#(it's a small school she's bored sue her)
jonathanbyersphd · 8 months
How I imagine Robin is watching Jonathan and Nancy from her locker.
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momotonescreaming · 1 year
Stardew Valley inspired AU where Steve works some boring corporate job for his father and he's absolutely miserable. His father has high expectations for him that he can't ever seem to meet, his mother just fawns under her husband's harsh gaze, and no one at work likes him because he's the bosses son. Doesn't seem to matter that his father doesn't like him much either.
So when he gets a call from their family lawyer, saying his granddads old farm has left legal hell and is officially his, he's very tempted to drop everything and leave. Get out of the city, escape his family, get a fresh start. The only thing holding him back, is his best friend Robin who also lives in the city. She tells him off for letting her hold him back. She'll miss him horribly, but she knows that he wasn't happy working for his father. He just has to promise to send her postcards and letters and to call her as often as he can. As soon as he’s settled she is going to visit and that is a fact Steve, you better get used to it.
Steve puts in his notice at work, cancels the lease on his apartment, and starts packing his things. He buys a trailer to hitch to the back of his Beamer to pack up all his stuff, has a very tearful goodbye with Robin, and drives to the small town of Hawkins.
He spends most of his time that first month getting everything sorted. Gives the house a deep clean, moves in what he bought of his stuff, and figures out what he still needs to buy. Does a check of everything he needs to repair or replace on the farm. Spends a lot of time clearing rocks and overgrown bushes and weeds and trees off of his land. Reads some books and takes some online classes on farming. Is determined to actually make this work.
Eddie has lived in Hawkins since he moved in with his uncle. Always had dreams of moving to the big city and making it big with his band. But for now he's still in Hawkins, working at Thatcher Tire, living with his uncle, trying not to get sucked into small town gossip. It's hard not to though, not when one of the local high school kids starts a rumour you're a cult leader because you run a DnD club and he thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him. It fucking sucked, but Eddie managed to graduate from high school the third time round, and the rumour mill slowly moved on.
Now, all everyone can talk about is the city boy who moved into the old abandoned farm just down the way. Apparently he's very handsome, very single, and looks like he hasn't worked a day in his life. And sue Eddie, he's fucking curious.
The first time Eddie meets the elusive city boy is at the post office, some months after he moved to town. The guy asks for the time, and politely introduces himself as Steve, the guy who's doing up the old farm. And the Hawkins gossips are right - the guy is handsome as hell. Carefully styled swooping brown hair that looks impossibly soft. Tanned skin dotted with moles. A tidy polo shirt that should look dorky but instead just really suits the guy. Fitting tight across his chest and straining against his biceps. For a supposed city boy, the man is unreasonably ripped. Maybe he is meant to be a farmer.
And then once they meet, it’s like the universe is playing a trick on Eddie because he can’t stop bumping into the guy. He sees him jogging through the city and Steve waves at him with a wiggle of his fingers. He sees him hiking through the woods with his new farm dog in training trotting after him happily. They’re in the supermarket at the same time, and they make small talk about food and Steve jokes that his stove is so old it’s like he has to teach himself how to cook all over again. Eddie goes to Merrill’s farm to drop something off for Wayne, and Steve is there, sleeves rolled up, glistening and sweaty, doing odd jobs on for a little extra cash.
A navy blue truck rolls into Thatcher’s one day, sturdy, big, with a small dent in the side. Good kit. And lo and behold Steve steps out. Clad in his usual blue jeans and a tight polo, twirling his keys around his fingers. He asks if there’s room for them to take a look at it, give it a service, or does he need to book in later? And Eddie says he’s free. There’s a lot of other things he needs to do, cars out the back to check over, but Steve is here. And so Eddie take a look at the truck so he has an excuse to talk to Steve. Asks him questions if there’s anything wrong with it, does he need to check anything in particular? And they chat, and Eddie brings up the beemer. Mentions it off handedly — did Steve swap it out for a truck? Something more farm appropriate?
And Steve just tilts his head like a confused puppy. Eddie know’s he has a beemer? And before he can think about it too much, Eddie says of course he does — it’s not every day that a handsome city boy rolls into a town like this in a fancy car like that. And Steve raises an eyebrow. Handsome? he asks. Eddie curses at himself under his breath. He could have pulled the mechanic card, said he keeps an eye out at all the cars in Hawkins. But of course he lost his tongue in front of the pretty stranger. But Steve just says he’ll take the compliment and smiles at Eddie in a way he hadn’t before.
Before it was small town polite — making conversation at the gas station or a smile of acknowledgement. But this is different. This smile is more. And so Eddie blushes, and rolls himself under the truck to hide his blushing cheeks. He thinks he hears Steve chuckle, bit graciously follows when Eddie steers the conversation away from the face he finds him pretty and onto a safer topic — farm.
And Steve sounds so genuinely excited when he talks about it. He finds the physical work really satisfying, he’s looking forward to getting to the point where he can actually plant crops. Wants to get a chicken coop, see how that goes, before he moves onto livestock. He likes the early mornings on the farm where he can watch the sun rise over the fields. He feels himself there on the farm.
Eddie jokes that the early mornings sound awful, he’s a night owl through and through — but the sunrise sounds nice. Steve laughs and says that's fair, he had to start waking up early in high school for swim team practice and now it’s ingrained into him. Handy for the farm now, which is a plus. Eddie admits that he’s been to the farm before — feels weird not too now — that he hopped the fence when he was teen and wandered the fields and the woods, having a smoke and a poke around. Steve is cool about it. The place was abandoned, and he would have done the same when he was young. He’s not as uptight as he looks — he had some semi-wild teen years of his own.
They talk, Eddie looks at the car, and then before he knows it — he’s done. The truck is all good. Runs like a dream. It’s time for Steve to pay and leave. And they’re both loitering in the doorway to the office, and Eddie knows it’s because he’s actually starting to really like the guy. He’s passionate, and kind, and also kind of a bitch which was delightful to find out. He’s handsome as all hell and is a genuine fucking guy. And he doesn’t want him to leave.
He looks over at Steve. Steve, who bites his lip, pink and plump, before looking up at Eddie through his lashes. And sorry if this sounds dumb, but does Eddie want to come visit the farm? Have a look around when it’s not abandoned and overgrown?
Eddie feels his cheeks flush, sees the identical blush now gracing Steve’s cheeks, and says yes. It’s a date.
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makethatelevenrings · 6 months
Angel by the Wing - Thirty-One
A/N: no this isn't an April Fool's prank lol. I take the LSAT in 10 days and I want to throw up!!! :)))))
Series Masterlist (Mobile Masterlist)
Chapter Warnings: emotional abuse (we find out why Angel is Like That)
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“It’s not great,” Penny admitted.
“But it’s not horrible either,” you pointed out. The two of you sat at one of the rustic wooden picnic tables outside the bar. A plate of fries sat untouched between you as you looked over the quarterly profit margin. Everything was down and your sales were drastically decreasing from last year.
“Even if you and I took on more shifts, we’d be screwing over the others by cutting their hours. It’s a no-win situation,” she sighed. The bar was losing money and you could see it was starting to take a toll on her. This was supposed to be one of the busier seasons thanks to the warm weather and the proximity to the beach, but aside from a random tourist here and there, you rarely saw anyone other than military personnel come by and it was hurting your profits.
“We could raise the price of food? Or decrease the menu,” you mused. “Less options means less cost for products.”
“Just keep appetizers and stuff. Maybe let go of one of the cooks.” You could tell she didn’t want to relieve anyone, but you were going to have to if the numbers kept getting smaller. Penny stared at the pages spread out between you two in hopes that they would magically change. She looked out onto the ocean and pursed her lips in contemplation.
“This place is one of the longest standing Navy bars in the whole city,” she said quietly. “And everyone is going to know me as the woman who couldn’t keep it open.”
“Hey, no.” You covered her hand with your own. “First of all, you are not the one to blame when people aren’t coming. We’ll figure out why traffic is falling. Second of all, you are not going to sit here and shit on yourself. That is not the Penny Benjamin I know. We will figure this out, Pen. I promise.”
Her lips quirked up into a small smile and she squeezed your hand. “I knew I hired you for a reason.”
“My amazing personality and brilliant mind?”
“Actually it was the fact that you told Hangman to fuck off instead of sleeping with him.”
“But I did sleep with him.”
“After you told him to fuck off, though.”
You opened your mouth to retort but your phone, seated on the table in front of you, began to sound. Noticing who it was, you ignored it without a second thought. You let the phone ring until it went to voicemail, ignoring Penny’s pointed look. A two-word text flashed across your screen and you read it with a creeping sense of dread filling your gut.
“Who was that?” Penny asked.
“Hmm? Oh, just a spam call, I think.”
She shot you a warning glare but you didn’t have it in you to fight today. You also didn’t want to burden her with more of your problems.
“I have to go pick up Amelia from school but hey, we weren’t going to figure this out in one day.”
“And we will figure it out, Pen. I promise.”
The older woman flashed you a sad smile and sighed. “I hope so, kid. Have a good night off.” The two of you gathered up all the papers and Penny stuffed them back into the binder she had brought with her.
You waited until her car pulled out of the lot before you picked your phone up again and studied the text. Might as well get it over with now.
She picked up on the third ring and you braced yourself. “Hi mom.”
“Janie Sue from church was in San Diego visiting her nephew and guess what she saw?” Her tone was bored, but you sensed the anger underlying her words.
“The USS Midway museum?” you offered up.
“She saw you bartending at some rundown Navy bar and said you were hanging all over two men the whole night.”
“And no one is questioning why Janie Sue was at a bar with her underage nephew and her alcoholic husband?”
Your full name met your ears with a blistering crack and heat spread across your cheeks as the brunt of her anger flooded through the phone. “I figured your little voicemail was your idea of a prank, but now I know for a fact that you have wasted every opportunity your father and I gave you to end up as a whore.”
“Mom, it’s not like tha-”
“It is exactly like that! You are brilliant. You had so much going for you. And now you’re knocked up like some two-bit prostitute who spread her legs for any sailor who tipped you well.”
Shame and rage pooled in your chest and pressure built in your eyes. You bowed your head and shielded your face in case anyone who would recognize you walked by.
“Mom, I’m happy,” you interjected with a shaky voice.
“You don’t sound very happy! You could have been anything you ever wanted to be and this is what you chose? If they’re so willing to share you, do you really think those two boys give a shit about you? How many girls are they sleeping with when you’re not around?”
“Mom, they’re not like that! Seriously, they are good men.”
“Oh, that’s what they all say. He’s different, he’s special,” she mocked. “Do you hear yourself right now? It’s pathetic. Honey, your father and I can come and get you. You can move back in with us and we’ll support you and the baby until you can get back on your feet.”
“No, I don’t need you to come get me. San Diego is my home. I have a life here. I have my life here. I’m not leaving.”
Your mother let out a deep, heavy sigh laced with frustration. “If you keep going down this path of wrong choices, one of these days you’ll learn to regret it. We’ll be here when you realize how much of your life you’ve wasted trying to prove a point to me.”
“Why didn’t you call when I first told you?” You finally spit out the question that had been eating at you since you saw her initial call. “Why now? Is it because others know and are talking about it? You just can’t be anything but the way you want people to view you, can you?”
Tears were dripping down your cheeks and mingling with the disgusting, snotty sob that rose in your chest. Your mother let out a bitter laugh.
