#(i am purposefully making her backstory even more fucked up than it is in canon while still technically being canon compliant wheeeeeeeeee)
anyway i think emma and sanders should’ve been besties
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
Alright! So, now that we have the full line-up of the Level 10 Bell’s Hells artwork, I think it’s about time I sat down and gave my personal opinions that nobody asked for about everyone’s styles.
Chetney Pock'o'pea
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While I appreciate the more active pose and visible armor as opposed to his more unassuming original design, I am very off-put that he completely abandoned his original color scheme and all shreds of his original aesthetic. I also think the tracksuit is a bit much—listen, I’m a fan of toeing the line of what fashion belongs in a fantasy setting, but I’m pretty sure this fully vaulted over the it and did a full backflip and three-point landing into ridiculous. 3/10
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And unfortunately, the same must be said for his Lycan form. This artwork feels like a serious downgrade from the original Chetwolf, which honestly filled me with a shock of horror each time he popped up. The only reason it is higher than base-Chet is that Chetwolf is still a werewolf, and werewolves are badass. 4/10
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Laudna, on the otherhand, is a total glow-up from her original design. Everything about her design ties together and brings in perfectly her aesthetic and backstory, from the haunting tree embroidery on her dress (akin to the Sun Tree she was hung from) to the little Pate birdhouse backpack (an homage to the Baba Yaga forest witch imagery she picked up), all the while looking so much like the elegant and imposing Delilah Briarwood. Easy 10/10 for me.
Fresh Cut Grass (F.C.G.)
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F.C.G.'s new art...isn't bad, but I'm not as wowed by it as some others on this list. Something has clearly changed here in the choice to include his new blue jacket, and I approve! I'm also a fan of the wires having more definition and appearing more purposefully stylized, as if he's taking better care of himself...but the pose and the style just feel a bit lacking to me. 5/10
Fearne Calloway
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Honestly, my only gripe with this outfit is the upper-half of her bustier. It feels very cluttered and like there is a lot of fine detail that just ends up being all meshed together. That would be my other only other gripe, too—there's a lot of small, fine details here that makes her feel cluttered. Which, honestly, fits her as the sneaky little hoarder that she is! But yeah, I would've done something else, something cleaner, with the upper half of her bodice. Also, while I know she is a Druid, I don't think she needs the plant growth on her legs... 8/10
Imogen Temult
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I would just like to point out that this outfit was unveiled to us as Imogen's choice for winter-wear while traveling through the Crystal Sands Tundra. Is it sexy? Definitely. Is it my personal taste? Mm, not really, but I can see the appeal. Am I upset that even after the semi-canonization of her needing glasses, this bitch is still not a sexy glasses-wearing nerd? Absolutely—but the biggest sin this outfit does is fail to be climate-accurate. -1/10 for improper environment protection, and 7/10 for the outfit itself.
Orym, Savior Blade of the Tempest
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I am incredibly torn here. Because, when it comes down to the armor itself, this is a clear winner. Orym's new uniform is a perfect upgrade from his original more humble and simple apparel, becoming much more about function and protection, while still retaining his svelte and limber appearance. The noted upgrade to Seedling is also nice, though I wish it was a bit more pronounced. What pulls me back from really loving this design, though, is his proportions—I feel like his head is way too big, or his limbs are way too skinny. Over all, I have to give this an 8/10.
Ashton Greymoore
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Remember at the start how I said I'm all for toeing the line of what fashion belongs in fantasy settings? Yeah, this fucks! From the first episode, we knew that Ashton was a punk, and this just picks that up and runs with it in such a cool, fun way. I legitimately want this entire outfit—fuck cosplay, I'd just wear this irl! It leans enough on his old design to be recognizable, but pops out as truly his own. And the hammer looks wild—I can't wait to see that thing really pop off like crazy in the next fight. Definitely a 10/10 from me!
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Oikawa x reader ch. 11
Hey so I created some Iwa backstory a little bit in this chapter just to make things interesting, but none of this is canon lol
I woke up slowly the next morning, groggily blinking my eyes at the early afternoon sunlight, which shone through the window into the room. I shifted my position, yawning, not really wanting to get up. I was so comfortable. 
I felt something stir beside me, and every muscle in my body froze as my mind jolted awake. Opening my eyes fully, I realized that I was currently curled into Oikawa’s arms, my face against his chest and my legs tangled with his. 
