#(not true i read vol 1 when it first arrived. this gives me a free pass to do whatever i want
uniformbravo · 1 year
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she was so valid for this
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Born To Die Vol.1 Tsukinami Carla [Track 2]
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Original title: かつての繁栄
Source: Diabolik Lovers Born To Die Vol.1 Tsukinami Carla [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Translator’s note: As soon as they got ‘locked’ in the basement, I wondered why Carla couldn’t simply blast through the door or use his Founders powers to get them out. Seems like our MC was not quite as clever though, because she totally got herself fooled. These kind of interactions between the two of them are rather cute though. I feel like I could like Carla much more if his voice didn’t make me think of an old man. T _ T
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 2: Former Prosperity
“We’ve arrived. You could say this is a villa formerly used by us Founders. Located deep inside the heart of the forest, it was used to enjoy a temporary moment of peace and enjoyment, away from all other clans.”
You note the house is very clean despite not being inhabited in forever. 
“Hmph. So you’ve noticed. I have a group of Familiars keep this place neat so it could be used whenever I want, at any given time.”
“With little to no Founders left, this place had lost its use. Originally I would have not minded simply letting it rot away, but I simply could not bring myself to do so. More importantly...”
Carla looks over at you.
“You want to hold a party, no? There is a kitchen and a dining room in the back. Furthermore, everything from your list has already been supplied by the Familiars. If there are any additional items you need, feel free to tell me.”
You head towards the kitchen.
“Heh. Look at her smiling so brightly. Even though I am the one being celebrated, what an odd woman she is. ...’The precious day of my birth’, huh?”
*Rustle rustle*
“...What do you think? Do you have everything you wanted?”
You frown, realizing you forgot one thing. 
“Hm? What seems to be the matter?”
You answer.
“A tablecloth? Hmph. I see. You want to drape it across the table to create a festive mood, no? If I recall correctly, we should have one of those in the storage room. I shall show you the way.”
You seem hesitant.
“No need to be humble. I am offering to escort you. So stop complaining and follow me.”
The two of you head towards the storage room.
“This is the storage room.”
You look around, asking him where the tablecloth is.
“No. I only know it should be somewhere around here. Let us look for it together.”
You shake your head, refusing to make him work on his birthday. 
“...Hmph. There is no need to pamper me simply because it is my birthday. Besides, it would be somewhat dull to simply sit still and wait, no?”
You agree.
“Well then, I shall search over here. You can do the same there.”
You nod, starting to look around.
*Rustle rustle*
“To think someone would get so serious over a single tablecloth...”
“Hm? This is...?”
You walk over to Carla.
“No, I found a book I have read in the past. I read it over and over until I had memorized the contents by heart.”
You ask if this place holds a lot of memories for him. 
“Yes. By looking around, I might come across other nostalgic goods as well. However, right now I have another task at hand. I shall put this back.”
“Exactly. I want to prioritize my time spend with you, rather than taking a trip down memory lane.”
You smile.
“Heh. Why are your cheeks flushed? Even though I have been by your side for quite some time, you continue to show me those pure, innocent reactions. However, that expression stirs up a man’s sadistic side.”
You get even more flustered.
“Why are you getting flustered? I have to lean in this close, or otherwise I simply cannot get a proper look at the face of the woman I cherish, no?”
Your eyes widen in surprise at his words.
“Exactly. You are the one who taught me this feeling of loving someone, aren’t you? So I will not allow you to get embarrassed and push me away me now.”
You avert your gaze.
“Oi. Don’t turn away. Look at me.”
You shake your head.
“Hm...You are quite stubborn. Can you not lock eyes with me?”
“If that is not the case, then simply turn your head my way.”
You flee, rummaging through the cupboards once more.
*Rustle rustle*
“Hmph. You suddenly start looking for the tablecloth again? In other words, you are trying to cover up your own embarrassment? (1) You are so naive. (2) ...I suppose you give me no other choice. I shall look for it as well.”
You suddenly seem very excited.
“...Hm? What is the fuss about?”
You hold up the tablecloth. 
“Ah. You found it. In that case, our job here is done. Let us return to the dining room.”
You nod, following suit.
*Thud thud*
“What’s the matter? Hurry up and open the door.”
*Thud thud*
“Do not tell me...The door will not open?”
You nod.
“I see. It will not open, will it? While it has been maintained, this building itself is of age already. It would not be strange for construction errors to pop up.”
You try once more.
*Thud thud*
“Fufufu...Why are you getting so desperate? There is no need to panic, is there?”
*Thud thud*
“For one, you have to push that door, not pull. You must be rather confused at the moment.”
Your cheeks flush bright red at your stupid mistake.
*Thud thud thud*
“...Hmph. I suppose neither pulling nor pushing does the trick. What a shame.”
You grow frustrated, wondering how Carla can stay so calm.
“Calm might be an overstatement, but I am well aware of what would happen if I were to lose my cool. Furthermore, I informed Shin and the Familiars of our whereabouts before coming here. If we fail to come back, they will eventually come looking for us.”
You ask him what he will do. 
“If the door refuses to open, we simply have to accept and fate and recognize we’ve been locked in. Staying put until Shin and the others come looking for us is the wise decision.”
You pout, realizing this ruins the birthday plans. 
“You...You are worried about my birthday, even in our current circumstances? Even if we have to spend the rest of the day here, I would not mind. Therefore, you have no reason to feel gloom either.”
You insist on celebrating. 
“Hm...You wanted to give me a fun time regardless? Heh. Now that you mention it, you had quite the line-up of ingredients prepared. Were those to please me as well?”
You nod. 
“...You wanted to cook, huh? In that case, I do not see the problem. I am sure we can find delicious food down here as well.”
Carla walks over to you. 
“A first-rate product, that is.”
You look at him in surprise.
“Why do you seem so dumbfounded? I am obviously talking about you.”
You seem shocked.
*Rustle rustle*
“No point in struggling. I no longer care about escaping this place. If you want to please me, then keep still and offer me your blood. ...I shall suck it from your collarbone. It might hurt a little when my fangs hit the bone, but I am very much looking forward to seeing your face twist in pain as well.”
Carla bites you.
“...Haah...So you will fight back, even while I am sucking your blood? Hmph. You never know when to give up. However...”
You flinch.
“Fufu...You just flinched, did you not? Does it feel good when I place a gentle kiss against the bite wound? Heh. You have become rather obedient to the pleasure, it seems. Even though back when we had first met, you rejected my fangs so strongly. The more I suck your blood, the more you are swept away by the pleasure. When exactly did you become a captive to my fangs?”
You bite your lower lip.
“Seeing as you start mumbling, I assume you are still having a hard time admitting it. However, what will you do from here on out? I am not that broad-minded of a man to continue giving a stubborn woman what she wants.”
“Well then, expose your true self, and give in. If that is what you wish, I shall give you my fangs.”
You insist that looking for a way to get out of the room is more important right now.
“Hooh...For a second, I was convinced you had given in to the pleasure, but you still prioritize our escape? However, are you sure that is what you want? This body which has only been partially satisfied still feels heated, and seems to be quivering.”
You deny his words. 
“Hmph. It is shaking in my eyes. In that case, let me pose you the question one more time. Will you seek out the pleasure? Or attempt to get out of this room? Forcing my fangs upon you is no fun, I want to hear it from your mouth.”
You beg for his fangs. 
