#(implied zava at least)
jamiesfootball · 5 months
Six Sentence Sunday (and one emoji)
[Jamie]: Really? Did we have to make a new chat just for this?
[Isaac]: No, Dani's got the the right idea. We're dealing with a legend. We may need to coordinate our behaviour appropriately to make sure we don't scare him off to a different team
[Jan]: Which means until otherwise noted, you do not have the signal Jamie
[Jamie]: 🖕
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caapsiizzereads · 1 year
Meet me in the afterglow
Jamie Tartt x f!reader
Words: 2,7k
Warnings: language, a bit of angst (with a happy ending this time)
A/n: part 2 for Tell me that I’m all you want 🫢
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Jamie has never been more excited for the pre-season. The weather in London is delightful today, the sun is shining and the temperature is at that perfect level of warmth where it doesn’t feel too hot. He’s back at Nelson Road Stadium, right where he belongs. No funny business this year. Jamie’s smiling cheerfully as he’s walking down the very familiar corridors, holding a cup holder with two cups of coffee in his hand. He strides into your office, and you smile brightly at him, putting your work aside and giving Jamie your full attention. You happily slip back into your routine.
Jamie had barely seen you during the off-season. If you weren’t working, you were somewhere away with Jason. You’d been to, like, four different countries in five weeks, living your best life. Vacation definitely suits you – you look so radiant and well-rested. Your hair is wavier than usual, your skin is glowing, and your posture is relaxed. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?
“I’ve missed this,” you say after fifteen minutes of chatter and giggles, and Jamie grins at you. “Almost as much as I missed this,” you add, smugly bringing the coffee cup to your lips. Jamie rolls his eyes but laughs nevertheless. God, he missed this too.
The blissful happiness doesn’t last long. Jamie doesn’t care much about what people say on the Internet, even if it’s everyone predicting that Richmond will get relegated again because it’s just poop-eh, yeah?
But then there’s something else.
“Did you know that Roy and Keeley broke up?” Jamie all but burst into your office.
You mimic zipping your mouth and throwing away the key.
“Oh, come on!” Jamie flops on the chair in front of you and sighs dramatically.
You shrug, unaffected. “How’s Roy doing?”
“Well, I promised not to say anything either!” Jamie crosses his arms determinedly.
Jamie doesn’t know whether it’s a lawyer thing or just a you thing, but he’s pretty sure that one stern look from you can make him spill all of his deepest secrets. So, predictably, you just raise one eyebrow, and it’s enough convincing for him to start talking.
After a short conversation, you agree that it’s a sad turn of events because Roy and Keeley were really good together.
“You and Jason are good?” Jamie asks because it feels fitting. He’s somewhat made peace with the fact that you’re in love with someone else. As long as you’re happy.
“Yeah, we’re good,” you smile.
It only gets worse from there.
Jamie is in your office the first thing after he hears that Zava might be joining the team because if someone knew anything about signing a new player, that would be you. You say that it’s just something that Rebecca wants, but it is very unlikely to happen. That is, until it does.
“Who the fuck signs a contract with ‘you’re welcome’?!”
Usually Jamie doesn’t like it when you’re mad, but nothing is more comforting for him than knowing that he has your support in his disliking for Zava. He becomes almost a permanent resident at your office. Every day, it’s “Zava this” and “Zava that”. Reminds you of the time when Roy first rejoined Richmond as a coach and refused to coach Jamie…
On the upside, Richmond is on a four-week winning streak. Like Zava or not, you’ve gotta admit that he is a hella good player. Before you can even finish that sentence out loud, the look on Jamie’s face is one of full-on betrayal. You roll your eyes, the fragile male ego.
“At least I'm still your favorite player,” Jamie declares self-assuredly.
“I'm sorry, at what point did I ever say that you are my favorite player?” you sneer at him, crossing your arms.
“It’s implied!”
“Aah,” you nod in faux agreement.
“So who is it then? It can’t be Zava.” Jamie will jump off a cliff.
Jamie shrugs, “Fair enough, he’s fucking great. I can be second after him.”
“See, that’s funny, because I don’t remember saying that you’re my second favorite either,” you say with an amused smile on your face.
“Oh, fuck off!”
Things haven’t been going really well for Richmond ever since that match against West Ham, they haven’t won a match for four weeks now. Needless to say, it was a little bit depressing. There is something else bothering Jamie, though. You’ve been acting weird lately, distant. You weren’t at the match last week, you told Jamie you couldn't hang out twice in one week, and when the third time you finally agreed, it seemed like your mind was somewhere else the whole evening. He gets that you want to spend time with your boyfriend, but Jamie wants some scraps of your time too! It takes you hours to reply to his texts, and even when he comes to your office during the day, it feels like even having a simple conversation with Jamie costs you effort. You just seem tired in general.
Jamie has been quietly sitting in your office for five minutes, waiting for you to finish whatever it is you are so busy doing. Not knowing what to do, he takes your coffee cup and takes a sip.