“And this is always how it goes. Now you’re going to be mean to me in some attempt to make yourself feel superior. You don’t know everything so stop acting like you do. Now, I’m going to hang up before you start yelling at me. Stop being so dramatic, honey. You chose this life.”
The line went dead and you had the urge to launch your phone into the ocean. Fuck. Fucking fuck. Double triple flying fuck.
You swiped at the tears that dripped down your cheeks with the back of your hand and clambored off of the bench before anyone saw you. Jake was visiting his mom and Bradley had flown back to Virginia two days ago and was currently on a road trip back to San Diego. He kept sending selfies to the group chat the three of you shared. You were saving all of them.
Good. That would give you privacy to sob all the bullshit out without anyone worrying.
You knew she wasn’t right. You knew this. But at the same time, years of her words crowded your mind and consumed your body. Was she right? There was nothing special about you. Were the boys staying simply because you were knocked up? Your body went cold at the thought of that and you wrapped your arms around your stomach, guarding it from the world.
Fuck it. Fuck it all. If that was true, then you would figure it out all by yourself, just like you had your entire life.
You approached your clunky old car and fumbled for the key, your hands trembling as you tried to unlock it. Just as you slipped the key into the lock, a soft sound caught your attention. You paused and waited, but didn’t hear anything else. Opening the door, you prepared to slide in when there was that damn sound again.
You kneeled down and came face to face with the sad, pitiful eyes of a cat that had clearly seen better days. It let out another weak cry and you felt tears well up in your eyes again.
“Oh my god,” you whispered aloud at the pervasive nature of your hormones. The cat blinked up at you and slowly slunk forward. It investigated your outstretched hand and then gently twisted its head to rest in your palm, begging for any kind of attention.
There was no fucking way you were leaving this little baby all alone in the parking lot.
That’s how you ended up stumbling into the townhome with sticky tear tracks on your cheeks and a scruffy, malnourished cat curled up in your arms. You had sent a text to Sofia when you were at a red light because you knew she grew up with all sorts of animals and the Trace household had three cats. She would know what to do.
“Baby?” Jake called when you tumbled through the front door. You froze, not expecting him to be home. He was supposed to be at his mom’s.
As if summoned, Jennifer and Jake appeared around the doorway to the kitchen and found you looking like an absolute mess. Your clothes were rumpled, your makeup was destroyed, and a clearly malnourished and homeless cat meowed pathetically from your arms.
“I didn’t…” you stammered out. “I couldn’t just leave him there. A car could have hit him or a dog could have attacked him o-or…” Tears welled up in your eyes again and you hugged the cat a little closer to your chest.
“I’m sorry,” you said in a quiet voice that was so unlike yourself. “But I couldn’t just leave him.”
Jake moved past his mother and approached you. He wiped some of the tears off of your cheeks and then studied the cat in your arms. “We can’t keep him, baby.”
“I know,” you hiccupped out a little whimper. “Sofia gave me the info for her vet and I set up an appointment for tomorrow morning. Can he please just stay the night?”
Jennifer watched her son with a close eye. Jake was a dog person through and through. She remembered how he would beg her for a dog every Christmas and every birthday, but she could never deliver. He always said cats were too aloof, too mean, not cuddly enough, and more. He was a clean person who loved order in his home.
But one look at the tears in your eyes had Jake Seresin caving.
“He can stay the night,” Jake conceded. 
A brilliant smile lit up your face and you hugged the poor cat even tighter, but the feline didn’t argue. Instead, it tucked its little head under your jaw and started to purr.
“Thank you, Jake. Is now a good time to tell you that Nat and Sofia are already bringing over some stuff for him?”
He rolled his eyes but kissed you on the top of the head. Jake even kept the comments to a minimum when the couple showed up armed with a litter box, fresh litter, food, and a few toys. You cordoned off the laundry room for the cat and started to set up his space when Jake casually moved you out of the room.
“You can’t change litter,” he warned. “Nat just told me.”
“Yeah, I can’t change the litter that he’s used, Einstein,” you retorted but he leveled you with a stern glare and pointed away from the laundry room.
“Out. I’ll call you back when it’s ready.”
You sighed but kissed his cheek in thanks and made your way outside where Sofia and Nat were, luckily not making out, but chatting next to their car. Sofia grinned at the sight of her friend and slung her arm over your shoulders.
“Hangman won’t admit it, but that cat’s staying forever,” Nat said. “Have you texted Bradley yet?”
“Nah, I’m gonna surprise him with Skipper when he comes home.”
“Skipper?” Sofia chuckled. “Oh yeah, he’s definitely staying.”
Jake poked his head out from the front door and Nat pushed away from the car to go chat with him about something. You took that as your chance and burrowed in closer to your best friend’s side.
“What’s up?” Sofia had an incredibly discerning eye and always seemed to know what you were feeling before you did.
“‘S nothing. I, uh, I got the paternity results back.” Sofia was the only one who knew you even got the test done. As a medical receptionist on base, she was the one who helped coordinate your test thanks to the potential fathers being naval officers.
“Hey, whoever it is, the three of you are locked together,” Sofia assured you. You nodded, but your mother’s words ran through your mind over and over again.
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booksooks · 20 days
𝑳𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓: 𝑫𝒂𝒚 3.1
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Author's Note: I'm so tired I'll edit this when I wake up. There will be a day 3 part 2. For now, please enjoy 💙
Contents: Nothing that needs a warning <3
Word Count: 2153
Summary: Entering your second year at college, only a few months after being broken up with, you weren't expecting anything special. Especially not in the romance department. But then a quiet, but friendly-enough boy on your floor catches your attention faster than you would like to admit. And oh, boy, are you in deep.
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Thursday was more boring than you’d like to admit. You woke up early, despite your first class being only at 2pm, and you spent those hours mindlessly scrolling on your phone. And then you realized you didn’t know where your class was, so you scrambled to get your school’s brightspace open to find it. 
You breathed a sigh of relief when you were able to find it; it was one of the rooms on the upper floor of the library. The rest of your free time was spent getting ready for said class, choosing an outfit and doing any other cosmetic needs, skincare and stuff. Music blared loudly from your phone as you got ready, hyping you up for the day as you danced around your small room. Hanami had left for her classes for the day, so you had the tiny space to yourself as Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry made you bounce on your feet and sing into your microphone (aka your lint roller). It was only mildly embarrassing behavior, and your door was locked, so you weren’t extremely concerned with anyone seeing you. 
After a few more minutes, however, you sighed and decided you couldn’t get away with putting off leaving any more. You slipped your shoes on and snatched up your backpack to head out the door, your music now playing through your earbuds. You had left earlier than you needed, because you wanted to grab a drink from the commons cafe before attending two classes, and you wouldn’t have enough time to get something between two said classes. So leaving early was the only solution. 
You didn’t want to brag, you thought to yourself as you made your way to class, but you looked pretty damn good today. Jean shorts with star patches sewn over the ass (which, while cute, were inconvenient because it meant no pockets), and a baggy green shirt, and black converse made up your outfit. Your hair was hairing to the max, and you just felt good in the way you looked, which didn’t happen often, so if you had a little more swagger in your step, sue you. Today would be good. 
You carried the sentiment with you all the way to the commons cafe, where the school had implemented an entirely unnecessary and complicated new system to ordering the food through GrubHub, for whatever reason. You sighed and ordered your drink, and the app notified you that it would be ready in… 13 minutes. “Jesus Christ,” you mumbled to yourself as you leaned against a wall. Next time you would just order before leaving your dorm. It wasn’t like there were even that many people in line ahead of you, only three according to the GrubHub app. You rolled your eyes and checked the time, anxious to be on time with the added thirteen minutes to your schedule. You would be, thankfully, and spent the rest of your time waiting just scrolling through your phone. 
How much time did you spend on your phone anyway? Probably too much, you decided, going back to the messages between yourself and Shigaraki and Toga in the group chat last night. You hadn’t even used it for its intended purpose of scheduling a study session, but you figured you could blame it on Toga - wait, no, you couldn’t. You had asked when a good time to study was in her private messages. Oh well, it gave you a chance to text Shigaraki without Toga’s prying eyes. You had seen the way she looked at your hand on his elbow yesterday, a flicker of mischief and something a little more devious sparking in her eyes. You had your suspicions that she had left you two behind on purpose, but she had only just met you, so what reason would she have to try and get the two of you alone? 
Then again, she did seem like the obsessive type, with her little comment about stabbing people. And it wasn’t like you minded, per se. Shigaraki was an attractive man, the more you thought about him. Or more accurately, he was your type. He was tall, and his arm had felt so solid and warm beneath your hand yesterday, muscles taut underneath your fingers. You swallowed down the saliva pooling in your mouth, because yeah that was enough of that train of thought. 
Your mind didn’t stray very far, however, because you remembered his eyes and how damn pretty they were. Deep-set and a bright, ruby red, they sparkled with a less-than-hidden ferocity in the shadows of his pale blue hair. It was more than a little intimidating, the intensity in his gaze and how he seemed to be able to take in any information and store it away for later, to be pored over when it’s convenient for him. All in a few seconds of eye contact. 
You nearly jumped out of your skin when your phone buzzed in your hand, indicating that your order was ready and oh shit did you think about Shigaraki Tomura for a whole 13 minutes straight? That certainly wasn’t concerning, nor was it something you would let yourself think about for any longer as you grabbed your drink and made your way to class. Macroeconomics, ugh. Microeconomics had been hell last semester, but unfortunately it was a requirement for business majors, and there you were, a business major, which… Sucked to suck. 
You sighed quietly and shook off any and all thoughts about sucking and Shigaraki, and sweet Mary molasses you should not have thought about those two words together in the same sentence. What was wrong with you today? You decided it could be a problem for later, as you pushed open the door and greeted the professor, a sweet looking middle-aged woman before you sat down. This would be a long class. 
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You were right, the class had been incredibly long, and incredibly boring, and you had taken to counting ceiling tiles to even stay awake. But the class was over now, thankfully, and you hopped to your feet to go to your next and last class, which was a calculus course. Fuck calculus. You pulled up your phone to double check the classroom number, knowing that the building it was in was right across from the library. 
The classroom was empty when you got there, save for-
“Shigaraki, hey!” 
The man looked up from his computer as you said his name, bright red eyes glancing at your mostly bare legs before meeting your gaze. “Hi.” 
“Are you in this calculus class too? That’d be so cool if we had two classes together.” You exclaimed, sitting at a desk next to him. He nodded and typed something out on his computer before shutting it, giving you his full attention, which you appreciated. 
You nodded thoughtfully, wanting to keep the conversation going but unsure where to pick it back up. “It’s kinda early though, I mean, I’m 15 minutes early and you were here before me. What class did you have before this one?” 
Shigaraki said something about a computer science class, bringing one of his hands up to scratch at the base of his neck, an area of skin that was normally hidden underneath his sweater. Your eyes zeroed in on that little patch of skin, now scratched red and raw, and you had to physically blink to realize that not only had Shigaraki answered your question, he had asked you one of his own. 
“Uh, sorry I zoned out,” you admitted sheepishly. “What was that?”
“I asked what class you had.” 
Oh, right. That made sense. “Macroeconomics,” you mumbled. “It’s so boring I almost fell asleep.” 
