#(lots of thoughts today)
caregivingchrysalises · 2 months
you’re allowed to be upset love bug, being small doesn’t mean your feelings stop petal. you may even feel your feelings more while you’re in headspace~ and you know what little one? that’s perfectly valid! there’s no right way to regress sweetheart, you are allowed to be upset and frustrated when small, feeling your feelings doesn’t make you any less of a regressor darling, your feelings are always important and deserve to be seen and respected. as your prinx, and your baba, i promise to provide the space and care you require no matter how big or small your feelings are. we’ll weather this together my dear, you have my word.
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subtlehaz · 1 month
what if Eddie is just rolling up to the jewelry store bc he needs his St. Christopher medallion fixed/ cleaned or he’s buying something for abuela and just happens to spot engagement rings and we get panic attack 2.0 and when he’s out of it he sees Shannon’s ghost?
anyway we’re getting single eddie gay eddie end of s7 trust
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peppertaemint · 5 months
I think it's a beautiful luxury to have a hand-written letter from Jimin. Like, I hope people understand how special that is.
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angelsdean · 10 months
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something abt these two lines are poking at the same feeling for me. the first line is abt not wanting to hope for an outcome either way abt kate and adam potentially coming to live with them.
then the second line is about dean feeling as though a real future with cas is impossible. just before this line he thinks about how everything good in his life will inevitably shatter and that "Failure was encoded in his DNA. The more he loved something, the bigger the fall; the tighter he held, the worse the damage."
dean doesn't let himself hope for the things he wants, it will only lead to disappointment in the end anyway. his whole life his wants and desires have come second. all his actions influenced by john, whether to keep the peace, to earn john's favor, to damage control, to clean up john's messes. john is at the center of everything. for most of his life it's been john's world and dean's just living in it. so dean doesn't let himself hope for things. whatever he wants doesn't matter and things don't usually go his way anyway, so what's the point in hoping for something? what's the point in dreaming up a future he'll never get to have?
like the first passage about kate and adam, dean won't decide how he feels until he knows for sure whether they're coming to stay. if he were to decide he wants them to come and then they don't, he'll be disappointed. same for the opposite. so, he'll just wait until there's a definitive decision made, and then he'll adjust to that new reality and feel however he needs to feel about it to make it work.
he's just waiting for things to happen to him because he's never really had a choice, never really had the freedom to decide anything about his life and circumstance for himself. he's never had a say, wasn't his call to make, even about things like whether he gets paid for the work he does on the ranch, another big conversation in this chapter. dean's just resigned himself to accepting how things are, until recently.
now everything's changing and he's realizing what's always worked "just fine" in his life isn't going to work anymore, if he wants to have the kind of life he dreams of.
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>>spirit of the west daily<<
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uncorazonderramado · 1 year
Sarah and the Safe Word is such an underappreciated group like holy shit. some of these lyrics? perfect. Lit Cigarette is one of the most audibly pleasing songs I've ever heard, not to mention how hard it hits.
also I haven't used this blog in years but this song deserves a post
not to mention the louisville shuffle. "rest in peace to the me that you had in your head"??? gorgeous
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
My dad told me when I got back into Pokémon Go, one blue to another, that he wished he'd picked the yellow team. That if he could do it again, he would. All of the gyms in our town are blue and stay blue, the same people putting their Pokémon in before anyone else can get any coins, and of course you can't battle your own team.
Three days later, I bought the medal that allows you to swap teams and I sent him a screenshot of our two gyms lit up yellow. "this is my town now," I joked. "thanks for the reminder you can swap."
And he was aghast. He jokingly called me a traitor, said he had no idea I could or would've done that or he would've said he was staying blue. He couldn't give a good reason why, finally said his girlfriend and her kid were blue and they've been playing less than a year so he needs to stay with them for now.
(Which, if you're wondering, says exactly what it sounds like, but it's fine. I quit needing a dad not long after he stopped being one.)
But recently I've learned that the majority of my body's issues that have plagued me and hindered me for upwards of fifteen years, the issues that have been myriad but subtle enough to make me think for so long that I was making them up, can all be attributed to estrogen with a great deal of certainty. I am taking progesterone to mitigate those effects and it's working beautifully for the most part. It makes my good days better and my worst days... Shorter, at least. And I'm thinking about how even if I wasn't nonbinary, I've been handed a solution to a problem that involves me taking the very simple step away from something that stopped serving me a long time ago. I didn't mind being a girl when I was younger. I don't mind thinking of my younger self as such. She's part of me. I love her. But she was never defined by these hormones that are hurting us either.
