displacedbias · 5 months
penny from @ask-all-the-kindergarteners hands you a tulip!
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[Felix]: Teddy seems to be... erm, preoccupied at the moment.
[Felix]: --But I promise I'll show him the tulip once he gets back! Thank you again. How sweet of you.
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pressure-thechasm · 24 days
"Hi, Jett!! How ya doooiinn'? :)" -Void Ruby
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" ..Oh. Void. Uh " " Now isn't the best time "
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giselle-clarke · 7 months
@limalatina: Dios los cría y ellos se juntan.
You've said this before so I know this means birds of a feather flock together. And you're not wrong.
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unbrcxkxble · 6 months
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𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁! ⸻ na frente do complexo.
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Fazia pouco mais de três horas que havia chegado em Haneul. Não que Nate tivesse o costume de contar o tempo, mas considerava lugares desconhecidos estressantes, ainda mais aquele que era tão significativo emocionalmente. Assim que seu corpo reduziu a velocidade da corrida até encontrar-se totalmente imóvel, inclinou-se para frente, pousando ambas as mãos nos próprios joelhos enquanto tentava recuperar o fôlego, não demorando-se muito naquela posição ao que rapidamente prendeu a gola da camiseta entre os dedos longos que trataram de puxar o tecido com certo desespero devido a sensação de desconforto que surgiu ao senti-lo grudar na pele suada, despreocupando-se com as cicatrizes de seu tronco e costas que não seriam tão aparentes durante o breu parcial do local. Embora sua dupla nacionalidade fosse constatada em seus documentos, Nathan não possuía o comportamento polido geralmente usual daquele país e não tinha a mínima intenção de fingi-lo, mesmo que tivesse plena noção de que aquilo não somente perturbava algumas pessoas, mas era visto como inadequado pela maioria delas. Porém, rapidamente a postura desleixada tornou-se tensa e os olhos se focaram na silhueta que se aproximava, tentando, de alguma forma, identificá-la em meio a pouca iluminação do complexo.
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sigyns-drafts · 7 months
Wassup! How ya doin? So, I've been looking through your stuff, and honestly, DAMN you write good! If it's not too much, I'd like to request for ROR Buddha, Ares, Hermes, and Jack interacting with or having teatime with Marie Antoinette reader?
After reading her up as to what she was actually like, I'd like to think that after her death, she started leading a more modest lifestyle cause I like the idea of her becoming a cottage core girlie, but still maintaining some level of opulence from her life, like jewelry, or love of sweets.
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That'd be all! Wish you the best!
A/N: Hello, I'm doing just fine today and thank you so much for asking and for the compliment!! I'm very passionate about my works and writings. 👀
Glady I will, it's never too much. I hope you're also doing fine and if not, please enjoy what I've got for you. Also did you draw that? It's stunning!!
I absolutely adore this idea you have for Marie Antoinette, 100℅ cottagecore girl!~ <3
Teatime with Marie Antoinette ☕🤍
➩ Marie Antoinette, adorned in a gown of shimmering silk and gold jewelry, sat gracefully at a marble table set with delicate porcelain teacups and dainty pastries. Across from her, sat an empty chair for whoever would want to join her.
And much to the woman's surprise, who was used to being alone in this afterlife because of her past, would be having some company after all, much to her delight!
➩ Reader type: Marie Antoinette!reader with Buddha, Ares, Hermes and Jack the ripper.
⚠: Mentions of past death, murders, past regrets & flashbacks, angst, jacks mommy issues!
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The scent of blossoms hung heavy in the air and the gentle rustle of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to the graceful Marie Antoinette, who found herself seated at a elegantly set tea table.
Opposite her sat Buddha, the enlightened one, who had joined her for tea, albeit for an unconventional reason.
Marie Antoinette, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected guest, regarded Buddha with a mixture of amusement and intrigue.
"Welcome, honored Buddha," she greeted, her voice tinged with curiosity.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
Buddha, his serene expression unchanged, offered a gentle smile.
"I have come for the pastries," he replied simply, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"But I am also curious to hear your story, Madame Antoinette."
Marie Antoinette's laughter bubbled forth like a sparkling stream, her mirth contagious in the tranquil garden.
"Well, Buddha," she exclaimed, her eyes dancing with amusement, "you are in luck, for I have plenty of pastries to share, and a story to tell that is as rich as the treats before us."
