#(serena; beckett)
manyfandomocs · 4 months
Hi I would like to know about your teen wolf characters (both the ones you are all about rn and the ones you want to work on) Tell me one important fact about each one and one fun fact please and thank you!
Yes yes absolutely as you wish
Avalon Ridley
Important: She's known about the supernatural aspect of Beacon Hills her whole life, cause she's always known she's a witch
Fun: She's been besties with Lydia since the second grade
Beckett Grove
Important: His birth parents didn't technically abandon him but he doesn't know that until (so far in my ideas) about s4
Fun: He was on the basketball team with Derek for like, half a season before he quit
Candace Monahan
Important: She's taken care of Gilead her whole life, but obviously it was more official when their parents died and they moved to Beacon Hills
Fun: She was a gymnast when she was younger
Caylin Hale
Important: When Peter came back and first saw her, he was planning on recruiting her for his pack
Fun: Her and Jackson have movie nights every week
Devin Parrish
Important: His parents are absent at best which is why he chooses to move to Beacon Hills with Jordan
Fun: He pretends to need Kira to tutor him to talk to her
Dylan Bradford
Important: Dylan's known about the supernatural since he was kid and saw a hunter shoot at a werewolf in the woods
Fun: He only started playing football cause he didn't make the lacrosse team and now that's why he actually has a lacrosse grudge
Ezra Brady
Important: Erica originally only was flirting with him to get to Scott
Fun: He only joined the lacrosse team cause Scott and Stiles were joining
Gilead Monahan
Important: He was the closest to his dad's best friend before his death
Fun: Gilead usually goes by Gil
Guinevere Bates
Important: She does ultimately remember who killed her uncle, which is what jumpstarted her banshee powers
Fun: She likes photography
Griffin Browning
Important: He's never been super dedicated to the hunting lifestyle the way his family wants
Fun: The only thing Griffin really likes about hunting is the traveling
Henrietta Atwood
Important: She's going after Scott because Peter asked her to, though around this time she has a huge crush on Peter that he is aware of and uses to manipulate her
Fun: Lydia and her had sleepovers every weekend in middle school
Julian Knights
Important: Despite the age difference, he really does see Chris as his brother and Kate as his sister
Fun: He does call Allison his niece which, while technically true, does kind of annoy her
Leon Hastings
Important: So far I'm thinking his mom chose to move to Beacon Hills on purpose, that with her mythology research she somehow found how much was going on in Beacon Hills
Fun: Jackson had a small crush on him
Serena Morgan
Important: Since I don't think it's been technically mention yet and just alluded to in her initial ask, she's a Siren. But I might change whether or not she already knows that
Fun: Isaac's dad does not like when she's over because she does not exactly hide her distaste for him
Vivian Bell
Important: Her name is on the dead pool which is how she really gets involved in everything
Fun: Mason is her neighbor
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magicmadnessx · 2 years
❛ i want you. and the thought of anyone else having you is like a knife twist in my dark soul. ❜ for @feverish-desires from this meme.
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Stepping forward Serena stood on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around Beckett's neck, his words making her heart both flutter and ache. They were everything she needed to hear from him, though surely it couldn't be that easy, could it? "I'm yours, Beckett. I'm all yours," she replied with a small smile, using the same words she'd said to him the day they met, though she hadn't known then how true they'd be.
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 2 months
Fic prompt: after 4x05, Kate thinks Castle is on a date with Serena. She goes somewhere she thinks he won’t be, and is surprised when he joins her at the bar.
And keep 'em coming.
She nursed her third, mindful of the situation she was in. Drowning the pain in smooth, spiced golden liquid: that was an awfully familiar scene. She washed away the bitter taste of hypocrisy with another sip and grimaced as her father's voice echoed in her mind: I didn't even realise I had a problem until I hit rock bottom.
With that in mind, she pushed the half-empty glass just a few inches away from her. She knew she'd more than likely reach for it again as soon as the next wave of negativity washed over her, though. Whether it be anger, or frustration, or sadness, or just outright jealousy... it had been relentless thus far.
The worst part was, she completely understood what Castle saw in Serena. She was beautiful, confident, smart. And she went after what she wanted. Serena wouldn't have trekked across town simply so that she didn't have to worry about the microscopic chance she might run into the man she was in love with because he was on a date with someone else. Serena was fun and uncomplicated and sexy. God, she didn't even want to think about they were doing right now. Chances were she was drinking alone in a dive bar in the Bronx for no damn reason: Castle and Serena had probably skipped dinner and drinks in favour of dessert, anyway.
