#(just tay and porsche for now)
fromperdition4 · 5 months
Return to Form
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You know what I like about this line - when Korn tells Kinn to "Come back to [his] old self"?
That Kinn does just that, but not in the way his dad wants.
Because in Korn's mind, Kinn's 'old self' is the obedient heir - who keeps a distance between himself and his people, wears a fake smile to promote their businesses, and defers to his father's judgment.
But that version of Kinn - the version he's tired of being now, and afraid will push Porsche away -
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That version of Kinn isn't who he was.
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Tay reminds us of this when he tells Kinn to let himself love again, after so long - because there was a time, before Kinn had to lead and before he was betrayed and succumbed to revenge, that Kinn was open with his love.
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And Kinn takes Tay's advice, in blatant defiance of his father.
He starts by giving his lucky gun - a symbol of the power he yields and the responsibility he holds - to Porsche, along with his trust.
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And we'll see, over the next few episodes, how he slowly opens his heart back up - becoming his true old self again.
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bl-bracket · 3 months
Bracket Stats #7
You guys know the drill by now. These are the cumulative stats for every bracket EXCEPT Best Kiss, Best Siblings, Build-a-BL, and Best QL Marriage Proposal. It's a little confusing because we just ended the Best QL Marriage Proposal one, but the changes in stats here are focused on the Most Unhinged Bracket.
There have now been 116 different dramas that have been in these brackets. 68 are from Thailand, 15 are from Japan, 6 are from China, 9 are from Taiwan, and 18 are from South Korea.
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With this bracket we had 11 new dramas: 6 are from Thailand, 2 are from Japan, 2 are from China, and 1 is from South Korea.
The new dramas are: Dark Blue Kiss (Thailand), Dead Friend Forever (Thailand), Double Mints (Japan), My Eleventh Brother (South Korea), My Stand In (Thailand), Something in My Room (Thailand), Stay with Me (China), The Miracle of Teddy Bear (Thailand), The Shortest Distance is Round: Noir (Japan), The Spirealm (China), To Sir, With Love (Thailand).
Dark Blue Kiss and To Sir, With Love were both featured in the Best Siblings bracket, but this is their first time in an individual character bracket.
There have now been 235 individual characters featured here. 153 from Thailand, 23 from Japan, 18 from China, 16 from Taiwan, and 25 from South Korea.
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There were 21 new characters featured. 11 from Thailand, 4 from Japan, 3 from China, 2 from Taiwan, and 1 from South Korea.
The 11 new characters from Thailand are: Bun (Manner of Death), Chalothon (The Sign), Jan (To Sir, With Love), Lhong (Tharntype: The Series), Mew (Only Friends), Ming (My Stand In), New (Dead Friend Forever), Non (Dark Blue Kiss), Nuan (Something in My Room), Taohu (The Miracle of Teddy Bear), Way (Pit Babe).
The 4 new characters from Japan: Aoyama (The Shortest Distance is Round: Noir), Ichikawa Mitsuo (Double Mints), Kurosawa (Ossan's Love), Tsuge Masato (Cherry Magic).
The 3 new characters from China are: Mo Yi (Stay with Me), Ruan Lanzhu (The Spirealm), Ye Zun (Guardian).
The 2 new characters from Taiwan are: Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear to Me) and Fu Yong Jie (HIStory 4: Close to You).
The 1 new character from South Korea is: The Parents (My Eleventh Brother).
If we include characters who have been in multiple brackets: 278 are from Thailand, 36 from Japan, 36 from China, 27 from Taiwan, and 39 from South Korea.
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92 characters have been featured at least twice (opposed to 71 before). The average amount of times a character has been featured in a poll is 1.77 times (opposed to 1.64 before). The most amount of times a character has been featured is 8 which is Prapai (Love in the Air).
The average amount of characters per show is 2.03, the same as last time.
The Untamed and Kinnporsche: The Series are now tied for most characters who have won at 3, (Wei Wuxian - Poorest Little Meow Meow, Lan Wangji - Most Whipped, Autistic Swag, Xue Yang - Most Unhinged) & (Porsche - Most Babygirl, Tay - Most Gender Envy, Kinn - Horniest on Main), though since Lan Wangji has won twice, The Untamed has won the most amount of brackets total.
2 new actors have joined the ranks of having multiple characters: Book Kasidet with Cher (A Boss and a Babe) and Mew (Only Friends) & Heng Asavarid with Sky (Secret Crush on You) and Chalothon (The Sign).
We've now had 15 female characters with the inclusion of Jan (To Sir, With Love) and Nuan (Something in My Room)
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misspoetree · 1 year
So the lovely @haahka and I were talking about Tay and how it's a bit sad that the fandom only ever seems to send him on shopping tours or focus on his fashion (you guys know that I'm obsessed with the KinnPorsche Fashion myself, but it's just a little...unadventurous, you know).
And then I got waaay to deep into headcanons with the equally lovely @tumsa (I'm not even sorry for the spam 😌❤).
Now, there are two things I want to do: first, I'd love to hear more Tay headcanons - feel free to throw them at me (as an ask, in the tags, added to this post, whatever you prefer). Because I'm really curious. 👀
And second, I'm going to share a few of mine:
Tay is way more capable than anyone thinks. (But no one needs to know that.)
People treat Tay like a princess within the show - I mean, he isn't even allowed to help in the kitchen at Porsche's. But I don't think Tay IS a princess. I think it's a protective façade. Because letting oneself be underestimated is a (survival) strategy in a world of money and constant power struggle, and a smart one at that. Yes, Tay is really good at reading people in general, but I also feel like people tend to let their guard down around him. Because he's kind, and understanding, and compassionate - and he seems harmless, a bit spoiled even. His 'softness' puts people at ease, makes them talk, makes them more honest than they probably should be. He's not a threat after all. I bet he knows a lot of things he shouldn't. I bet he's smart enough to use that knowledge (to help other people, to help himself, if needed). And I bet Tay could be fucking dangerous if he ever chose to (and wouldn't that be exciting 👀).
I also like to think that Tay has a strong survival instinct that goes beyond 'pretending to be incapable'. He and Kinn have been friends for ages, their families know each other, he basically grew up surrounded by mafia. He probably witnessed Tankhun's kidnapping back in the day. The horror and trauma of it. Tay's family is rich. He's close to the Theerapanyakuls. To the future head of the family. But he DOESN'T have an army of bodyguards following him around. And the downside of 'being harmless' is looking like an easy victim. Tay is too smart to be unprepared. So in my headcanon he knows how to handle a crisis, knows how to deal with danger, knows how to survive. Knows how to get out of the country quickly, how to get money without leaving a trail, how to get an unregistered gun. How to land a mean punch even though he hates it, how to apply (good) first aid EVEN THOUGH HE HATES IT. (I do think that he really isn't a fan of physical stuff, so the princess image is not completely off. Or, well, he lets it work in his favour.)
Tay's reaction to being hurt, being really hurt, is to shut his emotions down completely.
I don't enjoy how Tay's often written as dramatic and over-emotional in his confrontations with Time after what happened at Hum Bar. He isn't sober when he catches his boyfriend shoving his tongue down another man's throat, and well, his boyfriend is shoving his tongue down another man's throat. So of course he's fucking angry. And emotional. Right then and there. But the thing is, Tay had time to think, time to cool off in those other confrontations. And that's just the way to describe Tay's demeanor then: cool, cold, like ice. I like to think that he just freezes over. Turns into a statue of neutral disinterest. Just imagine: someone like Tay, always so kind and compassionate, staring you down with an expressionless face, not reacting to anything you say, looking close to fucking bored. Imagine what that would do to Time, always so full of himself, always so used to getting reactions out of Tay. Walking straight into a wall of ice. Completely out of his element. Really forced to put the work in for once. And it truly is hard work to break through to Tay once he closes his feelings off from you. A little bit of grovelling might be necessary. (That said, dealing with his emotions like that isn't good for Tay either. Of course not.)
There's...'something' between Tay and Vegas, some kind of understanding
I never got over TAY asking after Vegas in the final episode. Or the way Tay watches Vegas as he passes him during the auction. So I'm having a lot of fun wondering about the 'relationship' between Tay and Vegas, or how potential interactions could have gone down.
I mean, Tay 'belongs' to Kinn. We know that Vegas wants everything that belongs to Kinn (I bet he thinks Kinn must have fucked a pretty boy like that at least once. Even though it's not his usual type. Why else would he stick around?). Tay's caring and understanding. We know how Vegas can react...to something like that. (Not him falling in love after one free therapy session or something like that.) Tay is really good at reading people, he is really good at reading Kinn. And we know Vegas is not so different from Kinn (in some ways), even though he would murder anyone suggesting something like that to his face. Or maybe that's exactly what Tay does. Telling that to his face. As Vegas tries to seduce him, in the earlier days. But Tay doesn't try to wound him with that, to be cruel or mean, it's just an observation, spoken in that calm and understanding tone of his. And a younger Vegas is so shocked by that statement that he just...stops? And stares at Tay who just keeps going with that warm look in his eyes and those observations that hit a little too close to home until he can't take it anymore and turns on his heel to...definitely NOT run away like a dog with his tail between his legs.
Vegas keeps his distance after that. That princess isn't worth the effort, he tells himself. Or maybe he doesn't. Maybe he stops trying to seduce Tay, yes. But they end up talking again. And again. Because Vegas desperately needs to know what Tay meant with those things he said. And there's just... something about their conversations that keeps Vegas coming back. Until (stealing some thoughts from @tumsa here <3) Tay tries to convince Vegas that the competition between him and Kinn is dumb. Vegas does keep his distance, then.