He grimaces in disgust. “What is this?!”
“Triple espresso,” you answer without looking away from your laptop.
No milk, no syrups, no joy, nothing.
“That’s disgusting.”
“Then don’t drink it,” you snatch the cup back.
“Not getting enough sleep?” Jamie smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at you.
The look on your face just screams that you don’t find it funny one bit and can’t wait to be done with this conversation.
Jamie’s shoulders slump, “Are you mad at me?”
“For what, hurting my coffee’s feelings?”
“I don’t know! But you’ve been acting weird! You always say you’re busy, you don’t reply to my texts, you don’t make fun of my outfit choices, and I wore a jacket with shorts yesterday.”
“The fact that you know that it’s something I would make fun of you for means that my job here is done.”
“It was raining for the whole day two days in a row, and you didn’t even complain!”
“It’s London, it’s always raining.”
“And you always complain!” He’s got a point there.
Jamie looks genuinely worried, and you didn't mean to upset him at all. You sigh weary. “It’s not you. It’s just– I needed some me-time.” Jamie keeps looking at you, waiting for you to continue. “Jason and I broke up.”
Well, that was unexpected. Jamie doesn’t really know what to say. His previous attempt at post-breakup comforting wasn’t exactly successful.
“What happened?”
“Nothing happened,” you say apathetically. “Sometimes people are just not right for each other.”
“I thought you guys were great.”
“Yeah, me too,” there’s a very bittersweet tone to your voice.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Jamie gets the hint. There’s only one thing that he wants to know anyway. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” That doesn’t sound very convincing even for yourself, and judging by Jamie’s skeptical look, it doesn’t for him either. “I will be,” you rectify, feeling a lot more sincere now.
His own selfish feelings aside, Jamie never really wished for you and Jason to break up (well, maybe except for the first, like, two weeks), and with you clearly being upset about it, Jamie doesn’t have it in him to feel pleased or hopeful about the fact. What you need right now is a friend, and that’s exactly what he’s going to be.
It’s fascinating how healing a good girls night can be because a week and two hours of screaming Taylor Swift songs later, you were terribly hungover but feeling like a whole new person. Luckily for you, your boss was one of the said girls, so after lunch, the two of you decided that there was no work that required your immediate attention and was worth all that suffering and, with a clear conscience, went home.
The loss against Man City was pretty bad. Especially considering that Zava left the team. And the sport in general… Jamie wasn’t so upset about this, but you weren’t particularly excited about all the paperwork that it left you with. Richmond hadn’t won a match in nine weeks, which was pretty discouraging too. You even invited Jamie for dinner after another lost match to cheer him up a little bit.
Then finally, a miracle happened, and Ted “came up” with some “total football” thing, which, once they had figured it out, seemed to work really well for the team. After they won a match again for the first time, Jamie invited you for a celebratory dinner, on which he cheated because he ordered takeout instead of cooking. You didn’t really mind, though, because Jamie’s cooking abilities are limited to a short list of dishes that he can make himself and a bit longer list of dishes that he can make if you tell him what to do, and you didn't feel like playing Nigella.
Richmond is on a winning streak, and the team’s spirit is exceptionally high. Jamie has been on his best game too, which he can admit that he has Roy to thank for, because he is mature like that now. Life has been really good lately.
The practice is over, and Jamie’s on his way to go and pester you when he bumps into Keeley in the hallway.
“Jamie!” She doesn’t appear to be as surprised to see him. “Walk with me.” She wraps her arm around his and starts leading him down the hall.
“You know that (Y/n) helps me out with the legal stuff in the firm, right?”
“Yeah.” Jamie’s not sure where this is going.
“So yesterday I asked her to come to this meeting with me ‘cause we were signing with that one guy. And he had his lawyer with him too, and he was, like, really hot. The lawyer, not the guy. And he was totally into (Y/n) too. I didn’t even know you could make legal terms sound so sexy…”
Keeley glances at Jamie, who resembles a kicked puppy at the moment. “I’m telling you all of this because you better put your big boy pants on and ask her out before somebody else does. Again.”
Jamie doesn’t even feel like asking how and how long she’s known, he just nods at her, and she gives him that sweet smile of hers and leaves.
It’s been almost three months since you and Jason broke up. Jamie’s been more than happy to be the one you spend your free time with again, and he’s been content with how things are between you enough to not want to risk it. He hasn’t seen you being really interested in someone anyway, but he’s seen people being interested in you. Evidently, it was just a matter of time before someone caught your attention too.
Jamie goes directly to your office, and the first thing that he notices is a big bouquet of flowers on your desk. Jason stopped renewing them a few weeks after your breakup, so it’s gotta be from someone else.
“Nice flowers,” Jamie announces his presence in the room. “Who are they from?”
“Just some guy I met at Keeley's meeting yesterday,” you say noncommittally.
So it is him. “Why is he sending you flowers?”
“Well, I don’t know for sure, but my guess is that he wants to ask me out.” You look pleased.
