#(prince!sonic lemme here it in the back)
spiinsparks · 2 years
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        ||.. so what if i just based my sonic underground verse on .  . . this lovely WIP comic by starrjoy that y’all should totally check out bc i adore it
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Sonic the Hedgehog/Homestar Runner Parody #01.5 (For KatarinaTheCat)
Tails: Alright, Sonic. Are you ready? Rock, Paper, Scissors. Shoot! Ha, "Paper". Take that!
Sonic: Yea, I got "Scissors". Scissors cuts Paper. I WIN.
Tails: Ok, Fine. I believe you. One more round. Here we go. Rock, Paper, Scissors. Shoot! "Rock"!
Sonic: Yup, that's "Rock". I got Rock again.
Tails: What do you mean "You have Rock again"? You've got rock like last-- Y'know what? I'm done playing your game, Sonic. You CHEAT.
Sonic: Ah, ya BIG WUSS.
Tails: We'll see about that. I just signed us up to the "Strongest Critter in the World" Contest and then we'll see who's the BIGGER wuss here!
Sonic: A Strongest Critter in the World Contest? {pan to a closeup of Sonic} Oh, Lil' Buddy, you know I'm all over it.
{Pan to the gymnasium, where Sonic and Tails are wearing aerobic gear and lifting weights. The training music from montage is playing in the background.}
Sonic: Extra-size, Tails! Lemme see ya pour on that extra sauce! That strangest man in the world contest ain't gonna win itself!
{Pan to a scene of the setting sun. Silhouettes of Sonic and Tails jump up and high five each other.}
{Fade out. Cut back to the Field, where Sonic and Tails are walking to the right.}
Sonic: Man, Tails, I feel great! I feel fresh as a bagel! I bet I could lift fifty stringiest man in the world contests!
{They approach a sign pointing the way to the contest, where Nack the Weasel and Bomb are waiting.}
Nack: Oh, look, Bomb! If it isn't the little, fragile runt of the litter and the blue menace himself!
Sonic: {closeup of Sonic} Hey! {normal view} W— wait. {closer closeup of Homestar} Hey! {normal view} You— wait. {another closeup} Hey! {normal view} Wait—
Nack: Lemme break it down for you like this: I am the very strongest. While on the other hand, inversely, you guys are not very strong!
Tails: Those are pretty "strong" words coming from a Weasel!
{Nack reacts in surprise.}
Sonic: Whoa, Lil' Buddy! Let's tone down the language before the contest, huh?
Nack: Come on, The Bomb. We'd better go start signing autographs. There's a pretty big line building up over there. {exits with Bomn}
Sonic: {looking determined} Come on, Tails! Let's go get Nack's autograph!
{Tails gives Sonic an annoyed look, but Sonic doesn't notice.}
Sonic: I hear there's a pretty big line building up.
{Cheering voices over momentarily before cutting to a banner reading "Strongest Critter In The World Contest".}
Omochao: {voiceover over microphone} Ladies and gentlemen, you can not be ready for the {pan down to show Omochao} Strongest Critter in the World Contest!
{He flips the microphone from one hand to the other.}
Omochao: Let's meet our smokin' hot new contestants!
{Cut to a darkened scene with a silhouette of Bark the Polar Bear and disco lights in the background.}
Omochao: Hailing from the middle of the road, the prince of plain, the master of mundane, it's {spotlight turns on} Bark the Polar Bear!
{Cut to a beige background of panning cubes and "Bark the Polar Beat" scrolls to the right. Bark strikes an action pose. Cut back to Omochao.}
Omochao: And next, our returning champion, the walking—
{Cut to a similar disco lights scene with Mecha Sonic in silhouette.}
Omochao: —metal robot... Mecha Sonic!