“...Hm. So you have finally become honest? In that case, move your clothes aside and offer me your body. I shall pierce you with my fangs, just as you wish.”
*Rustle rustle*
“This nape will do, right?”
Carla bites you once more.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Haah...Your body has heated up. Does it feel that good?”
You nod.
“I see. In that case, continue to entrust your body to me like that. Haah...”
“Hah...Just as I thought, your blood is of the fintest quality. No matter how many times I suck it, or how many times I cleanse you, I simply cannot help craving for more.”
He continues sucking your blood.
“...Hm? ...Haah...Do not call my name in such a painful tone. I will no longer be able to control myself. However, I suppose I should leave it at this for now. It would be quite troublesome if you were to fall unconscious because I sucked too much blood.”
“What seems to be the matter? You look rather down to me.”
You explain.
“...Hmph. Those are some rather admirable words. Even though I am the one who urged you to give in to the pleasure, you are still worried about my birthday? After being shown such a noble attitude, I simply cannot remain silent forever either.”
 Carla walks towards the door.
He forces open the door.
“Hmph. What’s the matter? You are making a rather silly expression.”
You feel cheated. 
“I did not deceive you. I simply chose to remain silent about being able to open the door. You looked so funny getting all flustered and panicked, I simply could not help myself.”
You puff out your cheeks, complaining.
“No need to get so upset. You were rather adorable while frantic as well, you know? Furthermore, I will not interfere with you any more. You need to prepare for the party, no? ...Let us go.”
The two of you leave the storage room.
Translation notes
(1) 照れ隠し or ‘tere-kakushi’ is when somebody either tells a lie or does something to try and cover up for their own embarrassment/something they feel ashamed of. The word itself is a combination of two verbs: 照れる or ‘tereru’ which means ‘to get flustered/to blush’ and 隠す or ‘kakusu’ which means ‘to hide/conceal’. 
(2) 可愛い or ‘kawaii’ usually means ‘cute’, but it can also be used to refer to someone’s naive, innocent personality. Since Carla mutters it in a somewhat mocking tone, this seemed like a more fitting translation here. 
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lizabethstucker · 5 years
The SFWA Grand Masters,Vol. 1
Edited by Frederik Pohl
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Pohl has selected eighteen short stories and novellas written by the first five Grand Masters ever selected by the Science Fiction Writers of America:  Robert A. Heinlein, Jack Williamson, Clifford D. Simak, L. Sprague de Camp, and Fritz Leiber. A great debt is owed to Jerry Pournelle for this recognition of the best of the best and to Frederik Pohl for both introducing and reintroducing me to these authors in one handy volume.  Actually, in three volumes as I know there is one more to be searched out in the interlibrary world.
 Thanks to my library’s willingness to go out of state, I can read the first volume in this series, having started off 2020 with Volume Two.  Thank you also to the Woodridge Public Library in Woodridge, Illinois.  Now I need to find the third volume.  4 out of 5
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We start out with Robert A. Heinlein.  I can still remember the first Heinlein that I read, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.  My memory is so clear that I can recall to this day seeing it on the library shelf when I was working through a list of Golden Age writers that my father thought I should check out.  I understand how controversial he is to many readers, but I always found that his stories were worth reading, even when some of the plotlines were uncomfortable (I’m thinking primarily of Farnham’s Freehold).  Even if I didn’t agree with his ideas explored in his books and short stories, they made me think.
 “The Roads Must Roll” by Robert A. Heinlein
 (Future History 3) The United States had moved from automobiles to solar-powered people movers beginning when oil and gasoline were rationed during World War II.  It led to less pollution, a spreading out of the population from the congestion of the cities, and a working class who were ripe for agitation by self-serving megalomaniacs with self-worth issues like Shorty Van Kleeck.  It is up to Larry Gaines, the Chief Engineer, to stop the destruction and disruption of the roads.  Heinlein is remarkably prescient in this 1940 tale, predicting the congestion of the automobiles and their increasing dangers as well as the importance of solar energy.  It’s a shame such people movers, whether this style or high-speed trains are kept from actually being implemented.  It is also true that the disenfranchised can be easily manipulated.  Just look at our current political environment, not just in the United States and Great Britain.  A brilliant tale.  I can see the workers being militarized considering how a minor disruption, much less a major one, could not only bring the nation to a halt, it could have serious and deadly ramifications.  4.5 out of 5.
 “The Year of the Jackpot” by Robert A. Heinlein
 Statistician Potiphar Breen has been taking note of strange and unusual events, including a large number of women taking their clothing off in public.  Meade Barstow, the latest befuddled stripper, is seen by Pot.  Pot intervenes when the police arrive, offering to take care of her and see her safely home.  Instead, when she is worried about what her landlady will say, he brings her to his home so that she can put herself back together.  Meade agrees to answer his questions for his kindness.  Pot reveals what he believes the numbers are telling him, that the planet is facing something that scares him.  Intense, sad, and entirely too realistic.  The idea of cycles with world events both good and bad is all too true.  The gentle romance between Meade and Pot was a lovely addition.  Side note:  I was surprised to see the inclusion of transvestites in this story published in 1951. Heinlein treated the couple and the subject in a much nicer manner than I might have expected.  I wonder why they were included as they weren't truly needed, nor was the subject of needed for his argument.  Others could've sufficed.  This was a first time read for me, as is the next story.  4 out of 5.
 “Jerry Was a Man” by Robert A. Heinlein
 When Martha van Vogel accompanied her husband to a genetics lab that alters DNA to make workers out of apes and vanity pets, she was unaware of how the mutated ape workers were treated once they were no longer useful, that they were euthanized.  After raising hell, Martha is allowed to take one of the younger workers, whose eyesight had him put in the death pen, home with her against her husband’s wishes.  Refusing to look the other way, Martha fights all the way to court to not only get Jerry free of the lab, but to help keep all the others alive, leading to a precedent making court case.  This is an incredibly uncomfortable story on so many fronts. ��I found it most disturbing that Jerry’s speech pattern is a caricature of poor uneducated blacks.  I understand that this was intentional on the part of Heinlein.  I’m hoping that it was to give his readers a unique viewpoint into their prejudices, especially considering that the story was copyrighted in 1947.  Especially with the return of black American soldiers from World War II to a country that still considered them as less than human.  3.5 out of 5.
  “The Farthest Place” by Robert A. Heinlein
 (Extract from Tramp Royale) This is non-fiction, an account of the Heinleins and their visit to Tristan da Cunha when the tramp steamer they are on makes a call there.  The island is in the South Atlantic, over 1500 miles from the nearest other community.  I may have enjoyed this excerpt, but in another context.  However, this is a collection of science fiction and fantasy. This particular piece really had no reason to be included.  I decline to rate it.
  “The Long Watch” by Robert A. Heinlein
 Lieutenant Johnny Dahlquist was approached by Colonel Towers regarding the danger of having politicians in control back on Earth, that the Guard should oversee keeping the planet safe.  Towers wants Johnny’s expertise as junior bomb officer in his rebellious group.  While Johnny saw his point about the instability of politicians in general, he couldn’t agree to use his bombs to make a point, a point that would lead to the deaths of innocent people.  He had to make the bombs unusable, then hold watch until a ship from Earth will arrive in approximately four days.   This story … Heinlein literally reached into my chest and ripped my heart out.  My notebook still shows the faint marks of tears. There are many types of heroism. John Ezra Dahlquist is a fine example of doing what is right even when others try to dissuade you.  (You should also look up Rodger Young on Google.  I was unaware of this Medal of Honor recipient until this story.)  5 out of 5.
