#(paradise is the name of a nature reserve)
robby-bobby-tommy · 4 months
Okay, I'm obsessed with the lore.... So here's some of me theories/stuff I've noticed. It's gonna be rambling in it's worst, cuz I'm way too excited.
Firstly, let's welcome Madagio! I don't know what's up with him, but here's some info we know:
- he's from some island who is connected to Quesadilla through some system.
- he can travel through servers.
- cats are his eyes and ears.
So with this out of the way, here's some of my thoughts.
- Body language -
Honestly, it's not something important, but I really love how cc! Fit uses body language to convey his character. q! Fit doesn't sprint much, cuz he knows one misjudged step, one unnoticed trap and he's dead. He looks around, afraid of every lighting, every strange noise. He looks at cats cuz how are they even here, if not every person can survive here?
Madagio himself very reserved. He doesn't move much, showing us a difference between him and Fit.
- Roses -
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Boy oh boy, do I have something to say. Despite obvious connections to Pac, recently there was another moment with exactly this kind of roses. At Philza's stream on 29th of December, at one point Ramon came to Titan and started to give away these rose bushes to some eggs and Phil. It might be a stretch, but it was very strange. Ramon explained that he gave away the roses, cuz he saw one in Chayanne's arm. But with this added context, I think Ramon's admin kinda hinted at this rule. Like the rose bush is a symbol of connection and love/trust. Fit loves and trusts Pac, Ramon, Chay and Lullah, and Phil too. I might be insane, but I adore this kind of symbolism. The roses show us who he has connections to. And now we understand what's at stake for Fit.
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It's not only Ramon, who's in danger. Phil, his kids and Pac (probs Tubbo and Sunny too, but they didn't get roses) are also in the middle of crossfire. Madagio knew that it's in human nature for us to connect and getting attached to others even if told otherwise. Contractor knew that Fit won't be able to cheat or escape the deal, cuz he knew the veteran will have a lot at stake. He made this contract unavoidable. I love it sm.
- Music -
Since my post about Fit and his tragedy, I believe that a lot of decisions made about videos/lore streams are intentional. Like, back in a day, when we saw first dream, we heard "Étranger au Paradise" ("Stranger in Paradise "). And this song like fits Fit (pun not intended) like a friggin glove. Cuz even still, Fit feels like a stranger, undeserving this the heaven that is Quesadilla island. For example literally today he said smt along the lines of "What did I do to deserve a son like him[Ramon]?". He loves people around him, yet he can't show it, when everyone does it quite easily. I think Stranger in Paradise can be seen also in light of relationships. Like Fit considers Pac better, he loves him, but doesn't deserve his love. Agh
So why am I saying this? Well, you see. Cc! Fit uses a few songs to use before cinematic. And today he used "We'll meet again". And there's no connection, right? But what if it's a hint to contractor? Fit'll have to meet Madagio. Veteran has no idea when or where. But he knows they'll meet again some sunny day. Like, mb it's a stretch, but I really enjoy finding this connections. To this point cc! Fit was very intentional, so mb I have something here.
- Mon Dieu éternel, je te prie -
(sorry for probably butchering it, but anyway)
Well, now I have the most unimpressive and obvious theory, that leads to more interesting one.
During this stream it wasn't confirmed that contractor is a god, but there are a lot of hints. His name being an anagram to "I am a God" (Thank you, Tumblr user, who noticed it), he can't be hury, but is able to travel through the servers, and his first words to Fit are literally a rephrased "be not afraid", that is usually connected to angels.
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Also his unusual connection to cats, that are his "extensions" Doesn't seem humain at all. Yet it isn't confirmed so idk.
Now, Black Concrete is closely tied to Cucurevil and can have bad effect on a person. The only people, who interacted with it and weren't affected at all, were Fit and Philza. Why? What if it's because they're protected by Gods? Like, fitza have a lot parallels in their lore, and mb it also hints at devine nature of Madagio? Rose protects Phil and his close ones out of kindness (I guess) and sends birds to cheer up her protège or show her support. Madagio literally does the same thing. But he sends cats not to show support, but to remind that he is always there, he sees and hears everything. Does it prove my theory? No, I guess. But it gives smt to think about.
- End -
At the end we see Fit waking up (smt that we've never seen before) and sees a cat. They look each other in the eyes and veteran convulsively shakes his head, refusing to something implied. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I didn't really understand what he refused to? Was he saying he didn't need contractor's help? Idk. And this whole montage of moon, cat, and Madagio is very interesting, but I can't put my finger on it.
After browsing for a literal second, I have some ideas. Moon typically represents the rhythm of time, as it symbolizes the cycle. So maybe Contractor reminds Fit how little time he has. Like, time's running out. Cats, though, have a lot of different meanings, but I guess the most important to this case are freedom and mystery. Madagio is free and mysterious, so ig it fits.
- And just my thoughts ig -
God, i loved it so much. Fit's lore is subtle yet very important and interesting. It shows a character and builds on it so much, while explaining the world itself. Guuugh I love it so much.
And here's just some screens that shows how much Fit has grown.
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He is no longer doing everything for himself only. Now he cares for others, breaking a simple rule made by contractor.
P. S.
I feel like this picture rn
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​​OBSCURA trailer analysis & theories
The OBSCURA trailer is very pretty (watch it if you haven’t already <3) and is also full of interesting symbolism and snippets of Latin. In this post I’m going to be manually translating and providing notes on the Latin, as well as discussing what the numbers mean and giving my own plot speculations. SPOILERS for OBSCURA’s Chapter 1 with every love interest. 
I’m going to be working with the theory that the numbers correspond to the Major Arcana in a Rider–Waite–Smith tarot deck. I’ll be pulling tarot card information from A.E. Waite’s 1910 book ‘The Pictorial Key to the Tarot’, where he discusses the symbolism of the images in the cards and provides divinatory meanings. 
Shoutout to @/starlitmanta and @/mostlygayrage for posting their own analyses before me! I got inspired by both of them to both write down my thoughts and then actually finish the post after leaving it for months lol. @/mostlygayrage has some interesting stuff on the imagery and also delved into the Latin! Although he took it as one sentence which I won’t be doing – I’m going to take the double forward slashes as an indication of a break. 
Disclaimer that I haven’t formally studied Latin in years so if there are any errors feel free to point it out in the notes! 
18. Presbyter // Ecclesiae lunaris XVII: The Moon. Priest // Lunar churches 
18. Obsequium // ducit ad caelum Obedience // he leads to heaven TL notes N/A Tarot meaning To quote Waite, “The moon is increasing on what is called the side of mercy… the path between the towers is the issue into the unknown. The dog and wolf are the fears of the natural mind in the presence of that place of exit, when there is only reflected light to guide it…the message is: Peace, be still; and it may be that there shall come a calm upon the animal nature...” 
Upright: Hidden enemies, danger, darkness, terror, deception, occult forces, error. Reversed: Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error. Speculation I think we can all agree that Cirrus is not trustworthy, hence danger, deception, occult forces etc. Nevertheless, Vesper (if you’ve got a good ending, at least) puts great degrees of trust in him. ‘A calm upon the animal nature’ calls to mind his odd ability to influence Vesper’s choices and force them into saying ‘yes’, but I also thought it might reference something about Vesper putting aside their instinctive reservations about Cirrus’ suspicious character to follow him into an unknown future. 
Leading to heaven is, to me, a bit double-edged; it could mean death or paradise. Very fitting, I think. 
20. Keir // Cavillatur fur XX: Judgement. Keir // Mocking thief 
20. Fatum // vestrum vel extraneus [Destiny / (calamitous) death] // yours or a stranger TL notes I’m inclined to believe that Keir’s name being his plain name rather than an epithet is probably just part of his blunt kind of character, and ‘mocking thief’ is probably related to his personality too. Also, there is another piece of Latin on that first screen – ‘cultellus’, which means ‘dagger’ and points downwards towards where his dagger is held. Also, ‘fatum’ is a very interesting word in that it carries an intriguing potential double meaning. Tarot meaning Upright: Change of position, renewal, outcome. Reversed: Weakness, pusillanimity, simplicity; also deliberation, decision, sentence. Speculation Waite’s initial discussion of Judgement is very Biblical which I doubt has much to do with OBSCURA’s use of it. I do think the divinatory meanings are very interesting – I think that at a good/best end of Keir’s route, he’ll be able to come out on top and secure a good and/or stable future for himself and/or Mouse Hole. 
My current theory is that, since we have had mentions of Keir and Oleander in each others’ routes, that they have direct effects on each others’ fates. This fits with ‘yours or a stranger’ of course, but also the double-edged ‘destiny or (calamitous) death’ – I’ll speculate more in Oleander’s route, but I think he and potentially most of Mouse Hole will not fare well if Vesper picks Oleander. 
I’m interested in why his dagger was explicitly pointed out and labelled. I’m kind of shooting in the dark here but I think it’ll be significant in the future – either as a symbol of his history (specifically with Oleander, perhaps?) or as a plot device of some sort. 
11. Nerii // Periculosum scurra XI: Justice. Of oleander // Dangerous clown 
11. Patiuntur // sicut habes They are suffering // just like you are TL notes More technically, ‘nerii’ is the genitive of ‘nerium’, which means oleander. This makes sense to me when I think about how he’s had a history of changing names – he’s moreso embodying the qualities of oleander (a pretty but dangerous plant) rather than taking it as a definitive name. 
‘Patiuntur’ is in the plural, and suffering might be a strong word depending on how you look at it – the original word is like enduring through something difficult or unpleasant. Tarot meaning Waite basically says that the card has ‘obvious meanings’ so I don’t think I need to look too closely into it. 