What in the FUCK. 
Apparently, I had rolled off the couch in the middle of the night and ended up next to him. I had no idea how else we could have gotten to this point. 
I shifted slightly, trying not to wake him up, and I noticed that Iwaizumi wasn’t in his sleeping bag. Was he already awake? 
Using miniscule movements, I slowly got Oikawa’s arms from around me and shimmied away without him waking up. My eyes caught on the setter’s face, and I paused. He was so relaxed in his sleep, his hair all mussed up and his lips slightly parted. There was no sign of his arrogant and fake smile, no tension or pressure on his shoulders. I wished I could keep him like this all the time. 
Heart racing, I reached out gently and brushed his hair away from his face, pushing it back with a sigh. My chest ached with how much I wanted him. He was so pretty, I wanted to cry. 
Pulling away, I scrambled to my feet and hurried to the bathroom. It would never happen. Wanting him would just end in heartache. 
I took a deep breath in front of the mirror, running my hand through my hair and easing the knots out. As I splashed water on my face, I suddenly heard what sounded like a low sob coming from the room next to me. It was coming from Iwaizumi’s room. 
All thoughts of Oikawa flew from my head as I knocked quietly on the door to his room, and I heard abrupt shuffling from inside. 
The door opened, and Iwa stood there, arms crossed as he said. “Hey, sorry. I woke up earlier and I was just grabbing something.” He avoided my eyes, but I could see that they were red. 
“Iwa, are you ok?” 
Over the last week, I had noticed that something was wrong. During practice, he had been off of his usual game, his temper was shorter than usual, and he was unusually blunt, even more so than usual. I hadn’t questioned it, not wanting to intrude, but now it was obvious. Something was seriously wrong. 
“I’m fine, Y/n.” Iwaizumi turned away, moving back into his room, and I followed him. 
“Ok. You-you don’t have to tell me, but I want to help.”
He suddenly turned, eyes dark and glaring. “Why? Because I haven’t been playing as well? Because you’re worried as my manager?” 
I blinked in shock. “What? Absolutely not. I want to help as your friend, because I love you and I’m worried about you.” 
Iwa’s shoulders slumped, and he rubbed his forehead. “I-sorry. I didn’t mean to…” 
I stayed silent, waiting for him to speak. 
“M-my mom--” He broke off, and started again. “My parents aren’t at work right now. They’re actually at the hospital. My mom was diagnosed with brain cancer a year ago, and we’ve been…”
He stopped, his throat closing over. I covered my mouth with my hands, horror flooding me. “Iwaizumi, oh my god.” 
He slumped on the bed, continuing to speak. “She’s been getting progressively worse. She started losing feeling in her hands, getting seizures, and started forgetting things recently, which are all signs of it turning terminal. My dad had to take her to the ER two nights ago...I just didn’t want to be alone.” 
My lower lip trembled, and I moved closer to Iwa. “I’m so sorry Iwaizumi. I can’t even imagine dealing with this alone.” “I didn’t tell anyone besides Oikawa because I didn’t want to make it...real...I know that’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” I murmered, gently petting his hair. His shoulders shook as he let out a silent sob, and his arms wrapped around my waist. I hugged him tightly as he began to cry, his head resting on my stomach. I would stay with him for as long as he needed. 
Oikawa POV:
I woke up cold. 
I remembered in the middle of the night waking up to find Y/n-chan practically lying on top of me, and I had deliriously wrapped my arms around her, tugging her close. It had been bliss, but now I had no idea if it was just a dream made up by my smitten mind. She was nowhere in sight now. 
I dragged myself up with a groan, drowsiness weighing heavy on my limbs. Iwaizumi was gone too, and I shoved my hair back from my face, scrambling up and heading into the kitchen. It was empty too, and my eyebrows scrunched together. Where could they be? 
I heard something from down the hall, and I paused. It sounded like...crying? 
Worried now, I strode down the hallway, pausing in front of Iwa-chan’s door. It was cracked, and I slowly pushed it open, stomach dropping as I saw what was inside. 
Iwa sat on the edge of his bed, Y/n standing in between his legs, and his arms were wrapped around her waist, head resting on her stomach. She gently stroked his hair, her face twisted with sadness as she gazed down at him. As I watched, his shoulders shook and I heard sobs. 