  Next is Jack Williamson, another writer from the Golden Age of Science Fiction.  And yet, somehow, I never have read any of Jack’s works.  Based on these stories, that was a great crime.
  “With Folded Hands” by Jack Williamson
 (Humanoids .5) Poor Underhill is already struggling to keep his android business afloat.  Now a new company has suddenly appeared, providing slick new humanoids that are taking over the town of Two Rivers.  His new boarder, Mr. Sledge, claims to be an inventor.  The new humanoids are known by him and he appears to be frightened of them.  Williamson explores how actions, discoveries, and inventions meant to make man’s life better can sometimes serve to harm him.  The story, published in 1947, is even more relevant today considering the growth of A.I.s and robots.  This really is as much horror as it is science fiction, terrifying on a deep level for those aware how close we are to this possible future.  3.5 out of 5.
  “Jamboree” by Jack Williamson
 A robot self-called Pops is Scout Master of boys from birth to the age of 12.  Periodically it takes the boys to a Jamboree to meet Mother.  Younger boys can indulge in pink ice cream and gold stars plastered on their faces.  For the oldest boys, it will be their last Jamboree.  But one boy thinks there is a way to stop the cycle.  Another tale of robots making decisions for the good of mankind.  A very different take.  3.5 out of 5.
  “The Manana Literary Society” by Jack Williamson
 (Excerpt from Wonder’s Child:  My Life in Science Fiction) Another piece of non-fiction, but at least it is about science fiction.  Once again, I find it out of place and will not rate it.  The selection is, however, a good look at the Los Angeles science fiction scene.
  “The Firefly Tree” by Jack Williamson
 Forced to move with his family to his grandfather’s farm, the unnamed protagonist is without friends, home-schooled, and lonely. Then he finds an interesting plant that his father calls a weed.  He is moved to save the plant from destruction and nurtures it until it grows into a tree. One night he goes out to find the tree covered with fireflies.  He begins to dream of them, hearing who they are and what they are there ready to do. Doesn’t Jack ever write happy endings? Any at all?  As a child who was a loner and lived in a neighborhood with no children near my age, I could relate to this young boy.  Truly engrossing.  3.5 out of 5.
  Now on to Clifford D. Simak.  I’ve read some of his short stories, but it was a long time ago. I don’t remember much of his style or even whether I liked his works or not.  
  “Desertion” by Clifford D. Simak
 To explore the planet of Jupiter, men are physically converted into one of the more intelligent native species, the Lopers. The last five men sent out by Kent Fowler, the head of the survey project, haven't returned.  The exploration must continue, but Fowler can't face sending another man out to what appears to be certain death, so he decides to go in their place, accompanied by his elderly dog.  This was a beautiful story.  I wish it had been longer.  4 out of 5.
  “Founding Father” by Clifford D. Simak
 Mankind wants to spread out among the stars, to colonize other planets, but the amount of time that would need to be spent on a spaceship would be an issue.  Immortals have no problems with time per se, but the loneliness is another matter.  A solution was found, a solution meant to be a temporary fix.  But what happens with temporary when that is over one hundred years?  Whoa, this might’ve been short, but it was so intense, thought-provoking, and a bit sad.  Winston-Kirby will have some decisions to make regarding comfort or duty. 4 out of 5.
  “Grotto of the Dancing Deer” by Clifford D. Simak
 Archaeologist Boyd discovers a hidden fissure at his latest sight, one filled with fantastical and irreverent art.  He also finds something else, something impossible. And yet.  Another fascinating story with a deep well of sadness and depressing loneliness in a different way than the previous story.  4 out of 5.
  L. Sprague de Camp is a writer that I used to read quite a bit of, mostly his earlier works in short story collections.  And the Conan books he finished from Robert Howard’s notes and uncompleted manuscripts.  Frankly, I found de Camp’s renditions to be better written, although I know that is heresy for some.
  “A Gun for Dinosaur” by L. Sprague de Camp
 When a time machine is invented, one that can’t go back to a time more recent than 100,000 years ago, a big part of its users are big game hunters taking clients back to kill a dinosaur for trophy.  Rivers, of Rivers and Aiyar, one of those hunters, explains to a potential client why he has strict rules about who he’ll take back to what periods based on size and ability to use a particular caliber weapon. All I can say is poor August, braver than he thought he was, and how Courtney deserved everything he got and more. Entitled asshole.  3.5 out of 5
  “Little Green Men from Afar” by L. Sprague de Camp
 A non-fiction look into the persistent myths, legends, and outright lies that still garner hopeful believers, from flying saucers to the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis to cults.  I do like the five criteria given by Francis F. Broman regarding any and every story:  1) the report be firsthand; 2) the teller shows no obvious bias or prejudice; 3) that the reporter be a trained observer; 4) that the data be available for checking; and 5) that the teller be clearly identified.  I’ve enjoyed many a hour reading von Daniken and the various UFO books, but they have always clearly be put in the fantasy fiction category for me, fun if not taken seriously.  Again, no rating for a non-fiction piece in a fiction collection.  I’m particularly disappointed as de Camp is left with just two fiction pieces as an introduction to his works.  
  “Living Fossil” by L. Sprague de Camp
 Nawputta, a zoologist, and Chujee, his guide, are searching the Alleghany Mountains for interesting specimans and signs of the cities of Man, long extinct, when they meet a suspicious explorer.  They also stumble across something they didn’t expect. Cute.  Obvious, but still very fun to read.  3.5 out of 5.
  Fritz Leiber is the author of a favorite series from my early 20s.  While my father was devouring Conan the Barbarian, I was deep into Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser.  Strangely enough, I don’t think I read anything else by Leiber in those days or later. So many books, so little time, so few selections at the libraries with whom I had memberships.
  “Sanity” by Fritz Leiber
 World Manager Carrsbury had researched and planned and schemed for ten years to understand insanity and to replace all the members of the World Management Service with his own people, all of whom had been trained under his exacting guidelines.  Just as he had directed the world’s citizens in what they could read, watch, drink, and do in their daily lives.  Or so he thought had been done.  Leiber’s look at sanity is fascinating and a bit disturbing.  Add a backdrop of world government and you have a thoughtful and frightening tale that resonates today.  4 out of 5.
  “The Mer She” by Fritz Leiber
 (Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser) The Gray Mouser was sailing home to Cif and Fafhrd, his holds filled with treasure and good as befits a successful merchant.  When he discovers a stowaway in a chest, he must fight his way through magic if he ever hopes to see his island home again.  It has been an extraordinarily long time since I’ve visited this series. The language is as flowery and somewhat archaic as ever, but I missed the boys working together.  It just doesn’t have the same punch without that.  3 out of 5.
 “A Bad Day for Sales” by Fritz Leiber
 Robie, the first sales robot, is on the street, but having a hard time making sales.  Then things get a lot worse.  Very short, very cute even with that "worse" part.  3.5 out of 5.
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] SolidS Drama CD Vol. 4 - Kumo no Mukou ni - Track 3
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After quite a while, here’s track 3 of SolidS’s vol. 4 drama~ Again, thank you to the wonderful person who shared with me! Sorry for taking so long to post the third track orz
Track 3
Under the cut, enjoy~
SolidS Drama Vol. 4 Track 3 Translations
  STAFF A: Over here will be your waiting room, Okui-san.