The mental images that accompanied that thought had her reaching for her glass with a groan. She didn't understand why she was torturing herself like this. She wasn't ready, and she couldn't expect Castle to remain celibate while he waited for her. Maybe that was something they could have discussed if she ever actually worked up the gall to ask him to wait for her; instead, they'd had one conversation that had been so heavily reliant on subtext she really wasn't sure if either one of them had walked away with any sort of clarity. The whole situation with Castle was just... messy.
"I'll have what she's having."
The familiar voice startled her. She turned her head to look at him, not completely convinced she wasn't imagining his presence.
"Castle?" He sat on the stool beside her, turned to her and smiled. "What are you doing here?"
"Lanie told me you were here," he said.
Beckett frowned. Had she even told Lanie that she was here?
"She happened to be in the neighbourhood and saw you come in here," he explained. He smiled at the bartender when received his whiskey. "She asked me to check in on you."
She deflated, folded her arms on the bar in front of her and dropped her head onto her forearms. Of course she knew he didn't have some sixth sense that told him where she was, and that she needed him. Still, the confirmation was disappointing.
"Didn't mean to ruin your date," she mumbled incoherently into her arms.
"What date?"
She sat upright and rolled her shoulders. "With Serena Kaye."
She didn't mean to say the woman's name with such bitterness. Serena was... lovely. Beckett may not have agreed with ever life choice the woman had made but Serena had never been anything but polite to her. Courteous, forgiving. She didn't deserve to be treated the way Beckett had treated her.
"I didn't go on a date with Serena," Castle said, sounding somewhat confused.
Beckett looked him in the eye. "You didn't?"
He shook his head and she narrowed her eyes; she didn't understand.
"Why not? I-" She swallowed. "I thought you liked her."
Castle's eyes dropped to the drink in her hand, then back up to meet her eyes. "Is that why you're here?"
She dropped her gaze to the golden liquid in her glass, scared he could see the truth in her eyes if she let him look for too long.
"What do you mean?"
"This isn't really your scene, Beckett," he stated as he looked around them.
The bar wasn't overly crowded but it was the busiest place she had dared to go alone in months. Since her shooting. But the unseen danger that had haunted her for all that time wasn't even on her mind tonight.
Tonight, it was just Castle.
And Serena.
And the date she had, apparently, imagined.
"Thought I'd try somewhere new," she mumbled.
Castle placed his hand on the opposite side of her stool and leaned closer to her, tilting his head to make eye contact again. "How's that going for you?" he asked sarcastically.
A huffed, both amused and frustrated by just how easily he could read her.
"I hate it here."
He smiled as if he had won some prize - which only frustrated her more - but at the same time, his smile filled her with warmth and she couldn't help but smile, too.
"Then, let me take you home," he offered.
His hand shifted from her stool and rested on her lower back, the heat of his palm seared through the fabric of her shirt and she flinched, as if his touch had branded her.
She knew it wasn't what he had meant, yet she couldn't stop the words from slipping from her lips.
"What? Serena didn't pan out so I'm the consolation prize?"
She winced, hearing the words aloud. She couldn't believe that they had actually come from her mouth.
What the hell was she doing?
She lifted her glass, ready to drain the remainder of her drink, but Castle's hand on her wrist stopped her. She turned her head to look at him, his gorgeous blue eyes an unusually dark shade of cerulean.
"Let's get one thing clear, Kate," he said in a low, warning tone that sent a shiver down her spine. "You are not a consolation prize." He took the glass from her hand and placed it back on the bar. "And I never wanted Serena."
"What do you want?" she dared to ask.
Castle shifted even closer, until their faces hovered just inches apart. She could feel his warmth radiating from him. He stared at her, desire in his eyes, until something - a thought, a memory, she wasn't quite sure - doused that fire within him. He blinked and looked away; the tension that crackled between them, gone in an instant.
"I want to know that you are safe and in your bed so that I can actually get some sleep tonight," he answered.
She knew it wasn't a lie, but it was definitely the safe answer.
He slipped off the stool and held his hand out for her.
Accepting that this conversation was over she took his hand and allowed him to lead her out of the bar.
The cab ride to her apartment was long, tense, and all too silent.
When the driver pulled up out front of her building, Castle placed his hand on her knee, effectively stopping her from getting out of the cab.