It’s now or never. “Don't go out with him,” he blurts.
You frown. “What?”
“Don’t go out with him,” he repeats with more conviction this time. “Go out with me.”
You contemplate him for a moment. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?” Jamie hadn’t really thought it through.
“Just let it go, Jamie,” you say insistently.
“The fuck I will!” There’s no going back now. “I want this. You.” That comes out a bit desperate.
“Right,” you scoff.
Now it’s Jamie’s turn to frown, “What?”
“For fuck’s sake, Jamie!” Even with your patience, there's a limit. “You only wanted me ‘cause you couldn’t fucking have me, which is somehow even worse than if you never wanted me at all.” You glower at him. “And now again. I’m not some fucking trophy for you to want just because someone else does!”
Jamie is completely stunned, just sitting there with his mouth open, not being able to come up with a single sensible thing to say.
Your attention turns to Higgins peeking through the door frame, “(Y/n), I need your help with something.” You have never been more grateful to see him.
“I’ll be right with you,” you nod at him, smiling. He reads the room and decides not to wait on you here.
When Higgins disappears from your view, you turn back to Jamie, “We have a good thing here. Let’s not ruin it.” With that, you get up and walk away.
You haven’t seen Jamie since your little talk yesterday. This is probably for the better because you needed some space after everything. You’re done with your work for the day, but instead of going home, you’re sitting in one of the thousands of seats at the empty stadium, staring at nothing in particular and a lot going on in your mind. The sunset is absolutely stunning today. The sky is colored with all kinds of shades of red, orange, and pink, illuminated beautifully by the afterglow of the sun.
You see in your peripheral vision that someone is walking towards you, and the clashing colors of the clothes that someone is wearing are enough for you to know exactly who this is.
Jamie takes the seat next to you. You just sit there in silence for a minute before he finally speaks up.
“You were wrong, you know,” he starts softly. “I’ve always wanted you. It’s only when I couldn’t have you that I realized it. I’m sorry I was an idiot. Shouldn’t have taken me so long.”
You keep staring forward, so he continues.
“You are not a trophy, but you are my best friend. It means more to me than you know, and I didn’t wanna risk losing it. But then Keeley told me about that guy, and I thought I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn’t say something.”
You finally turn to look at him. Jamie’s looking at you with those puppy dog eyes of his, which makes it’s impossible to be mad at him. You give him a small smile. “You wouldn’t lose me.” He smiles too.
It gives Jamie the courage that he’s been looking for, and he gently takes your hand in both of his. “Give me a chance. Just one date. And if you hate it, I swear I’ll never bring this up ever again.”
You study him for a moment, and his eyes look so hopeful. “Alright, Jamie Tartt,” you smile at him. “Make it worth my while.”
Winning the last match of the season, Richmond finishes the season in second place. Not bad for a Premier League comeback. Today’s celebration is Ted’s last day with the team. He sure as hell will be missed, but today is not about sad farewells – it’s about appreciating the people around you and everything that awaits you in the future.
Ola’s is filled with music, laughter, and joy. Jamie looks around the room: Dani is having a drinking contest with Beard, Richard and Jan Mass are having a passionate debate about something, Ted is spinning Rebecca in the rhythm of Never Gonna Give You Up, surrounded by Keeley and the rest of the players cheering and dancing next to them. Like one big and very happy family.
Jamie is pulled out of his thoughts by the movement in front of him and the sound of glasses being put on the wooden table. Then you pull him up by his arm and start dragging him with you towards the dancing crowd with a carefree smile. Jamie eagerly takes your hand in his and lifts it above you, making you twirl. You laugh and give him a quick kiss on the lips. Life has never been better.
A/N: did i sneak in the name of the songs in the most literal corniest way? yes, and what about it.
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filmmarvel · 1 year
Ted Lasso Finale Pros and Cons
Nate telling everyone about Jade :))
Their performances in the final match, including Isaac kicking the ball THROUGH the net
Barbara’s scenes, and her continuing to work with Keeley!
Rebecca selling her shares and getting a happy ending with Boat Guy- just because it isn’t the ending I wanted doesn’t mean I’m gonna let it ruin the whole thing for me.
The shares going to the fans!
Even though I disliked the Jane thing, it made sense that Beard wanted to stay in England, he was always better acclimated than Ted. He seemed natural, and he had a home and community there.
Sam going to the Nigerian team!
Fun moment with Zava and his avocados
The ussie guy, and a bunch of other fun nods to the first episode
The fine thing at the beginning of the episode
Dr. Sharon finally appearing!
Women’s football happening?
Of course, the believe scene was really sweet
Colin being one of the few characters to get a satisfying arc!
Unresolved storylines
The entire Roy/Jamie/Keeley situation? It was really unnecessary to bring Jamie back into the mix this late in the game. Plus that weird bar scene? Not to mention how they had really teased Roy and Keeley getting together for awhile (their whole arc this season was all over the place). Roy was being pretty immature, which kinda undid some character development. And I felt pretty unsatisfied by the lack of resolve there.