I had seen Iwaizumi cry only once, and he had refused to talk to me about it after, threatening to kill me if I ever mentioned it to anyone. 
And now he was...he was crying to Y/n. I felt like I was walking in on something personal, something I wasn’t meant to see. I slowly stepped away, feeling slightly numb. It wasn’t my business, but my emotions were twisted together in my stomach, aching. I was jealous, confused, worried, and just frustrated. 
I needed to talk to Iwa. 
Oikawa POV:
“You did great everyone!” Y/n-chan said, smiling broadly at the circle of sweaty boys, passing around a few water bottles. “You’ve been improving so much, seriously. I think we can actually get to nationals and beat Shiritorizawa this time!”
I watched all my teammates light up at her praise, straightening their backs and looking a little less worn out. How did she always seem to lighten the mood?
I tried to ignore the way Kindaichi blushed when she smiled at him, or how Hanamaki looped an arm around her shoulders as the group began to clean up. It was pretty obvious that the entire team was half in love with her. 
Instead I drank deeply from my water bottle, focusing on cleaning up as quickly as possible, instead of the way she animatedly talked to Iwaizumi across the gym, hands waving wildly. 
I headed into the boys locker room, tossing my gym clothes aside as I took a quick shower, rinsing the sweat from my body. The rest of the team were chattering in their usual loud manner when I emerged, but a few of them gave me confused looks as I began packing up my stuff. Clearly, my bad mood was more obvious than I wanted. 
I purposefully took extra long, waiting for the rest of the team to head out for the night before finally hefting my backpack on my shoulder. Iwaizumi was the only one left behind, and he turned to me with an expectant look at the locker room doors slammed shut behind Kunimi, leaving us in silence. 
“What’s going on? You’ve been acting weird all day.” Iwaizimi glared, and I clenched my jaw. 
“Do you like Y/n-san?” 
There was a long silence, and Iwaizumi’s eyes darkened. For a second I thought he was going to punch me, but instead he said, “Of course I like Y/n. She’s smart, funny, and kind.  I’ve never met anyone who wants us to succeed so genuinely as her. She has no ulterior motives; she just wants all of us to be happy.” 
He paused, watching my blank face. After a long moment, he continued. “I’m guessing that’s not what you wanted to hear, but let me spell something out for you. I love Y/n-chan as a friend only, got it? She is one of the best people I’ve met, and I trust her almost as much as you, but I view her like a sister.” 
I let out a slow, long breath. “Ok. Sorry for being...a dick about it.” Iwaizumi punched me on the shoulder, and I yelled in pain. “What the hell?!” 
“You’re such an asshole, Shittykawa. What would happen if I did like her like that? I know for a fact that a few guys on the team do, so what are you going to do? Beat them up? Threaten them? Force them to stay away from her?” 
I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging the roots. “No! I don’t even--”
Iwa slapped me on the back of the head so hard, I stumbled forward with a grunt. “I swear to god, if you were about to say you don’t like her in that way, I am going to headbutt you in the face.” 
“I--” I stopped. I had no idea how I felt. I had been forcing myself not to think about it, even as I died to be with her all the time. My focus was volleyball, only volleyball. If I made a move, I wouldn’t be able to give her all my attention like she deserved. “I don’t know what to do Iwa.” I slumped forward onto the bench, shoulders drooping. 
Iwaizumi slapped me on the back, but his eyes had softened a bit. “Don’t get all defeated, Crappykawa. Y/n-chan isn’t like the other girls you’ve dated; she loves volleyball just as much as you.” 
I looked up at him hopefully. “Do you think she likes me?”
My friend scrunched his nose in disgust. “I have no clue why she would. She’d probably be better off with Kindaichi, honestly.” 
I groaned, leaning back. “You’re so unhelpful, Iwa-chan!”
“I swear, if you start asking me for relationship advice…” “But you know Y/n-chan just as well as me! I need helpppp.” 
“Dude, if you’re good at anything, you’re good at pulling girls. Why do you need my help?” 
We argued the whole way back out to the gym, both of us going completely silent as we noticed Y/n still packing up the water bottles. She paused and waved when she saw us, her brow furrowing in confusion.
“What are you guys still doing here?” She asked. 