Shigaraki’s lips curved into a sly, quiet snicker. His expression was marked by a subtle twitch at one corner, pulling your attention to the small scar that lay over the edge of his lip. A mole rested just beneath the other corner, adding a touch of asymmetry to his face that was prettier than it should have been. As he smiled , and God help you it was adorable, the wrinkles around his eyes deepened. “Falling asleep on the second day?” he mused, with a hint of mockery. “That’s no good.” 
Get a hold of yourself! You sang in your head. Where did his sudden, teasing confidence come from? 
You managed to smile sheepishly and avoided his gaze, shrugging. “Not my fault it’s a boring class.” 
Shigaraki had stopped pawing at his neck, instead tapping his fingers against his mouth and drawing your attention to it. His lips were cracked and dry, and looked to be honestly rather painful. “Can’t be that boring if you’re there.”
“W-What?” You chuckled softly, trying to figure out whether or not… was he flirting with you?
“You heard me,” he said, turning to face away from you and stare at the door. You blinked at him rapidly, and then shook your head. There was no way he was flirting. 
To distract yourself, you pulled out your phone and checked the time. 3:35pm. “Hm.”
“Hm?” Shigaraki parroted. 
“Hm, it’s five past and no one’s here yet,” you explained, pulling up the syllabus to double check you were in the right room, the right building. Yep. Room 221, Greens Hall. “Are we in the wrong room, do you think, or…?” 
Shigaraki frowned. “Could be.” 
You blinked at your phone, double and then triple checking your phone, just in case. But your eyes were not deceiving you. “Maybe everyone else is just late?” You asked hopefully. You knew it wasn’t true, there was no way no one else hadn’t trickled into class by now. 
“Let’s just,” you paused, “wait a few more minutes.” 
And so you did. Then a ‘few more minutes’ turned into ten, which turned into 15, and then 20. Not once had Shigaraki opened his computer back up. He had chosen to, instead, pull out his phone and fiddle around on it, and although you couldn’t see the screen you had to assume it was some sort of game by the way he held the device, thumbs poised over the edges of the screen. 
After 30 minutes of sitting in silence, you spoke up. “We’re definitely in the wrong room.” 
Shigaraki glanced up, briefly, and then looked back down at his phone. “How? We’re in the room that’s named on the syllabus.” 
“Iunno,” you mumbled, shrugging as you stood up and hoisting your backpack over your shoulders. “I’m gonna go back to my dorm and email the teacher from there. Wanna come with?” 
He nodded after a moment’s hesitation, sliding his stuff together and haphazardly shoving it all in his backpack. You watched, a little disturbed at the lack of organization, but didn’t comment because his backpack was already over his shoulder, and so was yours, and he was at the door quickly, holding it open for you. 
“Thanks,” you chirped, scooting past him and into the empty hallway. 
Shigaraki “mhm’d” in that soft, raspy voice of his, and soon enough his long legs were matching your stride. You both made your way out of the building in silence, trading off who opened doors for who automatically. You inhaled deeply when you got outside, the air cooler now that it was in the late afternoon, loving the feeling and the smell. 
The walk back to your dorm building was just as quiet, the both of you enjoying the sounds of other people walking or catching up with friends. Soon enough, however, you were on the little deer path that connected the academic part of campus to the living part of campus, where it was less chattery and was more welcoming to the cries of birds or squirrels barking. 
You broke that silence. “So uh, are you doing anything later?”
Shigaraki didn’t say anything for a moment. “No, don’t think so, why?” 
“Uh, well,” you started, hoping you didn’t sound as awkward as you felt. “I heard that they’re playing a movie on the front lawn of Briggs, and I wanted to go but I don’t wanna go alone.” 
You saw Shigaraki nod minutely in understanding. “What movie are they playing?” 
“I’m not sure,” you muttered. “An action movie, I’m pretty sure. I didn’t see though, on the flier. It starts at eight, though. If you want to come, no pressure.” 
You were rambling, God did you ever shut up? It was like you were determined to stick your foot in your mouth or make him uncomfortable. 
“Sure, I’ll be there.” 
“Oh, okay cool!” You said, your tone brighter than you had intended. 
The rest of the walk was quiet, and you said your ‘see you later’s in the hallway just in front of the staircase. It wasn’t until you were back in your room that you realized that, not only had you asked Shigaraki to go watch a movie with you, he had agreed. Oh joy.
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End Notes: Thank you for reading <3!
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.25
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader
Warnings: none
Words: 1996
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
Giving you and Edward privacy, Evita goes back to the bonfire. She does give one last look to the vampire, as if wondering if it was okay to leave you alone with something like him. Regardless, Evita leaves, carrying her bag that held the ritual items she would have used.
You watch her figure join the bundles of trees just to make sure she was heading in the right direction. Satisfied that she’d find her way safely, you turn to Edward who offers his hand out to you. “Care to join me for a walk?”
Hesitant fingers slide along his cold hand. Your body temperatures were solar opposites. The two colliding sent a rippling tingling that started from your palm and up your arm. Edward felt it too as he his body jolts slightly from the sensation.
“Alice called you?” You ask as you fall into step alongside him. “She said you were at Bella’s with the Denalis.”
He nods. “Yeah. But I told them there was somewhere I needed to be. Alice was freaking out. I think I freaked out a little bit more. . .”
The gentle singing of the river gets closer the further you and Edward delve into the forest. Leisurely you bump into one another in a soothing rhythm, wandering with no real destination.
“How is she doing? Bella? I saw her sometime ago and we had lunch.” You hadn’t gained the courage to call her yourself. While the two of you had spoken in a civil manner, you were still uncomfortable with the thought of ringing her up yourself. Jacob wanted friendship to blossom between you and Bella, but it was too soon for that. Especially with Edward making a stance and choosing to go after you.
“Healthy. Healthy and safe.” That was all he ever wanted for Bella. You nod and move to continue along the riverbank but Edward stops you. “Wait. I know we’re fated to be together, but I feel like there is still so much I don’t know about you. You probably know more about me.”
What was there to know about you? Before turning into a wolf, your life had been normal. So normal that it could border on being mind painfully boring. A life of rinse and repeat. Wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, then go to bed to do it all over again the next day. Occasionally on the weekends your small family might go out for a refreshing hike or even fishing.
Going on to tell Edward of your simple life on the reservation, you describe your mother and father; both hard working people and yet always generous to those who had even less n than you did. Like when Harry Clearwater died, they made sure Sue and her kids were fed for weeks. Your mom would stay up late preparing casserole dishes and other easy to heat up meals so that Sue wouldn’t have to worry about her family eating. They even picked up Seth (along with the others) for carpool.
Never wanting them to worry more than they needed to, you tried your entire childhood to be a good kid. Being a wolf though changed that. Now constantly worried about your wellbeing, all you could do was give them hollow promises that you would be safe. That was not the job of a Quileute wolf though. Combating danger was. And fighting vampires guaranteed that you were never safe.
“Do they know about me?” Hesitantly he brings up the imprinting. Unsure of how much your parents really knew about your others life.
Pursing your lips, you relent. “To an extent. They don’t really know imprinting itself but they understand that something is going on between us, whatever that may be. But they don’t know what you or the rest of your family are. Just that you’re descendants from the stories that we tell of the Cold Ones.”
Not it mention that they probably thought you still had a crush on Embry. Your parents saw it immediately when both of you were small children. Their giggles could be heard whenever you and Embry hung out and they were home. Worse was when Quil threatened to tell Embry at one point if you didn’t do whatever he said. That threat didn’t hold up when your hurled your small body at him and pinned him to the ground; hissing that you would spit in his face right then and there if he promised to keep it a secret.
“You know, I still don’t know much about you either. I know that you were the first vampire Carlisle created, but nothing else.” What you really wanted to know was what was his life like when he was a human. But you realize how sensitive that topic could be. His human family was definitely dead by now.
His gaze warms thoughtfully. When he spoke, along with fondness came the sting of sorrow. “Before Carlisle saved me from the Spanish influenza, I grew up in Chicago with a vacant father and a loving mother. Nothing particularly exciting happened during that time. I was seventeen when my mom and I got sick.”
That tender smile twitched downward for a split second at the memory of his mom and the day he became an immortal. You couldn’t imagine losing your own mother the same day you discovered you could live forever.
Edward notices the sad gleam on your face and he makes sure to lift his lips back up into an easygoing grin. “Don’t be sad. I’ve had many decades to mourn and grieve and really understand the opportunity she wanted me to have. With this life I was able to get not one, but two medical degrees, learn a handful of languages, and so much more.”
He truly had lived much longer than you. You were still the young and naive age of sixteen despite looking like a full grown adult thanks to the wolf transformation.
“That’s incredible. I’ve never been out of the state of Washington.” You bemoan and pick through the rocks that lined the slow trickle of water.
He laughs a little. “You still have plenty of time to change that. I never left Illinois when I was human either. There was the option of boarding school out of state, but I didn’t feel comfortable leaving my mom alone.” Edward sits down along the bank with a sigh and leans his head back. The sky was already a dark blanket with stars embroidered into it. His skin nearly glowed in the starlight.
You wouldn’t learn everything about him in one single night. For now, this was enough.
Evita couldn’t help but release a relieved breath as she walked out of the thick of trees and back to Sam Uley’s house. Happy that she didn’t have to perform a life changing spell like that. While she was more than capable, there were a lot of things that could have gone wrong for her to intervene with strong forces. Edward and (y/n)’s differences may prove to be challenging, almost to impossible, but Evita had a good feeling that things would work out for them in the end. Patience and communication was required on both sides. (Y/n) had a good head on her shoulders though. At least from what Evita could see from the short amount of time they had known each other.
Already Evita could see the orange glow of the bonfire and hear many voices reveling. For a second, she felt a ping of homesickness. Being among the warmth of a close knit community had her longing for her family. She wouldn’t be able to go home for quite awhile. There was much work to do here. Her mother had understood the duty she felt and commended her daughter.
Most of the seats closest to the fire were already taken by other members of the pack and elder’s council. There was one seat however that was still empty. Next to the only other female wolf.
Leah right?” Evita walks up to her and points to the plastic folding chair propped next to her. “Is it okay if I take this seat?”
The she-wolf flicked her dark umber eyes over to the witch, nodding her consent silently. Leah observed Evita carefully as she sat. “Where’s (y/n)?”
Grinning, Evita looked back over her shoulder at the forest. “Thought I would let her and Edward have some privacy as they talk.”
That seemed to make her draw even further into herself. “I thought I smelled a leech.”
“Oh? What do vampires smell like to you?” She innocently asked with a cock of her head. Leah had never paused to really describe a vampire’s scent.
“Grossly sweet.” Was all she could find to explain.
Humming with thought, she leans back in her chair, her view filled with the laughing faces of the younger members of the pack and the thoughtful ones of the elders. “How funny and odd this world is.”
Leah didn’t think it was funny at all. More like some cruel joke that she would never get the hang of. In every single way, this whole wolf thing had royally messed up her life. There was no solace she could take.
She knew that if she told Evita about Jacob imprinting on her, that Evita wouldn’t find the world quite so funny.
It was on the tip of her tongue as bitterness nearly won her over. Evita was genuine though and only wanted to get to know the pack better. She was willing to protect them with her magic after all.
Gulping back whatever sour thing she could have said, Leah asked her “Was this your first time encountering vampires?”
“Yes. They weren’t quite as I imagined. A visiting witch came to our house one day and told us about them. How terrifying it is to be in front of one. Even of the massive coven called the Volturi.”
(y/n) had mentioned them too. If they were enough to make the Cullens fear them, then they must be a big deal.