"Talk tomorrow?" he asked her.
Uncertainty pervaded his tone. It glimmered in his eyes as he studied her face for the answer she was yet to give him.
She nodded, unable to actually verbalise her agreement.
But they both knew that tonight would just be one more thing added to the list of things they never talked about.
It was easier that way.
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elseishollow · 5 months
who I write for.
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blair waldorf; tell me how.
serena van derwoodsen.
nate archibald; sweet nothing, love languages.
sam seaborn.
cj cregg.
josh lyman.
donna moss.
toby ziegler.
doug ross.
abby lockhart.
dan egan (derogatory).
amy brookheimer.
wes gibbins; cappuccinos.
michaela pratt.
donna paulsen.
rachel zane.
pepper potts.
peggy carter.
sabrina spellman.
zelda spellman.
spencer hastings, andrea martel, kara danvers, jake ballard, cheryl blossom, roy kent, kate beckett, karen page, seth cohen, patrick jane, teresa lisbon.
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incrimeandinlife · 2 years
Moments like Beckett reading the letter from Royce in 3x22 and just watching Castle sleep (on the plane) or not responding to the comment from Serena in 4x05 “I don’t steal things that belong to someone else” 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 that is my shit. What I wouldn’t give to be inside of Beckett’s brain 🧠
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cecexwrites · 4 months
Teen Wolf crossovers yes yes
Alright let's go
Avalon Jude (Okay but her and Jude have to be besties. Jude ends up shipped with Lydia. Jude is a witch, comes from a very powerful family of witches. I could see these two being bestie besties) Lev (Same kind of thing, he comes from a powerful magical family)
Beckett Will Argent Will Argent Will Argent (Will was friends with Derek when he was young He's a hunter like the rest of his family but is a good guy mostly, also when Will comes to Beacon hills in Season 3 he joins the Sheriffs department) Artem Sokolov (Artem is a grumpy bitch but he is a loyal as hell friend) Mia Hale (Derek's little sister, self explanatory)
Candace Mia Hale Mia Hale Mia Hale (Listen, besties and Mia gives her and Derek sososo much shit about being in *loooooooove* but then oh shit wait they actually are Artem (idk I just feel the vibes)
Caylin Mia (Big sister is here) Westley Brooks (She's a cutie little werewolf the same age as Liam and she's Peter's daughter but she doesn't know that) Jude Deveraux (Jude is Gay and would absolutely flirt like crazy) Lev (He would also flirt like crazy it's fine) Eden! (I just love Eden)
Devin Mia (She eventually dates his brother, She'd go big sister on Devin... or little sister idk how old he is) Lev (Lev loves to blindside and lovebomb new kids. He's just a very friendly dude) Will (Cause Will is friends with Jordan)
Dylan Westley Westley Westley (Okay so Westley is a Liam ship and she is a little shit and come on the two of them getting into trouble, tho she does end up on the Lacrosse team so sorry to dylan)
Ezra Lev (I love the over social wild butterfly and the kind of Nerdy kid idea) Eden (I assume in Ezra's work, Erica isn't killed by the Alpha back but if she is, then Eden says she is sorry kind of)
Gilead Lev would be so in love with him. Eden (They can be Snarky friends) Westley (Can't explain it but I can fully see a big brother/little sister dynamic)
Guinivere Lev (He's Lev) Jude (She just thinks Banshees are Hot is all)
Griffin Will (Will is an Argent, like, hunter families are kind of his thing) Westley (Eventually she finds out Malia is her half sister and she side eyes the fuck out of Griffin)
Henrietta Eden! (Listen, being manipulated by an older man, they are *sisters*) Lev (so he can give her shit about her crush on peter and eventually has to be talked down from murdering said peter)
Julien Eden (Would she be heart eyes? Yes, is it because I'm obsessed with Thomas Doherty? Also yes) Lev (The flirting would be off the charts) Will (If he's raised by Argents, it's the law) Westley (Again, just heart eyes af)
Leon Jude (Brotp as hell) Lev (Lev says he is cute and popular, I will take him)
Mirabelle Jude (Mirabelle likes pretty blondes, Jude is a pretty blonde let's goooo)
Olive Lev & Jude (Both for the same reason, she is pretty and they are them)
Serena Jude (Jude is also a Lydia ship so it just makes sense in my heart) Eden (If Serena is Isaac's bestie then it is inevitable)
Vivian Lev (Depending on how much she's worth, he will respect her more) Westley (Because she is a girls girl)
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hangmansgbaby · 2 years
Timeline of Always Darling | J.Seresin
Please read everything available before reading this.