Upright: Equity, rightness, probity, executive; triumph of the deserving side in law. Reversed: Law in all its departments, legal complications, bigotry, bias, excessive severity Speculation The second half of the second piece of Latin, ‘sicut habes’, is in the second-person and I’m assuming that this is meant to address Vesper/MC. Maybe Oleander is also looking for something that he can’t find or afford, although the plural throws me off a bit if that’s the case. Maybe it’s referencing Oleander’s previous Vigils (since Vesper is currently holding that position, ‘just like’ they have) or something…? 
Now, here is my plot theory which may or may not be insane. We know that Oleander has committed murder, and was very blasé about it; presumably he’s done this sort of thing before. We know that in his route, Keir has been alluded to, Griff has shown up and Keir is presumably going to show up at some point. I think that Oleander’s involvement with Keir is going to end very poorly for Keir, even leading to the calamity insinuated in Judgement. Specifically, I think that Oleander and Keir are going to be caught up in a serious crime and Keir is going to take the fall, leading to a permanent end for him (death, probably) and the following collapse of Mouse Hole. Oleander will get off lightly or scot-free (Justice’s ‘triumph of the deserving side in law’, ‘deserving’ as opposed to Keir who is indisputably a criminal and receives ‘excessive severity’). 
This could be from Keir and his group failing the burglary since Vesper isn’t there to cover for the injured lookout, or it could be something else that brings in the dagger which was pointed out in Keir's portion of the trailer. I’m thinking murder, honestly. 
10. Franciscum // innocentes nobiles X: Wheel of Fortune. Francisco // innocent nobles 
10. Tempus // decurrit Time // runs out TL notes Grammatically, ‘Franciscum’ is in the accusative (the case used to mark the ‘object’ on which a verb acts). This could be a stylistic thing or it could allude to how he’s being ‘acted upon’ by whatever power/influence his family have. 
‘Decurrit’ is literally ‘runs down’ which fits with the hourglass imagery, but I imagine that the spirit of the phrase is ‘runs out’ especially since his route already alludes to that. Tarot meaning To quote Waite, “the symbolic picture stands for the perpetual motion of a fluidic universe and for the flux of human life … the essential idea of stability amidst movement. Behind the general notion expressed in the symbol there lies the denial of chance and the fatality which is implied therein.” 
Upright: destiny, fortune, elevation, luck, felicity. Reversed: increase, abundance, superfluity. Speculation I think that at some point within Francesco’s route, his family is going to be further involved. I assume that these are the ‘innocent nobles’, which makes me think that whatever state or situation that they find Francesco in won’t be very innocent at all. Alternatively, it could be that his family is more innocent/harmless than they present themselves as – depending on circumstance, this could be a big win for Vesper or a big loss because they don’t have the family backing that they thought they did. 
The Wheel of Fortune carries connotations of luck and change in fortune. I assume that Vesper provides Francesco with some degree of ‘stability amidst movement’ and that any ‘denial of chance’ involves Francesco leaving the marketplace and returning to the very clearly mapped out future that his family has for him, thus leading to a bad end. ——————————
Thanks for reading to the end!
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lost-lycaon · 6 months
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Underdogs are a passion, especially the African Painted Dog, or Painted Wolf. I support the Waterberg Wild Dog Initiative based in South Africa, which researches and monitors free-living wolf packs in the Waterberg area of South Africa. Instead of surviving on nature reserves, they range across privately owned farmland. This is the key to species survival - coexistence between humanity and the wild.
I published three novels on Painted Wolves, stories from their point of view, as a fundraiser for the Waterberg Wild Dogs. Available on Amazon and Google Books, all proceeds go to the dogs.
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singular-yike · 6 months
Musing on Ancient Mugenri History
I've been thinking about this topic recently and there's a lot in my mind, so I thought to write it down before it starts fading lol.
To be clear, this is going to involve a lot of speculation, and not much is gonna be based on concrete proof, which is a rather great departure from what I usually prefer, but hey, speculation is fun every now then~
This is gonna be split into several parts, which I hope makes things neat enough. In any case, let's begin!
The People of Mugenri
Before we look into the general ancient history of Mugenri, let's take a quick look at what the residents of Mugenri could've been like in the distant past.
Canon Information
First, let's start with the history of its population. Here, we look at these this line from A World That Isn't Fantasy — To Mugenri:
Hoojiro "Another world….. A land of a race that broke off from mankind long, long ago."
Haru immediately recognises this as referencing the "Land of Non-humans", which Tsubakura had apparently been looking into prior to being spirited away.
This land is generally accepted to refer to Mugenri, and this is the assumption I will be going off of here as well.
Additionally, let's also take a look at this bit of information from the 2021 Interview with JynX.
Characters (BPoHC) — Question 242 Q: Considering that God is moreso a qualification rather than a species, are Yago and Souko's longevity thanks to their original species rather than their status as a god? Does becoming a god even grant you new abilities? A: They both gained their longevity after becoming gods and were originally human-like.
Putting these two together, I propose the following: Mugenri was initially inhabited by a "primordial race", the very human-like race that Yago and Souko belonged to prior to their ascension to godhood.
Somewhere a long the way, this original race split into "humans" and "non-humans", who once co-existed peacefully but had a fall-out of some sorts.
This lead to the event Hoojiro described, the non-humans "breaking off" from the humans and settling in Mugenri, creating the "Land of Non-humans"
There are, I think, 2 major caveats to this idea:
I'm making an assumption that the non-humans "breaking off" from the humans applies to both their evolutionary path as well as the relationship between the two.
There's nothing explicitly connecting the "human-like" race and the modern humans and non-humans.
Mugenri's Ancient History
This is where we get really speculative, as all I really have to go on are these names from BotC Back Issue EE Yabusame's Route - Stage 1:
Gods' Tabooed Land
Garden of Eden
Lost Horizon
Oppressed Land of Exile
It should absolutely be noted NiLU suggests that not all of these names originally referred to Mugenri, but that they only got conflated with Mugenri later down the line.
Nevertheless, they're helpful for taking a glimpse into Mugenri's nature. So, let's try to piece a timeline together using these names.
Step 0. Gods' Tabooed Land
"Tabooed Land" is a concept from Shinto that refers to a location said to be reserved for the gods and within which humans are forbidden, often believed to be where the gods descended to and from earth.
Admittedly, I'm unsure whether this step would be placed here or further down, hence "step 0".
If we were to place this here, this would refer to when the gods first descended to earth and started their work, landing in what would become Mugenri and creating "human-like" beings to inhabit it.
Step 1. Garden of Eden
This of course refers to the biblical paradise mentioned in Abrahamic religions where the first humans Adam and Eve once lived before being exiled by God for eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
It's a rather safe bet to place as the first stage of Mugenri, as it is where humanity originated. Paralleling, in the case of Len'en, Mugenri being where the human-like primordial race came from.
It would also be during this period that Yago Ametsukana ascended to godhood, and perhaps Souko Shirami as well, though I'm have less proof for that one outside of the two gods' basis sharing a similar time period in the irl myths.
I would guess that somewhere along the way, whether they have already speciated into human and non-humans aside, the original inhabitants of Mugenri got themselves exiled from Mugenri.
Fondly remembering the paradisical life they used to lead in Mugenri, and lamenting its lost, the land eventually became known as, or equated with, the name "Garden of Eden".
Side Note — Yago's Ascension You might be curious as to why I'm so sure that Yago's ascension is so likely to have taken place in this stage, even specifically before the residents got exiled. This comes from a spell card of theirs, Sword Shot "The Cherubim and the Whirling Sword of Flame". This spell references what the Abrahamic God sent to guard the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve's exile. Thus, Yago having this spell card quite heavily suggests that it was the Ametsukana who forged the "whirling sword of flame" and sent it with the cherubim to guard the garden.
Step 2A. Lost Horizon
Lost Horizon is a 1933 novel by English writer James Hilton, famous for being the origin of Shangri-La, a fictional utopian lamasery.
Having been banished from Mugenri, and as the time passed, it's not beyond belief that the people (especially the humans) would've forgotten where Mugenri was once located, rending a truly lost location from their perspective.
It is also during this phase, I would guess, that the two categories of humans and non-humans must have came to be, no later than this. Explanation to come later.
Step 2B. Gods' Tabooed Land
Yep, the "Gods' Tabooed Land" returns once again. For those who did not forget Mugenri, where it was and its history; or perhaps from the gods' own perspective, Mugenri isn't "lost" at all, it's right there!
Instead, these people would've understood Mugenri as a place now exclusively belonging to the gods, and where humans especially are not allowed to enter.
(After all, while the line between human and god is fairly clear, that between youkai and god is often less so.)
Step 3. Oppressed Land of Exile
Unlike the other names, this one doesn't seem to be a reference of any sort, but is just a simple description of the land.
It is during this time period that I propose the "breaking off" between humans and non-humans must've occurred. For whatever reason, the two races were no longer able to peacefully co-exist.
This lead to the non-humans returning to Mugenri (like I mentioned, it's a lot more likely for them to know where it is after all this time). There, they either locked themselves within to cut all possible contact with the humans or they got locked within by the humans.
Having been exiled from the outside world, the inhabitants of Mugenri started a new era of their lives, adopting the Ruri calendar. "Ruri" meaning "exile", further strengthening this idea.
Side Note I've been using "Mugenri" to refer to this location this entire time, but it only makes sense to assume that this name isn't always what it was called. In fact, I think it's rather likely that it was only used after the barrier was created and a separate world formed. Here, I'll use "Ruri Mugenri", named after its Ruri calendar, to denote specifically the Mugenri as we know it now, separated from the outside by the barrier.