As they indulged in the delectable pastries, their conversation flowed effortlessly, traversing the realms of history, philosophy, and the intricacies of human nature.
Despite their stark differences in background and beliefs, Marie Antoinette and Buddha found a surprising kinship in their shared appreciation for life's simple pleasures.
Buddha listened intently as Marie Antoinette regaled him with tales of her life as the Queen of France, her voice animated with passion and warmth.
From her extravagant balls and lavish feasts to the tumultuous political landscape that defined her reign, she painted a vivid portrait of a woman caught in the whirlwind of history.
"And what of you, Buddha?" Marie Antoinette inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"What led you to seek enlightenment and transcendence?"
Buddha's expression softened, his gaze turning inward as he reflected on his journey towards enlightenment.
"I sought to understand the nature of suffering and the path to liberation," he explained, his voice serene yet filled with compassion.
"In the pursuit of truth, I found a deeper understanding of the human condition and the interconnectedness of all beings."
Marie Antoinette nodded thoughtfully, her admiration for Buddha's wisdom evident in her eyes.
"A noble quest indeed," she remarked, her voice tinged with respect. "And yet, here we are, bound together by a shared love for pastries and the joy of good company."
Buddha had to let out a small chuckle, "Hah, indeed we are Madame, indeed we are."
Marie Antoinette found herself seated at a gracefully adorned tea table, her delicate porcelain cup filled with fragrant brew.
Across from her sat Ares, the formidable god of war, his imposing presence softened by the ambiance of their setting.
Marie greeted Ares with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with charm. "Welcome, Lord Ares," she said graciously, extending a dainty hand in greeting.
"I am delighted to have your company for tea this evening."
Ares, his expression stoic yet tinged with uncertainty, returned the gesture with a curt nod.
He shook her hand as gently as he was able to, afraid to somehow hurt her. His hand was much bigger than hers after all and compared to her, he was a god.
"The pleasure is mine, Madame Antoinette," he replied, his voice gruff yet respectful.
"I must admit, tea is not something I am accustomed to, but I am willing to partake.."
As they settled into their seats, Marie Antoinette poured tea for both herself and Ares, her movements graceful and practiced.
Ares, however, found himself struggling with the delicate intricacies of tea etiquette, his fingers fumbling awkwardly with the delicate teacup.
Marie Antoinette let out a small giggle behind her hand as she watched Ares' attempts, finding his earnestness endearing despite his lack of finesse.
"Fear not, Lord Ares," she reassured him, her voice laced with amusement.
"Tea drinking is an art form, but with a bit of guidance, I am certain you will master it in no time."
With patient encouragement, Marie Antoinette guided Ares through the proper technique of holding the teacup, lifting it with elegance, and sipping the tea with refined grace.
Though Ares initially struggled to emulate her poise, he soon found himself growing more accustomed to the ritual, his movements becoming smoother with each attempt.
As they conversed over tea, Marie Antoinette regaled Ares with tales of her life in the royal court of France, her anecdotes punctuated by laughter and animated gestures.
Ares listened intently, his gaze fixed on her with a mixture of admiration and bemusement.
"And what of you, Lord Ares?" Marie Antoinette inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"What tales do you have to share from ancient Greece?"
Ares' expression softened, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"My tales are not ones of refinement and elegance. They're just not suitable for a fair lady such as you," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of determination in doing the proper thing he thought was best.
Even if it had sparked her curiosity and interest to hear what went out on the battlefield, Marie Antoinette simply just nodded and chuckled in return.
"Whatever you say Ares, if that is what you wish."
Marie Antoinette found herself seated at a beautifully adorned tea table, her porcelain cup filled with delicious warm tea.
Before her stood Hermes, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods, his presence exuding an air of elegance much like her own and efficiency.
Hermes, clad in his customary black suit and carrying a tray laden with delicacies, bowed respectfully before Marie Antoinette.
"Madame Antoinette," he greeted, his voice smooth as silk.
"I have come to attend to your needs as your humble bulter this evening."
Marie Antoinette smiled graciously, her eyes filled with appreciation.
"Oh thank you, Hermes," she replied, her voice soft and filled with a sincere warmth.
"But I would much prefer your company, if you would be so kind."
Hermes hesitated for a moment, unused to be offerd this by someone he saw as a guest to him and the other gods court.