“UHHH--” “Hahahah….”
“Nothing at all.” 
She gave us a weird look but shrugged. “Ok...Well I was thinking of getting some milk bread at the store. Wanna come?” 
“Would I ever pass up a chance for milk bread?” I grinned. 
Y/n POV:
It was Saturday, and my house was completely empty. Both my parents were at a work conference in Tokyo, so I had the place to myself. Oikawa and Iwaizumi were both busy today and Karasuno had a practice game against Nekoma, and I didn’t really feel like hanging out with anyone anyway. 
Instead, I set up my speaker on the dining room table, spreading out my drawing supplies in front of me. 
I had been getting increasingly better with practice and lessons, especially since I spent most of my free time when I wasn’t doing homework, playing volleyball, or hanging out with friends working on my art. 
I flipped to a blank page, hitting shuffle on one of my playlist and starting to sketch the outline of a face. I sang along to the lyrics, erasing and redrawing certain features that didn’t seem to work, flicking through pictures on my phone for reference. 
I worked on a bunch of different pictures throughout the day, stopping for food a few times and watching a couple episodes of  “Attack on Titan”. Most of my sketches got crumpled, tossed aside, or simply abandoned, but I didn’t get frustrated. The more practice I did, the better I got. 
I was almost done with my fourth drawing by the time it got dark, and I held it up at different angles to try and spot what was wrong with it. 
I set down my notebook as “Cardigan” by Taylor Swift came on, standing on my chair and using a pencil as a microphone. There was no one around to hear, so I screamed the lyrics as loud as I could, pretending I was on stage in front of a massive arena of people. 
Oikawa POV: 
I rubbed my hands together, grinning as I pictured Y/n-chan’s face when she saw the bag of mochi Iwaizumi and I had gotten her as a surprise. 
The last time our team had hung out all together after school, we had gone to get dessert at the local store. She had gotten mochi, eating so much that she ended up getting sick. Knowing she loved the treat so much made me want to get her more of it, which was how Iwa and I ended up stopping by the store after our study session this afternoon. 
Her house was mostly dark when we pulled up, the exception being the window in the front, displaying the kitchen. Y/n-chan stood on a chair, screaming silently into a pencil as she danced around. I watched, mouth open, as she jumped off and threw her arms wide, speaking to a nonexistent audience. 
“What is she doing?” Iwa had a rare smile on his face as he watched her, and I covered my mouth as I shook with silent laughter. 
“She’s so cute…” I murmured under my breath. 
Without waiting for Iwaizumi, I opened the passenger door and jumped out into the darkening street. I jogged up the lawn, stopping in front of the window, and waving my arms wildly. It took a second for her to notice me, but when she did, her eyes went as wide as saucers and she froze. I began to laugh as I watched her face grow red, blushing all the way up to her roots. 
Iwaizumi joined me on the lawn, holding the bag of mochi. Y/n seemed to snap out of her trance, disappearing into the kitchen only to reemerge at the front door. 
“What-what are you guys doing here?” Her voice was completely flustered. 
I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing as I said, “What song were you listening to?”
She pressed her lips together, face getting even more red, if that were possible. “Ugh, go away.” 
I reached out, squeezing her cheeks. “You’re so sweet, chibi-chan!” 
Iwaizumi held out the paper bag. “Oikawa thought you would want these so we got you some.” 
I glared at Iwa. He wasn’t supposed to mention that it was my idea!
Y/n took the bag, and the expression on her face as she looked inside made it all worth it. 
“Oh my god, you guys!” She popped one in her mouth, a smile lighting up her face. “You didn’t have to,” she mumbled around the dessert. 
“You’re such a good manager, we wanted to show you we appreciate you.” 
She smiled, throwing her arms around my neck. I buried my face in her hair, squeezing her around the waist tightly. 
After a moment I let her go, but I couldn’t ignore the fact that I would have wanted to stay there forever. 
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
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horrorgay · 7 years
Reylo is/has ruined the Sequels
Hot take: TLJ both story level and writer level used reylo to make every single character removed from their initial storyline and undercut any potentially meaningful representation, by pushing them to the far sides of the narrative to make room for a “Rey saves Ben Solo redemption” story. 
It also, in order to make Ben Solo a more #relatable soft boy, played the game of “but maybe Luke thought about killing him”.