TSUBASA: Yes, thank you very much!
STAFF A: The meeting room is two doors down from here.
STAFF A: It doesn’t look like it’s ready yet but I’ll call you when it is.
TSUBASA: Ah, I arrived a little earlier than the meeting time, didn’t I? I’m fine with waiting. I’ll just lounge about here during that time.
STAFF A: It’s a big relief to hear you say that. Well then, I’ll be going now.
TSUBASA: Yes~ I’ll be in your care today!
STAFF A: We look forward to working with you.
(Staff leaves and closes the door behind him)
TSUBASA: Sorry for the intrusion~
TSUBASA: Heh~ It’s quite a huge room.
(Tsubasa sits down)
TSUBASA: I’ve arrived~ Alright, maybe I should report to them, too. (Tsubasa turns his phone on and starts typing)
TSUBASA: I’ve arrived at the meeting place~
(phone buzzes)
TSUBASA: Oh, that was fast! As expected from Rikka~
RIKKA: (imitating Rikka’s voice) We’ve arrived here, too. We’ll be boarding a taxi soon.
TSUBASA: The ‘seen’ sign says ‘read by 2 people’ so Dai-chan should’ve seen it, too. Is he not going to react? So cold~!
(phone buzzes)
TSUBASA: Hm? (laughs) So Dai-chan was just gonna send a picture of Rikka? He should take pictures of himself, too~
TSUBASA: Well, that’s what makes him Dai-chan anyway~
TSUBASA: (Tsubasa starts typing) Good luck with your work, too~ (he puts his phone down)
TSUBASA: Now then… I still have time so maybe I should go over it again. Kuriki Yohei-sensei’s new work, “The Spring’s Storm”
TSUBASA: It might come up in the meeting. (Tsubasa starts reading)
TSUBASA: Still, it really is such a unique world, huh. (he starts flipping the pages)
TSUBASA: Not only the narrative but also the themes. It makes you wonder if all the characters that’ll appear will be like unique like that, too.
TSUBASA: The characters are pretty frank or… should I say a little bit modernistic?
TSUBASA: Their conversations feel a little too real. I wonder if he used someone as a model.
(Tsubasa continues to flip pages)
TSUBASA: At the very least, I don’t think it’s his own words. Kuriki-san’s pretty young, isn’t he…?
TSUBASA: If I’m right he’s 32…?
KURIKI: It’s 33.
KURIKI: It’s true that they [the characters in the book] aren’t as frank as I’d hoped.
TSUBASA: Ah, u-um… Staff-san…?
KURIKI: No. I’m that book’s author.
KURIKI: I’m Kuriki Yohei.
TSUBASA: (suddenly stands up) EEEHHH!?!
TSUBASA: For real…? How long have ya been there?
KURIKI: It should be ‘how long have you been there,’ correct?1 I am older no matter how you look at it.
TSUBASA: Ah, yes… How long have you been there, Kuriki-san?
KURIKI: Shouldn’t you be introducing yourself first before asking me such questions?
TSUBASA: Ah… I’m Okui Tsubasa from Tsukino Talent Production. I’ve been given the opportunity to be working with you today.
TSUBASA: I look forward to working with you.
TSUBASA: (to himself) Uwah… He looks like the difficult type…
KURIKI: Two hours.
KURIKI: You asked me, didn’t you? About how long I’ve been here.
KURIKI: And I answered. I’ve been here for two hours now.
TSUBASA: That’s too early! Why were you here that early?! Did ya have an interview or something?2
KURIKI: ‘Did you have an interview?’
TSUBASA: …! I—I’m so sorry…
TSUBASA: Did you have an interview, Kuriki-san?
KURIKI: Not in particular. My meeting time is probably the same as yours, 12 o’clock.
TSUBASA: Oh, that so? Then, you’re here pretty early, aren’t you, Kuriki-san?
KURIKI: It’s not because I wanted to. I was dragged here by my editor.
KURIKI: I’ve been pulling all-nighters because of a coming deadline and I’ve been sleeping whenever I get the chance to.
KURIKI: ‘If you’re gonna sleep then it’s better do it at the meeting place,’ is what he told me.
KURIKI: (yawns) Please excuse me.
TSUBASA: Ah… Y-your editor’s the persuasive type, huh…
KURIKI: He’s more of a man who I’ve known since high school. We’re sort of inseparable.
KURIKI: He knows how to make me do things here and there. Good grief.
KURIKI: (sighs) … (awkward silence)
KURIKI: (suddenly stands up)
TSUBASA: U-uwah…! That surprised me…
TSUBASA: … (more awkward silence)
TSUBASA: Kuriki-san’s pretty tall, huh? What’s your height?
KURIKI: Height? 182 cm. What about it?
KURIKI: What’s with that reaction? You’re the one who asked in the first place.
TSUBASA: Ah, no. I just thought that you were taller than me. By the way, my height is 178 cm~
KURIKI: Even more important than that, you—
TSUBASA: I just got pushed aside…
KURIKI: Can I ask you one thing?
TSUBASA: Yes~ One, two, or how many more, I don’t mind~
TSUBASA: It’s better to get along before work. Ah, the agency’s rule is ‘no love allowed’so I’ll be fine with any question as long as it’s not about what sort of girls I can introduce you to.
TSUBASA: Ah, you wanna hear my latest song~?
KURIKI: You’re a man who talks a lot, aren’t you? Song?
TSUBASA: (giggles) I host a radio show so talking is a part of my work.
TSUBASA: But, our main work involves songs and singing.
KURIKI: Is that so? I didn’t know that.
TSUBASA: Ah… Yes. I figured you’d say that judging from the flow of the conversation.
TSUBASA: I sometimes appear on TV, too.
KURIKI: TV is for whether to watch the morning news or not.
TSUBASA: I figured…
KURIKI: What I wanted to ask was—
TSUBASA: Ah, yes, go ahead.
KURIKI: ‘Is it alright to drink the water that’s on the table?’ is what I wanted to ask.
TSUBASA: Eh… Water…?
KURIKI: Yeah, the bottled water. I was wondering if it’s alright to drink that.
TSUBASA: Ah… (laughs nervously) Water, huh? You were more interested in the water than my story…
TSUBASA: I think it’s okay for you to drink. Leaving them on a table like that is sort of an invitation from the staff for you to drink it.
TSUBASA: Ah, before you ask, you’re free to eat the meals and snacks next to the water, too.
TSUBASA: If you’re feeling a bit peckish then please don’t hesitate.
KURIKI: Is that so? It’s been a while since I last ate a solid meal.
TSUBASA: I feel like I just heard something unbelievable…
TSUBASA: What sort of lifestyle have you been living?
KURIKI: (drinks water and then puts it down)
KURIKI: I think I can still sleep.
KURIKI: Pardon me.
TSUBASA: Eh? Wa-wait…! Are you really going to sleep? Even though you just woke up?
KURIKI: Be quiet.
KURIKI: I haven’t… slept in three days… (snoring quietly)
TSUBASA: Kuriki-san? Kuriki-san~?
TSUBASA: Eh…? He really slept…
TSUBASA: Don’t you normally want to get to know your co-worker more during times like these…?
TSUBASA: Is it normal for someone to just fall asleep at a time like this?