Her concern was palpable and Evita told Leah reassuringly “Like I told the rest of the pack, I’ll do my best to protect everyone here in Forks. I just might need to call in one more person. . .”
Eyebrows lift quizzically, Leah sits up a little straighter. “Another witch?”
She nods. “I would have preferred my grandma to come, but she’s too old for traveling and my mom is too busy taking care of my sisters. There’s someone else I know. Thing is they’re in Haiti right now so it would take a while for them to fly here.”
“You don’t think you can do it by yourself?”
“I can make all the wards myself, but I won’t have enough energy to install them strategically around Forks. I would ask the pack to help me, but they need to have a proper knowledge of magic that would take me months to teach. And with the informants that the Volturi possess, who knows how long we have until they know about this Bella girl.”
Anxiety would have besieged Evita, it should have from all the responsibility. She was good under pressure though and knew that she shouldn’t waste her time worrying. Leah watched the expression of determination calm the witch’s features. Even if it was just herself, she would do the best she could.
“Calling your friend is always worth a shot. . .” Leah murmured; Evita’s beaming confidence was contagious. “You never know. Like you said, the world is odd and funny. They might be able to make it if they plan properly.”
Evita shot Leah a bright smile. “You’re right! I’m going inside to call her.”
Knowing she could offer appreciated assistance, Leah grins to herself and glances over at the dancing flames. Her rigid demeanor softened and one could say she was at peace with herself for but a moment.
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven  , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08 , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms , @sassyandclassyx , @scarlet2007 , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @jennyamanda8 , @stevenandmarcslove , @biancaindaeyo , @loversjoy , @turningtoclown , @vixorell , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels , @dumbbitch-juice , @southern-bell-give-hell
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a-moth-to-the-light · 4 months
Comeback Celebration: Current Top Ten Sunmi Songs
I noticed, while I was working on this, that I talk about Sunmi the way orbits talk about Loona--I think you'll see what I mean as we go down the list! I think it's the admiration I have for how creative & well-crafted her releases are. "Heroine" was the song that got me into Sunmi, though her most recent comeback at the time was "Lalalay" (I remember because the ponytail dance was EVERYWHERE). My admiration was secured after her 1/6 album--even though her discography is still small, I think that album really fleshed it out, to the point where I finally felt like I could understand her as an artist. Happy Sunmi comeback to us all!
1. pporappippam
This is my "Butterfly". I remember when this song came out, I remember when it changed the world, it's all things divine, it's my conduit to a romanticized version of my teenage years, it's a supercut of all the most wonderful colors you've ever seen in the sky at sunset. In all seriousness, though--I really don't get how people find this song boring. It manages to be a soft, ethereal track and an addictive pop hit, a perfect balance of peaceful atmospherics and unrelenting pace. This one is really special to me!
2. 1/6
This is my "Loonatic". I got dream pop with this song--okay, "1/6" might not exactly be dream pop, but it's soft and dreamy in a way that made me finally see the appeal of that type of song, like why someone would want to get lost in that hazy sonic world.
3. Siren
"Siren" is a piano crashing into you from a third-story window. Like, I don't know how it's ever possible to be emotionally ready for this song. Its brute-force approach is just so goddamn memorable, especially because Sunmi doesn't overuse it in the rest of her discography--she usually goes for subtlety, but her vocals carry a powerful chorus like this one just so well.
4. Narcissism
This one's also in the brute-force category, especially because the production takes this really messy, maximalist approach--and fuck it, it works. I love this song a whole lot: the soft intro; the weird schoolbell-through-intercom-static sounds; the way the chorus hits; the way Sunmi navigates the song's rapid rises and falls. If you miss old-school EDM (read: if you obsess over Dreamcatcher's "Can't get you out of my mind" like I do), I think you'll really enjoy this one.
5. Call
Yeah, no surprise here, I always love club music. But this club classic is particularly intricate, built on a really interesting contrast: Sunmi's gritty vocals over an exceptionally pristine house beat.
6. Black Pearl
This song is just cool. Like, that saxophone solo is just really, really cool. Like, I want to be a guy who has this song at the top of his most-listened list. Maybe one day!
7. Heroine
Yeah, the beat drop is kind of wimpy, so that part didn't age all that great. But Sunmi's PERFORMANCE here?? That prechorus is one for the ages. Five years ago, the emotion of this song absolutely captivated me, and it still resonates with me today.
8. Lalalay
In contrast, this one aged wonderfully! Now that I'm not being constantly overloaded with beat drops in every other song (thank you, 2019 Twice & 2021 Olivia Rodrigo!), I can really appreciate how interesting "Lalalay" is! I used to think this one was boring and lacking inspiration, but now that I'm revisiting it, I think the dynamics of the chorus are pretty compelling (yes, I think the beat drop is compelling, sue me)--like, do you hear how the weird note thingie is fading in and out? how the volume shifts? I love it so much!! My favorite part is the bridge, though--the flight attendant bit remains iconic, and the segue into the final chorus is breathtaking.
9. Heart Burn
This will forever remind me of a song from my childhood--the melody of the chorus is vaguely reminiscent of Taylor Dayne's "Tell It to My Heart", which my mom used to play in the car--so this song hits unfairly hard for me. Like, it's already a reserved, mysterious summer hit, but to me it sounds like a half-formed image of your old living room, or the voice of an elementary-school friend whose name you can't quite recall speaking from the void. Cloudy, surreal, a bit unsettling, but altogether sweet. Also, the color scheme of this music video is super striking, so "Heart Burn", despite its simplicity, gets a LOT of bias points from me.
10. What the Flower
This is like the evil twin of Red Velvet's "Good, Bad, Ugly". They both go for the lounge-singer vibe, but Red Velvet have really pure, sweet-sounding vocals, while Sunmi's voice, and her work as a whole, have always been very savory (like, anti-saccharine?). Both songs are great, and I especially love how both allow for some wonderful piano appreciation (shoutout to the guitar in "What the Flower", too!). The singalong bit at the end of "What the Flower" is really striking, so this one has stuck around in my head over the years, even before I could really appreciate its quieter sections.
Honorable Mentions: 24 Hours (obligatory), Who am I, Curve (also obligatory), Tail (Sunmi's charisma wins this one), Call my name
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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The academy was on fire. That's what it looked like anyway. Pulsing, all consuming pinks and purples flashed before Theo's eyes.
This is was the Void looked like, wasn't it? He was so tired, it hurt his brain to remember. This was his school in Pleasantview, nowhere near the demonic Void.
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"Adam!" Theo cried out for his boyfriend, recognizing the familiar shape in a blaze of neon light. "Adam, it's me! What are you doing here? What's happening?"
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Theo bolted awake, surprised to feel the bed he was in and not the ground. The last thing he remembered, he was in Crystal Cove, staring at his father's horrified face. How had he gotten home to his own familiar bed in Arkhelios? Where was Adam?
What a nightmare he'd had. Theo had to assume it was a nightmare anyway. He would remember if the demonic Void opened under his school- at least he was pretty sure that he would. But he had been in Crystal Cove, not Pleasantview. He couldn't piece together the sequence of events in his mind. What on earth had happened?
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"Dad! Theo's not dead!"
Theo turned and saw his little sister watching him from the comfort of his computer chair.
"Rien? What's going on? How did I get here?"
Adrienne shrugged, spinning around on the computer chair out of boredom.
"Dad brought you home," she answered. "I told him that the spirits weren't calling for you, but he didn't listen. I've been here waiting for you to wake up so he doesn't have a nervous breakdown. He gave Luci $20 for lunch at school even though it's the weekend. She went to her track meet while I've been making sure the spirits stay out of your room. And using your computer. Your digital shrine to Adam is lame by the way. Though it's cute that you want to name your first kid after Dad."
Adrienne nearly doubled over laughing at the horrified look on her brother's face. If Theo's head wasn't still pounding, he would have put up more of a fight against his snooping sister.
"As the Bellamy heir, it makes sense that we name our first son after Dad," he protested weakly. "Roman makes a good middle name too. At least I have a boyfriend, you wouldn't understand. You're just a kid."
Adrienne raised a skeptical eyebrow.
"I had one last month until he got boring. I'm not planning on marrying the first guy I dated and having his stupidly named kids," she laughed. "Speaking of stupidly named kids, Dad's feeding Abe in the kitchen. I'm supposed to send you there if you woke up. Aunt Lucy's here to yell at you."
"What does she want? What happened? Is Adam here too?"
Adrienne shrugged 
"No, Baby Roman Darktide's future dad got sent home. Something about a magical marvel he pulled off that made them reschedule the wedding planning dinner. I think his dad thinks we're going to sue him or something since you collapsed on his watch. Well, that and Aunt Lucy may have threatened him a little."
"He's okay then? The spell worked?"
Theo couldn't read the look his little sister gave him then. It was sad and worried and frustrated.
"You're an idiot," she sighed. "Yes it worked, but there are consequences. The spirits have been whispering about it non stop. Despite what you think, they think of you sometimes too. You should really try to listen for them. They might prevent you from making rash, idiot decisions."
Theo frowned. His little sister had inherited their great-grandmother's spiritual gifts, but despite her claims, Theo had never heard voices call to him. Ever. He would probably remember something as chilling as that.
What was he not remembering? Before the darkness overcame him, he had learned something, something important. He could only hear Adam's voice run through his head. If only he could talk to Adam. Maybe he would remember what happened.
"What consequences? I feel fine," Theo lied. He ignored the headache and the small ringing in his ears. They weren't important.
"I don't know," Adrienne teased. She absolutely knew what had happened. "I'd try something basic at school before you try more advanced magic. You wouldn't want to accidentally misspell your name or anything."
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"Alright, Abe's clean and changed, ready to try to eat some lunch again."
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"Aww, my brother's come so far," Lucy teased, giving her brother a playful smack on the arm. 
"Ha ha," Abe Sr replied. "That never gets old, Luce. How original."
"It's not my fault that you named your bandaid baby after yourself," she laughed. "You could have always named him after me or whatever our bio-sibling goes by these days."
"Funny, but I think naming him Lucifer might make him get teased at school," Abe shot back.
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The adults swivelled in their seats to find Theo anxiously watching them.
"Theo! You're awake. Here eat these, you need your strength." Roman dumped a plate of pancakes in front of his son with an embarrassing kiss on his head. If any of his friends had seen, Theo would have been mortified. "There's more pancakes when you finish those."
Theo smiled weakly, quickly brushing the hair his father had messed up.
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As Theo chewed, his aunt cleared her throat, grabbing his attention.
"So, Theo. Do you want to talk about what happened? About the spell you cast?"
Theo paused to collect his thoughts.
"Adam thought he had a brother," he said at last. "I met this guy who claimed to be his half-brother and we wanted to make sure. So I cast the equivalent of a paternity test. I just borrowed access to his bloodline to do it."
Lucy sighed in relief.
"Oh thank god. We were afraid you'd gone and done something stupid like demonic marriage or a deal like your idiot parents."
"Your spellwork was masterful if that was what you were aiming for," Lucy praised. "You're doing so well in your studies and completely understanding the coursework. Your Aunt Alexis wants you to tackle much harder spells because of this. You're growing faster in your abilities than we ever thought. Good job."
Theo wasn't used to praise for his schoolwork, especially when his schoolwork ended with someone teleporting him while unconscious to recover in his bed at home. Any praise from his aunt was also suspicious, but he wasn't going to complain if she wanted to compliment him.