A. To begin, here is a list of canonical TFA!Kylo actions:
Ruined Luke’s attempts at teaching children how to use the force
Contributed greatly to the creation of the New Genocidal Order, the First Order.
An Order which, by the way, takes literal babies and brainwashes them into soldiers that will commit their genocide without question. 
Ordered and contributed to the slaughter of an entire village of innocent people.
Tortured two of the three main characters on SCREEN, which caused them to scream in agony and sob because it was a painful torture. 
(Throughout the movie is clearly hostile towards Rey, even when talking about her to his fellow first order members)
Sent the orders to obliterate four (?) ENTIRE planets and oversaw it without even flinching
Tried to blow up Maz’s castle
Purposefully intimidated and stalked Rey through the forest, after which he held her VERY CLEARLY against her will with the force and brought his lightsaber inches away from her face before forcing her to pass out, carrying her away from her new loved ones to torture her on Starkiller Base. 
From there he is shown to be continuously destructive, exhibiting no anger control as he damages the things around him.
He kills Han, who reached out to him. Though he does seem to show regret, he shoves it aside because he wants to continue to grow as a powerful murderer.
In the forest fight, he shows no mercy or kindness to Rey and Finn. He is brutal as he fights them, and intends to kill Finn, seriously harming him in the process. He throws Rey against a tree with potentially lethal force. I wouldn’t say this scene is inherently EVIL as it is just 1v2 combat, but it does further display that they are clearly on OPPOSITE SIDES.
He then offers to teach Rey to use the dark side of the force (not explicitly stated but obviously in the same GENOCIDAL manner he’s been using it with the entire movie).
She slashes his face and leaves him to die, and then SOBS by Finn’s side, ready to die on Starkiller Base.
Rey, throughout the whole movie shows CLEAR disgust, fear, anger and bitterness was towards Kylo as he has been nothing but a monster. (You can SEE them in the gifset linked below.)
B. Here is the thing about The Last Jedi:
If they wanted to make Kylo a “redeemable character”* they should have done at least one of the following things, EVEN THOUGH it absolutley would not undo his actions in TFA
*Its not Rey’s fucking job to turn back time and make a genocidal monster turn back into 10 year old innocent Ben Solo
Build Snoke up as an even worse bad guy, and show how he reached out to Kylo while he stayed with Luke.
What they did in tlj: implied snoke had some reason in his turn to the dark side and then killed him halfway through the movie (after Kylo watched him torture Rey, mind you). This provided NO in movie backstory for Snoke or Kylo‘s turn and does not give the audience even an once of sympathy for Kylo.
No one likes it but reylos, but at least SHOW if Han and Leia had been incredibly neglectful of Kylo. It would be very OOC of Han and Leia though, so they didn’t. It also would not NEARLY be enough reason to excuse his murder lust and genocide. I remind you of the classic “Rey is raised by sand and Unkar Plutt, does not become murderer.” 
What they did in tlj: Basically ignored this entire subject. Sending Kylo to Luke, HIS UNCLE WHO LOVES HIM, is not nearly enough evidence or reason for redemption. Hell, they didn’t even directly address the fact that Kylo murdered Han A WEEK BEFORE THE MOVIE TAKES PLACE.
BARE MINIMUM: Show that he is actively remorseful of his previous actions. 
What they did in tlj: He hesitates shooting the bridge he knows Leia is on. He doesn’t call off the attack though, and it still is destroyed. That’s it. The rest of the movie is Kylo playing kicked puppy in front of Rey (bc of the Luke Incident). After the fight scene on the bridge, where Rey is hopeful (addressed later on) he will reject the first order, he says she could rule as the new first order by his side. When she rejects this, he spends the rest of the movie trying to obliterate the entire resistance (INCLUDING: Leia, Luke and Rey). Like he’s straight up even more wrathful and murderous than he was when the story began.
Conclusion: It doesn’t make sense at all that both inside the story, and out (with Lucas Film) Kylo can/should be redeemed. They didn’t write it into the story NEARLY WELL ENOUGH. And it is also tone deaf, considering the political climate. Imagine if everyone started cheering for Trump the under dog, “will he get his redemption story?”. 