TSUBASA: Uwah… I can sense a lot of trouble from this…
  RIKKA: Uwah~ Dai, you look really good in a kimono!
RIKKA: You give off such a manly feeling.
RIKKA: Mm-hm~ Big Brother’s so proud~
DAI: What’s with that? I feel like your standard for praises have gotten smaller.
RIKKA: Really? They’re my true feelings though.
DAI: I know that.
DAI: It [the kimono] looks good on you, too. The hairstyle looks great as well.
RIKKA: (chuckles) Thank you for the compliment. This hairstyle was coordinated together with the hair and make-up artists.
RIKKA: Since it’s a rare opportunity I asked them to put an ornate hairpin on me, too.
DAI: I guess even hairstyles can help set the atmosphere for something.
RIKKA: Right~? A good hairstyle can make for a good atmosphere when matched with the right clothes.
RIKKA: In the world of fashion, it’s something that helps a lot.
DAI: The world of fashion, huh. That’s so like you.
RIKKA: Dai, did you know~ I was a model before, too.
DAI: Oh yeah, you were. I just remembered.
RIKKA: Anyway, looks like there’re a lot of types of kimono for younger people now, huh? Like new designs and vibrant colours.
RIKKA: Look. That pastel-coloured kimono is patterned with fruits, I heard.
RIKKA: That one’s a collaboration work with a brand that caters to the younger generation.
DAI: Seeing them all lined up is a great view.
DAI: Speaking of collabs, the ones we’re wearing are part of a new launch collab, aren’t they?
DAI: The literary works series, is that right?
RIKKA: Yeah. They’re kimonos designed with the image of various famous literary works from around the world.
RIKKA: It’s quite a unique concept, huh?
RIKKA: Mine is Romeo and Juliet. Ah… Maybe that’s one of the reasons why we were called here.
RIKKA: Since Shiki wrote a song titled ‘Romeo’.
DAI: I wonder about that. Mine looks like it’s got nothing to do with SolidS at all.
RIKKA: (chuckles) That’s right. Well, like I said a while ago, clothes that are lightly coloured suit you very much.
RIKKA: I feel like it won’t look good if you don’t have that kind of physique.
RIKKA: Ah, speaking of famous works… I wonder if Tsubasa’s doing his best now, too.
DAI: Tsubasa?
RIKKA: It seems like Tsubasa’s in a meeting to discuss the beginning of the CM filming.
RIKKA: I heard that he’ll be meeting his co-star, the famous author Kuriki Yohei-san there.
DAI: Kuriki Yohei…? For real?
RIKKA: Oh, do you know him, Dai?
RIKKA: I only know him by name after seeing it on the news a few times but I haven’t really started reading his works yet. I’m not really familiar with what he looks like.
DAI: I’ve read two of his works.
RIKKA: As expected~
DAI: It’s very impartial and is a little bit difficult to read but it has its own uniqueness and once you start reading it you won’t be able to put it down.
RIKKA: Tsubasa said the same thing, too. He’s really very skilled, isn’t he?
DAI: He is but…
DAI: Will Tsubasa be okay? He seems like the type of person that’s difficult to get along with.
DAI: Though I haven’t met him personally and only know so from internet sources.
DAI: Even for the sake of sales and publicity, he’s the type of person who hates appearing in public.
DAI: One very famous event with him was how he only said, ‘Thank you very much. I’ll continue to do my best from here on.’ during an awarding and then he left promptly. He’s that type of guy.
RIKKA: That’s…
DAI: Quite something, isn’t it?
RIKKA: W-well… Tsubasa has great communication skills so I think he’ll be able to befriend him. Surely…
DAI: I hope that’s the case. But, after hearing about those news here and there, Kuriki Yohei really resembles him.
RIKKA: Resembles him…? Who exactly?
DAI: He’s got talent but he’s bad at mingling with people so he’s easily misunderstood.
DAI: He’s shut himself up due to being wary about other people and continues to do what he should do.
DAI: Someone who’s one, no, three times more dedicated to his work compared to other people.
RIKKA: I see. Now I understand. Kuriki-san’s a person who resembles Shiki, isn’t he?
DAI: Exactly. You remember it, too, don’t you? Tsubasa and Shiki’s absolute worst meeting.
RIKKA: It was the worst and yet at the same time it was the best.
RIKKA: Though, it did help somewhat with their relationship.
DAI: Tsubasa was quick to start the fight, right? Normally, he wouldn’t do something like that.
DAI: Even if someone pissed him off, he’s the type to let it slide and avoid fights.
DAI: But, that wasn’t the case with Shiki. Shiki’s the type to be able to figure out what would make Tsubasa snap.
DAI: What if Kuriki Yohei was able to do that, too?
RIKKA: That… Um… I want… to believe that it’d be okay.
DAI: I hope so, too. Meanwhile, it looks like we’re in for some troublesome things, too.
RIKKA: I guess so. Let’s enjoy the kimonos and Kyoto and then return to Tokyo.
(footsteps approach Rikka and Dai)
STAFF: I’m so sorry to disturb you while you’re talking, Rikka-san, Dai-san. The tea ceremony’s preparation is finished and if you’re ready, I could show you to the venue.
DAI/RIKKA: Tea ceremony?
STAFF: Yes. Today’s special feature is showcasing to the younger generation the appeal of our traditions.
STAFF: Anyone’s free to join and I think the both of you will surely enjoy it,
RIKKA: Ah… I understand… It sounds like a wonderful event, doesn’t it?
RIKKA: Um… We actually need to prepare a little bit more so… Can you give us a little more time? Right, Dai?
DAI: Y-yeah, that’s right… We have to prepare for a lot of things.
RIKKA: That’s right. We’re truly very sorry.
STAFF: A-ah, yes… Well then, I’ll be coming back in five minutes. After the tea ceremony, there’s the flower arrangements and different staff members will be coming to see you about it.
STAFF: Two handsome men like you in a tea party and being surrounded by flowers would make for a great picture.
STAFF: Please do your best for the sake of the younger generation, too.
DAI/RIKKA: Ah, yes…
(staff member walks away)
RIKKA: Dai… I figured I should ask this but… Do you have any experience with teas and flowers…?
DAI: I’ve drunk tea from cafes and took care of flowers in school.
RIKKA: Yeah, thank you. The same goes for me.
RIKKA: (turns his phone on) Let’s look up the proper manners for formal traditions.
DAI: Got it.
 (staff member flips pages)
STAFF A: That’s about it for this CM’s concept.
STAFF A: Afterwards, I’d like to explain the sequence of the filming but if you have any questions so far, please go ahead and ask.
KURIKI: Can I ask one thing?
STAFF A: Ah, yes, go ahead.
KURIKI: I’m very sorry but, even after hearing the concept, I don’t know why I was called out here.
STAFF A: Eh…? What do you mean…?
KURIKI: I am a writer. An author. I don’t see it as a part of my work to be filming for a nutritional drink.
KURIKI: Moreover, it doesn’t really have anything to do with my deadlines. For an author, that is a one-man battle. With that in mind, I don’t think there’s any merit for me to be in this CM.
TSUBASA: (to himself) Wo~w…!
KURIKI: Now that I’ve made my point, I’ll be taking my leave.
STAFF A: Wh-what…?!
TSUBASA: W-wait a second, Kuriki-san!
KURIKI: What is it?
TSUBASA: Everyone here knows that you’re a writer and your work focuses on making words come to life but, didn’t you come here because you accepted the job?