And Tay gives up trying to help, trying to make him see how futile all of this is because it's clear Vegas won't listen to anyone but his father. But he still cares about Vegas, and seeing all the things Vegas does to himself without realising, seeing that ever-growing self-destructive obsession with Kinn sits like a leaden ball in Tay's stomach. The knowledge that he can't do anything to help is a bit like its own form of torture.
Anyways, (stealing again from @tumsa) Tay definitely ends up going to the hospital to visit Vegas. In secret, of course. And seeing Vegas and Pete together, seeing Vegas being changed by love, seeing him try to be a better person for Pete, putting all this effort in to make it work - maybe all of this forces Tay to reflect on his own love life for once. To reflect on the things he wants. The things he deserves, after all.
Nearly everyone had a crush on Tay, one time or another
You guys know the thing we do with Vegas? Like how VegasPete is the holy grail of endgame ships but it's so much fucking fun to ship Vegas with everyone and to imagine all his possible encounters and escapades? Because he's manipulation, seduction and psychological issues stacked on top of each other and wrapped in a velvet shirt?
Well. I like to do the same thing with Tay. For more or less opposite reasons. Because he's understanding and warm and compassionate and smart (and really pretty). In a world full of violence and trauma and repressed emotions, only sharp edges. I mean, who wouldn't crave the warmth, who wouldn't want to bathe in the sunlight for a while? I'm pretty sure people are falling en masse for Tay. And I think Tay doesn't always know how to handle it. Or genuinely doesn't realise what kind of effect he has on those poor bastards for doing nothing more than showing them a bit of kindness. Or maybe he's simply choosing to ignore it because he only has eyes for one person and one person alone.
Anyways, a lot of fun directions to go with this last headcanon for now. (And I'm keeping it intentionally vague and without examples because otherwise, this would turn into a multichapter fanfic I don't have time to write just now. 🤡)
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vegasandhishedgehog · 2 years
What type of drunk I think KinnPorsche characters are based on having no drinking experience at all:
Porsche: We have canon for this. Slap happy silly booooyyy! He's a sweetheart and a romantic, if not rather irresponsible. Not a lightweight, but I wouldn't say he's a heavyweight either. Very fun though.
Kinn: We never seem to get drunk!Kinn, but I'm guessing he is a heavyweight. He'd probably just be irritable - too many noises and sensations demanding his attention. Put him to bed.
Vegas: I think it would be difficult to get him drunk just because he is always always always plotting shit and wants to remain sharp. Doesn't mind getting buzzed, of course, but drunk!Vegas is a rare Pokemon. When he does let it happen though, he's incredibly sentimental about everything and if you're anyone other than Pete or Macau, it is weird as hell.
Pete: Also have a canon for this! Our boy can party! He's just cute and silly, practically harmless. I imagine he doesn't care to drink too often (he hates the hangovers too much), but his loyalty as a friend gets the best of him most of the time and it happens more than he really likes. Certain mixes make him very flirty, though.
Macau: Just because he's young doesn't mean he hasn't tried a few. He is kind of reckless, veering into occasionally dangerous stunts, but mostly they remain among the idiotic.
Kim: Drunk crier 100%. This man has so many issues and you're going to hear all of them in detail and if you try to escape he will beg you not to leave. Will sing one heartbroken song (ha).
Porchay: Porsche is pretty good about keeping him away from alcohol but he's definitely snuck a few beers in here or there. There's relatively little change in his demeanor, he just is a few degrees more outgoing than usual. Sadly is the type to get stuck listening to Kim and probably forget Kim is actually crying over him.
Tankhun: Canon has established him as an absolute animal, need I say more?
Arm & Pol: Who let them out of the house? Why are they stripping? Why am I getting secondhand embarrassment?
Jom: He is your best buddy, he will steal the fucking moon for you, he is throwing an imaginary rope around it right now. Ride or die friend dialed up to 11.
Tem: Heartbreak Hotel is open; population: Tem. Sad cowboy emoji.
Time: This man is dangerous. He will fuck nearly everyone in sight if they let him. Needs to be locked up.
Tay: He may not look it, but he's almost as bad as Time, just sneakier and more guilt-ridden about it. He's also soooo supportive, he's the girl bestie you meet in the bathroom and he will absolutely tell you to break up with your shitty partner and not to respond to your ex. Wish he could apply that to himself.
Big: The last time he got drunk was a very long time ago where he might have done a few things with Kinn, but Kinn doesn't talk about it so he doesn't know for sure what happened. It kills him. Literally.
Ken: ANGERY AUSSIE. DO NOT ENGAGE. Makes the worst jokes and breaks stuff. Instigates a lot of pranks which are pretty mean but his targets are kind of deserving of it? Turns out he's a little justified most of the time, even if he goes about it in fucked up ways.
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artpo · 6 months
@kpquickndirty had a nap and my subconsciousness blessed me with this
Rating is Explicit
Tags: Sex is mentioned, but not described in much detail, just for the mental images; Kinn tasted the peach and wants more; HOWEVER Porsche follows a principle (not for long tho lol)
Kinn’s thoughts after he wakes up from one-night stand with Porsche. Turns out he is in for a mean surprise.
Kinn’s eyes blink open. The mattress underneath him is high-quality and very comfortable, but it's not his own. There’s a beautiful, fancy lamp on the ceiling. There’s a weight on his outstretched arm, his torso and his legs.
Kinn looks to his left, greeted with the sleeping face of the hot bartender he slept with last night. Porsche threw his arm and leg over Kinn’s body.
Kinn hasn't been used to the feeling of another body pressed to his for the whole night and after fucking in a long time. It's strange, but somehow he isn't bothered by it, by the whole situation.
Last night when Tay and Time dragged him to this Hum Bar he couldn't begin to imagine that he would end in bed with someone. Random hookups are not something he can afford to do for safety reasons, and the familiar routine of rotating his favorite escorts who knew by now how to please him was much too comfortable.
All of his principles shattered when he saw the gorgeous bartender last night. Shaking the drinks, charming the customers, hot in his natural environment. Watching Porsche, with his unbuttoned black shirt tucked in his jeans to accentuate that lithe waist, hurrying around on his beautiful long legs to serve everyone made Kinn have one single thought. He had to have him.
Kinn got into action. Sat at the bar, ordered whiskey, undressed Porsche with his eyes and flirted aggressively. When he got his name, he sent it to Arm for a quick background check. Big was tasked with reserving them a hotel room. Kinn forgot about his friends, but they most likely got the memo as he was not very subtle.
It worked. By the end of Porsche’s shift he had him once in the backroom of the Hum Bar, before they could even get to the hotel. It was fast, hot and heavy. Too fast for both of them it seemed since Porsche had no objections when Kinn proposed the hotel.
The second round revealed Porsche had a praise kink and it made Kinn crazy about him even more. Kinn almost came in his clothes just from whispering filthy praise in his ear as he jerked off the naked Porsche in front of the mirror.
Porsche made Kinn feral when he got him out of his pants and pushed him in his hole, that was still open from the backroom. Kinn had him for the second time that night, hard and slower, relishing their image in the mirror.
After that, Porsche was ready to leave. Kinn should have let him go. Instead, he asked him to stay.
"The night is long," he'd said.
And the night was long. After rest, Kinn had him for the third time. In bed. The image of Porsche underneath him should be displayed in museums. His head was back, his long sensitive neck with purple and angry red marks exposed, his eyes shut, his parted lips making sinful sounds.
Kinn can’t recall the last time sex felt that good. What are the chances Kinn found a stranger who's so compatible to him in bed?
Porsche’s eyes blink open and he pats Kinn’s cheek, there's a smirk on his face. "Good morning, creeper."
Kinn rolls his eyes and swats his hand away. "Good morning."
Porsche stretches and sits up suddenly, detaching his body from Kinn’s. Kinn already misses the contact.
Porsche looks at the digital clock at the bedside table and he is up at his feet in three seconds. "Shit! I need to go!"
Kinn is almost too distracted by his gorgeous body to respond, "I can get you wherever you need."
Porsche is scrambling around the room to find his clothes. He puts his shirt on and smiles at Kinn. "Nah, don't worry. I'll be out of your hair in a minute."
Kinn sits up. His heart is thumping, one of them needs to bring it up first. "There’s no hurry. And in the car, we can discuss the next meet-up?"
Porsche is putting his pants on. He bites his lip. "Don't get me wrong, Kinn. Last night was amazing. However, the hook-up thing... I only do it once and I'm not willing to change that."
Kinn feels like it would be better to be shot than hear what just came out of Porsche’s mouth. Without exaggeration. Surely, they could strike up some kind of deal to only have sex.
Instead of an actual proposition, Kinn simply says, "No".
Porsche raises his eyebrow. "Do I look like I'm joking?"
Kinn doesn't answer, staring at him as he moves on to the doorway bend down and puts on his converse shoes.
Porsche straightens up and sighs. "Look Kinn, it's nothing personal. I gotta jet now, but come get a drink sometime again, yeah?"
With that he's out of the door.
Oh, I will come and have more than just a drink. Just you wait. Kinn thinks bitterly.
Remix if anyone wants to :3
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theoryofarson · 9 months
10 BL Characters I Want Carnally
I don't even need to be tagged to be horny. Let's go!
In no particular order:
Third (Theory of Love)
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He's so pathetic! He cries so much! He's so rude and mean and bitchy! His shirts are so big and his shorts are so small!
In conclusion, I would treat him right - the way Khai does NOT.
Nick (Only Friends)
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Speaking of PATHETIC!!!! THAT'S MY TOXIC BABYGIRL! MY CANCELLED BOYGIRLWIFESBAND! Sand really wasted an opportunity in that van. It should have been me...