{A spotlight shines on Mecha Sonic and he waves. A blue background of screws and hex nuts pans in, and "Mecha Sonic" appears while Mecha Sonic holds a waving pose. Cut back to Omochao.}
THE ANNOUNCER: And from a land far way, the pyromaniac himself:
{Cut back to the disco scene, now with Bean the Dynamite in silhouette.}
THE ANNOUNCER: Bean the Dynamite!
{A brown background of beans pans in, and "Bean the Dynamite" appears while Bean strikes an action pose.}
{Cut to silhouettes of Miles "Tails" Prower, Nack the Weasel, and Sonic the Hedgehog, whose respective spotlights turn on as their names are mentioned.}
Omochao: {quickly} Tails-Nack-and-Sonic.
{Sonic looks surprised. Cut back to Omochao. The scene is bright again.}
THE ANNOUNCER: Vex! Hit me with da rules!
{Pan up to Vector the Crocodile riding his ATV. He makes a scroll appear that reads "Rules".}
Vector: {in a Bronx accent} All right, ya maggots, listen up smart. I start you each off with like fourty bricks.
{A pile of bricks takes the place of the floating scroll.}
Vector: Then I adds one at a time.
{A brick appears above the pile.}
Vector: The lad what holds the most bricks—
{A golden bowl-shaped trophy appears in place of the bricks.}
Vector: —wins this gold bowl.
Sonic: {from offscreen; sounds impressed} Dang, Tails, you see that golbol? {zooms in on "golbol"} That's a nice golbol.
Omochao: Let's get this over with!
Vector: Allzy oop. {tosses a pile of grapes on top of the contestants}
Bark: {speaking monotone} Okay. This is going really well.
{The pile of grapes crushes Bark.}
Bark: Oh.
{Cut to silhoettes of everyone on a yellow background.}
Omochao: {voiceover} Down goes Bark!
Vector: Ka-bu op! {pings a single grape over each contestant}
{Cut to Bean, impossibly balancing the entire pile on one hand.}
Bean: Oh, by golly. I'm in a heap of trouble!
{The pile falls on Bean, accompanied by the word "Sblounskched!!!" and the sound of a bowling ball hitting some pins. He sticks his arm out of the Bricks.}
Bean: I Live!
{Cut to Nack and Bomb, with Tails in the background.}
Nack: Hey, Bomb—
Bomb: PING?
Nack: —I hear our friend mecha Sonic is about to do a set of his acoustic numbers. Or should I say, unplugged?
Bomb: {affirmative pings, salutes}
{bomb slides to the feet of Mecha Sonic, who is apparently plugged into an outlet on a very small section of wall out of nowhere.}
Bomb: {ping noises} {looks around, unplugs Mecha Sonic's cord, and slides away} {pnig noises}
{Cut to Mecha Sonic, who shuts down and drops the pile of Bricks. General sad "aw"s among the crowd are heard as the eyes of Mecha Sonic disappear slowly.}
{Cut to Sonic,}
Sonic: {looks around} Did nobody just see that?! Omochao? Tails? Vex?
{Cut to Vector and Omochao, who are admiring the bowl and not paying attention to the contest.}
Vector: Will al due honesty, Blockhead Bill gave me the golbol to my aunt in 1987.
Omochao: Really quite an impressive bowl.
Sonic: {off screen} Hellooo?
Vector: Oh. Right.
{Cut to Tails, Nack, and Sonic.}
Vector: Crazy eights! tosses another brick on top of everyone}
{Nack begins to lose his grip on the Bricks.}
Nack: Bomb? Big help here! Big help!
Bomb: {rushes over} {pings}
Nack: Okay... even it out there on the south side.
Bomb: {pings}
Nack: Jump her up.
{Cut to Sonic.}
Sonic: All right, seriously. At first it was cute, but this is just borderline unsportsmanlike! Let me outline my master plan. I will (1) put down my bricks, and (2) uncover that cheat! {places brick down; walks over to Nack and Bomb} Could I just borrow this a second? {grabs Bomb}
Bomb: {surprised pings}
{Sonic kicks Bomb about his feet like a hackysack, then does a slow-motion flip and bicycle kicks The Cheat off screen; causing Bomb to explode in mid-air.}
Nack: {wobbling, melodramatically} MOMMAAA!!