TSUBASA: It’ll be a bother for everyone if you stepped back now.
KURIKI: That’s… That is truly unfortunate but I only came here to hear the details of the work. Now that I’ve heard I thought I could refuse.
TSUBASA: Eh…? Is that the case, Mr. Staff?
STAFF A: Eh…? Ah, no… We thought that he had accepted the filming already…
KURIKI: That bastard… Ah, pardon my language.
KURIKI: It seems like I was duped.
TSUBASA: Ah… My condolences…
TSUBASA: Um… If that’s the case, won’t it be better if you listened to the details first and talked to it with your editor afterwards?
KURIKI: … (grunts and then walks back)
TSUBASA: U-uwah… Please don’t make such a face. You look like you want to kill someone.
KURIKI: Unfortunately, the person I want to kill is in a different place.
TSUBASA: Okay~ Shall we continue with the meeting before Kuriki-san becomes a criminal~?
STAFF A: (obviously a little shaken) A-ah, yes… Then, please turn to page six on the hand-outs in front of you.
  (typing sounds)
SHIKI: (sighs) Now, that’s finally over with. Next one is… (Shiki flips pages)
SHIKI: I thought I’d be happy being able to do work that I like but they’re really not very easy tasks.
SHIKI: (drinks and then puts his cup down) Those guys are doing their best, too.
SHIKI: Let’s do this.
SHIKI: Now, then… (Shiki continues typing)
  Translator’s Notes:
1 2 This is really just a case of Tsubasa speaking casually instead of the proper polite speech supposed to be used for people older than oneself. Tsubasa ends his sentences with ‘--da’ and Kuriki corrects him by saying that they should end with ‘—desu.’ It’s a little bit difficult to translate to English since ‘-da’ and ‘-desu’ don’t have explicit English language equivalents XD
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission.
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daresplaining · 6 years
Mike Murdock Cometh!
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    So... Marvel just released their August solicitations. Check them out if you haven’t yet, because August is clearly going to be the Month of Daredevil (well... actually, it seems to be the Month of the Fantastic Four-- and they’ve earned it. But we’re getting a ton of DD too)! All of it looks great, but the reason I’m feverishly writing a post about these issues three whole months before they even go on sale is:
DAREDEVIL #606 Spinning out of the events of THE HUNT FOR WOLVERINE: WEAPON LOST, a nightmare Matt Murdock never knew he’d have has come true — MIKE MURDOCK IS FLESH AND BLOOD IN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! Now, there’s someone running around with Matt Murdock’s face, which can only spell trouble for the Mayor Without Fear!
DAREDEVIL #607 Once Matt Murdock’s alter-alter ego and fake twin brother, Mike Murdock has been made flesh and blood thanks to the Inhuman Reader. But Mike Murdock has motivations of his own, and all the cunning and skill of his “brother” Matt at his disposal to make them come to fruition. And things only get worse as Mike zeroes in on the people Matt cares about most!
    I’ve been pretty vocal around these parts about my adoration of the entire concept of Mike Murdock, both as a hilarious Silver Age joke and a surprisingly compelling examination of Matt’s psyche. He’s a chunk of Daredevil history that-- thankfully-- just won’t die, and echoes of his presence can be found in all of the subsequent volumes... and even, for one glorious moment, in the dark-and-gritty depths of the Netflix show. Mike persists as an easy gag, a personification of Matt’s id, and-- as much as Matt would hate to admit it-- one of his most memorable alter egos. The guise of Mike was so enticing to 1960s Matt that he even toyed with the idea of making him his main identity! That’s a persona with power, part of the reason I find him so interesting, and why these solicits are 100% dead-center right up my alley. 
    This isn’t going to be Matt’s first close encounter with his other alter egos. A few writers have taken great, mind-bending advantage of his plethora of personalities, bringing them together en-masse to give him a little psychological jolt. But I’ve always been sad that these multi-Matt get-togethers never included Mike.  
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Daredevil vol. 5 #19 by Charles Soule, Marc Laming, Miroslav Mrva, and Matt Milla
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Stick: “Y’know, I could fill this whole cemetery with the people you’ve been. The lives you’ve discarded. The masks you’ve worn. Remember Mike Murdock? Now that was a good one. But what say we limit this to a study of your major incarnations.”
Daredevil vol. 1 #349 by J.M. DeMatteis, Cary Nord, and Christie Scheele
    This tantalizing concept of giving “life” to Matt’s various alter egos has always been extra appealing to me in regards to Mike, just because he’s so out-there and fun, and because the idea of Matt coming face-to-face with him is so entertaining. (If I had written Shadowland, it would have ended with Mike emerging from the depths of Matt’s subconscious and one punch K.O.ing the Beast, but hey, maybe that’s just me...) The closest we’ve come so far was in DeMatteis’s run, when a mysterious yellow-suited DD started swinging around town, claiming to be the “original” Daredevil. This was eventually revealed to be Matt, who’d reverted back to his loudmouth, swashbuckly 60′s persona... and while he’s never identified as such in the text, I’ve always wishful-thinking-ly taken that to mean Mike. 
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Matt: “So tell me, Fogster-- why do you keep sabotaging yourself?”
Foggy: “Wh-who are you?!”
Matt: “Who do I look like?”
Daredevil vol. 1 #345 by J.M. DeMatteis, Ron Wagner, and Christie Scheele
    But while Mike's memory has stuck around to annoy his “twin brother”...
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Reporter: “Now, wait-- I thought you were the second Daredevil. Wasn’t there another who preceded you--? The brother of that blind lawyer, Matt Murdock?”
Matt: “(Caught again in the ‘big lie’! [...] I wonder-- will that one insane idea of creating a third identity for myself ever stop plaguing me?)”
Daredevil vol. 1 #100 by Steve Gerber, Gene Colan, and Stan G.
...he’s never officially physically manifested... until now! (Well, August.) 
    There are a few details that make me extra excited about this arc (beyond the obvious). One is that the artist will be Phil Noto, who is brilliant. I never imagined I’d ever get to see him draw Mike Murdock. Another is the cameo by Reader, a character Soule introduced during his Inhuman (2014) run. Reader is blind, and has the power to cause anything he reads to physically manifest. He’s a great character, and it will be fun to see him interact with Matt-- though it’s doubtful Matt will be too happy with him, given the circumstances. And finally, there’s the idea of Mike as not just an annoyance, but as an actual threat. Obviously, I don’t want a full-on evil Mike. That’s not his personality. But he is self-serving above almost all else, and this could easily put him at odds with Matt. And who knows what his attitude will be regarding the nature of his existence? The situation is full-on Frankenstein-esque: Matt created this thing, gave it certain characteristics, and now it is being unleashed on his world and he’s going to have to actually deal with it. 
    Mike is, in many ways, the perfect adversary for Matt, and as such, has the potential to be highly dangerous. He has Matt’s combat skills, his intelligence (if not necessarily his attention span or motivation), and he’s not blind. And there’s the added factor (and it will be curious to see if Soule delves into this) of Mike literally being a facet of Matt’s personality. Everything that made Mike who he was-- possibly minus the nutty sunglasses-- came from Matt. Mike was a Matt free from secret identity concerns and societal restraints. He was an embodiment of a lifestyle that Matt, on some level, longed for. Since Matt has loosened up quite a bit since the 60s, this it probably no longer true. But it will be wild to see how he and Mike react to each other. I’ve been really enjoying Soule’s run, especially lately, but it’s been a while since I was quite this jump-up-and-down excited for an issue. I can’t believe that Mike Murdock: Born Again is happening in my lifetime. Expect more essays on the topic when August arrives.  