Pa (Bad Buddy)
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You know who's taller than you, Pa?? Me!!! The thought of being the one to make her flustered...pick her up and brush her hair back...dear lord.
Ok this list is really starting to look like I want to be the one doing all the manhandling. I promise you I am also down to be handled. Let's switch it up a bit.
Porsche (KinnPorsche)
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Listen. You know I LOVE VegasPete as a ship.
But if we're talking about who *I* desire - first of all, your bitch is NOT prepared for the kinkery VegasPete get up to. Second of all, I genuinely think Apo Nattawin is one of the most objectively attractive men on this planet. Add to that Porsche's layered dip of a personality (fidgety jokester, devoted big brother, practiced fighter, willing killer, dutiful guard dog...), and I am quite sold. Give me the problematic mafia sex.
Hyeong Da Un (Blueming)
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Dude. I barely even remember this show. I had to look up the character's name. But he's BAD. And he always had like...this teasing superiority toward the main character? Like he knew they would end up together and was just waiting for MC to catch up to that realization? Yeah. That...that's hot.
Ueda Minoru (Our Dining Table)
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I believe this man was crafted in a lab to be as attractive to me, specifically, as possible. He looks like a bit of a delinquent, but he's a sweet and dedicated family man. He is troubled by the notion that he'll never be good enough. He's in love and afraid to say it. He's a bleach blonde with earrings and a bump in his nose and an Adam's apple that makes me want to follow the footsteps of Eve in the garden.
Mhok (Last Twilight)
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Lord, there is not enough time in the world for me to say all I want to say about this man.
I just want it to be stated, on the record, that I have been well aware of Jimmy's attractiveness since Bad Buddy days. Unlike others, I never let Wai's horrendous personality distract me from his absurdly hot face, which, at the end of the day, is the important thing.
And now that we have Mhok? Literally the perfect character - rugged yet tender, clueless yet hypercompetent, jealous yet selfless - full of desire and restraint and humour and sadness in equal measure - I genuinely cannot think of what else I would ask for.
And did I mention his hot face?
Finally, to round out the list, a special triple whammy:
Neo, Miw, and Shin (3 Will Be Free)
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Yes, all three. At once? Separately? I don't give a shit. For all I care, it could be me in this trunk and them looking down at me in disdain. That'd keep me going for like, a year. Just let me be in the orbit of these three ridiculously hot people and their ridiculously hot dynamic. Joss, Mild, Tay: if any subset of you is ever free, at any time at all, I am also free. At that time. Forever.
That was really fun. Tagging: Whoever wants to do it!!!! Go. Be horny. Be free.
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ae-azile · 6 months
Kim isn't sure what he is witnessing. In hindsight, maybe he should have suspected that Fern may have crossed paths with Namphueng at one point. While he didn't know about Namphueng’s initial connection to their family until a couple of years ago, he hasn't given much thought about who else would have met her. Ma would have known her, although Kim knows she wouldn't have accepted Namphueng being forcibly medicated and kept in a room. That was not the person she was. She was never like Pa. 
But he never thought about Auntie Milan knowing her. That's the only thing that makes sense, considering how emotional Fern is right now. He knows Uncle Gun met Auntie Milan when they were teenagers, that she was two years younger, but they didn't start dating until sometime in college. He never really thought of why she would have been around their family prior to that because he didn't know about Namphueng until recently. 
But now that he does know about her and this is happening, he realizes that Namphueng and Auntie Milan would be about the same age, and it makes more sense for Namphueng to be Auntie Milan’s initial connection to their family than Uncle Gun.
Especially when Fern seems so overcome with emotion, as if her world just stopped as soon as she laid her eyes on Namphueng. 
“What happened?!” Fern says, gripping Namphueng’s shoulders, “You were…She broke down and said…You were dead! You, Pat, and the boys were dead!” 
Namphueng doesn't sign a word. She is just staring at Fern in a trance, and Kim doesn't know if she doesn't understand or is just completely shutting down, but he can see that she is overwhelmed. There are tears dripping down her cheeks even though her expression is almost emotionless. It's as if she is frozen. 
Going by the way Chay, Porsche, Macau, and Vegas seem frozen too, it could be contagious. 
“Fern?” Pete says , surprisingly the first one to intervene as he touches her shoulder to get her attention, “She uh…She doesn't voice. She understands it, but she only signs now. And her um…Porsche? I’ve mentioned Porsche to you before-” 
“You didn't tell me who his mother was!” Fern signs harshly, “You didn't tell me he was alive! I thought it was someone else! A different Porsche!”
“I didn't…We didn't…” Pete says, trailing off, “We didn't know you knew him or Namphueng-” 
“Of course I know Namphueng!” Fern snaps, “I was close friends with her parents! I’ve known her since she was four! She was Milan’s closest friend for years! She was-” 
Fern cuts herself off, turns back to Namphueng, and brushes her hair back in a maternal manner.
“What happened? Tell me everything.” 
Namphueng seems to be shaking, but her stunned expression crumples as soon as she spells out one thing. 
She follows that up with a sign Kim vaguely remembers as a sign name.
His aunt's sign name.
“Uh…” Khun says, standing up as well, only to go over to where Tay, Time, Jom, Tem, and Yok are sitting, “Maybe…Maybe we can do this a different night. I think we need…Obviously, we didn't expect-” 
“We understand,” Tay says as he gets to his feet and beckons everyone else at the table to do the same, “I hope…I’ll text Kinn later to check in.”
As the five head out and Arm goes ahead and arranges for his sisters to get a ride back to the hotel rooms Khun unnecessarily treated them to, the restaurant soon has eight less people inside. It's probably for the best - both with Namphueng’s nerves and the fact that Fern looks like she is seconds from lashing out until she gets answers. 
“What happened to her?!” Fern says, her gaze turning fiery. Porsche finally snaps out of his confusion and steps forward. 
“Can we talk privately so we don’t stress her out?” Porsche asks, then signs the words to make himself clear, “Chay…Chay will come too. Right, Chay?” 
As Kim looks over at Chay, he sees him nod and step forward. While Fern looks extremely hesitant to leave Namphueng, she reaches over, squeezes her hand, and leads Chay and Porsche through a door. 
“Fuck this,” Vegas mutters, walking towards the door too, “I want to know what’s going on. I need to check on the baby anyway.” 
Vegas is gone before anyone can talk to him. It seems like none of them even know what to say anyway. Kim isn't sure what could be said, considering they aren’t completely sure what is happening. 
Before Kim can overthink it more, Namphueng taps Kim’s shoulder roughly to get his attention. 
“Milan?” she signs, seeming desperate for a response. 
Kim blinks, then isn't sure what he is supposed to say. 
“Milan is my aunt. Fern’s daughter-” 
“Where?” she signs, then starts looking around, “Where where where where where?”
When Kim redirects his gaze towards Khun and Kinn, they seem like they feel helpless. 
When Kim looks at Macau, he seems heartbroken. 
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returning-spring · 2 years
KPTS recs list
Most of these recs are rarepairs or VegasPete, but there are a couple recs for KinnPorsche and KimChay in here! Some Gen fic too.
Note: I read a lot of these fics months ago, so I can’t give any content warnings that aren’t already on AO3. I can only rec the fics, so curate your experience and have fun!!
the house don’t fall (when the bones are good) (E rated) by bytheriveriwept
The reality of Kinn is at times a grasping, hungry thing even when he is standing still. Or: Porsche and Kinn are the Theerapanyakun agency's best team. They live in each other's pockets and share their deepest secrets. But when Porsche takes on the role of bait in their latest mission, it throws their entire relationship into a spiral.
playing with fire (M rated) by @fractured-ice
For a long time in Porsche’s life, smoking was a constant.
Safe and Sound (T rated) by @achray1
Five times Kinn was nearly kidnapped, and one time he was.
in the shape of your dreams (E rated) by @t4tvegaspete
“Kinn,” Pete clarified, as he regarded Vegas. “You egg him on. You seek out his attention.” “That’s because I hate him,” Vegas said. “And he’s a scourge on my general existence and I want to make him suffer. Simple.” “He’s also very good-looking.” The words dropped like a pin to the ground. “Did you honestly just say that to me right now?” — Vegas is in a dark place. Pete can tell Kinn has something to do with it.
Comfort (E rated) by @ghost--houses
"Well, that was excruciating," Vegas says as they walk through the front door.
Business Sense (E rated) by duty_free
Vegas uses sex to help Porsche with a deal.
fool’s gold landed on my shoulder (M rated) by @phneltwrites​
Today is the day the minor family attacks the major family’s compound. It’s the seventh time for Vegas. (Time loop fic)
life's too short to drink bad wine (M rated) by @wedielike
When Kinn sends Pete to check out Vegas' undisclosed wine bar, Pete expects to find some dirty dealings. He doesn't expect Vegas' invitation to taste something special and all that it entails.
A Rock and a Hard Place (E rated) by rivers_bend
Pete knows what he wants, and that he'd be an idiot to go after it. But Vegas isn't someone he can resist.
lessons in shooting sparrows (T rated) by violetsky
"Can you teach me how to shoot a gun?"
Love's a Two-Way Dream (E rated) by @giraffeter​
Kim stands up as well and slips an arm around Chay’s waist to steady him. Chay’s body melts under Kim’s touch. Waves ripple and rebound through him, concentric rings spreading from Kim’s fingertips. Chay sags into him, half-expecting to float. “I don’t…” Chay mumbles. “What… hmm…” He can’t think. He’s so warm. “Did you…?” “I gave you a little something,” Kim says. His voice is so smooth. Chay wants to swim in it. “To help you relax.” ~ Post-canon, Chay and Kim are back together, but Kim wants to keep Chay all to himself. Forever. He's got some ideas for how to do it. AKA: "The Kimchay Atticwife Fic"
Other Ships
Inevitability (T rated) by @static-abyss (KinnTay)
"We'll always have each other, you know that right?" Tay says, turning on his side to look at Kinn. "It doesn't matter what happens. You always have me."