The fact that they’re still implying big moments that happened and not actually showing them!! There were a lot of big moments that we never saw- super unsatisfying (ex: Sam deciding to go to the Nigerian team).
Deliberately teasing Tedbecca like that:( The opening scene, her pouring her heart out and him saying NOTHING, her literally buying a first class ticket just to say goodbye to him. I’m not saying Tedbecca HAD to happen for it to be a good finale, just that all that was kinda cruel and irritating for the writers to mislead people like that.
Ted being uncharacteristically unresponsive to a lot of stuff, not talking a lot and joking like most other episodes.
Nate not really having any super impactful moments this episode after a long arc this season (and no Jade scenes). He’s one of the few characters this season who’s really gotten a fulfilling emotional arc, so for him to not really have any big moments this episode felt a bit like whiplash. Not to mention that we didn’t really get any indication of where he’s going from there career-wise? He’s still the wonderkind, so to have him back as a kit man was fun for the episode, but I expected a bit more for his future (at least a tease or something).
Beard marrying Jane (and Ted not being there??)
Ted’s whole ending, the way we have no reason to believe he’ll be at all happy there. I’m glad he’s back with his kid and everything, but what the hell. Like it’s one thing if we had been able to see his friends visiting and staying with him or something but nope! He’s just alone, in a place and with people who have caused him significant unhappiness throughout the show. I feel like they could’ve set it up better, maybe having him discuss things with Dr. Sharon or SOMEONE (just to see his perspective and understand what he’s thinking a bit more) but instead it’s just yet another example of not showing the important moments here.
Not getting any resolve about Jamie’s path in life, future plans, etc and instead only using this episode to make things weird with him and Keeley. They were fine as friends.
I’m not a Ted/Trent shipper (I feel for you guys), but Trent deserved at least one nice scene, a goodbye with Ted, something!
So in conclusion, despite how fun certain parts of this episode were, I was pretty unsatisfied with the lack of resolve among a lot of these storylines and characters, not to mention some poorly justified plot choices. As I mentioned below in my initial reaction, this whole season was so poorly planned out. I assumed that they would’ve at least planned for the finale, but it’s clear now that the whole thing was all over the place. They should’ve decided what they wanted in the finale and then spent the season setting it up. For example, when they decided it was going to end with Ted going home, they could’ve chosen to spend the season slowly working through this decision leading to an ending that would’ve felt justified (and they could’ve spent time setting up a way for him to be happy there). But instead, they introduced it in one of the last episodes. And I could use any number of examples here- Sam going to the Nigerian team, Beard staying, anything with Jamie, etc. This just felt rushed and random.
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jamietxrtt · 1 year
so, maybe i’m being a conspiracy theorist here, but i’m pretty sure the reason the last episode felt so jarring to a lot of people is because of the rewrites.
if you don’t know, production of s3 suffered a delay due to extensive rewrites done on the script. the puck article about the production issues seem to imply that the idea for an episode set in amsterdam was a result of these script rewriting sessions. the amsterdam episode is the next episode, so we’re certainly into rewrite territory now.
it would make sense to me if ep 5 was employing those changes that were generated from the rewrites. it sounds like the back half of the season got the bulk of the new material, so they may have had to cut original plotlines (like shandy and zava) in order to make room for the new stuff they came up with. so that’s why shandy and zava were both sent away so suddenly; they originally were gonna stick around and have more to do, but the rewrites added new material and so the show didn’t have time for them anymore.
which is not to say that shandy and zava won’t be back— i have a hunch that shandy at least will be— but if they are, they’ll be a part of the narrative in some different capacity than they were in these first 4 eps— in a different capacity than they were originally planned to be, maybe.
this is all pure speculation, but it makes sense to me. a couple pretty big plotlines get suddenly wrapped up, right before the amsterdam stuff (which we know came from rewrites) is about to happen. makes sense that those plotlines were rewrite victims.
i personally am optimistic to see where they go from here! the amsterdam episode i have high hopes for, and whatever they planned during the rewrites, if it was good enough to push out all the stuff they’d planned before, then it must be exciting!
i just think that the sudden resolution of the plotlines and characters that played a big role in the first third of the season makes more sense when you consider the timeline of production for s3, and the fact that we’re probably plunging headfirst into rewrite material now.
though, who knows, this is fully speculation! maybe this was the plan from the start. either way i’m excited to see where the season goes from here!
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camelely · 1 year
The Betrayal of Ted Lasso S3
Yea. The title is a bit dramatic but I have been one of those people who will defend the Shandy and Zava arcs. I thought everything had a purpose, but really really this season felt like a turn, and part of it felt like the plot belonged in a different show...
They keep saying this was the three season arc they planned. But this felt very rushed, and wrapped all these plots up too neatly too quickly. Ted was reduced to a manic pixie dream girl floating in and out of peoples lives teaching them about love, forgiveness, and to believe.