In the beginning of the movie roughly a week after the events on Starkiller base, Rey shows clear anger and disgust towards Kylo. This part of the movie makes sense. She hates him for what he’s done. In her words: he’s a monster, and he has to pay for what he’s done. 
Kylo has been nothing but violent, malicious and invasive to both her and the people she loves (Finn, Han, Leia etc.). 
But then, inexplicably she starts calling him Ben Solo. Maybe this would make sense if she felt like he could be redeemed, but five minutes ago and the entire previous movie she thinks the exact opposite. 
Rey calling Kylo “Ben Solo” seems more than anything to be the writers of TLJ pandering the side of the audience that does want to see him redeemed still. Sure, whatever. It’s the beginning of the movie. Anything could happen. 
But as stated before in section B, any potential attempts to portray Kylo being redeemed in the plot are then neglected completely. Leaving us with Rey, who previously hated Kylo with every fiber of her being suddenly treating him like he’s soft and kind-hearted. It becomes OOC drivel, and detrimentally ruins the heart of Rey’s character. (It also fumbles Luke’s character in what apparently is his last movie, but that’s a whole other rant.) 
After the throne room, they go back to their original status of Hero vs Villain. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that the 45 minutes (more?) of the movie made No God Damn Sense, and was a series of severe fumbles in the narrative. 
Recall that in the year before 2015 and the years following up until the Last Jedi, that Lucas Film and Disney presented what was supposed to be the main good guys trio: Finn, Poe and Rey. 
Finn, played by John Boyega, is the Main Male Protagonist and Rey and Finn were mutually portrayed as love interests in TFA. It would seem fitting that he’d continue to be treated in such a manner. Except he CLEARLY wasn’t. For goodness sakes, the main trio STILL is not consciously in the same room as each other until the VERY end of the movie in a few-minute long scene. 
His storyline also has pretty racist issues. Rose was introduced to give a vague purpose to his storyline in TLJ, and even then SHE was OOC from star to finish. Rian Johnson did not take his time to write a meaningful story for the MALE LEAD. 
I love Poe to death, but he and Holdo’s story did not really work. From a purely common sense POV the story should not have gone down the way it did. From a less common sense view, and a more character based one, their storyline caused Poe to be OOC. The heavy handed white feminism looks bad. It made Poe look bad, even if what he did was reasonable. (More in depth explanations here and here.)
The narrative was given to Kylo, and to (OOC) Rey. Which WOULD HAVE BEEN NOT IDEAL BUT TOLERABLE if they’d actually given depth to Kylo’s story. But again the didn’t.
Rian Johnson has been explicitly clear in his tweets and interviews that he wanted to focus on Kylo. He wanted to make him more human and relatable (regardless of whether or not he failed). 
He has been clear that he did not care or take into account what the cast thought of the story he was writing. 
(Ignoring Mark Hamill’s advice on the portrayal of Luke, pushing aside Daisy Ridley’s tears [which let’s be real, it’s fairly evident that she was upset because Finn and Rey had no story nor interactions, and Rey was turned into an OOC plot device].)
He had joked that he would have left Finn out of the story and in a coma. He also unabashedly romanticized Rey and Kylo’s actions, despite that being VERY VERY VERY VERY QUESTIONABLE. 
He teased FinnPoe in promos and events leading up to TLJ, and decided that if Finn and Poe were going to get a long and like each other, he might as well separate them too. 
The Last Jedi leaves any representation deeply flawed, sidelined or non-existent. It is not a movie for the everyone. It is a poorly written movie made for an audience I can’t even pinpoint, but certainty not for anyone who wanted to see themselves in a narrative in a positive way. 
Star Wars has always belonged to everyone. In 2015, the took a step forward to make it belong to everyone. But in 2017, Lucas Film moved backwards and made a movie that belonged to a specific group of people who idolize and romanticize white male violence. Once you pull down the paper thin smoke screen of supposed diversity, you’re left with a bad movie, and poorly assembled narrative about Kylo, at the expense of everyone: the audience, the cast, and the characters.
Feel free to reblog, and repost elsewhere, but please credit me. 
Please, feel free to expand upon what I said here.
I am going to make a gifset that highlights Kylo’s actions and Rey’s response through TLJ and TFA, as well as an additional set with Rey and Finn. I will link them here when I’m done.