Built for Sin series (E rated) by @kat8porgs and @queerebrum (Porsche/Kinn/Pete/Vegas)
Someone had tried to strangle Pete. Kinn had a bad feeling about who. He’d known, after all, exactly where he was sending Pete. But, a part of him had refused to believe that Vegas was capable of this. -- Kinn comes up with a plan to get back at Vegas for what he's done to Pete. Or at least, Kinn's dick has a plan.
goodnight (M rated) by @any-open-eye (VegasPorsche)
“You should have come home with me, Porsche,” Vegas says, barely over a whisper. “Just once.” Porsche grips the edge of the table. Fuck this. “You had me on your bike,” he says. “Seems like you could have brought me home if that’s what you wanted.” Vegas grins, and this time it looks less polished. “Do you think either of us would have survived me kidnapping my cousin’s new favorite?” (vegas and porsche are out on a job. they consider lost possibilities.)
no tenderness (E rated) by @veliseraptor (KinnVegas)
He felt dizzy, reckless, his pulse throbbing in his ears. Drunker than he knew he was. “Which one, Kinn? Am I your dog or your whore?” Vegas and Kinn make very, very bad choices.
fuck it all back down (E rated) by @syzyg3tic (VegasBig, VegasPorsche, VegasKen, VegasTawan, VegasPete)
Everything about sex is performative. There is no such thing as fucking without an agenda, at least in Vegas’s experience. He wouldn’t have survived to adulthood if he was precious about shit like that. Vegas and some of the men he sleeps with in his desperate, rage-filled attempts to be loved or hated--either will work.
drain the wellspring dry. (M rated) by @evashougouki (VegasTawan)
“Vegas,” he told him a few minutes after the knots had been tied, “Vegas, I don’t think I like this. Can you untie me?” For a second, when Vegas had looked down at him, Tawan had thought he had seen a flash of anger in his eyes, dark and fathomless. It was gone in a second, and Tawan convinced himself it had never been there in the first place— he was just on edge from trying something new. "Does it hurt?" "No." “Then we don’t have to stop, do we?" (Tawan's trapped in a haunted house of his own making.)
safe (right here in your arms) (M rated) by @toomoonfic (ArmTankhun)
Arm chokes on his own spit. “Um, I’m sorry, sir,” he says, “but Mr. Kinn implicitly told us that we shouldn’t let you watch any of that series anymore. At least not in the family theater.” Tankhun hums thoughtfully. “Do you think Kinn might be more receptive if we put some gay porn on?” he says. “At least Porsche should know what’s going to happen to him if he keeps returning my brother’s longing glances.” or, someone tries to kidnap Tankhun again. Porsche bleeds all over an expensive car. Pol is exasperated. And Arm is perfect, as usual.
no longer children (T rated) by alone_ghost (Tankhun & Kinn)
"Do you hate me?" Kinn and Tankhun struggle to find their place after Kinn takes over as heir to the main family.
blindside (T rated) by @lu-sn (Macau & Pete)
While Vegas is still in a coma, Korn summons Macau to have a talk with him. Macau's pretty sure everything's about to go to shit.
Civil Hands (T rated) by @ameliarating (Pete-centric, brief VegasPete)
There's legitimate violence and there's illegitimate violence. Pete finds a way to live in this filthy world.
I hope you’ve found something new in these recs! I’m thinking of making another rec post in the future. Now for some shameless promo, if there are particular ships or concepts you’ve been looking for in KPTS fics, check out the @kptskinkmeme​! You can request fics on AO3 or Dreamwidth, and if you’re a writer you might find a prompt that speaks to you!
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shubaka · 1 year
And the KinnPorsche rewatch continues...
First we have the side story.
Oh my god. I forgot about Tankhun's fake tears. Bless this over-dramatic idiot <3
Oh, Vegas, your flirting is really a sight to behold. By someone. Not named Porsche. Or Kinn. In fact, Kinn can't even bring himself to open his eyes and look. :')
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THE WAY PORSCHE CLUTCHES KINN'S HAND! <3 This is so cute *sobs*
And now Episode 7!
Ahhh, I really enjoy the set for this casino.
OH THE GRENADE. It always cracks me up how they left that one dancer with the grenade at the end.
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RIP, my dear, I hope you made it out of this mess unharmed :')
Okay, I don't know if I'm just tired, but the way Vegas pops up on screen in his bloody raincoat made me laugh. :')
Ooooooh, okay. Right after Vegas says you can eat whenever you want the camera pans to Pete, who nods (albeit with a bit of attitude). I see, I see, I see. 👀👀👀
I know it's a lot for Porsche to take in, but I wonder if he ever clocks that Macau is wearing the same school uniform as Porchay? alskdjflakwj :')
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How to get a Porsche: 1) get a motorbike 2) psspsspsspss
Macau is so easy with his physical interaction with Porsche. Like, he feels comfortable enough to pat Porsche on the arm during this apology even though they barely know each other and had a pretty shitty introduction to each other... It's interesting, especially since Macau seemed pretty isolated from the rest of the minor family during the dinner. Whether it's because of how he sees Vegas and Porsche interacting, or if Vegas told him something.... that's for the fanfics I guess :')
Chay: "I'm sorry I lied" Also Chay: *immediately lies again*
OHMYGOD I THINK BARCODE IS ALREADY TALLER THAN JEFF HERE??? I noticed the camera angle looked a little tilted and
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DID THEY TILT THE CAMERA ANGLE SLIGHTLY TO MAKE KIM LOOK SLIGHTLY TALLER IF YOU SQUINT? ADSLFKAJW;KGJLKA someone please tell me i'm just being delulu i can't take this asldkfjawka sorry i'm gonna be thinking about this for the next 12 business days i'amfkwje;lgakjga
ANYWAY now that I sort of recovered from *gestures upwards* that let me get back to my apple thoughts real quick.
So back in episode 2 I basically assigned the green apple as Kinn and the red apple as Porsche. And of course in this episode Korn was cutting up the red apple (Porsche) as he talked about how cutting apples for his wife essentially weakened and, in his mind, rendered his favourite knife useless. And he tells Kinn to find his hold self.
But then he gives the red apple to Kinn! *cue flashback montage of Korn insisting that Porsche is hired to work for Kinn* And Kinn eats the red apple! *clue flashback montage of Kinn eating Porsche uh romantically*
And now we have Kinn telling Tay that he doesn't want to find the old him. He's all about them red apples now. No more green apples.
And look, this post by @technicallyverycowboy about how the green light bleeds away during the bathroom scene.
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
look don't leap (drabble)
fem!kinn/m!porsche | rating: t | words: ~600
The most disconcerting thing about hiring Porsche onto her team of bodyguards is that Kinn keeps catching herself looking.
so i was just minding my own business, enjoying a break from writing when @luckydragon10 appeared in my inbox and was like "het kinnporsche go write it now" and look i've mentioned before but nemi is chief squirrel wrangler she makes the decisions on what gets written not me, so i wrote it. ofc bc it's me i had to find a really queer way to do it, lol.
big caveat: this is not going to be for everyone. the main meat of this drabble is about fem!kinn trying to figure out what to do about the fact that she's attracted to one (1) man. it might make some people mad. you don't have to read it if you're gonna be one of those people.
that said, for those who might wanna read it, enjoy!
oh and if you need a visual for fem!kinn good news i already have fem!kinnporsche art here.
look don't leap
The most disconcerting thing about hiring Porsche onto her team of bodyguards is that Kinn keeps catching herself looking.
It’s not that Kinn hasn’t ever felt interest in men before. Compulsory heterosexuality being what it is, the ill-advised and ill-fated male crush is almost a rite of passage at this point, and Kinn suffered from a particularly foolish strain of it. To her teenage self, Tay was everything she wanted: clean, well-mannered, sweet, and above all pretty. He was also incredibly gay. Incredibly, obviously gay.
They dated for about three months, when they were sixteen. Then Kinn got drunk and fucked Tay’s older sister, and neither of them cared enough about the infidelity that continuing to date seemed like a good idea.
It’s one of those things that’s become a funny story. A joke that they tell when they’re tipsy. Time’s never found it funny, but Tay likes to say that Kinn’s the only person he’s dated that thought he was butch.
So, Kinn’s aware that men exist and she’s not totally incapable of finding some shred of them attractive – but it’s never been something that she’s given any weight to. She realised somewhere after the sixth delicately androgynous woman she fucked that the things she liked in Tay were just thing she likes in women, transposed onto her pretty, gender-indifferent best friend.
Porsche isn’t delicate. He’s not even slightly androgynous. He’s pretty, but it’s a decidedly male type of pretty – sculpted torso, cropped hair, the masculine curve to his lips.
He’s nothing like the girls she fucks.
And she wants him.
It’s unsettling.
Kinn’s not scared of him. She hasn’t been scared of a man since she shot her first one, and realised just how easily they die to a bullet through the skull. But the attraction niggles at the back of her brain, even when she should be thinking about anything but that.
There’s a part of her that wants to fuck Porsche, just to see what it would be like. It’s the part of her that gets interested in new cars and new watches – the part that wants to have something, just for the novelty of it. Kinn’s not going to have many chances to fuck a guy that she’s attracted to.