Masterlist | Always Darling Masterlist
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May - High School Graduation
August - First Day of US Naval Academy
August 2001 - May 2005
US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland
April - Jake and Willow meet
April - Jake and Willow dating anniversary
May - Naval Academy Graduation
June - Willow meets the Seresin Family
July 2005 - February 2007
Flight School, NAS Pensacola, Florida
March - Jake and Willow receive their wings
April - Jake in NAS Oceana, Virginia. Willow in NAS Corpus Christi, Texas.
May - Willow ranks O-2 Lieutenant Junior Grade(LTJG)
June - Willow receives the call sign Vixen.
October - Jake ranks O-2 Lieutenant Junior Grade(LTJG)
November - Jake receives callsign Hangman. 
March - Jake in to NAS Corpus Christi, Texas with LTJG Javy "Coyote" Machado
May - Willow in NAS Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas to assist training on the F-18.
June - Willow in NAS Corpus Christi, Texas. 
October - Willow in NAWS China Lake, California with LTJG Natasha "Phoenix" Trace.
March 2007 - July 2010
Insert enough deployment, detachments, and times leave to equal 6 months of Jake and Willow being together physically.
January - Willow ranks O-3 Lieutenant (LT) with Phoenix.
May - Jake ranks O-3 Lieutenant (LT) with Coyote.
January - Jake in NAS Lemoore, California. Willow in NAS Whidbey Island, Washington.
May - Willow called to Top Gun, NAS North Island, California. Jake deployed to Indian Ocean.
August - Willow graduates top of class at Top Gun. Willow and Jake in NAS Lemoore, California. 
May - Jake called to Top Gun, NAS North Island, California
July - Willow in NAS North Island, California
August - Jake graduates top of class at Top Gun. Promise Ring exchange. Jake deploys on USS Theodore Roosevelt, Atlantic Ocean. 
September - Willow finds out she's pregnant at 6 weeks
October - Jake MIA. Willow 11 weeks pregnant.
January - Jake rescued. Willow 21 weeks pregnant. Willow and Bradley interact for the first time since 1996.
May - Ellorie Serena Seresin is born
April - Jake and Willow tie the knot on the Seresin Ranch. Jake's family and Ice and family are present.
May - Ellorie turns 1!
November - Willow ranks O-4 Lieutenant Commander (LCDR)
2015 - 2019
Multiple deployments, detachments, and NAS. Lots of moving with little Ellorie.
January - Jake, Willow, and Ellorie in NAS Lemoore, California with Coyote.
May - Ellorie turns 7!
October - 12 pilots called to NAS North Island, California for a top secret mission. Willow and Maverick interact for the first time since 1996. Willow and Rooster interact for the first time since 2013.
November - Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky passes. Rooster, Phoenix, Bob, Payback, and Fanboy are chosen to carryout the mission with Willow as the Team Leader. Jake is the only spare. Mission is a success. 
December - The Dagger squad becomes a permanent strike team at NAS North Island, California. Willow steps back from flying missions to be a Top Gun Instructor. Jake and Willow begin trying for baby #2.
November - Beckett Walker Seresin is born!
April - Willow and Jake celebrate 20 years together, 11 years married.
May - Ellorie turns 12.
June - Jake deploys for 12 months. Willow, Bradley and kids take a trip to Virginia Beach to pack up Carole’s house. Willow is called to lead a mission from NAS Oceana.
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vecnasrevengerp · 1 year
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please read below the cut for more details!
the time has finally come. the funeral and wake has passed and now to complete the mourning, our brave heroes must face old friends and new strangers at the byers household for the repass.
the date is august 8th, 2006 and music from an unknown source is coming from the byers residence. it would almost be nice if it weren't for ulterior circumstances. good luck heroes, don't lose your head!
the event will begin on discord tomorrow (5/10) at 6 pm est!
this event in particular is going to start with sidequests, then transition into the main event with everyone. this will likely take a couple of days so it's okay if you can't make it immediately.
we ask that you do not disclose to other players in other groups what's happening in your sidequest until the sidequest concludes
dash threads prior to the event or during the event are allowed!
if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. please refresh yourself on event rules before tomorrow!
when the event concludes, a recap will be posted in both discord and on the main.
and last but not least....the sidequest groups are as follows
GROUP 1: alex law, dustin henderson, nancy wheeler, robin buckley, steve harrington, suzie bingham, ward henderson.