DISCLAIMER: IDGAF IF YOU LIKE KYLO. It’s not a crime to like characters. It is a fucking crime to write an official star wars trilogy and center it around the garbage man stink boy at the expense of everyone else.
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izumisays · 7 years
Dear creator,
Thank you so much for reading this and signing up for this wonderful annual conspiracy!
I hope you have a lovely time, and that this letter can contribute to it. If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and very interested to hear your thoughts on them. 
Fandoms: Nimona, In Other Lands, Captive Prince, Machineries of the Empire
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, from lighthearted shenanigans to dramatic casefics, and pretty much all ratings, but the core of all stories I love is always character interaction. How they play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they would react to a divergence of events, how true would they stay to their selves in a different setting - these are the kind of questions I’m all chinhands for. POV games, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs are all fair game, so choose your weapon!
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and similar kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
NIMONA (any characters)
It is no mystery at all why I completely imprinted on this book. What is a mystery, however, is how I survived to this day and age without having loved Nimona for years - how did I even live unaware of its existence, up until an impulse purchase a month ago? WHAT A TRAVESTY.
Anyway, I massively adore Nimona to bits: a perfect fusion of story and pictures, chaotic evil Nimona (CHOMP!), Ballister of the big heart and stoic love for strays and SCIENCE, Ambrosius of awkward good instincts and poor decisions  - I just want to pinch everyone’s cheeks and hug them to my chest. For six hours. Approximately. It’s open for negotiation :’)
I’m requesting any characters because I’d be honestly delighted by seeing each one of them <3
A day in casa de Blackheart with Nimona and Ballister! Hatching evil schemes or having a pizza night - or both. BOTH IS GOOD. A flashback to Ballister and Ambrosius’s younger days (that christmas special *clutches heart*). A future with Nimona infiltrating Ballister’s lab and his & Ambrosius’s couch with popcorn and underhanded science! Nimona grumpily acquiescing to Goldenloin’s presence in Ballister’s life! Generally ANY AND ALL HIJINKS feat. heartwarmth and unapologetic monster girl love and fierce protectiveness of each other, much in the spirit of the lovely, lovely source material.
IN OTHER LANDS (Luke Sunborn)
Elliot is a spectacular narrator. Novel-shaped case in point: In Other Lands.
Having said that, what I really, really want to see is a story that makes Luke a narrator, or otherwise puts him at the center. I have it on good authority that he makes one fucking adorable narrator (novella-shaped case in point: Wings in the Morning), but why stop there, right?
Luke/Elliot, either post-canon or slightly amending canon, is always a delight. Luke crushing on Elliot for years in a resigned, semi-unaware (or aware!) manner - he gives Elliot Dale’s name only as a distraction, to get Elliot off his back, and watches with horrified eyes how every member of his family is suddenly out there to set him up with the wrong boy! Luke handling the thought of Elliot the boyfriend with awkwardness unbefitting a Trigon champion (granted, Elliot is kinda more prickly than an average glass ball). Luke having 110% confidence in Elliot and admiring him sass people into submission from the sidelines.
A look at Luke’s friendship with Serene - completely compatible with Luke forever crushing on Elliot, just saying ^^. I suspect lack of Elliot’s Serene goggles could do marvels to building nuance to her character: a little less reverse gender comedy just for the sake of comedy, a little more someone who is clever enough to balance multiple things, connect the dots, and learn, and stand by what she believes is right.
Competence kinkkk. Forever admiring the bookish people, refusing to stop trying to catch up, and zero time spent being conceited about own achievements while fully embracing his role of a champion and defender - that’s the Luke I love <3 Luke’s brand of leadership & charisma - an introverted champion, well-loved by people and easily tired of company of not his people.
Figuring out life after graduation! Casefic of them solving a mystery and preventing a war breakout! Getting assignments and storming the castles! Building cross-cultural competence by throwing Elliot at new people and watching him sign up new pen friends and treaties!
Sunborn family fic! A holiday get together? Drunken exchange of family stories? Another terrible competition that Elliot boycotts? Rachel reading Luke’s letters from year one and with great amusement observing the progression of his “THAT ELLIOT” feelings. God I love the Sunborns <3
I’m not particularly fond of Dale, on understanding that he got enough screentime as is already I’d be grateful if you didn’t center the fic around him. Obviously no objections to him as part of class ensemble, whose names Luke will never bloody remember.