Another part of her is calculative about it. It’s the part that’s been trained to pull apart every situation until it’s stacked into rewards, risks and their mitigation strategies. Porsche is an employee of Kinn’s, and that’s not a line she’s ever crossed before. There’s an implicit power imbalance there, that Kinn isn’t entirely certain she cares about, whilst also not being entirely certain she doesn’t.
And—well. She’s a mafia heiress. As a woman, there are things she can’t do, simply because they’ll invite ridicule. Fucking women has allowed her a lot of respect that she wouldn’t otherwise get, in the mafia. Getting fucked is still seen as a submissive act – and for all her father’s friends sneer at her and call her butch, they listen to her more, because she doesn’t let men fuck her.
In a few years, Kinn knows she could weather the hit to reputation that would come from letting a bodyguard dick her down. Now, with her father’s health failing, and every eye on her, waiting for her to fuck up enough to justify a coup – it’s probably not the best time.
And on top of that, there’s a small, distant part of her that’s just… apprehensive. Kinn doesn’t know how to fuck men in a way that lets her feel in control. And Kinn doesn’t fuck anyone when she can’t be in control.
So, even though Kinn can’t stop herself looking – even though she can’t stop herself from thinking about it – she doesn’t act on it.
She can’t.
Then, there’s the diamond auction. And everything goes to shit.
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epikhightechnology · 1 year
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I am sleep deprived and my mind is a mess so this might not make a whole lot of sense. Esp if you're not familiar with the musical. Do not expect greatness cause you wont find it lol
The story begins not with Pete or Vegas but with Porsche because he is Christine in this au. He joins the Opera House owned by idk.. Italians or something, as a dancer. All the bodyguards are ballet dancers in this universe (imagine Big as a ballet dancer and cry with me). They’re trained by Chan (madame Giry. Fits perfectly if you ask me). Porsche quickly becomes best pals with a fellow dancer Pete, they might even live together like in the show.
The Phantom is obviously Vegas. He has the mask and everything cause his asshole dad mutilated him when he was a kid and made him join the circus to earn money. It’s all very tragic and sad really. He spends years being laughed at till one day he’s done with it. He kills his dad and escapes. I’m imagining rain and thunder and tears and then finally peace and quiet that he finds in the basement of an old opera house. He puts on the mask & becomes the Phantom over several years, spending his days tormenting the owners of the opera and writing music in his dungeons. Living his best life lol
Back to the present. One day as Vegas is wandering the hallways like the creep he is, he hears Porsche singing and gets inspired. He is like omg I can make that man a star and make him sing my music. (Also the current primadonna sucks and their singing makes Vegas’ head hurt… lets say it’s Tawan cause we hate him lol. Vegas has been trying to get rid of the bastard for a while now) It’s going great - Porsche is easy to manipulate cause of his childlike dreams of an angel of music that his dead father (or mother?) would send him. Also Porsche is hot and kind and Vegas is kinda delulu for him. He hasn’t had any human contact for years and he is desperate for some love. Porsche gives him a taste of it cause he thinks Vegas is an angel so he speaks with affection to him. Porsche’s bestie Pete notices something is off and keeps an eye out but doesn’t do anything for now, cause Porsche seems to be doing well even if he’s acting a lil weird. Also who could imagine the reality of the situation lol. Pete does see more than the rest tho, he has seen Vegas in the shadows before, but he doesn't connect the dots. Yet.
Then out of nowhere the Italians decide to sell the opera house to Tankhun. Yes Tankhun cause imagine him running an opera. And Arm or something cause he needs a partner. Oh maybe Tay? Idk this needs more thought than I’m capable of at the moment. Anyways.. Vegas is mad cause Tankhun is even worse at running the opera than the previous owners. Even so he does manage to get rid of Tawan and get Porsche on stage, but then fucking KINN shows up and is like hot diggity dog.. Porsche is hot and I love him and Porsche loves him back (they are childhood friends like Christine and Raoul), which simply makes Vegas lose his last marble. He’s been spending months at this point teaching and seducing Porsche and it's taken a lot of work to get Porsche on stage and he’s not about to let Kinn steal him so he goes and kidnaps him (porsche). Takes him to his dungeon and tries to convince him that life there with him could be kinda nice. Cause look at all the good he's done for him. Porsche is listening till his curiosity wins and he tears Vegas' mask off and is disgusted much like Christine the first time she saw the Phantom’s face. Vegas is hurt and lets him go. Convinces himself that Porsche just needs more time, that he just needs to try a little harder. That he has to work more to get that love that he craves.
Porsche is traumatised after the kidnapping. Pete is worried, he sees that something is really wrong even though Porsche doesn't tell him what exactly happened. Kinn is an oblivious idiot, who at this point only cares about this Phantom dude sending everyone threatening notes lol. He and Tankhun decide to disobey everything Vegas is asking for and let Tawan back on stage which leads to no good. Vegas snaps and kills someone. Porsche runs to the rooftop, Kinn follows, they confess to each other and kiss and Vegas’ heart breaks and he brings down the chandelier.
Pete our best boy who has been watching everything go down from the sidelines is like ok this has turned from weird to FUCKED & he decides to investigate. Cause he is a sneaky lil guy and doesn’t like it when his friends get hurt for no good reason. He takes it upon himself to go find this opera ghost and stop him. He finds the entrance to the dungeons behind Porsche’s mirror and goes down there. In the dungeon he is greeted by a very sad scene of Vegas crying his heart out. What a pathetic creature. Except the creature is insane and once he notices and catches Pete he ties him up and spews all his anger and sadness on him. Vegas thinks Pete is a nobody whom no one will miss (and sadly he’s somewhat right) (but Vegas does know who Pete is cause he knows everything) and decides to keep him there to torment while he wallows in his sadness. Very unfortunately the rest of the opera don’t even notice Pete is gone (they’re too busy fixing things and getting their shit back together and Porsche is too busy with Kinn). After a few days of silence they’re thinking - finally we pissed off the phantom so much that he left. When in reality Vegas is planning his revenge. Pete is trying his best to convince him to leave Porsche alone cause obviously Porsche doesn’t like him back but Vegas being the man he is can not let his grudge go. And even though he doesn’t even like Porsche much anymore (cause his heart is opening up to someone else), he wants to take revenge on Kinn.
There’s mad tension between VP. Pete isn’t afraid of what's underneath Vegas’ mask because he has his own scars too. Both physical and emotional. They do share asshole fathers in every universe. They bond over it. And Vegas gets a glimpse under Pete's mask when he notices the way Pete reacts to him and his anger. Something inevitably does happen between them but it doesn't lead to any good because Vegas still thinks he is unlovable (boy thinks love has to be earned and is going about it in all the wrong ways) and he is obsessed with his revenge plot; and Pete our dear Pete thinks Vegas is in love with Porsche cause he thinks himself unlovable too.
The masquerade happens (oh imagine how happy Tankhun would be to throw this party), Vegas crashes it and promises to bring everything down unless they perform his opera. Realising all his efforts to change Vegas' mind have been in vain and Vegas still cares more abt Porsche than him, Pete escapes to go warn his friends about his actual plans. In a way he also rejoins the masquerade when he returns to his life. There is much to be said about masks and stuff in this au but again - my brain has not the capacity to do it rn. Finding out Pete is gone makes Vegas even madder cause he does feel things for him even if he's in denial about it. Cause Pete is the only person ever to not flinch when Vegas looks at him. There's that kindness he's been looking for in Pete but he doesn't let himself see it.
Kinn comes up with his shit plan to catch the Phantom despite Pete’s arguments that it won’t work. The opera happens and everything goes to shit. Vegas once again kidnaps Porsche. Kinn shows up at the dungeon and gets almost killed. They are yelling at each other when Pete arrives. He overhears Vegas making Porsche choose between him and Kinn and he can't take it anymore. He goes all out along the lines of 'you stupid moron, I love you, i can't sing, I'm a shit dancer but I love you and why am I not enough???' Like why is Porsche the end goal here when he obviously hates Vegas? Vegas, Porsche and Kinn are dumbfounded at this. Vegas didn’t really believe that Pete would like him for real. but pete goes on about how vegas ripped pete's mask off and now he's gonna leave him stranded in this world when they could have something together and for what?? It takes vegas a moment to understand what's happening. Kinn uses the opportunity and shoots or stabs or whatever Vegas, takes Porsche and runs. Porsche asks Pete to come with them but he refuses. Kinn is a dick and he drags Porsche away. Pete holds Vegas very fairytale like, very tragic and beautiful. "Say you'll share with me one love, one life time, say the word and I will follow you.."
When the others come to the dungeon to get the phantom, they find it empty. Vegas and Pete have disappeared but they live. Away from all this, somewhere else. Maybe not happily ever after but they live.
Also korn doesnt exist in this universe cause fuck him
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turtlesocksv2 · 1 year
Kinnporsche 12 Rewatch Thoughts
God, Chay not going through with the university interview is fucking heartbreaking. But if I was Porsche I would kick his ass, my god given right as Older Sibling. Porsche spent years busting his ass off working at the bar to give Chay the opportunity at a better life, is encouraging him to go to music school which is one of the worst fields re: actually making any money, and JOINED THE GODDAMN MAFIA so that Chay could keep his house and go to school and this ungrateful little shit! just throws it away! because he's ~sad about a boy~! NOT IN MY FUCKING HOUSE. Chay would be suplexed through a table if I was his older sibling. (yes yes i know it's more complicated than that and Chay is going through a lot! but my older sibling rage does not care for logic or reason, here)
I know Porsche and Pete are Besties but Porsche and Arm have such a solid friendship. Arm is his Bro. Arm is Team Porsche. They have secret codes about stalking Kinn for jealousy reasons. Arm asks Zero questions. Code Red?! Here is your access to all our surveillance tech, Porsche! but also, Porsche really needs to learn not to listen in to conversations when he's not ready to hear them.