Lets start with my least favorite thing in the finale. Reducing the Jamie/Keeley/Roy story to a fist fight and a "choose me over him" arc. Belonged in a different show. Pheobe said it best in the first episode "Why are you breaking up?" Nothing they did this season was better because of the Roy x Keeley breakup. Even Keeley's bi arc. Like she has always been implied bi, so they could have just made it clear with Jack being an ex that resurfaced instead of a new relationship. Imagine the version of the KJPR plot with Jack being an ex. No out of date leaked nudes plot. Roy can be jealous because he thinks maybe Keeley does want to get back with this ex, but he sees that is his problem not hers and works on it internally/with Dr. Sharon. And Keeley can think Jack is just trying to help and apologize for the mistakes she made in their relationship, but soon its clear Jack wants to get Keeley back by funding her business and then pulling her funding when things don't go her way. This leaves Keeley wondering if she ever had any value as a business woman and Rebecca and Roy are there to support her. Rebecca as a friend and financial backer and Roy as a supportive BF. Then Keeley can return the favor supporting Rebecca when she is deciding to sell the club or not, and Roy when he is promoted to manager.
The leaked nudes plot belonged on a show that came out like five/six years ago when society first started to shift and see that the celebrities were the victims. I understand it was a true story from the real Keeley, but seriously it dated a show that could have been pretty universal otherwise. I know they deal with issues like racism and homophobia but those things aren't going anywhere. We have to keep fighting, but those people always exist. Meanwhile the nudes thing has seen a pretty quick shift already. They built Shandy up as this vengeful character, Why didn't they have her do something to try and blow up Keeley's business? Even something simple like an attempt at wrongful termination? Shandy could have posted on her socials and been like "Keeley Jones claims shes for women but she fired me for no reason" got a bunch 'eat the rich' activists on her side since Keeley is backed by a billionaire and caused a lot of problems for the PR firm in the press.
Jamie reconnecting with his abusive parent. Honestly this did feel in place for a show thats all about forgiveness. But the more we learned about him the more he felt worse than Rupert. Absolutely awful. A better ending would have been his death and Jamie coping with the conflicted feelings he has vs the sadness he is expected to show by the media. Or even just letting Jamie move on. "I don't need him. I have a great mom, team, friends, and step dad/mom's bf" (I can't remember if they were married or not lol).
Nate simply quitting off screen and then being welcomed back like it was nothing. Belonged on another show. This one's been talked to death but I'll say it anyway. We see Rupert try to push a boundary and Nate left the bad situation and then fast forward, Nate quits and Rupert is being accused of impropriety. The start of the season was so focused on Nate being an ass to the West Ham players and then they just brush that under and rush him coming back? I didn't need a redemption arc. I liked the apology to Will and Ted's speech to Beard. But I did need to see the moments with Nate's choices. Nate made zero on screen choices this season. I mean even coming back was influenced by Jade.
Jade suddenly liking Nate, belonged on a different show. Okay I didn't hate Jade. I didn't hate that she started to date Nate. I think its weird the writers wrote a possibly racist character and then didn't address it but I guess the white af writers room just didn't get it. But I also liked Jade, Nate needed a no nonsense strong person in his life. I feel like his sister could have filled the role a bit better. But the girlfriend route wasn't bad.
Rebecca and the Amsterdam guy belonged in a rom com. Yea it worked a bit since Ted's whole rom com speech. But still, part of what I liked about the Amsterdam plot was that he was a great guy and a great time and then he was just gone. A happy memory to look back on and nothing more. It was so stupid that she randomly ran into him and they just magically got together. With Rebecca's romantic past ruined by Rupert's behavior. And the Sam relationship being kinda cute kinda doomed boss/employee weirdness it felt like Amsterdam guy was the true rebound she needed to move on and start a new path. Rebecca didn't need an endgame romance imo, she needed a fresh start. While I think she should have sold the whole club and moved on from the Rupert chapter of her life, I didn't hate the selling it to the fans thing. That was a decent way to end her journey. If they wanted her to have an endgame romance why not let the fans get to know the guy? Or flash forward to a guy we have never met implying that she eventually found someone?
Rupert hitting the coach also belonged on another show. Rupert is the guy who has everything work out for him. He's cool and collected and confident. Pushing the guy who wouldn't listen to him didn't seem like a Rupert move. Rupert would have fired him and promoted the guy under him. The big change would be if they had that guy quit and then the next guy quit until Rupert was left with no one. Could have also gone back to the Nate thing. If Nate leaving the toxic environment inspired others to do the same. Rupert publicly loosing his cool might have been fun since hes the worst, but it was too neat a wrapped bow.
Beard and Jane. Why did they literally only tell us everything bad about her if they wanted us to root for them? I'm sure she had some good qualities we could have seen. I did like that Beard was the character that got the ending rom com 'stop the plane' moment.
Colin's coming out. I could have done with less Isaac and more Trent or even less angry Isaac and more supportive Isaac but I liked it overall ngl. The kiss in the final episode was the best romantic moment in all of Ted Lasso. My canon favorite ship was RoyxKeeley but they never had a moment I could turn to. This was perfect and Colin was the best character for it.