CAPTIVE PRINCE (Damen, Laurent, Auguste, Jokaste)
You would not have wanted to see me at the peak of my CP obsession - dignity readers for miles around were in the red zone for months, I can tell you that. Even my bitter disappointment with many things in the third book didn’t survive the onslaught of feelings that overcome me every time I turn my thoughts to this series. R e g u l a r l y. (If you don’t think Prince’s Gambit is the high point of modern literature, f i t e   m e)
Things that make me happy:
Laurent/Damen endgame, always.
Auguste! Alive and well and fiercely proud of Laurent and quite possibly giving young Damen - his admiring bro - confused boners. Which he manfully swoonstruggles against, because see above.
Clever, competent Damen that drives Laurent up the wall of his fervent refusal to admit any of it affects him
Laurent POVs in general. There is nothing more delightful than a well-crafted narration of acerbic denial of hearteyes, self-crafted personality, hardwon competence and utter self-awareness.
Did I say competence porn yet? Hearteyes, motherfucker, hearteyes!!
Jokaste-Laurent queenbee friendships - vipers united!
Consider this: FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS arrangement for a CERTAIN AGENDA feat. Jokaste and Laurent - preceding or purposefully leading to Laurent/Damen endgame. Benefits as imagined by Damen, the poor cookie? Fake dating for purposes of short-circuiting Damen’s brain with the blonde ratio? :DD
Mafia/noir AUs *swoon* In fact, a variety of modern or historic AUs would be an a+ sandbox to play in and watch the chemistry unfold.
On another note, I have the soft spot the size of Delfeur for Nicaise and particularly Nicaise & Laurent spiky sibling-like affection, so if you think your story could benefit from that, please don’t hesitate to include it <3
I’m absolutely okay with fic that would not include all four - it’s just that I couldn’t omit either Auguste and Jokaste from the list of happy things. You are most welcome to include only one of the two, or none, if you want to concentrate on Laurent and Damen only.
Canon divergences, what-ifs and AUs are super-welcome for this canon. Please feel free to play to your heart’s content!
I didn’t know how to request what would essentially be just heartfelt sobbing of PLEASE WRITE FIC FOR THIS AMAZING MEME ART (“please send help my family is starving!!”) - but if! By any chance! This is what you want to do, please disregard everything from math rules to heretic calendrical rituals, and go for it :DD i keep shoving this picture into all of my friends’ faces and get vaguely upset that they don’t immediately agree with me on how brilliant it is; maybe I should revise my strategy and give them the books to read first, hmm.
I’m fond of most of the cast of the books, especially of how competent and done with nonsense they are 99% of their screen time. Mentor relationships were amazing - Cheris and Jedao in Ninefox Gambit was a thing of true beauty, Zehun and Mikodez continuously delight me, and I’m looking forward to what book 3 will bring on this front, too (Nija? Please say Nija!). But as I need to choose something that won’t be guaranteed to make the matching algorithm cry, let me center it around a character that delights me and makes others cry instead.
Mikodez in his younger days! Zehun, I’m so sorry for your loss of sleep and possibly hair, teenagers are the worst, teenage Miki is the worst best Miki, and I am dying to hear all about his notorious Academy heroics.
Mikodez, Zehun, Nija and Cheris, the most terrifying parental equation of this calendar <3
Mikodez and his Questionable Alliances. Kujen “I had a friend once and then the leash broke” Nirai. Jedao - how does Miki’s view of the man change with Cheris in the game, and her (literal) insights about the dead mad general?
Mikodez throwing endless shade on all other factions, especially Andan. (Sorry, Andan. At least you’re pretty.)
Mikodez and his secret humanitarian agenda that he will politely deny forever, get fake-distracted by one of his bazillion hobbies and miss whatever sleep time he had scheduled in the day because he will inevitably get genuinely carried away. Every. Fucking. Time.
As a sidenote, I’m terribly fond of Vahenz <3 Bring her back! Let Vahenz have her fun! Let Mikodez meet his true competition for world domination and in the race towards diabetes.
I really liked Istradez, and would be happy to see him among the army of Mikodez’s high powered babysitters, but am not really in the market for Mikodez/Istradez shipfics.
Thank you very much for reading the letter! Please be assured I’m super excited to read everything you write already <3
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