Just Normal Kidnapping Things - reading horoscope books with your kidnappers pet hedgehog and making fun of/psychoanalyzing your kidnapper by telling him that he is sensitive and needs love. Hmmm, also I think Vegas knows here that something is wrong with Khun Spikes. Not how serious it is, but that something is Off.
Kinn admits that Korn was the one really pushing for him to get Porsche to work for them by any means necessary and Porsche asks THE burning question: Why Him? Kinn offers to help Porsche get the answers, but Porsche realizes that Kinn can't help him, not really. Because asking the questions Porsche really wants answered is going to involve going against Kinn's dad. And Kinn is the wrong Theerapanyakul for that. (ask Tankhun, porsche! Tankhun could probably get you the answers! The tragedy that no one realizes how smart Tankhun is.)
Every time Korn opens his mouth in this scene:
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just straight up lying! all the time! When Porsche storms out and Kinn gives his dad the "really? you just fucked up the best thing to ever happen to me i can't believe you." look, that is not enough!
Ok so I absolutely believe the meta that Khun Spikes died while Pete was asleep and Vegas was just waiting for him to wake up so that he could stage Pete's 'escape'. He made sure Pete knew there were no guards, he left the key, the shirt. it was on purpose. the clues are all there. He had one pet die in that fucking safehouse and didn't want another. But Pete can't bring himself to leave when he sees how sad Vegas is. After they bury Khun Spikes, Vegas walks away from Pete, he doesn't even look back. He's letting Pete go!!! But Pete chooses to stay!
RIP Khun Spikes. King. Legend. Your legacy lives on.
You know, i didn't notice the first time through, but the cinematography and art direction in the VegasPete Fuck Nasty bondage chain sex is like...really unsettling. with the music and the quick cuts and everything. these are not two healthy individuals making smart choices and I love that for them. glad it works out for them in the end.
aaaaaand we immediately go to Bread Product Placement. fucking love Farmhouse Breads for greenlighting the absolutely batshit insane product placement. them and Deutsche Bank.
Kinn is such a schmoopy, gooey bastard when he's in love. "i could live anywhere as long as it's with you" Korn is now terrified that Kinn is gonna pull a Nampheung and run off with a Kittisawat Boy.
here we go, the really fucking weird Tay-Porsche conversation where Tay says that Time doesn't really love him and it's not like it is with KinnPorsche. what an absolutely batshit weird thread that's just vaguely in the background. i have to know what was cut for time/pacing. also, I think Tay might have had feelings for Kinn at some point and even if he's not currently, like, in love with Kinn there's still a light "Kinn would treat me better than Time does :(" energy. and he's right! Kinn would treat him better than Time does! Dump Time's fickle ass! When Porsche tells Tay that he and Kinn are both out of the business now, Tay gets this look on his face like:
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And of course Korn can sense that Kinn is happy and has to crash the party and ruin it. (I do like how in tune Tay and Time were here, they've been Kinn's friends long enough to realize it's about to go down and they should leave.)
I do have to wonder what that dude did to piss Korn off that he gave Porsche his picture and address and said "this is the man that killed your parents. have fun :)" He had to know there was the possibility that Porsche would go through with it. just like there was a possibility that he wouldn't. so did korn care if this guy dies? does he die a few weeks later in a mysterious accident anyway? HMMMM. Anyway, Porsche choosing not to kill the guy is such an important moment. We're on a Porsche Corruption Arc but he's not that far gone.
Chan just looms in the background and i am dying to know what he knows. what he thinks. he's been korn's right hand man and closest bodyguard for so long. he must know so much.
Kim realizing just how much he fucked up with Chay is hilarious. And Chay trying to have his post-breakup rebellion is even funnier. sir, you are a kitten you do not drink or do drugs or have dyed hair.
Uncle Thee is a dick for extorting Porsche, but you know what, Stopped Clocks and all that. He's right to tell Porsche not to trust Korn. I do wonder if he knows exactly what happened back then or if he's just bullshitting.
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E3 Scene 17-18 Hum Bar + Pier
Khun brings Porsche to Hum Bar to "celebrate" (his first mission?). It turns into a party that mashes up Khun and his guard contingent, Kinn, Tay, and Time, and a handful of Porsche's friends. This absolutely should not work, but it does; everybody gets drunk and has a fantastic time.
Hum Bar is where people connect with one another; it suspends the hierarchies of money and power that pertain elsewhere. The final pan of the group puts everyone on the same level, literally: exhausted and cuddly.
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Among other things, the whole episode has been priming Kinn for this scene. We knew in Episode 2 that he finds Porsche physically attractive. He's learned a few things about Porsche's personality by then--strong sense of family, courage, mischief. Episode 3 builds on that as we find that Porsche can be disciplined and adaptable, that he is empathetic toward strangers, and that he would rather do something dangerous than be bored.
Near the end of the season, the flashback with Nampheung includes a fairy-tale-esque bit where she metaphorically gifts Porsche with his phoenix qualities: strength, freedom, and immortality. That last one doesn't come into play here, but strength and freedom are definitely things Kinn finds attractive.
In the party scene, we get one more important ingredient: Porsche is fun. Kinn doesn't get to have fun often. Even when he's hanging out with friends, the conversation is work-adjacent.
Porsche has fun, too! He's drunk and giggly and enjoying Kinn's company. (Tiny point of physical contact at the center of the screen, I love you).
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"What are you thinking?" implies so much, especially since it's coming from Porsche. It recognizes that the other person has an inner life that is worthy of interest, that you would like to know them better. It is a connecting question. He's not romantically interested in Kinn yet, but he's curious about him as a person and not as an opponent.
Kinn is not quite ready to go there, and veers away from anything actually revealing. He keeps looking away but then looking back at Porsche--I'm not sure how Mile does it, but you can see the pull, like he can't stop himself. Reciprocal question, Porsche ready to open up, continue that connection by revealing things that make him vulnerable. (Unthinkable even one episode ago, they really do speedrun this.)
We get the first piece of payoff for the earlier scene, as Porsche recognizes one aspect of their essential sameness; that he is capable of doing things he would have unequivocally labeled bad causes him some grief. Kinn goes for that point of connection.
"You've walked this path for just one month, yet you feel so much about it. Now think, I've lived in this world my whole life."
One hell of a vulnerable point there. Porsche takes that in, builds on it by thanking Kinn for his intervention with the minor family. It's the critical flip side of that sameness: they can both do things that are bad and things that are good. This entire scene has been about leveling disparities between them, and Kinn is smitten and helpless.
What we learned:
Kinn knows how to do shots; everybody else from the household, not so much
We're only three episodes in, and Porsche is running amok on the board; he's got Arm, Pol, Pete, Khun, and started on Kinn
Drunk Porsche is very handsy
A month has passed since Episode 1
Kinn hates his life
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bengiyo · 1 year
La Pluie Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Tai went out with his co-workers to a club, and of course ran into Phat. The two of them vibes at cross purposes, and Tai ended up getting way too drunk. Phat, who is falling for the version of Tai he's seen in the world, tried to help him. Tai, thinking Phat is trying to talk to three different people, did the unhinged thing and bit him. Tai woke up in Phat's condo the next day. Meanwhile Tien and Lomfon beefed over their documentary project.
Okay, Tai looks good in these pajamas.
Phat is a gentleman and I am in love.
This boy was still trying to bite when he was drunk. I'm gonna McFuckinLoseIt.
Um, we saw quite a bit of crotch there from Tai.
I know this girl is about to cause problems, but Nara is gorgeous.
I get Nara. I think she's wrong to be saying stuff while he can't hear, but I understand the insecurity of feeling like your partner isn't supposed to be with you.
Nara ate that whole scene up! Pakpai Pareena Busayasiri is the new lead.
Alright, that was a funny "the heart knows" reaction.
I really appreciate how clear headed everyone is on this show. Phat knows his feelings for Tai are strong, and also that Nara will never be comfortable with him having a soulmate.
Okay, this conversation on the street was cute, and I am a huge fan of that seductive lean in.
A Porsche? He got money.
White gloves? "Waitress, where y'all get y'all water from?"
Really enjoying the social politics and the politeness war happening around the menu.
Like that the wines pair well with the food.
Phat is funny. I'm enjoying this.
This first date was honestly so lovely. It was really nice to see two adults who are well-adjusted enjoy a nice meal together and try to get to know each other.
Title has great eye game. Goddamn.
I'm so glad Phat knows they're soulmates and went into this date clear-eyed.
Despite the earlier vomit, this just became one of my favorite first kisses. This is giving, "I've been imagining you for a long time, and you're finally here."
Yo, Phat was ready to risk it all!
I'm not sure what threat Lomfon could possibly pose at this point, but I suppose we'll redirect him next week.
Phat just became one of my favorite characters. He went into that date knowing everything that happened, and was determined to make Tai see that he wants to treat him well and wants Tai to enjoy himself when he's with him. This was incredible. I like that he processed everything that had transpired, and took him time to make sure that Tai understood everything that happened. I also love the way he dialed back and reset when Tai passed out. This is now one of my must watch shows.
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nuwildcat · 2 years
WIP Wednesday!
Guess who’s back, back again. There’s no Big/Tay this week, be patient you will get more of that soon! Instead I’m back to my roots with some Kinn/Porsche. This is the next long fic I have in the works for after the holidays now that Echoes is wrapping this weekend. I know that’s a while off, but time will fly with the holiday season! I have decided to dip my toes into the waters that are omegaverse (someone please stop me) but with a twist (I hope). Stay tuned for more!