And I'm thinking about the people who spend their days creating posts railing against shows they insist they love, who won't go find something else to watch that makes them happy because they don't know how to be anything but upset to demonstrate they care about something. I think of radfems and the way they pack together in herds not out of a love for womanhood but out of a defense of its very existence as an immutable force. It requires an awful lot of enforcing for something so innate. I think of how rampant low-grade inflammation is a known silent killer, of how many women could take testosterone for their estrogen problems and never ever will because the concept of womanhood, this thing they swear they love even as they define themselves by suffering from it, is easier than being happy and then I think of the trans people in my life who have defined femininity as joy itself. I never loved being a girl, but I can't get enough of the way the femininity that never fit me looks on them. They twirl the dresses I was forced into and smile the way I did with my first binder, and I remember that I love women in a way thinking I was one one never allowed.
I think of my dad telling me once that he kissed his best friend as a teenager just to see if he was good at it - to prepare for girls, you see - that all boys did that and it was normal and straight to do. I think of the way he looked at the yellow gyms on his phone for a long second before he shrugged me off the sidewalk, grinning, and turned them blue again.
I think today as I've thought for my whole nonbinary life about hormones, about trading one wrong gender for another that's wrong in a different direction, only this time I don't think too much longer than that. I text my dad a photo of the gyms all yellow again and say "be here when you're ready to join me," and then I pick the phone up and call my nearest informed consent clinic - the first step, away and towards.
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curiousstrawberry · 2 years
Is it not enough? Is it not enough we tell you you're loved when you get upset with us? Is it not enough that we pretend to understand? Is it not enough that we listen but never hear? Is it not enough you exist? Is it not enough you have to become invisible just to be able to breathe?
Is it not enough for you? Does all that matter so little to you?
You selfish greedy creature who wants to love without fear...
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enternecers · 2 years
what if i just kept my alt fcs for shows from the 2000s like idk man it feels weird to me to picture a 17 year old as a woman who is now in her 40s
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krismatic · 2 years
Gotta say the funniest blaze post I’ve ever seen was one that very clearly at the top of it said “minors do not interact!!!!!” like… you’re the one who blazed the post. minors are gonna see it. you paid money so that anyone could see it on their dash. that’s on you.
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tickleraptorss · 2 years
the masculine urge to be an evil little guy and steal sweaters (and then get tickled for being a thief)
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yanderespamton78 · 24 days
Edit since a lot of people seem confused - your "real" name is the name that you want to be referred to in real life. It doesn't have to be your legal name. So if you're trans and you have a different name to whats on your birth certificate, even if not many people call you by the name, it still counts as your real name.
Edit 2 : Holy shit guys please stop reblogging this post my poor inbox im getting like 20 notifs an hour asjfhkajshdkh /lh /srs
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I think authors need to realize everything needs to be earned.
Every event, every reaction, every action, every thought, every miscommunication has to be earned.
You need to earn emotional reactions from your readers.
I think authors have stopped trying to earn reactions from their audience and that's why so much shit gets published now that you hate read more than anything else.
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scourge-sympathiser · 2 months
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got em
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egophiliac · 6 months
Okay so I've been wanting to tell you that you're literally my favourite twst artist 😭🩷
So my question is, how do you manage to come up with these funny comics? CUZ I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
(P.s: Lovin' the art style ✨)
oh geeze, thanks! 💚💚💚 I'm really glad people enjoy my stupid sense of humor; mostly I just draw things to make myself laugh, and if it makes other people laugh too, then bonus points! usually it's just one joke or mental image that gets stuck in my head (every time I saw Fellow spin his cane, all I could think about was him go-go-gadgeting away on it...) and in my quest to justify it, it picks up other jokes and bits along the way and usually doesn't even end up as the main focus anymore. entire narrative arcs have spun out just so I could use a single bad pun in a throwaway line. this is a terrible way to explain it but I'm not sure how else to put it into words!
and sometimes it's just "weird things my sister has said that I make fun of her for"
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one thing about ik is that she will always reach out
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fantastic-nonsense · 4 months
I need DC to start using Two-Face more because I need a writer who thinks exploring how Bruce and Harvey's friendship was impacted by Harvey beating Dick half to death with a baseball bat as a 10-year-old is worth doing.
We've had multiple explorations of the Bruce-Harvey friendship & how it survives Two-Face's existence, and we've had several stories address Dick's lingering trauma from Two-Face's beating, but never how BRUCE dealt with Robin: Year One re: his interactions with both of them.
I need an answer for Bruce putting a reformed Harvey in charge of Gotham during 52/One Year Later over literally anyone else when that beating had been canon since the 90s and Robin: Year One had come out less than 5 years before but I'm never going to get it because DC is too obsessed with putting out stories about the clown man to do actual character development
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