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Coffee and Comics - Pt. 1
A/N: Hey guys! I did a thing featuring Tom Holland on my Wattpad account, thought I’d share it on here as well. The link to the fic and the fic itself are right here. Let me know what you think!
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Word count: 2,963
Warnings: none
Summary: You meet a certain attractive young actor who immediately takes an interest in you. He asks you out on a date and that’s when the spark starts to flare up.
Starbucks was crowded, as always. The queue steadily passed you by like softly flowing water in a creek. On a regular day, the orders weren’t so bad, but today the customers were extra obnoxious about their drinks. You heard them say things like: “Can I have a tall, non-fat latte with caramel drizzle?”, “I’ll take a triple, venti, half sweet, non-fat, caramel macchiato with an extra shot and cream.”, “A non-fat frappucchino with extra whipped cream and chocolate sauce, please.” and “I’d like a venti, iced, skinny, hazelnut macchiato with sugar-free syrup, an extra shot, light ice and no whip.”
You became visibly annoyed by all these ridiculously lengthy drink names, you should have known better than to choose Starbucks as your reading spot right during rush hour. Oh well, you thought, you were there now, you might as well just suck it up. So you did. As you continued reading, one of the orders you overheard caught your attention: “I’d like an espresso, please.”
That simple? you thought to yourself as you looked up from your comic book to find out who had placed the shortest order you’d heard all day. You couldn’t see a face from this angle, but what you could see was that it was a young man standing at the counter, that he had wavy brown hair and that he was athletically built. You turned your gaze away again, before the amount of time you spent staring got weird.
“Solo or doppio?” the barista asked the brunette.
“Make it double, thanks,” he quipped. You liked the sound of his voice, it sounded sweet and innocent.
“Okay,” the barista replied, “your name is…?”
“Tom,” he echoed absently as he scribbled the customer’s name on the cup in his hand. “Alright, coming right up.”
After a short waiting time, Tom was handed his drink, then started towards the exit. As he was about to pass you by, you peeked up from your comic book to see him looking attentively at the cover. He was really handsome; his dark eyes were warm and vivid with a cheerful spark in them, his cheekbones and jawline were beautifully pronounced, his nose was simply cute and his lips were a pretty pink, and slightly parted, probably because of his focus on the paperback in your hands. After identifying the book as Deadpool: Dead Presidents, his eyes sought yours. When the two of you made eye contact, you gave him a timid smile, which he happily returned.
“Nice read,” he complimented in passing.
“Thanks,” you replied joyfully and directed your gaze back to your current page in Deadpool: Dead Presidents. A few moments later when you heard the door closing behind him, you decided to give him a final glance as he walked by the shop window. Apparently he’d had the same thing in mind, because when you looked up at him, his gaze was already focused on you. As soon as your eyes met, you looked away again, shyly, and with a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. And you couldn’t see, but Tom was smiling too.
A few more encounters like this happened in the following weeks. You’d smile at Tom when he walked by and he would smile back, he’d compliment you on the comics you were reading and you’d wave at each other as he left the shop with his double espresso. This went on, seemingly without an end, until one time when you decided you’d finally say something different than “hey”, “hi” or “thanks”.
“You know,” you started as Tom passed your spot, making him stop in his tracks, “I bet the baristas love watching you walk into the shop.”
He furrowed his messy eyebrows, unsure of what you meant by that. “Really?” he asked, “How’s that?” His curious russet eyes sought yours for an answer.
“You’re one of those precious few customers who places simple orders, all they have to do for you is press a button,” you smirked.
“Oh, right,” Tom chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, he seemed nervous. “Yeah, double espresso, it’s a life saver.”
“I know, right?”
“Wait, you agree? No ‘double ristretto, venti, half-soy, non-fat, decaf, organic chocolate brownie, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread frappuccino, extra hot with foam, whipped cream and ice’ for you?”
“Are you crazy? No!” you giggled. “Same as you dude, espresso for the win.”
You smiled at each other in silence for a moment, until Tom broke that silence with a scrape of his throat. “Anyway, it’s a pleasure to properly meet you. I’m Tom,” he quipped as he extended his hand. You returned the gesture and shook his hand with a firm grip. “(Y/N),” you replied while holding eye contact with Tom, “and the pleasure’s all mine.”
“Can I sit?” he asked politely as he gestured to the chair across from you.
“Of course.”
“Thanks.” He pulled the chair back and closed his hands around his cup of coffee as soon as he was seated. “So (Y/N), what gem are you reading this time?” Tom asked as he tilted his head to get a better look at the cover of your comic book, you thought it was adorable.
“Superior Spider-Man, Vol. 1.”
“Spider-Man? Nice, I love Spider-Man!” he exclaimed enthusiastically, then paused for a second. “You know, (Y/N) there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you, so I’m just going to go for it.”
You looked at Tom in anticipation, curiosity simply dripping off your face.
“There’s this store in town I know you’d love,” the way he started his question alone was enough to make you smile, how could anyone be so charming? He seemed uneasy though; while he talked, his restless eyes bounced back and forth between his coffee and your gaze. “It’s called Brainfreeze and it’s like a comic book store mashed together with a coffee shop. They have all this awesome stuff and merchandise and thousands of comic books and the owner’s a really great guy. I know he’d love to meet you,” he hinted.
“Well, it does sound like a cool place,” you told him with a kind smile.
“S-so, would you like to go there? Wi-with me?” he asked shyly, his gaze still rising and falling between your face and the cup in his hands.
You considered his offer for a moment, you were definitely interested in getting to know this guy, and the place he wanted to take you to sounded like your thing indeed.
“Alright, let’s go,” you quipped.
“Wait, what? Now?” he blurted out, surprised.
“Oh, unless you have other stuff to do, of course. I’m so sorry, just because I have time doesn’t mean you do too.” You felt embarrassed for jumping right in like that, you didn’t want to come across as too eager.
“No no, it’s fine,” he smiled reassuringly, “I-I didn’t have anything planned for today. I just… I didn’t expect you to actually say yes.”
You frowned, “why not?”
“Well, first of all, you hardly know me. Secondly, you’ve never even heard of the place we’d be visiting together. For all you know I could be a serial killer who–”
“Keep going on like that and you’ll talk me out of it, Tom,” you jested.
He looked up at you with an alarmed expression on his face. “What? Oh! No no no! I’m not a serial killer, I promise! No, I just… You just… I just think you’re–”
You got up from your seat, making him stop rambling. You looked down at his handsome face and smiled, “Let’s go check out that Brainfreeze thing, shall we?”
He slapped his hands on the table decisively, “Yes, let’s,” he said and got up as well. You looked to him to take the lead, and so he did. He lead the way to the door and held it open for you with a smile, like a real gentleman. Once outside you asked him, “So, where to now?” As a response, he fished a bunch of keys from his pocket, grabbed the car remote and pressed the unlock button. The car that responded was way beyond what you had expected. You gasped, “No way! You drive an RS7?!”
“Yeah, you like it?”
“Like it? Are you kidding? I love Audi, especially the RS series, what a beauty.”