As they are led over to Porsche, Kinn can see that the conversation he is having with a fat, bald man has him upset. The wildly gesticulating arms and tense shoulders give him away. Porsche stomps away before they get close, back to his friend.
“Phoenix,” the slimeball calls sharply. Porsche turns around on his heel and glares, before crossing his arms. “This man has requested to talk to you. He placed a bet on you tonight; play nice.” Slipping away quickly, the man demonstrates his sharply honed survival skills. 
“What do you want,” Porsche is rude, but Kinn isn’t surprised.
“Hey,” Time chastises him. Kinn just barely stops his eyes from rolling, his friend is an idiot sometimes.
Porsche’s eyes cut to him for a moment before snapping back to Kinn. Again Kinn is polite, tipping his head to show Porsche the proper respect of an alpha to an omega. Porsche doesn’t respond in kind.
“Not interested; get lost.” Kinn isn’t going to be deterred by some prickly attitude. “If you’re looking for your watch, I don’t have it.”
Kinn raises his hand, flicking his wrist so that the sleeve of his shirt slips to reveal the watch Porsche stole.
The omega scoffs, “Well, you certainly move quickly, don’t you.” It doesn’t sound like a compliment.
Despite the sass, despite the crude language, Kinn senses that there’s something more here. It’s not just the omega’s good looks or the fact Kinn would like nothing more than to have him splayed out in his bed, there’s a spark. He’s pulled by an instinct to act, to do something unpredictable. 
Stepping toward the omega, keeping his hands in clear sight and his posture loose, Kinn feels his body moving without his control. He tilts his head to the side, baring his neck. He can hear the slight gasp that slips out of Tay’s lips, this is something altogether different from his polite show earlier. The vulnerability itches at him, but he can’t pull back.
“What the fuck,” Time hisses as Kinn’s bodyguards scramble to form a wall between him and the still rabid crowd. An alpha submitting in this environment can spark a fire they don’t have the men to put out.
Porsche swallows visibly, eyes large in surprise. Kinn guesses he didn’t expect that. “Bullshit,” he rasps.
“Is it?” Kinn asks softly. He still has his head tipped to the side. It goes against all of his instincts, but he isn’t going to fuck this up. Mama had been so clear about what he should do in a scenario like this. He can’t shake the feeling of a tug when they first met, this night, the connection he feels to Porsche, he’s been waiting for so long. It’s too rare to let it slip past untested. This is only step one, but this is not the kind of place to confirm if there is a Pull.
Porsche hardens his face, “Yes, you don’t want me, asshole. You don’t know me; you just like the idea of me.”
Kinn hums and takes a step closer. “What makes you so certain I don’t know you, Porsche?”
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ae-azile · 1 year
You're Invited…
Event: Tankhun Theerapanyakul's 30th Birthday Extravaganza
Theme: Roaring 20s 
Place: Hum Bar
Date: November 25th, 2022 
The digitally curated invitation arrives as a group text on Kim's phone two weeks before the date in question. When it arrives, he is strumming a tune so melancholy that it makes him feel he isn't emotionally ready to put together lyrics for it yet. Kim isn't sure why he isn't ready. Writing sad songs over the last five months has been commonplace. So common that his agent has asked him several times if he is okay. Vice is more thoughtful than his record label. His record label has only asked if he could please just write a couple of happy bops for the new album, or at least one. 
His answer to Vice?
Of course I'm okay. Why would you think otherwise?
As for his answer to his record label?
Regardless, neither answer seems to please them. Not that he is used to pleasing people, at least not the people who matter to him in some capacity. It has been a habit since Ma died, likely developing as a way to rebel against and to agitate Pa, only to spread like a disease. Pa wants a guard on him? Order the guard to leave or run away if they don't obey. Pa wants him to work a mission at seventeen? Kill the shitty ally who pointed a gun to his head to make Kim comply with his demands at an event when he was thirteen, all while letting their enemy walk free. Kinn finds out the reason Kim made that decision and strongly suggests Pa add a therapist to the roster, even though Pa always said no to doing that for Khun? Make the therapist rush out of the room in tears during their first and only session, then distance himself from an extremely concerned, desperate, and apologetic Kinn.
Chay finds out Kim used him to figure out just how terrible his father is? Pretend like he isn’t bothered and leave Chay heartbroken, only to end up heartbroken himself.
While that last one left a terrible taste in his mouth, it is clearly a tactic that mostly works for him. Look at all the lonely, sad, but high-quality music he is producing. He is curating a great album for someone to play as they write a suicide note. While Kim doesn't condone that, he thinks every person should have the perfect soundtrack for any poignant life event.
Porsche: Looking forward to it! Kinn and I will go shopping for our outfits this week. 🙂
Kinn: Couple coordinated? ❤️❤️❤️
Porsche: You know it 😁❤️
Tankhun: 🤮
Kim has to agree, but keeps his own vomiting emojis to himself. 
Tay: Time and I will be there too. Happy to celebrate with you! 
Tem: I'll be there as well.
Tay: 😐
Jom: See you guys there! 
Yok: Looking forward to decorating the bar and celebrating with you, Tankhun! 🙂💜🍾🥂
Kim isn't even sure how he got Tem's, Jom's, and Yok's numbers. He probably found them and added them to his contacts when he was obsessively researching Porsche's origins on a caffeine bender. Whatever. They are in his phone now. 
Unknown Number: Okay.
Porsche: You can come, but no drinking!!!
Fuck. It's Chay's new number. 
That has Kim going from passively watching the conversation on his phone to quickly picking it up to click on the group text list and go through everyone in the chat. He has all of them saved on his phone except for two numbers and the list isn't very long. Not surprising. Tankhun went from a popular boarding school student to a traumatized, agoraphobic shut-in who cut himself off from everyone outside of the family and his bodyguards. He is only coming back to himself - or developing a new version. It is a mix of the sharp, caring, and charismatic big brother he used to have and the eccentric and over-the-top persona he put on after the kidnapping. He is both recognizable and a complete stranger, and Kim has missed him so much. 
Not that he will say that out loud. 
But maybe he can show him. He can show him that he cares and that he loves him. Kim never stopped loving either of his brothers, despite the distance he put between himself and his family. He never wanted to distance himself from Tankhun. He would have taken Tankhun with him. Kim told him they could share an apartment, even when he knew Tankhun told Kinn about why he killed one of Pa’s allies. He never blamed Tankhun for that and he still doesn't. Tankhun had just wanted Kim to get the help he was denied, even though Kim clearly doesn’t need it. Kim had wanted (and still wants) his oldest brother with him so they could get away and put all their shit behind them. 
And Tankhun wouldn't leave. So Kim left alone and he stayed that way. Alone. 
But Kim can choose not to be alone, at least for one night. He didn't realize how alone he felt, not until he came to his senses and - unfortunately - Chay came to his senses too. Maybe a party will be good for him, even though parties are never good for him. Unless he is hired to perform at one, he doesn't want to be at them. Ever. 
Apparently Chay does. Chay is going and Kim hasn't seen him in person for months. That means Kim is going too. 
Kim: Count me in. 
Tankhun: HE SPEAKS. 😱
Kim: Did you want me to ignore your invitation? 
Tankhun: Of course I didn't. I just expected you to. You better dress up in a costume.
Kim: No.
Thankhun: 🙄 Fine. Just look nice. And ACT nice. Socialize. Do not stand in a corner all night. You deserve to have fun, believe it or not. 
No. He doesn't. But he doesn't say that.
Kim: Okay.
Tankhun: …Is everything alright?
Kim stares at the text.
Kim: Why?
Tankhun: Because you are agreeing to come to a party.
Kim: I have attended parties before. It isn't that absurd of a concept.
Tankhun: Because you haven't come to the compound in months and skipped Pa's birthday dinner. 
Kim: Why would I go to that?
Tankhun: Because he faked his death so Uncle Gun would force an attack and neither of them cared if their sons were killed in their violent feud. Because our father killed his brother. Because our cousin will likely never walk again. 
Kim: Haven't you hated Vegas for years?
Tankhun: And yet I cry every time I think of how he must be feeling. Even though I hated him for years, I loved him for much longer. 
Kim: Hm.
Tankhun: Kind of like you with Pa.
Kim: It's very different, but whatever.
Tankhun: Is that why you texted me privately to accept the invite? So Pa wouldn't see your text and be more likely to come too? I seriously doubt he will come, by the way. Hum Bar doesn't seem like his thing. 
That isn't why. However, it is a plus. 
Kim: Sure. 
Tankhun: Are you actually okay? Something seems wrong.
It's a question from his agent that he regularly answers with lies. Why can't he text a lie to Tankhun? He should be able to text a one worded lie to his brother, yet his finger and thumb won't cooperate. Chay always playfully picked on him when it came to how he texted, with his left thumb and right index finger. Kim had pointed out that not all people game to the extent where using both thumbs to communicate as their go-to. Kim beat him at speed texting out the lyrics to some random song, and Chay beat him at Mortal Kombat in retaliation. 
The memory makes Kim go lie down on the couch and stare at his reflection in the dark television screen, his phone left abandoned on the coffee table. An hour later, Tankhun lets himself into his apartment and Arm makes himself scarce by going into his kitchen to make dinner for the three of them.
Kim silently wishes him luck on that front. Other than some spices in the cabinet by the stove, coffee in the pantry, and a couple of takeout containers in the fridge from who knows how many days ago, he doesn't have much else to work with. 
"Lift your head up," Tankhun says, urging him until he has enough room to sit down so that Kim's head is falling in his lap, "Let's watch a movie." 