The "exiled non-humans" theory does raise a curious question though: Why are there also humans in Ruri Mugenri?
Of course, this could be explained simply by the fact that humans occasionally wander into Mugenri, but I get the impression that humans have always been in the Ruri Mugenri from the very beginning.
There are, in my opinion, three ways we can explain this:
These early humans were sympathizers to the non-humans, and in solidarity joined them in their self-imposed exile.
These early humans were those who sacrificed their own freedom to forever trap the non-humans in Mugenri.
These early humans were not interested in the race conflict, but was simply hoping to start anew or escape the outside world.
Personally, I would imagine that all these cases could be found, though I'd like to focus on the 2nd option. Because this, I believe, is the origin of the Senri Shrine.
We know that the 1st Senri priest was among those who created the Mugenri Barrier, and considering their successor, Tsurubami Senri's, stance towards youkai, it's not hard to see how I came to this conclusion.
Additionally, this also answers the question of whether the non-humans willingly shut themselves in Mugenri or were trapped in there by the humans.
This idea is somewhat supported by this from the 2021 Interview with JynX:
Mugenri — Question 86 Q: Can you think of Mugenri as a trap or prison, maybe a birdcage? Why else would it be so easy to get in but extremely difficult to get out? A: Something like that. The details are secret~.
Unhelpful JynX aside (lol), they did agree, to some extent, that Mugenri is a trap or a prison, further strengthening the idea that the non-humans aren't exactly willing participants.
The Human/Non-human Conflict
Finally, let's take a quick look at what could've caused this conflict between the two sides in the first place. I have a few theories, so let's go into that here.
First off, there's always the good old human fear of the unknown and the different, the easiest and most typical explanation for these situations and plots.
Perhaps the humans gradually grew more and more intolerant of the non-humans, and eventually took to taking up arms against them, leading to this conflict.
Of course, it's frankly hard to believe that these primeval humans would've been able to fight against the myriad of youkai and other non-humans all by themselves.
Here I suggest that the humans weren't alone, but were instead supported by a certain subset of gods. To see where this idea comes from, let's revisit A World That Isn't Fantasy, this time looking at Alice Leaping Atop Lily Pad Ice.
Hoojiro "Have you ever heard of it? The story of the imperial family and the Earthly Gods buried by history's darkness."
This is, at first glance, seemingly just a throwaway line. Hoojiro brings it up out of nowhere, and Haru quickly brushes her aside.
But even ignoring why Hoojiro brought it up, from an out-of-universe perspective, this line is far too loaded to be nothing, especially from a writer like JynX.
From an in-universe perspective, Hoojiro then follows this up with the talk on the Land of Non-humans in the next section, To Mugenri. This, to me at least, seems to hint that these two must be related somehow.
After all, Tsubakura was looking into the Land of Non-humans, and Hoojiro would've certainly had a good idea of everything they looked into and found.
So! Let's try to figure out what this is about.
First off, I'll tell you right now that this is referring to the mythologised telling of how the Yamato dynasty of Japan came to rule over these islands.
See the imperial family of Japan, according to their mythology, is descendant from Amaterasu Ōmikami, a sun goddess. She is what is considered a "heavenly god" (天津神 amatsukami), gods belonging to or originating from the heavenly realm of Takamagahara.
The counterpart to these heavenly gods are thus the "earthly gods" (国津神 kunitsukami), the native gods of the earth. They were the original rulers of the land (Japan), and it was through both diplomacy and force that the heavenly gods got the earthly gods to relinquish control of the earth to them.
This, I am certain, is the "story of the imperial family and the Earthly Gods", Hoojiro refers to. And I have a feeling that this is what caused the relationship between the humans and non-humans to sour.
Basing it on the myths, it would appear that the heavenly gods chose, for whatever reason, to side with the humans in the conflict, allowing them claim the world as their own.
Having identified the heavenly gods with the humans, this would leave the earthly gods with the non-humans, neither of whom fared very well in this exchange, and were forced to submit before the heavenly gods and their humans.
Thus the losers of this conflict, the earthly gods and non-humans, were "exiled" from the known world, put into an almost mirror-dimension-like plane of existence, their only way back out into the greater world through the outside, the Land of the Humans.
Note — Too Harsh on the Humans? History is written by the victors, or in this case, the imprisoned losers. All the sources we have so far are fairly Ruri Mugenri-centric, even those from outside. There is every chance that the humans were somewhat justified in their attack on the non-humans at first, perhaps the non-humans first took over and oppressed them, much like how the earthly gods were the original rulers of Japan. If this were true, that it'd be rather easy to see why the heavenly gods sided with the humans, perhaps out of pity, or a desire to use them to eliminate a common enemy.
Phew! That was a lot, wasn't it?
But this indeed concludes my thoughts on what the hypothetical ancient history of the land of Mugenri might be like, from it's initial inception to the establishment of Ruri Mugenri.
Like I mentioned at the beginning, a lot more guesswork and speculation this time, so its canonicity is very doubtful. Still, I think it's at least plausible.
As usual, I hope you enjoyed it~! :)
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jasminewalkerauthor · 29 days
Deep dives into folklore: underworlds and the afterlife
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The concept of an underworld and afterlife has intrigued humanity since ancient times, transcending cultural boundaries and permeating various belief systems worldwide. From the Greek Hades to the Egyptian Duat, from the Hindu Naraka to the Christian Hell, diverse cultures have developed rich narratives and mythologies surrounding the journey of the soul beyond death. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of underworlds and afterlives across different cultures, examines the similarities between them, explores potential reasons for these similarities, and analyzes the evolution of societal interpretations and influences.
In ancient Egypt, the afterlife was depicted as the Duat, a mysterious realm where the deceased journeyed through various trials and obstacles to reach the Field of Reeds or face judgment before Osiris. Greek mythology portrays the underworld as Hades, ruled by the god of the same name. It consists of different realms such as the Elysian Fields, Tartarus, and the Asphodel Meadows, each reserved for souls based on their deeds in life. In Hinduism, Naraka represents the realm of punishment for sinful souls. It is presided over by Yama, the god of death, and is characterized by various levels of suffering based on one's karma. Christianity depicts Hell as a place of eternal punishment for the damned, ruled by Satan. It is often portrayed as a fiery abyss where sinners are tormented for eternity. Similar concepts of the underworld and afterlife are found in various other cultures, such as Norse mythology's Hel, Chinese mythology's Diyu, and Native American beliefs in the spirit world.
Across cultures, there is a common theme of judgment and punishment in the afterlife, where souls are rewarded or punished based on their actions in life. Many cultures depict the presence of guardians or deities who oversee the passage to the afterlife and enforce justice. Underworlds often consist of distinct realms or levels, each designated for souls of varying moral standing. Souls frequently undergo trials or tests in the underworld, either to prove their worthiness for paradise or to atone for their sins.
The fear of death and the unknown may lead to the development of similar afterlife concepts across cultures as a way to cope with mortality. Underworld myths may reflect and reinforce societal values, such as justice, morality, and the consequences of one's actions. Through trade, migration, and cultural exchange, ideas about the afterlife may have spread and influenced the beliefs of different societies. Environmental factors such as geography, climate, and natural disasters may have shaped cultural beliefs about the afterlife, influencing narratives of punishment or reward.
As societies evolve and religions develop, interpretations of the afterlife may change to align with new religious doctrines or cultural norms. Philosophical movements and thinkers throughout history have influenced interpretations of the afterlife, leading to shifts in belief systems and ideologies. With advances in science and technology, some societies may reinterpret traditional beliefs about the afterlife in light of scientific knowledge, leading to secular or atheistic perspectives. In modern times, there has been a resurgence of interest in ancient mythologies and spiritual practices, leading to a reevaluation and reinterpretation of underworld narratives in contemporary culture.
Beliefs about the afterlife often serve as moral guidelines, shaping behaviour and influencing societal norms and values. Underworld myths are integral to cultural identity, providing a sense of continuity and connection to the past. The promise of reward or punishment in the afterlife may be used as a means of social control by religious or political authorities. Underworld narratives have inspired countless works of art, literature, and cinema, reflecting and shaping cultural attitudes towards death and the afterlife.
The exploration of underworlds and afterlives across different cultures reveals a fascinating tapestry of beliefs and narratives that have evolved over millennia. Despite cultural diversity, there are striking similarities in themes and motifs, reflecting shared human experiences and existential concerns. Whether as a source of moral guidance, cultural identity, or artistic inspiration, beliefs about the afterlife continue to shape and influence societies around the world, highlighting the enduring power of myth and storytelling in the human experience.
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peachiecure · 2 months
Character introduction: Timpani
~Basic info~
Name: Lady Timpani
Age: ?
Birthday: ?
Hair color: White
Eye color: Green
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Timpani, previously known as the Pixl Tippi, is the human who fell in love with Blumiere. She is a major side character in Project: SFA.
After the events of SPM, it is said that the two had found their ‘paradise’… but it appears that fate had more planned for them both. Now, when they realized they’ve been in another version of the hero’s world, she explores with curiosity and bright eyes. Outgoing and cheerful, but still with her reserved nature, she watches over the new young princess of the Mushroom Kingdom as a way to thank Mario for what he has done for her. Though she knows this Mario isn’t the one who helped her, she feels that deep down he would still appreciate the gesture. She seems to possess the ability of being able to change into her Pixl form even after the events of SPM.