The Van Damme thing was dumb. The joke about the mask making him 'Zorro' was dumb. I assume they were making fun of Ron Artest/Metta World Peace/Metta Sandiford-Artest but Zoreaux didn't need that. And it was funny for like one month in 2011, get over it.
Ted. Oh sweet Ted. I loved his talk with Trent about changing the name of the book because its not about him, and Trent taking that note but no others. At the end of the day, Ted's whole thing this season is Jason Sudeikis's whole thing in real life. He has a work family in London but his kids and ex in America. He's still low key in love with his ex and doesn't like the new relationship she's in and even though the new relationship ends pretty quickly it still sucks. And that is exactly what ruined the show. I'm sorry Jason is sad, I get people work through their problems in their art. But what a very emotional Jason sees as a good ending for Jason, is not a good ending for Ted. Ted Lasso the character deserved to decide to report Dr. Jacob (sorry Jason you can't report Harry Styles, he didn't do anything unethical... except maybe spit on Chris Pine...). Ted Lasso deserved a solid relationship with his son and a new partner, whoever you ship him with could work. I mean Sassy could have reported Dr. Jacob and told Ted maybe they could make it work since she is spending some time in the US for work. Or Rebecca with her millions saying she can commute as much as they want. Or a third new person in Kansas. The way the show implied Michelle is single and Ted is single. The 'they are getting along' narrative was a bit much.
The dream ending. Yes Bill Lawrence, this worked for Scrubs because JD was a character constantly fantasizing. But thats not Ted Lasso. This show deserved something more unique and more open ended. The final shot could have been Ted on the plane, smiling and that would beat the weird dream flash forward imo.
Yes the show has a central theme about forgiveness. But in previous seasons the person being forgiven earns that forgiveness. Here it was handed out to everyone regardless of who they hurt and what they did. It undermined Rebecca's s1 arc, Nate's multi season arc, Jamie's multi season arc, etc. The only arc that wasn't undermined was maybe Roy, since he ended up in therapy and actively trying to be better. So I guess good for Roy?
Overall my point is Ted Lasso was special because they marched to a positive and hopeful beat while still discussing hard topics. This season took everything special about the show and garbaged it, creating a messy, bland, and insulting final product that was a shell of the show they created. And they managed to do it in three seasons. Congrats guys? I mean most shows take 5-6 seasons to get truly off the rails.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I'm just adding my voice to the growing choir but yeah, I don't think Trent is going to out Collin:
It would be an extreme moment of regression. I mean, this guy gave up decades of high-profile journalism due to his distaste for how the job was making him compromise his ethics. He's not gonna just turn around and out a player after that.
(Headcanon-y side-note, but Trent is HEAVILY queer coded and based on my personal readings of his character he's someone who would not just respect Collin, but understand him.)
I've been noticing that each episode has a small "Don't print that" moment where Trent seems legitimately open to keeping the club's personal secrets. The ones that, frankly, have no bearing on football and thus the public has no right to them (changing manicurists, diarrhea, etc.) None of these scenes have implied that he's merely humoring his worried friends and planning to air all the dirty laundry when they're least expecting it. A player kissing another man in an alley on their night off absolutely counts as 'Personal and none of the book's business.'
Outside of the book, how would Trent publish this? He doesn't seem to be doing freelance. It's possible he could pass the tip off to someone else, but we haven't seen any journalist buddies he's friendly with and giving that to a stranger (from the audience's perspective) would feel like even more of a betrayal. You're not just outing him, but using someone who we can't trust to spin the story in an empathetic light, as Trent did with Ted's panic attacks?
Trent doesn't snap a photo of them, despite having the time to get one (they're oblivious). He doesn't write anything in his notebook. He doesn't interrupt and hound them for a quote like he might have in season 1-2. He just walks off, looking contemplative/a bit worried.
So I don't think Trent is going to out Collin, but I do think he might try and do something about it. Meaning, this episode has shown that Collin is, well... pretty bad at keeping his sexuality a secret. He's sneaking out of his boyfriend's house, trying not to draw attention to himself, but then he hits a whole bunch of trash cans while leaving. I got a huge spike of anxiety when he looked at his phone with the other guys standing right there, given that a selfie, kissy emoji, and "thirst" are all pretty damning texts. He's obviously kissing right next to the main road, just a street or so down from where half the club is eating dinner, in a remarkably lit area. And though he tries to deflect a lot - fine he's gay for Zava too, this is my wingman, story about trying to seduce women - it comes across as trying too hard to anyone who's paying attention. Because, you know, Collin is trying very hard, despite his missteps.