{Nack drops a couple of bricks, then the entire pile crushes him. The action-pose scene appears, this time with a Pile of Bricks background, "Plunk! Goes the Weasel", and Nack under his pile of Bricks.}
{Cut to Tails}
Omochao: {voiceover} Miles Prower wins!
{Tails winks; a record scratch sounds, cut to Sonic}
Sonic: Wait, what?!
{Cut to Nack, still buried.}
Nack: Ohh... These bricks are succulently crushing my insides... Ooh, but their gems are priceless! {The pile of bricks begins to collapse as Nack starts chiseling away}
{Cut to Sonic and Tails holding the golbol.}
Sonic: Hey, Tails. Why don't I take this one? y'know, for keeps? You've been holding those bricks all day, Let me have a go at it!
Tails: {pulls the golbol back a bit} No, Sonic. It's QUITE alright. I DID win this golbol fair & square. So, I'll take this!
Sonic: No, really. Just head back to the workshop, I'll take it from here. No Worries.
Tails: No, No, No. No Problem. Just let me carry this back. This is my golbol.
Sonic: Let me take it. You owe me one, Tails.
Tails: Listen, do I take your Lightspeed Dash Shoes from you? Do I?
Sonic: No.
Tails: Then believe me when I say I've won this golbol fair & square.
Sonic: Fine, Then. You WIN. The Lil' Buddy gets the golbol. Now check out our victory dance! WAY PAST COOL!
Published: 06/04/22
Original Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUsClFD8ZMg
(C)SEGA/Sonic Team
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heroes-writing · 5 years
How about some head cannons of Saitama, Genos and Sonic doting over an s/o on their time of the month? Or if it's already done/you're not comfy with it, a sick s/o?
Hey! Thanks for the request! <3 And I don’t mind either way lol, a lot of people deal with really bad symptoms so it’s perfectly natural and it’s better to be empathetic! If you would like sick/flu/cold specific HC’s just lemme know!
Word Count: 1236
- He’s the only one who get’s kind of awkward about it, lets be real lmao. Thankfully it’s only during the first phase of a deep relationship. And it’s not that he doesn’t feel sympathetic, he’s just definitely out of his element in doting on others. Saitama has a way of ignoring issues that don’t concern him personally, and this may mean he’ll give you lots of space during your week. However, if you need him close, he’ll answer any text requesting his aid. He’s really chill and not really judgmental about it after the first: “Ehhh, WHAT’s happening to you?”
- His methods of doting on you are the standard fare. He ensures you have what you need! If it’s: Medication, sanitary supplies, or your favorite foods. He’ll keep his eye on sales to stock up on stuff ahead of time, and he gets irritated on your behalf for how expensive some of the stuff is!!
- If you’re the type to get lethargic, he’ll want to cuddle you, because he might not be used to seeing you so down in the dumps. It would worry him at first, but after a while of being so close together, whenever he sees you in bed with the covers over your face, he’ll know what’s up. He won’t say a word, but he’ll sidle in next to you and take a nap with you in his arms—(he’ll be sure to give you a squeeze and a sweet kiss every so often.)
- If it’s very painful, to the point where you freeze up and wince and writhe in agony—Saitama will HATE that he can’t help you more. He’ll try to enlist Genos’ help if that’s what it takes to make you feel better. And he’ll insist you take some time off from work or school; he’ll goad you into staying at his place and it’ll be very hard to argue otherwise. He can be very stubborn about your wellbeing.
-Also, if you are the type to get angry over little things, he’s pretty damn affable, and he’ll forgive and forget most misunderstandings lol. Lucky you! (p^-^)p
- Oh boy. He’s ridiculous.