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"If it all went so perfectly, why did my son collapse? Why did that warlock boy need to hang on to their spell to keep him safe?"
Lucy frowned for a moment, thinking her next words carefully.
"Two reasons," she said finally. "One, because you got too close to your feelings. You care about this boy and his feelings for the subject of your spell. Blood magic is personal and if you don't put up boundaries, you overinvest yourself and burn out. Cast spells for friends or acquaintances, never for love; never to soothe your loved one. You fall too deep and it takes too much from you. Start with people you don't care strongly about and then when you've learned control, open your spells to loved ones. It takes practice that you will learn in time. If you give too much of yourself, you don't know how you will change because of it and you will change. You have already."
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"Changed how? Is he sick? Dying?"
Roman stared at his sister in law, trying to hide his fear. He was once the calm, cold heir to the Bellamy fortune and now he couldn't even leave his son unattended at a dinner party. When did the stress and worry ever end?
"He's fine, Roman. Does he look like he's dying?"
Roman looked at the teen currently shoving giant forks of pancake in his mouth. Theo did look fine, though he'd learned the hard way that looks can be deceiving when it came to demonic magic.
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"I don't understand the complexities of blood magic, but your aunt says it's like a legal merger. Borrowing access to someone's bloodline that you have feelings for leaves traces behind, complications that need to be negotiated. You're supposed to meet with your headmaster when you get back to school on Monday to talk about this. He may have some insight to guide you."
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"Reason number two that this ended dramatically is a lot simpler than you think. Theo was born cursed, that's not up for debate. However, that magic is bound to him, no matter if the curse was ended or not. It formed with him at conception; it's a part of him now.
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"My mother is gone, and my grandmother is dead," Roman protested. "That whole mess is done. Theo is going to be fine. That's in the past."
Lucy frowned.
"That curse, like it or not is a part of him. A part of him that's been severed, but a part nonetheless. It's like a severed limb. It still has everything that makes Theo who he is in it. Even without the curse attached to him, his blood still calls out for it whenever his focus is too heavily on himself. It's something that he' going to have to compensate for in the future."
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"A dead curse is just hanging around me? Like a magnet?" Theo asked. "Always?"
"Always," Lucy affirmed, uncharacteristically kind. Her brother in law looked like he could faint at any moment. "But it's never going to be active again. Think of it like a crack on your windshield. You know it's there, it obstructs your view when you try to drive like you normally would and you have to navigate your vision around it to drive properly. "
"Were you the one who cracked Mom's windshield?" Abe teased. "I told her it was you but she never believes me."
"You understand, right?" Lucy said, ignoring her brother. "You're not going to have a panic attack about this like the brave demon hyperventilating beside the stove?"
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Theo nodded.
"I think so. Don't cast spells for Adam until I have more control and I need to figure out how to push away anything that might be summoned when I draw power to myself."
"Great! I think that was all I needed to discuss," Lucy concluded. "I have some documents waiting for me in my office now that you're feeling better. Demonic law stops for no one, not even the Sovereign's spouse and this case is important. Try to stay out of trouble, Theo. Your poor father is going to go grey by thirty five at this rate."
Theo froze. Around him, he could hear chairs scraping and his parents' voices. Abe threw his bottle on the ground, spilling formula everywhere.
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Too slept next to Renarde, unaware of her master. Theo could feel his mind call to her reflexively, looking for magical assistance from his familiar.
"Your dad is going to go grey" why does that bother me? There was something that I've forgotten. Something important.
"Oh, Theo! I forgot to ask to about Adam," Lucy called, jarring the teen from his thoughts. "Does Adam have a brother? Did the spell at least work for all the trouble it caused?"
The spell....
Theo's mind raced, remembering how the air around Ewan and Adam crackled with power. How their blood called out to him, screaming that they were connected inescapably by their father.
"Yeah, he has a brother," Theo replied, his mind still racing to sort out his thoughts. "They-"
"You'll make your father go grey." Your father. Adam has a brother. Dad will go grey...Grey like his daughter.
In the hall, Lucy was rambling about child support and how Adam's father might want to get a lawyer to protect him from this mysterious new son of his, but Theo wasn't paying attention. Instead, his mind raced trying to remember the specifics of what he saw at the castle before he passed out.
I saw it. Victoriana, she and I had the same connection Adam and Ewan did. She's my sister. My sister is the future queen of Pleasantview. Why hasn't anyone told me this? Who else knows about this?
Georgiana was easy to figure out because of math and because of her appearance. Was Victoriana just as obviously his sister and Theo was simply too young to remember? His father never seemed to worry about the Pleasantview princess the same way he stressed out reading about Georgiana taking her first steps in the gossip magazines. He never disappeared on Victoriana's birthday to go sit out in the yard drinking heavily like he did for Georgiana's.
I don't think he knows.
It was the only conclusion Theo could come to. If his father knew, he'd be pacing the floors, worried that Victoriana might be traumatized by watching her half-brother collapse. But if he didn't know, then who did? Did the queen know for certain or did she just have a list of potential fathers to work from?
When had this happened? Theo tried to remember the princess' birthday. She was what, a year younger than him? A year and a half? Close enough to Luci and Rien's age that he would guess that his parents had been broken up at the time. His father might not have even been married to Adrian at the time. Should he look up tabloids from a decade ago to check?
Did he want to tell his parents about this information if they didn't already know? What would the consequences be if he did? Would it make his dad as upset as he was about Georgiana? The queen of Pleasantview would probably keep him from the princess' life, just like Aunt Ulyssa had. Would he be disrupting his half-sister's life if he did tell someone? If he were in her shoes, what would he want?
He couldn't decide what the right thing to do was. He'd ask Adam whenever his own family was done having their own family discussions. If it had to wait to Monday at school, Theo supposed he could wait. There was no way he wanted a text that anyone could read out in the open. A topic this serious needed to be a face to face conversation in absolute secrecy.
He stood, numbly ignoring his parents and aunt who were still going on and on about legal obligations to children. He needed time to process all of this. He needed time alone to learn how to shoulder this burden.
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"Which princess are you thinking about? The one we don't talk about or the future queen?"
Theo turned around to find Adrienne following closely behind him.
"Y-you knew?"
Adrienne shrugged, as if this weren't earth shattering news.
"It was in the cards," she explained. "I've known for a while. The queen shows up in my readings all the time with her daughter. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why when the kid has no known father and our father is as...fertile as he is. Aunt Maura knows, but no one else. I asked the spirits about it many times and each time it's just me, Aunt Maura and the queen who knows. I guess you're added to that list now too. Welcome to the club."
The frowned, unnerved by his sister's relaxed assessment of this news.
"Why haven't you told Dad? Should he know? I mean, I don't plan on telling him, but he should know, right? It feels wrong not to tell him." Theo paused. "Why aren't you mad about this? Should I feel mad? This is just more evidence that Dad slept around his entire life and still couldn't figure out how to use birth control and who knows how many other half-siblings we have or if they're upset at us for being raised by Dad and-"
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Theo was cut off from his ramblings by his sister's arms wrapping firmly around him in a comforting hug.
"You think too much," she declared. "Try listening to the spirits for once in your life. They say it's not time to act, but the time is coming soon. This will all come out when it's supposed to, don't worry."
"If you say so," Theo replied, hugging his little sister back. "I still don't hear them, no matter how hard I listen, but I'm glad that you can. You're really lucky."
"Trust me, it's really more of a curse to hear them," she stated. "I know things that I definitely don't want to know about. The spirits aren't ever shy about what they want to talk about. "
"Fair enough. You let me know when the spirits think that this needs to be addressed. I'll try not to worry until then."
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"Oh, and Theo? "
"None of the adults wanted to tell you or are too dumb to figure it out, but your stupid plan with Adam changed your true name and left a residual connection to the Maricourt family in your blood that you'll probably have for the rest of your life. Oh, and watch out for red heads. Something big is coming for you, something you don't want to tick off."
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Another very random request but hear me out yandere Senri x kianna but where she brings him to her home
but where he meets the boy that helped her Escape and kill those *monsters*
and she introduces him to her
*Big Brother*_Subaru)
in a bit of the adjustments in her backstory she got attached to him after her sister's died since he helped her and at least tried to comfort her)
Side note she told Subaru about senri being her boyfriend
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My undead savior for my soul
Oc x Senri
warning : fluff, light comfort, kiss, implied aggression problems
info : thanks for the request my dear i hope you like this cute little thing and have fun reading :)
The sun was already setting over the two schoolyards as the day class made their way to their rooms, the girls still whispering about the handsome boys and beautiful looking girls.
While the night class was slowly waking up, the undead would never sleep anyway, it was more of a common sleeping meeting in the rooms and corridors, exchanging the latest gossip of the dead world while just trying to make it through the boring lessons that were of no use to them, or so it seemed.
That didn't apply to two of the school, ,,We get there so fast it barely takes the blink of an eye," she said to him, adjusting her newly sewn bow on her dress before she felt his cold fingers on the strand of her hair.
She saw the small smile on his lips as he looked at the new color, ,,The blood red suits you and brings out your eye color my heart," he complimented her new look, which she was slightly moving away from the light tones and more in a red-black direction similar to two sacs they both loved the dark and blood.
Giving him a sincere look, she happily took his hand and looked one last time at the school that lay behind them. it had taken a few attempts to get permission to go to their old house, but after a few threats and payments of money, they were finally allowed to go.
,,Guide me I'm always with you…he'll be nice" Shiki murmured and gave her a nod as they both concentrated she felt his blood his soul his inside before they took a step into the darkness a tingle went through their bodies like falling to earth and they opened their eyes again and she found herself after a long time back in front of the house where she had once left her life, her old life and her family.
,,It's good to be home again," sue said, looking at the old house that still looked exactly the same as when she had left it and the doors opened on their own, just like when she had arrived, a fact that made Shiki pause, but she simply took his hand.
,,Don't worry, it's normal," she said, pulling her steady friend behind her into the interior where she hurriedly ran through the corridors calling out to her savior, her friend and the one she owed her life to, impressed by the many new and old strokes on the wall. ,,I didn't expect you back so soon," she heard, however, as Shiki's hand placed itself on one of the holes and cracks in the wall and Subaru appeared next to the other vampire.
Looking at the two for a moment, she smirked at Subaru's stubborn look before briefly touching his hand and wrapping him in an embrace from which he oractically clawed his way out, ,,I'm glad to see you back and the house…that it's still standing," she quipped, getting a warning look but seeing the stern paralyze on the light-haired man's lips as he placed a monte of his hand on her shoulder before Shiki moved closer to Kianna.
Despite everything, he was a little jealously cute in Kianna's eyes, ,,Subaru as you know my boyfriend! " she hastily introduced the two and took the undead men's hands, shaking them somewhat inappropriately as the two nodded to each other, a silent exchange between them before Subaru admitted with a sigh of pleasure, ,,I-I made cake in the kitchen if you want" and hid his gaze behind his hair as he clenched his hands into fists and disappeared towards the kitchen.
A lot had changed since she left for another school, after he had helped her some things had changed, Subaru had changed but that joy of life and sweetness they had shared was still there and the three of them even laughed together as they shared stories over coffee and cake.
Maybe even with the blood that still covered the walls one day it could become a good place to be out here with joy between a couple and their savior without whom she would never have gotten here.