GROUP 2: erica sinclair, evan beckett, holly wheeler, jim hopper, jo foreman, lucas sinclair, luke wheeler, max mayfield, and willa henderson.
GROUP 3: eddie munson, jonthan byers, mike wheeler, murray bauman, sarah kline, karen wheeler, and serena carlisle.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
flavours of ice cream
Cherry Tyson - black cherry, AND sour cherry, AND sweet cherry - 3xk (my brother just said "cherry tyson" at some point & I wrote this)
Rick's Café Americain - coffee & whisky?? rum raisin? - Rick Castle
Irish Delight - irish cream - Kevin Ryan
Choco Tacos - just... choco tacos bro, just like the mixed race actor - Javier Esposito
Mango Martha - pineapple, mango, melon, raspberry, coconut, papaya, strawberry, & banana sorbet, plus a splash of red wine - Martha Rodgers
Kitkat Beckett - ice cream with chunks of kitkats in it - Kate Beckett
Vulcan Cinnamon - cinnamon & carob - Vulcan Simmons
Limer Tiger - licorice, lime, & orange - LT
Red Velasquez - unfermented cocoa (ruby chocolate) - Velasquez
Coonan Cookies - small ice cream sandwiches between little cookies - Dick Coonan
Gourmet Gates - triflavoured with raspberry, blueberry, & blackberry - Victoria Gates
Banounty Hunter - Banana - Mike Royce
Soy Mintgumery - dairy free ice cream with mint flavour & chewy bits - Roy Montgomery
Alex-ice cream - strawberry sorbet marbled with strawberry flavoured ice cream marbled with strawberry syrup/purée/jam with chunks of strawberries mixed in - Alexis Castle
Lanie Parish
Jenny O'Malley
Ashley, Owen, Max
Pi pie - apple pie ice cream - pi
Sophia Turner, Serena Kaye, Kyra Blaine
Castle's Dad
Will Sorenson
Vinny The Scar
Finn Rourke, Bobby S, Siobhan O'Doule
Ethan Slaughter
Rocky Rhodes - brownie chunks, almond chunks, pecan chunks, marshmallow bits, mini-marshmallows - Natalie Rhodes
Monster - cookie dough, chocolate chip cookie chunks, oreo cookie chunks, little marshmallows - Joey Malone
Ike Thornton
Tory Ellis
Detectives Sullivan, Karpowski, Elden
Tom Demming
Ann Hastings
William Bracken
Johnny Vong, Eric Vaughn, Derrel Meeks
I'm trying to just get reoccurring characters but there are so many memorable characters
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manyfandomocs · 8 months
Teen Wolf OC Masterlist
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Name: Angelica Hedley (Vampire)
Fic: Vampire's Kiss
Love Interest: Theo Raken & Liam Dunbar
FC: Meg Donnelly
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Name: Avalon Ridley (Witch)
Fic: Season of the Witch
Love Interest: Scott McCall
FC: Kaia Gerber
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Name: Beckett Grove (Faerie)
Fic: Hope Has Wings
Love Interest: Derek Hale
FC: Darren Criss
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Name: Candace Monahan (Human)
Fic: Hungry Like the Wolf
Love Interest: Derek Hale
FC: Naomi Scott
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Name: Caylin Hale (Werewolf)
Fic: Werewolves of Beacon
Love Interest: Scott McCall
FC: Lucy Hale
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Name: Devin Parrish (TBD)
Fic: Fire Burning Heart
Love Interest: Kira Yukimura
FC: Grant Gustin
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Name: Dylan Bradford (Human)
Fic: Bite
Love Interest: Mason Hewitt
FC: Mason Gooding
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Name: Ezra Brady (Human)
Fic: Invisible Love
Love Interest: Erica Reyes
FC: Justice Smith
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Name: Gilead Monahan (Werewolf)
Fic: Hungry Like the Wolf
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
FC: Avan Jogia
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Name: Guinevere Bates (Banshee)
Fic: Deafening Silence
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
FC: Anya Taylor-Joy
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Name: Griffin Browning (Human)
Fic: Moonlight Gaze
Love Interest: Malia Tate
FC: Cole Sprouse
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Name: Henrietta Atwood (Werewolf)
Fic: Eyes of Ember
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
FC: Samara Weaving
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Name: Julian Knights (Human)
Fic: Shot Through The Heart
Love Interest: Lydia Martin, endgame TBD
FC: Thomas Doherty
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Name: Leon Hastings (Human)
Fic: Heart of Darkness
Love Interest: Allison Argent
FC: Rome Flynn
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Name: Mirabelle Torres (Faerie)
Fic: Twisted Vines of Love
Love Interest: Erica Reyes
FC: Paulina Chávez
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Name: Olive Larson (Human)
Fic: Dancing In The Moonlight
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
FC: Dove Cameron
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Name: Serena Morgan (Siren)
Fic: Waterlogged
Love Interest: Lydia Martin
FC: Kelli Berglund
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Name: Ulysses Kemp (Seer)
Fic: Visions In My Mind
Love Interest: Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski
FC: Taylor Zakhar Perez
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Name: Vivian Bell (Unknown)
Fic: Howling
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
FC: Whitney Peak
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sonotthedrama · 2 years
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Action Girl:
Beats up super-villains for kicks, using only her cheerleading skills.