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She lives together with Blumiere in a small cottage. She used to do a lot of the housework at first until her beloved seemed to have taken over a lot of the duties. With him doing that, it has allowed her to explore the world they now reside in. She enjoys seeing how colorful everything is, thinking of spots to bring her Blumie to when he’s more open to going out again… Sometimes, she brings back a few mementos to decorate their home with, telling her husband how her travels went.
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Timpani’s appearance has changed back to her human self since the events of SPM… though with a few exceptions. Blumiere mentions in the beginning how her once light brown hair that he remembers long ago seemed to have turned white, and her outfit was now a gorgeous white dress with rainbow accents and a matching butterfly hair clip, reminiscent of her Pixl form. She also had another more casual outfit that is similar to the outfit she used to wear when she first met Blumiere all those years ago.
~Power and abilities~
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Even though Timpani is a human again, she seems to still retain the ability to change back into her Pixl form, being able to fully change back or simply putting her wings out like a fairy. She also appears to retain all her abundance of information and ability to see invisible objects… though it is currently useless because she hasn’t really ran into a situation when that was needed. Her knowledge, though expansive, also doesn’t seem to cover everything in the current world she’s in. When Timpani goes out, she takes the time to learn all the new details around her.
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Blumiere: “Being finally together with Blumiere after all we’ve been through… it’s a dream come true! Seeing him being the best person he can be, helping me out… developing hobbies for himself now with nothing stopping him… nothing brings more joy to me than seeing him genuinely enjoying life and being happy. But after discovering that this world is one where other version of Mario and the others reside… there’s been a shift in his behavior… he seems more jittery and jumpy… he often wakes up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily… and he’s been aggressively cleaning around the house. I’m worried for him… but he doesn’t seem to want to talk to me about it. I will question him soon, I cannot be left in the dark about what’s worrying him… he shouldn’t suffer alone.”
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Sweetheart: “Sweetheart is such a wonderful child! I visit her ever so often, ever since she was a baby… seeing her grow over the years has really been an experience like no other. Now that she’s older, she’s seems to really enjoy my visits… she often plays little games of tea parties with her toys and me… of course, I’ve never really shown my human form to her, only my Pixl form… she calls me Ms. Butterfly, hehe… how cute. Though I guess Mrs. Butterfly would be more accurate, but I’ll correct her when the time comes. She appears to view me like I’m her guardian angel… I guess that does suit my role to her quite nicely….”
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Mario: “Mario… to see you once again, being the hero that you are… I’m glad to see that you’re universally such a good man, no matter what world it is. From your heroic deeds, your kindness is infectious and spreads across the land… I’m so glad I was able to travel alongside another version of you all those years ago… and for all that was done, you have my thanks… when watching over your daughter, I’ll make sure no one will ever harm her…”
Peach: “Over these years, I’ve been able to see Peach trying her best in raising her daughter. The princess is very strong willed, but I can see that deep down she struggles on knowing if what she is doing is the best for Sweetheart… And as of lately, she’s busy preparing for her coronation… even if she doesn’t know, I’ll make sure that Sweetheart knows she’s loved and is cared for by her loved ones.”
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Flame & Aqua: “Sweetheart has these two interesting prince friends by the names of Flame and Aqua. Flame is a very cheerful boy, but has a bit of odd behavior around Sweetheart. I think he just wants to impress her, but he does everything she says without hesitation… it does concern me a bit. Aqua is… a certainly self centered boy. The way he makes sure all attention on him, having people praise him… I worry that perhaps his home life isn’t the greatest… I sure hope that isn’t the case.”
Larissa: “Seeing a new face around as if recently has gotten me very excited. I hear the princes say that she’s a relative of Mario’s, but I don’t think so. Perhaps an apprentice is more accurate term for her… she possesses an ability to transform into a ‘magical girl’… it’s quite a special power to have. I’m sure along with Mario’s guidance, she will become a great hero…”
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Others: “Why, there’s so many colorful people here! Luigi and Bowser are still here, always nice to see some familiar faces… Luigi has a little ghost puppy! How cute… I’m glad to see that Mario and him still have such a strong brotherly bond… and Bowser, it’s so interesting to see him with his children!… he has quite a lot of them… from his own son to his adoptive children, I’m sure it’s very lively in his castle. There’s also a lot of faces I’ve never seen before, like Daisy, Rosalina, Toadsworth… why, the list goes on! Perhaps being in such an exciting world makes me want to learn more about everything…”
~Voice Claims~
Timpani’s voice claims are Lea from Dragalia Lost for JP and Gunnthrá from Fire Emblem Heroes for EN.
That’s it for Timpani’s dedicated intro. Next will be determined~
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citrusitonit · 3 months
Do you like Dr. Stone?
If so, Can you info dump dr.Stone to me? If you want to, of course.
I could look it up myself but i mostly just want to get some of that info dump and that energy that only a fan who is hyperfixating can give often leads me to look into the media and it's fun. Idk
Hearing/seeing people (especially those i know or have interacted with) be happy and geek out about stuff is fun and i often end up wanting to check it out afterwards because of that
No worries if you don't wanna tho
no. no worries at all. in fact. you should worry.
im going to start from the beginning. and then explain each character in sequence.
senku, taiju, and yuzuriha are all best friends. senku is the extreme science guy, taiju is the brawny loud and energetic guy who has a crush on yuzuriha, and yuzuriha is a determined but reserved girl who is into crafts. (senku n taiju met during childhood while taiju met yuzuriha in middle school n introduced her to senku in the same timeframe bc she offered helped in making lightweight objects)
one day, (june 3rd 2019) taiju says to senku that hes finally gonna confess after 5 years. however when he finally meets her, bright green light envelops the whole world, and turns everyone to stone.
however, taiju retains his consciousness out of sheer willpower. Esxactly 3718 years pass, and with humans turned to stone, civilization crumbles. buildings fall down, animals take over, nature overrun cities. (note: the only creatures petrified were humans and swallow birds)
Taiju wakes n breaks from stone, naked, n is surrounded by nature. he finds senku, who was actually awake 6 monthz earlier. The only way they found out 3,718 years had passed was bc senku counted the days, and seconde in his consciousness ever since being petrified.
senku and taiju spend 6 months experimenting with petrified swallows for the revival/miracle fluid (depends on translation). in the end, its a success, but just as theyr about to revive yuzuriha they end up being cornered by lions and revive tsukasa shishio, the worlds strongest primate highschooler.
they work together n have 2 wait again to make the revival fluid. however tsukasa sees senkus abilities, and proposes to him an idea. that they should only revive the 'pure hearted youth', bc in this new world, it should be a paradise not tainted by the old world's philosophies where the greedy elders had the power. However, senku disagrees n it becomes tense between them.
Long story short they revive yuzuriha n after a little scuffle, run away to Hakone, where they can get sulfur for gunpowder to defeat tsukasa. but after accidentally lighting a fire they find out that ther r other ppl asides from them who r alive when they get a smoke signal response to their fire. sadly, tsukasa finds them, n after finding out the revival fluid formula, he kills senku.
taiju n yuzuriha run away wit senkus body n miraculously revive him using the science of the revival fluid. But since senkus known as dead, taiju n yuzuriha seprate from him. senku goes to find who made the smoke signal, while taiju n yuzuriha go to tsukasas new 'empire' as spies.
senku manages to find the mysterious person, who is trapped under a tree after they attempted to fight tsukasa. A girl named kohaku (shes blonde, and as senku finds out later, scarily strong and agile.) he eventually deduces that shes not a revived, but rather, a descendant of a revived. senku demonstrates his use of science by making a pulley and lifting the tree log. kohaku thanks him, and after camping out for the night, brings him to her village. its a primitive village, and there he meets chrome, a guy whos another 'sorcerer' (since they dont know science, they call it 'sorcery').
from then on, this is where the first arc starts.
now for my personal opinions.
i love dr stone so much because the anime is a serious, but not totally serious anime. Theres so many goofy scenes, and there are rare emotional moments. When there are, they arent overly cheesy or monologuey. also because the theme is a sort of fantasy, but its also somewhat relatable in terms of how ppl interact with each other. idk it just feels so real. everyone (EVERYONE) has their own unique personalities and features that differentiate them from each other. (except ahmm 4 some side charctrs)
the story has lots of lighthearted funny moments in every episode, n the humor is nice too. overall i am insane over this and it inspired me so much bc throughout the series senkus whole motto is to try and try and try again. it appeals very much to me bc his problems arent solved by some magical miracle. he works, and individually gathers the tools and ingredients needed for each thing he needs. and not just that, he relies on others, and others rely on him. For me, it teaches a lot of lessons about perseverance. n it feels more impacting even he doesnt do things in a snap. he sometimes finishes things in a week, a month, a day. progress takes time. and any bit of progress, even if its just a little, is still worth it. when conflict happens, he does not aim for the best scenario, but something thats atleast not the worst scenario. aside from that, he also gets nervous, he gets scared, he also gets sentimental, though ull barely notice.
in fact, he inspired me so much ive been getting into astronomy lately. Also, another thing another character taught me in this series is passion. like, pursue what you love, it doesnt have to be some long term passion. even if u feel like u shouldnt, pursue it. lets say uve taken interest in painting, paint as much as you can. never limit the desires of ur heart. tho this character was like, an heir of a huge company, rich asf. but the thing is even when he isnt rich (revived in the stone world. the title of heir means nothing now), he still manages to pursue whatever he wanted. he even says in a q and a, that "everything i did i could do through money. But if you truly love it, youll be able to find a way, even without money!!" and thats true. This type of passion also showed in tsukasas backstory. He trained, for years and years since childhood. he went boxing against full adults as a kid, accepted every interview his way, went to every show. until 18 he did so because he wanted to provide for his hospitalized sister (she was announced clinically braindead). his dad was a unemployed drunkard, and of course he needed money to keep his sister well in the hospital. he wasnt even born strong or anything. he was just an ordinary kid. but from then on he would go to free playground parks at night. hed train and train, and at his age signed himself up for ring fights. hed train hard to win against everyone hes pitted against. Just so he could give his sister gifts, and a nice hospital room.