The movie in question deals with a couple gradually becoming more and more estranged. Of course it does. There is no happy ending in sight, so it is just like slowly watching tragedy unfold. Tankhun - predictably - cries his eyes out. Kim - not so predictably - cries too. But he's more subtle about it. He is actually so subtle that his brother probably doesn't even notice. 
"Kim, what's going on with you?" Tankhun murmurs sadly as Kim's shoulders shake and he soaks Tankhun's pants leg with tears.
Fine. He does notice. But Kim still doesn't respond. 
He needs to look good for the party. The problem is, Kim always looks good. He isn't conceited, it's just a fact. Even when he was a child, everyone talked about how beautiful he was. Ma eventually tried to redirect those types of compliments by talking about his talent and how sweet he could be. But then Ma died and Khun had to take over on that front instead. And that's a hard responsibility to hold up when you're strapped to a gurney in the infirmary and being called crazy every other month. So Kinn got to be called the new heir, Khun got to be called crazy, and Kim had been left with pretty. It's probably the most preferable out of those three possibilities anyway. 
But while Chay was likely attracted to his looks, he had been drawn in by Kim's talent. He hung off every word and piece of advice Kim gave him during their lessons. He had the courage to ask him to be his tutor. Chay looked at him with admiration and respect before he ever looked at him with hearts in his eyes, despite the pictures of Kim on his bedroom wall revealing that Chay found him at least somewhat attractive before they got close.
Chay probably tore those down. He doesn't want to look at Kim anymore. Kim knows that. If Kim were a better person, he would skip the party. It would make Chay happy, and honestly? It would be on brand for Kim. 
But maybe Kim wants to go off brand for a while. Maybe his brand of being an aloof, mysterious, and loner musician is no longer doing him or anyone else favors. Maybe he is just tired of being him. 
And maybe that's why he finds an outfit that actually complies with the roaring 20s theme. A three piece suit, complete with a stupidly expensive pocket watch. 
He feels ridiculous. He doesn't feel like himself at all. 
Except Kim got dressed too early. He doesn’t want to go back to his apartment like this. And part of him knows that once he goes back home, he may lose the gull to go back out. So maybe he will continue acting out of character. Going to Hum Bar early to help his brother decorate seems out of character. 
So that's what he does.
"Kim?" Tankhun says as soon as he comes through the doors before his eyes widen, "What are you wearing?"
Kim looks down at his clothes, "Do you want me to get clothes from my car?"
"Nope, no need," Tankhun says, then comes over to put his arms around him, "You look very nice. Handsome, actually! What do you think of my tux?"
Kim gives his oldest brother a once over. Tankhun had strayed from his own personal norm even more than Kim did. 
"It looks great," Kim tells him, causing Tankhun to beam brightly, "What do you need help with?" 
"Well," Tankhun says, glancing behind him, "Arm and I are arranging the feather bouquets. Pol and Yok are stringing the black and gold ornaments together. Why don't you put together the placemats? We'll have dinner and cake first, then the fun can really begin. Thank you for coming."
"Wouldn't miss it," Kim says, even though that would normally be a lie. Tankhun hugs him again regardless, "Happy birthday, by the way." 
Tankhun gives him a small smile, then takes a step back, "I hope it is. Now, come on! Let me introduce you to Yok."
Kim has a weird urge to let Tankhun know he knows a lot about Yok, both from Chay's fond comments about her and Kim's own research (disowned by her family, knows four languages, and has a childhood sweetheart who pointedly left the country with their son once Yok came to terms with her gender and decided to transition, which explains why she is so protective over Porsche and Chay and mothers them).
Instead, he just nods and tries to smile warmly. She seems like a nice person. She deserves warmth. She is kind to Tankhun and a very welcoming presence. Going by her interactions with his brother, Arm, and Pol, she has made friends with them. Right now, she's laughing at some joke Pol made that Kim doesn't really get but she clearly does. 
Going by how closely Khun and Arm are talking, they seem closer too. 
Weird. Although, Arm is now Khun's head guard, so maybe it isn't. Yet for some reason, watching them makes Kim feel out of place. But he snaps himself out of even attempting to analyze the situation further. Tankhun has often befriended his guards, a habit that could be heartbreaking for his brother, but beneficial because it is hard to make friends when you don’t leave the house. Maybe he is just closer to Arm than he has been to any other guard.
He feels alone. 
When Pete walks through the door, Kim is actually relieved. Because as misplaced as Kim feels, Pete has to be feeling ten times worse. 
"Pete?" Tankhun says hopefully, only having eyes for his ex-head guard as Pete cautiously walks into the bar, "You never texted back. I thought…We didn't know if…"
Pete breathes in and gives Tankhun a sad smile, "I just wanted to stop by to give you your gift and tell you happy birthday."
Tankhun nods, then glances down at the wrapped gift and cards once Pete hands them over, "You could stay, you know."
Pete just shrugs, keeping the sad smile on his face, causing Arm to step in. 
"We miss you, Pete. So much," Arm tells him, coming to stand next to Tankhun, "Why don't you just stay for dinner?"
"...I can't," Pete says eventually, "Vegas and Macau are waiting in the car." 
"...Oh," Arm says quietly, then says nothing else. What else could he say? Kim wouldn't know how to handle it. Vegas has been a sensitive topic for Tankhun for years. And after what happened, there is no way-
Tankhun lets out an unbothered sound, "That's fine! If you're worried about Macau being underage, Chay is coming too! Chay is just a year older than Macau and he needs a friend with everything going on. I am sure Macau is in a similar situation. They can chat. Get to know each other."
It's a shocking offer to hear coming out of Tankhun's mouth, even by Kim's standards. Going by Pol's and Arm's expressions, they are flabbergasted by it. But despite the thoughtfulness of the offer, Kim doesn't like it. He doesn't like the idea of competing with Macau for Chay's attention. He needs to figure out a way to talk to him, and Macau being there will give Chay a reason to ignore Kim in favor of pointedly focusing on a new potential friend. Because Chay is really great at that now. Ignoring Kim. 
It is a selfish and stupid thought. Toxic too, because Tankhun is right. Chay deserves to have friends who understand what he is going through. But Kim is tired of trying to earn Chay's attention and he doesn't want to compete with Macau. He never did. 
"Vegas is still in the car," Pete says, looking away from Tankhun. 
Tankhun purses his lips, "This place is very accessible. No steps, wide doorways. Vegas should be fine to join us."
It's an even more shocking offer than inviting Macau. But it does show how desperate Tankhun is to have Pete here.
"He…" Pete starts, still looking off to the side, "Vegas is still getting used to things. He doesn't…The wheelchair is a sensitive topic for him. It is hard enough to get him to leave the house for appointments. I was lucky to get him to agree to his therapy intake this afternoon."
"Therapy intake?" Tankhun asks, his voice a murmur, "Porsche said Vegas has been in physical therapy since waking up from his coma. He said you told him Vegas goes on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays."
Pete nods, then clears his throat, "Not that kind of therapy."
Tankhun stares at him, then nods too, "Oh. That…That's good. He has probably needed that for a long time. And he probably especially needs it now."
"Probably so," Pete vaguely agrees, then glances down at the gifts, "One of those cards is from him. He…wanted to tell you happy birthday. Apologize. Get some things off his chest, I think. He had me read it to make sure it sounded okay. It's respectful. Heartfelt. Just…Make sure you read it with an open mind and when you are ready. Don't feel like you need to open it tonight. Enjoy your birthday. I know me showing up is probably stressful enough-" 
“It’s not stressful, Pete,” Tankhun says, his voice strained, “It’s appreciated. I invited you because I wanted you here. Almost everyone I invited is someone I want in attendance. Almost. But believe me, you are not the exception.”
If anyone else in the room knows who it is, they don’t comment on it. 
“Please stay?” Tankhun says, but Pete is already shaking his head, “Please?”
“...I’m sorry,” Pete tells him, his expression pained and guilty, “Maybe…Maybe I can call you soon? We can…We’ll catch up.”
Tankhun looks at Pete with teary eyes, then finally nods silently in agreement and accepts one last hug from him before Pete takes his leave.
“I just need a minute,” Tankhun mutters, then quickly walks to one of the bathrooms. Kim isn’t sure what to think when Arm only gives him two minutes before following him. A part of Kim wants to chew him out and tell him that his brother has a right to be alone if he needs it. But when Kim goes to the door to do just that, he overhears them. 
“I know,” he hears Arm murmur as Tankhun cries, “I know you wanted him to come.”
“He doesn’t even answer my texts!” Tankhun sobs, “I thought he was my friend. He was my o-only friend for so long! And he won’t even TALK to me!”
“Khun, a lot has happened,” Arm says gently, weirdly referring to his brother personally, “It��s only been a few months. We’re all still raw from everything. That includes Pete. Give him some time. I know you miss him. I miss him too.”
“This is Pa’s fault! Pa did this! I just…I don’t…”
“I know,” Arm says again when Tankhun trails off.
And as much as he wants to see if his brother is okay, Kim lets Arm handle him and goes to pull out his phone.
Kim: How are you doing?
Macau: Why?
Kim: Idk.
Macau only responds thirty minutes later.
Macau: Horrible. Better than ever. I don’t know, man. P’Pete is a fucking saint though. I don’t care if we’re Buddhists. He has earned sainthood because he is a miracle worker who is somehow making Hia happy despite the circumstances.
A minute later.
Macau: How are you doing?
Kim just presses down on Macau’s message and reacts to it with an abacus emoji. It’s the most random one he can find. He expects Macau to be confused or tell him he’s the weirdest person he has ever known. Like he did before, back when their mothers were alive and their brothers liked each other. 
Macau: That bad, huh?
Kim leaves him on read.
To read the rest of this one-shot, go to:
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