#until I think of an actual title
jamiesfootball · 2 months
Six Sentence Sunday (and one emoji)
[Jamie]: Really? Did we have to make a new chat just for this?
[Isaac]: No, Dani's got the the right idea. We're dealing with a legend. We may need to coordinate our behaviour appropriately to make sure we don't scare him off to a different team
[Jan]: Which means until otherwise noted, you do not have the signal Jamie
[Jamie]: 🖕
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rainymoodlet · 7 months
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this is the police- the sim is too hot, i repeat- (arizona sutton, she/they)
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sysig · 27 days
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You're still standing off to the side. Somehow, center stage has shifted from under your feet without you realizing, and you're standing in the wings, performing to no one.
Starring Role (Patreon)
#My art#ISaT#ISaT Spoilers#Siffrin#Loop#Technically - you know how it goes#Me when I relate to Siffrin: Oh no haha that's probably not great whoops haha#Me when I relate to Loop: Oh. Oh No.#Lenti has such a deathgrip on my ISaT opinions wtf how is she so powerful I thought my fave was Sif?? But I mean well-#Lol#Does this count as vent idk lol#It was fun to write tho :) Very easy! Done all at once!#As was drawing this! Also done all at once! And black and white is still really fun to work with hehe#I got to use some pretty cool outline/lineart tricks for this one yay :D#The original draft of the fic had a different title but ''Starring Role'' is kinda?? too perfect???#To the point where I looked around and I was like#Kinda shocked that there doesn't Seem? to be another fic with the same title?#Which is.........oddly relevantly thematic to this fic actually hahaha#Not to get too exacting about it but the whole thing of Loop feeling replaceable well#It would imply that other someones could do what they do better than them#What an odd refutation. Huh. Weird#Anyway - behind the scenes fun fact!#I actually really love the song Starring Role but I didn't think of it until after writing this#And now that I sing it to myself it's actually kinda perfect what the heck#So that's something to think about as well#Anyway if you're going to listen to it pls listen to the Axiom remix it is The version in my heart <3#The glitches and stutters are perfect.....#And the clock ticking?? Why is this song so ISaT I'm gonna think about this for a while now heck#Animatic in my head shower thought -core lol
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DPxDC Prompt
Thinking back on it, Danny probably should have been more wary of being given the title ‘Ender Of Timelines’.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 3 months
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#cw flashing lights#LOOORRD OF LIGHTNING SAAAAVE ME!!!!#RAAAHHHH I LOVETHIS SONG SO FUCKIN MUCH AND I LOVE GILLION SO FUCKIN MUCH RAAHHHH!! RAAHHHH!!!#BUT YES YES I HAD LIKE A WHOLE OTHER HALF TO THIS SKETCHED OUT BUT IT WONT FINISH COOKIN FOR A MILLION YEAARS!!!!#MAYBE SOMEDAY.....#ANYWAY. this is my first time actually syncing audio to my animations. normally i domnt know howww.#i animated it all in fire alpaca AND THEN i mixed everything in a pirated movie maker. it kinda uh. sucks. but its WHAT I GOT BAYBE!!#i relaly like how i animate swishy hair... i was inspird by eris from sinbad. i can only HOPE i got on that level w the watery flowyness#LIUGHTNING IS HARD TO ANIMATE TOO. I WATCHED ALOTTA VIDEOS ABSORBED MINIMAL TUTORIALS AND UHH I THINK I DID OKAY!!#better than bad!!! but i can still do better. eventually. ugh. FLASHING LIGHTS TOO HUH? U LIKE ANIMATINGB FLASHING LIGHT?#U LIKE MAKING THE BLACK N WHITE FLICKER RLY FAST UNTIL UR EYES BLEED OUT UR SKULL?? YEAAAHH YOU DO!!!#im also vry proud o the title cards i made at the beginning teheheheh. dependign on where riptide goes i MIGHT change it#BUT HEY THEORY TIME? I HOPE ONE OF THE GODDESSES COMES DOWN TO PILOT GILLIONS BODY SO THEY CAN BEAT THE FUCK OUT O THE OTHER GODDESS#WHO IS ALSO IN SOMEONE ELSES MORTAL BODY. GODS COMING DOWN TO WREAK HAVOC OVER PETTY DISAGREEMENTS OOOGH HOW FUN!!#GOOD ON YOU CHAMPION!! YOUR VESSEL HAS BEEN TRAINED TO BE STRONG AND HARDY. PERFECT FOR CHANNELING DIVINE ENERGY.#OHHHH WHAT A PERFECT WEAPON YOU ARE. NOW GO AND IMMANENTIZE A WATERY ESCHATON#PARAGON OF OCEANS WRATH I WANT TO SEE YOU DROWN THE LAND. DESTROY!!! EAT!!! BURN!!! RAAAGHH I NEED GILLION TO GET MORE POWER!!!!#ALSO in other news i uh. actually posted this onto twitter forever ago but forgot to post it here bc i can only post it from pc and BABY!!#IM NOT ON THE COMPUTER OFTEN! NOT ANYMORE!! NOT ANYMOREE!!! IM FREE BAYBE!! i used to be so miserable. sometimes i think abt that.#ANYWAY. pls enjoy. just this much took so long. i love makin the lil guys move.... ouh.... hava good day if u get the chance to.