Buffy Summers
Emma Swan
Temperance Brennan
Beware the Nice Ones:
She's a polite and helpful person who dedicates part of her life to saving the world and helping her community. However, woe to those who manage to get on her worst side.
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
Sarah Jane Smith
Willow Rosenberg
Big Sister Instinct:
No matter how much her brothers annoy her, Kim will risk her own life to protect them.
Piper Halliwell
Serena van der Woodsen
Elena Gilbert
Chronic Hero Syndrome:
Kim is one of the greatest examples of this trope. She put up a website to bring in odd jobs like babysitting and got into fighting supervillains too. When asked why she doesn't turn down more requests, she replied: "I'm not programmed that way."
Stefan Salvatore
Buffy Summers
Go-Getter Girl:
She started her own odd-job website with the phrase "Kim Possible: she can do anything." Now she's a famous international heroine.
Spencer Hastings
Joey Potter
Topanga Lawrence
Plucky Girl:
Saving the world is no big.
Veronica Mars
Caroline Forbes
Jessica Day
Socially Awkward Hero:
While she's good at saving the world, she's not really good at asking out guys to the dance.
The Thirteenth Doctor
Dr. Spencer Reid
Violently Protective Girlfriend:
Tends to get rather protective of the boys she likes and dates—like what almost happened to Bonnie in "Homecoming Upset", DO NOT mess with Ron if you know what's good for you.
Kate Beckett
Samantha LaRusso
Emily Thorne
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feverish-desires · 2 years
Breakfast (Beckett & Serena)
Beckett is actually a really great cook. He'd make something like smoked salmon eggs benedict with crispy hash browns and grapefruit on the side. Fresh-squeezed orange juice too, and of course, a tiny cup of espresso. He'll make her a latte if she really wants one, but he may side-eye her for it.
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corneliafm · 9 months
Hello guys, sorry for the ask but I need some help! I've been pondering this for ages and can't make a damn choice, there's just too many great possibilities. Which roles/connections could you see for Roberta Colindrez and Serena Motola? Thanks so much for your reply!
♡ –– No apology necessary! We're always here to help with whatever we can. Let's see... Roberta could fit the Marjorie skeleton/sibling wanted connection, as Jo Torres' best friend connection, or coworkers with either Omar Ruiz-Osman or Sawyer Clarington (both wanted connections! Then Serena could fill Omar's coworker connection, Beckett's significant other connection, or as an adopted Marjorie sibling! Then there are so many good skeletons they'd both fit as well, so let us know if you'd like some skeleton specific help!
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levanayre · 1 year
The Personality Types of Some of My Original Characters
I'll probably add to this list as I flesh out more of my characters. :)
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storyxonline · 1 year
REVIEW: The Nurse’s One Night Baby by Tina Beckett | Harlequin Junkie | Blogging about Books
The Nurse’s One Night Baby by Tina Beckett: Serena Dias is thrilled that she has graduated from nursing school. To celebrate, she crosses into Mexico for a night of drinking and fun. After a handsome stranger helps rescue her, she ends up spending a night of unbridled passion with him. She knows this is a one night fling and she returns to the San Diego to start her new job. There is a huge…
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magicmadnessx · 2 years
❛ i want you. and the thought of anyone else having you is like a knife twist in my dark soul. ❜ (for Beckett & Serena, if you like)
As you wish <3
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