anyways thats a super big example ramble thats what i think of dr stone yah
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tyrranux64 · 8 months
"Holy Diver"
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Welcome to Providence City America, cirta 2364 AD. Spanning about 200,000 miles in diameter hanging just off the coast of California like a cancerous growth. A fully realized technological marvel and a “paradise” of late stage capitalism, offering the mere illusion of a more “evolved” civilization no longer adhering to the old ways when in truth the old status quo is very much alive still feeding off the lower class like a parasite. And now going against the system is punishable by having your very alienable rights stripped from you and being treated as a pariah on social media, death would be much for favorable…..so naturally the suicide rates are at an all time high (and a frequent source of meat for fast food chains). Truly is a wonderland of stagnant progress……much better than the alternative. About 80% of North America lies in ruin, terraformed into a hellscape of alien crystal and bio flesh following the events of the Great Cataclysm, details of which are now lost to time. Anyone who cannot afford to leave the continent will have to brave this hellscape for a chance of freedom. Such is the sad state of affairs that two very unlucky street rats find themselves in. Forced to live day by day under the oppressive rule of corporate greed. Waiting for the last straw to give them cause for unleashing the strange power that they each possess to burn this nightmarish status quo to the ground…..and then they are contacted by a mysterious freedom fighter, one Poppy Quocks, who has a proposition for them both…. _______________________________________________________
Chrost Matoi {HOLY DIVER}[Colleen Clinkenbeard] Japanese, age 12, non binary, pending. 4 feet 3 inches. Quiet and reserve right down to the overgrown hair obscuring their eyes, has a hard time communicating with even other kids their age. A kid in every sense of the word, right down to the iron clad attachment towards their adoptive brother Frisk. It is no mere codependency, it is a bond between two kindred spirits that have nothing else in this terrible shit hole known as Providence City, nothing but each other a couple hundred Providence Dollars to their names. Because of the circumstances Chrost is especially protective of Frisk, taking care of his wounds, making sure he eats right, being over lenient with his knuckleheaded decisions, willing to maim anyone that harms so much as a hair on him. If anything were to happen to Frisk there is no telling what Chrost would do….especially since it turns out that Chrost is in possession of a dangerous power that could destroy the world… _______________________________________________________ THE AEONS The fallen angels of destruction, diving down from the heavens upon the world to destroy it and rebuild it anew. So the legends say. Thought to have been mere myth, the recent appearance of the infamous Holy Diver has people now paranoid that all these doomsday prophecies, conspiracy theories and hokum might actually be cold hard reality. There have also been rumors of other such monsters, sharing the Holy Diver’s mouth only face with no eyes, boasting powers that could only be describes as…..eternal……
-[HOLY DIVER;] The Titan of Wrath. Bearer of the Hecatonchires Driver transforming them into a humanoid of shimmering gold. “Herculean” doesn’t quite do justice to this humanoid beast’s terrifying strength, amplified by its ability to stretch its limbs and grow additional arms. Wields the power of light with such ferocity that it can atomize solid matter in one full power blast. Height in this form is 8 feet 3 inches.   
-[VOID DIVER;] The Slothful Assassin. Bearer of the Gashadokuro Driver transforming them into a skeletal nightmare of pale ivory. His bone like body makes him virtually invincible and incapable of feeling pain. A master of the blade who is able to grow bone protrusion weaponry from his body, any protrusion they grow is sharp enough to cut through solid diamond. Height in this form is 8 feet 6 inches. -[MEGA DIVER;] The Avarice Wyrm. Bearer of the Jormungandr Driver transforming them into a Herculean dragon god. Sheer power and strength concentrated into their fists and their very skin cuts through even steel like a thousand blades, has heightened senses able to see in full three dimensions at once. Can channel great water like chi energy for devastating attacks. Height in this form is 10 feet 4 inches.   
-[NOVA DIVER;] The Lustful Psychopath. Bearer of the Cerberus Driver transforming them into a feminine lycan of reddish obsidian. Has three heads, two of which are massive shoulder pauldrons spewing out intense flames which then take whatever animal like shape that they desire. Armor is constantly giving off intense radiation and can even outright become like molten rock. Height in this form is 7 feet 9 inches. 
 -[ZERO DIVER;] The Jealous Nightmare. Bearer of the Leviathan Driver transforming them into a disturbingly beautiful fishman of crystalline blue sapphire. Is easily identified by the fifty foot long “serpent tail” protruding from the upper back and neck, able to reduce the very temperature of the immediate area to sub zero within seconds causing living flesh to become like frozen rock. Height in this form is 25 feet 5 inches.  
-[GAEA DIVER;] The Gluttonous Beast. Bearer of the Behemoth Driver transforming them into a towering quadrupedal beast. The very concept of devastation and genocide made manifest, able to destroy an entire city with its sheer animalistic fury and hunger. Also has the ability to spew poison that causes hideous decay and mutation. Height in this form is 40 feet 10 inches.   
-[CHAOS DIVER;] The Vain Antichrist. Bearer of the Sephiroth Driver transforming them into a demonic humanoid seraphim with six wings of bleeding blades. Easily the most dangerous of the Aeons simply for having the power to unleash the Rot, but even without that power this beastly terror is exceptionally powerful in raw strength and speed. Height in this form is 20 feet 10 inches.   
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sunderbannationalpark · 2 months
About Sunderbans National Park
Information About Sunderbans National Park, India
Covering an expanse of approximately 10,000 square kilometers, the Sundarbans forest spans across both India and Bangladesh. India claims around 4,262 square kilometers of this natural marvel, while the rest falls within Bangladesh's territory. Sundarbans National Park occupies the Indian portion, renowned globally for hosting the largest mangrove forest on the planet. This national park is a haven for nature enthusiasts and wildlife aficionados alike. With its thick mangrove cover, intricate network of river channels, picturesque estuaries, and a thriving population of Royal Bengal Tigers and various other wildlife species, the Sundarbans offers a captivating landscape that beckons visitors from far and wide. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the park possesses a unique allure that draws tourists seeking unparalleled natural beauty and biodiversity experiences.
Located at the southeastern edge of the 24 Paraganas district in West Bengal, India, the Sundarbans National Park derives its name from the Sundari mangrove plant (Heritiera Minor). Situated within the world's largest delta formed by the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers, this national park covers an expansive area of approximately 2585 square kilometers, making it India's largest national park and tiger reserve. The Sundarbans region encompasses around 2125 square kilometers of mangrove forest, while the remaining area, spread across 56 islands, is dominated by water bodies, totaling 4262 square kilometers.
Flora in Sundarbans National Park:
The Sundarbans, renowned as the largest mangrove forest globally, boasts the mangrove tree as its flagship species, thriving uniquely in its waterlogged terrain. With remarkable adaptability, these trees endure prolonged inundation by sending up spikes from their roots, aiding respiration and providing structural support to the mangrove ecosystem. Among its diverse array of flora, the Sundarbans is home to the 'Sundari' mangrove, a distinctive variety that dominates the landscape and lends its name to the forest. Encompassing over 300 plant species, the Sundarbans region harbors a rich botanical tapestry.
Fauna in Sundarbans National Park:
The Sundarbans National Park, dominated by the majestic Royal Bengal Tigers, reigns supreme as the apex predator with a population exceeding 400 individuals. These iconic tigers exhibit remarkable swimming prowess in the park's salty waters and are notorious for their occasional predation on humans. While tourists flock to catch a glimpse of these striped wonders, the park harbors a diverse array of fauna that equally captivates wildlife enthusiasts.
In addition to the Bengal Tigers, Sundarbans teems with captivating wildlife such as Fishing Cats, Leopards, Macaques, Wild Boars, Wild Buffaloes, Rhinoceroses, Indian Mongooses, Jungle Cats, Foxes, Flying Foxes, Pangolins, Barking Deer, Spotted Deer, Hog Deer, and Chitals. The park is also home to saltwater crocodiles and various snake species, adding to its rich biodiversity.
Moreover, Sundarbans boasts a vibrant avian population, featuring a kaleidoscope of exotic birds. Among them are Openbill Storks, Black-capped Kingfishers, Black-headed Ibises, Coots, Water Hens, Pheasant-tailed Jacanas, Brahminy Kites, Pariah Kites, Marsh Harriers, Swamp Partridges, Red Junglefowl, Spotted Doves, Common Mynahs, Jungle Crows, Jungle Babblers, Cotton Teals, Herring Gulls, Caspian Terns, Gray Herons, Common Snipes, Wood Sandpipers, Green Pigeons, Rose-ringed Parakeets, Paradise-flycatchers, Cormorants, Grey-headed Fish Eagles, White-bellied Sea Eagles, Seagulls, Common Kingfishers, Peregrine Falcons, Woodpeckers, Whimbrels, Black-tailed Godwits, Little Stints, Eastern Knots, Curlews, Golden Plovers, Northern Pintails, White-eyed Pochards, and Whistling Teals. These avian residents contribute to the park's enchanting atmosphere, making it a paradise for birdwatchers and nature lovers alike.