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dragongirltongue · 9 months
working on a story/game/thing set in the 1990s, it's about the world changing and and the age of magic beginning. time is going to progress narratively only and I want the ending to take place on New Years to fit into the things are changing vibe.
The story is going to be playful but take itself seriously enough, think like Adventure Time or SLARPG in terms of tone, at least at this point in concept and development.
I'm thinking it'll either take place in '99 for the big heavy theming of entering the new millennium as the world changes forever.
Somewhere earlier where the actual year turnover won't ultimately matter beyond the imagery of a new year beginning by the end of the story.
No show results option or suggest your own, though if you choose the second option and have a specific year in mind I'm very willing to listen, do give reasons if you suggest a specific year. Hell feel free to give reasons if you chose '99 too.
If you want more deets hit the read more.
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So you wanna know more about this idea huh?
Well I was playing Tunic not long after Lenna's Inception and the Anodyne games and thought, hey I'd really love to make my own Zelda game too.
The idea is that 12,000ish years ago magic was discovered to be a thing by humanity, around this time a dragon appeared and warned that magic would doom the world. The magic users refused to listen and so a fight broke out, the dragon killed them all.
With the magic users all dead the dragon sealed earth in an anti-magic bubble and requested that their followers kill them to truly end all magic on earth, in their final moments they cast a spell with what magic is left inside the bubble to ensure they reincarnate if magic ever returns and can influence their new incarnation to destroy magic once again.
skip forward to the 1990s, after the industrial revolution caused untold amounts of ecological damage the anti-magic bubble is damaged along with all the horrors we know to have happened in reality.
At some point a corporation happens to find the truth, that magic exists and that a dragon is central to how it will alter our world. So they use it in several projects and build dragons to guard the locations these projects are taking place in. These locations then transform into dungeons.
Our hero finally enters the picture, Connie, a young woman who's just been doing whatever with her life, after investigating a rumor about monsters at a construction site she finds herself guided by a voice to take up a sword and fight the immitation dragons so she can achieve her true power, take on the form of a dragon herself, and save the world from the threat of magic.
Connie decides however after an accident at the first dungeon that maybe the world will be better off with magic as long as it's not solely in the hands of greedy rich bastards.
There's a lot more I have figured out but I think this is enough to get an idea for the poll. I am happy to blather more about the setting and Connie herself, her friends eventually too once I have them figured out. Feel free to send me asks about this. I'm prolly gonna make a sideblog for this at some point. Ideally once I have an idea if I can reasonably make a videos game or not lol.
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socksandbuttons · 8 months
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oh i read this fanfiction!
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kitether · 1 year
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Part 1: First Encounter
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kokoskwark · 8 months
WIP game! thanks for the tag @jeonghoneyss <333
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I only have one wip but the document title is:
62 F HJB dance partners seungjin
I will tag @lumineescente if she wants to and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it can say I tagged them!! <3 (don't be shy really!!)
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jeonghoneyss · 8 months
WIP game! thanks for the tag @listentothelittlebird, i hope you're doing well <3
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
so i will Not be posting the names of all the wips i have, because there were 40ish the last time i counted and that was over a year ago. instead, allow me to offer you the 9 docs i have accumulated and optimistically left open in tabs over the last six months.
antlers hyunin
2. junhao single parent magic
3. cloudbabies
4. hyunho catboys get along shirt
5. missed you
6. batkisser
7. The Coffee Shop Agenda
8. why can't you want me, baby (what can i do?)
9. owl hyunho
i don't know if i Know 9 people to tag... @skz-vla, @kokoskwark, @telomirage, @isjeonginsoup, @the-sunshine-dragon, @allthefoolishdreams. i don't want to bother anyone else haha so that will do for now. absolutely no pressure to do this if i tagged you btw!! feel free to ignore it if you don't want to do this
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ratislatis · 7 months
進度的禁 [dedicated to rat]
You were no one but yourself, splendidly
crafted by the hands of daunting muses.
They have based you on eccentricity,
though unfortunately, left some bruises.
You use flowers of vocabulary,
exclaim at the mildest of surprises,
fancy the jokes 'til your laugh is airy,
make a face when the ocassion rises.
You and gestures of passion, hands aloft,
then settle on my shoulder with firm claps.
All that is physical with you is soft
to the point of a comforting collapse.
Eyes of wonder that conceals hidden fear,
I exist too; let me lend you an ear.
- Yun
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Hi! I'm interested in working through the Hatchet field stuff while I'm on break. Is there a recommended viewing order? Or can I jump in anywhere?
ahahaaaa i am SO SORRY I am just now seeing this. in my defense i caught covid about the time you sent this (and also infected my mom who does NOT do sick well) buttt if you're still looking,
tbh you can start anywhere, because while they're all related, they aren't connected--like you'll appreciate certain jokes and callbacks, but in that way I guess it's like an anthology.