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Mr Evershed x Student!reader - tattoos of tigers
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Could you possibly do an x student!reader who has tattoos but is obviously underage? - Anon💜
Leaning against the wall of the school, you looked at the woman in front of you, hands stuffed in your pockets as you narrowed your eyes at her.
“Right, fake tattoo sleeves? Absolutely not, you need to remove them.”
“Then you’ll be put in isolation, simple, I couldn’t care less where you go.”
You rolled your eyes at Mrs Carp and stuck your middle finger up at you, making your way over to one of the chairs you sat down.
“Putting myself in isolation!” You called.
“I’m not dealing with your attitude today (L/N)!”
She walked away and you snickered, kicking your feet up on the table, you leant back a little, resting your arms behind your head.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet until the door was opened again and closed.
“I’m not dealing with that feral student!”
“Sue they’re just a teenager, you need to cool it!”
“You deal with them I’m done trying!”
The door was slammed open and closed again and you peaked an eye open, peering at the head teacher as you closed your eyes again.
“Right, feet of the table.”
You put your feet down, but kept your eyes closed, held titled back.
“We’ve been through this before (Y/N), I would’ve thought you’d know the uniform policy by heart by now.”
“Hey, I’ve got my uniform on.”
You opened your eyes, looking at the teacher who appeared upside down.
“And the fake tattoo sleeve?”
You lifted your arm, pinching at the skin as you tugged at it a little, showing that it wasn’t fake, and that it was in fact real.
“Is that real?” He asked shocked.
You sat up, turning around to sit in your chair, arms resting on the back of it as you nodded your head.
You held out your arm for him and Mr Evershed walked over, carefully inspecting your arm.
He turned it a bit, looking at the tiger that was permanently marked into your arm, the cherry blossom trees that surrounded it.
“You’re underage!” He whisper yelled.
“And? I got it legally. Kinda.”
He sighed, dragging a chair up and sat in front of you.
“How do you kind of legally get a tattoo?” He sighed.
“Well, my brother is an apprentice, and he needed to practice, and I was really bored, so this happened. And a few others.”
“You have more?!”
You grinned and nodded your head, bringing your hand up, you moved some of your hair aside and turned your head to show him the little tattoo behind your ear.
Then you rolled up your sleeves a little more, showing the small little tattoos on your arm hidden just below your shirt.
“Also got one on my legs and a huge one on my back.”
“You know these are permanent right? You might regret getting them.”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Maybe I will maybe I won’t, that’s an issue for older me to deal with sir.”
He sighed and shook his head at you, and gestured to the unfinished tattoo going down your right arm.
“I assume you’re getting that finished?”
“Tonight actually! Hold on!”
You grabbed your phone and pulled up a photo to show him what the completed design looked like and he nodded his head.
There wasn’t much the teacher could do about it, he couldn’t exactly talk you out of it, it was a bit too late for that, but it wasn’t exactly a matter that he could escalate further either.
“So, what’s it like?” He asked.
“Getting a tattoo. What’s that like?”
“Why? You interested in getting one Mr Evershed?” You smirked.
He chuckled shaking his head.
“Absolutely not.”
You grinned and explained to him what it felt like getting a tattoo, how come places would hurt more than others because of bones.
You explained to him about ink and how to care for them and he nodded along.
You took a book out of his bag and showed him a few drawings.
“Do you design your tattoos?” He asked.
“With some help from my brother yeah.”
He nodded his head and carried on talking to you about tattoos and everything about them.
It was something you were interested in, and as a teacher it was his job to encourage you to pursue these kinds of hobbies, thought discourage you to put anymore art on to your skin because you were underage and he couldn’t condone that behaviour
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eeclare · 2 years
Bob’s Burgers bedrooms
I downloaded Toca Life World and made the Belcher’s bedrooms with my own little twists to them. I reimagined some of it and I hope you guys like it!
Starting off with Tina:
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Some classic horse paraphernalia (I imagine the brown horse is Chariot from the equestranauts)
I put walkie talkies in all the Belcher kids’ bedrooms because I like to imagine that they communicate with each other past their bedtime
Tina would 100% have those glow in the dark stars on her walls all throughout high school. Change my mind
I think she would have bought into that vines on the walls trend that was all over Tik tok for a while. She thinks they look classy
I also added a lil cameo of the cat treats that Tina and Gene eat in that one episode lol I headcannon that they still snack on them from time to time
There’s also a box of chocolates and a little teddy bear holding a heart, I just think that she either received them from someone (Zeke, J-Ju, whoever you want) or she’s saving them to give to someone else
Shoutout to the composition notebook on her desk for her erotic friendfiction
And because this is a headcannon for teenaged Tina’s bedroom, I gave her a mirror and some fancy looking moisturizer. I don’t think she wears much makeup (if any at all) but I do think she takes skincare VERY seriously
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Gene’s room is MESSY
Like I love him but he’s a total slob
I think that he would have some of those LED lights, but only because Louise wanted them first but her room was too small for the whole roll
Like in Tina’s room, I gave him the cat food to snack on
I also think that Gene is a sweaty boy and therefore has a fan on 24/7
Burger and ketchup plushies!
So. Many. Snacks.
I gave him a kiddie radio and a regular boombox as well as a synthesizer (I couldn’t find any keyboards that’s my bad)
He also has a walkie talkie so he can “walkie and talkie with his favourite sisters”
I also added a music score!
The posters are kinda miscellaneous, they didn’t have any music based ones but I think that “bulko” character would be one that Gene is rlly into
Ofc I added a baseball in there as well. I think that even though he never excelled at the sport and isn’t a sport person in general, he still just likes to have the ball around. Maybe as a stim toy maybe not who knows
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Louise was my favourite room to put together! I just find that she and I have/had similar rooms growing up and I just relate to her on that level
I gave her the loft bed with the desk underneath because obviously. She has one. But I chose this one specifically because I think that it’s very her.
I think she added the caution tape because it’s “the next best thing besides barbed wire”
And ofc the stickers to add some ✨personality✨
Louise got really into the LED craze of 2020 and hence, got some for Christmas or something like that
But her room *cough* closet *cough* is too teeny tiny for the full roll so she had to share the rest of it with Gene
I added horror movie posters next to her bed because there are SO many instances in the show where she just talks about horror films and I think she gets REALLY into them when she gets older
She still uses crayons. Sue her
Ofc I also gave her a walkie talkie. She’s literally the reason the Belcher kids have them in the first place
The one poster in a frame reminds me of that one onion poster she has in her room in the show. I still don’t understand the significance of the poster but I think it deserves to be added
The green frog on her bed is supposed to represent Kuchi Kopi
And all the other weird looking toys are her collectables!
And I have to address the lady bug in the room. I think that she got that as a lil baby and just grew so emotionally attached to it that she can’t bear to get rid of it. She rides it around the apartment when she’s bored
I also tried to imitate her spiral carpet and even though there is no spiral I think the colour is spot on
Bob and Linda:
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Linda 100% made all of the design choices in their bedroom
Ik that canonically they don’t have a window but shhhhhh
I think that they would have two carpets because Linda always complains that her feet get cold when she’s getting ready in the mornings
And she let Bob pick the colour of it (the red one)
Linda found that tapestry at a flea market and “Isn’t it just DARLING Bobby”
BUT it smelled like cigarettes for sooooo long she almost got rid of it
Linda is a candle gurly. If she goes to the store and sees a candle she HAS to have it, especially if it smells good
She also got rlly into the holistic medicine industry for a while, hence the salt lamp
She thinks it looks fancy and rustic at the same time
Bob picked out the framed picture and he’s so proud of himself
“Did you know that IM the one that picked that? And now it’s hanging in our room”
They have white sheets because Linda likes to feel like she’s in a hotel
Bob actually is an avid reader. Well, mostly.
He reads but he doesn’t really READ, you know?
But he always tries to read a little before bed so he keeps his current books on his nightstand (at least since the events of the episode where he and Linda sleep apart)
Those are my headcannons for the Blecher bedrooms! I’m thinking of doing an MLP version too but we’ll see. I’ve also been thinking of doing a Mr. Frond and Gayle bedroom because in my mind they stay together forever lol who knows
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abnerkrill · 2 years
okay i feel like you knew this was coming but. the last kingdom.
omg i am SO SORRY IN ADVANCE, also i have really only started the osmosis process a few months ago because so many of my rop mutuals seem to be into tlk. it's set in ... i wanna say 7th or 8th century England, but please do not burn me at the stake if I'm multiple centuries off. girl help my historical specialty is like, bronze and iron age greece, i'm probably way off here. i think it's based off novels by that Bernard guy??? what else has he written? i think I tried reading one of his books in high school and was bored to tears. oops.
the fandom generally seems to dislike the protagonist uhtred, who might be a fail white man and is also possibly a mary sue, either way he's surrounded by better characters. everyone seems to love aethelflaed, who is very beautiful, maybe i do have an osmosis crush on her. there are a lot of confusing names on this show so i admit i googled her name because i ALMOST called her aethelred but that's a man who is apparently a king (is that her father???) and i blame ur username for throwing me off on that one. idk there are a lot of characters here to deal with!!!!! too many ae- names i think!!!
i am aware of the queen/knight dynamics between aethelflaed and the guy with a terrible haircut. al something. i am so sorry but i will not sully this response with a 2nd google. they have a cool dynamic but never are actually lovers onscreen and i agree with kat that actually consummating the relationship would be worse than the sexy fucked up devotion/loyalty/fealty thing they have going on. anyway the scene i am most aware of (because of kat) is that they're heading into battle and their odds are bleak and she orders him to kill her in case she gets captured but the moment comes and he can't do it!!!! now THAT'S devotion!
uhh there is also apparently a small and niche but very passionate group of ot3 shippers with the two of them and some other guy, possibly a king of some sort? @aadmelioraa and @wildwren have definitely explained it to me before and i gotta admit i'm into the dynamic. there's also a cool looking ... priestess... pagan... lady... named skald? skyld? skuld? sk-something i am SO SORRY FOR BUTCHERING THIS anyway she's been in a lot of gifsets lately but i think she dies?? i think someone said RIP in one of those gifsets?? i Really truly do not know any more about her but imho she's hot
umm okay coming up on the end of my knowledge but Brida is the brunette who's very pretty and might be in a relationship with Uhtred but I think she dies...??? the show ended after season 5 but there's a movie called seven kings must die coming out and i did see the trailer for that but given that i clearly do not know very much about this show i was very confused about what was going on <3
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
Can you tell us about Sabine Mitchell, please?? 👀
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💜
Yes absolutely, thank you!
Okay, so here's what I know about her so far. Some things may be subject to change as I continue developing.
Sabine moved from the big city to a small town because her parents felt it'd be safer. They weren't wrong, but for Sabine, it was also infinitely more boring.
It doesn't get interesting until she joins the Cheerios in her freshman year of high school and becomes fast friends with Santana Lopez. Suddenly, there's always some kind of part to attend, which San always gets them into with ease and her good looks. There's always a shopping trip right around the corner, which Santana is happy to splurge on. Life is fun for a while and Sabine is happy to push her own interests aside if only to not seem like a total dork to her new friends. It beats being a nobody.
But then Santana shares an embarrassing picture from a party on MySpace and tells everyone Sabine is some sort of weird stalker and suddenly, Sab is back to being no one.
This is when she quits Cheerios (she threatens to sue Sue if she won't let her leave). She joins the band on the trumpet and begins thriving in her new circles. Soon enough, whatever Santana did to her is yesterday's news. Even if Sabine never does find out what made the person she thought to be her best friend snap.