Climate of Sundarbans National Park:
The climate in the Sunderbans forest is generally temperate and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 48 degrees Celsius. Due to its proximity to the Bay of Bengal, humidity levels are consistently high, averaging around 80%, and heavy rainfall is common. The summer season, lasting from March to May, is characterized by hot and humid weather. Monsoon conditions prevail from mid-May to mid-September, marked by increased humidity and windy conditions. The region frequently experiences storms, particularly in May and October, which can escalate into cyclones. Winter sets in from October to February, bringing colder temperatures to the area.
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bvlladonnas · 3 months
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is that JENNA ORTEGA? oh, no, that’s ESMERALDA DOMINGUEZ-HERRERA, a TWENTY-FOUR year old GRAD STUDENT AT UNIVERSIDAD DE BELLAS ARTES DE VALPARAÍSO/ BARTENDER AT LOS FANTASMAS who uses SHE/HER pronouns. they currently live in VALPARAÍSO, and the character they identify with most is PRUE HALLIWELL FROM CHARMED. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas! 
mention of child abandonment.
full name: esmeralda estrella dominguez-herrera nickname(s): esme, estrellita (by her parents) age: twenty-four gender: cis woman pronouns: she/her sexuality: bisexual biromantic date & place of birth: november 2nd in guadalajara, mexico occupation: bartender @ los fantasmas & paleontology grad student @ universidad de bellas artes de valparaíso faceclaim: jenna ortega piercings: so many. six on each ear, a belly button piercing, and a nose stud traits: reserved, polite, observant, cynical, likes to have fun if you catch her like five days out of the year, meticulous similar to: prue halliwell (charmed), d.j. tanner (full house), juno macguff (juno), camilla saroyan (bones), monica geller (friends), leah clearwater (twilight), kat stratford (10 things i hate about you), nancy wheeler (stranger things), beca mitchell (pitch perfect) aesthetics: coffee with an ungodly amount of creamer, humming songs while cooking dinner, going outside at 3 am to look at the stars, accidental 5 hour long naps, an earbud always in one ear, an array of rings on each hand, late night dancing in the studio
— esmeralda is a product of the affair her father had while on a business trip, away from his wife and drunk one night in guadalajara. her mother, a dancer, met him at an event and one thing led to another. — her mother wasn’t prepared to have a child in any way, too young, too busy, and too reckless. she gave up parental rights to esme and sent her home with her father from the hospital; he was the one that named her. — there, she was raised as practically a twin to her sister & forever best friend, luna. esme was never lied to about her parentage but she was also never reminded for it. she never doubted that she was a part of the family (most times) — she was simply more to love. — growing up esme was never a fan of the celebrity scene her family thrived in. she preferred to stick to herself, in front of an easel, her nose in a book, or in her room watching movies. she was luna’s protector from any bullies and quickly grew thick skin from those who tried to bully her because of their family’s suspected status as brujas. it was much easier to pretend she didn’t care and be cold back than let herself be upset (read: this bitch cannot and will not process her emotions). this only got worse when the family moved to new york; esmeralda, out of her element and away from what she considered her real home, retreated in on herself. — esme had been described as an “old soul” her entire life (she’s simply autistic) and thus was deemed as mature quicker than others in her grade level and her family. internalizing this was easy, and it progressed into being very tightly wound, often rigid. shoutout older sister complex despite not being one. — her move to valparaíso was a natural progression of her academic journey & her need to get away. after finding out her birth mother had begun her own family (happy and in love with babies on facebook. smh), esme applied to the university on a breakdown-induced whim. her acceptance had her pushing luna to go as well, knowing her sibling was going Through It, too. it all worked out (clearly) & here she is ‼️‼️
— baby loves to cook. always trying new recipes & loves to host dinner parties. she did cooking & sewing & knitting/crochet classes as a kid to keep her busy instead of acting. she also danced for a while, but uses it now more as stress relief than anything else. — always tired. 9/10 if she isn’t replying it’s because she’s sleeping. insane concealer budget — loves film and movies and thinking way too deep into them. her letterboxd goes crazy. — actually enjoys her job a lot and takes it oddly seriously, won’t judge anyone for what they say while drunk and ranting to her because she thinks it’s mean to do so when they’re most vulnerable. — plays up the dry personality when she’s bartending because it makes old men tip her well. — big fan of animal crossing. terraforming beast — she has a leopard gecko named honey and an array of fish, including a small shark named buddy.
— idk man. someone teach her how to have fun. she’s 24 she should be at da club — give her a best friend ‼️‼️ please ‼️‼️ — lit anything else idk. fwb. exs. enemies. frenemies. who is she serving at the bar!! let’s go crazy stupid wild guys
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 38
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is the product of my limited knowledge of Chinese characters as I attempt to learn the language. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 38 - This Venerable One is Twenty Thousands Leagues Under The Sea
Chu Wanning's neither humble nor arrogant attitude was the same even in front of the gods. He said indifferently: "You recognize me?"
"How can I not?" Gouchen smiled politely. "Many years ago, you came to Jincheng Lake to ask for a sword. Your spiritual power was so profound and pure that I almost couldn't help coming out to see you. How's it going, are you still using your weapon well?"
"Which one are you talking about?"
". . . Ah." Gouchen was taken aback and then smiled. "Look at my memory. I forgot that I gave you two."
Chu Wanning said: "That's alright. Tianwen is very good."
"The willow vine."
"Oh. I see." Gouchen chuckled. "You named it Tianwen? What about the other one? What's it called?"
Chu Wanning said: "Jiuge."
"How is Jiuge?"
"Its spiritual energy is so profound that I don't use it much."
Gouchen sighed: "That's a pity."
After this conversation, Gouchen rested his hands behind his back, and said, "Wangyue, I'll take them down. The spiritual energy in the water is weak and it's not good for your health, so you should go back first."
The old dragon nodded and, with a bang, set off a huge wave. Dragon scales shone as the dragon dove into the abyss.
At the same time, Chu Wanning cast a water-repelling enchantment on the other three people. Gouchen noticed and took another glance at Chu Wanning, wondering: Among cultivators, it's rare to see a technique as great as his. I wonder who he learned it from.
But Chu Wanning looked like a reserved person who didn't want to talk nonsense with others and Gouchen didn't want to make a fool out of himself. When everyone was ready, they waded into the water together and dived into the frigid Jincheng Lake.
Because of the enchantment, Mo Ran and the others' movements were no different from their actions on the shore. As they dove to the bottom, a vast underwater world gradually emerged in front of them.
The bottom of the lake was covered with a large area of soft white sand. Streets and alleys were crisscrossed, plants flowed in the water, and well-constructed houses were lined up one after another. In those streets and alleys, spiritual beasts and immortal demons of different shapes and sizes were walking around. In the human realm, certain spirits and monsters could never coexist peacefully, but here, they could live in peace.
Gouchen said: "Jincheng Lake is rich in spiritual energy and it's a naturally-formed paradise. Spirits settle here and often do not migrate for generations so there are many things that are different from the human realm. If you're interested, you can take a look around."
As they were talking, they saw a rabbit with snow-white hair and red eyes riding a tiger with a white forehead ostentatiously parading around the city. The rabbit spirit was wearing an elegant and noble white robe, yelling at the tiger to go faster. And looking at the tiger's bashful and obedient visage again, he lowered his eyes with embarrassment, without the slightest prestige.
Everyone was speechless: ". . ."
Gouchen took them along the main road. The shops on both sides of the road were crowded with spirits and beasts. After walking for a while, when they reached the downtown area, there was an even bigger crowd. The scene was a sight to behold.
"Jincheng Lake rarely communicates with the outside world so most of the items one would need are exchanged here."
Xue Meng said: "It's rumoured that Jincheng Lake is made of your blood. If that's the case, they are all supported by your spiritual energy, so you must be the master of this place, right?"
"I'm not a master." Gouchen smiled softly. "Too many years have passed. I have been away from the divine realm for many years, and my spiritual energy is not what it used to be. The things that happened when the heavens and the earth were created are like a dream when I think about it. How much does it have to do with me now? Now, what stands in front of you is a lowly swordsmith."
As he spoke, he took the group for a walk around the city centre. The creatures at the bottom of the lake lived alongside Gouchen for so long that they had gradually forgotten his identity as a primordial god. When they saw him coming, they didn't have any special reaction, they just kept bartering their products.
"Fish blood steamed buns, freshly caught fish blood steamed buns."
"Fresh snake skin, perfect material for any clothing. Only three feet left. Once its gone, you'll have to wait until the next molting season."
"Selling squid eyebrow dye. This young master just extracted the ink this morning. It's best to take a dab of ink and trace - ah ah, don't leave, young lady."
The marketplace was full of shouting, and the spectacle was a sight like no other.
A headless ghost was sitting in front of a stall selling combs and hair products. A pair of long fingernails painted with red cardamom held an angular comb. The ghost rested his bloody head on his knees, combing his hair while gently saying: "This is the finest bone comb. Please take one with you."
Xue Meng's eyes widened and he looked around him. He saw a pharmacy beside him with many bustling people coming and going. He was thinking of his mother's love for rare herbs and was about to move closer to see them when he suddenly heard a shrill voice shouting from behind him: "Make way, make way! Let me go first!"
Xue Meng shrank back and turned his head to look, but he couldn't see anyone. Gouchen smiled and said: "Under your feet. Take a closer look."
Obediently, Xue Meng took a closer look and saw a pile of small stones walking by itself.
"How surprising, even stones can walk. Is it a stone spirit?" Xue Meng muttered.
Chu Wanning, however, said: "A fuban*."
"The wealthy class**?"
