#(ngl i really like how this came out)
theribbajack · 5 months
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Dinok ahrk Vahdin - 'Death and the Maiden'
Posted this already in answer to an ask but I like how it turned out so I decided to make a standalone post for it :) The sequel to this picture featuring Konahrik and the Falmer in an alternate ending for my fic Death and the Maiden.
Progress GIF below the cut!
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araneapeixes · 3 months
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in the bathroom at the gay clubbbb
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dizzybizz · 4 months
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"this is regrettably the best kiss of your life, you understand?"
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lethal-spaceship · 28 days
If you are still doing more request
Can you do zim stealing dibs shirt then walking to dib the kiss him then dib is all blushy about the kiss then ends up being like heyyyy wait is that my shirt!?
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Wake up, human slave. Zim demands breakfast.
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just finished the fallout show and I really enjoyed it
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jigensnacks · 2 days
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> "Want a light?"
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dragonskulls · 10 months
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im still working on a bunch of stuff have a new guy for now 😁
His name is Llano. He's a cattleman, a sort of job in the Vast Moor. These dragons herd different types of cattle around the plains (as to not leave one spot too barren) and every now and then make rounds to the main moor runner camp to stock on supplies, socialize and of course give livestock to eat to the quiver. They generally travel in smaller groups, and wyvern falconry is a MUST for them. Silvery whiptails are popular among herders because of their stamina and their responsiveness to auditory cues and commands. Special scales on their tails can make a cracking noise when lashed, as well as being painful to be hit with, so this makes them great at keeping animals in line. Llano himself chose this lifestyle because living with too many dragons was very overwhelming for him, and prefers exploration and traveling with a smaller but close knit group
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3-aem · 2 months
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mjtheartist04 · 4 months
✨⚡️💙TV Girl🩷⚡️✨
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aces-sweetheart · 1 year
How about some headcanons where Sylvain Felix and Dimitri are feeling shy around a female reader?
aaaaa three of my fav boys💖 the hcs are a bit short so i did some drabbles with them. thank you for your patience, i hope you like them! i did a gn!reader since there was nothing in the scenarios that would specify them as a fem!reader.
cw: gn!reader, sfw
i can't really imagine sylvain getting shy around anyone lol
but he will get flustered around you if he truly likes you (and isn’t just physically attracted to you)
if you compliment him he'll be a bit thrown off but will quickly recover and compliment you back/flirt back with you
rather than getting shy, he gets nervous and tries to hide it shows this by being overly enthusiastic 
((think his s-support scene with byleth where he says he’ll go blind if he doesn’t want him to look at other girls))
sometimes it can be too much but you know he means well
“I love your hair.” Sylvain paused at your words, leaving you to walk forward without him. You turned around in confusion to see him standing still for a moment before catching up with you. He tried to play off his reaction but you could tell he was flustered. 
“I love your hair and your eyes and your outfit and your-” You cut him off with a laugh that caused him to smile sheepishly. 
“Ok I get it!”
it’s hard to tell when he’s shy around you since he can be very stand offish to begin with
he won’t make an effort to speak to you if he can avoid it
if he sees you, he may go as far as to turn the other way or hide at the training grounds or in his room
he’ll ignore you but you catch him very obviously staring at you a lot before he “casually” turns around like nothing happened
For once, Felix wasn’t focusing on his training. He should have been practicing the new move he learned from Byleth before the next battle but how could he when you were mere feet from him, practicing magic? Despite the fact that you two had only had a handful of conversations, he was smitten and seeing your body move and your eyes narrow in concentration as you cast spells certainly didn’t help. His brown eyes burned holes into your back. Knowing he was watching you so intensely made you so nervous your spell completely missed the target. You instinctively turned around to see if he saw the embarrassing moment but as soon as your eyes met his, he was suddenly very interested in his sword.
dima is painfully shy around you
he really can’t hide it if he wanted too lmao
he'll be a bit awkward around you but it’s endearing 
as much as he wants to talk to you and get to know you, he becomes too timid to try
so he ends up talking about mundane topics like the weather
save yourself the pain and lead the conversation/take charge please
Dimitri silently pleaded with the rest of the war council to stay in the room so he wouldn’t have to be alone with you. It wasn’t that he didn’t like you; it was actually the complete opposite. He liked you so much that he seemed to forget how to act and every potentially interesting conversation topic exited his mind until he was only left with subjects like the weather or what the dining hall was serving. Sylvain was the last to leave the room, throwing the blonde a wink and knowing smile over his shoulder as he walked out.  Finally it was just the two of you alone in the meeting room. You shot him a grin and he returned it with a strained tight lipped smile. 
“I hear they’re serving onion gratin soup today.” He fought the urge to cringe at his own awkwardness. It was an extremely lame attempt at small talk but judging your interested expression, you didn’t mind. You answered him by lacing your fingers with his and you leading him out the door. Pink dusted his cheeks and his eyes were wide at the sudden contact and forwardness, especially when you finally spoke.
“Why don’t we go eat together?”
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hazethestrange · 1 year
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Doodle page of my Legend (Mabe)
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little amy doodle, i like putting her in lil outfits :]
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bloos-bloo · 1 year
Oh my god y’all get art the same day twitter does, woahh
Except for the Bob doodle lol
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Also happy anniversary to SnowTrapped, these two are very gay
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the-acid-pear-art · 3 months
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Okay I get why ppl draw this guy so much now he's a joy to doodle.
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I really fell in love with Summer Camp Island when it first came out, and I don’t know all that went on behind the scenes with it but the final did make me cry a bit.
So today I offer a bunch of messy drawings I did while binging that last season :]]]
(Please excuse the smudgey drawings. My currently sketchbook has very annoying smudgey paper -_-)
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artinandwritin · 17 days
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Ships are launching from my chest Some have names but most do not If you find one, please let me know what piece I've lost
Nivvie!! I missed drawing this little menace, hes such a vibe
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