But he found himself unable refuse the request of the gracious lady in front of him.
With a nod of acquiescence, he set down the tray and took a seat opposite Marie Antoinette, his demeanor composed yet curious.
As they began to engage in polite conversation, their words flowing effortlessly between them.
Despite their best efforts to maintain a sense of decorum, a sudden mishap occurred when Marie Antoinette inadvertently knocked over a delicate teacup, causing it to spill it's contents onto the table.
"Pardon me, sir," Marie Antoinette exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"I did not do that on purpose!"
Hermes' expression softened with recognition as he realized the significance of her words.
Those were her last words before she was executed.
"No need to apologize, Madame Antoinette," he replied gently, his voice tinged with sympathy as he took out a napkin from his pocket.
"Its okay for even those of high statuses to make mistakes and be a bit clumsy."
Marie Antoinette nodded but quickly grew quiet, her thoughts drifting back to the events of her mortal life, to the past tumultuous moments leading up to her untimely demise.
Yet, despite the weight of her memories haunting her, she found solace in Hermes' understanding gaze, his silent support a balm to her troubled soul.
"I apologize for my words, Madame Antoinette but I'm being truthful." Hermes spoke once more, his eyes filled with compassion.
"I did not mean to cause you so much distress."
"How did you- doesn't matter.."
Marie Antoinette shook her head, offering him a gentle smile. She wasn't sure how Hermes was able to tell something was off about her.
Was it because he was a divine being or because it was so obvious? Either way it didn't matter.
"It is quite all right, Hermes. You haven't..i just had to remember something." she replied, her voice filled with forgiveness.
"In fact, I am grateful for your understanding. You're right, even I can make mistakes."
"Exactly, now let me clean this up for us so we can continue this splendid tea party, hm~"
Jack the ripper:
In the serene gardens of the afterlife, Marie Antoinette sat gracefully at a finely set tea table, her porcelain cup filled with warm tea, her mind lost in contemplation.
Suddenly, she sensed a presence approaching, and to her surprise, Jack the Ripper emerged from the shadows, his demeanor creepy yet strangely intriguing.
Jack, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, bowed respectfully before Marie Antoinette.
"Madame Antoinette," he greeted, his voice a low murmur, "I hope you do not mind if I join you for tea. After all, who am I to resist such a grand offer?"
Marie Antoinette, though taken aback by the unexpected company, of such a known killer gestured graciously for Jack to take a seat.
"Of course, Monsieur Ripper, who am I to dismiss some company!" she replied, her voice composed yet tinged with curiosity.
"I welcome you, unlike most here.." She sighs, recalling how many had been very cold towards him.
Though who were they to blame for having murdered innocent women.
As they settled into their seats, Marie Antoinette and Jack engaged in polite conversations at first, their words dancing between until it slowly took a deep turn.
Jack, ever the enigma, shared tales of his past, his voice tinged with a mixture of remorse and defiance.
Marie Antoinette listened intently, her heart heavy with empathy for the man shrouded in darkness.
Yet she still had to think about his poor victims and how it could've all been avoided if Jack's mother hadn't snapped, same went for the bearded man himself.
"And what of you, Madame Antoinette?" Jack inquired, his gaze piercing yet strangely gentle.
"How did you find yourself in the halls of the afterlife?"
Marie Antoinette's expression softened as she recounted the events of her mortal life, from her rise as the Queen of France to her tragic demise at the hands of the revolutionaries.
She usually wouldn't have shared such memories with someone, for it haunted her so deeply til this day.
But knowing Jack hadn't been any better than her when he was alive, she felt like she could speak of the trials and tribulations she faced, her voice filled with hidden sorrow.
As their conversation delved deeper into the intricacies of their pasts, Marie Antoinette and Jack found themselves bound by a shared understanding of the burdens they bore.
Even with the vast chasm that separated them in life, they discovered a common thread of humanity that transcended the boundaries of time and circumstance.
Suddenly, amidst their conversation, a faint sound echoed through the garden, the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps.
Marie Antoinette's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see her beloved child, running towards her with arms outstretched.
"Mama!" the child cried, tears streaming down their cheeks, seeking solace in their mother's embrace.
Marie Antoinette's eyes brimmed with tears as she enveloped her child in a warm embrace, her heart overflowing with love for her youngling.
