#(i am immune.... totally.............)
hobicat · 2 months
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Now class, everyone say “Thank you” to Mr. Hugh Jackman~
More about why we should be grateful under the cut
Hugh Jackman has gone on record about how he preps for shirtless scenes and it sounds brutal. It takes a minimum of 3 months and the man starts drinking two the three gallons of water a day while working out. At least for Les Miserables he stated that he was in the gym for three hours a day. Often this is on top of body composition workouts to handle the stunts he has to perform. His body gets accustomed to drinking that much water so he’s always thirsty.
36 hours before the shoot where he needs to do the shirtless scene, a shoot which can last hours, he stops drinking everything to shed all his water weight. However thirsty y’all were seeing him shirtless I guarantee you, he was thirstier and crankier.
I can’t imagine doing anything under those conditions let alone acting and performing.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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"From triumph to failure is but one step."
+ the usual
I love when I can include paper sketches in the process gif. It's very satisfying to see it progress from a very vague imagining of what was in my head to the finished project.
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+ version without text
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My favorite sketch was definitely the one where I actually put in words what it's supposed to convey. I wouldn't usually write that down, cause it's all in my head, but it was useful to do so when sending it to other people. I'll go into it more but here it is just as a teaser:
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Lmao first of all, I like how I was teasing "Spanish GP" art, but as per usual, it's just thinly veiled au art. IM SORRY, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN MAKING GENERAL POSTERS, THAT'S NO FUN! So instead you will get weirdly relevant matador au art. I like it a lot though, I was really shocked I was able to draw 3 different Fernandos, I mean even drawing one figure takes a lot out of me, but this was weirdly easy?? I think it's just the effect of not being burnt out anymore, and actually being able to draw with more ease makes me feel like a god.
Okay, so the text: "Fight or Flight?" I'll be honest, I don't even remember why I chose it, literally came to me in a vision 😭 But I think it's fitting with the narrative of this piece. Is it better to keep going on, keep fighting, or better to finally give up, and flee? Not that I even remotely think he should give up, but I feel like sometimes I can sense him pondering this very question. That was the big fear before he announced that he re-signed. Keep fighting and maybe, just maybe, you'll get the chance to finally go up against the bull again. Or accept it's an uphill battle and the fighting is going to keep getting more and more strenous, and maybe it's time to put down the sword. SORRY THIS IS SO ANGSTY FOR WHAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE "yayyyy home race!!!" Please forgive me <3
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I. Renault
At some point, someone pointed out to me that I had drawn all other iterations of matador Fernando with a sword, except for Renault Fernando, and that ended up feeling very poignant to me. In a bull fighting match, they really only pull out the sword at the last minute to deliver the killing blow. So I think it's important to never draw this Fernando with a sword, because it shows the unfailing confidence and stability he has at that point. He only needs to pull out the sword at the end, as a formality almost, there's no reason for him to keep his guard up at all times.
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II. Ferrari
Meanwhile this Fernando, he's considering his sword like he hasn't had to in the past. He's checking the sharpness, making sure in advance he can do what needs to be done. He's on guard, he feels like he needs to keep up his defenses at all times because he doesn't have that same amount of trust and stability anymore. He knows though he will be up against the (red) bull, at least that's never in question. At least there's the assurance he'll get the chance to fight.
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III. Aston
Oh, Aston Fernando....He doesn't know whether to take up his sword or finally put it down for the last time. While at least Ferrari Fernando knows he's on constant guard against the bull, this Fernando doesn't even have that assurance anymore. He feels like he can never put down the sword, just in case he gets the chance to strike the killing blow on the bull, which feels like it's growing more and more unlikely.
Spanish flag: ? Lmao this was meant to be something to celebrate Fernando's home race and it turned very introspective whoops. Also got the Napoleon quote in there hahaha, can't escape it!! Shame though there is no French gp anymore, if so I'd probably draw an unhinged thing for it :,(
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the sillies 🌈💖
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Traditional noco art because I love them very much your honor :D (sorry for bad quality)
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eyestrain-addict · 4 months
I gotta be honest with y'all I love Lestats red coat so much. He's literally him
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ruler-of-thorns · 1 year
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 3 months
Now give jacques his true form: horrible CATS (2019) monstrosity
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Oopsie I made him pretty
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hurricanes-art · 1 year
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you'll never see it coming~!
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horrorgeoff · 3 months
coming out as an alejandro liker
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spacedlexi · 2 years
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ive been replaying mass effect lately.. my shep gets existential about the scars she lost after project lazarus. the whole clone thing doesnt help either..
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st-just · 10 months
More specific this time: 🔥 topic: the hot takes people do
Oh yeah like ~60% of hot takes are basically just repeating the consensus opinion of the speaker's immediate social circle but acting like a courageous truth teller about it (see also every 'but you all aren't ready for that conversation' post on here with 10s of thousands of notes).
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j2zara · 2 months
Me: I love that j4 wants to be her own person and carve out her own path
So called independent thinkers (j4) when they are carried bridal style by a big strong Goliath:
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future-mr-darcy · 9 months
You are not immune to Big Brother Love
I am totally immune. I am so immune. Hugs will not break me. No amount of puppy eyes from Dick will make me break down. I am immune.
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scaredysap · 9 months
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Having an emotional moment while sprawling on the grass, he’s just like me for real
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celestialsolstice · 1 year
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here’s some of my fave josh pics i got from the denver show 🫶🏻
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saintgoateyes · 3 months
I am anxious to see Quire in a comic again but also marvel please please please hear out my pitch for a new X-Factor investigations with Q as my Madrox.
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sage-reads-things · 4 months
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Hanawa has established that he's a man who's interested in other people. In his first fight with Taiyo, I said that he seemed to be testing Taiyo, trying to see if he was as capable as the Yozakura name implied. This entire fight feels like another test. Specifically, I think Hanawa is testing Taiyo's emotional endurance.
It’s not enough to be a good spy physically and mentally. You also have to be a good spy emotionally—you have to focus on your target, ignoring all distractions and personal biases, and disregard all morality except your own (or that of your client’s). So in this fight, Hanawa (1) taunts Taiyo, (2) messes with his sense of right and wrong, and (3) manipulates his conscience. He's specifically aiming for the part of Taiyo that wants to save people, the part that Hanawa thinks motivated Taiyo to save that little girl.
But what does Taiyo do? He looks Hanawa in the eye and says "I don't care." He makes it clear that he's not interested in the "right" or "wrong" of the situation, even going so far as to admit that he never thought he was in the right. He's simply decided to protect what's important to him.
And to be clear, Taiyo isn't saying that he doesn't care about other people's wellbeing or that he wouldn't save them if it were possible. He's simply focusing his line of vision, streamlining his priorities so that Hanawa's jabs don't get to him. Mutsumi needs saving. Taiyo will save her. And if he needs to make a choice between Mutsumi or the greater good, he'll choose Mutsumi, consequences be damned.
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