*(T/N: A fuban (蝜蝂) is a small insect that is good at carrying things on its back.)
**(T/N: wealthy class (富班) and the small insect (蝜蝂) are both pronounced "fuban")
". . ." Chu Wanning vaguely glanced at him. "It's okay if Mo Ran doesn't listen in class, but even you aren't paying attention?"
Xue Meng was engrossed in his martial arts training, but he was indifferent to literature and history which only hindered Chu Wanning's dignity. He pretended to sit upright in his lessons, but, in fact, everything being said went in one ear and out the other. Now that he had been caught by his shizun, he instantly flushed.
Mo Ran covered his laugh with his hand: "I'm sad to hear Shizun say that. I really listened carefully to that part."
Xue Meng was not convinced: "Oh? Then you can it to us?"
"Alright then, a fuban is a type of insect. They're very greedy by nature. Whenever it sees a beautiful stone, it wants to carry it on its back. In the end, it is often crushed to death by the stones that it picked up."
Mo Ran looked at Chu Wanning with a smile.
"Shizun, would you say I'm right?"
Chu Wanning nodded, and then said: "Fubans are extinct in the human realm. I didn't expect that there were still some left here."
When Gouchen heard this, he smiled: "It's because of a small pharmacy that it's been able to survive. You see, there it is."
They saw the fuban moving laboriously to the steps of the pharmacy when it suddenly shouted: "I can't take it anymore! Come and save my life!"
A blue jiao* quickly swam out. He had obviously dealt with this situation countless times. He took a white porcelain bottle and poured some golden-red coloured potion on the fuban. While pouring the liquid, he chuckled: "Yugong, you seem to have harvested a lot today"
*(T/N: a jiao (蛟) is a legendary dragon with the ability control rain and floods, usually also called a "scaled dragon")
The fuban called Yugong hummed. His voice was relaxed, obviously very comfortable under the nourishment of the potion: "Hmph, it's still good, it's still good. If I go back with a hundred tomorrow, I'll have four hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and seventeen stones at home."
Mo Ran: ". . ."
Chu Wanning: ". . ."
Shi Mei murmured: "Have you actually hoarded that much already?"
The blue jiao sprinkled the medicinal elixir on the fuban and said: "Remember to come here early tomorrow. I'm afraid that if you're any later, pouring this replenishing elixir on you might not work."
"I got it, I got it. I'll come earlier." The fuban responded in a perfunctory manner. He suddenly caught sight of a beautiful pale yellow stone in the corner, and shouted again. "Hey, mudfish -- ah no, Dr.Jiao, that stone over there looks good. Please pick it up and put it on my back. Then I will have four hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and eighteen stones tomorrow. ."
Xue Meng couldn't help but walked over and interject: "Why do you want so many stones? Do you want to build a house?"
The fuban's shrill condescending voice came out from under the stone pile: "What? A mortal? Oh, I haven't seen a mortal for many years -- you ask me what I'm doing with the stones? Of course, I'm not building a house, how could I be so boring!"
Shi Mei couldn't help but be curious: "Then what do you do with them?"
The fuban said confidently: "I count them!"
". . ."
Everyone was speechless.
After a leisurely stroll, Gouchen led them back to his mansion.
On the corner of the street, a huge shell stood up like a screen wall from the human realm. After turning into the courtyard, they saw that the courtyard was divided into six spacious and grand entrances. There were halls and compartments, corridors and gardens, seaweed and pearls woven into beaded curtains gently swayed with the water waves. Some of the compartments were dark while others were lit, and there was dim candlelight inside and faint sounds of a konghou* and an ocarina.
*(T/N: a konghou (箜篌) is a Chinese harp)
Like the pharmacy, the servants in Gouchen's mansion were also jiao people.
Some of the jiaos kept their tails and some turned the dragon's tail into legs for the convenience of walking. However, they were still not used to wearing shoes, and they all walked around on the ground barefoot.
When Gouchen saw the strange expressions between the four of them, he smiled delicately, as faint as a cloud of smoke: "Don't be surprised gentlemen. I'm friends with Wangyue so we live together. He was once the Prince of the Eastern Sea, and these servants all came with him after he settled here."
Wangyue was the old black dragon.
Because he got his divine weapon from the black dragon in his previous life, it was more or less the thing he cared about the most. Hearing what Gouchen said, he couldn't help laughing: "Then where is he? A behemoth like him should have transformed after returning to the bottom of the water, right? Otherwise, it can't live here."
Gouchen nodded and said happily: "It's natural, but he's getting old and physically weak. He just went to the surface and needs to rest now. If you want to see him, you need to wait until he wakes up."
As he spoke, a long brown-haired jiao floated up. He bent down and bowed to Gouchen. When he opened his mouth, an elegant and ethereal voice rang out:
"The supreme god has returned. His Highness Wangyue has already told his subordinates about the matter. Is the Lord God going to take the guests to the Divine Weapon Treasury immediately?"
Gouchen didn't answer at first but looked at the guests gently. Seeing that the four had no objection, he nodded: "That's fine, and please make the kitchen prepare some wine and small dishes. After we return from the Divine Weapon Treasury, we will have a feast."
The group went deep through the courtyard and came to the last doorway. In the center of the courtyard, they saw a huge willow, perhaps different from the willow tree species in the human realm. The trunk of this willow tree was as thick as ten adult men grouped together. The bark of the tree was old and gnarled, the willow leaves drooping in thousands of strands, like a turquoise tent.
Xue Meng's voice was dry: "Wow, how many years has this tree been growing?"
Gouchen said: "I haven't calculated it, but it's been there for more than 100,000 years."
Xue Meng was shocked: "What tree species can live that long?"
"Trees are supposed to be older than people, not to mention that it's nourished by the energy of Jincheng Lake, so it's not really that surprising. Please follow me closely, the entrance to the Divine Weapon Treasury is in this willow tree hole." Gouchen said. He suddenly stopped and looked at Xue Meng.
"Try not to touch the willow branches. The tree is spiritual and it will hurt."
But it was a little late to say this because Xue Meng had already pulled a branch off.
He could only hear his own "ah", and at the same time there was an ethereal sound in the void as if a hoarse voice was sighing softly - "Ouch".
As if he had been struck by lightning, Xue Meng quickly drew his blade, his face drained of colour: "What's going on? Why is there blood?"
Sure enough, blood gurgled out from the break in the willow branch, and the leaves he had thrown seemed to be alive, spasming and twitching on the ground. After a while, it gradually slowed, it lay in the distance then quickly curled up and burned away.
Gouchen said helplessly: "I told you that the tree was spiritual. Why would the young master still. . ." He shook his head. He went forward to check the severed branch and urged his spiritual energy to calm the willow tree's bleeding.
Chu Wanning said: "Xue Meng, come to me. Don't move."
"Yes, Shizun." Xue Meng made a mistake and hung his head.
Fortunately, this little episode did not cause too much trouble. Chu Wanning apologized to Gouchen. The other part, worthy of being a primordial god, was generous and only laughed: "This young gentleman is a little too quick."
Xue Meng's face flushed red and he walked behind Chu Wanning without saying a word. During the conversation, the group walked through the lush willows and came to the thick trunk. Upon closer inspection, they found that this willow tree was even bigger than when viewed from a distance. At first, they thought that it was as thick as a group of ten men, but when they looked again, they realized that they had really underestimated its gnarly nature.
There was a tree hole in the willow trunk. Not so much a tree hole, it should be described as a huge archway, wide and tall enough for three strong men to pass through at the same time. Several complicated boundaries were laid in front of the tree hole. Gouchen dissolved them one by one, and then looked back and smiled: "Inside is the Divine Weapon Treasury. It's a little small and messy, please don't laugh."
Mo Ran was curious. He was about to go in after Gouchen, but Chu Wanning seemed to inadvertently step in front of him, and calmly said: "Slow down." He went up first.
Mo Ran was very familiar with this behaviour. In his previous life, when the four of them killed monsters and exorcised demons, Chu Wanning always took the lead. At that time, he only thought that his shizun was impatient and arrogant, and didn't want to fall behind the younger generation.
However, today Mo Ran has been reborn and his thoughts are not the same as before. He watched Chu Wanning's white robe disappear into the darkness of the tree hole, and suddenly there was a slight hesitation in his heart --
This man taking the lead, was it really because he was impatient and arrogant?
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elysialm · 2 years
“ thank you for loving me when i still tasted of heartache and war. ” Sim Kalpas finally getting to talk to her again? So quiet and reserved.
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As a simulation, she knows not what exactly happened when her last backup was loaded in. It was done right before the banquet, the worries and the concerns that were all over the place have been sitting in her mind for a long time up until some would update. She wondered, as a simulation, if she would be deleted after all, but it never happened. If anything, she saw Mobius before it all ended, the knowledge of the loss have been shown to her and she was saddened that her dearest friends have suffered so much. Kevin’s words, too, were not too far away from the truth: even if he did not have Judgement of Shamash, the result would’ve been the same.
So she waited, eagerly but also nervously for the sims to be updated post the time the banquet had to happen. The silence in Elysian Realm filled her with anxiety she never allowed to be seen with others, she would stay alone while plying with the memories of cats and dogs within Elysium Everlasting, the deepest part of this realm she never showed anyone, a place she would disappear into whenever it was needed for her to do so. And so, the Second-in-Command waited until it all started to change, but she did not expect Kalpas to approach her. Their conversation - as usual - only between them, so the other could speak his honest opinion for Elysia knew how gentle and fragile the man’s heart could be and how brightly his soul shined akin to a never-ending flame. 