With a proud smile painted across his face, Tom walked to the passenger door and opened it for you.
“Thanks,” you quipped before getting in the car. Your eyes followed Tom on his way to the driver’s side of the car. He flopped down in the seat, shut the door and started the car. Blitzkrieg Bop started playing as soon as Tom’s phone connected to the car via Bluetooth, “The Ramones, huh? Very nice,” you complimented your travel companion.
“You wouldn’t believe how long it’s been stuck in my head, but I guess I’m just rolling with it.”
“Well, there are worse songs to be stuck with,” you reminded Tom as you glanced at him.
You shared another brief moment of eye contact. “True. So, are you ready for your first Brainfreeze visit?” he half-asked half-shouted playfully.
His enthusiasm made you giggle. “Yeah!”
“Ready to be overwhelmed by the biggest collection of comics you’ve ever seen?”
“Ready for the geekiest coffee you’ll drink in your entire life?”
“I’m ready!”
“Alright then, let’s get this show on the road!”
Tom pulled into a parking spot with impressive fluency. “I have to say, you’re a really good driver.”
“Thanks,” he chirped happily and got out of the car. You followed his example and swung your door open, by the time you were on your feet your new friend was standing right next to you. “Oh, I had that for you.”
His chivalrous manners were so endearing, “It’s okay, Tom, I can open and close doors on my own. But thank you, for being so gallant,” you assured him with a bright smile and a wink.
“You-you’re welcome. It’s this way to the shop, by the way,” he pointed out and you took it as your queue to start moving. The two of you passed a few shop windows before arriving at your destination, when you did, Tom motioned for you to go inside.
“Good afternoon,” you were greeted by a tall, sturdy looking man with hipster glasses and a dark brown beard, “Hi!” you replied enthusiastically. To your left was a wall with a striking menu. The drinks had names like The Flash, Black Panther, White Tiger and Godzilla Vanilla. The next thing you noticed was the rock music playing in the background. Then, to your right you saw a sitting area that looked like it ran all the way to the back of the building, rows upon rows of comic books, card games, board games, action figures and merchandise decorated the long wall that stretched from the shop’s window to its back wall. You saw right away that the store covered lots of different franchises: Marvel, DC, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon, Game Of Thrones, Star Wars, Doctor Who, all sorts of manga, Gunpla, Warhammer, you name it. This place was paradise. Once you were done gawking, you turned around to find Tom still standing behind you. “How did I not know about this place?” you exclaimed excitedly in disbelief.
“Oh, hey Tom,” you heard the store owner say, “who’s your friend?”
“Hi Stephen, this is (Y/N), I plucked her from a Starbucks, figured I had to show her a better coffee shop. (Y/N), this is Stephen.
"Nice to meet you, Stephen,” you chirped kindly before letting your eyes trail back to the comic books. From where you stood by the counter you noticed a very thick book on one of the shelves, the title looked more than familiar to you. The moment you spotted it you gasped loudly, “You have The Goon?!” and darted towards the shelf.
“I like her already. Where did you say you found her?” you heard Stephen ask Tom while you held The Goon - Library, Vol. 1. in your hands.
You heard your new friend chuckle behind you. “I told you, I noticed her in the Starbucks I walk past every day.” You could still hear them talking, but as you strayed further to the back of the shop, their conversation faded further and further into the background. You had almost reached the end of the wall when you heard a familiar voice call for your attention: “Hey (Y/N), try this out.”
You turned around and took the cup from Tom’s hand, “What is it?”
“Black Panther, it’s a latte with chocolate syrup.” You gave him a skeptical look for that description. “I know, I know, espresso’s still a lifesaver, but this tastes pretty good too, you’ll see.”
You looked down at the drink you held in your hand, then back up into Tom’s eyes. “Alright, but only because the foam has a cocoa Alliance Starbird on it,” you declared like a willful child. After taking a careful sip, you assessed the flavour and decided for yourself that it wasn’t too bad after all.
“Well?” Tom asked impatiently.
“The drink’s okay, it’s pretty tasty actually. But the shop, oh my goodness the shop! I feel like a kid in Candy Land!”
“Right?” he smiled, “I told you you’d love it here.”
“I do, I really do. Thank you Tom, for showing me this place.”
“You’re most welcome, (Y/N). Oh, hey! Do you know Cards Against Humanity?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s been a while though.”
“Would you like to play it with me and some of the guys?”
“Why not? Let’s do it!”
The day had flown by at a crazy rate, spending time with Tom and his friends was such great fun. You played cards, talked about the latest TV series and superhero movies, tried all sorts of coffee, hung out with Stephen when he wasn’t busy taking orders, and most of all you joked around with Tom all the time. As it turned out, you shared the exact same kind of humour, which was awesome. You had also noticed that every time either of you cracked a joke, Tom would always make eye contact with you. You’d catch him looking at you at random moments as well. You wondered what was up with that, there was one possible explanation you could come up with, but there was no way that was the case.
It was getting really late now, it was dark outside, all of Tom’s friends had left and Stephen was closing down the store. “Maybe we should leave him to it,” you told Tom while looking at the busy shop owner.
“Yeah, we should,” he confirmed and rose to his feet. “Hey Stephen, we should be heading out, thanks for today.”
“Yeah, thanks, I had a great time here,” you added.
“Alright you two, see you around Tom. And (Y/N), it was nice meeting you, don’t be a stranger.”
“I won’t,” you chirped.
“Bye,” you and Tom said in unison.
Once outside you sucked in a deep breath of fresh air and turned to your friend. “So, what now?”
“Well, I should be heading home, because I have to get up ridiculously early tomorrow. But I’m not even tired, and I don’t want to have to say goodbye to you yet,” he sighed.
That last addition made you blush. “We shouldn’t have had all that coffee,” you chuckled, trying to shake your flustered demeanor. “And I don’t want to go home yet either, hanging out with you is too much fun.” You shuffled in your place for a second, looked up at your companion and added: “but you know, if you have to get up as early as you say you do, maybe we should go home. I don’t want you to walk around like a zombie all day tomorrow because of me.”
Tom let his brown doe eyes rest on your glistening (Y/E/C) ones while he thought about it for a moment. “You’re sure?” he asked with a doubtful tone.
“Yeah, there’s always tomorrow, right?” He shrugged with half a smile. “Here, hand me your phone for a second,” you ordered as you extended your hand for him to place his phone in it. He did as you said without hesitation and you unlocked the screen to type in your number. Tom followed your fingers’ movements curiously while you tapped the buttons on the screen. Once you were finished you handed the device back to him, “There, now you have my number. Just call or text me when you feel like meeting up, alright?” you told him with a cheerful smile.
“Thanks, (Y/N), I will.”
The two of you stood in comfortable silence for a while before Tom interrupted. “Well, let’s get in the car, I’m driving you home.”
After a drive through town of about fifteen minutes you had reached your home address. Tom pulled over right by your front door. His dreamy eyes found yours, “Well, here we are.”
“Thanks for bringing me home, Tom, and for today, I had a really great time.”
“Me too,” he smiled. You loved the way his playful eyes squinted when he smiled sweetly like that. “And, uh, keep an eye out for that call.”
“I will,” you winked. You unbuckled your seatbelt, leaned over to Tom and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “Sweet dreams, Tom.”
“G-goodnight,” he stuttered. Your new friend gave you a final, flustered look as you left his car, waved him goodbye and closed your front door behind you.
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