“(Name)! Are you alright? Please let me know if you require my assistance. Have you added my number on your speed dial yet? Here allow me to do it for you! I’ve researched many forms of medicine on the market that may help relieve your symptoms. No, it’s no trouble! Please, stay sitting—I’ll get you want you need!!” -and he blurs into motion when he needs to write down new data in his notebooks about you-
- If you’re the type to be low-key about your monthlies... Either you suck it up or grit your teeth in order to get through it. Genos is hard to fool, and he’ll be able to deduce what’s going on. In the worst case, this guy has his phone in his hand ready to call an ambulance. Or worse, he’s looking up the Mayoclinic website trying to determine if you have some form of appendicitis. I would recommend being plain with him, even if he get’s rather ahead of himself sometimes, because calming him down gently is easy.
- He’s so on top of everything you need, and this is one of the most extreme ways he prepares to help you. He will take everything 3 to 4 steps further than Sonic or Saitama in his efforts to supply you with your favorite chocolate or sweets or whatever you like. He will even research upgrades and lavish you with gifts if you let him.
- In his less “extra” moments, nothing can beat the way his body is a natural heater. If you’re laying in bed or lazing around Saitama’s place when he’s not there. Genos will take to hover over you, watching you keenly with his black and yellow eyes gauging your temperature, heart rate, etc.
He’ll prop himself up on one arm, kind of taking a “prince waking sleeping beauty up with a kiss” pose. His other hand will gently whir and pulse with warmth as he rubs it over where you need him most. The cyborg will be your personal hot water bottle, and while he’s so close you’ll be able to pull him in for as many kisses as you want.  
- You may not feel so good about your appearance since you may suffer from bloating or maybe some breakouts, but never fear! I think Genos would always be the type to lavish you with compliments. And they’ll never be lies or fillers just to make you feel better either, his compliments are always about things that can’t change. Whether it’s about your kindness, your work ethic, your eye color, or the way your lips look so kissable to him. He’ll always make sure to remind you why he loves you! <3
- I imagine from his village there is a natural remedy to help ward off some of the worst menstruation symptoms, and it’s probably a hugely guarded secret that’s been passed down for generations. If he sees his s/o suffering, he will gladly gather the ingredients himself and make it for them! And if he’s serious about them, he’ll teach them how to make it for themselves.
-He will generally take care of them rather slyly, I think, as he doesn’t want to offend you or belittle your ability. Maybe if you’re laying in bed feeling the pain, you’ll feel a breeze over your skin, and he’ll be suddenly standing there offering you the remedy and a drink to wash it down. He’ll make sure you take it, nod his head, kiss you quickly, and vanish.
- He can be derisive about other people’s problems, but he is keen to stay on his s/o’s good side! If they have mood swings or are generally feel crappy during their week he is mindful and cautious. He will most definitely exploit any sweet spots his s/o might have about certain things in order to keep them in a good mood. Oh, this movie makes them happy no matter what? We’ll watch it. When they get mad, if I kiss them on their cheeks they melt? I’ll smother them in kisses then.
His eyes will be watching you carefully, taking everything in for his consideration so he can make you happy, safe, and sated.
- At the start of the relationship much like the others he is very blunt about it and doesn’t get grossed out. He IS the type to snap back if you get too testy with him. Arguments may happen, but at the end of the day, he understands biology is giving you a serious burden to bear. No matter how badly your anger flares at the stuff he says, or the things he does, he’ll kind of go stony and let it wash over him.
“Alright Alright, I get it!” He’ll say.
“Good!” You’ll snap and cross your arms.
“Good!” And with that usual stony expression he’ll wrap you in his arms. (Admittedly it might feel like a headlock.) Sonic is adamant about not fighting over trivial things, and he shows his undying affection in weird ways.
-Oh yeah, Sonic is actually a really good cook! If you need more calories to sate your hunger, he’ll probably whip up some real gourmet food for you! <3
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