Technically, the first musical is The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals. If you know someone who doesn't like musicals, they might actually like this one (PROMISE ME YOU'LL THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS) It's the first introduction to Hatchetfield and there are some recurring characters in the next musical, which is Black Friday. It is about Black Friday and consumerism and the amazing line "I've met god. he had nothing nice to say about you" BITCH OMG. The most recent musical is Nerdy Prudes Must Die, and honestly imo it has the least connections to the first two, so you could probably start with that one if you wanted--again, you'll appreciate some jokes more if you've seen the other two. It does also have more Lore, but I still think you'd be fine not knowing anything about it. I don't know that much about it and it was still good, because--
---there's a whole series of web-icals? Social Distance Musicals? Whatever, it's called Nightmare Time and they dive deeper into the lore of Hatchetfield and I've never managed to watch more than the opening number of the first one (it's a sound quality issue, i just need to watch it on a laptop or something) but look to be really cool and interesting and maybe deal with the same Hatchetfield? Because the Hatchetfield in each of the musicals is...not the same one. Or it is, but different timelines. Or different dimensions. Something. I think Nightmare Time does more into that.
Basically, you could watch them all as standalones, there's not really a plot that goes through all three of them, but characters and concepts that do.
But that's the order I'd do them in. From a theatre nerd standpoint, it's also really cool to see how they've evolved musically. Just technically with how they're putting numbers together and adding vocal layers. NPMD has a few songs that i would LOVE to see the sheet music for so I could try and figure out who is singing what. Honestly the best comparison I can make is "Wait For It" from Hamilton.
Anyway I hope you enjoy them!!! If you want to shout opinions at me i am here for that :)
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pochapal · 11 months
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i think answering this question keeps getting more complicated the more this story goes on
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cheswirls · 7 months
hhhhhhhhhhhh saboace royalty au. ace was crown prince but can’t use magic which is necessary to become king, so he renounces his title and becomes infamous for his eccentric tendencies to play up the illusion that he’s truly not meant for the throne and that his younger sibling has full rights to the title of heir.
sabo is born to a family serving in the royal court, has been a genius magician since he was a child, and is the perfect example of a young man fully educated to serve at the king’s side. which is why he’s allowed himself to be tied down into a loveless political engagement with the king’s heir, putting the whims of his family before his own and resigning himself to become the future ruler’s consort/spouse to legitimize his role as an advisory right-hand man.
but then the heir grows rebellious and denounces the engagement with sabo in public and ace swoops in to save the day (and sabo’s reputation), demanding his father give sabo to him instead. he steals sabo away and challenges his sibling’s right to the throne, intent on earning back the title not for himself, but so he can make sabo (who is heavily qualified to rule) the king - and since they’ll be wed, no one will be able to undermine sabo’s position as he will technically be part of the monarchy that governs the kingdom.
#op#i…aaaaaaaaaaaa iykyk but if you dont small tangent story time#i asked friends for magical show recs w unique magic concepts bc i decided to set the#toxic codependent forever-bond in a fantasy au so i can make it be a set of self-inflicted curses#the only free time i have is walking to and from work so ive been scribbling notes on my phone#thinking of what type of magic system to have for this one was becoming a distraction#esp since the focus rly isn’t on magic itself and only on aspects of the bond that show how unhealthy it is#instead of obsessing over it more i decided to have someone decide for me#flash forward one of them brings up using the fantasy yuri anime that came out early this year#then proceeds to give me the rundown of all seven published light novels until i cave and watch the pilot episode#its SO good i actually watched 2 and love anis and euphie and will definitely be reading the LN over winter break#also completely snapped me away from the au bc i am so in love w this now#went in to ep 1 with misconstrusions and fell halfway thru screaming this is so saboace core and i have a halfbaked plot at the ready#thinking smth smth sabo visits the palace to get acquainted w/ fiancee and makes fast friends w/ ace#then they realize they have legit feelings for each other and the whole thing was gonna be a play#on the steals-partner-from-sibling trope that i jus loosely dreamed up bc algard reminded me of sabo and then i couldnt not think of them#but then i finished the ep and went OH it went down like that!!!! thats brutal. and then i changed it#and then i watched ep 2 and changed it further based on glossed-over advanced plot knowledge#bc the solution to algard feeling pressure from a title he never wanted and anis rejecting it in the first place#is obv (in this very yuri-centric fantasy novel) to make euphie queen instead and legitimize it by her marrying anis#and then i hyper projected that onto saboace bc i love them so#yessa after letting me ramble abt this so i could resist the urge to furiously jot down notes: i think val made you worse actually#(shes not wrong also val responding w ‘lmao wlw wins again’ and nothing else had me in stitches#best/worst influence it is 5am and i have done nothing for my studio class yet am having the time of my life)#curse of the average hobbyist writer to always have good ideas when there is no time no breathe life into them#writing
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My soul brother is the type to throw tantrums and hexes if he doesn't get his way but luckily for me I'm on a higher plane that's why he can't touch me or see me in astral no more
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buckttommy · 8 months
my pronouns are He not Him, because i'll never be Him*
*the unlikeliest hero of the 2020 presidential race, Rafael Luna
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