"Oh darling what are you doing here?!"
As she glanced up at Jack, she saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes, a glimpse of the vulnerability that lurked beneath his hardened exterior.
Jack watched the tender scene unfold before him, a bittersweet smile playing upon his lips. In that moment, he saw himself reflected in the child's tears, a lost soul seeking comfort in the arms of their mother.
"Well aren't they a adorable little one~"
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snnydcys · 1 month
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@intrcducingme sent: 😴  -  a  starter  where  my  muse  is  comforting  your  muse  after  a  nightmare.  ( add  + reverse  for  your  muse  to  comfort  mine )
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normally  sonny  didn't  have  nightmares.  if  anything,  if  she  was  extremely  exhausted  she  would  sleep  walk  and  destroy  things.  however,  this  wasn't  the  case.  her  nightmare  filled  with  the  faces  of  people  that  she  loved  betraying  her.  leaving  her  for  the  worst.  it  was  enough  to  cause  her  to  wake  up  gasping.  feeling  the  tears  spill  from  her  cheeks  as  her  gaze  scanned  the  area.  realizing  she  has  fallen  asleep  in  the  prop  house.  at  the  same  time,  nate  wandered  in  and  almost  immediately  came  to  comfort  her.  in  which  she  sniffled  and  pulled  her  usual  excuse,  “i'm  fine..  i'm  okay.”
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salaciabonny · 8 months
( open to all ! )
Caution marked Salacia's movement as she took a step forward, her feet moving forward in almost slow motion. She could feel people eyeing her, could hear them whisper to their companions excitedly about having caught a glimpse of one of the new tributes, but she paid them no mind. No, her attention was on the enormous lobby of the Tower. Her eyes scanned the room from corner to corner, taking in the modern sleekness of its furniture, listening the cacophony of sounds, observed the hustling busyness of its passing occupants.
It was quite something — and already, she hated all of it.
"It's definitely different from home." Salacia murmured, unsure if anyone even heard her. "It's so———" Disgustingly artificial. Devoid of human touch. Lacking anything that resembles a soul. "Impressive." A word tumbled out of her mouth with the practiced ease of a career who knew the importance of the appearances, even if she didn't believe a word of it. "How long it'll take before I get used to this?"
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snnydcysarchh · 3 months
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@dcwsonscreek liked for a starter
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"you actually showed up. did you like the performance?"
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sunolls · 3 days
(okay partly my fault cause I was ia)
( lmao your all good )
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isuttonstrode · 5 months
OPEN STARTER. Local: Anfiteatro.
Sutton soltou um suspiro pesado ao ver MUSE se aproximando. Desde que havia voltado da sua missão estava evitando qualquer pessoa, fosse por ter tido seu orgulho ferido ou por ter se ferido fisicamente mesmo, algo que não era comum quando se tratava daquele nível de ferimento. "A lua está linda, não é? Artemis, mesmo silenciosa, continua fazendo um ótimo trabalho" falou, mas a realidade era que o céu continuava tão nublado quanto antes e isso a fez suspirar novamente. Era uma péssima mentirosa. "Tá bom, tá bom. Ok, ok. Não esperava falhar. Não assim. Não na missão de chegar no Acampamento Júpiter. Eu adoro aquele lugar e admiro todos lá. Achei que minha equipe seria a que chegaria, parecia a chance perfeita. Mas foi tudo tão bagunçado… Mal consigo lembrar direito do que aconteceu. Apenas sei que os sentimentos. Nossos sentimentos saíram do controle. Minha telepatia só fez com que eu fosse tomada ainda mais por eles." Ela olhou para as bandagens em seu pescoço, rosto e braço direito, como se buscasse respostas nessas marcas físicas. "Foi um fracasso total." e então começou a rir. "Falando assim parece até meio engraçado, devo admitir." e então virou o rosto para o MUSE "Mas enfim, eu fiquei isolada na enfermaria por uns dias, o que aconteceu enquanto estavamos em missão? Por aqui?"
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displacedbias · 6 days
( @ozzyandfriends : gala interaction )
Ron walks over to RS!Alice, His Ozzy and Madison trailing behind.
RON: Hey! You kind of look like my friend, are you.. Alice, by any chance?
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[Alice]: Chance is but a thread in the tapestry of those who weave it. If one gazes upon a reflection, harken to the visage thine eyes lain upon, for that which you seek is ground in still water. My name is my own, and yours I should know. Who but a reflection to know such unknown?
