that almost threatens their jobs....
how long have you been watching 1?
I’ve watched it since it first came out. I thought it’d be interesting, and boy... I wasn’t wrong.
how did you get into 3?
That’s a funny story... I was a kid and my local Cartoon Network (yes, it aired on CN for the first season, way back in the day XD )and I saw the ad for a new fairy show and was like ‘oh, this’ll be cool’. Little did I know how sucked in I would become.. XD
favorite actor in 4?
David Harewood. He’s the Martian Manhunter and I just... I love him. I also really love Katie McGrath... But I’m also in love with her so... XD
which do you prefer? 1, 2 or 5?
Currently 5. It just aired it’s final episodes and I’m still not over it. 
which show have you seen more of, 1 or 3?
Technically I’ve seen more of 1, simply because I’ve not seen the end of one of the Winx seasons and I’ve missed one of the movies. But I’ve seen every episode, so far, of Legends.
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Do I have to be an actual character or can I create a character? I like me, but I think I’d like a version of me that’s a superhero. XD (I guess M’gann if I have to be... I hate how they did her story for Supergirl, but I do love the idea of being a Martian.)
would a crossover of 3 and 4 work?
Winx and Supergirl? Well... I mean... Stranger things have happened on both shows. (Supergirl even has an inter-dimensional imp that pops in from time to time to screw shit up. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he sent Kara and her friends into the Winx world. Also, picture this, a transformation sequence as Kara and her friends become their superhero selves. Just picture it.) 
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Charlie and Constantine. They have this chaotic energy about them and I just... I live for it, okay? The chaos. The magic. The fun.
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Winx or Steven Universe? Well... With the way things have been so far.... Steven Universe. I’m sorry, but they kept up with continuity and did awesome stuff and I just... I’m sorry, but they did better than Winx.
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
NCIS or Supergirl? NCIS. Just... It has quite the soundtrack for seventeen seasons.
Tagging: @meluisart and @electra-jolts-magnetism and anyone else who wishes to do this.
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nikatyler · 6 years
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It’s been like what, three weeks? Yeah. I wasn’t really in the mood for doing this.  Tired, stressed out, sad, lonely...senior year is a blast for sure :D 11/10 would recommend.
Speaking of loneliness...I’ve recently mentioned it a lot but I’ll just say it again. Lately I feel so alone and sort of disconnected from everyone here, I don’t know why. I’ll admit one thing - I guess I’m even kind of jealous, I see all those simblr friendships and then look at myself and wow. I don’t really talk to anyone, do I. A few people from time to time. I mean, I’m a dumbass, so I’m not really surprised but...anyway. Please continue commenting, keep sending your reactions, asks, anything, you’ll make my day. Also, ships. I want to have ships with other people but I’m too afraid to ask. If you want to ship your sim with my sim, you’ll have to take the first step because I’m an anxious dumbass :D
On another (much better) note, I’ve finished working on the first arc of Regan’s storyline. I don’t know when you’ll see it since the queue is so slow (I might speed it up in a month or so), but yeah. I’m there and ooh boy. Stuff is happening. You might hate me for what I did. But maybe not. Just saying. I kinda want to scream about it already.
TL;DR: I’m an anxious dumbass who loves comments and wants to make some friends. The first arc of Regan’s storyline is finished.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
Omg she truly is precious ❤️❤️❤️
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
Wowza she got some good genes!!
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
sparkiemonkey replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
She's so pretty. I can't ever get the ts3 models to look that cute.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
melien replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
She's adorable!
I was so happy when I posted this because damn, I love her so much. I wish I could give her a story, but that’s impossible because I already have a lot on my plate. Like I always say (well, like I’ve been saying since the quads), never do big generations. I guess I would enjoy seeing her in someone else’s game though. Someone’s heir’s spouse or something. Hmmm. 🤔
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
It looks cool! ❤️
I've actually spent years trying to get which is my favorite fairy only to realize it's always been Bloom�� I can't even say why
And the first 4 seasons definitely were the best - the villains and stories were cooler and stuff and I remember how thrilled I was to watch the fairies' Entchantix (was it called so? ) transformation for the first time
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
a winx club ref??? on my dash???
I used to be all over this show as a kid
I think we only ever got like the first two or three seasons cause they stopped showing it after a while.
amixofpixels replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
Flora was always my favourite growing up. Feelings are more neutral nowadays.
melien replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
High five, she was my favourite too ✋
create-a-sim replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
I loved it too, though my parents didn't have the channel that it aired on and I only could watch it at my friend's house :(
Guys you have no idea how much I love these reactions because when I was growing up, people made fun of me for loving this show. I was scared it would backfire here as well. And it didn’t, yay! :D
I used to love Bloom when I was little. Then in middle school, Tecna became my favourite. I could somehow relate to her, I don’t know. She was kinda different and weird, I’m kinda weird too, I felt like they often overlook and ignore her, same here, she was into computers, I was into computers, etc. I even wanted to have her original haircut because I loved her so much :D You know, the one from season 1-4, the one so similar to that Fitness SP hair (which I used here).
As for seasons, my favourite was definitely season 4, I looooved the idea of Earth fairies, not to mention the villains were so cool too. Same with Valtor in season 3. Damn. I’m not thirsty for cartoon villains, I swear. But like if they were real people, they’d look so good. After season 4, things went super downhill, but I was still watching it because I had hope it could get better again. Nope. It didn’t. Still, it can’t take the good memories of the first four seasons away.
Man, I could ramble about this forever :D
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “To make everything even better, Lydia broke the bathtub. AGAIN.”
she looks so proud of herself too haha
Her only goal in life is to cause chaos and break things
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Aurora: “So I obviously love Kayla with all my heart, she’s my niece...”
I know, right? :D 
I love working on sibling relationships in my legacies so much. In fact, often times they’re even more fun than working on romantic relationships with their spouses :D
myopiccc replied to your post “I’ve already talked about this on twitter but I’m just gonna mention...”
Sending you love and HUUUGE hug. One sentence you're writing makes me laugh and cry. I don;t think those strong writing flows all the time. Please don't mind. Take rest and have a big bite of chocolate:D(if you do like chocolate). <3
*hugs* :’)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Valentine’s Day?”
Gorgeous little thing<333
Daaaamn I know *-* I didn’t think this hair could suit her so well, but it did and wow I’m in love
cafeheart replied to your post “post nsb”
damn anon go write your own nsb if youre that thirsty
dandylion240 replied to your post “post nsb”
I enjoy whatever you want to share with us ��
108sims replied to your post “post nsb”
Wow that’s kind of rude. I enjoy all your challenges!
moonbobs replied to your post “post nsb”
Post what you want! This is a hobby not a job. I can't with these types of asks smh��
I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I got a few more asks about this but I didn’t post them because I’d reply the same thing. I just DON’T KNOW when the save is coming back, stop asking, anons! It’ll happen at some point. But yeah, I kinda saw it coming, because I’ve posted ts4 for so long, it was fun, gen 6 right now isn’t very fun. I mean it. I’m not happy with the beginning of it, but I know it’ll get better.
Thank you guys for your words. I think this is important for every simblr out there: Post whatever you want. It’s your blog, your game. People might like something more, but in the end you have the final decision. If you want to switch to ts3 because you love ts3, go for it! Maybe some people will leave but eh. Whatever. You don’t need people like that anyway, right?
froggypixel replied to your photoset “Hey Doc…you okay there?”
When your owner leaves you��
This made me sad because his owners actually left him. Forever. They died. 😭 And somehow this dog is immortal or something, idk. It’s kinda wild. But don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t want him to die.
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