Ah, his words... They touched her, even as a simulation, she could feel the weight of those words all too sharply. It meant the world to her, gaze gentle and soft as she cannot help but let her smile become just a bit sadder. She would not have chosen another approach to this situation, but she would’ve spoken to them all again, but face-to-face before departing. His words already explain everything to her: she has passed away in the world of living, now it is only them all as a memory, as a recollection, as a legacy. Her gaze tender as she looks at Kalpas, reaching out with her hand to him before stopping midway as if afraid he will slap her hand away despite such wonderful and delightful words. 
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“ Kalpas, ” she says his name with gentleness of a spring wind that awakens the nature from its deep slumber, gently nudging it to open its eyes and greet the bright sun. He doesn’t understand the love she has for them and how deeply it runs into her very being, shaping her into who she is today and now standing before him. She would love him and all without judgement, without hesitation, without stepping back or looking away from their flaws. “ I will always love you, no matter if heartache and war will continue to be the only present in your soul. I will never stop loving you or anyone else from Flamechasers, you are my everything. My home, my true paradise. ” 
Her words are soft and warm like the first sight of river after the snow began to melt, bringing the life towards all who is still asleep through its touch. The flow of her words would speak of how intimately they were treasured and how true they were in her heart. She means every single one o those words, eyebrows furrowing ever so lightly only to underline the softness of her expression alongside her voice. 
Of course, she will love him no matter what anyone says. As she did every single one of Flamechasers, she will never abandon this love. 
“ No matter what, I will never give up on this love, on Flamechasers, on you. My heart... is with you all, always. ”
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hellguarded-moved · 2 years
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❛ you can kiss me, you know. ❜ (marlo and ig since we're exploring their dynamic!)
          he’d never seen the sun, nor the moon, not until he managed to run away from home and met the fox.  he felt a strange tug towards the fellow canine, not even for the faint kinship the two possessed, but for the fact that their respective homes were nearly barren and  lonely,  lacking the stimulation for their curious nature.
           this,  though?  the realm wedged between the above and below where they came from, was something else.  he supposed that there was some truth to the saying that eden, the realm reserved solely for  mortals,  was equal to paradise.  perhaps their  food and drink  ( nothing could compare to the nectar and ambrosia, after all )  wasn’t the greatest, but it was certainly sufficent enough, and the enviroment made up for it.
          much like right now, they were watching the sunset, with eagerness to see the moon rise slowly after.  already with the dimming lighting, the nocturnal hound could see the firsts of the stars to appear.     “ you see that one?  i heard the humans call that one  sirius.  the brightest one of them all... ”     he muttered, lips pursed briefly as his expression turned a little sour.  he couldn’t understand why the humans would choose the name of his  father  of all things and people to use for that one, but who was he to judge?
          he leaned a little closer to the fox, tentatively resting his weight against his side, before relaxing entirely as he ascertained marlo didn’t mind, nor wouldn’t collapse under him.  with a contented sigh, he closed his eyes for just a split second, before turning them up towards the other, looking at him somewhat longingly;  then finally smirking with the words whispered.     “ mm.  i can? ”     it was so nearly a  challenge  in the hellhound’s voice, and he was swift to adjust his frame so that he could be on a proper eye-level with marlo.
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          a hum had escaped him as his head was tilted, then leaned forward to connect their lips in something soft and chaste.  tender and questioning and first, but when the kitsune seemingly appreciated the gesture, he allowed for his hues to fully close and lean a bit more into the kiss—  was this what it was like, tasting a forbidden fruit?  sweet and thrilling, with the knowledge that  both  of their realms wanted them back, that their companionship was highly frowned upon, let alone the fact that they would lower themselves to  craving  the life amidst mortals.     “ will  you  kiss me, too? ”     the canine asked quietly, yet an impish grin pulled at the corners of his lips, fanged and bright, indirectly and teasingly asking for another kiss.
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tookmehere · 1 day
Exploring the Wilderness: Rajaji National Park
Nestled in the foothills of the Shivalik range, Rajaji National Park is a verdant oasis that beckons wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Spread across the districts of Dehradun, Haridwar, and Pauri Garhwal in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, this sprawling reserve encompasses a diverse range of habitats, from dense forests to grassy meadows, making it a haven for a rich variety of flora and fauna.
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Rajaji National Park was established in 1983 and was named after C. Rajagopalachari, a prominent freedom fighter and the last Governor-General of independent India. Covering an area of approximately 820 square kilometers, the park is renowned for its pristine wilderness and spectacular landscapes. It serves as a vital corridor for wildlife migration between the eastern and western Himalayan ecosystems, making it an essential area for biodiversity conservation.
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One of the most remarkable features of Rajaji National Park is its rich biodiversity. The park is home to an impressive array of wildlife, including elephants, tigers, leopards, bears, deer, and over 400 species of birds. The park's diverse habitats, ranging from dense forests of sal and mixed deciduous trees to open grasslands and riverine ecosystems, provide a conducive environment for a wide variety of species to thrive.
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A visit to Rajaji National Park offers wildlife enthusiasts the opportunity to embark on thrilling safaris to observe the park's inhabitants in their natural habitat. Jeep safaris and elephant safaris are popular ways to explore the park and catch glimpses of elusive predators like tigers and leopards, as well as the majestic Asiatic elephants that roam the forests in large herds. Birdwatchers are also in for a treat, with the park being a paradise for avian species such as the great hornbill, pied kingfisher, and crested serpent eagle.
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In addition to its wildlife, Rajaji National Park is also known for its scenic beauty and recreational activities. The park is crisscrossed by several perennial rivers, including the Ganges, the Yamuna, and the Song, which add to its picturesque charm. Visitors can enjoy activities like river rafting, camping, and birdwatching along the banks of these rivers, immersing themselves in the tranquility of nature.
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For those seeking a deeper connection with the wilderness, Rajaji National Park offers opportunities for nature walks and trekking. Guided nature trails lead visitors through the park's diverse habitats, where they can learn about the flora and fauna that call the park home. Trekking enthusiasts can embark on longer trails that take them deeper into the heart of the forest, offering encounters with pristine landscapes and secluded corners of the park.
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Conservation efforts are also a significant focus of Rajaji National Park, with initiatives aimed at preserving its rich biodiversity and promoting sustainable tourism practices. The park authorities work tirelessly to protect the park's wildlife and habitats, while also engaging local communities in conservation efforts and raising awareness about the importance of preserving natural ecosystems.
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In conclusion, Rajaji National Park is a treasure trove of natural wonders, offering visitors a glimpse into the untamed beauty of the Himalayan foothills. From its diverse wildlife to its scenic landscapes and recreational activities, the park provides a memorable experience for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike, making it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to explore the wilderness of India.
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Best Jeep Safari in Lansdowne @lahermitageresort
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#Lahermitage #Resort is situated amid the #Shivalik Mountain Range, #Garhwal. With the launch of Project Tiger in #1974, the northern part of #Corbett #National #Park was named #Kalagarh Tiger Reserve. As the name suggests, the area has a high density of #tigers and #leopards. Other wildlife includes #deers-chital, barking deer, goral, sambar, and hog deer. With over 580 species of birds such as kingfishers, wagtails, #forktails, pheasants, hornbills, eagles, vultures and about #50 species of mammals along with #25 species of reptiles like-crocodiles, king cobras, rock pythons and monitor lizards, the part of the park is a paradise for wildlife photographers and nature enthusiasts. Call:- 9711824390|8826425554 Email:- [email protected]
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vannrajresorts · 4 days
Pench Safari Zones: Your Gateway to Wildlife Adventures
Pench National Park is a wildlife enthusiast's paradise, located in the heart of Central India within the Seoni and Chhindwara districts of Madhya Pradesh. Named after the river that winds through the park, this 758 square kilometer area is part of the larger Pench Tiger Reserve and is renowned for its rich biodiversity and stunning natural scenery.
Home to a vast array of plant species, Pench National Park features a mix of semi-moist and dry deciduous forests, offering a unique habitat for various wildlife. With over 1200 species of plants, including several rare and endangered ones, the park is a botanist's dream and adds significantly to its ecological importance.
For those looking to explore the wilderness, Pench National Park offers several safari zones, each providing a unique perspective of the park’s diverse landscapes and wildlife:
Turia Gate: The main entrance to the park, providing direct access to its core areas.
Karmajhiri: Offers a different vista on the park’s wildlife, set on the opposite side of the Seoni Range.
Alikatta: Known as the central hub where visitors can pause for breakfast amidst nature.
Piyorthadi: A rocky area famous for leopard sightings.
Junewani Talao: A serene pond that adds a picturesque quality to the safari experience.
Sitaghat: Known for its stunning views along the banks of the Pench River.
Kalapahad: The highest point in the park, offering panoramic views of the area.
Bijamatta: A scenic pond set against a backdrop of rocky terrain.
Jamun Nala Area: Dominated by grasslands, adding to the ecological diversity of the park.
Pench National Park is more than just a wildlife sanctuary; it's a place where the natural beauty and the thrill of spotting majestic tigers and vibrant birdlife can be experienced in their natural habitat. The park's safaris are designed to offer visitors a variety of experiences, from jeep and elephant safaris to nature walks.
Situated near the park, Vannraj Resort offers a serene getaway, complementing the wild allure of Pench with luxurious hospitality and peaceful ambiance. It's an ideal base for those embarking on wildlife safaris, enjoying moments of quiet relaxation, or soaking in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Whether you're an avid wildlife photographer, a nature lover, or simply seeking an escape from the urban grind, Pench National Park and Vannraj Resort offer an unmatched experience in the wilds of Central India.
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