When sophomore year starts, Sab is forced to join the other band members in aiding and abetting the musical crimes that the Glee club commits on a weekly basis. This is made infinitely harder when Santana joins with her new besties Brittany and Quinn. Sabine's newfound happy place is threatening to collapse and that is before a new cute labrador of a boy joins the club the following year. Life is far from going breezy for Sabine Mitchell.
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Seven: How Shady! Dark Reunion!
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Summary: Being a psychic is not an ideal life, at least for Saiki Kusuo. Didn’t you read/watch The Disastrous Life of Saiki K to know that? Still, this isn’t about him, not really. Instead, let’s focus on his one and only friend, Akari Watanabe, who is also quite abnormal. You might not believe that Saiki would actually have a friend, but that’s what fanfictions are about, right?  
Word Count: 2836
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AKARI SIGHED CONTENTLY AS SHE FOLLOWED KUSUO to their class for the day. The day had started out relatively all right, for her at least. Her brother hadn't woken her up as abruptly as he usually does, her dad made her favorite breakfast, and her mom had enough time to see them off to school for once. The day was actually turning out to have a good start for once. She wasn't in her usual slightly grumpy mood or had an urge to hide in the shadows like every other morning. Instead, she was completely content with how her day started out. She had a feeling that things would be quite all right today.
Just as the superpower duo was going to enter their classroom, the blue-haired boy that associated himself with them came over. He seemed to be quite jittery about something. Unprompted he turned and spoke to them,  "You see, I've been summoned. I can't say more right now, but it's going to rock the world. I'll explain when the time comes." With that, he then turned and waddled away from them.
They watched him go in confusion, 'What?' Kusuo wondered, 'Did he make a friend or something?'
'Should we look into that or...?' Akari's eyes trailed after him before turning to her pink-haired friend with a little bit of worry swarming in her eyes. She knew how Kaidou could get himself hurt extremely easily, so she could help but want to look out for him. 
'Probably not.'
Akari's eyes rolled at his blatant uninterest in the mystery that is Kaido. Then again, she should have suspected that he wouldn't care. He barely cares about anyone besides himself, so it shouldn't be surprising to her. Come on, Akari, don't you remember who you're dealing with? 'What if it's something bad?'
Kusuo turned his bored eyes down to her, 'Do you really care?'
'Maybe a little...' Akari shrunk under his intense stare and looked away, 'I mean, he's a moron, you and I both know he could get hurt easily and by just about anything.' So what if she was looking out for him. Sure, she didn't get involved with people because she didn't want to gain attention, however, Kaido was a bit different. She was one of the only few people she considered to be at least an acquaintance. She even believed that Kusuo would think of the blue-haired boy as the same. That being said, she at least wanted to make sure that he was safe. God forbid he was going to end up getting himself into a situation where he was going to get hurt and Akari could have done something to stop it from happening, she would be disheartened. Akari hated dealing with people. However, the few that she did find endearing or tolerable were the ones she did not want to end up hurt in any way. So sue her if she wanted to keep an eye out for him. She was just being a decent human being.
Kusuo stared at her blankly for a long moment before mentally grumbling, 'You have a soft spot for him.'
'Not really.' Akari said and tilted her head in thought while placing a hand on her chin, 'He's kind of like a puppy, I guess.'
The two stood in silence for a moment as Kusuo contemplated slightly over it. Though from the corner of his eye he could see the expression on Akari's pale face. She obviously was trying to convince him with the pleading spark in her eyes. Most of the time he can say no to her, as he's done in the past many, many times. Yet as of recently, he's found that he's had a bit of a harder time saying 'no' to her. He had no idea why, and he didn't question it all that much. There was a small huff that came from him in annoyance, 'If this is just a waste of time, I'm blaming you.'
'You blame me for everything!' Akari whined like a child with a pouty lip.
Kusuo barely spared her a glance while walking away from her, as if he were superior to her. Which he most certainly believed. 'Because it's usually your fault.'
Kaido walked down the hallway by himself. Every once in a while he would look over his shoulder as if making sure that no one was following him. Though who would want to follow him around? All they'd see is him running around going on about his Jet-Black Wings persona, which wasn't that special. Though he was being followed, he just couldn't see Kusuo or Akari thanks to the shadow manipulator using the darkness to hide them. So maybe he did have a right to be paranoid since he was actually being followed around. 
Eventually, Kaido crept over to a door in an abandoned hallway. School was already over, so just about everyone should be headed home now. Unfortunately, Kusuo and Akari were not apart of the lucky group who got to go home since they were checking out what Kaido was doing. They watched as Kaido knocked on the door.
"Thurisaz, isaz, hagalaz," a voice asked from within the room.
Kaido answered back in the strange language, "Sowilo, gebo, fehu."
Once again there was a reply, "Ehwaz." Kaido then opened up the door and entered the small room with a table and empty chairs. Though at the head of the table sat a student wearing glasses, a hood over his head, and a bandana around his mouth and nose. Just before the door shut, a shadow slipped through the door just before it closed. The yellow eyes watch the scene from the corner of the room trying to figure out what was happening. The disguised student continued to speak, "You're here. You weren't followed, were you... Jet-Black Wings?"
So there was another kid who was willing to play around in Kaido's fantasy? Maybe Kusuo was right, Akari thought, maybe Kaido did somehow make a new friend...
"It's all right, Jade eyes." The bandaged boy greeted the boy at the head of the table, "I checked."
"Wait!" The other student, Jade eyes, exclaimed, "Aren't you forgetting something?"
Kaido gasped, "Oh, right. There's a sacred Barrier around this room. If you don't perform the Chalice Ritual within 66 seconds, you'll be destroyed."
"That's right," Jade eyes nodded, taking this just as seriously as Kaido.
Kaido then hit a few strange poses before clapping twice, "Laguz!"
The atmosphere once again became extremely serious as Kaido sat down at the other end of the table. Akari watched from the corner of the room with her eyes dully glowing. Her shadowy form tilted her head while watching them in confusion. Jade eyes quirked an eyebrow, "Well? Are you still confused?"
"It's not that simple! It's like I'm stuck in a bad dream." Kaido exclaimed, "I was once an A-level soldier in the Dark Reunion. I discovered their true goal, the Human Sorting Plan. I stole the stone of destruction, Panalyze, and escaped. They came after me, but I used the forbidden secret technique to become a phantom, and entered my own body before I was even born. For crying out loud!" Akari blinked at his long explanation. 
Jade eyes deadpanned, "You look pleased."
"I'm not!" Kaido tried to deny though his voice showed how excited he was about this.
The other boy shook his head, "Anyway, it sounds like you've come to believe it." Was there any doubt that Kaido would believe that?
"I always knew I was different from other people," Kaido Shun -- Breed: Different.
Jade eyes continued on with their important meeting, "We need your power in order to destroy the Dark Reunion. We will assist you in recovering your memories."
Kaido tilted his head, "We? What do you mean? What are you saying?"
"There are four more here. All of them are phantoms." Jade eyes explained as if it were the most obvious thing ever. "Don't tell me you can't see them. If you can't, we're done here."
"Of course, I can!" Kaido frantically explained, "I was asking about their bodies."
"I see," the boy said with a small bit of skepticism in his voice, "That's right. Their bodies aren't here. The other members don't trust you yet."
"Speaking of which," Jade eyes spoke up, "did you perform the Sworn Friendship Purification?”
"I sure did," Kaido held up a notebook and handed it over to the other boy. Akari tried to get a peek into the book to see what was in it. Though it was kept close to their chests so she didn't even get to see once glance as to what was in it.
Jade eyes flipped through the pages of the book with wide eyes, "These answers are excellent. As expected for the Jet-Black Wings." Kaido puffed up in confidence, now that Jade eyes had built up his ego just a bit more. "They will surely accept you into their circle."
"Really? I'll do anything..."
"Get down!" Jade eyes suddenly shouted before making some hand signal, "Mannaz, ingwaz, wunjo!"
Kaido blinked in confusion, "What happened?"
The bandana-wearing boy turned to him dramatically, "The Dark Reunion sniffed out this place. We just got attacked."
"Attacked?" Kaido shouted out in alarm at the fantasy-level threat. Of course, there was no real threat that Akari or Kusuo could see. The only threat was how easily Kaido was falling for this. We love this boi, but he really is a moron sometimes.
"They got all four members," Jade eyes exclaimed.
Kaido gasped, "Even though they were phantoms?"
"Even though they were phantoms!" Jade eyes nodded, "We're in danger now. Help me make a stronger sacred barrier."
Kaido nodded his head, more than ready to help keep Dark Reunion away from their secret meeting. "Okay. What should I do?"
Jade eyes threw a bag onto the table, "Metal interferes with the sacred barrier. Take any metal you have on you, and put it in that bag made from a special cloth."
Without any question, Kaido started to do as instructed. Akari could already tell that this was nothing but a scam. She felt so bad that Kaido couldn't see it. His eighth-grade syndrome was so severe, that he couldn't even see what he was being played, how unfortunate. "Coins too?"
"Of course." Jade eyes said as Kaido pulled out any metal objects in his pocket. For some reason he had a harmonica and brass knuckles in his pocket... why? Jade eyes then exclaimed, "There's no time! Just put your whole wallet in there." Once Kaido's pockets were thoroughly empty of everything that was valuable, Jade eyes then walked over to him, "Okay! Now do what I do."
Kaido nodded his head, "Got it."
"Ansuz, jera!" Jade eyes shouted while hitting a pose that honestly reminded Akari of a k-pop band that she saw a while ago.
Kaido repeated, "Ansuz, jera."
Jade eyes hit another pose, "Ehwaz."
It was silent for a moment. Nothing happened while Akari and Kusuo stared at the two bordley. For a moment, they shared a look with one another at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
The two then let out a sigh of relief, "Looks like we managed to do it."
"That was close," Kaido wiped his brow as if that was exhausting. 
"You should go now."
Kaido was more than happy to have the Jet-Black Wings help a comrade with defeating Dark Reunion. Though he did need his things back, "Okay. Can I have my money back?"
Jade eyes shook his head, "No can do. The sacred barrier is unstable. It's too dangerous."
Kaidou deflated, "But my wallet and my pass..."
"Thanks for your help. I could have died without you." Jade eyes cut him off, "That's our Jet-Black Wings. You're our savior."
"It wasn't a big deal," this Jade Eyes kid really knew how to stroke Kaidou's ego. One mention of the Jet-Black Wings helping save someone, playing right into his fantasy, and Kaidou would do just about anything to gain that validation again. It was kind of sad how this guy was playing Kaido so easily.
Jade eyes then pushed Kaido out the door, "Come again this time tomorrow." He shut the door in the blue-haired boy's face, "And don't forget the Sworn Friendship Purification."
"Sure," Kaido nodded his head before waddling off into the distance. Even while still in the room, Akari could tell that Kaido was more than elated with having someone else to play along with his fantasy as he most likely had a bit of pep in his step.
Now alone, or at least he thought so, "Jade eyes" pulled off his disguise with a hearty laugh, "Talk about delusions of grandeur!" He laughed, "This is just a book for homework. All I had to do was play along with him. He even handed over his wallet." While his plan was full-proof, he didn't even account for the super-powered teens who would be annoyed that he had played a trick on their... acquaintance.