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dommavmason · 9 months
(JB) Hey Maverick. Not sure we've met before but now we have to get gifts, lol.
Hey JB, nice to meet you then I guess, haha. Happy holidays let’s do it! @jbjonesxdomme
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giselle-clarke · 6 months
@steviebevans-wmu: How did you get banned from Pappadeaux??
So that's the lie, sorta. It wasn't every one in Houston, just the Galleria location (which was my favorite one). I unintentionally started a fight in there that got out of hand, so the manager said I can never come back. Fuck that guy.
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sh1fted · 3 months
@milleroptimism liked for a starter
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“do  you  think  people  are  ever  going  to  see  me  more  than  a  shifter?”
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valeria-flint · 3 months
Starter for: @thelawmaker Location: The Hopping Pot, Carkitt Market
It was a regular thing by now. Catching up over breakfast on what was going on in life. And of course the Death Eaters. A silencing spell was cast on their surroundings so others would not be able to hear what it was that they had to say.
Their romance together was long in the past, Corban truly was a good friend to Val now and she wouldn't want it any other way. She brought the cup of coffee up to her lips, a regular one. Although an Irish coffee sounded good too.
"What have you been up to lately, Corban?"
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elifalvey · 5 months
LOCATION: Eli and Asli's home, Claret Park.
WHEN: After Spring Extravaganza's annual kayak race.
WHO: Elijah & Aslihan ( @draslihanxfahri-bailey ).
The sound of the idling Jeep rang through Elijah’s ears and nothing else, having sat in the driveway with his hands still clutching onto the steering wheel for more than a handful of minutes now; it was a bloody miracle that he even managed to make it home in one piece, all puffy-eyed and mentally disheveled by the time he turned the corner of their street. Things had been fine when he’d first showed up. He’d been determined to have a good day, spending much needed quality time with Erol as they watched the town’s yearly kayak race commence. The moment that Erol had left, however, it was like it had all gone to shit — with impeccable timing, another ghost of his past had decided to waltz back into his life and now he was stuck, replaying their conversation over and over in his mind. He would have hated you for doing this to us. His knuckles were white — had been the entire drive, actually — and he slowly, meticulously, almost painfully unfurled his fingers in an attempt to calm down. He turned the car off. Released a breath. Shut his eyes as the engine came to a halt and he was met with complete silence. No, no, he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t fucking calm down. As he sat there and tried, the only thought that had reared its ugly head was how badly he needed a fucking cigarette instead, and his breath easily turned into a frustrated groan. The crux of the issue was Kaya, and how easily she and Roman had managed to crumble the walls he’d placed in front of himself after nearly five whole years of building them up, but the inability to process any of that so quickly meant that his anger had redirected in different ways; the inability to find his stupid cigarettes being the main one, at the minute, itching to relieve an almost insatiable stress-induced urge. He patted his pockets down several times when he first hurried back to the car, but found nothing except his phone and wallet. Afterwards, he practically turned the whole damn thing upside down to sift through every compartment — no luck there, either. He couldn’t even visualize them sitting atop his bedside nightstand, like most misplaced things he happened to realize were misplaced far too late. He was at a loss. Opening his eyes again, he finally willed himself to move, locking the vehicle behind him and barreling into the house. He didn’t make time to kick off his shoes, or to pet the cats that came trotting to say hello as he usually would. Rather, he barreled up the stairs and made a beeline for their bedroom in order to tear that entire place up, too. No blanket left unruffled, no pillow spared as he feverishly searched for the tiny blue box he’d been needing as a crutch. As to be expected, there was no sight of them, and so he detoured to the balcony, and then the bathroom, and each of the guest rooms until the entire upstairs had been rifled through. He couldn’t fucking find them. He expelled another irritated groan. “Babe!” he called out, his voice practically booming through the otherwise quiet house as he hurried back down the stairs, searching for Aslihan this time. Undoubtedly an easier task, and maybe she’d know where he put them. “Asli, have you seen my American Spirits? I thought I saw them this morning, but now I can’t fucking find them, and I —” He tiredly ran a hand over his face, into his beard before he finally made eye contact with her once it dropped to his side. “I’m sorry,” he breathed out, a little softer. “Have you seen them?”
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