The point is that Collin is constantly on the cusp of being outed. If the story doesn't have that happen next episode (that would put a damper on Richmond's win streak) I think Trent is going to step in somehow in an effort to provide damage control - or at least try to, even if he winds up being too late. The use of "Everybody Knows," while obviously a pertinent title, is also a list of how all these awful things have already come to pass - "That's how it goes" - and contains such gems as,
"Everybody knows you've been discreet But there were so many people you just had to meet Without your clothes Everybody knows"
(The context here is cheating, but for a background snippet of a song I think the general vibe of bad things + lovers + not being discreet wins out.)
So Trent may try to step in, even if it comes to naught. After all, if he spotted them it's only a matter of time until someone else does too. Collin is lucky it was Trent who saw them and not someone else.
Cue the emphasis on how much he's changed as a journalist (Collin wouldn't have been lucky a year ago), viewers get a cool new relationship between characters who haven't interacted yet, as well as the canonizing of Trent as a queer man without giving him a coming out story because frankly a 50ish character doesn't (necessarily) need that. He's already got the "vibe" 🌈😎
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lunar-years · 1 year
I am in 100% agreement on your "unpopular opinion" about Ted and Jamie. The panic attacks made it seem like there is some connection between Ted Witnessing Bad Fathering from James and it making him feel shit about his own dad and also about how he parents Henry, but none of that extends to Ted and Jamie actually having a father/son dynamic or Ted even seeming to like Jamie any more than anyone else. It also doesn't extend to Ted helping Jamie with his father in any way. The best thing Ted did for Jamie was force Roy to connect with him and then he's basically left them to it, handed Jamie off to Roy. There is very little to imply that Ted and Jamie are close. Maybe people WANT them to be closer, want them to hug and spend time together and talk about big things, but the fact is, that isn't actually how they are. Jamie barely feels comfortable speaking to Ted in general let alone Ted being his go-to person. They have no real relationship to speak of beyond the very general coaching one and sometimes the stuff I see people say is... wild to me. Ted has never even hugged Jamie - Ted in fact never hugs any of the players, only the other coaches. I'm told this may be a Midwestern thing, that it's not appropriate for coaches to touch players in the USA, but that's not how it is in English football.
With the Jamie/Jamie paper, I think that Ted and Beard were trying to compliment Jamie. Reward him for being right about Zava or something. Like hey, you're our star, you took all that with good grace. Little treat for you, Jamie. We wanna make you feel a bit special. But even in doing that, what they think is nice, it's a complete and fundamental misread of who he is. They don't see him. And he shouldn't have had to MAKE them see him, with that tactic at the end of 3.07. That was not his job. They should have known the correct way to use their best player in this tactic. But they either thought he wouldn't want to do it, or didn't think he could do it? All of it leads to the coaches still not really getting Jamie.
I mean, I do think there are interesting threads between Jamie & Ted (that I would like to see resolved in s3, the panic attack connection being one of them), and I would argue that Ted did play an imperative role in shifting Jamie's perspectives in s1 and that he later had a massive impact by allowing him to come back to Richmond when Jamie really needed someone to believe that he could be better. So I do think Jamie values & respects Ted and vis versa, I just don't think they have a father/son relationship or really anything beyond coach/player (as you say, I think Ted is far from Jamie's go-to person, and that's perfectly okay!)
I feel a lot of fans are passionate about assigning Jamie a pseudo-father because they know his own dad is such an utter shit, when in my opinion there's not actually a character on the show who fits that role for Jamie. Also...it's not even a role Jamie needs or necessarily even wants filled at this stage in his life? He has a lot of people who care about him and a big and important found family; he doesn't need a father-figure to be a complete or healed person, and I actually think that's a fundamental part of his arc.
Also, my hot take is that the relationship a lot of people want Jamie to have with Ted is the one Nate actually did have with him. It's just that less people care about Nate, so.
All that said, it's also fandom and if people want Ted & Jamie to have a father/son relationship (and clearly a lot of people do) I'm not faulting them for it. Like go & run free with your popular head-canons! (I personally just don't think there's any basis for it in canon.)
As for the Jamie/Jamie paper...I think the most generous read is that the coaches wanted Jamie to look at himself differently and play around with it on his own, with the expectation that he would come to conclusions similar to what he actually did on the show; while the least generous read is that none of the coaches understand who he is in the slightest or how far he's come and just thought he was gonna throw a huge fit if they didn't keep him up front. Probably the reality is something in between (I mean, I assume Roy contributed to coming up with the pairings, and I do think Roy gets Jamie. But I also agree there is a big gap in understanding in how Beard & Ted view him, and they aren't really seeing him right now in a lot of ways.)
I am gonna give Ted a pass on the hugging thing because yeah, I think that can be chalked up to different coaching styles and differing American versus English sports culture. You can take the man out of Kansas but--
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Okay I might just lack perception skills but I just noticed they gave Zava FOUR lockers! One of them Jamie’s!!