'That's just straight-up mean.' Akari thought darkly as she and Kusuo continued to hide in the room while listening to the boy. Kusuo stuck himself on the ceiling out of sight while Akari stuck to the wall in her shadowy form. All this guy had done was play along with Kaido's fantasy to get what he wanted from him. How horrible did you have to be to do such a thing? Of course, Kaido fell for it so easily, all he really wanted was a friend to play along with him! So his moronic nature was susceptible to being taken advantage of by those who were willing to play him.
"The Dark Reunion? Good luck working on my homework!" The boy cackled in delight. His obvious enjoyment with having deceived Kaido was certainly pissing Akari off so much. She doesn't usually get involved with things like this since she had barely any friends. However, to know that someone as stupid and naive as Kaidou was being taken advantage of was rightfully making her angry. His joyous emotion disappointed once the lights suddenly turned off on him. "Did the power just go out?"
'No.' Kusuo said mentally as he suddenly appeared behind the imposter, 'It's Dark Reunion.' The shadows in the room seemed to grow thicker, like oil, and spilled across the floor as if it were paint. It slowly inched closer and closer to the deceiving teen as a pair of glowing yellow eyes glared down at him from within the inky darkness. The boy then screamed in terror.
The next day, Kaido made it his mission to find Kusuo as soon as he could. He was more than excited to bring his friend to the meeting, which was obvious from how his thoughts were only thinking about the meeting. Eventually, Kaido was able to corner Kusuo, "Saiki, you're coming with me to our secret meeting?!"
Kusuo grimaced through just followed after the other boy. 'I'd rather not.' He could already tell that Akari would want to go, so he'd have no choice. That and if he didn't, she may end up taking his coffee jelly privileges from him. He would certainly not sacrifices getting to eat the Watanabe coffee jelly. It was one of the best coffee jellies he's ever had. Though don't tell Akari that, she might just tease him for it. 
Speaking of the shadow manipulator, she suddenly appeared at Kusuo's side. Well, to Kaido it looked as though she suddenly materialized out of nowhere, but she's been there the entire time. "Can I come as well, Kaido-san?"
Kaido jumped and started to stutter. "A-Ah, Watanabe-chan!"  Even in her presence, his cheeks were starting to turn just a light shade of pink. While Akari was quite a cute girl, she wasn't necessarily on the level of goddess-like beauty as Teruhashi, though that didn't mean she couldn't affect people to some extent. Akari was at least somewhat aware of how she could fluster some people just by looking at them, but she didn't care enough to exploit that or anything. Besides, it rarely happened because she never really grabbed attention because of her power. "O-O-Of course you can come with! I would be b-best to show you to k-keep you safe from Dark Reunion!"
Akari nodded her head as Kaido started to lead the pair down the hallway towards the room that he had been in the other day. "Don't tell anyone yet. This affects the whole world.” They approached the door and found that it was slightly ajar, “What? It's open.” The teens entered the room and found that the room was trashed with the table overturned and curtains torn. “What's going on?” A certain marking on the wall then caught Kaido’s attention causing him to gasp, “That's the mark of the Dark Reunion. Are they following me even now?"
Behind him, Akari and Kusuo shared a look with each other, "Correct."
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the-punforgiven · 2 years
It's me tag
was tagged by @catfacedvampire It's been ages since someone last tagged me in one of these lmao
- Are you named after anyone?
No, apparently my name was a fairly last-minute affair when I was born and my mother took one look at me and realized I'd make a terrible Wolfgang
2. - When was the last time you cried?
December 18th, 2022. I wouldn't remember were it not for Discord timestamps lmao I had accidentally double-dosed on my antidepressants and was weeping tears of love and joy over the fucking Claymore being in Elden Ring while I was mid-shift at work
Interesting day, that was
3. - Do you have kids?
No. Don't really plan to either, not on my budget, and given I was crying over a sword in a videogame barely a month ago I don't think I'm mentally fit for one either lmao
4. - Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Usually either their hair or clothes tbh, I'm faceblind as shit lmao
6. - What's your eye colour?
Idk either brown or green, depending on the light
7. - Scary movies or happy endings?
Idk honestly I love the horror genre but my tastes are so insane, weird, and specific that I also don't love a huge chunk of the horror genre and would prefer like, literally anything else Also I'm just a sucker for characters being happy, so sue me I like that things can work out alright as long as the story preceding it isn't boring lmao
8. - Any special talents?
I'm surprisingly good at playing music on like, small things that play notes that it isn't super expected to actually play music on, like how I used to be able to play the tetris theme on my mother's old cell phone keypad when I was like 12, or how I can play Unwelcome by Arsis on the Warframe Shawzin now
I used to be able to play the intro to Through The Fire And The Flames on Big Band's trumpet in Skullgirls back when I played that, but it's been a while and I'm pretty certain all my muscle memory for that game's long gone lmao
9. - Where were you born?
That weird little dirt orb that sometimes shows up between Venus and Mars
10. What are your hobbies?
Art, making stupid little tunes in Beepbox.co, fighting my friends with swords (highly recommend), Whatever you call the Fromsoftware Souls Game Brainrot that possesses you and makes you do co-op forever, loving it deeply and never tiring of it @mutuals I am begging you to play Elden Ring with me PLEASE Making music with instruments and my voice outside of Beepbox.co (though admittedly I've been having more fun goofing off with Beepbox lately lmao)
11. Have you any pets?
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12. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I don't play sports, but I have an interest in fencing, though idk how well I'd play with not only a light whippy sword (I'm a longsword kinda person at heart) as well as having a sword restricted to only one hand (again, I'm a longsword kinda person at heart)
13. How tall are you?
idk like 6'3 I think? (Don't let my sister lie to you, she keeps telling everyone I'm 6'4 and I can't make her stop)
14. Favourite subject in school?
I barely remember school at all tbh but the student councilor also ran a creative writing class that was rad as hell, though I don't remember more than like three things that happened in it over the two years I was taking it lmao I also remember liking art class, but I was so bad with rules I'm kinda surprised I passed lmao, I just doodled whatever the fuck every day and the teacher was just like "Yeah sure, this'll do" and passed me lmao
15. Dream job?
Tbh Daisuke Ishiwatari is already living my ideal career path and I haven't thought of anything else I really want to do yet
That's a lie I just like, really deeply want to be in a shitty metal band made up of friends that tours in a van who doesn't sound all that great but you can tell is just pouring their fucking hearts out up there and so you kinda forgive them because the performance is just so raw even if the technical skill isn't great and there may be some issues with the faulty electronics and at least one of them hasn't changed their strings in like four years but they sound good they love what they do and they're easy to headbang too so like, what more do you need, really?
Idk who to tag but like, if you wanna do this, feel free to do it and just like, say I tagged you in it, I won't tell
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cawthorntales · 4 months
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I'm feeling sentimental so I am going to talk about them. For those of you who have followed me for years you know who these two are. If you are newer to following me meet Blaine(left) and Cotton(right) they were my babies and my world.
I wanted a Siberian Husky ever since I was super young. I never thought I'd have one let alone two. 2008 I was watching a dog show during summer vacation(I've watched dog shows since I was like six). And I saw the AKC advertise they had a website during it. I was bored and decided to go check it out. I learned you could look up breeders of puppies in your area so I decided to do so.
I knew I wouldn't be allowed to get one. I talked to Blaine's(he was named Socks back then) breeder anyway for a week getting to learn about him. He was the last puppy left of a litter of six, and he honestly sounded like my dream. After a week of this I realized I was getting attached to this puppy with no way I'd be able to get him. So I told the breeder my senior year of high school was coming up and we couldn't swing the puppy price after all(I was a teenager and lonely sue me). Turns out his breeder was my age and going into his senior year too. He talked to his mom and they agreed after getting to know me like he had they felt I would give him a good home and that is all they wanted and I could have him for free.
I still was expecting my mom to say no. See my mom has always been a we are a small dog family and a Siberian Husky is not that. However something told me to talk to her anyway about it. I did and to my surprise she said yes(so did my abusive pos stepdad, but his opinion was irrelevant anyway). This all happened on a Saturday I still remember the day well. We drove the one hour and forty five minutes to get Blaine the same day.
He immediately became my best friend and my everything. This all happened in August. Flash forward to December 1st. I am researching Siberian Husky sites( I research things when I am bored) and I found a breeder with a litter of puppies. I was not planning on getting a second puppy and I was for sure it would snow in hell before my mom ever said yes to me getting not only a second puppy, but another husky. Something about the puppy named girl 1 drew me in though and I couldn't stop thinking about her. I decided to show my mom and ask anyway. I figured the worse she could say is no. To my amazement she said yes(so did abusive pos stepdad, but again he was irrelevant). Cotton was to be my combination Birthday, Christmas and Graduation present. She remains the best Christmas present I ever got.
These two dogs were my everything. I've never been good with people and being honest people scare me. I've always been better with animals especially dogs. I told them both everything and things I've never told anyway else. I talked to them about hating myself for my sexuality, I cried into their fur when I was sad. They were my rocks, my comfort, my best friends. With them I never felt like I had to be anything other than myself and that I was good enough just the way I am. They were my reason to live and kept me alive. I knew I had to be around to care for them and love them.
Blaine died first. He was fine one day and then the next he wasn't. He died on my bedroom floor as we were getting ready to rush him to the vet. He was four years old. Losing him broke me. I was super depressed and miserable. I don't think I would have made it if I didn't have Cotton. The two of us pulled through together and she continued to be my comfort, my world and my baby. I didn't know at the time I'd only have her a few more years.
Shortly after she turned four Cotton started having seizures. She was put on medication for it and did great the first two years. However a month after her 6th birthday she had over 60 seizures in a 24 hour time span. My mom called our vet early in the morning and he said the best thing for her would be to put her to sleep that each one posed a risk to her. I was in my sister's room which was near my mom's when I heard that I started bawling. My sister has never liked hugs or touching. But when I broke down she hugged me and comforted me. I heard my stepdad say I told him so(when Cotton was first diagnosed he wanted me to put her down. I refused because the vet said with meds she could live a full normal life). To this day I hate hearing I told you so. It takes me back to that day.
Another piece of me shattered losing her. I was alone again. I had lost my best friends in the entire world, my support, my comfort and my babies. I was in a very dark place. I didn't want to leave my room, I didn't want to eat and I would just lay in the dark and sob. Eventually I thought Blaine and Cotton wouldn't want this for me. They would want me to be ok. So I tried for them. Their water bowl(the one I bought from Walmart on the day we Picked up Blaine) is now Kricket's water bowl(yes it is that old and I still have it)
I think about them both often.
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little-dikdik · 10 months
Herb and Coral decided to move to Veronaville to enjoy the rest of their lives in a different environment than the plain Pleasantview. Recently moved, got asked by Mary-Sue to let Lilith live with them and make sure, she's going better at school. No sneakouts, no weird friends...
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Herb found a part-time job as a comedian.
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They went on a small date in a local bistro.
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Herb is the type of a Sim to get easily bored so he though about... Sandy Bruty?
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He's really into birds, he has one at home, named Goldie.
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You could've thought she called Dirk or someone? Nope, she called Mercutio to show her what's like to live in Veronaville. Also, the only one who called her to catch up with her was... Dustin Broke. Not even Dirk.
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According to the promise, Coral helps Lilith with the homework. After she finishes hers, she's free to do other stuff.
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It's her first day in Veronaville so she was allowed to enter the local arcady and discover her passion for gaming. And handomness of Romeo!
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Tank Grunt for some reason went there too.
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