What the fuck Mr. Lasso
Yeah, what the fuck. Also: Zava got a fucking massage chair! Like season 1 Ted would have never agreed with this (or at least there’d be some argument) — so many things showing that Ted is in a bad place right now 😟
And some thoughts about Jamie being moved out of the corner: On the one hand he got moved closer to the team — which could symbolise something like the opposition between Zava and the team as a whole that at some point will arise —, BUT also further away from Ted, which could indicate that he slips through Ted’s grasp and how his concerns don’t reach him anymore (no idea if that makes actual sense but in the first episode he had his poopeh-moment, that was acknowledged by the coaches, then he had the idea how to pull the game against Chelsea around, but now, that he is moved further away from Ted, his opinion is dismissed as him just being a fragile bitch).
Someone also suggested, that him being closer to the coaches was implying his role in the team as a leader — something Zava took away from him.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 1 year
hold me like a grudge
by crblack
After the humiliating loss to Manchester City, and the plunge in team morale following Zava's departure, Jamie opens his front door ready for another gruelling training session with Roy. Something far, far worse than a 4am run is waiting for him on the other side.
After all, four in the morning is statistically the time people are least likely to expect someone to try and break in to their home.
Words: 4485, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, James Tartt Sr.
Relationships: Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt
Additional Tags: Hurt Jamie Tartt, Protective Roy Kent, Hurt/Comfort, can be read as pre relationship Roy/Jamie, Badass Roy Kent, Mild Blood, Injured Jamie Tartt, POV Jamie Tartt, POV Roy Kent, Post-Episode: s03e05 Signs (Ted Lasso), Bad Parent James Tartt Sr., Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Not really but it's briefly referenced by Roy, Keeley is suspiciously absent because I can't write her very well sorry
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46531726
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ncutii-gatwa · 1 year
oh, yeah, rebecca :'( it was so painful and bittersweet to watch, it ripped my heart out. how i cried when she was tearing up at the airport... everything about her being so All In with ted, no matter if platonically or romantically, idc, they are speial and i am still grievingthat ending. also how weirdly she emphasized that it's not about him leaving, it's about him *never coming back*. which... he is not entirely out of the world, they could have implied that they manage to meet up at leasthey all have the money after all, rebecca with her private jet even. idk it just felt so sad and final for no reason...
glad we agree on shandy and jackkeeley! they could have simply shown keeley be casual with some random woman instead of making it a Thing™ that ultimately amounted to... nothing? did not feel like it moved her story forward but maybe i am just ungrateful because of how they ended it lol.
oh, sorry, my previous message was misleading because of how i wrote it! i meant bex as a character overall, not her with nathan, i have not seen anyone ship her with him! i
eally liked that rebecca and bex treated each other well in season 3, rebecca defending her (and her daughter) and bex coming to becca for help was great! and she did not take shit from rupert, loved her jokes about rupert being old and all hehe.
yeah, jamie's past is really tragic, and i shae the fear that the show truly meant to say that people should be forgiven even for the most toxic, abusive, fucked-up shit. i absolutely hate that message so i refuse to interpret it that way but... it is definitely presented like this in canon, which is one thing i genuinely hated in s3. that and the whole keeley topic. i ban it from my memory to improve my heart health <3
and saaame. i do not dislike jade or nathanjade, but i did not expect them to choose this route tbh. i liked that they did not villainize nathan as much as i feared after season 2, but i expected that they will make him do the work first and earn back the trust he has broken, exactly how they did with jamie! it felt too fast and unearned, in all honesty? this is linked to an issue that i had with the season in general, though. idk if it was just me but the show kept leaving out important scenes that would explain how we got from point A to point B? for example the talk of the team who decided to take nathan back, and the talk that keeley must have had with roy before their breakup and also after their fling to stay friends. as a member of the audience, i often felt "left out", if that makes sense? they did so so so well with jamie's storyline and him slowly gaining back the trust, i thought they would absolutely kill me with feels with nathan apologizing to ted and the team, with the team discussing this and welcoming him back hesistantly but it was like, blink once and he's suddenly back as if nothing happened lmao. having to work through some remaining hard feelings would have felt more organic and satisfying imo. the scene with nathan and his father, how he recalled something his dad said to him even years later, was so powerful! more of that and less of nathanjade would have been sm better to really make nathan reconnect with ted. a missed opportunity
fuck the whole 'ted never coming back' shit. there's no way he wouldn't visit every year just to see everyone. ted loves the team too much to not come back to see how they're doing at least once. and im sure henry would love to see them all again.
like with shandy i also feel like zava was underused and a missed opportunity. they made this big thing about him just for him to leave out the blue and hardly be mentioned again. sometimes it doesn't feel like zava was in s3. he was really only there so jamie had a reason to want to become an even better player and a reason for him and roy to spend time together.
yeah i think we all knew keeley being with her boss was going to end badly idk why it was a thing tbh
and yeah i loved bex. she was so nice and it never felt like she was out to get rebecca like rupert was. she was just nice and yeah im so glad they didnt pit the women against each other.
it really did feel like we missed out on important moments that would have added more to the story. i would have liked to see nathan realise the bad person he was becoming on his own and trying to win back the trust of the team like jamie did. but i guess they didn't have time to do all that in one season idk
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